Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 17, 1850, Image 1

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H. C. HICKOK, Editor,
a N. WOUDEN, Printer.
Volume VH, Number 16.
Whole Number 328.
Th Iwlborjr Chronicle is iued
every Wednedy morning t Lewisburg, Union
county, Pennsylvania.
Tir. $1,50 per yer, for cah actually In
advance ; $1,75, paiJ within three months; $2
if paid tviihin the year; $2,50 if not paid bef.ire
the ysnr expires ; single numbers, 5 cents. Sub
fcripii 'ns lor ail months or less to be pnid in
ndvanse. Discontinuances optional with tbe
Publisher except when the year is paid lip.
Advertisements handsomely inserted at SO cts
per square one week. $1 for a month, and $5 for
year ; a reduced price for longer advertisements.
Two squares, $7 ; Mercantile advertisements not
fnHh nf at Mliimn iiiflrtrlv C I A
Casual advertisemenu and Job work to be' paid
for when banded in or delivered.
All communication, by msil .nu-t : earns post-
paid, accompanied bv the address of the writer, to
jeceive attention. Those relating rzclnsivety to
the Editorial Derartmrnt lo be directed to H. C.
Hickok. Esq, EdiUtr and all on business to be
(.Dressed to the rubhtfier.
Office. Market St. between Second and Third -
O. H OKDfc.V rrinlerand Tubluher.
Education and Labor.
How many mistaken notions exist
amongst even intelligent men in regard to
education ! Few agree in the definition of
the term. Its extent and instruments, its
obj.-et and effects are matters of perpetual
controversy. ' Knowledge is power,"
lias become an axiom, but storing the head
without learning, and neglecting to educate
the hands have signally failed to create
the bones and sinews of strength. That
n.an's knowledge is only halt complete
. , i t i
who is unacquainted with any practical
ht.Linr. nflifo nntu ithKiiinrlin-T hia intellect
' ' i " o j
hat fathomed all the depth of scici.ee. j
J.ike the uoM a-ronsu who, irom his
cioud-cncirclcd canopy, sees immense j
tracts of country, meandering streams, and
populous cities spread out beneath him, I
without being able to direct his own course j
or turn his own position to advantage ihe j
. . . T i r
i, a walking text-book of
, r , ., , -
and fast, is the continual
mere book-worm
principle, da'es a
e -j i . m . .i
i,nnrl tA flrMil.nt mi l rnnfm It'll IjV Ihe
, - -j
breath of circumstances.
Mechanical labir
-. i j
jitves its uw"ical wntid
of nnwpr !r ImriwIprl'TP. It sink thi Krioft
i P -.i i i.i tali'iillackin" and l"iard to dropdown
in the mine and exhumes its buried ea!th ;! f" v
converts the raw material of agricultural ll ,,,e bollom of il,e class' to wli,ch iNa,ure
production into useful and gorgeous fabrics; j h"d pre-doomed them. I' easy to de
constructs the palaces of wealth and rears lclu"" "Sa"'' saU of
. ! i a .4 . r....i.: ..a .things contrary to common sense and
tiak. whir.li bus stood fir rinlnrii4 hall linn
with the winils, lutu fcivirt-viuJ ., rand. as anotKor has remarked, it would be
harnassesthc elements t-i ponderous ma- j'0" ,nuch '-xpeci of mortal pedagogue,
chirwry ; or stamps an iiimortality upon he woulJ S?'ve UP '!'e feeding of those
human thought, thus sending forih'nn in. j lo take their meat kindly, and appear to
fluence which controls the character of ja,rivc uPon and dl'vote l'elf to a
mnn nd thn AP. c,r nations struggle with the intellectual lanirour of
Who have brought into aciivitv the new
and mighty agencies which now print,'
pin, weave, dig and drain, arc forever ac
live in the forge and woikshop, drive the
ship against wind ari l tide, bring the ends
of a continent within hearing of each other
and unveil the mysteries of the heavens ?
Nit men of science untaught in all but in
tellectual labor, but the educated artizan.
i'he world owes all, or nearly all its great
'jlessings, its wonderful discoveries, its
efiil inventions, to the sous of toil. And
why are the present gencraiirn not taught
some useful handicraft as well as the prin
ciples of science T
Bui the youth mujt be taught the latter,
o be truly independent. The man who
does Dot labor somewhere, is werse than
useless he is a dangerous member of so
ciety, lie becomes a prey to his own
passions, and scourges others with his own
vices, or panders to those who arc able to
gratify his irregular desires. Yet so un
certain are human events-, so sudden and
entire Uie changes of individual position in
the closely contested struggles of life, that
'mere intellectual cultivation, so far from
insuring independence, may not always
provide tbe necessary means of subsistence.
Poverty, however, is noble and indepen
dent, if the sinews are strengthened by la
bor and the hands educated as well as the
head. The mechanic is everywhere need
ed to hew and square, to frame and build ;
to fashion and weld iron into its tens of
thousands of useful forms ; to stretch the
lightning's conductors across the conti
nents ; to impress durable form upon
thought, and to achieve the myriads of oth
er labors which satisfy the cultivated de
sires of men. C7Educate, then, the
mind, but neglect not the hands. Away
with the vain idea, current only among
drivelling dotards or brainless caricatures
of humanity, that the artizan holds a secon
dary rank in society. The masses now
rule the worlJ ; even in the old monar
chies their power is felt and feared. In
this of freedom, whoever is ruled by
others, because he depends upon them for
support, is uoworihy of his education as
one cause of his disgrace.,)
The Way of the World.
Why is it that such a strange disposition
exists in human nature lo neglect the needy, Philadelphia and the western waters, by
and help those who need no help? Every ( means of the Central Railroad, that the
body knows that there is such a crooked-1 important project of tapping the great New
ness or perversily in human beings, inclin- j York and Erie Railroad at Elmira is for
ing them to pursue jusl the contrary course j gotten. The latter road will be finished
irom that which charity, or even wisdom, j this summer as Jar as Hornellsville, and
wouIdj.Mem to dictate. The destruction i next summer we my expect to see it en--of
Iha-jor in their poverty ; and this pov- jtirely complied, with a terminus at Erie,
terry; whether of brains or earthly pelf, is in our oun Urate. Thislorminus inPcnn-
always tending to aggravate and eia:ge
rate itself. As in agriculture, the damp
ness of the hill side attracts the clouds to
come and discharge themselves on thai
hill, so that what was loo wet before is
made wetter still, while land which has
been thoroughly drained, is less likely toj nia, lo swell the revenues of the New York
be visited by such rains so, in the affairs' and Erie Railroad, and to eiiridi the iner
of life uenerally, the natural course of chants of our commercial rival, New York
things is always against the needy man,
and a0rah!e to him who does not want
To him that hath shall be given, and
I from him that hath not shall betaken
! ,ht which he hath."
j ho are the recipients of the munificent
! presents from their fellow nun the poor.
who are half-starving for want of bread ?
j o it is the rich, w ho already roll in
nxurioSt aI1j ca buy anylhing which may
i gratify their whim or fancy. To what
. colleges, hospitals, &c, do testators leave
' vast l-gacies ? Is it to those that are
struggling with debt and embarrassment
and which can hardly keep their heads
above water T No it is those which are
already endowed, and which have received
many such magnificent gifts before. There
seems, indeed, to be something in a big
heap of wealth which is always attracting
the little heaps towurds it. Hut because
men or institutions want help, they do not
I. .1... .1 .
ut-i it. rui iiic very rcrnsiiii mm uiey
' 3
1 1 J Kr
of themselves. Because they have been
treated cruelly by fortune, they get ' the
. cold shoulder " from men also.
Go into the school-house, and you will
j see the same law exemplified. Upon what
class of pupils does the pedagogue bestow
!he most care and pains-taking upon the
dull and thick-headed, who most need his
'assistance? No, certainly: he b-lows
' '
.ins lime hiui uuei lion ciuciiy uimiii
J 1
' bridht'' and clever boys the inherently
t i i.i - - it l .. .!.:
iac:ive, who wou ujzeiun nunc wen uy miir
! ' .
'own unaided energies and leaves the
- ail ih-it hut urh is the wav of the world-
,u" 1"'u uui sucn is uie way oi me worio, ,
the dunces.
In H departments of business, the same
principle holds good. Whrn the neophyte
most needs credit, he finds it hardest to
get it, and has to pay an enormous rate of
interest to the " blood-sucking private dis
counter," Lut once above the necessity ol
asking credit, and all the world rushes for
ward to trust him with goods or money.
The hardest task is to make the first accu
mulations ; after that, all goes smoothly
Who .ire the lawyers and physicians
that are the favorites with the public ? Not,
certainly, the hundreds that are almost
starving for want of u client or patient
who have plenty of time upon their hands,
and can give a thorough examination to
any particular case. It is the worst poss
ible disqualification of the young practitio-
ner, thut he needs businessthat he has
time la execute whatever he undertakes.
Were he highly skillful and experienced,
it is felt, he would have no time for poe
pic would to him for advice and assistance.
It is, therefore, to the man who is already
overwhelmed w ith business who is known
to be incessantly occupied, and can grant
hardly an hour's consideration to the gra
vest matters that all the world runs for
counsel. A lew moments of his precious
lime are felt to be worth more than weeks
or months of an obscure person's w ho has
no business.nnd consquently no experience.
Thus things go on continually in a vicious
circle with the briefless lawyer and the
physician destitute of patients, and the
young merchant and mechanic. Because
they want business, they do not get it ;
yes, they do not get it ; and it is only
by some unexpected " hook or crook" of
good luck that they succeed, if ever, in
risinj above the state of non-employment
and obscurity to which they seem doomed.
There is something wrong about this
stale of things : but thus it will doubtless
remain, so long as selfish principles are
more dominant in the world than philan
thropic, or that common article, " human
nature," forms the principal ingredient in
the moral constitution of man. Yankee
Blade. ,
Williamsport and Elmira Railroad.
The public mind has been so much oc-'
copied with the communication between
sylvania will be established through the
control it has obtained of a Pennsylvania
charter Irom Erie to the State line. The
result will be that the trade and travel wi!l
be drawn from the Lakes at Erie and
from the Northern counties of IVnnsylva-
; ity. What can be done to prevent this T
Look at the map- A line almost due
north from Washing'on City siiikes the
New York and Erie Railroad, at Elmira,
N. V. This line passes through Harris-
burg and follows the route of the William
si.ort und 111 mi r a Railroad. Let the line
of railroad be finished from Elmira to its
junction with the Central Railroad, fifteen
miles above Ilarrisburg, and the trade and
travel are secured to Pennsylvania. The
distance from the junction to Williamsport
is eighty miles, arid from Williamsport to
Elmira seventy-five miles. Twenty-five
miles of the latter road, from Williamsport
to Ralston, were completed several years
ago. Nineteen elegant aud substantial
bridges have been constructed, and the
road has been well guarded. New rails
will be required of a more substantial char
acter. The people of Elmira s'and ready to
raise funds to complete twenty. five miles
of the route from Elmira to Troy, in Brad
ford county.Pa. This leaves only twenty-
five miles to be completed. Dy construct
ing these twenty-five miles the important
point of connecting the New York and Erie
Railroad with the Pennsylvania Canal at
Williamsport is gained. It is impossible
to calculate the advantages of tin's connec
tion. They are not confined to Pennsyl
vania alone. Our New York neighbors
would receive our ccal and iron in ex
change for their salt anj plaster. And
when the connection with the Central
Railroad is completed, the Williamsport
and Elmira Road will becon.e one of the
greatest thoroughfares in the United Slates.
We have been informed, that Mr. Jostru
GoNDHt, Jr., has recently taken an inte
rest in tlic Williamsport and Elmira Road.
Mr. Gorder is distinguished for his great
enterprise and skill in the construction of
railroads. His high integrity, bis deter
mined energy, aud hisci'ul calculation of
results, render him cne of the most remar
kuble men of the ngc. lie was interested
in the construction of the railroad from
Elmira to Seneca Luke, w hich was finished
Inst full. He is now engaged in construct
ing the road from York lo Ilarrisburg,
which will probably be finished this fall.
When be turns his hand to the William
sport and Elmira Railroad, we may be well j
assured, not only that it will be finished in
double quick time, but that it will bo
be highly profitable when finished. Venn
tijlvunian. Beautiful Eeata Scene.
Tho deiith of the y oung and interesting j Who goes there ? lie shouted in a voice
wife ol Ciiptain Simmons, very soon after i like thunder.
their arrival in California, created a feeling j Who goes there yourself ?" replied one
of profound sympathy nt the time, and can j j,i the boat. " Who are you ?"
not have passed from tho public mind. A j sentinel."
friend residing in California, has recently, I How long have you been on guard?"
in a letter to his wife, given a brief sketch
of the scene in lhai distant chamber of
death, and we are indebted to that lady
for the privilege of communicating it to our
readcrs. jt is llot in ,he ordinary line of
.P:ITn- (-,, ,im P,,,,ifi,, shir. Ii
touch a hishcr ard n,ore delicate chord
in every susceptible breast. To explain
an allusion which it contains, it is neces
sary to state that Mrs. Simmons was a na
tive of Woodstock, Vermont. New York
In my narrative I had picparcd to speak
in detail of the interesting circumstances
connected with the decease of this most
estimable lady, but as that is suspended for
reasons already given, I will say some
thing of her and of them ia this letter.
She was attacked with a fever on the very
date of my first letter to you from San
Francisco, and when she look my watch
and miniature to keep for me, or send to
you if I should be lost in the mines, she
was quite unwell. I walked out with her
that day, and she said she was so home
sick that she scarcely knew what lo do
with hreself. - In a day or two she was
confined to the house, with what was
laid to be the Panama fever ; it was some
kind of fever, and sho continued to sink
under the effects of her disease, until a
fortnight after, when she died, in perfect
intelligence of her situation, and in the ful
lest composure and resignation to the will
of Heaven.
When she became conscious of the near
approach of death, she called her husband
and brother to her bedside and told them
that she did not wish strangers to perform
the last offices to her person, but selected
the lady friends whom she wished to do so.
Captain Simmons asked her if there was
anything that she desired which was in his
power to do for her. She replied, " Yes,
I desire that you may not make the acqui
sition of wealth your chief concern, but
lay up other treasures in Heaven. You
may be blessed with wealth ; if you aro
so. do not forget the poor of our native
village, Woodstock. I have another wish
a vain and foolish wish ought not to
express it, for it is weakness, folly, it can,
I kuow, make no difference as to the man
ner in which my body is disposed of after
death but tr.ny I siy it I could wish
that I migh lie in our lit'lo church-yard,by
the side of brother Edard." Cupt. S.
in his manly and gem rous voice stifled
and choking with grief replied, " If I live
1 .aurq t'.Mii ... i K lKII tin ..nmntint t&'lllt
M-M .. I. 1 (. , ..11. -. .1. WV bU.II'l!UU .......
How grateful I am," said the dying wife ;
"only think, Frederick," addressing
her brother, " how kind Mr. Simmons- is
he siys 1 shall be buried in our pretty
little church-yard,ar.d by the side of brother
Rut death was gathering upon her, and
as the dark shadow closed around her, the
dy ing saint wi'h ange'ic sweetness re.
marked, " This then is the Dark Valley ;
why, it is not so dark after all." In a
little while, composing her arms upon her
breast, she passed through the " Daik Val
ley," to that bourne whence no traveller
has returned, and to which ihe consecutive
generations of men are hastening.
The Faithful Sentinel.
During one of Napoleon's memorable
campaigns, a detachment of a crops, com
manded by Davoust, occupied the Isle of
Dugcn, which they were suddenly ordered
to evacuate. They embarked with such pre
cipitation that they forgot one ol their sen
linels, who was posted in a retired spot,
and so deeply nbsorbed in the perusal of a
newspaper containing an account of one of
the Empnrnr'n splendid victories, as lo lie
totally unconscious of their departure. Af
ter pacing to and fro for many hour's upon
his post he lost patience aud returned to
the guard room, which he found empty.
On inquiry, he learned with despair what
had happened, and crieJ,
"Alas! alas! I shall bo looked upon as
a deserter ; dishonored, lost, unhappy
wu tch that I am.''
His lamentations excited the compassion
of a worthy tradesman, who took him to
his house, did all in bis power to console
him, taught him to make bread, for he was
a baker, and after some months gave Lirn
his only daughter Justine in marriage.
Five years afterwards a strange sail was
seen to approach the Island. The inhabi
tants flew to the beach, and soon discovered
in the advanced ship a number of soldiers,
wearing the uniform of the French army.
'I am done for now, my bread is nearly
baked,'' cried the dismayed husband of
! Justine.
An idea however, suddenly occurred to
him, and revived his courage. He ran to
his house, slipped into his uniform, and
seizing his fire lock returned lo the beach,
and posted himself on sentry at the mo
ment the French wera binding.
" Five years," rejoined our man.
Davoust laughed at the quaint reply,
and gave a discharge in due form to the
involuntary deserter.
An Old Offender Caught.
Within a few months past, we have
recorded a number of robberies and
larcenies committed in this vicinity, and
from the frequent occurrence of such out
rages, it became manifest a gang of des
perate villains had bivouacked in the neigh
borhood of our goodly borough, from
whence they sallied forth to pillage tbe
community, and make night hidious with
their depredations. But the watchful eye
of justice has at last detected one of the
rogues, and the whole gang, we trust, will
soon be in limbo with him, to answer for
their many transgressions.
A young man by the name of Titus, an
adopted son of a woithy citizen of this
place, was several years ago, arrested at
Lancaster, Penna., for stealing a horse,
and tried and convicted before Judge Lew is,
and sentenced to undergo an imprisonment
in the Eastern Penitentiary, for , the lerm
of one year. After he had served out his
term, he returned to this place, and for
some time was supposed to have reformed.
Recently, however, various circumstances
gave rise to suspicions that ho was cogni
zant of some of the thefts and robberies
which were perpetrated in and about the
borough, and his movements were watched
with some care- The confession of a man
residing in Fairfield township, a supposed
accomplice, while in a state of intoxication,
that a dry goods box, was imbedded in a
certain stable in this town, as a depository
for stolen property, excited some of the
citizens losing goods, to make a search,
and sure enough the bos as described was
found, but nothing in it. That night, how
ever, Lewis Titus, and a companion, left
the borough on horseback, and did not re
turn until nearly daybreak. Circumstan-
ccs now began to point out the guilty, but
before any arrest was made, Lewis, and
his companions, absquatulated to the entire
satisfaction of all concerned.
This circumstance occurred some five
or six weeks since. On the beginning of
last week, however, it was announced that
Lewis Titus had returned had been seen,
but kept himself remarkably shad;, fear
ing most, perhaps, to be recognized by his
old patron, w ho, honest and respectable
himself, was likely to give a trarui recep
tion to the ungrateful boy who bad proven
so unworthy of his friendship. Indeed his
w hereabouts was not exactly known, but
on Sunday last, a gentleman arrived at one
of our hotels, from Pittsburg in search of
a horse, which Lewis had brought away
w ith him from that place, without permiss
ion. Meanwhile, our neighbors of Millon
and Muncy, became acquainted with Lew is
Titus, to their entire satisfaction. During
a short visit to the former place, we learn,
he succeeded in passing ofT some une hun
dred dollars of counterfeit ten dollar bills
on the Hank of Northumberland, and at
the latter, some twenty or thirty dollars of
like currency. Rut the fraud was ulti
mately discovered, and on Monday, after
a spirited race through some of the clover
fields near Hughesville, this bold villian
was arrested, taken to Muncy, examined
and fully committed. He was brought
here the same afternoon, and is now in
durance vile.
We learn that a 5180 of counterfeit
tens, on the Rank cf Northumberland, was
found on his person, and there is strong
reason for believing that he is but one of j
many who are engaged in circulating I
counterlett money In this section, and that
his arrest will be but the beginning of
the end," We also learn the gentleman
from Pittsburg, already alluded to, found
Miltnn u l.erp if hnrl lippn
sold for eighty dolluis. Lycoming Ga
zette, July 10.
Ingenious Trick.
An English paper relates ihe follow iog
ingenious mode of " raising Ihe wind,''
practised by a musician on the credulity
of the inhabitants of a country town.
' A foreigner, named Vogal, a celebra-
led flute player advertised a concert for bis
benefit and in order to attract those
Had no music in their touU,
And were not moved by concord ofsweet so und,'
he announced that between the acts he
would exhibit an extraordinary feat never
before witnessed in Europe. He would in
his left hand hold a glass of w ine.and would !
allow six of the strongest men in the town
to hold his arm, and notwithstanding all ,
their efforts lo hold him, would driub the
c , :.- j-
r .u . : . ii..
' 7ti i i i .1
ded, attracted a very crowded house, and
expectation , on ihe when our
hero appeared on the stage, glass in hand.
politely invited any half dozen of the au
dience to come forward and put his prowess
... c i ,i ... i
whom was the Mayor of the place, imrne-'
diatcly advanced to the stage, aud grasping j
the left nr.n of Voual. annarcntlv rendered
the ner.Wanee of his Promised feat ouite
... r.i, Ti,. ,.r.,i
uuivi nil ijutjiiuin a tj t. i mlb uniuij
nause for a moment, when our arm-bound
hero eyeing the gentlemen pinioning him,
said in broken English, Jcnteelmen, are
you all ready ? Are you quite suie you
havo got fast hold V The answer having
been gi ven in the affirmative, by a very
confident nod from those to whom it was
addressed, Vogal, to the infinite amusement
of the spectators, and to the no small sur
prise of the group round him, advancing
or to drink all your goot health," at the
same time quafliing ofTthe wine, amidst a
general roar of laughter, and universal
cries of "Bravo, bravo ; well dons Vogal."
From the Philadelphia Daily Xetrs-
Great Destruction of Property and loss
of Lives.
It becomes our painful duly to record
the most fearful calamity, that has ever
befallen our city, fiom the ravages of the
destructive clement. The heart sickens
at the contemplation of it, and we iustinct
ively recoil from the task. But it is a du
ty, nevertheless, that must be performed,
and we proceed to it without further pre
face. At about half past four o'clock, on
Tuesday afternoon, (July 0;h,) a fire broke
out in the extensive block of stores, owned
ami if-.iinipt Kv Jnhn Rrnpk Stuns, ilea. I
leas principally in saltpetre, situated on
; .t,r,, ;(,.M..rl
Delaware Avenue, South of ine street.
And here it may be stated, that it is not
known positively how the fireoriginatcd.nor
in what part of the building. Several of the
rooms had been let out for various pur
poses, and it most probably originated in
one of these. John llill had a tavern on
the ground floor, and in an upner room
his right arm, which was free, very cooly owning ju s r-piuiy, aim u.u..4 i..,-
took the wine glass from his left hand, wafC Avenue il had rPache'1 lhe n'n'-1 burst 0"0n, 8,1 f"' we
and bowing politely to the half dozen gen- j A. Wright & Nephew, sal, lamei.tuble loss of life. Several men wo-
.!, i .. t,Li n...,i,L i di alers. On Vine street wharf, there men and children were instantly kil.ed.
was a dance house, which had become
very obnoxious to the neighbors, and the
proprietor of w hich had Ik.cu prosecuted
for keeping a disordeily house. A lower
aparln.ent was used for storing bay, and
contained a considerable quantity ol it
ith the numerous combustibles in the
store-house, the flames spiead with fearful
rapidity, and it was with difficulty that the
clerks could escape with the books. The
intense heat made by the hay, fused the
saltpetre, and an explosion was the result;
a terrible one, after several, of no conse-
quence, except they served to warn those
near of the danger that might be apprehen
ded Irom a too close proximity to the burn
ing building. The noise m?.de was terri
fying, and the elTect was appalling. Burn
ing embers were thrown about in all di
rections, among the firemen and citizens,
and iu the effort of all to escape, many
were trampled under loot, and a lare
number were crowded into the dock, and
narrowly escaped drowning. A report
was in circulation, that to lads were
drowned, but we could not learn the truth
or falsity of it. The effect of the explos
ion in spreading the fire, was immediately
seen. The splendid store-house on the
south of that in which the fire originated,
occupied by Ridgeway & BudJ, flour dea
lers, was at once enveloped in flames ; and
in a little while the large block ol build
ings on the north, in the occupancy of the
Lehigh Transporting Company was in a
like condition. The flakes of burning hay
were carried westward, and fired the dwel
ings on the west side of Water street,
w hich extended to Front street, and w hich
were occu
pieJby a large number cl poor
, ., .,
Inconsequence of the weather
being warm, and the roofs dry, the tire
spread in a fearful manner, so much so,
that several of the inmates were burned to
death in their attempt to escape. The in-1
tensity of ihe fire prevented tho firemen;
from approaching it, so as to render much
efficient service, and the wind blowing
fresh from the south-west, the flames con
tinued to spread to the west and north. It
was not long before it had crossed to the
west side of Front street, and to the north'
side of Vine street. The whole range ol j
dwellings, on the west side of Front street, j
extending from Vine halfway down to
Race, wero sion in flames. Mtnr ol
these were fine edifices. Tho one on the
corner of New and Front, w-as lately ow ned
and tenanted by Thomas Wattson, biscuit
DaKer- A" ",cse are in ruins- 1 ne
"anlei continues tospreau 10warus cccon i
8Ircel' on 8 parane. to me ex.em oi
would drhjk the!,he conflagration on front street, ih
j- t buildin-'s on New street, many of then
! lne comngraiion on i rom street, i ne
(buildings on New street, many of them
handoiiio ed;fice$. and the public school
on ",e same were "urntJ also
" V'"e fro"' From t0 Se'ni- A!1
lmse uu"a'"Ss were.enanua ana me cn-
0l'avor 01 "'e lnmalPS IO save lr,t',r PP !
1 iv.anu 10 escape to a piacc oi satciv.auuca
Household goods were1
io me contusion
l -I , .1 . l, .
ni rn unnn ine n.-ivenienTs in n l u teciii-ns.
all ditectiens, .
seme furniture '
was thrown from the upper windows ol j
burning dwellings and destroyed in this
way. Tho scene was a
wful bevond lies-:
wero running '
cripuon. i.any paren.s
about wringing their hands, and uttering)
lamentations for a missing child ; wives'
weeping fur their husbands, and husbands
in the search of their wives, contributed to
make the scene the more painful. The
fire continued to spread, and at 8 o'clock, .
had extended almost half way from Vine j
to Callowhill on Front and New Market :
' street ; from Front to Water street, it was ;
I - . !(.. . I .T ft..!.. lana kuiil anfl furv r.i ! fl n.n4 . ll
were several hundred cords of pine and oak : numbers frightfully scorched, and dread
wood, which could easily have been ro i fully burned and mangled; while many
moved before the fire reached it, but which j others were hurled into the docks, ome vi
could easily have been removed before the . whom were drowned,
fire reached if, but which was permitted to I icide.nTs. 1
burn, and contributed lo the flames. Af-j Most Appaling Scene.A most painful
ter darkness had set in we took our station
upon an elevated position from which we
could survey the whole scene, and a su
blime and fearful one it was. On went
the flames, roaring and cracking, envelop. ! had beeii burnt off, and her body bore the
ing some of the finest edifices w bich our horrid marls of the fire, tier limb w"ie
city could boast, and rendering ihem in,' drawn up. as if from agony, and the pair
a short time, a heap of ruins. To the ! fu expression of her face told cf Ihe slo
west and the north all was one vast sea of ; fering which sho bad experienced,
fire, w hile ever and anon the falling of t!ie j JJ her side on ascoroheJ mattr. wer
walls and the shouts of the multitude Iherei lying three boys. They were terribly
served to render tho scene fearfully ter-j
rific awfully sublime! The firemen had
labored up to this period, with unabating
vigor, but the scarcity of the water, and
the extent and violence of the conflagration
have rendered ihtir services of but little
avail. Still they have done nobly, and are
entitled to the highest praise foe their ef
forts to save life and property.
Nise O'Clock. P. M. We have just
returned from the sceue of conflagration
and the flames have reached to the south
side of Callowhill street, bt low New Mar
ket ; and there does not seem to be a poss
ibility of it being checked. All along
Callowhill street from Front to Second.'
the citizens huvr removed their goods, and
are removing them, and the scene is fear
ful to behold. The whole north side of
the pavement is covered with household
goods of various kinJs, ail piled together
in wild confusion. Many articles are be
ing thrown from the w indows, not by ttie
owners, for they appear to have left all to
the protection of the citizen!, anil hurried
off to a place of safety. The fire is burn
ing rapidly cn Second street at Vine, and
much valuable property ou Second street,"
has fallen a prey to the devouring element.
The destruction of property has been im
mense, and the heviest loss will no doubl
fall upon the Insurance Cumpanie.
Half-past Elevex, P. M We lave
just learned that the fire will not probably
extend further than it has north of tl.o
south side of Callowhill street, and west
of Second strcet;ieast side. Hundreds of
families are made homeless by this terrible
calamity. At 12 o'clock the fire was sub
dued, and the fi rrinen were returning from
the awful sjene.
A number of drays were standing on
Vine street wharf and along Front street,
at the time of the explosion, whi n the
horses became frightened, and rushed mad
ly through the terrot-.tricten enwd. We
have no doubt that many have been injured
in this way, who attributed their wounds
lo the scattered fragments of the building.
The flames of the conflagration were
distinctly seen at Wilmington, Trenton,
and Chester.
Cause of the Explosion. On ihe first
a i n 1 ' . l i
I quantity of brimstone and saltpetre was
p ..... -
i storeu, wnicn Becoming ignueu siinuiiaut-
I ously, caused the terrific explosion so des
I tructive to human life and the surrounding
y '
The North American says : The fire
raged with great fury, and the firemen,
who were promptly on the spot, notwith
standing the narrowness of Water street
which rendered it di'iicult to reach the im
mediate scene of the conflagration, would
bave succeeded in mastering h but tor a
terrible explosion which occurred about
half an hour after the fire began. To
give an idea of the scene that followed this'
calamity is impossible. As soon as the
flames reached the saltpetre in the store
room of Mr. Crock, several successive re
ports were heard, and Enafly a tremen
dous expKaiun I ftMo, pfiin.if terror
and destruction around.
The force of the
m an upward direction, carrying
1 : into the air, to the height of three hundred
'font Ui-n. KiirntniT mnc ol lnmh K ih.e.
'' '"'r, '
"h br'CkS' v
b..-w - r
. " 1 "." " -
"i-i" - -
breaking through the roof and burying aui
mtirinit k.im.. t 1 ni llllllHlft U 111 I Wt'ltT
'" " - '
injuring some t the inmates, w ho wero
i"o 'gd in r. moving their effects. At this
moment there was about three thousand
persons on the ground ; and the spectticle
of fright oud confusion, and the wahiug
and screaming of women aud chilJicn.
made up a scene of horror beyond descrip
tion. Many of ihe firemen were thrown, with,
their pipes in their hands, from the roofs
of the surrounding bouses, aud uihersi
knocktd down from the engiues, aod wnw
of them burned or lacerated in a dreadful
The force of the explosion, aud the in-
spectacle was presented at the Cherry
street station house, Wednesday cvenins.
A large woman was lying upon fhe floor
in the cold embrace of death. Her clothes.
DUrneh In removing them they had beru
rolled together, and io attempt; ; to sepa- ,
rate them their c bur red flesh feU nm their
bones. They 'were removed the Green
House, and are intthiiW i the number oi"
victims which we have ulrealy given.
These unfortunate creatures were the ob
cupants of a h nne in Va3er street, opp -site
to the plate of explosion r ' '
The Coroner this morning heldthrw in
quests at the Cherry Street Station Hon.--.
Two if them were charred trunks, without
heads or limlw, rendering it impossib'e t
distinguish either age, sex, color or condi
tion. Thev were found bv Captain B:u-