fC7The Supreme Court for the North--rri district held at thi place, adjourned. 1 Wednesday, afier session of three and a balf weeks. The Judaea made a clean sweep of ih list, tfisposingof eighty-four cases. Sunbury American, 3 J inst. Hon. Joseph CAsr.v, our Representative in Congress, was at this place last week attending to some professional business in the Supreme Court the session of winch has just been concluded. Mr. Casey has proved himself thus far nn able and indus trious member, and is seldom from his post. Ibid. Rev. David J. Waller, the Pastor of the Presbyterian church of this place, has re signed his charge ot the congregation here ; the resignation to date from the first of October next. The Primitive Methodists will erect a new church this fall, upon Third Street a. (he foot of Iron Street in this town. The Baptists have also a subscription in circulation for building a church in Bloomsburg, forlheir denomination. They ripect to get the building up this tail. Bloomsburg Star. Hokbiu McRiiER. A shocking and in- j, a murder was committed on Sunday last, by a monster in human form named Benjamin Wilcox, near I ho Borough ol Towandn. He stabbed his wife in the pre Kcnce of his daughter, nith a knife which pierced her breat causing almost instant death. He then attempted to commit sui ciJe by stabbing himself. He is now con fined in Towanda jail to be dealt with ac cording to law. Intemperance has Lcen the cause of this brutal murder. (fc5The murderer has since died. Fatal Accident. A little boy, aged about six years, son of Mr. George Kuntz, I of Loyalsock township, was killed, on Mon day evening last, by the accidental falling ol a harrow, which stood upon its end, and which in endeavoring to climb he overbal anced. A tooth of the harrow struck his forehead, pierced the skull nnd brain,' and caused instantaneous death. Lyc. (az. For the Lrwisburg Chronicle. Next U. S. Senator. The Eastern part of Pennsylvania now has a National Senator, and so has tl.e Western. The South has had several, nnd the North has had one. The Central part we believe has had none. The Western Senator' time expires with this Cuiire.-s and the State Senators and Representatives chosen next Fall, will elect his successor. CENTRAL Pennsylvania claims the seat, and if she backs up her clai ms by sending rue Tariff men to the I.egislaturp,she can readily secure it. Hon. JA'S POLLOCK, of Northumberland county, is the man. Ilia location, his known ability, his tried integrity, and his popularity, all point him out as the man for the times and for the station. The West Bham:h. NOTICE. IHE First Anniversary of the "Society for Moral and Religious Inquiry,'' connected with the University nt Lewis burg, will be held in the University Build ing on the last Lord's Day in August, (25th) at 3 o'clock, P. M. The Rev. Geo. B. Ioe, D. D., has been requested to deliver the Anniversay Ser mon before the Society. The public are respectfully invited to nt frnd. GEO. 1. M'CLKOl), Sec. rain Prills. IHE undersigned wish to inform the farming community generally, that they are now manufacturing J. P. ROSS' Xtrfy Improved OR A IX DRILLS, or SOWIXG MACIIIXL. Without stopping to discuss the compara tive merits of numerous Drills now offered for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to call and see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, GEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850. NOTICE. I will be at the Public House of A. II. niair, on Wednesday the 4th day of Sept. neit, for the purpose of receiving the School Tas for the Lewiaburg District for the present School Year. DAVID REBER, Aug. 2, 1850 Treasurer. UWIYERSITT AT LEWISBURG. A' STATED Meeting of the Boabd op Tvlstees of the University at Lew- isburg, will be held at the University Buil dings, in the Borough of Lewisburg, Union county, on Thursday, the 22d of August next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. G. F. MILLER, Scc'y. Lewisburg, July, 1850 A Stated Meeting of the Curators of the Uoiversity at Lewisburg, will be held at the University Buildings, in the Borough of lewisburg, Pa., on Monday the 26th day of August teat, at 2 o'clock, P.M. A full attendance is desired. An elecilm will take place at that time ol officers (or the coming j vear. Public Sale. rpiIE Board of Trustees of the University L at Lewishurg, will offer for sale, on Tuesday the 2?th Aug. next, a number of handsome BUILDING LOTS pleasantly situated on the University Farm, between the Cemetery and Leisburg also, some LOTS oa the River Road. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M-. when conditions will be made known by the said TRUSTEES. Lewisburg, July 18. 1850. JUST received aud for sale, Speioi and Lard Oil, by Dr. Thornton 5t Baker. SAM'L ANDERSON, . Fa&uionable Tailor, In the new Brick buildins on Market street, one door above O. K. Bowes' Store. CUTTING and MAKIMJ done to order. , I.ewisbarpr, May 2, !S.r0. LUMBER CR SALE. fPHE subscriber having leased ihe Rock L dale Suic-Mill lormerly known as Doughty 's in Suar Valley, Clinton county. Pa., and bought a'l the stock and fixtures belonging to tlio same, now offers for sale 100,000 ft of. Lumber at said Mill. Orders will be received for any kind of Lumber, by the undersigned at Lewisbur;:, or by his Agent, S.C.Siiel LER. at said Mill, in Suunr Valley. II. P. SHKLLER. Lewisburg, June 5, 1850 Ow LIVK II COM PLAINT, JAUNDICE, Dyspepsia, f'hrouic or Nervous Debility, disease of lite Kidney, and all dis eases aliasing from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Inward I'ilca. Fulniss or Blood to the Hes.l, Acidity ol the Stomach, IMansca. Heanliurn. dis port for Food. Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructation. Kinking or Flut tering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. hurr.c.1 end ditiicult Ifieallung, r lut tcring at the Heart, choking or suli'.ica- ting Sensations whin in a lying posture, dimness of Vicion.Dotr orWeln before the Siclit, Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Peispiialinn, Yellownese of the Skiii and Eyes pain in the hide, UacK, Cheat, Liinlis, Ac. sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flet-h, constant Ima- giuings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirit. rs cc EFPEcTr a lit rrKD ar D R. II O O F L A N D'S CELEBRATED CERIiIAM BITTERS, prepared by - Mir. C.lM..Fitcksoiti at the " (.erman Medicine S;ore," ViO Arch St. riiilad. Their juttrrr orer the alnre diseases is not rr relied, if emiulled, hit ami other preparation in the lulled Mate, as the cure attest, in man; ra:es after skilful physician had failed. There Bi ter are worthy the attention of inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rcrtilicai.o:i of diseases of the Liver and leaner glands, eicrci Mnglhp moitt searching powers In weakness and atl'ections of the digestive organ, hey arc withal ife, certain and pleasant. Head re rnxviscr.n. The Hon. Cha D Hineline, eililor ot the Camden Democrat, m best paper in West Jersey, nay, July 2 1st MialKLAXtl'S OKilMAN" lHTTKltS. We bare min many fl.nrrine notions of litis uwliritir-. ami I lie souree w Itt'inf t h.-y crune tadimil in to make intniiri.-H rt(M-,. iuir it merits. " Fn.in iiviuirv were irualel t use it.anJ must wi ftmntl K siieeific in its netion Ul -Hl diseaws of ti it rxcrl utuu la-rvmis itetratS'ii is ivallr surprisiiiic. Jt ralius an.l stirastla lis llie nervi s. l.rininK them into a lieiTantllltfi'ilerpiiis.iiti nn- i ni '" in'- state of n-ptse. mnkiii? sie' nm slimtr. Jf this medicine wen- mure p aerally asr-L we are sat isfied tlum would ! less SH-kn. fS. as frnm the stomaeh. liver, atal nervous sysu-m Uie areat ntajuritj vf n-al aul imjurinar-diseases emanate, llavetbem iu a healthy con dition, awl jrnu rau bid d. tianee tn cpidemlca svih-rally. This eltnwtMinarv aiedieine we would advise our frientls who are at all iiel"isl tn rive a trial it will then ree oDiin. .l ru-eir. It sliouhLin uictls! iuevery finuiljr. No other medirine rau .rtluw such evidences of merit. Fiom the BWrnt liee eilitorial, Dec 22d Ir. Ilnoflamrs tVlelsraled Herman IlilW-rs. tr tho enre of laver Complaint. Jaandiee. Iiysis-psia. ami (Minmieor Nervous Uet.ility, is diverwdly one of the nestt spulur meda-lm-s of the day. These Hitters have Is-co ns.1 hy tliousanda. and a friend at our eitow aays lie baa himself receive! from the Use of this rcnedy all eff.-ctuid. pi'rnia nent cure of laver Complaint. We an; convinced thut, in the use of tlieee Hitters, the patient constantly sains sttvnifth ami viL-or a fact worthy of irreat eonsiilcrat:on Tle-v are -asaht in taste aud saiell. and rau nr usvi hy -r.ns with the rnr.st dclii-jte stomachs, with snf. ty iimler anv circuuisialiciii. We are spi-akiu froul expi-ri eni-e, and to the afllicted we advise their use. XcJt's Weekly, one of ihe best literary papers puhlisheJ. said. Aug 25lh Kb. lln"n.N's;n:s IIitthk. mauufaitumt l.y Ir J;v ksnn. are'nnw reennnii-ndcd hv some of Hie most pp. minent nemtwrs of the, Kacalty, as an article f aiuca i-llicacy in cawi of female wenkness. As such is the c:te. ne would a.lvis- all unit hers to ol.tam a nottie. ami inns : save themselves uuuh sickness. Tersons of debilitated i institutions will fiml these Hitters advantageous to tlie-.r j health, as wa kuosr from esi-ricnce Die salutary ellect they have ujs.n wiwk s stems. j Judge M.M.Noaa, a gcnilcman of great scien tific and literary attainmeiits.saiJ in hi".cwVork , Weekly Messenger. Jan fi. 1S.")0 I Hr. IMiimrt :m:ii Ritlrrt. Here Is a preparation j which tliV leading pn-ssestrf the I'nion appear tiiiiumiious . in tee.nimci:diiis. and tlx rea on is ohvinus. It is maile I allcra prescription fumi-licd l.y one of tin- mrwt celel.rtcd phvicians of nualera times the laic Dr. Chrialorher Wilheira Hoonana. rs'weir . . - I'rivate Phvsieian to Ihe Kinir of Trussia. and one or the greati-st mAlieal writers Germany has ever pnsluccd. lie was .-mi hatieallv the enemy of Aaiafcnj. aud tlien-f..re a nuilirine .if which he was the inventor and endorser may he eoiiti ientlv relied on. He spwally reeomm.deil it in l.iver Complaint, Ilvspepsia. la-hUity, Vert tan. Acidity of the omarli. Constillion. and all complaints ansm--fnn a di-srdered condition of the stomach, the Liver and the Intestines. Nine I'hiladelphia papers express their eontiction of Its eacellenci-. and several of their Editors siieak of its effects from their own iiulividnal evnericncc. I ndcr these circumstance, we f.l warrantal, not only, in calling the attention of nnr readers tn the present proprietor llh-.C. M. Jacksonsl preparation, but In ree. uuuending the article to all alaaied. Moa Ev i u awe . Th Philadelphia Saturday Gazette, the best family newspaper published in the United Slates, the editor ea) a of Dr lioofland'a German Biltera It is seldom tliat we recommend what are termed Pat ent Mi-dlcin.-s to our readers' patronage and confidence; and therefore, wliea we n-eommend lar. Ilnofland s tier man llittera, we wish it to 1st distinctly understood that we are not speak ine of the nostrums of the day, that arc noised almot for a brief period and are torenttcu after they have done their guiltv race ot min hief. but of a medicine a.ae asuhlished. universally pria.-d. and .liieh lias met the hearty approval of the Faculty itself. Evidence on evidence has been received (like Uie f..rcimr1 from all sections of the Tninn, the last .1 years. f fe ttrm!r t'ttimi ' ' ""-, M, that then- Is more of it used in the practice of the n-gular I'uvsiciaiis of I'hiladelphia, than of all other nndruiiu .-.. I . fc, tht ram easilv tie rstaMlshnl. and fully pmvhie that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval alien presented even in this form, luat Uiis medicine a ill cur l.iver Complaint an.l Dyspepsia, no one can doott. aner nmi n as mnvi. - V" ally upi'" tas Ptomacti arsl Liver. It Is prefrraMe to Caionwi in all I'"' tlmaf. Tlw ell.-c is imrocdinta they eantsj. administer.il h ri.aata or nttaM with aafcty and irctiahlc benefit, at any time. Beware of counterfeits! Thia medicine has attained that chatacter which il ia necessary for all to attain to induce counter-' Itilers to put forth a aputioas article at the risk of the livea of tho-e who are innocently deceived. Look well to the marks of the Genuine. They have4he written aignature of C.M.Jctvnw pott ibe wrapper, and the name Mown in ilia botile. without which they are tpurims. ' For sale wholesale and retail, at the GERMAIN MEDICINE STORE, So. 120 ARCH door hclow Siitb, (late of 178 Race St.) Phila.N j elphia, and by respectable ocalera Generally, me couiitty throoghnut. ly3:H v 'i r ) Also for sale by S.tJu 1 aua i.u.nruu., - . w w a t w r J I. FOR. sale:, Two tewej3 grey MATCH HORSES. Also, a bfau Hful black Horse. Enquire at this ofiicc. July 17, 1850 ts " , To Blacksmiltas. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West Branch and from Ilollidaysburg, for sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the Hayscalcs on Third St. ' : ' , , , ALEX'R AMMONS. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 . ,:. " J ., ; i Large Sales $;Low I? rice ! THE ,mMMdtH,,Wi3E AWAKE ' titil filliiiit up i!2iii:i 'u iiafi'Jl with a atock r j.k!s I. All :k'.: liF.TTEi; "unj CllKAPKII r...:i ever! K have just rei-eive.l and aie nn openii:! alarae and splendid assoitineiil of St iSumtiiLr eml.'a .-iiigevwylhtng adapted to the varied wa'it and tables of llie community, and at prices thai can not fail lo give jnivereal satiafaclion. The LADIES are assured that we hve a be:ter assortment of Urt'SS ;usl-i than has eer been preacntcd in this market. We have ever) ijuality and description ef Gcntlemci u-id 'nr' firtsit G,)odi, Cassimeresi, Viv-tins, Rummer Sti.ir. F.mey ! Cravats, Ac. A splendid lot of HAT-"4, CAI'.i and HON NETS, of the latest styles Hibbon. j Flowers, t-'ilts, J.'alicocs, I.an'us, O.ug'iarns, ;c. Hardware (iueens wit re -(fla'is ware, GROCERIES of all kinds also a large flock of Plaster, Salt,;u.d Fish, at very low prices-for CASH or COUNTRY rilODL'CU of all kinds at Market prices. J .& J.WALLS Lewisl.urs, April 23, 1S10 UNIArEltSITY at fi.ewisiKir:. CtlRt'TLAU for ihe-Acadcniical Vcar zoa I niencing Oct. 1 1, 1SJ. COURSE OF STUDIES. Friraary Department. EKrroiifJ in icllini. lvfalinf, Dt finiiioii, English Ijrrtinmar, Ariilimetic, (fcoKruphy. Ilia Ury U.S.A., rt-iiiihtiibliifi anj (.'uinj'OaUiuii. English Department of the AcLdcray. The ame studi as in ihe Piimary Drpartm't roiitiiHieJ in ihe nw of Inrper lexl books ; ami lo ihese are added (icneral Ilwtory,AIgi b., Legt'n drc, and Elcmt'iits of Surveyins. Classical Department of the Academy. Tina Jumur Academic class. I. Kn-rlfh tirniinnnr. Ltin (.ratiimnr. Anlumi iu-(1to livi-'ii'iin. t iit.-ffr:iiliy. I. The 9-.xm.ie la-ii a.- iii !. TVrtii. ! IViimiHfli,p. I. Klilili ;r..iuui:ir. ';i-;t. Ar.tlti:i l i- rniujiU-ll I.jr It-t .itvisiuit. lint k jraunn;'.r, Iii.-tiry IVu- lilrill'h.p. Hf-tk-La-eftin . Srntur Acatfemtc cht-s, I. 'ny.r. ilrvrk lintdr. Altf lia i Lit meat.) I. .V.n.-il. rsl Hintorj, h'njtfh lanfruno nnl C in, it.on. COLLEGIATE DEFAETMXNT. . ... Frt&huinii clout. I. rnIii ln;un?v wind rtipi)itioii. AJjwLra, Livy. F. l'Lnip tiit.nvtry. Lirr. AtialtnN. I. I'lant. iSth'l atitj lilu-rKai iciu'try cmiilrt-.l: Li vy, Analm-i. Stmhtnuorc c A.w. I. II. 111. Horace, Oly-wy. I'liin-'iintl S.br rijU Trini in. try. do !. ,M.-iir'ur:tttn..;ur.fyni.Navj;.:'i'1'- iUt Wlir.i-t... Sl-t Hnitri.II! i.f IhIU.-tlliMltraS JttH-toric, Au.tilu-al l.coiuftry. Junior r.v.T. Drnrtthpi.'!1 "n th Crtmii. itvrr V Offl-ii. Me- rlianitTS IIvUnMiIutir.nl ityilmulit. ItcRiiMsthitri n Ihi- 'nwn. riccrt iN tHHfiin roni . jlt uil. lui'uinMiis AmaMirt", KU-ctririty, ilan timu. ami Oi'iUv. I. II. III. (IraiTrK iyTi;mtu, Anmnomy. Senior ctt. (W Amtlfiiiifal rr mDinit nnnir t. 10, IS'prt. T. leic. Ntttnl Tluoluy. luhHr tii.tl l'liilnM)liy. II. (im k, loIiti'itl Krononiy, I"rnI lhUnrithy. HI. Jiuil r'st Amil'y. -fiinttui.ou of I". tf l lienilstry, tun". ti'm-ral lie h'W. IS'o clac in the Hcgular Course haa les than three daily tvciUtions. Every Saturday forenoon i drvnted ciclucivily to Vocal Muic, Declamation, and readme ehct and original CumpoHtions. The a'udents are reijuired to attend, recutaily, come religious meeting. Minors are exerted to attend puch meoiiiiK.- a are recommended to them by their parents or Guardians. Thure are in the borough no tes than six places of public womltip, of as many dillerenl Christian denominutiouif. Text SIoKs. FhjH.i Lw;nv!' 'ml tliKuti'U. Tin ttiM', PnrtiT Itli- triTii lirntl-T. Wnnvs-lvV r Woltor." lirt?ofi!iry. Itulrrnn Kiijjiifi tirwiar. Taiker fl I'lt rrsivo r i fv?i in Knlijih oiiii-ti:iiii. ParkorV Aid-. I iair e Lrctun-. (tni?'tily Wiiifii.) ' Latin i.niitttr. l!iillit'irn':rnmtiirTT. lIu.Hrt'r' Urnitrr. Iii'T.Ttt lrt xie.,:u Bulti.'li'r!rii-y:tr. N hln-U iitHllin.l Viryil. l.iroIn Livy, Antlinii'a It'ar.iCT,'iiiat tn-pl i'MO lr t'tttiin. TylerV 'ia- im-" t tiiu'iita t A; ri-4.-. 1 f.'f. fwy. ritlli"i!sir.iin,i:r. I n!Ii.:iV ra'l r. LMiii'll A firttilt'i ii. i-ii vn. Ii.hi n Aiu.l-;ifiN i .wen's I.fnicr's i Myy'- y. ('t:Tinpiin'f iKmi.nthcnt !-, t'k'n C'lafuM-ul Muuuai. .1 ithrt.u'f . Inv V Ar'SbTii-'tir f t At-n-l- m?i !. Kl ni rntarv Alircra. uiinln. Liwinlre. Hirreyins and .Nuvi jmiii.ii.Aiaalyli :ilM-"m''t ry. ilnivtc-rs Njilund i1iil.tt.l...liy ).".tt'nttyp'i'MHni-t.di A.-in'imwiy. Atimr of aSlsidentJ. The numb:r of Mudents during the pat year in the various Departments, was I4 l The number that have cniered the c1asea in the Ke pular Course for the current year (exclusive ot those in the Eug!i-h and Primary departments,) ia as follows : Cvuxtit Junior af tr.phmnri' -In Frrflunait rla. - AcADEJiV. S nirr chlfS Junior cIrmi it hi TraclicrK. FTKPIIKV VC. TAVUn, A. Yn f. cf Mathemntifs nl ntnmi FhilnH'T- iKHttiK IE. lil.l&S A. M., I'nf. of tln-flt Langiuc and LitiTHiiire. s I Ki Itt i K W. AN DKn?'N. A .M., l'rrf.of f-it in I Jinjra an I l.iterattnv. If A At) N. laittiMlS. A. rrinrial f tlic Aea-lcmj. ALKKKH TAVIitiK, A. M., Tutor in llw Kit-Iifh l.an poap aii't Klotution. Riil!in?M9iai)rary and Ippnraf us. The Academic edifice now occupied hy the members of the University, has been erected, at an vxx n of $s.lfo. anJ it in alaj.t-I to avrnirtrt.n.' 15i .tii'lntr.". AnTtli'Tr'!ifivhnff hr.-u ffnmni'ntwl.whirli is to lar linihM wit Inn the counc of tc priMufcAe.-wiBiu-vear, and to ivnfauu rtuily nn in an-l dorm i tor fw tin acri'iuiii'xUtion of In student in thrttlltv-atf dpartm't. The I.ihmry rfmt;iin a numwroi t-ciixl T-numcn, ami i is oorutaiitly i'ncna.in)r. j t htmiriU Appsrutns la been orlrtr'i Fuffiflont to 'apply lf inntit:to ilrraainl. The Aiipiiraltiff for tlio iliuftiMtion of Mhanirai riiilw'iiy, in now complete. Tuition nml Hoard. Tuition in the Colletriate Department $30, Academic 520, Primary !f12 per year. Board, including lodging, washing, fuei, and light, can I had in the vilUge and its vicinity at various prices from $1,50 to $2,50 per week ' Sessloas and Vacations. Two 5essious in the year the former com mences on the 2nd Thursday in October, and continues 27 week; the Utter commences on the 16th May, and continues 15 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks; Autumnal, 6. Uy order and in behalf of the Board : . THOMAS WAI'TSON, IWt. GEOKtii: F. MIM-EK. Sec. Lrwiaburg, Union Co. Pa. April 13, 1850 trrzrs Dr. JsTui Locke, Sl'ItGLOX., DLXTIST, MAY be found at his Olliee anj residence tiratdnot eaet of Kiii" a 11 Die! the two weeks fiillowing the first Mnil ij of each monih, where he is prepared ta execute all operations in hi line of busineea in a manner cieditalile In himself aud satisfactory to tlioaa who may favor him with their patrouajte. , , Dr. Ij. apenda the third week of each month in Milton. f T f i , t tj-Aromatic Tooth Pasta, f ut tip in teattttfuf porcelain boxea. an excellent article for keeping the teeth clean ud hreaih. areel, for (ale at 25 i eta per box, by JOUV LOCKE, D.D.S. Lewiiburff. Pm-JIay, 1880; -ff ' MiJJiinburg, t'itV.'i couahj, PcniCa. T ESI'EC i'Fn..I.Y. in'ornis '!" eitir.eii ot ; I'liiini i.un.ty. un.l llin pulilis ID ginrr il :!i.n he lua k'-cj tin! ulmve stancl, lur inany yi-arii oceniiiid 1. v Iii r.thcr, and is now i.re larc.l to arroninnni.iti' fru nds and the traveling com-nuniiv in a manm'r ut-v-epl:ible to all. The lllll'sK is liire ai.d roomy, well nrrnn jeil in nil iu dep.irtiiient', and every cre will 1-e i:i!iMi to reinl.1 lii irie!.t roinforulile nnd happy, liia TAtiiiK ik ill alivuya I furnisheil wiih liie vhoiceel dtlic-ii-ii's ol liie lifjcon, and ihe hi-M ihe market can all'.ird. 'I he li All will at all times he attended I'V cireful per- na, and none hut 1 lie i v.tv l-t .if h. Mima a ill lie k, lit. Ilia STAIII.K-S . jre ample ami eon vnn.iit, and I lie U5I l,ljk" ! iiuitrln :il .ind at'cntivp. In thnrt, he l. ilea lunuelf to rmleavor to give i:e..er:il ai s!i ill to all, and hopes hy strict alRntiuii tJ huMmcs to un'iit a. id receive a liU r.tl ahare of pa ronrge .Millliiihurs, J. n 10, is'iO Wholesale and Iletail Dealers in iJiuss, .Mnlicinrs, Chi!miculs, fa-nls, Oil-, Varnishes, Window fjluss, Sash muls,(jia'are,luliyl i e-sttitr. l!iushc-i of every variety. Perfumery, Confectionery, Fruits, Fancy (.aoods, ic. Scc. One lH,ral.'Vc t!i. irn-at M.-iiiimoth ,tin;i'iif J. A J.W.1LL-. Maiikkt Sr. jKvisiift:;. All Drugs and Medicines warranted Fresh and Genuine. Trill K aulueribers leturu iheir sincere thanks to J those who h;ivc so liberally pationized them iluiini; ihe past year; and we would inviic you. one and all, to CjII and exuinine om stork and prices before purrhasiiiK elxewhere. as we feel confident that we sell as cbeap, it not 2., per ct cheaper, than ndicrs of the trade. Try us, and 1 sec tor yourselves. i. U. Mrdiril advice will be Riven free of charge by l)r. 'I'horuton, at the Store ol Thorn ton & baker. T A H 'I'HORX l ON.M.a JOSIAH K KER Dentistry. WH. C. STEWART, LATE of Philadelphia, ia now located on Market street, l.ewiburg, opposite Mr. J. ISchreyer's store, where he attends to operations on the teeth at a reili.-tioii of his former prices. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of improvrd Instruments, and in an easy manner. Fillinz teeth and setting on pivots or plates atten ded to according to the latest improvements in the profession Ulcerated, spunpy, and inflamed guma cured. Thankful for past favoia, he solicits a continuance of public patronage No impure materials used fir filhncs in tetth. Iy.KN r. . per-- -' B3 ZS-:2iWs SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, AIIKAD Of ALL CTIlElis! Th" lviy of all Pill Manufacturer, 1")K(VI"i?H they are sarir, better, and more ) t lliracious than any olhers. 50O,CO Itoxcs have lu-rn sold annually for the last five years. Yoinr isn Olp, Mat.E Jti" Ff.msie, can alaaya take them with erj'ial saf.ty, without fear. Jf Fills le necessary for purcingand cleaning the istoniach and Bow els, and purilyitig the lilnod and fluids of the bo dy, take no olhers for no other pills produce those combined tiTccis, or contain Sarsap-irilla in them. j Eat, Drink and Live as usual, and pursue your usual occupation whilst taking them, wiihout fcai of taking cold, during all Uuds of weather. One Thousand Dollars are watered that more genuine certificates (from phjricians, clergymen, .Members ol Congress, and respectable citizens) can be produced of their eilicacy loan of any others, and TUN IM.M.AR3 will be forfeited in every instance where One Box will not do more gooJ than Two Doles of any others. Forty Pi"s in n Hox ! ! and sold at Ttrnty-Fire Cents a For, wilb directions and milch wholesome adwice accompa nying each box. 7V," ' rr nn titstr "r mifl'ont nwll. Frn fnun ou't cir I- kiTt or tin) land, .. uof ;rij r Vf' ''' I!. J V.,im uu ri-ii". w I'llfi'lmgs, ,r nr. timkx. .tntl -.' 1" "' "'" niuMtiu tit mniii iml. x . h.vin. nnrc taken them will be willing afterwards to t ike any others, because they al ways do good, aud if they do not. then no olhera will. Dr. N. B. Ltidy, The Proprietor and Kannf jcturer, is a regular Diuggist, l.hemisU and Phyieian, of fif e-n years' experience iu Philadelphia; Grad uate of the I niversiiy ei i-eiinsyivaiiia i iticu. berof ilill'erent Mediial Instiiulions ef I'hiladel phia, New Vork, Uoston, Uallimore, &c, and associate and corresponding uicmber of several Medical Institutions of London and Paris, Ac. Ol-thaoe axii Isirosiriojf. Dewaie of all pills called by names nearly similar, got up to be sold on the reputation t.f Ur. Leiily'aSarsaparilU Blood fill'-, the first Sarsaps. ilia pills ever in troduced and the only pills containing Sarsapanl ta. Tke no olhers and you will not lie deceived. f Hhers by similar names, or nearly similar, are a gros. fiand. Beware, then, of Imposition : ! FiTPrincipn! Depot. Dr. l.eidly's dispensary. No. Ill North ForKTII M, Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail be , -yr ortUFKt.K. Tywi: bora Tt. r1w. Miltn I M iCBr.T.