Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 31, 1850, Image 1

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Volume VH, tfamher 18.
E C. fflCKOK, JEdltor.
a N. WOMEN, Printer.
Whole Number 330.
The tcwlsbarg Chronicle U issued
ever; Wednesday morniog it Lewisburg, Union
county, Pennsylvania.
Tuns. $1,50 per year, for cah actually In
advance: $1.75. paid within three month; $2
if paid within the tear; $2,50 if not paid before
ik. ..... .i.,.. mole numbers. 5 cent. Sub-
scription (or aix monthi or lee to be paid in
t.i..,iiamenu handsomely inserted at 50 et.
per square one week. $1 for month, and $5 fur
tL J 7 : Mercantile advertisements not
eiceeoing one-iomm ui "". i"ji
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Casual advertisement and Job work to De paid
for when handed in or delivered.
All cammunication by mail nut come post
paid, accompanied bv the addrea of the writer, to
ifceive attention. Those relating exclusively to
the Editorial Department to be directed to H. C.
Kit KOK, Esq., bailor and nil on business to be
,J Irrced to the PublUher.
II Tic. Market St. between Second and Third
). X. WORDEX. Printer and Publisher.,
Give Every Day.
I., t in gie something, every day,
I'or one another' weal,
A woiJ, to make lite pliwuny gay,
t)r the cru hed spirit heal ;
A look, that to the heart can apeak
II him that' poor and old,
A tear for her o'er hoe wan check
So many a stream has rolled.
The objects of our love and care
In every paih wc sre,
A nd when they ask a simple prayer,
O. can ne selfish he.
And lurn away, with hiughly thrust,
A if the !od above
Were partial to our pamr.errj dust,
And only lis did love !
1 A t u pie something every day.
To roiufiirt and to direr,
Tis not for gold alone ihey pray
V hoe cries sound on the ear ;
'J'hiy ark fur kinduets in our speech
A tendeincfs of heart
That to the (eeling soul doth roach,
And namiili and life impart.
We m can give the poor, the weak.
And be an ani;i-l guest;
How mii.II a thing to smile, to speak.
And make tl.e wretched, blest !
There favors let us i.L bestow,
'thus scatter joy afmad.
And make the vales of sorrow glow
With the tsnt smile of dud !
Land Monopoly. his last blessing ; they were brought to
Hitherto the majority of mankind ho j by mother; and again taken to
l.ave tilled the ranh, have been slaves or j eir home. The Austrian executioner
t. t.auts. Thesoil has been owned by kings, ) (flaynau) had long since commenced his
nnd the military chiefiains and nobles, and 'bloody work. Kossuth, and those with
t,v tluni rented to landlords. nd hv them' him, fled toward the Turkish frontier lo
to still smaller dealer-, and by these nain
it has been divided and sub-divided, until:
the majority who have paid, sustained by
the sweat ol their brow, not only their own
( unities, but three or four orders of society
iiUive them ; while thev themselves have
i u. i ,.a
i: i ,. ... - . ,lJ
IIV..U 111! Ilia U1IIUCI9 Ul dial VIIIUII , 111
hi knessofa c k, auJ often a single da',
rendering them paupers.
The same monopoly of the soil has sent
another large class of the community into
: ..ip:. I . - i. .
manuiaciunng rsiaiuisiiiriems, to worn uuij
their days in ignorance and hopeless pov
r:y; and another to the army and navy,;
, . . ...!, u r 1 1
where honor and wealth await a Few ana,
ignorance and an early grave the many.
The cunscqueneeoi excluding such mem
bers from the position and the healthful
cultivation of the soil, has been ignorance.!
reckless indifrereuce,turbulence,and crime.)
Tortured by their impressions and unre- j
strained by moral principle, they have been
prepared for desperate deeds. Such a state
of society can not be made happy; the evil
is radical, and can only be remedied by
giving a new direction lo the physical, mo
ral, and intellectual energies of man. VVe
might as well band with iron the the trees
of .the forest, and expect their expansion,
or throw upon I hem in stinted measure the
light and rain of heaven, and expect their
luxuriant growth, as to cramp the human
mind by unequal institutions, and expect
the developement of its resources in a hap
py slate of society. Room for action must
be afforded, and light must be poured upon
the understanding,and motive pressed upon
the heart Buttoaccomplisbthisthe earth
must be owned by those who will till it.
This will give action to industry, vigor
to ihe body, tone to the mind, and, by at
tendant blessing of heaven,religion to the
heart. From agriculture, stimulated by
personal rights, will result commerce, sci
ence, arts, liberty, and independence.
The attraction of gravity is the great
principle of motion in the material world ;
and the possession of the earth in fee sim
ple by the cultivator is the great principle
of action in the moral world. Nearly all
the political evils which have afflicted man.
kind have resulted from the unrighteous
monopoly of the earth ; and ihe predicted
renovation can never be accomplished un
til this monopoly shall have passed away,
and the earth is extensively tilled by the
independenl owners ol the soil. Rev.Ly-
man ueet her, u. D.
The Dublin Evening Post calculates that
there has been a decrease of population in
Ireland, since 1841, by deaths and by emi
gration to America and to England, of at
least ihrtt million). Catholic clergymen
concur in the statement that there have
been but few marriages or births for the
four years past. Perhaps exaggerated, yet
what a mouroal national spectacle is here
presented :
The Wanderings of the Wife of Kossuth.
At the lime when all was lost to the
Hungarians, and each had lo seek his own
snlety ir. flight, Gov. Kossuth and his !ady,
who had accompanied her Husband mro
ou, fne wafi thought it best to separate, in
hie. be saved.lor the sake of their children.
j ho fc d ,eft on(j protecljon of
' their grandmother. The Governor deter-
' 1 . L I I C
' nunea io rrmnui wiin nis orate nnii-crs,
still with him. and to share their fate.
Madame K. informed her husband and
female friend, the wife of en effieer, where
she would endeavor to seek safety; and as
every moment was precious, this delicate
lady quickly clothed herself as a beggar ;
her husband gave her his signet ring, and
the seal of the government of Hungary,
that these might be a passport for her in
; the event of her meeting with those who
mere friendly to their cause. Without any
clothes except those on her back, she com
mencrd her sad and fatiguing journey, on
foot. She traveled long experiencing all
j kinds of hardships.privations, and dangers.
hen stopped by Austrian or Russian
guards, she feigned extreme old age, and
said she was in search of a little grandson
who had got lost in the last war ; so they
let her pin--, little knowing the value of the
' prize they had in their bloody hands.
Thus she continued on, until she reached
! an extensive pasture country, uninhabited,
: except by herdsmen, almost as void of Intel
. Itct as the herds they guarded. Here she
' sought and found a resting place. These
I poor serfs made her a fresh bed of straw,
covered her with the cleanest sheepskins,
1 and fed her with their brown bread, here
! she remained three months, during which
! time the win'er came on, and having but
j little covering, you may easily conceive
' how intensely she must have suffered. Gov.
; Kossuth had sent for his children, lhat he
might take leave of them, and give them
the fortress of W'idden.
We can not enumerate all the sufferings,
losses, ind anguish experienced by these
unfortunate men during their flight ; most
of them, however.reached Widden. They
were no sooner there, than their first tho'ts
were oi maam nossutn
Madam Kossuth, and her friend,
the wife nf the officer to
whom she had
communicated the place of her intended
concealment, determined to seek and find
her, if she was still alive. She set out on
her weary journey, habited in a similar
guise as that of Madam Kossuth as a
beggar and thus she passed the soldiers
snrl triiarde nf ihp pnr-mv. until she) reached
the hiding place of her friend, who had
" ...
I been the companion ol her youth and hap-
pier days ; and now they were to encoun-
ter new dangers.
The herdsmen built them a little cart,
and gave them a horse, as Madam Kossuth,
worn out by anxiety, privations and suffer
ings, was no longer able to walk ; the
roads had now become almost impassable,
narrow and slippery on the sides of the
mountains; one false step would have
plunged ihem down into an almost bottom
less abyss ; but with the gallows in their
rear, and their husbands before them, hope
gave them courage, and onward they went.
We know not what length of time they oc
cupied in their journey ; but, as it was in
winter, and they had often to conceal them
selves in clefts of rocks and overhanging
mountains, from the scouts of the enemy,
it must have been a long and weary one,
and, when discovered, they passed for
beggars, and asked for bread from their
blood thirsty foes.
Thev ultimately reached the town of
Belgrade, where they expected to find their
husbands, and a termination of their suf
ferings. Imagine, then, their feelings of
disappointment, when they learned that
not a Hungarian was there all had been
removed lo Shumla. What was tiow to
be done ! They were worn out, and
could proceed no farther. Hope even had
forsaken them. No husband to embrace,
no friends to welcome them. They deci
ded to throw themselves upon the humani
ty of ihe Sardinian Consul ; they knocked
at his door, w hich was opened by ihe Con
sul himself. Two beecar women stood
before him, the pictures of misery and woe.
He saked them what they wanted. They
answered, rood and shelter." lie re
quested them to come in. Then the officer's
lady introduced him to Madam Kossuth,
wife ol the President of Hungary. He
could not believe it, until she took out the
signet ring and teal of the Government of
Hungary. What followed can easily be
conjectured. They were received and
treated according to their rank by the
kind-hearted consul ; and after they were
sufficiently rested, ha made known their
case to the Prince of Servia, who sent
them his carriage-and-four, with an escort,
to take them to Shumla. The weather
was terribly cold, and Ihe roads as bad
as they could be ; but they ultimately ar
rived in safely.
Cape bland.
Our friend Masser, of the Sunbury Am -erican,
is going it" at Cape Island. He
has recently made a happy hit in free
zing up luxuries'' for others, and why
should he not luxuriate himself a little up
on the proceeds ? We firm'y believe that
the goodness of Providence provided such
pla.-es as Cape Island for the resusiiation
of poor, worn-outeditors, w ho know how
to encounter its breakers by day, and
who would dearly kve to enjoy its
' balmy breezes" by night but alas! the
editoi's pocket ! a survey of lhat ' dread
abyss of empty rocki," casts a gloom over
all these fond anticipations. But, enough
of that hear what Mr. Masser has to say :
A breeze is constantly blowing from
the ocean, enabling one to " keep cool," no
matter how high the Mercury may rise in
the thermometer. The beach is composed
of pure white sand, and is almost as level
and solid as a marble floor, and in the
evening it was thronged with visitors prom
enading. The hour for bathing, is gen
erally from S to 6 P. M. The most excit
ing and interesting scene is at 11 o'clock,
when all the hotels put forth their crowds
upon the beach, men, women, and children,
young and old, from gray to gay. The
bathers put on Iheir rigging in little sheds
over huts, close to the water's edge. The
gentlemen are generally attired in red flan
nel shirts, and breeches of the same mate
rial, barefooted and mostly bareheaded ;
in their gambols in the water, they might,
not inaptly, be compared to so many half
bred Indians. The ladies in a loose flan
nel wrapper, with a belt around the waist,
and pants of the same material, and a
course straw hat bound with red convey
to the imagination a vivid idea of the gyp
sies, as represented in the toy books of
children, especially as they come tripping
over the beach, barefooted and dripping
with water, like so many half drowned
rats. " Pretty feathers make a pretty
biid," is an old maxim, but the converse
is equally, if not more substantially, true.
There is no poetry or romance in the
bathing dre?s with the surf rolling over
you. All distinctions seem leveled. The
charms of a blooming Miss have few, il
any, advantages over the furrowed checks
of her eldest sisters. Even the poetry of
a " pretty ankle" is lost in the absence of
the stocking and the slipper. Shakespeare,
when he said ' beauty unadorned, was ad
orned the most' certainly had no reference
to a lady in her bathing attire. One would
hardly suppose the many fair forms, spark
ling eyes and blooming cheeks, which you
meet in the promenades and parlors during j
the evening, were the same that
had been
wriggling like
eels in the mud" on the
"Bathing in the surf is not only delight
ful, but exhilerating. Few can look on
without wishing to join in the truss. To
watch the wave that has traversed the
ocean for a thousand miles, until in its
course it comes careering over your head,
isa poetic reality that can not be described.''
If our delinquent subscribers would
only think of our tvfferingt.Miner'M
Be Jnst
It is the highest glory in a man, to be the
servant of his word. No one can be fickle
and false in little matters, and yet remain
influential and trust-worthy in concerns of
a higher range. Trifles make up existence,
and we can not maintain an honorable
standing a single hour, if in those relations
hich involve the honor and welfare of
others, we presume in the slightest degree
to sport with the law of veracity. Losing
confidence on this ground, all is lost.
" Lands mortgaged may return, and asore ssleesaed ;
But boaastf, ones pawacd, is sw'er ndaenKd."
Property gained thro' unrighteous means,
is sure to be of little use lo its wicked pos
sessor. With the power of a withering
curse will it corrode the heart and hands of
the unjust, or speedily revert to those who
ill with integrity subordinate it to the
promotion of exalted ends. " He that by
usury and unjust gain increaseth his sub
stance, he shall gather it for him that will
pity the poor." The sordid idolator of
gold, discarding from his covetous soul
everything that is "honest, just pure.lovely
and of good report." toils slavishly for
wealth, and his harvest at length falls into
better hands : as Diodati says, "not inten
ding anything of himself; but it is so done
through God's secret providence." It is
elsewhere said in Proverbs, He that is
greedy of gain, troubleth his own house ;
but he that hateth gifts, shall live." Lot.
Achan, Saul, Ahab.Gehazi, Jeboiakim and
the Jews verified this saying in their own
painful experience. Look at the ruinous
speculations of our own day, and observe
how frequently and disastrously the same
principle is exempfijiei. Mftp.o,
A Story of Human Nature.
There once lived in an obscure town in
Massachusetts, an old Indian woman.
Some how or other, the old woman had
accumulated quite a little property. Vet
she was an Indian, and was treated with
cool contempt by her neighbors. She had
no seat at the sociul circle, received no at
tention from those around her, occupied a
buck pew at church, and down toward the
grave she traveled without friend or com
Old Nance had but one friend living,
that she knew of, and he a wild, graceless
son. He was the terror of the village,
and spent hi9 time in anything but a res
pectab'e way. At last, the vagabond so
worried the forbearance of his old mother,
that in a hasty moment she resolved to
disinherit him, and leave her money to the
Accordingly she started for ihe house
of one of the deacons, and made a clean
breast of her troubles, and acquainted him
with her determination. The deacon grew
Iroin a cool to a very amiable mood as
she proceeded, and, at last, became profuse
in his expressions of gratitude.
The will, through the agency of the dea
con, was drawn, but the old woman, fee
ling a little compunction, had a clause in
serted, which should make it void, provi
did the son would totally reform his habits.
Secresy was enjoined upon the deacon,
who said nothing about it, except to two
or three friends, who, of course, spread it
all over the village in the space of one day.
But the change wrought in the situation
of old Nance wns miraculous. ' Such a
good old woman !' The nice bits from
the best tables began to journey, under
neat napkins, to her humble abode. On a
rainy Sabbath, a carriage took her up at
the door, and carried her to church, where
she was kindly favored with a front pew,
near the speaker, and near the stove. Her
praise was in everybody's mouth, and her
tottering form commanded respect every
where. But she thrived remarkably un
der this treatment, and lived, and lived.
In the meantime, the son was looked upon
with more than usual distrust, and the
poor widow was deeply commiserated in
his disgraceful course.
