Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 29, 1850, Image 1

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    a 0. fflCKPK, Editor,
a N. WORDEW, Printer.
Tli Lewlsbarg Chronicle U issued
every Wednesday morning at LewUburg, Union
county, Pennsylvania.
Ttanv. $1.50 per year, for ca-h actually in
advance: $1.75, paid within three months; $3
if paid within the year ; $2,50 if not paid before
the cmi amircs sinete numbers.5 rents. Sub
scriptions lor aix month or leg to bo paid
advance. Discontinuance optional with the
Publisher except when the year is paid up.
Advertisements handsomely inserted at 60 els
per square one week. $1 fj' month, and &5 for
a year ; a reduced price far longer advertisements.
Two squares, S7'; Mercantile advertisements not
exceeding one-foarth of a column, quarterly, $10.
Casual advertisements and Job work to be paid
for when handed in or delivered.
All communications by mail .nu-t come post
paid, accompanied !v the address of the writer, to
receive attention. Those relating; exclusively to
the Editorial Department to be directed to H. C.
HirKOK. Esq., Editor and all on business to be
ad Irewed to the l'ublither.
Oi"tce. Market St. brtween Second and Third
O. X. WORDEX, Printer and Publisher.
Urs. Osgood's Last Fccra.
The charming poetess, Mrs. Frances S,
Oscood, who died of Consumption on the j
r tkt.it a-aa no a dm. rnl.lr fur loveli-
, . . r .u r'of the wife and duuihter, tliey itppeared in
rtoc. nf character as for the sweetness of, - ' '
. . , , !,. i
her poetical productions. i no iuhowiu-
. - it ,
is her last composition. and breathes most
... r. ... !
sou -stirring and prophetic meaning.
r 1 :
' You've woven roses "round my way
And gladdened all my bring ;
How much I love you, none can say,
Sa-rc only the All-Sce'nJ.
May He who gave this lovely gift.
This love of lovely doinie.
Be with you wheresoe'er you 5a,
In every hope's pureeing !
I'm going through the eternal gates
Ere June's sweet tn-tr Kow !
Death's lovely angel leads me there
And it is sweet to go.
New Vork, May 7, 1830."
A TALE, Foe.M'KD OV F0T, abri-.lil
From the Lewisburg In Chronicle.
BtaiEiRSTa i
. I
Some years since, there appeared in
"New York American," a notice, which
was copied into other journals, that John I
,J,. 1
ISSLUV7, 01 oiauorasnire, cu"iana, iiuu 1
been dead four years, leaving by his last
will and testament, his whole estate to bis
nephew, of the same name, who resided in
the United States of North America-that
evidence of identity, and application for the
estate, must be made in twelve months to
the Commissioner of Estates for StafTord
shire.olherwise the law of ademption wou'd
oar any further proceedings to its recovery. 1
3 ' ' ' ' 1
Reference for further informatton was made 1
to the British Consul in New ork. !
In all parts of the United States where ,
1 . .
mere was a uiiii v uisiuw, ni;3 n no .
-. j
communicated ; and at length the veritable ;
... . ...
. r . . . n . I In ll.n .matn a! I
ren, in the Stato of
He lest no
time in hunting up many letters written by
his uncle, his paternity, and other eviden
ces of consanguinity, which were transmitted
by the first packet to Liverpool, and thence
to Staffordshire. The evidence was deemed
sufficient to entitle the claimant to a real
estate producing annually, clear of excises
an of drawbacks, ten thousand pounds,
v Inch amount had txzri accumulating four
years. The Commissioner lost no time in
corWsying his decision to the British Con
sul, by whom it was sent to John Winslow
with a letter from the managers of the estate
requesting to be continued as 9ucb
tew persons have known the sequel ol
this unexpected good fortuno. The wriier
believes the public may desire to know it, )
together a with notice of John Vinslow's
history since his arrival in America, em
bracing a period of some twenty years.
Having, previous to his departurc.received
a classical education and a thoro' course of
theological studies, he was well qualified
to take charge of a cctfgrtgation ; and on
arriving at New York, he obtained an
appointment lo assist the pastor of the 1st
Presbyterian Church in that City, where
he gave the best evidence of piety and
devotion to the cause of rcligioa A divine
of such eminent qualifications soon became
extensively known. He received a call from
a church in Warrcn.wbich he accepted,and
was soon installed as pastor. The duties
of his station, he discharged with universal
applause ; members were added to the fold
or Christ in connection with his church,
each becoming the happy recipients of his
pious ministrations.
