L.EWISBUBG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER To Delinquent Collectors. ALL Collector of Staie nnd County Tas within the county ol Union, knowing themselves in arrears wnh their Duplicates of aneailierdate than 1849, are requested to pay off their respective amounts due on or before September Court nest ensuing, otherwise iheir Ponds will be gien into the hands ofan Attorney for collection.wiihout respect of rerson. DANIEL HORLACHER, Treasurer New Berlin, July 4. IT IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, that no Millrrcan make good clean flour w ithout he hat good clean wheat. I suppose you wish to know the remedy. I tell ycu it Is to get one of Htrgstresser I I'h tut $cttirert,at Smut Machines. He Ix ing an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and tut in successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in ue. Any person ordering a machine and afterward finding that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as lli se ma chines are to be warranted good. Fuither rrcomnicndutions are thought unnecessary. He is now havin" a supply made at lrtis hurg, by Messrs. Geddes A: Marsh. Orders for michines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be tint and put to all order. Address j. bku;strkssl:r, Lewislurg. Union Co. Pa. 329 ' IM EAC H BOTAE-Owe Tahtw" Tiui Deem a day O-te bottls cimtainini; 61 dorrti lau Twnly4)e lay. Pritt $!. per Bottle, or Au Hatrln for PDBIPM. EXTRACT ft- now put mp in t'ART BOTTLKS, and i of the tame mrdtcat wtwmytk and ru-y aa thai in tire imall botrte. Tromtt tprinrity of This Piatrire, vrr SKrmi.u ml all' other itnilrniiciiK-, mav in sMtrn nn-at.r-l-iimiT-'.Hid from tbe f"Hrin farl.: KlT 4"TI- it n nmlm pjsxfi tara ac portMtt of it auedirait(m,tltr IV Kt Kmcncc ol Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, Cherry m4 t4annfnu Harke, miwr rtrmnoty, njor,- jM.m-rMy eimremtratrd. ait'l forger innti Uf of eack of (Imm pvryirrw tu nteh hutttr nf it iliauiesuji-i fitunJ tn any tsoult t ntt-linn eall.il Kitrict of Sirtkisanitsi ; But, S;ckiim.v tau TM I'airitirr "tmt iee tire Qrdicai rjfiriey and hniliMi virtue of merrrat other Uaatn. BitrkM end Wcrtablr, lite PraiFTtKC pmptrtim of which an greatly i1FKinft tO ii-trtiifirrita, anJ wtw-u ttnr an compounded will Strssfwit nttt, jWtW iWr. ('Arrry. ni Sanonn, tti-y make rrsraf-rtirtrn- nnffUirrfatx and . Purl Arr erib ISIe4 tn cat vsrtd. So true w tiii tiial to have every demtred mcdxut 'fret, tits l)oC is Wy Oaw Ta b lew ( f I, Arte a . But it i not an with V JTaCl of Surmtpftrilt-t, Wtt in fWiwqtience of mnftctition fin Lirjr hattlra) lafut? fo tinicli MTHkrSfw an 4 rrdaresl tbe t' SarsnfMrilla haa t Im Tws, Tbrrr or .!rr X Vv-h Tiikf, K-m-k, r Muar. fttsrt a Diy, h l'e M.y imedimt fHlTt; atni iu a Ixttti f Sitraaparilla only boM ufy-ur rjmfuim, tli-r'frf. nktm y KMniful at a do, aiul so sMny Uuam ly, wiii u u iMtUeuf kia Fr, Five, or Six Iny whir show th;ii a bottUtf lraail,f Pnrlflrr, will Ust from Twelve u Mxleea ivs tiuui a tii f 9Eara Parilta; and if iu daily nlicai rlttcary (iu vrntii damn. le a imiFVixc and II:i.i'mu at l)n daily flary d"Mv f Sarpa pari i la, iftn it I'aovr.s i hat Owe lnttlt ofMli atcainr.a is annb Time, h'nr, or i-'ir liaica more titan a bottle of' Sarsa pani. I'tm aiMri cofrnartxon duN not yrt s1hw thr prr-it Jijfcr ' ce in rutmr Irtwwu lire awrftrf rfirry of ttRiM't ri'R(l id Sa.iaii.i.. This will ap-ar hy Uie crrtihcaiLS uf :ora in HrumCt FmmpitUu aliowiu tbat ONE BOTTLE OF BRANT'S PURIFIER i 4i anore HTM-arv, and rwm star imgntrt blood dinae, than TKN BotlJm ! SriMirill. IT. tnm. Owr. BoTTt.r of Prairira m-Iin fiv (Kr Doi.Lwa, uwt UattUo Sjtriil.t .iouid svli fur Tea tmlfl. CANCEROUS SCROFULA Mr. J. B. HKi! f Rom. Owida Co., S. T.,wfio-as crrd of Scrofula in lhl. awore to Uw farU mm reJatl U-tiw. in an rvt.on in iIm St'rREVC Cova in th- 'ify nf .w !'HL. on tba 3Ua Jtocrmber, under the following c:mimtajKS ; A prrwrn tn lue O'ry f Srm Ytrk hai manufactured a:d t-rwled a yrisaa article of inedicinr, calling it ItaawT's lNOl!l MkDICINC, ir. imttntwm the yemmitte medii. II was prommld tn dfain damarfl. In thr Snnrvfu Coart 4 Uit tilT nt Nw Vork, and tn case waa rrcrrwd Ay (e tf.'ta't to J. H." Boswoth, Kq.. SI Liurrty irrt, an emirn-nt fawvf-r, at Hrfrrtm to tok Uk utimonr. Tht d-f-ndanl plnt.ltsl in mttijtm of dmtmagn, tliat Ur PnprMtorii of Kraiil'a Mcdicin iwl in luaratM publihc4 t AL.e statr ftrs tf eurm. and liad CAHnmiUcd a fW m thw puhlic. btmI. tlM-rrfrr, w ns ot entfik-d lo damr-. TiafcaM of Mr. M4ti wns sclec'v-d ' briny fir, and HaLtns was an a (rtfna iti rfanl to 1 t cT a putiUsocd, uid Am 'crfiswNy nuki; fH. m;tin..d ' - piibiiatti. Nr. H I a wrtl aquinT4 witb Rrant' ruftte F ' t-havM-4 it f Srr ". About 1b rr -. I w t aVt4 a ; I vraa'attmSra h arx-rvl -r lift nil t4d n i -t,alJ .t h Utat on irirdM-iitr nntij rtir v. In . . nrlirit m -.1 . a .tfnatM. far nrv mmutu brlim I u4 I.Vm' IWAr-,! 1.- nrH tnn. Wbr I uwmriK ur- Tir -, Arr I i.i.l U-a (- ,1 t ti 4 k.yf Uw; I roaM a4 nit In ft my v.l : mi W4 f'-rr m fr-rt f("li er rr w .r aa- r" f-.iwl r, . u it M Itflfl nml M - pi, mil? l-Mi"i p's- xi ihm .; klr w- r4'rt ri-Mr fm tf-j-r. ltit ni I,r--'-it in 4 out at k.fc ; an uk-vr w a mhiM-i if s m ha'l. i ildrr m nhH mi rm qitiU lrj", wb--u liJ ti m . Ir. af tkt v bn4) mM f lik-4 taUt ; an wfa- ntt t ta mriri4 nt) -Jl-l- ta mi etltMW mhn b hM rat-'t l Iti- Vhm- . 1 iuJ a ral ot:r kfa alsst. I aara Hrmmt t Arr ia ta'' -w . ftr- -i';b la-t 'n-a 4my. I ara a I ! t 4 ( iA.' 4 h.ntul at a . th tt b"4Tle trn-l.u i m r' ul-4 ha; tha araa-f bmlr I tA tl.a f ill ! a -Mil -i . n -a tivallirtwa' ar au LW mi s lltt I 'i"- rU Wia arw-f l Bl liMct. at K m-- tVnt--. -tar I trtAraa.U; Unb Klb Hr.4l K.ll 41.1 HV I HHt bit mm"mti atxNit aa Ufr a tbaaitd t lu' t it-- ai '.fr-f rW- I ad AtJ- a- , t. I. n. . i- a fKltrH'I I KK. i-t iMnr w t- Ac. tA MA I'tL'V L4Ki. shK ntcjyrs rdiiritLtrs. BRA NT'S-1 N D I A N PULMONARY BALSAM T'.ia Ha1am (..a--r U llic r'wa.taf and rifvta r,rfrof thr aUT.-nMi-d I't WMiv. Kxiaatr, and alfo ii, .M-a wv-ral oIIkt rrn dirnturtiP. awftf ir and J ,a.U.te,l toctirr COfliHS and ruXH'MlTUA .ifiui.1 .-arr f'.arta 'A fAajr. and rlm wli. rc r.-dtly and as easily aa Uie ISrifymg tUtrmct h ala aol s-urr'a rrtrrmmllf- . l H.-AKl3 f cures of tlir? aoat kl'tt i mistiniutitm titi.T irMV. it a!m-t miraculoits -lfi-vy in atf di-crca at tiM. I.I M.S. TIIKOAT, and BKKAT. a iyix wo3iax savf-d: CONSUMPTION CURED! V tw thr ffdloaritu; cvrli!ialc as a fat of cure, a huh na- prw! powrr to aac Ui, evun hn th- crson , nta to ta? in the ry last Ji?rs of r.Ut-iX, when Wtaa rWawmsry HUm ia ailmiiiistrn d : We gjve tli- Wowint efttincatr aa a fart of enro, whk-h $j! a to prove tht ftowfr tn aa-e life, erra mimn tlw prr n . tiiia ! ta- ia the v-ry la-4 ata-a of fxisteoce. whra Hiam' F4nm Pmimtonarg its mm ta administi-rrd Tma aar dui-s tsot stand alone we could duk MAXr cvatta u marrrlm and rtMfadi,C and Aaa'rcrf ot kptUm . and UatNaMada of caac called COSSI MP J'lON. 1 Hid t IKE wm edited on the wii of Mr. is PvaftXA-s ol the totra of MtMon, Srtafm Cm A'. lr. Mrs. Iyh-man was HrotaoniH-rd dyi-f, and Mr. Iyk-man wi-nt to flta rtor ot Mr. Joit Waft ti purchase rtntk for a Arr and other hmrM mottrwU, t-XN-etiu his write would aoon die. the was in the Jo afrot the disease -wm much mpprettd and dutrfrd and to rvii'vc her t rmt ditrtM, and wnnkf a aVwr pillow more oukjf, Nr. -vk. rmn was prrsnadi-d to fiiVt- Iter some of - BK AN I'd INIHAN PIXMONAKV KALtiAM. He tooktlie Hottrnm snma-witli the shroud, and S" a portion to faia wiii it r. 3k -d bT aite efMitinucd lo take it until hc Mt' Pad uoon hkaltii. and she hm rmnti timed tcU for mrmrtp ar trs Famphlct or prtirntars. Mr. lUiKMiM awoe' ti the anive Carta hrfore Tuot. G. T'H'KO, Kaq.. of HnlUtvu ., -.Hh April, IrM-. Tuo. i. otxo, llaq.t Jutie, ci rtiiM-s th t he has known Mr. Uykitnan niaiiy yfar and tiit Itr ia one of tiniest" trn-'ay and rrci4ttU citizen; and Mr. JoHX Wait. tlw m- r hnl ak w ot .-. mlto acrf .- to the pood chxr-M-b r ot Mr. Vukrmutn, and that he was ac quaint- d with mil tine facts, having heard them often apoa: .a ot ky iAcataa Brant's Pulmonary Balsam -ur.-a COysrMPTiOX Ch. CMd Spilt, uf Mood, Itirtdimg nt ac Lmmme, Vi in the Vraat and S,ir, AiAt 9rmU, Sert'fUS CvmpUimia, Pmlpitmtiom f the Hemr CWcra fmtmm, Ihjsnuery, Summer C mp!int, and ALL FLSilLH H LAAM-StLS, wifJtomi mmy JatUmg raafcwr iunTOKs iD rnvsiciixs kkohesd. 1 w l4ltwin;-n.imtt fwrsraml Plfirim have faUb 5 r. -..mu.. n.l.I UllAN rM MKlMCINfc r Or. N III BKAR. fcmf.d, I 'ana. Or. 1. K riMnit. Wi, rt.,i.. . Y. Ir HOS.-JUN. l: Uw, .tr., Brooklv., . T. Dr. T. M. HLNT, AutHini, N. . t-. Or:o. KRANC I.S. H,HdW.,wi,. Con. Hr.UKO A. HlH.Y.tl, Bath, N. V. Itr. Willi K. Fn-diU. . V. Or. C. B. OALKM INK, Ryrua. N. Y. Ir. J O MIII'MAN. FujftHto-TUU-. S. V. Or. J. i-KINKEK. Hrarjr atrm. KrouklTa, . T. Dr. U. SIIU'MAM. Curtiuui, M. V. For tiale bv Thoroion At ISukrr, lis riarc; EJwJ Wrln. firm Brrlin ; J Crnow. S.! ii;roe; UtFC Mnyr, Frwl.urg : H N 1 ' in, MiJdlrbur. ; Wilt Sl Eiierl, Hmtlk or ; Amn A Mrnch. Mifflinburg A ! leltrra anil erdris nul tt ad.lrrwcd lo V ,ilce dr. Co 106, BrnaJirajr, New York Mechanical Arts and Sciences. l. APPLETOS 00., NEW T0i Uatc in eomTH ptMicatum, IN PARTS, PKICE 25 CENTS EACH, A DICTIONARY OP MACHINES, MECHANICS, ENGINE-WORK, an ENGINEEHIN3 : Deugned for Practical Working mtn and thott intended for the Engineering Pro fession. Edited bg OLIVER B YR At', or mtrly Vrofenar of Miithtmatiet, College of Civil Engineers, London. Author and In ventor of The Calculu of Form,' The Xrw and Improved System of Logarithm!,' The Element! of Euclid by Colortete. etc. riMUS work ' of large 8o aixe, containing nearly Two Tbour-and Pages, upward of F if it-en Hundred I'ljtej, and Six Thousand Wood-Cun. It will preaent working-drawings and description of the most important machines in the United State. Indeiiendent of the reull of American ingenuilr. it will contain complete practical treatise, on Mechauics, Machinery, Engine-work, and Engineering ; with all that ia useful in more than one thousand dollar' worm of Iblio volumes, magaiines, and other hooka, among which may be mentioned the following : 1. BiMtothnthrqlU! aVa Arts ladtutrialft. (Mamun Paris.) 2. Citil EugtuMT awl Architect's Joarnal. (lamAm.) 5. Kr.jiiw. rauJ Mechanist Asitant. (Ulackic,laKow.) 4. Publication, toduatrirlle. Anuciigaude Aine, Paris.) 6. JamicKHi' Mechanics or Fluala. . Tri-atiae on Mechanics. (Poiwwri. wien.) 7. Allearmeiue Bauiciluni; mit AbbildunKcn. (fnrster, . Organ fur die t'ortsvliritte dea Eisenbahnwescna in tccbuirb-r Ht-iicbauR. (Von Walldcgg. Wietbaden.) . .lKTiu's lvaritbma. In. Byrne's Urarithins. 11. TIk MechanK-al and Mathematical W orks t.r Olirer Bvrne. 1 r-illiuian'B Journal. 13. Allep-incine Maccfjincn-Eiicyclonedie. (llulaaee,Iip- ti. ontraated. 11. t'ottnn Manufacture oflireat Britain and America l.i. Holiu.nel"s lurniug and nm-hauical Mauiiulatkn. l. Tlic Meant Knirinc. J. Bourne.) IT. Kitcnlwhu Z. iluna ,.liittpu-d IH. Tnlmild on the Meant Klioine. '.. Pike's pialbcniatieal and optical InstrumenU. ' au. IHctionaire des arts et manufactures. (LabonlaTe. I Paric.l 'JI. f-auxar'sCiril KngiDeering. ST. Ilruou s ln.ncaljr and l-) nanometer. leiwki 'Si. fhipn and nfrress of ruaun Nariiration. (Wond J Karai rur I'ludurtrie dea Matieres Textile. (Mirtk'l Alcan. P.trir.l 2.". .Marneill's Tables. i iri r's Mechanic's INicket llictniarT. psnion. I SI. T. ni.trti.n MilloriRht's and engineer's Pocket Com . J". I.nly an. I lientlemaii s lliarr. j 1.. Muriue U-am Kugine. (Brown.) :j. U eiriliach's Mechauics aud engineering, j :il. Tlte Matliematictan. (tendon.) I Ilurlow on trcni;tu of Materials. 