Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 26, 1850, Image 4

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ttfit and ljumov.
For Ihe Leuulurg Clirotiiele.
A bright little boy, thice rr four years
old, nol long since deserted a sevt-re flag
ellation for a breach of duty, and received
it duly, fie stood the infliction without a
ter, or brgginji to b? rilivistd ; and nbout
an hour after, lien his feelings had It-come j
so calmed as to auow Ins dMtntt ui'.eninee,
be stood proudly up lv bis mother nnd j
;. .,;,;..! ,.U..'. .At.. a.a-v ,,.,. V
" 1 ' 1 4 J "
do ihe j
New Legal Authorities.
In a case tried vesterdnv iu one cl cur
- '
justices' courts some raihr novf I authorit
its uerc Lroulit AnwarJ by vt.u ( i!:e
learnrd counieit
The court will obsrrw,r taid lie, "tlmt
in the case of Shy lock vs. Antonio, ihnugh
judgment was rendered in favor of the
plaintiff, yet circumstances prevented the
execution which had been Nsutd from be
w carried intoerTcci.'
, j- j I , ? , I T n
i uui t.iu me -uun um. ijhmiu i iic
t :l ti.Hti to refer to?'" asked the magistrate,
i;"ihl V PUXlled.
Shjlock vs. Antonin, SJShaks..p 335,
Jubnson'j edition
'l'te Cf'Urt A ill there
f:nd the case rrpnrted in-full." The i.vxl
Miitluiri'.y is of rathrr more ancient date, j
It is the case of the King vs. ShadrHrh t-t ;
lt Daniel's Keports, p. 155. The I?ir- 1
td counsel went on t'l apply the casfM to j
that of hi eiient, but uhi-ihcr ihe court j
considered the authority Mifllcit-nt we have j
not yet learned. Pur
Dedicating a Church.
m. it i
i W memiierS 01 a SOriey Ul iI ISS., UV
. - , . , j
dint ol long exertion, liad erected a small
. . y
Itouse lor woratiip. L'ne 01 ine numm-r
was despatched to a large town, to request
a rred divine to take part in its di'JiVntion.
Not getting his errand exactly, he simply
applied to the minister to come and ded
icate our new church."
44 What part do you wish me to take ?''
tnid the clergyman.
44 Why, we want you to dedicate the
thurch" was the rrply.
44 But do you wish me to deliver the
ermon, or to make the opening prayer,
or only to make some remarks !"
41 Why," exclaimed the brother, j wd
at the obtuscness of the pnrson, 44 e sim
nly want voa to dedicate the church, the
whole ou t ; u s only seventy five Itet by
fifty ; want you to dedicate it."
Sharp Shooting.
"We aro perfectly capable of doing our
(iwd courting." Li wrence Sentinel.
Neverlheless.it might lie niore agreehttlf
10 the lady to have it done by pro
Manchester American.
Manchester American.
i at I t
V ant a Jub, ell ? i nn t U e COUia II I :
Uav. rrtapl trt unV iJlftV Nfiitirpl :
SO CrUd lO ttn laay. aM.llUI.CI. (
Just like "all the world and llie rt of
mankind, concealing our seifishuesi
under the broadcloth of charity. Amer.
At a church meet in lately, soinehcre
in the atute of New Y'rk,the riiuiisi4r gave
out a hymn commencing with, ! want a
mansion of rest. The temporary toudr
of the singing was a young lady on ihe
cloudy bide of thirty and vain of her
charms at that she cou.Ju't fur tho life
of her get farther than ' I want a mm
ih'S bhr) repeat three !nes emphasising the j ""'j'J TjJjf' ti,-t"' fai4Vil,s kwi tbeni oftt-n -j-uk-inan"
to Mich a fquenk, finally, thai the Bnrt Pnlmoxiarv Balcam
. r I.. : .1. I ' .1..
whole meeting lairiy smcivn-u nm nuni,
nnd the pastor hin sclf coulJ acarrrly res
rain a smile at this public coafeasioii of
the lady.
An exchange paper says : 4- II ; you
eee a gentleman at midnight, sitting on the
ttKip. in the front of his house, combing
his hair with the door scraper, jou nnj
conclude he has been out at an evening
J.ArT Vou can never ct a Inrly to
admit that she wear- frhoCs which die lor) ;
liuht for ber. !
1J .,. ran ne.Pr ,rrt n'ren lrnmn to I
get a-pen lmmn to j
you can never
admit that he drinks too much brandy, or
ehews too much tobacco. .4arir F.x.
The following question is erected to
rome up for discussion at the next New
Kngland Fowl Convention : 4Wh-ch is the
mother of a brood of chickens, the Hen that
lays the eggs or the l'-n that hatches
them f News Letter.
44 My gracious!" aid an urchin in New
York, on beholding on English cirriagw
with three footmen in livery; -well, if it
doesn't take three Riittishers to make a
44lt is said" that a Yankee transported a
. couple of hogs to the California diggings,
fjiffoot for the precious ore, and obtained
" every- night from sis to eight ounces of '
jfo'd from their snouts! !
44Mr. Jenkins, will it suit you to wttlc i
that old account of ; our " '
4'N sir. vou are niisttken in the man '
I am not one of the oid eers."
Wcknowa young Indy, alio in her;
horror of old-mmdisin, hasengtaved at tho j
Loltom of her cordu, "n. reasooabie iffer
will be reused.- i
. - i
Amongst other curitrsines en exhibition
m Ik- T, M.,..,m r-,.k .i-d .t i
thl whole of ihem cross t-jed. I
The Toor ha.e-bit-.e-b.og,, no,,-
he cb loo much-, nough, not one. ,
IN KAfn BOTTLE Owe TiUmoimftd a
hntIMlii;-OK ttottU containing 61 dim luu
Twraty-One Days.
Prtet $1.00 ftt hotlU, r Sir Hotlln fur ..nl.
fi nvr
h now put np in WART BOTTLES, and ia of the
turne medtcat strength and ejficrrcy aa Dial in lb4 tmali bottle.
TI yrf.ii! tryrwritu of Tlllf Pl'RIFirx over SAKSArAHtLI.a''
B'ld all t:irt-ri'iii)"rmi-4ticii:-. may in mhim nit-aurv l uudfr-
s.oou Irom lit louovrini lrot: riRT iitwim" it n ona
rwAAttt s. ui ii.iucjicaiioii, the l-Lac esi.m.x ur
oinI from tin follow ms irr: riKT lrwiM it onl
Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock,
Cherry J riiMsafru Bark.,
! ssoreetremgli, norm rwrrftiltv eonerntrttted. and Ltrutr muanli-
t Cm ot w nf Tin;-' f'ryirm in ftrtV uf it titan cui Iw louod
J in any lioiik' of nt'vliritH. r tll-d b'-rtmet of SnrtimUi :
j But, St.t.oNin.v ln-cm TtiU Purifier smett the
j mvdicai Ufccw) and A-ofi'i.'' rirf tet of wtrnj other
I la)otM, HnrliH, and Ve-itrtnble.
rtmiryi?.; properties t which am Srean st-mmi to
j KtTvtp,irlt, anil wltm tfrw art compounded wiih iwn.i;..
rtUx. If-fot? iJi. C terry, atut Sisi-Hnti, tn-y tnke lAt mcJ.
(i.trTiiKitii(tr;(ttiii;iiil rtf.tc I'urifirr of lhe lllnwd bar
cor'd. Si i true ut Uju, tha! U have every itr.-4 aioiicui rjfe:t,
hue Dose la
One TnblrsMonral, ttr fuses a Ikiy.
B'll it ta n.M so with K&tritr; f SumigHiriUtt, fur tit cotirtfTtierr
of :( mrdwitum ftm Itre batUnf tx--in? o umch wmbriif4
anJ rrtlMrcil tt:: UtsF. of rMirilla ha lit be Ttrti,
'i'brrr r .lorr Titbieip-wiula Thki.e, Km a, or Mre
rtMtr a (My. to liavt any kiioW ttct; ail im a lttllf of
SttipBimrilli ttily UtiMn L. fy--tr wpounftlt, tinnt'r, wt mtny
ftputMi'ii!4 at a aii'l m muny due a dyt wul ue uj a
bifli.e ul" it ut
Fenr, Fivr, or Six PaT,
whir'i -ho xt ihnt a b.tUe.it Branf n PiirlHrr. wll from
Twrlrr t ixfen lVi tonyn- ttiuti a li ttlH- of ara
nmiU; and it' tis Jai:y mvdiral etlwritcy (in m.iU tioe.) lie aa
airviu atid Hi. li si aa the daily fltr:e d-ian) of ama-
i t'ri"J. i'""'i " Pp.t.s liiat Osk Imftle f ru i't'nirif.R im
rtti rn.w, J.r, ur i- u tinn inure tluui
worth Inter, t our, or i- itt timet mom Uum a UiUltf of Sarsi
1 b a!iv cfimi'irici dM nit yrt ahow rtt gtwf differ
, fc m r.Wc tx.-t -ien ttw mrdwtl rjfiatry of KraNT' Cl Hl ir.B
i aitd SAR-ArAKii.i.. This wiii ajip-ar dy tittt ccr:ljcalea ol
j one bottle of brant s purifier
! u a"r '"yt wra more amptfre ditr-zte, lliu
If. iVn. Oni: II.itti.k nf I't uiiiKK f.r One Dollar,
Vut U,-ittef .Nur. iriu iMuid aeU fur Ten Crnln,
Mr.J. R. Hakiw of Itnme, Omiln Ci . N Y,lton eared
ut STi'fnl i:! IK!, a ttre to iIh furtt a nlatiad ltiv, in n
n-i,oti in i(t ik tTiKMr JX'RT in tin f 'try of A lor, on U
uA tf Ikrember, uuJ-r Uie following nrctinnunt:.. :
A rwrann in the Ofy A"p V nc hint lnaniifurturrd and
vrmiHl a fwr..w art elf cf mfd:iw, ea'IiRi: it Kkam'i
Isil M koi c ink, ir. tmitati.ni vj Vie yenuine meAicutt. lit
was prfecutrd to thi2lii ilamavffi. in Um Snpntn ('uurt itf
lef ( ity of NfW York, and ihtf ram wit referred by the ar
to J S. B.tsHOTil. Ki...S LiIktI titrtft. Mil rntTtifin I nw v.-r
a H'frrft to take t.K tftlim-liy. Tllf dt If n-lwit iftr1fl in
f mtttptttom of dum-iffea, that tIh Pnipn- lursof Urirt'o M!ttiii
) had inwwwn iahiifhfd false staiemknu 'f nw, hiI
j tinn had rouiiniltd a fraud on the i-nl-dr, and. ttii-rffcn. was
I not fiitilMl to daniK'ftt. Tlif cao of Mr. il-iJctm wu s-.ovd
aa britwt'iltr, and Hfkl'i was aji triim in rt i'r.l lo
i UwKtTamL.lutifd,an4MBiinjMuat: ntAXLTaiMU
ate jiuWittirwji.
I U t-bu-l it p r .Vr;... A' t 1 L.r- tpin.ii!.,. ..."rr.
; tjty nti t.j ; i wa.-itrn. h ..rjd.t..r-ii. ii..id
C I'" Itm M" tnl.i iiir lift piw.
fth b nit-rmt n. fr Ittv wi'it'tV tw C rr I urd tfr-im'i I'tr-rr, 1 ft
nt mvitl itH-. Vtir n 1 , r.m.ii-'M il g-m; ti.f I'mti A I t,.1 lrn . Anltii
t-t rtn a Ion tin4 ; I u iU ix-t iu iu lian-i tr n. (14-1 1 tttv Wa
teu 3'e mtr in ini'it Ui'iti err v ; iti ar ki rMtfit tmt miuiI 1,
that it ruutd IcmJ r oat f .t ---, it only l.'ii-iid- hv a W at
I'T ; IfV rireit rtW-A nv inn.ip.pe, . tl-it m tuvalii a-il i
and ul ut lii- li..t j an wl f a u sl,nid-r lr- a 4 mt lnii,4.
atH'tinf utxlrr ni arm .! a lur, wbi-i. ImJ nt-u ihi uu m
a. tL it mi t "lv . .-ii.l bv l.h.kf.1 mtii : an ulrrr in m am, mvi.U
IV tfl my lnnil.l-r T.i ni 'ri".w wlu. li lmd rston to titr Irxw , I i.J -
ral iitl-rr ul. -t- 4l-i. t a-J ltr,mt'n ViVr i-i mwi InnUrt. tUr tfirM
Mtttb la-ltnl fVt fn Jnv. I a- inrji. I oi.i t"4 if. (? Lf
("ni"ttl at a rl m : tint I-.(:! tnnjt!t:rI tii. a- ttt iti fc. (rt
t,Ht !' IJ; tin rrt.. ilr-.ttt 1 U- the fK .J.m ta ilMJUHf..)). wi.i. It
Ovtitli'nwJ iim- aiwl liatJ n- ir. v ti.it I a-.l t. fw.
mica to tbe itri.tfbtrc l'Bi.l I.fs.naid. at It m- '- itr--. mwit I tf..t
IfcaM.. !, tl.i t- tt Hi:I.Kll 41.1. MV l"l. Klt-,. '...t i-.rt
$m-tl ab-i:il a hra th-tiJ of my t.niinh. ..J I ti."!! . -kr i -.iu
t i'flfjmf nmI I urj .Vur H.tun m., Wi.i.l. mi 1- a I'fr. ufKfT
CL'lilt. a-.t r"'r.l u. a-i'.. i-'OA 7 -L i'Hil'Ul
LJKS, iia. atX f.vrjr tdMI'ttl.t.lS.
Thi IL.-il.&tn jionrjnri'M.H .7 thr rVnurturr ici't fiiiV'i.vif
V,Ttl.. O! ti.i- H...V.--l?,l... I'L-HIFTISO FXTKA4T. .1I:J li"
--v. r ,1 i.tli. r iii.'lii-alion. pflifti y'n-iv nj tir.
i ...i . ur.- I'Ul liHS n.i t'KNSI Ml-1 !..-. II
4.1, -. 1 .vm ud ficwhen-mfn-imi.
1 aut! nip" e; fn.niy.
( fulii" iirwv. ir. n'rn mil utihw fii-n y 1U Ail illAVfcM: 31
1 ti.c l.l .M.S. TIIMMI', !id KKKAiST.
, w ; ti ml: crrtifi. .tr . art -r err. h:.-r
f,,.., t.i ruvi. !!- j.ok.t tn -av V.Ik, erra ohr-n p-rwn
! VsV it? t!-r f:J'iiw'TiL' pfitlfifat at a fa.t of ciitv whirh
a-nis tr tie in llif Vt-rv jast ata-a ot rXHtfo-.--, whfD
Hmit g hiitn rm-iar ttiuti it aJmimaVnrd Titia
" n,,t m'unti '0, w,: nma mast ct'ara
M ttarTm, Ulld t,.tmindlun. kunartyit ot kopeUsl
, rae. ana inonnaitns ol a ? a.i-ti iva.u."!!' HU..
THIS iTH: vrn- elVflrd .n tl:e wile of Mr. 7rna
; 1'iKrita oi tfif. tnva ol JiaUnton. Saratowm fa.. A'. Y.
Mr. lKk'-m-in ara (irfnounccd rfyiwir, and Mr. Dykcmao
j w id :.j th: tttir. ol Mr. JjHN VVait Vj purchase closk tor
' a shr-juti, and other burial tmaitrtmls, exHct)ti I. is wife
: vt'omd k-H.-n d.. Put- hm in tin last itageol th diw-Mtae
-win mu A oppressed and distressed and to relieve hr
, etritf ditrtrs, land ui.tk4' a dying ptiioio mure cast. Mr.
; lyktmtn a.-. ii'rJ nH d t Livt 1it aoirif of -BKVN I'S
j INltiAN 1 I " 1 - M i jX A 1 i V It A LS A M." He took tlif Ibj-aam
I'Oin.'iaiiJi ihe elircu-t. nd c.tr a f)Tvn to lita w:tr it
, reh. vi d ut r lte c tit.t.u. d to take it until thv rTov. Tfd
j coots at k t Tit, ar"t tthi- his ro tmueJ vU f-r ntatly four
' mnrf mi' I'timjh'a 'or p.sTtit'U'ftr.
i Mr 1'iKKMaV i. won t' tiic kIkptp ("nrTa b-for.4 TH ) G.
1 Yt'CN., K-'i.. nf HaUst-.H -j'(t, C.tth Xpfil, li-lp1.
J Im.'-.. (j. oi'xe, l-'i-. J"ue, i-rtiria tlirt h tiia
; kitovru Mr. Ij k ifirtn m .ny yrs nnd tlifl b eric ot
j t. ir wr tenrthy atid r -jtrciabU citizens; nul Mr. JoifM
I Wan, tU i' rti'i-ujt pi..k4-n 1 avt. also eertijiea to tha
jooti i ti.-.ri'-Tfr ol ;ir 'yvrrn, atid t':n.t In m ac-
rilr.. CoySfMrriOy Caeks. CMs, fi'iirinr of Wont.
Ki.fiig nl me i.nip'. l'aiH in the .Vu.rt no l Sif.r. Aii-4r.
i''iti, irrntta ("i.in.iiiiT.to. f'apit.itijn nf tijt Mwrl
r-'mVia .,;av'i(f, Jiytmtery. Summer Complnintt, and A LI
VLMALK ITEAKMISSLS. tcuLont any J.iUtuf rluiUvtr
PoiTiiiis ia riivMciiNs RtromiEm
Tin- liMnwin' n i;n...i fi,jct'rr nr. I Piohi Lse hibft
.J Mumn. n J WAM'.-l M I.DICI.VLS
I'r. V III llli.Mill. .-unfur l, Cimn.
l'r. J. N SrMirll. W e:ton. N. V.
Dr. hO-sMA S', i:i-.' Henry JtrKit. Brooklja. It T.
Ir. T M. HI NT. Aii'itm; N. V.
lr.Sho. I ltAsr ts Mi.tai.ruwn. Conn,
Pr.liEO A liO;i:il.S. liath, N. V.
I'r. K. Will I K. tr.-rti.nin. N. Y.
fcr.t. B. :aI.i:M'1.-K. l!yron. N. Y.
I'r. J O HIirM.is. F.yettPvUle. N. T.
lr. J. SKI.VNKK. lii-nrv lnw ttn,'1 V T
! Dr. O. tilH MAN. Cortland, N. V.
Fur lu Thnrnlnn A? H-.l-.. T ... ;
bufc. E.!j vi.n, yrw Berlin; S J Crou-e.
se!ni5rrnve ; (J A K V Mnyer, Krocburg ; II .
M.d.lleburg ; ; W .It & Eilert, Hartle
M.J.Ilebur ; Wilt & Ei
ton ; An-ea a Mencb. Mifllinburg
All letters and orders must he addressed to
Wallace aV Co 100, Broadway, Xcw York
V FRESH supply received at the Lewis
burg Cheap bookstore :
Fiske's M inual of Classical Literature
Davies' Analytical Geometry
Hlair's Rhetoric. (University edition)
Comstock's Mineralogy
The Complete Farmer, I vol, 62J cts
The New American Gardener, 1 vol, SI
The Hook that will Suit You, or a Word
for Everybody
I can furni.ih the above works, with a
great varielv of others, at very low prices.
May 30 8 F l.YNDAI.I.
mtuluw SASH.
A lot of 9x10 Window Sash, from the
cheap Manttdietorv of Sprout & llurrows,
on hand, and all sires got to order on
i short notice.
May.lcJ!) I G Lawshn
I .1 Air
er fill Inr ML'hnloeftla rip mtml.
Nov 13
Dr Thernti n & Baker
Kvv BUGGEY for sale, cheap. For
- fur,h:r P"''cular.. enouire at this
ollice. Lewisburg, Nov.7, 1849
A n'3 ""u 4""iV l.T SBiri DV
Ap 24
Reber & Iddings.
ft Tg
h, th, prin(ed , orJer
The Summer Session of ihe
"AVTII-'L commence on Moxnix the 29lh of
II Apiu. liuiractioD will be given, a for
merly, in ail branches necessary to thorough
Academic course. Our endeavor shall not be
iimjily to communicate knowledge, but to eicite
the youthful mind to act for iteelf. When this
is fully attained, the progress of the student
becomes at once certain and rapid. The kind of
learning which most of our youths in this country
need, is that solid literature, which, while it
matures their minds, prepares them also for llie
practical duties of lile.
Composition and Declamation will receive their
full share of attention particularly the former.
The Primary ilt-paitment shall have our special
care. Kiom the disposition manifested to sustain
the Institution, the subscriber feels stimulated to
renewed eiertions.
The Sessiun will consist of two Terms of J 1
weeks each a short vacation intervening. Tui
tion S!6 for the common branches, .$8 for the
higher English, and $10 for Languages, per
Session per Term, one half.
March 27, 18C0. Principal.
Tanning and Curry ing
I710R past favors, the subscriber reiurns
. his grateful thanks, and hereby makes
known that he carries on the business of
Tannins and Currying;,
at the Old Stand. Determined not to be
outdone in the manufacture or finish of his
work, he is bound to have the best work
men and materin's, nnd lo treat those who
have so liberally patronized (as well as
those nlo who shall be pleased to patronize
him) with that atlention which he hopes to
insure him a full share of public patronage.
All kinds of l'roduce taken in exchange.
Hides and Dark nol refused, for which the
highest market price will be paid in cash
or in exchange for leather.
March 2.". A.D. 1850
Xcar Ilarlictun, l uiun Co., I'a.
riMIK sulwciiber, thankful for the liberal
L patronage bestowed on his old cstab
l.shment. bejs h ave to inform his friends
and the nul.Iic in general, that he has now
removed his Machinery into his New Mill,
(ttco miles above Jlnrtlcton,near the Turn
pike.) vi hich has been bunt and lilted up on
the most improved plan, and will have on
by the middle of. April an entire new sett ol
in addition to his already good sett, which
will make it the largest and best fitted-up
establishment within 100 miles of it; nnd
with the advantage of one ofthe best wa'er
nowers. he feels safe in saving that his
establishment is nut nnd shall not be sur
passed bv any in this part of the country.
lie has engaged a good sett of workmen.
and is now prepared for manufacturing
Broad and Narrow CLOTHS,
Cassi meres, Tweeds, Satinetls,
Jeans, Flannels, Blankets, &c.
.n the best manner, on the shortest notice.
at reduced prices. iIj"For tho accommo
dation of customers, Wool may be left at
the following
Depositories :
New Beilin : E Wilson's
Si'linsgrove : Davis tV Sohnure
do John Huriraan Jr
Frreburir : fi F C Mover
Miildli-burg : Swengle&Hassingcr do
Adamsburg: Henry A Smith do
IVnnsValleyXarrows : Mrs Moalz do
MiMliiil-urg : Henry Gast d i
Kant UutTitlo : Hnmurl Hrber's Tavern
liufl'.ilo-Y Koada: J M Origin's Store
LemULurg : J Hayes & Co do
do Rfber & Iddings do
West Milton : John Ditesman
Mill. n : Masteller & Swenk
do Sweeney & Haig
I.ilieity P O: m Dale's
l.iitarstone : Weidenhainer'a
Poti.-grove : James Heed
A good n-isorlment of Cloths, Satinette,
Cassinieres.T weeds, Jeans, Flannels, I'lan
kets. Stocking Yarn, &c. always For Sail
or F.xi-hirine for Wool or country Produce
at the New Factory.
CM RD1XG awlFULLlXG as usual.
Winn ld Mills, March 1, 1650
A'if only in Cu.Vfirnla,4jut oho in Letruburg!
A goud assortment of
fiit-liFi, Silverware & Jewelry,
of fine quality and at City piices.
Hatfield & Thompson
neApectfully inform the citizens of Lewisburg nnd
vicinity, lhat thev have entered into Partnership
at (be ( ILU S I A S u on Market St , opposite J
Ifayes ic Go's Store, prepared to execute every
kind of work in their line, in the best manner.
They cirefully selected of the best Kiijlih and
r reni n matenaU, Mainspring's l.ylmders bcanc
vtliei-1 and a variety of Wntch Jewels, and fl itter
themselves that their knowledge and skill in the
business will enable them to give satisfaction to
all who may favor them nith patronage.
FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex, E-
capement, I.epines, Anchars, Detached, i
Patent Levers, ltrpeaters, and Musical Watches,
&c neatly repaired and wairantcd
Also for sale, a viriety of Gold and Silver
V ateues. Patent Levers, Anrhars. Detached. Le-
pines, Quartiers, an.l EnglUh Watches, Gold
Chains, llreasl-pins. Finger and Ear rinr. Gold
and Silver Belt Slides, Bracelets, Gold and Silver
4jy2t'riBrencl19 nl Ien, lo Spectacles,
' -ilver Bpoona, Sugar tonga.Combs,
Ac Ac. in short, a little of eerv thing, and
anything else, not mentioning knick-hmirks.
always on nano or got to order
A variety of Brass Clocks for 3 and upwards
at wholesalx and retail
Persona desiring to get things ri$ht, would do
'y i'ving ine sutweubers a call
Evpeoence trlla as that the Credit System can
w auoro a living, i Derelors. in order to "i
necessarily be enforced. Feb 2. 1 S50
.:i a e . . '
fl K C K T PT orlckrstisl
A OZ Spts Ammonia. 16 oz Spta Turpentine, 4
'k oz tSpts Camphor ; mix in bottle. Take 0
to 8 tablespoonfuls above mixture : l pints soft
nap to an ordinary tub of hot water; mix thor
oughly together, then pot the clothes in the tub,
and let them remain fifteen minute before wash
ing them out ; then rinse them through two or
three waters, hang np and dry. This Washing
Mixture for rale h C. W. SJIACFFLE.
136 Grecniricft St. New York.
r'PHE Proprietors beg to call the atlention
X of connoisseurs in Tca.and the heads ol
families to the choice and rare selection of
Teas imported by them, hitherto unknown
in this country, which, by their fragrance
and delicacy, combined with virgin purity
and strength, produce nn infusion of sur
passing richness and flavor. The Teas
offered, are the following :
I he Jeddo Dltjom, a Black Tea, at $1,00 per lb.
Aiphnn do 75
lturi do SO
Oiucca a Green Tea 1,00
Too-tsias do 75
Ticki t-iaa do SO
L J li Mixture, a compound of the
most rare and choii'e Teas
grown on the fertile and genial
foil of Aeaai t,00
With a view to encouraee the introduc
tion of these matchless Teas, it is the
intention of the proprietors to distribute by
lot, among the purchasers, a quantity of
Teas equal to the Firtt Year's Profits on
the sales effected. Each purchaser will
receive enclosed in the package.a numbered
certificate, entitling him to
One Chance in the Distribution
for every Fifty Cents laid out, and on the
receipts amounting to 5'JO,000, trie under
mentioned parcels of Tea, to the value of
10 per cent., or Two Thousand Dollars,
according to the following scale:
5 Prizes 5(1 lbs Tea each at $1, 350 lbs. $!50
20 ' So 500 ' 000
SO "10 " " 500 ' 500
1)0 "5 " 500 " 5110
250 " 1 " " 250 250
425 Prizes in all. ltn.2,000 $3,000
TI:oe persons who prefer lower-priced
Tcas.cnn receive their Prizes in proportion,
or they will be Re-purchased for Cash at a
reduction of 10 per cent.
Country .Igentt required. Applica
tions to be addressed (post-paid) to the
Compare's Depot, as above. f3ni322
AT70RMS woitMs ! Various theories
V have been slarted rlative to the origin
of intestinal worms, and yet the question is
a vexed one among medical authorities. Ul
one fact, however, all are informed, and in
which till agree the fatal nature ofthe
influence they exert on children. As this
season of the year is one at which attacks
of worms are most frequent as well as most
dangerous, we lake grent pleasure in direct
ing the attention of parents to Dr.M'Lane's
Vermifuge. It is ono of the most extraor
dinary medicines ever introduced, and has
never failed of success when tried.
AnzLPiu. Ross Co, Ohio, Feb 18, 1818
Messrs J Kidd & Co : We wish to inform you
that we have sold ell your Worm Specific left
with us. We wish you to send us some more as
soon as possible, as it has given general satisfac
tion here. We have many calls for it since we
are out of the article. It baa succeeded all other
preparationa in this county, and for this reason
we wirh to keep a supply on hand.
The above is one o( hundreds of similar
communications which the proprietors ol
: his medicine are daily receiving. Where it
lias been introduced.it has become ihe most
popular remedy in use.
AGENTS C W ScairrLE, Lrwisburg; H
J Sbafer and J II Itaser. Milion ; I Gerhart, Se
linfgrove; J W Friling, Sunbury ; Mrs M'Cay,
Northumberland, M C Oner, J Moore, Danville
iFrutt ana
swr .
The subscriber offers for sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties,
all warranted genuine Peach trees, 20
varieties; 1 artanan Cherry, Aectarine,
Prune and Pear trees, together with some
6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines ofthe best
native end exotic varieties. Ornamental
frees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, &c.
I'he above trees can be seen by ihe 1st of
April, on the premises of the subscriber,
ono square above Christ & M'Faddin's
N. 15. Persons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Fruit trecs,are requested to
make immediate application to tnesuuscri
ber. in order to procure tho varieties and
size wanted. II. K. NUL.L,.
Lewisbnrg, March 4, 1S50.
Ikan.lrcth's Pills are sold at 25
cts per box (with full directions)
BY J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, and
I by only one Agent in every town in
the I'nion. Each Agent has a Certificate
of Agency. Examine the box o' pills always
snd compare it with the fac simile labels on the
Ortili-5 le of Agency. As there is a counteifeit
of the n label nut, this is of much importance,
as titer ia a decided difference between the
appea.-rnce of the true labels snd those of the
Counij fiit. The counterfeit is done on stone;
the re mine are done on steel. The appearance
of IT printing on the counterfeit is ragged and
Iilur" ; the genuine label is the very pink of
neatness, both in printing, paper, and general
Be very careful and goto the Agent.nhen you
want Brandreth'a Pills : then you are sure of the
genuino article. When you purchase otherwise,
inquire of the seller whether he knows the pills
he offers you are the genuine Brandieth's? Ev
ery man knows whether the article he offers is
true or false. Beware of cheats !
rTHE subscribers offer the public, al their
L new Brick Foundry, ihe following new
and valuable Stoves :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with
a Brirk Oven.
Ladv Washington Parlor Stove.
Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood
2 sizes.
Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size. 12 inch cyl
Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor 8tove 2
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for WooJ 2
Egg Stove the vers best in nsfl for Stores.
Offices, Barrooms, and Shops.
I tie celebrated Genesee Air Tight Cook Stove.
The Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Casting. &c. &c.
L'wisburg, Dee. 12, 1819.
y W SLkV MJ liy
New Arrangement!!
Reduction of Prices.
IIIOMPSONS' SusoceuasSa Express
and Fkeiciit Line
I now running regularly twice a week
from Philadelphia, via Penn'a Central K.R.
to the Junction, thence by last line of Ex
press Bonis to Selinsgrore, Northumb'lnd,
Sui bu'ry.Uunville.Bioomsburg.Lewisburg,
Milion, Muncy, Williamsport. &c.
Goods and Packages delivered by this
line in from one to two days. The prices
are such as must give satisfaction to all.
Produce carried through (and sold, il
desired! with despatch. Persons living off
the line, can have their goods left at such
place as they may direct.
jrNew Express Offi?e No.38.North
Third St.Philad. Freight Ollice at Messrs.
Ciaig Si Bellas'; Depot, corner of Broad
and Cherry Sts.
Orders ree'd iu Lewisburg at the Stores
ol Messrs. Shel'er.Ly ndall.and Foster, and
Hotels of Messrs. Kline and Weidensaul
and in Seliusgrove at the Store of John
Ilartman, Esq.
May 10, 185?.
DR. J. N. KEELER &. BRO. most res
pectfully solicit attention to their fresh
stock ol English, French, German, and
.liner ican Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che
micals, Oils, Dyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu
mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &c.
Having opeued a new store, No 291, Market st,
with a full supply ol fresh Diugs and Medicines,
we respectfully solicit country dealers to exam
ine our stock before purchaMng elsewhere, prom
ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex
tend to us their patronage, lo sell them genuine
Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any
other house in the City.and to faithfully execute
all orders entrusted to us promptly and with de
spatch. One Of the proprietors being a regular physi
cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine
quality of all articles sold at their establishment.
We especially invite druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Family Medicines,
(standar I and popular remedies.) to forward their
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respects
fully remain,
J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists,
Ij281 No. 2U4, Market St., l'hilad.
VfTOULD inform the pub'ic, that they
have opened a shop on Fourth street
lower story of S. W. WykotPs old stand,
opposite Hunter Pardoe s shop, where they
keep on hand or mane iu uiuu
Fancy and Common Chairs,
Hoston Rocking Chairs also
Bureaus. Tables, lieds'.cuos.
of various kinds,
i Settees. &c. &c.
All work in our line warranted to be well
made, and on the most reasonable term9.
House and Sisn PAINTING
attended lo by the subscribers on the shor
lest notice and in the best Mle.
Country Produce and Lumber taken in
payment and Cash not relused, but ratne
The subscribers intend to be strict in the
fulfilment of all their promises as regards
work and so doing, hope to receive
liberal share of public pnlronage.
Lewisburg. Nov. 1849
aV a ' M av ja-as
new and valuable Medicine, now
used by the medical profession with
s ich astonishing efficacy in the cure ot
Vulmunartj Consumption. Scrofula, Chronic
Rheumatism, ISotit, general Debility,
Complaints of the Kidneys,
SiC Ate, is prepared from the liver of the
COD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly
(or our sales.
Extract from the London Medical Journal.
C. J. B.Williajis, M. D.. F.R.S., Professor ol
Medicine in University College, London, consul
ting physician to Ihe Hospital lot Consumption,
Ac , says ; " 1 nave prcscrioeu uie on iu aoove
four hundred cases of lubeiculous disease of the
Lungs, in different slages,which have been under
my care the last two years and a half. In the
Urge number of cases, 206 out of 234, its use was
followed by marked, unequivocal improvement,
varying in degree in different cases, from a tem
porary retardation of the progress of Ihe disease
and a mitigation ol distressing symptoms, up to
a more or less complete restoration to apparent
"The effect of the Cod Livet Oil in most of
these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few
days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration
diminished in quantity and opacity, the night
sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of
better volume, and the appetite, flesh and stiengtb
were gradually improved.
" In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil
from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in
the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than
any agent, medicinel, dietetic or regimenal, that
has yet been employed,"
As we have made arrangements lo pro
cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head
quarters, it can now be had chemically
pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of
one dozn each.
Its wonderful efficacy has induced num
erous spurious imitations. As its success
depends entirely on its purity, too much
care can not be used in procuring it genu
ine. Every bottle having on it our written
signature, may be depended on as genuine.
Pamphlets containing an analysis ofthe
t'il, with notices of it from the Medical
Journals, will be sent to those who address
us free of postage.
Wholesale Druggists and Chemists,
Iy28ft 100 North Third St. Philadelphia
Annuity and Trust Company.
Office. 74, IFalnut Street, Philadelphia.
CriTL, $250,000 Charter Perpetual.
rf IHE Company are now prepared to transact
I business upon the most liberal and advanta
geous terms. They are authorized by their charter
(sec. 3) ' to make all and every insurance apper
taining to life ris cf whatever kind or natuie, and
to receive and execute trusts, make endowments,
and lo grant and purchase annuities." The Com
pany sell anfiailies and endowments, and act as
trustees for minora and hcira.
Table of Premia
u'umi reijuired fur the Asturauce
fur the u-hole term of Life.
Age.Prem. Ase.Prem.
of 4100
Ago. I rem
Age. Prem. Age.Prem.
31 S 09 40 $3 3G
32 2 15 47 3 49
33 2 20 49 3 62
34 8 27 49 3 77
35 2 33 50 3 94
36 2 40 51 4 13
37 2 47 52 4 32
33 2 51 53 4 51
39 2 63 54 4 71
40 2 70 55 4 91
41 2 81 56 5 12
42 2 92 57 5 33
43 3 01 9 5 54
44 3 12 59 5 73
45 3 23 60 C 03
$1 50
1 53
1 56
1 59
1 60
1 63
1 CS
1 69
1 72
1 76
1 85
1 89
1 94
1 99
2 04
The meruiums are leas than any other company
and the policies afford greater advantages. Mar
ried women and female children can insure the
lives of either a husband or parent free from the
claims ot creditora. Tables cf half yearly and
quarterly premiums, half credit ralta ol preminm,
short terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow
ments and forms of application are to be had at
the Office or of Ihe Agent.
Kates fur insuring $100 a tingle Lije.
Age. For 1 year. For 7 years. For Life.
3,0 81 i 1 ou
0 99
1 2J
1 86
3 43
1 30
1 64
2 07
3 97
2 04
2 70
3 94
6 03
Example : A petsou agetl du years next tuna
day by paying the Company 99 cts would secure
to his family or heirs $100 should he die iu one
year, or for 9 90 be secures lo them $1000, or for
13 00 annually for seven years he secures to them
1000 should he die inseveo years, or for 20 4
paid yearly during life he secures 1 000 to be paid
when he dies the insurer securing bis own bonus
by the difference in amount of premium from those
charge J bv other offices. For 49 50 the heirs would
A . . 1 .
receive $5000 should tie uie in one year.
PETER CULLEX, President.
F. W. RA WLE, Sec'y and T.eas.
Kor further particulars apply to
Aiftnt for I'nion and adjoining counties.
Consulting Physician W. Halts, M. 1).
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. July SI, IS49
rpHE subscribers, thankful for past patro
I nage, would inform ihe public that they
continue to manufacture nil kinds of
Cast Water Wheels of,,hte, 'mi"eJ
Threshing Machines.
One and Two HorseJ
Ploughs. iS
We invile particular attention to a new
article Wiard's Patmt GANG rLOl'GUS, lor
SCfdinS in Grain. Formers by this plough
can seed in as much grain, in one day, as
in three days with common ploughs.
eT9tuf ant? Curmnrr,
ana rillHIS lliesdllie. liuuiiu"
Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth-
ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to
suit cooking stoves.
the most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal.
Fancv.Parlor, Wood. Coal Stoves
It ace 'n Sir-rrgulating Air-tlgut
Parlor VY ood Stoves, (a new ariicie.)
Threshing Machines and other article
of machinery repaired in the best manne
and on the shortest notice. Castings war
ranted to be of the best material, and a
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburg, March 25, 1843 1)209
flHE undersigned continues to furnish to order
I on the most reasonable terms. Pianos, from
the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philad..whose
instruments are too well known to need any pan
egyric, naving uniformly received the commend
ations of the most eminent professors and compo
sers of Music, and the award of the premiums in
NewYork,Philade!ihia and Bo Sinn. For nnnlitip
oi tone, touch, and tc:ping in tone up to conceit
pitch, they can not be surpassed bv either Amer
ican or Luroneai Pianos.
Instructions given on the Piano, as heretofore.
Reference may be ma-?e to a?iy of those parents
or guardians who have pupils committed to his
charge. He may be seen at his residence at Mrs
.'laiie s. Market street, LewUbure. where terms
and particulars will be made known.
The most popular and favorite Airs and Mnsie
of different kinds received aa it is issued from the
ditferent musical establishments in the Cities.
The New Foundry
S now carried on as usual, at the upper
end of Market street, where everv des
cription of CASTINGS is ke'pt on
nana or maue to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves,
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also PI.O I Trills; Of differ
ent Kinus uorn Ploughs, Hull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpening Plough,
a new article, and which can not be beat
in Pennsylvania. Call and see and iudce
for yourselves. 6
Lewisburg. Sept. 3, 1949
J'uk sale by
Le-ui,,. w.TsSi IDWJWW
Pianos! I'iitiios.
'An ounce of Prevention worih
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale in Lewisburg
by S. F. Ljndal! J. Houghton and a;
this office. Price, 75 cenls.
j ,
I I.xt Evaan
TnirKS nr QrACKI.
Evxavsovv Kkad this Casvli.v. Tlit" n
,r,a f..r rule in t!i difTVrer.l towns callc-t S r.
. i. c ...11. . .Iv-rlU-H U. 4ll:M.L
NAL.IEM'INE.aiKtalllnaU iiiw r .wiuend lano.tuctjf
ami neer waa; butwaaforiiwlyaworVeronr.11rwiA.es.
I nala, and the like yet he amitm tho uUa ol Doctor tur :w
I purr)" of ran. mi creilit lor wltit i Mi, lie aA "ha
1 ha alleritleil twrt .u..!.rAl schno;, unA practiced tr Qr!ei.
vear ! !" Now tha truth is. he never practiced mrihcitie a
: day in hu lile! Such tci'fut. eiVtil mnrejri!.'ii'a:ioa
. looks bad to tiie eliaractcraiid veracity f ins man. J wmS
' nwwt aiuccrely, t:a had n-vtfr niile tlioraicmeiiA l bdu
i sell or of me- When will men V.ini lo lie houeatand uiuS
i lul in all their 'teaun?a anil iiiferroiir-s with their fai-l
' ,mn i lie ani.iii-il to one Kuel C'iaiir. to aiAt him ia mil
ulaetoring h MUtiure. atatine llie iar?e sums ha w a' I
make, as an inr'uceinent to eiiitwrtt in the huaineAn. T:u i
men have bren inauiun and tibeliiris; me in all p-1
form, in order to impre the public wuh the belief tX 1
the Old Ifir'or'A Saranlla mi n -t the nutnt. ori'W, u
Hiirmaiu t'u. ma te Irum ihe 11.1 IktHr'l OriiTirtl 7.'J .
pie. Tins S. I. Tuwniend i-avs I have nld ine use nl a:
name lor7 a week. 1 mil n him 3i if bo will p.
iluceone alnirle miliary Tr-m cf this. Ilia stSAemenia of
Thomp.n. i-killman 4 Co.. are noihin but a uiuut of
falsehoods. Aiintily niaJe to deceive tha .ub.ie. snd k f.
Uie truth down in resard to his Aouriw, ermAwruif
pound. Tina i to caution the pub ic lo purcliaas none
Old Or. J A 'Oil Townil a Sarsapaniia. havine ; on i : .
Old, ltoctor s likeneas. hi. oni.'jr LjH of Arm, ai.C s
sicnatureacrosa the a. oar oi srnw.
nM Ilf lopf.h TnivncMiii
V1U DH aHAViis a v ii V.UHJ
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla,
Old Dr. Townaend is now about 70 yean ol a. n.f -use
brut been known as th- A UTHOIl ami DlSffi VEUEtt
i the uKsnst: i iinais al -tuwssesd
SAHSAfARlLLA." Belnr poor, ho was cuini:.cj a!
limit lia inauulacture. by winch meana it has been Arpt ..ut
of market, and the salea rirrunncribed lo those otiiy wra,
had proved its worth, and known in value. It had reacUd
Die ears of manv, nevertheless, aa those jieraons wl. . t.ad
l een healed of -ore diseases, and saved Iroic dai, (.1
Claiuied Its wondrrfiit
utiiulaciureii'm ihe lartf?:t iie,a.'i.i r caiird :. r .;.: v-,"i-oul
tiij Irntrth and brreulih m the iainl. e.-xi'OaiiT u j
found nnNaible ci dzrirrrmun or de.rri-rat.n.
I'ntike youns? S P. Tawreri'i, it improvri nth itf.
and never rhanesbut lor (he btier : bec-tue i: n p e; arsal
n scientific jrtncijn'cm by scientific m'm. TSu uienam
knowledge oi t'tjemi-trraitil the liim diroyei.e a if
mrt, have alt Wit brotishi into rquiKini in the nsii.u'itv
lurot ihe Old Ur SaisafanlU- The Sjr-a:ri..i f-'L
It is well kuowti to mcdic-U tneti, co.ia:ii niar.y rneU':cu
profwr'aeat. and jine pr-jnK-e which are uwrii or w
and oiherfi. wtiit'h if rt-iamr'i in (r-pnn it lor nt, i ;
duce fcrmeniutttm aid ttctrf, winch w n.jurious to .fie
tein. Suiiie n( ihe f-r.-pcrtic ol iSarsafa.rit:a are ta ;im.s
tliat they rntirviy evaisuraie an.1 are lt r. the t-re;--.Ta:fjtt
il tney are not pi-etervel by a cie mtic process, knyti t,u
1y to th-ane eiifieriiiceil in nn maitursirture MireoTra
thee TtXti-'iVe prtncijf'er. winch rly of! in vio&eir aa ei
halation, uiuk'r h. i. are tt very tcntiai mcdc4 yrj
erties ol the rout, winch give to n all iu vaiue
Aut ienwri can boll or stew the root till tr.ey e: a tirt
frtlored liquid, which i i!re troiu the frt'riti; maiter ia
the noi than from ariTthuii e.se; thev can ihca piram mie
liiaifid or vapft iiTuni. wtt-icu with m'ir moli'ri
But tii'.h is not the arti.-V known a- ritr
Tin? is prvi.aret! th.it all the inert pmpertiw of
SAir-aj-siriiia iwa are first removed, everyihiia cajftb1ei'
beciMiiinf acid or k-iineutation ta extracted and rejecu i ;
then every j 'stride ui uieitical virtue t aeenm) m a par
and cjnceuirareJ I'onn ; and thu.- it is rendered mcaj.af:
oi iwinz any ol lis vstiuaote ana neatiru pnpeniv. rr
rAAcdnithis war. it i. iiia.le ihe mi-t rverlul acear in u.s
Cure or i..A.umeri.ie iJj.e-.e..
vi.'.e in its favor bv men. wumcu, and children. Ws find A
doins wotnlvrs in in- cure of
VU.slm.MPTl", I'YSPPPSt.t, a-id LIVEIi
LI.i, PILES. '!. Tl r.MESS. a'l Cl'TASL'
and ait arVrrioi. Trtsm; lnni
It pot9e a marv.'iuw t-rfirj.-v m at romplaint arfc
tin? (mm lti,iic$:i.'n rn.-m Arulityof the Stimtach, lria
mieoua! c ircuiji' u. ijftern.ina'i-n ;l Lioo.1 to lle ha4,
i.aiL.itj-.K-'. ol ih. hf.irt. 'et-t and hamti. coid cmj;!4 aui-J
hot flx-ite ,,rtr f1'.- I l),ls '" iisr'!u;i' in CWj ais4
Vnughs an.l pP-Mi-ne""e.iv rTr-ecioraiiun a.il entit pel- .
firjtft.-n. ieiuxiii 8iru:uw vl l'ic luiigs, Uaruoi sim ai
u.her part. . .
Put in fi.t!iini is its e trt Hence more rriai.ticsuy seen Uui
ackutWs.i:t''' t-tn I" ttlt kin-s : suites ol
! works won Vni in cr f Huor A.bus or Wi?fa.
Fuittne the ll"uA, fhstTuetd. SupjrisL. oi I'ain'ni
w. 'in ularity of the menstrual perKUi. an-1 the kke;
and ta rrteiMual in curins ail ihe lorni il Kitirw Ihseastm.
Bv removing ob-truotiv'i. arni retruiain.s the eenersi
vste:it. it a ivc iwie and strength w Cxt whula bwiy, aad
thus cure all lorn is ot
Ktrvon Dfieaset and Debility,
ami thus prevent .r relieve a ?reat vanriy ol wilier nai
a.iics, as NpituU imtuticn XeureUtfia, St. Viius iJiin..
ASV'wninr, inlrptic Ftt. CunruUwns. c.
It cieaiiM-9 ilte biood. exciit.- the lier to healihy .u ji
tones the stomach, and eivw sr-aod duextion. reiievts ih
biwels of torpor and owsiirpattoii, allavs inltamnution, l
n'irs the okin, es)(-ilieA the circulatlou ol the b:oot. p.
icu4 senile warmth equally all over ihe bodyta,'.d oa
insensiliTe perntrsMon : retakes stnrtures an4 nehfess. r
moves all otwtntriionit, and invigorate the enure befM
yrrem. U not ihie then
Tha ivfedlclne yon pre-rmlnenfly neetlt
But can anv ol tlie-.e ihu.xs ba said oi S. P. Townci'
mlcrior anicle 1 Tits vounir mat' liquid is mw be
herause of one 1. R Np f' tT, thai Uie one ts lc At A
BLE ot DETtRIOK till , and
while the Other IX ES: smtrinS'. feTmrnlinM nat S'mriL .
Me bottles contain!?.? it into fraements : the moir.
liquid exptudins.and daina-rn other poxU! Mcil l' ti.i
vrnble compomvl be xi.-xiioiis u the jM-nm ! ir'.i.'
put aeifi into a system already Hisewed iruk acui I nn
causes l(-cpiia but an t J !. wr not ait know ijm w ea
frJ sours in our similarity, what miM-hiel it pros'-rc
Aaiulenct. h.anburn. raliMia'ton ol thm h. rt U-sr r-tm.
pUuit. dtevrrh-ea. ilyseiitcn. folic, and r-.rnit.iion ot' the
nlood? Whit is Scio!tt but an an. h'linnr in the r-iv i
What nrodiires all 'he hntrta-n mIhk .riaut,..,,r
the Skin, Scahl Ilea.!, Siiil Hh.-um. I., v-jlas, WUta
Swellings, Fever S.res. and all uircrafton mtemal ami ei
leraai I li is nmhina untVr hr'avfn r an utsMtv,
which sour, and lit us spi:si all ihe flmJs nl :. ho.lv m..r.
or lea. ht cu-e.- Rltimtim ht:t .1 ur ai'tsl arn
fluid whir h in-onuaies i;-.t be: wren the ioinu ami
whfir. irni.itinsr and mflamin? ihe Hrhrnre tifnc upfn
WhlCh it arts 1 So of nrVttllM iIisacXU-SI Al" imnoni. - ihs
blood, of dcranr-fil rirctilarion, and nearly all the ailmeii's
iK.iiaiiiii.i iiuiii.iii utTiTirr.
w is 11 not ha.r.ble to make ami sett, anil ."'i.-a
enr. to itsc this
ami ret he wnnti fIn have it nnili'rsi.Hxl that OM lr. Ja
sob T.wun.r Hrnuin Original Sirrraparitta, is an IM
ITATION ol ln inferior preparfltuHi ! I
Hrarrn forhtit tliAt we Ah..ii!.l ileal in an arrirte vhict
vmnt.l bear the moat tlistant resemhlam-e to S. P. Town-
VVe wish it UD.lerion.1. Keejinse it i il. .Kn-.. .,a
that S. P. Townsen.ra article ami nlil lr. Juron Town-emi
Sarsaparilla are rei, -Vie oswrrr iWm..i.'u.i
iter,- that ther are unlile in everv aruculax, ' kavnnt iwi
one ainle iIiiiik hi roinmon.
Aa S. P. Townseml is h., A rtor. and new ws. W s
shennat. no harma rni 1st know, nn more nl meUirnie M
"tsssse uian any other cominou. unsrientitic. unproles..ir.Al
aian. what fuaranl" can ihe pnlilK h.-ve thai ilie -e r
eeivini Pennine sriennlic meilKine. cmaiiui t all ihei
tues ol Uie articles n il in iireparmt It. sn.t w!l- 'e i
rapahla ol chn:e which mi -hi render Uiem the At:tT
I Tnsease iniHeadof liAtth?
But whut else ahnuid he ep!c'ej from tine wV-s wr.-
nothlns; comparalivelv ol meiiiriue or iiisr.ve T It re ;
a persoD ol' some experience to em.k anil serre npeses a
enmrmin decent meal. Ili.w mts-h innre important is s
that the persons who manolacture nie.iicitieilesi.ni1 f-r
should snow well ths me.lical proper lea ol plania. th- b
manner ol aerurms anJ cincentrHiiiis lhair hc.ilii.s rn-'"
alio an estetuiive know!el of ihe various lin-eas whicb
siree. the human sjnero, and how to iulaiu reumlus
these diseais
It is In arrrm fntnits upon th nnfnr-imste. to rwi: h-ts
mlo wounded hainantin, to knulle h.i m ihe ile-iMinni
oosnm. to restore hralih. ami bloom, ami virur in:" ''''
erasheit ami broken, and U tnnSh infirmiiv that lM P
jAt'OBTIIWNSKNU has SlM Oll T anj 'FOtMHramP
psrtuniiv ami means to hnns his
israavd Vnlrsraail t-oiacentraled ResneJv'
within the reach, and to the knowledge ol ail who n! 14
Utai they may leant and know, hy jovml cxiierienes, its
Traaisveaulaiiat Power to Ileal.
AeF.MTS for the above Medicine C '
Schaflle, Lewtsburs : John II Raer, M1
ton ; Forsyth &, Priestly, Northun.b'ia
ONE P.ujgpy and Sett of Harness,
One Two Horse Wa"on,
One Truck Wajn,
For sal by H r !if!.'?