Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 05, 1850, Image 2

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Q v . .
Address to the Farmers of Pennsyl
vania. The Agricultural Society of Philadelphia,
In its anxiety to piomole the objects of its
founders, and the advancement of the
great interests for which it was instituted,
desires respectfully to call your attention to
wardfthe founding of a State Agricultural
Society, and to ask your aid in furtherance
of the mcaturifl'
While it is a matter of surprise among
the enlightened farmers of other States
who have formed or projected States Soci
eties, it is caQse of regret to many of our
own citiaens.tbnt Pennsylvania, essentially
agricultural, can not yet boast of a State
institution, combining the skill and expert
eoce cf her'intelligeDt agriculturists, lo be
made available io diffusing a general
knowledge of improved systems of htrsban
dry and tillage, and imparting energy and
vigor to the most important of all her in'
dustriul pursuits.
In time past, with a comparatively sparse
population, when means of inlercommuni
cation were limited and difficult, there was
reasonable excuse for not having a Slate
organization ; but now, with our present
facilities.in the increase ol population, with
cities and towns dotting every portion of
the State, and canals and railroads inter
secting every quarter and running to every
point, should the formation of a State soci
ir be longer delayed, Pennsylvania will
justly incur the reproach of culpable npa
thy, in standing listlessly still, while iu this
progressive" aee so many of her sister
States, less favored by natural resources.
are keeping pace with the limes, in the ad
vancement of their agriculture.
Though the project of a State agrirultu
tural society commends itself especially
to the farmers themselves, yet it is not
without claims upon the consideration of
others, appealing, as it does, to their State
pride, ir'not directly to thsir in'erests,
Can the merchant or trader be indifferent
to the main source from whence his ware
house and ships are filled and freighted ?
Can the manufacturer or mechanic thrive
without an abundant supply of the staff of
life! Or can the capitalist who embarks
in railroad and canal stocks, expect remu
aerating dividends on his investments, un
less the nroducts of Agriculture contribute
Ute to the tolls, especially'on such lines as
the Central Railroad ? And can the State
ev?r expect to be relieved of the heavy-
debt under hicb she now staggers, if her
waste and unproductive lands are not bru't
tinder profitable culture, and the farmers
stimulated to increased exertion, lo create
active capital out of matter now iuert and
valueless ? It needs no argument to prove
that if the farming-interest is permitted to
languish, every other industrial pursuit
will exhibit corresponding signs of decay
It behoves, then, every citizen who regards
his interests, as well as the farmer, to lend
bis aid to any feasible plan that w ill impart
hope and energy to the tillers of the soil
The first practical step, in furtherance
of this reject is, to establish a State insti
tution, through the medium of which, far
mers can have a free interchange of opinion
with each other upon the best means of
promoting improvement in the theory and
practice of Agricul:ure,ai)d the opportunity
of exhibiting annually, at designated local
hies, their stock 'Bad implements, with
;helrod-JCts of their fields end orchards
This is the desideratum, if attairrc J, that
will make Pittsburg, Charnbersburg, liar
risburg, York, Lancaster,' Reading and
.Easton as famous in the annals of ogneu!
Mural fairs and cattle shows in Pennsylva
nia, as Rochester, Buffalo, Ulica, Albany.
Stc., are in New York.
Among the causes that have" led to the
unexampled prosperity ol New 1 ork, o!
late years, none is more striking thin the
encouragement wisely bestowtd upon her
agriculture, by the Legislature of that
State incorporating a Slate society, and
granting some 8 to 10,000 dollars annual
ivMo its auxiliary societies which has
stirred up the energies of her farmers, to
compete successfully for the palrn of dis
tinction, even with her mercantile commu
nity. The great bulk of her western lands,
but a few years back K wilderness, is now
equal in value to the earliest cultivated
lands of the State, nnd thickly settled with
a wealthy, enterprising yeomanry, able
and willing lo contribute their quota of
taxes to supply tlie treasury, by which the
State is enabled to maintain her character
end credit. It must, luwever, be admitted
that her freat canal did much towards the
wonderful progress of New York, but
wirhout the impulse givea-to the' farming
interest, which secured to lhe ' canal an
independent and increasing trade from with
in her own domain, that great public work
would to this tiny have been comparatively
profitless. The canal was indeed a noble
work the patronage bestowed upon her
agriculture, was a stroke of policy as just
as it was politic, and will ever redound to
the credit of her statesmen and legislators
The example of New York has not been 1
lost on Ohio ; the Legislature of this State
has within the last three or four years, es
. laVished an Agricultural Siafe Board, and
incorporated an Agricultural Sta'e Society,
iiud has made such l.btral provisions-f rj
the county societies, that it would not
uprise, if ere long she outrivals New
York in agricultural spirit and enterprise.
No one who reads the " Ohio Cultivator,''
containing reports of the Agricultural
Board, with other manifestations to be found
in that spirited paper, can fail to be im
pressed with the high destiny that is in
store for Ohio, if she but persevere in the
good work she has so nobly begun.
Maryland, too, has taken the initiative
iu the noble cause, and with a commenda
ble zeal on the part of some of her distin
guished agriculturists, has recently not
only invoked her own Legislature, but
Congress also, to do something for this too
long neglected branch of the national, in
dustry. Their appeal to the Siate Legisla
ture was not in vain, for that body, pend
ing its last session, chartered the Mary land
State Agricultural Society. So of Virginia,
w ho has recently organized a State Society
at Richmond. With such examples before
her, and such incentives to action, is it
possible that Pennsylvania will not shake
off the apathy, that like a blighting mildew
seems to paralyze her energies and her
progress I
The subject of a State Agricultural So
ciety, has for a series of years been adver
ted to and discussed by the members of the
Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agri
culture, as i consignation devoutly to be
ished, lut every effort was checked by
forebodings that the Legislature would do
nothing in aid of the undertaking. It is
to be regretted those fears weri not wholly
groundless, for on a review ol the little that
has been done for agriculture by the rep
resentatives of firming Pennsylvania, the
apprehensions that nothing would be done,
can not be considered as altogether gratu
itous or imaginary. Unfortunately for
the landed interests, the Legislature has
so generally been absorbed in other inte
rests, which connected themselves with
the politics of the day, that it had no time
to look into the condition of the patient
and unobtrusive farmer, upon whost
drudgery much of the pay and mainten
ance of the Legislature itself necessaril)
depends. la the congregated w isdom of ihe
State, at ILirrisburg assembled. the injunc
tion " to unmuzzle the ox that treadeth
out the corn" found no place in its councils,
or on its statute book. That the impor
tance, claims and calling of so Inrjje h
body of citizens as the farmers of Peon
sylvania should so long be neglected, i
not only paradoxical, but discreditable.
In extenuation of this charge of neglect,
it may be adduced, that there is annually,
at the openiiig of every session, a com
niiltee on agriculture appointed by b-ili
branches of ihe legislature, but so far from
this lessening the charge, it only aggra
vates the neglect to perforin a duty ol
which the Assembly is every year remin
ded by the composition of a committee.
Mgnilirantvhal something is to be ti me, oi
should be done ; for surely it could no!
have been iutended at first, that this com
mittce should be raised and kept standing
-nominally only, or in mockery to the in
terests it trrofessed to subverve.
However obnoxious the legislature may
be lo the charge of remissness iu this im
portant matter, it applies with tenfold force
to the farmers themselves, who never by
any combined effort attempted to place
themselves iu the position which of right
ihey should occupy. It is conceded bj
the whole community, that of all the in
dustrial classes, (be farmers are the most
numerous ai:d useful the stay and sheet
anchor of ihe State in times of danger nnd
difficulty. W hy then have they not long
since received at ihe bauds of iheir repre
sentatives that attention they deserve, and
so much require ? Simply, because they
have not placed themselves in ihe proper
attitude tpnforce their claims aud see thai
justice is tbne to them. If the Legislature
represent all classes, and, as admitted, the
termers are the largest, then it is plain that
the farmers are to blame, if their interests
are neglcc'eJ the remedy is in their own
hands, and it is their own fault if they do
not eflectually apply It.
In view of this biSt? of affairs, as relating
to the"inrJrest8'or agriculture in Pennsyl
vania, it is recommended as a first practical
step towards progressive improvement, to
hold a Farmers' Convention at Ilarrinburg
on ihe third Tuesday of January, 1-51.
to which every county is invited to send
delegates, for the purpose of forming a
State Agricultural Society, aud to take in
to consideration the condition of the landed
interests, and lo devise such measures as
may best promote and advance the agri
ture of the Commonwealth.
A. L. ELYVYrt,
From the Genesee Farmer.
We recently made a trip, East and a !
very pleasant one. Ojr journey brought -I
us in contact with many of our friends
and we number in this list all who read the
Farmer particularly on the route of the
New York and Erie Railroad. There may j
have been a lime when farmers doubled
tbe advantagesof railroads lo lhe agricultu
ral commonity.conaideriog them more ben
eficial to capitalists than farmers; but i hat
lime, if it ever really existed, is past. The
behefits of the New York and Erie Rail
road to ihe southern tier of counties in this
S a e, is ftlt no doubt by allas it ws ex-
pressed by every one with whom we con
We were particularly interested in the
large quantities of milk taken by this road
to New York city, from Orange and some
other counties. We have no means of as
certaining the quantities daily supplird,but
we saw railroad Irains.called-'miJc trains!'
and steamboats, loaded with thousands of
cans of milk, and nothing else. This is
contracted for in New York. Each farm
er makes his contract with some holesale
purchaser, stating the number of cows he
keeps, and about the quantity he can sup
ply daily. The fanner then procures large
tin cans, marking on them his own name
and that cf the person who purchases his
milk.- Along the line of the road ''milkde
potsn are established, and all the seller
has to do, is to fill up his cans and have
them at the nearest depot. The "milk
trains" stop at each depot and take up the
cans the contractor being on band at the
arrival of the boat to receive them. The emp
ty cans are returned in the same manner.
The price paid (he farmer is ttco cents a
quart in summer and three in winter, (the
purchaser pacing freight.) The mill: is re
tailed at three and four cents a quart. We
suppose from the appearance of the milk
on the tables in the city, that Croton wa
ter adds a little to the profit ; but the New
Yorkers have reason to be thankful that
;hey can now get pure milk and water.
We came from New York in company
with one of our subscribers in Orange coun
ty, who had been to the city to collect bis
account for milk for the last tlute months,
lie staled that but litle. butter comparative
ly is now made in the county, the farmers
preferring to sell their milk ; nnd less at
tention being paid to butler making. Or
ange county butter will ere long lose its
well earned reputation.
Oil of Tannic.
The Prairie Farmer gives the following
recipe fi r softening the leather of old boots
ibat have bilome so s(:fl os to hurt your
corns, and chafu your heels. Take one
pound of logwood chips and put them in
two gallons of rain water, and toil it down
'o three quart, and add half an ounce of
oil of Hemlock. This, he says will soften
my old leather in a very short time.
la order to render it water-proof, dis
solve India rubber in warm alcohol (?J and
nix till it is of tfie desired Consistency.
We have never seen this preparation and
f course can not tell how -fficacioui it
may be on old boots and dilapidated thoes,
liut those win have a curiosity to try it,
call do so and ascertain the facts.
No i ne can be truly said to live, w ho
has not a garden. None but ihoe who
have enjoyed it can appreciate the satisfac
tion the luxury of one's silting down lo
table pread witli the fruiis of one's ow n
Ranting and culture. A bunch c-f radislies
a '"ew heads of lettuce taken from tho
gardeu of a fummor's morning for break
last ; or a mess of green peas or sweet
orn, ia quite a different ntTuir from ilia
ame article from market in a dying con
dition to be put away in the cellar for ue.
And a piste of raspberries lose none of their
delicious Cavor by passing directly from
the bvrdtr to ihe cream, without being jol
ted alio it in a basket until they have lost
their form and comeliness.
Foreign iews.
The steamer Europa arrived at II.ififu.T
on the 30th and at New York on the 23d
ult. with European intelligence lo the 1 lib
u't. Cotton firm at last quotations ; a
slight od'nncc in Flour and Indian M ul.
The steamer Atlantic arrived at Liver
pool on the lOih ult., making the passage
in about thirteen days. An accident occur
red to the condensing pumps, and hei floats ;
proved lo be too Irad, by which she was
delayed about forty hours.
'1 he difficulties between the English and
Greek Governments appear lo have been
sellLd, uaJ the British Minister was about
lo renew diplomatic relations. An order
had been given to release all the vessels,
ships of war and others, in possession of the
Trie new expedition in search of Sir
I John Franklin sailed from England on the
8:h ult.
