Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 05, 1850, Image 3

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    In Lewisburg,- May 28. GsobOE Tuas-
Tk. aged 25 earg ano" 1 day
la Buffalo, June 2, ao infant son of
George and Rebecca Walter, aged 8 days.
la LeistowD,25:h ult., in his?3d year,
Xev. Jacob Gbobkk, for fifty years a la-
borious and useful preacher in the M. 12.
1 Wear Willinmsport. last month, John
CcSmixos, aged 84 years. He had been
Sheriff four times (first in 1793.) and was
an Associate Judge of Lycoming county
for 17 ears.
4 LOT of Fine Wool for sab hy
June 4
niHE subscriber having leased the Rock
X dale Sam-Mill formerly known as i
Doughty s ;u Sugar alley, Clinton
county. Pa., and bought all the stork and
futures belonging to the same, now offers
for sale
100,000 ft of Lumber
at said Mill. Orders will I) received for
any kind of Lumber, hy the undersigned
at LewisburfT, or by his Agent, S.C.SiitL
leb, at said Mill, in Suuar Valley..
Lewisburg. June 5, 1880 6
MR. MERRY would respectfully inform
the public, thai he has taken rooms
in M'Faddm's brick building, nearly opo.
bite Sheller's Store, where he is prepared
10 take
Daguerreotype Likenesses
in the latest and most approved style. Mr.
Merry pledges himself to make his work
i-qunl to that of the best City artists.
lie hus all the luteal iniproveincnts.son.e
rif which he has added to the art, nod anions
thtwe is a Wheel Huff, of peculiar construe
lion, by which he is enabled to obtain a
h'gher polish, and thereby give a more
brilliant and life like tone to his picture.
Mr. Merry, by long practice and close
attention lo the artj is enabled to show the
AR!t.dTED eve, he it light ordtirk, with
011 the beauty and brilliancy of life itself;
and it is in this most essential point, that
more artists fail than in any other.
Ladies and (Jentlenv-n are invited to call
and examine specimens.
Children are taken in from three to five
And remember.asf ood pictures aretakon
in tloudy as in clrar weather, tho' for small
children a clear day is rerommendtd.
Lewisburg, June 3, 1850.
V Books for the American People.j
To Book Agtnlt and Cam-aaer.
fpHE following Valuable Family Publications
tie decidedly the best books that Agents can
poaeibly employ their time in supplying to the
people of the United Stile,
Scars' Xie ic and 1'opuhir Pictorial Work,
the moil splendidly iltust-ated volumes for famil
Ue ever issued on the American Continent, coo-
leiiiine; more then Four Thousand Engravings,
designed erd executed by the most eminent
Artwt of England end America.
"i'he extraordinary popularity of the above
volume in every section of the Union, renders an
gency desirable in each one of our principal
towns and villages. Just published,
SEARS' New and Popu'ar Pictorial Des
cription of the United States,
containing an account of the Topography. Settle
ment, History, Revolutionary and other interest
itig Events, Statistic, Progress in Agriculture,
Manufacture. Populaiion, &c. of each Slate in
the Union, illustrated with Two Hundred Engra
vings of the principal Cities, Places, Buildings,
Scenery, Curiosities, (Seals of the States, rfce. &x.
Complete in one octavo volume of GOO pages,
elegantly bound in gilt, pictorial muslin. Retail
price, $2,50.
The pictorial Familj Annual,
400 pages crtsvo, and illustrated with Two
Hundred and Twelve Engravings t designed as
valuable and cheap present for parents and
teachers to place in the bands of young people
in attractive binding.
the Patriarchal Age to the Present Time. Ry
John Kitto, editor of the London Pictorial Bible,
. Ac. Also . -
ol Sears' Pictorial History of the Hible
Pictorial Sunday Hook Description of
Great Britain and Ireland Bible liiogra
phy Scenes and Sketches in Continental
Europe Information for the People Pic
torial Family instructor Pictorial History
of the American Revolution an entirely
new volume on the Wonders of the World
together with the
$fttortol iFnmUe ttifclr.
The entire series hss been carefully examined,
and strongly recommended to Superintendents,
Trustees snd Teachers of Schools, by the follow
ing distinguished gentlemen : His Excellency
Hamilton Fish, Governor of the State of New
York ; Hod. Christopher Morgan, Secretary of
Bute, and Superintendent of Common Schooli,
New York ; T. Romeyn Beck, Esq., M.U, Sec
retary of the Regenta of the L'niversity.New York;
the legislative Committee on Colleges, Acadara
ies and Common Schools ; Kev. Edward Hitch
cock. LL.D , President of Amherst College, and
Professor of Geology, Massachusetts.
The plan the Publisher hss so successfully
carried out for several years, is the obtaining
responsible men as agents, who are well known
in their own counties, towns, and villages, and
have lime and disposition to circulate good snd
Instructive books among their neighbors and
friends. By taking a glance at the above list of
books, it is at once discovered thst they are
sdapted to the Christian, the Patriot, the States
man and the Domestic Circle. Any person
wishing to embark in the enterprise, will risk
little by sending to the Publisher $25 or $50, for
watch he will receive a Box. assorted, as he may
direct, at the wholesale Cash Prices.
tm XjiUi V Isitvt and artist voang aseaworresiwcUMl
lly snd smal ssMnas, would do well to enrage in the sal
or the abovs trotunu ; and all Pastmajters, Clrrvyura,
Book Pedlars, ami Newspaper Agents, are respectfully
wqtstod to set as our A.!. A hamUams n-ibunera-tioa
sitowrd to aU who encage In theft sal. For par
titulars, addnrsts post paid.
