SB R 0 ' .'St'".' c m mmm Afl m w . w mm i Volume VIL, Number 21 E C. E1CX0X, Editor. 0. N. WORDEN, Printer. LEWISBUKG, UNION CO., PA., SEPT. 4, 1850. Whale Uomter 335. The r,cir labors; Chronicle is iued iv.-ry V. . .!nedy morning t Lewisburg, Union ioor.", Pennsylvania. j" ri 50 per year, for cash sctuslry In it.) ranee; $1,75, paid within three mouths; $2 pird within the year; $2,50 if not paid before '. iie ymr ei iren ; ing1e numbers, 5 cent. Sub scriptions, for six months or leg to be paid in iNanre. Discontinuance optional with the Publisher except when the year is paid up. Advertisements handsomely inserted at 50 ct tier square one week, Jl for month, and 5 for '' ' year ; reduced price for longer advertisements. Two aonares. 17 I Mercannie uvcmseiurui inn fourth of a column, quarterly. Sin. Casual advertisements and Job work to be paid lor when handed in or delivered. Ml communications bv mail nut come post' paid, accompanied bv the address of the writer, to receive attention. Those relating exclusively to the Editorial Department to be directed lo If. C. IIickok, Esq., Editor and all on business to be adJretred to the Publisher. O fice. Market St. between Second and Third O. X. WORDEX, Printer and Publisher. va" For the Lewisburg Chronicle, THE CREDIT SYSTEM-NO. V. MX MRS. SARAH H flAYCS. The Printer. "How dreadfully late you dear!' said Mrs. Grayson, the wife of the printer, ns he entered his own dour at hall past eleven at night. M 1 have watched and watched for you so long, that I began to feel une y.'' "Uneasy I should think you would have become accustomed to irregular hours by this time," replied he, seating himself upon the chair she handed, with a sigh. You are wearied out," said his wife, mournfully, as he pressed his hand to his throbbing temples, "you are working your self to death, and what it is for 1 can not conceive." 'I wonder how 1 can help it," he replied in that desponding tone which proclaims one miserable alike both in body and mind. "I am half dead with fatigue, that is true, but there is no remedy which I can perceive.lor with all my efforts I am behind and have been utterly unable to get the paper out to-day." "The job of advertising you did Yester day, I presume is the cause of your being so late," said she. "Pray, did Mr. Q. pay you for it five dollars, was it not?" Yes, but he said I most trust him awhile, as money was so scarce." Did you ever hear anything like it T" cried Mrs. G., indignantly " money so scarce ! why, that is the hue and cry from one end of the country to the other. I wonder how the people think a printer is to keep up the expenses of his office type, ink, paper, fuel, rent, workmen and sup port his family, if every human being ihinks the plea, 'Money is so scarce,' a sufficient excuse for defrauding him of his hoot ttefl." "Defrauding is a hard word," answered 'he htihflnt!, musingly, " and yet, to put a rnsu oil w';h promises lo pay a! an indefi nite -mod, to forget those promises, and ,v;lBps never pay rtt oil unless compelled, teems very like it. Did Mr.U. bring grain to-day T" he enquired, suddenly changing this unpleasant subject. "No, I saw him hauling a load lo Mr. 's, but he brought none here; You were in hopes that advertising for necessa ries would have the desired effect, but you see there is nothing more easy than to be mistaken." "1 think I was mistaken when I selected my occupation," resumed the printer, bit terly. "Half the talent and energy (not lo mention the labor) expended in any other pursuit, would have placed me ere this on the high road to independence. My life is one of never-ending drudgery, and yet how little do those of our patrons who are roll ing in wealth ever reflect upon the printer's actual wants his many privations, or the shifts he is obliged to resort to on account of their want of punctuality in making payments. But I must not sit here talking all night, as I shall be obliged to arise betimes in the morning, in order to get the paper out as early as possible." "I wonder what's the reason the paper don'l come?" said old Squire Burley, the Croesus of the village of N., as he sat toasting his feet on the polished fender before a huge fire. "It is pretty near lea time.and it snows so fast there is no getting abroad. I wonder what that lazy editor can be about, to day." " This is about the twentieth lime this afternoon you have wondered the same thing, father," said his daughler Hester, who sat at the window occupied with her worsted work, "I never knew before that a newspaper was so essential lo your comfort." ' "Essential lo my comfort, Miss V re pealed the Squire, turning towards her.with one aperty,"I wonder who ever said that it was 1 There is some difference in a thing's being essential lo your com fort, and being punctual yourself and a lover of punctuality in others." " Just so I think, my dear," chimed in Mrs. Burley, speaking from the depths of a cushioned chair.whereshe sat like comfort embodied, her feel half buried in the tufted flowers of the stool which supported them, and partially dozing over her knitting work. . "Just so I think, if n person don't get a thing when they look fur i!, they don't want il 4at all, and as the paper is very irregular, il" 1 were you I would stop il. There is Mr. M. takes several city papers; you can borrow ihem, I dare say, when he gets through with reading them." I believe I will," said ihe Squire, beat ing the Devil's Tattoo with his foot, "there ) is no Use in putting up with everything. "I hope you wont stop ait for such a trifling reason, Father," cried Hester with a pleading voice "why, we would get no local intelligence whatever ; and how do we know but Mr. Grayson or some of his lamily are ill, that he has been unable to get il out to-day Poorman, he looks as though he had the consumption already, standing over the case as he does, and in my opinion no one can be more industrious or try harder to do his duty. Printers have a hard lot of it, anyhow a life ol ceaseless slavery, with little thanks and less pay." "People are not expected lo lhank and pay both, my dear," observed Mrs.Burley, with a smile of self satisfaction. " Father, have you paid Mr. Grayson regularly V asked Hester, wiih a mischiev ous glance directed toward her parent. ! "Me!" said the Squire, slightly blush ing, and fidgeting on her chair, " I don't know as 1 have. He has n't been printing j hut three or lour years, and he never asked me for it but once or twice, and I did n't happen to have the change at the time however, I shall go up and pay him off and stop trie paper to morrow morning." "Man's inhumanity to man Makes couullea thousands mourn," repeated Hester, slowly. e"Pardon me, my dear Father," she continued, more TJuickly as she noticed his rising anger, "pray allow me but a few words they are these : I do not think thoe persons, possessed as you are of wealth and many sources of comfort and happiness, ran sympathize sufficiently with one in Mr. Grayson's situation. See how he is tied down with his occupation what heavy expenses he is obliged to incur and what care and attention, what great mental exertion it requires to cater for the tastes of his hundreds of readers and this attention, whhether inclined or not, is con' tinual. The poor editor is allowed no res pile ; holidays and seasons of enjoyment may come lo all but him, for the public are like the daughters ol the horse leach, their whole cry is 'Give ! Give '. and the sligh test omission of w hat they suppose to be duly on his part -or a single exhibition of the frailty to which he as well as all others are subject or the most trifling failure in what they consider the terms of agreement, is followed by an immediate withdrawal of patronage ; and while his wants are totally disregarded, their portion of the contract is broken with the greatest impunity. Patrons would do well, it seems to me, to consider that the obligation is mutual. A good newspaper is worth to any family treble the sum usually paid for it, and the editor who is wearing out his existence in the effort to instruct, interest and amuse his in every way worthy of a support liberally and promptly bestowed." I guess you must be thinking of taking one of the craft yourself, or you would not defend them s.o warmly," said ihe Squire, quite restored to good humor as he looked at his graceful child, and rather pleased than otherwise at the fluency of her lan guage" but, as we have already had a summons to tea, suppose we adjourn lo the suppertable.'' "They certainly are the victims of the greatest possible injustice," continued Hes ter, as she arose to (ollow after. " I rec ollect reading a notice in a country paper the other day, where the editor says. We are out of everything bring on whal you please in the way fjpayment, for nothing can come amiss. Yet I dare affirm, the most negligent among those subscribers would be the first to cry out if their parti cular tastes and wishes were not consulted, and to throw up the paper for any cause however trifling, The best method in my opinion for obtaining a good paper, and for insuring punctuality ,fis for all interested in its success to fulfil at a proper time their part of the obligation. Let each one at a stated period pay his subscription his item of Ihe means necessary lo bring about a result so desirable and my word for it, the printer would not be weighed in the balance and found wanting." At a man is under God the mister of his own fortune, so he is the master of his own mind. The Creator has so constituted the human intellect, that it can only grow by its own action, and by its own action it will certainly and necessarily grow. Every man must therefore educate himself. His books and teachers are but helps. Tention ! de Keah ! A military com pany composed entirely of negroes has been formed in New York. To de lef. opeecu Ul nun. Jiraei'u vaoey, w