I.fiiWISBUKU CiIKOMCr;B- AND WEST BRANCH FAHMEK f PORT 4VT tho having impuriiTee of "he , bi-mants purifying ex. TRACT i most wondertui runner iu tne world is now put up in Qcabt Bottles. fjSce . K-rti-mente headed -64 DOSES." It i so it ng and purifying, that one bottle last from i, it to sixteen day longer than Sarsaoarilla. Dr Thornton At Baker, agent. Lewisburg. 2m333 CHERRY PECTORAL: Far the Care f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BHOW OHXTXS, CEOUP, ASTH MA, WHOOFIIf O-COUOH AND COSTS UXrZPTXOW. The uniform success which lis attended the use of this preparation its salutary effect its power to relieve and cure a.Tcctions of (he Lungs, have gciucd for it a celebrity equaled by no other mnlicine. We offer it to the atllicted with entire confidence in it virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of diseases upon the throat aid lunes. As these results brrome public, Ihry naturally attract the attention of medical men and philanthropists everywhere. What is their opinion of Cherry Perioral, miv he seen In-low. VALENTINE MOTT. M D, Prof. Surgery Medical College. New York, savs : It irivea me rrreat pleasure to certify the value nd effi-rn-y "f vcrV Chcrrv PcUral.whk-h I consider peculiarly 3.JjtiJ to cure diatwscs of the Throat aud Lun,-s. The Rt Kev l.oid Bishop FIELD writrs in a "rlter to his friend, who was fast finking under an affection of the I. tines Trv the CVrry Pectoral, sii't if ny medicine ran give t ju relief, with the M-ssinsr of iud that will. Chief Justice EKSt'ICE. of Louisiana.write.-: TUt a younjr dsoirhter of Lis was cured of Several srTtr attacks of CIU'l i'. by the herry l-ccU-ral. ASTHMA and UR(.CMf I IS The Cana dian Journal of Medical Science states. That Asthma and Hrrnrhitis, so prevalent In this in-'leiuent climate, have yielded with surprising rapidity t.i Avi-r'i Cherry rertoral, and we ran uet too strontrly rcrotnmend this skilful l-re-aratiou to the ItofcK-iou ai.d -ubi.e Keucrajly. Let the relieved f-uflerer spe.ik for himself: ll.t-TFolux Jan. 2. 1M7. tr. X 0. Aver lK-ar Sir: Hat 01? been hwbk! from a minful and dantrerous diM.'sc, rnuitu-te prompts mrti r.-n-t this acknowled:;ineiit. n-.t only in justice to you but f'-r llie information ol others in like altiirtion.- A slight cold nsn tlie luns. ueirlcctrd at first, became seven- that spittin-.: of blund. a violent ci.uirh. ami pro rise ni;lit sweat- followed and fcist-'n-'d on me. I tomme , inaciat-,1. could not sleep, was di.-trcsevd by my couh. Mid a lain tlip-uirh my chest, and in short had all tlie alarui:ii symptoms of tjiiick msuniptw-u. No medi ine rrm-,1 at all to rra-h my esse, uitlil I providentially tri.-d our t'herry IVctorial, loch soon relieved and now L cured ni1. oari with resiect. E. A. TKWAliT. f"r iii a letter dated Albany. N. V- April 17, 1IK. 1-r. Aver. toll m-ar Sir: I wa alllh-U'd by Afthma tu the ort fimi. m that 1 have Iwen foiijfi-d to sleep iu my chair for a lur r part of tiie lim-. heinR unatde ut I tlH- on my bixl. 1 h:td tri-l a preat many medicines to no purpose, tmtil my phician precrit)el. as an espo r.mcnr. yourt.'herrj I'ecloral. At 1M it .eemcd to make m. wtirv', but in leu than a week I het;an to experience tUc most pratifyiug relief from iti ue; and now. in four w ii'k. the disea ic entirely removed. I can ah-ep on tuy bed with coniftirt. aud enjoy eat- of h-nlth which I had uevcr exl'chl u enjoy. t;h(). S. FAKItANT. rrrparedbvJ .C.Aycr .ChfMittLmnUJh, Vor rale by C W iSCHAFKI.E, I.ewUburg ; J If ('aalow, Milton; I-aic (2vibart, iSelinsgrove, aud by Druggists generally Ma-HI' -a-i OntheaOth u't., by Hem 1-IJ.Richnnis, W..TnoxrjiiN, of L"i-,bur;, and Mms I'leixob M, dAughier of the late John l'iper, of Reading. O.i the llth ult. by lev. J C Downer, SaMI'F.l B. IIarriu, of ll irrisnn. Slcph'o C., III., and Mist As li Van Uvke.oI 1'iuepori buth formerly ot Uni m Co , Ta. Same day, by tlie same. Christian Krirackkr and Miss Klszihkiii Law. mi: t, In Lewishurg, 29th ult. nn infant son of Juhn N. nd Martha Jane U'vkofT. To the Voters of Union County. IELLOVV-CITIZEXS : I will be a can tiiJate for the office of Prothonofary of this county at the eniiiit"; election, (il nominated by the Whig Couvention,) aud renecilully solicit vour support. M. Il. TAGGART. Kist Buflaloe, July 3, 1850 tnpd STEAM FOR ENGINES SALE. ONE of 10 hore power, with one flue boiler can be seen in operation. One of 5 hore power,with two cylinder boilers. H.illi made of the best materials, and war 'itmed perfect. En'iuire of J. SMEDLEY, Miichinis', Columbia, Pa. HEW STAGE LINE, , , A Line of Two-Horse ir2COAt:HES n"gularly SzPZe?- hom MifflintowB to Selioa- ' i lftT-wfrT? i " twice a week ; start ing at Kileton's Hotel, MilHintown.Tuesdaya and itdays, at 7, A. M., and touching at Oakland Mills, M'Allisterville, Richfield, fhay'a Mill and itroupstown ; arrives at Selingrove at 4. P. M ramc day. Return on Wednesdays end Satur days, starting at Mrs. Davia' Hotel at 7, A. M. and touching all the above named points, to Miulinlown at 4, P.M. The coaches are fitted up to render the pas sengers comfortable; and the public may rely 'jpnn regularity in time, as the Mail is carried in tba coaches. Rates from Mifllintown to Sclinscrove (33 miles) $2 ; and in the same proportion for shorter distances. AKELY & SKINNER. Hist of TitXXtXH REMAINING in the LKWISBURG Post Office, June 30, 1850. I Ttav Jacob I. C Creamer A W 2. Craft John P Eso,,- j Croorath I)anl. Campbell Reuben F Forrey I U, Frehn Ia.ic D (a Ueiger Susannah J II Harrison S L E-j j K Katherman Fredk, Kerr.b Reuben, Kaur Nelson. ,1. Lee J S Esq, Levin David Esq, I.thmin . John M. 5IM'Clung 8 Esq, Miller George, Metier Joariib. I Pontius Mary, Potts Joseph, Peters Jnth L E-q. Peters A J. R Kunysn Kettiurl. Rukl Charles, Ruhr John, RceJ John Van Esq. Ss bne.der Ernst, Sterret John A, Snobs :is L, tihtller Waih, Stark, Win. Shelter S C. T Topper Saral V Voltntine Mr A W-We liver Mary IT Voder George L 38 Persons inquiring for ihe above letter will please say they are advertised, other i" they miv not prt them. A. Kr.NNIiPY.r. M. LAST wm BEST! 6. E. WBWE$ I8 now receiving stock of a large ond a choice SUMMER GOODS embracing Dr fJod latest & les Dress Goods, Silks, Silk Lares, Parasolt'tleti, Liwns, Prints, Ate. &c. GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE. a iood variety. Our stock was purchased on reasonable terms, and i.t oflered to old Iriends and new at the cheapest living rates. The trxdins public are invited lo rail at the old Cheap orore. soutn siae ol .Market si. tx-iween .Id and 4ih Sts. C. E. BOWES. Lewi.sbur;, June 26, 1850. ITt KACH BOTTLE 0 Tiblttpamjil m iom Taau iaaa a day Oaw sonfa containing t aloara lara Tweatj-Oae Itaya. Fria $1.00 per BottU, sr Sir lUtlrt far fl. U mom, pmt kt in HI AUT nOTTIsES, and im of ttw Nmf wmdical irengtk uid KfTimcy u tliat in tbt small botlln. Tlie jrepl tnperiority of This PrRtrit k ttvvr Siaakii.La mnd all ullier iiuilnr im'tliriiM:. nuy in mjhk' maimre be uuder :ood fifim l)u lollou-in lrt: Vit IwiiUi-s It not only puaKOaet'H, U ftOrttWU Ol' IU UfdlCaiUHl, tlie Pt'RE KiSE.-atC of Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock. t'brrry and iSnatMLfra Barkt-, mnre tfmajyu mttre powerfully concentrated, aA larger fuanti tm f eacA of Un-w prnen in bottle of it than can b found In siy tsulilr nf uiiiw!iu, calltJil tlHrnet tf SripnlLi : But. Sfoinoi.v IwiimwjThin Piirlflrr nha jimwim flm medical rjfcncy aud Wiiy vtrtmea of aeterai other KoitM, Knrkfi, an.1 Vcurtablra, ? PrmrviVG prjierte of wliich am greatly suTEllloS lo SarmrpnriJa, attd ben them am cnnpotitM)ed with Saewip. rtiUt, IWitew Jhjck. Cherrp, mV Sutifrna, Ihv U!ake fA med ?iMtiH'm'wtvr,rtaaiil mlirr lriHrr wf tbr UIa m CW wrid. So true is Uiia, tbat to have every Retired medieui effect, tlw Uosi; is toty One TnblrMpMnful, three time a Dau, B it il U mt cm, with Extractor Snrwaparilla, frr in cimerxnencm ut it mrtteatvm (iu Lirye botUee) miu to much weakened e-'J rrdMreil tlie Io-f of sijriap,tritla Ita Ut be Twn. Three or .Here T'ibleepoonfnU Thkek, Kwa, or Mork timr a l:ty. U hae any medical e-tfrxt ; and aa a tfotlie of Harfatnlla mly bulJ izty- four ipoonul, tuerefor, ao atiMH IHMHiliil. at a dote, aud ao muimy doaea a day, will uae up a bolUe ol U iu Faar, Five, or Sik Dajrn, wliich aliow thnta bnttlen It ran IV Parlfler,wil ln-t from Twelve 10 9lxfeea IVk Uujer Utau a honto of Sana pariiia ; and if it latl- uietlical erlicacy (in mnall dmex.) be aa ri ai risi and Hkalimg aa tue daily (large dooem) of Sarw panlla, tlien it Phovf. thai Own botUe of taw Ptairir.K ia worth Three, Four, or t ie time wore than a bottle of Saraa pan la. Tirf above rompariwn ."- not yvt abow the groat differ erice ui vilue betwevn tim mtdeaai effCoaey of Brant's Plriii: iKl 8RMarRiLLA. Thia will appear by ibu ct-rtiticatec of curea in ftranto PumJUeU, abowmf that ONE BOTTLE OF BRANT'S PURIFIER baa luore efficacy, and enree more impure blood dneaee, than TEN Battle af !araaari!la. If. ibm. Omc Bottle of PcairiEa seiit for One Dollar, Oa H-itUe of SamjHiriUa ttbould aeil for Tea CealM. CANCEROUS SCROFULA Mr. J. B. Haskin of Rime, Oneida Co.. N. Y.. who waa emred ot Srrorula in 1846, owore 10 Die JarU nm relitt'-d In-Iuw, in an Rrt.nn in the SrrRi-.Me Court in the City of Sew York, on the 26ta of Ikxember, und the following circumstance : A pernio In the City of Sew York had manufactured and vend! a tpmriam anirie of tuedit-ine, callm- it Brakt'r InoiaM McmctNE, in tsaiaVfaoi mf the yenmme medicine. H waa proteemted to obtain dtnuw, in the Sunrrnje Court of the City of New York, and the emmt waa referred by the Comet to J S BoAKOTfi, E-xj, 51 Libeny treet. an eminent Lawyer, aa Referee to take the teatiraouy. Toe defendant pleader iu mttirtton of damage, that the P nprietora ot Brant's Muriicine had inmMMM puhlihed rALr. statkmkmts of eurm, and thiia bad cominitred a fraud on the public, and. Uierefore, waa nut cnuufd UdKma?e. Ttie casMi f Mr. Hatkim waa aeleried being faUe, and Hwkin waa mom aa a wttmem in rarard to tlw Facts Ma publulied.audata 'alimony more than sustain .d the pmbttcutto; Mr. H SK1! mua. I am ar)-iaintr4 ith Itraat ranrvinf Ct it tt Xrf.tHtm. a Hat Uastw inn ti.tr. 1 mmm mm Um- t rav tad it I btlly aUBftea y It ; I w aarat l,y ava &-tn, Usav all UaJ4 am I nuiM imt iie tbat a mevlk.aa. nsld euro mr. la rot. ... rb teWwla-n. (oc tt muh. bvfcvr 1 sjard ttrmm'i fmrfier.l to ! Ul" . T" 1 9mnlrV' i4 the 'aas-oVr baxl be.M,, V anv sv1 a hw- Um ; I rvnU mat rtu my h4 to m heme : my mvk. cm mc rrrxnU.x rraxn Mr i . M m , ,ml thai it riuiM S ItthmA f ..1.- ... i -nl of - .,1a.. only la.44.rvR my a sav at iUe) tup ; a Isnlr tm mia im m ins ; mm mtcme mm im my .(H.uUtvr aa tor a tn tmi an41r under m arm faalJ) a. Urjv. arhi! bad ratoa tarwh cV. . thai mv tsndv 1m tilj ; an ulrw ,t lm .n,,,,.) ffvm my ItiMtlJer u, my mH.m mhn li I. .d emtem to tlie fftmm umti mee raiotlr ult at.. I uM Hrui t fHer m tmal, t:ttt ilwjtrat tMtttlv bwlfJ etemem rfeiy. I waa mm termk I oaly tnofc m tk.,4, U s tMNMNIIul t a alrrac ; IllJt hOftl Ml trClls.r4 nsr. a t iat,la ine l svt but of bed ; tkoercmndo, I tofc UW full .kaw (a oponntisl (, atbii h a attaaadtlMiwa ntf and bsiM bit aurM. v Uat mm al.l t.t mh'A mm Ut tba drasoUara 1 aUat looard. at Utav Cu. u-r I r lite (AW bottle; H1M bellv HK.il. Kl IX MY tI.CItK. a.t ra.rrc rmmU tmrm mtml mm Kr- mf trw r4 f rw Utuinti.aad t UWn wnra.! .om t rmmw-t weed. 1 mar . ffoif s ., wIin h rnaJ a Pf Kr1 F" T CUKK. and iratoH aw to eme4 health. MS FILL fAKTtCU- BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM r;.! i:t-Miu ioafe ' tl tJeoMMing mnA pttnf : V.rtueg ot the abor.-iHan d PralKVlNO Kxtkact, and alro to-...,. an v. ral other wdicabona. farttcvlarty and perm narty adaitt-d to cure (XUiHH and C'ONSCMl'TltJ.N.-. It mt.U and rwiva t7rrr ia the -.'"' nd elaewhere tarfrratd ly. at readily and a easily aa the tmnfgxMg Extrmct beai and rurra externally- iHtrt nMri of curct of the mo$t kopeltt Conaumution fullr prove h lmo.n miraculoui eftVacy in mit dltfcatct of li e I.I N.S. TUKOAT, and BKtAST. A DYING WOMAN SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED ! VC e.rr the following certioVate af a tact of cure, which gi to prove the power to Rare Hf. ewen when tlas penoo rent to he in the rery lt ta of exltteac arbca Braml'9 Jmdtmrn Pulmtemery Bmlsmm w adminirtertst : We are Ihe fo!'owin; certificate m a fart of cure, which goes to prove the power to Rave hie. even when the person rem to he in the very last stagea of existence, when Brmnt'i hdimn Pulmonary Bmtmtm is administered i Tliia raK dues not stand alone we could name many curbs as stavrrriowa and metauuding and hundreds of KirpeUm citftt, and trV0HJMHd of caRin cslled CONSUMPTION. THIS CITKK was effected or the wite of Mr. 7.IRA DvKRsfA ot toe toms, of BalUto, Saratogm Co., iV. Y. Mrs. I)yk'man waa pronounced dying, and Mr. Dykemaa . went to the store of Mr. John Wait to pttrchase cloth for a shroud, and other bwriml wtotermU, expecting his wite would soon die. tihe was in the last steyrc ot the disease -was at aca oppressed and distressed and to relieve her rrrmt distress, and make a dying pUiow mart mew, Mr. lvi'man wmr pf rauadid to give her some of BRA NT 3 INDIAN ri'LMONAKY BALSAM." He took the Balsmm home with the shroud, snd cTe a portion to bis wite it rehered h-r she continued to take it until she roroTcred noon wcAi.Tii, and she has continued well for nearly four vrs aee Pamphlet tor particulars. Mr. l'YKCMAY swore to the a Ho re farts before TiloS. Q. Yovno, Kaq ol ItmUswn Spa, iih April, le4ri. Tuoa. ti. ovsa, Esq., Jmstux, certi.'jcs that be hsa known Mr. fyk'mn ttiMoy years and that he is one of tiwir swat srorthy and respectable citizens; and Mr. JoHjf Vait, the mercnant spoken ot a bore, also ccrtijeu to the good character of Mr. Dykeman, and that be was ao jiiaintfd w th all tbcocfa, having heard them often spok-t-a of by Uy-kema Branfs Ftxlmonary Balsam run s COWT.XtFTIOX, Coughs, Colds, Spitting of mood, Weeding at the Lmngs, Pain in the Breast and Hide, Aif ihrseUe, Smrroua (umplnints. palpitation of the Hear, Cholera Infa ntum, Ihorniery. Sunvmm CampUints. and ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES, without any Jading linar DdtTORS iD P!irSlCIA.S REC011E?iD. The foUowui-naintt Dnrtort and Phiicmn have blgb l rrrotnmrmlnl HKAN Ttt MKlllti.Nlid : lr. N. 111'HliAKI). .Xbimlnrd, t.'oun. Vr, J. N. ti.MI I H, WalcrtoWB. N. V. tir. KOrMAN, 13i Henrj atn-e BnSokljn, H. T. Ir. T. M. HUNT, Auburn, N. V. Dr. r.EO. F1MN(M3. Mi.WWuwn, Conn. I'r.r.EO A. KtKiEKS. Bath, N. V. Ir. H. WHITE, Fredonia. N. Y. Ilr ;. B. UAI.ENTINE. Hyron. N. T. Ir. J.O. tMIII'MAN. Faycltrvilla. N. Y. Ilr. 1. SKINNKk, Hart atrart. BrooklTB, N. T. Uv. O.-61111'MAN. Cortland, M. Y. For sale by Thornton & Baker, Jwia borg; Edd n ilson. New Berlin ; S.f-Cioi' Sclinsgrove ;G4FC Mover, Freeburg ; H N Oaekbause, Middleburg ; Wilt &. Eilert, Harire ton ; Antes tc Meneh, Mifllinburg All letters and order must be addressed to Wallace & Co lOfi. Broadway, New York lya281 WOOIa. VLOT of Fine Wool for aala hy June 4 J. HAYES & Co. W OOL for sale at' June 5 ' Rebcr A. Iddinjta'. TT MTZC for Jastice,CoD8la. les &c. on hand at I the Chronicte ofltcr. or primed to order ; ! itlccZianical Arts anil Sciences-. D. AP'MaKTON & IV, XKW YollK, iV tit irt tour tt of pu'nliyiit - IN lAUTi?, IMlicE 1 5 l'K.T E AC II, A DICTIONART OP MACHINES, MECHANICS. ENGINE-V'OHK, and EN3IiffIi-..3IWf1 : Designed Jor Practical Wo kin men and those intended fur the Enz'ntertai Pro fesiton. Editid Ay OL1VEL ,1 VUS'lS. for merly Vntfehror vf Mntheiin.i.efitViitttettf V.tvti bngineer, LttniLtn. Author and lit ttntor ftf'.lhe Culcutux of t'ttrm,' 'I At AVer and Improved System of LAtgarithiim, The Element of EucUd by Vohrstctc. etc. riHlS work ia of Jaige 8wo size, containing J, nearly Two Thtmand laga( unwitltf ol Kil'teen JlunJred I'ljtes and tfii Thousind Wood-Cut. It will ptcmnt working-drawings and descripiions of the most imporiaMi iiiatchiti iu the United Slate. Indriietidt nt ol the ieuli f American ingenuity, it aill contain coinf.le e practical treat!? on Mechanics Mdrthiiiery, Kn-gine-woik, and Engiueeiiug ; aitli all that U Useful in more than one thousand dlUra wonh of folio volumes, magazines, and other IxM.ks, among which may be mentioned the fultowiug : 1. BiUiotbotlieque d's ArU I ml us trial;. (Mn?on rnris.) 2. Civil Kniuet-r aud Aniiitci't a Jimrnal. (Uui.lon.i H. KnrinwratKl Mm-haiiiM'vAixiaiit. illtlacktf,tlnow.) 4. I'ublii-iUiou, liHluntriflle. ( Arutvuuuiie Aiuc. l asi.) b. Jamt'-Mtn j MrrhutiK-H of FIliijH. 6. Troatiwon .Merliahit-M. (I'tJiin. Wk-n.) 7. Allifi-invine Uauxeilung mit AbNiMune n. O rt r. 8. Urcau fur die Furtai lintU tUn Kit.'iituliiiwfwus iu Uvhnisrlifr Itfvieliaiiir. 'ua WalUIejrir, uh:iiieii.) . Mierwin' Lt-p'.iriUmi.-.. lo. Uy nii' D 'levari t hum. II. The Mfcluiuitd aud )Ialbeniati-al Work of tllirer Hyriie. 1 MiUiutan'a Journal. 13. AlleumciiH MaKhiucii-Eucyclopudie. (UuImw. Leip-'j:- viutnubnl. j 14. Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain and America I 16. HoltzaplTflV luruin ami imtliauit ul Muiiij'Uluiiuu. j lt. Ihe Unui Kniuc. (J. Itourtie.) j 17. Kiiilt;thn-Zituiip. itutlffunl.) j Trcduld on the ftU-aiu Kuiuo. IV. I'ikt h mathouiatival and opiic id Inttrunipnt. j "JO. Dirtionaire d.s arts t uianufartunf. (Labnulaye, l'ari.) 21 . iiinzar s Civil Lugimiriiis. 22. l.rown's Inlicatnr and l uaiutuiftfr. rrutt. I 23. irriifiu and pnvjn-tfi. of" Steam .NaTiMion. V ood ' 24. Ktfiuu nux I lutWlnc Uea M&Ucrea TcxtiU-K (Mirla-l , Aleau. I'ari.) 2... lwu ill's Tatdr. j 2". liricr'tf Mt hanir 1'o. krt li tiouary. fpauion. . 27. Tfuipleton's Millwright s and lin-ititur d PotrLVt Cum j it. iauy aim ueutii'iunu 4 ti;.ry .Marine Htvam ICnre. (Brown.) 30. ei.-bftrh' Mechanka aud tu'iuwrin-. ! Ihe Mutliumaticiait. (Loudon. ! 2. Burlow on Mri-utli ot MiiWriali. !' HO. Ilunn'a Mecliamcc. (Moft'ly.. vs4. Mi-ihattiraJ I'riuripleof Enincerinand An bitcrturf. Ui. Journal of Ute trunk I in lutitute. Lomiou.i ;-ti. The l"rniivftioUB of the Iiotilute of Ciril tn-iii.ir. 37. The Arti-an. W. ale, London. I a. Quaru-rly 1'ajHM on Fnirinof. (I'ubiu-Ut.d tng. ty aiuiK'riiu aicuoiiar . 4iiaor.) 40. Mudent'r liuide Ui'tfie Ixxjutuotive. In!on. 41. Hallway Engine aud Carriage Whet-1 a. (JIarl.w, 42. Kccuk-1 df Machiuca iualruuivuU ut ApparkU. Le Blauc, Pari.) r v 4:t. Buchanan on Mill Work. (G. Rcnnie.) 44. Practical Example of iuo1-rn Tools and Mnuiiie. 4.r. lEfpertorie de 1'lnduxtrie Eruucaiie ct Etrann re. 1 1. Malhias. Parm. l 4. Tn ntiw on Uie manufacture of Ga. fAcrum, Londun. 47. K'ttinsout Curves on Kail wave. (Law. London J 4N. HoiLfeon tltc hU-aui Kuiitf. 4it. Srien tihe Aiueritan. U. Railroad Journal. X. Y. il. Auifiwun Art lean. Methanim' MaaAiiic. Ask Nitholtou'a iPcUTi liictioiiauv of ArrhiLtt-Luif. . ticuotjar- u juurinc a oiiia itt aucur. De Don- ncfiiux, Vans. I 55. I vnmny aliU Mrnai Tulmlar LriUgvi. ott. Brit's' Itailway Trai-tHT. Fairburn.j Harlow's .Maliieiuatical Dictionary. M. BowUit4-h'a Navigaliou. i'J. CB-ir' Jlatln w.ui.T. for Pnu tical M n. Herbert ) tio. Kniuei ra' aul .Mn lianit-a' Kucelupitlia. Il.oke til. I'aleut Journal. iLoiKin.J oi llnva' liloaaary of fcripitit-ring. 6H. Knri t-lo,vlia of Civtl t.ugim-1-rini;. Crav.J 64. Craddotk'a Lectunt on tlie M-am Engine. 46. Atvistanl Euiouovr'. KailwayOuiUe. ilaskoll.J 6o. Mcchaiiiral I'ritii'ijiia. Liouard.j The great oljcci of this publication is, to place before praciical men and students such an amount of theoretical and scientific knowledge, in a con deiired form, aa shall enable tbein to oik to tlie best advantage, and avoid those mistakes faich they might otherwise commit. The amount ot uselul intormaiion thus brought together is almost beyond precedeut in such work Indeed there ia baldly any sut jret within its range that is not treated with such clearness and precision that even a man of the moat ordinary caiiacity can not fail of uudeialaiuling it, and thus learning from it much it is important lor him to know. From Ihe aunried lialufthe piincipal authors and sul jects enmprisej in this work, it is si ll tv Ideiil that all ciuuns engaged in the praciical and useful aria, etc., may derive eateutial advan I . . ,, a a ' , tages from the poaaraion and study of this pub- ouing itiav be ttpecl illv desiz- nated : Millwrights, illouldera and Uoiler Makers, Arti ficer in Uraas, L'iiper anil Tin, Cutlers and Woikers iu SSieel in general, Carpenters, Itru k makers. Workers iu Ivory, Uone and Horn, Civil Engineers, liailway Contrarlora and l ootracior tor Earth work aud Masonry of every decription. Architects and Uridgr Ituil ders, liuihlers. Master Ma-ons, Uiickl.ijers. Ship Builders, Masters ol Vessels, Ship Car penters, and others connected with building and docking ships. Block and rump-Minker,". Hemp lireseers, Hoc makers, Manulacturers of 1 jinen and Coiion Fatirics, Manufacturers of Spinning Machines, Roving Machines, Card Breakera aud Finishers, Drawing Flames. Willows and Pickers, etc., connected with Cotton, Flax and Wool Machinery, Calenders. Bleachers, Calico Printer. Cloth Folders and Measurers, and persona interested in Sewing Machinery, Anchor and bain Cable Manu facturera. Cutting and Turning Tool makers, Pin and Needle makers, Nail and Rivet ma kers, Bolt and Screw Bolt makers, Nail Cut ters, Coiners, Leather Dressers and C'urricis, Manufacturer of Great ti una and Small Arm, Candle maker. Biscuit and Cracker makers, Lace maker. Ribbon Wravera, Stone Cutters, and Marble Masons, Dyers, C'lolh Washers and Scourers, Cooper, Cider and Cheese Man ufacturer, Crown, Crystal, Plate and Glaas makers,' Sugar Boilers and Refiners, with Pro prietor of augar plantations, Manufacturer of liailway, Bar, hound, idol on and Rod Iron, Wheel, Aale and Spring makers, Engine Dii vera, anJ persons connected with the Locomo tive generally, Engineers andCaptains of Steam Vessels, Managers of Stationary Engines, Lumber Dealers and owners of Saw .Mills, Veneer Cutters, Owners of Planing Midline ry, Corn Millers, and persons connected with Bolting and Bran separating machinery, Far mers, and persons using (Srain-sbclling and Threshing mactiincry, Jjuh Workers, Carvers, Engraver and Ornament maker in genevl. Person employed in the manufacture of Gas, Maker of Copper and Lead Tubing, Linen aud Straw Paper makers. Ship Owners, Har bor Master and othera interested in Diedging machinery .Well Sinker, Aaironomers, Philos ophers, and others using Philosophical appara tus and instrument. Miners, Engineers, and othera interested in Pumping Engines, persons interested in Canala and Aqueducts, Ware housemen, and othera using Hydraulic Presses, Dynanometric Cranea. Jack Screws, Common and Feed Crane. Workers in Metals and Al loys, Tin Plate Workers. Spring manufactu rer Wheelwrights, Clock Makers and llotol ogists, etc. The publishers have eipendcd a large sum of money to get original drawing or machinery in I praciical use in thia country, and have procured neaily every work on the subject, whether puli ! Itshed in England, Franc, or Germany, the i most essen'.ral psrls ot which being comprised in this Dictionary, render it a pcifecl and compre hensible as possible. The publishers have en- deavored lo use great, economy in type, so that j each page of the work contain a: least four time tbe number or words fuund in the page ol i Ihe ssme size. This has also secured to each j plate working drawing of ample ixe and clear ! nees, ao that a mechanic may construct accurate : ly any machine described. The publishers are, in short, determined, re j girdles of cost, to make the work a complete as possible; ' and it is hoped e.ery roe ueairoua lo ohtain the work will t procure it as issued in ntuotiers, and thru' encourage I lie eufrprise. I The. work will tat fawned in seml-cmnthly numbers, 1 eommencinc ia Jannarv. 1800. and will nrucrexa with regularity. Tbe be whole work will be published in 40 numbers, at it eta. naa n. and eoniDleard within the rnrwut mr. 1 KJi'l a liberal discount will be made to agents. Ant one re- ork throngh tbe rtwffi tr of upensr m2m KiK5iiL!!;ra.S!., (a Oratuatc of the I'uiverwty of Pcposylvatia,) IMiyiciuu & Surgeon. o JC7Oirict, opposite J. DKCKAkD'd Iloiel : IHiminuuvfl, Union county, Pa. June 1-2, 1950. 3mpd Attention I LE.VISBUBG INFANTRY. "T"(itJ ar hrreby cornmandeJ to SS Wi "le', anm-il anJ rqaippeu, at fiVji iiii-'b'iure t A.J ViJenaul, in the LTi?I Bri)U?h( Leislurg,on'riifDi ifli I the 4 h d.y of July. 1950, at 10 I . .l....t. t VI til Uv onii-r of the Captain : Xiij Jt:KSO. M'KAUWX.U June 12. OS. June 11, l-oO. wmmm sale. fJMIE sutacribr r linvinj leased the Rncle X dale Suir-Mill lurinorly known ns Duiiiilitv's in t-'uar Valley, Clinlnn county. Pa., unci Imtisjht all tlie stock nnd fixturr-s U luiijiiiig to llic same, now cflers for sale 100,000 ft of Lumber ut said Mill. Orilrrs will le received for ;iny kind of Ltitnlier, by the undersigned ut Lewisljiirjr. or lay his Aent, S.('.SilEt lee, tit aiJ Mill, in Stiiir Val'ev. II. P. SllKLLER. Lei-.burg, June. 5, 1850 0 SAM'L ANDERSON, FashioaaMe Tailor, In the neur llrick builJin; on Markrt street, one door above C. E. Bowes' Store. CUTTING aud MAKING done to ordei. Lewisburg, May 23, 1930. To ItlackKmltliK. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West Rrnnch mid from llollidaysburg, for siilc nt the Shop of l ho subscriber, near the ILiysculfs on Third St. ' ALKX'K AMMONS. Levvislmrg, May 7. 1850 I'resli Arrival of Fruit &c. JUST received by Thompson's Express, from Philadelphia Oranges, Raisins, Filberts, lemons. Fig, Eng. Walnut, CrcoaN'uts, Almonds, Cream Nuts, Prunes, IVkan Nuts, Ground Pes, and a variety of CANDIES, all of which will be so!d low at the Store of Da. THORNTON & BAKER. Lenisburg, June 1" Just Received, V CHOICE lot of Black Watered Silk, and Green Fringed Turc Satin. Parasols, also an additional supply of Linen Lualies, all at unusuillv low prices, for sale by May 29 J HAYES & CO. VBE.VL' I IFI'L assortment of Scailet Clnih embossed TaMe Covers, fr sale by May2'J J. HAYES cV CO. C)(f( LBS. of Country cured BACON JJJ for sale by May S3 J. HAVES & CO. AN eitn W.V naive assortment B Itimore STONE RE for sale by May J. HAYES & CO. Wf ETII,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drill's, Medicines, Chemicals, I'aints, Oils, Vnrni.-hrs, Window Glass, S.ishtoo!s,Glassware,Putiy, Dye-stiitls. liiushcs of tvjjry variety, Perfumery, t'onri-ctionery, Fruits, Fancy Goods, &c, die. Oue Duor abovu th; great lantmoth tore of J. A J.Walls, Maukkt St. Lehisburis. All Druq.1 and Medicines warranted Frcih and OeiiiiiiK. rilllE FDbscribprs return their sincere thanks to those who bnve so liberally patronized them during Ihe past year; and we would invite you. one and all, lo call ami examine our stock and price before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we sell as cheap, if not 25 per ct. cheaper, than others of the trade. Try us, and see for yourselves. N. B. Medical advice niil be given free of charge by U. Thornton, at Ihe Store ol Thorn ton & Baker,, T A H THORN rON.M.D. JOSIAH B KER Lamps! LAMPS! LAMPS ! Just received and for Wholesale or Retail, Pine Oil and Burning Fluid Lamps of ibe latest style. Any person or persons wish ing it, can have these iamps on trial, and if they do not give satisfaction, they may be returned. Churches aud Stores or Shops supplied on Ihe moat liberal terms wilh the above Lamps, and Oil by Dr. I'hornton & Baker, Agents fur the Manufacturers. A' FRESH eupply of Old Doctor and S. P. Townseml s S KSAPAK1LI.. received aud fr hola.-ole or Retail by Dr. Thornton & Baker, Agents. I'ST received and for sr.le, Pina Oil and Burning Fluid, warranted' pure and of Ihe first quality, by ir. mormon ec uaaer. AY Till 1'E Lead,' and Linseed Oil, for safe Ly Ut. 1 noriuoii v. uaker. Dentistry. WJ5. C. STEWART, LATE of nilaJelphia. is' nsw located on Market street. Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J. Schreyer store, where he attends to operation on the teeth at a redi;tion of hi former price. Teeth and root of teeth removed wilh tbe aid of improved Instruments and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on pivot or plate atten ded to according to ihe latest improvement in the profession .Ulcerated; spungy, and inftamed guma cured. Thanklul for past lavoia, he solicit a continuance of public patronage No impure material uied f r filling tit th. I .Ik (t'Cl'RSSOR TO U. A. "Small Profits and 4iiick Sales." H. P. SHELLER, "llOL'LD respectfully inform bia old friends y and the trading community iji general, that he has received a LARUE aud GENERAL STOCK of : ollercUanttixc for Spring and Summer want and ones embracing IlKY GOODS. GROCliltlES, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, IKON, Ac A.C. These Goods we oiler unusually low for Cash Country Produce of all kind. and lo prompt and punctual paymasleia as usual. iilall ani Sec ! H. P. SHELLER. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850. D)J!EEi3M (g&iLlLlEiRY. MR. MERRY would respectfully inform the public, that he has taken rooms in M'Faddin's brick building, nearly oppo site Sheiler'a Store, where he is prepared lu take Daguerreotype Likenesses in tlie lulest and most approved style. Mr. Merry pledges himself to make his work equal to that of the best City artists. He hns all the latest improveinents.somr' of wliich he has added to the art,atid among these is a m net 1 Bull, of peculiar construc tion, by which he is enabled to obtain a higher polish, and thereby give a more brilliant and life-like tone to his pictures. Mr. .Merry, by long practice and close attention lo the art, is enabled lo show the VARiv.ctTKD eve, be it tight or dark, with all the beauty and brilliancy of life itself; and it is in this most essential point, that more artists fuil than in any other. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and r-xntiiine specimens. Children are taken in from three to five e-onds). A nd remembc r,as good pict u res are ta ken in tloitrfy as in clear weather.lho lor small children a clear day is recommended. Lewisburg, June 3, 1850. LEWISDUUG Wtolesole .j- JteUiil 3B -S.aiJ'. TIIE subscriber, thankful for past liberal pat ronage, would inform his friends aud public generally that he has just ree'd ami is constantly receiving fresh supplies of pure Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Extracts, Herbs, Hoots, Minerals, Tinc tures, Oils, Essences, Spirits, Gums, Plasters, and other goods in his tine of business, which he oilers with tlie full assurance of their being gen uine, and cheaper than can be bought elaewhere. Physiciana and other in the trade are particularly invited locall and examine for themselves. Also constantly on band a large stock of Window Glass, While Lead, Chrome and other Paints,Urug gists' and Physicians' Glaa-ware, Mortar,Spchual,Crocibles.Truse, Copaljapan and Spirit Varni.hes.Flax eed, Sperm, Whale, Lard, Fih..Etherial, Fosgine, Camphene, and Pine Oils, Dye wood ground and chipped, Castile, Bar, Rosin and other Soaps. Gold. Silver and Metal Leafa, Rosin, Pitch. Tar, Tobacco. Segars, Combs, Brushes, Walking and Fishing Canes, Jewelry, Ralor, Knives. Fruit, Confectionery. &c. Ace &e. C. W . SCII 4FFE.E, May. 1S50. Druggist and Chemist. Made plain to See BY getting one of the Spectacles or Spy Glas ses at the Drug, Fancy Goads, Notion and Variety Emporium, where can be bad any quan tity of Silver, German. Blued and common Steel Spectacle. Goggles, Spy Glasses. Mathematical Instrument. Pocket Compass, Magnets, Tape Measures, Spectacle Casea, Camera Lucidas, Magic Lanterns, &c. fee. at C, W. SCHAFFE'S. Easy to Cut or Shave ARE those Pocket Dirk and Penknives, and Ihe Wostenheim and Roger Rainrs sell ing so cheap at the Lewisburg Drug and Variety Store of C. W. SCHAFFLE. Lamps, just received MORE LIGHT, at reduced prices ! A large assortment of LAMPS Solar, Supper, l ea, Hanging, Side, and Hand for burning of Pine, Fosgean, Lard, Elherial, and Sperm Oils, for Parlor, Churches, Store, Shops, dee., at C.W. SCHAFFLE'S Drug, Notion and Variety Emporium Notice. SUBSCRIBERS lo ihe "University at Lewisburg" are respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, 10 the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the 1st Instal't are respectfully notified that all such delinquents will be charged Interest on their Instalments from the time they become due. SAM'L T. WALKER, Tata. a. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. Black' Walnut Wanted. A QUANTITY of Black Walnut, either in logs or rawed to order also. Walnut Croichea the whole to be delivered on the Pa. Canal, af of ntfar Lewisburg. For further par titulars, enquite of . Aprif 23 W. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg To Justices of tbe Peace. BINNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can ba had at Lyndsll'a Bookstore, in this place. Lewisburg, April 10, 1 850. RIED APPLES foe sale at June 5 ' Ksbrr & Idding', NOTICK TO COLLECTORS, fc. r"PHE State Treasurer luiving unified me X that hereater he will not ree-svolhe Notts of B-inks out of the State vnder ihe denomination of FIVE Dollars, th Col lectors, Retailers ol M'-'rchandize,and Licen-, sed Tavern keepers.are hereby notified that such Hills will no longer be received by tne in pnyment of I axes. Licenses, DANIEL IIORLACHER. Treasurer of Union county New Berlin, June 6, 1850. T?RESH TEAS. Another l..t of I wnnatrlj.. ftliif-L nnfl f - run ' I 'on c - jtjHt rer-d from tlie ('anion Tea t'lun vjj pany, and for sale at New York telall prices by J. HAYES Ac CO. Lewtaburg. April 16. Aleut.. Latest . Arrival ! JII 4Yn.4 ti. CO. take pleasure in announ . cing lo the public that we are sow receiving Irom the city one nf Ihe largest, chfapes wnat best selected stork of Goods ever offered to the public. No latior has been spared lo render their sloth complete, and to obtain articles of good quality, so that it can be relied upon that whatever the shall nlfer for sale will be just what it i represented. They have an excellent assortment of ury goous, compiling nearly every article usually enumera ted under this head, among which are broad cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassi meres, atinett. Tweed-, Cashmarettca, Dranettea, ( oiliinctons, Plaid Linens, Ticking". Drillings, Bagging, Cot ton and Hemp Carpet Chain. Main and Fancy Good, ! selected wilh particular reference to the tate and convenience of the Ladiea uch s I hasnjewl'le. Plaid, Grenadine, and Foulard Silks, Find and Plain Lamsrtine Delaines, Crape finished, Figd and Plain Linen Lustres, Uorrze Dcslaine, prin ted French Lawns, Silk I lu-ions, Pink. Bulf, Blue, and Crimson Tarletons, Plain and Figd Blue and Pink (dotted) 8aia, Linen. Cimbric. and Lawn Hdkfs, Gloves and Hoaiery.ll Bonnets, Fans, Parasols, Parasolelles, alsoeyS Fine Moleskin, Leghorn, China Pea. I and Palm Leaf HATS, at lower price then ever oft-red to this community. Ctocrrfw rwo ..... -r...-.-- Li r ie I Glass, Queens, Stone, and Crockery ware. To those who wish to, procure anything in this j line either fur utility or ornament.tbeir assortment particularly recourmenJa itself. I lard ware cutlery, Gras and Corn Scythes, Axes. Shovels. Spades, Straw Knivea, Manure and Hav Forka (of snpe. rior quality ) Door trhamings,G lass, Putty, Nails, Iron, Steel, Ac CA R PETS BA SKETS. Floor and Stair Carpeta, Oil Cloth, Win Aw Shade, Ladies' Satchels, Traveling and Work Baskets, also Market, Clothe and Corn Baskets, Cedartcare, fiukts, t-e. $-c In conclusion, ihey would ay lhat the'tr gmls have been bought at very !ow prices, and win '-e disposed of on the most reasonable term for Cash or countrv ,y Produce-and to satisfy the public (a lo piices 7J"-"'-i'V-" " ' J. HAYES & CO LewUburg. May 3. 1850 LABOR SAVED, KIS? 1OR SALE a auperior Washing Mixture, which removes all dirt and stains of various kinds in a few minutes, without injuring Ihe texture of the rlolb. Person wishing to avail j themselves ol this valuable mixture, wiln Ull . . ,l. ifr i- . u. 1 k..,.. ..it . ih i,Mi'r IK iinnersioned cotitinues the I. II Aw. direction for its use, hd better call at tne new j .. ...,10 j : Drug and Chemical Store kepi bv I 1 BfjSL ESS at the Old Stand.,' Da THORNTON ct BAKER, Lewisburg 011 North Third Si., near Market, and Latest News from California ! I nORE GOLD! WW 4 I LL the world and the rest of mankind" are respectfully informed lhat we have opened an unusually choice asoitment of SPUING AND SUMMER- faflsflafaffi tslJTMwnMwI'fym ! .... . , . nl p nrr ! comprising a splendid variety LADIES DREsS GOODS of the newest .tyle-C.hcoe. Dela.ns u Ginghams. Barage. Silks, Parasols, and Fancy Goods, ...J for Gentlemen, wear a large, lock of Clollasi, Casslmers, Summer Stull's, Vestins.Summer Hats,&?. Salt, Fish, Nails, Qucensware, Hardware; G roceries, etc. etc. All of which we offer for sale at our proverbially low prices, for CASH or PRODUCE. REBER & IDDINGS. Lewisburg, April 22. 1850 Cl r a J13S'fi'PIl'nilL1 Asscrtment of Goods Ho! all yon younar men whose floe frames an exmTi'lin, jij who nwad lo aupport yon, a good understawiiiHi ben von ibipk bow io time past snxcuValera 1ist bit you, Juat come to Stevs Lvsb-UX's lor Bool that will fit ton. Po you want some new Books O, so rlirap an-! so pretty! Some prave and some cay. fir' soma qwoer al soma witty' For a dollar or two. Stive will eiva ycu a treasure That will tat all your lift-a-time a loaii'.aia of pleasure And iT yon ehanee to tw in want Of Coat or Vest or Trowvrloons, Jut ro to Lispiix's, ttr you ran t Uuy half as cheap of other 'contia. And now Ltxpall would aay just a word to th Ladl-, For well -turn be snow how important their aal is lie has ShoM of all kinds kurr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r Consarn it. Boss ! tbi 'ere Poetry Machine broke ! Ilowsomever, the substance of all we bad io the hopper is this that SF. LTNDALL has the best and the . cheapest lot of fcjOOKS and STATIONERY, nd llw largest and' the best assortment of UOO l'.S and fi'OJa,and Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers, that were eer seen in Lewisburg or any other great seaport. May 7. 1850. jr 4 QTTnot refused at the Office of V' kill ,n" Lewisburg Khrouicle. TV s e?t AND FRESH GOODS! lit It TOT, CEDDE9 . MABSil HAVING tormed ai-'oparine-nhtp to ibe Mercaritile business, and enlarged lhr . oiureroom latety ewrupwu vj ' opposite Kliiie'j. Hotel are now opening a ' w?!J selected nd rsienaive stock of Mer chitndiie, consisting of Dtn (Boots, G,Ef ' HARD WAKE, ('UTLPattY, . ... ....... , Carpehlers TooTn.t Qu'ceusware SALT, PieH-:-"-:- , Furniture Mounting, Glassware,, Window GLASS a general assortment. Bar, RotJ, and Uoofk Iron, NaiTs, and Spikes, Tinware, Sliecl Iron and 9lctaJ Puns, and a more general assortment than is usually lound iu couniry stores Hichy they p'.ec'gs ihenisetves 10 sell at very lov prices. Persons at a distance will find it to their advantage, to buy lr Cash or c ji!l. take ia Exchange for Goods, Wheat, tlye; Corn, Oils, Buckwheat, Timothy and Clo- -vcr Seeds, Hutter, Eggs.Tallow.HardSiap, Ilceswux. Feaili'TS, uud ail kinds of trade or country produce. ' The patronage of the puMrc is resaeei lully solicited, and every- assorance fcivenr that noihin shn.ll wanting to render en: he satul'.ictiua. SAM'L S. BARTON." fAMPEL GEDDES. JAMES a. MARSH. Lewisburg, April 1, 1850- sawawaaaawaai -Ba-a? g Henrmmls. MEDICAL CAR IK Respectfully announces lo hw Iriends aofl iSe public generally, that he has reraeaetl his residence to ihe house of hi father (formerly occuuaaJUy Wm. Porter.) a few doors north ol Lima' HrateL - UiBce.CoIj M'Faddm's new brick building, next door above C. E. Bowes' Store, lewisburg, April I, 1850 fHOtjIll. JOHN B. MILLER,. TAILOR, respectfully informs his patrona and the public that hi Shop is now at hit house the new brick opposite Mr. James, V. Ross', on Third St., where he t wuT hw happy to wail on all who may honor him wi'h their patronage. Lewisburg, April 2, HENRY C. HICKOK," .1 TTURXEY A T LA IV, If Wilbur?, Union County, Fenn'a. ,. j ioi. coailjej ,!, attend tt the court of Perry county. 0 FFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B- Christ, Esq. respectfully aulic.U the patronage ol In '. friends and the public cenerally. ! CHARLIES F. HESS- Lewish'irg, May 22, 195(1 BOARDING.' riUIE subscriber avails himsxlt'ol the col JL limns of the Chronicle in publishing lr the citizens of Lewishurs and virinitv thai ' he has opened a BOARDING HOUSE in thatr I--k mm.. I MmlAriflltl, .1, ,KFI Kll tl M ttfliwl." el'x Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two tKwi east of the Franklin House. Market Mreet.' ff " prepared, to say lhat hi Table shall haw ' f H Markets can alford, enj-h. Lodging ,hil, be Comfonabl. ean b. I. S. 8TERSER. , . will lie kept to convey passenger t and from iho Packet Coats Lewisbu'g, March 18, ISMI Spring STnmmtr ' GOODS. i 1 1ST rece-edfcand now opening at ' j FORSTER'S NEW STORE, UfcontrduOT enst of K'ine's Hotel, a new jud . suitable lor tins and ll.e apwroacnttig sa- 2! j son, consisting ol , 2 (ciaorus, c.issnicRS,!.ESTGV hl I Ladles' Dressi Ooods gift j..f every stle and variety new stjlo Wj.', Pires, Lawns, Armuie Uelainesj tSing "4S hams, kc. waaws?! frea: variety cf st ies C hints, Cali- coes, tiC. ' . A beautiful assortment Ladies.' Parasol,.' Morocco and Kid SHOES and CHTERS' lor Ladips and Children Also a choice setertion of GROCER1E8V (iuceiiswafc & ?.,all cf which er ofTered rewmrkahli; low lor Cah or Couoirj Produce, by i5u subscriber, J. FORSTER. Ijewishtirg, April 3. 1850 Ftir the Ladies.' . Cvil V Vreeae That I maae a rase -' XTT1TH one of thos nic and chi'ap FAN5 W that can he had at ihe Lewisburg Droit. Fane Good. Notion and Vaiiety Fmporium . where lhe largest, finert, and bast assortment of. Feaiher. Fney an.1 Pper F' are kepj. Ala., laleat patterns of Buffalo Shell. Horn, 8ide Back i and other COMBS bwrtde a great variety ef other uice tiuti;s. -j" and see at C. W. MMUrFI.E. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers