Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 03, 1850, Image 1
RG CLE H. C. HICKOg, Editor, a N. WORDEN, Printer. LEWISBUIIG, UNION CO., PA., JULY 3, 1850. Volume VII, Number 14. Whole Number 325. LEW SBU . The Iewlsbarg CUronicle is issued svery Wednesday morning l Lewisburg, Union county, Pennsylvania. Tk. $1.50 per year, for cih actually In advance; $1,75, paid within throe month; $2 if paid within the year ; $2,50 if not paid before the year ei pires ; single numbers, 5 cents. Sub scriptions for six month or less to be paid in advance. Discontinuance optional with the Publisher except when the year i paid up. Advertisement handsomely inerled at 50 ct week, $ I lor a momn, ana -jo mr . .... reduced price for longer advertisements, Two squ.res, $7 ; Mercantile advertisements not . ,, , connec,ed with their progress and eiceeding one-fourth oft column, quarterly, $10. . ' , Caual advertisement and Job work to be paid ' the beginning of iheir life in the wilderness, for when handed in or delivered. j At length the desired haven was reached, jeceive attention. Those relating exclusively to j awaiting them, within two miles of a set the Editorial Department to be directed to II. C. tlement consisting ol a dozen or two houses. H.cKOK.Eq..E;.r:-.ndallonbu6melobei - adlrened to the Publisher. Office.. Market St. between Second and I hird. ... . imiww.. .i-.i i; I'rint.r anil rnmiuipr. From Godt i't Latly't Book. Feter Allan's Panther Chase: OK, INCIDENT j IX TIIK LIKE OF A BACK WOODSMAN. BT SARAH HCriHRS HAYES. The little story it is our present purpose to relate, is one which may be depended upon as strictly tiue. The leading inci dents were related by a descendant of the person we intend to introduce under the cognomen of Peter Allan ; nnd, altho' un der the necessity of detailing it in our own way, we will give an unvarnished state ment of facts. Peter Alien was a fine, athletic young Irishman, who came from ihe auld counlrie in the nineteenth year of his age. Fifty years hack, the class ol , 'If ,u. t ' r nngr...,, ......... - m . eeuii'ry were, u? a j;ci..tiui tuiug, iv-o itute than at present. As far as worldly wealth was concerned, I'etr had a small patrimony which he was fortunate enough to dispose of to advantage. The sum thus obtained he hoarded with great care, and being possessed of uncommon natural shrewdness, and endowed wi:h indomitable energy of character, he managed by labor ing with his hands to support himself in comfort ; and, after a lime, to lay up a portion of his earnings towards what had ever been the summit of his wishes, viz. the possession of a farm. Peter was up rarly and down late ; no job that promised the reward of a penny was beneath his notice, and employment that required trust was usually executed so as to give entire satisfaction. So obliging was his disposi tion, and so punctual his habits, that he at length began to make friends among his employers. t)ne rich gentleman in partic ular, attracted, in the first place, by his! open countenance, took a great deal of j notice of him ; and, on Peter making him acquainted with his secret and long-cherished scheme, of some day owning a farm, the gentleman promised to make in quiry, and if he could discover a place that would suit him, he would take an early opportunity of acquainting him with the fact. Accordingly, one morning he sent for Peter, and inlormed him that he had been making inquiry, and had learned from a correspondent that there was a farm, such as Peter wished, about two hundred miles from the city. This appeared like ihe end of the world to the unsophisticated Irish man ; but the gentleman, taking down a map, made him acquainted with its loca-j lion, and pointing out the advantages which might accrue to him from being among the first settlers, with the gradual rise which rimst take place in the value of property as the country became populated, he became willing and eager to embrace the opportunity thus oflcred for enriching himself. There was another difficulty, however, in the way. Allan had become enamored of a blue eyed lass living on the Jersey side, who could not see any reason for going so far lo make a home in the Pennsylvania woods ; and it required4 all his power of persuasion, end eveiy epithet of endearment the musical language of his native land could supply, to alter her res olution. At length, Debby consented, and no time was lost in making their preparations. Their mode of conveyance was after the ancient fashion, a heavy wagon. It was laden with such articles of furniture as might be useful in their new home, and with provisions for themselves, and pro vender for the four stout horses whose business it was to convey it over the wretched road stretching from Philadelphia into the interior. This mode of convey ance had its inconveniences ; but, at the time of which we write, no other was practicable, and Peter and his wile, with the man servant nod maid, who accom panied them, endured1 the discomforts of the journey with exemplary patience and cheerful hope. The wagon was the shelter and the transport ; for in their route, at that day, few habitations were to be seen ; abd when at night-fall they would halt in some deep forest and kindle their huge camp-fire, they would spread their repast beneath some ever-arching tree, and, se cure in the light or the cheerful blaze, talk over the occurrences of the day with jests mftd laughter ; while, perhaps, the owl would boot and scream in the distance, or the wolf bark and howl, in a manner which wou'd set ihe dogs accompa nyiiing ihem to baying, unlil the whole fores, echoed to Ihe sound. Debby, it is true. would sometimes It el a degree of alarm, but daylight always had the effect of re assuring her ; for the scenes through which ihey passed possessed the charm of novelty, and there was an indescribable . .... ... .... b a gentle elevation, in the centre of a love- i. ... .. , lo viillpv titrrlprf in hv an nmnhilhpfilrA nl J . j 1 hills, whose graceful and romantic shapes added much to the beauty of the scenery. The Allans had been settled some weeks in their new residence, and were beginning to feel quite at home, when Debby. who was engaged at some domestic duty on thd outside of the door, noliced a woman approaching the house ; she had a wearied look, carried an infant in her arms, and led by the hand a little one apparently about three years of age. The coarseness of their habiliments proclaimed their pov erty ; this, however, instead of repelling, opened Debby 's kindly heart towards her, as to one less fortunate than herself. And on her advancing, she invited her in lo rest awhile. Thcrewas something pleasant j about the countenance of this wayfarer. auK,v anJialthoUi,h evidently inured to hardship, her manners were far from being rough or uncouth; while her language, although she had acquired some of the inaccuracies common to the woods, showed that her ed ucation had not been wholly neglected. On asking leave to slay all night, it was granted with ready hospitality ; and after being refreshed by a cup of milk and a hot corn-cake for tea was a beverage more difficult to obtain than at present they asked as to her place of abode. She re plied as follows : "We live on a clearing about six miles farther up. We have a garden and a few fields; but as there is no house nearer than yours, it is often quite solitary. I can see squirrels at play in the woods w hen I sit at work, and the wolves howl dismally around the house sometimes.'' "Are you not afraid I" asked Debby, with dilating eyes. "Not olten,' returned the woman smi ling. "I generally keen a good fire" (wild animals always flee from a fire) - and Towser there," pointing to a large bull dog who had followed her, and now sat sujlenly eyeing the group "Towser there is is nearly as good as a man." "Is your husband always at home 1" in terrogated Peter. "No ; he is sometimes gone two or three days to the mill, and then I have to stay alone. But I would not mind if we had a door lo Ihe cabin." "Have you no door?" asked Debby, again, in amazement. "Not yet. A body can't get everything at once. But, as I was going to tell you, this accounts for my being here. My man left yesterday morning, to be gone a cou ple or three days ; and last night I hung a quilt on two forks before the door, brought in the pilch-fork, put the dog outside, and after hushing the little ones to sleep,betook myself to bed as usual. Some strange noise awoke me in the night ; and on tur ning around, the dog came in looking dreadfully afraid, and whining as I had never heard him do before. Feeling Geared, 1 got up, made a blazing fire, for jt had got low, and epingout from under the quilt, I sawthe most enormous bear you ever laid eyes on, standing just outside. You may be sure I put it down in a hurry ; and as I did not feel much inclined to sleep again, for fear the critter would come in, Towser and I sat and kept up a fire the remainder of the night.' "Have you never been seriously alarmed or injured by these wild animals?" inquired Peter. Deligfitef with having an audience so evidently interested in the incidents which had befallen her, the woman commenced, with animation " I can't say that I ever was much afraid but once. We lived the op in the Green wood-, as 'much as fifty miles from here, h was a terrible lonesome place ; there was no habitation within a long dis tance from us. This child'' pointing to the elder girl " was a baby then ; and one evening I shut her in the house, and went out about twilight to look for the cow, which had strayed away ; for my Husband was from home. I had not proceeded far, when I heard such a wild, strange cry among the bushes on a bill, at a abort dis tance ! It sounded almost like the cry ol a child ; but so loud and shrill ! t had heard of painttr$" (always