a.) In the House of Representatives, Monday, Aug. 12, 1850, on'the Protective Policy nnd the Iron and Coul interest of Penn 8) Ivania. CuitcluiltJ.l I intend to demonstrate by figures, as well as by a succinct statement of facts, thul there is now a great depression in this branch of business, and to follow '.his up by showing that llns is the necessary and inevitable result of ihe repeal of the tariff oflS42. In the year 1847, there were employed inthe State three hundred fur naces, with a capital of twelve millions of dollars.producing annually, up to 1847, three hundred and eighty. nine thousand eight hundred and fifty Ions of pig metal. This was about the time the tariff of 1846 was enacted, and was about to go into op eration. In the two years succeeding that period 1843 and 1849 the amount of iron produced had fallen from nearly four hundred thousand tons to about two hun dred and fifty thousand ions ; and at the close of ihe present year, il will have fallen down below two hundred thousand tons. Take in connection with this, an additional fact. The whole history of the manufac ture of iron in Pennsylvania shows, that in a period of seventy -five years, there havejbeen erected five hundred furnaces ; and out of them one hundred and seventy five failures, or where they have been closed and sold out'by the sheriff. Out of this one hundred anil seventy-five failures, one hundred and twenty-four of them have occurred since the passage of the the tariff of 1846. Again : Out of the three hun dred blast furnaces in full operation when the tariff of 1810 was enacted into a law, one hundred and fifty, or fully one half, had stopped several months ago, and fully fifty more of those remaining are preparing to go out of blast with the end of the present season. Il will be remarked, that all these iron works were in successful operation of the tariff of 1842. and that so far Irom any going out of blast,new ones were constantly springing into existence. The business was gradually rising into importance, and the consumption rapidly increasing. It was affording constant and profitable em ployment to the industrious and toiling la borer. But the protecting and fostering hind of the Government is removed, and we find in this brief period the disastrous change that has occurred. Now, sir, in view of all these facts and I challenge their successful contradiction permit me to ask, will any man in his sen ses contend that these are not the legiti mate fruits of the repeal of the tariff ol 1842, and the substitution of that free-trade measure of 1846! Now, if it were true that the prostration is attributable in any degree to over pro duction, why did not this manifest itself when the production was very large, and constantly increasing, rather than when the prodnction is small, and rapidly dimin ishing T This can not be the true reason, for while the production has tallen off more than one half, the price has receded in the same proportion, and that without either any increased supply or consumption. The whole facls.os they strike my mind, lead us to the conclusion, that had the tariff of 1842 been permitted to remain by Mr. Polk's administration, this branch of our national industry, together with all other great industrial interests, would have been in a most healthy and prosperous con dition, instead of, as they now are, falling into utter ruin and decay. Nor is il surprising to a person who has reflected upon the operation of our revenue system upon home-labor and production, that such a result should follow from such a measure. For, had the act of 1846 been framed with a view to that object, it could not have been more fully and completely adapted to the purpose. It is based upon utterly erroneous principles, making the condition of our markets and the scale of our prices dependent not only on the fluc tuations of foreign markets and foreign prices, but subjecting the revenue to con slant imposition and fraud by holding out the temptation to fraudulent invoicing, and under-valuations. As a system of protec tion, it is still more miserably defective. It affords protection, and almost amounts lo a prohibition, when prices are high, and when prices fall affords no cheek whatever to extravagant and excessive importation. Thus keeping the supply, in one way or other, always unequal, the prices unsteady, and, of course, the trado in an everlasting stale of rise and - fall of contraction and expansion. In this state of things, while millions of dollars of hard-earned capital is being destroyed and rendered unproductive, and many thousandsof our laborers are thrown out of employment by the operation of this Democratic tariff and that passed, loo, in violation of their oft-repealed pledg es to the people of my State, given by the friends of Mr. Polk before be came . into power when it has brought ruin and dis r-t e tt Y ........ I. C "On aster upon them, they have petitioned most earnestly for redress. The President ol the United States, elected by ihe Whig and tariff party of the country, has most urgently recommen ded l his subject upon the attention of the peoples' Uepreseniatives in Congress. A Whig Secretary of the Treasury in a re port which presents it in a form unanswered and unanswerable, has recommended the revision of this meusure in such a way as to accomplish the desired object. The Congress has been in session for more than eight months. The Uemocraticj party, who made these promises in 1844, and who broke them in 184C,'are in the ascen dency in both Houses of Congress. They have a majority of their party on all the committees. These petitions, memorials, messages, &c, in this branch of the Natio nal Legislature, were sent lo the Commit tee of Ways and Means with five Demo crats and four Whigs. And how have they been regarded! Some of them have been before lhal committee for more than seven months ; and thus far they have been treated, if not with silent contempt. at least with the coldest indifference. They have never since been heard of, and are apparently gone to the " tomb of ihe Cap ulets." They have not been considered of sufficient importance by this committee to merit from it even a gracious denial of their requests. In the mean lime, sir, there are others who areactively employed in counteracting the efforts of my constituents to obtain re dress. And among these, a no less for midable opponent than her British Majes ty's Government itself, through her am bassador, who, in a communication ad dressed to the late Secretary of State, re. monstratcs against any alteration of the tariff upon iron. This document is so ex traordinary in itself, and lhal every person may read it, I here annex a copy of this precious moreen u. Here it is : Ukitisii Lkgation, Jan. 3, 1850. Sir : It having been represented to her Majesty's Government, that there is some idea on the port of the Government of ihe United Stales to increase the duties on British iron imported into the United States I have been instructed bv her Maiestv's Government to express to the United States Government the hope of her Majes ty s Government, that no addition will be made to the duties imposed by ihe present tarill of the United States, which already weign ncavny on uritish productions ; and I can not but observe, for my own part. mat an augmentation ol the duties on lint ish produce or manufactures, made at ihe moment when theUritish Government has, by a scries of measures, been facilitating the commerce between the two countries, would produce a very disagreeable effect on public opinion in England. I avail myself of the opportunity to re new to you the assurance of my most dis tinguished consideration. HENRY L. BULWER. Hon. JonN M. Clayton, &c. Ate. Most strange indeed ! That if this Gov ernment should undertake to render justice to itself and its own people, such action would produce an " unfavorable impression upon public opinion in England !" I have no intention, sir, to say anything that can be regarded as disrespectful to Sir Henry L. Bulwcr He was acting under the in structions of his Government, and could not have done otherwise than he did. But, sir, I ask, what kind of impression is likely to be made by this communication upon public opinion in this country ? What will your people, who have been ruined and beggared by this free-trade system, think of it ? Sir, we have denounced be fore the people of Pennsylvania this tariff of 1846, as a British free-trade measure; with how much truth and justice, I leave the people of this country, with the humil iating evidence which this correspondence affords, to decide. 1 look upon this cor respondence as unwarrantable and unjus tifiable interference on the part of the British Government in our internal affairs, dictating to us what should be the course and action of the American Congress upon this great and vital question. Here, sir, is the fact, undeniably and openly avowed, that this act has operated beneficially upon British interests, as to call for the interpo sition of that Government against any al teration or change. It remains now to be seen whether this House and the country will continue to support and uphold a policy dictated by a foreign Government, to feed her serfs and paupers, and build up her nabobs and aristocracy, at the expense of her own labor, industry and resources; whether we will continue to crush one of the most important interests of our own nation, paralyze the arms of our own la borers, and dry up our own wealth to gratify British pride and cupidity. This communication has been sent, three months since, to this same Committee of Ways and Means, and it remains now to be seen whether that communication, or ihe urgent petitions of our own citizens, will be most availing with the majority of that committee. Pennsylvania has to some extent avenged herself upon tbe pari that thus deceived and betrayed her ; onJ 1 trust in God she will follow it up, in such a manner as to convince politicians of this country that she understands her rights, and that she in tends to maintain ihem. Deny us this measure of justice to which we honestly believe ourselves entitled ; listen to the sug gestions of the British Government ; turn a deaf ear to nil the complaints of our people, and we shall return back to them with this humiliating but overwhelming evidence, that our legislation is controlled and our policy dictated by British power and arrogance. And unless I have greatly mistaken the character and temper of the people of my State, they will exhibit to the country, and make their representatives feel, that there is a place nnd a forum where her influence will be felt, and her voice will he heard that place and lhal forum is the ballot-box. We are told, sir, that'we ought to pur chase the articles we want wherever we can obtain them cheapest and best ; and that if we can be furnished with iron in the foreign market cheaper than we can pur chase il at home, we ought Jo enjoy that privilege, and not be restricted by the rev enue laws of the country. Now, admit ling the truth of the premises which are cer tainly far from being correct I still can not see that sound policy would dictate the course pointed out here. The wealth of a country, and ihe prosperity of a people, must consist in the diversity and amount ol their productive industry. A family might be able, for instance, to'purchase the cloth necessary for their clothing at a much lower cosl per yard than they could ailord to spin and weave and finish the same ar ticle for sale themselves ; yet should they adopt this course, and remain idle them selves in the meantime ? Can not every oue perceive that they would be poorer in the end than if theyhad made it within themselves, and that they would have less means left to furnish themselves with other necessaries of life? What is true of this family is equally so of a nation, but in a greater degree, and on a more extended scale. But the assumption that a moderate and adequate protective duty enhances the price to the consumer, is utterly without founda tion, as can be fully demonstrated from the history and experience of our own, as well as other countries. I do not intend to travel over this ground, as this branch of the subject, would of it- seli furnish material for more than an hour': speech, and has often been treated here and elsewhere, with great ability, and is per fectly understood by those whom I repre sent on this floor. Let gentlemen take any one branch of our manufactures, and see whether the result of protection I care not how high it may have been in any given period of ten years has not been lo materially reduce the price to the consumer. Look at ihe article ol cotton fabrics, and say whether the direct tenden cy of protection has not been to reduce the price to tho lowest possible standard. I know no better illustration of this than the history of the iron trade in Englund. Du ring a period of manv years, the tariff imposed by the British Government upon this article was so high as to amount al most to a total prohibition. Yet year after year, the amount of production was greatly increased, and the price steadily fell until it was brought down lo a point, about Ihe year 1825, '30, where it couid easily defy all competition from abroad ; when, with great magnanimity, they greatly reduced the duty, and threw open their ports lo Iree-trade almost in this article. The tariff1 in England upon a ton of bar-iron up to about 1826, was something like thirty-two dollars; yet, notwithstanding, the price con stantly declined. What is true of this, is also true of other branches, both there and in this country. The certainty of a market invites capital, introduces competition, and consequently greatly reduces the cost of production and the amount in market ; and the number of competitors always secures the purchaser and consumer against extra vagant and exorbitant prices. I will also refer very briefly to another argument which never fails to be put for ward by the advocates of free trade thai protection operates deti imentally upon the interests of agriculture. That we must, in other words.take the manufactures of Eng land, in order to induce them to take our breadstuff's, and that thus we open a for eign market for ihe produce of our farms. IjCI us examine this a little more closely, and sec whal we make, as farmers, by this bargain. In the year 1849, we exported aboui twenty-two millions of dollars' worth of breadstuff. England and Ireland took of this some fourteeu millions of dollars..' We imported from England in the same year, upwards of fifteen millions of dollars worth of iron and manufactures from the same article. Now, from a careful computation it is ascertained that the laborers and their families, while employed in the production of these articles, would consume eight mill- ions of dollars' w r h of brcadsuiTs. and which, il these article-) had been produced in our own country, would have been con sumed here, and a greater amount, (as the higher prices of wag?s here would have swelled this to at least ten millions of dol lars, and Ihe cosl of trans; oitaiion, in addiiion,) saved lo our American farmers. Here, then, sir, we have eiht millions of dollar's worth out of the fourteen we sent lo England and Ireland, returned lo us in this single article of iron alone. Why, sir, if ihe entire amount of iron and manufactures of iron, that are used by our people, were produced in this country, instead of so large a proportion being im ported from ubroaJ, the laborers employed and their families would consume between thirty and forty millions of dollars' worth of breadstuff's at least fifty per cent, more than we now export to every part of the world. The same is true to the same extent of manufactures of wool and cotton. Take those three articles woolen.cotlon and iron fabrics, and make a careful computation of the amount imported to this country from abroad, and of thi number of persons who have been employed and who have been fed and sustained by the productions of foreign farms while producing them, and you have an amount of bread-tuffs, foreign brcadstufls, im;nrted in that shape to this country, more than double the amount of all you have sent abroad and which, if those articles had been manufactured here, would have been supplied by our fanners. I have always contended, sir, and I have not a particle of doubt of the fact, that our farmers are as deeply interested in the pro tective policy ns any other cla-s of people in the country; and that the ODly safe, reliable, constant consumers for the farmer are the other clashes of the same commun ity who are engaged in other pursuits. But this Iree-trade policy affects the far mer injuriously in another respect. When you break down the manufacturing interest of the country, and throw thousands ol laborers out ol employment, they are com pelled to seek some other pursuits, and the only one left to them is to resort'fo farming themselves. Hence, from haaing been consumers of Ihe agiL-ultural products of the country, they become producers, and their surplus is thrown into the markets, in competition with the others, and the conse quence is, that the demand is no longer equal to the supply, and prices become low, as Ihe markets become glutted, and general depression and prostration follow in the train, as the legitimate and inevitable results of this ruinous free trade system. But, sir, it affects business and trade most disastrously in another respect. It causes to an alarming extent whal is called over-trading or excessive importations. Within ibe last two years, our importations have exceeded our exportat'ons.or we have brought more from other countries than we have sold to them, forty millions of dollars, j A simple and familiar illustration will show what must be the result from such a state of things. This btlance of trade against us must be paid, and if not paid in something that we have to sell, it must still be met in some way. Now the usual way of paying this balance, so long as the credit of the country is good, is by sending our public stocks abroad. They pay larger dividends and higher rates of interest than can be obtained in England. But the mo ment that stock begins to full, or trade and business become embarrassed, these come back upon us ; specie in large quantities is demanded in lieu of them, nnd to meet the balance that may be against us. This is drained from our banks end depositories, and is shipped abroad. Should this con tinue any length of time, our banks are compelled to suspend.the currency becomes deranged and depreciated, thai confidence so essential to commercial and financial prosperity becomes impaired and destroyed, and general ruin and bankruptcy follow in the train. Such, sir, is, in my view, a faithful delineation of the consequence of free-trade. Such has been, on several oc casions within the last half century, the bitter experience of this country under sim ilar systems of policy, nnd I have observed the signs of the limes to but little purpose, if we are not now rapidly approaching to a most tearful and deplorable commrrciul and financial crisis, under the operations ol this free-trade policy. Adventitious cir cumstances have conspired lo meliorate its evils and to aert its consequences for the present, but though postponed, its final and disastrous effects can only be avoided by an early and prompt removal of ihe open ing cause. The question is frequently asked, why can not iron be manufactured in this coun try as cheaply as in England ? There are a number of most satisfactory reasons, lo only one or two ol which I will advert for the present. In the infancy of this busi ness in England, the government extended its protecting arm