Mr. Wmslow's residence beinjt deemed
permanent, he was advised to tcte unto
himself a wife. As he was prone to indulge
in matrimonial reveries, it needed but the
jrvfwptlr.js of friendship lo enable him to
Ctteirr.ine its accomplishment. Many
ladies of the first families were named, of
whom he could have his choice.even where
intellectual accomplishments and wealth
were associated ; but our divine thought for
hirrisslf, and" preferred making his own
choice. He (bund in tho daughter of one
of his poorest parishioners, all that was to
him desirable : she had been well educated,
could read the Scriptures in tho tongues in
which they had been' written, and was a
oeout Christion. Her father had been
extensively engaged in the East India
trade, when, by a torm at sea, he lost
every vessel, nnrl in a day was .Bunk from
affluence to abject poverty.
Mr. Winslow paid his addresses to this
young lady, and was readily accepted. The
preliminaries were arranged, and tho mar
ring? was solemnized, lie found in his
spouse those solid accomplishments that far
outweigh tiie artificial, value of wealth. She
now joined her servicci to his in the spread
of Gospel influetice. Happiness smiled
serenely, and their days were a never
ending scene of the exercise of virtue,
piety, and charity.
1 hey were blessed with a daughter, an
only child, the very personification of love
liness. She was early sent to schools, to
be trained lor usefulness and for Heaven :
and was deemed an accomplished scholar.
On her return to the domicil of her parents,
she read, under the direction of her father,
h compendium of church history, a valua
ble collection of classical works.ar.d indeed
every worn c! standard value. .Notwith
standing tho superior mental endowments
compirative obscurity. It was known to
, , ,
the people, that tneir pastor wis in hurnble
t i t
circumstances ; and often was his small
sa ary pal I i;i articles th.it d:d not enable
'him to live in a sty la comporting with the
jtruo dignity of hii lami'y. The self-con-
iceited, ths haughty, and tli
10 arrogant, pes-
tsessing a larger portion o( this wor d s gain,
I netted them with per.'ect neglect; uh:le
1 the refincd.th'j accomplished scholar sought
jthe residence of the learned divine, to hold
wcet communion with him and his inter
estin family.
Hiss .Wins'ow had mw attained her
eighteenth year, and was, deservedly, the
first jnuni laV of Warrrn. Many young
men had seen ami admired her ; but the
recollection of her father's poverty proven-
.ted any serums advances, '-'t this cause,
10 was fully sensible. A lawyer,one Mr.
Harvev. nnid her some attention : shc was
, ,. . . :.
pleased with biro, but it was evident her
lather's pover'y prevented a declaration of
" " . , ... , , . ,
his wishes, which would have been made
, , , ,
About this time.news reached U'arren of
Mr.Winslow's heirship to the estate. Law
yer Harvey now solicited in mcrriac the
heiress' hand, but her correct appreciation
of his motive induced her to decline. The
jnews spread with telegraphic despatch, and
!the humble domicil of tho minister of God
! irn sncri filled with friend! M.mv who
, , . . . . . . . - .
had not deigned to visit him for years, and
oiherswhf had DRVCr secn ,he insiJe of
lhcir nQw crow(Jcd lhilhpf . anJ
. , ... j,;
presents, and oilers or all that was oesira-
. , , rr.
ble, were nv at their command. len
, . . .. . , .,.
thousand pounds a year magnified ad their
gooJ quilities.and covered all their failings
if any they had.
Mr. Winslow, at an appointed time,
delivered a farewell serinon to his charge.
He spoke of the separation of friends, and
a departure for another state of existence,
and assimilated it to his own case. He was
henceforward to be cons:dered as dead to
them. He urged them to persevere in the
path of holiness ; that thc prize of eternal
happiness awaited such. All the wealth of
this world was nothing when comparf d j
with tho glories of heaven. He concluded
by a declaration of his unalterable regard
for the people cf Warren who had sheltered
him when pfinnyless, and put bread into
his momh whcn a s.ranger. Many were
nlovejt anij meitcd down in sorrow,
The letter from the Commissioner bad
authorized Mr. Winslow to draw on a New
York bank lor any amount of cash be
might need ; and in four or five weeks the
preparations for removal were completed.
During the interval, their house was con
stantly crowded : some came to assist
others just called to see how they wert;
others expected to reap somojienefit and
others, to see ths daughter: she could now
have her choice, from the rich miser's son
to the wights of tho law ; her beauty, her
mental accomplishments, were universally
admired ; and many regretted that they
had not sooner cultivated bpr acquaintance.
All readily accorded to MVs. Winslow, that
she was a most accomplished lady ; and as
for Ihe Uev.Dr.WinsIow, he was acknowl
edged to be a divine of the very first order
of talents, an accomplished scholar, and a
gentleman. All those compliments and
attentions received-appropriate acknowl
edgments, but the motives were attributed
to their proper causes either to share a
part of their wealth, or to gratily other
equally vain desires. Many oflered to
accompany and serve them at their new
homes, but their offers were declined.
When Mr.Winslow's family were alone,
these posthumous attentions were a subject
of conversation, and gave strength to the
reflection that the majority of people are
too prone to pay homage to wealth to
bow to the influence which money exerts,
regardless of humble merit. Yet they
were willing to believe they should leave
many, behind, whose memory' they should
long cherish who had stood by them in
adversity and helped them in need, and for
whose temporal and spiritual welfare their
prayers should be offered up.
The Journ tl of Warren had announced
the day of their departure, "when hundreds
waited on them lo take a long f irewell ; a
few continued with them all the first day,
and some were solicitous to -accompany
them to New York, but all these attentions
were respectfully declined. On arriving
at their Hotel in the gr.'at Citv, the llitr
were in immediate attendance, to pay
j their respects lo the distinguished family,
.-Every attrition v. as shown to them. Mr-
Winslow was solicited to make New York
! his rerrrnneht home thev would he the
first in the City, and thi daughter could
command the most advantageous alliance.
Hut Mr.V inslow's purpose to return to his
native land was not to be diverted.
Preliminaries being satisfactorily nrran-
ged, the family took the first steam-packet
for Liverpool. Tliey had a pleasant pas-
sage, and were s-on inducted into (he la'e
domicil of the lamented John Winslow.
Here they were waited on by a banker,
with an exhibit of forty thousand pounds,
subject !o their order ; and by the steward
of the estate.with a p'an of its distribution,
agents, tenants, and laborers.
Few estates in England have greater
natural and arlificial advantages the fish
ponds abound with the best trout in the
kingdom ; the deer-parks bo;;;t of the lar
SPst nt!ers ; the pastures.the best bollocks
rjn Staff .rdshire : the sheep fold, the b-st
of fine-wooled sheep ; tho stable, crosses of
the Arabian stock with the best breeds of
Enizland -indeed. Sir John had snent n
lar2e portion of his revenues in the im-
provemcnt of his estate, and the various
hreedsrftock. n;.hnno,rt;"l w nlcn '"fc cnl"'' UK anyooum,
combining tate and dur.-.Lilitv-richlv ,!,J bad EUrftd lhat it would have met
finished, but in a plain s.vle, correspond- ni:h but Il!t,P' ,f in,lrf"J a" ,crioas rP
ing with the character of the luto beumb- -,lon' 1,1 ,u rass:,-c ,hr,0Sh lhis 1,ous'"
ent.and wanted but arrangement under the 0ur We sir' nrP wa!chfuI of ,ho,r ia"
direction cf femalo tasio to render it a de- i ,t,rests' and Pu,,rd ,hdr r,-hte W!th untir"
sirable residence for a prince. It received ! in" un(-easinS vig.lance, which experience
this service from Mrs.Winslo-.v and dai.gh-1 has ,ah: them ,0 TPtd as ,he Pr,ce of
ter, and h.-.s b. en deservedly acknowledged i iibcr''- Thc-V Ia,:c n" slpP' in 80 lmPor
to be the most desirable residence in all j"" a project as the alteration of their or-
SlalT.rdl,ir. where Mr. Winslow nnrl hio iSan!c Iuw' thc cha,,S2 of an' of 1,10 Pro"
family now reside, enjoying the reward of
genuine merit.
l'nr the Lcirhburg Chronicle.
'Tis t!i lift Trout at Ralston
Le't swimming alone,
All his spcckU-d companions
Are ratcht out and gone;
Not one ol his kiudrrd.
No troutM i nifh,
To ft -p up his tail
AnJ jump at the Hy.
I'll not lenve thee, thou lone one;
To sivim in ihe dtreem,
Since ihe reft are all taken,
I'll place thee with them;
TImih kindly I scatter, I scatter
The alt oVr iby bed,
To pit serve ihee and thine,
Sinre all are now dead.
So. soon may I fi.Ito.v
Wre n friendships decay.
And from love's shining ciicte
The '-gals" drop away
When true heirls are withered.
And ladien are gone.
Oh ! who would inhabit
This l)Kak world alone ?
pi.se Ton.
Something of a Romance.
An incident occurred on board the
steamboat Mayflower, last Saturday night,
which it strikes us.is worth telling. Among
thc passengers down was Mr. Ilenjamin
Glazier, a man between GO and 70 vrars
of age, who resides at Whitehead, Nan-
tasket. It was lute when the boat reached j
the warf, and thn storm being very severe,
Mr. Glazier thought it would hardly be
safe to attempt to get heme, and so he con-
eluded to pass the night on board the
noat. Arnong the persons employed on
board, is ouo whom most cf our readers
know ns thc cook or stewardess tf the
bout, but whose name, until the occurrence
we are about to relate, has never been
known to any on board, none having the
curiosity to enquire, and hands agreeing in
calling her- invariably by the familiar ap
pellation of Mother." While at the
supper table, some one having accosted
Mr. Glazier by name, " Mother" liegan to
gaze at him very earnestly, and then pro
ceeded to question him as to his origin,
his family connectinns,and so forth. Hav
ing satisfied herself fully cn these and
other points of his history, she exclaimed,
You ere my brother .'" Thc old gentle
man looked up ih astonishment. " Don't
you know your sister Martha 7" she in
quired ; he replied, " 1 don't know you I
know 1 had a sister Martha, but I have
not secn her for many n long year, and
am ignorant what has becorn'e of her.''
He then questioned her, and so n been me
convinced, as the tears streamed from her
eyes, that she was indeed the sieter from
whom he haJ been so long separated.
They bad not seen each other for forty
four years !
It appears that their parents moved
from this state to Vermont, when they
were quite young children.. Soon after
this removal, he returned to Massachusetts,
and lived with his grandfather at Prince,
ton, till he became of age, making only an
occasional visit to his parents. He then
ent out into the world in quest of his for-
tuiio his father moved into ' New York
State he hiitistlf. in the meantime, has
IKvd in thirKeii dlliereht Slates and
thc.uh he , tcqaji(;n:i!iy wrote home and
made inquiries about this various members
of lie family, yet, in consequence of his
p-rrofinationH f r:-:ri place to place, the let
ter j addressed t him in return, seldom
rfsehed his hands. About ten :ars ago,
he earno to Whitehead, and has resided
there ever s!;;ce. lie is a widower and
has children, some of them married, we
beli' ve, and living in this vicinity."' She
i a widow, over uu years oi ae; nnu it
was in answer lo inquiries which we ad-
(dressed to her day before csterday, that
it was first known on board the boat that
j her present name is Mrs. Littleton. For
j number of years past, she has lived as
a domestic in lloslon and t-Isew here, until
tst fall, when she was engaged as stew
ardtss of the steamboat. Her brother has
been tin anJ down in tho boat several
times sin.-e she has been employed on
board, but they never happened to meet,
1 r if they did, they did not recognise each
iither. From IS03 tin' il last Saturday,
they have kno.vn ne'.iiing of each other's
fate. Hlnhnm Journal.
Remarks of John B. Packer, Esq.,
Of Northumberland Co., Pa., on the pro
posed Amendment to the Constitution,
providing for the Election of Judges by
the People delivered in ths House ol
Representatives, Feb. 15, 1850.
Mk.'Sfkakkr : I h:ul long since ceased
i t0 ,ook "P03 ,he at!o'"ion of !his amc'nd
ment to the
Constitution, as
n question
thftre could be
visions cf the Constitution which they have
always been accustomed to cherish and
revere, whithout first examining the pro
posed change in all its bearings and nil its
details. They want to see, and to see
leirly, too, all the terms of the amend
menthow it is to be carried out, and
what arc to be its effect. This they can
do from tho amendment as originally pro
posed. It forms :n itself a complete sys
tem,designating the manner of the election;
thc time when, and the place where it shall
be held ; the term cl office, and dJI other
provisions necessary for carrying it into
complete and succcssf il operation.
Its terms arc plain an J simple, easily
understood, and r;ot capable of miscon
struction, lie lhat runs may road ;'
ami reading, can not fail to understand
precisely thn question presented. Kvery
man in the Commonwealth may compre
bend it? provisions, and when he goes to
the pills lo vote upon its fina' adoption or
rejection, lie will ktmujcxactly what it is he
is voting for, or what it is he is voting
Sir, gentlemen may talk as l!:ey please
about their confidence in the people they
may honestly believe they have affirm re.
ncn in me"rny in me masses; uui,
c ' ;
- .i . . r . I . i ... I
sir, they deceive themselves when they en
deavor to persuade and convince their own
minds that they confide in the people,
and at the same time are afraid lo (rust
them with the decision of this question. It
:s a direct and palpable contradiction in
terms. Let them not lay that " flattering
uru.,jOD to their souls.". I have learned
'my lessons of Democracy in n different
school ; I havs been taught to believe, r.nd
I trust I never may forget, that " all power
is inherent in the people ;" that the people
are capable rf governing themselves wisely
and justly, and are fully competent to the
task of deciding rnrreclly upon this,orany
other amendment that may be proposed to
the Constitution of the State ; and, sir,
these principles ere- true, cr our whole
theory of government is fahe.
Say the opponents of this measure, it
will give us nothing but polilital Judges!
If it does, sir, then it will work no chanse
in the present system ; for, notwithstand
ing the assertion of my friend on the right
(Mr.Cornyn) to the contrary, we hare po
litical Jndpes cow. Where, let me a-.k, is
there a man occupying a judicial station in
the State, who has not, at some period of
his life, been in "the filth and mire ol" pol
itice,' as it is termed ? If this business of
politics is as dirty and filthy as gentlemen
would have us believe, then, sir, is tho ju.
dicial ermine of our State already bespat
tered and besmeared from the highest po
sition to the lowest. Our Judges have all,
with scarcely an exception, been polilicans,
and uncharitable persons say that1 we have
occasionally had men upon the bench who
have "never been anything else.'
But I do not beleivc, sir, that it does a
man any harm to mingle with his fellow
citizens and perform his duty to the coun
try, by participating in all contests and dis
cussions, affecting the welfare and happi-
-MY 29,1850.
ness of the people, and the prosperity and
glory cl the nation. I would rtiher be
disposed, with the grnt'eman from Heaver,
(Mr. Alison, ) to regard his rclusal to take
part in our political struggles, ns art ob
jection to his elevation to any post of honor
r profit.
Whv, sir, we all ceme hen; fresh from
the political arena,
with the smoke and
i'iis! of the contest still uoon our Garments, i
and yet, as the gentleman from Adams
'Mr. Smysar) has well observed.this House
has yet lo witness a single act upon the
part of any of its members, tending to
show that men are contaminated or cor
rupted by coming in contact with the peo
ple. True, the gentleman from Hunting
ton (Mr. Corny n) has told us that re? per
mit political considerations to control our
actions ; but he should also remember that
nur constituents send us here with a know!-;
edoaof our political viewa, and under the!
expectation that we will honorably carry
Wm nut And thn verv far t that we
are true to oar principle?, and hcr.esily;
and consistently advocate and sustain tin m, ;
is of itself the strongest argument that can
be advanced in support cf the doctrine,
that politicals are not necessarily rogues.
But, sir, how different from the purposes
for which they sent us here, would be the
I ntlant ttm nonnln tvntitrt tini'A ftl tIPIV in
the election of Judges. Then, political
., .. . , . .. ,- .,
considerations would be lost sight of in the
, 1 . i .
sreat and governing desira to select a man
" , ., , . ,. , ,
j w ,
any circumstance, and in every situation
in which be might be placed, no matter
how trying.
Il" a ease could unfortunately arise, in
which a man, called to fill the exalted sta
tion ol a Judge cf ore of our courts, eo-j!d
so lar forget himself could become so
callous to the belter .feelings cf oi:r nature,
as to carry with him upon the bench h:s
pi ivate piques and jealousies as to permit
his feelings to overcome his judgment, and
bis passions and prejudices to run not wilh
his reason ; then, indeed, might the law
well be scorned.derided anJ despised ; i!i?n
might justice well permit the scales to fall
unbidden from her palsied grasp, and,
shrinking from the indignant gaze of hon
est men, cover the ermine with the ha'oili
mcnts cf woe.and bide herseif in the inmost
recesses of her desecrated temple,
Hut I anticipate no such results front ihe
proposed change. Why &hou!d there be any
such f Or rather, sir for that is the
proper question why should these conse
quences be more likely to follow the pro
posed system of electing Judges, than the
present mode of appointments ?
I1! us look nl thp two system. The
people are all vitally interested in having a
man of ability, of high legal attainments,
and of unquestionable integrity, upon the
bench, and they will select no man for that
high office who nil! not he boih pure and
unsuspected. This, their intimate acquain
tance with all their lawyer?, will enable
them to do ; for they are not merely con
versant w ith the legal abilities ol the attor
neys of the district, but they read their
characters, and knowfu!! well "who prac-
. . . . . r ... 1
Upon the other hand, why should the
whole jud.c.-J power ol the Commonweath
, , , ., ., r . c. , ,v. ,
hfi ironoht lo the feet nl n tinvernnr? l hat
has invested him with the exclusive ability
to decide upon the respective merits of the
different applicants ? He is not elected with
reference to his qualifications to make pro
per judicial appointments, for no one in the
heat and excitement of a gubernatorial
election ever pauses to ask himself the
question, what kind of judges will this or
that candidate appoint in the event of his
election ? Who then has m" lowed tbe
Executive with omniscience? ITow has
he acquired the power to look into the
hearts of men, and see the rank corruption
that ofien festers there t In most instance,
he is personally unacquainted with the ap
plicants. If, then, he undertakes to decide
for nifhsslf, regardless of petitions and the
popular voice, the appointment would be,
emphatically a lottery a farce !
But if he prefers consulting the wishes
of the people of the district,aud is governed
in his choice by their petitions and recom
mendations, then all the objections urged
by the gentlemen against an elective judi
ciary, come home directly and forcibly
upon themselves. It would be, but carry
ing otit thc popular will through a different
channel, with this exception, that it might
be carrying out the will of a minority in
stead of that of tho majority ; for of course
the Governor is expected lo appoint a
man belonging to the same political party
with himself, whether that party is in ihe
majority or minority in the district.
Sir, is not the present mode of appoint,
ment calculated to raise up " friends to re
ward and enemies to punish t" A vacancy j
occurs in a Judgeship ; at once several
gentlemen are found in the district, patriotic
enough to serve their country upon the
bench; their respective friends immediately
array themselves upon one sido or the
other ; petitions are circulated, signatures
sought and obtained ; every nerve Is,
strained, and quite as much excitement
prevails as if there was actually an election.
One side must of course be triumphant.
Thft suceestful Judge comes upon the
bench, and there, for the purpose of con
venient rei'treiice, he has the names signed
to the opposing petitions ; he can't help
knawing who were his mends, and who
his oriDonents.
I A ease was put by yourself, I believe,
sir, (in the able and eloquent speech yo-j
. delivered, when tiiii hiil was in committee
of the whole, a few days since,) in which,
for the purpose of showing the dangers to
be apprehended from the elective syntera,
you supposed a wealthy man possessing
influence in the community, to be oppossd
in a suit to a poor man. and asked whether
it was cot hkely the Judge might be influ
enced in tho trial, by a desire to secure
tho iaSucnce and support of the wealthy
saitor, turning a d-.af car to the mcrds or
1 me cause ?
Sir, I do not believe such wnuld be the
ease. The Judge would see even if he
1 could be base enough to put tilf in the
scale with honor and duty, that he could
not escape the Arg'is eje of the communi
ty, always sharp enouch, but doubly on
cases calculated to e.e;'o suspicion. He
would see that bis only safety would be in
""" '""'' ',J"'
1 without fear, fav ir or alRction." Lven
I , , , ,. , ,
if he felt d.spo.ed to cour:t the chances.and
'.. , . ,,
to turn ine trial of a cause intu a scramble
, , . ,. ,
see that the poor rr.t::-.! hu largely in the
majority in every district, and that they
would make common cause sgaiast him.
This reflection would of itself be siiflk-ient
to restrain any inpropcr course, and keep
the fountains cf justice pure. The Judge
1 wr.ul 1 know. too. that be ns resnonsible
alone to those who expected him to do his
duty, regardless of jpsequeaTer, and that
he could only s?C-!re their approbation b
adopting such a course of conduct ; and
this, sir, would naturally inve;t hint with
independence of thought and action, and he
I would dare to csciJc according to his own
convictions of rigbt, whether that decision
would be favorable to the rich and powerful,
or to the poorjuid humble,
The people,
true to the immutable standard ol immortal
truth, which the Creator has irnplan-ed in
the breasts cf all, scotT ot "every form of
tyranny over the mind of man," n J,.Iook
ing only lo the principle of right end justice
involved, neither sec nor regard the wealth
or poverty of the parties concerned1.
Pledged but to truth, to liberty, and law.
No fevor sways them, and no fears can awe."
Rut how, sir, would the ma'ter stand ifj
under the present system of appointment',
a case should come on to be tried between
an influential friend of the Judge, to whose
lit. wilt, lilt; v.u tl ll'.'l lim I..UIIC,
, ,. ,
peni.tps, owed his nppoin'ment, and an
1 , , ,, . .
opponent who Rao been active and zealous
. " . , , . .
in urging the claims of a rival? t ouid
00 . , ... ,,,.,,
there not, sir, be misiitvins r Would
, , "
there not bs reasonable cause to suspect
. , , , , , '
that gratitude, the noblest impulse of the
a . , . , , ,
neart, wouid excite the sympathies, bias
. . , , , , , ,
tne judgment, and control the action of the
- .
:n .t, n 1, - t
- 4 o '
j. ? ,f ,jC wcre hnne,t a, ;ie s;!0u!;3
CXfcte would be no d m-r ;
,eail him jnto (em tatioD y
but you
temptation vou nwke
him, under e present system, respons.ble
only to the Executive, and dependent only
upon the Governors political supporters.
Take another case. Suppose a vacancy
to have occurred upon the berich, which,
cs th3 Constitution now stands, is to be
filled by tho Governor. An important
cause is pending in the district between a
confidential friend and odviser of the Ex
ecutive " one of the powers behind the
throne, that is oftentimes greater than the
throne itself and a personal and political
An applicant for a Judgeship discorers.or
is informed that the appointnrtent U at the
disposal cf the influential party to ibis suit; J
that his influence with the Governor MI1
procure for him a commission, and that
be can not be appointed without it. Place
an applicant in such a situation, I say, with
the fuct epparent to him that he will only
he responsible to the Governor.nr rather to
the Governor's friend, for a correct dis
charge of his duties, and, sir, do you not
surround him with fearful inducements to
regard that man's case with a favorable
p) e
Thc objections urged against the princi
ple of rotation in the office of Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court, have already been
sufficiently nnswereJ. I can fee no diffi.
culties ; I can have no doubts upon the
subject, sir. If ycu but give the peopb a
right to elect their own Judges, you will
have no " weak men" upon Ihe bench.
They will select no man who will not be
fit to be the Chief Justice.
It is contended by the opponents of this
measure, that the amendment should con
tain a clause to prevent the re-election of
Judges after the expiraiion of their first
term. I can not think so, sir ; and so far
am I from considering the re-eligibilty of
Judges an objection. I believe it to be the
Volnme VII, Hnmber 9L
Whole Number 321.
vital principle that will infuse life andef
ergy into the whole system. Let a man'
know that the people have the power to re- :
elect him, as a reward for hia labors, and '
you at once stimulate him to conscien-'
tious, faithful and honcrabte . fsrform-nca
of his duties. You at once present to hint
every inducement to do right; for-upon
his conduct will necessarily depend his re
election. ... "".'' '
It is said, too, that if wc require the"
Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas to
reside in the District for which they ara
respectively eh-clsd, W3 will have their
deciding very fre-jnentfy in cases between
their friends and cssnetates ; that they will
come upon the bench with their mind
filled with out-door ststemepts, and a neigbj-
pborhood decision of the cause. .
. Experience has thnwn that there is noth
ing, sir, in th?se rejections. The amend
ment does rot require the Judges to live in
the district previous to th.3 cfcction.but mere
ly to reside there during their continuance
in vJice. This is the case now.sir, in per-r
haps a targs majority cl the districts in the
State. ,
No one in a district, sir, thinks it would
be advantageous to have the President
Judge removed from amongst those upon
w hose rights he is to decide ; but, on tha
contrary, they frequently have occasion to
witness the many advantages derived from
having him among them and of them. j
Cases may ofien crise.particularly under
thc Habeas Corpus Act, during vacation,
between the regular terms of the Court,
requiripg the decision of a Law Judge ;
and, s'r, it is b-tt little short of mockery to
ssy that our courts shall bs open, and
justice shall be bro't to every man' door,
if you locate the minister of justice at so
great a distant i'rnm the sphere of action
that he can aff rd na trlief. The delay of
justice rr.ay be as prejudicial to ths victim
of oppression, as its denial. ; .., v
The principle.Mr.Spcaker.of an e!ec'.:va
judiciary, is not with us an untried experi
ment. At lesst twenty oi trie fctates ol this
L'uion already elect their Judges, either by
their Legislatures.or directly by the people;
and in all of then, tho system hes more
than realized the highest expectations, ofi
! ;ts (rien(is Why should Pennsylvania kr-
behind ! C7She has already taken one
step, in the diction of her Justices of the
Peace.who are literally Judges.anl by the
very terms of the Constitution form a part
of the judicial power: and altho we had
many good Justices before IS20, yet.taking
thern cs a class, no oce doubts that ths
change has be a decioVJ improvement.
We have been asked.where hive we ibn
evidence lhat lh people desire this change?
f would point, sir, to the proceedings of the
j State Convections ; the resolutions adopted
! at almost all the township end county met -
. i,t
tinos, of both parties, that have oeen held
, .
since the last session of the Legislature ; I
i ,, , , , , . l . --,
would ask them to looti into that trutniul
I . - , ,,. . , ,
mirror of the public minJ the Press ; I
I ,, . , . .
; wou.d renuest them to reed the instructions
. .
I given to, and pledges exacted previous to
, . , , t
i the election, from members ocropying
I , . . . ., ., . .
seats upon this floor ; and if these CTiden-
I , , ,, , ,
i tvnulii nnt siiHi.. I wrmtr! h.rrr rrpntlp-
. , - c. r
men to turn to the ptoph themselves, and
ask them what they desire. There will be
no difHculty in discovering their sentiment
they demand this change, and they will
have it. '.
Cur r;op!e have caught the spirit cf lllo
(age their ourse is onward and upward.
rnooREss is indelibly stamped upon the
national character, and the political absur..
ditios of the past, find none so for behi'i
its resistless march ca to "do them rever
once." The people no lorrer.boT7 ct 'Ss. sbrius
of antiquity, and-ye-j miaht cs well advise
one of our Pennsylvania boys onof lh
future sovereigns of the country as he
throws a bai of wheat across the back
n'3 horse.trrit he ought to put ai! th; grain
upon one side, and balance it by placing a
large stone on the other, simply lecai's
that may have been done years ago, as tc
attempt to convince the intelligent and re
flecting freemen of our State, that anything
is r'ifrhl merely because it is old. They
investigate, think and act foi themselves,
and they have deliberated and already de
cided, in ihrr own minds. Let us inter
pose no obstacles in the way designated by
the Constitntionor the expression and ex
ecution af ihr.t decision. Let us show jr
confidence in thc people, by agreeing to
thc amendment to the Constitution as orig
inally proposed. Let us carry cut their
will, and let cs show by our votes upon this,
question, thai we are willing to. assist in
carrying out in practice the greet princplo
of popular sovereignty.
The attention of a little gifl being called
to a rose bush, on whose topmost stem the
oldest rose was fading, out fclow and
around which three beautiful crimson buds
were just unfolding their charms, she ar -lessly
exclaimed to her brother:
Willie, these little buds have just awaked
to kiss their mother bt lore she d.."
' f