IjKWISBURC chromcle and west branch fakmek The MHor and ihe Publisher both star d yeterda to atteod iho Corirention ai Williamsport. iwj".. j furnished copy enough to fill up the paper, but tbecopt iaall aet up ; and there yet ,;nrth sdace foi a paragraph. So beie roes for en editorial : The Williamsport Conrentlon. That this will be a large assemblage we fully believe. That it will embrace a fair ihoreofthetalenS and the energy ol this Commonwealth we do not doubt. That it may count among its member and attend aoU some political scamps, we think bare ly possible. If the Democray of this Con vention should prove to be the Democracy of Jefferson that democracy which pro motes the welfare, and protects the indus try of our own country, hite it asserts and vindicates the natural rights of all the human race, why then.success to it! But if the Convpntion should attempt to "compro m:se,'this Democracy ,if they try to trade it ofT,to giin Presidential votes for some old humbug of a "great man" We say if they play this frame, they may cheat some rich lolks, but they can't fool The Pewter's Devi!.. A little girl, daughter of Isaiah Stryker, residing near this Borough, died- one day last week from eating a quantity of the gar ceo vegetable called rhubarb or pie-plnnt, We have read of several deaths from a sim ilar cause vVirnpnrt Gaz.. 22d May- A-The Democratic State Convention meets to day at Williamsport. to nominate a candidate for each of the offices of Canal Commissioner, Auditor General, and Sur veyor General. The Whig State Convention will meet at Philadelphia, on the 19th June, for the mmr purpose. Corrected tiis Day. Wheat Ry Com Oats Flaxseed Dried Apples Hutter Eu'L'3 .... . Tallow . . Lard Ham 105al20 45 ..40 ..30 .100 .125 . 124 .. 8 ..10 Bacon 6 CHERRY PECTORAL: Fer the Cara f COUGHS, COX.DS, HOA&SBaTESS, BBOXT OHZTXS; GROUP, ASTH MA, WHOopiira-cough ASD COVSUBXPTZOaT. The uniform success which' hit attended the M of IBM preparation its Military effect iti power to relieve and cure affection of the Lune, hare gained for it a celebrity equaled by no oiher aoerficiDe. We offer it to the afflicted with entire onfideoce in it virtue, and the full belief that It will sobdue and remove the severest attack of d'sessas upon the throat and lung. A these results become public, they naturally attract the attention of medical men and philanthropist everywhere. What is their opinion of Cherry Pectoral, nrav be seen below. VALENTINE MOTT. M D, Trof. Surgery Medical College, New York, says : It give me treat pleasure to entity the value anil effl mry of Acer's Cberry Peetorml,whirh I consider peruliarly adapted to eon alstiaK of the Throat and Lungs. The Rt Re Lord Bishop FIELD writes in a letter to his friend, who was fast ainking under an affection of the Lung Try the Cberry Pectoral. a&4 if any mMirin can give yea relief, with the bleating of God that will. Chief Justice EU8TICB, of Louisiana,writes: Tbat a yoan; daughter of hi irar-mred of aeveral aim attacks of CKOLT, by the Cberry l'ectoral. ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS. The Cans ditn Juumat of Medical Science states. That Arthaaa and Bronchitis, so prevalent in this larieavnt eliaaale, have yielded with surprising rapidity so Ayer Cherry Pertoral, and we can not too ntnmrlr momme&d this skilful preparation to the Frofesaion and pabiic generally. Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: Habtfokd, Jan. 26, 1R47. Dr. J. C. Iyer Dear Sir : liarinr hern reerued from a painful and daneerou disease, arntitntle prompt me to end yon this acsnowledfrinent, not only in justice to you but tut the information of other, in like eviction. A slight cold upon the Innc, neglected at first, beeame D severe that spitting: of Wood, a violent eoogb, and pro fnse sight sweat followed and fastened on me. . 1 became taaciated, eould not sleep, waa dntreN-d by my rough, and a pain thronarh my cheat, and in hort'had all the alarming symptoms of quick consumption. Sio medicn Memed at all to reach my ease, until I providentially inea Tour vnerrj rectorial, iucb soon relieved and now aa cured me. lours with reaped, . A. STEWART. From a letter dated Ant!rr, X. T, April 17, Dr. Aver, Lowell Dear Sir: I was afflicted hy Asthma la the worst form, so that I have beu obliged to sleep in By chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe on my bed. I bad tried a great many medicine to no pnrpt ie, until my physician prescribed, as an expe riment, your Chrry Pectoral. At firm it seemed to make . worse, but in less than a week I began to experience tb most g. atifying relief from it use ; and now, in four week,, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state of health which I bad never expected to enjoy. OKO. 8. r ARRANT. Prepared by J. CAyer,CJiemut,LoveU,Ms. For sale ij C W SCHAFFLE, Lewi.burg ; J H Caalow, Milton ; Isaac Gerhart, 8elingrove, and by Druggists generally MMROED, . Id M (Illnburg, 21st inst. by Rev. J. G. Aospaclt, Paul Dieffenuerfer and Mrs. Harrr Girsos, both of White Deer. DM EH, Io Milton, 20th inst., Mrs. Catharine Gcdvecnst, aged about 75 years. In Chilistiuaqiie, lQih mat., a duughter r Mrs. M'Daniel. On the 21st, Jacob Dketbb, aged 30 years. . Oo the 22d, Hexbv Stkinxetz, aged 55. Ttf Blackamltbi: BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West Branch and from Ifollidaysburg, Tor ate at the Shop of the subscriber, near the H j scales oo Third St. ALF.X'R AMMONS. Lewiaburg. May 7. 1850 AFRESH aapply of Old Doctor and 8. P. TowMtod'e 8 A RS APAKILLA received a4 bt WholaaU or Retail by Dr. Thorn Ion a Baker, A rents. ..1 "BtAMBHnaaaafManaaaaaksrtniVhVManBSIaVi S031ETY FOB INQUIRY. rE next Monthly Meeting of the Soci ety for Inquiry connected with the Uuiversity at Lewisburg.occurs on Sunday neat, June 2, commencing at 2 J o'clock, P. M-, at the Academic Ituildin on the Hill. A Report on the Moral and Religious Condition of Mexico.will be read, and also Correspondence. A Parting Address from Rev. E. Kincaid, is expected. The public sre respectfully invited lo attend. Lewisburg, May 29, 1850. SAM'L ANDERSON, Fashionable Tailor, tn the new Brick building; on Market street, one door above C. E. Bowes' State. CUTTING and MAKING done to order. Lewisburg, May 39, 1S50. Just Received, A CHOICE lot of Black Watered Silk, and Green Fringed Turc Satin, Parasols, also an additional supply of Linen Lusttes, all at unusually low prices, for aale hy May 29 J HAtES&CO. k BEAUTIFUL assortment of Seatlet Cloth f embossed Table Covers. fr sale by May 29 J. HAYES & CO. Onnn1Ba of Country cared BACON AJJJ for ,.e by May 29 J. HAVES & CO. .")r,riILfis- Superfine TOW YARN, by eCUW May 29 J. HAYES tc CO. A" extensive assortment Baltimore STONE WARE for sale by May 39 J. HAYES dt CO. (SCCCISSORS TO C. A. WIITH,) Wholesale arid Retail Dealers iri Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paint, Oils, Varnishes', Window Glass, Sash tools.Gla'ssware.Putty, Dye-stuffs, Brushes of every variety, Perfumery, Confectionery, Fruits, Fancy Goods, &c. &c. One Door above the great Mammoth Store of J. k J. Wall, MaKKKT St. LEWISBl'Rfi. All Drugi and Medicines warranted Frcth and Genuine. THE subscribers return their sincere thanks to those who have so liberally patronized them during the past year ; and we would invite you. one and all, to call and examine our slock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we sell as cheap, if not 25 per ct. cheaper, than others of the trade. Try us, and see for yourselves. IV. B. Medical advice wiil be given free of charge by Dr. Thornton, at the Store ol Thorn ton & Baker. T A H THORXTON.M.D. JOSIAH BAKER Lamps! LAMPS! LAMPS ! Just received and for Wholesale or Retail, Pine Oil and Burning Fluid Lamps ol the latest tyle. Any person or persons wish ing it, can have these tamps on trial, and if they do not give satisfaction, thev may be returned. Churches and Stores or Shops supplied on the most liberal terms with the above Lamps, and Oil hy Dr. I homton & Baker, Agents for the Manufacturer. JUST received and for sale, Pine Oil and llurniog Fluid, warranted pure and of the first quality, by Dr. Thornton Si linker. JUST received and for sale. Sperm and Lard Oil, by Dr. Thornton & Baker. riUTE lead, and Linseed Oil, for eale by Vr. 1 nornton & Uaker. PHE undersicned continues the LITE- X KX JSLSIJMiSS at the Uld Stand, on ionti inird ot., near AiarKet, and respectfully solicits the patronage ol bis friends and the public generally. CUAKLKS F. HESS, lewisburg, May 22, 1850 New Arrangement ! ! Reduction of Prices. THOMPSONS' Susquehanna Express and Freight Line Is now running regularly twice a week from Philadelphia, via Penn'a Central R.R. to the Junction, thenre hy fast line of Ex press Boats to Selinsgrnve, Northumb'Ind, Sui bury,Danville.BliKnnsburg,Lewi5burg, Miiion, Muncy, Williamsport, &c. (Joods and Packages delivered by this line in from one to two days. I lie prices are such as must give satisfaction to all. Produce carried through (and sold, il desired) with despatch. Persons living off the line, can have their goods left at such place as they may direct. jCNew Express Office No.38,Norlh Third St.Philad. Freight Office at Messrs. Ciaic ti Bellas'; Depot, corner of Broad and Cherry Sts. , t Orders ree'd in Lewisburg at the Stores of Messrs. Shelter, and Foster, and nt the Hotels of Messrs. Kline and Weidensaul and in Sclinsgrove at the Store of John llartman, .sq. W. H. THOMPSOX. May 10, 1850. Books Books ! THE subscriber offers' for sale at the Lewisburg Post-Office, an assortment of the most useful Paper, School Books, Stationery nf all kinds--also the best Cigars.Tobacco, &e. &c. The stock ts all new, and iho' small the public patronage, if favored Id it, can soon and easily make it larger. 1 he 1 rial of Prof. Webster onlv ball a dozen copies left. Il l ii lfliP JOHN r. KENNEDY. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 "Small Profits and Quick. Sales." H. P. SHELLER, 'VlT'OULD resperlfully inform bis old friends W and the trading community in general, that he has received a LARGE ...J CE.NEKAL STOCK of. ...... IMerchanfUzc for SPRING AND SUMMER . wants and use embracing dky goods. groceries, hardware, queens ware, Hats and caps, FISH, SALT, IRON, &c iVc. These Goods we offer unosuully low for Cash Country Produce of all kind and to prompt .and punctual paymasters as usual. Call ani Sec ! H. P. SHELLER. Lewisburg, May 7, 1850. ITo! all you young men. , whose fine frunjen are nTpamllog, Ami who Ti J tn xuppprt you, a gtl vtfUrttandinn When yoii think how in tiiw Kt".ME dta!crf tar? bit jn, sliui oome to ctkve liimuu. a lor ifouu tbat win m yoau Do yon want anme nrw Bonk O, m chnn ani m pretty? Pome rrave and nme my, and some quwr and Nome witty? ror a dollar or two, brers will jpxr ynu a trt-aMirn That will be all your life-time a fountain of pleaiure. And if yon rhanrct to he in want Of Coat or Vrt or Tmwuerloonfi, Jurt go tn LTSDAiA'tS for yon can't ituy half as chiap of other 'owtna. And now Lyxtvall wonld My jnst a word to the Ladies, For wttll docs he kntw bow important their aid if Ue hat ibocs of all kinds V h lur-r-r-r-r-r-r-r Constrn it. Bom ! ibis vere Poetry Machine's tiroke ! UowsorocTer, the substance of all we haJ in the hopper is this tbat s. F. LYNDALL has the best and the chpapest lot of BOOKS and STATIONERY. H l"gest una me oest assoruneni oi uri . i -' r mm a a and SHOES, and Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers, that were ever seen in Lewisburg or any other great seaport. May 7, 1850. LEWISBURG .Wlwksale J- Retail aa.WL7 THE subscriber, thankful for past liberal pat ronage, would inform his friends and public generally that he has just rec d ana is constantly receiving fresh supplies ol pure Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Extracts, Herbs, Roots, Minerals, Tinc tures. Oils. Essences, Spirits, Gums, Plasters. and other eoods in bis line of business, which he offers with the full assurance of their being gen. nine, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Phvsicians and others in the trade are particularly invited to call and examine for themselves. Also constantly on hand a large stock of Window Glass, White Lead, Chrome and other Paints,Drug gists' and Physicians' Glassware, Mortars,8pachual,('rucibles.Truriies, Copaljapan and Spirit Varnishes.Flax aeed, Sperm.Whale, Lard. Fish,.iherial, Fosgine, Camphene, and Pine Oils, Dye woods around and chipped, Castile, Bar, Kosin and other Soap. Gold. Silver and Metal Leafs, Kosin, Pilch. I ar, 1 obacco, feegara, lonitw. Brushes, Walking and Fishing Canes, Jewelry, Razors, Knives, Fruits, Confectionery, Ac. &c Slc. C.W. SCIIAFFIsK, May, 1850, Druggist and Chemut, Made plain to See BY getting one of the Spectacles or Spy Glas ses at the Drug, Fancy Goods, Notion and Variety Emporium, where enn be had any quan tity of silver, tierman, Blued and common Steel Spectacles, Goggles, Spy Glasses, Mathematical Instruments, Pocket Compass, Magnets, Tape Measures, Spectacle Cases, Camera l.ucidas, Magic Lanterns, 4c. Slc. at C. W. SCHAFFE'8. Easy to Cut or Shave ARE thorn Pocket, Dirk and Penknives, and the Wostenheim and Roger Razors sell ing so cheap at the Lewisburg Drug and Variety Store of C. W. SCHAFFLE. For the Ladies. Cool Is the breess That I make at ease "TXT IT H one of those nice and cheap FANS tbat can be had at the Lewisburg Drug, Fancy Goods, Notion anff Variety Emporium where the largest, finest, and best assortment of Feather, Fancy and Paper Fans are kept. Also latest patterns of Buffalo, Shell, Horn, Side.Back and other COMBS besides a great variety of other nice things. Call and see at C. W. SCHAFFLE'S. , : Lamps, just received MORE LIGHT, at reduced prices ! A large assortment of LAMPS Solar, Supper, I ea. Hanging, Side, and Hand for burning of Pine, Fosgean, Lard. Etherial, and Sperm Oils, for Parlors, Churches, Stores, Shop. Ac, at C.W.HCHAFFLE'8 Drag, Notion and Variety Emporium CMr. H. W. Ckotzeb, of Lewisburg, has undertaken the general agency of Dr. Frost's popular "History of the Mexican War," advertised in another column. Mr.Crotzer is also authorized to receive subscriptions for the Lewisburg Chronicle. . To Justices or the Peace. B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be bad at LyndaU'e Bookstore, in this place. Lewtaborg, April 10, 180. jgjfe Dr. John Locke, tSXTSJ SURGEON DENTIST, MAY be found at his Office and residence first door east of Kline's Hotel the two weeks following the first Monday ol each month, where be is prepared to execute all operations in his line of business in a mauner creditable to himself and satisfactory to those who may favor him with their patronage. r Dr. L'. spetij. the third week of each month in Milton, (Xj'Aromatic Tooth Paste, put op in beautiful porcelain boxea. an excellent article for keeping the teeth clean anJ brealu, sweet, for sale at ia ct per box, by . . .. .. JOHN LOCKE, D. D. 8. LewSsbnrg, Pa., May, 1850 LUMBER! IT'OR sale, at our. Yard on Third street, ; near P. Ilursli's bousi; Dry Pine Common and Pannel Boarda, do Joint and Studdiug, Hemlock Joist anJ Scantling, White Pine Plauk I Shingles Sijuare Timber Weatherboards Yellow Pine Flooring Boards, Roofing and Plastering Lath, &c. All of which we offer cheap for cash or short credit. HURSH & A.M.MON. Lewishurp, April 29, 1850 THRESH TF. AS Ano'hcr lot of. a suircnur umi.s uuu ur.tii - just reed from the Canton 1 ea com pany, and for sain nt New York retail prices by J. HAYES & CO. Lewisburg, April 16. Agent. Latest Arrival ! ,77 II 4TES & CO. take pleasure in announ cing to the public tbat we are now receding hum the city one of the largest, cheapest and best selected storj of Goods ever offered to the public. No lalor has been spared to render their slock complete, and to obtain articles of good quality, so that it can be relied upon that whatever they shall offer for sale will be just what it is represented. Tbey have an excellent assortment of Dry goods, comprising nearly every article usually enumera ted under this head, among which ate Broad cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Satinetts, Tweeds, Cashmarettes, Drapcttes, Codringtona, Plaid Linens, Tickings, Drillings, Bagging, Cot ton and Hemp Carpet Chain. Plain and Fancy Goods, selected with psrtieolar reference lo the taste and convenience of the Ladies such a Changeable, Plaid, Grenadine, and Foulard Silks, Figd and Plain Lamartine Deslaines, Crape finished, Figd and Plain Linen Lustres, Boreze Deslaines, prin ted French Lawns, Silk Illusions, Pink. Buff, Blue, and Crimson Tarli-tons, Plain and Figd Blue and Pink (dotted) Swiss, Linen, Cambric, and Lawn Hdkfs, Gloves and Hosiery, VJJ Bonnets, Fans, Parasols, Parasolettes, a'losVj Fine Moleskin, Leghorn, China Pearl and Palm Leaf HATS, at lower prices than ever offered to this community. OSvotttita LH3 a choice uhctian. Glass, Queens, Stone, and CrocKery ware. To those who wish to procure anything in this line either for utility or ornament.their assortment particularly recommends itself. Hardware cutlery, Crass and Corn Scythes, Axe. Shovels, Spades, Straw Knives, Manure and Hay Forks (of supe rior quality,) Door trimming,01ass,Putty, Nails, Iron-, Steel, Slc. CARPETS BASKETS. Floor and Stair Carpet. Oil Cloth, Window badra, Ladie' Satchels, Traveling and Work Baskets, also Market, Clothes and Corn Baskets, Cedarware, Hakes, Se. fyc. In conclusion, tbey would say that their goods have been bought at very low prices, and will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms for Cash or country Produce and to satisfy the public (aa to prices) just rail at the Cheap Store of J. HAYES & CO. Lewisburg, May 2, 1 850 mark Walnut Wanted. A QUANTITY of Black Walnut, either in loga or sawed to order also. Walnut Crotches the whole to be delivered on the Pa. Canal, at or near Lewisburg. For further par ticulars, enquire of April 23 II. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg LABOR SAVED, "Si's? F OR SALE a superior Washing Mixture, which removes all dirt and stains of various kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the tenure of the cloth. Persona wishing to avail themselves of this valuable mixture, with full direction for its use, bsd better call at the new Drug and Chemiral Store kept by Da THORNTON & BAKER, Lewisburg Splendid Illustrated History OF THE , . Mexican War and Its Warriors ! rlOMPKISING a full account of the recent J War with Mexico, with the Lives of the principal Officers on the American side, and over 40 Engravings. By J. FaosT, LL.D. The work to contain upward of JIIO page, large size l2mo., handsomely and durably bound in embossed cloth, lettered and ornamented in gilt. Pmci, $1,85 per copy. IS? 1 he subscriber having securcu tne agency of the above work for Union county, will solicit the patronage of the people for it Lewisburg, April 24 3pd Latest News from California ! nORE GOLD! 66 A. ' the world and the rest of mankind" J are respectfully informed that we have opened an unusually choice assortment or SPRING AND SUMMER Goods, comprising a splendid vsriety LADIES DRESS GOODS of the newest styles Calicoes,De1ains, Ginghams, Bareges, Silks, Parasols, and Fancy Goods, and for Gentlemen's wear a large stock of Cloths. tTasslnaers, SumrAer Stuffs, Vestinss.Surnmer liats,&c. Salt, Fish, Nails, Queensware, Hardware, Groceries, etc. etc. All of which w oiler for sale at oar proverbially low prices, for CASH or PRODUCE. REBER & IDDINGS. Lwisbgrf, April , 18 I LI. Large Sales Low Prices THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE and filling up again brimfull . , with a stock of (roods LARGER.CETTEU and CHEAPER than ever! llTE have just received and are now opening T f a large and splendid assortment ol Spring and Summer (Roods, embracing everything adapted to the varied wants and tastes of the community, and at prices that can not fail to give universal satisfaction. . The LADIES are assured that we have a better assortment of DrCM Good) thn haa ever been presented in this market. We have every quality and description of Gentlemen1 and iioyt? Dre$ Goodt, Cassimeres, Testings, Summer 8tnff, Fsncy CravHts, Ac A splendid lot of HAT8, CAPS and BONNETS, of the latest styles Ribbons, Flowers, Silks, Calicoes, Lawns, Ginghams, &c. Hardware Qucensware Glassware, GROCERIES of all kinds also a large atock of Plaster, Salt,and Fish, at very low prices for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kind at Market prices. J. & J.WALLS. Lewisburg, April 23, 1850 UNIVERSITY nt Lscwisburg. CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com mencing Oct. 11, 1819. COURSE OF STUDIES. Friiaarv Department. Exercised in Spelling, Reading, Definition, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, His tory U.S.A., Penmanship and Composition. English Department of the Academy. The same studies aa in the Primary Dcpartm't continued in the use of larger text book ; and lo these are added General History .Algebra, Legen dre, and Elements of Surveying. Classical Deparnnent of the Academy. Term Junior Academic class, i I. Enclfsh (irammar, Latin Grammar, Arithmetic (two iliririolu.) ttetrraphy. IT. The same stiiilM a. in I. Term, and Penmanship. ILL Enirliph Itrammar. Caesar, Arithmetic eompttai y lit iliviaiun. lirvck ttranimar, History L.tf.A, Peu maiijfhip, Book-keeping. Senior Academic class. I. rawar, Greek Header, Algebra (Clements.) II. ih-uI, do do III. do do do fmpt'-tw!. fjne- ral History, Englbb Language and Composition. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Freshman class. I. Enril.h Language and Composition, Algebra, Livj, A nabesiA. TT. Plane Uwmrtry. Llvv. Anabas!. IIL Plane. Mo id and ephliiml Ueometry completed, Lir vy, Anabasis. ISophnn.ore class. T. Horace, Orivsser. Plane and Spherical TricnnoiactTy. II. do do MenturationurTjin)f.NaTifUK.u. III. do completa-d. Mt urations of Demosthenes, Rhetoric, Analytical Geometry. Junior class. I. Demosthenes on the Crown, Cicero da Officii, Me rhanim. Hydrostatic, and Ilrdraulic. II. Dcmootbenes on the Crown. Cicero dc Ofnrii com pleted. Pneumatics, Acoustics, Klectniity, Magne tism, and tlplics. LTJ. Greek Tragedy, Tacitus, Astronomy. Senior class. Tor Academical Year commencinr Oct. 10, I. Loiric, Natural Theolopy, Intellectual Philosophy. II. Greek, Political Kconotuy, Moral Philosophy. III. lSutlrr s Analogy, Constitution of IT. 8, Chemistry, Lectures, General Kevicws. No class in the Regular Course haa less than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is devoted exclusively to Vocal Music, Declamation, and reading select and original Compositions. The students are required to attend, regularly, some religious meeting. Minors are expected to attend such meetings as are recommended to them by their parents or guardians. There are in the borough no less than aix places nf public worship, of as many different Christian denominations. Text Ilooks. Engluh Lnjmg' md FUrviov. The BIMe, TnrbYs Ithetorical Keailrr. Worcester's nr Welur'a ni..tnn. Bullion's Knpli.h Grammar. Parker's ProcrciwiTe Kaerci see in r.ni:n?h t ont position, rarkvr s Aids, Ulair's Lectures (University Edition.) Lntiit Lamritage. BuIIlon'sRrammnr.'Bullion'sTUHMlcr. Levrrett's Lexiron, Bullion's Oe.-ar, Schmitl ami Zumpt's Vinril.Lineoln's Liey, Anthon s Horace, Thachcr's Cicero aeumcus, lylers Isrltns' erraania et Airrila. imk Latutwtqe. RullionWrauimar.Bullion' Reader. Liddell k Scott s Lexicon: Owen s Aenophon's Analais, Owen's Homer's Odyeney, Champlin's Demosthenes, VL-k s SltUhrmatia. navies' Arithmetic thr Acadrmics. T3i m. entary Alfn'hra, Bounloo. Leeendre, Siirreyinj. and Navi gation. Anal jticalGeometr3-,olmst.l'satural Philosophy IVumber or Students. The number of students during the past year in tne various Departments; was 161. The number tbat have entered the classes in the Re gular Course for the current year (exclusive of tnose in tne bngltsn ana Primary departments,) 19 as I o 1 1 1 1 w s ; CuLLEGL. Junior class ft Pophnmore class - 14 . Freshman class 10 AciSEVT. Senior clasa . 25 Junior class - - 0..,9 Teacher". PTEPITEX W. TAYLOK, A. SI, 1-rot of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. GKolHIK It. UUtS, A. M, Prr.t cf Greek Language an1, iiemiure. 1 Ki iKt i E V. A N'DERSOX, A.M, Prot of Latin Language and Literature. ISAAC N. UIOMIS, A. M, Principal of tho Academy. ALCKKI) TAVLOIt, A. M .TuVTin the English Lan guage and Elocution. Building, Library and Apparatus. The Academic edifice now occupied by the members of the University, has been erected, at an expense of fi.MO, and it is adapted to accommodate l.V students. Another edifice has heen commcnced.which is to be finished within the course or the present Academic year, and to contain study rooms and dormitories lor the accommodation of 70 students in the Colic;.rinte departm't. The Library contains a numtier of select volumes, and Is constantly increasing. Chemical Apparatus has heen ordered sufficient to snpply the immcdinte demand. The Apparatus tor the Illustration or .Mechanical Philosophy, is now complete. . , Tuition and Board. Tuition in the Collegiate Department $ 3t), Academic 2t. Primary $1 per year. Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,50 to $2,50 per week. Sessions and Tacatlons. Two Sessions in the year the former com mences on the 2nd Thursday in October, and continues 27 weeks; the latter commences on the 16th May, and cot ti lues 15 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. By order and in behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATTSON, Pres't. GEORGE F. MILLER, Sec'y. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. April 18, 1850 Dentistry. WB. C. STEWART, LATE of Philadelphia, ia now located on Market street, Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J. Schrejer's store, where ho attends to operations on the teeth at ai redaction of bis former price. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on pivots or plates atten ded to according to Ihe latest improvements in the profession. Ulcerated, spongy, and inflamed gam cored. Thankful for past favota. he solicits a continuance of pobtic palronags. No" impure Materials used for filling in th. It 388 AND FRESH GOODS! tliRTflv, GfcDOnS Si, MAT SII HAVING formed n Oparmonhip in ihe MercaDtile businrss, and enlrMl thtt Storeroom lately occupied by S.S.lJarisJti opposite Kline's Hotel are cow opi iiin j a well selected nnd extensive atfock of Mer chandize, consisting of Drn (Boob0, G,if- I LYlimVAllE, I ! UTLKIIY, Carpenters' Tools, Queensware, SALT, FISH, Furniture Mounting, Glnssware, Window GLASS a ytiitral nsstT'.rnenf, Bar, Uod, and I loop Iron, Xails, and Spikes, Tinware, Sheet Iron and ?2etal Puns, and a more genera! assortmt i.t thnn is usually lotmd in couurry stores which they pledge theiiistlvts to sell nt ery low pricts. Personi nt a distonr-e will find it to their advantage to buy lor C-tsli or we will take in Exchange Pr Goods, AV heat, Ry, Corn, Otts, P.uokwheat, Timothy and (Jl. ver Seeds, Hutter, Ejlsrs.Tall w,IlnrJSnap, Utswax, Feathers, and a!l kinds ol" tra or country prrduo?. The patrunnjie ol the public i resperl fully solicited, and every assuranre j-iven that nothing hIuiII be wauling to render t ulire satisfaction. SAM'L S. BARTON. SAMI'EL OKHUKS, JAMES S. MAKH. Lewisbtirp, April 1, 135H. Ucmoual5. .MEDICAL CARD. Sr. L UmSM Respectfully announces to his frit 'ids and the public generally, that he has removed his residence to the house of his father, (formerly occupi ii by Win. Porter,) a few doors north of Kline's Hotel. Office, Cul. MTaddin'tt new brick building, t.ext door above C. Ii. lowet' Siore. Lewisburg, April I, 1850 REMOVAL ! JOH. 11. Br.flMJ, TAILOR, has removed bis Simp to the building (oris 'door n!ove l.yndah's) lately occupied by Juhn B. Miller, where he will be hippy to fit his customers both old and new. The Fashions fur 1850, Sprinp; and Summer just received. Lewisburg, April 1, 1850 Dr. JOHN LOCKE, DENTIST, Has removed his Office to his Dwelling the firgt door below Kline's Hut I, rooms ovt r Fors'er's Store where he will wait on all who may desire his services, accord injl to previous arrangement'. Lewisburg, April 2, !?." JOHN 1$. MlLLKlt, TAILOR, respectfully inform-, his patrons find the public that his Shop is now nt his house the new brick opposite Mr. James 1. Ross', on Third St., where he wi'l be happy to wait on all who may hoimr him with their patronage. Lewisburg, April 2, 13o0 JOHN A. MERTZ, Justice of the Teace, lias removed his Office to Market St., in the room recently used hv Dr. Locke, ore door below the Printing Office. Lewisburg, April 3, 1?50 BOA11DIAG. THE subscriber avails himsell'ol the col umns of the. Chronicle in' publishing to Ihe citizens of Lewishurs nnd vicinity that he has opened a BOARDING HOUSE in that large anil comfortably arranged house, formerly kept as a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two doors east of the Franklin House. Market street. He is prepared to say that his Tablx s!i ill have the best the Markets can afford, and the Lodging of Hoarders shall be as comfortable as can be ssired. I. 8. KTLU.NEU. N. R. A team ami carriage ill lie kept to convey passenR-rs t anJ from the racket Boats. Lewisburjj, March 18, I5t). 5priit0 Slimmer GOODS. TUST received, and now opening nt J FORSTER'S NEW STORE, second door east of Kline's Hotel, a new and SplenJiJ Assortment of Goods, suitable for this and the approaching sea son, consisting of CLOTHS, C'ASSI.MEUS, mSTIXUS, Ladles' DrcitH CIimhN of every style and variety new s'jle It.irnges, Lawns, Armure I'elaiues, Ging hams, Arc. A great variety of styles Chints, Cali coes, etc. A beautiful assortment Itdie' Parasi!s, Moro-co and Kid SHOES and G.llTEliS lor Ladies nnd Children. Also a choice selection f GROCERIES, Queensware, &c.Si?.,nll of which are offered remarkable low for Cash or Couuirv Produce, by the subscriber, J. FOHSTEK. Lwisburp, April 3. 185Q, KASH not refused at the Oflipf ol the I.eatiaburg Khronicle. DT t TT7"Q f'r Jis-i't.C.jfisitv, 131 ll IN 1VO li!M.ie. , on hand B: the Olircuicle llice, or printed to order. E '.AST mi. - A - a . F ACT OY. mm itnirfv i uifm w t LIFE vail UEILTH ire ia the BC003. y Cleiw, Purify, nd Rerht CvndtUwn, mnm the trhrft bnAtf wt'.l hire kmlfh. Th most womdtrfut tf ait rrmetlie tn prod suck m rrwuli, tm j BRANT'S INDIAN DTTti TUVTTVTC PVTD A flT1 Yh. thw dr d rru!t and eSmrj will be prod'secd by ttK KMC f fmt'tr t avant ty Of tbl j rnuriaCK i crTcritrd b? the oc ui m like quauuitr of mny vther wvne&j tn thM world. (S s our ' i A t tvr I Thi Plain la ia wholly prrpmmi from YeretaZJtt, imA erw trip worst? owt obstrmaie, twtti Umt-whmdittq A mmem of tb OliMxi wtThout fkimr. yrrmtjM mrlumog. ur ttig. It rlfji, rtrrriKen, tnvxgvrmtr, wontf hrmitftn iiWL ttuid lo nm miwar mud mm hfa tu til WluUaft yt-:n. nni a iLKij-itH I- IFOUH TIMES CMEAPEM tbu BT oher TrmAy in the wi.rU, brcmnmw ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH cf It wJJ rSect ft greaSpr tmoant uf cure ttt&a fomw tfoXmrw wrtk ( tar$cnmnilm. or ny lAlirr rrmr'.j. bo 'matter kow Iwgf their botU may Im. Tne important fttrfim Utr ron wrnwj to determine. U, k.w wutrh merrt cman effect wi9 tinliar'g worth of tins Punfitr wrm4mtv. tum delun't worth of ikmt terrrponllm or of er rrmtdr. We irnrht Bfre oj, thai hrmW ifcaftmtef hmd cared, wali th last Jtmx, ( mM TenoDS of Impure Bload Di&eau.v ami 2i,G33 Cases were fomiJerfd Inrarable! : u torn other patent-metllelne mn mrr in he babivof bj ! In 7. If we fbnuH mt a who would beiieve Thi however, we d'war, and utand ready to prove Iit vtjtrctook ana-rur?, that Hr-Ivvt's MoiCT?raU katre effectrd rare of more djeaae oa living human beioxsa, tb pant jcr, mm any other rt-rju-y in exUtvnce did &nm tte mm tuna. ' How ainch will m lolliira worth CURE Twmtw Irra, d-ep t'letrs were cared by asiDf r-'i faW bcrTtle of B'amt'i Purifier. - - ... Tb fallow iitr ii rhe moit wrrrJerf i? an-? atfoniejfcla now that waa erer etfected o a htu&aB bein, by awy aaaritcaaa. Horrid Scroftala Cored. . Mjl J. B. IIakt?t. of Ryme, id Co., If. T.. erfle, Deoemlvr Xfin, lei's that be had oeea atfieted witii Scao Fula tour year, and the lut y-ar rontwied to hie bed. with twejiTt iargt, dtt?, dioxkargwg iLcras thu hia neck waa eaten aronnd from ear to ear -a hole waa eaten through hie Wind jnye, o that he breathed through the bole hit ear waa n irly dtroTPd t-e nae ot tua arm waa wholly deetroyed-and aa Llcer nadur the arm, ae lare aa a man'i h-nd. hd nearly eaten thronrh into hie LaDza 4hat he bad naed all kind of Sam at a 11 la. a and efAr wudicinet, ton bznrfit, and that he waa not erpucud to Ore frmtv-fowr hour wlvn be eommr-oeed BtAKT'e IffDiAw Prairrrvo Kjctract that mw BurrLn of the Puairrnro Extbact hmUd an 4 rared araxne en of the twenty L'icrra he had wlien he commenced asin it, and that a fne bat:lf$ mar- ertected a nemwrnct ctrnar. fur talk- rarticnkra ot thia, aud many other tnmdrw carca aee oar mrHLm ... Thie Yfniierfail anal Aatmiabiag CCBB do not atand alone a a wuwumeiU of the prtat sjecw of HaAXTa Priinn, for we eon Id dre almoaC abulia Ited aidenee ef otner cur-a, wetl aUcated, it tuia wcra duubtrd. Thia core w certified to hy Fourteen Kespectablc Witnesses. By Doer. Turn. Whimw one of the moat reapeetaVe phyauhana of Ritov by iWeera. But an. Jt Lkimid, whoieflaie Rvl rebul dru-jspt ny Mr. ti. R. HroW pro ;ritnr and keper oa the Wear Iloac iiorKi and ly tUttn oeVr wilnttHS. Brant's Indian Purifier . rurom ait irnpnre diraiva of the !oo Tit : BzCl Tltvil totitrKocxtm, HcmMtram, k'iinyi on t4e 'oca Pii9. Biles. VlTt-9, Ctirrntss, McmtrmU Drscaem, Lstmw C iaiz. Paiis the Bc Siic mud Lmu9t Uuh nf HLoodtaiAt Utatt tic, etc BRANT'SMNDI AN , , PULMONARY BALSAM Thia ralm po9eae9 ai7 the tmsit and pmfsi Yirturs tt the a'cvovta-nanied PvKrmo Exmnr. and aiao pxjA..Ni at'TcrU oti.r rM.flreni ferttto'ail. and aco tarty a!a,.:ed to rnr Cf Wl and t'HSrjMfTIO?M. It I tit an. I rtzrta Vice's ta the Lg and ei-f wnt-re tmtermi V aa rerttl;?r and aa eajaiiy as the Fwrtfgxng L'ttrmet hvmJt and rurea extertnui. Tn rAXiw of care of the wtof Kowlf Cermrrrrptr, futty pve in a'mit mirncn!oni pVa.y lu mil (iua-acea f the Ll'Nti. TUliOAT, and bJi.tf. r . A UYIXC. AV03IAX SAVED I CONSUMPTION OUREOI - We girc the fi Howin? rrSfirate ae a fiart af cure. wbJcfc f to uroTu tLe power to tare iitla, erux nhen the teraun rcmi to he in the very ;t rtacea of exifreea, wbeB Br soft ImJutm FIt!vmiy B-xirom in adtuiniartrred : . , , , We tir the fi!ow:nr crtii5cate U m favr of cttrrT whicTl Coa ii pr ,tc th- avr rBtTe liFe.eTn wnee th ptmk ae,a ti be in the Try last bXhc1 of exiteaoe. wbeo. Hrcn'-'s Indian Puim-nory Balsam W adiuiuist'iv .1 r Thie ciia dut-a nut stan 1 a lorn we couM name hat crane a marztious aiid mtmmttiag an. hnmlrrds ot' 7 cari and thraitds of r ealled CXrfrMtTl01 TUid CLtiK w;ta etlV-cted n t.V wut of -Vr. Ji DvVAr ot the totem of Baltemi. Stteatora C. . T Mra. lyk-mn waa pronounced dyinjr, and Mr. ltyk-mnn Wr'nt to the tnre of Mr. Jhic Wait topnrrMem eiath for a aomrd, and other burial marrrtaU, rxtertn hia w:: would uroo d:e, 5ite waa in the last swt oi the deisaea -was murk cfpmscd and itrfTTrtril -up 1 jrj relic c her wrrat dtrfrrts. nnd mk ft dwinw fiUim mon m, Mr. ITk-mui ws neranxda-tl t c.Ve tier at)me 01 -EUAN Ii IMfMN rrisMO.NAKY BALaAM." He tok the Hnlm homewitii tiw ahry ad, and rnre a portion to hia wile 1 reliored hvr she cttntmued to take it nntii h? rccorerei )"OD HCAint, and she hiS twit maid mtU for nearly juur rr ee PamphUt lor ptrtiru'ara. Mr. Dtxkxax awiv t tiie af-ore facte before Tane. O. Touvo, Eq, of talifton Sjm, Stoh April, . . Tnoe. G. orx; ran., Juxtwe, .xrt.Sfa ta.it he hae known Mr. Pykmn miiy Tear und fiat he ia one of tit ir most worthy and rprcutbU eithens; and Air. JH-a Wait, tire men luuit "pkt-n cf alx.re. mUo esrt'jifs U, tho nod rhnu ter of Mr. Dttkeman. and trml waa . quant-d wtfh all rheuv'a, &aviu heard lacm uiten apok rn et by rm Brant's Pulmonary Balsam trarva CO.XSL'MPTJOX Cav?A, CcUs. Syittimv of Blnx. KUfUnti m Hit .v. rain in the Pmst and Hu!t, AuA S?rta:s. Xtrrois G'mpiaittts, Palpdation of cat heart,, Cltoitrw renf-w. I h ay. Summer Cimplat ntn, and ALL VLMALt: H AKMl.$LS, teuhout mny jnUtnjf mkmUtor - DOrTBBS Ju ruYsiniss KEroxiuo. , 1 ne fuilowinz nwl l-firtnn I Phusu-iatiM bare bkb CT rrremitMi.W HKANTS MKIllL'lNEd - I'r. N. IH KIIARii. t.mroni. t-Mna. Or.J.N. SMITH. Vtntwq,M.r. , lr. Ktlss.MAN, 13 lifarr .-. cS, iirooklni. T. Dr. T. N. IH;N T. Auhi.rn, S. Y. lr. l,i.O. UtANt 's. M:,!.ilrtuw. Cuna. C I'Mim A. htXiEKS. balh,!. V. f I)r.f.WHITttrloLiX.V. X Pr. O. B. JIALFNTINE, Kvroa. NT lr. J. O Silll'.MAN, Fvrtt.-Tilb-. N T Ir. J. i-KlNNKK. llnry ttm-t, Rrooklra. X T. lc. O. bliU'JUX t'uri;:uij, N. V. Beware of counterfeits ! Th re is n Itrai.l'i irnlicines crimtr.r. bnl snrh bottles a are put up in a square parkago or shape, am) on mis square of lve parkage ia a !atxl on wbi-h is rprcntej a young J'iiusct. an l un trr hrr she j'.ain). is a Jfote tf IlanJ. nhirh reails as f.!Iows, aij. We eefrt prvnie.f'.r ralte rereirid. to ran to the bearer hrrecf O.ii on drmand. at mtr M-diein' Factory in the Citu nf Brmhloa.' X.Y. lUlcd at Brooklyn, "th April. IS !.' , (which note is signed ilh peti and red inZ) .Vr. WALLACK to." None genuine hut such as hare ths note or. th- lubil signcJ a ab'ive. . For ilc bv Thornfin V r!;rr, Iz-wis-hatg; Ed J Vilrn. ,w Be:':in; S J (!iam, SelinstToTe ; (i ATO Mirer, Freehnrf : H N B.irkhausc, Mitldlburs; v Will & i'ilerl, H.inlr ton ; An'es .V Mench. Miti'iinLurc; All letters and ortlers tnusl he aj.rre?,! to Wallace & ("o 1G3, Itrntttlnar, New Y.r' la2l JL'ST r. ct iv( liicr Oil for wh.'l -s.-tle or reta:l. f)r Thornt- n 5i Knkor KKW BUGGD7 for m!c,? eap. r furtherl pnrt!0'j! ir, enn'iife? th: office. Lw!shtir, Nor. 7, IS 19 I "TAIL3 an J IUON .W sa.e by N ApS4 Reber St Uulcgt. SCHOOL-TICKETS sale at n pr. tH sr f i r