over it ; not by occasio nal duties, but by a uniform system, which excluded foreign con petition and gave them the whole market. This invited capital, and skill lo its production. The operatives acquired grea profi -ieny, nnd the utmost ingenuity wo employed ti b?:-ng the ma chinery used to Ihe h'jibest state of perfec tion. In addiiion to this, the business af fording remunerating profits, attracted to its sphere large capital, and which emiMej them to hold out against any depression of prices, onJ in a measure to regulate the markets bv withholding the supply. Some of the establishments in England employ more than five millions of capital, while one fiurlh of that is a most unusual invest ment ia ibis country. The higher rates of interest, and the greater difficulty of ob taining the necessary funds Ic holif out ogainr low prices find an over-stocked market, operate grea'ly to the disudvan- " tagc of the American manufacturer. Again, another very potent reason is to be found ia the fact, that nearly the whole value of iron consists of the labor that ha been applied ; nearly, if n-t ultoiether, four fi ths of its wh jle Value is derived from the labor employed iu its production. No one ho e.x unices this subject caw fail lo lie struck with the immense difference lhal exists in this particular. And, for the pur pose of illustrating this more clearly, I subjoin a few of the prices of labor for the same service iu this country and in Eng land. The following arc the prices paid for the different processes of making a Ion of roiled iron in Pennsylvania Rolling Mills and (hosu of England : Ft'nn yTvaiua English pri.-e prirs of labor of labor iii'4. in lSl'J, per nince reduced ton. 10 pr cl pr ton PuJJI. r and his hi-lper $3 50 Roliin; lh pud-lied bir 72 Snndrv lahor lsi,,i. i, f. KU, ! Healer and hi helper 87J Rolling HA Straightening and Cni.hing I U4 Sundry l .bor 1 20 J 9 SI j 3 Sol 3 S5J DilT. renre $ 36 1 might cite many more instances, but tho forgoing table will serve lo show ihe great difference, and explain t every mi biased mini the reason and necessity for protection. Wth this difference existing, it is utter ly impossible that our manufactuiers should successfully compete with England without compensating duties, (hie of three fhin is inevitable. You must abandon entirely the manufacture of iron, or increase the duly, or else reduee the wages of laborers down to the English standard. What gen tleman on this tli Kir, I would ask, would w ish to see the. free laborers of ibis country degraded to the level of foreign operatives, who live only lo work, and work only In live T II appears to me sound policy, as well as a generous philanthropy, should dictate lo every one the necessity ainl im portance of giving competence and. dignity to labor, thai ihe meritorious and industri ous workingman may meet with the proper reward of his toil, and be enabled lo ii.airv lain the position nnd independence thai be comes an American freeman. But gentleman, when pressed baidly en this subj'i-t, have a final argument lo urgp, and I believe it has become usual, in a' most every ease, f r honorable gentleman, when everything else fails to fly to this as. a dernier resort, and lliut is, that il is un constitutional. Yes, unconstitutional for the American Congress so to shape and frame the revenue laws of the country as lo guard J protect our own industry against foreign competition and foreign pauperism, and gentlemen reason and re fine upon it, by following metaphysical humbugs, until they are lost in the mazes of abstractionism, instead of looking at plain, substantial facts, as they oreexis ing and transpiring around them and through out the country every day. But, Mr. Chairman, il is amusing to see with what facility gentlemen gel rid ol these Constitutional scruples, when their districts or their sections of the country are to be benefited by any action of lite government. These gentlemen who hold to this strict construction that you can not pass a tariff which will discriminate in favor of the protection of home labor that you can not print an agricultural report sent from one or Ihe departments of tho Government that you have not the power to establish a bureau, nor to improve tho rivers and harbors of the country, nor con struct great thoroughfares, and public highways yet these same strict construc tionists, when an appropriation of public lands is to be made to private Hrpontion lo make railruads in Alabama or Mississip pi, or li endow institutions of learning there, or support public schools, forego all these abstractions and come up boldly, and advocate and vote lor such measures. I do not allude to these si bjects to express my opposition lo ihem ; I do not entertain such narrow and limited views of the Constitu tion of the United States. Nor am 1 influ enced by such contracted notions ol public policy . I do not think that the public lands Ht 37 J It 37 42 4SJ 54 ft