Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 12, 1850, Image 2
f KST BRANCH From the America Agriculturist. Sundry Items. To Renovate Old Meadows. I hive lately seen a new mode of renovating old sod-bound pastures and meadow. It is to lake a subsoil plow and three horses, (which make the best team,) and plow the field, overturning no lurrow, but loosening the earth below, about one Toot deep, har row the same way. sow grass seed, and roll down with a heavy roller. This is the practice of a landlord who prefers grass to any other crop, and the effect is astonish ing. I saw a piece that had just been served so. The sward, or course, was broken in streaks, and the grass seed was up most beautifully on' these. The unbro ken strips had been stretched arid moved a little, so as to ea'pose the old roots a little M air and moisture. To Cure the Sore Necks of Oxen. K neighbor of mine had a pair of working oxen whose necks became very sore. He covered that part of the yoke resting upon the neck, with sheet lead. They got well almost immediately, though constantly kept at work. I suppose the lead being a good conductor of heat, drew off the infla nation, and thus enabled the sores to heal. Easy and Rapid Way of Sowing Piaster, When I sow plaster, instead or setting uiy men to lugging it upon their backs and necks all day, I take a two-horse wagon. fii a long box across the hack part of the mmh. and a seat forward of that, on which a man is seated, riding backwards. Then, with a quater or half a ton of plaster in. I seat myself in Irottt and drive back firl forth, across the field till the load is sown out of the back part of the wngoo In this way, I can sow as fast as four or five men, and with less manual labor. My neighbor laugh at this, as being a laay way. But I find a neighbor's laugh much easier to bear for a few minutes, than it is to carry a back losd of ground atone all day. Benefit of Guano. Two years ago, I used half a ton of guano in various ways. some on grass, some on corn, and some in garden. The season was unusually dry. and I aaw no effect from it, except in the bed of neroer. These D i ' ' ' were the largest I ever saw. Last spring. 1 planted some chicken corn upon this pep per bed, which grew nine or ten feet high, about double the usual height. I regret, now, that I had not procured some more for wheat, last fall. Would it pay to put it on wheat in the spring! Yes. Ens. What would be the effect upon the spring own grass seed, whilethe plants are young and tender t Very beneficial. Eds. I think I used it loo sparingly, through fear of injury by excess, and have now a high opinion of it as a manure. Tha difficulty with us farmers, is the want of capital, and hence we fear to risk much for expensive manures.least a failure in the quick returus would put us to incon venience. Now, if I should use H, or any one else, and raise thirty bushels of wheat per acre, I do not doubt that it would be the cause of using many tons where the article is quite unknown. W. Dutchess Co., N. Y. Banttes Charcoal Under-draining. Manure, made Irom a compost wlrere fish or flesh is the fertilizing basis, has ever been found to be greatly exhausted the first season after applied to a growing crop. This is in perfect accordance with the prin ciples of animal chemistry, as that nitrogen which supports living flesh, also hastens decomposition in the dead animal, until it 4 dissolved and dissipated into its original elements, so that the three eummer months give sufficient heat and mois'ure to decom pose thoroughly any animal substance. On the other hand.manure composed of animal excrements, hay, straw, or other refuse vegetable matter, is ol much slower decom position ; hence its favorable effects may be noticed in severs! succeeding crops. From close observation of the operations of nature in constant endeavors to fructify and re produce,! hava noticed that the seeds contained m stable manure are continually sprouting into plants of considerable root, thus organizing the escaping ammonia and carbonic acid, not taken up by the roots of the growing crop. These young plants.or weeds, when nlowed or hoed under the a surface, commence another decomposition ; so that what would be wasted in the air, if bo other vegetable life were present hut that of the growing crop, is now organ-ted and saved op for another season. Many farmers advocate the practice of summer fallow, on the ground that it destroys weeds: there, man's economy comes strangely in conflict with nature, as her constant efforts are to cover all the waste places with organized plants, that nothing may be lost which can add to the ultimate growth ol the vegetable kingdom. If, in England, this plan of killing weeds by summer fsllow, instead of by weeding and hoeing, were pursued, the average yield of wheat there, instead of be ing sixty bushels to the acre, would n4 probably exceed the average yield in this atate, which is less than fifteen bushels. If a farmer would sow rye, or some other seed, between the hills of his corn, immedi acy after he has worked the soil for the est time, a n,vSwWesrtinf wouUd-fabout. ver the whole surface immediately after the corn ia removed. This vegetable growth, plowed under the next spring, would almost supercede the necessity of any other appli cation of manure. Wheat, 1 am told, has often been sowed in this way at the west, for a crop ; but such an experiment is only advisable in that loose, rich, virgin soil peculiar to new farms, which requires little or no plowing. Yet, some of the best pieces of wheat I ever saw, whose plants grew ao strong and healthily A3 to distance every enemy, was sowed after corn with only one plowing. Charcoal. I have seen ground where a coal pit was burned, continue without other manure to yield a much better vegetable growth than the rest of the field, for twelve or fifteen years in succession. Now, I take it, the charcoal gave up io its slow decern posi'ion its potash and inorganic elements to th'e growing plants, while that part which still retained its mechanical struct ure, absorbed carbonic acid, and ammonia from the atmosphere, which were in a like manner given up to the roots of plants. There are thousands of bushels of ground charcoal used by distillers and rectifiers in the city cf New York alone. At Buffalo, thousands of bushels of the same article, after beinif saturated with essential oil of distilled spirits, are thrown away as use less all of which might be transported any distance on our canals, at very email expense, as leached ashes are purchased along the line of the Erie Canal, to trans port to Long Island for manure. It strikes me that ground charcoal might be made still more profitable. In a compost bend, with menhaden fith, it must needs Le in valuable. Underdrawing. If subsoil plowing in a heavy, underdrained soil i useless, it is almost certain that thorough underdraining, will enab'e us to dispense with suhsoil plowing. Those who are disposed to deny this, let them go and examine the under drained fields of John Johnson, in West Fayette, near Seneca Like. All the ame liorating effects hich are claimed for sub soil plowing are there produced by sinking tile drains from two and a half to three feet in depth. When this business of under drawing becomes general, the surface of land necessary to supply a family its veg etable product wi!l be small indeed. Con AaoBi. Waterloo. N Y. Experiments with Rata Bagas. Lest fall. I fathered from one and a half acres 1,200 bushels of ruta b''g, and the whole cost, when in the cel'ar, we two cents per bushel. The season as particularly unfavorable to their growth, as the dry weather set in as soon as they were out of the ground, and continued fur six weeks. At the end of that time, they looked so bfidly, that I did not expect to have 200 bushels ; but the weather grew more favorable, and gave me the above yield, which I have been feeding out this winter to sheep, milch cows, fat cattle, and breeding sow?, to my satisfaction, as to their great value for feeding this kind of stock. I am convinced that I can winter sheep better with half the cost on hay and ruta bagas, than on hay and grain. Sums, in tended for rearing pigs, will do better on ruta ba.'as and a little grain, then when fed entirely on grain. I also proved by experiment, this winter, that fat cattle will grow faster on eiht quarts of grain and one bushel of ruta ba gas, than on sixteen quarts of grain and no ruta bogas. Milch cows, when fed regu larly on good sound ruta bagas, give large quantities of milk and butter ; and when they have been fed for eight days, there can not be discovered any taste of the root neither in the milk nor butter. Our butter made this winter on hay and ruta bagas, is as good flavored and nearly ss yellow as that made in June. In my opinion, this crop is one of (he most profitable that u stock farmer can raise. Valentine Hallock. Northeast Centre, N. Y. April, 1850. Deep Plowing uniformly increases the quantity of grass, grain and root crops. It also tends to consolidate light soils. It has been found that the heads ol grain, through much fuller and heavier, stand more up right on such land ss has been deeply plowed. This is attributable to the greater atrength of the roots, and the much greater depth to which they penetrate, when invi ted to it by deep, thorough cultivation Such soils, however, always require for perfecting their pulverisation, and fully de vcloping their tillable qualities, to Le will harrowed and rolled. A New Clover for the South. The Tal lahassee Sentinel speaks of the Chilian clover, sent to Governor Brown, from the patent office, which was carelessly sown three years ago, but which has continued flourishing and prolific ever since. It bears a pale-blue flower, and grows 18 inches high. We hope our friends in that section will watch its character, and here after give us a full account of its merits aud adaptedness to the south. Profitable Ilea. Mr. Bryan Slack pole. ol this city, has a hen, a mixture ol the Spanish and common breed, that lays every day. and on Friday last, laid two full-sized eggs. We never heard of but one hen that beat this, and that was " Old Grime V that sood old man we read (Maine Farmer. LEWISBUltG CHHOMCLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER Sunbury fc Harriihnif Ball Road. At the last session of the Legislature, a bill was passed incorporating a company to make a railroad from Harrisburg to Sunbu ry. The importance and necessity for a railway communication between Philadel phia and the junction of the North and West Branches of the Susquehanna, ha'f long been (ell and conceded. It has long been a cherished object of enterprising individuals along this route to construct this road, and now the first link is about to be commenced. Next week the Mahonoy and Wisconisco company will organize. They will make a road from the mouth or the Mahonoy creek 1 1 miles south of this place, to the head of the Wisconisco canal, and probably to the Central road at Clark's Ferry. This will leave but 1 1 miles to make the connection complete. The route, throughout its whole extent, lies along the banks of the Susque hanna. The distance from this place to Harrisburg is S3 miles, and the fall only 140 feet.by actual survey; so that the grade will be of no account. This road will tap thethreeextensiveccal basins of Shamokin, Mahonoy and Ly ken's Valley, besides opening a market to the great trade of the West Hutch. The resources of this valley are not generally known. In addition to the rich agricultural products which are not surpassed by any valley in the State, it abounds in mineral wealth. Rich veins of iron ore are found in almost every hill. and vast beds of bituminous coal lie almost worthless in the mountains for want of a conveyance tfl market. Immense quantities of lumlr are tied up along her bank every season, its progress arrested by low water. Scarcely a season passes but millions of feet are detained in our dam, by high winds or want of water, which would speedily find their way to Philadelphia and Baltimore on a rail road. The lumber trade alone of that region would afford ample tonnage to a rail read for years. Much of the country on the upper part of the West Branch is as yet unimproved. Though the land is rich and fertile, the distance from market and the want of facilities for transportation de ter the owners from improving it. It is intended to extend this road up the West Branch to Williamsport, where it will intersect the railway from thit place to Elmira. The latter road taps the great New York and Erie rail road and draw up. en it a position ol the immense Lake trade which is so anxiously sought for by Phila de'phia and Baliimore. When this con neclion is complete, as we have reason to know it will be in a few vears.this rail road will be ons of the most useful and profita ble improvements not only to tha company, but to the whole State. It is through a county like the valley of the West Branch that a railway ought to be made. Here are vast quantities of land unimproved, rich mineral resources to be developed, and ev ery mile of road will open new sources of wealth. The flourishing towns of Lewis burg, Williamsport, and lxick Haven, are but an earnest of the prosperity which will fellow this great work. When such planes can grow up in a section of country whose commerce is dependent upon the difficult and dangerous river navigation or the slow and uncertain transportation of a canal, what may we not look for when a railway opens to it a swift, easy, end certain com mntiication with .the ocean T Sunbury American- Foreign News. The America reached Halifax, June 4 The debate on the electoral bill in France, had commenced. The Hall was densely crowded. There was a great ex citement. After the presentation of an enormous number of petitions from all parts of France against the bill, and after a pre liminary contest on the question of urgen cy, it was carried against the Mountain party by 407 to 239 votes. Gen. Cavaignac, whose name was first on the list of speakers.ascended the tribune, lie rested his opposition to the measure on the letter and spirit of the constitution, which required as its first principle, the right of universal suffrage, and the I) II was not to regulate, but to destroy that right. Besides, it was ill-timed and dangerous. He was listened to with absorbing attention, met w ith no interruption in the course cf a long speech, and on setting down, was loudly cheered by the whole left. The next important orator was Victor Hugo, who had delivered a glowing harangue on universal suffrage. On Wednesday, there were 75 members present, and immense crowds around the Hall of Assembly. A sensation was crea ted by the presenting of a petition demand ing an appeal to the nation. A correspon dent of the leading London paper says : there can be no doubt whatever that the Cabinet, is only watching an opportunity for suspending law, and placing the coun try under the yoke of the army. The ob stinate forbearance of the people has so far deprived the Government of the long sought pretext for declaring martial law. While all this is going on, the more im portant negotiations concerning the map of Europe are progressing at Claremont, Paris and St. Petersburg. I be two branches are reconciled ; Henry V. is Jo mount the throne of France, extending to the Rhine ; Austria will be induced to give up as much of Lombardy. as she can not conveniently guard too firmly t kingdom for one of the Orleana family. Several secret manufactories of gunpow-! ' der hate been discovered. The prosecution of the opposition press goes on unabated. Rome and the Italian States. The Pope is accused of attempting to escape from Rome, and again wishing to place himsell under the protection of Austria, but is too closely Watched by the French. Unless the Pope yields to liberal institutions, there is reason to apprehend that the Papal Gov ernment is near its end. II. M. E. Spiteful has been sent to Na ples, by Sir William Parker, with a view, it is said, of demanding reparation for the losses sustained by the English io 1849. Austria and Hungary. The Jesuits had been admitted into Vienna again, despite the opposition of ecclesiastical authorities. Dalmatia had been indefinitely placed un der Jelischich.who is now chief of Croatia, Scluvonia and Dalmatia. Koasuth's chil dren have been allowed to go to him. Bern's name has been nailed to the gallows, by the public executioner, and his property de clared forfeited to the State. A despatch announces a decree of amnesty in favor of Hungary, and the suppression of the cus toms barriers between Austria and Hunga ry. ' Prussia. An attempted assassination of the king of Prussia, has created a great sensation throughout Europe. The attempt was made at Potsdam, by a Sergeant ol Artillery, who fired a pistol at his majesty, and inflicted a wound in the arm. Nctps Notions. Tiie commissioners appointed to run the boundary line between the counties of Mon tous aud( Columbia, have finished their labors. The Scran tons are now making Forty Tons of Railroad Iron per day st their great Lacawanna Iron Works, of a quality which readily command seven dollars per ton above the price of merchantable Eng hah Iron. Chaplains in the United Stales Navy receive 81200 per annum. Victoria's " last'' is named Arthur, after the Duke of Wellington, so that her three promising Princes bear the illiterating cog nomens Albert, Alfred, and.Arlhur. Whilst a Coroner in Cincinnati, was engaged last week, in holding an inquest on the body of a man found drowned in the river, a young man stopped to see what was going on, and after a while re cognised the body as that of his father, whom he had crossed the ocean in search of! The ErrTperor Taukwang.of China.died at Pekin, on the 25'h of. February, after having reigned twenty-nine years. His age was 69. The Cleveland Bank was broken open on the night of the 20th ult. and robbed of $30,00020.000 in gold, and the rest in Ohio bank biila. There sre eighteen mills at Oswego, N. V., with eighty-eight run of stones, capable of grinding 8,750 barrels of flour per day. A letter from Junius Smith, in the Jour.of Commeree.states that the cultivation of the Ted plant is still going on in South Caro lina, and that there is every prospect of its being successfully introduced. It is stated that there are twenty three hundred licensed drinking houses in New Orleans. Were they placed side by side, they would extend thirteen miles. The amount of money annually expended in New Orleans for intoxicating drinks, is at least Twelve Millions of Dollars I The Democrats of Ohio have nominated Judge Wood, ol the Western Reserve, for Governor. The Whigs have taken up Judge V m. Johnston, oft. incinnati. Hon Daniel R.Tilden of the Reserve was taken up by the Free Soilers, but we see it stated declines running. . One of the "cholera cases, at St. Louis, made an addition of a little republican to the number already inhabiting the flourish ing state of Missouri. Enoch Louis Lowe, of Frederick, is the Democratic candidate for Gov. of Mary I'd. Wm. B. Clark is the W hig nominee. The Cincinnati Commercial notices a chicken with four perfectly formed wings and four legs. It was bro't to the Museum in that Lily by Mr. Isaac Kaplee, a farmer of Lewis county, Ky. A mulatto, named Bob, emancipated by Hon. James Harhn.of Ky.,has made $12,- 000 in California in three months, keeping a tavern. A Western paper announces the silting of the Court of Common Fleas We sup pose that of course the big bust are in at tendance at the hotels. The next Democratic State Convention is to be held in Reading, June, 1851. The Whiga of Franklin and Allegheny counties. Pa., have opened the Fall's cam paign by nominating their full tickets. The population of Boston is 140,000 something less than her citizens expected. Worcester had 18,884 on the 1st May. The key-holders of a church in Robeson Tp. Berks Co. recently refused to permit a Sunday-school of SO scholars, with female and male teachers, to be organised in their house, and compelled them to depart. Tha St. Louis Union learns from a gen tleman just down from Council Bluff, that the Cholera ia prevailing to a considerable I extent among the overland emigration. Six teen members of a company from Michi pan had died. Six of another company also had sunk victims to the fearful malady, and many others had experienced it attacks. Mr.Gliddon at Boston has been unrolling the bandages of an embalmed Egyptian (or "mummy. It was so well kept as to be shown that the subject was buried 1500 years before Christ. We are pleased to learn that the Rolling Mill, of this borough, the property of Si mon P. Kase, Esq-, was again put into op eration on last Saturday, and is now ma king some of the best kinds of bar iron.' Danville Democrat. Don't forget to par the printer. 1 mt none. H. O. mCXOK, Editor. O. N. WOBDEH, Publisher. At 11 .M earn In tlnim. fl.TS in Uiree months, 2 paid within Uu year, and tS0 at the end oT the jear. Agent ia Philadelphia V B Palmer and K W Carr. Lewisburg, Pa. Wednesday Morning, June 12. ADVERTIZE ! Ezmtora, Aitminlstratnra, Public OfSixTH. City and Country Merchant, Manufw-turtm, Mcehaniee, BuiunMa Mn all who wuh to procure or to dupo"" or anything would do well to Kin notice or the same through the "Lmidiurg tHromce." Thi. pep-r ha a good and Increaftinjr circulation in a community contai. nine a large a pmoortion or active, Molrent producer, oomiumers, and dealer, a any other in the btate. FOB TUB AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITITION. Democratic State Kominatiotu . OiiKJf Ommiuiimrr WM T.MORISON.of Montiffmerr Co. Auditor Ornrral EPI1RA1M BANKS, of Mifflin Co. Surrryor Unrral J. POUTER BRA WLET,of Crawford Co. Whig State Convention, Jane 19. Election, Oct S. NOTICE. Alter the 1st of August next we can not receive Notes under $5 of any Bank out of Pennsylvania. Relief notes are not prohibited from circulation by ibe new law. Subscribers at a distance are desired to notice this, and to remit ua Penn'a money if possible, at once. Our own citizens will do well to work off all their foreign money as fast as possible to the Cities, ss it is the intention of business men end officers to enforce the law, hard tho' it be. ululia July 4, 1850. The Students of the University, sre making arrangements to celebrate the com ing 4th, and have chosen Messrs. J. T.Lane, J. Merrill Linn, and John K. Taggart, Or ators of the day ; C. Carroll Bitting.Reader of the Declaration. 7 Labor is irksome and repulsive,and men sigh for the Eden happiness of our first parents, and their blissful freedom from care and toil before the primal curse had dimmed the glory of their birth-right and broken the sceptre of their power. But day-dreams ran not dissipate life's stern realities The burden of care and toil will still press heavily upon our pathway. We are not here as listless time-servers of self, to dream away the shadowy years in ener vating luxury ana criminal amotion. iie s manifold duties challenge our incessant energies ; and the rightful performance of those duties, calls oft-times for more nerve and heroism than was ever wakened by the battle bugle's peal.' If there be im pressed upon the constitution of man's fallen nature any one law more strongly than another, it is the obligation to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow ; and from its binding force no one of the human family has been, or, in the nature of things, can be released, with impunity. Labor, in some form or other, is an indispensable pre-re-quUite to health and happiness. It is man's destiny, and the faithful accomplishment of that destiny, cheerfully and without repin ing.will bring its own reward.and mitigate a vat amount of the ills which flesh is heir to. The salutary influences of physical and mental toil, are essential to. the exist ence of a sound mind in a sound body. Vet there ate a great many laxy folks in the world, lor all that. William HonseL Died in Lewisburg, Union Co., June 7, Capt. William Hoi-sel, in his 61st year. Capt. HuuscI served five years in the Regular army of the U.S., part of the time as private and part as orderly serjeant.and was in active service on the Canada fron tier during the whole of the last war with Great Britain. lie was taken prisoner in Dec. 1813, together with a small detach ment of Americans, and marched to Que bec suffering much hardship on the road and treated with much brutality. He rejoined his regiment in the succeeding : month of June participated in the bloody battles of Chippewa and Bridgewater (or Lundy's Lane) and was in Fi.Erie when its magazine exploded during an assault from a storming party of the enemy. At Lundy's Lane, his company was the first in the field, and his comrades mowed down by platoons: yet he passed through the war without receiving a serious wound.and returned to die at the home of bis youth. In 1943, he attended the Volunteer En campment at Danville to meet his old commander, Gen. Scott, who recognized, ana gave him a most cordial greeting. Capt. House! was a devoted husband and father, a kind neighbor, a brave and un flinching soldier, possessed of more than an ordinary share of military spirit and enthusiasm but modest and reserved in referring to the incidents of his own military experience,which circumstance will account for the meagerness of this sketch. As his j body wasted by disease, his thoughts were turned upon the future state, and he hoped to enjoy it through ths Savior's merits. His remama were borne by the Lewis- burg Infantry and the Cameron Guards, followed by a large concourse of citizens, to the Lewisburg Cemetery, where he was interred, on Saturday afternoon last. 7Now is the season when danger in bathing is to be apprehended. We learn that a young man named Matthew Vanfleet recently perished in a pond in NewMilford, supposed to have been seised with cramp while swimming A youth while in the Susquehanna at this place last week, was only rescued from death by a companion who accidentally saw the last struggle he was probably able to make for bis life. Southern Oplniom A large number of persons at the North feel extremely reluctant to endorse Mr. Clay's Compromise on the Slavery que tion, and others are decidedly opposed to it, believing that it concedes everything to the South, at the sacrifice and surrender of Northern rights and interests. The fol lowing article from the editorial columns of ihe Keotcet (3. C.) Courier of 31st May, will show how this same Compromise is regarded io the neighborhood of Mr. Cal houn's late residence. Some ot the con eluding paragraphs about " Southern con cessions," we reckon will cause a smile, and excite a feeling of curious wonderment in the minds of our readers : "What should the South do with the Compromise?" asks the Richmond En quirer. We answer. Reject it, as she cer tainly will unless greatly amended, as by the present scheme she is required to sur render everything for which she has been contending. liy sanctioning this bill for the abolition of the Slave Trade in the Dis trict of Columbia, she will recognise the right of Congress to interfere with slavery in the District, and be helping the North to take the first step for its abolition there. By the Fugitive Slave Bill, the power is given to the scoundrels who may kidnap our slaves to harass the unfortunate own ers with bonds and jury trials. By the Bill admitting California, provi ding territorial governments for Utah end New Mexico, and settling the Texan boun dary, we are called upon lo surrender a large porti n of the State of Texas, now slave, to be made free territory ; to acqui esce in the admission of California, with her enormous boundaries and fraudulent Constitution ; to acknowledge the right of Congress to pass the W ilmol Proviso; and to consent lo be excluded from all partici pation in the territories acquired from Mexico ; for this Bill does exclude as cflec tually from these territories, as if anexclu ding clause had been expressly inserted. It denies to the Territorial Governments the power of making any regulations res pecting African slavery, and therefore all power lo protect citizens in the enjovment of the same. Will any owner of slaves be so foolish as to carry them into a country where his right' to them can not be protec ted, and where tha judiciary would have no power to authorise the seizing ol bis ab sconding slave, and the legislature no au thorny to grant such power to the Judges ? nut it this should not happen to be en ough, to 'make assurance doubly sure, and take a bond of fate against the extension ol slavery, the father of this Compromise tells us, that the laws of Mexico.abolishing slavery, are in force in those territories. and that therefore we need not think of earning it there. And still the South is told lo accept of this compromise, and thue of her decod ers who reject it are called by hard names, and charged with meditating disunion ! Can we concede, when every concession only weakeos our mora! force and strength ens the force of our adversaries T For the North to tell us of concession is idle imper tinence ; to contemplate it ourselves, weak and suicidal. Besides, have we any assur ance that when these concessions are made, more will not be demanded ? Uo we not know, that when oace the barriers to legis lation on the subject of slavery are broken down, all our defences will be swept away? H uh a generosity, for which she h.is ever been as famous as she has been for her truth and loyalty to the Union, the Sjuth has made concession after concession for the sake of peace and harmony in the brother hood ot States. The whole history of her connection with the North, has been one of concession on her part, vainly sought to be disguised under the name of compromise : and has this been enough ? So far from former concessions satislying the ferocious appetite of the North.it has actually grown hungry on the food that was meant to sur feit it ; the more we give.the more we have been expected to give, and the more we may give, until all is gone. By former concessions the North has been taught to look for more, to calculate too much upon our devotion to the Union, to forget that there is a point beyond which human endu rance rarely ever passes, and that those who are loyal to others, will in their last extremity be true to themselves. Naahville Convention. The Southern Convention met at Nash ville on the 3d, and were still in session at our latest dates. Nine States are partially represented. The number of Delegates is small, but the city was full of strangers drawn thither by curiosity. Hon. Win. L. Sharkey, Chief Justice of Mississippi, was chosen President. His speech on taking tho chair was unexpectedly moderate and conservative ; he disclaimed all idea of dissolving the Union. Six different sets of resolutions were offered, which were all reterred lo a committee, who have not yet reported. Some delegates advocate the extension of the Missouri Compromise line to the Pacific Ocean, and others favor Mr. Clay's compromise. One of the resolutions offered asserts that California is admirably adapted to Slave labor.and that its southern part would make two first rate Slave States. 03-Almost a FIRE ! broke forth last Friday evening in one of the bed-rooms in Kline's hotel. A curtain was lighted by a candle left carelessly near it, but no further' damage done save frightening the neigh bors. We can not expect to be always exempt from the calamity of fire, and 'line upon line' of caution is therefore called for. Are the Fire Engines,buckets,&c. in order? Where are your ashes kept ? The 'Fire Proof Paint' noticed in another columo, we hope may command a trial by some of our builders or building owners for if it possess the virtues attributed to it, it is invaluable in preserving wood-work from decay in preventing leakages and in arresting the ravages of fire. Were all our brick buildings thus protected, fire could hardly pass front one to another. FiDm California. There have been further arrivals from California, with large remittances of gold, but no news ol any special importance. The New York correspondent ol the Peon sylvanian, under date of June 6, says : "The private letters from San Francisco do not speak so favorably, as the printed accounts,of business prospects,! here. Gold is said, however, to be as abundant as ever, but it ia harder lo be procured, than it was six months ago. A letter from a house doing a large commission business at San Francisco, rays: 'All kinds of goods are hard to sell, save only at prices below tha original cost.' 1 give you this for what it is worth. It is certainly far Irom agreeing with the newspaper reports. f7"The Governor has appointed Wm. Williamson of Chester. John Slrohm of Lancaster, and Wm. M. Watts of Cumber land. Commissioners to re-locate the seat of Justice for Sullivan county. C7During the refreshing shower on Saturday afternoon last, a bain of Franklin Candor, in Chillisquake Twp, was struck by lightning, but, we are happy to add; it was not consumed. 7Columbia Democrat We tip our beaver to the Junior Editor, instanter. He's by no means so rcrzing, as bis pat ronymic might seem to indicate. frtrThe beautiful "Dream of a Star on our first page is from Dickens' new Jour nal, "Household Words." Fire Proof Paint This is rather a singular name to uw for paint, one of the most combustible rnateii ala known. But there is such an article e fire proof paint. It is made out of a kicd of chalk or stone which is found in Ohio, and prepared by Mr. Blake, No. 84 Peart street. We have made use of it ourseSet and can give our testimony in its favor. I: is simitar in appearance to brown crrD', and when put upon the root of a build. runs in among the shingles and fills up the crevices and becomes as hard as a rock, If one can imagine a large block of granits or sand-stone completely dissolved so as tj become a liquid like melted lead and then poured over the roof a building and tura back again to lis proper element, he can form a pretty correct idea of Blake'a fire proof paint. We say ihismuh not fvr.Mr. Blake, or his paiot, but because we ht9 tried the stuff upon the roof of a barn in the joint of an angle where we had des paired of ever making it fire or water proof and found it to do both. It proved to be just the thing, and if any of our farmers or rea ders are desirous of seeing and beco.nin g acquainted with its good qualities, let them call at No. 84 Pearl-street, and examine the article for themse!ves.-N. Y. Day Book. We are pleased lo learn that the mem bers of the Evangelical Lutheran congre gation, of this place and vicinity, purpose building a new church edifice this summei, on Mahoning street, and are already deliv ering the brick and lumber upon the ground. The Town Council, on Tuesday iasr, resolved to continue Macadamizing the streets have there: fore issued proposals to Macadamize Water St.. in Upper Milton, from Broadway to Walnut St. ; and Front St.. lwer Milton, from Market to Apple St. A tax, two and a half times ths County, has been laid. We regret to learn that the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has left this place for the purpose of recruiting his health, which has been very feeble for some months. It is said ba iutends going to Havana Miltooiaa. The Bro authorities of Northumberland have enclosed their Public Square with neat fence, and planted a double row of trees within. It will form a delitrhifut retreat while the dog star rages. Sun.Am. We learn that directions have been is sued by the State Treasurer to the collec tors of canal and railway tolls not to re ceive the notes of the Erie Bank. For the Lewisburg Chronicle. Mr. Editor : 1 observe by a communica tion from the Hon. Joseph Caset, that be has made up his mind, not to accept a re nomination for Congress. Since reading that communication, 1 have been trying to think of some one worthy of being the successor of Mr. Casey, and have come to i he conclusion that there is no man in the far-famed Thirteenth Congressional District more worthy and more capable than the Hon. NER MIDDLES VVARTII. ol Union county. He has had much experience as a Legislator, and is an ardent friend to the Protection of American Industry. He is s self-made man, and knows by long experi ence, the wants ol the laboring part of ths community. On him we can unite, and if our neighboring counties, composing this Congressional district, wilt anile with us, (as I have no doubt they will.) ia nomina ting Mr. Middleswarth, old Union will give him an old fashioned majority of something like 1600 let who will, be taken up in opposition. A Union Cochtt Wme. ' Lewisburg, June 12, 1850. nmmuts irraritrt. Corrected this Day. Wheat lOSallO Rye Corn ..SO ..30 .100 .100 ui ,. 8 Oats... Flaxseed Dried Apples Butter Eggs Tallow Lard Ham S Bacoa ....10 .1.