The crops continued to look very prom-
Later. The steamer Asia has arrived
at Halifax, in less than nine days, it is sta
ted, from Liverpool. The political news,
howrver is of no importance. Cotton hnd
still farther advanced I-8d , nnd fluur.corn
end w heat had also slightly advanced
A letter had been received in England,
from Hong Korg, China, sta'.ing that Sir '
John Franklin and his party have arrived
at the Sandwich tstahds, nbd that they
have discovered the northwest passage.
U. S. SENATORS. The following is
a list of Senators whose terms expire in
1851, and whose places are lo be filled by
the L-gisture to be chosen this full. Whigs
in italic i -
Sturgeon', of Pa.; Mason, of Va ; Turn-
ey, of Tenn.; Cass, of Mich ; Benton, of
Missouri; Rusk, of Texas ; Dickenson, of
N. Y.; Howard, of Md.; Davis, of Missis
sippi ; Bright, of Ind ; Yu'ee, of Fa.;
Dodge, of Wis.; Hamlin, of Me.; Phelps,
of Vi.; Green, of R. I.; Dayton, of N. J.;
Wales, of Del ; Webster, of Mass.; Cor
trirt, of O.; Baldwin, of Conn. Pern. 13 1
V hlga 7. Tola! to elect 20. !
NcuJ0 & Notions.
C7 Monday the 3d inst. was the iay
fixed lor the Nashville Convention to meel.
We shall hear in"a lew days whether n
corporal's guard could be got together.
Blue and rose are the fashionable colors
in Paris this season.
The Lewisburg Va. Chronicle states
that the reported insurrection of negroes
in Monroe county was greatly exaggerated.
Some 'nrosrpssionisi" in Ohio proposes
. ... " , . . -L A . ... ,
the lollowing amendment io me uonsi.m-
tion of that State: "No professor of religion
...... rr- ... .: . l. l. u
Whiskey is a great leveler. A Pittsburg
paper recently noticed the son of a muti
"worth two hundred thousand, drunk and
asleep in the same ditch with a beggar."
Rev. Dr. Henry B. Bascom has been
made a Bishop in the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South.
Pressed hay is sent at a profit from the
Hudson ltiver country to llonesdale, Pa.,
and Owego, N.Y.
Queen Victoria has named her last
child, Albert.
According to revelations at Washington,
the plan of Lopes was to proceed from
Cuba, if successful, to St.Domingo.and so
on through the West India Islands.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
decided at Harrisburg, that a promise by
a bankrupt, to pay a debt discharged by
bankruptcy, is binding, though not made
to the creditor or to his authorized agent. .
Congress has appropriated $140,000 for
local improvements in Washington city.
'Is dis de end ob last month ?"' asked a
little darkey of another. "No,'' he replied,
It's de fust ob next.'
A clever fellow, in tho modern accepta
tion of the term, is one who gets drunk
and squanders hi money, lends io bis
friends and never asks the money back
agrtin, and cheats his lailor to enable him
u do so.
Snowks was advised to pet his life in-
sured. "Won't do it," said he, "it would
he just my luck to live forever if I should.''
ttira. diiofK9 very n.reKiy saiu, . c mni j
wouldi.'i, my drnr.
of black silk, with embroidered borders ol
the cashmere patterns. The borders are
twelve inches deep, the embroidering is in
bright tints, yellow predominating, giving
A ui grown glossy mis was snc.t near,., Caiho!ic priest, who !
Cambridge (.Muss.) a tew days a aan. it ... . r . a
is rarely, indeed, tint one of these fiirds is j s",d Iols ,hree or fl,ur l"w over, and,
found in the United States. without authority, mortgaged them into
Mobile, May 25, 1950. The Rev John ! the bargain. The Courts, in years follow
N. Mafflt, well know n in New York nnd , ing, disposed of a host of ejectments titles
vicinity, died I.ere suddenly to-day. The j were quieted nnd the town rapidly advan
cr.ue t.f bis death is unknown. ! ceJ , but lhe temporary reading wis one
Hon. Franklin II. Ellmore.U S.St nntor ff.on tthv it hus row 0-d buildings, and
" V .
before last, of consumption? ' I aI"nS l"e Suvjuohnnua.