BOBeUtT bKABS, 19 Nlaskd-ftMct, K. T.
To r-ablisbsrs of Mfspapsis ttmrnsrliout Um V. States
New shim's enpriuK Oris sdTsrtisMBent, eafeK, well
displayed, as shore, without snr altpralioa or sIsrMaw-
awut, (inrlodin litis nUier), sad gin it one or more in- I
asrooas. siuui rohts a soy or snj owe rf our tJn or $3
works, (subject to Uh-ix onler), bj sswditsg direct to the
CCJrNo Letts? tike from ths Office, unless
f paid.
136 Greenwich St. JVVu Vorlr.
TllE Proprietors beg to call the attention
of connoisseurs in Tea.aud the heads of
families to the choice and rare selection ol
Teas imported by them, hitherto unknown
in this country, whichi by their fVagrance
and delicacy, combined with virgin purity
itnd strength, produce an in'tision of sur
passing richness and flavor. The Teas
offered, are the following :
The Jeddo Bloom, a Black Tea, at $1.00 per lb.
Niphon do 75
Diari do 50
Osscca a Green Tea 1.00
Too-tsiaa do 75
Tirkil-isa do 80
Ud-fi Mixture, a compound of the
most rare and choice Teaa
grown on the fertile and genial
toil of Assam 1.00
With a view to encournce the introduc
tion of these matchless Teas, it is lite
intention of the proprietors to distribute b
lot, among the purchasers, a quantity of
Teas equal to the First Yinrs Profits oh
the sales effected. Each purchaser will
receive enclosed in the paekage.a numbered
certificate, entitling him to
One Chance in the Distribution
for every Fifty Cents laid out, and on the
receipts "amounting to 20.000, the under
mentioned parcels of Tea. to the value of
10 per cent., or Two Thousand Dollars,
according to the following scale:
6 Prixea 50 lbs Tea etch at $1, 350 lbs. ? S50
20 ' 85 " J00 " 5110.
50 " 10 " tOO 5(10
100 " S " 500 S00
50 "1 . 250 " 250
425 Prizes in all. lbsi.000 $2,000
Those nersons who Drefer lower-rriced
Teas.can receive their Prizes in proportion,
or Ibey will be Ke-purchased lor lasn at a
reduction of 10 per cent.
Country .1genlt required. Applica
tions to be addressed (post paid) to the
Compan's Depot, as above. 3(i.322
Far ike Care f
The uniform success which has attended the
use of this preparation its salutary euect its
power to relieve and cure klTections of the Lungs,
have gained for it a celebrity euualed by no other
meJirine. We offer it to the atUictrd with entire
confidence in its virtues, snd the full belief that
it will subdue and remove the severest sttscks of
disesses upon the throat and lungs. As these
results become publir. they naturally attract the
attention of medical men and philanthropists
everywhere. What is their Opinion of Cherry
Pectoral, may be seen below;
VALENTINE MOTT, M D, Prof. Surgery
Medical Colleite, New York, says :
It (rives me ejeat .1-juuh to crtit tlw value an.l effl
earynr AyrJlHrr Pwtrl,whirh 1 onsil'r iwulinrly
ulKiited to rurp diseiuefc of the Thrust find Lnnjrs.
The Rt Rev Lord Bishop FIELD writes in a
letter to his friend, who was fast sinking under
an affection of the Lungs
Try 111 t hrrry IVcton.1. snd ir nny mMicine fan (rire
ynu n.k'f, with Uie bkwing of Ood thst will.
Chief Justice Et'S I ICE, of Louisiana.writey:
That a ynunp d.-titLht r f lii was ruri'd of svrcral
crere attacks of CKol'l', hj the Cherry Pectoral.
disn Journal of Medical Science states.
That Axthiua and uronrhitift. so prcTalfnt in this
Inclement elimstr. hare yielded with turvriMUK rspidity
to Aycr's Cherry Prtoral, and we ran not too stn,nirly
rrccramend this skilful preDarution to the Professiou and
public srnerally.
Let the relieved eutTercr speak for himself:
tlARTPoKD, Jan. 20. 147.
Pr. J. C. Ayrr Tfctax Sir: IlariDK hern rescued from a
painful and danp;nus diteaiM', cratitude prtmipts me lo
send you this arknitwli'diiirnt, ntit only in jurtire to you
but for the in formation of othrrs in list afjirUou.
A slight cold apon the Innpt, nih-ctcd at firt, hrramr
so severe that spittinz of blofKl, a violent coufrh, and pro
fuse niybt sweats followed and faffrned on me. I licraiite
emaciated, omld not sleeiu was iiitretted by niv cnuh,
and a pain throusii my chest, and in short had all the
alarmins' symptom of quick consumption. No mclirine
simi-d at 'all to reach dij case, until 1 pmritjentially
tried your Cherry PecUtrial, wukh soon relieved and now
has cured me.
Yours with respect, E. A. STEWART.