Years past away, and the kind attentions
of friend was still continued lo the widow,
when, at last, old Nance slept the sleep
that knows no waking. A large funeral,
one of the largest the little village had
ever seen, attended her to her grave in
the quiet church-yard. There were tears
shed over her bier, and benisons breathed
upon her memory.
The funeral was past. The Deacon,
the Squire, and a number of village nota
bles were gathered in her dwelling, and in
one corner of the room sat the sad and
rn son.
Squire,' said the Deacon, " I believe
there is a will.''
"Will you have the goodness to read it P
The will was produced. All were silent.
The will was read.in which all the widows,
property was bequeathed to the church.
Many an eye sought the face of the prodi-
gil son, but saw no change in his stolid
When the reading was finished, the son
arose, and drawing a piece of paper from
his pocket, inquired the date of " that ar
will !'
The date was stated, and handing the
Squire the paper, the portionless asked him
to read it.
Alas ! it was a will one day younger
than the other. The fond mother in her
weakness had told her son what she had
done, and he managed to have . a will
drawn twenty-four hours after the previous
one, in which he was the sole legatee.
The assembled wisdom and disinterest
edness of the village went home thinking.
and the son had the pleasant satisfaction
of knowing thai his mother's last days were
her best days.
Reader, this is not fiction. Il is but an
instance of our common natures, which.
1 similar developments, come before us
ith humiliating frequency, alike in the
lowest and highest walk of life. Spring
field (Man ) Republican.
Mom Ticb.li.io ofTkout. The Hal-
lowell (Me.) Gazette mentions a new meth
od of taking trout in that vicinity, similar
to that practiced with success in England
It says : " A gentleman, of unquestionable
veracity, inlorms us that ne toox sixteen
fine trout out of a brook by tickling their
tails with his hand, and that he could have
taken three times as many more if he had
been disposed. In passing along, the gen
tleman noticed a deep place in the water,
over which were two or three loss. He
could see the trout in clear water ro get
ting on the logs and rolling up bis sleeves
he cautiously put his hand in the water,
and slightly rubbed the nail of his finger
near the tail of the fish. The consequence
was, ihey turned over on their backs in
his hand, and he drew out tbe sixteen in
two or three minutes.'"
i ' ii .' h
A Harriage without Courtship.
About three years ago, the Rev. R. S.
McClay, of Concord, Franklin county Pa.,
(late of Gettysburg,) received a call from
ihe Board of Foreign Missions connected
with the Methodist Episcopal Church to
visit China and preach the Gospel lo the
benighted Celestials of the central flowery
land. McClay was young, ardent and en
thusiastic, and most willingly embraced the
high and holy duty assigned him.
In due time he arrived in China, and was
stationed at Fau Chua, some seven hun
dred miles in the interior from Hong Kong.
There he studied the native language, and
commenced his labor of love among the
Celestials, with the most flattering success.
Still there was something wanting a void
in the heart to be filled he sighed for that
best solace to man, either in weal or woe
a wire. How to get one ? was an in
tricate question to solve. There were no
American ladies there from whom he could
make a choice, and as for a Chinese wife,
the laws of the land forbade it, neither did
his inclination desire it. W hat was then
to be done! A fertile imagination can ac
complish wonders a firm determination
can surmount difficulties that would "o'er-
top old Pellion." He
wrote to the Board
of Missions on the subject he wrote in
pathetic we might perhaps say poetic
strains, of his lonely condition for the want
of one on whom he could bestow his affec
tions, and who would be ihe partner of his
joys and sorrows through life, and ended
by asking that the Board send him a young
lady who would be willing to become his
wife agreeable in his directions, which
he sent in a form of a blank declaration to
be filled up by the lady accepting the pro
position. This was a novel proposition, but the
Board was of opinion that it was a just one
and proceeded with due diligence to search
for the object desired, and strange to say,
success crowned their effort.
Some li.iie previous to the receipt of
Mr. McClay's letter, a young lady, Miss
Henrietta Sperry.of Brooklin N. Y., made
application to the Board to be sent as a
missionary to China, but was refused on
account of being unmarried. To her the
application of Mr. McClay was shown ;
she at once filled up the blank application,
and a correspondence ensued ending in her
leaving New York in company with a
number of other missionaries, on the 12th
of March last, in the ship Tartar, for Hong
Kong, where she will be met by Mr. Mc
Clay, and the nuptial ceremony will be
The lady's personal attractions have
been described to us, by one who had the
pleasure of seeing her previous to taking
ail on her mission of love. She is des
cribed as being beautiful and fascinating
in her appearance, and possessed of that
charm of loveliness which should adorn
every female character a well cultivated
mind, stored with the richest gifts of knowl
edge from the fountain of education, and a
moral refinement which will bear with it
the jewel of a bright inheritance beyond
the confines of time.
She is now on the dark blue sea, where
' the hollow oak" her home must be for at
least half a year. Who so dead to all fee
ling not to admire such heroism? a young
and lovely girl, forsaking home, friends,
and all the dearest ties of earth to travel
thousand of miles over the stormy billows.
to dwell perhaps for ever among Heathen,
for the double purpose of affording conso
lation to the servant of God, and aid in
spreading the light among those who walk
in darkness, is at once a moral and sublime
undertaking, requiring a degree of devot
edness and firmness that will compare fa
vorably with the self-denial of ihe Spartan
woman of old. Heaven send propitious
gales to wad the Tartar to her destination.
Who can- doubt but a- union formed under
such circumstances- mast be a happy one
Blair County Whig.
Progress of Southern Factories.
The progress America is making in the
consumption of cotton.appears to be entirely
overlooked by ihe European dealers. From
official returns by our Sec. Jf the Treas'y
it appears that Ihe number of cotton facto
ries, spindles, capital and quantity of cot toff
consumed in four Southern States, i the
year 1849, were as follows :
Stale. rarteric. Spindles. Capital. Bales asrd.
TrSDrurs 30 3S.000 SlOO.OnO' 12,Oflo
A 1 shams M 18,000 tno.raxt iJM
Gronri 3S 51,140 121,000 IT .SCO
Sooth Carolina 16 36XW 1,000,000 1&.0U0
Total Ut 141,60 $l,;21,0CO 30,000
Besides numerous ethers in various parts of
the country. It ia only a short time since
cotton was manufactured at the South, the
business being confined almost wholly to
the Eastern States. Harrisburg 'Union.'
Tell your Father," said the eccentric
John Randolph to a young friend, " that I
recommend abstinence from novel reading
and whiskey punch. Depend upon it, sir,
tbey are both equally injurious to the
brain." No doubt of it, sir.
Sorrow. .
Irfte ha deep secrets.? and h hear' are few
That treasure not a sorrow from the world
Some sorrow silent, gloomy, and unknown,
Vet coloring the future from the past.
We see the eye subdued, Ihe practised sm le.
The word well weighed before it pas the lip.
And know not of Ihe misery within :
Yet there il works incessantly, and tears
The time to come ; fpr time is terrible,
Avenging, and betraying.
Woman's Patience.
How strange lhat llief patience of Job
should be considered so remarkable, when
there are so many mothers in ihe
world, whose patience equals, if it does -
not exceed his ! What would Job
have done had he been compelled to sit in
the house and sew and knit, and nurse the
children, and see that hundreds of things
were attended to during the day, and hear
children cry, fret, and complain 1 Or
how would he have stood it if like some
poor women, ho had been obliged to rear
a family of ten or twelve chilJren, wiihou'
help, spending months, years all the
prime of life in washing, scouring, scrub-i
ing, mending, cooking, nursing children,
fastened to the house and his otTspring
Irom morning till night, and from night
till morning, sick or well, in storm or sun
shine, his nights often rendered miserable
j by watching over his children? now
could he have stood all this, and, 111 addi
tion to all other troubles, the curses, and
even violence nf a drunken companion ?
How could hehave felt after wearing out
his very existence for his tender offspring
and a worthless comoanion to be abused
htnmJ t l.,b. nrl.,t hi. toiU nnd!
losses very well for ajshort time, but they
did not endure long enough to test the
length of patience. Woman tests her pa
tience by a whole life of trials, and she
does not grumble at her burdens. We
are honestly of the opinion that woman
has more patience than Job ; and. instead
of saying, " The patience of Jobe," we
should the palienceof woman
RCXABKABLE Puenomeson. On the
IStb ult., at Two Heart River on the
southern shore of Lake Superior, land sud
denly rose out of the water. The new
island is round, and about one hundred and
fitly feet in circumference, and is raised
above the water six feet, and the rise on
the beach, which is wide at this place, is
about the same size, and looks like a hiil-
lock of sand. The new island was at hrst
covered with sand and pebbles, like the
bottom of the lake, but the waves have
dashed over it since, and washed it down
to a black clay. The water was about
five feet deep where the ialanl was formed,
and a boat had passed over the very spot
not five minutes before its formation. A
few rods from the beach, back on the rise
of ground, a great depression of the earth
took place, as remarkable as the upheaving I
in the water. A circular spot of ground,
some fifty rods in circumference, covered
with trees, was suddenly sunk down toi
the depth of twenty feet below the surface, j
No agitation of the earth.or shock or noise ,
took place, and the cause must have been
much less powerful than the internal con
vulsions of the earth that usually accompa
ny such phenomena.
A Pazzle.
In the very first week of the world I was made.
Vl nnt viven ta Adam or F!ve. it is aai.l . I
TW etrange it ia true, lhat all women hae ainee j
With my presence been troubled, I've mads ihi-m 1
all wince, j
For I never have spared either wanton, or wife, .
Or the widow. I never was seen in my life !
To atay where re heartsease, joy, mirth or delight, i
Yet Ihe wicked I rightly torment day and nighL
I am not mere vision, tho' never in sight j I
I am always in war ever where there i wealth, i
I sm never in unison never in health ; j
a a a .t-v l s
in ine woona oi eacn aworu, wo never in ueam.
And I follow the arrow if aimed to take breath,
I much doubt if Minerva my presence ere felt.
With wisdom, 'Us certain. I often have dwelt.
I live with the wretch in bi woe and his want !
Bat the Indaio disdain me. 'tis part of bis law,
Tho', lo balance, I oft visit wigwam and aquaw ;
So lo those who think Ihey me cm define,
I live in flaw embodied in twice.
How to Rain a Son.
1st. Let him have his own way.
2d. Allow him the free ue of money.
3d. Permit him to roam where hei
pleases on the Sabbath.
4th. Uivo him lull access 10 unprinci
pled company.
5th. Call nira lo no account 01 nis eve
6th. Furnish him with no stated em
ployment. Pursue either of these ways, and yo
will experience a most marvelous deliver
ance, or will have to mourn over a de
based and ruined son. Thousands have
realized ihe sad results, and have gone to j
the grave mourning. j Abner Smi'h, from. Massachusetts, dieJ
Crime, for tbe most part the result of j at Cincinnati, from the bite of an alliga
iguorance, eosia England seven hundred j tor he was exhibiting.
and ntty mousanu ruumw ,c-r,,..u .ur,
the removal ol ignorance, sne gives some
thing less than a hundred and fifty-thousand
After a drought of fiveyears,ihe province
of Murcia, in Spain.was visited in May last
by copious showers of rain.
Never Fret over the errors of the past ;
but regard them as the dross of life and
monitors of the future.
tDit ani )nmov.
Bound to Shine. A young man of oof
very prepossessing moral character, lately
proposed uniting wiin'a church in Connect
icut, but neither his present nor prospective
piety give moral power to his application.
i At len
4th, after a long delay, the candidate
:ndly informed that .of the present
1 was k
i 'he church declined his proposal, with the
i hope however that his future course might
ere long warrant his reception. The hope-
! M rejected wes at first astounded, but as a
j happy thought struck him he turned on his
heel and exclaimed wills' a significant snap
of the finger, " Via!, if j:til Kvnt let me Jine
your t'h-irth, IkrJri what I con do rw
'lift iut't the Troop, lif Jam !"
DoLEFl'L, trilv. A Jersey pajirr tel!-
of a mini in its 'Burg who while reading a
borrowed paper, came across a bit of an
article he did not like, and forthwith burst
into a fa of Lamentations which Jeremiah
might have envied, because he could not
go and tell the Editor, 'Siop my leaner !"
Mural Take the paper! :V if the
editor should dare publish anything your
maj-sty may 00! deign to approve, you can
march up like a fool.and 'Stop my piper '.'
Misic vs. Physic. In Lowell, III., a
couple were recently married, and in the.
evening the rowdies of the neighborhood
collected and cliericaritd the party, firing
guns and pistols and niaking all manner of
hideous sounds ; at length cake was handed
around to the outsiders, each cake contait:
ing a portion ol tartar emetic. The conse
quence was, that the music of sheep and
cow bells was soon exchanged for what can
be better imagined than described.
A man started for California by the
overlun d route, with his effects in a tchttl
barrow. lie is spoken of in Ike Western
papers, and his doings chronicled, under
the name of the wheel barrow enigranui
When last heard from, he wa beyond
New Fort Kearney, three hundred miles
from his starting place, rolling on in fine
health and spirits. If tint man lives we
shall see him one d?y, " icfling back" to
Congress. S
'- low eKsns-oblc tbe wind Is In post
ing,'' said an old lady a friend of Mrs.
Partington "It is the changeablest thing
I ever did see. When I went op Wash
ington it was Llowui' in my free ; an I
when I turned logo down, djn't you think
it went to blow ing on my back V
--- - - y
A New York correspondent of the Phil
adelphia Inquirer says : "I uhderstan'I
that Mr. Forrest, the American tragedian,
has not abandoned the s'age."
True he has abandoned nothing totally,
except his wife and himself.- Tuniret
M:ih Th.minoth.' said a lisping little
urchin of five, "I'm alwayth real glad
hen vou come a vithitina to our bourn."
Are you, my little dear you are fcri
f me ln(.n ?" No, that ain't it, Mith
Thiinninih ; b-il Vau:k then we alwayth
have two kinds nf pieth."
If you wish to have enemies, just rise io
the world. Nobody throws cats at a bil-
j loon till it leaves the ground. Talk as you
i mav. men will ilsiniv what ihev can not
j j
? ". '". .
'ar" hoiled eggs are said lobe a ctre
for love. They lie so heavy on the slom-
ach, as to make the poor sufferer forget
. r
the wetg.it on Ins heart.
' -
" Oh, dear !' Slid a city girl, when shn
ht-held a whole cucumber for the first time
,. . . ,, .. ,,:-,
I Ul.flS liiJU It lliai 9UI.II l.lllV
grew in slices "
W'kkfd, To presisl in kissing a young
girl when she resolutely declares she wish
es yotr r.nt t. It looks ?s though you
doubted her word.
The Trumbull Democrat says the "man
who has no time lo read the piper," was
seen in that place, last month, at the Cir
cus, drunk !
Why is a good sermon like a kiss 7 Dj
you give it up ? Because it only requires
two heads and an application.
If you don't know what to do with your
sell this hot weather, angle for flics. N7
diffiVnlty in getting a bite.
A crazy old woman has frrghtened tho
Albanians cut of a year's growth by pro
phesying a turrible storm?
The most uninlormedt amente ,,,
upon earth, can readily rk-tec! a wicket
spirit in others-.
The Thermometer, like Senator Footr,
of Mis?. kept "rising in its plactj" air
last week.
Why is a pig's tail like a carving knife
Because it is flourished over a ham.
.-T r
- r--.