LEW BURG CHRONICl J & C. HICKOK, JMitor. a N. WORDEN, Printer, LEWISBUBG, UNION CO., PA., JULY 24, 1850. Volume VP., Number 17. I Whole Wumber---32?.' The lw Isburgf Chronicle is iucd every Vedoesday morning at Lewisburg, Uuion county, Pennsylvania. Taaxs. $1.60 per jrr, fur c-h actually in advance; $1,75, paid within three months ; !2 If paid within the year ; $2,50 if not paid before the v,r entires : ainele numlwr,5 cents. Sub l'ur the LnvUburg Cmmictt. Suggestions. Mr. E.Jilor : I have been anxiously looking for some lime past, hoping to find an article from the pen of some eminent fhyiscian on the subject of the propriety (..- miw mnnih, or less to be raid in , advance. Discontinuances optional with the i of e.-tablishing a Medical Society in this Publisher eicept when the year is paid up. (county. The Stale Medical Society wa A.lwriiaements hanilsoniely inserted at ou Cla . ... . hsr souare o"r.eek. f I for a month, and 5 for ' ' 1 819, Since which lime, many of year ; a reduced price forlonger advertisement'. ; our sister counties have organized under it Two square., f7 ; Mercantile .dertisement. not j Tbe adyan, rf rf h' nceeding one-fourth of a column, quarterly, $10. . . uiir.cu irom.ucn Casual advertisements and Job work to be paid I associations, hive been properly presented for when handed in or delivered. j to the profession, and the public Generally : 1 II .1.Hn,tiAn. Ii mail .nllct enfllA final- J e . t I 1 1 U1U1UIUIIIHI - f psiJ. accompanied I'V the address of the writer, to jaceive attention. Those relating exclusively to the Editorial Department to be directed to II. C. tlicKOE, Esq , F.ililnr and all on business to be ad lreted to the Publither. O'fice. Market St. between Second and Third O. N. WORDEX. Printer and Publisher. President Taylor. The New York livangelist of the Uili inst. (a religious paper) thus analyzes 1ip character and position of the late President. A Scene in Boston. A half-score or more ol Irish women h;ive lately taken thrirstnnds at the Park street corner .f the Mall, here with a few oranges and other fruits t. laced upon some The intelligence which it is our oppress- lemporary (able or box, they remain from fof the true Whitr stock of Benniniton.Vt. ive ouiy to sena lortn tins week, of the morning until niht, perhaps clearing by on (he 7ih of January, 1600, and i there President Fillmore, Millard Fillmore, who by the death of Gen. Tavlor has become President of the United States, is n native of New York. He was born at Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., .is, ...... J I . . i ... therefore, to enter upon their utility here, Lr ... n-, A , , , would be rnOT..,l Th.. 1 : ! of u"aire es'm, and the expertet.ee of 7aii,m r,r .ki, l; ax. u i . f his Roman firmness, manly wisdom and zation ol this kind should be made ! stip-l: , , . .. . , . . . noeil.peo ..;.,.. J t '"Win' patriotism had inspired confidence pose mere exists no discrepancy of opin on. ,u -. . . . , Y,ni;A,r- .i . 1 where it was most needed when it seemed Midden decease of our Chief Magistrate, i their small sales Irom n to two shillings win awaken in all hen us a sense of sor-1 per day. I hey are moally old women, row, and in most, miny serious foreboi. j who ran do nothing else for a living, and ings of the future. At this juncture of pa-j are patronized more from charity than litical affairs, when lha knowledge of his I ,rm the tempting appearance of their lore fifty years of age. His lather Nathan iel Fillmore, is a farmer, and is still living RULES rOH SUCCESS. Ill rtsa ; one ronjtant i-Um. nl In lurk J (t' Duinr. solj.1. old Tib.nic itlurk. J ym " "hart: it frit the eajrtb.Uaaj' thrill, I innit u iu b. and rrrvu tin ,uori .till. " " n; tin ui..i.:;r,r. b..l.l will ilip, "t only mw-im luof Ibe bulWIK'a rTip: brnall u be l,km, the j th.t never tUW, Urags uon the UlWwio;r noiurth ..f th fieWs. The Humble Deal Eulogies are written upon the deceased President, and he deserve them all. Dot THOUGHTS AT SUNSET. Boft o'er the mountaiue purple brow Meek twilight draws her shadowy grey ; From tu ted woods, and valleys low. Light' magic color steals away. Vet still, amiJ the spreading gloom, Recplendenl clow the western waves That roll o'er Neptune's coral cavea A son of light on evening' dome. Ou this lone summit let me rest, And view the forms to fancy dear. Till on the ocean's darkened breast The atars of evening tremble clear ; Or the moon's pale orb siear, Thiowing her light of radiance wide, rut o'er the lightly curling tide. Noaound o'er silence no'.v prevail, rave of the murni'ring brook below, Or rai!or'a song borne on the gale. Or oar at distance striking slow. S iweet, so tranquil, m-y my evening ray . I to this world and rise in future day. Vet a kind of apathy seems lo be a too prominent characleristic of the profession goods. One day, not long since, one of these old women became quite ill from exposure to the sun, and probably from want oi l proper nourishment, and was forced to r : ... t v. t. i , i i ii line ciiuniy, iew i urn. in tuny uitr, nr,h .l -,,..,) M . . , ' ,ne "fusana pens busy in comrnemora Mr. l-iltmore devoted four years lo a me- ,; ,:. ... i r. . . , , . u9 .niucs, nun iew wei oivcrifu in- chanical pursuit, and during the whole of , to an a;,1Jsion , ,he hundred!l who among us. bocteties of philosophy and fine arts, of agriculture and mechanics, are making Iheir impression upon the world, as well as upon individuals, and yet the science of medicine, the most important, seems to drou its slow length nlono' , b wt nout any elTort scarcely being made to j raise it Irom its grovt-ling position. I his is a day peculiar for the wide dif fusion of knowledge the spirit of enter prise is abroad in the land each genera tion is morenenve and inquisitive than its predecessor, and the splendid rrnrch of mind bids fuir greatly to lessen the sum of as if Providence, in placing unexpectedly j leave her stand, and seat herself a over us, a man peculiarly adapted by his gainst Ihe iron railings of the common, in the hade. A little bright eyed girl of thirteen summers, saw her limjt to the spot, and ' human evil and meliorate the condition of our race. Men's minds are becomin" more liberal as respects the elevation of ! every professional pursuit, and the enter prise of invention is truly prolific. Fur the Leu hhirg Chruniele. rirs. Smart and Simon Steady. In our little out-of-the-way town in Illi nois, we have many of the ways and fash ions uf the Ivislern States, reproduced. Mrs. Smait, a buxom young widow, keeps a constant eye on Extern fashions, and loves to show them olT, too. As one means of accomplishing this object, she selected a eat in our house of worship where she could see ever body, and where of course veryooay couia see ner. Here, every personal characterises and his local rela tions, to meet and to conduct to successful issues, by far the most perilous and per- i "'so observed ihe anxious eve of the old plexed crisis of our history, was giving us ' or"n directed towards her little store of a pledge ofthnt abounding favor which has oranges, mils and candy" Never mind been Ihe glory of our annals, and is ihe ! lhse, ma'am." she said. I'll eo and set only hope of our future when the race ! 'here till you are better, and sell for vou.' 1 . ....... t wia ..... una turmoil oi sectional jealousies and po- j ' ne little miss, dressed with much taste liiical strifes and ambitious plotting would , ana" richness, with an air that indicated seem lo yield to no restraints but those of; most unmistakably the class to which she executive nrmness and power when the i Belonged, sal dow n upon the rough box prominent want in the councils of the na- j behind the Irish woman's stand, assuming non was felt to be just the dignified for- :l ihe importance of a young saleswoman, bcarance, the strong common sense, and jsbe had never sold anything before in her the universal confidence which distinguish- life j but people becan to stoti and wonder ed him the removal, we sny, at such a what meant to see ihe fair and beautiful juncture, of such a President, without -" ohild in that singular situation. warning or nrennratlon. e-nn nni l.A - 1 Thn .Wv u no ann t... .i I a - I I 1 w IC I J own iuiij U) lie DVSian- 1 IS I ..a.AaA . n:..: :..j j .. , . , . . i.'iviiic juugmi-nt, me severity wuo nau only lo point lo ihe poor sions for : woman. In a moment, every one was the future. jseized with a verv extraordinary nVin fi.e The life of Gen. Taylor, though it np- !an orange, a hondful ol nuts, or some can peared to be somewhat compensated by i i and our little beauty could hardly the history of his modest bravery, and the ; erve 'hem fast enough. Many, utierly reports ol his disinterestedness and ability, ! refusing any change, gave her a nine was not calculated to secure at once the . pence, a dime, or a sixpence for a penny's confidence of Christian men. The success- I nh of nuts orcandv. It was all accom- ful soldier, the life in the camp, amidst the , Pushed very quickly, though the little girl dissoluteness and brutalizing influences of j wa aomewha! disconcerted, and had lo be war, were not the qualities in which such .'encouraged by a whisper, now and then, men would naturally discern the wise, j hm one who need not be named, for she peaceful and impjrtial statesman. With a j was not accustomed to a crowd. majority of religious men, at the North: The table was soon swept, and we saw particularly, the election of Grji.JXVu.hu fcfiWHW tM jirir-at.-, -nu-tmicu on s an ascenatueu uoou. nra extreme , vi. ,u hall ttie saints Ol ine cuienuai iu uicss . that period, occupied all his leisure hours in rending and study. At the age of nine teen, he attracted the notice of Judge Wood. of Cayuga county, who took him into his ofliee. In 1821. he removed to Buffalo. and entered a law office, teaching lor his maintenance until the year 1823, when he was licensed to practise in the Court ol Common Pleas. In 18'27, he was admitted an attorney of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In 1629 he was elec ted member of the Assembly from Erie Miinli, n .t .. . . . . ' i t . . ! w""7i "u was mice re eiectea. tie was elected to Congress in the fall of 1832, and after the expiration of his term resumed the practice of his prolession. In IS36 he was again tent to Congress, end was subsequently re-elected for another , rue the old mountains lift their agedheads jof whoe 8troke j,JSfie9 apprehen n i " .uiw9 as in ii a s ui yore, yet these are but mole-hills when struck by man's inventive power.for the iron teed, as it reverbrates through its mountain recesses like a thunder bolt goes careering on with a "chariot and a thou- tnd iu its train." The lightnings flash ' as ot oia, but they are man's post-boy, and they go with a speed loo that makes old ' Tune himself blush and fold his wines to own himself distanced in the race.'' The fire, ihe water, I lie wind, and the waves Sunday when we had preaching, and it did , oro a" made the servants of man, and still not rain too hard lor her fine apparel, she ''is course is onward ; day by day new mii'ht he n J i lur kpsi tnu t ; '".mphs are achieved over the ejemeit and her sweetest smile?. j n h Bnnihllateri( so far as it is an Soulnen poiUion. and his actual implication , Simon Steady i. one ol our Mcnei..r. obstade intcrcourse of men, and in the system of slavery, were also circum- i loers, a settler from New ll tmps ir ; jppects portend the lime approach- that cave but little promise in res- j c .vu .iliincr man. but a J 1 ' . . . .,, . . . i tirsi-rate iarnn.r a - o , - hen s reater developments nau t , ,t, ,rrM, lswlPa which it was lore- - ,t -- .. . ...... be made in the scientinc worm. The energies of American artists, show no inferiority. Neither does France or England poseess the charm of incantation ; to raise the spirit of enterprise more than our own country, jet pruc, ucihih. should be shown lo age and experience ; and here is the only advantage they have ti.; rpsiiert. we" are not without the "Reason!" said Simon, "reason T ny,, , coun,er:lc(jn for what an Eng. because it does me good to look at you.' J is,imnn recejes by inheritance and entail, Does you good, does it !" said the lady J nn Aftierican w ill acquire by indomitable very quickly, and with a s.nile of satislac-1 enefgJ Though great perseverance be Reallv, I can ttninK, .r. oicnu,, . American characteristic, yet u must vhat "ood it can possibly do you to gaze; u;ushmgy acknowledged that the med ical profession is composed of less stern material ; it takes them so long to appre ciate what ought to be comprehended at a dance. Nearly every other association ol the day is considered laudable, and ac tive measures are adopted to build ihem LOVE IN DEATH. ... i ni small snare oi wjinai possu.3iiiK - . Tankse shrewdness. Some .f our neigh bors did think that Mr.Smart would have been glad had he made her, Mrs. Stea-ly. "What is the reason," said Mrs. Smart o Simon one day, "that 3 aIwa) 9 looking at me in church ! I never turn my head around but I see you gaalng directly at me.' tion. at a-body so. . . ' "May be not," said Simon, "but so it is. "But do tell me," cried Mrs. Smart, ea- cerlv. "what cood it does you." I'd rather not," said Simon, moving to bo "I'm afraid you might not be pleased." "Ob, I'm sure I shall be very much pleased, and if you don't tell me, I'll never peak to you again." "Well," said Simon, "if you must know, A mother ails by a lowly grave, A hillock small and green. With two grey stonea at the bead and feet, And Ihe daisied turf between. Silent abe sits in that place of graves, As if tranced in a dream of prayer. seen must chiefly engage his thoughts and test his conduct. Hat slowly and surely, the country at large has learned lo justify the popular choice and to regard his advent to the Presidential chair as one of those j And her hand oft plays with the rustling grass tokens of a Divine goodness, which have una oi .a .n..m . u.,r. their pre-eminent value in their unexpeel- j Does she muse on the time thai she hushed it soft j t... t i i Willi erstlle lullabies 1 edness. It was aiscetnea uiui ne mu ic culiar and timely qualities for the present crisis. Though a slaveholder, he was I I C ui 1.11 K ibnl above me sectional prcicicur relation olten produces in the greatest minds ; though a soldier by prolession, he was eminently a man of peace; and deter mined upon a peaceful course ; though ungifted with great powers of stateman ship, he exhibited those sterling traits of broad common sense, honest insight, and invincible energy, which are often infinite ly better than what the world calls talent and statesmanship, and wtnen were espec tip.and then w hy so much reluctance shown J fiue(j 0 exert a wh0lesome influence at the nresent lime. And above all and on ihe part of those who ought to be in ad vance of the limes rather than behind tnemi The Slate Society has been in session you must. 1 once useu iu B j ror tne lnlra lunej anu lms ulauc let others see me, and to see them. 1 never , ca,,g on delinquent counties to co operate f - .!t till 1 caur got quite curea 01 lnal Prul'c,,a,,J " ,ou at meeting. W henever I look at you, 1 see how fooliah and unbecoming :t is for one to aim lo be seen herself, or to gaj about at others in church. It has cuied me completely, and probably has done the same lor others ; for I see much less of it, lately, than usual." Mrs. Smart's smile quickly vanished, and she vanished with if.while Simon took a quiet laugh to himself. Tl. nt nroarhin? day. which was two IIW '"- 3 .V after. Mrs.Smart look good care not .it -mv nlace between Simon Steady and the pulpit. She was not pleased with his plain talk ; but she had the good sense to profit by it. ifbK- Served him Right . r nme time since, went into a bar-room in the western part of Wisconsin, (where liquor selling is forbidden,) and called Tor something to drink. We don't sell liquor, but we will gie you a glass, and then if you want a crack er we will sell it lo you for three cents.'' Very well,'' skid the Yankee customer, "hand down the decanter." I With cradle lullalnea ! I Or when it bung on her teeming breast With a smile id its lilted eves .' Or when she touched with a reverent banJ (When iu aonny years were three) The lamb-like fleece of ita flaxen lock Aa it prayed beside her knee? Or the hour when a sad and simple pall Waa borne from the cottage door. And its dancing atep was never heard Again on the household floor I . Does she fondly image a cherub shape 'Mid a shining angel band. With star-crowned locks, and garments white, With a lily io bia band ! Silent her thought : but at twilight hour, Ever she sitteth there. And her hand oft playa with the rustling graas Aa with cuiU of an infant'a hair. with it, yet not near a lull representation has been secured. Through the Ameri- j can mcoicbi ssowin,iuu, -j j Slate in the Union is making efforts at such an organization, and with more or less successes the intelligence and activity of the profession can be brought to bear upon the subject. I his society wntcn nas been so long contended for, and for which such great efforts have been made for a universal good, ought not to be suffered to decline while in its infancy, but the pro fession should be organized for the pro tection of its own interest." This effort of physicians to establish a universal interest, is looked upon by the public eye most favorably ; then why not take advan tageof iis popularity, and secure to our selves the great benefit, and to our friends and the public generally its benehciai re suits This Society can be rery easily established, I have no doubt, for the mind oftheproression is already matured upon it. There are some pre-requisites necessa ry however, ihe principal ol which is a lime and a place of meeting appointed, ihen certain other preliminaries arranged. As I have a great delerence lor age, over all, there was a transparent sincerity and disinterestedness, a manly honor and truth, and a kindness of heart which no I partisan bitierness ever dared to assail, and which gave to his other qualities me vital ity and moral force that ever accompany virtue. The country was indulging a hope, stronger than it was aware of, thai in his honesty, patriotism and firmness, we were to have our exodus from the perils of Ihe all -engrossing and all-periling ques tion of the day. But he is gone. For wise reasons, God has suddenly and darkly frowned upon ns. We know not what or how much it may mean. We know not into what new per plexities and confusions it may throw this vital question. Whatever may be the in stincts or the principles of his successor. there are many reasons to fear that the best intentions will be in him unavailing It is no reproach to him to say he lacks the moral power of position, character. personal popularity and energy of the late p.Mnt. We otiylit to discern ine M I t.oiv Sovereign in this dispensation of Provi- dencd. We ought lo lake to heart tne orcat truth of dependence on God. The event is full .of admonition and warning, which we trust every occasion 3! be ta ken to urge upon the popular min I. The "good creature" was handed down, sc;encet and experience. I leave the pro- end our hero look a sun norn, wncn .urn ine around to depart.the unsuspecting land lord handed him a dish of crackers with the remark, "You'll buy a cracker 7" -Well, no," said ihe Yankee, "I guess not : vou sell 'em too dear ; I can get lots .. u five at six for a cent, anywhere WU "' - die!" They divide the time pretty evenly in the House of Representatives between rai- -a ikA hssn.w an i mv ruiui ivi us turity. hoping they may not prove dilatory ising point, of order and raising the dan ; ;,. -n.,,mm.tion. druff of every decent man who reads their in its consummation. A SCIOH OF THK CBAFT. M'Kee's i Falls. July laJieSO. Be chary ol personal jests : better lose your best joke thn your poorest friend. proceedings. A bottle of Egyptian perfume, 2000 years old, is preserved at the Alnwick Mu seum, Englaud, and still retains its odor. A Hard Case, And a Man with no Conscience. A negro woman named Rebecca Garret, and her sis children, were taken Irom Ualtimore, Maryland, about 18 months since, by rhomas Anderson, of Howard Uistrict, ho claimed ihem as slaves. The case was tried, and the court gave a verdict against Anderson. He carried it lo the Court of Appeals, which nas reversed tne judgment of the County Court, on the ground that the law requires tne issue oi Ireedom to be tried where the master re sides. The case will now be disposed oi bv the Howard District Court, where Mr. Anderson desired it to be tried irom tne first. It appears that the woman had been allowed by her mistress, ihe mother of Mrs. Anderson, to live as a free woman in Baltimore, where she married and resi ded for 21 years, and where the children she has were born lo her by a free father. There is no doubt that her mistress inten ded shehould be for ever free; and this o!an of raking up such old claims against the freedom of a whole family is heartless in the extreme. The unfortunate Garret family still remain in ihe custody of Mr. Anderson, who has given a bond ol $5, 000 to produce them when required. New Kind of Black Ink Boil logwood until the liquor is pretty strong, and to one quart of it put in one quarter ol an ounce of bichromate of potasn,sei it apart, snaaing ii Irequeatly, for about three weeks. At first h nnnearance of the ink will be a little - 1 1 greenish, but after it is exposed to the sun and air for some time, it becomes beauinui is very fast, and does not injure steel pens, term. at the head of the Committee of Ways and Means. In 1844, he was nominated by Ihe Whig party as their candidate for Gover nor. In 1847 he was elected Comptroller of the Slate. In 1848 he was elected Vi,-A President of the United Slates. On the 4th of March, 1849, he entered upon ihe duties of the office.and on the 10th inst was sworn in as President. The President's Family. Mr. Fillmore was married in 1828 to Abigail Powers, the youngest child of Rev. Lemuel Powers. She is still living, and is described as a lady of great worth, modest and unobtrusive in her deportment, and highly esteemed for her many virtues. lhey have but two children. The oldest, a son, is a young man of about twenty-one years of age, who has just entered upon the practice of law in Buffalo; He is said She is about eighteen years ofage. Her ac- j complishments are many and varied, and : her independent, self-reliant character is exhibited in the fact thai she is now.or was very recently, a teacher in one of the free public schools in Buffalo. She is one of the wo.nen of whom the Itepubltc has much more reason to be proad than of all the gay, gaudy women of fashion, who often show as much scorn for school teachers as they do ignorance of the true qualities of a re publican charac'.er. Such a family will do honor to the White House. Hon. Sauil L. Southard of New Jersey was the successor of Mr.Tylcr in the Chair of the Senate on the death of Gen. Harri son. Mr. Southard is since deceased. Comprehensive The Lewistown Gu7. of the 5ih inst. says : "Our society too composed of all classes ; and big bugs and little bugs, the handsome, indifferent, and ugly, ihe genteel and shabby can all be suited to their tastes. We have also a large number of handsome girls, some ol . i Bn 4a.n mil wnom Know now to Mm iw ......, would doubtless make excellent wives for those wanting a better half while others know nothing beyond sweeping or dusting a parlor, and if an opportunity would i.ff. r could without question help any nabob to spend the means. Why, then, not come to Lewistown ? We are sure, very sure, that no town along the blue Juniatia can vie with us in any respect, or present one-hall the inducement to visitors that we can." met death by flood and fire, at the destruc tion of ihe ill-fated Griffith ;" how very few to the recent calamity in this city, by which the curly-headed boy and blooming girl, the vigorous man, the aged and the infirm, were hurried into eternity. Such is ihe fale of the undistinguished and low ly The bravest and the best are soon forgot. ten, lie mourn them when first we hear iheir summons to ihe grave. Those who love Ihem shed tears to their mernnry, and popular gratituda crowds iheir burial. Probably affection lingers bv the tomb c- J -- when the crowd has gone; but lhey are soon comparatively forgotten. If this is so with the great, how much more truly may thesame picture be drawn of the hum ble dead ! Contemplate the catastrophe of During this session, he was placed (Tuesday. The mechanic at his desk Drowned A young man named Ma cbride, in the employ of Messrs. Curlin, in boating ore from this place to iheir furnace, was accidently drowned on Monday after noon, in tne first Lock below this borough. The flat on which he was engaged had eu- tered the lock, upward bound, and in open in" the wicket he fell in and was carried bv the force of the wafer through the wick- el into the lock and under ihe flat, from rhich situation he was not recovered until - . r ri . t i r . too late lor recusciiatton. dcuciuuiv; Whig, July 17. 1850. As you would save the strength and wind of a horse, drive slow up hill ; and as vou value your own and Ihe life ol the horse, drive slow down hill. But on level grouud, if you must drive fast, draw a taut rein and "let h'ii side hears the dread tocsin sound and runs lo save his little tenement ; but sees his wife and children buried in a fiery grave. Chil dren returning from school see iheir par ents perish before iheir eyes. The affright ed mother, ihe fond sister, the brave broth er, hurled into eternity, by a fearful explo sion. This is a scene to remember, not to forget. Gen. Tavr.oR. dies with the green laurels on his brew full of years and full of honors, with fame and fortune equal to his highest ambition. H nor him ; de plore his death ; canon ze his name ; bui at the same time pause before the other event which demands your sympathy and awakens your reflet tions. Let us not prove the selfishness of our nature anew by carrying this exclusive adulation of power to that grave, which laughs at titles, and Biierti the final w1 Pennsyhaman. The w hole mission of the gospel is to remove error, to heal evil, to seek out and lo save the straying sheep, and not to ex cite wrath and bitterness, to exercise tyr anny, to malign, persecute and destroy. Men, indeed, have iranslormed it into a sword ; but the gospel in its own legitimate character and influence, is only peace on earth and good will among men. Good! An Irishman had taken lo reading his Bible. "And indeed it is true, and a blessed book it ia." "But," said the ptiesi, "you are an igno rant man, and you ought not to read ihe Bible." "Well," said Pat. "but your rtverence j must prove that before I'll give up reading J my Bible." And so the priest turned to the place where it reads, "As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of ihe word." "There," sai J the pricst,"you are a babe, and you ought lo go lo somebody who can tell you what the sincere milk of ihe word is." Pat was a milkman and he replied, "Your riverence, I was sick and employed a man to carry my milk, and he cheated n F he put water in it ; and how do I know (saving your riverence,) but the priest may do the same?'' The priest was discomfited, and said. Well.Pat.I see ye're not quite so much of a babe as I thought you. You may read your B.ble, but don't show it to your neigh bors." "Indeed jour rivercne," says Pat, "I've one cow that I know gives good milk ; and while my neighbor has none, sure I'll give him a oart of it whether your riverence likes it or not.'' see.r Signor Fagnani, an Italian gentle man, took a sketch of the head and face of Gen, Taylor, just before he was placed in the coffin. No cast was taken, the family being unwilling that the skin should be disfigured, as it would probably be, by that process. An exchange is out against "the credit system." Of course it can't grumble tl oth cr papers hook it articles-. I wantsch lo schipp in the Lucills," said a Dutchman to the clerk ofa shipping office. ' 'Well,'' said the clerk, pen in hand "w hai's your name V "It ish Hans Vanansmannnderdaunsev anevmendeymiteheitenschupfeldtroildesch- upvondromp V said Dutchy. gravely spit- ling out his old quid, ana taking one. Heavens P'said theaMonished clerk,"! can't write that. Look . here, Mtster.what is it in Engl ish do you know T "Yaw, Ich does. It is Hon &midi.' The poor c,rkJ5"d" Bovs i do you HEa that 1 Most men - J I 1 I an .nini, 1 1 seem to consiaer mcir tii. it were like a tadpole's tale, meant to drop nfT anon as- the owner comes to full growth. Parents, nreachers. pedagogues, keep your teuiper "molasses will catch more flies than vinegnr. An Army of Honkeyg. A NOVEL St'srESSluX BBIDVK. " They are coming towards th bridge ; the will most likely cross by ihe rocks yonder," observed iiaoul. H,w 1Wri,n if" i aked. - It is' torrent there ! "Oh, no;w. answered the.Frenchmtn monkeys would rather go into Pre then water. If lhey ran fot leap il.esirtam.they will bridge it.' " Bridge it ! and how 7" " Stop a moment, Captain vou shall 1 he half human voices now soun ded nearer, and we could perceive thartha animals were approaching the spot where' we lay. P. gently they ap; eared upon, the opposite bank, headed by an old gra' chieftain snJ officered l.ko so many sol diers. They were, as Raoul stated, of the comadrtja or ridgtailed tribe. One an nid-de cump, or chisf pioneer. perhaps ran out upon a projecting rock, and alter looking across the s'reani, as if calculating the distance, scampered bick." nj appeared to communicate with the leader. This produced a movement in tfce 'roop. Command were issued, and fa- gue parties were detailed, and marched to the Iront. Meanwhile several ol the comadrejns engineers, no doubt ran nlong the bank, examining ihe trees on both sides of the arrovo. At length they all collected around a tall cotton wood.that grew over the narrow. est part of the stream, and 20 or 30 ol them scampered up its trunk. On reach ing a high point, the foremost a strong', fellow ran out upon a limb, and, takiog several turns of his tail around it, slipped off, and hung head downwards. The next on the limb, also a stout one.climbed down the body of the first, and whipping" bis tail tightly around the neck and forearm of the latter.dropped off in his turn, and hung head down. The third repeated this man oeuvre upon the second, and the fourth upon the third, and so on, until the las', one upon the string rested his forepaws upon l,ier,ou,1d. fc.-uua.iy increased, ihe low- ermost monkey striking his hands violently on the tarth as he passed the tangent of the oscillating curve. Several others up- . on the limbs above aided the movement . This continued until the moukey at ihe end of the chatu was thrown among the branches of a tree on the opposite bank. Hure, after two or three vibrations, h . clutched a limb, and held fast. This movement was executed adroitly, just at the culminating poiut of the oscillation, irfi order to save the intermediate links from the violence of a too sudden jerk ! The chain was now fast both ends, form- ing a complete suspension bridge, oVer which the whole troop, to the number of four or five hundred passed with the rapid ity ol thought. i It was one of the most comical sights I ever beheld, to witness the quizzical ex pression of countenances along that living; chain ! The iroop was now on the other sile. but how were the animals forming the bridge to gH themselves overt This was a question that suggested itself. Miiniiesv ly, by number one letting go his tail. But then the point iTuppui on ihe other side was much lower down, and number one iih h:ilf-a-dozeu of his neighbs, would" lie dashed against the opposite bank, or soused into the water. Here, then, was a ploMeoi, and we wai- ed with some enriosity for its solution. It was soon solved. A monKey was now seen attaching his tail to the lowest on the liridge, another girded him in a similar manner, and another, anif so oi, until a lozen more were added to the string. These last were all powerful fellows ; nni runn- ng up to a high limb, they lifted thebridga nto a position almost horizontal. Then a scream from the lasft monkey of he new formation warned the tail end ll.at til was ready ; and fhe next moment the whole chain was swung over, and landed safely on ihe opposite bank, 'the lower nost link now dropped ol! like a melting andle, while the higher ones leaped to' he branches and came down by the Irunlc. fhe whole troop then scampered off into he cbapparal and disappeared. Captairr Keid's Adventures in Southeru Mexico!!!?)' Natural Pkouccthiss. Germany has produced clock?,ghost stories.and printinf .- France, cooks, cnpoBs.complimcnls. tia, mad emperors and hemp. Alriea, ivc ry and ebony blacks, fcnglaod, roast beef, pudding and beer, and the blessings ol conquest, taxation and good advice. Lood. Weekly Times. And America has produced' pumpkins, dollars, the Fourth' of July, the "pecuhar institution." "manifest destiny,"and "Bun kum" politicians. When is music like vegetables t Whea? llicre are two heals i" one measure.