From a letter dated
AlBNT. V. Y April IT,
Dr. Ayer, Lowell Hear Mr f I was afflicted by Asthma
in the worst form, so that I have been nhlifred to sleep in
my chair for a larger part or the time, lmng unable to
breathe on my bed. I had tried a (treat many medicines
to ao purpose, until my physician presrrild. as an expe
riment, your Cherry Pectoral. At firt it seamed to make
me worse, but in less than a week 1 berau to exprricttns
the most trstitymr relief from its use ; and now, in four
waeks, the disease is entirely removed. 1 can sleep on
my bed with coinfirt,-TMl enjoy a stat- of health which 1
had never expected in enjoy. UKO. 8. FAKKANT.
rreporedlyJ .C.Ayer,Chemi$t,Lou:cU,lh.
For sale by C W 8CHAFFLE, Lewisburg ;
J H Caalow.Milton ; Isaac Get hart, Setinsgrove,
and hy Druggists generally
or valuable Real Estate.
WILL be sold at Public Sale, on
Wedsesuat the 12th rlny of Jone
next, the following valuable Reel .Estate,
lute the estate of John Kaifm as, who died
intestate, to wit : -
A certain Tract of Land,
situate in Buffalo township, Union county,
containing about . .
112 acres,
adjoining lands of, John Uyler, Jjs M'Gec,
Oanl Rangier and others, nearly all cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, about 10
acres of which are excellent Meadow. On
said Farm is a large Orchard of
choice Prutt, a large Bank Ham,
two Dwelling Houses, a
r. r 1 . i i
rsass T tJioer riess, ana oiner
outbuildings. There is a never
failing Spring of r ater and it eil
near the buildings. -Also,
a Tract of good Timber
Land, consisting of Otk, 1'itie,
Ohesnut, &c, situate in VTest
ButTitlo township, Union county,;
about two miles from the above
described Farm, adjoining lands of Jeremiah-
Anderson, Susanna AFGee. Ileneville
Reish, and others, containing about
One Hundred Acret.
Said Timber Land will be sold in lots, to
suit purchasers.
Sale to Commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
of taid day, on the premises, when the
conditions will be made known by
. of said John KaufTman, deceased.
Mv !, 1850.
To Iliaclicmlllit.
"niTUMINOUS. COAL, from the West
I J Branch nnJ ftom U !!iJavsburu, for
sale at the Shop of the suUscn'x r, near tin-
lldvscales on Ihml nt.
.... . i-. .
ALil'.. U A.il.iiVJAO.
Lewisburg, rLy 7, 1830
FasMonaMe Tailor,
In the new Urick builJini? on
Market street, mie diior above
C. E. Bowes' St'e.
done to Older.
, Lewisi-crs, May 23, I-1""-
Junt Received,
V CHOICE lot of ttlnck Watered fcilk. ami
Green Fringed Turr Ssiin, i'araso!-, a!s.i
an additional supply of Linen Lustier, all at
unuxmllv low pikes, for salu by
May 2! J H WES & CO.
4 BEAUTIU'L as.itm.irit of Scat let Cluth
X.V. ernbosied Tabic Covers. fr sale by
May 2 J
fur tale by
Mav 23
Onni1'11 of Superfine TOW YAKN. by
ciUU Mav 29 J. HAYES At CO.
4 N extensive assortmeu
j. WARE for sale by
N extensive assortment B illimore STONE
May 29
(sfCCttSOH Til C. A. WTETH.)
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Drills, Medicines, Chemicals, I'air.N,
C);ls, Vnrnishr's, Window Clluss,
Sash tools,G!assware,Pu!ty,
De stiili's. lru-iiei of
every variety,
Perfumery, Confi-ctinnery,
Fruits, Fancy CorJ:, &:c. .Vc.
One Ijor slx'Te the gTcat 'Ii,mm-li Ht-rcof J. A J.Vu,
Makkf.t St. Lewishcimj.
AU Vrus and Median irurrantr.il trtzh and
flilE subscribers return llieir sincere ibanks lo
I those who have so l.t.erally patronized ibein
during the past year; and we would invjie you.
one anJ all, to ell and etamiue out stork :nd
prices before purchasing elsewhere, as nc feci
confident that we sell as rlieip, if not 25 per ct.
cheaper, than others of the trade. Try us, and
see for yourselves.
N. li. Medical advice wiil be given free of
charge by Dr. Thornton, at the Store cf Thorn
ton & Hater.
Lamps! aMJIi'S!
1AM Pri ! Just received and for Wholesale or
j lietail, Piuc 0:1 and Burning Fluid Lamp
of ihe latest etjle. Any person or persons wish
ing it, can have these i. snips on trial, and if t'.ry
do not give satisfaction, they may lie returns!.
Churches and stores or fhnps supplied on the
most litetal terms with the above Lamps, and Oil
by Dr. Thornton & liikcr,
Agtnlt for the Manvfarturm.
V FRESH supply of Old Djctor and !S. P.
Townseud's SAKSAPARILL received
and for Whole-ale or Retail by
lr. Thornton &. Daker, Agents.
Jl'ST rereived and for snle. Pine Oil and
Uuiuing Fluid, warranted pure and of the
first quality, by
Dr. Thornton & ltaker.
'I'ST reteivtd and for sale, Sperm ami Lard
Oil, by Ur. Thurnton c llaker.
HI I E Lead, and Linseed Oil, for sale by
Dr. Thornton & Uaker.
rnilE undersigned continues the LtVE
X RY BUSLYESS at the Old Stand, j
on North I bird r?t., near -ilarket, and
respectfully solicits the patronage cf his
friends and the public trenerallv.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1830
New Arrangement ! !
Reduction of Ftices.
rpiIOiMPSONS' Scroukhasisa Exrittss
li now running regularly twice a week
from Philadelphia, via IVnn'a Central R.IL
to the Junction, thence by a line ol Kx-ptw-s
Boats lo Selimorove, Northumb'lnd,
Sut bury, Danville. UIooiTisburfr.Lewiburg,
Milton, Muncy, Williamsport.
lioods and Packages delivered by this
lino in from one to two days. The prices
are such as must give satifaction to nil.
Produce carried through (and so'd, il
desired) with despatch. Persons living off
the lire, caa have their goods left at such
place as they may direct.
fC7New Express Olli-c N. 38.NTonh
Third St Philad. Freight Cilice at Messrs.
Ciaiji Si Delias'; Depor, corner of 'read
and Cherry Sis.
Orders ree'd in Jewisburg nt t?!e Stores
of Messrs. Sheller, and Foster, and nt the
Hotels of Messrs. Kline and WeidetiJnul
and in Sclinsgrove at the Store of John
llarttnan, Esq.
May 10, 1800.
Sacks Books i
THE selMcriber ofP-rs for snle nt the
Lewisburg Post-Office, an uss5r'.menl
of the most uselul - ;.
Paper, School Books, Stationery
of all kinds also the best Cigars.Tobacco,
. The stock is all new, and tho small the
public patronage, if favored to it, can soon
and easily make it larger.
The Trial of Prof. Webster only half a
dozen copies left.
Lewislwrg, May 7, 1850
w swiseals
K f6
Small front and luick Suls.
tl fTTt7b7- 7f
WT'OLM) tcs-ierlfully itilorm bis o'.J fricnls
and tiie tuuhfig'counnuiiity i" general,
tli..t he li- nctivcJ a LAUuE and tJENEItAL
STCli of
Spi issj; iimi Summer
wnr.ln m.d us's embraring
i iiv coon.
1 1 A'l'.-J AND CAPS,
&.C Ac. Thee Coo-.ls ne olfer unusually low
(.r Carh tliKin'-y l'r.nli.re of all kinds ai.d
to r u:ijil and tin.-tuul paj uusteis as u.-unl.
Call ani) See !
LrwUbu-f. ""'"J 7, IS.'O.
Ilo! at! rnu roiinr nin whn--c filn fnimcs arc MtjaniliPir,
Ami ln ih i t silfij :rt y(il. y1! tnnjtrsmttniii;t
V ln-n you UiTTik lu.u m tiur- pn' "M;:0e:ilcri' tinvi- .itytni.
Just o"puio to SlKVr. L'.Mr.LL's tr li-tots that will tit
IM too want vmr new Books (, s cle,-sp sn.l ft- pretty!
rotue ri:Te aiii .-mie tf.-y. arnt stine iju;.-,- an.l some witty?
F'r n i-,llri r or two. Sn'vr wilt rive yfa a tressure
That will he ail your LR-tine; a touiitniu f jilcusurc
Arl ir rnu .-Iit.-c to In wutit
of (Vwit i r Vest .r Trowi-Tloous,
Just pi Ut l.vi-A!.,.S. fi.r .-"U can't
llliy hull a- i-:n':;j- ef ,.:Iii'T 'COnnS;
Anil nnT 1.VNUAU. vc.uul JSii.v just o wr.ril to the tulics,
r'or . li 'lis-s he huow f:ww iuipertiiiit their siil is
lie li.o? Sli.x.s f nil kin-Is U Uurr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r
C.nsjrn it, 1J s-i ! this 'ere Poetry Machine's
broke ! Ilowsornever. llie substance of all we bad
in the honner is this that I
Ci V. LYXDALL liri the best and ili !
Os nhenpfsl .t of BOOKS "J
STATIONERY, J the lar?rst
anil tli lx't asM-rtnient of EiOO'fS
and SHOt.fSi aud
Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers,
that were ever seen in LewisHtiri or any
other iet seepurl. My 7, 1630.
Is E W I S II U it (i
Whdcsiile tj- liclaU
fllllK subscriber, thankful for past liberal ptt
X K'ns-Je. would infoim bis frii nds and public
emerallv thtr be lias jut ree'd and is constant
receiving fresh supplies of pure
Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals,
Extracts, lleibe, lioo:s, Minerals, Tinc
tures. Oi'-s, Essences, i-'pirits, Gums,
and other gonils in his line 'f business, v-hich h
oirer with the fu'.l assurance of their being gen
uine, and cheaper thdii cm be bought elsewhere.
rh7irinns and other ie the trade are particularly
invited 'oa!l and i samine for lliemselves.. Also
ciuistiititly on hand a large stock of
Window (il-us. White Lead,
Chrome and other Painls.Drug
rists' and 1'hyaicians' (Jlassware,
(opal.J-inii and spirit Varnishes.Flax
seed, Sperm, Whale, Laid. FishEtheriul,
Eosgine, Cdinphene, and Pine O'ls, Uye
woods ground and chipped, Castile. B.ir. Knsin
and ot!ier fosps. (!'d. Silver .and Metal Leals,
I?.-in, Titch. 'i'sr. Tobacco, Segars. C'omte,
Uruslies, Walking and Fishing Canes,
Jeweliy, Kmurs, Knives, Fruits,
Confectionery, Air. &c. &c.
v. w. sen irrf ,e .
Mav. 18j0. Drupirst mid Chemist.