1 .tt. Hunn's M.hauks. (Mostly.) M. llechauical Pnu-ideof Entneeringand ArclitUTture. I Jourual of the Franklin Institute. (London.) I ;!6. The Transactions of Uie Institute of Ciil Engineers, j Tile Artisan. W ealc, London.) i. Qunrt. rly Paicrs on Engine. (Published Eng. by Imperial liit-t iouary. flilasgow.) t 4i. student's ttuide lo tlie LncomotiTe. Lou. Ion. 41. Uailay Engine and Carriage Wheels. (Barlow, 12. Itecuiel des Machines Instruments at AparK ta. (Le Wane. Paris.) W. Ilucbanan on Mill Work. 10. Rennie.l si. Practical E&atnohi of modern TtMjIs autl Mrcliim's. s.'t. Itepcltoric de I'lndustrie Francaae et Etraugcre. L. Mathiaa, Pans. 4H. Treatiseon the manufacture of Oas. Accuni. London 17. S'tting out Curve on Itailways. JLaw, Loudon.J 4s. Il.-eon Uie team Entitle. 41. S-ieutitic American. Itailroad Journal. N. Y. Autertcan Artisan. Hecnanlca .wagasiua. ' ."t. Nh'IioIsou's 'PeU-rl Dictionary of Architeeture. : A4. Ilicttonaire de Marine a Voiles et a Vaoeur. Be ftoD- adHii. Pans. ! ij. Conway and Menai Tubular Bridge, fairbarn. ' llretV ttailaay Practice. b. Barlow s MatheuiaticaJ IHcUonary. I s. Ilowditrb's Navigation. i .v.i. tinory's Mathematics for Practical Men. Herbert. I I'si. EnimsTs' and Me-lialtiea' Encyclopedia. Luke ol. Patent Journal. London.) (. Krees' lihissary of Engineering. ti.1. Kiic'cl-.w.lia of Civil Engineering. Crasy. 14. t'raddock's lectures on tlie HUm Engine. . Assistatit Eiicineer's Kailway tiuHle. (Ilskoll.j 0t. Mechanical Principia. Leonard. The ereat ol.jeci of thia publication ia, to phtcr before practical iiefn and students such an amount j i ol theoretical aim scientiuc siiowitugc, in a con-' driieeJ form, as shall enalile them to work to the ! (irl aU'SlnajJ:, diiu a.uiu luoaas mmra .Mm they mi:;lit oilirwie comjiit. The amount ol ' uaelul inlurinatioii thus brought togt ther is almost j lie) olid precedent in such work. Indeed there ; ia l.aidly any sul'ject within its range that ia n.it : treated with such clearness and precision that even a man ol tbe moat ordinary capacity can j not fail uf understanding it, and thus Ic.irning ' from it much it is imHrtant for him to kno' Prom the aiinried list of the piincipal authors i i . I : . I. : 1. : ir : 1 snd auljicts coini rtsed in this work, it is si If c ' iJent lhat all citizen engsgud in the practical ' and useful art, etc., m y derive essential adtran ' logos from the Hsscsaion and study of this pub- ' ' lit si ion ; the following msy be especially deaig- i listed : j i Millwrights. Moulders and Boiler Makers, Arti- j j ticers iu Brass, Copper and Tin, Cutltrs and . W'oiker in Sieel in geueral.Carpenters, Brick-' i makers. Workers in lory. Bone and Horn, Civil Enginerra, Kailway Contractors and ' Contractors for Earth work and Masonry of j every description. Architects and Bridge Uuil-; , derr. Builders, Master Ma-nns, Bricklajers, Mnp Builders, Masters of Vessels, Ship Car- j prnlets, and others connected with building j and ducking ships. Block and Tump-makers. llrmp Dressers. Kope makers. Manufacturers j of Linen snd Cottoo Kalnics, Maiiut.irluivis ; j ot Spinning Mschinea, Roving Machines, Card ' Breakers and r unsbers, Urawing riames. ! Willows aud Tickers, etc., connected with l otion, I'iax and Wool Machinery, Calenders. ' Bleachers, Calico Printers, Cloth Folders and ' Mea.ure,a and neraons interested in Kewins Mscbinery. Anchor and ( bain Cable Manu- facturers. Cutting and Turning Tool makers, i Tin snd Needle niskers. Nail and Rivet ma-1 ...... ,....! i -H.I. V.-.l .... ters. Coiners, Leather Dresser and Carrier. Manufacturers of Great Guns and Small Arm, Candle makers. Biscuit and Cracker makers. Lace makers. Ribbon Weavers, Slooe Cutters, and Mai tile Masons, Dyer, Cloth Washers and Scourers, Coopers, Cider and Cheese Mtn ufsctuters. Crown, Ciystal, Plata and Glass makers. Sugar Boilers and Refiners, with Pro prietors of sugar plantations. Manufacturers of Hatlway, Bat, Round, Hiblon and Rod Iron. Wbe. I, Axle and Spring makers, Engine Dii vers, and persons connected with tbe l.:icomo tive generally, Engineers sndCsptaina of Steam Vessels, Manager of Stationary Eiiawse. Lumber Dealers and ownera of Saw Mills, Veneer Cutlers. Owners of Planing Macbine- ry. Corn Millers, and persons connected with j Bolting anil Uran separating machinery, rar. mers. and persons using Grain-shelling and Threshing machinery. Buhl Workers, C irvera. Engravers and Ornament maker in general, Persons employed in tbe manufacture of Gas, Makers of Copjier and Lead Tubing. Linen and Straw Paper makers. Ship Owners. Har bor Masters snd others interested in Diedging msctiinety.Well Sinkers, Astronomers. Philos ophers, and others using Philosophical appara tus and instruments. Minora, Engineers, and otners imoeao. -a i" ' 1 4e oeaUy repaired and warranted interested m Canals and Aqueducts, Ware-1 am fM , rie. GM ,j 8iwe. housemen, and other using Hydraulic Presses, Wllcel p.,,,,, Ui Anthers. Detached. Le Dynanometric Cranes, Jack Screw. Common j ne gu,,,,, ,J English Watches, Gold ud Feed Crane. H orkers in Metals and At- j vhti Bn-art-pina, Finger and Ear rings. Gold loys,Ttn Plate Workers. Spring msnufactu- SjTer e Slides, BraeeleU, Gold and Silver rers, Wheelwright, Clock Makers and Horol-1 Pencil. ,od Pens, do SpecUcIss, ogi-ts, etc CSstsilver Simons, Sugar longs.Combs, The publishers have expended a large sum of! money lo get original drawing of machinery in practical use in this country, and have procured neatly every work on me suDjeci, woemer puo liabed in Enetsnd, France, or Germany, tbe : moot essential parts of which being comprised in this Dictionary, render il a perfect sod compre hensible as possible. Tbe publishers have en deavored 10 u great economy in type, so thsi each page of the work contain at least four times the number or words found in the trngea ot ihe same site. This baa also secured to each plate working drawings of ample sise and clear iiee, so tbat a mechanic may construct accurate ly any machine described. Tbe publishers are, in short, determined, r raroiew of nwt, to make the work as complete, as possible : and it is boprd every ene desirous to obtain the work will prorure il as issued in numbers, sod thus encourag the , euterris. 