KKWigUUUU CllKOMCLiIO AM) WEST BUAXCI! FAK3U.Il IMogate Meetings und County Convention. Tin; Democratic Vliig vn'.ers c-f t'ninn cmMy will assemble in their respective eleclinn districts on atlttja Yf the 3d day ol" August next, and elect livo Delegates, Or. LLIIfVx SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, AllfcAU UF ALL OTIIi:i!s! The Kuvy of all I'll Manufacturers, I EC USE ihry are safer, better, and incrc ) elliruciuus than any other. jOO.OOO I?C Large Suha Laic I'rica j i U I fear. fir each respective 1 Jisirict. lo a'tentl a f ... r. .: i.. . I. ...11 l. I. ..I i ... v-urny miu-,.;,IUi, wine, ... ..c..i o. (lave ,,cfn 4i)J anlluay fr ll;e asl five VCarj Aew lierlin, on Mcnd o , I tie oh day of ! vut,, Axn Olu, Mils and Ttfrnt, August next fur the purpose of nomina'injr j ran aluays take llicin with equal safety, w itlioui mdidaics fur tins Itillouiiig ullices, viz : 1 (jiiorcsstnai), I As-einblyinai!, I'ru- !(: unitary, Prosecuting Attorney, Cuunly S'lrvpjor. (immi-siiiicr. Stc. I!y order uf the Why Stniiding CVniYe. um. van ;r..Kit. a.'n. Sew Iieilin, June 'Z7, lc50. Drlcate Medina. The Demot-miK cit z-t.s of l.'iii-n c tin fv u !rl inert sit tin ir reixrtive I'll lioMini! i lerliitis, on Satlt.pav llie Hl:h rfiy uf August, a! ' o'clock. I'.M , to elect inn delegates, for each di-tri'.'t, to ineel iti ' utility t otiveuti .ti .'A'j'riH'. For tin; i irinw: of noirun i-i li liirj c itid:'i t'cs f ; ( .n'a tr.-s ami Assen hi, ocnerirl arcti.l.itiiv is rt iiiO;t d. I!.- order of the Svir.d 'oinii it'oe. , J.iiie 27, l!sai. J M. I5AU.M, di.'.i. i Jj U necrttara for urging and cleansing the ciioiuaih and How. els. anJ purifying the Ulood anj fluids of tl.e lio dy, tnke no others far no other piTIs produec tho.-e combined ifTecIs', or cotiliiiri arsaparilla in thim. 'uf, Diinli and 7A'.-e as tnutif, anil pursue your ur'tir'.l occupation whiUi l..kinr? llii-m, vtirhoul fcit uf taking cold, during all kill of woatlier. One Thousand Dollars ul ; aie wncrf.l i!nl more nuint cenilu-aiva (from li.-irmits. i li rnymi n, Members ol Coiigren. anil , resri ;lj(i!e t i'iii-ns) cm be iroduceJ ol ilnir j t'.'lvacy tnaa ol anv olluri. aiul I ' Tli.N UOI.I.AKS on A I ii !ay me I z n ; . f(f,.jt.j i tvrrv i,iar h.-re (li,e li is wi!l 1.1,1 Jj moie good ll.an To Uojcs of J OllUfj. l-'ortv PiMs in a liox ! I iir I I .it 7 ut nt y-i'ivr Ctuh a ft.r, w iih ilhtcOons uikI mucii Ako!c.o.ue advice accouij'a- li; il'fi I IK'll Lox. I Htl'ORT.IXT tli-i lnvins iinfurHi. ol t'.o l:...d. ilUA.NTf I'l llini.Mi T!;tJ lio inot v'.oiiikit..l ruiiiicr in ifu ' f ;.!. is it.uv 'Ut iiji i;i nr Um rn... ; Si' - !..i(ioiikiiIs liiMdoil -r.l Iil." It i :.tz ai.l 'UMl mi:, lliat rur t .n!c U-ts i'r ti , : i i.i!icn davs lon.cr tlian .if-j, niili. I'r ( !!i .niton .V II i W. as- ut; l.cirtm-s. v;.i.:fM I I- .i THE "MAMMOTH" WiOE AWAKE I ami jVtiit" iri tigtii' hi imnl with it stuck of snods l.AUwlt.lil-jTTKU imJ ClllvlPKII than ever! A' J- have jmt received and arc no opening I T a lare and riileudid assoitaienl of Spring au l !S u m titer eaibrai in;1 everything a laplff lo the varied waul- , and la-tes of ihe rominunify, and af piTcea thai ' can iiut fail to iive universal s.ilif.ictioii. t '1'be I, A 01 are assured that we tiave a better aoilaient of IM't'ss (;U(ls tban ban eer ; bten preseiited in Ui market. We have every iiiality and description of (initleinoi'H unit Diesn (iondi, t'asirnjres, 'e-.jni;s, Suminor tulf. l-'.incv 'raraN. Ae. A splendid lot of H A I H. T AI'.' and HO.N'.NE'I S. of llie latift Myli -a IM'bons. rio.vers, SSiiks, ralicoen, Lawns, Uiinjliauu, Ac. I l.ird'.vare titiecruwart (Jl.isswure, GROCERIES ut ail kii.Js aU a latie sstot k vi Plaster, Salf.aiid Fish, at very low prices for CAIf or ('OI.WTKV l'KtJDI X'll of all kind at Matkct prices. J.& J.WALIaS. Lewiajblirg, April S:J, I Soil STEAM ENGINES on sdLi:. XK of It) lior.Nt- iruerf with c,nr flue boiler can be seen in operation. Une I' 5 horse roer,vilh two ftylrnder boilers Iwilh niRiie of ti.e hfsl materials, and war ranted jiOrlect. l''niif.'ire of J. SJIKOL-EY. ?.! ichinist, Coliimhin, Pit. Ii K W I S J U 11 (i irWe-Ve .j- iii.Ul (a iir;nluute of tl.i- lJiijr.Tfitv or P.-iiioylviinia. j l'liyolc luii X Snipeoii. yC'il'i.-e, ojijiositi J I tixK villi's Il el: IHtffltntmva, ! Union county, l'a. J me Vi, I "(). :5in l J Filcsl Arrival ! I f II W IX it O. lake pleasure ia ami'iij i tl i cinj ! ihe putilio ib.il we are now recrivin j Irani the city one of l!,e l.oue.i. clieapri iind be-t StuieriKitti latel V occupied bj' S.SJ.IJartOU selected stock of oud, ever red to the public. , j;e Kluic'; Intel are t:ow op. ni.14 . o lalior ha bu n -pornl to render Ihi if !ock ,, , , o l ! cr,,,,,,:,.,... and t.. obtain arti, e-.f ? ,.m! .... ,1,!., so. selected and fXtPriMve .tuck of iln- FllES-lfGOODS &, O. lake plea-ure ia ami "jr.-' lI .WING lormed a L'i.(r'U.rl'i' "'" i' IX Mercantile bnsinc.,-i, and enlarged tin- Hut II can tie relied upon fir.! wli.ileter llu i:i:ill oiler for .sale will be jut wlut it la reprt aeiittd. They ba-.e an ficil!ei,t asson:;.?.":-. of :!ijndize, con-tialing of n. GROCE- To tho Volcrs of Union county. I "'KLLOW CII'IZKNS: I oiler m- I as a cam! date ! , r tin: ollice of I'll ' l il' I.NC) 1' WW, (-ii j -ct to the dec. mi 11 i f I lie Ietiiocra:ic Whig (.V.iinty Convention.) Si. .mid 1 he noiniiijlt d and elected, I sduil ei. 'eavor M dischargn the duties of said i :v;.-e to the best o( tnv al.ilrv. I il.M'S, Ji:. New 1 r i in . Jaly H, liat'. U.N'i VEJiSITY C'lli' I I. AI! for the Academical Year com- i nunemg Oct. 1 1, 1MIU. j COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Kx.rcised in jiclliriz, Krudin, L)4 fuuiion, j Kiilisli (jr.iminar, Aritlniieiir, (eoi.ipliy , llii- j von SALK. Tvvi i v.i-' III f .4Fki' 11 !;- M A K'll IIO!l--luS. AN,., a Lenti tii'ul Mack llor-c. Kntine at this ollire. July 17, l(sj(l. Is Public Gale. ioa nl ol 'Tru-Ves of the L'niversitv "is!,tir, hi 1 i.ll'er lur sale, on Tursday (lie iTIIi .111?. next, a nuinher of handsome EUILDIWG LOTS fiV.iantly situate I on the I'mversity 1'iii ir, between I lie ( 'erm ter v an I Lewi-ljuro al-o, srnie LOTS? on tiie Km r Unad. S lie to cuinnienep at 1 o'clock, !'. M.. when conditions will l.e made known bv the saiJ TUL"s5TKI-:S. " l.ewishurg, July Hi, !SjO. MMIK '.to a 1 at ! rt'Hiitni'i. w Is , J'nlmjf, . IIJI ) Mir. i. null I' M.I. i;. j A. i! i l.if,t..i f III- t ittfttl. ' ' t iitttti.rt I', Mttitl.ilttl. one bavins cure tkcn thrni niil be aitlini; ' ntu re. lids to ik any others, because lliey al aava d i g.i id, and if they do n.a, then no o'tiera i I. , Er. N. E I,idy. Trc rropri.nr and Mar.n'acturir. ; is a n -iilar liegiit, ( luiuist. ami Physician, ot ,' ; 'liven yrar' . t. r,.n.c in I'bilidt l, hia ; (irjd- ' u ito of t!ie l'nivirity of I'eun-v Iv aula ; Mern 1 berol .iilb rtt l Medical Instituiions of rbila.'el ' hia. ic.v York. Hasten, Ualiiinote, Ac., and , 1 a-si'Ciiite and corie-poinliii!; member of several i Medical lusti'ulions of London and J'aiis, Ac. Orrinot. imi I 'in si rio. I!i ware of all pills c lied ly names nearly simitar, got up to be toiy I .S.A., lVunianship and t'oinposilioii soiii on itie reputation i f lr. Lndy'g S ir-ip.ulIU HI. md Till.-; llie first Sirsajianlla pilts ever in 1 iroibired an I the onlv pill- eoiitaii.in Sars-ipTril-la. 'fake u-i others and von will not be deceived. t libers by siinil .r names, or neariv similar, are a ' liross baud. Ifen are, then, of Imposition '. ! ' J I'rincip.il IVepot, Pr. Lei.lly'J dispensary. Nj. Ill .North Kof'KTH 'I, I'hiladclphii and sold u hole-ale and retail tie ' W s( II IHI.K 1 .'i-l. .ire: : .1 H l', ifr.l . l.-r. i- li-rliu:.!. V . T:t lor. J. & .I.StiUt-r. Mirtimt nrt ; i i I?. A Imuri . S lai-in vi. : Vi'iuim:in A W wlo r. 1'rv Vall.-v: Sj-.it .v Mi, r-. K.-llv l:.-ii.s: I., li. Knhn-r. M K.s ' . f'.iltJ- Tiir.;,.- Il.st'. r. STi..i.i. tin Ham : l:..t rt .-until. liiitl-liur : II. A. Stinlti, Ikuvertown : lli-nrv' Siailli. A'lain-tjurir: 1. S lloytT. Kn--burp: Willi Kil'-rt. Itarth'tl'ii i KI'skierA ll'tiisch. IVntrevilIr : II. J. sheaf li r. M:ll..n: I' I. I'lonu r. Muu. : I'r. .1. VI. .1 u.t.l. illl:iiii-; rl : an-t Ia I'roists and Stun U . juts lliru nut 1L I lilt. 'I -till- LUMBER TOR SALE. f Plin su!i-.rriber having lea-ed llie Hurl; j L il-ilc Sair-Mill lormerly know n ;is j Ifouohty's in Suoar Valley, Clinton j county. Pa., and bought all tl.e stork and fixtures belonging in ihe same, uuw oilers i lor sale 100,000 ft of LumlH-r ! at said .Mi!!. Orders will In receive d fori any kind of Lumber, bv the ni.ders'otied ; at Lewishuro;. or bv ins Asreril. Ss.CSiii:!.- ' I leu, at said .Mill, in Snaiir YaMev. j ii. i'. siiKLLi-;;:. t L'r.visbjrg. Junij 3, lfcat) G v RIFS. . - ' ; a i)vy oods, iiaiidwakk, i'L'tlkry. rOfi:inili. Ht-ar!v7 nvere ,.. I ..II f1!. i . oi.t or. 'T rS i HCDIIvU'l r . . . . ... . i , . i v-.ij uiu.ic u.-uam riiu liters- I CM 1 .rfn.vv "t'';l7j ''''" '; Pt" ; te l under l!iis bed, !.,,;, a.c Uroad- 1 A , ronatte, would i.'ifurm Ins luei..li -j,d pun.ic ,lolhs. I'lain and Kane. I ,..i SALT. MSh. , u ilii'i ill v that he h:is tusl ree'd and iu csiiali'titly ' 'fvMcd- (,'a- i- .r. e. . I . 'i . I' M . f', - - . i lfclo , asi.ir. I.i-, j li;i..ett.J.. t itiliirii't.ios ! Ii nrrotiiru I ii: I 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 r I I II r pi ...it.; . ... .,'- . ,. ""- ' , .......,-, ,, iirf-., uagjiuj, I ot- t a and ib-nip I'uptt I'i.iin. I'iaii) and 1 amy ;o!-,, sen iien particular reiiienre I. the tatc tin. 1 i r i i X wT t convenience of the l.a.li.,-slHhasth,:K,a.l.,!L,ir. h "P "Oil, iSSlli, I'Uid. 'Jii'i.adine, and Foulard siil,?, I'ljJ arid i t'f.'! Spikt'S, J I .i't f - imartiue Oivlnine-;. ,raiie finished. Ft'. I I .- ... and fiun Linen Lu-tr. s. liar. J iKshine pr.7.. i 1,,,W iUC' '-' "U -Mflal tJ Fum-li L.aiis. Silk Mti-itn. Pink. liiilT. ! "i r- n- r;I asor.int lit ll.an j English Dtpartmcnt cf the Academy. I The fame siutlics as in the Primary Iltparim't , CDiiiinut'J in the u?e of larger U'Xt hook ; ami In j these arc added (icncral History. Alii bia, Legvn- tre( anil hlt im i;U of Surveying. Classical Dcpartmrnt of the Academy. Tt rm Jit ai r tunif elu.ts. I. r'IiIi lirmiu.-ir. l-.itiu fifamuiar. trithini-tir'twr. .Iivijf.iiji. t lie., ;r;iiiti . 1 iV- un !(nlit ae in I. Trrm, n1 I't nmnii-Iii Ki'lili .i:iiui:1:tr. t'; -;ir. K ril himtic itii-r I t. l.-t il:v,n.ii. ini k (r;uiiiii;ir. H.rnrv V.S.A . iuuu-!iij. lli-iik kt jiiinr. Srnittr Artnft mic f.A. I';tar, (.Ir-ck i:ai--r. AliTt-l-ra Kit iut t .Kin-Hi. .I- .1,. do do do rout jilt tt-l. ! ue- ral Ilii-t'ry, Eii;r1i.-h Ijmtiao and ( 'oiupuiitu n. M tip SM"L ANbKRSdN, Fashionable Tailor, In the no brick buii ling on Market street, one door above j C. L Uoncs' ."stoie. CLT'I'IM. and MAKI.NG d-.lle to order. .' LewU'nurg, May H.'itl. I rCfiimn Ir.-.ti rtiioiili of Iioro ' .Medicines, Drills, (Miernicnls, I-.-.trf.cts, flerlio,' !'Ji)ts, .M:neiuls, Tne hirn, Oils, Kssences, Spirits, (iums, i'!istL'r3, and o'her uoods in his iine of business, which he ollcr.s ivilli the lull assutaiieu of their beitij 141-11. ; uine, and cheaper than can be bought elseAbere. I'livsicians and other in the trade are p uticulai !y inviieil to call anil xamine f ir themsclve'. Al-o coiinlaully on hand a luri; ptock of Window (ibid-, White Lead, t'hrtiine and oilier I'aints.Iliu eists' and I'livsiciatis' (i las-ware, .Morlars,spachuals.( 'rueiiilesrrii-se-, f'opal.Jipan and Hpirit Variii-h.-s,Fid-iieed, ?'perin, Whale, Laid. Fish ,i: her al, Fo-iiiiie, (,'aiiiphcrie, and l'me Oils, I'ye wao:V C'ouiu! ai.il chipped, i. a-tile. It ir, I! asiu ami other t-'oapJ. f?::M f :c: etnl .' tat Lr.it. fi v-in. f'licli. 'i'ar, I'obocro. tei;ars, f ni.t,-, itrushe-, Walking and Fi-hinir l'.ues. Jewelry. Kizors, Knives, j'ruiu, 'otiteclionery. Ae. Ac. A.. t. . scuti ri.i:. May lt;i). Di-uiti't '"! ''''(.,'. 'Window GhAs?!? a general ncsoftnieiit, I r-f.sit 3lfnfiti' 1 U(t t, 4JUM Itlue, an.l I'nmsiii Tarl. torw, l laiu and fid 15. ue nnd I'iiili (d iti d) .Sivi-s. Lirit ii. (.' imtoic. j tjiey and Lawn ILik!-, til .vcs ai d IK siery. ' y ! It lliliets. Fans, Para- I' a'asiletle', aI-otil ; i Fino Male.kifi. I.ehorn. I'iilna Pearl and Pal.n Led HAT.-, at lo.ver prices thaa e'er ulbrc! to i . llus e.ilnrnirfiil V, . v ." ., . .;. . . . mm Aoticf. J I'i'iSCIiiitKivS to the " I'nivrisity l' i i;.m i: Lewisbur"'' are resuectfiilly reoiie-tel ! Straiv Knives. I inure ai.il II iv Forks ( .1 siipe- " o pay their Second Instalment, now due, 'u" 'P'aIi'v ) Uoor iiiuiu.in-.tilass.Putty. Nail-. , 1 nnrt I f o the Treasurer. And those who have not , Yr'nr-r.- . ilvUlUUUlil. .. ; i .i . i .. i . . o. .... . '- .1 l . .N i.l.n.V i i,7 1 n il. (Jlas, (iici'!is. tone, ami Cnr!urv ware. Ti lb i-e hi '.vi-:i t i procure auMhi.'u in ti'i line either for ef!:'- or ia.. imeiit.ituir asjortiiicnt p .i:icul:.riy recoraiii-.-u J- i:;v!i". Hardware iciulorv, Iratfs and (.'orn S.-ytlie, Aici. Shovels, tspader i is Usually l.i'jnd tu eoua'rv Mtr- whii l". I b-dgs il. jt 'ns lo si'.i at eiy low ;-!.ctf. . iVr.-. us ;.t r iKstrince will find it to thei r uv.tiitaoe to I. iv lor Cash or we will ak: III l'.- li It. ': lor (iooda, V lieut, live '..'or ti, t its, li ii k w heat, Tunolhv and 1 'lo ver S-'et as, Il i'ter, ICggs,Tili-i ,IJurd is(,apt 15-sa, lYatl.i i-. OiitJ all kinds of tiado or eoui.ii v pio .i, e. . i'iie patroiiiige of the puluo U respecl tiil'v S' he teii, on I every ss;ir'jne turn that notfi r. sa . I be v'an'ing to rernler en'ite s 'ttai ici;:.:i. SAM L S. B KTO. SAMI EL (iLUltKS. JAMES . MAKML Lew ;shi!rr, April I, 15)50. ii. in l it in T of Fine W June 1 uol for side by J IIAYF..S I COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. I'liiiltmaii cus. :!isli l.aniunw ana l..itnp''siti..n. Ali.-i l.rn. A CO. .More Xvwit lor llie Sick ! Tilt f Unit-ft Ii: ,y nj !!, -I', --?A I Dr.Trasks PIAGWETIC WNTmENT IS constantly cflectinj cure of the utmost imporiance. The must credulous are cox 1 1 ti ; the most faithles!, c miIItJ to l eiiee in the power and virtue cf this preflt remedy. It i.-i universally ittlmittf-d t 1h tin mont tron.oY'i? r-miliination ktionu t" tli nir!d f.T tlx' iinwdintr n li f of aii'l pain. It iifvr f;iil hile thre nmaili! cufliri. ut htV to iv-Uirf a natural nni licauhy ai-tit-n to I in rajillry Tei'1f of the body, ami ofiuttje the cirt-uU'-Una f.f tUr tA'unf. Ity m mi!, a P'ntif ilin puT i( pr.iu.tl over the nitwit maliirnant f-nns of diwam. whh h vn not I oblaitivl from uy othrr rx-ujedy. fcuc h u the r'wt of the DrtoMnation. that it m-trab' to et-ry I-trtiron of the human frame ; evrry lone and DiUM-h-. Tt'iii. ttt-rve and licament tx M-an-hi-tl nut and made wn p;Lh' of puritiration and iK'nliii': tnfl ut-uee. ileuce it cofN'S i readily with iutfrtutl a external di.w!. Numerous instauc are u rettnil, where this romnly Ji.in n -trtn-d hralth tn patient)' wi near the jrrave that th ruxt powerful internal reun-diii fnikd to prwluce ajiy ffvit. Such ha freiueutly lo the case ia Inflammation of the Bowe'a. V.i patient need die with thij. diteM where the Mairti tir Otntinent