Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 19, 1850, Image 3

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. The mcsictl performances ol Mr. Shar;i
wiic"a have eciied w much aileniion, are
not such ari uncommon thing after all.
We bsl week heard Ihf same thing dime
by two smnH boys of Divid Djncau isq.
t Spring Mills, Centre county, and were
iniorrfieJ that there were severiil oiher lad
in the neighborhood who could do the same.
The" only requisite is to keep the tongue at
the roof of the mouth. A slight peculiarity
perhaps, in the windpipe, is necessary to
insure success. Good Samaritan.
ICpAnd here is another:
Ou Tuesday evening lat. we attended
the performance of Mr. D C. Manna, and
hid the pleasure of listening to his pectoral
or lung music. There is atnnethinjf, very
strange in the manner he produces sounds.
B a means which nciilier he nor the most
Scientific can account for, he breathes a
melody much like that tra!e by an organ,
and accompanied by a sonorous bass which
irina a nerlert nsrmnnv with the strain.
! ' r i... : r ..,f wnniWfut !
, n u, ... ...
that has ever come under our enervation.
and is capable ot a hih oeoree ol cuitiva- .
lion. Brookville (l a.) Jetlersoninn.
, . I
BUI hILU'.Li. A 1:1a namea Aicm ;
Mills, aced nine Years, son f Jacob Mills j
of this place, lost his life on Saturday
morning Ins'., by a most distressing accid
ent. While p'aying about the machinery
connected with the la" he at the Rouh A;
Ready Rolling-Mill, his. hand was caught
between two cog-whjels, nhich drew in
his arm and shoulder, and finally forced
the whole body through the wheels and
between the geating which they revolve
upon, mangling it in a most shocking
manner, and causing instant death. The
roll-turner was not at the lathe at the time
of the accident, nor was any other person
npar enough to render timely assistance.
Danville Int., June 14.
Huston, June 15.
A daring attempt was ma1e last night to
rob the M.ttapsn Bank, Dorchester. The
robbers fired a pistol al the bank watchman,
nnd the ball passed through his hat. The
watchman fired in return, when the rub
bers fled, leaving a lot of skelt ton keys in
the road. The watchman gavechase, when
the robbers faced about, and threatened to
hoot him if he advanced. One of the rr!
lrs was wounded ; as. uhm they left, bis
companions were obliged to lift him into
the buggy wagon.
C7The Court House plan for fit
ting up and repairing the old Court House
in this borough, has been exhibited to the
building committee, by Mr. II. K. Noli.,
nf Lewisburg, which seems to meet the
Ksncral approbation of our citizens. Il fin
shed according to the draft, the old Court
Mouse will present a very classic appear
ance, and le an ornament to pur town.
Danville Democrat.
Why not tear down the inconvenient old
hell, and build a new one, at once T
Nineteen of the principal Merchants of
Danville have agreed to close their Stores
til ?1 o'clock, P. M., during Summer.
Corrected this Day.
Wheat 105olI0
Rye 50
Corn 50
Oats 30
Flaxseed "100
Dried Apples 1"
Butter 12
Kgga 8
Tallow 10
Lard 1
Ham 6 Bacon 6
We the undersigned agree
to close oar respective places of business on the
Fourth of July, so as to give all hands an oppor
tunity of attending the exerci.ea at the University
sod spending the day in pleasure and amusement.
1. J. WALLS,
(and otbirs.)
I. at. BOWES,
Lewisburg, Jane IS, 1850
At the University Celebration, July 4,'50.
Totommentt prtciftly at 10 o'clock, A M.
1. Beading of Scriptures, Prof. TAYLOR.
J. Prayer, by Prof A.VUEIISON'.
.' Mask, by CaJrersity Choir.
4. Reading of Declaration of Indrp, by C. C. BITTIXO .
. Waste.
5. Oration on Declar. of Independence, by J. T. LAKE.
. Mane.
a. Oration, on Our Country, by J. M. LI XX.
. Most.
10. Oration, by J. K. TAOOART.
11. Vasie.
11 Benediction, by Prot BI.IS9
The public are respectfully iuriti'd to atknd.
- NOTICE. After the 1st of August nrttt
we cap not receive Notes under $5 of any
Bank but of Pennsylvania. Relief note
'are not prohibited from circulation by the
new law.
- Subscribers at a distance are desited to
notice this, and to remit us Penn'a money
if. possible, at once. Our own citizens will
. , do well to work off all their foreign money
' as fast as possible to the Cities, as il is the
intention of business men and officers to
'BJPOBCB The Law, hard tho' it be.
k it i ir k
GEORGE S. EEKaillEpE3.i.l
fa Graduate of the Univsrait of PeoasylTania,)
, PhjvlclssB & Surgeon..
tCT Office, opposite J. Deckaid's Ilo'el :
Union county, Pa.
Iiinirlt, tR5n. "mpri
1NPORTAXT to those hiving impurities
r tite iiiuod.-akA.NTs rciurvi.u EX
TRACT, the most wonderful Purifier in the
world, U now lit U in QfnT i rm(. Xj"8
advertisements lit-adcd "it I!JMJS." It is o
strong and puriiyiiiK, thai one bottle la-' from
ten to fifteen ua) louder than Sarsaparilla. I)r
Thornton cSr. Hiker, agent, LewUburg. i.2in323
For I be Care mt
hoahseuess, snoir-
The uniform success which has attended the
use of this preparation its salutary tffeci its
power to relieve and cure hlT.'ciiun of the Lungs,
'"ve gained fur it a celebrity equaled by no other
marine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire
confi()enrt in ig ,irtueSt ad he fu ,)tief llBt
it Ktil fUi,due an(j remove ,he severest attacks of
diseases upon the throat i,d lune. As these
resull become puMic, tliev iiatumlty attract the
attention of medical m. ii and philanthropists
yhere. Whit is their opinion of Cherry
Pectoral, mir lie seen below
VALENTINE AH ITT, M D. Prof. Surgery
Medical College, New York, says
It iriv mi- prrat pli-nsure to certify thcTalne and ern
es -v nf A tr: I 'liim- l-i.-inral wliii-li I r.ii..iil,-. mi'iil ini!..
j ailctnu il to run- diseases of tin-1 brunt nlii Lung.
The Kt Kev Lord Bishop FIELD wriics in a
letter to his friend, who was fast linking under
an sff'Clion of the I. unci;
Try 11m- OifrTT IVrlnrnt. mnl if snv mctirine ran ge
jo'j r-lii f, with ilu- M.-ins ?! tliiU will.
I'iinf Justice EI.'KI I;E, of l.nuisiana.nrite:
Tliat a Tounff !iHJu!itT of lii whs nml .f ivfrml
s. r r MUu k i.f Klit'P, liy tin-1 Lerry l'ixtiral.
ASTHMA and BKONf'HI US. The Cana
dian Journal of Medical Seirnce states.
That Atlinia atid Itninrliili.o. im firvvaient tn tliii.
incli'iui-nt riiuiut.., !i:m- yiMM with imrjiriiiinir r.tpiilitT
to Avit's fhi'iry l,'-rtornl, aint run not v strongly
riTmiunentl this kiltul pr'yaratioa U the Irofrtiun aud
Iil4ir fliiTully.
Let the relievrd sufTerer speak for himself :
II uiiriiKn. Jon. 2rt. 147.
Ir. J. C Ayr !-ar Sir: Ilnvini; Imn rewuitl from a
painful and tluim-ntUM UiM-KM. icrutituiie j.naujitj. mt to
iu'Ih) you thin ai-knowhunu-nt, not only in juntir,- to you
hut fir III" information of olhiTft in like sfliirtioh.
A liht rold nHn tin- Imi?. nrli'rtjHl m firrit, tioraine
Kn 4'rfi' that foitttn? of Mnm1. a vim'iit nicph, anil 'ro-fuh-
ni.'ht HratJl foiwr anl o-U-unt vn mi. 1 K-raini'
faiarial.l. niulj rot -.lii-p. wm ilitn-wM-u l.y hit roueh.
nti't a -:ain tliniuirh my rlii-.. anl in fhort had all the
r.l::rmitiic -.yililitoins of ijuirk rotl-iuII.it:iin. No mi-ilirtnt-
f-ei'ii.i.l at ll to n-arh my cmm until 1 prriviili-utially
Iririi your t'he-rry ri-rtorial, whiiii mhiii rehevi-U and now
has rumi rue.
Your-, with n-i-ert, . A. STEWART.
Troni a letter dated
lum, X. Arril IT, 1S4".
Ilr. Aver. Lowol! Pear Sir: I was atllirti-d hy Asthma
in the worst form. that 1 hare bi-en ol.liinl to nlwp in
tuy rliair for a :iri-r iurt of the time. lMiiijr mint le to
lircaih. ou my lull. 1 hail truit a fm-at many luirdirini'S
lo no purfi-M. until my ihysifian iiref-rril-iii. as an ea-i--rimrut.
your t'hiTry 1'i-rtoral. At first it erml to make
mi- wor-v. tint in h- than a werk I Uvsn to exiirrienrc
Ihe miiHt ;ratifyiu P'lit-f fruui its ue; anil now, in four
wti-ks. tlie disrane is mtiri'ly nmoveil. I ran slerp on
mv IhI Willi romfort. ami nijoy a efco of hi-alth whith I
hiA nevi r eijKi Voeujyv. GKl. S. FAKKANT.
Picpartd hvJ .C.A'jertCltemifr,Loirel,Ms.
For sale by C V St'HAFFLE, Lewisburg ;
J (.'ailow, Milton ; Isaac Uerhart, Selinsgrove,
and hy lliuggisis generally
In Lewtsliur?, 13ih irn-t, hy Kev. M. J. A lie-
man, Jons Hehti and Mus CATnaaisc Reed,
both of thia place.
Heitts proved 'trump' this time, in spile of
'circumstances ;' and so may it always be. Our
whole establishment, editor, publisher, jours and
imp (and a few of the outsiders) return thanks
for the rich bride rake that accompanied the
aliove notice, and wish the lucky couple a long
life of happiness and prosperity.
la Buffalo Tp, 8th inst., Miss Hibbikt
Isris, about SI yrars of age.
In Danville, 1 2th in St., aged 36 years, Mrs.
Is as llla Jiss, wife of Matthew C Grier, and
daughter of the late Alexander Montgomery.
In HolliJayshnrg, Thursday week, Mnj. Mi
chael Chess will, aged about 42 years.
On the 10th inst., Tobias ifiiciui, of
Buffalo, in his 89:b year.
Near Light Hnect, Columbia Co., 4th inst, in
ber S7th year, Mrs. Ass Eliza, consult of Kev.
Jihn P. Heister.
Attention !
"rOU are hereby commanded lo
I meet, armed and equipped, at
the house of A J.Weidensaul, in the
Borough of Lewiiburg.onTBCRsnaT
the 4b d .y of July, 1S50, at 10
o'clock, A. M.
By order nf the Captain :
June 12, 1850. OS.
OOL for sale at
June 5
Reber & Iddinsb'.
f PHB subserltr having leased ihe Rock
X dttle Saw-Aiill formerly known as
Douuhty's in Sunr Valley, Clinton
county. Pa., nnd boticUt all the stock nd
fixtures belonging to the same, now offers
for sale
100,000 ft of Lumber
nt ssid Mill. Orders will be received for
any kind of Lumber, by the undersigned
at Lewisburr, or by his A front, S.CShel
lek, ut said Mill, in Sugar Valley.
Lwisburg, June 5, 1850 flw
Fashionable Tailor,
In the new Brick building on
.Market street, one door above
C. E. Bowes- Store.
curmiiand UAKI.NG
done to order. -
, Lewisiiuri;. May 29, IS50.
To IHackNitiiths.
T ITU MI NOUS COAL, from the West
1 1 Hrnnch and irom noiiiuaysuurr, lor
sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the
Hayscalcs on Third St.
Lewieburg, Ma "
4 FRE8H suor.lv of Old Doctor and S. P.
J Townsend's S A RS A PA RIfcis A received
and for Wholesale or Retail by
Dr. Tboroton & Baker, Agents.
L'ST received and for sals, Pine Oil and
Homing Fluid, warranted mira-and of the
1 first rjr.r,lrtc. hy Dr. Thornton Hsker
rreli Arrival or Fruit &c.
TCST received by Tuompon's Express, from
. Philadelphia
Orthgvp-; Raisins, Fillierta.
Lenoni', Kigs Kv.g. Walnuts,
t'ncoaNutt!, , linotidj,. Or.-.uii Jiuts,
Prunes, Tekan Nuts, (ii .und Peas,
and a variety of CA.MIlEf, all of .vhicli will be
sold low at the Store of
I-wijliurg. Juno 12 -
Scar'-ie w Pictorial Works for lt50
Great Chance for B ok Agents
to clear from $500 to $1000 a year !
Books of Universal Utility.
SW-' Xuc ami l'lJimhir I'u turial Work,
the mot splendidly illustrated volumes for famil
ies rvrr issued on ihe American Continent, con
taining mure than Four Thousand Engravings,
de.-igucJ aid executed hy the nio;t eminenl
Artists of Eughml and America.
The extraordinary populaiity of the aliove
volumes in every section of the Union, rendfra an
agency deniable in each one nf our principal
towns and village. Just puhlitbed,
Sears' New and Popular Pictorial Des
cription of the United Stales,
containing an account of the Topography, Selllc
ment. History. Revolutionary and other intenst
ing Events. Statistics, l'rogrc-s in Agriculture,
Manufacture. Population, &e. of each State in
the Union, illusustcd with Two Hundred Enra
vings of the principal Cities, l'laces, liui'din".
Scenery, furiosities. Seals of the Slates, &.C. Ac.
Complete in one octavo volume of 600 pases,
e'eguntly bound in gilt, pictorial muslin. Retail
price. $2.60.
The Pictorial Family Annual,
400 pages octavo, and illustrated with Two
Hundred and Twelve Engravings : designed as
a valuable and cheap piesent lor pannta and
teacher to place in the hands of young people j
in attractive bindings
the Patriarchal Age to the Present I ime. Hy
John Kitto, editor of the London Pictorial Bible,
&c. A lso
of Scars' Pictorial History ol the llible
Pictorinl Sunday Hook Inscription of
Greal Britain nnd Ireland Biblu Biogra
phy Scenes and Sketches in Continental
Kurone Information lor trie t'eopie I ic-
torial Family instructor Pictorial History
of the American Revolution nn entirely
new volume on the onaers oi me onu
toccther with the
Each Volume is Illustrated with several hund
red Eiigraings,and the Bible with One Thousand.
fXj Sea' PiCToaiat FasiLT Mioaziss for
1850. published monthly in parts of 48 large 8o
pages, at One Dollar per year in advance.
Specimen copies ol tne m agazine, to procure
fiulifcrili'rs with, will be lurnisheu to all wno
wish to engage in it circulation, if requested
(post-paid) at the ra'e of Twelve Numbers for
One Dollar, or Tin Cente for single copies.
AGENTS WANTED, in every Town and
t'ountv throughout the Union, to sell " Acora
AVin and Potmlur Pirunal Works," universally
acknowledged to lie the best and cheapest ever
published, a they certainly are the most salable.
Any active agent may clesr $500 or $1000 a
year. A cash capital of st least $35 or $50 ia
nereasarv. Full narticulara of the principlea and
profit of the agency will be given on application
either personally or by letter. The postage roust
in all case be paid Please to address
128, Nassau Street, New York.
To Polilisbers ct Srwsiiapws throughout the V. Status.
Newspapers mi yinp this advertisement, enins well
dlKlilayeil. an almve. with'.ut any allerar,in or mnup-BH-r.t,
linrlurtina this notice), slid pvinit it two . injule in
sertions, shall r.Ti-ive a copy of any one of our fc!.SO or 3
works (suUject tu their orUi r), by srmling direct to the
rrVNo LetUr Uken from the lnce, onies
post paid.
Just Received,
CHOICE lot of Black Watered Silk, and
Green Fringed Turc Satin, Parasols also
an additional supply of Linen Lustres, ail at
unusually low prices, for sale by
May 29 J naiLo iu.
A BEAUTIFUL assortment of Scatlet llotn
embossed Table Cover, f.-r sale by
..... ...1 s "
May 29 J. ms
cured BACON
J)t for sale by
May 89
AN extensive assortment Baltimore SltiiNt.
WARE for sale by
.May 29 J- "wo'
LOT of Fine Wool for sale by
June 4 J- HAVES &
(scccsssoHS To c. a,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Drugs, Medicines, Chemical, Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass,
Sash tools,Glassware,Pully,
Dye-stuffs, Brushes of
every sariety,
Perfumery, Confectionery,
Fruits, Fancy Goods, 4ic. &c.
One Door above Tie errs Mammoth St , re of J. t J.Wall?,
Mabkbt St. Lewisbitbo. .
All Drup-i and Medicines warranted Frah and
fflHE subscribers return their sincere thanks to.
I those who have so noeraiiy patronixeu inein
during the past year; and we would inviia you.
one and all, to call and examine our eioca auu
price before purchasing elsewhere, as wo leei
en..(i,lni that wa sell as cheap, if not 25 per ct.
.hMmr than other of the trade. Try as, and
see for yourselves.
N. B. Medical advice wiil be given free 01
charge by Dr. Tboroton, al the Store ol Thorn
ton & Baker. .'.
. Lamps I LAMPS!
T AMPS' iut received and for Wholesale ot
Jj Retail, Pine Oil and Burning Fluid Lamps
of ihe latest style. Any person or persons wish
ing it, can have these tiSmps on trial, and if they
do not give satisfaction, they mey be returned.
Churches and Store or Shops supplied on the
most liberal terms with the above Lamps, and Oil
I,. Dr. Thornton St Baker,
Agents for the Manufacturers.
-w-TT-lHTB LfJ. and Linseed Oil, for r"a ly
Dr. Thornton tV Baker.
"a mall Profits and 4alck Sn1e.
ATTOULD respectfull; inform his oil. friends
W and the trailing community in general,
that he has received a LAUUL and liMr.tt.rtM.
STOCK of , ,
Spring niui Summer
waiits and uses embracing
Ac Ac. These Goods we oiler unusually low
for Cash Country Traduce of all kinds and
to prompt and puuitual paynuslet a usual.
(Tall ani Sec!
LewUburg, Muy 7, 1850.
MR. MERRY would respectfully inform
ihe pulilic, that he has taken rooms
in M'Faddm's brick building, nearly oppo
site Shelter's Siyre, where he is prepared
to take
Daguerreotype Likenesses
in the latest and nmat approved style. Mr.
Merry pledges himc!f to make his work
equnl to that of the best Ci'y artists.
He h is all the latest iiiiproveiiients.some
of which he has added to the art.and among
these is a Wheel Hull", of peculiar construc
tion, by which he is enabled to obtain a
higher polish, nnd (hereby give a more
brilliant and life like tone lo his pictures.
Mr. Merry, by long practice and close
attention to the art, is enabled to show the
va kii:g atf.d eye, be it light or dark, with
all the beauty and brilliancy nf life itself;
and it is in this most etsential point, thai
mnre ariists fail than in any other.
Lidies and Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine specimens.
Children arc taken in from three lo five
And remrmber,as(W pictures are taken
in cloudy as in clear wcatlier.tho' for small
children a clear day is recommended.
Lewisburg, June 3, 1850.
irwfesoe .j- Jlcbiil
THE subscriber, thankful for past liberal pat
ronage, would inform his friends and public
generally that be has jnsl ree'd and i constantly
receiving fresh supplies of pure
Medicines, Drags, Chemicals,
Extracts, Herbs, Roots, Minerals, Tinc
tures, Oils, Essences, Spirits, Cums,
and o;ber good's in bis line of business, which he
ol&ra with the full assurance of their being gen
uine, aud cheaper than can lie bought elsewhere.
Physicians and other in the trade are particularly
invited to call and examine for themselves. Also
constantly on band a large stock of
Window Glass White Lead,
Chrome and other Faints,UrOg
aista and Physicians' Glassware,
Cnpal,Japan and Spirit VarnUhe,Flas
seed, Sperm.Wbale, Lard, Fiahtherial,
Fosgine, Camphene, and Pine Oils, Dye
wood ground and chipped, Castile, Bar, Rosin
and other Soaps. Uold. Silver and Metal Leafs,
Rosin, Fitch. Tar, Tobacco, Segars, Combs,
11 rushes Walking and Fishing Cane,
Jewelry, Razor, Knives. Fruits,
Confectionery, &c. Ac. cVc.
May. 1850. Druggiit and Chemist.
Made pram to See
BY getting one of the Spectacle or Spy Glas
ses at the Drug, Fancy Goods, Notion and
Variety Emporium, where can be had any quan
tity of Silver, German, Blued and common Steel
Spectacle, Gogelea, Spy Glasses. Mathematical
Instruments, Pocket Compass, Magnets, Tape
Measures, Spectacle Cases, Camera Luciilas,
Magic Lanterns, Ac. &c at
. w . ttuiiAr i' . a.
Easy to Cut or Shave
ARB those Pocket, Dirk and Penn:Ves, and
the Wostenheim and Roger Razors sell
ing so cheap at the LewUburg Drug and Variety
Store of O. W.SCHAFFLE.
Lamps, just received
TTORE LIGHT, at reduced prices! A large
111 assortment of LAMPS Solar, Supper
l ea. Hanging, Side, and Hand for burning of
Pine. Fosgean, Lard, bthenal, and Sperm Uus,
for Parlors, Churches, Stores, Simps, Sc., at
Piog, Notion and Variety Emporium
rtUHSCRIBERS to the "University nt
Lewisburg" are respectfully reques'ed
to pay theif Second Instalment, now due,
to the Treasurer.. ',And those who have not
raid the 1st Instal't Cre rSsrectfully notified
that all such uViiiviucnis wit! be charged
Interest on their Instalments from the time
they become due. . , . . ...
Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1800.
mack, ff alnut Wanted.
A OtIANTITi 0? Black Walnut, either in
t or sawed to order also, Walnut
c.iehea the whole lo be delivered on the Pa,
CanaL st or near Lewisburg. For further par-
lieotarS, enbuiie of
April 23 . if. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg
To JiiMtlcc of tlte Peace.
B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be had
at Lyndall's Bookstore, in this place.
Lewisburg, April 10. 1850.
RIED APPLC3 for sale at
Jun f Reber & Iddinga',
NT BBva&
Stato Treasure having mnified, me
that hereafter.fca will not receivu.the
Notca of Banks cut.of -the State tinder (he
denomination of FI F Dollars, the t'ol
lectors, Retailers of Merchandizc,and Licen
sed Tavern keepers.r.re hereby notified that
such Hills will no longer be received by me
in payment of Taxes, Licenses, fcc.
Treasurer of Unicn county.
New Berlin, June 0, 1850.
I71RESH TEAS. Another lot of
; superior Black and Green Teasp ; . j
iust reed from the Canton Tea t'om
.nv. nnH for sale at New York retail
prices by J. HAYES & CO
I.ewi.burrr. April 16. Aifent.
Latest Arrival !
T If AYES & CO. Uke pleasure in announ
ff . cing to the public that we are now receiving
Irom Ihe city one or toe largest, cneaiiesi sou m
selected stock of Goods ever offered to the public.
n Ulwir ha been snared to render their slock
complete, and to obtain articles of good quality, so
that it can be relied upon that winterer thev ahall
offer for a!e will be iut what it i represented.
They have an excellent assortment of
Dry goods,
comprising nearly every article usually enumera
ted under this head, among wntcn ate uroau-
cloths. Plain and Fancy Casmneres, Satiuetts,
Tweed, Caehmarr-ttce, Drapettes, t odiingtotis,
Plaid Linens, Tickings, Drillings, Bagging, Cot
ton end Hemp Carpet Chain.
Plain aud Fancy Goods,
elected with particular reference to the taste an 1
convenience of the Ladiea such as ( hanReable,
Plaid, Grenadine, and Foulard Silk, Figd and
Plain Limarline Deslaines, Crape finished, Figd
and Plain Linen Lusties, Boreze Deslaines, prin
ted French Lawns, Silk Illusions, Pink, Buff,
Blue, and Crimson Tarletons, Plain and Figd
Blue and Pink (doited) Swiss, Linen, Cambric,
and Lawn Hdkfs, Glove and Hosiery'jj
Bonnets, Fans, Parasols, Parasoletle, alaoey?!
Fin Moleskin. Leghorn, China Pearl and Palm
Leaf HATS, at lower price than ever offered to
thia community.
a choice selection. siisJsm
Glass, Queens, Stone, and
Crockery ware.
To those who wish to. procure anything in this
line either for utility or orniment,tbeir assortment
particulurly recommends itself.
Hardware cutlery,
Grass and Corn 8cythes, Axes, Shovel, Spades,
Straw Knives, Manure and Hay Forks (of supe
rior quality.) Door Iriuimiiigs.Olass, Puttjj, ISails,
Iron, Steel, Ac.
Floor and Stair Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window
Shades. Ladies' Satchels. Traveling and Work
Baskets, also Market, Clothe and Corn Baskets,
CedartOare, Rakes, i'e. t;c
In conclusion, they would say that their goods
have been bought at very low prices, and wi.l tie
disposed of on the most reasonable terms for Ca-h
or country Produce and to satisfy the public (a
to pi ices) just call at the Cheap Store 01
Lewisburg. May a, 1850
I7JOR SALE a auperior Washing Mixture,
which remove all dirt and stains of various
kinds in a few minutes, without injuring Ihe
texture of the cloth. Person wishing to avail
themselves of this valuable mixture, with full
directions for its use, had better call at the new
Drug and Chemical Store kept by
Latest News from California ',
ALL the world and the rest or mankind
are respectfully informed that we have
opened an unusually choice assortment of
comprising a splendid variety LADIES DRESS
GOODS of the newest styles aiicoc,ueuins,
t .inirhama. Harases. Silks. Parasol, and Fancy
Goods, and for Gentlemen' wear a.largs stock of
- Cloth. Casslmcrs,
Summer Stuffs, Vestinus.Summer Uats.&c.
Salt, Fish, Nails,
Queens ware, Hardware. Groceries,
etc. etc.
All of which we offer for sale al our proverbially
low prices, for CASH or PRODUCE.
Lewisburg, April 22, 1850
Ho! all you young men whose fine frames are expanding,
And who neea in support yww. !" "-
iVhn vnn think luiw m tiiuo oast imk ilealers have hit vou,
Juvt evnw to Stev LtsDiU.. 6r lloula that nil! St yoa.
Do yon want some new Books O, so cheap and so pretty!
Son' arave and mmte ?ay, anil some queer and some vrittr!
Knr . dollar or two. Htbvs will civs voa a treasure
That will be id) your life-time a fountain of pleasure.
And if on rhancc to be In want
Of Coat or Vest or Trowserloona,
Junt fro to Lnrtnli's, fir you can t
Buy half as cheap o. other 'coons.
An! rif.w Ltjdau. would say just a word to tho lilies.
Fur well does he know bow important their aid is
lie has Shoes of all kinds W hnrr-r-rHr-r-r-r-r
Consarn it, Hos ! Ibis 'ere Poetry Machine's
broke ! 4l6waomever, the substance of all we had
in the h-pper is teal
F. LYNDALL has the best and the
cheapest lot .of. BOOKS anl
STATIONERY, 0d the largest
and the best assortment of UOO I .
and &UOMlSSind
Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers,
that were e?er seen in Lewisburg or any
other great seaport. May 7. 1850.
hot refused at the Office ol
the Lewisburi; Khroniele.
iMrge Sales $ Low I' rice
MKV. M EbV-ssSZ. swAtsZTr
ami filling up again Irimfull
with a stock of eoods LA RGKR.IJKTTEK
and CIlIvM'F.R than ever !
"IfT-j- naT, ju,t received and are now opening
Vt a large and splendid assutlment of .
Spring an'l
embrjeit. j everything Japud to the varied wants
and tastes of ihe community, and at price that
can not fail to give uaivcrerl aat:sfaction.
The LADIES are assured that we have a belter
assortment of lJrcss CltltxlH than haa ever
been presented in this market. We have every
quality and description of
Gentlemen's and u.i' Dress Goods,
Cassimeres, Vestir.ES, Summer Stuff. .Fancy
Cravats, Ac. A pUndiJ let of HATS, CAPd
and BONNETS, of the latest stylos Ribbons
Flowers, Silk, Calicoe. Lawn. Ginghams, Ac.
Hardwares Quwnsware Glassware,
of all kind also a Urg stoc of
Plaster, Salt.nhd Fish;
at very low price-n-r CASH or COCNTRV
PRODUCE of all kinds at Market prices.
J. & J. "WALLS.
LewUburg, April 23, IR'X)
at l-civisbartT.
CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com-
mencing Oct, 1 1, IS 19.
Primary J)paitjr.ent.
Exercised in Spelling, Reading, Definition,
English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, His
tory U.S.A., Penmanship and Composition.
English Department of tbe Academy.
The same studies aa in the Primary Drpartm't
continued in the use of larger text books : and lo
these are added General Hi-ttoryMgebia. Legen
dre, and Elements of Survi-jing.
Classical Department of tfce Academy.
Tvim Junt a- Acaaemie cuts.
I. Enelish Urnmiuar. l.:itin Grammar, A nth mi lie 'iwo
division.) i;wjrihr.
I. Tlie same iiiii.i ai 111 I. Tirm. and Pi-nmanphip.
I. Knirlih liraninwr. Crw, Arilhin- tie et mi leteil hy
lt liivUkin. linn k liramiuar, lli.ury L'.A Fen-
mani-hip. Itofik-keepiuir.
Senior Academic class.
Ciwtar, Oroi k Ki atfcr, Algi ura i.Klenvnts.)
.lleid, Oi do
do do do eompWUd. Gi-ne-
ral Tlirtory, Kn:liiih Lanirnae and tViaipnsitii'n.
Fret It man eluss.
Knirli.h Language aud Criiroeltion, Algebra, Livy,
Plae lieonwtrv. Ijvv. Ansrins;
Plane. Solid and Spherical Ui-oinetrv completed, Li
vy, Anaba&is.
Stiphnn.orc do's.
Ilnrsre.OilTiwev. Plane and Spherical TrtnNwMrr.
do do M.TiurtHiniirT.y:liir..avi'.itun.
do enmplet.l. rvlit Orations of IKinmtbenw,
Knetone, Auaiyucal Oeoraelry.
Junior class.
Ttemorthenes on the Crown. Cicero ile Oftciis, Me
clianief, Hyilnvtntiis. arid llyilranlics.
Pemoethenes on the Crown. Cwvro dellfrieiis eom
p:etvd. l'neiimaties, AcoUftics, Kleetrk-ity, Mane-
tim. and ilpties.
Creek TregeUy, Tacitus. Astronomy.
Senior chits.
' ffnr AeaileiaieaJ Year enmmrncinc Oct. 10. 1.10.1
Lopic. Natural Theolotry, li.tcllr-'nul Itlilophy.
(reek. Political Eennouiy, Mural Piii!iihy. ,
But!, rs AnalopT. Con!lituticin of V. Chemistry,
Lectures, Uenerai llevwws.
No class in the Regular Course ha less than
three daily recitation. Every Saturday forenoon is
devoted exclusively to Vocal Music, Reclamation,
and reading select and original Compositions.
The siodent are required to attend, regularly,
some religious meeting. Minors are ei peeled to
attend such meeting aa arft recommended 10 them
bv their uarents or guardian. There are in the
borough no less than six places of public worship,
of as many different Christian denominations.
Text Hooks.
r.nntnh Vtwimi' nod Ekch-t. The Bible. Porter's
rhetorical Kcauer, Worcester's or Inters Ihctn nary.
Bullion's Knglish Orammar. Parker's ITo)rresivc Kaen-i-es
in Knlih Compoiition, Parker's Aidn, Blair's Lectures
LniverMlv kdilinu.1
Latin L'Ottwify. BilllionVfirammnr. Pallion Reader,
Iverett Leaii-on, Bullion's Cannr. e-hniiUaiid Zmupt's
VirpilLincnln's LiTy. Anthon s Horace, Thacher s Ciei.ro
de llfliciis. Tvler's Tacitun' Oermauia et Aicrwiaa.
Orrrl Umguagt. liullion'Mlnirrra?. Iti'lli .n' Peailer,
1 tilteil A Scf tt's Lexicon. Owen's Xem-phon's AucWk
Iwen's Homer s OdyMey.Cbauplina UeluueUaeaea, lull
Classical Manual.
.IAcKin. navies' Arithmetie r Academies. Elem
enury Alrebrm. Bourdon. Lesendre. Surveyine ami Navi
(ntBn,AiwlTticaltieoiiietry,01iiitcd Natural 1'hiluaoiliy
U'reotyped.) Ulm.uu s Aftiromnuj.
Kumber of Students.
The number of students during the past year
in the various Departments, was Mil. The
number that have entered the classes in the Re
gular Course for the current year (exclusive of
those in the English and Primary drnvtmeuts,)
Is as follow :
C0LU9UK. Junior ela
Niplioniorc clftsa
rehtuan elana
ACaPEKT. ?Vuisr ciaes - -
Junior class - - 40.. S)7
STEPITEX W. TAYLOR, A. M- Prof, of Mathematics
and Naturnl Philosophy.
liKOKIIK K. BLISS, A. M , ITor or lirecx ui-.iruac
and Literature. .
IIKiiKl.K ".V. ANDERSON, 51., ITotot l-vtin Linlajp
and l.ib-rnture.
lrAAC N. UMIMlfS A. M, rrincipal oxtne Acaiu my.
ALFKKO TAYLOK, A. Tutor in t":e LngHnU LaJi
euatrr and Klceuuon.
Uulldings, Library and Apparatus.
The Academic edifice now occupied by ihe
members of the University, haa been eree'ed. st
an expense of $.0OO, ami it is adapted to accomtti"1at
IdO sluoeuis. Auomer eiiince nae oeeu roaiin-ncci.. iu u
is to be finisbeil within the course of Ihe present Aeadoniie
year, and to contain study room anJ ilonuitories tor the
acrommoilation of 70 students in the I'ulli-ir.te departiu't.
The Library contains a numtwr or select Totulu ana
is constantly increasinic.
Cli-mical Aiiparatus haa been ordered sufficient to
supply the Muictlrvto demand. The Apparatus for tlat
UlUSITaUon OI jii-muiieai I uuis"'.iit,
Tuition and Hoard.
Tuition in the Collegiate Department (30,
Academic $20, Primary .$12 per year.
Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and
light, can be bad in the village and its vicinity at
various prices, from 1,50 to 2,50 per week.
- Pensions and Tar at Ions.
Two Sessions in the year the former com
mence on the 2nd Thursday in October, and
continue 27 weeks ; the latter commence on
the tfith May, and continues 15 week.
Spring Vacation. 4 week ; Autumnal. 6.
By order and in behalf of the Board :
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. April 13, 1850
Dr. John Locko,
r AY be found at his Office and residence
1 first door east of Kline' Hotel the two
weeks following the first Monday of each month,
where he is prepared to execute all operations iu
hi line of business in manner creditable lo
himself and satisfactory to thoeu who may favor
him with their patronage.
. Dr. L. spend the third week of each month
in Milton. -
fXj"Aromalic Tooth Paste, pot up tn beautiful
porcelain boies. an excellent article for keeping
Ihe teeth clean eJ breath sweet, lor sale at .
cts per bos, by
Lewisburg, T., May, 1S30
fteiv Stove,
mPToar.CEUDEs (MA3sn '
HA. VI.V" formed n'Copfr)erhip in iha
Mercantile business, and enlarged the
Storeroom laiely occupied JfjS'.Uar.oji ,
optiosite. Klnn'a Iluttl-i-are no-v opening a
well selected nnd extensive slock of Mer
chandize, consisting of
Dry (Soots, Gf-
Cnepenters' Tools, Queensware,
Furniture Mounting, Glasfira'fe,'
Window (iL.Sr a jjtneral assnrimenl,
eoil, Ulafrrttr,
Bar, Roil, and Hoop Iron, Nail.
and Spike, '
Tinware, Sheet Iron and Metal '
Pans, and a more jreneraJ assortment than
is usually lound in country atures which
they iltde :h-u.sfcl;e3 Vj stit at very
low pricis. ,
I'erst.-ns et a distance will find il to tltpir
advantajia to buy lor" Lash or ve will
lake in lvicuangc for Goods, Wheat, Rye.
Corn, Oils. I!ackrheat, Timothy and (Jlo-
vorfc'et ds, Butler, Es.TuIlow.Uard S.p,"
Beeswax, Ftftlit-rs, and all kinds of trada
or cnuiiiiy predjee.
The patron;ijie of the pubii-i is respect
fully solicited, aud every assurance f-iven
ihat notliinx .shall Lc warning lo render
entiie satisUctiua.
Lewisburg, April 1, 185(1.
Respectfully announces to his friends and
the public jene rally, ihaf has removed
his residence tu the house ol" his father.
(formerly occupied by Win. Porter,) a few,
doors north of Kline's Hotel. Office, Col.
MTaddiu's new brick builcSng, eext dor
above C K. Bowes' Stc.-e.. ' .
Iwiburr, April 1, 1830
TAILOU, respectfully inibrms his patrons
and the public that his Shop is now at hit ,
house the new brick Opposite Mr- James
P. Ross', on Thiri St., w here he will be '
happy to wait on all who niy honor him
wi'h their patronage.
Lewisl.urif, April 2, 1S50
Icwisbuiv, Vn'm County, Peona.
Practices in Union ant! adiniaine; crmntie alec
attend the court of Perry couDty
OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied
by L. B. Christ, Esq.
rjHE under.!
RY m SLVESS at the Old Slaud.
on Nonh Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patrooafc ; hV
. . C;!AR,,ES F. I1SSS.
IwL!rur7, p?3y 22, I33U
THE subscriber avails hinseff ei th? ccf- .
umnsof the Chronicle in puliliini; lo
the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity tluii '
be haa opened a BOARDI.MS HDI'SE in that
larire and comfoitabiy arranged boose, formeri
kept as a Temperance Hole! by James Kelly, two
door east of the Franklin Hou-e, Market street.
He is prepared to say thai his Table ahall have
the best the Markets can afford, and the Lodging
of UoWere shall be aa comloriaMe as ran be
desired. I. g. STERSER.
N. B. A tenm and" carriage
ill be kept to convey piuengerg to arid from the
Packet B.iats. Lc.visbur;, Masch I. TSAtt
ea,S4V S-
JUST received, and now opening at .
second door eoit of K iut's lloitf, . new
and . ' " '
splendid Asscitrnent of Goods.
suiiable for this and the approaching sea
son, coiiiliiti of ' ' "
I.adien' Irets Goods
of every stjle and variety new !)!
Bariuei, Lawns, Armure IMaiues, Ging
hams, Ac.
A creiit variety of stjlts L hints, Ca'i-.
A beau'iful assortment Ladies.' Parnsrns,
Momeco and Kid SHOES end G.1 ITERS
lor Ladies and Children.
Also a choice selection of
&c.S.?.,al1 of w hich areoffi-red remarkahl"
low lor Cash or Lcurstry rrorcce, by im'
Iwibur, April 3, 1850 " '
For the Ladies.
Cool is the brwesa
Tbat I auke at ease
TTT'ITH one of those nice and cheap FAN
f f , that can be had at the Lewieborg Urn.
Fancy (Mi, Notion and Variety Eaxposiam
where the largest, finest, and beat a-mmeot of
Feather, Fancy and Paper fins are kept. Ahnt
latest pattern of Buffalo. Shell, Hons, Side Back
ami other COMBS h t'se variety of
othei nice things. CaH and See al
' ,' C. V. BCHATfLrs.