1 auswii.ui auv.a aiuiuis; if pines SWI Tbe work win ba issued in sraw-avnUilr nusabsra. soap to aa ordinary tab of hot water; saix tbor " Jmwun' W40' " wiU v"enm ouchly logetber. tbea pat lbs clothes ia th tab, "tbe vboie work wiM be publish in -to Baiahrrs. at j and let thasii reraaia fifuwn minute be lore wash ets. per No., and reaapleted within UkrevrTent yeae, UVjo. . Jlli tbem out ; tbea rinse than thrnagh two Of 4 liberal diseount will be aud Is assasls. Say aass s-1 . . . . , . . nltt.nrtlw palalsawrtl tat adraan. shall reeei.t rh. ' rr '. "" "P Snd dry, This Waatling .rk Uirou,ch Hie pf-t-nK-e ft-ee of eawetu-. huture for sale by V. W . fCHAFFLE. The Summer Session of the LEWISBUftG ACADEMY, WILL commence oa Moaaa th J9lh of April. ItMtracllra will be giten, as for merly, ia all branch ea necrasary to a thorough AeaaeTDic course. Oar endeavot shall not be imply to comtaunicsl knowledge, bat to excite the youibful mind to act tor itself. When this is tally atuirted, the progress of the student becomes at oaea certain and rapid. The kind of learning which most of oar youth in this couniry neeii, i that aolia literature, which, while it mature their mind, prepare them also for the practical duties of li!e. Composition and Declamation will recti their full share of attention particularly the former. The Primary Department shall bare our special care. Fiom the disposition manifested to sustain the Institution, the subscriber feels stimulated to renewed exertion. The Session will consist of two Term of I I week each a short vacation intervening. Tui tion .$6 for the common branches, $8 for the higher English, end 10 for Language, per Session per Term, on half. JKO. RANDOLPH. March 27, 1850. Principal. Tanning and Curry ing FOR past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful ihnnks, and hereby makes known that he carries on the business of Tannlmg and Carrying, at the Old Stand. Determined not lo be outdone in the manufacture or finish of bis work, he is bound to have the beat work men and mnteria's, and to treat those who have so liberally patronized (as well as those also who shall be pleased tn patronize him) with that attention which he hopes to insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and Rark not refused, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March A.D. 1850 WIN FIELD WOOLEN FACTORY, Scar llarf letaa, Talon Co., I'a. fPHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal X patronage bestowed on his old estab lishment, bt-gs leave to inform his Iriends and the pul.lic in general, that he has now removed his Machinery into his New Mill, (Iho miles above Hartlrton.nenr the Turn pike.) which has been built and fitted upon the most improved plan, and will have on by the middle of April an entire new sett of JENKS- latest IMPKOVED MACHINERY, in addition to his already good sett, which will make it the largest and best fitted-up establishment within 100 miles of it ; and with the advantage nf one of the best water po arers. be feels sale in saying mat nis elllllxnlTeni is not ana sunn not uc sui- nnS!ie(j bv any in this part of the country He has enzaged a god sett of workmen. and is now preitared for manufacturing Broad and Narrow CLOTHS, Cassi meres, Tweeds, Satinetts, Jeans, Flannels, Blankets, &c. in the best manner, on tbe shortest notice. H. reduced prices. g7For the uccommo- 1 ... . - dat inn ( customers. Wool may be leu at the following Depositories : New Be tin : E Wilson' 8tor tMinagrote : Oasis &. Schnure do do John Hantaan Jr do Freeborg :fiFO Moyer do Middlebarg: Swengle&Haasinger do Adamsburg : Henry A Smith Oo PwonaVallwyNarrows: Mrs Moats do Miffliubnrg : Henry Gsst do Kast Buffalo : rlamorl Keber's Tasern Buffalo X Kosds: J M Creigbt' Stor Leaisburc : J Haves & Co do do Keber tt Idding do Weal Milton : John Dalesman do Milton : Masteller & Ssrenk do do Sweeney ft Haig do Litwity P O : Wm Dale's Hous I jinestone : Weidenbamer' Store Pottsgrove : James Reed do A good assortment of Cloihs, Satinetts, Cassinieres.T weeds, Jeans, Flannels. Blan kets. Slocking Yarn, &c always For Sale or Kxohinge for VVool or country Produce ,l. vm l?,.irv " """ CA R DiyG ami FULLJXG as usual. MRK HALFPENNY. Winfkld Mills. March 1, 1850 GOLD and SILVER Xt only in California, but also in Ltwisburgf A good assortment of Watchea, silverware at Jewelry, of fine quality and at City piices. Hatfield k Thompson Respectfully inform the citizens of Lewisbuig and vicinity, that they have entered into Partnership ,ne O0 gpAND on Market St, opposite J Hsyea & Co'a Store. liieirared lo execute every kind of work in their line, in ihe best manner. They carefully selected of th best English and French materials. Mainsprings Cylinders. Escape whea ls, and a variety of Watch Jewels, and fl titer themselves that their knowledge and skill in the hnsiness will enable them to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with patronage.1 FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex, Es carpments, Levi nes. Aochars, Detached, PMtnf I.aaara KruMlraL waul Muaieal Walr arc ate. in short, a little of everything, and anything else, not mentioning kniek-knatks, always oa hand or got to order A variety of Bras Clock for f 3 and upwards t wholessl and retail Person desiring to get things right, would do well by giving the subscribers a call Experience tell a that the Credit System can not a&rd a living. Therefore, in order to "push along and keep moving," the Cash 8ystera mad necessarily be enforced. Feb 18. 1850 A L HATFIELD. WM H THOMPSON. RECEIPT for the celebrated washing mixture. A OZ Spt Ammonia. 16 os 8pt Turpentine, 4 ail M atnta r.Mnhfis ana Sm k.u.1 T.L. at . i... :.. . , , - . THE ASSAM TEA COMPA1Y, 136 Greenwich St. JVew York. fPHE Proprietors beg to call the attention X o connoisseurs in leana me ncnu 01 families to the choice and rare selection of Teas imported by them, hitherto unknown in this country, which, by their fragrance and delicacy, combined with virgin purity and strength, produce an iniusion 01 ur nassini? ris hness and flavor. The Teas offered, are the following : Th Jeddo Bloom, a Black Tea, at $ 1,00 per lb. is ipuwn - Diari do 50 Osacca a Green Tea 1,00 Too-tsiaa do 73 Tirki-t.iaa do 90 l'd-fi Mixture, a compound of the moat rare and choice Tea grown on th fertile and genial oil of Assam 1,00 With a view to encouraste the introduc tion of these matchless Teas, it is the intsmlinn nf ihe nrniirietors to distribute b" i i . lot, among the ourcnasers, a quantity ol ... . i ' rt . v S. Tl . IT. ieas equal to tne first star rrjv Ihe sales effected. Each purchaser will receive enclosed in the packagc.a numbered certificate, entitling him to One Chance in tbe Distribution for every Fifty Cents laid out, and on the rmvinta amnuntinv to S20.000. the under mentioned rarcels or Tea, to the value of . ri,. l ra.ll 10 per cent., or two inousana isouars, will be GIVEN AWAY AS BONUSES! according to the following scale : 5 Prite 50 lb Ta each at f 1, 350 lbs. (350 50 t5 " 500 500 50 - io - 500 " 500 100 " 5 " " 500 " 500 250 1 " " 350 " 350 425"prixe. in ll. Ibi.3.000 $3,000 Those persons who prefer lower-priced Teas.ran receive their Priies in proportion, or they will be Re-purchased for Cash at a reduction of 10 per cent. i"n.r,i larmls Tntuir&d. AodIiCB- tions to be addressed (post-paid) to the Company Depot, as nbove. Q3m328 WORMS wobjis ! Various theories have been started rlative to the origin of intestinal worms, and yet the question is a vexed one among medical authorities. Of one fact, however, all are informed, and in which all agree the fatal nature of the influence they exert on children. Aa this season of the ear is one at which attacks of worms are most frequent as well as most dangerous.we take great pleasure in direct in;; the attention of parents to Dr.M'Lane" Vermifuge. It is one of tbe most extraor dinary medicines ever introduced, and ha never failed of success when tried. Austral. Ron Co, Ohio, Feb 18, 1848 Messrs J Kuld ft Co : W wish to inform you that w has sold all your Worn Specific left with us. We wish you to send as boom more as soon as possible, ss it has given general satisfac tion here. We have many call for it ince we are out of the article. It ha succeeded ll other preparations in this couniy. and for this reason w wish lo keep a supply on hand. R V M A PATTERSON. The above is one of hundreds of similar communications which the proprietors ol ;his medicine are daily receiving. Where il has been introduced.it ha become the most popular remedy in use. AGENTS- --C W graarni. LewUburg ; 11 J bhafrr snd J H Rastr. Milioa ; I Gerhart. Se linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunbury ; Mra M'Cay, Northumberland , M C Crier, J Moore, Danville iFrtttt nnXf ORNAMENTAL TREES. The anharriSer offers for sale a large assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peach trees, 20 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Pear trees, together with some 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best native and exotic varieties. Ornamental Trees, suchsas the Paulonia, Linden, etc. N. II. Persons wishing lo procure a quantity of the Fruit Irees.are requested to make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and size wanted. H. R. NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. Brandreth'8 Pills are sold at 25 ct per boi (with full directions) BY J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, and by osir one Agent in every town in the Union. Each Agent has a Certificate of Agency. Examine the box o' pills always and compare it with th fac simile labels on Ihe Certifi-.- le of Agency. As thero is a counterfeit of tbe mw label out, thi ia of much importance, the i is decided difference between the appeari nee of lb una labels and thoae of tbe count frit. The counterfeit is don on stone ; k. mm ...inai .!. nn UaeL Th anoearanee of tie printing on th counterfeit i ragged and Wurr ; in genuine isoet is ins my yum. neatness, both ia printing, paper, aad geooral elocution. Be very careful and goto th Agent,whn you want BrandreuY Pill : thoa yon are rare of Ihe genuine article. Whoa you purchase otherwise, inqaire of th seller whether be know the pill h offers yoa ars th geuaio Brendrelb's? Ev ery man know whether the anida ho often is true or false. Bewar of cheat ! 8flBwe. THE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 3 aixe. Coal DumcT for Parlor I six, 13 inch cjl. inder. Looi Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2 8bield Air-Tight Parlor Stov far Wood 3 sixes. Egg 8tovo th very best in a for Stores, Offices, Barrooms, aad Shops. The eeJebratad Gsnssss Air-Tight Cook Sloe. Th Coraplct Cook 9 aiasav Also, all kinds of Wood ud Coal Stoves Plough Castinos. dec. &e. CHRIST & M'FADDIX. Lewisburg, Dec 12, 1849. ANEW BUGGST for sale, cheap. For farther particular, enquire at this office. Lewisburg, Nov.7, 1819 "Small Profit stavd 3Iclt Sale." H. P. SHELLER, WOULD respectfully inform hi old friend and the trading community in general, that he ha. received a LARGE and GENERAL STOCK of Merchandize for Spring and Summer went and us wnbracing DRY GOODS, GROCERIF.S, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, FISH. SALT, IRON, tee. ate. These Goods we offer onususlly low for Cash Country Produce of all kind" and lo prompt snd punctual paymasters as ususL. Call and Sec ! H. P. SHELLER. Lewisburg. Msy 7, 1850. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & BRO. most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock ol English, French, German, and American Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che micals, Oils, Dyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu mery, Patent Medicines, Varnisbea, &c Having opsnsd a new More, No S94, Market at, with a fall supply of fresh Diugs and Medicines, wo respectfully solicit country dealer to xaaa m our lork befor purchasing elsewhere, prom ising on and all who awy fel disposed to ex tend to us their patronage, to nil them genuine Drag nd Medicine, on as liberal terms as any t.n in the Citvnd to faithfully leeate ""- " . - , J II order entrusted to us pronpny swu wia spatch. , . ilea of the nroorietora being a regular phyat cian, affords ample guarantee of th genuine mi .ii .n.elea aold at their establishment. Mim n.eiatl invite druisists and coaatry merchant, who may wiah to become agent for n- ir. r,l,hrnlrd Famtlu Medicines, (atandarJ and popular remedies.) to forward their sdJress. . Soliciting ihe patronage of dealer, w reepret- fully remain, J. S. KEELER A BRO., Wholesale Druggists, lyS8t No. 394, Mrket SI, Philad. TOY THE IIEU FIX!! WTKOFF k HOUSEL WOULD inform the public, that they have opened a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. VVykofPs old stand, opposite Hunter Pardoe's shop, where they . I.. ,H s.r)os ..sssssaasaaaaaaal keep on nana or mnu i Fancy and Common Chairs, Roxton Rocking Chairs also Burfaus. Tables, oeaswaas, of various kinds, oLal-swasl Settee&. ckc. otc. All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by tlie subscribers on the shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. . . The subscribers intend to be strict in ihe fulfilment of all their promise a regard work and so doing, hope to receive a liberal share ol JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lewinburg. Nov. 1849 PIT UK FRESH CO Hi ILiver dPit. TPHIS new and valuable Medicine, now X used by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula. Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, general Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, Sic. Sic, is prepared from the liver of the t OD-FISH for medicinal use, eapressly (or our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. U. J. B.WiLLiaa, M. D- F.RA, Profeseor of Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physician lo th Hospital for Consumption, &c , says ; " I have prescribed the Oil ia abov four hundred cases of lubeiculous disesto of lbs Lung, in different stages,wbicB has been under my ear th last two year and a half. Ia the large number of esses, 306 oat of 334, it us was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different eases, from tenv porary retardation of the progress of lb disease and a mitigation of distressing symptoms, ap to a more or leu complete restoration to apparent health. "The effect of th Cod Liver Oil in most of then esses wss very remarkable. Even ia a tew day th cough was mitigated, th expect oratioo diminished in quantity and opacity, the night a t eats ceased, th pals bees me slower, and of better volume, and lb appetite, flesh and stiength wet gradually improved. n conclusion I repeat lhat the par fresh Oil from the Liver of tbe God is aeora beneficial ia th treatment of Pulmonary Coosa mptioa than any agent, medicinal, dietetic ot regiasenal, that has yet been employed." As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head Quarters, it can now be had chemically pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of one dozen each. Its wonderful efficacy has induced num erous spurious imitations. As its success depends entirely on its purity, too much care can not be used in procuring it oastr ike. Every bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of tbe Oil, with notices of it from the Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER $ CO., Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, tySSft 100 North Th'ud8uPAi Wfi'a ALL KIND8 OF JOB PRINTING, RKATIT k IXPElITIiCSIT EXECUTED . AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE. EOVITABLE LIFE IN9UKftaJ, ussUf sMd Trust ismpany. Office, T4, Walnut Street, Philadelphia. CriTi, $350,000 Charter Perpetual. THE Company ar now prepared to transact business upon th most liberal and advanta geous trn. The ' authorised by their charter (ec 3) "to make all aad every insurance apper tainlng to life risks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive snJ esecote trust. m.ke endowments, and to grant and purcbas annaine. Th Com pany ll annuitio and endowments, and ct as trustees for minor and heir. Tnhle of Premiums required for tht Assurance oj S10U Jortmt wmoic isrns uj Ate. Prem. Age. Prem. Age Prem. 16 1 50 31 $3 09 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 53 54 55 66 57 5t 59 60 $3 36 3 49 3 62 3 77 3 94 4 13 4 32 4 51 4 71 4 91 5 12 5 33 5 54 6 78 6 03 17 18 19 30 31 33 S3 34 35 36 37 SS Sff 1 53 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 43 44 45 3 15 t 56 1 59 1 60 1 63 1 66 1 69 1 73 1 76 I 85 1 89 1 94 1 99 3 SO 3 37 3 33 3 40 3 47 3 54 3 63 3 70 3 81 3 93 3 01 3 13 3 33 30 3 04 The premium are lew lhn ny other company sod lb policie V"ut uvniag. -ried women and f.m.1 children can insure he Uses of either a hueland or parent Tree from the claim ol creditor. T.ble. of half yearly and quarterly n,eraiam..h.lf credit r.le. of premium, abort terms, joint livee, .urvivorship. endow ment and form of application ar lo b bad at laconic or of th Agent. Rates for insuring ltu on a single a.ye. Age. Forlyoar. For 7 year. PorLif. Age. 30 30 40 50 59 0 81 ou 0 99 1 30 2 04 1 29 1 64 3 70 1 86 3 07 3 94 3 48 3 97 6 03 A norsoa ged 30 year next birth Example: day by psying lb Company 99 et would seeuie to hU family or aeire 100 should he di. in one year or for 9 90 he Means lo them 31000, or for 13 00 annually lot aeven jeata u ...... 91000 should he die inseveo year, or for 30 40 paid yearly during lit h secure $ 1 000 lo be paid when he dies th insurer securing hi own bonus by th difference in amount of premiom from those charges! by othar office. For 49 50 tbe heir would receive S5U00 shouki ne uie in one year. PETER CULLEN, President. F. W. RAWLE. Sec'y and Trea. For further pellicular apply to HENRY C. HICKOK, Agent for Union and adjoining counties. Consulting Physician W. Hstis, M. V. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. July 31. 1849 LElVISBUHGJOUI.'DnY THE subscribers, thankful for past patro nage, would inform the public that they continue to manufacture all kinds of MILL GEJ1RLVG. Cast Water Wheels oft? 'Vf"""i Threshing Much'mes. One and Two Horse Ploughs. We invite particular attention to a new article Villa'. Patfit GAM PLOUGHS, lor IffdiBg il Grail. Farmers by this plough ran seed in as much grain, in noe day, as in three days with common ploughs. e0tin&0 itnO Cumins, and Fitting the same. HOLLOW WAKE. Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal. Fancy .Parlor, Wood, Coal Stoves, AIR TIGHT STOVES, Race's Seir-regnlalltig Air-tight Parlor Wood Stoves, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, and ai prices that can not fail to please. GEDDES cV MARSH.' Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 Iyg09 Pianos! Pianos THE undersifned continue to furnish lo order on ih ssuet reasonable terms. Pianos, from th manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Pbilad., hose instrument ar too well known to need any pan egyrie, having oniformlv received the commend' alion of lb most eminent professors and corn po sers of Music, aad the award of Ihe premiums in NewYor k,Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in lono up lo concert pitcb, tner can not be surpassed by either Amer ican or European Piano. Instruction given on th Piaao, as heretofore. Reference may be mad to any of those parents or guardian who have pupils committed to his charge. He may be seen at hi residence at Mra Mais', Market street, Lewisburg, where terms and particulars will b mad known. Th saost popular and favorite Airs and Music of different kinds received as it is issued from the different musical establishments ia th Citiee. May IS CHARLES KAI.1SCH The New Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where everv des cription of CASTINGS is kept on nana or mane to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved (faking Stoves, for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of s t n V F s also PfaOITmiSofdiffelV ent kinds Cora Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the fetf-ShourpsHiing Plough, a new article, and which can not be beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1849 COAL T?0R sale by OF ALL KINDS T REBER'dt 4 IDDING8. Lewisburg, June, 1819 "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful disease, COtlSUMPTIOri ! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in LewislurB by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at this office. Price. 75 cents. tricks or nvAcna. 1st Evstsod Rsad rr cJ.ru..-TJrs - r a kVsaparilla foe saw m lh d.llrra.4 "? "T WrJs-nrTs k,raiarll!a. b a. tsni-.d a. tt.. t.KK.l. AAlCENtlSF..airf all tnal. Tills T.wo-wl iano.l.-lot Siiirerwa.: but a (.wmerty a.worko wsstf la,ad ih. I.U- l a-aumw th. till, ol l-.or far ih. SironLV o ..nu. emlil lor wbal h. . "'J"?, ' 'wo lucOical schools, and pr-tirl lor Bl.i ri ' Nw Ui tru.h is. he never prart.J niacin, a Jar In bis life ! ieb VW. ! n.l.rr.rr'..-u looks had u the character and seracny of llw nui.. I t J Sai .wccr.lT, hr had nr.cr ma.fc lho atah.n-a.ts 1. ieTolif m. Wbso will .nr.. Iran, to b. fu in all ihcir dratm-s and mwreoun with their fc!. !n.n5 H. applied l on. RucI f :a.. I" a-ua h.rninn.u . Sleiar hi. ..mure. .mf il- Us. sun-h. an Ma.c.uint to nnlsirk in the busuarw. 1 . men has. heen inulii..;; ait Uhrllnu! .... in aj ; . .,nrrn th. duUk aiihtheheiier it. ; be Old lector's Sar.nlla wss r the av.w. wity v SarmrnrUlo. made Irom th. i s Or.ol 3.. .- me TI.U.S. P. T..witen. says I hare aot.l lb. in. ..I ... nanwIorSTa wres- m ."" - -dues sue siiwle aolitary pro-l of uus. III. stairmtni. o: - lur.ii.n.n m I'u.. are hin but a ll.oi. .t fclsehoods, simply nwle to .lecrire the public and a-f. Ih. uuth di.wn in mtard to hli ar, frrmtntmg c uoumt This t. to rautlnrt the public tu purcba--. Itune Lj lid Or JACOB TosruarikrHSaropiiri la. ha.li.Jon . ..- fH4 Doctor'a likened, his umWy t'nal of Arm, a:k .J Safnatareacrcn. the Coat of Ann.. Old Dr. Jacob Townsem!, THE OB1C.IVU. KISCOVKRCR OF T1IK Genuine Townsend Saxsaparilla. Old Ur. Twnseil w ww about 7 ?1rY,,f .'.'ii him" l.ma....laure. by winch mean, ,l ha. Vrr, le,,. aU of market, ami Ihe lcs c.rcun.-rilJ lo J.ajr .,!.. . . lL7T".Zi ... ,nh. kre.wa in ralue. It h.i I rta.-!,'l I theears ol many. ', t"""? ,'"J brcn bealwl d "ore awwr sua - ci.r.ed tta wiMt'lerfi.l UKAIJNC POWER. ThtRANUMt.tt-.l.li:lr,KI'.PUATIi . BWllllacturcd on the larael cale.aiat H calle.l .,, outlh. Irnsih and brcadTh ol the lao.1. e?s ria 11 found incapable of ileeirulio.i or delerlora'i,.". I'nllk. room S. P. Ton"l. It improves ,;, a.f. and nser'chaiu;es bnt filhe beller: orca.we n n,nai- ! on mrirmtilie mrtnctjJ' hi a m-irniitr man. llie lue-' a knowledge ol Cheiiutr,ail the le.l Oimi"W. art. bare all been broiistit int.. reqif liim tn 'he ii,4;iut-tur- ol th oid Ur'a Sn a,,arilia. The ftui,u..t f - . H is well known to mediral men. on'Sim mn3 mi .:c,r,.u nroueniea, aral some .irio wl.nh are nu ..- i t-. and others, which it re'aiiwJ m pr. ,,ann; It lors-e. ;.r :. frrmetutuion and trid, icli w liij'iri.'U, io lie tern." Some rt (he .r,-lrtle. ot :i'a tre ."... lhat the. entlrel, ea",ra'.e aivl are lo t ;. Uie iH';tr. : . II llwy arc n-rt ,re-rved liy a ctfryic .'re.-.-, k,...i; l lo th.-e .xrteuced Iu II" r.i3.,u-jr:urr. M ie, .er. Iheiv Tmli!e .rtrn tjr... which ri oil HI ..o.. or . :. -laaUilun. un lcr he n. are tbe v. i nttrntioi wedW t-s. srr.'es ol tlaf ruM. which ff.ve to u all K r.ilue Any person ran bil or the r ti'l tl t '- colored llti.tit. whici. is it.-re Iron, the c.d.n.T mjf'rr the rooi than iroin aimhius e's. ; the, can then -Iran. lii.li. id or a,id ti.pn,l. -w.eiin will. -"r nio.a---.auJ then call - S t KS A f AKII.I. i:TRAtTur fVtl P Bin sia:l. l-n..i llw arin-k-ktrtwn as ihe GENL'INK UU llt JACI IB TOW .NSKM'd SAIISAPAKIIJA. Thi is to pn red thai all the inert rrie. f. :e .irsa,arilla rK are nrs rene.red. evcrviluii- ca.ali e-.I becoming acid or Icrutcutatton is exuacttd ai:J rr;.," 1 ; then every , .ancle tt nielic..l ,.niw la srcor.- l m a pit and eonrentrate.1 tonn : -tl lltns H M reihlere.1 u.cajMH sf toaiiiaanv ol Its smIimIiI. a.i,l Iwalinif pr--nie. r e. pared Ul litis wav. It l. nia.te llie n.-t ,wert'i' !r:i' In tl.a Cure mf lnrinmerble Dlsea. Ilea?, the rraM, wl.. we hear coniiiieTilaiiii- on ccry ahle m lis favor U n.eni, wotnen. and rlilldrc... We Li.t rl dome wrm-ier. in ihe cure M ....... V0.SI;MI'TI. HYXPKPVU. !rl l.ltt.R- VfiMPl.At.VT, e.i4 ... HHKIWIATI-SM. sfl:,f. VLA. l'U.f.:s: t 'lSTH K V.vv.v. all I IT.I V;. Ot.V KRUPTI'tXS. Pl.VPLKS, HL'iTVHLS, Snd all allection. arl.iic ir,.m IMPURITY UK THE BUK)D. fc porvjaeii a pijirvrllou rdicart m aTl rriuUit.l ri. mikft froin huHt;rti"'U xom .id'Ut? th srvmurh. iwu yiMNiual cirruUlMKi, itriiTinirut'liHt !(n-1 t ih tftul. mlpiutiim HIV hrart, cuU! fpfi aittl h..ttK .! chuH uHl tux llasiheai iTr lit Uay. h box not it in f iJ (VnfeVi; aiial pivtiXHra ecv esMcir.Miii arnl aS-wlr riv r anon. rrUiiii-; Mricturci ol tlc Iuiijs tliraal tinl eer QtstVn'taUt. But in irot.iine i ix -!trc:.fr,pir m-'n mahirfiTy J sKaUMwicaJtrriJ tit in all kiivlw ru otia-r-- m 'FEMALE CtiMPLAlN TS. It work. wou.JVrt in a-r- l Kw.r A bu nr WKifa. Fnlhn of the UtfeiaA, tmctri. Stepprstt. tn Pun'- Mrmsrshririi'tv MUte ntrmUU-ii (cri'Kl-, ut ihe iia- . sji is elWtUdU m curittji a'l the lrt- ol Kittirf thw. By aTnM.triu? obruc.iim. -unl rtpilatin; tl prarr. avvnem. u pirex iun sutU sutujtli to the wit le b.i. ai.J (bun cur nit form' ot Wcrvosii Diwaut a Mi DrMIHr. and thus prevents or rrlirvc rt f nrat varirt "1 o- ivr nr.. thr. a SpfntU irritation, Xettra'eiit. St Vita' Vann, Sirenming, Ertilrptic Fire, Vonruisti. r. It etaiw- in? blowl. etti the It.er to health wot. toDpa th atomarh. umI sTic foti inctta. ie-- u buwcl of torpor ant) cjtiitirpaitan. allai iniUtnm unn. i ; nfiea the akin, tu.ilict the cirrulfeiion ti the btm4. ,tv KinS emie maxru.h c.uHy all over the faoUy. at J ir- Mawnnil.ie pprxpiratioa: rvlasex nncture atI us'htnr.' moTea all obmrucf ion, and uivioraica tt twue iirvt rwtrrn. ! not ihu tlu-n Taie Uf esilrlne yoa pre-rmlir aatly nrtti But ran an nf these ihm he ajhl r! S K. T-wifwat; ttilrf ior anicle Thw rtinr man" )itTitf w i't u V COMPARED WITH THE OLD 1U S. beraue nf rme CRAM) F (T. tint tlie one w IV-AT A. BLE 64 DETERIORATION, amf NEVElt while the other DOES muring, ftrwmtl ne. ai.J V.wg the bottles rontainiti U iwo tra;tirui : ih- -ar. ar-1 liqaid cxploJinff.an.1 dama-m; threto'!..' Vun norribte ctnipoiii,tl be Hisrtiiiii to ih 'varum '"' :' put acid into a ttfttem already diirasrd tri'haciJ ' W cauara Pyafiivia but ari-I I IV vre not all k-t -w u: ! for aonra in onr fliintcis, wliat riM'hii'f it T-Ii. ' -sWMiilence. heanhnm. paipiianun l ih Icar. iiw plaint, rimrrbo-.i. iWenrrT, roln. an-1 emruf''i"U :r blond i Whai r Srn'tula hut an it hmittr in 'hr t S What prodncett all the hninorj hih hnr! on Fni"'f"" 1 the Skin, Scald llta.l, Siit Rl.ruiti. Knwi-'v. Wii'j Swellinga, Fever S"re, ami all ulreraiuons ir.:-irw4 sn! lernal 1 It ia nothiue uikler h-a-cn hut an ami tiN-rJ:H'-whKhamir-. and tlmi .-piU all the ftui.1 i thr rvi.n'r or ksa. What tauten Kh-uinaFini but a iut a;i-l f'1 fluid which MWMiu-tn it-rlt heivtifti thf t-.i.." ant h where, irntatin anl iaiLsiiiiivr 'If di.-iir.i'c whrth it acta I S uf ntrvnua ih-r .t -ha blonii, of iletaisiietl cirrulauon, and li'-itrfv ai! tiw ar'i-"'- which -ilTlict human natur. Now ia it not horrible to nuilc anJ wl1, and rV' worse to una tlir SOI RING, FERMF.NT1N. r(T - tOMPll'M" s. P. TowxsF.xn, Ukd vex ba would tain have ii umtrrMoori lhat Oid Ir J Sob Towifsewre tlmHnt ftriginat SarsaariU is an IV ITATKN oi hta inferior prei-arar im Heaven (orbid that w- huld U.al in an article r.-'' would bear the morH dmaut ir?eniblaiice h S- P Tc arnd'a article f . Wewiihit unJrrtno.1. becarr it i th.' ofi,' f that S. P. Towttwrnl amc-c ami old lr. Jan rwrt-rw' Saraapanlla are kravrn tridt ajutrt. and imdnttr'ti ,l'ir-" iiar; that tbey are unlii. ia cry pir!if.(ur. .aw..: v ooa siiisfle thitiC in e.inimeii, Aa S. P. TowiiwtJ i ik Atrror. and i.'rr wy. f abeniiftt, no phaniia utit fciw mre --'tc,"fi' ffcaaaafi than anoihrrfn.n--ti. tInrI.tll.lIl'-f,, Bian, wliat gturrant cm ihe public hrr th ' 1T caivinc a itrnuine Mir uit lie it7HlH-iiie.riiia.ui:-i' 1 ; tumoi the artier iitard in prerwrine; it. ai.il wm -h j capable of chance which mi-fai midcr tlieui llw .list-1-i Diaaar wtTd t halih t But what el ahoutd be evprcted rtm onr ho hn Hothin; comparatively M medicine or dt-c' T I' rfii';''1 pemn of aome experience lo Ctok and aerre up t Commou tbtcent meal. How much nuire ini-o'if . " that thr nrisna who manufacture mjric.t Jesim" WEAK STOMA 'IIS AMf KNFEKI1LKU SVMtM-- ehould know wrll iha uiedicat pmpen ie oi phn'Mh"1 aaannerof awum? ardciHrrentnsufts thetr lira!m-rvir' also an extewive kntwlfnl;? . the aru'iu tlw' ni adet the auman aaum.and how to adaix ir""1 Iheaa diwa-ani ! . h ia ta arrest frauda upon the nnfornna'. P0"' kilo woamled humanitv.to k mm lie h-e in the booom. io restore health, awl bloom, and viifor nU cruribei! and broken, and to b.tnih innrmity mat i " " JACOB TOWSEl ha HKJtillTaAd FOl .MlWWF eOrt unity ami mean ta bntu; hia Orwael Vnlvcraal Craairewlr-ate J within the reach. anU to the knowledira ot all ho u that they may Irani and know, by joy nil exi"neiice, i" AcrvTS for the ahnvp Mpdirine C Schafflev Lewisburg ; John II Baser. M i ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, orthunit ONE Buggey and Sett of Harness, One Two Norse Wagon, One Truck Wo, For sale bv HP SbcKer SXNs aia -V- -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers