Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 05, 1850, Image 1

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IE W I S B u &m 1 JBt 0 MffilS
Volume VII, ffsmler 1.
E C. HICKOK) Editor.
0. N. WbRDEN, Printer.
Whole Number 323.
The tcwlsbursr Clironlcle is issued
every Wednesday muruing at I.ewUburg, Uuion
county, Pennsylvania.
Tkrvi. $1.50 peryrar, forca-h actual!; in
advance; $f,75, paid within three months; $2
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adlrevfed to the I'ubHther.
O'f'ce. Market St. between Second and Third
O. X. V.'ORDEX. Printer and Publisher.
To my Little Son.
When I was young, my noble b y.
Ambition El'ed my ardrnt mind :
I thought I coulJ my poaers enijd.iy
To be a blessing to mi:kint".
Statesman or hero, Ssnl or sage,
I thought I miiht achieve a name
To a'.ard the glory of the age, ,
And 6ouri& in immortal face.
Komantie dreams ! how swill they fl d,
Dispersed in even childhood's day !
In every path I wished to trend
Misfortunes s'ernly birred ibe way !
Some little good I may have rrrouglt.
And penned some not inglorious songs,
Dut opened no new world of thought,
Nor save:? i people from their wrongs.
Thou too will own ambition' sway
No matter, so it prompt no tin ;
I care not if its voice should say.
Be all thy fa'her shouM have been.
Ambition is of various kitiJ",
And even ir. the child piocU'incd
The cast of great or common minds,
Accordinc to its various aims. !
roe their ambition turn to ilress,
ESem'.n:le'y vain and nice ;
t-'orj e look to filth for -'manliness."
(Se0ars, tobacco, wine, an 1 vice !)
onie take it for a gloiioua thing
To be a fiddler, quite the rage.
Or rider in a circus rinc,
Uufljon, or ranter on the stage !
fumt, with ambition meaner atiil,
7'be.ii honor icefc in deed of sbarce.
Fur virtue choose (be worst of ill.
Toe worst of names their proudest name !
Such laoiies away the vulgar breast.
And may become the fool at least
Who think that man was made at best
To be partaker with the beast !
But those to whom the Lord hath given .
K portion of the spark divine,
Say tread on earth, but look tc heaven.
And more and more their touls refine !
My aon ! to wisdom give thy heert !
I "it-rove thy God-imparted mind !
The mind ia our celestial part.
More heavenly as the more refined !
Employ tby thought on nobler thing
Than those that with the body die !
Mount thy ambition on the wings
Of virtu? that ascends tho sky !
So shall thy aoul, while yet confined
To earth, its heavenly kindred claim,
And thou shah move among mankind
An angel in mortal frame. J. X.
Cfl iuIJtntuirr,
MuJe the Ninth day of October ia the year
of our Lord one thousand seven hundred !
and ninety-three, Iietwecn Clara Helena'
Ellinkhuyscn of the town of Louis-burg in
the township cf Buffaloe in the county of.
Northumberland and commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, widow, of the one part, and ,
Flavel Roan of the town of Sunbury in the 1
county and Commonwealth aforesaid,'
Ssouire, of the other part. Whereas, the j
Creator of the earth, by parole and livery
of seisin.dirJenfeoirtlie parents of mankind,
:o wit, Adam and live, of all that certain
tract of land, called and known in the
jaane'.ary system by the name of The
Eirth, together with all and singular the
advantages, woods, waters, water-courses,
yisemenls, liberties, privileges and all
others the aripuTtenaccs" whatsoever there-:
unto belonging or in any wise appertaining, ;
to have and to hold lo them the said Aduin ;
and Eve, and the heirs of their bodies
lawfully to be begotten, in fee -tail general
for ever, as by the said feoffment recorded
by Moses, in the first chapter of the first
book of his records commonly called Gen
esis, more fully and at large appears on
reference being thereunto had : And
Whereas, (he said Adim and Eve died
seised of the premises aforsaid in fee-tail
general, leaving issue, heirs ol their bodies,
to wit, sons and daughters, who entered
into the same premises and became there
of seized as let, ants in common by virtue
of the donation aforesaid, and multiplied
their seed upon the earth : And Wherea,
in process of time, tlie heirs of the said
Adam and live having become very nu
merous.and finding kto be inconvenient to
remain in common as aforesaid, bethought
themselves to make partition of the l.mds
nnd tcnamcnts aforesaid to and amongst
melves,aiid th?y did accordingly malce
such partition : And Whereas, by virtue of
the said partition made by the heirs of said
Adam and Eve, all that certain tract of
land called and Eridwn on the general plan
of the said Earth by the name of America,
parcel of the said large tract, was allotted
and set over unto certain ofthe heirs afore
said to them and to their heirs general in
fee simple who entered into the same and
became thereof seised as aforesaid ia their
demesne as of fee, and peopled the same
allotted lands in severalty and made par
titipnjbercrjf to arid amongst their descen
dant : Aid Whereas, afterwards, (now
deemed in time immemorial, a certain united
people called "The Six Nations cf North
America,'' Heirs and descend in ts ol the
said grantees of America, became seised,
and for a long time whereof the memory of
rrn runneth not to the contrary, have been
seised in their demesne as of lee, of and in
a certain tract of country and land in the
north division of America c.tiled and known
at present on the general p'un ol the said
north division by the name of l'ennsvlva-
1 nia : And Whereas the said united nctious,
! being so thereof seised, afterwards, to vtit
i in the year of our Lord one thousand sev
en hundred and s-ixty eiht, by their certain
deed ol l-eouiiient with livery of seisin aid
grar.',bargain.M-II,reledse,i hfeoff,a!ien,and
confirm unto Thomas I'enn and Kichard
lYnn, othcrw ise called The Proprietaries
ol Pennsylvania, (among other things) the
country culled Riifftluu-valiey, situate on
the south side of the tvesl brauch of the
river Susquehanna, parcel of said country
called Iuuns)!vania, to hold to them the
sa;d Propriftar.es, their heirs and assigns
for ever, in their demesne as of fee, as by
the .-amo Feoffment more fully appears ;
which last mentioned tract of country was,
afterwards, wiih other tracts of countrv,
by the said Proprietaries by the advice and
consent of their great council in general
assembly met, erected into a county called
Northumberland aforesaid, i f which the
said liuflaloe valley was and is parcel by
the n.mc of I'uiiiiloe township aforesaid :
And Whereas the said Proprietaries; by
their letters patent bearing dale the elev
enth day of August in the year of oir Lord
one thousand seven hundred ani seventy-
two, did grant and confirm unto a certain ;
Richard Peters iu Ice simple a certain par
cel of the said township, called Prescott,
situate at the mouth of Spring run, adjoin
ing and below the mouth of Buffalo creek,
on the south tide of the west branch of
Susquehanna aforesaid iu the township and
county aforesaid, by metes and bounds in
the said letters set forth, containing three
hundred and twenty aens and allowance
&c. as .by the same letters patent inrolled
at Philadelphia in patent book AA, vol 13,;
page 265, more fully and ut large appears:
And Wheieas the said Kicliard Peters, by
his certain indenture bearing date the sev
enteenth day ol November in the jear of
our Lord 1773, did grant, bargain and sell
the last mentioned tract and parcel of land
containing 3'iO acres and allowance with
the appurtenances unto a certain Ludwig
Derr in fee simple, as by the same deed
recorded in the office for recording of deeds
in and fur the county of Philadelphia ia
deed-book No. 22 page 414 appears at
lartic on re.'erenco thereunto bad : And
Whereas the said Ludwig Derr, being so
seised thereof, did lay out a town railed
and known by the name of Lovhburg,
consisting of three hundred and fifty lots
or parcels of land with suilablo and proper
streets, lanes and alleys, containing about
one hundred and twenty-eight acres parcel
of the said tract last hereinbefore mention
ed, as by the general plan ofthe said town
appears: And Wherea's the said Ludwig
Derr afterwards died intestate (having pre
viously disposed of divers of the said lots to
divers persons leaving a widow (who is
since deceased) and issue, his only child
George, his heir at law : By Virtue and
reason whereof the lands, tonerrents and
hereditaments aforesaid whereof the said
Ludwick was seised at the time of his death j
and which he had not aliened, dcscendi-d to
and became vested in the said George Derr i
ia fee-simple, u ho entered into the same
and became seised in his demense as of fee: I
And Whereas the faid George Derr being I
so thereof seised, by his certain indenture
hearing date the twentieth day of December
in the year of our Lord 1788, did grant,
bargain and sell all his estate and in'erest
in the town aforesaid with the appurtenan
ces unto a certain Peter Borger in fee sim
ple, as by the same deed recorded in the
office for recording of deeds in Philadelphia !