Col. Richard M. Johnson is s candidate j h ;,s PPn"'' that all these suits had
for thu Legislature of Kentucky, in Scott , been disposed t.f, but it seerns there was at
county. least oue more ol the same sor.' left 'ih.j
Cholera among the emigrants. A des- ; s, cf tj.e Mjhieans' had not yet been
parch from St. Louis, dated May 21. stu'es ,or,,aliawkl j. Al lhe ast Court'in New
lhal the cholera bad broken out among the ! . . - , , ,
. .i i j . Berlin, on ejectment lor the three lots on
California emigrants on ihe overland route, ' '
tod that it had created much alarm. ; Third -treet, opposite the German Kefor d
In.'ian hostilities. The Indians in the j Church, was tried, which had been brought
neighborhood ft the Rio (Jrnnde are n p-: to No. 0, May Term, 1914 thirty six
resented as sti:l very hostile aud trouble- years ao. The style i f the suit a
some to the whites. fjeiv;s j.luSj v?. Shelier ai.d Wilson, (ori-
Dr. Judson. lhe Burmah missionary, j gjIiay Law she and Bllmver.) and resulted
was very dangerously sick and not expect- undef'he char , of ,ie t.urt in a verdict
ed to live at the last advices from his resi- I . r. , , . .. .
dencp for the Dofcndar.ts. I he case will he carried
Mount Vesuvius is in a state or eruption P lho Supreme Court : Bellas and Pol
again, nnd has already covered fourteen j lock, Counsel for Piain-iffs ; Miller and
mdes square around it with lava fifty feet I Uickok for Defts.
deep. I .
Short Session. The General Assembly I TUxe IJwn was nn of rlergrmnn in Ln
cf Hhodo Island, jut nbjourned at New-j cat-tor. Ilia tciucation wis good, and his pn
po;t, was ia session only four days. minship ruprrior. We understand he kept
- trading-house or store near the mouth of Butl.ilj
From Callfbmicl. feck, at a very early liny was one of the first
i., . :.. i ... tSaeritl'a nf ISoitliiiml.erl.uid and subsequently
1 he steamer Crescent Cdy arrived at , ono f l(lc origina, CoiBniWoBer, of Yllio
New York on '.he 25lh u!?., with 1 77 pas- i county. He died among his kindred. Ihe Cling
snnrr,., S-Jflrt R(a in anA rliist end nat.ers ' ans, and waa buried at Ihe BaUalo X Koada.
r. --j -wv.wv.v ... s , I ; f
from San Francisco to the 20th April,
The election in Snn Francisco county
resulted in a drawn battle between the Dem
ocrats and Whics. The celebrated Col.
Jack Hays was elected Sheriff as an Inde
pendent candidate, by 2000 majority.
Lieut. Bache and Lieut. Browning, U.S.
J II. Peoples, W. W. Cheshire and
John finder, were drownpd by the upset
ting of a boat, four miles below Point
A bill incorporating lhe city of San
Francisco had passed lhe Legislature and
been signed by the Govercor.
Sacramento city had again been over
flowed with watjr, destroying much prop
erty. A fire had also recently occurred there,
by which eight buildings were burned.
L'-ss. $05,000.
It was reported to be very healthy at
Punama, and the steamers now due and
those there, will lake all persons waiting
for passage. The number of Americans
transacting business at Panama has greatly
From Cuba.
Charleston, May 38 Tho Courier, of
this City, has been informed by Captain
Kean, of lho brig Argus, five days from
Havana, that there was great excitement
at Ihat place when he left, in consequence
of a report that an expedition had landed
on the south side of tbe Island, to the num
ter of several thousand, and had taken pos
session of Cienfuegos and Trinidad. Ev
ery soldier had lefl Havana in pursuit of
ihe invaders, leaving the protection of the
City lo the militia.
New Orleans, May 30. No further
news nf lhe Cuban expedition, has as yet,
been received. It is generally supposed,
however, to have been a complete failure.
Gen. Lfpe is locked lor here to-morrow.
me ciimiu
H. O. HtCKOK, Editor.
O. N. WOBDEH, Publisher.
At l.SO nub in wlranr. fl.'i in thw month. 2 paid
"within th j.'r, and 50 at tbeeal vf the Jr.
jkipnta in IMtlladt-liiluaV B Paliaor nl E W fair.
JLettisifurff, Pa.
Wednesday Morning, Juneji.
DVERTIZE ! Executor. AdminMrators, I uirne
J, Buinw i. n u who h to imun or to
of ,nvti,iuit-w,.uid an , wM u.
Kniue thrtiUL-li the 'I'trutmrn tltrvnirJe.- Thw oar UaJ
OfllwrH.eitjauut ou.niry wri-im".", '
a fil ami incRwinz Hrrulatmn in a community crmtal-
nintf as Iar,re a proportion ui acii.e. wn.ru.
ronMimera, anil uValein, a any oilier io the lata.
Old Times in Lewisburg.
The "Indenture" copied on the first page
of this paper, is a tona fide document
part of the chain of litle to the lot on which
the Foundry of Messrs. Geddcs & Marsh,
(formerly the Methodist house of worship)
is erected. These gentlemea were not
aware of the existence of this ancient
parchment, until a few days since, when it
was discovered by Mr. James Kelly among
some old papers in his possession. W e
publish it, by permission, as a rare curios
ity in the conveyancing line, and because
its recitals furnish an authentic history of
the original titles lo the town-lots in the
Borough of Lewisburg. We doubt whether
any other town has as clear a chronicle of
their possession, from ihe original Parents
of Mankind, downwards and question if
any Borough in America has 'the docu
mer.ta' to prove itself so venerable as Lew
isburc, or its land titles so perfect ! There
is a slight error in the deed in the christian
name of (he first Mr. Ellinckhuysen men
tioned.which was Carl, not Carol. It was
j no doubt written by ihe gr.ntce, i lavel
I Roan, Esq., once Sheriff of Northumberland
j county an eccentric gentleman, noted in
djy fof wit and humor,
i Aj weJ know m05, of 0Uf fCa.
i dcrs. tne ti le to a large part of the renl
in ikiu Ititrmnrli it Aj unsettled lor
; '"''ny jears. and much uncertainty and
j bligation was the result, greatly retarding
j for the time the growth of the town. For
j jIls,an(.e,Carl Ellinckhuysen had appointed
! ather attorney-in-fact, John Charles
nri.'pri n frmr hnneflrnnc liian niOt
l ' - i i
I Manillas Joseph bllinrkbuyaen, it H stated.
leceived the unsold lots in I.fi4urg from hie
father, hat died in 1792. aged aomething over 30.
His grave (under the wild cherry tree in the old
English or Market street yard) his widow piously
marked and protected with tombstone and fence.
The fence .. now demolished, and tbe to.nl.
stone uprooted.
Tbe widow Ellinckhuysen afterwards intermar
ried with John Thornburgh (one of Ihe wilnouea
to tbe Deed) and removed lo Eiie, Pa.
'If ibe editor of the lewisburg Chronicle call
us editor of the Juniata Resistew another time,
there will be a libel suit that's all. Jr.tiaT
Sorry for that, for two reasons : I si, we
shou'd get no fee from the defendant ; 2nd,
we should run against the ancient maxim,
"he that argueih his own cause.hath a fool
for a client." But, Colonel, our Publisher
(who made lhe error says he will apologise
as soon as he recovers from lhe apprehen
sion that the Register also may start a suit
for the sin in question ii be can cypher
out by that timo to which of you the apol
ogy is due.
)C7!Ion. N. Midd'eswarth passed i!ir'
our lo-vn last week with specimens ol a
new mixture of Iron Ore, from the Beaver
Furnace of Middleswarth, Karns & Co.,
wh'cb 1iad been tested nt the Danville
Rolling M.ll. It is pronounced by several
who examined it a decided improvement in '
e.uality, particularly for Bar and Foundry
iron, nnd we hope may much advance that
branch of industry in Union county.
C7We last week neglected to notice
the parade ol the Uuion Independent Bat
talion of Volunteers. The Emmit Guards
of Selinsgrove, the New Berlin Artillerists,
the Lewisburg Inlantry, and lhe Union
Cameron Guards, were out in uniform
and the following Officers elected :
lieutenant Colonel L. R. C-ft'sf.'
Mnjor F. A. Domchv.
The Convention.
Ja another column, we give a biief ac
count of lhe proceedings of the Williams
port Convention, condensed from a slip re
ceived from the office of the "Lycoming
Wm.T. Morrison, E-q., the nominee for
Conal Commissioner, remained io this
place a lew hours on Saiifrday last, on his
way home. His appearance and manners
made a luvorable itnpiession upon our citi
zens. Col. Ephraim Banks was also here, and
remained in town over Sabbath. He is
doubtless the bet man on the ticket, and
most likely to win the confidence and res
pect of the people of the State. We have
known him for years, and therefore speak j
with confidence.
Mr. Brawley is a well known politician,
of excellent abilities, and, for a young man,
has seen much service in public life.
We Spent thirty six hours at Williams- j
sport, very pleasantly, during the sittings j
of the Convention in that beautiful village,
and have only one fault to find, i. e. the
Court room, where lhe Convention sat,
was not as large as lhe hearts of her hospi
table people. Friend Eldred, however, of
the " Gaxette,'' (may his shadow increase
but not by way of elonga!ion)will doubt
less have this delect remedied as soon a he
shall have carried the market house, and
that talked-of town-clock.
We have had the last in our goodly bo
rough for some years, and as to il.e form
er, a fellow feeling awakes our kindliest
sympathies. But nil dttperandum say we,
and ditto to you.
For office in this paper, are to be prepaid
before appearing. One has been sent us
without the pay, we presume our former
notice on this point was not observed, and
therefore repeat it. Our paper is the orgn
of no party, and is not supported os such
by any party : hence the propriety and
the necessity of payments for such matters,
which are as purely personal as lhe offer
ing of goods for sale, or any other business
05"Mr. Dyer, the Blind Vocalist, gave
several Musical Entertainments last week,
which in execution and sentiment were
highly approved by our citizens. Mr. D.
we believe is a man ot unexceptionable
character and deportment, and his merits
and misfortune alike commend him to lhe
public sympathy and patronage.
Finances of the State.
The North Branch to go on !
The Auditor General and SinteTreasu
rer have published a statement in regard te
the Finances of the S:a:e,for the last fiscal
year commencing on the 1st of June, from
which it appears that the Finances of
Pennsylvania ore in a most flourishing
condition that afier the appropriations ol
the two Inst sessions, amounting each to
more ibait four millions of dollars, and
applying the money belonging to the sink
ing fund, there will be left in the Treasury,
af:er piying the annual interest, $'25,789
32. This condition of lhe Treasury insures
the speedy completion of the North Branch
Canal, for which $360,000 are now avail
able. The people of the State, says the Hr
risburg Telegraph, can not but be gratified
by a contiast of this condition of the Trea
sury, with that exhibited but a few years
ago. Then the annual interest was not
regularly paid the stocks depricated the
people groaning under taxation and, in
consequence, public and private prosperity
under a cloud. The present and future
prospect is most cheering.
This result ought not to pass without
rendering credit to the present Executive
department of the Government. Gov.
Johnston is entitled to gratitude for his ef-
lo t,CJ,c ''"g uno, una lor ms
labors to resuscitate the Treasury ; and
Mr. Ball, the late State Treasurer, is not
to be forgotten amenj the gratulatiotis fell
by the people. Justice also requires ihat
proper credit should be rendered ia the
present Auditor General, Mr. Purviance,
fur the industry and ability he his dis
played for several years past, ia the man
agement of that important.department of the
finances, the result of which is now felt
by the people.
F or the Lewiiburg Chronicle.
MiFFLixbtJBO, May 29, 1650.
Mr. Editor : Permit me through lite col
umns oi your paper lo recommend to the
favorable notice of the citizens of Union
county, the name of T.G.LEHMAN.Esq.
of this Borough, as a candidate for County
Surveyor. Mr. Lehman is a man of
unquestionable character, and his long
experience as a practical Surveyor would
eminently qualify him for Ihe station. C.
Corrected this Day.
Wheat 105oll0
Rye 45
Corn 40
Flaxseed ...
Dried Apples
Eaas ,
Lard .
RIED APPLES for sale at
June 5
Reb.-r Si IdJings'.
ITTOOL Tor sa'e at
Y June 5 P..l- r ldIins
Democratlc StaU CoatwiUon.
Condensed fr jm tlw Lycoming Gasctu, ttua
This body assembled at the Court I loo,
in Williamsport on Wednesday, May Vli,
at 1 1 o'clock,130 Delegates present. T ;
claimants from Blair couuty appeared, tit
were both rejected.
The Conveotiou was permanently or.
ganized in the afternoon by the appoint-,
ment of H. S. Maobaw, of Pit:Lurr ,
President, supported by 33 Vice President
and 14 Secretaries. The Convention tU
proceeded to vote for candidates for Cat,.:
Commissioner, and on the first ballot
Iviward B. Hubly of Berks ree'd 33 votri
Nimrod Strickland of Chester 30
Franklin Vansant of Buck 23 -Set
h Clover of Clarion 15 -
Wm.T. Morrison of Montgomery 10 "
and 19 scattering.
Thursday May 80.
The voting for Canal Commissiot.er
continued, varied as follows :
Ballots 5th 1 1th
Hubley, 40 51
Strickland, SO 47
Vansant. S3 20
Morrison, 11 10
After the 21st ballot the convention a;,
journed to miet at 8 o'clock.evtning.
Evening Session.
Mr. Johnson, of Lancaster, arose nj
stated to the Convention, that bribes h-
been offered to Delegate to obtain i. r
votes, and charged that corruption of u -C
grossest kind could be proved againt re-. I :
tain individuals whom be did not uiiK.
Upon being pressfrd lo do so, he referrtj .
lo Mr. Donahue, of Philadelphia coun j,
to substantiate his statement, hereu;o
the delegate alluded to appeared bef. re the -Convention,
and threw down upon tfo
table in front of the President, eighty dii
lars.saying," thete the money is. I des;n yt
it." Another delegate, Mr. Green, it,
from Philadelphia county .announced aW
ihat he had also received one hundnd dui
lars from the same source. This statene. '
threw the Convection into ihe utmo,r ef
fusion and excitement, and a motion ta
nppoicit b committee to investigate the hy
matter was adopted without oljeciae.
The committee consists of Messr. Cu;',
Plumer, Stokes, Frailcy and Bailey. Ti
Convention then adjourned until to-mi-rr
Friday, Mty 31.
At the morning session, a Slate Cox- j
miliee, aud also County Committees, f
appointed, when the Convention tte?jourB
or dinner.
The committee appointed Iat u
;nvestiga'.e the bribery and corruption char-
ges, made report in writing, fully ei-tntf
ating all the candidates from any iropr J
conduct of or interference with the D'.'- .
gites, but denouncing in the severest terra
iwo persons, Messrs. Kauken and Ovei--hine,
ol Phil-idelphia, who, it was prove j
had attempted to corrupt Delegates, by f 1
mg them money to influence their vj-.
The Convention then proceeded lo vole L
m candidate for Canal Commissioner,
follows :
22d 23J 24th 25;h 38
Hublev, 65 54 50 35
StricklauJ, 34 31 19 15
Vansant, 23 27 28 30
j Morrison, 6 8 13 42
j Martin, 10 9 . 10 15
I Creswell, 11
; Vansant,
Tho President announced that V. T
MORRISON, of Montgomery county,
duly nominated the Democratic candid
for Canal Commissioner, and on motiot
his nomination wasunanimouslvconfirm:
Evening Seswca.
Convention met and proceeded lo bt'::
for a candidate for Surveyor Geeei
w bich resulted as follows :
ballots. 1st 2d 3d 4th 6;h t',
Bra w ley, 25
Carpenter, 17
Dieffenbach, 15
Watson, 15
Ives, 14
45 56 59 03 M
32 42 47 47 '(
27 32 25 16
11 withdrawn.
Scattering, 37
Col.J.P. BRAWLEY, of Crawfi.rtC
having received a majority of all the
given, was proclaimed by the President
ly nominated for ihe office of Sur'"
The Convention then proceeded to
nomination of a candidate for Auditor ore
eral. The balloting resulted as follow
Banks. 30 Banks,
Guthrie, 24 Guthrie, '
Whalen, 17 Whalen, iS
Beaumont, 10 Beaumont, f
Dougherty, 3
Jamison, 0
Foisyth, 7
Armstrong, 1
! Kaine. 1 1
Shaffer, 2
A moioritv of lhe vole eiven bf
favor of Hon. EPHRAIM BANKS of'
flin c he w dedafed fcy ,c Prf, Jr,
. , - . r ' 1 , .
duly nominated for ihe trn:eofAJoJ
Col. Keah Frater, of Lancaster f5?;
from the Committee on rssoluiions,rc"):'-'-the
following for the' considerate ;
Convention, which after several irtfTo-1-3
attempts lo amend, and a full asd aois
discussion of their racrirs," were si
with but Iwo or three dissenting voices:
fThe resolutions are loo lone ff
slip, but we willremark that ihey rnih"
the whole of the Baltimore riuilorir. &
fully vindicate lhe policy of our r.'l(,r
After the disposition of sundry qaW"
of minor importance.ihe Convention,: l1
I I. at "-J:. " 'ne t!"'
I p;5l I t OCIOCK, I i'l , BOWiulJiru