Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 11, 1850, Image 2

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From the Pottaville Emporium.
Awfafly Destructive Flooi
8chuvlkiU. county ha. f'fl
and .pi. byF.r. Md Hoo.J
Ter Wore during th. course of our h e
have we wiinessea -- - -
palling. fc"u,,y dtruct.ve of life nd
L Flood which visited us on Monde)
1 st. Indeed, we hardly know where to
commence a description of ii.
It commenced raining on Sunday morn-
.1 ...knllt ihf
I - nnn an UIlPTlT all-
Se..t. 1, continuing .ur..uK..
da in moderation, uui
i... j.,-;..,. thp ninni
, i - i itji r i n n t
1IIC uii,
lie rain fell in torrents wimoui iiiienm.
si'on or abatement. By ibis ,in,e sa fe
o'clock on Monday morning,
U.ll and its numerous tributaries were over
running their banks, inundating all the low
lands along them respectively.
At Middleport the water did much dam
r,oo in the destruction and injury of dams,
buildings and other property. The store
cr Dr. Sicinberger was fillt-d nearly to the
n-aond floor before any of the good could
,l The Vallev Railroad from
.1... W..h.ivl
lliia point to Port Carbon was much injured.
At Port Carbon lhe eit'iie lower part of
let IUIIIUv - -
the town was submerged, and the owiruu
lon immense. James Beur'- h..use was
undermined end nearly throw., down ; his
hordes were with great difficulty saved, a.,d
a5 or 30 hogs drowned. The Cue fcteam
Urist Mill ol Messrs. Hammer & Lob
utone time threatened it h ultcr dcmolt-
"The Foundry and Machine Shop or
Tobias W.ntersecn,su.r.-red to the amount
,.f from 3.000 to $5,000. Hn larg
Iron Ladle, weighing 1CU0 lbs , and sun
dry Iron P.pes, some 10 inches in d.anu -er
and weighing 1200 lbs. each, were
wept awav like so much chuff
The Foundry and Midline Shop of Mr.
.Samuel SHlymin U suff. red much to the
-.Instruction of Patterns &c-
The large Stwhoase of Messrs. B.brr
Mattson, containing some 3 or 400 Ules
r .. -,..m awav and carried dowu
:l iibj , -
,he stream scattering, its contents in cvtr.y
The Large Store or Mattson & Co. was
filled with water above the counters.
There were many other cases of indi
vidual loss which we can not particularise.
At the flue Mone Lock Hause No. 2. on
the Schuylkill Navigation opposite Young'
Landing theewaler made a tremendous
breach around the south side of the b.nld
,n.', filling it to the second storey, when a
tjge canal boat came floating don the
current with such force as to send u di
rectly throufeh the centre of the house,
opening for itself a passage through the
solid stone walls on etin-r siue iu6..
ihey were formed of pasteboard.
The flood, as tl gathering sire..g.
n,nae.swent away the two Bridges whic
paa the Schuylkill nearly opposite the
Mand Furnace in this Borough. Several
malt building on the Wand and a number
f canal boats Ijiog in the canal shared
the 6a me fate.
The Storehouse ol Capt. Jis. Downey.
pposi.e his house, coutaining considerable
hay and other articles, was carried entire
rom its foundation, and dashed to paves
I tist below.
About nine o'clock the D .m .r n Tumi
'.ing Run directly opposite Mt. Carbon,
uhtch formed an immense feeder for the
.r.nel, g"e way, producing a -i-.
.....ui;.,n ami dismav hich b;
nriuliirini! a scene ol
..'I description.
The waters rolled down in a volui.ie ap
parently twenty fet high, sweeping across
the railroad, canal and river, thus filling
the entire valley and rushing down with
i, resistible force, iuvolving boa's, buildings,
,.nd everything in its course, in one com
mon ruin. Among thee were lh Turn
ike Bridge, a powerful structure across
:ba Schuxlkill, at the lt.-ad.ng Railroad
Depot; the heavy iron Railroad Bridge,
)jt below, which was carried down the
.nrrent at least two mi, ano nine oe-
,r.g houses, together with the stone Lock
House No. 6, directly above the Turnpike
-bridge. . .
Passing downward, this immense torrent
carried with it everything that cam in jts
way. The substantial stone building owned
cud occupied by Geo. Campbell, on the
:tw Turnpike, a short ditance above the
Toll gate, shared a similar fate, and the
t irge stone building just below the ete,
i.wned and occupied bj Benjamin Kiine,
v as utterly obliterated, hardly a stone be-
ifg left to mark the spot where but yester-
.'ay stood lhe M Fraileysville Hotel."
A rrile or sj htlow, the house,
f.rge new barn, and substantial saw-mill
f Mrs. Mary Minnich were all swept
a ay, leaving not a vestige behind. In
house of Mrs. Minnich, and the
.!..ee previously name.!, the inmates had
i .inlv lime to escape with their lives, with
. saving single article of furniture,
'-ir nwney or anything .else of value.