in deed book No. 22, page 442, and at j
Sunbury in Northumberland county afore
said in deed-book D, page 397, appears : j
And Whereas the said Peter Borger, and
Florinda his wife.by their certain indenture
bearing date the second day of January in
the year of our Lord 1789, did grant, bar
gain, sell and confirm the town, lots, Idii'ls,
tenements and primisses whereof they were
eo seided, unto a certain Caret Cliukhuy
s( n, of the city of Rotterdam in the prov
ince of Holland in the United Netherlands
of Europe, merchant, in fee-simple, as by
the same deed recorded in the office for
recording of deeds in and for the county of
Northumberland in book E page 231 &c.
appears : And Whereas the said Carel El
linkhuysen, being seised of the premisses
aforesaid by virtue thereof, by his certain
deed in writing called a letter of attorney,
'scaled and delivered, bearing date the eighth
day of May in the year of our Lord 1789,
did constitute, appoint, nod authorize the
said Peter Borger (among other acts and
things) t sell, dispose of, and convey nnd
assure to such persons as should agree for
the same, all such lots of land in the said
town as the said Peter Borger should deem
expedient, as by the said letter ol attorney
recorded at Philadelphia in letter ol attorney-book
No. 3, page 64, reference being
thereto had appears: And Whereas the said
Carel Ellinkhuyscn (by his said attorney,
Peter Borger, constituted as aforesaid, un
revoked) by a certain indenture bearing
date the twenty-fifth day ol June in the
year of our Lord 1790, did grant, bargain,
and sell unto Matthias Joseph .ll;nkhuv
sen, late husband of the said Clara Helena
Ellinkhnyscn.and to the said Clara' Helena,
wife of the said Matthias Joseph, All That
certain lot or piece of land (among other
things) parcel of the said town, not dispo
sed of by the said Ludwig Derr, situate in
the said town ofLouisburt;, and known oa
the general plan of the said town by the
number 51, to wit, fifty -one,; containing in
breadth on Front street and on Walnut
alfcy sixty-six feet and in depth on St.
.Louis s'.rcet and lot No 52, one hundred and
hYty-seveo feet and six inches, bounded on
the south by Front street aforesaid, on the
west by St. Louis street aforesaid, on the
north by the said Wulnut alley, nod on the
east by lot No C'i aloresaid. To Hold to
them the said ftlatt hi:is Joseph Elhnt.huy-
sen and Clara Helena his wife, their heirs
and assijius for evi-r : By Virtue w hereof
the said Matthias Joseph Eilinkhuysen and
Clara Helena his vi!e became seised in
their demesne as of fee ol the lot of ground
aforesaid with the appurtenances in Joint
Tenantcy to wit to tieto a.iJ to the survi
vor of them his or her heirs and assign for
ever, as by the said deed recorded in the
office fur recording of deeds in and for
Northumberland county in book E page
f4, reference being thereunto had more
fully and at large appears : And Whereas
afterwards the said Matthias Joseph Ei
linkhuysen died seised as aforesaid of the
premisses aforesaid, leaving the said Clara
Helena his, wife, By reason whereof the
said Clara Helena Eilinkhuysen became
sole seised of the same premises in her own
right and demense as of fee : NOW This
Indenture Witnrsstth, thai the said Clara
Helena Eilinkhuysen, for and in consider
ation ofthe sum of sixteen pounds and ten
shillings, lawful money of Pennsylvania. to
her in hand well and truly paid by the said
Flavel Uoan at the execution hereof, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
Hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened.
enfeoffed, released and confirmed, and by
these presents Doth grant, bargain, sell,
alien, enfeoff, release and confirm unto the
said Flavel Uoan, his heirs and assigns, All
that the aforesaid described lot of ground,
Together with the appurtenances, rights,
casements, liberties, pi ivileges, and heredi
taments whatsoever thereunto belonging or
in any wise appertaining, and the reversion
and reversions, remainder and remainder;
rents, issues and profits thereof, To Have
and To Hold the aforesaid described lot or
piece of ground numbered as aforesaid 51,
hereby granted, or mean, mentioned or
intended so to be, with the appurtenances,
unto the said Flavel Uoan, his heirs and
nssioii, to the only proper use, benefit and
behoof of him the ssid Flavel IIo.:ii, his
heirs and assigns forever. In Witness
whereof, the said parties to these presents
have hereunto set their hands and seals
interchangeably the day and year first
above written.
claka;hei.e. elmnkhuyse: v,
(: B Van Capel l.s. y
seaieu and detivere.j
in the presence of
Jso. Hates,
Purchase money received as above
acknowledged before Wm. Gray, J. P.
and recorded by J. Simpson, at Sunbury,
Deed book F, page 280, 3d Nov. 1703
Little Diary or the Han with a Long
We heard a very amusing anecdote re
lated, a feu days since, of a gentleman
possessed of a somewhat prominent probos
cis, being invited out to take tea wiih a
handsome young widow, having a small
incumbrance of about forty thousand dol
lars, and a beautiful and interesting little
daughter, of about five or six years of age.
The little girl whom we shall take ihe
liberty of calling Mary although very
much beloved by all who knew her, bad
the habit of speaking aloud in company,
and commenting on each and every pecu
liarity that any of her mamma's guests
might have; and the charming widow
knowing this fact, took little Mary to one
side on the afternoon in question, and gaye
her i lesson somewhat in the following
manner : "Mary, my dear, I have invited
a very particular friend of mine to come
and take tea with me this evening, and as
he has rather a long nose, I wish to warn
you against speaking of it in bis presence.
He is the most sensitive upon that point of
all subjects ; therefore, if you allude to it
in his presence, you shall most assuredly
be severely reprimanded ; but, oh the oth
er hand, if you will will sit up on your lit
tle chair and be a lady, you shall have that
beautifully frosted cake I purchased at the
baker's this morning.'' Little Mary made
the requisite promise, and was amusing
herself with her abundant supply of play
things when the long-nosed friend arrived.
The compliments of the day having been
exchanged, and the usual topics of the time
fully discussed, the widow, with one of her
blandest smiles, invited Mr. - into the
adjoining roofn to partake of the choicest
dainties with which the table was bounti
fully supplied. As they were passing out
of the room, leaving little Mary to amuse
herself the best she could, the little cherub
hastily intercepted them at the door, arid
archly looking up into the animated coun
tenance of her mother, exclaimed : "Moth
er, dear, ain't it most time for me to have
my uice frosted cake for not raying any
thing about this gentleman's long nose 1"
The widow fainted, and the Ion?-nosed
gentleman is stif) a bachelor.
It is stated in the Berliner Ajlgeineine
Kirchcn Zeitung, that the Jews have ob
tained a firman from the Porte, granting
them permission to build a temple on
Mount Lion. Ihe projected, ed.inre is
equal to Solomon's Temple in magnificence
Millions of money are to have been collect'
ed for the purpose in America alone-
Economy is Due to our Employers.
Waste not, want not,' is a good old
proverb. He that is faithful in little is
faithful in much A person that takes
no care of the materials committed to his
haudj by his nir.3t: r.: will never duly hus
band his own property. Economy and
wastefulness arc habits that will influence
.... . . ,
us in all ir.ings, Dotn wr.en we areengngea jum." "-
about our own substance orthat of another. nace he proposes to cast the statue. A wri
To waste other's ipioda is the same as to ' ter in a South Carolina paper says :
rob him. The loss in both cases is equal,
and the principles whence they spring
very mnch alike. The man who takes
care of his employer's goods is sure to look
after his own, and tlus is on the road to
prosperity, h would be difficult to caleu-
late the immense loss of property that:
every year ocurs from carelessness and on the hind feel ; with fiery eyes and g!a
want of economy. Some persons are : ring nostrils, neck bent and flowing mane,
woith nearly half their wages more than he looks like the war-horse of the Ukrain,
others, because they never injure or waste 'and saw you him on the bank ofthe Sirr,
anything. The emplo)er being wealthy, you would fancy you heard him neigh,
or the stock abundant, is no excuse for : Your first question is, how, if he is not rc
carelessness. A loss is a loss, and a rob- 'ally a live horse, does he stand in that posi
hery is a robbery, whether taken from the tion? But Mr. Mills will go in front and
heap of the miser or the smaller sSore of, throw his entire weight (150 pounds)on his
the indigent. ' Gather up the fragments, fore feet, and still he stands, the centre of
that nothing be lost," is a divine command, gravity being so directly thrown over the
Heaven allows nothing to be destroyed, hind feet. This is what the European artists
There has not been a single drop of water never could do. Thi stctue of Peter the
wasted from the creation until now. The J Great at St. Pstersburg approaches nearer
decomposed elerent4 of last autumn arc to it than any other.but that is fastened by
the aliment ol our present spring. Econ- the tail to a serpent whieh is fastened in
omy, rigid economy, is one of the laws of j the pedestal, and consequently destroys the
nature ; and we b!:rII rot real ze"thc good life look of the horse.the great object sought,
time coming" un'il we have a careful and j The stern old hero native of the Wax
economic j! world. Let this spirit prevail, : hnws sits with every appearance of life
and not only will the master be saved from that art can give with iron nerve and un
loss, but, in many instances, the servant ! alterable resolution."
w ill rescue himself from poverty. j t j3 0 be placed on a pedestal twenty feel
Clerical Wit.
The following anecdote of BishonM.un- !
tain, the first bishop of the English church j
r i r..i r .i . i
in iuiih iu. iinu lamer oi uie ureal; i'i jiuiu
Bishop, of Montreal, was related to us ic
cently by a clergyman, who was well nc-
minintpft with flip u-nrthv nrplatf nnd whn '
. r ire nor!.t aothen.iritv. tt i
is possible that it may have been in print
before, but we do not remember to heve
seen it, and as it is certainly a very happy
example of neat repartee turned to a pru-
dent and profitable account, we venture to !
, .
tell the story as it was told to us.-; Shortly
after the diocese of Montreal was created,
Mr. Mountain, then a young man, was
holding the i fli.reof private chaplain to the
Archbishop of Canterbury. His graee
whose duty it was lo choose an incumbent
of the new dioces, was endeavoring to se
lect the most suitable person for the office,
but, being at a loss to make an election
from a large number of worthy aspirants,
at length applied tc his chaplain for coun
sel. Indeed,'' replied the young clergy
man, " I can hardly presume to advise
your grace in so weighty a matter ; but
as I have a high ppiuicn of your grace's
faith, I do not doubt that if you should
say to this Mountain be thou removed into
yonder Sea, it would obey you ! The
archbishop was pleased w ith tho wit of his
adviser, end as the applicant was in all
respects a fit person to receive the mitre,
he was forthwith appointed. Post.
An Aged Couple,
A writer in the Boston Traveler gives
the following remarkable history. "I know
a man and his wife, in the western part of
Worcester county, Mass., who have lived
together about seventy tight years. At
the time they were married, the man was
18 and the woman 1G years of age: so that
he is now about 96. They have lived to
follow to the grave one of their descendants
of the fifth generation. The venerable pa
triarch has been a very active and useful
man. He was, until more than sixty
years of age, very fond of fun and frolic ;
and on all public days he would have
around him a crowd, listening to his songs
and merriment. 1 well remember the
time when the old man (between sixty and
seventy) stood up in the meeting house,
and, before a large assembly, told his re
ligious .experience. After he had gone
through with his very interesting state
ment, noticing a large number of his former
tavern associates, standing in the back part
of the house, he railed lo them and said :
" Oh, my friend", jou, who have so ofin
been delighted whh my foolish songs.eomc,
gather around me now, and 1 will sing to
you the songs of Zun." Although his
songs are not often heaid now, he still
lives to benefit the world by his prayers."