ran ! obtained. That dancrotiH t-pideinie. known ax the I'l TIUI- KUYSU'KLAS, can always be lun-d by thif n-iuiy. For l. FLAMMA TOU V tilllllMA TIFM. t bic dintmcnt in the most eomplet n inedy ctit pr pared. In 9H ciuut ont f H0. it will afford rutt'rt nli'f to the wor-t ea4 of Nervous Headache in M.H) minuter. For Nervous Inaeaaeft. thic rtmnly i of immense value. AfTeetiou- of the ipiue. Kheuuiatim. Laiueneae, t'lrc rated Swre Throat. Itrouthitir. I'leuricy. Croup. Chill. Cholera Murium, Atiue in tlie rre or l:n ait, Jiurn., S-ald Head, JN-n-fula. f'alt Kheuut. Krywipelnc. Intlamed Ky'fi. Fever Sore, Ae., wilt be iuimWiately relieved by Uiv uae f thw remedy. SolJ by Thornton $ Baker, LewUburg. fm:8j E F Dvttcrfi ELnt Trag Agi j Notice. VLL persons indebted to the estates of Jacob IIoi'skl and Capt. William HotniL, late of this place, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned ; and ail persons having claims against said cstales.or either of ihetn, will present them lo the subscriber for set tlement, without delay. II. C. HICKOK, Attorney lor the Heirs. Lewisburg, July 10, 1S50 Cw To the Voters of Union County. "IELLOW-CITIZENS : I will be a en JL didate for the office of Prothonotarv ot this county at the ensuing election, (if i.oi.i,.,eu 0y the Whig Convention,) and respectfully solicit your support. M.II.TAGGART. Last Buflaloe, July 3, 1850 tnpd Black Walnut Wanted. A QUANTITY of Black Walnut, either in log or rawed la order Im, Walnat L'rotchea the whole to be delivered on the Pa. Canal, al or near Lewiiburg. Fur further par. lirulara, enquire of April 23 n. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg lRESH TRAS.-Aoother lot of., i. superior Black and Green Teas r jl just rccd from the Canton Tea Com Pny, and for sale at New York retail prices by J.HAYES V CO. Lemaburg, April 16. Ag'Uti. i::; t !H'Mt. i.v; textdiumms, '" ..." .'. rill fvrry if! it lit n i'l thru ittr. rtitt If loWfi" lrfl .'( tfm'li rt nl nrlititi-t Ir..Swayue' celebrated Family Medicines. Di-. swAYi irs celebrated Compound i?yrup of Wild Cherry, TUB MOST fOMMON SAVING 13 'Ihnt I w..uM not give 'lie Uotlli' Ot - llr. SWRyiH'H ',mi..ul. yruiK.f Wii.H. Iirrrj' f.-r liall a il'.z.'n "f ny otiit-r i.re.ar at.oiis. 1 huve lrif.t all tli' siniliir out ., t.uullos Stan. Is lniri.ill.-l fortlie i-ure ol 111-f.-IKilvlii il;af.i-i. T17. hitlttt u:t. thttiji,it. IW..r, : ,' :un.j l.-l,. Si(tn,;i ..' lil.!, J'aliniuttOH tJ tht limit. H i.'h'iiiihi Otii'jli. ricAfttti nr litfiii'i rrn iVli',,1 in Ut fttriMit. Ilrtiitcltilix, Aftlwttt, vr Hi'. n ' tiir .t rrt'tts Syfl'M, or iiu-.n:ri-ti constitution fn.ui any cause, an.t to r.'tit ht:..iis from fa! lintr lUti. a cie.this mu dieiue h.ss not its e.iual, and utii'ti t.i nun h Calonn 1 or tluiuiuc lia.v b,sn u-d. tills llllsllrme will .reveut its evil ell. ta oil tlie vt, in and r.-pair tin? Liliary funetiom.. Hl.SIARKAVLE Wl:K Of lu.XSrMtTO.Y. Abraham lluusitkir, 2 milea from tfluppack villc, l'a., contracted a severe cold, which set lied upon his Lungs, attended with violent coughing great difficulty of breathing, an abscess lormed in bis lung', and made itj way through the side, and discharged large quantiliea of pus ejlcioally. This mournful btale of lb nga con liuucd for a long time, uuiil makiiig use of Dr. fj Wayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which perfoimcd a perfect cure. Have you the Asthma, Liver Complaint, or Itronchitis ! If so give this medicine a trial. It seldom fail to cure. VERV IMPORTANT CAUTION. lie very careful to enquire for l)K S WAYNE'S COMPOUND SYIiCP OF WILD CHERRY, as some unprincipled indi viduals have stolen the name of Wild Cherry, thinking to borrow a reputation from that aires, dy established. Remember, the genuine i pu in equate bottles, covered with a beautiful wrap, per, (steel engraving,) with the portiait of I) ft. SWaY.NL thereon, also his signature : all oths ers are positively fictieivuaand counterfeit." Swayne'a Celebrated Vermll'uge. "A sale and effectual remedy for Worms, Uis pepsia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dispeplic Children, or Adults, and the most use ful Family Medicine ever offered to the public" Extract of a Letter to Dr. Stoaynt. Dated. Andersonlowo, Indiana. A man purchased a bottle of your Vermifuge the other day for bis child, and by its use dis charged sixty three of the largest worms be had ever seen. It is some hat difficult lo get the people tiy it, as they havj been so often gulled by nauseous and worthless norm medicines. Yours being so very pleasant to the taste, at the same time effectual, I shall be able to dispose of a large quantity. Respectfully, yours. - 'I'swuiv. Saaar, P.M. BEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. Swsyne's Vermifuge is now put op in square bottles, (having recently been changed,) covered with a beautiful steel engraving wrapper, wilb the portrait of Or. Swayne thereon. Bear this in mind, and be not deceived. See that the name is spelt correctly SWAYNE. CLEANSE AND Pt'BIFY. D. 8WAYNE-8 8LGAR COATED SAR l'ARILLA EXTRACT OP TAR PILLS. A mild and effective purgative, great purifier of the blood, they correct all the functions of the Liveraad as an alterative in Dropsical affections, they are very valuable. - Giddiness of the bead. dimness of sight depression of spirits, aeadacKe, 4rre cured by these purify frig Pitts. ' Ho tassiicine csn have-a better effect fur nsoathly ir regularities, which oe cat si on ally happen o wo men, they are perfectly safe, and will in conjunc tion with Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Chery, take all paia from every part of the system. The above valuable medicines are prepared on ly by Da. SWAYNE. N. W. corner of Eighth aud Race streets, Philadelphia. AgentM fur Union county. Pa..- iB'n M Taoaimis a IUkul, lemUmrg: G. W.Kesslcr a L.WUm,N'.Prluli B. Mraeb. MUlersbanr vtose. spertit, BasTCTtoVB ill. J. Bores, Ontnnille Ins a bchotrra, MIdskiots- II. a Tar lor. Mlfflinbarg Vounmnsn Waller, Dry VslUjrlll.SmHb.Mo-er i Valley Hratea Kdler, .Xarr Islaod Wilt k EUert, ltartlMoa uK'jvt m euouDcrs, rr 1!. III. I II III. I. II. III. 1. II. III. la. Ai.nl I'iaii. ii-..ni. trT. I.irv. Anal-nsis. I'lam. S.il:.l al.'l sj hi rul Ueoun. irj ci.iill 1.-1. il l.i- v. . Anal.as;-. Xftfitiin.iire class. Horns-, ouy.-scy. I'laue una Sj tieriral Tr'on-.m.-lry. i!o 'I'. vt.-iiiirati..li.Mirvt-yini:. Nn ij.'iit:oii. rt i-,iit.., 1. .--lfi-t orations cf lii uiostlii-ues, iilii torir, Aoall tleal litt.ui.-try. Jiiitiftr cfM.v. H.'Tnosth.'n-- 's li.. CriH ii. ri.-ep. .! f'ffli-iis. le- rhrtn;--. II i .trostti. .. nnj llvlrsuhrs. li.-uiosilt,.ii .in in,. rrr.M ii. rn-.-r. ile olliciis ii.ni- I'letiil, I'li. iiiiisti-"'. Ai-'iiot:.-s, Kli-ctrieity. Vlane- tism. aiet Hpti. On-el. Tr?i-ly. 'fn.-itiis. Astronomy. Stnitir cttisn. Ifor Ai'ri.letniriil Vi-:ir ei'innienrini fit t. la, Is.vo.j Ij.U'I.'. .Natural 'l'li.s.l..u-y. Ira. 11. . I Hal I'lol.-. ; I. v. Iir.-k, I'olitaal K.-..n..iiiy. Moral l'lolos...liy. lltiM.-r's Annli.v. Cti.tiiiiTii'ii . f I'. S., c li.-mi.trv. IH-turis, Ot-ueral It.-vi.-ns. No class in the Regular Course has less ihan three daity lecitations. Lvery Malurday forenoon is devoted exclusively M 'ocal Music, Declamation, an.l readme schel and original Coinpo.-itious. The siiidents are repaired to attend, regiil nly, some religious meeting. Minors are expected to attend such meetings as are recommended to them by their parents or guardians. There are in Ihe borougli no less than six places of public worship, of as many dilferent Christian denominations. Text ICooks. Fn:!inli .'isyiM;,'.- ''nut Ehruti'tti. Tin- ll.M. Porter' r.li.-torii al K.-a.l.-T. Wo meter's or VV. t.;.. r'. Itii-tionary. Ilulliou's Kiii:lili lirianiiiar. I'arker's 1'r..Ti.ssive tver.-i- ss in Knirli-h t'omsiMtioii. Parker's Aid". Blair's Lectures ..I Diversity rAlitiou.l J.tilfti Ijtttfitmtit. Cntlton'sftn.ninar. Itallion's liea-I'-r. I.vin'lt'fl laiziiun. Hut lion's (a-sar, hmitz nwl .iinnit's Yiriril. Lini 'iln's Livv. Anthun's lionuvr, Thru lir's Cus-ro il.- iirliciis, Tylers laritus' oertnaoia et Agneols. r.'rrr-A 1,'tntj'tti'jr. lit:) lion's O r.nainar. Ilultirai'. TT sa.,T. l.i.Iui'll A Notts la-xn-oii. Owens .Ni-not.iiousAiiat.anis. Owen's Homer Oily.-scy. Cluurtiiliu's Henlosthi'iics, r'isk's CuissH-al Manual M.-.th'titi'tirf.-IIrti. s Arittim.tie for A.fi.l. m-eii. Elem ntary Alirelira. Itounlou, Ijep-ndre, fnrTeyinir and Navi- iratj..ii.Aualytieaiiis.iuery.iiiiiisu-. s.Naturul l iiilcsoi.tiy isUmitypcil.) Olinsted'a Astronomy. Number of Student's. The number of students during the past year in ihe various Departments, was I lil. The number that have entered the classes in the Re gular Course for Ihe current year (eiclusive ol those in the English and Primary departments,) is as follows : Collegz. Junior class S Soiilii.uiore rtius - 14 Freshman class 10 Ac-inrJIV. Senior class -" - 2a Junior class - - 40,..fS Teachers. HTEPIIEX W. TAYLOft, A. M, l'rof. of Mathematics anil Natural Philrwmiiliy. UKOIUiK K. uuss A.M. I rot. or ureok Lanirurun! anil Litorature. nOIIMiE K. ANDKliSON, A M .Prof ofljUnLaniuiure and Literature. ISAAC iV LOOMIS, A. M., Principal uf the Aindomy. AI.Fll.Ktl TAYLOR, A. M., Tutor in the Enclish Lan- gusre and Elocution. - Building, Library and Apparatus. The Academic edifice now occupied by the members of the University, has been erccied, at an expense of $s.fXi0. sn1 it is adapted to arenmirioriftte l.si st intents. Anor rier euinre nan t-s-n ranimnof.I.Thira is to fas fintsbed within Um cwursa uf the present Acndemic year, and to contain study rooms anil dormitories for the accommodation of 70stuiicnts in the Colleirinte itepartnrt. 1 m unrarr eonuins a nnmijer 01 select, volmoes. and is eotisUvnllf increasing. . Chemical Atioaratus nan been rmlered siimrtent to supply the inruieiliate dnnanrl. The Aprwu-atna for the iUiutralisn of Merkaaieal fbilosopbj, is now complete. Tuition and Board. Tuition in the Collegiate Department f 30. Academic $20, Primary $12 peryesr. Hoard, including lodging, wsshtnv, foeL and light, can be had in Ihe village snd its viemfty st various prices, from $i,S0 lo $2,50 per week. Session and Vacations. Two Sessions in the year the former com mences on the 2nd Thursday in October, snd continues 27 weeks ; the latter commences on tbe 16lh May, and continues 15 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6.. By order and in behalf of Ihe Board : ... THOMAS WATTSON, Pres't. GEORGE F. MILLER. Sec'v. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. April 18, 1850 - ' ' t l(l;i LmiiII lis. T- leu in ifiio.in.yjl' lt.xi;, rotn ue vv esi .,lal nud delni luenis will he charut-.l 1 ) Untnch and f,,.,,. Ilol u i. yshuro, lor ,,,.,,,, fl Il!lU!ini.n,4 lVo, l!iL. ,,,,. s.ile nt the !fi..i of tin? sti'jscnher, near ihe ,i.,. i ,i,. n ..... . .. ti - i . i " 1.1 J I Ull illllll .Si. Al.l'.X'i: AM. MO N't?, j Lewislnirr;, M.iy 7, Irs'iH pai 1 the 1st itistnl't are re-peetluily notified ft A ML T. WAI.KLK.Tutvs. Lewisliurj;, Keh. 25, Ib5l. A BEAUTIFUL as.ottinent of 'caiht Cloth embossed Table Covers, t- r sale by Mav 2U J. HAVES A: CO. To Juslires ol" Hits I'eacc. 1INN.V Jl'.-STIi E. new edition, can be had ) at I od all's ll.Hiksiore. in U.is place. Lewisbur;. April 1(1, I nr,0. Floor and Mjir Carpets, (I I t "l.nh, Wiiidn'.v Shadis, Ladii-' attliels. Tr.oeliirj and Work Baskets, al,j M.n kct, Ch.'.hos and C r:i Ita.kits. Clil::r"tf, Huhm, A'.'. C In c.uiclu.-i.in, they uoulu s iv that iheir tr.n d h ive been I. i.i;ht at un 1 .w r::-i-s. arr I will be disposed of on llie mo-t r. .1-- n,,. '.. V t, rins for l'a-h or coiiiiliy I'liiduce and to a:i-l ; the put iic t.) plkcsl just rail at the Ctieau Stoie of J. HAYES & CO. Lewi-l.urrj Mav ls.'ol 'j:li'.s f, i:i : tic puh'ic I.I OOO111" "f 4 ouniry cuiea ba;u-n i May S'J J. HAVES A CO. VN extensiv WARE May S'J ive assortment Baltimore S'FtE for sale bv ' J. HAYES & CO. TQJvOviTva; u55.XSl; (si ci Essoin i n i. a. vvrc rti,) LABOR SAN I'll), 1 ..sl i I riiiii-runci s to his friends auuf neriilly, that he has removed re-i li-tice to tl.e le-Use ol his lather. l.ir::i' i'v tn..ei by Wm. I'or'er,) a lew Ioor :.. n th d r it.o's Hotel. I 'flier, Col. r'.i.i !.r:'s new ;,nck huiiiliiig, next door u'li.n: C i'.. I'iwi Store. I.eivi-lo.rj;, A; ril 1, 1S50 - stul HAant-Jr. and hy Storekeepers generally Iy59 jjg ' 'Dr. John Locke, SSSff SURGEOX DENTIST, MA Y be fonnd at bis Office and residence first door east of Kline's Hotel tbe two weeks following the first Monday of each mooih, where be is prepared to execute sll operations in his line of business in a meaner creditable lo himself and satisfactory Co those who any favor him with their patronage. , . . , . Dr. L. spends tM two? week ef each month in Milton. i- . . -" ,- - r . Aromatic Tooth Pasta, put up in Beattiful porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping the teeth clean and breath sweet, for sale at 25 cts per box, by JOHN LOCKE, 1). D. 9. Lewisburg, Ps., Msy, I860 - ; , j i Wliolesnlo and lletail Dealers in Drtios, Medicines, I'hcmicals, I'aint.s, Oils, Viirni.-hcs, Window (Jlass, jsh too!s,(i!assw,ire,Putiy, Dye-stnffii, Brushes of every variety, Perfumery, Jon fret inner Vj I 'm Us. Fancy tloruls, oV c. iV e. One llour strive Ihe great Mamtroth Store of J. tJ.W ALU, M.AHkliT Sr. Li: isiiiia;. All Drugs and Medicine warranted b'reth and Oiniune. Till; subscribers return iheir sincere ihsnks to those who have so liberally patronized ihem ilu. ui(; ihe past year; and we would invite you. one and all, to call and examine our atock and price before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we sell as cheap, if not 25 per ct. cheaper, than others of tbe trade. Try us, and see for yourselves. N. B. Medical advice wiil be given free of charge by Dr. Thornton, at the Store ot Thorn ton & Baker. T A II THORN rON.M.D. J0SIAII B AKER AFRESH supply of Ot.l Doctor and S. P. Townseuda SARSAPARILLA received aud for Whole-ale or Retail by Dr. Thornton 6c Baker, Agents. CHERRY PECTORAL: For tite Cure f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. 'The uniform success which has ettendtd the 11ii: SVI.K- t supe.i ,r V .,-!;,, s Mrvture. which removes ail Jirt ai -1 slants of v.o iou kinds in a few nnuutcs. wiil.out liTjuroi th texture of the i l th. lVrs.ni. ai.l.ii.j t llicm-i Ives ot this vnliolale i.tixru c, with full ilirecioiiM for its u-e, h -.l l.e't. r caii at l!ie nc.v ftru ai d Chemical ."Store ki p: bv .'! THoRNTlt.N A ISAKi:;:. I.ewM.ur? JOHN ii. MILLER. avul TAll.Oit, res; i . "I'iiI'v inrorms his patron .ii I ti.e j u.kic t!.-it Irs Shop is now at his ,nu-e liic i i w S in k opposite Mr. James :'. K f ti Ii V tO t!t ! i M., w here he will lie ullwhn nizv honor h tn Ltttest Ne'-vs Iroin Cuhtonii'.t ! ni'h the Lewisl.tiii;, Apr.' i, 10 A I I ll,.. ,ll -., ,1 i -r ,.l ,,.t,L- uso oi tins preparation its salutary niect es r ,.,.. ..,. ,i ,i, ,, .. . ,. . i.nw.r In t.li.,a ... 1 .....til'.i,. f.t r 1 "s- .-.(-....... - ..... .. ...... iiaciues ill r r.iori T . , e ... . i.uos, r opened an unusually thwice asso.-t.nt-i.l of have Rained fur it a celebrity equaled bv nn oihef .' ineiliunc. We offer it lo Ihe afflicted with entire j Hl'lUXCi AND SLWLMEIL confidence in its virtues, and the ful belief that j jffi S it will subdue and remove ihe severest .rnrt. ,,r CJ-4T9lAf&a1flt diseases upon the throat and Junes. As these I '"-J f WW Wit results beccme public, they naturally attract the j comprising a splen did variety LADIES D"ESS attention cf meitical men anil philanthropists i tJOODS of ihe newest i,tj les Calicoes. Di l.ilus, I everywhere. What is iheir opinion of Cntrrv (iinshams. i'srages. Silks. Parasols, and Fam v ! Pectoral, nny be seen below. j Goods, and for Gentlemen's wear a Urge stock of I 'V3rf3 V.;:I-NM0T1; M D' r'uf- Su'6"J ! Cloths. Casslmers, I'lMIK nnrJersi..,: TtZ?2tJX i Summer Stuirs,Vesiin.s,ts..,.er Uata.S.-:. j .1. HY BISLYKSS at the Old Stand. T", ,i" "Jr- p'7:;hbjeh i eimsider peculiar;)- Salt, 1' Isll, i ails, jon North third .St., near Marker, surf it HI-flHl til riirpil!iubi4iif thy 1her.it unJ I . . ' ' ' I ' " The Ki Rev Lord liUh.-p Kit;i.I writ letter to his friend, who ui4 la.t sink in r? tin alTi clion of the Ijiinffs j , f t - f , , , ! LIIAKL&3 F. HESS r " -Ss . , i- N. t m ' ---rV- - . - j GOLD : HENRY C. HICKOK, m roi:y M'A T LAW, LCiii's'irr, t'nl'.n County, Penna. T JUST received snd for sale, Pine Oil and Bu.ning Fluid, warranted pure and of the first quality, by Dr. Thornton & Baker. HI I E Lead, and Linseed Oil, for sale by Dr. 1 hornlon etc Baker. Dentistry. WII. C. STEWART, TATE of Philadelphia, is now located on A Market street, Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J. Schrryer's store, where be attends to operations on the teeth at a redaction of bie former prices. Teeth snd roots of teeth removed with the sid of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and selling on pivots or pistes atten ded to according to the lateal improvements in tbe profession. Uleersted, spungy, and inflamed gums cured. Tbsnkful for past tavoia, he solicits a continuance of public patronage . No impure materials used fat Pilings Mi a th. . 1J288 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, Mtfflinburg, Union county, renn'a. I)E3PBCTFULLY informs the citizens or I, Union county, snd ihe public in general, that he baa leased the above stand, for many years occupied by bis Father, and is now pre pared to sccommodafe friends snd the traveling community in a manner acceptable to alt. Tbe HOUSE is Urge snd roomy, welt arran ged in alt its departments, and every care wilt be tsken to render his guests comfortable and happy. His TABLE will always be furnished with the choicest deliescies of tbe season, and tbe best tbe market can afford. - Ths BAR will at all limes be attended by careful persons, sod none but the very best of Gqnois will be kept. His STABLES are ample and convenient, and tbe OSTLERS punctual and attentive. - lo short, he pledges himself to endeavor to give general Satisfsction lo all, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal shsre of patronage. ' -w MifBinbnrg, Jtrae 20. 1859 J UST leerivtil and ka sale, Sperm snd Lard Oil, by Dr. Thornton & Bakr. io l dtJjtrining counties aUa a:u:i-!a the cuii. ul Vctry count;. FFICE on Sivond St., lately occupied by L. li. Ciinsr, Esq. t continues the LIVE' ' cs i i,j i.jii, J.t,-j jvse ". hi '"li n Jfc.j BSS.HI s'lai nets - J "u True. in 3 : Qwecnsu-are.nard'.vare. Groceries, rKcuuiiy oi.ciu the pairowge oi hi sinking u.Alcr i etc eti I trlvlili:i anJ :lie i:uUlc cenr rally- 6 t no. tiu. rilllfl c iil-c Try the rhfrrv rctraJ. an.l if limine ran irire you KvlWf, vith the H- s.-ti of U ! lli'at will. liit f Justice EL'Si'ICE, of Luuibina, write-: Thftt A jouii (laiiirhU r of hiit w:t. rurtd of rK'Tcral ievere ttul;e of CK'! H, hy the ('lu rry ! toral. ASTHMA ami IJRONCIU1 IS The Cana dian Journal uf Metticsl ff.'icnce stittJ, That 4lfthiri art! Bronchitis, no pralfnt it) tlti inrlroit'Dt rMniatt, tuiTe yU'lJt-l with surpriMn rapitlity to Aver' 'h-rry IWtnrsl. anl wt ran not too utrnnclv iwoumivinl this rkilful pivi-arution to tbe TrplVMiou anil public rncrtilt'. Let the relieveJ sufferer opeak for hrmt-olf ; IIiKTroitth, Jan. 26, IT. J. C. A yr-r Drar Sir: Mavint: b-n rt sctifl from a painful and .l.uijfnm drea, sratitnde prompt nw to sK'Dl you thi at kiiowlfili(nipnt. tuot only in justice? tu you but for thr information of others in like affliction. A sliplit cold upon the Iiidp, nt-ult'td atflrnt, beramc sn Ti-rv that ppittin of hlomj. a virlcnt roufh. and pru fu TTict nwi-a fullowM and fartnrd on m. I beainf rmaciatt-t). could not fleep, wan diitriaj?d by my ronzh. and ft puiu through my cbret, and in short had all the alarming uTmj'tr.nifi of quick consumption. o mctlirine M-cmed t all to tvach my cae, until I providentially tried your D-'rry rectorial, wmch soon relieyed and now has cund tne. Voura with n-jp-rt, E. A. STEWAI1T. From a letter dated , Albany, X. April 17, 1S1. Ir. Aver. Iywell TVar ?ir: I vv affli.-t4'd hr Asthma In the worst form, ao that I bare bwn obliged to sleep in my chair fr a larger part of tbe time, twine unnhlc u breathe on my bed. I haul tried a gnvat ninny medicint-i to no purpose, until my phynician pirwrioed.'ai an expe riment, your Clierry ltoral. At am it aet med to make me worse, but ia iWs than a wrs-k I rnran to experience the mot trratifyint: relief from it due; and now, in fcur woekH. the diMaie in entirely removed. I eiin (deep on my bed with comf -rt, and enjoy a nut- of health which 1 bad nTer espect'd toenjoy. 010. S. F ARRANT. rteparedbyJ.C.Ayer,Chcniiti,LQicellth. For Mia hy O W 8(3HAFFLE, LewUburg ; I H Castor, Milton; Isaac Get hart, Selingrove, and by Druggits generally - ' All of which wc oirt-r for sale ut our proverbially i low iirices, for CASH or I'ttOlJI Ct:. REBER & IDDir.'GS. Lewisburg, April 2, lrjot) Lewishurri, May 22, lS5t LAST BEST! e. i. mm$ IS now feceiving a large and a choice stock of SUMMER GOODS embracing Dry Cioods latest styles Dress Goods, Silks, Silk Laces, Parasoleties, Lrtwna; Prints, fec. tic. GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE, a good varletji Our slock was piffchased on reasonable terms, and is ottered to old friends and new at the cheapest living rates. The trading public are invited to rail at the old Lhtap Store, sooth side of Market Si. between 3d and 4th Sis. " G. E. BOWES. Lewisburg, June 26, 1850. T)T Vf TT Q for Justices.Conata. Jj jV 'utes.&c, on hand at ihe Chronicle effice, or printed lo order. F-g,,,., .sj-jIWttigirtca "S- r1' Osjjtla DOAUDIXG. - j 'PIIK subscriber itvaits him-iiffof the cnl- L tminsjof the Chrortxle in puh!ishio! to the citizrns of Lcviishuro and vicinity that 7J-" ': he has opened a BOARDLNU IIOU in thai 1 S? J --S l.rrt and roinl'nrtabtv .rrnej hoase. fnrmrlv 1 if W-9f m ?3FfZ-v- V I J . vf v.. jrOii; i kept ss a Temperance Holel by James Kelly, lwo doors east or the t rnoklin Mouse. Market street. He is prepareJ to say that his Table shall have the best the Markets can alTord, and the Lodging of Hoarders sbail be as comfortable as can bo desired. . 1. S. STERSER. N. D. A team and carriage will be kept to convey p irsenirers to and from the Packet Boats. Lewttburg, Match IS, IS'0 Ho! all you yonne men whose fine frames are expanding. And who need to support voir, a vnriTxtantlint H hcnyoQ think how in liicc past some d- alere liarr bit yon. Just coinu fj Stete LisrALi's f-r 11.x, Is that will tit yo. Do you want some new Books O. so rhmp ami no prvtryT Some irrave smt some piy. ami some .(wer anil som.k witty? For a dollar or two, STinrn will pire yon a treasuns Tliat ajjl be all your li&time a fountain ot nU-asore. And ir you chnne to he tn want t)l Coat or Vest or Tmwsrrlonns, J list pr to Lvsn ill's, f '.r vou rant Bny half aj cheap of other coons. Anl now Lrsuux would say just a wonl to the Ladies, l-'.ir well .loes he know how iinisirtant their ai l is He has Shoe, of all kinds YVhnrr-r-r-ra-F-r-r Consarn it. Boss ! this 'ere Poetry Machine's broke ! llowsomever, ihe substance of all e had, in the hopper i-l this ttat ST. LTXDALL has the best and the , cheapest lot of BOOKS "J STATIONERY, nd ih largist und the best assorlmitnt of UOO'VS and StlOilS idnJ Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers, that were ever seen in Lewisbur;; or any other great seaport. M-y 7, 1850. Dr. Rose's Medicines. The subscriber bavin;; been appointed sole agent for Dr. Rose's Medicines, for Union county, offers thrm to the public with great confidence us lo their fiioacy and certainty of effecting cures in all cases for which they are designed. A single lest only is required to establish the fnet. Sept 37 S S BARTON riWoto SASH. A lot of 8x10 Window Sash, from the chetip Manufactory of Sprout St Burrows, on hand, aod alt sizes got to order on short notice May, 1849 I O Lawshe KASH not refused al the Ollice of the Lewisburg Khronicle. WOOL for sale at June 9 Reber A Idd'rtg,' Spvin0 & 0mmiici' GOODS. JUST received, and now opening ai FORSTER'3 NEW STORE, second door eaal of Kline's Hotel, a neve and Splendid Assortment of Coeds, suitable fur this and tie approaching sen son, cofists:irfr of CLOTHS, ASSIllEKSyESTXO', Ladles Orei! Good uf every style and variety e style HurtoeM, Lawns, Annure DelatOes, Ging hams, &c. A great variety 6f StjJfel Chints, Cali cues, &c. A tcauiifu! asMorimenf Ladies' Parasri's, Mohitco and Kid SHOES and G.11TER3 fur Ladies and Children. Also a choice selection of GFIOCEFIIES, UuccHswarp, SieAe.,all of which are oil-red remarkable low for Cash or Country Produce, by th subscriber, .1, F0RSTEK. Lewisburg, April 3. 1850 For the Ladies. On.,1 Is the breese That I make at re "ITTITIl one of those nice and' cheap 1VN that can be bad at ths Lewieburf Drug. Fancy Good,Nolion tJ Vaiicly Erapocni sc athe re the largest, finest, and bsat awsortraerrt of Feather. Fancy anJ Paper fan are kept. Ale latest pattern oT Baitalo, Shell, Hera, SidBsok and other C0MB8 besides) a (ssst variety of other nice things. Call end see al f. w. stHAf turn.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers