Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 17, 1850, Image 2

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der, near the ruins ol Jay no's warehouse,
Vine, near Water 6treet. The third bodj
was that of an interesting buy- nine year
ol age, found beneath a pile of bricks it
the gutter, on the west side of Front si reel
about fifty yards below Vine.. His bodv
was discovered by his foot appearing abov
the stones. His forehead was shockinglx
crushed by the lulling bricks, but hi
body did not appear to be otherwise iu
The coroner is reviewing the remains a
the Green House, sent thither to await re
cognition. Of the nine bodies there, mos
of them, however, are so much charred by
tlie fire or mangled by the Ifccts of tin
explosion, as to prevent their nearest am
dearest friends from identifying them.
The rennsIvanian oPthe 12ih says
There were a couple of little incidents oc
curred during the fire, which we believt
have not yctappeared iu print. It appear
that while the fire was at its very height
and families were removing their furnitun
in every direction, an accordcon, amon
other things, a as thrown on Callowhil
street wharf. A staUart son of Africa
who had been working on the engine, an.
was taking a rest near where these article
ha. been deposited, feeing the musical in
strument, could nut, in spite of the heart
tending scenes that surrounded him, fore
go the temptation of treating himself to t
little music. He accordingly picked up 01
accordron, and having picked out a com
fortable seat on a v. barf log, commencet
playing away to the delightof some twenty
or thirty idlers, and continued until tin
tumbling of a wall, created a general rush
which came very near pitching our darkey
in the Delaware. The say ing.that Nen
fiddled while Rome was in flames,'' is no
fully realized.
A respectable Frenchman, who, by in
dustry and frugality, a-nas$cd a considers
Lie sum, enough to allow him to retire fron
buwuessj owned a court, some squares
from where the fire occurred. It happened
to be rent day with some of his tenants
and he had accordingly taken the cool ol
i ho ovonins, fur the purpose of making hi
collection but what was astonishment and
mortification to find that his tenants had
removed without giving the customary
notice, and his houcs a perfect mas of
ruins ! The Frenchman bore his misfor
tune like a philosopher and philanthropist,
he appeared to think but little of his own
loss, and gave all his sympathy to the real
EbfTeiers by the calamity.
The Times of the 12th says : At pre
wmt, the appearance of our city wears an
air of mourning. Almost count 'ess num-
bers of houses, as it were, completely en
shrouded in the habiliments of mnurnin"
for lost friends who sacrificed their lives in
their efforts to save the lives and the prop
crty of their fellow men, and tlinse belong
ing to their own fam;ly circles, whost
homes have been rendered almost friend
less by their absence. The reality is, in
deed, startling. Thousands of persons an
at this very moment roaming about in
tearch of lost frirods, lust property, am
e seller for their weuried frames, apparent
ly in very great distress, both in body ant
nvnd. Thousands of dejected looking heads ol
families were using their utmoi exntion.
:o procure their property, which the)
think ought to be safe, when they recol
lect that some paid as high as ten to fiftcei
dollars to carmen for hauling away a sin
gle load of furniture !
Several distuibances occurred during
the prevalence o tueconflagraiion.hetwePi
members of different Fire and Hose comp
anies, and outside tow dies.of whom severs
were arrestid. In general, however, thi
firemen did remarkably well.
The Bulletin estimates the nm'l insurer
at about $370,000, of which the Fire As-I
sociatinn lose near $100,000, and thetota
los at One Million of Dollars. "The ol
buildings and crowded courts that have beet
over-crowded for years ill now, we hope
be built up with fine, substantial buildings
making the burnt district one of the fines)
portions of the city."
JSiill. there is much present, private suf
fering, which public and personal charit)
is busy to alleviate. The Citv Council:
appropriated 810,000, and the Xortheri
Liberties corporation 810,000, for then
immediate relief.
Losses. 'The loss of John Brock, ii
whoso building the fire and explosion oc
curred, is about 835,000 all insuied-
John Brock, Sons & Co. had on storngi
is-the building saltpetre, brimstone, Sec tf
the valus of $12,000 all insured. They
pledge their word and honor and business
reputation that there was nut a pound o
powder in the store.
Ridgway & liudd had in store 8000 bbW
flour; loss 10,000, covered by insurance
A. Wright & Nephew had in store ni
immense amount of cloversecd, &c. valuer
a: $20,000, and well insured.
Dr. Jayne' Drug Warehouse and stock
valued at 30,000, insured only $15,000.
Those are the hravy firms burnt out.
The tire came only one door from the
storehouse of Barnet, Neshit &. (iarretson.
The number of I uildings destroyed by
this terrible fire is stated at 367
Killed, from SO to 50
W.itnded. from - 100 to 150
Drowned and missing, titi to 30
liltTfu wauled in Lcwisl i lr
Fiom the Washington Union of July 10.
Tuesday, July 9, 8 J V. M. The Tres
dent's critical position has, for the last
hree days, excited the deepest interest in
his eity. Yesterday both houses of Con
.acss adjourned, in consequence of the
;ierilous state iu which he is now lying
Mr. Webster moved the adjournment in
he Senate, and Mr. Bayly iu the House;
nd both motions were instantly carried.
flie White House is surrounded by ans-
ous inquirers. Several eminent jiliysi-
ians have been called in ; and the most
rious fears are entertained of the result
Ou Thursday (the 4th of July) he
urueJ out to hear the oration that wa.v
lelivcred at the Monument. The day
.vas uucoinmouly sultry and oppressive ;
md the President was probably somewhat
xhauiitcd by the exposure which he had
ludergone. 1'ufortunately, on that day
ic partook of several vegetables at his din-
icr, vliieli brought on a very severe attack
t the cholera morbus. I he disease ran
m, until, on Saturday night, he was con
idered in sonic danger. Fever supervened
md tothisiiionicut,as we write, (0 o'clock,
t coutiuues, and the danger becomes, a.-.
we understand, more critical.
We are sure that we need not portray
o our distant readers the profound seiisa-l
ion which his danger is producing thro'
his auxious metropolis.
Tuesday night, 35 minutes past 10
'clock. The President of the !'. State?
ias just breathed his last. The chain
k t in which he died is filled with an anx
ious and sympathizing crowd. How often
iiavc we to exclaim, in the memorable
words of Edmund Burke, " What shadow?
vj are, and what shadows wc pursue!"
In little more than nine years two l'resi-
Jetits of the United States have been hur
ried away, covered as they were with all
tlin honors wliii-li their country could lie-
-tow upon them. Scarce a twelvemontl
igo, the lamented predecessor of (leiieral
Taylor was taken from us. But Mr. l'olk
office had expired, and his work was done
n less than four months, two of tin? dis
tinguished sons of South Carolina, :nil
senators of the United States, have breathed g
their last ; and scarcely had their country
ca:-ed to weep over their graves, before
the President of the United States descend:
to the tomb, amid the sympathies of h:.-
:tstonishcd countrymen.
This melancholy event will fall like u
thunder-clap upon the people. It is an
event full of the saddest interest calcu
lated to astoni:-h and startle a whole nation.
and to touch every heart in it. It is des
tined to produce consequences to the conn
try which no mortal mau has siifficieut sa-
irucity to unroll.
Iu this grave and awful moment, th
heart is full of the profoundest synipatliie.
atid regrets. But wc have no time t
ur them forth at this moment. A thou
sand other pens will hereafter do justice
Ut the illustrious deceased. We bury in
his honored tomb every unkind or uuwor-
hy feeling which we uiiixht ever lmvu en
tertained. itneral Taylor vises before m
'n all the glory of the Hero, in all tin
majesty of the Patriot, whose name i
issociated with some of the most brilliant
ichievemeiits in our annals, who has tar
ried the fame of his country to the reino-
;csi nations, aim wuosc reputation viiitg
never die. The name of the Hero of'g
Palo Alto and Buena Vista will live a.
Ion" as the name of the nation whos
-taudard he so fften bore to victory ant
U glory. These deeds arc indelibly writ
ten on the tablet of a nation's gratitude
From the Ittltimore Sun, July 10th
(J.-n. Zichary Tay lor, President of th
United States is no more ! The honorrdS
nead of a great people has been called tog
. , i l c i r rl
lis final reckoning, and the family of un
ions ill morn the departure ol a hero andj
patriot !
Hie li-htiiinjp nut flx-li ami thr 1linn-t. r may nttl.-.
Ih lioils- n.,1. h iinu nit, he fre- from nil pain:
II,- sl-iw hi. lai-l plwp. ho ha fott-'lit hi la-t oUl-,
Ml boudiI .-hll awaKi- Dim u gwrj a-aio.
It will lie seen by the annexed dispatch
s that President Taylor breathed his last
it thirty-five minute past ten o'clock las:
night, at t!.e Executive Mansion, surroun
led by his family and members of the cub
net, and hosts of sincere and mourn in .
"riends. Thus for the second tunc within
he pasi ten years, has the Chief Executive,
Officer of the Nation deceased within his
onstitutional term of service. A mong the
numerous lessons daily read to us by tin
'great destroyer," this is one of th mos;
mpressive, one which proclaims with
nost emphatic voice what all know, but
ew appear to realize, the uncertainty ol
ife and the emptv aud transient, tind lugt
ive character of all earthly honors; '!wii!g message was to-day received iu both
ame, of renoun, of everything that arcjllUS0S by the hands of Mr. George P.
n habit of making"the desire of the heart,"'
ir which the eye delights lo look upon.
Gin. Taylor is no more, but his nameE
ill live in the history of his county, m il
merely as President of the United Stales.
hut as ihe great General ofthe age, and as!
man who, through every phase of hie
has displayed murks of the most sterling!
ntcgrity, honesty of purpose, and firiunes.-,
ol i-haraeier. 4?n,;.tt ,f f;.n.;iv u-.,.n,t.i
On. Zichary Taylor was born iu Or
n:(.e couii'j , irj;iiua, 111 the jcar J ,bo.ffpo. -
and died at Washington, in the District of;
Columbia, on the 0th day of July, 1850,
at the age of 60 years. As it will be
seen by the accompanying despatch, the
last words he uttered indicated a conscious
ness of rectitude iu his official duties, and n
cheerful readiness to promptly obey '.hi
fearful and sudden summons.
The following is the despatch from out
orrespondent, received at 11 o'clock.P.M
Telegraphed far the Baltimore Sun.'
Washi.w.ton, July 911 P. M.
The mournful duty devolves upon mo U
announce to vou the death of Gen. Zacha
ry Taylor, President of the Uuited Slate,
of America, which took place at thirty-fivi
minutes past ten o'clock.
As soon as the rumor obtained circuhi
lion last evening that an unfavorable chung'
had tuken place in the condition of tin
President, the w hole citv was in commotion,
md hundreds of our citizens, without dis
unction.repaireu to the hxecuiive mansion
inxiously inquiring into his true condition
and evincing a decree of solicitude as to
his fate that indicated the deep hold his pri
vate as well as public character had madt
in the hearts of all. Every countenance
was marked by grief, and- fervent prayer.-
were uttered for the success of the physici
ans in restoring their distinguished patien
to his country, his family, and his friends.
At half past 8 o'clock in the evening tin
physicians in attendance reported to me
that congestion ofthe brain had commenced.
mil that every ten minutes, there was an
fibrt to vomit, accompanied by an effusion
if greenish bile, all the symptoms indica
ting a speedy dissolution. Shortly after
wards he somewhat revived, and continued
visy for sometime, but at half past 0 o'clock
tie again began to sink. He appeared con
scious lo the last, and so firm and collected
hat some w ho were present entertained the.
pinion that he would survive until morn
mg, but as already stated he ceased l
breathe at thirty-five minutes pa.-t ten
clock. The last coherent words uttered
try the venerable patriot were carefully
noted down, as follows : "I we I am ex
The members of the Cabinet, a nuinhei
if officers of the Army and Navy.the May-
r and other Corporation cfiicers, the
United States .Marshall, District Attorney,
md a host of personal friend, were in at
tendance, whilst a largo concourse of citi
zens sorrowfully awaited the result.
Mrs. Taylor, ho has been most devoted
n her at'endance dav and night, is now ut-
cily prostrated, whilst his immediate fam
ly are stricken with grief that can not 1m
comforted by human aid.
i may saieiy venture to assert that m.
one, from so short a residence at the me-
tropi lis, could have won a higher degret
of esteem find respect than our deceasec
President. I lis benevolence, courteoui
rnannersand amiable deportment seemed
to disarm even the prejudices of those who
jwere politically opposed to him, and had
fsecurej to him an almost unprecedented
'personal esteem nnd popularity.
The Marshal of the District takes imme
diate charge of the Mansion, according t
The Bells of St. Mi.tthew's Church are
now tolhng in honor of the dead, the sound
of which are being taken up and re cchuedH
ley the belts of l he city. Yours, truly
Dkpaistmkxt of State, )
Wasltiinjli.iii, Juli 9, ISoO.
Mn.l,Al!IFll.LMOI!E, l'icsi?r,trftf,p f". .V
Sir : The melancholy and most painful
ill! t V ili'Viii iifioit iiu tt fifiiiki,iu.n 4.t
............. ..... .. ..... t ,,,
that .aehary J ay lor, late 1 'resident ofthe
I niteu States, is no more, lie died at
the President's Mansion this evening, at
half-past 10 o'clock.
e have the honor to be, very respect
Sf'uliy, your obedient serva:
laytox, .Nn
ec. ot
JJ'- -MttiKtilTH, See. of the Treasury
I. Lwixii, Secretary of the Interior.
Oko W. Cn.uvFonii, Secretary of War
M. UAi.i.ARn Pkkston, Sec. of Navy,
J. Coi.i.AVlKlt, Postmaster General.
Uevkudy Joiixsox, Attorney (itneral.
31 it. Fll.I..M01tEi Rki-ly.
WwJtiiHjtiin, Jiili 0, lS.'il").
iicnticiucn : L have just received your!
note conveying the melancholy and pain-j
tut intelligence of the decease of acharv
fay I r, late President of the United!
tatcs. I have no language to express'
the emotions of inv heart. The shock is
so sudden and unexpected, that I am over
whelmed with grief.
I shall avail myself of the earliest mc,-i
nieiit to communicate, the sad intelligence!
to Congress, and shall appoint a tiin- and
plaeo for taktug the oath of olnce pre
scribed to the President of the United!
iStates. You arc requested to be present;
ami witness the t-cremony. Respectfully,
yours, Millard r ii.lmoke.
Wednesday. July 10. Ii: o0. The fob!
Fi.-her, from the late Vice President ofi
the United States :
Filfoir-C'itiZfiis of thr S"nttn
ami of the House of J!qw'n.'alii;ct :
I have to perform the melancholy duty
of announcing to you that it has pleased!
Almighty tioa to remove from this life
Z Arii art Taylor, late President of the
United States. Ho deceased last evening!
it the hour of half-past 10 o'clock, in the
g.-jffectionatc friends, calmly and in the full
sc.v..i!i r.t all his faculties. Among
his last words were these, which he utteredi
with emphatic distinctness i " I have al
ways done my duty. I am ready to die.
My only regret is for the friends I leave
behind me."
Having announced to you, fellow-citi
zens, this most afflicting bereavement, and
tssuring you that it has penetrated no
heart with deeper grief than mine, it re
mains for me to say that I propose this
Jay at VI o clock, in the hall of the House,
if Representatives, in the presence of both
houses ol Congress, to take the oath pre
scribed by the constitution, to enable me
o enter on the execution of the oflice
vhich this event has devolved on me.
Washington, July 10, 1850.
Committees were duly appointed by
both Houses to notify the President that
they would be present at the appointed
time aud place to witness his iuauguration.
At 12 o'clock, M., the Senate proceeded
to the bull of the House of Representa
tives accordingly, and the very august
spectacle was there exhibited, iu the pres-
ucc of both houses aud of a lare crowd
if strangers, of the new Chief Magistrate
taking the oath of office, which was ad
ministered to him by Judge Crunch, of
the District Court of the United States at
Washington. Mr. Fillmore, when he en
tered the hall, was accompanied by the
joint committee, and most of the members
of the late cabinet. As soon as the oath
was administered, he once more rose and
left the hall, accompanied by the others,
and the Semite returned to their chamber.
The following message was then received
from the President of the Uuited States :
Filoic-C'ifizfii of tin: Sruute
and House of jrecntatices:
A great man has fallen among us, and
a whole country is called to au occasion oil
unexpected, deep, and general mourning
I recommend to the two houses of Con
gress to adopt such measures as in their
discretion may seem proper, to perform
with due solemnities the fuueral obsequies
of Zachahy Iayloe, late President ot
the I wted States, and thereby to siguify
the great and affectionate regard of the
American people for the memory of one
whose life has been devoted to the public
service : whose enrccr in arms has uot been
surpassed in usefulness or brilliancy: who
lias been so recently raised by the unsoli
cited voice of the people to the highest
authority m the government, which 1
administered with so much honor and ad-
vantaire to his country, aud by whose sud
den death so many hopes of future useful-
uess have been blighted forever.
To you, senators and representatives oi
t nation in tears, X can fay nothing whicl
an alleviate the sorrow with which vou
ire oppressed.
I appeal to you to aid me, under the
trying circumstances which surround me.
in the discharge of the duties from which,
however much I may be oppressed by
them, j dare not stirinK j anil l rely upon
1 1 mi who holds in His hands the destinies
if nations to endow me with the requisiti
strength for the task, and to avert from
wr country the heavy calamity which ha
licfalleu us.
1 shall most readily concur in whatever
measure the wisdom ot the two houses
nay suggest, as befitting this deeply mel
ancholy occasion.
Wasiiixotox, July 10, 18ii0.
The Union says : " Several eloquent
nd touching speeches were then delivered.
in both houses, by various members ; and
liter making the necessary arrangements
for paving every honor to the remains of
the late President, both Houses adjourned.
" The whole tone of the two houses.
.vas such as became this extraordinary
caston. it was grave, orderly, ana uigni-n
tied indicating the deepest sensation alt''n,al costume.
the melancholy c cut which had taken!! 'i he procession n oved at 2 o'clock, P.
ul. o. .-md nrnfoim.l iutervst nr wlmi itSI. As soon as they started minute guns
was destined to evolve.
' Some of the finest strokes of tlo.1ucnceH'lll''ry stationed near fet John's Lhurch.the
that were poured out in the Senate relatedfi'
in tl.o il.tm! u-lii,.li If vl,,,t,l5
inculcate upon the country. Messrs.!1" ll,e programme published in the Ledgei
Downs. Webster. Cass. King, and J5erriciiS"n S"1""1"
fff.rt ni'H
trusted that it would have th
infusing a more liberal tone of feeling
to the present distracted state of public
ouncils that it would teach us more;
moderation and forbearance in our public
measures, and that might assist in infusing
o liberal a tone into the movements ot
the two houses as would lead to an adjust
ment of these dangerous questions, give'
peace to our country, and cause every one
o feel and to act in the spirit of anHn,en o? thq Navy nnd the Marine Corps
American. May it have this importautEWPfe Viso out in a very unusual force. In
effect ; and then the Hero and the l'aUi'rf'
;will not have Uiea in vain:
0t jfunttzh
;T. l.-jrai-htc Drfmt. h to tire Plljla. IxKt of July It
Washington, Saturday, July 13.
At an early ',0ur this morning, the note
if preparelion sounded for the ceremonies
attend-.ng the interment ofthe late.lamented
President of the United States.Gen Z ichary
Pay lor. The sun rose bright and clear.and
the air was cool and pleasant. The fact
that Geri.Taylor is ihe first President who
has died in office during the session oil
Congress, gives peculiar interest to the sol
emnities, and makes them more imposing!
han any ever witnessed in the Capital.
The city exhibited tokens in every direc
tion of a ceremonial of extraordinary sol
emnity. In every quarter, the national
colors were displayed at half mast, or
draped in solle. The President's nouse,B'ng
ihe various Departments, and other public
buildings were draped in black, and thro'.
put Pennsylvania Avenue.and many of the
other streets, the same aable insignia were
The various cars, steamboats and otherH'he
public conveyances came crowded wiihBlrien Placed,n ,he vault, and Ihe process
people, anxious to pay the last tribute ofM'
respect lo their departed chief. A special
train Irom Baltimore brought the Mayors1
- . . . . . ewrt
and Council, a larrre number nf Milin.rv 9
, j
.Societies, &c, and with the aid of extra
cars, yet many were left behind.
At all the public offices there was at an
early hour a gathering of the- numerous
officials, with badges of mourning. The
civic associations of the District mustered
n full force at their head quarters. Reg
ular and volunteer soldiers m this and the
neighboring cities were seen preparing for
their place in the solemn rites. Private
carriages were seen hurrying in every
lirection during the morning, to be placed
at the disposal of the Marshal of the JJtst-
nctjwho has the regulation ofthe procession
During all this ti.r.e, the tolling of bells and
the firing of minute guns, together with the
mournful paraphernalia everywhere visible,
had a most sud and depressing etlect upon
the multitude.
The troops were formed at precisely 11
o'clock, in the avenue north of the Presid
ent's mansion, with the right, consisting ol
Brvt Maj. Sedgwick's troop of U. S. light
artillery resting opposite the War Dept.
I he Senate were in attendance by 101
o'clock. The usual badges of mourning
were prepared by the proper officers, and
nt 1 1 o'clock the Rev. Mr. Butler delivered.
an appropriate and impressive prayer, and
the Senators withdrew to proceed to the
President s Mansion, from whence the grand
civic and military procession was to move
Alter the funeral obsequies, the benate
returned to their Chamber, and adjourned
Similar proceeding? were held in the
(Jen. Scott, when he arrived at the East
Room, wept over the body of his distin
uished companion iu arms.
The doors of the Executive Mansion
were opened at 9, A. M., for the admission
lof the Heads of Department, the Foreign
Ministers and others, who, by order of the
committee of the two Houses ol Congress
were entitled to admission. The crowd, in
ihe mean lime, filled up- every avenue
leading to the mansion and appropriated lo
lithe military and other bodies that were to
lake part in the procession.
The Cabinet, the Diplomatic Corps, the
;inll bearers, and those Congressmen who
otild he admitted, occupied the Last room
The Foreign Ministers all appeared in full
court costume. Col. Bliss, Col. Taylor of
flaltimore, and other relatives of the !att
President, occupied seats ne.ir the remains
The inscription on the coffin plite is as
tollows :
l'lVfiitml if llf. L'nitnl State.
.KT. 110.