(l.V.K!U-r..llHiniW.l,.I.eiiuiter,Maiiry Twurs.aal Stitaar a, .MI0iinbri,lljr t'm.tU, A.illlullIU ..air jinan Walter. Th-yTalley r. IV.v.-r, FwMnt .,K.lv M... K.llr X "rajs I II ..smith.IVv,rnr a D-ivis Ji SjLnur. Svl:n.-nvo Kolisnnl b. Mi.Ml.-l.ilrn " I. llohnr, M-Kee. Falls Wilt : Kilert .,Hartl,too Tliomas Uoiror, Shiunakm Dam k.41:oosh,teiitiTVillo lir.J.M.Jn.M.vfillisra'rort: and by Drnirsists anj Storo Heprrs tlimarr'iont th? fnitnl States. - PyCT foCHOOL-TICKETS primed n nd for ' sale at this oflicc. SALT and FlfiU on hand by . I (sLt'CKSSIIIlS TO C. X. WTKTII,) eL- ri al. -J 7A- ,yy tj,-rir: , V IIS' 0 K iu -W'43TvOsi ' t-r-jrt mm Dr.Trask'snAGlTEEO CHITEEriT coiisiaiitly t-n'riin cure of iho ulrr.ost " 1 1 mportaitice. i lie most creJulou- ar ein- visckw; ihe most (aitlileiw, c -nii-ei.eo i neiieve in ihe jrowt.-r anJ viflue of tliti preat rnneily. It h uaivi r-;;Hv ut:.'iUi i to u tli ni't vmslernl K.ti.l inati'.ii kiK.wii l w,rM Cr Ilu i:.:,,tlnt- rv.Mif i.l ilia. ji- Hti.l psiin. It nvr fii. .'!.. fV r- r tim'n suiHritiit life U n slore n vlu-al an.l iwnUhv wtimi to tU lhi ill;v vpfrfls f tii Ixuly. ami ffttth'& tkr. circittft t.'.n i f thf U'fl. Ity this m niir. n i-.nirr Hiug power if traiii' -i MTi-r lit' imt nrilVnititt fonns -f which mil it-at N- obtaint J fruui bii.v ihr ntntfly. l'wh i Ui pwr i f tlw fiKiiKnt:Pii. tliHt It ifUftrat-B t- every rnrtinn tf th. Iimiirtn fraiti-; every t-.m- nl m!. . ..-. vfiit. nerve and liuiit'-nl i M-wrdi--'! it ar.t mndt- . n ifiMt nf purilir'ntimi ami lu-nHii',' iiiHiicuii. Ilt'iwc ituupt,- rca.iity with intermit a vxU rnal aiwn-. Nuiiicrtiuo iii-taii'-cn arc " rret.rtl, wh Ihz rc!:itly ha njt"ri-vl hculth tn triii-nt w mntrtli." ravi- th.tt thf iti-ist ita.wvrful ititenmt n-nifvlh failr.1 u. r"iiMSc any citit't. JU'h )um fmuMMitly Ufn tln iu IufUtnunaticn of tli Bowe's. X atiint nl tir with thic iticfe wImtt- the anirtie Oinf .unit r;iti Ir- rdituin-il. 'Ih:it l:i;.jpTu '.;.irmir. known nji the PITKID KI.YSI i'KLA-, run alw;i -cured by tlil ifmcJy. i'or 7.V7. .1 M.VA TOi: V IHI F.I'M. TiS V, thif Ointin.-nt tli lvt ronii-'v-f' rt-nifiy cv-r in j-:.t.1. 1 fj vam.-i nit trf lw, it will ttlTrnl mitre r-'tirf to (lie ut.r.-f .-a Nnrrns Headache iu ' iniimttf. iur N rv.u 1M-i';Lr. tl'i rcm-'lv i f itnmtiff rntiif. Aifn i.M'ui it' IU' lpiu. t.lifuntnlii-m. (,im ui. I li-av r.tI Sin 'i'iir.t. iir';n!!it:-. i'l.-urifV. t'rn:, I'liiMts hlrr)i !irliw. A silt in the tn1- r Hn-sKt. I'urn. .S-t! l S'-r.jfulii, .-'nit i:it-um. KrHiK!ur. Iii!liiin-J r'.sv. Vfrr .111. Ar., will Ik- iui:ti.'.liat. ly r lit vcU hy tlii u-c ot tlur rcm.'-ly. by Thvrnon Jf intur, Lcwi-bufff. firn-lrtj E F Bl'ttekfiklii. Trag A 51 jn r m A , r- M -r A I 3: TREES. ' The subscriber oflets for sale n large iissurlmetil ol" choice Fruit Trees surh as A .pie trees, 7 to 10 feet hih, 40 varieties, nil vtnrratr.. d genuine I'each trees, VJ0 variclies ; lnrtarian t herry, Aecturine, I rune ami rear trees, tooeitier Willi S'jir.e 0 or 8 varielien of Grope Vines of the liest ri'ilivu and exotic varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as llie IV. Ionia, Linden, etc. N. 1!. Persons vi!iiti to procure a quantity of the Fruit trees, a re requested lo make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure I tic varieties and sizo wanted. 11. K. NOLL. Lewisbur, March 4, 1850. Is E W 1 S Ii U It (a Whfh'csale ij- Retail rrlin suh-criher, thankful for past liberal pat- ronage, would inform bis friends and public generally that he has just ree'd iid is cous'.antly receiving Ire.h supplies of pure .Medicines, Drills, Chemicals, KxiraeN, llerh?, Koots, Mincrsli, Tinc tures, Oils, Essences, Spirit, Gums, Flusters, and o:her goods in his line of business, which he oilers w ith tlio lull assurance of their beini gen uine, and cheiier thau can be bought elsewhere. Physieiaos and olhers in the Hade are particularly invited locull and examine for themselves. AUo constantly on hand a large s'ock of Window Class White Lead, Chrome and ether Paints.Dru gists' and Physicians' (!!aswaro, .Mortars.Spaehoals.Criiri.des.'rru'ses, Copal.J ipan and Spirit Vami-hes.Flaf-seed, ttperni, Whale, l.ard. Fish-tiherial, Fosgine, Caniphene, and Pine Oils, Dye woods ground and chipped, Castile, l!;ir. Uosin and other Soaps, (void. Silver and Metal Leafs, IJo-in, Pitch. Tar, Tobacco. Segars, Comlis, Brushes Walking and Fk-biug Cani-s, Jewelry, Razors, Knives. Fruits, Confectionery. Ve. Jcc. etc. C Vf. SCIl IFFI.r, May, 18"tt. Druggist and Chemist. . police. QUP.SCRICER8 to the "Univcisity at Lewisburo" are respectfully requested lo pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the 1st instnl't are respectfully notified that all such delinquents will be charged Interest on their Instalments from the time they become due. SAMT. T. WAI.KCR.Tkeas. Lewisburg. Teb. 23, 1850. 4?v .,1 LAST ajrtLBEST ! . ' G. E. BSWES ' . IS now receiving a large and a choice stock of SUMMER GOODS embracing Dry Koodi latest stvles Dress Goods, "Silks, Silk Ijaces, Parasolettcs, L'wns, Prints, eVc. iVc. GROCERIES AND QUEENS V ARE. it noil variety. Our toek wa purchased nrt rensonab'e terms, nnd is ollered to old friends nnd new nt tho cheapest living rates. The trading public are invited to rail nt the oil Cheap Store, south side of Market Si. Iriwwn :W and 4th Sis. , C. E. EOWES. j Lewisburg, June 50k 1850. , To Justices or tho Peace. IN"NV JUSTICE, new edition, eao be had y ,1 Lyadulla llookstore. in tlkia place. Lewisburg, April 10, 185ft. .:-. - A" LOT of Fiuo Wool for sale hf '' " June 1 ,; J. I1A1 E8 a CO. - Mm I I jT. . ' ji ... t 4P v Safest-. Arrival h JII ti 'e I'h'asure iu announ- . cms ' 'I' po'die that we are now receiviti? lnm ihe city one M. llie ljrse.t. h-sl and lit selett. stock ol roods ever ollered lo the pu!lie. No labor has been spared to render their sloelt rmnplfle, and to obt-iin articles of good qiulity , so lliut it f 111 be relied up n thut whatever ihev hal olii r for kale will be jut what it is represented. 'I'UfV have an eicellei.t usanriinent of Dry ootls roiiiniii;i nearly every arli' le nually enomera leil under tLis he!, a.noiij which aie Ilroad cl.iths. Plain and Faucy I'assiiueres, aiinetts. Twei-d-, t'a-hmarettes, Itrapettes, Cudiiiigtons, 1'l.nd Linens, Tii king,, Urillmgs, lijging, Cot Ion and Jli-mp (Jarnet t'hiin. I'lal-.i ami Fanry ;oo.!, selected nidi paiticulur riTeience lo the laale and convenience of tlio l.adirs such as ( harircalile, Plaid, ( Ii'enadine, and Foulard iSiiks, Fid and CUii. I.ima.iine ie.-l.,ines, Ciape hiiished, Figd and Plain l.inrn I.uMies, Ll.ir.ie Lltslaines, prin ted French Linns. i!k riu-;ons. Pink. liulT, Rlue, and Ciiuison 1'arl. tnus, Plain and Figd Blue and Pink (do'trd) Swiss, I. men. Cambric. and Lawn lldkfs, Gloves and Hosiery, ' lionnets, Fjns, Parasols, Purasoleiles, also.it? Fine Mob kin. Lrghorn. t.'hina Peart and Palm Leaf HAT.-, at lo ver piice than ever oil'crcd to Ihis eommiiniiy. a choice selection. Glass, Qm'piis, Stone, and Crockery ware. To those who wish lo procure anything in Ihi tine either for ul.lity or orn.nneiit,their aaaoitmeiit particularly recommends itself. Hardware j cutlery, fjrass and Corn Scythes, Axes, Shovels, Spades, Straw Knives. Manure and Hay Forks (of supe rior quality ) Dour liiiiiiuiiigs,(Jlaas,Putty,Nails, Iron, Steel. r e. CA UPE TSEA SKETS. Floor and M.iir Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Ladies' iSateliels. Traveling and Work Baskets, also Market, Clothea anil Corn Baskets, Cedtirirare, Hakts, $-e. In conclusion, they would say that their goods have been bought at very low prices, and will be disposed of ou the most reasonable terms for Cash or country Produce and to saiUty the public (aa to pi ices) just rail at the Cheap More of J. HAYES &. CO. I.cwi,burg May 2, 1350 L ABO II SAVED, 1"OR SALE a superior Washing Mixture, w hich removes all dirt and stains of various kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the texture of the cl-th. Persons wirhing to avail themselves of this valuable mixture, with full directioua fi its use, hjd belter call at the new Drug and Chemical Store kept hv Da THORNTON St BAKEK, Lewisburg Latest iTcws from California ! HORE jilgg GOLD! A LL the world and the rest of mankind" arc rcsperifully informed that we have opeued an unusually choice assoitincnt of SPUING AND SUiLMEIt comprising a splendid variety LADIES' DRESS I liODD.S of ihe newest styles Calicoes.Uelaliis, j liinghams, llarsges. Silks, Parasols, and Fancy i lioods, and for (jentiemeu'a wear a large slock of 1 Clot t is, CasMinicrs, I Summer Stud's, Vetins.Suinmer Ilals.&r. ! Salt, Fish, Nails, Queens ware, Hardware. G roccrics, . etc. etc. All of which we olTer for sale at our proverbially low prices, for CASH or PRUDl.'CE. REBER & IDD1NGS. Lewisburg. April 22. 1S.VJ tin! all you ymiii'. men wh(e fmf rraltirs areexpan.lb.v Anl alio ih-.ll I., supi'ort v..u. a .' itmlfr.tiMt,Mfi tVh'nyr.w thiiia how 01 linie.at soiienl.Tli:tvchil you, Ju.-l cuiue to rvs Lkm.au.'. ti.r tiiat will fit yoa. lto yoa want some nt w Book O. sortieap anl aorn-ttyT '.Ki,. rj,waisj si.ni. any, anil soui. queer ants..iur witty? t'ir a tliillnr ur two, SrKve will jiivi 5.111 a lr.-a!nn Thut will U all yiirr lif --time a funtaiu of ph-asure. An.l it you chance to bp in want IM'Cit or -t or Tn'W.rliMii. Jii-I lo l.tiiu.'s. f..r you ran t Uuy hail' as vb'ai of utU.'f roon. An.l now I.tvput. wo-il.t ay ju.Jt a woril tr. the f.aiti.