IiEWISBUBQ CI1RONICL.E AND WEST BRANCH FARMER -4 toit m.ft (jmnov; JL Calculating Bridegroom. uTve known some very mean men in toy time. There was Deacon Overreach; now, he was so mean, he always carried a hen in his gig-bos when he traveled, to pick up the oats his horse wasted in tlie manger, and lay an rgg for his breakfast in the mifjrlrg. And then there was Hu go Ilimmclmun, who made his wife dig potatoes to pay tor the m trriage license. I must tell you that story of Hugo, lor ii'n not a bad one ; and good stoiic?, like poia toei.aiu'l as plenty as they used to be w hen 1 was a boy. Hugo is a neighbor of mine, although considerably older than 1 be, and a mean neighbor lie is, too. Will, fthfec he was going to get married to Oret chen Kolp, he goes down to Parson Rog ers, at Digby, to get a license. Parson, Say he, what's the price of a license ?' 'Sit dollars,' says he. 'Six dollars !' says Hugo ; 'that's a dreadful sight of money ! Couldn't you take no less Y -That's what !hey cost me to the Stcretarv's office at Halifax.' 'Well, how much do you ax for publishing in church, then V 'Nothing,' 6ays parson. 'Well,' says Hugo, 'that's to cheap I can't expect you to give no change back. I think I'll be puMished. How long dues it taKe V 'Three Sundays.' Three Sundays!' says Hugo, 'Well, thai' a hong time, too. But three Sundays only are a fortnight after all ; two for the covers and one for the inside like ; and six dollars is a great sum of money for a poor man to throw away. I must wait.' Sn otT he went a jogging towards home, and a-Iook-ing about as mean as a new-sheared sheep, when all at once a bright thought came fato his head, and back he went, ns hard as his horse could carry him. 'Parson,' says hcIVe changed my mind. Here's the six dollars. I'll tie the knot to ni-jht with my tongue that I can't undo with my teeth ffhy, what in natut' is the meaning of all ... ,, ,, , this ! says parson. 'Why,' says Hugo. I ve been figuring it out in my head, and it's cheaper than publishing bans, after all You see, it'jpotato dijrging lirnr; if I Wait to be called in church, her father will nave ber work for nothing ; arid a-; bunds are scarce and wages high, if I marry her to-night, she can begin to dig our own to morrow, and that will psy for the lie. n and just seven shillings over; for there ain't a man in all Clements that can dig a fid carry as many bushels in a day as Gretchen can. And beside?, fresh wivrs like fresh servants work like smoke at first, but they get saucy and laey after a whi'e.' " Life in a Colony. "Mysterious knot-kings" are all the rage now, front the land of "wooden nutmeg" (o the "corn cracking" state. Most ol ihe Tappings are without sense or meaning, hut Ae Piughkeepsie Eigle chronicles an in teresting exception. The editor was dis turbed in his sanctum, while overhauling his accounts, by the knockings of a delin quent subscriber whoso name he was about to place on the blacS list, but who wus now thundering at the door, w ith the cash in hanl. As a respectably dressed man was walk ing down Broadway recently, wh-re the Hew stores are being erected, through the carelessness of one of the hod carriers who was mounting a ladder, a quantity of mor tar fell upon- his coat and hat, some hat marring their beauty. Horn the inveterate, who sa w the accident, assures us he never saw a man so completely mortar -fkti in his life. K. Y. Pathfinder. Children and fools, -(says an old adag,) always tell the truth. Mother rt me,w said a little girl to her neighbor, " to ask you to come and take tea with h-r this evening." "Did she say at '? time, my dear V Mo, ma'am, she only said she would ask you, and then the thing would be off her mind: and that was all she said '." An old Jew, being in an out of the way alehoase, treated himself to some ham and Cggs ; but just as he was about to raise the forbidden morsel to his mouth, a clap of thunder startld) him. He dropped the fork, saying, " Meio Golt ! all dish fuss chust pecause old Moshes is eating a little pit of paeon V An orator in en Indiana debating society exclaimed, "Mr.Presidcnt ! I'd rutl.tr hear the clatter of hammers and stones on twenty tin pans and nine brass kettlcs.than the din din din of the eculdiug wife. Yes, sir-rec, Mr. President, a smoking 'cliimney is no more to be compared to a scolding wife, thin a little nigger to a dark night." The Missouri Expositor says ihnt Mr. Benton liies Rfi encounter of hand to bsnuV We think, that in his late atTYir with tbe Mississippi Senator, he manifested a decided inclination for an encounter of foole to Foott. Louisville J"urnal. The engine that blew p and killed so many passenger, llie other day, has just been indicted the Coroner's Jury having decided that no blame wa attached to the Engineer! There is a rwin in I jvcrMreet,whohas got such a cold iri Ms bead, that all -the milk lie drinks turns into iee-crfaifis. Why is a man who uses false weights, like a soldier in ambush Ans. Ct cause he Ha in wight Ctftril'J The Summer Session of the LEWISBURG ACADEMY, WILL commence on Mosdav the 29th of April. Instruction will be given, as for merly, in all branches necessary to ihorungh Academic course. Our endeavor shall not be um!y to communicate knowledge, but to excite the youthful mind to act for itself. When this is fully attained, the progreas of the strident becomes at once certain and rapid. The kind of learning; which most of our youths in this country ueed, is that solid literature, which, while it matures their minds, prepares them also for tl.e practical duties of lite. Composition and Declamation will receive their full share of attention particularly tbe former. The Primary Department shall have our special care. From llie disposition manifested to sustain the Institution, the subscriber fee's stimulated to renewed exertions. The Session will consist of two Ttrtnt of 11 weeks each a abort vacation intervening. Tui tion $U for the common branches, $ 8 for the higher nglih, aud $10 for Language, per Se.inn per Term, oue half. JXO. RANDOLPH, March 27, 1850. Principal. Tamiingand Currying 17011 past favors, the subscriber returns ; his grateful thinks, and hereby makes known tliut he carries on the business of Tannin? and Curryinp, nt the O'd Stand. Determined not to be nut lone in the manufacture or finish of his woik, he is hound to have the best work men and ma:criii's, and to treat those who have So liberally patronized as wrll as those nlo u ho shall be pleased to patronize him) with (hit attention which he hopi-s to insure him a full shnrc of public patronage. ll kinds nf Produce taken in exchange. Hides and fi irk not rcfusrd, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange for leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A.D. 1850 WIN FIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. Scar IlarMcton, I'nion Co., I'M. Ii ! rpHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal ! J. patronage bestowed on his old cslnb- ', br-ga U -ave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has no hjs Mjcmne.y int0 his Nt.w Millf (,. milr above ll,irtleion,near the Turn- pike.) which has been built and titled up on the most improved plan, and will have oh by the middle of April an entire new sett of JENKV lai.st IMPROVED MACHINERY, in addition to his already good sett, which will make it the largest and best fitted-iip establishment within 100 miles of it; ami with the advantage of one of the best w.rer powers, he feels safe in saying that his enli!ii-hn.ent is not and shall not be sur passed by any in this part of the country, lie has engaged a pod sett of workmen, and is now prepared for manufacturing Broad and Narrow CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Satinets, JeaGS, Flannels, Blankets, &c. in i he best manner, on li e shortest notice, at reduced prices. iC7F.t the uccommo dntion of customers, Wool may be Is-ft at the ful lowing Depositories : New IJe.Iin: E Wilson's flore Selinsgrove : Davis & Schnure do do Jwlui Hartman Jr do Free!urj: O 4 F C Mover do Mulilleburg : Swengli'&Massinger dt Adatn!urg: Henry A Smith do I'ennsYaUej : Narrows : MrsMoatzdo Mifiliut'iire : Henry Gast do East Buffalo : Samuel Relier'a Tavern UuffatoX Roads: J M'CVighl's Store Lenistiure : J Haves & Co do do Itrlier & Iddinga do Vest Milton : John Dalesman do Milton: Mte!ler A Swenk do do Sweeney & Haig do Liberty P O: Vm Dale's House Limestone : Weiilenbamer's Store Pottsgrove : James Reed do A good assortment of Cloths, Satinrtts, Casinicres.Tvrcds, Jeans, Flannels.Iiliin keis. Stockini! Yarn, fcc. always For Sale or Exchange fur Woul or corny ry Produce at the New Factory. CA R D1XG and FULLING as usual. MKK HALFPENNY. Winfield Mills. March 1, 1850 GOLD and SILVER X J only in California, but alto in LetvUlurg! A good assortment of Wat flics, S1I verwnre and Jewelry of fine quality and at City pi ices. Hatfield Sr. Thompson Respectfully inform the citizens of I.ewisburg an.! vicinity, 'hl thev have entered into I'artneiship at Ihe OLD STAND on Market St., opposite J Hayes & Co's Store, prepared to execute every , kind of work in their line, in the best manner. They carefully selected of the best English arid French materials, Hainsprings,l.ylinilers,ticape wheels, and a variety of Watch Jewels, and flitter themselves that their knowledge and skill in ttie business will enable them lo give satisfaction to all who mav favor them with patronage. FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex, Es capement. Lepines, Anchars, Detached, Patent levers. Repeaters, and Musical Watches, &c neatly it paired and warranted Also fur sale, a variety of Gold and Silver Watches, Patent Levers, Anchars, Detached. Le. pine, tjuartiers, an! Euglih Watches, Oold Chains, Breat-p'ns, Finger and Ear ringi. Gold and Silver Bull Midi's, Bracelets, Gold and Silver Pencil and Pens, do Spectacles, iSil' - - Simon, Sugar longs.Combs, &c cVc in fhor., a little of everything, and anything else, not mentioning kniek-knack. alwavs on himl or g it to order A variety of Brass Clocks for $3 and upwards at wtinleeal and retail Persona desiring to get things right, would do well by giving the suhaciibere call Experience trl'a u that Ihe Credit System can not affrrd a living. Therefore, in order lo "puh along and keep moving," the Cash 8ystem must necessarily be enforced. Feb 29. 1SS9 A L HATFIELD. WM H THOMPSON'. R V.C V i PT ,N h JiljJill 1 W.tSIHNtt MlXTCRR. 40Z Spts Ammonia. It ox 8pts Torpenlir-e, 4 ox rtpta Camphor; mix in bottle. Take 6 to 8 tiblesjtoofifula above mixture: Ij pints soft soap to aa ordinary tub of hot water ; mix thor oughly together, then put the clothes in Ihe tub, and let them remain fifteen minute before wash ing Ihem out ; then rinse them thrVitrgb two or ihree waters, hang op and dry. This Washing Mixture for sale by X W. 6CHAFFLE. WORMS worms ! Various theorie have been started rlative to the origin of intestinal worms, and yet the question i a vexed one among medical authorities. Oi one fact, however, all are informed, and in which all agree the fatal nature of the influence they exert on children. As this season of llie year is one at which attacks of worms are most frequent as well as most dangerous,we take great pleasure in direct ing the attention of parents to Dr.M'Lane'e Vermifuge. It is one of the most extraor dinary medicines ever introduced, and ha never failed of success when tried. AoKLPur, Eof Co, Ohio, Feb IS, 1818 Messrs J Kidd & Co : We wish to inform you that we have sold all your Worm Specific left with us. We wish you to send us some ni ne a' soon as possilile, as it has given general satisfac tion here. Wo have many calls for it since we are out of the a tide. It has succeeded all other preparations in this county, and for this reason we wish to keep a supply on hand. It & M A PATTERSON. The above is one ol hundreds of similar communications which the proprietors of this medicine are daily receiving. Where it has been introduced, it has become the most popular remedy in use. AGENTS t; W Sritrrtr, LewUlmrg; H J Sbafer and J II Kaser, Milton ; I (In hart, 8e linf grove; J W Frilius. Sunburv ; Mrs M 'Cay, Northumberland , M C Crier, J Moore, Danville jFruftairt. JgPo RNA MENTAL 3 TBEESi The subscriber olRis fur sale a large Assortment of choice Fruit Tri es such us Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hih, 40 varieties, 'til warranted genuine Peach trees, 20 varieties; Tartarian Cherry Nectarine, Prui;e and Pear trees, together with some 6 or 8 varieties of Urape Vines of the best native and exotic varieties, urnamen'ai Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, etc. I he above tres can be seen by the 1st of April, on the premises of the subscriber, one square aaovc vnrisi at rauuim Foundry. N. 15. Persons wishing lo procure a quantity ol the Fruit trees.are requested to make immediate application lo the subscri ber, iu order to procure the varieties and size wanted. II- R NOLL. Lewibtirg, March 4, 1850. Aolii'i. QUKSCRIBERS to the "University at O Lewisburg" are respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the 1st Inst 11 are respectfully notified that all such delin.picn's will be charged Interest cn their Instalments from the time they become due. (tAM'l, T. WALKER, TasAS. Lewisburg, Feb. 25. 1650. HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTOUXKY AT LAW, Lewislurs, Union County, Penna. Practices in l.'nion and adjoining counties also attends the courts of Terry county. 0 FFICE on Second Sr., lately occupied I by L. It. Christ, L-q. BranJreih's Tills are sold at 25 ets per bo (nith full direction) BY J. MAYES & CO., Lewtsburp, and by omi one Agent in every town in the Union. E.ieh Agent has a Certificate ol Agency, r.xamine the box o pills always and compare it with the fac-simi'e labels on the Ceriiti-. te of Aaencv. As there is a counter fi-it of the uw label out, this j. of much importance, mvr i is a uwmtru uimiiina i ippcs nee of the true laliels and those of tbe Muni; fell. 1 he counterlell is uone on stone ; he if lutne are done on tetl. Tbe appearance ofttr printing on the counterfeit is rairgej and . i , i .t I blurt; ; tno genuine ii is ie y pm ui neatness, both in printing, paper, and general execution. Be very enrcful and goto the Agent,wben you want Biamlreth's Pills : then you arc sure of tbe genuine article. When y.u purchase otherwise, inuuira of ihe seller whether he knows tho pills he offers you are ihe genuine Brandrelh'st Ev ery man knows whether the article he offers is true or false. Beware of cheats ! rpilE subscribers offer the public, at (heir 1 new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Ir m Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a Briik Oven. Lidy Washinc'on Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air- S ight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors t size, IS inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2 tizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 3 siii'i Egg Stove the very best in use for Stores, Offices, Barrooms, and Shops. The celebrated (icnesee Air-Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook 3 sizes. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings. cVc. AVe. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849. I FRESH supply received at the Lewis 1. burg Cheap Bookstore : Fisku's Manual of Classical Literature D.tvies' Analytical Geometry H'air'a Rhetoric, (University edition) Comstock's Mineralogy The Complete Farmer, I vol.621 cts The New American Gardener, 1 ol,$l The Book that will Suit You, bra Word for Everybody i can furnish the above works, with a great variety of other, at very low prices. M.y 30 8 F LYNDA LI.' Window- SASH A lot of 8x10 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout & Burrows, on hand, and all sizes got to order on short notice. May, 1849 - I G Lawshe NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notes (blanks) at this office. SALT and FISH on hand by Ap2l- Reber & Mdings. Dr. Sway ne"s Celebrated Family Medicines. CUBE FOLLOWS COBB ! More Proofs of the Efficacy of Dr. SWAYNE'S coarocsD Starr or Wild Cherry, The Original and Genuine Preparation ! Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com plaint, spitting U!ood,diliicully of Breathing, pain in the Side and Breast, palpitation of the Heart, Inrluenza,Croup,bro ken Conktitulion,aore Throat, Nervous Dcbility.and all diseases of Throat, Breast, and Lungs: the most effec tual and speedy care known for any of the above disease is Dr. Swayne's compound Syrup of wua uticrry. Reliable Testimony, John Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester Spy, Mass., waa attacked with a severe inflama tion cf the lungs, accompanied with a distressing cough : after using various other remedies with little or no benefit, by tbe use of one bottle ot Dr Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, he was restored lo perfect health. Wm. Montelias, a respectable merchant of St Clair, Schuylkill county, wntea, Jan e, 184: "Enclosed I send you a certificate of Wm. Beau mont, citizen of our town. His case of Cons umption is well known here.and of long standing; he attributes his cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry." Be not deceived by the many spurious and worthless preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretenders, but see that the signature of Dr. Swayoe is upon each bottle, which ia the only guarantee against imposition. Remember ! the genuine preparation of Wild Cherry is prepared only by Dr Swinit, N W corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philad'a Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, 'A Safe and Effectual Remedy for Worm. Dys pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or dyspeptic Children or Adults.and the most useful Family Medicine evet offered to the public." This remedv is one that baa proved successlui for a long time, and is universally acknowledged bv all who have tried it to be fur superior (being so very pleasant to the taste, at the same time efiectual) to any other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it i recommended. It not onlv deotrovs worms, but it invigorates the hole system. It is Harmless in lis euecis.anu w umm of the patient ia always improved by its use, even arlmn tin sa'AtUlB ST6 discovered. (Jj" Beware of Miifakts. Remember Dr S's Vermifuge is now put up in Kuare bottles (hav ing recently been changed) covered oy a oeaumui wrapper, steel engraving, with ihe portrait of Dr Swayne thereon engraved. Bear Ibis in mind, and be not deceived. Dlv FW ATNE'S SKGAn COATED 8ARSA PAKILLA AND EXTRACT OF TAR TILLS The virtues of these pills can be appreciated only by those who have used them. They are adapted to assist nstnre in carrying off morbid matter, obstructions, impurity of Ihe blood, etc. They are a gentle and effective purgative, correel all the functions of ihe liver, and as an alterative in dropsical affections ihey are very valuable and should be in every family. They have en outside coaling of pure White Sugar.whereby everything disagreeable to taste or smell is entirely removed without in tbe least afifucling the excellent quali ties of tho medicine. Remember ! Ihey are now P up m r.oies turnro. out . swavne: none other is genuine. The above valuable Medicines are pre pared only by Dr. SWAYNE, N W corner ot Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Agents for Union County, Pa. C W Schaffle, and Thornton & Bak'er.Lewisburg J Seebold and v ,i.,rt;JU Mench, Mil.ersi.urg Ed Wilson. j MosSpccht, Bcavertown D J Uoyer, Centerville D.4 Schnure,Selirissr've L.i Tavlor.MiIllinburg Wilt & Eilert, Hartleton Saint Haunt da Tounginan cc Walter. u'smiMosser's Valley Dry Valley ReubKel'er.Navy Island B.dr. Summers.Freeburg and by Storekeepers generally Iy290 P U Jl E F 11 E S II COD JLivei (0it. TJtHIS new and valuable Medicine, now J used by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Vulmunmy Consumption. Scrofula. Ctmnie Rheumatism, Gout, general Dtbi'.'i'j, Complaints if the Kidneys, &e. Sec, is prepared from the liver of the COD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. Extract from tbe London Medical Journal. C.J. B.WiiiiAtss, M. D.. F.RS Professor of Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physii ian to the Hospital for Consumption, &c , ajs ; ' I have prescribed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tebriculou disease of the Lungs, in different atages,which have been under my care the last two year and a half. In the Urge number of cases, 306 out of 334, its use was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases, from a tem porary retardation of tbe progress of the disease snd a mitigation of distressing symptoms, op lo a more or less coinpleto restoration to apparent health. " The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, tbe expec oration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became alower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and atiength were gradually improved. In conclusion I repeat that ttie pure fresh Oil from Ihe Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any sgent, medicinel, dietetic or regimcnul, that has yet been employed." ' As we have made arrangements to pro1 cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head qrjarlers, it can" now be had chemically pure, by ihe single bottle or in boxes of one dzen each. Its wonderful ctrlcacy has induced num erous spurious imitations. As its success depends entirely on its purity, too much care can not be used in procuring it or.xr ikb. Every bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with notices of it from the Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER $ CO., Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, tySSR 100 North Third St. Philadelphia ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, HE1TLT fiXPEDITieCSLT EXECUTED AT THE "CHRONICLE " OFFICE, TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & BKO. most res peclfully solicit attention to their fresh stock of English, French, German, and American Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che micals. Oils, Dyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, Ate Hiving opened a new alore. No 894, Market si, with a full supply of fresh Drugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit eonntry dealers to exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to os their patronage, to sell Ihem genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms aa any other house in Ihe City , and to faithfully ezecue all orders entrusted to us promptly and with de- Pa,ch- ... , t One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggist and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Keeler's Celebrated Family Medicine; (atandard and popular remedies.) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, j.N. KEELER &BRO., Wholesale Druggists, Iy284 No. 29. Market St., Philad. k, imn. n SAM'L AMMOX, rpHANKFUL for liberal patronage heretofore J received, respectfully inibrma his old friends and the public generally that he has removed his Tailor shop to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market ireel, next door above C. Penny'a saddlery (late the office of 11 C HicsoK, Esq) where be hopes to. suit all who may give him their custom, as he does all work in his line in the best and newest style and on short notice. He ha? ihe Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, and is determined to keep ut with the times and-merit a good share c patronage. CUTTING done to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work Lewisburg, June, 1849 ly270,7 Myers' Liquid Cure I IS a positive and never-failing Remedy for P L E St whether Internal, Ex ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula.White Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat, Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutun eous Diseases, Mercurial Affections, Jc. ulso for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui ses, &x. &:c. We feel justified in proclaiming the Fact to the World, that of all medicines ever bro't before ihe public, none have ever been more beneficial to afflicted humanity than Myers' l.iouid Cure. We know this is stiying a great deal, but if we were to write volume we could not say too much in praise of this HiLTU-aiToBisr.,i.irE-poLoxriio Burin v. Hundreds, nay thousand bleeS the happy houi when first they were made acquainted with its Iranscendant virtues ; and our present purpose is to inform oiher thousands, how and here thoy may obtain that relief which ihey perhap have lung sought for in vain. The supeiior excellence of ibis priparatiou over all other medicines, for the speedy and per manent cure of PILES, is well known to all who have tested it. It has been provid in thousands of instancts, and has seteh rui-EU to cure the most obstinate c(tses, and we ere confident it will never fail if ud a proper length of lime accord ing to directions. Asa proof of our entire confi dence in iU ciliracy, we assure all purchaser that if, af.er a proper "trial, it prove ineffectual, the Money paid for it will be returned. The Liquid Cure is an effectual remedy for Uingworms. Biles, Pimples, Barbers' Itch, Frosted Limbs, Chilblains Salt Rheum. Mosquito Biles, stings of poisonous Insects and Cutaneousdisease of every description. It is both sif arid effectual for Kstt-hitish. giving immediate and permanent relief. Its effects as a real Pain Kilter, are magical. EV Ell T FA X 1 LI IS HIE IAX should provide themselves with this Invaluable Preparation, the cheapness of which places it within the reach of ail. Full Directions accompany each Boitle Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates from ihose who have tested Ihe Liquid Cure, may lie bad gratis of our authorized agenta Myers' Liiuid Cure is prepared only by JEROME & CO. 91 Spruce St. New York Agent : C W Schaffle, LewUhurg J II Raser, Milton lveow322 fftVfBEjpluiBT! WTKOFF & HOUSEL WOULD inform the public, that they have opened a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. WykofPs old stand, opposite Hunter 1 ardoe s shop, where they keep on hand or mane to oraer a Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs also I Bureaus, Tables, Beds'eads, f of various kinds, p 4 " Q Settees, tkc. &c All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on the shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises ns regards work arid so doing, hope to receive a liberal share ol public patronage. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL Lewisburg. Nov. 1840 OLD DR. aso S. r. TOWNSEND'S compound syrilp of Sarsaparilla. TUST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and ,J fresh supply of his celebrated medicine from the principal Depot in Hew York. Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla can have either tbe old or young ITr s, gen uine and fresh, by calling on the A pent, J,ewil.urg, June 26 C W SCHAFFLE Dr. Rose's HerHcinfliV The subscriber .having been appointed sole agent fur ttr. Rose's Medicines, for Union county, oners them to the public with great confidence as to their rflkacy and certa'infy of effecting cures in all cases for which they are designed, A single test ofil is required to establish the fact. Sept 27 S S BARTON Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's SARSAPARILLA also S. P. Town send's Sarsaparilla for sale by Dr. Thornton Sf Baker.' EQUITABLE LIFE fffgVRASCE Annuity and Trust Company. Office, 74, IPalnut Street, Philadelphia. CariTAi, $250,000 Charter Perpetual. THE Company are now prepared to transact business upon the most liberal and advanta geous terms. They are authorized by ihcir charter (see. 3) " to make all and every insurance apper taining to life riska of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, make endowments, and to grant and purchase annuities." The Com pany sell annuities and endowments, and act as trustees for minor and heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Assurance of 100 tor me tenure term oj .rc, J - J . . Ll Age. Prem. Age. Prem. Age. Prem. 46 $3 36 16 $150 31 $2 09 17 1 53 aa io 1 53 2 15 3 49 18 IM 33 8 20 45 o us 19 1 59 34 8 27 49 3 77 20 1 60 35 33 50 3 94 21 1 63 38 2 40 51 4 13 52 1 66 37 2 47 52 4 32 23 1 69 38 2 54 53 4 51 24 1 72 39 2 6.3 64 4 71 25 1 76 40 2 70 55 4 91 26 1 85 41 2 81 85 5 12 27 1 89 42 2 92 57 5 33 28 1 94 43 3 01 58 5 51 29 1 99 44 3 12 59 5 73 30 2 04 45 3 23 60 6 03 The premium are les than any other company and the policiea afford greater advantages. Mar ried women and female children can insure the lives of either a husband or parent free from the claim ot creditors. Tables of half yearly and quarterly premium, half credit ratea of premium, hort term, joint lives, survivorhip, endow menu and forms of application are to be had at the Office or of the Agent. Rates for insuring $100 on a single Life. Age. Fori year. For 7 years. For Life. 50 jj,0 81 91 160 30 0 99 3 2 40 1 29 1 6i 2 70 50 1 86 3 07 3 94 59 3 48 3 " F.v.mnle : A oersoo aged 30 years next birth day by paying the Company 99 cts would secuis to hi family or helra J 100 ahould he die in one year, or for 9 90 he secures to ihem $1000, or for 13 00 annually lor seven years ut actum i iurm 1 1000 should he die inseven year, or for 20 40 Paid vearlv during life he secures $1000 to be paid when be diesthe insurer securing his own bonus by the difference in amount of piemium from those charges by other office. For 49 50 the heirs would receive $5000 should ne uie in one year. PETER CULLEN, President. F. W. RAWLE, Sec'y and T eas. For further particular apply to HENRY C. HICKOK, Agent for Union and adjoining counties. Consulting Phyician W. Hans, M. D. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1949 LEVlSBMSJOUiiDKY fPHE subscribers, thankful for past patro- L nage.would inform the public lhat they continue to manufacture all kinds of MILL GEARIXG. Cast Water Wheels of "Ppr" Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. We invite particular attention to a ne article Ward's TattDt C1XC PLOrcflf, lor seeding in Grain. Farmers by this plough can seed in as much grain, in one day, as in three days with common ploughs. and Fining the same. HOLLOW WAKK Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal Fancy,Parlor,Vood,Qoal Stoves A lit TJUIITSTUI JjS, Race' Sclf-rcgulalins Air-tight Parlor ood Stoves, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other article: of machinery repaired in the best manne and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, and at prices that can not fail to please. GKDDES Ar MARSH Lewisburg, March 23, 1848 1)209 1'innos! Pianos. rTlHE undersigned contiftoes to furnish to order I en Ihe most reasonable terms. Pianos, from the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philad.,whose instruments are' loo well known to need any pan egyric, having uniformly received the commend ations of the most eminent professors and compo ser nt Music, and the award of the premium in New York, Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in tone up to concert pnen, tney can not be surpassed by either Amer ican or European Pianos. Instruction given on Ihe Piano, as heretofore, Reference may be made to any of those parents or guardian who have pupil committed to his charge. He may be wen at his residence at Mr Maize s. Market street, Lewisburg, where terms and particulars will be made know. The most popular and favorite Airs snd Music of different kinds received it i issued from the ditlerent musical establishment in Ihe Cities. My 15 CHARLES KAMSCH The New Foundry IS now carped or as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where everv des cription of CASTINGS is kept on nana or mace to order such as The Complete, of Complete Improved Cooking Stores, for either Coal or Wood and all' oiher kinds of STOVES. nlso PlJUTflllW of differ. ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, W"U tlHf Self-SharoeniaK Plonnh. a new article, and which can not be beat m rennsyivania. uail and see and judire for yourselves. 6 CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1849 GOAL OF ALL KINDS L'ua sale by RF.BER IDDIXC8. 1 -'u-vJfe3:j" "An ounce of Prerention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful disease, , GO tl SUMPTION i DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work, for sale in Lewisburg by S. F. Ljndal! J. Houghton and t. this office. Price, 75 cents. TRICKS OF qCACKS. .IT EvaiTSour Read this I.'assjtli.v. TW n , hnapanlls r sale W W different town caHc1 S P. Tnwa-rml'a Snariila. It r vlrenirrd aa ll oliK.I. NAU GEMIINK.anrl all trial. This Tnwustnd miwdncio, aTHi ncTw vras : but was formerly a worker on railmnl'.e. nsls, sad the like vm h ansurom lh lnt f for lor il purpow "I eamirw credit for ttkal h w. Il - U has attended Iwo inolieaj sehnois, and practiced lor Sfi-m, vearsH" Now UM truih is, b uerrr pnu-iieri bwmIki. 4 dav in hi" life I S"ch wilfttt, tnettd mnireiHtswiiMio, kwks bad lo Ihe cbarac'er arid reracuv nt the man. I :-! moor sincerely, h had never made Urn- laeinriiu tt , seU or of m". V hen will men team 10 be Ikwhw and trim till in all their "IraJinra and inieremirw wh their fcj.... mea ! He applied u one Biwl Clapn a" aim In 1: . afactnrins am Diixrore, f'iii the tars mnm n w-.. make, as an na.uceiDNl to eruoark in ibe bueior. Th.:. mea nave been liwoUins; and liuelliut; me 111 all po,:.. forme, in order to nnpreM the puMic with ins belief tn x Ihe Old Donor's Samparilla war nx the e, rrigii m. &artapvlUi, rrtuie IfJio the ljt-1 lMtr:ar' On final J.V ! pi. Tins S. P. Townell save I nave soM ihe uee ! ,. name for $7 a week. I will cits him t l( he will p. -due one einrte enlitarv proof of itu. Ilia suuemenb f Ttiompena, Mclllman fc Co, are ao.hiiij but a use oi falsehood, simply made lo deceive the public, and k,p the truth down in reearj tn his tattrinr, fermMnXilig e pound. TUm is ro minion the public to purchase cor. but Old Dr. J AJOB TuwneeiKl'e SarMparitla. bavin 'r-i Old Doctor's likeness, a La family Uaat of Armf, ti urTialurracroi tbe Cwal of Arms. Old Dr. Jacob Townseml, ntE ORIOIXAL DISCOVERER OF THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend is now ahout 70 rrw ol mar. nd f shut keen known as the A VTIlnR and Ulsri, VKItF.H f th nt: wis b nitiaisAL riiw.ssF.sD SAKSAPAHILL.I-" Bf ins poor, he was cuuiMrJ is limit itainmuulacmre, by whifh means ha bren kp- m of market, and the rates etreunwenbed lo tho onlv mb had proved its worth, and known iu valtn. It ha.1 rncil the aara of manv, nevenhettsn, a tho prun wl.o haj bren healed of ion illaeasen, and saved Irum dea.h. r elanjicd iu wondcrtul IIBALINO IHWEIt ThwGRAMAMl NtUl AI I EIHi:PAlt iri i liunuiactureilon ih? laririx: v-aiv?,anl if CitiifJ t-r ihr out the leaf th ami hrvaiitti ot ihe .ami. ernaii as it found iitrapabto oi dr'enenuua or dcieriraTif. t'niike y,un S. P. Twre-pnrJ', ll improvM ri'r are. and never chaieeabut fur the bncr: becau-w ii if prrrH on ritntihc jtrinrtJa by a wntifie man. Tbe hifit knowleile ot Chemn'tnr. and ihe iiiert dteorrrk ..t ;r an. hare all been bmnsbt men iruiiiHn 10 the mait'i'ic urol the Hd Ur' SarMparilia. The Atr-ar'anii m"t, it n well known 10 rueHica. men, cmuum navty merbrinai pntinei. and mme rorni wbicb are mert w iwIcm, and tnhen. winch if retained 111 pnnii u lor ur. prv duce frrmentutum ani neiti, wliich 1 injurwuM iu uie V lem. Sme of tlie piMj -ertiea of Sarxapanlla are m ttti the entirely erapjrate ami are Uh :a the pfeji-niwu, iJ tittj are not prerved br a aetttstijir proces, Istowh ot It 10 lhw wiMneieed in lb manneiora. M-feu.vr, ihem vtMati'ff prtimpir. which My olf in air, or a ri ft haUuon, nntlt-r heat, are the very tsAtiii wiedtrai prep ernes ol ihe pmm. wlnrh cive 10 all n value Any nersvn ran lil or wt-w lite ront till ihey sret 1 Jtrfc colored litjuiil, which t m re from tba ekn- mr.T ia the root thin lnn anytliin elwe; ihev can ihen rtrain tJ: Uioipid or rapid titju'i'l. dwpefen witli vir nwla''-. -4 then call it SAKSA PARK. LA EXTRACT or SVRl P ' But mtch m not the anKte known a the GENUINE OLD Uit JACOB TOWXSND'3 SARSAPARILLA. This If m prepared thu.t at the inert pmpeniaa of i! S.irmarilla r km arv first rt-morl, everihiitfr eawb!e l becunnn? acid or Icnoenta'loa 10 extracted and rrjecie! ; then every par trie ol lueaiical virtue M irrored m a ptK and conceninwi'd turn. ; anil thue it i-" renslered mt-a;itMs of rOvtnfc any oi it valuaiIc and Uea ni pnpenirs. Pre pared. iu ihia wa;, it w matte ttie nist p-iweriol n?en m in Care of Iniiamrrahle Dl I ferine the reason why we bear coomidariiv oa erery nde ia iu lavor by men, women, and clulilren. We find it doinz W(ntrT in ihe cure f CV 'Sl WtPTIOS. YSPEPSIA. arni LIVER VOMPLAtXT.nd in RHKL'M A Ti-sM. XCROF L'L4, PILES. fttSTH'EVESS. all fm.Vfl. OUS EKl'PTin.VS. PIMPLES, BLOTUJiJB and ail a;rrtt'itit arising iVm IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It poweiwf .' a ntarretlous efficace in an romplatnts ar (inti trom Indtemtivn. from Acidity of the Stomach, fruri uneiUal cirrulatHHi, dt,temilita:tHi of blood to the If-.. I, palpitati.n of the beart. cold leet and hand, oild chtltaiij hot flashes over ine boUy. It has 11. K it rqual in Cuid arid Vottgha ; an-l rromor.V eay exfiectoraiiuo and croile per ration, telaxutg stiictunM ul the Uuigs, throat aud ever other part. But in iHvhinc ia iti exctlenee more martifiut!j aeen and Kktaowled:rd ilnn in all kind and staxe uf FEMALE COMPLAINTS. . - 1 1 - aO M .'i... Fulling of the Womh, fjkstmctii, aSVnfrejd. or Pt U woraa WOlHifiw iu c-"w ui r niuw i " -!.. Mm. frrrfuUzTity of tbe nMnrurttaJ penkU,anl thr u-r; and m effectual in curmf alt tbe forms of Kii'y Ui?tw By rtnoin ohrtructhw. and reftHatin? the ztvxni tn stem, m eives tone and atreogth 10 liat wbola buJv, J Ihua curea'all tbrma of Nerrou Diaratvc aikxi Dcblllf w. and thus prevews or n?lers a great variety of oihtr ma.. ad.es, aa Spinot irritutmn, Xmrmlri SL Vtim' iw-J Suwning, Epileptic Fit. Vonruittvn, tft. It cleaiaiie the blood, exniva the Iwer to heahVy nriin, tones the stomach, and pives rood di;vi. teiieve howels of torpor and cooMirp.iiKn, ai taya lurtanim tTioa. w rifies thekio, ep.ilize tbe circnlktion ol the blomi. pro. 'tcutf gentle warmih eiually all over tbm bodv, and tbs iiirm;le perspiration : relaxes rtnttntr mnt tiehtne-. moves all obetrarti-rne, aiid laviorates the entire iKrvutis syjttem. Is nt thin then Tht Ivfrdlelne yrm pre-emltaeatly aieedl But can any of iltee ihins be sat J 01 S. I Towneu inlciior article t TSw votir.? man' liitnid v nH to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR S. beratue nf one .RA! FACT, that the one w INCAPA BLE of DETERIORATION, ami WbVKIt SPOILS. while the other DOES aauriur. ferment in, and hfoieinf the bottles rontainnif it into frarment : the oor, ai bqairl expiodJtHr,anl damaxins; other (roods! Man this itornble cotnitouihl he iH-wti.Mt to the irvrttn What put acid into a nrfem tfra4y rYiaeaaeaf trith mrid 1 W hat causes Dys(ia but acid I I h we nut ail know that w-a food sours in our stomachs, whu mtrhivf n prortnceeT flatulence, hearfbum, riaitpuatUaft of tbe heart, liver cm- iiantf, ttiarrhvva. lysfnU'pv. coJic, an-l riHTUpthvn of ihe lood 1 What is rrofrrtn bot an acul humor in the bdv ' What prodneei ail tbe hmuur. which briiMt n Krupinaiot the Skin, Scald IVa.1, Silt Rhenm. Krviretaa. Whj.j Swelling , Fever ora. and all nlceratians nuernai anal ex ternal I It u notktn urwiVr heaven but an acid subxtaor. winch so;trw, ami tn!poihi all the fliinlsof ihe sod v. m.r orlHn. What cntitt Rbeutnatiotrt htt a.ia.1 cii fluid which iusinuatee iiel, heiwtn ihe j..iu and c!m where, irritatin? ami inPamfn? the delirar tisanes npo which it acta 1 Surf nerroae dex. ot impnnt a the bJoei, oi ileraiiceil ClirulatlOfk. jumJ rwar.. 11 -A, :nr.S which afflict lurman nature. Now ra it not horrible To make and aeR. anri nstniiriv tWWJie t OJRF thw SOI RIM;, I'ERME.NTINO. A('l! "COMPOrMV" f S. P. TOWNSEND, and yet be woold fain have it rmtenMmial that ONI Or J' 9oh T'-wtwrHl' Ormuimt Original Sarsaparilt, u an IM ITATION of hi minor preparation Heaven forbid that we should deal m aa entc'e whirS wiutd bear the bumi dtnam membUnrf, iu )i P Tjn send's article! We wwh it noderttoo.1. becarm H is the oWafe trut't. that R. p. Towt-wwI arttcle and aid Dr. Jacob Tow.twfr.:' Samiarilla are aettrew tritlr tnmrt. ati infinite? r; ihat they are unlike m everv runir.lar. kai;i nt one single thine in cmoion. As S. P Towiteea! w no defor. and never wa. Jwaniafty no rharanacewi4kiowi no mre of ms'iirii tfiseaatT tiian any other common, aiitviemiuc. uIro,,w,' Wan. what jrunronre ca the ntibiic heve 1h.1i rtiev .irr re- ceirinc a famine eenttflc niedtctne.eoniaiiuf.e atithe'ir tues ot the artiefee eee-l nt preimrui? it. an 1 which .trr rafxibie m chansi-whirh mi ;lw reitder ihem the AIi-T ef Disease inmead f h.afth T Bot wh-u else Khouhi be ex pern nl from or mho tn" tmhitif comparatively 01 tneilicue or di--a-r T H r";ntrrf person of some exivnenre to cok Hntl serve epf,o eommoBi deer nt meat llw much m.re im;-nji'' that the perwin who mxnuiacinre me.!irn.e'"reifl WEAK STOMACHS An Fvvri nu it saTKM ebottld know well the tnedical prmienies of plains, in t manner of aeconnt and camcenlra: ins their he!iti ,r"f also an extensive knowlnlfa of the varion diseaw "3 aifer. the human mrstcm. mwA Km tn a.tini rrmtJtes Iheie diMaaesI " fc M to arrett frautls upon the unfortunate, to pr tfl Ui.IA.UI l...nalV I sh. lr..v.M. kA aa. aha J-TjatrT" cruehed and bmken, and to iMiiHh.iijfirntiiv that in A JACOB TOWNSEND has fVCmo& FOUW' port unity and means to brine hia J . Graatcl Va-lTerol Co iae& rate. Rew-e-f' Within the reach, and to the kt v WlM-e ol all who oesu thai they may learn and krm. he iovfu expfsnce K Tr aatec a. t Penwer fe HeavU Age.nts for the abote Medicine C w SchftfTte, Lewisburg ; John U Rassr. M -ton ; Forsyth Priestly, Norihun.b'iao1 ANE Bujrgev and Sett of Ua roots, U One One Two Horse Wagon, une J ruck Wagon. Lwisburg, June, 1919 sale by in