The coffin is a magnificent one, covered
wiih black vplvct,the edges being of silver,
with huge silver tassels, looped with gold
iringeu hutions.
The countenance of the deceased
unchanged, lliougn niui n emaciated. Mrs
lav lor would not consent to embalming
'he body.
By request of the family, prayers were
held over the remains this morning, with
none but the immediate relatives present.
1 lie ccllin rested on a raised plutlorin.
n the centre of the East Room, enveloped
with black crape. As soon as all assem
bled. Rev. Smith Pvne. D. I)., of Ihe Pro-
estant Kpiscopal t.'hurch, performed the
burial service, during which may an ey
ttas moist and many a sob was heard
among the large a.-semblafie. A most el
oquc nt and touching discourse was then de
ivercd by the reverend gentleman. The
family of the deceased wcie within hrarine
The services being concluded, the coffin
was removed and carried out of the White
House. It was then placed upon the Fu
neral t ar provwed for the occasion. Near
the car was the favorite war horse of thi
departed chieftain, "Did W'hitey," appoin
ted to foliow Ihe luneral car to the place o!
The funeral car was a plain hearse un-
ler a raised canopy, beautifully trimmed,
the American hagle being represented in
the centre. It was drawn by tight whm
oe-IhorsCs " b,ncl "ousing.
"-u "
ir,er0 hKd W netacnmenis ol the U.S. Ar-
"' """.nnd me Capitol respectively,
1 he order of the civic procession was as
A heavy discharge of cannon announced
in-H''e starting ol the procession at 1 o clock
The military escort was the largest ever
seen in Washington. All ihe troops fror,
the d.U'erent stations within reasonable- dis
tance ol Washington were in attendance
The whole of this portion of '.'.ie procession!
us uiiucr ine command of Major General
Winfield Scot' Cr,nniander.in.ri,;r i
the United States Army. The officers andillearn that the Cardinals have imprisoned
- 'Cir brilliant uniforms, with their muffled
idrums and badges of mourning, this portion
ii me procession was unusually imposing
1 he procession was one mile and a hall
long. The avenue through' which it passedfjin
was densely crowded. Everv window was
occupied, and ihe concourse of spectators
on the sidewalks was immense,
Flowers were strewed along Pennsylva
ma Avenue for several hundred yards lead
mg irom the White House.
I he civic procession has been estimated
it 16,000 ; the military at 900, besides six
companies of artillery. There were nine
teen bands of music, comprising some bun
drrris ol instruments.
The effect alona the Avenue, clothed a-
t is in sablesand densely crowded, was fine.
lowardstwo o'clock the sky became
overcast. Considerable wind prevailed,!
inn a shower was threatened.
On arriving in front of the Consressio
nal Rurying (Jround, the military escort
was lormea in iwo lines ; the hrst consist
ofthe detachments appointed lo fire the
last volley, facing the Cemetery, and thirty
paces aiMiini irom it : second line, con
sisting ot the remainder ofthe infantry in
no rai-un, twenty paces in me rear. Ihrl
hnlln.n . I ...III . I . .1
"".i.ery iook apos.uonon ineiione
h,uu,',' wuu; iiiic iiuuurcu paters in
rear ofthe second line. The body was
returned. "This is the last of earth."
,,e' - e rests Ueneral iavlor. the Hero and
, iiy n ineirrounirt'a wnlmi l-lm.-1
tiii: nous
tSrWe this week, to the exclusion of
Agricultural and Editorial matter, give a
full accounts as our space can well afford
of t' e startling ami momentous events of
he past week ; and presume this course
will be as satisfactory to the great major-
ty of our readers, as any other we could
have pursued
Anothkr Compromise. It is stated
that since the death of Gen. Taylor, a
aucus of Members of Congress bus been
held, at which it was agreed to adopt the
14th parallel of north latitude as a com
promise liuc on the Slavery question, giving
Texas that part of Xew Mexieo which lies
south of that line, aud ceding to New
Mexico all of Texas lying north of that
line and that this plan is likely to be
arricd into effect, subject to the consent
of the people of southern California so far
is they are affected by it
Jfc-It is stated that the Taylor Cabinet
have tendered their resignations to Presi
dent Fillmore, but that he has not yet
Opened their letter. Many conjectures an
hazarded as to the formation of his Cabi
act, and the policy of his administration :
but nothing certain is yet kuown. Mr
Fillmore is what may be termed a Clay
Whig, and a tolerably accurate idea of bis
future course may be formed from that fact.
tejf"The harvest weather was very Cue
last week, and most of the farmers in this
section cut their grain, but the rains at
the beginning of this week will incoinniodt
such of them as had not yet hauled in
the corn and potato crops however will be
greatly benefitted. We are told the wheat
crop this season is the best ever known ii
this part of the country.
JfcaT'We were somewhat in error la:
week with regard to the duties of Mr. A
Taylor, the Tutor in the University. Hi;
jurisdiction of the exercises iu Composition
and Elocution is confined principally to tin
Academic department
Look (Jit! A man has been arrestct
at Wilkes-llarre for passing counterfeits ol
the Xorthmbd Bank, at Reach Haven.
lhcre is evidently a gang or gangs ot
counterfeiters and house-breakers along
the Susquehanna.
Hon.W.M.R. Kixc (IVm.) of Alahamt
was unanimously elected President ro f, u
of the I. S. Senate, in the place of Mr
Iillmore, the new President.
IteirThc consideration of Prof.Wt-b.-ter';
(ctition for a commutation of his seuteuti
has been postponed till the ISth inst.
8The Medical Communication fron
ur friend in Chapman, is unavoidably de
ferred till next week.
Notice. After this week, Thumjmon'.
StMijii' fiininrt Ejprcfs will be discontinued
until Sept. next
NOTICE. Th Ki-t. 51 r Bine on Sunday lal aVliTt-,
nil a liwourse on tire death of Urn. Taylb. As dud,
ircr? prf Tent by c-imnu.eLin-ri from hearing Mr. Win
he has, at the urgent reiiiet of m-tcrU ritizun. kindly
utiwnb-tl to aleak auin vn the tame .utj-t, on Situda
afti-ronon next, at 4 o'clork. A the lieoiir! dt lirereii
lat Stitidiir was entirely exteniporantfltis. Mr. B. nill not
l-rcinipf to repeat it with aeeurr.ey; be may Fire it ir
uh-tanre. anil he may nullify it. t'vXM.j
Lewh-hunr. July 111, 1S.S0.
Fur the Lcu irburg Chronicle.
Mr. Editor : Not knowing who was elec
ted High Constable at the last Borough
Llection, I would take this method of in
forming him, or the proper officers of the
Borough, that some of our citizens are
imposed on, from the fact tnat a nuantitv
of timber, lumber, w:;gons. manure. &c".
Ac., have been hauied and scattered thro"
some of our r.rreets and alleys, making
them impassible for citizens to get to their
wn bar,is and mows. It is to be honed
that these thiol's will be better attended
o. It omcers are elected annually for
this purpose, why not attend to their du
ties.' A Citizen.
Foreign News.
C7Cy late accounts from Europe e
about 25,000 persons on suspicion of re
publicanism. The circulation of the Dibit
3 greatly feared, and severe measures pur
sued to suppress it entirely.
3000 bairels of gunpowder had exphdjdl
a boat on Benares riher, in East India
by which 1000 persons lost their lives.
The salary ofthe French President has
been doubled and the new electoral bill.
which violates the Constitution and dis
franchises some 3,000,000 cf people, had
also been passed. 150,000 troops aie ken'l
n Paris to prevent outbreaks.
An assault was made upon Queen Vic
toria in ihe street by a retired lieutenant.
who struck her over the head with a smal
cane, crushing her bonnet, and bruising!
her forehead slightly, tie was arrested.
The Russian army is being largely aug
mented, but lor what purpose is unknown.
An old barrack for soldiers Ml at Na
pies on the IWh ult. and killed S00 persons.
Mrs. Fillmore. President Fillmore, inl
826, married Abigail, the daughter of the I
Kev. Lemuel I'cwers. She will no doubt.
hereafter preside at the White House. ThcJ
President has two children, a son twenty-.!
years of age, who is a lawyer in Bufla
lo. and a daughter, eighteen years of agej undersigned ; and all Tuiiig
a teacher in one of ihe public schools of thelclaims against said esfates.or either of ihem!
same city-
General Taylor has left Tidow
daughter (Mrs. diss) and a son, still quite!
a vounff rriaa. - It.. . J wicir.
Cbrrectett litis Day. . ;
Wheat :. lOOalOs
Rye ....5u
Corn U. ....Co
I Flaxseed ............... . .T. . . . . lufl
Dried Apples.... ........ . m-w. 0q
bggS .... .
Tallow . . ..
... fj
,. ..H
"" 7
Ham - -
lo ' Bacon -
IHPORTAXT to thos bainf impuntw.
.f the Mood. BKAMT'S riRIFVIMi
rKACT, ibe uioat wonderful Purifier in the
world, u now pat op i Qu.aT BarrrLES. CCjs"
airrrucnKnU heatk-d "tit DUKES. ll u w,
-rtcin and purifying, thai one bottle last from
ten lo lUlcen dayj loncer than Ssmarilla. lir
rhornton Ac Baker, agvnt, Iwuborg. -i
Far lb Car t
Prfjiared LvJ '.C.Ayer ,CltemiUtLoiwtU,Mi.
For sale by C W SCI1AFFLE, I.ewit.urK -
I H t'aslow. Millon ; Inaae Gerhart, Selinsgrote,
md by Druggil general!
Oil the 27th ul., by Rev. Daniel Crow,
Andrew Hafer and Sarah WACNEc.both
if Colon, St. Joseph Co., Mich.
On the 4th inst., in Wisconsin, Hartley
Tp.. by Michael Peters, Esq., Joiw Rote.
if Hartley, and Miss Mart SuarrER, of
IVest DufTalo.
it 1 1: ip,
In DufTaloe Tp, 14ih inst., Mr. Hkmjv
(ouigs, in his 52d year.
In New Gerlin, 3-1 inst., aged 20 vrar.
Josiah, son of Daniel Horlacher. 611 t!r
7th, aed 2 ears, Alice, daughrerof Ahr
md Hannah Schoeh. On the 10th, aed
ibout 19 years, John Pui.nce, youngest
son of lion. James Harrison.
Two dapple,,
-rey MATCH HORSLS. Also, a beau
tiful black Horse. Enquire at this office.
July 17, 1850. ts
OU are hereby eommanjc!
1 to meet at the house of A.
Il iJInir.JulT 2tn,Ot IJo'clwk
A-M .fully equipped for parade.
J3v order ofthe Capl.nn.
N. II. At which lime nnd
place a Court of Appeal will be
I apt. r. A. IKiNACHY.
JJublic Sale.
rPHE Hoard of Trutres ofthe I'nivcrsity
JL at 1 istiurg. will clier lor sale, on
Tuesday I be 271b Aug. next,
1 number of handsome BUILDING LOTS
lennn'ly situated on the University Farm,
between the Cemetery and Lewiburg
also, some LOTS on the Rivr Road.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, I. SI..
when condition will be made known by
ihe said TRUSTEES.
Lewisburg, July 16, 1830.
The, Grrtitett Disrorery of the -i'Jf-
IS constantly eili-eling cores of ihe ntmoer
importance. The most crrduloua are ra.
viscta ; the most failhless, cjoapclled lo belietar
in the power anil irtne of thia frnrat remedy.
it ia nniTcrsallT aJtuithsl to he th n
IrtMuhination known an thr world lor thr immrjiotr rrlirr
.T aiaraac ami pain. It n.w tiul. ll then- n-aaaia
iifflrk-nr life to n-.b.re a natural and hrallhr actio to
tvm of tht bi. By this nwana. a mntrolline powrr ia
raionl owr tw mw-t nwliKnant nirma t Oianfe. which
i-an not brobuinr,! rmm anTolrH-r rrvmlr. Su. hblho
.,Z , ' 7 """"", inat K prnetratea to rwy
irtion of the human tram : Inn. ,
"in, a-rrand linwnt w aran bnl on! ami m.iln
.ibl of punffration and hralin; indnriKr. Hence it am
w rradily wiUi inlermai aa eiu rnal Aimm.
Numrroua iivuima an on record, when tail aeaapiN
has tvatored hraltb to axirnU aa rM-arlbe era that th.
umt Duwerful inb-mal retBMliM f.l.J ... .
rffcet. Soth ha. fvqo.nlly been lb. raar In
Inflammation of the Bewaan.
So patient need die with thif diaeaee where Ihe Mactatk
Ointment can be oblainni Ta.. a
known aa Uie flTKlU ERVSIPKl.TT
kmvd h, thia remedy. r . . "
hia Ofntm nt b the ,, complete renmlr eer prerred.
I JH " i will .fT-d nt,n rlf toVh.
ort raaea of Nenrooa Headache aa w minuter
Nemua Disram. thia tvuied, i. immcu T.lne
AOretioui of th Mne. Kheniiuti.ii. . ,
&.iTl Ti",'t; ""!'ni' nn-J. fruop. fbilla.
''"I Morauii. axne in tba M or Braut, Burn.
Jrnld 11. Serofnl Sart Rhenm. BrrrfpeSTlrm
Soil by Thornton 4 Baker. Lcwkbnro.
Ga,328 E F Bcminua. Trar, .
ALL persons indebted to the estates oi
Jacob Hohsel aud Cam. Vnn,
Houskl, late of this place, deceased, are
requested to make immediate payment to
will present them to ihe suhsc.rihor &,
al'-cmenf, without delay.
n a ft