-s, I'.ir wt-ll .Iocs lie ka.iar how iiniM.rtant tlt.ir ai'l K He has ? U.s of all kinr Vhurr-r-rr-r-r-r-r ('onsarn it. Boss I this 'ere Poetry Machine's broke ! I lowsomever, the substauce of all we bad in the hopier is ibis that SF. LYNDALL has the best and the , cheapen hit or BOOKS a,,J STATION ER.Y, "n,J i-g and the tel asorinietit of UO(i'fSm and A CSOi: , and Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers, that were ever seen in Leivisburj or any oiher great seaport. M'"V 7, 1850. Dr. Rose's medicines. The subscriber having Keen appointed sole agent for Dr. Rose's Medicines, for Union eonnty, oilers them to the public with prent cenfidenee as to their tTi.-acy nnd certainty of effacling eures ia nil eases for which they nre d'esiuned. A inle test only is required lo establish rh fnrf. Sept 27 SS CARTON . Window SASH. A lot of 8x10 W indow Sash, from the cheap Slanutactory of Sprout & Burrow?, ou liana, ana all sizes got to oruer ou short notice May, 1319 " ' ", 1 G Lnwsho J.2VaJJLJL the fjewisburg Khronicle. I TOOL for aaic nt 1 VV Juue5" Ktber Sl UJiue. FRESIL;G'0TJD"S!- ! RtRTOV, c;i:iK & SI , . RA VINO forrri.vfrx iin'n,'.rv,,'t ,, e M"-rcai.lile luntiw, nml Milrg tl lias? StortPioin lately oc-ti)itU t S.ti.Burioii . opposite Klin's Hol I :ire imav opt-iiint; .til stlet-lftl an') tMH-nsivc aKick of jUtr chndizt,J consisting of . Oniool)5.i3RRl0Elf: IIA1M)VAII1V'UTLERY,1 Caritenlcr T))Is, Queensware,' G ALT, FISH, , Furniture Mounting, Glassware," Window GL.iS a gtiifrnl aaat-rimcoi. Car, KoJ, and Hoop Iron, Nails," and Spikes, Tinware, Mieet Iron and Hetal . I'jiis, unj a inure gt-nurat n.srr!iwDt liian is usually Imnitl in country slorrs hith they pledge tt.eniaclvi's to sell at very low prices. Orsons at n distance ill find it to lhrtr advantage to huy l.r ta?li or ? tail! talie in K.lcharijtK fur Gooda, ht-ni, Hyc, Corn. O.ita, I.ui-k wheat, Tunothv and ('lo. ver St ds, liiiiu-r, Kjisralh- ,! I;rd llcfswax, Feat tiers', aud a!! kiuds of trade or country rxiwK. '. The p.-itriiiino.; of the, puUic is respect-., fully miltri';', .d fyery 9sijr"iie f;icn, that iKiiliiu sinill Le wauling to n nder entire ;u!ir,ictioii. . ,M'l. S. BAHTOV. , AMtEI. t;KUll , . JA.ME.S S. MAUMi. Lewburj, Apri! I, 183t). " MEDICAL CAftrK ir. I. REuBiRlSSr Uespectfully announces to his friend ant! ihe public genernlly, that he has removed hia residence to the house of hi fitthtr, . (formerly occupied by VVm. I'orter,) a few diHirs north of K'tne' Hotel. Office, Col., MTaddin's neiv brick building, Btsl door above C. K. Bowea' Store, , Letvisburg. April I, 1830 licmotjal. ....... JOHN Ii. MILLER, TAILOR, respectfully informs, his patrons and the public that his Shop is now at hisr house the new brick opposite Mr. James P. Ros! on Third St., where he will be , happy to wait on all who may honor him wi'h their patronage. Lewisburii, April 2, 1850 nc.IM ft T MIUrxUK, A TTUKXEY A T LA ir, Lcwislars, I'nion County, Penn'a. Practice iu I'nion and adjoining counties aUo attends the eourta of Perry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L- 0. t'hrist, Ivsq. a-VwiJro I'lIlE undersigned enntinues the Liyp; I AT Bl'SLVESS at the Old Stand,: on North Third St., near Matket, snd resrspet fully solicits the patronage ol an fr if rids aud The public senerally. CHAR LIS F. HliSS. Lewisburj;, May 22, 1W0 Spring Summer JUST rocc.ve.1, an! now openinj; at FORSTER'S NEW STORE. . second door east of Kline's Hotel, a new and SplendiJ Assortment of Goods," suitable for this and the approaching sea son, consist i ii;: of C LOTUS, 1'4S.SI.1IEK$,' TCST1X-S, jartieH'' UreHM aools of every style and variety new a'ylo taracs, Liwns,' Arinurc Delaines, Ging hams. AiC. A ircut variety of stales Chints, Call coes, &c. A beautiful assortment Ijadie' Paraso's, Morocco and Kid SHOES and G.I ITERS (or Ladies and Children Also a choice selection of GROCERIES. tyiecimwafc, aN of which are olT-reJ r'erhar!;rb!e 'low for C'itsb or Counirj rroduee, hy tha suhscritxr, J. FOItSTKU. Lewishurs, Arril 3. 1S50 For the Ladies. Cool Is the brreTJe That I makJ.aeewe" "ITTITH one of rhope-aiee and cheap PAN f thai eawi be bad' at the lwi.bm Uiu.. Fancy (kkxJs, rtoiioa and Vaiiety Emporium where the largest, finest, and best assortment of Feather. Fancy an.l Paper Fana are kept. Alao latest patterns of llollal.v. ?hell, Horn, Mide.Back and other (;tlM US beaidea a great aiy o? other nice things. Call and see ar C.W.CHArFLir!. FRESH TKA3. Awhvr lo tuiperirir Black and Greea "feyj1 just rer-d from the tXir.ton Te Com ifi , pany, and lor sain t N York itiaii pri-.-9 by i. HAYES Ji CO. Lewisburg. April 16- Ageuls . IRnrk vValunt Wanlel. - A OUA.NTWaT of Dlack Walnut, eiiher , . , i , . lofta .or eawvu .o uvtier sua, vva.noa Crotches the wb.Me to be delivered on Ihe l a. Canal, at or near Lewicbarj. Tor further par ticuksrs. enquire of AprU!3 C II. C. HICKClt, tewisburtt ' T X AT T CJ J'i9.Coii!i.i 5 Jjr i JVij hlesAc.oo ban J-ut the Cbronicte ctlkc, or nriated lyortfejill-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers