Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 24, 1850, Image 2

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f7A do2eo or strof onr citizens went
over to the farm of ffm. Nesbit, Esq., in
Chilisquaqrur, one day last week.to witness
tha operation of a specimen of "Hussey's
Patent Reaper." ll requires two horses
and a driver, and a man on the machine,
and cuts a swath something less than the j
usual width, as fast as the horses can walk,
bt does mit lay it very stnoot of make j
regular sheavesi It received- a mr inai,
but the conclusion was arrived ai mm,
taking everything into consideration! was
no improvement w the ordinary meihcid.
En Cnttow.
For the lwiburg Chronicle.
From East to West, from the! North and
the South, there comes but one voice with
regard to the coming harvest it will be
as bountiful as the goodness of the All
Giver. Hay, Grain, and Fruit, promise
equally well ; and no wail of a famishing
nation abroad breaks in upon our graIU,-
lions. But let not this project of ahund-
nnce foster inattention, waste, or pride
all our hopes may be blasted He who
rules supreme the destinies of nations, can
Wight the harvest and waste the garnered
fruits as readily as he could strike down
tlx nhnsrn President ol twenty millions of
free people.
The heat of mid-summer is with us,
nnd the dread noiera agam unj , a ferliiiz,.r) an(j usrs plaster to beneht the
land, snatching his victims from all ranks j c)ovcr Never could percejve that plaster
in society. Too much caution en not be b(.ne(.tlej ,he uhpal muchi bu, j, greaily
taken in our food and habits at this tune. incre!iC9 thc growth of clover. He attri
Fruit should be eaten moderately, and is ; jmprovemen, oI ,he soil by clover
safest when well cooked. Excesses of) moj.lly ,Q ,,, ron(s . lhey penetrate the
Ml kinds, undue care, anxiety, and labor, i pnr(h q jhe of two to Uvo and a h,f
should be avoided, and cleanliness, cheer- j roise hp subslanccs on
fulness and pure air, sedulously cultivated. fce(Js a ,he surracC)Where,
. . . , . -i i : .l,
Remember that ice water and Iruits made
him who "never surrendered" to mortal
foe, iheir victim ! Partake of al. Hie true
"good things" under the approved "d
authoritative rule of -Temperance in a
There has been a great demand for
cases exorbitant prices claimed, with the
I.arvest nanos in mis seen. .
noisoncd ius in addition a relic of dark
- . . ,. .
nges which I had hoped was banished from j
most of our harvest fields, and v. hich it is i
to be regretted was again brought out by
tnorecsifiMtVnnlnWiWZSJj regard to the n.lvantaCes of this mode of
wrongs never make a right." ; can be '"Su'atcd to a quart ToThiartunnrt
Do not let your loaded fruit trees be
oroKen oown. u mere be danger, shake
y t ana ...
on ana Knock on enough ol ihe fruit to
preserve tho limbs and branches of the tree
the remaining fruit will then be all the
better, and the tree will be preserved lo
lar fruit again.
Lock among your fruits, plant, grain
and lloweri for the best specimens, and be
can-fa! lo preserve them lor seed. It is in
this way that improvement is effected.
It is said that driving lwo or three
nans in a peach Iree, near the ground, will
prevent injury bv worms. An aricul!ural
paper remarks that it is easily tried."
A RrAur.a.
from thc AVm? Ytirk Workiti" Varmir.
Wheat Culture.
The discussion in relation to l!ie culture
of Wheat, which took place in Albany at
one of the weekly meetings held during the
past winter, brought out some useful facts
which we think are not generally known,
and their insertion in our pages may inte
rest and benefit our readers.
Mr. Brewer, of Tompkins county, said
he had cultivated wheat for more than 20
year, and would give some of the results i
of his experience. A part of his firm, which j
in 1630 was an open romnion, has been
wholly devoted to wheat and clover since
that time, having produced 13 crops wheat
and 8 of clover. The soil is rather a gra
velly loam. His farm is on one of the hills,
towards the head of Cayuga Lnke, which it
is said were burned over by the Indians
every vrar. He made various experiments
in plowing at different depths from 3 to? 1
inches and has alwsys had the bpsl crops ,
where the furrows have been shallowest, j
Usually, plowed but once for wheat I
snmetimrs in May, but had no b.'tter crops j
than when he plowed in September, just j
before sowing. The yields he had obtained j
were from 10 to 20 bushels per acre. On .
new lands, stiff soils for instance, it might
!. mr.rv ,n i... . '
. .
wheat crop, and in such cases it might be j
better to plow d-ep ihe first lime. j
Mr. R. staler!, that he had made some i
trials with various quantities of wed per
acre 89 1 1 n "it busbeU and (
ma usually got il.e best returns from ihe
biltrr quantity ; that is, 2 bushels of seed ;
..an g.vcn irom ioj ousn- is more yield ; he would use all the manure from the barn
per acre than 2 bushels of seed and 6 hu- ' yard ; considers a good crop or clover
shels more than : bushels or seed, lie (equal lo twenty loads of ordiuary yard
had not been plagued w ill. rust but once in j manure per acre. His practice is to sow
twenty years; was seldom tnnojed by the six to eight pound, or clover seed per acre
lljeUn An nr itu III 1 1 J I . .1 . '
" run ine ,
wheat had ofien been injured f.v iIwm !
insects 10 valleys, wl.cn it wag not noticed
on the hills. Has commerced sowing jn
drills; sowed a part of his crop this wav,
lost fall ; the drilled portion !o;ltd much
the best at the setting in or winter. Saw
mo fields of wheat adjoining each other,
on one of which the seed was drilled in.and
on the other sown broadcast j the drilled
yielded much the best. Drilled wheat stands
the winter best ;" the snail fidges beiwsen
the rows are constantly working down.aod
keep the roofs of the wheat cotefed.
Mr. I) spoke of the Etrurian wheat,
which had been lately introduced; and had
so far done well i it weighed 64 pounds to
)he lushe
Mf Lawrence, of Yates county, differed
rf0(n ,ne prcccding speaker in regard to the
propcr ,j(.p,h 0f plowing. The remarks in
r9vor of sna0w plowing, seemed-strange
! to his ear. The farmers or xates improve
I their land by deep plowing. The farm he
! occupied hsd been rrnted for many years
previously to its coming into his possession
had been plowed about 4 inches Jeep,
and produced 12 to 15 bushels wheat per
acre. He at once plowed it 6 to 7 inches
deep, nnd raised the first season 30 bushels
of wheat to the acre. It was the general
expression, in his county, that deep tillage
was the best for all crops.
lie had tried sub-soiling ; first plowed
with a common plow, 7 inches, then run
. .. . . ,h cross.
SOHing whea, . hns ,nvarja.
y haJ thc Les crops where he haa gub.
I . 8Ub-soiled a portion
j ( f ( anj (;ft ,he rernajn(er plowed
j jn ordinary wav nnd ,he yield is
! . (aXOt 0r ,he sub-soiled part. His
' . ,. ...
is a strona lime stone son, auu hc imu.lu
: t. W.r, kkta firm hplnir satisfied it .
rJ' . - .
.. i r .4
ta,' 1 1 1 nnv. t: ninHrs l'iciii u.v vi - i
lie manes "rem use ui nu" ,
, .ninnniltMa lhev suppv food to the
j 1 - -
wheat crop.
L sai,l j,..-at was formerly raised in
i vatesj county chit-Hy on rUuw,but latterly
i , more mon course is to lake first corn,
1 ,ien then v. heat the corn gener-
i manured but let it be remembered,
j ,.- .an nnl l. on - Mnf son
j ' , , rj-jj 0f'
l IIUU I It. VJ " HV Ml Hltvi '
;rain, but it does best after barley
The system of drilling wheat begins to
" " .1.
i. nnMA ; Yipi HiLniv. and Mr. L..
pnn(.. -,. ,h hi1(1 before 8aid
covtr! l"e ""J H lo 2 inches deep ; the
i .: o(mri. me cosi oi ine
mnnliina ., tt
I araw oi wncal in
the best varieties of wheal in Yates
: C""nljr are ,he Hutchinson, Soule's, and
Fl'n, ln Preferre1 'he Hutchinson on
i accuf" of its easiness, and freedom from
r"s'' " 'P6"5 lwo Heeks eafIr lhan
u "rt"- iur- "ugnt they
ralsod as 8ooJ croPs of wheat in Yates a-
any eo'"y in '' s,9,- He had him
I Self raiscd for,-four bushels per acre on
i sixteen arret, in 18(6.
j L,eu, Go-,aUersn snd his experience
was in favor of deep plowing. The wheal
j lands in the Genesee valley, when new.
j produced about fifteen bushels wheat per
acre. They were plowed shallow the
farmers generally had not then sufficient
strength of team lo plow deep ; now they
plow much deeper than formerly,and obtain
from twenty-five to thirty bushels per acre.
In Livingston county, thirty-five bushels
per acre were obtained on some farms.
Some farmers there, now plow ten inches
deep. l)up tillage has many advantages;
an important one is, that it enables crops
lo stand drou h. As lo varieties of wheat.
'he old red chafT bald had done best with
him. and he had tried many kinds. The
Soule's variety had done belter thin Ihe
flint; but two crops of the red chaff are
better than three or flint The blue-stem
is being introduced, and meets with favor. ;
1 ne nroocr time to saw avhpm in ih I3n
esee V3lley, is from the 15th to lhe 2ath of
September. If sown earlier lhan this, it
is verv liable lo be injured Kv ihe Ilnulnn :
fly. As lo the Quantity of seed ner acre. !
he thought a bushel and half, if thrashed
with a flail or trodden out by horses, was
about right ; if lhe seed was thrashed with
a machine, lwo bushels per acre were
necessary. Tiie difference was owing to
the wheal being broken in passing through
a machine, so lhal many of the grains
would not ;eminate. In regard to sum
' t " in rcjitru io sum I
. r.....:.. .. u.j u " ..
. ,,, I1C success with f
wheat on ground so prepared than in nny I
other wy, and tho'l hecou'd raise wheat
in ibai way cheaper lhan he could corn j
or oats. Asa crop lo precede wheat, he'
considers peas preferable to any kind of :
gra'n. or any crop, except flax. Thc j
cheapest mfanure for wheat is clover.though j
srra costs about 10 cts. pef pound in
ennm, inn ..nj. .r.i...
. -" v" a'vaavw aa iiiaairr wwr mnwm
pastures the clover till latter part or May
and plows it under in June could never
ee that plaier benefited the wheat, but ii
makes ihe clover, and the ctovtr makes
the wheat. He is much in favor of the
system of drilling wheat. Wheat put in
by this method is less likely to be winter
killed. The roots of grain that is sown
broadcast, are often injured by the earth
being blown oft from them ; by the drill
system this is prevented the earth which
forms the ridges between the rows being
blown over the wheat, keeping the roots
covered. Mis wheat crops have sometimes
been forty bushels per acre has raised
thirty bushels per acre on sixty acres.
Mr. Cowles. of Onondaga county, said,
there was a great variety oi soil in that
county that on which oak and chestnut
constituted the chief timber growth, was
best fof wheat f but thirty years ago this
land was generally thought good-for-nothing.
When it was first tilled, it was plowed
about four inches deep, and it did not pro
duce tety well ; now it is plowed Irom se.
ven to ten inches deep, and the crops are
good and the land is growing better. On
this kind of land, plaster benefits all crops;
but on some other soils piaster has no ap
parent effect. On the chestnut and oak
lands, the best crops of wheat nre obtained
by sowing about the 1st of September. He
had noticed the effect of different crops on
wheat. A field was soon as follows one
third with peas, one third wiih barley, one
third with oats ; the next crop was wheal ;
it was best after the peas, net best after
barley, and poorest after oats. So far as his
observation had gone, wheal was generally
poorer after oats than after any other crop.
On his land.wheat was generally best af'er
a summer fallow. As to varieties, the old
fashioned Hint was nesi me wm "
next best. Ho rela'ed an experiment : a
neighbor of his took .some winter wheat j
white variety put it into tubs, v.et it, and j
left it to freese it being in the winter sea- I
son. It remained frozen till spring, when I
it was sown : the product was a red ririn?
wheat, which had been continued in his
neighborhood until this day- This experi
ment convinced him that nil wheal was of
one species.and that varieties miht be ori
iinated by causes unusually alTeciing the
grm or the plant,
Lieut. Gov. Patrcrson had no reason to
doubt the result of the experiment just cited
i, brought to his mind the long-contested
point of Ihe transudation of wheat into
chess. I!?had known cbess prouu:cu uouer
circumstar;ces which seemed to fuvor thut
t 111
hj potliesis. He knew a piece ol new iana,
met cleared from the forest, at a consider
.!'.... , ' i i A 1,1
! able distance irom any omcr
sown to wheat, and on a swa e. in the
in the I
i middle ol the piece, mere was ,.
in tljinif .f'tflwj Jajtchfs1-
had ever heard
witnout resorting
a a,
; idea. It was someln
: wheat was nu,n or
had often examined
clean, and found chess
produce all that
( wlieat. In wet places, the wheat would
, die out, but the chess would grow all the
j better, and people were astonished at the
. Mr. , (his name we did not learn)
made some remarks in regard to smut. He
; had sowed a piece of ground wiih seed
wheal that was li.tt am,... l., l
enough to be noticed did not apply lime
or anything to prevent smut. an.I ihe rrnn
i was two-thirds smut.
is son sow
some orthe same seed, prepared by soaking
in brine and limed, which crop had hardly
any smut it. He inquired, whether this
accorded wiih general experience ? Several
gentlemen rrplird that lhey had never been
troubled with smut when the seed was
treated with lime, alkali or vitriol.
In connection with the above, we beg lo
recall to the recollection of our readers the
experiments or Dr.John Woodhull, of Mer-
cer county, N. J., who raised fifty-seven
bushels of wheat, on one acre, by deep i
plowing and the use of decomposed muck
. n in -
... vr. ... is among o.ir most :
- -. ac I. -
sP1"d former. nd has succeeded in con-
vincing ins neighbors that sub-soil plowing j
j . . f ' s
" Two "young men, sTudents at The 0,1 J
lhnT Universi,y. d candidates
for Ihe mini.trv. ew kilUI l, IS I
of. could be plained ; John J.Cntlendon, Of Kentucky, ..M Wv,.,t,o , t -renred frW ...J!. W-aJuly28..f.e,. rrotrac
el.mes sald that clean ; The Washington Union, of Saturday ! - n'L """ toun"-.v an.I in some instances of life. To have a 1 , , M'"r . , l ' 13 dns-
id it produced chess: he evening snvs : newspapers regard the patronage they ex- few friends to stand firm in sunshine, is 1 , ' . '!, ' 'h ,nst 1 IIOM M,L-
was" crown anions the ! the Sen.,, ,i ,K ..... ' '"' "f upholding their local papers i Z f T 1 ",Ut I" Sunbury. 6 h inst.. .Ikiui 51 vr.
while walking together during a Lnder i , Z a ' lUe- Fr'da-V
storm on the id h June. They were fellow ! 3'.h J.'" "'e f,xed for
students and devoted friends,and were n)Und!i,r,i.g JUSt Wetks ,0 prcte for
locked in each other s arms, as thev had I
been walking. They were both protected I
from the rain by an umbrella, which was
! struck and shattered to atoms.
. .
. . .
i msinaiv.auai.hnown
as the inventor oRbe Ramnge press.'Mied i
at his residence in Philadelphia on the 9ib j
in', at the advanced age of 80 years. He!
' man possessed of a large store of j
good sense, amiability of manners nnd lie
nevolence of disposition ; and by his indus.
'ry had acquired a hnndsome competency,
j The death of the laie President is an- '
uounced in the Kingston (Canada) papers: j
with the marks of mourning usually adop
ted by the American press.
Dead. Peter V. Hagner, the venerable
Third auditor of the Treasury, died at
Washington city on lhe night of the 16th.
Drowned. Mr. Hayes, from Lancaster,
Pa., was drowned in Trinidad Day, Cali
fornia, in Mav last.
Foreign News.
Arrival of the Steamer America. Sev
en davs later from Europe.
Sir Robert Peel was killed on the 28th
of June by being thrown from his horse.
His sudden and violent death caused n
great sensation in England and France.
Portugal. We have dates from Lisbon
to the 9ih ult. Great excitement prevailed
there in consequence of the arrival of an
American squadron in the Tagus to en
force the claim of 70,000. Twenty-one
days were allowed by the American com
mander for a final reply, t ears were en
tertained of refusal. The Portuguese gov
ernment have determined to resist the de
mand upon ihem. j
Louis Phillippe is said to be dying of
cancer in ihe stomach, and his relations
state that his life can scarcely last a month :
Four dap later.
New York, July 21.
The steamship Atlantic, Copt. West ar
rived at her wharf this irorning, at four
o'clock, making the best passage on record,
to wit ten days and fijteen hours from
dock to duck.
Cotton had advanced 1 8d on receipt ol
the Canada's news. The corn market
has improved. Indian corn advanced 6d
to Is. Flour firm. Wheat (Danizig) 4d
ivl advance ner 70 lbs. All kinds of
t mr.;,.nn nmviuinn has made a slight ad
The death and burin! of Sir Uob'i Peel,
had absorbed public interest
A young man, Geo. Alfred Walker, a
t r i :
composnor, ... . -----
a loaaeu pisioi on " " -
confessed the design of shooting the Presi
dent of France. "Crazy," as usual.
The electoral lists for Paris under the
nrur law. nre nulilished. The riumlter of
electors for Paris is 74,000 ; under the old
law they amounted to 224,000.
The New Cabinet
The President sent into the Senate on
j SuiUrd;iy Inst the following nominations,
hich were immediately acted upon, nnd
j ,. . cnlernen confirmed for tho offices
j altacnpd to lneir namt.8 :
; Webster, of Mass.
, St.crelary of State.
, , t. n..;n nf Ohio.
A wi . ", J
Secretary of the Treasury.
William A. Graham, of N.C.
- oet-ioi. -j-
Secretary of the INiavy.
; c wt:mlr .
, "
Natltan K. Hall, of N. York,
-: Ji.t.AlaStTJijieral.
on the Compromise bill
i.i.rssrs earce una uorwin, being on j
1 II 1 . . .
nppnMic sides of '.hat question, may pair
ofl'.wiihout afTecling the result of the vote."
Washington, July art.
; "e ,cnRIC jesterday, re,eCicd Mr.
j amend,ncnl ' the Compromise bill,
! a,,cr first "TCting tho amendment to the
; same, moved by Jefferson Davis, substitu
"s lhe M'ssu" I'ne.
1 Mr' 1'"ot ,hen offered an amendment to
8've 30 deSrees as the Southern boundary
j of CW'fornin, nnd establishing the territory
', of t-'orado su'h thereof. The motion
! as PPn(,ing " adjournment,
I ' he ,,ouse by a small majority refused
j to admit the Delegate from New Mexico,
Hugh N. Smith, nr.d the Delegate from
' l-'tah, Almon W. Babbitt, to a scat in the
' House.the southern members going nainsi
' '"cm 1,1 a b"dy. "
Pro Webster not Pardoned.
Th .mm;0 , , ... r,
v. f.ci.uuio ui (iiu council
,., lhe (;ovcrnor of Massachusetts, to whom
wf.r(, rHrrrj ,:,, r .i
were reierred petitions for the commutation
of 1,rof- " iday morning las!,
an report against
i 'Miiiijuiuiiuii. i no rpnnn M-ni no.
uounc"' one "wmocr, .lr.
, Tne e Storm.
New York' Ju,y 20 The effects orthe
stoTm al No Vork "as been very severe.
i ha Mn..j . cii..j -.l
" ' "l"" -c ""Cu wnn accounts ol
chimney, blown down, houses unroofed
and similar accidents. The mariner
fhronicl.-s are filled wiih disasters.
Wilmington, (N. C.) Ju!y 20. The
iremendous storm which visited this reion
yesterday, was so severe on Cape Fear
river, as lo prevent the arrival of the
Charleston boats at this port. Much an.
prehension is entertained for their safely.
Tiik I'iiiladkli-hia Fhie. The origin
of the fire is ascribed lo the friction of lhe
wheel of a hoisting machine. In lhe loft
of store 139 North Water street, was a
hoisting machine, and around it a quantity
of straw was stored. The nr.w r ,u'
cheek or rag-wheel upon the windlass.pro-
duccd fire, which mmn,nnUU i .i.-1
, , -iiii.Hn.ii v t utr
straw in its immediate vicinity, set the store
on fire, and produced the extensive confla
to such an unnatural j Attorney Genera!. J'"' " """irunau iy tue ease that disinterestedly, eveu at the risk of health ! '""e' 1 thabine, widow ol J..hn Z-i-
wheat that was called It is sunposed that Mr. Webster ill tt'H'tn ,l,,m " a '''at.kless gratuity, for Ptsing i b to have a whole community ? Ne,", Wash mnliii. r,k :.. i..
enouj-h nmtms i. to ' not accent his annoim,., nf rmm wl"lh " Iluato return : ! lu Vm0 V "T- 0n.8Uch ' ?'-v 43J year. Ai.el.e. wife Vr l.- Wn
Cactiox. The last Muncy Luminary
states that the barn of Mr. Henry Shoe
maker, near that Borough, came near be
ing fired on Tuesday evening of last week,
by the careless manner in which some one
in passing along back of the building, dis
posed of the stump ol a lighted cigar. The
cigar was carelessly thrown into the fence
corner where there happehed lo be some
light matter, which it appears after some
time took fire ; from this the fence caught
and the flames had nearly reached the
barn when it was discovered by two men
about 11 o'clock at night.and extinguished.
Smokers should be careful what they do
with their lighted 'Stumps,"
H. C. HICKOK, Editor.
O. N. WORDEN, Publisher.
Ap-ilniM-Mii-v B Pimer nod t g
- w
Wednesday Morning, July 24.
ADVERTIZE ! Kx.TOt.in.. A'iminitrtor. Public
OtVn-vrf.'ilvandroimlrv Mrt-liiiiili lnufwtun-w,
M.-chanio.. llui'n.- M.-n nil who nia to (imrtiir or to
Uil- f anvlhiBir would do well to irn inrtire or th
Kinv tknniisli llw Utritl.uni ITimmHr ." Thi ppkw
a .mI ait inrrviiis em ulation in a comuunily rontai-
inutf a Inrc a ni.iru.u ui "--
rolifUim-rs, au.l d.al. r. an otlKT in the State.
Democratic State nomination .
;...( 'omm.mWr W .M.T.MOKl',ol.Monip.nier, vi
Awlilnr wntl-El'HHAl.M BASKS, of Mifflin Co.
XHrrryirVrHrral J.l'ollTEK IIHAWLEVfCrawf..r.lCo.
Whig Slate Humiliation t
(f,nal C.MmiuH,H.r IOSII1A 11 SOAX, of Bnkl Co.
IwMw Ikmrtd IIKXItV W. SXYllEB, of I nion Co.
Xrrw-r rwrol-JOSKI'll H EXUKKSON, of Wa.bi n Co.
Election Tuesday, OcL 8, 1850.
NOTICE. Alter the 1st of August nexl
we ran not receive Notes under 85of any
Hank out of Pennsylvania. Relief notes
nre not prohibited from circulation by ihe
npw lnw.
Subseiibers nt a distance are desired to
notice this, and to remit us 1 enn a money
j jf pnssi,P' m once. Our own citizens will
! u(, wc t0 WOrk off all their foreign money
as fast as possible lo the Cities, as it is the
intention of business men ana omcers 10
kxkokce the law, hard iho it be.
h k h
& A
jy-THE lKMi) ATtr Stanharu, Hoi
lidavshur". Pa., comes to us this weel
t-lotiicl throughout in a dress of lieautiful
new tvie, and fiirnilud with a new head
whne neatness and ierspieuity .(uite take
our fancy. If the patrons of this excel
lent journal do not rally to its support
mi,! MiPHilitv. they uc-
prove tlii ir rharaeter and eapacity, and
enlarge the sphere or their influence, give
the cold shonl.l.r to their neighbors at
home, nn.l I.tirrv off their remittances to
the "citv p;,pcrs." This is no doubt a
. , , 7 .
natural result of the unc.ual comitition,
j and the one-sided views of some people,
hut it works nona the less injury for all
that. Both city and country papers can
m,l sh.,M he supported, nnd well suppor-
te-1, too; but when both can t be taken,
the country Pa,Kr ,s rightfully entitled to
flip iii'Af iili.itf. Tim itii,t;,. i
gU.cal toncot every community should
he rcfl.Tted so far as may be in thc public
press, and this can only 1 done through
local organs. The healthful moral senti
ment of the country can not otherwise so
well find fitting expression, and maintain
its proper influence, in contrast with the
vitiated tastes and depraved moral tone of
a large proportion of the journals that
spring up in the Atlantic cities. But,
one is met at every turn with the plea that
city papers possess many elements of su
periority. This is all true enough, and
they can well afford it. Money is the sin
ews of printing as Well as of war, and if
country papers were favored with but a !
sniall portion of the patronage that is ex-
peuded upon their more fortunate Eastern !
cotemporaries, they could and would soon
be in a position to command the confi
dence and support of the respective com
munities in which they are loeated. But
with all drawbacks, the eountrv nn., hna
improved immensely in the last ten years,
as the perusal of a file of country exchan
ges win reaany demonstrate.
. J. M. Baum, Esq., in the last " Times"
declines, on the score of " true modesty"
and a " sense of apparent unfitness for the
office, to comply with the request of our
correspondent, " A Chapman Democrat,"
to copy his recommendation of Mr. B. for
a seat in the Legislature. II .1
dines the nomination, because, in his
opinion, this district has been so wofully
'.li rnjininiilmd, the honor would be " but
the empty expression of impartial martyr
dom" (?). . ; the
shows, for conclusive reasons, that a no.u- j
v - 3- IH II v; lie i
ination ought to be made, even if thc can-
. . ncntat,.y he tomahawked
f,"m8 a,d amJ comfort,' that, for some-
D(Xy. Uut
we shall see what we shall
Never do to give it up so.'
'ol. Si.iFKR,then, having no op;
stands a fair chance for re-election. '
TiiJc NortheAst Storm that raged for
thirty-two hours on Thursday and Friday
of last week, was unprecedented at this
season of the year. Rain fell in great
quantities, and most of the time the wind
blew a perfeet gale; and as the ground
became very soft, nlany trees, particularly
fruit trees, were prostrated, and the Cortl
beaten down. All the small streams rose
very rapidly, and great quantities of grain,
&c, were swept away, and the other crops
on the bottom lands materially damaged.
On Friday morning the Buffalo creek
verv fast, and the racing torrent fore
some eisrht or ten
ncwlV-launclieu noais
! from their moorings ittld swept them down ,
! to thc old bridge, where the foremost one, j
i spanning the creek from pier to pier, was
, brou-'ht to sidewise against the bridge,
and the rest jammed up against it, anil
j became wedged fast. For several hours
I there was danger that both bridge and
! w.H.l.l Ik? carried off. but the services
i of half a regiment of citi.ens who vohim
; teert.j fur the oecasloft, Were successful,
! ev;,Ii r.;,rlit in liberating the
boats, and making them secure, ine
West Branch swelled rapidly and a high
flood was anticipated, but it began to fall
i ..t ..,,;. bunk full. The brook
just at the west end of town was higher
than it was ever known, and formed a
stream as wide and almost as strong a
tl. Buffalo creek. It damaged the held
and fences in its range very considerably,
and demolished the turnpike bridge, and
uch of the adjoining embankmeni. 1 he
weather has since been very dry and warm
and the farmers on the uplands have suff-
rcd but little injury.
A .rentleman who has lived on Chilis-
it wi4
HUaue erecu oi
higher '
lllalt Ut- uua o i
1. a 1. ! Ir iiAtrit tt Ifl IlirLL iUIlif
period. . .
The North Branch rose considerably
higher than the highest high-water mark,
and the destruction of grain in the shock,
Hiid other crops, has been immense. The
Shauiokin creek was alarmingly high, and
the farmers on its bauks have suffered se-
rerely. A portion of the town of biinbu-
rv was witter waier i ic wpiu v"
ral feet. Several lots ana cellars in un
place were in the same predicaineiit.
Wc learn from our exchanges that the
.i.. mvon and destructive alonji
the Atlantic coast ; vessels wrecked, lives
lost, houses llowu down, trees uprooted,
&e. We are told very much injury is done
on the l'enn'a Canal.
A Cari. Feeling under great obliga
tions to the citizens of Lcwisbtirg and
vicinitv, and to our own workmen, for the
kind assistance they rendered lis during
the late freshet, we think it due to make
ivt-a rcitnc iO il.- m vuiuaoie, wliiTe
i could not have Inwn surpassed had their
own individual all been at stake, has made
sut'b an impression upon us, that words
' ;re aI,,,J?t'ber too cold to express the warm
-! 1 f T L?rL'; bu, Wn a" ,hf
I we nave to offer nt present, we sav to each
' individual th.t i.tI J V.... i.,.,.
deep. warm, heartfelt thanks for voi.r l-i...l.
j "C!is- Friok & iMFEB.
! Iwisl.urg, July i2, 18;"0.
I It was fint stated; and th contra-
dieted, hut is now a settled fact, that Col
A. K. JITlvre, Kditor of the Juniata
Marshall to take the census i J:...
county. An excellent appointment ; none
more worthy. Col., we congratulate you
itumcroMffj,. But, hark'cc ! do n't forget
to count thc Democrats, for the next elec
tion will bring them out in shoals, to cor
rect your addition if erroneous. But
i tli
ierc will be more of them out at any !
rate than you count ; so it's all one. i
In China, Me., 18th June, by Rev. Mr.
Bartlett, William Mathews, Editor of the
" Yankee Blade," Boston, to Miss Isabella
L, daughter of Hon. Alfred Marshall.
Mathews is certainly a great ' blade.' but
ne ha9 been captured at last. The matri-
monial lasso was .too strong for liinr.
to his memory.
I'eotuonotaby. Mr. Hals, the pres
ent capable incumbent of this office, it will
be seen by his card among our new advts,
is a candidate for election as is also our
worthy LastBuffalo neighbor Mr.TAGOART.
These appear to be all the candidates who
want the help of the Chronicle's readers.
Loss bt Lightning. On Thursday
morning last, three horses and two head
of horned cattle belonging to John Komig,
in Buffalo township, took shelter from the
rain under a tree in the pasture field, when
they werejkilled by a stroke of lightning.
fTbe Union Times announces that
Maj. C. II. Siirinkr declines being a
candidate for the Congressional nomination
this fall. This we presume leaves the
contest, in this county, in the hands of
CanirUiJLhe R!1?-
Alexanpkr JoKda.n, Esq., is warmly
recommended by a correspondent of the
ounuury uazette as th Democratic candi
date for Congress in this district.
J. Foster WiiXyfof Hartley, we
learn is to take the U. S. Census for ISoO
in the northern division of Union county.
C 1 j-a ...
C?Gen.Tay!oi's widow's maiden nainu
was Margaret Smith, of Maryland. She
now intends to resid with her son in-law.
Dr. Wood, in Baltimore. Congress Lai
granted her the franking privilege also,
appropriated S'2000 for a monument -to
Gen.Taylor in ihe Congressional Burying
Ground, where it is Hated he wiahed his
remains lo be kept. His son-in-law. Col.
Bliss, settles his accounts at Washington.
Mr. Fillmore's family at last daiet bad
not arrived at ihe Capital.
Dickinson Skxixabv The corner
stone or the new building, designed as a
boarding house for the student of Dickin-
gnn sernjn,ryt at Williamsport. was laid
w-ltt tippropriate ceremonies, on the 3rd of
ju,y j)Sf Speeches were deliered on tho
occasion, by Dr. Hodgson, of Harnsburg,
Uev. John A. Gere.and Gen. R. Hemmg,
of Williamsport. The new building.whicb
is going up, wi'.l be, when completed, CO by
6 feet base, four slories high. It is to be
built of brick, in the beat and most perma
nent style.
Corner Stone.
The Corner Sione for ihe new Evange
lical Lutheran Church, which is in the
course ol erection in Milton, will be Uid
with proper ceremonies, on Saturday the
2?ihinsi. Services will commence at 10
o'clock, A. M., in the English and German
Temperance Coavention.
The Uih Northern Temperance Con
vention of Pa. will meet in the Presbyteri
an Church in the Borough of M.lion on
Thursday the 1st day of August, 1850, at
J o'clock, A. M.
Corrected this Day.
1 . lnDlA1
' It V . . . . .
Uried Apples
. . . All
. .UMt
.. II HI
. . . 1
Hum 10 l!acon
-tlll- HIII-"
On the 9ih int by Rev.Wm.Chimpion,
Col. Jackson M'Faduin. ol Lewibiir2.iii.il
Miss Feances A. Urban, of New BuiIjIo,
Perry Co., Pa.
At Buer.a Vista, Sieph. (-o., lit., 'id in-t.
by Rev J.C. Downer, Cuas.G Stuohfxkek,
M.D., and Miss Elizabeth B. daughter of
il.e late Philip lleitzeil, Fq.
In Ivist RufTilo. at the residence of l.er
son, Thomas Penny, evening of in'..
Jang, widow of Win. Penny, dee'd, in her
age. Elizabeth, wife of Peter IJileman
To the Voters of Union county.
MELLOW CITIZENS : I offer myself
1 as a candidate for the office of PRO
THONOTAKY, (u-jt.ct io the decision of
the Democratic Whig County Convention.)
Should I be nominated and elected, 1 shall
endeavor to discharge the duties of said
office lo the best of mv ability.
J. H A US, Jr.
New Berlin, July 18, 1850.
ANE self-evident, and worthy of every
J consideration, that no Miller can make
good clean flour without he has good clean
wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the
remedy. 1 tell you it Is lo get one of
Htrgstresser's Wheat Scourers, or Smut
Machines. Ho being an old, practical and
experienced Millwright has invented, got
up and put in successful operation the best
W heal Scourer now in use. Any person
ordering ajmachine and afterwards finding
lhat it does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary.
He is now having a supply made at Lewis
burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders
for midlines, or letters of inquiry, will be
promptly attended to. Machines will ho
sent and put to all orders. Address
Lewisburg, Union Co. Fa. 329
To Delinquent Collectors.
ALL Collectors of State nnd County Tax
within the county of Union, knowing
themselves in arrears with their Duplicates
of an earlier date than 1849, are requested
P"y n 'neir respective amounts due on
or before September Court next ensuing,
otherwise their Bonds will be given into the
hands of an Attorney for collection, without
respect of persons.
New Berlin, July 4.
T" I 1
grey mailh HORSES. Also, a beau
tiful black Horse. Enquire at ihis office.
July 17, 1850 Is
are hereby commanded
1 to meet at ihe house of A.
ll.Elair.July 27th,at 10 o'clock.
A.M .fully equipped for parade.
By order of lhe Capl iin.
J.DEFREHN, 2dS'gt.
N. 11. At which time an
place a Court of Appeal will b
dipt. F. A. DONACHY.
i o