The cold is so severe at Kamtschatka,
that the Governor has been compelled to
quit his usual residence at St. Peter and
St. Paul, to bliry himself under the earth
that is to say, he has retired to his sub
terranean palace, wh;ch is twenty meters
below ground, and is capable ol accommo
dating two' hundred persons. This palace
it perpetually lighted, by lamps. Most
wealthy private persons have dwellings of
this kind, but it is rarely cold enough to
induce them to flee thither. Hamburg
An American Artist's Work.
Mr. Clark Mills, of South Carolina, is
advancing in the execution of Gen. Jack
son's equestrian statue with every prospect
of success. He is gifted with an original
and inventive mind, and, among other im
provements he has made, he has invented
a furnace for melting the metal.whicli econ-
I : it, r.,ol ,n,l K tioaf. In thia fur
'Mr. Mills has a horse, (we mean a live
horse,) a splendid animal, which he has
used as a copy for his work making the
statue one third larger than life. The ex
cellency and originality of the work con
sists in its Le'ng self-bali:nted,ir. a rearing
posture the animal stands, self-supported,
high, in Franklin Square, in front of the j
White Hou3c. Il was (and may be yet)
design of Mr. Mills to figure on each
side of the pedestal a lady's bust. The
European artists have all along predicted
that it would be a failure, but they should
recollect that American energy and genius
knows no failure. Many of them have vis-
ited Mr. Mills' studio and offered their ser
vices, but they have been invariably refused.
To add still deeper interest to it, the statue
is to tc cast from the brass cannon captu-
i j l i i t ,t. u. ;,:!,
reu "-" c '
A merited Rebuke.
The Washington Union, which barring
its prejudice for the side of human slavery,
is one of the best paers in the world, in
publishing, by request, a letter from some
crazy fellow in Texas, called Col.Wigfall,
heads an editorial reference with the word
" VltraumP' The Union is itself an ultra
southern advocate, though generously in
favor of any compromise that will give
the turkey always to the south ; but why
it should denominate rank tom-foolcrtj as
ultraism, is a wonder to tis. The cant of
the periwig Colonel, would shame unshaven
George Monday from his meat box pulpit
in the Philadelphia market-house ; Lu: the
grave determination of the Uaion to 'try
the present Constitution a little longer,''
smells strong cf treason. By some means
the slaveholders of the south have con
tracted the habit of speaking ofthe Consti
tution as a rope of sand, and ever and
anon they thrcnten us of the north, with
the horrora of dissolution. . With the ut
most respect we beg to remind our south
ern brethren, that it is from duty and not
from fear that the free States adhere to the
articles of confederation. We are not
only willing to "ry,'' tut to maintain the
Constitution as it is, with all its compromi
ses, and we apprehend the south, should
they " try1 to dissolve the Union, will
find it a more difficult task than they im
agine. We will not attempt to describe
the consequences attendant apon such an
insurrection, but we will gently hint to the
Union, that this everlasting bravada about
dissolution injures the south rather than
benefits it. We arc in favor of any rea
sonable compromise.for the sake ol repose,
and shall always oppose the interfering
with Stale rights by the general govern
ment, but if anything could paralyze our
efforts to check the fanaticism of the north,
it would be the vain vaunts of petty tyrants
in the south. Will the Union endeavor to
be a little more national in its views 1 Ly
coming Gazette.
ComiLon Sense,
An English Justice, Baron Aloerson, is
somewhat notorious for his aversion to the
use of learned and unusual words. On a
late occasion, at the Carlisle Assizes, a sur
geon, who was giving evidence as to the
state in which a gamekeeper's body was
found, atatcd that "His right cje was
surrounded by a black riaing." The Judge.
"toes that mean that he had -a black
eye P Witness Yes." , Judge "Then
why don't you say sot' Witness Mi
was much congested." Judge "Do you
mean blood-shot ! Witness ' Yes, my
lord. Judge (tartly) "Thea pray use
terms we can understand ; don't be so
learned. I know what.yoo mean, but the
word may oe new v tjMi of Ihe jury .r
... ,
Murder will Out. "
A hoirible affair occurred nsar Lanjig,
Michigan, recently, the circumstances of
which the " Expounder" of that place re
lates as follows : A man named Jeftny,
who resided alone, having no fi.m.ly, dd
suddenly in May hist. There was a strong
reason to believe he was poisoned, but sus
picion rested on no ouo in particular. A
few weeks ago a revival of religion took
place in the neighlwrhood, and a young
man became conscience-stricken and con
fessed the murder. He also implicated hi:
own father. lie says his father directed
him to purchase arsenic, and gave him the
money. One day when Jenny was from
home.the Spinnings went to Jenny's house,
and while the father kept watch outsid:,
the son went in and sprinkled the arsenic
on all the food he could find. Jenny took
sick in a few days alter and died. Th
young man lurther stated thit his father
hed previously proposed !o him the mur
der of Jenny in another manner, but, from
the enormity ol the proposed plan, he had
refused. It appeared aLo that a most hit
ler quarrel had for a long time existed be
tween the elder Spinning and Mr. Jjny.
riie Spinnings 'were committed to await
the action of the county court in the pre
sent month.
The Brother.
Speak to thy brother speak kindly to
hi.n, his spirits are bad and his heart is
heavy. No friend has he in the wide
world ; he is a Strang: among strangers.
Once he was happy. Parents smiled up
on him, and sisters were affectionate
But they are dead. One friend after cr.-
olher he has followed to the narrow house;
and now he is alone ! What let lings docs
not the world awaken in the beait ? Alone
in the world who woulj be a'one ? With
none to smile upon I.im, none to speak
kindly to him, none to love him. Sad in
deed must ha his lot. Tal-.e him by the
hend, brush twey liiu tears, and cheer his
heart, but if for a moment. You will feel
happier for the deed, and cu jour pillow at
night you can look ti 'k on a bii.ht spot, a
beautiful oasis in the dreary march of life.
Who wilt cot be kind to the stranger by
his gite 1 Who will uot sympathise with
the poor nd unfortunate T Who will not
perform one good, to be registered abevet
as a passport to tho kingdom of heaven ?
The teachers of Albany have formed a
rending club for mutual edification and
entertainment. Amonz the readers, we
observe the names of Green, Gorham,
Adams, Buckley, R-iymonsaJ Anthony and
Cutler. We rejoice to see more attention
given to reading than formerly, by those
whose businecs it is to teach. While
every body brought up in our country can
read, scarce one in a hundred can read
well. Excellence in reading is qu:t3 as
difficult of attainment as excellence in
singing, and its practical nse is much more
diversified and important. We are pleated
therefore to see reading more attended to
among teachers, and a better appreciation
of good reading is obtaining among the
people. A good reader can now draw an
audience at high prices for admission t Is
t not a pity that eur clergymen who art
richly imbued with piety and learning, but
w ho speak to vecant scats, beieuse lacking
in the graces of utterance, do not learn to
read, so that people laying claim to taste.
can not stay away from their ministratt xis t
The civilized man has built a coach but
has lest the use of his feet. !ld is suppor
ted on crutches, but lo.s so much support
of muscle. He has cot a fine Geneva
watch, but he has lost the ski'l to tell the
hour by the sun. A Greenwich nautical
almanac ha has, and so being sure of the
information when he wants it, the man in
the street does not know a star in the sky.
The solstice he does not observe; the equi
nox ho knows as little ; and the bright
calendar of the vear is without a dial in
his iniud. His note books impair his mem
ory ; his libraries overload bis wit ; the
insurance tfTiee increases the number of
a:ciibr.ts ; and it may be a question
whether machinery does not encumber ;
whether wo have not lost by refinement
some energy, by a Christianity entrenched
in establishments and forms, some vigor of
wild virtue. For every stoic was a stoic ;
but in Christendom where is the Christian7
7?. IV. Emerson.
A Drink of Beer For ever.
Mr. Emerson, in one of his Lectures,
tells a story to exemplify the stability of
things in England.- He says that William
of Wyckham, about the year 1150, en
dowed a bouse in the neighborhood of Win
chester to pro v id a measure of beer and a
suffi?ieucy of bread to every one who ask
ed it, or ever ar.d when Mr. Emerson
was in England be was curious to test this
good man's credit, and be knocked at the
door,preferred his request, and received bis
measure ol beer and quantum of bread.tho'
its donor nad been dead seven hundred
A Common Pratence. - '' ; '
A gentleman, who had been active) ia
aiding a missiou by collection, was met the?
following day by one of different habits,
whochided him for the folly of which bd
deemed him guilty, in giving' to such an
object, and in such profusion. It was fol
ly, he s.1 id, to be sending heaps of rnosSey
abroad, to be spent, no one knew hew
while there were so many unemployed
starving poor at ion"?. ''
" I will give five dollars to the poor, if
you will give an equal sum, said th
Christian friend. ''
U- " Lis1-001 me" ,nat.' replied tho ob-,
jectoj" but," continued he, " if you must
go i.-oTfcjjome, why go so Tar ? Think of
the miserable poor ol Ireland.'
" I will give five dollars to the poor of
Ireland, if you will do the same."
I did net mean that either," was tie
replw '
Co it is neither this nor that, which this
class of ol ject-.ra exactly mean, but sim
ply lo veil their covetousness by blaming
the proceedings of libercl rwn, whom if
they could not condemn, they must for
very shame, in some degree, imitate.
Dead Letters.
Information was some time since circula-
ted in the newspapers of this country gene-'
ra'ly that the dead letters which are re
turned to the ( leceral Post Office and there
opened, were subjected to the perusal of the
visiters of the of!ice,and some specimens of
their contents were published. V can not
say but such may at a former period have '
been the case ; Let we have the pleasure to
acsure the community thct no such courso'
is now permitted. The letters ore barely
opened so as to ascertain whether they con
Ic'n any valuable enclosure. If no enclosure
is found, the letter is never read, and is not ,
subjected to the perusal or access of any
one, but is carefully kept from visiters and '
destroyed. V.'e say this because it is due to
delicacy, propriety ,aad decency. Wash
ington Republic.
The Detroit Daily Advertiser says, the
emigration from Michigan, this spring, is
over G,OC0, and that in money and outfits
they have taken from three toJOO each,
raised in most cases by the sale or mort
gage of property. The Iowa Reporter
says three thousand have gone from thai
State, being three times the number that
went last year. Tha St, Louis Republican
estimates the number from that . State as
high as twenty thousand taking ia funds
and outfits fully sis millions of dollars !
The Effect The N. Y. Courier says : '
"The immense emigration to California
from the intern: and Western States begin 4
to be seriously felt by the merchants cf
this city. A very large proportion of
the mn?y which, unJr other circum
stances, would come to this city to pay for
goods to be consur?ed at the West, now is
exudud on the Western frontier in pur-'
chasing mules, provisions, wagons, &c ,
for persons on their wcy to California."
Delegates Outnumbering Constituents!'
As soon as the late meeting at Nashville,
Tenn., which refused, by an overwhelming
majority, to appoint dslegates to the south
ern convention, had adjourned, the chair-'
man requested ihe friends of the convec
tion to remain and appoint delegates. The
Nashville Gazette says they did remain to
the cumber of ttventten, and appointed '
twenty-nine delegates to the southern con
vention, called at Nashville.
The Linden News states thct a grand
scheme of emigration is on foot, according
to current report, among the agriculturists'
in Glouc'.ershire and ihe adjoining coon-
ties of Worchcsirr and Hereford. It is
proposed, in the first instanca, to purchase
a million of acres ia one of the Western
States of America.
Snooks met Spooks. ' Morning," says
Snook?. "Morning,'' says Spooks. "Cold
weather," snys Saoc'. Ye," sy
Spooks ; we shan't have any warm '
weather till the snow fe gone, up North.1'.-
No," says SoooLs ; and tie snow
won't eo off till it is warm weather.'
6 , - .
What is a Coquette ? A young tidy of
mcro beauty than sence more accomplish-
ments than learning more charms of per-'
son than graces of mind more admirers '
than friends more fools than visa men
for attendants. LongferloT?.
. f
It won't do for a man lo comphra of
dyspepsic, foul stomach, Ac, who eats his
dnzt n fried, and swallows three or four '
glasses of brandy and water nightly, be
fore going home to the boson ofhii family. (
No License. The Common Couocil oi
the city of Auburn have by a unanimous '
vote, refused to grant licenses for the sale
of ardent spirits for the ensuing year.
John Abernethy, the eminent surgeon,
used to tell his scholars, that human' mal-'y
adies arse from two causes stufTmg adl
fretting ' 'r