Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 10, 1850, Image 1

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H. 0. HICKOK, Editor,
a N. WORDEN, Printer.
Volume TH, Hnmber 15.
Whole Number 327.
H. C. HICKOK, Editor.
O. N. WORDEN, Fnbluher.
At $1.50 fh in arfranr. fi.n in (Jiiw innttt.. 2 pid
"ilhiu thr vi-mr. and (Z.M at tbr rati of Ibf yw.
Am-ntu in 1'liila.lrli.lita V H I'atm.r and K W Carr.
JLctcisbur, Ma.
Wednesday Morning, July 10.
The weather Icing hot.nur Jour.sick,
and having a press ol j.b work on hand,
and a score or less'ol paper books" for
the Supreme Court, to print for tlie Lew
isburg lawyers (a pretty good allowance,
by the way, for the trio of a provincial
totri) wc are compelled, by the necessity
of the case, to give our readers only hah
a sheet this week. As this is the first
casualty of the kind that has happened
the Chronicle for the last eighteen months, j the P.-alins ; and after fervent prayer by
and wc promise our rcadcis bc::er luck and P'of. Anderson, the Declaration of Inde
rr.ore of it hereafter, we trust they can find' pendance was read by Mr. C. Carroll
it in their hearts to swallow this week's) B.tting, of Phil'n, in a very clear, distinct,
dose without looking the gift horse in the; and impressive manner. (When he con
mouth. " Blessed are them wot don't ex- eluded, a stranger, sitting near us, whis
pect nothing, for they aii.'i going to be petcd in our ear, " Thai's the best 4h of
disappointed. j July speech I have beard for a long time ;
(WAs we have but litilc spare this
week, we have concluded to serve up a
g neial hash for that large class of leaders
who woild lathir l.ete
trim beefsteak.
Dangerous Counterfeits.
There are already afloat, good looking I
spurious Ten Dollar notes, purporting to be
issued by the Bank of Danville. The
vignette in the genuine note, is a scene in
the Rolling Mill ; that of the spurious, is a
spread eagle. They can easily be detected
by this difference ; but people she old be on
their guard.
Asm her. We arc informed that SlOi
counterfeits on.h Rt ,.r xLa 1
are in circulation, so well executed that I
they were received by the Cashier of the!
Bank without suspicion.
Since writing the above, we hare been
shown one of these last notes, meed nnnn
. , -
one oi our mercl:ants last week. An insnec-
. . '
- .-c......-0 .tj u.u tn a (
mogiiifying glass, shows it to be defective, j
But without this test, not one person in n '
i.'u vi .'ifrMT-tii auu uie am ni n
mnMr.hAMH.. : . . . .1 .. .
uionsai.a.even amoi:gexpenenea business
, . , , . i
men, wonld suspect it to bi; other e than
,, . .
Cenuinc. There is. no Ami t. or...,.
' b--"-1
quantity of these counterfeits afloat.
In the vicnette of the ocnuine niiis tt
white block between the hind les of tlip
Iert hand horse is p'ain and disiincf, but in
the counterfeits is scarcely visible. The
same difference is observable in tl.e w heels
nf the rail road cars on the bottom of the
note. The flourish over Ihe end of the!
word "Northumberland" at the ten and
lea of the note just touel.es the upjer rn j ''on days, and occasions like lhe present. J under training (or Alderman, when we
graved margin of the genuine notes, but j In town the Lewisburg Infantry, un- shall luve obtained a city charter and a
runs one fourth of an inch al ovcon the act Capt. Nej hart, celebrated the day by J market house, together with a daily 'Chron
counterfcits. I 0 patriotic turn-out in full uniform, that, tele.' A village.' eh ! Tiuly our muni-
TllC mail Steamer V:i.h;,,i,,n r,nn,
Ilrrmrn.'rUi V... v.,.l. ' ".i.. . .. i
G.P. Ii. James, the nov.l.st. arrived ini
!.er. wi.h his frmilr. Also Count Dim-'
1 inski, the celebrated Ilunparian Ceneral,
tsnd his wife. He sas Kossuth will come
to the United States as soon as he is liber
ntcd by the Turks.
All-, e L t...m.. .:tl . i . L: I
."."sier nij
... p.iv,,,, oiu. ii io wiSion, me;
latter part of this wee k. Those ergons j
who wish to obtain likenesses and have!
not doi.e so. should nol I'.iAui- U' !
,i- ii.. . ,, , I
dialiy commend Mr. M. to lhe patromice of :
our I.cuistoun friends.
- !
K7'Mr. Paine the grrat ditcovcrcr, it
is complained keeps his light' in the duik ;'
His course latterly is so vascillaiing and
mysterious thai his boasted intention
begins to smack strongly of humbug.
Time will show.
Tbe StChmcr Philadelphia arrived
Rt New York onlhe?ih inst. from Cha
gres with 200,000 in gold. She bro'i
no news fmm Gil fbrnia of any general
"The Guardian" Magazii.e for July (ed
ited by Rev. H. Hurbaugh) is on our table.
It is filled with f xrelli nt original articles
of nn elevated moral and relirious tone.
The Danville Inteilige i cer sats that
omc ol tl c largest townships in C kn.bia
rounty were not represented at all in the
Hloomsburg repeal me-tin!.
$Z7' I be fuiihuiy.) pjers i in. ounce bt ,
r.u-h..rity thai IIn. J,s,e c. IK.rlon (Din.)
wm noiwa csr.c.rta-e for H Cong.es,
i. r,al nonimafon this Ml. ;
.The Supr. me ('our! of I'a. i now in ;
session at Stinhiirv. !
, '
llolmes Alacbty has lietii a:ix;nltd As-'
., " ,
ciainui ..i.irM.iii ior ,Min. in county,.
The total number of bunka in ihti If uiied '
S-aies is 833.
,ce New AJ
Ul "' I : ;
The Fourth
Passed off in Lewisburg, in a quiet but
very pleasant manner. The principal fea
ture of the day was the Students' celebra
tion on University Hill, which attracted a
throng of ladies and gentlemen from at
home and abroad, who crowded the lec
ture room of the Academy building to its
full capacity. The board walk was adorned
by beautiful arches of evergreens, in which
flowers were tastefully mingled.and the lee
ture room and rostrum, in addition to sim
ilar embellishments was ornamented by a
small, full-lcng'h plaster statue of Wash
ington ; large engravings representing the
signing of the Declaration, &c. ; and a
splendid fl.ig, the Star Spangled Banner,
made expressly for this occasion, the flag
staff bearing streamers with the motto
Pielas et Liberlas.
Prof. Taylor read the 1 5h chapter of
i Exodue, and several suitable passages from
I should like to see it published."; Three
other Students, Messrs. James T. Lane,
of Free-port Pa. ; J. Merrill Linn, of Lew
isburg ; and John K. Taggar'., of Nor
thumberland, then delivered original ora
tions that reflected credit on themselves,
and were received by the audience with
decided approbation.
Mr. Lane's was an excellent production.
and thoroughly imbued with patriotic sen
timents, w liich derived additional interest
from the torce and appropriate earnestness
of his delivery.
Mr. Linn, the youngest of the party,
was evidently embarrassed by tl.e impos-
ing circumstances in which he was placed,
Hut ....-.. A i,;m.r h.,' ii.!
sreech was well written, and contrasted,
in ornate and animated stvle. the various
nations m ttiecarth, and yielded the palm
, .
oi sup rioriiy to our own country.
Mr. THggart possesses much literary
nd forensic talent, and many passages
' 01 nis aisi :ussif in oi - iur rniinirv nnn n
r t 1 t . 1
u. .1.. ui..u.iijii ui uui t.uuiiiij niH
memorials.' were thrilling and eloq'
Near the close he refered in caustic It
... .
to the t vila of li.tolerence the deadliest
curse that cou d scourge any commun ty.
T b nrrrUr. mr nli.m-n - ih ...
I cellent vocal music, by a choir of students,
: nnd.-r iKp. Hir.-ciinn nf Mr. I.nnmi 1 1
may not be out of place to remark that j morning nol I;ing ago.under pretext of 'po- profound political sagacity, of the treache
the classes in Composition and Declama-j etic lief nse.' Why Mr. Gizelt'-, to say rous scoundrels who at present control1
fion, in the University, are undir the ex- j n thing or the general spirit f enterprise
elusive chnrge of Mr. Alfred Taylor, the ; 'hat prevails here, and our local improve
Tutor, whose Ii:crary taste and finished j mcnts and privil eges, we have n popula-
locution peculiarly qualify him lor these .''on ol 20,000, lacking one 0 ruly, and
duties. The results are seen on examinn- ', have quite a n imber of portly individuals
considering the excessive heat, was quite
creditable to their military spirit.
P1"" "e a,so formtd by t
nu S ana gen.temen o. tnepmee,;
I who we understand enjoyed themselves
dchghtfully in the country. Our borough
was visited duung tl.e day by an unusual
number of strangers, including r"", f
ladies and Gentlemen irom Milton, Will-I.
- . , , r. .i r. , I
lamspori, Dioomsourg, uanvuie, nunimry,
.ev li.'ilin, and oiher places. 1 here was
much less dissipation than is usual on such
occasions ; but we were pained to ( bs re
i : . , j ,; ... .i ..
of Barehus. on the nart of vouna m n of
. ;
promise, wno we are npprenens.ve mny
yet, some day, be offered up, a holocaust
r scl r JJJ. fT5-1-"
(W Pro-di-gi-cus ! what hot weather !
Too hot lo cither write or think. And if
the frightened ghost of an idea should ven-
ture to make it.elf visible on the mental
horizon, it can scarcely acquire shape and
consistency before it i. pop'd out . f the
scorching brain l.ke parched corn from .
not gr.au e. ii peopie wouia oniy put a
little ice around the bu'bof their thermom
! eters our 'sufferings' wouldn't be so intole
'The Tenth Annual Report of ihejSolomcn at our elbow suggests that if this
Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company, ; season's supply of ice-cream had only befn
jusi published, shows that the company j manufactured and fr zen last winter, and
have abstained losses by fire, during the ;,ij away in some safe place to keep, this
past year, to the amount of $52,359,44 catastrophe would not have happened.
The piesent estimated cash assets amount . Cright idea, that. Wonder il it is suscep
to 012.1 18.MI. There are about 7,000 nble of mathematical demonstration.
of unsettled claims against the company ! - -
. i j j ,1,; ,, . ' j Affairs at Washington. No authentic
not included in inis statement. ! .
Wnat a libel! The Boslon Post
iijin((tei ,hat ,a,.yer8 pray .. gve M ,hs
day ur daily bread, with costs But
'he following furnishes the consolation of
nt least a divided responsibilitr. "Why is
. , n , , , ."...n
.ideeeasd M. D. like a dead duck I He
i cause buh have slopped quacking.
Gallon. K. W. Harnwell, a Nashville ';
I I invention
delegate, is Mr. Culln tin's j
second tucker in U I'. S. Se-r.oic
Professor Webster
has sent in a full confession to the Gover
nor and council, stating that he killed Dr.
Park man by a violent blow on the side of
his head wiih a piece of grape vine about
two feet long and two inches thick, and
that it was done in a sudden burst of passion
while Dr. Parkrran was shaking his fist
under his nose, and calling him a liar and
scoundrel. He says he invited Dr. Park-
man to an interview at the Medical College,
to beg for a few days indulge nee till he
could raise the money he owed him, but
Dr. P. would not listen to him, but imme
diately began to abuse him. He says, ' I
never had the remotest idea injuring Dr.
l'arkman until the moment the blow was
struck ; Dr. P. was extremely severe and
sharp, the most provoking of men, and I
am irritable and passionate. A quick
handed and brief violence of temper has
been a besetting sin of my life. I was an
only child, much indulged, and I never
accquired the control over Jmy passions
that I ought to have accquiicd early, and
the consequence is all this."
He asks, that his sentence may be com
muted to imprisonment for life, but it is
doubtful whether his request will be gran-
ted. How impressive is the moral to be
drawn from this terrible case.
OCrThe Star of the North denounces
in strong, but just, terms, the excitement
about the Forrest divorce rase ; and pro-!
tests against having the whole country
convulsed by a quarrel between a play
actor and a fop or if you please, a great
tragedian and a pott. One of this actors
j quarrels involved the largest ol the Ameri
can cities in a riot. Lives were lost, and
the military were called out to fire on the
mob. An ordinary earthquake would
have bten satisfied with convulsing a
,.rcH. t,ul . ....... .. g,la,c ...e
I, , . j i r.i , ,-
: " c"cu,aI,on n? of the testimony
I i.hA ii nrtiintpit I ha .n nrnlitcta annnat
ill una auu riiiuiai enre?, aiu mr
i . . . . ,,
."P1"'"0" .ne.itably exert,
; , . , ... ,- .
Ives to speak nut on this subject ; :
r, ' ik. ... K.u. . u.,lil,,r
. . . ... . ..
i.ji in uiv uiiiimi w nu a in iiiiii, iiiiiiiii
' iiiiiiimi.'iiriT. lit? I i v riiiii)r inrati I m
, . . ,
tainled vitiated fcir. unit onlv rrv rirr In
- , 1 - -
r . .
. lilt lit t u '
The LxiCOminsr Gazette, ill SI eukini! ol
'his place calls it a"village. I he Junior
' , , ... , . .
ir.ay be always H right, and jet not ex -
. ... .
nrt v ritrht either, in ins instance lhe ef.
1 j a
.feci probably of that "Kiss," he stole
from a rustic beauty on a bright
Clpa' modesty is quite flurried by ihe gra- :
emus condescension of the ' everlasting !
M;"c "
Cholera, atriin!
Telearanhic dispatches from Cinei-
' d(,,t.d the 7th inst., state that the
jchocra u prevailing extensively in lhat
:ci,y, ,ie deaths being as high us 05 per
., ......i? . ,., ....
tein wu(cM
Is it not time that the streets and alleys
nnd g'jtters in this place were thoroughly
clcan.-ed c f their filth and stagnant water,
land a free use niiide of lime to purity such
! , . . ... ., . ..... .
piagne spois : ens suouiaaiso uc cieaneu
;,, he wa!(.r k(.p, rurc nnd slvMt, Bnrt
rf.iirs anJ cu!.,K,u?e3 . ,lile..Bhhed.
;0..r town is healthy now, and can be kept
.so, if timely and efficient precaution are
used. We may have more losay on this
! subject next week.
. lnm( I)tal)le II)isrorlune ,ms hap.
d q o(jr Tho on,y
!()rice.cream in (he pla,.e has run Hhorc
i ncC( l(nt of an BCndenIav short flippIy
of ice. We suppose, therefore, that during
the dog-days the sun will be privileged to
riddle us through and through with his
fierce beams, without lei or hindrance. A
news from (lie Luba prisoners. 1 be tlav
rey question not yet acted on by Congress,
some excitement about the Texas and New
Mexico question but not likely to prove
serines. Weather very warm and debili
tating. C7Laic accounts from Mexico stale
that the English debt is 55,000,000.
Doubtlul case, that. The Mexicans are
-d'W pat . order il John bull tvnuld'nl
i.e 5 ii r (int. lo have it ct litcicd ?
- "Indian about"
Our town was visited one day last week
by two Seneca Indians, having funcy bas
kets, and beaded buckskin reticules and
purses for sale, they also displayed their
skill in archery by shooting at tips and
cents with their bows and arrows. Mr.
Merry took an admirable dagcurrotype like.
ncss of one of them, a chief, Ha je-je-qua-
j ah, in full war-costume, with eagle feath-
,ers, and paint, all on, and with which he
feels vastly pleased. A finer looking;
specimen of his race can not readily be I
found anywhere. M.r Merry has retained j
a duplicate, which can be seen at his room, j
The presence of these brawny stalwart j
sons of the forest could not but vividly re-
; call the palmy days of the perishing Ked
Man, whose princely heritage has passed
tromnis control forever, u is not .ongjanJ ncccssary machinery. The Ledger
since these beautiful vallics were covered; hal ,,icre wil illle difficulty in
with primeval forests and peopled with na- (liu subscriptiona.
tures children who roamed unmolested I
w here now the plowshare turns the soiland ! Icebergs in the Atlantic Terrible Ship
pursued the fleet deer and wily panther in j wreck. The English papers of the latest
the neighboring mountains. And even ! dates state that recent arrivals had from
now, as the summer wind plays through
j the rustling corn and sighing woods, there
' is ever a funereal undertone, as if swelling
j a reqtiium for barbaric power and glory
that it can not re-create. But the war-
j song and the hunting shout have long since j with between eighty and one hundred per
illed away the wigwam bus disappeared i sons on board, every soul of whom is sup-
the council fires have been quenched in
blood the haughty chieftain and the light
i canoe have vanished, like a vision of the
j night and none are left to 'mourn for Lo-
i oan ? Many moons' have nassed since '
jthe unbending -stoic of the woods.' was nc,w leave lhe "o mer place at 3 o'clock,
compelled to retreat with sullen footsteps A- M- and arrive in J'"iUe at 12 M.,
before the advancing tide of civilization- f,,r ,,,c P"8s- " 'w "ner,
! but as he turned for the last time from his rest a"d also ,he ""ternoon train for Ph.la
! hunting grounds and burial places, and : !, !Phia whrre ,hv Wl11 arnve at 7 P" M
inarched with a heavv heart towards the
,eft ijhinj him a
, Atmt npon wbi mn-, tyBmt
t t- ........ u ..... ,..n.
! avufm upon hi. children, and hi laud
, u,
! cmm-ati low murmur orttw slaves 'Am
n . .l l: r r .1
. uui me snip ui Hiaic is iieignira wnn sucn
numberless counte
ntervai!in blessing that
erctofore "the looNtens of
keep steady lime' to the
.hereafter, ash
. ... .
.tha n-iiinn win upon attn,iv lima
- ...
1 music of lhat sublime march, el
; anril (tip S'nr nf emnire takes it nv '
,p. . . ' , . n ,, . .... man n,.,l
" The stree s of Paris are to be macada- Joon louunian, a oi.ng man aged.
1 . , . . , . ,,,, , , . , .. : j , , i,
, nviPct, to get rid of the paving stores, about Is vears, w:is injured last week, in
..t:i . , . ..... ' V. '.. . ..' J. .. '
vriiH ii prnvea 10 ne sum uvauuoie wra-
1 pons in the hands of the revolutionists." j
thc destinies of republican France. As if
such puerile precautions could fortify of
ficial treason and protect the trailers. As
if the removal of n few paving stones in
the streets of the Capital could cni.-h the,
ommno ent power ot public opin
paralize the energies of a lately fiee, but
now i,e,rayea anu exnsperatcn people.
.ii i . . i i
i-ii iiniii nicy inusitrr umt , rauvius wiih
tissue paper, or dam up Niagara i;h fig ,
leaves, as hope to keep their foot on the
necks of the people by such a contemptible
stroke of policy, while they, at the same ij d one d,,y ilft utehi raD Upon a SMy ! incs of an apple tree have teen re-: county will assemble in their respective
time, violate the Constitution, and plan the : lo-se oll a ,jh brid-e over the Cunul near i eeivt'd. savs H( ston Cultivator, from election districts on PaTrnruv. the 3d day
destruction of lhe Republic, and the rights': Vl'n Creek ad fornatelv crushed the 1 ,,l'ar Tionderoga, New York, were alone Au'1 M!it and ect two delegates.
:. .... .. iMi t. rteK, ana lortunateij crusiu u me . o lor each respective District, to attend a
and liberties of its citizens. I he dictates . anilIiaI to pieces . ,)!herivise,ihe cars would ; lt ,s Ppagated. bearing a k.nd of apple. . County CoDv;a!inni which will helJ
of patrotism and common sense, and the j ,mve been nrown oir,hc u-aciand ,he loss whlch has neither core nor seeds' The , New Berlin, on Monday, lhe 5h day oC
ex(:ericnce of the asl, seem to be alike ' t)r ifc. and ;,, wouj have been fearful, i "riSin was as follows : The top of a August next for the purpose of nominating .
unheeded by these blind political jugglers, j young tree was bent over and covered with candidates for the following offices, viz :
and they tempt fate as recklessly as if; Cud News. "Friend Jones, prepare carIh, which look ro.l. The tree was; 1 Congressman, 1 Assemblyman, Pro--
swift destruction would not overtake then. I
as certainly as it did Charles X, and!
- . -- .
Louis Philippe both cf whom, with a'
far less exebition of tyranny than that!
which now doubly curses France, saw ihe I
labric of their power demolished in aj
twinkling, as it were ; although the lirst j
made a murderous use of the bayonets and
cannon of his Swiss mercenaries, and the
latter was entrenched within impregnable
fortifications, manned by one -hundred
thousand of the best troops of the line, and
bristling with artillery lhat could plant
balls with unerring precision on every
inch of ground within the walls of Paris.
With the same unerring certainty will
Louis Napoleon, instead of consummating
his treasonable schemes, and reaching the
imperial p'irple, find himself and his ban
ded conspirators, suddenly swept from their
pride of place.' like foam on the cataract's
fC7Tl!e Yankee Blade sats the ball
given on the evening of the rail road jubilee
at Builington, Vi. "was lighted by about
ore thousand candles, and 250 couples.''
a i.it;.r.i ?:,;, tr.,l. ,;,, ..,(, i,..m.,
. tl , r ' . , ,
Km flma I hA Initios lit..,! nnl nnlv kiuo I
I I V 1.11.3. . ', . ..... VII. J I1U ,
smiled their brightest, but their partners
faces must, have also reflected lhe fascina
nating radiance in a perfect halo of rubi
cund glory.
pjThc contract for altering and re
pairing lhe o'd Court House in Danville
has been allotted lo II. R. Noll, of this
place, and A. G. Voris, of Danville, for
the sum ol 81857. It seems lhe expense
falls entirely upon the citizens of Oau villi".
President's Illness !
The following item of news reached us
last night by private conveyance :
Danville, Pa. )
Tuesday, P.M., July 9, 1850. J
News has been received here to-day by
Magnetic Telegraph, that at 9 o'clock
this morning, President Taylor was lying
very ill of "bilious cholera morbus :" and
bail-pasi d ociock, no was not expec-
j q to survive me attacn an nour,
The Philadelphia papers of Tuesday
week announce ,hat the entire subscription
$it035,000 necessary to complete the
pel,nsyVania railroad to Pittsburg has
befn (ake)j and S38)00o (seven hundred
. .,,: sI.aresx ya tha. sum.
j Cul (hefe wj wanted n ad(Jition Sl.
j 000 000 ,0 stock u with i0COmotives, cars
the Atlantic brought sad intelligence res
pecting the losses of a largo number of
vessels amidst the floating fields of icebergs
in western latitudes among the number
one of the Londonderry bound to Quebec,
posed to have gone down in the unfortunate
vessel and perished.
New Arrangements. The line of
stages from Northumberland to Pottsville
' -v ",e u'u ""-" "'
8 10 ,cncn '''adelphia. fcunuury
I An.erican.
j Selection of Seed Wheat. Professor
! firnv. a most reliable auihnrii v. savs
! .I,-. .,l.; ..,, ";,
' ....vu., ...
may be improved ; and it has bern found
. that the best mi tliod is. to i?o into the fie d
; wnPn ' 's '"'')" r'lc' nnt SL'!et'1 ,ne lurgrst
nnJ ullest hea rrom r'il h si'cd heat
niny be raised tl.e follow ing year; that if
: ' - r
..i : : . r. . n .. njn..iA...,i.n I .
; this course is pursued, the crops wii! con
stantly increase in value.
Limestone.whih' attempting to ride a young
colt, so that he did soon afterwards. He
uas thn son of Mis. Kebreca Uoutlmnn,
who now lives en the farm of Hugh Mc -
Williams, Esq., near Morcsburf'. Ihm-
ville Intelligencer.
Mr. WsJ'. Decn has just completed.
at his extensive Fouudrv, Machine. aru
P.'arksmithShor.aCannon.ueitihi,... 1830
1 li.s. and carrying a 12 round ball. This
!iece wc understand is specially intended
"V.'. .. . . .
...c ni ,-irth tinvi i nn nil nn'rintic nntl
, . ,
exenng occasions. uui.
The Lcwistown Gazette sasthcpas-i
S( ner Ira;n 0f cars f n ,,e (', nirai Kail-
joursell 10 l:er bad news."
iU' gcious speau w.lat is it f
" -our wile is dead . .
" Oh, dear, how you frightened me !
3Ugnt my house was burnt down.
A lady making inquiries of a boy about j
his father, an intemperate man who had
been sick for some lime, asked whether he I
had regained his appetite. "No ma'am,'!
sajd the boy, " not exactly ; appetite is I
very poor, but his annkalile is as good as
A young fop ordering a seal, expressed
his desire to have something engraved up
on it to denote what he was. " You can
not have anything better, observed the
jeweller, " than a cypher.'
Mrs. Speckels says that lhe best vege
table pill that has yet been invented is an
apple dumpling. For destroying a gnaw
ing at the stomach, they are the only pills
to Lc at all relied on.
Good Evidence " Ma, lhat nice young
man. Air. baullung, is very fond ol kiss
in." "Mind your seam, Julia: who j
told you such nonsense!" " Ma, 1 had il ;
from his own lips." !
Harvest Drink. Ten gallons of water. '
one ' moiasses, oneqiiau oi vine-
Ka'. nrd half a pound of ginger, well
. . " "
stirred together, make a refreshing drink.
Try it.
u"": "'Z verv .-,'
goose can suckle so many goslings, ex -
claimed Mis, Josephine Augusta, while
paying a visit lo her country cousin.
Jo J
.! ..LI .
Napoleon's father wa, married at 10. j"
and hi mother, though a widow at 30,
had 13 children. Napoleon was the second.
COOL. " Smith, lhe hogs are gelling
into your cornfield !" " Never mind.Bill y,
I'm sleepy. Coru won't hurt cin."
- I I
A Scrap of Agricultural History.
The settlement of this part of the coun
try was commenced some 70 years ago.
The soil, as found by the pioneers, was
for the most part poor, being robbed by
yearly fires of that which would have made
it rich. The farmer, therefore, was poorly
paid for his toil. No manure of any kind
was used, except the little made in the
Some 40 years ago, clover nod piaster!
were introduced, lhe effects of which were) an assistant putting cologne upon a custo
surprising. Barren fields were at once' mer'8 hai, ,hrooirh . ouil ; ,he cork of
clothed with verdure, and the air filled with
the delicious fragrance from land laden
with clover. As a consequence, crops of
all kinds were greatly increased, and the
cultivators were highly elated, supposing
that they had at last struck upon the secret
of farming.
The course pursued, was, first to seed
down with clover, then pasture two or
three years, and fallow for wheat; next,
corn, and lastly oats, seeding down again.
Nobody dreamed that it was possible for
the soil to become exhausted under this
kind of treatment ; but alter 25 or 30
years, the farmers began to complain that
their clever seed did not come up. The
soil bei ng defective, was never once tho'i
of as a probable cause. Unsuccessful ef
forts were made year after year, until the
truth was forced upon them that there was
an ingredient lost from the soil, necessary
to the growth 0f clover. As a 7esu!t of
this state of things, our crops became light
again, and our fields, instead of blooming;
with clover, were brown wiihsorrel. Our
Innd became poorer Instead 01 better, until
we were forced to abandon the raUing of
heat, except on newly cleared lands or
those made rieh from the avails of the
barn-yard. j
Some six. or seven years ago, one i. i
my neighbors, more enterprising than lhe
rest, made an experiment with lime, upon
j a small piece of land ns poor as could be,
I he middle of large field. A crop was
i ken from the whole, and an effort mudei
. , , . ...(
' 'a ffin.l )riun f rv rl.nfr nnrl ii mi.nlli!
,he par lollowinir. notliina but
I -n r ...l.l !. c,n c,.., ,1...
ni ms .cu o. .. .. r.
.small pieco limed, which was covered wiih
' cloter, and destitute of sorrel. Other ex-.
! periments with lime have since beta madej
with the tame result.
E. A. Atiikbtoj!.
Laclatrana, Ltitrne Co. Pa.
, ,. :
Sub ime It was a love v even nr na
n s n loveiy evening, na
t,,rB hushed in rrnose nou"M was
'ure was nuaiiea in npose uouBin was
heard to disturb lhe stillness of the night
j the penile zephyrs fanned the earth from
i sunny South lo the black regions of the
1 North when mv c"ear Irena, in all her
beauty and loveliness, came bounding
like a faw n in front of her father's mansion.
' 'he Mo",Ped' her heaJ Lcnt 09 " in ,he Br'
' !.-. nmg ...fi note of n.uMC held my
' nrnptured sp.nt in an cstacy of bliss.
Her brain reeled her senses were dumb r
it seemed as if she had been namVring in:
' . . i j-.i i
fiinrv. ..hen i,h tn IM .,;.,. U
J ' ' - - -i -"p'
' . A
9. I Ulllt II
d aioud " Get out you darned
, , .
Kootea vp all our 'tuters.
: old st ir
j A COHOTiS Apple.
,hCn cut asunder, which stopped all con-
j nection with the natural root of the tree.
and by sprouts which sprung from the lop!
portion of the body, a regular top was)
formed, which produces this fine fruit ; a
teautiful red, good sized, very pleasant
,aole rP'e in ,ne la"
" What a strange ihing it is," remarked
u Frenchman, after traveling through our!
country from Boston to New Orleans,!
" lhat t on should have two hundred diffe
rent religions and but one gravy.'' Ob
server'' of Ledger.
We suppose Americans are a little be
hind the " frogs" in the culinary art, but
Monsieur should remember that one of our
national axioms proclaims that "What is
sauce for the goose is sauce for lhe gander.''
Boston Post.
" Idlers have no more claim to respect
and consideration in communities like ours
in America, than have lhe drones in the ;
kingdom of bees. A man wiih the means
to do good, may seem to do nothing, und
, e, do much j
How varioua hi e mpfuvrocois hom the world '
Cut your real idlers, your true drones, are
those w ho to poverty add idleness young
i men, for inslance.asnirins to he pcntlemen.
onht lor any occupation, and above exer ' LL persons indebted lo the estate, 0C
1 ; . r ,, ,,- , h i ti "utu " . .
lc'0S "'even 'f "P". e know oril Jacob HorsiL and Capt. U.uia
! no spectacle more disagreeable to people Hobm. tate of this place, deceased, are
!..r l reouested to make immediale navment to
- . " 3 "
"sc ,nB " lUD' oul"
si-.wun enougn to a.K a canw. ,i dnim, ,gin-i.iJe,mtet,orelierof them,-
ing his days in indolence, depending forj Wll present them to the subscriber for set
his subsistence upon relations or friends. tleoicnt, without delay.
If such a one can. not be killed, he should
iat least be thrown ou! of tac hive."
" Can't you take off my boird here V
said a grave, tall, slab-sided Yankee to an
Albany barber, feeling, at the same time
his chin with a noise like a grater ; ' it's
a light baird: what d'you ax! Three
cents Cor alight baird, ain't it V
M Waal, go ahead, then."
W bile the barber was rasping " three
ceuts worth'' from his chin, his ittn
a bottle.
Look oTiere, 'Square," said the Yan
kee, 'can't you squirt some o' that pepper
muse onto iny head tew ? Say, can't you
throw a Utile u that in.for the three cent?"
" If you will throw away thai cigar.'
said a friend of ours to a man who wa
puffing a villanous long nine,' in th? bar
room of a hotel in a western village, " I'll
give you a quarter of a dollar."
"iVVtll, 111 Jo it." said the smoker.
He threw away his cigar, took his quar
ter, and then, stepping up to thelir, snid :
' Here, give me a brandy-toddy, and
four more o' thtm cigars In
NOTICE. After ihe 1st of Angut next
we can not receive Note under 85 of any
Bank out of Pennsylvania, llelief nott a
are not prohibited from circulation by the
new law.
Subscribers at a distance are desired to
notice this, and to remit us Penn'a money
if possible, at once. Our own citizens wilt
d well to work off all their foreign monev
- a fast as possible to the Cities. as it is the
iuieuilun uf busincsv
E.tFOKCB the lw, hnrd l ho it be.
I I i
Cot reded this Day.
Wheat 1 00a 105
Rye 55
Corn 50
k 1 . 111. a
lU.r 12
: c
. . . .
, 15
. .
Ird . .
It) I'.acon
for ihe Letruturg Chronicle.
Mr. Ejiior : As the Democrats have n
Hoed cliunce uf redeeming this I.pglntive
District this fall if they get out a young
nag, and tnrrr orsr mm nrrrrmiw. -t" wrsrr
to suggest to my brother Demix-rnts the
name of JOHN M. HAUM. E-q., of New
Rerlin, as a candidate for lhe Legislature.
His nomination by Union county would no
doubt be promptly concurred in by Juninta
county ; and us he is lalen'ed and energet
ic, an oiiginnl writer, and well known in
both couiilieii, (and could, besides, print
hw own tickets, end fight his own battle
editorially,) he would run CJ. Sliler off
the coure with all ease, and put the Dis
i r:if where it riuhffuifv lielnnrrs. in lhr
hanG-3 0f,i.e h?,r, tliteii I)e,ocracv.
... ...
f Union Time, nlease convM
- - , j
r i . i ,:. j r .
; Delegate Meetings and County
i . '
The Democratic Whig voters of Union
"'"""""J. osecuoog ..ur,.CJ,
Surveyor, Commissioner, Sic.
By order of the Whig Standing Com'ce.-
New Berlin, June 27, 1850.
Delegate Meeting.
The Democratic citizens of Union coun--
! ty, will meet at their respective places of
holding elections, on Satcrdat the 10th'
dy of August, at 2 o'clock. P.M, to elect
two delegates, for each district, to meet in
County Conveution, on Monday the 12th
of August. For lhe purpose of nomina
ting candidates for Congress and Assembly.
(C7"A general attendance is requested.
Bv order of the Standing Committee;
June 27, 1850. J. M. BAUM, Ch'n.
In Lewisburg, July 5, Robkkt. son of
James and Jane C. Hayes, aged 3 months.
In Whiiedeer Tp, July 6. Elizabeth
Catiiakisk, only daughter of Andrew and
Martha Jane Kanck. aged 1 yr, 11 m.2 d.
Of such ia the kingdom of hra'tn."
CUiPERIOR Sugar Cured IUMS, just
received at the" store of (he subse'riber
une door East of Kline's hotel
Lewisburg, July 3d, 1850.
the undersiKned ; and all person, havinK
U. C
Atlorncy for the Heir.
Ltwisburi;, July 10,150 6w