.-' :ch was the consternation and dismay of
-rs. Minnich and Iter daughter, that I hey
fl.-J to the garret of the house, and there
mained until her brother, Mr. Abraham
P.t, nd lr son, Mr. William Minnich,
r-r.msht Ihem down by force and conveyed
tK m to the hiuh cround about 100 yards
.t int which ihev reached at lhe very I
.ment the house was hurled to destruc-
a:jcii Mt. Carbon aud Schuvlkill
ten a number of persons were drowned.
The wife of John Conner, Watchman at
ibe Railroad Bridge above the latter place,
was among the victim. At Schuylkill
Haven the Canal wharves or landings
ere swept away and with them some six
thousand tons of Coal. The Railroad
Sride was injured somewhat, and great
damage was done in the lower part of the
town. Philip Boyer made a very narrow
escape from drowning, having been carried
off on a pile of lumber, but got into a tree
and was saved.
The Railroad Bridge and Canal Dam, a
short dUtance below Schuylkill Haven,
ere carried away, and one or more of
line ftiiinma midees nciow i.andimm ic.
.,,-, 1 f a a ...
( ai i n wnnion, anu aiong u.c i.iitic
j Sehu far up as Tamaqua, the flood
was leanuily ccstructive. 1 l.e liailrond
Bridge across the Scluy Ikill at the former
place was destrojed.
At Sertoli's Iron Works just nbove Pvirt
Clinton, the Forge, Grist Mill, large Crick
M msion House and a number of smaller
houses were carried awsy, and seme fif
ireu nr fixtct n lives lost. Michrul Ilart
ii.hii, i lie Miller, with hi wife and cyht
cliildren, all found wn'ery graves ! The
s Foreman, named Brei.-h, with Lis wife
j and two or il.ree rhildrrn, met a similar
fate! A II the houses on the low ground
from the Forge to the mouth of the Little
Schulkt: in the lower part of Fort Clinton
were carried away, and we are informed a
cotisiderub'e number of lives were lost.
The Turnpike Biidge across the Little
Schu)lkit!, above Purl Clinton, was also
destroyed, and from that to Tannqna, a
listitnce of twenty miles, we learn that not
a single bridge was left standing.
Ileckla Forge, the property of Mtsn.
Young and Jones, on the Li'tle Schuj Ikill,
about eight mile from Orwigsbiirfl, presen
ted a most puinful and heart rending scene,
no less tliun twelve persons, rr.cn, women
and children having been drowned. The
Dad. and Race were entirety destrojed;
four u limit houses were sit epl away entire,
and several others seriously injured. The
Mansion House occupied by Mr. Jones,
as in iom incut danger, and he hastil)
removed his family to a place of safety.
Three children, daughters of Joseph Cove
ley, who had floated down the stream on
some portion of the building, and ludged
again-t a tree about two m.les below the
Forge, were rescued on Monday n:glt
about 12 o'clock. It is well woriliy of
remaik that the eldest of ihese girls, wiih
energy and presence of mind truly asinn-it-hing,
clung to her little sisters during the
tedious and perilous hours they remained
on the tree, and thus saved them, although
their mother perished befoie ihcir eyes!
O.i Tuesday morning another little girl
was taken from a tree near the same place,
jon which she had been perched for ab' Ut
'ii hours!
At Tiimsipiri, the destruction of life and
property, so far as we can learn, a even
more fearful and heart rending than at any
other p int we have n imed. Altm st the
entire town as submerged, and in some
instances to the second stories and even to
lhe roofs of the houses. The accounts
vary as to the number of lives lost, from
thirty to fifty, and of the houses destroyed,
from forty to scveniy-fivc 1 We nrc in
formed lliut the house of Mr. Foster, B ack
smith, wi;hhis ititire family, (excrpt him
self) numbering in all tixleen persona, was
carried down the current bodily, and trm
smil prrithrd ! .' The Rev. Mr. Oherfclds,
Germnn Lu'hcren Clergyman, was dion
edju attempting to save a family whose
house was swept away, and all perished ! !
The new Brick dwelling house erie'ed the
present season by Wm. Taggait, Kq.,
was entirely d' molished, thuugh his finnl)
ere all saved.
Oa the West Branch of the Schuj Ikill
and its tributaries, from Minersville to
Schu Ikill Haven, although the fl ud whs
very considerable, the damage was com
paratively trifling.
The Blue Moun'ain Dam, above Ham
burg, gve wn .causing n most destructive
deluge below, and sweeping every Brrlue
across the Si huylkiil from that place to
The probability is now that ihere will
be no Coal fent by Canal from either
Potlsville or Manoh Chunkor the balance
of the seaon, and none by Railroad from
here for at least two weeks to come.
Should this prove to be.the case.the supply of
Coal in market must necessarily be con
siderably deficient, while prices will prob
ably rule higher thin they have been for
many years.
At Tamaqua a man lost his wife and
four children in the flood. Site bid him
farewell from the window.
The Schuylkill Haven Map says :
A woman was seen passing with the
current with her head above water but fast
between two logs. And another with a
babe in her arms clinging to a bundle of
hay. The frail wupport however was suf
ficient until she came to the dam at this
place, where she sank beneath the waves.
Another passed so near the shore lhat a
tea fool pole would have saved her, but she
was not seen until right upon us, and ii
were worse ihan madness to spiing in the
river with the hope to save her. Others
are reported to have floated by, but these
we have thought were best authenticated
On the Lehigh the water was four or five
feet h'ghcr than high water mark, sud
much property was swept away but no lives
Along the North Branch in Luzerne
and Wyoming counties mills and bridges
were swept off, the canal greatly injureJ,
the roads made impassable, and two of lhe
inclined planes on the White Haven Rail
Road near Wilksbarre destroyed. It will
take at least three weeks to repair the
North Branch Canal.
In Lancaster county, bridges and mills
were carried off, and destroyed, end much
property lost on the line of countty from
York to Baltimore.
In New Jersey the freshet was severely
felt in the destruction of property but only
one Ii :e lost
A very heavy storm of rain prevailed
about lhe same time over the lower part o!
Virginia, and most of North Carolina,
aud the los of the farmers was so heavy
that a scarcity of bread Hull", is apprt ben
ded. On the Friday before the rain in the
Schuylkill region, a tremendous gale was
raging in the Norlhwcs', rebelling from
Lake Erie across Lake Michigan, and (he
whole Northern part of Ohio, Indiana end
Illinois were flooded by the unprecedented
Horrid Affair. La;l weik we prom
ised to give further particulars in regard to
the d fii'Mil'T between John Henry and
George Hoffman, which resulted in the
death of the former. It appears that Hen
ry and his son were returning in the eve
ning from ihcirwork. On their way tbev
came across Hoffman, who was ploughing
in his field. HofTmm accused Henrv's
son of stealing his peaches, which brought
lorth some angry words from Henry, and
tinally led to an encounter. The boy im
mediately ran home and informed his moth
er of the facl ; she hastily repaired to the
spot, but unfortunately, found her husband
lying on the around unn ! A Jury of
Inij'.icst was summoned, Hoffman was im
mediately arrested and upon the report of
the Jjry, was sent lo the County Jail, at
vVilkesbnrre, to await his trial at the next
Court. Berwick Telegraph, Sept. 5.
Death of Rev. Dr. Jadson.
Boston, Sept. 6. Letters received by
the Ilibernia announce the death of Rev.
Adoniram Judson, aged C3 years, on the
I2ih April, on board the French brig Ar
islide, bound (o the Isle of Bourbon. He
was buried in the sea on the evening of his
death, in hit. 13, N Jong. Xl K. Mr. Jud
ron was the first American Baptist Missio
nary, having left Boston 38 years ago. He
left his family with the hope that a sea
voyage might restore his sinking health.
Accident. On Saturday ivening last,
two youni! men. Keulen and Abraham
Brosious, the one at present a resident of;
Lewisburg, ai d the other of Augusta town-
ship, in attempting with a horse and hugav
to ford the guV, a stream to the east of our
b..ro.iKh, the bridge over whicb had been
U.'IU.'AIII, lilt. Ul lU,i V... Will. I. I, i,v UI.V II
carried awav hv the late f,esh, t. lhe hor-e
nil inio unirr nhniii 1-2
feel diep. Tlie two young men were i
saved, but the horse was drowned. Sun
bury Gnzette.
II id the genius of AUdio's lamp visited
our borough, and been employed by our
libera! min-ird and enterprising Chief Bur
ces and Council, lie would not have pro
duced so striking and magical a metamor
phosis, as our tulen'ed and tatelul archi
tect. Mr. IIkni.v II. Noli, of l.rwisburg,
has fleeted, in the transformation of our
ungainly and rather vulgai looking old
Court House, into me of the most rhaste,
classical and symmetrical temp'es of just
ict, to be seen anywhere. Ilanville Dem
ocrat. To duy is the two hundred and eightieth
day of the first session of the thirty-first
, r c?. ....... . .u. l
in- . , . .
ffest session ever heU since tlie adoption of
i lie Constitution.
F.lmira, N. Y., has 5019 iuhabitants ;
increase in five years, 2203 !
The Popular Vote, of Missouri The
St. I.ouis Intr llijjenrer divides the popular
vote, in the several Conres-doii;.! districts
as follows : Whi". 31,428: Benton,
19,481 : Ami Bentr.n, 24,370.
Mr. Wie contenipla'es making a bal
loon ascetition from C.ston shortly.
Jersey Shore Boro has 725 inhabitant.
The Wheat Crop for the year 1830, is
the largest by all odds ever raised in the
United States, and the effect is already felt
in the low price of flour.
The notes of the " Bank of Salisbury,
Md are not purchased by the Philadel
phi . Broker?.
The Niaparn lok out $427,000 in coin,
of w hieh 1 1 1 9,000 ws in American ha'v. s,
and the residue in Mexican dollars and
sovereigns, with $3500 in gold dust.
We announce w ith sinccrs regret, that
ihe Rev. C. C. Cuyler, D. P., late pastor
of Ihe Second Presbvteiinn Church, Sev
enth 'street, near Arch, Philadelphia, died J
at 11 o clock, on Saturday week, at his
residence, No. 155 Walnut street.'
Bayard Taylor of the Tribune has won
the $200 prize for the liest American Song
to be sung by Jenny Lind. There were
urarly 700 competitors.
We understand that a youn man, en
tinged in running a boat, by Ihe name of
Ualston, a brother of David Ralston of this
borough, was drowned at nr near the Marsh
Creek dam, on the Bald Eagle, on Sunday
last. Bellefonte Whig.
Maj. M'Murtrie of Blair has been nomi
nated for the State Senate by the Whigs of
ihe Huntingdon district.
Dr. John .M'Culluch, of Huntingdon
county has been nominated by the Whigs
for Concress. Col. Andrew Parker of
Juniata is the Democratic cand date.
FJucation is a good thing, hut il can't
make sugar-cane oat of muUen stalk."
miin minniTirii n
ii linn iiiniiiniiiii in
inm iimuiniLTj.
Wednesday Morning, Sept'r 11.
As we expect to be absent next week
at the New Berlin Courts, The Chronicle
will be left under the editorial supervision
of our worthy colleague, the Publisher
and aa the Governor is to be here, and
there may be various matters in the Ad
ministration ranks requiring attention, wc
presume tho Editor pro t?m (having both
ends of the rope in his Lands) will find
occasion to enjoy himself considerably, less
or more. So mote it be !
'White Deer," " C. C 1.," and " M ,"
next week.
Are the lines, "Mourn not for the Dead,"
or:g!i!:tl ? If bo, we must have the
wriUr's nauifl hifoie publishing.
Lewlsburs Newspapers.
Sonic time tiuec we gave a short history
of the laud titlus in this Borough, aud
now proceed to give a brief history of the
various newspapers that at different aud
short periods have here found a locul hab
itation and a name. This account is
doubtless iucuuiplctc, in soiue respects,
but is as perfect as our present sources of
information will permit.
First on tho Let comes " Tlir Xt irs Let
ter," a small Juckvm paper, published in
J24-ii, f.,r about 18 months by 3Jr. Wil
liam Curollu-rs. It was followed by the
" I'nt'jn Jl'u kury " by the same publisher
and devoted to the 8imc cause. Its exis
tence continued from May 6, ltfJr, till
April 13, 1M0.
Next came the " LeicU.urj Journal,"
n Democratic paper, edited by Daniel
(Jotlshall, who controlled it from May 1,
ISoO, till Feb. 18, 103, wheu it pasied
into the hands of Geo. M. Miller and Kd-
ward S. Bowen, and died for waut of sup-
port Feb. 22, 1834.
On the 0th of June, 1835, G. It. Bar
rett, Esq., (now a lawyer in Clearfield,
Pa.,) started the " I:rislivrj IK nvrrat,"
a zealous Wolf paper, which lived till
May, 1 836, when it also gave up tha ghost.
The next candidate for popular favor, or
martyrdom, as the case might be,was the
" Li wUbunj Standard," by D. O. Fitch,
first neutral, then Democratic. It was
well managed for a couple of years, but
ou the 1st of Sept., 1839, passed into the
hands of II. L. Pieffenbach, a forcible
writer, but who let it die at the end of three
months, and took charge of a paper in a
ticighboriug county.
Jonas Kclchner soon after commenced
the publication of " The l'cujtle'$ Advn
ctttc," (WLig,) which was discontinued
April 12, 1841, " foreasons lest krowir
to ourselves," as Mr. K. remarked iu his
. T, . r, , , , J W
l4' The P"
I .... 1 ,
0N h'& m i,h 1,s TFauce, edited for a
time by .S. K. Pwcetuiati, and then Sweet-
man Jc Mi
Iaize, and also Swcetman & Busch.
Its career was terminated Dec. 16, 1842.
After a vacancy of some months, W. B.
Shriner und S. A. Burketibiuc (Sept. 23,
14.') started the .risbuiy Chronicle"
as a 1 'emocratic journal. March 10,1844,
Mr.Uurkeubine retired, stating iu his fare
well address that his withdrawal would not
surprise his readers, a he was only taking
the same course that half a dozen editors
here hefore him had been compelled to
take, and from the same cause, viz. a want
of suttieieut patronage. Mr.Shriucr plucked
up fresh courage, put out a fresh inaugural,
calling earnestly upon the public fur 'the
dirne,' and continued the Chronicle with !
varviin- furfures ( nurt of the time "nrinied i
by Nimucl Shriner, for the J roprictor, )
.. . . . . . .
i, or. ioct .. l. . . i i . . I
uiiwt i'ee. r :i . mien ue piuu tiui iu i .... ,, , t- t r r L at
, . , I Ihim.as KeU-r, Latnel tie.ifer, J.hn M
the present l ropiietor, O. .N.'ordeii,vhojMcss VVm Fri,.ki M j p A )l)Iiacly)
conducted it us an Independent paper till j Charles Penny, Tnon.as Hayes.
January last, when the preseut hditor took
eharge of its columns.
In this list should also be mentioned
" The Cuurdiun" (a monthly ni.igrt7.iiic,
whiek has reached its ninth number,)
printed at the " Chronicle" office, and
edited by Kev. II. Ilurbaugh, formerly of
this place, but now of Iianeaster, Pa.,
where the magazine will appear after the
present year. Also the modest little
" Humorist which had " a short life but
a merry oue," during tho year IS 18, and
pt-rhnj'S may rise again, sonic of these
days, like a Phoenix from its allies.
Concress Gimudates. The Whig
Conferees met at Muney, Saturday last,
and uuanirnously nominated Jam es Arm
ptroso, Esq., of Willianisport, as the
Whig candidate for Congress in the 13th
The Democratic Conferees wo under
stand are to meet to-day at Muney, and it
is presumed that James GAMni.E Esq. of
Jersey Shore, will be nominated, as three
counties out of fire viz. Clinton, Lycom
ing, and Sullivan have instructed their
Conferees in his favor. It is said the
Northumberland Conferees will earnestly
press the claims of their county.
By the way, we learned yesterday
that James Gam bio Esq. was taken ill of
dysentery at Willianisport last week, and
was confined to Lis room at his hotel, una
ble to be taken home.
IOWe are glad to learn of lhe safe
arrival at Sacramento Cily, in July, of Mr
Roan M'Clure, late of Lewisburg. j
Thanks, to lion. Jos'. Casey for a va
riety of interesting document. 1
We have not received the few last numbers of
the Lewitburg Chronicle. It u loo good a paper
to m.M from our table. Il hie always been a
fjTorile of ours ; because, we premise, the;
refused t contribution we once ent Ihem. Don't
forget u, friend Htckok, again Schuylkill
Haven Map.
Much obliged for your good opinion,and
sorry for your disappointment ; but the
cause was an inc rease of subscribers, which
exhausted the edition, and left a number
of exchanges minus but we put down an
extra quire this week to serve all our bre
thren of the press. There is a mystery
about that rejected communication don't
recollect it perhaps it was not under our
administrutiou. But, nil thvperamlnHi
better luck next time.
The time v :a when we thought we
could understand Terry county polities, of his neck, which caused almost in-tanl
and we remember one campaign in partic-! deaih. Coronor Newman held an inquest
, . ... , , ,? u . 1 over the bodv. on Sunday, and a verdict
ular in which we had no difficulty at all ! renderPj by Ihe jllry , the effect thai
iu asccrtainuig cur reckoning after the ' the r),.rp;,,.d carne to his death by a blow
election returns came in. But this fall j inflced by Mr. Keeler with a chair. O.
there is such a fuion and transfusion of , the circums onces attending this melan
the old elemeuts down there that wc can't choly occurrence we have only lo say,
r.,n,. ...K., it,., n,e,l l.v that we have g;ven them as related to us.
" , '
uew combinations. There are, however,
two Democratic candidates ill the field for
Senator, both claiming to he the regular
uomiucc, and the election of a Whig Sen
ator is not improbable.
td"The last Willianisport 'Gazette' re
joices that thus far their town had been
uuvi.-iitcd by circuses or cholera, aud no
irruption of either was anticipated. We
were ubout to say 'ditto' for our town, but
were cut short by the arrival of anageut
with any quantity of attractive advertise
ments thro' which to roach tho pockets of
thofo who, notwithstanding "these very
hard times," can always find the spare
quarters for the circus.
&jro learu ly a private letter recei
ved iu town yesterday from Harrisburg,
that oil Mouday evening last, about b
o'clock. lr. C toiler of that place was
stabbed in the abdomen with a dirk knife
by Henry Porter, a sou of Lx-Gov. Porter,
aud lies in a critical condition. The parti
culars were not stated.
Public Reception
At a meeting of citizens of Lewisburg,
met at the Town Hall on Friday evening.
Sept. 6, 1650. THOMAS HAYES, E.q.,
was called to the chair, and James Aikb.v,
and F. Asbvrv Dumachy chosen Secre
taries. Col. Slifer, bein called upon, slated the
object of the meeting to make prepara
tions for lhe arrival of Hon. WM. F.
JOHNSTON. Governor of the Common
wealth, whohev signified his acceptance
of an invitation to visit L'sios Cocsty on
Tut t day, Sept. 1 lh inst.
l,n "l!'". '"i-owmg immiaets
were appointed : ,, .
TtUf "3'-t0Z
V. Miller Col KU Sl.icr, Ale,. H. Blair.
On motion, the following Ujmmi'.tees
James Aiken. O. N. Worden
Committee of Arrangement Col. Levi
B Christ. Capt. John Walls, Col. Jacob
Derr Is Whitlock Fk Stoughlon, Maj Wm
IJ'Shriner Wm Cameron Ksq C D Kline
Jacob Hummel Ksq Maj H C tlickok Maj
John (Jundy Gen Abbot Gretn Chu's II
Cook C S Brown Jnc L Met tier Joseph
S.nilh R H Liird Eq. David Reber Solo
mon Kit'er, Jotm Nesbit Henry Gibson
Joseph Musser Jos M Nesbit Michael
Brown Jona Wolfe Col Jackson M'Faddtn
Jn P Uo H P Shelter M II Ta2Jrt
... I M,f 1" r. Iimi-a (l,.rrij T-ii
Jacob SI t.urley l.-q. James llnrn- ftl.ij S
Y Lvndall Jiimes F L'nn Ksit John llonah-
tor Daniel Mtl!-r J im:8 Cross Charles
Caw ley, Thomas Penny, M irtin IJnhn,
lohn Press Mftj J V iSunonton, J hn A
V'itnvalzn. lvo. James Kellv, A J Wei l.
einaul, Ih nry 'V Frie-t, Cup! Jacob fiun
dv, And'w M'Clenahnn, dipt A M'Clme,
lb nav II Blair, liter IVo-viu-, Ueiihen
Si!nVr, Win D wjial.W m U ilson. D ipiel
v " i . I..- ti.-.i. . w
(iri. .wis o i-ir.-o, j .-iiiiir.
The Governor to be publicly welcomed
on his arrival from the Packet, probably
l et ween thehours of 5 and 6 in lhe morn
SION of Horsemen, (arr:aus. &.C., to
I move a an eseori to conduct I'm Governor
to New Rerlin, vii M.fiiinhur!.
Adjourned to hear lhe Report of the
Committees, one week from this evening.
Signed by lhe officers.
C'ummlKecor Arrangements
Mel at the office of G. F. Miller, Esq., on
Saturday evening, and organized by ap
pointing James P. Ross, Chairman, and
L. B. Christ, Secretary.
On motion ol Wm. Cameron Esq., Re
solved that a committee of three be appoin
ted to procure a suitable carriage and lour
erey horses, to meet the Governor at lhe
Lewisburj Cross Cut, and convey hun in
town Committee, Win. Cameron, Esq.,
Wm. Fnek, Uavir! Reber.
Resolved that Gen. Abbot Ghee act
ar Marshal of I lie Procession during the
day, and Col. Levi B. Christ and Col.
J Acxsoa M'Faddi, as Assistants.
RsoUed that the Public Reception of
the Governor be at the Washington House
Kept ny c. u. Mine.
Resolved that a committee of five prov.
ide suitable Mjsic for the occasion Com
mittee, Solomon Ritter, Isaiah Whitlock.C.
II. Conk, Thos Hayes, Wm. Frick.
Resolved that a committee ol five wait
on the President and Managers of the Lew
isburg Bridge and Turnpike Companies, to
obtain permission to pass the Bridge and
Turnpike gates free of loll coming lo and
gnimt from the Procession Committee, J.
P. Ross, lly W. Fries, Fk. Stouhton.
Resolved that a committee of three be
appointed to procure the necessary funds to
defray expenses Commitlee.Cot.E Slifer,
G. F. Miller, Eq-, Ths H)W, Esq.
Fatal Affray.
On Saturday last a personal encounter
took place between Mr. Asa Keeler, an old
and well known citzen of Northmoreland
township, in this county, and Mr. Mathew
Weaver, which resulted in the death of the
latter. The circumstances, as related to
us, were briefly as follows : A political
contention arose between them at the pub
lic house of Mr. Keeler, and both parties
became greatly excited. On account of
ofT-nsive words, Keeler ordered the deceased
to leave his house, and. not obeying, a
scufll ensued, in which Mr. K. made use
of n chair, either lo frighten or force the
deceased into compliance. Oo reaching
the road, the deceased threw a stone wiih
grent violence at Mr. Keeler, and while in
ilie net of pkRing up another, Mr. K in
flicted a blow wiih the chair upon the back
land run not vouch lor I heir accuracy in
particular. Mr. Keeler has been
every particular.
arrested and held to bail in the sum ol
810,000 for his appearance at next Court.
Wyoming Democrut-
Singular Fatality. We.have it from
good authority, lhat there had been seven
ty deaths in Sugarvalley, Clinton county,
since the first day of January last. The
valley is usually a healthy one, but this
year such has been lhe general debility
and decimation of the inhabitants that in
some instances the harvest has been suffer
ed lo rot on the ground, ungntherod for
want of ialiorers, while lhe hand of the far
mer was palsied by disease or cold in
dea'h. Lfeoming Gazette.
Pspsi t thr trite Digrstirt Fluid or UattricJuirt.'
A grral Dtapriwia rurer, prrpairii from fennel
or lite fourth stomach of the Oi, after direction
of fjaron Liiig, the gieai Physiological chemist,
by J si Houghton. M D, No 1 1 -Noith Eighth sit.
Ptiilaildpliia. Thin is a truly wonterful remedy
for iiiiligri-tion, dyspepsia, jnuodire, constipation.
lirerromplai.il and debility, curing after Nature'
uwn Diethid, by Nature own agent, lhe Gattric
Juice. See Advertisement in another column.
1 1 I'ORTAST I" lhoe having impuritie
of ihe tloud. BKA"SS PIRIKVI.NG EX
TRACJ the most wonderful Pniifier in the
world, i now put up in Qc i bt But rLs. Tj'Hta
idvertienients headrd "64 DOM'S." It is so
nng and purifying, that one bottle last from
ten to tixtetn dav lon-jer ihin Sartaparilla. lit
I'horulon & Baker, agent, Lewitburg. 2oi913
For Ibe Care t
1'lii trnlv valuable Ren,edy for diseMrs nfthe
Ltinga and Throat, has become the chief reliance
of the afflicted.a 'lia the mnst rertain cure known
for the above comp'ninU. It is a mont powerful
lemedial agent in desperate and almost hop,
eaaes nf Consumption, and alo, in dimiuufive
doea, one of (tie mildest and mort agreeable fam
ily medicines for common cou;hand colds. Read
below lhe opinion of mm who are known lo the
world, and lhe worlJ re-feet ihrir opinions.
From AVr Vr Ultrheorh.
Jftror C. Avrr Sir: I bari" umI vnurChfrrr Prrtml
In my fiw n raH ,tf l,-vM-nr.-)l llmnrt: if i. sii.1 aui ;atiS. ,1
from iIh rhfmirnl rotifliriltfnn that it in an artruiraMe mm-
I rnn.f..rthi-tvli.-fof l:irTn2:aUn.lbr.-n-hil lir!nUi..
: If niv n(.iniin a-t it slip. ri r rharacti-r i-n ! rr anj
-r, . ,,. rr m,rtv , afr it Toa llnk fTap,.r
iiiwhcwi. Li n rr.-(.idni f,r Auii.r,t i.:i.
! r rom lh Loniun Lancet.
i AVrr.'.c('HKRRV ei:CTilll.U.ijom-f.flh.-iu. tlti
j Mr pn- iimti'-nn lUiit ban fnlli-n unil-r our notitv. Aflrra
; rarrful oxRminatiou. mt d" not hi-.-iiatr t" aa we bare a
, Inrc.. at i-ri-.-intii n vf it nirrit anil tlii rtilli-!t vnUence
In A HrrulUL-s itr ct.uiihs ai:d lung ciUiIatiita.
l)r Brewster, of Windham Co, Conn, send ua
the aul-j .ined tesiimonj:
Ir. A .-r IK ar Sir : I i-ncliw ynti a irrtifirat from a
lii-ztily riTM-.-tKli- hulr of tlii. town, wife or rVth Ca4y.
IVpu'v .-brnff r Win.iliam Co.. ft. Theeun in hrrraaa
wao ,.r t-roulpt, anU bui atlrart.1 in-n-ral attention.
W. A. BKEiryrrrt. M. D.
" W.t KillinKly. f t SrpL Js, 1S4S.
"Thia may certify tbat I i afilKtfJ with a Terr
aerere r.jni;h in tile winter of '47 S. whirh Ihn atrnid to
t-rniinaii- in fumniitin. 1 had trM many nvtCi-in,
in Tain. n. waa curnl ly the uk- or A V TK S I'HKRKY
rUCTOUAL. C ithuu.m K. fan."
Direct Eridenre.
Dr. Ayor, U.wrll IXar Sir: F.-rlinir nnili-r obticationa
to jou finr the n-FUratioa ur my ln-alth, 1 arm! you a
n-nort or my mo. whirh you ar,. at librrty to publish Sir
tin- briii-tit of Dilii-m. -uit autumn I took a bad mid.
; atrompaiiii-,1 by a tT.-re couiih. and maile use of many
......!. -i, r.u. ,.1'i.iiiiihs h-ik-i. j wan oDiiem lo jriTe
. u;i busiiir.sii. fri-ijUi-ntly rni-Mi) hlini.1. and rnuld prvt bo
I itH-D at ni'-ht. A friciiH ravr mo ln,lll .f Dun.
Frctoral. th. une of whii-h I eommi-nml arrordinft to the
djrt-4-Uon.-i. I have junt iurrhaaiil the fifth bottle, and am
nearly ivroTenil. 1 now do plii-p. my couch haa ecaaed,
and all by the use of your TatuaMc medirino.
t. S. Stosc, A.M., I'riucial Mt. Hope S.min y.
From Dr Brvant, Droggisl aud Postmaster,
iiDicopee r una, nw :
lr. J. C. Aycr I.-ar Sir: Enclosed, ptcaae Sn.1 rrmiu
tance fir all tha f herry Pccti'Cal" lat a-ntnp. I can
unhcaitatinirty aay. that no medicine we have circa aut-h
aatUfactinn an your'a dnc. nor bare I ercr arch a mciririna
whieh runil m many raai-a of f ouh anit Lunc romplainta.
Onr phyiiiriana arc usinp it cxb-nniTcly in their practice,
with happieat eltccta. Truly ym, I. M. Bayjh?iT.
Prepared foJ. C.A ter Ctrmist.Lon el.Ms.
For aale by C W SI -HAFFI.E, Lewiaburn ;
J H (folnw. Milton ; I'aae Gei hart, Selirugrove,
and by Druggista generally
At BalJ Eagle.gM in.... by Kev J. Green
Miles, Isaac N. Laos. a. A.M., of the Lcwitbury;
University, and Miss Aesxa Haa-, of Bald
In East Buffalo, 9lb in at., wklow EiixaaaTa
Faiami, aged 77 years, 7 months and 7 days.
On Thuraday evening lat, in Sodom, (Chilis,
qoaqaa township.) Mr. Haas P,imi, aged 30
years, 7 months, 10 daya. The deceased, but
s few weeks ago, mingled in the eoriely ol hie
yoong anociatee, apparently in the beat of health,
promising many years of earthly enjoyment, bul,
alas ! in ths morning of his day be ha been cut
down by tbs cold, icy hand of death, leaving a
large circle of friend and acquaintance to
mourn their early lo. but e trust our loss has
been bia eternal gain. He wee a yoong man of
promiae, bidding lair lor a life of oarfulne.
When among hi young associates, bia deport
ment u of such a chancier as lo merit the es
teem of sll. Ha waa oniverm!ly respected by
friends and acquaintance, and bis eeatk is as
tilenaivery regretted.
Beavee (Htm m friend to Urea the pmrat amae;
BaaauMe Am prepare na t seat.
California. Admitted I
Oa Saturday last, the House (in C.
gress) took up and passed the Cailfomit
Bill by a vote of 150 to M a clear ma
jority of 91 votes, the 50 being all South
A Territorial Government for Utah
(without, any provision as to slavery) alo
passed 37 to 85 a majority of 12 votes.
It was supposed the President would
sgn both bills ui once, and that on Moo
day the two Senators and two Representa
tives of long-delayed, abused California
will lake their seats in Congress from lbs
jewel of the Wi st. California.
The Ten Million Tesa Bill, and if.
Territorial Gtrvernu ent f.tr New AtexL-a
have also passed c can not tell tiaclly
what shape.
Congress il'. probably, now adjourn
haste, to rrak..- their mileage before ano
ther session.
SrThe following advertisement id cop
ied by request, from thu Philadelphia
Public Istdyer, of the 23d nl. :
Caution to Runaway Jtpprtnlht.-'
It is understood (bat certain individual lit
this city are and have been inciting afi-'
prentices employed in the Prio'ing Business)
in the country, around about Philadelphia,
lo abscond from their masters. This being
in violation of lhe laws of this Common--wealth,
notice is hereby given, lhat all such
absconding apprentices will be appreh-n1-ed
arid imprisoned until the arrival tf their
respective mateis lo reclaim ihem ; auT
all jicrsons harboring them prosecuted to
the lull extent of law.
Proprietors ol country papers, desirous
of guarding I heir apprentices from the arts
of such unprincipled persons, will pica
P'- ,
Fatal Accident
On Mondxy thn 26; h nl:., an accidenr
occurred in IViot township, a few miles
above Northumberland, oo the N.rth
Branch, by which Mr. Henry Lr-houtth,
Sr., was almost instantly killed. Mr. Le
hough, with his two sons, were croasirit
canal bridge on his farm, having at U
time loii horses nnd a plough with them,
whieh they we.e driving over it. T
bridge, bt ing in a bad condition, waa urn
Lie lo sestaio them, and the men ind hi r
ses mere precipitated into the can:.'. Mr.
Iebough fell wiih his head nunicst tha
butmi'iit, end iiactured his skull so se
verely ih-.t he expired in about thirty min
utes after anls. We believe his hs wrre
' not seriously injured. Sunbury G-iiette.
Corrected thia Day.
Wheat S3u9(
Rye Oft
'. Yirn 50
D.,t Jlr
Flaxseed 10T
Dried Apples I0
Uutter Iti
Eggs t
Fallow Ift
Urd , 7
Ham li Bacon 9
Important Notice!
'PHE public are hereby infor.ned thai I
J am the excluive proprietor of th
Co-'king Stove known as White's Patent
or 'The Whi'e Strive,' by virtue of valid1
letters PHtent cranted to me by the proper
authorities at Washington ; and I hereby
caution all persons not to manufacture or
sell the same wiihout authority from me a
1 shall promptly seek legal redress- for
every inlnngement ol my rgnls under saia
letters patent. 1 lie public are also :ao-
lianed lhat all stoves nvtnufaclured by me
or my crantees or agents, are marse-i
Jme White, Fatented June 10, 1844,"
with the add tiorinl mark "Re-issue, Aug.
6, 1 850. on the slide plate.
M.lton, Sept. 1 1, 1850 3n
North Third Street, wilb a sui'ablr
Out-kitchen, and a choice lot offJ
voun r Fruit Trees. For lerms.-w
enquire ol S. Ammon, or of the subscriber
at Pittston- JERE- DON ACHY.
Lewisburg, Sept 6, 1950 3w
House and Lot.
rpHE subscriber offers for sale bis House
J and Lot on North Fourth slreei.bos
the Brick Row. The
Is is a acre, and has
ihe usual out-buildings, '
a Stable, Well of good
1 water, and much good Fruit. Enquire ef
S. Ammon as lo Terms.
Lewisburg, Sept 6. 1850
For Sale,
rnVVO full i.ot in lhe Borough vT
J Lewisburjj, situated on Third street,
opposite widow Brown's, separately or
singly. For particulars, enquire of
VN Indented Apprentice, named Samutl
Srff. ap-d about 17 years, lelt ray
service on or about the 9 h inst., wilhoot
just caus3. I Ins is mereiorc ro warn mw
public against harboring aaio ftppirmic
or trnsline him on my account, as I will
nay no debts or liability of his contracting;
Lewi-burg, Sepi. 9. 1850 pd
School Notice.
PROPOSALS wil be reeeiveJ op to rTTT
av ibe 14th mat. for THREE MAL
TEACHER, lo lake charge of three Public
School for five moouie, commencing on lbs l
of October nest.
B order of th Praaifcat i
D WID REBER, Secretary.
Lewuburf. 8rpt 3. 1890
A LA ROB lot ef Stone PickDag and Pressr
J AKe to received sod for sal hy ,