Mado plain lo Sec
1 Y getting one of the tspectacles or Spy CHas
) ses at the Ihnp. Fancy lioods. Notion and
Variety Emporium, hero can be bad any quan
tity of Silver, Oermsn. Dlurd and common Steel
Spectacles. Oogjles, Spy Glasses. Mathematical
Instrument. I'ochel Compass, Magnets, Tape
Measures, Ppeclarle Cases, Camera Lucid.is,
Maic Lanterns, etc. &c. at
Kasy to Cut or Shave
VI!E those Pocket. Diik and Penknives, and
Ihe Wostenheim and Kogcr Kaior ell
inc so cheap at the Lewisburg llrug and Variety
Sioreof C. W. SCHAFFLE.
Ktir ihe Ladies.
rsil I the brin-la
That 1 uiiifce at ease
TXTITIl one of those nice and cheap FANS
ihat can be had at the Lewisburg lliug,
Fancy Good. Ndl'i,n 'licty Emporium
where the largest, finest, ai d best assortment of
Feather, Fancy and Paper Fans are kept. Also
latest patterns of Buffalo, Shell, Horn, Side.Back
and other COVU.-S besides a great variety of
other nice things. Call and see at
Lamps, just received
MORE LIGHT, at reduced prices! A large
assortment of LAMPS Solar. Supper,
l ea, Hsnginei "iJe, and Hand for burning of
Pine. Fosgeaft. Lard, Etherial, and S?ierm Oils,
for Parlora, Churches, Stores, Shops, &c. at '
Drug, Notion and Variety Emporium
COMr. II. V. CaoTiEn, of Lewisburg,
has undertaken the general agency of Dr.
Frost's poptilnr History of the Mexican
Waj Advertised in another column.
Mr.Cmtr.er is also aufhorized to receive
subscriptions for the Lewitburg Chronicle.
foJusllret of the Peace.
BtNNS JU8THX, new edition, esn be bad
at I-yndall's Dookslore. in this place.
Lewisburg, April 10, I Sill.
' tr. Join Locke,
AY bo found at his Olnre and resilience t
first duor east of Kline s II jlel the t vo
.. . . .. . i . t. .u. 1
week tolloivinir ine nrsi niuiiunj m tn
where he is prepared to elecuie ail oiKratiun Hi
his line of business in a maimer cretlitaMo to
himself and satisfactory to those who may for
him with their patronage.
l)r. L. spends the third week of each month
in Milton.
(Aromatic Tooth Paste, put up in beautiful
porcelain bo:e. an ricelleul article for keeping '
h. im-th rl.n and L'u'ath swtet, fur sale at 23
cts per box. by
1 ' JOHN LOCKE, I. D. .
Lewisburg, f a., Mjy, 185!
IOR s'iIp, at our Yard cn Third ftrcer,
near P. Ilursb's houst "
Dry Pine Common snd Psuntl Hi-i,
do Joists and iStuddmi;.
Hemlock Joints and skantlini;.
While l'ine Plauk Miinales
Square Timber West! erloards
Yellow l'ine Flooring Boards.
Koofing snd Plastering Lath, i s.
All or which we offr r cheap lor cash or short
cre,!it. HUilSII & AMMON.
Lewisbur?, April 29, 1950
FRESH TKAS. Another lot oCr.
superior Black and Green Teas,- tf.
just reed from the Canton Tea i Vmi ' " ,
pany, and for sale ol New York retail
prices by J.IIAYES&CO.
l.ewis'Mir?. April 16. Agents.
Latest Arrival
fll 4Yr & C O, take pleasure in announ
. cing to ihe public that we are now receiving
trom the city nne of the largest, cheapest and best
selected stock of Cowls ever nlVerrd to the public.
No lubor has been spared to render their slock
complete, an 1 to obtain articles of g.xxl qu tlity , m
lh.it it can be relied upon that whateer thev shall
cir.-r for sa!e will be just what it is represented.
They have on excellent assortment of
it -s- i
computing nearly every article usually enunoerv
ted uinler this head, among whirh are Hroad-
rb-lhs. Plain and Fancy C-issimeres, Saiinetts. i
Tueeds, Cjshm.ir lire, I)raetles, Culiiugtou,
Pl ud Linens, Tickings, Drillings, ILigi'mg, Cot
ton and Hemp Caret Chain.
I'laln and Fanry ;ootl,
selected with particular rofeience to the taste ami
convenience of the Ladies such as Changeable.
PUid. Grenadine, and Foulird Silks, Figd and
Plai'i L imiirtine Delaines, Crape finished, Figd
and Plain Linen Lustres, Uoreze lleslaines, prin-
led French Lawns, Silk lilu-ions. Pink. bu.T,
lilue, and t.'rimson Tarletmis, Plain and Figd
lllue and Pink (doitetll Sartss, Linen. Caiulirie
iiid Hosieiy.yj
isolettes, alsu-vV
Slid Lawn Hdkfs, Gloves ai
Ilonucts, Fans, Parasols, Tarasol
Fine .M il. skin, Leghorn, China Pearl and Palm
Leaf HATS, at lower prices than ever tiL-rcd to
this community.
a eh.-'e tt'f'ti'ri.
Glass, Queens, Slone,
Crockery ware.
To those hfi wish t procure nnvthinj m l!m
tins, sslikiar f.ks sitilitT nr nrn inmnt ihfir fl.-isifrtliiPlit
paiticulurly rcoiu mentis itself.
Hardware dJ cutlery.
Crass and Corn Tcythes, ies, Shovels. Spades,
tritraw Knives. M muni end l?ay forks (of supe
rior quality) Door triiaiiniugs,C lass, Putty, IVails,
Iron, Steel, Ac.
Floor and Stair Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window
Shades, Ladies' Satchels. Travelinit and Work
Uaskels, also Market, Clothes and C irn Hasktts,
. . t s
LedltrlVart, IKISCS, 6fC. 0)-C.
t i .1 t u ,k. ,1.. Ir .u.1
In conclusmn, they would say that their gnetls
have been boucht at very low prices, and wi'l be
disiwsed of on Ihe most reasi.nal. e terms for Cash
1 ... , . .1. M:
or country Prirduce and to satisfy the public (a
to pucesj just call at tne cneap snore or
J. HAYES & C3.
Lewihurg, May 2, ItioU
Itlatk Walnut Wanted.
VQT A.NTITY of Blsek Walnut, either in
log or sawed to order also, Walnut
Crotches the whole to be delivered on tho Pa.
Cmal, et or near Lewisburg. For further par
ticulars, eniviitr of
April 23 H. C. H1CK0K, Lewisburg
,OR SALE a superior Washing Miilure,
' hicli removes all dirt end stains of various
kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the
texture of tho cloth. Persons wishing to avaii
themselves ol this valuable mivture, with full
directions fur its ure, bad better call at the new
UruR snd Chemical Store kept bv
Splendid Illustrated History
Mexican War and Its Warriors !
r COMPRISING a full account of the recent
War with Mexico. Willi the Lives of the
principal Ollicers on the American sid, and over
1 r , it
40 engravings. Dy J. t bust, 1,l,.u.
The work to contain upwards of 300 pajes,
large size ISino., handsomely and dutaldy bound
. s . . . , , J . 1 . , .
in embossed cloth, lettered and ornamented in
silt PsitE 11 23 eer COPS.
l"irThe sub.-crilier having secured the agency
of the above work for Union county, will oIi,it
Ihe ratronaie Of the neoplo for it.
Lewisburg, April 21 3pd
Latent News from California
the world snd the rest cf mankind"
J; are respectfully informed that we have
opened an unusually choice assortment of
comprising a splendid variety LADIES' DRE3S
(jOODS of the newest style Calicoe,DeUina,
Ciinghams. Baragcs, Silks, Parasol, and Fancy
Goods, and for Gentlemen's wear a Urge atock of
Cloths. Casslmcrs,
Summer Stuffs, VwiiiiSumnier Uats,&..
Salt, Fish, Nails, .
Quecnsware, Hardware, Groceries,
etc. etc.
a. II of which we offer for sale at our proverbially
low prices, far CASH or PRODUCE.
LewiaborR, April 32, I Hen
SV Vti3'
i Large &ahft $ Low 1'ricei i
.-. -" i, 7. .vi
and fdli'ig up again briinfull
with a stock of woods I.ARUKR.BKTTER
an J CUKAPF.R than ever!
"ATrE have jiut rtwened arid are no opening
v y a large ami splendid assuitment ot
Summer rra9
emb ac ing everything stapled to the vcried wants
and Untra of the community, and at prices thst
can not fail to eive universal satisfaction.
The LADIES are assured that we have a better
assortment if Uresis oul than haa aver
bren presented in this market. We have every
quality and description of
GenlhmtiCs and loijt Drea Condi,
Cashmeres, Vestims, Rummer 8iuIT. Fancy
Crvkt. Ac. A splendid lot of HATS, CAPS
and JN .N E I S. ol the latest styles Ribbons,
Flowers, Silks, Calicoes, Lswns. Uinghams, ic
Hardware Qurertswnrp Class ware,
of all kinds also a Lrrje stock of
Plaster, Sal Unci Fish,
at very low pti-s-for CASH or COUNTRY
PRODL'CE of all kinds at Maikel prices.
J. &, J. WALLS.
Lewisburg, April 23, 150
at ljcwisbiii'sr.
C1IRCULAR for ih Aradeniical Year con.-
meucing Oct. 11, Is 19.
Primary Department.
Exercised in Spollina, Keading, Definition,
English fir-.mmar, Arithmelic, tieography. His
tory U.S.A., Penmanship arid Composition.
Fnglish Department cf the Academy.
The same studies as in the Primary Di partm"!
continued in ihe use of larger text books: and to
these re added Generil Hislory,Alijb:a, Legen
dre, and Elements of Surveying
Classical iKpirtmen of the Acaarmr.
T-rm Jitniur Academic cliiss.
J. Kne'"li Crammar. l.-ititt tlramiuar, Arit"tnitkt-o
dtvi-:ns. i lieotfrtipry.
Tin- alii' -tiwiia-n a- in I. T-rm. nr- lTutiaiiMiip.
tniiil: irammar. Mr. Anihm tir o mpk'lt-d t.y
J-t -liti-kn.irfk Jr:iuiTiiar, i:ieUrj Ci.A , Fcu
iiiaiibi', litjtA-ktv-piij.
Cmr. OMk Rralvr; JHrfl-r- (KtrtDent
Uo cli ti i f ,Tr"1.V.L Otne-
ml HisVirTi Kn?!in LanjrtiAe uu t oiajjoeition.
b'rehman elwa
rr: :Ii-h I.ar..'Ua-e anJ l'omj1iitii-n1 Aielir, Liy,
Ptr.nf tii-ni'trj. Ly. Tisl-rs:?.
I'iae. ?fl';d --til srhi-ri:al iitiiijctry enmpK-tni, Li-
Supnon.ort cv...
II n e'Oly-fcy. I'lasnii ber!eal Tr:iiwtry.
do U ".i. i'SUratiin..urT"jinr. NaTifflttaca.
da !i iiri. sWt-ct ural:ls or Utmcistht-ui-s,
Lttoric, .n'i,'.t!-i ln-fm-lrr.
Juniitr eltwi.
j ir.
tVnKwtheni-s nu th. Crwo. 1 iron, le OfS-rlU, M
rhai'i-. Itjiln-tj.t)!. an 1 Ifn rarprs
I-mo-th'n.-s on thi Cr a n. l'i--ero dp rifllrlls et
I ii t.-l, lniMimit;i, Aisu-ik.-i, Elwtricity, Magne
I m, jind ilptirs.
r.ir-.-ek Xratsly, Ta itus, A-fmnru;y.
Senior elans.
tp-r Arr.il miM.! Vrnr r.ilnniririn-Ort. 10. lS;in.
l.'ir. Ntttiirai Tln-ol.', lrt.-lt. . tual Philnsophj-.
i.n-i-k. r-ht:al K"m-ny. Iml l'h;!vliy.
Jtltl.-r's An.-tCT. (Vrstirutiou r t. ChemistrT,
Li-ctures, tioui-ral Ktviews.
Xo class iu the Rt'RuIar Cutirse as less than
i three daily recitatins. Every Snurday forenoon is
r devited exeiosiveiy t V tra! Mimtc, Htclamation,
and reaJinc S4h-et and original Cmpo-itions.
' The sU'lents are rrquir"il to attend, regularly,
i some religious met-tinir. Minnrs are expected
: attend such meetings as are recommended to tbem
t by their parent or guardian. There are in the
: bwouizh no less than six places of public worship,
' cf as many different Christian denominations.
Tef Ito!.i.
Ts-nvvwr nnH t,iruim. The BiW-. lVrtr's
' Klii-t'-rirj,! K.-n.li r. nvst!-r's or Wi-twtrr' Wetir-narr.
i i;,1ltf,n . Fnsli-U limninar. I'sirk.-rs frounr-isiTf ixrrri-
' t-Ds'tisl. t'.imj i4.,ticD, l'iurki.r s Akls, lilir's Leeturrs
,,1,,,, miti,J.
; i i ,,,. r. nullion's'traroTitsr. Bullinn'i Pnulrr.
: Is-v-n-ti I- xin n, Bulli-.n sias-sr. Sv-hm-u ..! I Znmi.t s
ir.-it..l.in. olii s Livv. Anttn i s 1I-. m-t, T'lai-h-.-r's Cicero
. ,.,H,K Ty:,.r-, T-s-.tu.' (.-rmni rt ABTieoln.
"k LtiK'tucgr. l;ulliaslirimmnr. ulli.a's Header.
. M-Mvll Siitt's Li-liroo. Own's .-nnphon's Aaiil-asis.
! ii?t-n's lluni-r's Klysi-jr,Cualuplin's Irt-mustlifiius, Viks
! C;a8 si Manual.
Jf.,r.;i nfitio IaMV Aritfcrw lir It r Arail- mics. FI m
' rr:;ry Alj"!-!-. e'ianlo. I-i-p rslr-. r1ti-Ti-Tincr snd
pirii.u.Anstj t:nille-:nitnr,tm.ti-d's .Natural l'liiloscjicif
i iU'ivotyls-d.t Onr-Ut's A.-tri-miiujf.
j Ainuber or Student. -
I The number of students during the past year
in ihe various departments, wu 101. The
I number tlrttt have entered the cl-rsses in the Ke-
Rular Conrse fr the current year (exclusive ot
those in the Engli-h sud Prtmtiry department,)
:s as follow : .
C 'l T.E Jnni"- rln - a
jiiK t.irs elrss - 14
Ynf timnn rlass - - lit
AcUlEsr. rVnior clsj-s - 2o
Juniurrla-S - .. 07
FTFFIIKV W. TtVLDtt, A. M, ITnf. bt Mi..r'ia.-itirs
and Vituml l'hitoriliv.
tiMilliiK li. B!.l!-", A. M, Pmf. or Orwl; Isovcaap
sti.l Liti-mtnn'.
(1 hi iko 1. W . AS PUSSiiS, A M , Pn of Li.tin I juijruaso
and I.it-mture.
ISAAC X. LIMWIS, A. M , Vrinr. of tli" Aoa'. my.
AI-lUKP TAVI.IK, A. M , Tut ia ti?'tri?b tan
as, ami Elocution.
IJuildlngstjIJbrnr j antl ipparatusj.
The cadrmi; edifice now occupied by the
members cf the Fniversitv, has bren erected, st
sn hh of ts.oao. n-l it is s-tapu-d to aeonimoda'e
I liii students. Aw-lrk-red-tir has l.-n emineiic,l.whM-h
u to WrliifclKsl ijiu tV murseofthepresnt Ai.aiie
vi-ar, snd to contain mudv morts an ! dirmitrirs Ihr th
nm'lti..n rr;.stuu.nt m tV rolfs-Ars depanai t.
I The Library rnnUins a numts-r of sutvet toiui and
i ,,,,:, irrvain.
I I'licniii-ui Attnaratus has born otMrsil snfftclint to
I siii.hIt th. Immediate dmasnil. Tlie ADmrntn fr ti;
; litustratioaof Mts-haaical rhilosovlo', is now eon;iicte.
Tuition and Hoard,
Tuition in the Colleei-ale Uepartment f 3tl,
Academic $20, Primary !f'l2 per year.
Po.ird, including lodging, ashing, fuei, and
light, cr.n he had in the village ami its vicinity at
various prices, from $I,5J lo per week.
SestioiM and Vacation.
Tvo Session in the year the former eem
rr.enccs on the Snd Thursday in October, and
continue 27 weeks; l!-.e latter commence od
i the ICth May, and eontinues li week,
j Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Antumnal, 6.
15v order and in behalf of ihe Hoard :
f.ewisbnrg, Union Co. Pa- April IS, ISIi)
rATE of Philadelphia, ia now located on
j Market street, Lewiburg, opposite Mr. J.
Schreyer's store, where he attends lo operations
on the teeth st a redaction of his former piires.
Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of
improved Instrument, and in an easy manner.
Filling teeth and setting on pivota or plates alien,
dedto according lo the latest improvement in the
profession. Ulcerated, spungv, and inflamed gams
eared. Thankful for past lavas, he sola-its a
eonrmuanca of public patronage Jfo impure
mteritt raed for fTilins in -ih.
1 1
JVem Stove
HAVING formed a Copn.'-nt r-hip in th
Mercantile busines, and enlarged th
Storeroom lately occupied by S.ii.llartou
oppo-i'e K i lie's -Ur!. are now ops niii-.' s
well lfct(l ird exl-nsive stock f Aiti-
chandize, coiuUicg of . , .
Carpenters' Tools, Queemswar.e,
Furniture Mounting, Glassvtjre,
Window GLASS a"neral assormtnt,
Coal, Vlwttv,
Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Naib,
and Spikes,
Tinware, Sheet Iron and Sletal
Pans, and a more general. assortment than
is usually louod iu country stores which
they pledge themselves lo sell at ei
low prices.
Persons at a distance will find It t their
advantage to buy lor Cash or we wi'l
take in K.xchango for Good3, heal, Rye,
L'orni Oats, HuckwheatTjmothy and Clo
ver Seeds, flutter, lCjgs,Tallr.w,llurd Snap,
Ueeswax, Fcsihers. and all kinds o." trade
nr country produce.
The patronage r'f the pjMi - is repert
fully oheited; nn8 every ossurinre piven
that nothinir shall be wanting to render
entire satisfaction.
Lewisbjr-.', April 1, )B5Q. . . J
vrnrf.ir. cart).
- I. RHSrsWilS
T?ocnori,lt- n-iKiiinfPn lo his friends anc.
he public pr-nerally, tht ric M removed
his residence to the house of his father,
(formerly occupied hy Wm. Pol er,) a few
doors north ol Xitne'i llotal. OlH, Co!.
rFudJin'a new brick buildmg, next door
above C. E. Uowes' Stors.
Lenisburjr, April 1, 1850
TAILOR, has removed his Shop to th
building (one door above Lyndali's) fately
occupied by John B. Miller, where he will
be happy to fit his customers both old and
new. The
Fashions for 1850,
Spring and Summer Jusf-rectived.
LewLbur April 1, 1850
lids removed his OJI.-e lo his Dwelling
the first door Itloic Kline's Hotel, rooms
over Forstei's Store where he will wait
on all win may desire his services, ccord
inj to previous nrrangeinents.
Lewisburg, April 2, 15.3i
TAlLOil, respectfully in orms his patron
itnd Ihe public ihat his $bop is now Et his
house the new brick opposite Mr. Jaine
P. Koss', on ThirJ St., whrr he will be
hnppy lo wait on all who may honor biro
uih thir patronase.
Lewisb-tr-, April 2, 150
Justice cf tBe Teacf
lias removed his Office lo .Market St., in
the room recently used hy Dr. Locke, on
dr or below th2 Printin Office.
Lewisburg,' April 3, 1?50
THE 9'ibscriber avails himself rl the co!
umns of Ihe Chronicle i.- publtshiii; to
the citizens of LeLs!mru and vn-inity t'.st
he ha opened a UtARDLS'G HOI'SE in that
l-irge and roiuf:j:jLly arrangej house. f.merr'
kept a a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly,- two
doot east of li.e t raukliu JHoa-e, Market Ueet.
He is prepared to my that hi Table shall have
the best the Markets can allord, and rhe Lodging
of Hoarders shall be a comfortajde a csj, bo
de-ired. - I. 8. STER.NFR.
N. B. A team and Cfrrhe
will be kept to cenvey ptssenger, to awl front thai
Packet Boats. I ewaurg, March lei, iSaO.
Spring &Shinnicr
JUST received, ar-i now oturninj !
I uilj kit ! Hiwiiai
secuij d.ior east of K'mes Until, a ires
and ." .
Splendi ! Asscfrment cf Croodtf,
suitable for this and the. approaching sea
son, coiisislii);; of
Ladies' Dress Good
of every style and variety new ?jl
Raraa-!. Lawns, Annure De.JainesT, G:n
hams, &c.
A great varir.ry cf Etjles Crjnls, Cali
coes, &c.
A beautiful assortment Ladies' Psens-.',
Morocco and Kid SHOES and G.IITEUS
(or L:dif and l'hiIJr4 ,' -
Asi a choice silreiio" -f
ckc.5u;.,a1l of which nre oitcred rem irkhhln
low for Cash er Country Produce, by ho
subscriber, "
Lewisburg, April 3. 1850
not refused) at tH Office of
the Lewisburg Khroaieie.