the vulgar name for panther) "what bold, dangerous animals they were, hiding among the trees and bushes, and springing uPoa the people as they passed ; in, thinking this might be one. I hurried home with Ihe cow as fast as I could, got her under shelter, and then went into the house ; pulling the leather string lhat fastened the door inside. Our cabin had also an opening, where the win dow should have been, but it had no glass in it, only a board shutter outside, which I also drew in and fustened, and then felt tolerably safe ; still it was lonely for me and my little baby, up there in that great fores'. After a while it began to rain and get dark so dark that jbu could not see an inch before you when, all at once, there was 5 most fearful screech or yell just outside, enough to make one's very ears tin"le. I thought to be sure the painter would he right in, for the door was hung with leather hinges, and I knew that one bound against it would fling it wide open ; so, jumping up, I pushed the table against it.nnd pi'eJ the chairs on the top of that for greater security ; this done, 1 went up into ihe loft, where there was a little opening that I could get my head out, and what do you think I saw !" What t" cried Debby, almost breath less with terror and emotion. " Why, nothing more or less than the painter. ' There he was, and he must have had his fore feet on the low fence that went round the garden, for I could see his eyes like live coals "low ins in the dark- ness. Now, if there is anything upon earth to scare one, it is a fierce, dangerous animal like Ihis. Bears and wolves are t not half so terrible ; and I can tell you, 1 ' trembled from head to foot while he sat there and eyed me for more than an hour, every once in a while howling out in a way thai made the woods ring again.'' " Well, what then ?" cried Peter, w ho, with his wife, the man-servant, and j have before said, at a brisk pace ; and had maid, sat with open eyes and ears drink- j proceeded nearly or quite half way, when ing in every word that fell from her lips, j he heard a howl, accompanied by a crash "Why then," said the woman, " he , ing sound, on the side of the field nearest went away, and I heard no more of him i the forest. It was but a moment more, that night. The next day my husband when an enormous panther, with tail erect came home, and he said a painter had been and glow ing eyeballs, sprang into view, shot near one of the clearings below, and Peter hazarded but one glance of terror at I expected it was ihe same one which had , paid me a visit." " This is a terrible region," said Debby, who for the first lime began to realize the full horrors of her situation. " Do, Peter, let us go back home." " Pho," cried Peter, holding out his brawny arms, and pointing to the two loaded rifles hanging over the manllepiecc, " you will never be without sufficient pro tection.' " 1 do not think the wild varmints har bor much so near the settlements cither,'' chimed in their visitor. At this moment, a cheerful " Gee up, Dobbin," was heard outs'de ; and, running to the door, the woman espied her husband on bis return from the mill. He was trudg ing along by his wagon, in the gathering darkness, determined to reach home that night. Peter ran out to call him, and lit tle persuasion induced him to "tie up" and remain with them until morning. Debby and her maid bustled about to get him something comfortable for supper ; and, after this was over, he sat until a very late hour before the pile of blazing pine knot, relating, to a most attentive audience, the different adventures which had befallen him during the years he had spent in the woods. When preparing to start in the morning, he promised Debby that he would make a door to the house, as she said she would " feel easier in her mind." And here, for the present, we will leave them. In the course of a few years, under the excellent management of Allan, connected with his laborious industry, everything pertaining to his farm began to give evi dence of abundance and comfort. His fences were in good order ; his trees thrif ty ; his cattle sleek and well fed ; his granaries overflowing ; and when he found leisure to ornament, the white-washed cot tage exhibited an appearance of Arcadian beauty. It stood on a plat of green level sward, which Peter inclosed with a rude fence, also white-washed. Several forest' trees had been allowed lo remain ; and these flung their broad, green arms in many fantastic and protecting shapes over the lowly roof. Rose bushes, sweet briers, and a few flowering shrubs, also shed their sweetness here ; and, to judge by their notes of rejoicing, made glad the heart ofmany a bird. At the back door, a stream swept gently past, at the distance of a few hundred yard? ; amf within the inclosure of the yard, shadowed by the foliage of a couple of huge trees, the little spring-house presented quite a picturesque appearance ; it was supplier By a lountain, where the water dripped constantly over the moss-covered stones.with a cool, plash iog sound. Here, under a tow, projeciing roof, the active, neat-banded Debby kept her well-scoured crock-covers and shining pans, arranged on shtefrw is just and grad ual order. 1 Here the briskets of foaming milk wero brought ; and here the luscious 1 golden buller was prepared for market. A-riid the abundance and independence of their new condition, there was little cause to regret the enjoy ments of the place they had forsaken. The settlement near them was gradually enlnroir.". and rould boast a church : w hile, on a still morning, its bell might be d:stii.c;ly heard at the farm-house, calling to the house of prayer. There was also a school, were the children could be taught all that was dsemed necessary for them to know ; and a public house, where Allan could while away a few hours much to his satisfaction. He was not what is styled a drinking character; but he was very social in his disposition, and could enjoy a joke with ihe best. Coming from across the water." and having seen a good deal of the world, he was looked up on with respect ; and there was a degree of deference paid to the opinions he chose to express, which was highly flattering. On the evening in which the occurrence look place with which we have headed ouj little story, Peter had tarried, with somb acquaintances, in the landlord's bar-room until after ten o'clock, when, knowing that Debby would " sit up'' for him, and the idea of a curtain lecture, perhaps, looming out indistincty in his mind, he then started for home in considerable of a hurry. The night was a bright and beautiful one, for the moon was full ; and, as he could see jevery object distinctly, he determined to , take a nearer cut. The distance by the highway was two miles; but, by going through the fields, he could shorten it nail (a mile ; and, as the ground was frozen, i and there were openings through each j fence, left -for the sake of convenience in hauling in grain, this route was quite as agreeable as the other. He started, as e the ferocious brute, which, doubtless, half maddened by hunger, was now in full pur suit; and, giving the reins to his horse, he started at the top of his speed. As it chanced, he was riding an English mare of uncommon strength and action. She was, as " Jemmy Joyce" would express it, every inch a Tartar." Seeming, with unerring instinct, to comprehend the slate of the case, and bristling with terror, the animal put forth its utmost powers. She dashed onward with her terrified rider ; and, as there was no tiino lo look for the openings, cleared the first fence in a style which would have brought down thunders of applause on any steeple chase in the United Kingdom. Rut there were yet three fields, with two fences to surmount : the last of these was the orchard, separated, by a lane of fifteen or twenty feet, from the paling which inclosed the yard. Allan, who had recovered his presence of mind, now cheered his gallant horse, and sped onward with the rapidity of the wind: but the panther was close behind ; he could hear his quick bounds, and plainly distin guish the angry snarl which seemed lo in dicate a fear lhat his prey would escape him. Another fence was gained, and nothing but the orchard remained to be crossed. Peter knew that his horse was taxed to the utmost ; yet the brute was evidently gaining on hiin,and one moment's flagging in their headlong course, or one false step, and a horrible death was inevi table. Happily, no such accident occur red. In frantic haste, he reached the last barrier. It was high and difficult ; but, with a glorious effoit, his marc surmounted it ; and she was in the yard at the moment the monster in iheir rear leaped the en closure of ihe orchard. In the twinkling of an eye, Peter had thrown the reins over the neck of his horse ; and, leaving it to shift for itself, dashed into the house. Here he found the family awaiting his arrival ; and, taking down two rifles, he with the hired man, sallied forth to see to the fate of the " bonnie gray' which had carried him so bravely. They found the trembling an imal had escaped to the barn-yard ; but the panther, doubless alarmed by the light emitted from the opening of the door, had taken itself off. The next morning, ot J examinin the tracks made by its feet iul the sandy soil of the lane, they y discovered! it to have been one of the largest size. Peter had been so thoroughly frightened. that you may be sure Debhy did not have to lecture him soon again for staying away so late at night. As for the mare he always declared he owed his life to her matchless speed she roamed the greenest of pastures, and eontinseo the rarest of pets untif the end of her days. Lewinbarg, Union Co., Pa. To Parents.-Boys that have been prof, erly reared are men-in point of usefulness a! sixteen, whilst tSoss that nave Seen brought up in Hie hnbits-are a- at twenty-one-' Lexington, SI OLIVES WKSVELL HOLVt. Slowly Ihe mist o'er the meadow was creeping, Bright on Ihe dewy bud glistened ihe un. When from hi. couch, while hi children were sleeping, Roae the bold rebel and shouldered hi gun. Waving her golden veil Over the silent dale. Blithe looked the morning on cottage and spire ; Hushed was his panting sigh. While from hi noble eye Flashed the last sparks of Liberty's Cre. On the smooth green where the fresh leaf is springing, Calmly the first born of glory have met ; Hark ! the death-volley around them i ringing ! Look! with their life-blood the young graa it Faint is the feeble breath, wet ! Murmuring low in death, "Tell to our sons how their fathers have died ;' Kerveless, the iron band Raised for its native land Lies by the weapon lhat gleams at his siJe. ! Over the hill-sides the wild knell is rolling. From Iheir far haml-ti the yeomanry come. As thro' the storm clouds the thunder burst rolling Circles ihe beat of the mustering drum. Fast on the soldier's path Darken the waves of wrath. Long have they gathered and loud shall they fall; Ked glare toe musket nam, Sharp rings the rifle's crash,. Blazing and charging from thicket and wall. Gaily the plume of the horseman was dancing, Never to shadow bis cold brow again ; Proudly at morning the war-eteed was prancing, Keeking and panting he now drop the rem ; Pate is ihe lip of scorn. Voiceless the trumpet horn, Torn is the silken-fringed red cross on high ; Many a belted breast Low on the turf shall rest. Ere the dark hunters the herd have passed by. Snow-girdled crags where the hoarse wind is raving, Rocks where the weary floods murmur and Wild where the fern by the furrow is waving. Reeled with the echoes that rode on the gale ; Far as the tempest thrills Over the darkened hill. Far as the sunshine streams over the plain. Roused by the tyrant's band, Work all the mighty land. Girded for battle from mountain to main. Green be the graves where her martyr are lying ! Shroudless and tombless they sunk to their rest, While o'er their ashes the starry folds flying Wrap the proud eagle they roused from his nest Borne on her northern pine. Long o'er the foaming brine Spread her broad banner to storm and to sun ; Heaven keep her ever free, Wide as o'er land and sea Floata the fair emblem her heroes have won. Sarcastic Sentence. Old Elias Keyes, formerly first Judge of Windsor County, Vt., was a strange com- position of folly, and good sense, of natu ral shrewdness and want of cultivation. The following sentence, it is said, was pronounced upon a poor ragged fellow convicted of stealing a pair of boots from General Curtis, a man of considerable wealth, in the town of Windsor : " Well," said the Judge, very gravely, before pronouncing sentfnee of court, un dertaking to read n following lecture, you're a fine fellow to be arraigned be fore a court for stealing. They say you are poor no one douuts u who iooks at you, and how dare you, being poor, have the impudence to steal a pair of boots ? Nobody but rich people have a right to take such things without paying ! Then they say you are worthless that is evi dent from the fact that no one has ever asked justice to be done you ; all, by unan imous consent, pronounced you guilty before you were tried. Now, you, being worthless, was a fool to steal, because you might know jou would be condemned. And you must know that it was a great aggravation that you have stolen them in the large town of Windsor. In that large town to commit such an act is most horri ble. And not only go into Windsor to steal, but you must steal from that great man, General Curtis. This caps the cli max of your iniquity. Base wretch ! why did you not go and steal the only pair of boots which some poor man had, or could get, and then you would have been left alone ; nobody would have troubled them selves about the act. For your iniquity in stealing in the great town of Windsor, and from the great General Curtis, the court sentences you to three months' im prisonment in the county jail, and may Uod give you something to eat ! An Escape. A- little before 9 o'clock yesterday mor ning, as the train was going out for New ark, when rounding Bergen Cut.was close ly upon a gentleman and lady, who were walking upoir the track. The locomotive squealed and they jumped acrosson anotn- er track but horror! Just ahead was an- other train from Kamapb.on this track, and the next moment would hurl them in to eternity. They had no room on the outsides of either track, from the embank men and not knowing whicbtrain would pass first, were almost patalised ! But the next moment the gentleman seized the la dy, who had nearly swooned' placed her on the narrow walk between two tracks, embraced her dress ill bis circling arms to keep the cowcatcher from hooking it and thus awaited their fate. The twa traius passed" them at the same moment, roaring amf thundering on, but neither the lady or csntleman were injured more than an vM fright. .Jersey city aenunei. Music in Germany -How Taught. Vocal music is, in Germany, deemed of such importance to all classes, that for gen erations it has been introduced by govern ment, as a prominent branch of popular education. The child enters school at the age of eight years, and remains in ihe same school unlil fourteen or fifteen. No parent is allowed to umovo a child from one school to another, (unless a change of location renders such removal necessary,) under a heavy penalty. Commodious, con venient, and pleasant sehuol-houses, and thoroughly qualified teachers in all the res pective departmcuts, being provided, there is no other reason for removal than the change of residence. The advantages of re maining in the same school and under the same instructions are very grat, and w:ll readily suggest themselves to ihe minds of all friends of edncation, whether parents, teachers, or school committees. One of these advantages is ihe opportunity afford ed to teachers of studying and becoming thoroughly acquainted with the natural dis position, temperament, talent, or turn ol iiind of the pupil. This, I believe, com prehends almost everything else, and is the corner-stone of a thorough and useful edu cation, both mental and moral. There seems to be three paramount rea sons for making music a branch of school education in Germany and Switzerland. First, its power as a direct means of men tal and moral discipline. Secondly, its at tractiveness as an amusement or relaxation from laboaious study. Thirdly, its advan tage in after life to the pupil, boih as a so cial and a religious being. In all these particulars it is considered of great impor tance ; and in the best schools 1 visited, viz. those of Leipzig, and Dresden, in Saxony, and Zurich and Berne in Switzer land, the popular course has been to adapt each music lesson to one or the other or all these branches. To be more explicit : The music teacher either gives at one sea son of the year his particular attention to in struction in the elements of music and mu sic reading ; at another to rehearsal or singing for relaxation or amusement ; and at another to practising the music of the church ; or else, as is more generally the case, he combines the three departments in j h jtg proportionate share, viz.: 1st, practice of the music of the church, (choral singing ;) 2d, instruction in musical notation ; 3J, singing of cheer fiil and lively juvenile songs, for recre ation. This arrangement pleased me much. It affords great variety, and does not become tiresome to the pupils. The pupits begin to study note singing at the age of nine or ten years. Previous to lhat they sing chiefly or entirely by note. This is considered advantageous until the musical ear is sufficiently trained and cul tivated. The scale is first presented to the pupil, not by sight, but by sound. The teacher sings it slowly and distinctly until all seem to understand, or at least to get some idea of its construction, and of the comparative relation of sounds, one to an other. After explaining something of the formation of the scale, its intervals, &c, ihe teacher writes it upon the black-board, or calls their attention to it in the note-book, observing particularly the situation of the semi-tones. He now tells them that these characters (the notes) represents the sounds they have just sung, and that each sound has a name taken from one ol the letters o! ihe alphabet. This method is very ihoro', although somewhrrt lengthy." The pupils sing almost entirely from books, the black board being used merely for illustrations. The more advanced classes of pupils are improved by the frequent introduction and regular practice of new and interesting mu sic, rather than by dry and unconnected exercises. Much time is spent, and in the best schools, in practising the vowels, merely articulating them for the purpose of obtaining a good delivery both in singing and speaking. But one of the pleajantest features' of all is, that the pupils are not wearied by too hard study, or, if they become a little fa tigued at any time, they know that some delightful recreation is to follow. Variety and entertainment are mingled with' in struction.and the pleasure of half an hour's social singing is a sufficient reward for per severing in any of the more laborious and less interesting exercises. I was much amused and delighted, on one occasion, to see the young countenances beam with a smile of approbation, amounting to u thank you sir," when the teacher, after a lesson of elementary study,said, "flow we'll sing something lively," for it is natu ral for children to love that music best hich is most like thcirtowrr natures light, joyous; and free. Now they sing briskly, merrily, heartily, because natural ly. The little mill-stream that has been dammed up that it may accumulate strength to drive the heavy wheel, wlien once more set at liberty goes leaping.and dancing.and siuging along its sparkling way, rejoicing in its freedom.. Vocal So do tliese l!:t!e singers pass from the -heavy and useful but not dull, choral prac tice and elementary confinement, to that' of the "merry song of the cuckoo" and ihe "lark, to the "singers' son, and the -"soug of the father's birth-day," to ihe songs of the season of the sua aud stars, of ihe "beautiful world and the blessed giv-- er, God ; with the ever dear an j welcome songs of " Vaterland.'' These a re the dai-- Iy occurrances of ihe "school-room," and if you would know how children prize their school you have just to step in and heer therii merrily sing "No scenes of earthly pleasure, Happy School, No hoard of sordid treasure, Happy School, Delight us now so well. Tes, 'tis singing we do prize. Cheerful hearts in accents rUe. Hid play farewell." With us in America it is different. As a nation, we have neglected entirety this- subject in our early education, and the oa- . tural result is, lhat the large proportion of' our adult population can not sing, and. thousands mourn over their loss, when it is . too late, or the pressure of care aod.busi- . ness prevent therii from attending U the. subject. Could our school committees. trustees and parents be prevailed upon to , take this matter in hand, and be in earnest, about it if they would have it properly, , and on a permanent basis, introduced into, the schools as a branch of study, not of re-,, creation merely an incalculable amount . of good would follow. The next genera-. -tion, at all events, would feel its revivify. . ing influences, in thtsir social and horns., circles, and in the public worship of the., sanctuary, and would "rise up and call us blessed." . Resignation of a Priest, A card from "Rev. Mr. Brown." who says he is a Catholic priest from France, appears in the Richmond, Va., papers, de claring that he has "resigned all functfons of the sacrcdotal ministry," after having .. discharged for two years the pastoral func- -tions of a Catholic congregation, attended , by German and French people living in -Richmond. He gives among others, the following reasons therefor : "I can not keep fJarn avowing trm't my principles, in regard to the temporal pow er ol the I'ope, ana in many omer respecis. are not in harmony with the principles ot ihe Church of Rome. 1 think the sove reignty of the Pope is contrary to doctrines and eaampfc-i ot CJeit, an obetaala to ihm liberty and welfare of the people, and a ', cause of discord and trouble io ihe political and religious world." Rival to Lambert. The curious nnd inquiring pre not even -willing lhat Daniel Lambert.who died some years ago, weighing 739 pounds, shall en joy the reputation of being a greater prodi- . gy than even the State of New Jersey cuo , furnish. A correspondent of the Newark : Advertiser mentions the fact that Lewis, Cornelius, who was born at ffew 3rtins- w ick, N. J., and died at Milford, in Ta., io. . 1311, at the age of 48, weighed some -years before his death 675 pounds, . or but 64 less than Lambert, and does not . doubt that at the time of his death he was even heavier than Lambert. New Coins. We are shortly to have a . new coinage of one cent and three cent -pieces of a new and .novel character. The cent is to be one tenth silver, nnd will con-' . sequently be about ihe size of a dime, with -a hoi- is the middle--so they can be strung on a string, Chinese fashion. The three i-Ant npipp will be about the size of a hall dime ; but different in appearance anJ , make. Thee coins ate to be exrfhanged . at the mint for the present Spanish 6J and 121 cent pieces, at their nominal value,and will thus throw them out of circulation. A" good move. t Taking the Census for 1850. In a' short time Uncle Sam's census takers wilt . be about ; and it behooves good citizens to give them at. the information they may . ask for. It a sign' of ignorance and stt- , pidity w hen people refuse the cessus-takers a cheerful welcome. They only go round . once in ten years. Some persons imagine . that taking the census has something to do with lax-paying, and hence they will witb hold information. We hope all newspaper readers, ;n thls enTightened age, know bet ter, and the census for 1850 will be a cor rect and authentic document-' A Western editor announces that his belter half had the previous day presented t him with "a twelfih little responsibility, an immediately below makes the follow, ing appeal, which we hope was duly res ponded to : "More subscribers wanted af this office." ; Andrew Young,- of Harrisbore. bar"' been appointed Superintendent of the Pub lie Buildings, at Harrisburg, in the place of Isaac Hovis, deceased. It has been decided, in Berks count j , lately, that it is illegal lo tax Farmers for, their "occupation."