Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 22, 1850, Image 3

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- EngiaM are now constructed Tor sale in
l4Ddoo,cited Phillip's aooiliilators. They
axe drawn on wheels very easily by two
f meo.. The largest machine costs 35.
They emit humid, eipansive vapor,
which instantly eitinguii-hes fire.
Foreign News.
Halifax. N. S.. May 15.
The steamship Hibernia, Capt. Lung,
arrived at this port about noon to-day.
She brings Liverpool dales to Mjy 4. .
Cotton has advanced 1 -8d to l-4d per
pound. Fair Orleans is quoted at 7.
Flour has advanced one shilling and i
firm. Indian Corn is in good demand, a
bout sixpence advance. In provisions a
.. i.,..npss is doina- Beef has
. iUII o.cin
dvanced 1 a 2. per tierce. In rork ihore
is no change, but new Western is less firm.
Hams are in good demand, at previous
rates. Bacon is steady, with sales sixty
tons. Lard is about three pence lower.
Business in the manufacturing districts
continues quite as favorable as for some
weeks previous.
Freights are dull and a trifle lower
Passenger rates tend downwards.
The Q'leen was safely delivered of a
young prince on the 1st of IIiy.
Byo-.d the fact that the ministry hue
been again left in the miotrity on a point
of tittle moment, the proceedings of Parlia
ment possess no grneral interest.
Eugene Sue received the votes of full one
half of the army at Taris, and beat his op
ponents by 8,000 votes. The election pass
ed off quietly. The Socialists are greatly
elated with the result.
The Greek difficulty is neither settled uor
likely to be.
India and Chim.
The overland mail has arrived, bringing
dates from Bombay to April 3, Calcutta.
March 25, China. March 27. The Bombs)-
import market v. as extremely dull, an I
prices somewhat lower, for 'he little busin
rM done. Exports also dull. Freights very
The Calcutta imports were very quiet,
and in some cases lower. In exports, the
activity has subsided, mercliauts waiting
further advices.
There is but little change to notice in
trade at Canton. The rr.nrkit for manu
factured goods was rather lower, but was
expected to recover. There was very little
doing in Tea.
For the Lewisburg Cironicle.
The office of County Surveyor is now
to be filled by the vote of the People at the
Itullot-Box. We hope as the cilice is not
one of pecuniary importance, th'it it will
not be thrown into Party Caucuses, but be
permitted to remain, permanently, in the
hands of some trustworthy person. We
know of no person who from his past expe
rience and present position would be more
suitable to the office, or to whom it would
more useful, than JAMES MA DDI'S.
Esg , of Hartley. If he wishes the cilice,
he caa relv upon the hearty support of
For tht Levriifairg Vhroniclt.
Mr. EJitor : I wish to avail myself of
your columns to recommend Dr. JACOB
HORL ACHER, of New Berlin, as an
Independent Candidate for County Com
missioner at the coming election. There
is no one rrfcre competent, and his charac
ter for uprightness and integrity is above
suspicion. The location of the next Com
missioner should be central, and as Dr.II.
resides at the CounlySent.ho would always
be on the snot when iiersonsToli to trans
ect business at the Oiike. No citizen can j
be presented to the public for this office, (,
whose claims
arc more men'onous than j
those of ur. liorlacher: he is a prompt,
intelligent business man -has a large
family to support and has, besides, been
compelled on account of a bodily Infirmity
caused by disease, to abandon the practice
of his profession, on which he was depen-
lent for support. 1, fur one, hope he tray
be successful. K.
(From the New Berlin "Times.")
Mr. Editor: The time is near at band
when the Democracy of the 13th Congres
sional District will be called upon to make
selection of a suitable candidate to be sup
ported by the party next fall, for Congress,
a station of honor and distinction, requiring
firmness and decision of character as well
as talents of a hih and cultivated order
The candidate is pretty generally conceded
to this county ; in .fact, our claims are
strong and conclusive. It is therefore in
cumbent upon the Democracy of Union, to
cast around and make selection of a suita
ble and proper person, upon whom the hon
or shall full, to lead the republican phalanx
to victory, and redeem the district from
Federal tnurepresentalion.
Among the many able and distinguished
champions I might name in connection with
this important office, permit ine to recom
mend the name of II. C. UICKOK, Esq.,
of Lesvisburg, as a Democrat in every res
pect worthy the support and confidence of
the party of the district. He is a grntleman
possessing qualifications of a high and com
manding order an eloquent declaimer,
and a Democrat in whom there is no guiie.
His talents and character peculiarly recom
mend him to public favor and respect.
With him aa our candidate the party could
safely look forward to certain and easy
victory. EAST BUFFALO.
Corrected this Day.
Wheat 95al00
Kye 45
torn ...40
Oats 30
Flaxseed 100
Dried Apples 123
Butter .124
Eggs , '. . 8
Tallow .". .10
Lard .7
Hitn - :.' g BaeoB' - t- 6
' Somewhat Curious.:;.
An immense bod of a soft substance with
many of the peculiarities of soapstone, has
been discovered about three miles beyond
Brighton, Pa., on the line ol the rail-road
It is of about the consistency of tallow,
though not as brittle, appears to have no
erii. and can be shaved with a knife with
as much ease as a piece of cheese. It is a
dark drab color. The bed is five feet thick,
and the contractor, in making his excava
tions, has found it a very troublesome sub
stance. lie cm not break it, blow it up, or
I nnnrrv it hw unv of the ordinary oroces.-es.
i .... ' j -j i
He is trying to shave it oft in thin slices
with a plough. Pittsburg Gatv?He.
For Ibe Cure f
coughs, colds,
hoarseness, bron
chitis, croup, asth
ma, whooping -couoh
And consumption.
'I'll? uniform success which ha attended the
U of this preparation its salutary tfTwt in
power to relieve and cure ufleclioua of the Lungs,
have gained f.ir it a celebrity njii .lid by aa oilier
ineJirine. We oiler it to the a Hin ted with entire
confidcm-ei in its virtues, and the full belief that
it will subdue ad remove the severest -llark-i of
diseases upon the throat and lungs. As there
reilis become public, tbey nalurnlly atlract the
aitention of medical men and philanthropists
everywhere. Whit is their opinion of Cherry
Pectoral, mav be seen below.
VALENTINE MOTT. M D. Prof. Surecrv
Medical ( ;olleee, New York, savs :
It five, me pi-wAt pleasure to certify tlie value and effl
eaey ut Aver" Clierry Iv-toral.v liirh 1 toutil r peculiarly
adapted, to cure tiv:aei of the Throat an.l Luugo.
The Rt Rev Lord IJishop FIELD writes in a
letter to his friend, who was fust linking under
an alfi ction of the Lungs
Try tlie I'herrr Peek.ral. ami if any rueOirine caa five
;uu i i h i, .iui nit ue-p.-.iij: ui'.uu i!iai t 111.
'hief Justice EL'S 1 1015, of Louiiana.writc
That a jmini d.Mirhtw of liis was run-J of jcveral
tvure uu iwi ui , ty the I h.'rry IViloral.
ASTHMA and HKO.NCHIi 13. The Cana
dian Journal ol Mrdical Science states.
That A'iina and llmtirbititt, ki preTalcbt in this
iwi-ui'm eoniare, liare yieiiled with cui-pricing rjiitily
to Ayer's tjheiry lVrt4raJ, and we run not Ino strunsiy
recouitiifritl thi tikiiruliivparation to the I'rofefeion aud
ptnuc fnerany.
Let the relit ved sufferer speak for himself :
lUrtTr-wn. Jan. 2ft. 117.
Dr. J. C. yrT I.ax Sir: lluvinc been reerued from a
painful ai"l ttai'-n-oa di-ae, prutituile pmmpoi ine to
M i' i eoj thin m kieta U tiun-BU not ouly in justice to you
tut I't the iTif'rui:itjm et'illnTS IU like atuVtinn.
A flijrhr culd up'n the luna, n?!ccttl at tirwt. heenme
K M-vere that rtuttirff uf 11imn1. a vilirit euub, and pro
fue ni'lit wt nts foHowed and fattned on Die. I heeame
eDini-inotl. rould nt nle-i. aaj distn'.-d hy my enuh,
aii.l a pain tlirou.ru my cliept, and in hort had ail the
alarmina symptom; of quirk eouunitiat. No imilieiue
w-'iin-d at ;iU ! renrh my rape, until I pmridentially
1 ri' -l your t 'hcrry i'celrial, which sovu rellered alul now
ha cur d mc.
Vouni with n pect, . A. SIJiWAKT.
From a letter dated
Alrajit. X. Y, April 17, 1S4S.
Jr. Aver. Israeli Pear Sir : I wu a!ietd hy Anthma
in the worxt form, art that I have been oMitfed to phep in
my chair for a lanrer part of the time, beinir nnahle to
lnatbe on iny b-l. 1 had tried a great many medicines
Ut no purp-. until niy phveician prpcriUd, as aa elpa
rimenr. yonr I herry Pectoral. At rirt it (aemed Ut make
me worne, hut in let than a week 1 began to experience
the nKt.rratifyintf relief from iw use; and now. hi four
week, the iliwaae ip entirvly removed. I can eleep on
my lcd with comfort, and enjoy a rtat. of health whirh 1
ha1 never expect"! to enjoy. tilio. S. t Alt It AM.
For rale by C VV JSCHAFFLE, J.ewisburg ;
J II Cashrw. Milton ; Isaac Uerhart, Seliusgrove,
ar.d by Drug-guts generally
I tllll-n i K
In Milton, 14th itist.by Kev.D.Longmore,
Rev. Jushca Dehk, Pastor of the Ger.Kef.
Church, S-linsgiuve, and Alias Ja.nk Makv
Uoust, of Millon.
On Wednesday, 15th inst. by Retr. J. P.
Si'iindle, John Muntuomeuv, lute of Lew.
isburjr, and Miss Marv A-, daughter of
Sulomon Engtc, Esq., of Deavertown.
The Grooia ia a returned voltfnteer from
Mexico : we wish for bim a peaceful life in his
near sphere as commander-in-chief, and have no
doubt but he will enjoy the same, as be made a
roruising and exemplary step towards good
housekeepins; by subscribing for the Chosicle
on his wedding-day. It is to be hoped that all
our young men recently married, or who expect
soon to be thus honoied, will follow Mr. M.'s
praiseworthy example by leaving their names at
the Chronicle o.Tice or with tba authorized Agt.
Their wedding day, 'tis true, seemed dull
Because of rainy weather.
But that's no certain ign of war
If tbkt keep peace together.
A proverb, true, you've often heard,
That " joy comes after aorrow,"
So in this case 't may rain to-day
And still be clear to-morrow.
The sunsnine of their happiness
May come in alter years,
Their harvest may be "reaped with joy M
Although 'twas sown iu tears.
ow I h'ive paid attention to
The wedding day of some
Who fight like cats and dugs at times.
And will till '-kingdom come:"
Thei a wedding-day was just as calm
And fair aa this 'ere paper ;
Then, if the day makes up for odd,
Why cut up such a caper t
And then I've noticed others, loo.
Get married when 'twas blowing
Aa if the world was made of wind,
And then 'twould turn to snowing;
And soon the rain begin to fall.
With now and then some thunder
Not ao their lives : always you'd see
Peace and happiness, pleasant faces, good
graces, few tears, less sneers, all contentment, no
resentment, no bluffder, or if a jar 'twas quite
wonder I JOB.Ja.
Iu Lewisburg.lgth inst., Miss Elizabeth
IIoustL, uged 74 jtars.
In Milton, 20th inst., ILs.NBt Eckbk.t,
aged 67 years.
We regret to learn, by telegraphic dis
patch from Pittsburg, that the Hon. James
ill. rower, wntise neaun lor some niontns
h-.rs been rapidly declining, died May 13th
at the residence of his sister, in Allegheny
city, of Consumption. Mr. Power was in
the prime of manhood, his age being but
35, and enjoying the friendship and esteem
of a large circle of personal and political
friends Daily News.
The death of ' the gifted Mrs. Fiances
Sargent Osgood, the authoress, is an
nounced in the New York Titbune of last
week. Her age was 37, and the leaves a
husband and two children. ' '
A colored woman died at Norfolk a few
days since, aged 123 years.'. - '
Wholesale and Retail Dealers, in
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints,
Oils, Varnishos, Window Glass,
. Sash tools.GInsswarc.Puttyi . '
le-stntr, Hrushcs of
every variety, . .
Perfumery, Confectiouery,
Fruits, Fancy Goods, &c.
One TVor above the great Mammoth Store of J. ft J. Walla,
Markkt St. LEWisnrHG. '
All Drugs and Medicines loarratited Freth and
THE subscribers return their sincere thanks to
those who have ao liberally liatronizeJ them
iluiliig the past year; and are would invite you
one and all. to call and examine oui stock and
prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel
confident that we sell as cheap, if not 25 per ct
cheaper, than others of the trade. ' Try us, and
see lor yourselves.
N. li. Medical advice tviil be civen free of
charge by Dr. Thornton, at the Store ol I born
too A' Uaker.
Lamps! I, AMPS!
LA M I'S ! Juat received and for Wholesale or
Ketail, Ptue Oil and Burning Fluid Lamps
of the latest style. Any person or persons wish
ing it, can nave these tamps on trial, and il tney
do not give eatislacltou, they may be returned.
Churches and Stores or fhops supplied on the
moet liberal terms with the above Lamps, and Oil
by Dr. Thornton dt Baker,
Agenti for the Manufaclurtri.
Jl'ST received and for sale, Pine Oil and
Burning Fluid, warranted pure and of the
first quality, by Dr. Thornton 6t Baker.
LSr received and for sale. Sperm and Lard
Oil, by
Dr. Thornton & Baker.
AFRESH supply of Old Doctor and 8. P.
Townsend's CSAKSAP AKILL A recoived
and for Wholesale or Hetail by
Dr. Thornton & Baker, Ager.ta.
7'HITE Lead, and Linseed Oil, for sale by
Dr. Thornton & Baker.
ft .Mai.
ill V :r
rYttentlon, Lewlsburg Infantry ! .
"l) U are hereby commanded to meet at the
J house of A. H.Biair, in Lewisburg, on
Fhi DAY Ihe S4ih day of May inst. at 10 o'cl'k
A. M., ptbvided with ten rounds blank cartridges
for lrill and inspection of the annual Battalion.
By order of lha Captain :
1MIE undersigned continues the LIVE
RY L'SLVESS ut the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patronage ol his
friends aud the public cenerally. -
Lewisburg, May 22, 1850
New Arrangement ! !
A 3D
i( duct ion of Prices.
rpiIOMPSONS' ScsiiEHANA Express
J AND Fut'.IGlir LlXE
it now ruunint; regularlv twice a week
from Philadelphia, via I'enn'u Central R.R.
to the Junction, thence by last line ol Ex
press Boats to Selinsgrove, Nortbumb'Ind,
Sui bury.Danville.llloomsburg.Lewiaburg,
Milton, Muney, W illiamsport, &c.
ii'oods and Packages delivered by this
lino in from one to two day. The prices
are such as must giive satisfaction to all.
I'roduce carried through (and sold, il
desired) with despatch. Persons living olT
the line, can have their goods left at such
plnce as they may direct.
tCNew bxpress Oflice it) 38. North
Third StPhilad. Freight Office at Messrs.
Ciaic St Bellas'; Depot, corner of Broad
and Cherry Sts.
Orders ree'd in Lewisburg at the Stores
of -Messrs. Shelter, and Foster, and at the
Hotels of Messrs. Kline and Weidensaul
and in Selinsgrove at the Store of John
llartman, Esq.
May 10, 1850.
To Blacksmiths.
BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West
Branch and from Hollidaysbur, for
sale at the Shop of the subscriber, near the
Hay scales on Third St.
Lewisburg, May 7, 1850
Books Books !
rpHE subscriber offers fur sale at the
L Lewisburg Post-OlEce, an assortment
of the most useful
Paper, School Books, Stationery
of all kinds also the best Cigars,Tobacco,
&(5. &C.
The stock is all new, and tho' small the
public patronage, if favored to it, can soon
and easily make it larger.
The Trial of Prof. Webster only half a
dozen copies left.
Lewisburg, May 7, 1850 ,
Lamps, just received
MORE LIGHT, at reduced price. ! A large
assortment of LAMPS S oar, Supper.
I'ea, Hanging, Side, and Hand for burning of
Pine, Fohgean. Lard, Etherial, and Sperm Oik,
for Parlois, Churches, Stores. Shops, fee., at
Drag, Notion and Variety Emporium
fjMr. H. W. CftOTZKR, of Lewisburg,
has undertaken the general agency of Dr.
Frost' popular "History ol tho Mexican
War," advertised in another column. .
Mr.Crotzer is also authorized to receive
subscriptions for the Levitburg Ckroniclt.
' To Justice. r the Peace.
B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be had
at LyndaU'a Bookstore. i this place. :
Lewisburg, April 10,1810.
C. A.
Sataall Pratn and Julclt Sale."
IT7"OL'LD respeerfully inform his old friends
aad the fad n community in general,
tht be ha received a LAUOB and UENEKAL
STOCK of , i .
llcrchantUzc ,
(- for x- . . .
warts and use embracing
. . HATS AM) CAl'S,
Ac Ac. These Goods a olT. r unusually low
for Cah Country 1'rnduce of all kinds and
to prompt and punctual paymasters as uual.
Call anb Sec!
Lewisburg, May 7, 1H5II.
tin! all you younj? mitt wiiotw fine frmnf art'eiaridiniy,
And who nl ' xupp-irt vwit; a w( mt'rtdinQ
Wlu-n tou think how In time cast soil ilrairn haw bit jou.
Juat ci'lue to SteY LlXDALL'a lor IVioU tliat will tit yoa.
Do von want cmc now Tlork O, o chwin and so prrttv!
tMiaie trraTS aiitt 4tm (ray. and Home u:nw anil tuia wiil?
For a dollar or two, .Steye will Biv you a trt-asura
That will be all your life-time a fountain of loasora.
Aii! ir you cbar.i t tie in wnnt
iirCoat or V-t or TniWT?rlin, :-
Juxt en to I.vmiull'k, Sir ) 'HI raai't
Jluy liair aa c&ual "t uUivr 'eooos.
And now I.rviiAtt woulit aay jurt a wonl to the I.adis,
F well iloi'ii 1h krujw how imjrfttiaitt lhir awl in
Mo baa elioi.ii of all kiu'lii W hanM-r-r-rr-r
Coiisiiru it. Boss ! this 'ere Poetry Machine's
broke ! Ilowsoruever, Ihe substance of alt we bad
in Ihe hopper is this I bat
F. LYNDALL has the best and the
c!ieiie.t lot of BOOKS u"1'
and the be.it assortment of itOO'l'S
and SHOES, and
Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers,
that were ever seen in Lewisburj1 or any
other great seaport. May 7. 1850.
Wholesale and K. tall
milE subscriber: thankful lor past liberal pat
ronsse, would inform his friends aud public
generally that he bas just rec d and is constantly
receiving fresh supplies 01 pure
Medicines, Drus, Chemicals,
Extracts, Herbs, Roots, Minerals, Tinc
tures, Oils, Essences, Spirits, Ciume,
and other goods in his line of business, which he
oilers with the full assurance of their being gen
uine, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere.
Physicians and others in the trade are particularly
invited to sail and examine for themselves. Also
constantly on band a large stock of
Window lilas'. While Lead,
Chrome and other PainU.Urug
gists' and I'hysicians' (ila.sware,
Mortar,Mpachuals,t 'ruciules.Truses,
Copal.Japan and Spirit V arniehe.KIax
aeed, Sperm. Whale, Lard. KUb,.Etherial,
Fosgine, Camphene, and Pine Uils, Dye
wood ground and chippeil, t.'astile. Bar, Kosin
and other Soaps, GoM Silver and Metal Leafs,
Ro-in, Pilch. Tar. Tobacco. Segars, Combs,
Brushes, Walking and Pishing Canes,
, Jewelry, Kaxors. Knives, Fruits,
Confectionery, Ac. Ac. Ac.
c. w. jsciiahxc.
May. 1830. ItruggUt and C'icmitt.
iVor the Ladies.
Cool is thf brwae
That i make at case
ITU one of those nice and cheap FANS
that can be had at the LewUbure lime,
Fancy Gooda. Notion and Variety Emporium
where the largest, finest, and best assortment of
Feather, Fancy and Paer pans are kept. Also
latest patterns of HulTalo, Shell, Horn, Side Hack
ami other COM US besidea a great variety of
other nice things. Call and see at
Made plain to Sue
BY getting one of the Siwctaclcs or Spy Glas
ses at Ihe Viuf, Fancy Gooda, Notion aud
Variety Emporium, nhcre can be haj any quan
tity of Silver, German, lilued and common Steel
Spectacles, Goggles, Spy Glasaes. Mathematical
I Instruments. Pocket Compass, Magnets, Tape
Measures, Spectacle Cases, Camera Lucidas,
Magic Lanterns, &c. ice. at
Easy to. Cut or Shave
ARE those Pocket. Dirk and Penknives, and
Ihe Wostcnheim and Itoer liazors sell
ing so cheap at the Lewinhurg Drug and Variety
Stoieof C. W. SCHAFFLE.
ORMS worms ! Various theories
have been started riative to the origin
of intestinal worms, and yet the question is
a vexed one among medical authorities. Ol
one fact, however, all are informed, and in
which all agree the fatal nature of the
influence they exert on children. As this
season of the year ia one at which attacks
of worms are most frequent as well as most
dangerous, we take great pleasure in direct
ing the attention of parents to Dr.M'Lane's
Vermifuge. It i one at the most extraor
dinary ificdictnes ever introduced, and has
never Tailed of success when tried.
Ana ten i, Ross Co, Ohio, Feb , 1848
Messrs J Kidd & Co : We wih to inform you
(hat we have sold all jour Worm Specific left
with us. We wish you to send us some nvife as
soon as possible, as it has given general satisfac
tion here. We have many calls for it since we
are out of the article. It haa succeeded all other
preparations iu this county, and for this reason
we wish to keep a supply on hand.
The above is one ol hundreds of similar
communications which the proprietors ol
this medicine are daily receiving. Where it
haa been introduced.it bas become? ihe roost
popular remedy in use. i .,
AGENTS C W Scairrii, LewUa'.-g H
J Shafer and J H Raser, Milton ; I Gerbart, rV
linsgrove; J W Friling, Suuburv ; Mr M'Csv,
NotthanbrrUnd , M C Grier. i Monte, DaaViIU
ggpV ; : h Dr. Jolm Locke,
MAY be found at bra Office and residence
first door east of Kline's Hotel the two
weeks following the fi'sl Monday ol each month,
where be is prepared to execute all opervion in
his line of business in maimer creditable to
himself and satisfactory to those who may favor
him with their patronage. !
I T .....1 . ,k;..t n.otf t.t ..rh tnnnlK
in Milton. j
(Aromalic Tooth Paste, put up in beautiful!
hh Z .nS breath .wee!, for sale ai 2S
cts per box, by
. LewUburg, Pa
May. 1850
77011 sale, at our Yard on Third street.
J near P. Ilur.-li's house
lry Pine t;oaimon ami Panne! Board,
do . Joists and niuounig.
Hemlock JoiaU and Scaniliu;r.
While Pine Plauk I fhinglea
Square Timber WeatherUoarJs
eilow Pine Flooring Board.
Hoofing and Plastering Llh, &c.
All of which we ofTer cheap for cash orshurt
credit. 'I1URSII & AMMO.V. '
Lewisburft, April 29, 1850
FRESH TF.AS. Another lot of
superior Black and Green Teas ' y -.
just rerd from the Canton Tea Com
pany, and lor sale at New York retail
pries by J.IIAYKS&CO.
Lewi.burc, April 6. Agents.
Latest Arrival !
JII IYI & CO. lake pleasure in announ
. cing to the public Ibat we are now receiving
from the city one of the largest, cheaiest and best
selected stock of Goods ever offered to the public.
No labor has been spared to render Iheir stock
complete,' and to obtain articles of good quality, so
that it can be relied upon that whatever thev shall
offer for sale will be just what it is represented.
Tbey have an excellent assortment of
Ory goods,
compriiinr. nearly every article usually enumera
ted under this head, among which are 15 road
clolha. Plain and Fancy Cassimcres, Satinett.
Tweed", Cavtmiarrttce, Drapcttes, ('odiingtoiia,
Plaid Lmens, Tickings, llriilings, Bagging, Cut
ton and Hemp Carpet Chain.
Plain and Fancy Goods,
selected with particular reference to the taste and
convenience of tUo Ladni such as Changeable,
Plaid, Grenadine, and Foulard Silks, Figd and
Plain Lamartine i)eIaines, Crape finished, Figd
and Plain Linen Lustres. Horeze Deslaines, prin
ted French Lawns. Silk Illusions, Pink, Huff,
Blue, and Ciinwon Tarletona, Plain and Figd
Blue and Pink (dotted) Swiss, Linen, Cambric,
and Lawn Hdkfs, Gloves and Hosieiy.vjl
Bonnets, Fans, Parasols, Parasole'tes, also'
Fine Molerkin, Leghorn, China Pearl and Palm
Leaf II ATS, at lower prices than ever oU.'red to
thia community.
a choice uleetiun.
Glass, Queens, Stone, and
Crockery ware.
To those who wish to procure anything in thii
line either for utility or ornament.their assortment
particularly recommends itself.
Hardware cutlery,
Grass and Corn Scythes, Aies, Shovels, Spades,
straw Knives, Manure and llay r orks (of supe
rior quality.) Door tiiiniuings.lj lass, Putty, IS'ails,
Iron, Steel, Ac.
Floor and Stair Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window
Shades, Ladies' Satchels, Traveling and Work
Baskets, also Market, Clotbea and Corn Baskets,
Cedarware, Hakes, $-c. fyc.
In conclusion, they would sav that their pood
have been bought at very low prices, and will be
disposed of on the most reasonable terms for t'a-u
or country Pioduce and to satisfy the public (aa
to puces) just rail at the Cheap Store of
LewL-burg, May S, 1850
Black H'aluut Wauled.
A QUANTITY of Black Walnut, either in
legs or rawed to order also. Walnut
Crotches Ihe whole to be delivered on the Pa.
Canal, at or near Lewisburg. For further par
ticulars, enquire of
A pril S3 II. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg
1jOR SALE a superior Washing Mixture,
hich removes all dirt and stains of various
kinds in a few minutes, without injuring Ihe
tenure of the cloth. Persons wishing to avail
themselves of this valuable mixture, with full
directions for its use, had better call at the new
Drus and Chemical Store kept by
Us THORNTON & BAKEK, Lewisburg
Splendid Illustrated History
or mt
Mexican War and It, Warriors !
COMPRISING a full account of the recent
War with Mexico, with the Lives of the
principal Officers on the American side, aud over
40 Engraving. By J. Frost. I.L 1).
The work to contain upwards of 300 page',
large size 1 2 mo., handsomely aud duiably bound
in embfssed cloth, lettered aud ornamented in
gilt. Pnii-x, .$1,25 per copy.
rSThc subscriber having secured the agency
of the above work for Union county, will solicit
ihe patronage of the people for it.
Lewisburg, April If 3pd
Latest News from California !
i LL the world and the rest of mankind"
J are respectfully informed that we have
opened an unusually choice assoitment of
comprising'a'sjTe.nM variety LAIHES' DRESS
GOODS of the newest sly res Calicoes, Detains,
Ginghams, Bareges, Silks Part. sols, and Fancy
Goods, and for Gentlemen's wear a.lsrge clock of
Clotbfl, CaMlmers,
Summer Stuffs, Vestinus.&uminer Hals.ctc.
, Salt, Fish, Nails,
Queensware, Hardware. Groceries,
etc. etc.
All of which we offer for vale at onr proverbially
low prices, for CASH or PRODUCE.
LewielHtrtf ;AurU88, JRSO,, . . . j
Ldi'ge Salts Low Price
ami filling up aguii brimfull
with a stock of poorls I.ARCEH.BF-71TE11
auj CIICAPEIl than ever !
TE h '""J nJ "e n0" "f""""8
rge and splendid assortment ol
Spring an l
en. bracing everything a.laptej to the varied want,
and ta-tes of the community, and at price that
can not fail 10 eive universal satidfiction.
The LADIES are assured that we have a better
assortment of DrCNts Good han bas ever
been presented in this market. We have every
quality and description of
Gentlemen's and Joys' Dress Good,
Cassimeres, Veiaincs, Summer Stuff. Fancy
Cravats. Ac. A splendid lot of HATS, CAPd
and BO.XNUi S, of Ihe latest styles K.bbona,
Flowers Silks, Calicoes, Lawns, Oinyhams, ice.
Hardware Q'irfnwsre Glassware,
of all kinds also a la-go stock of
Plaster, Salt,aiid Fish,
at very low piires for CA!I1 or COt'.NTRV
PRODUCE of all kind at Market prices.
Lewisburg, April 23, I Hot)
at aLcivisburg.
1IRCCLAR for the Academical lew com
mencing Oct 11, lSl'J.
Primary Department.
Evercisetl in Spelling, Kc.!inet Definition,
English (i ram mar, Artlhmrtir. (ieofraphy, His
tory L'.S.A , IVi.mdrf.rp and Compoitian.
English Department ci tLo Academy.
The f-ame etuJies a in the riimary l'partm"t
coniinuej in the ae of largpr text hook ; anl to
llieso are atiileil (teneral Histnry.Alj;tbia, Leg en
dre, and Element of tiuie)in?.
Classical Department of the Academy.
T- nn Junior AcadtmrC rlass.
I. Krifjlirth irammar. L-itiutinuuiunr. Aritbmctic(two
riiviftonit.1 lH?T:iphy.
TI. The mm ftu'li-! iu iu I. T-TOt. rl pvnman.ahi.
III. l'n?Ii!-b vintinm-ir. Vitr!, ArMhni. tlr rcn'i-S tl by
lt iiivi.ion.irvf)t 4ir&nimu, Hi-lory Vs.A INjd-
Senior Aauhmie r!a.
T. Trrw. Grwk Kfjvt-Tt Alj." hrn Y mmli.)
III. d di d f?mi'l' tnl. flnc
ral irtory, rtiplUU LMiiguj ail 4'inKiUoii.
I. EnftU.-h Ta&nua and Comj-wtioii. Albra, Liry,
IT. I'itui Gfomt-try. LiTy. Annfatui4.
III. J'lan-. Jn-IhI and I'lurim iic.uiftry comil'ted, Li-
Sophonort elu$.
I. IItirftct, Otlyp.wy. Planranti S-.h'-riml Trir' nts-trT.
TT. ! ftnwMr;ifiMn.Srvinir.Nat'iitkn.
IU. do cmpl'Uil. lcrt t'rutiuut) uf iXiuc:iM:ni;A.
aUbt-tork, Aiial lii-al O.nutry.
Junitrr class.
I. Di-mowthfm on th Crown. Oipn d Ofitriij, Me
rh;tiiin. llydrot:tirrt. and lldn-.uii'w.
II. lmnfthfOfH n th Crown. Ciwro ie Officii rom
)! Ud. IH'iiniafitti, Aoou?tic, KltTtricity, Mognc
tijio. and v'l-tirw,
III. Crwk Tragrdy, Tacit ti?, A-m.nt.my.
Senrttr rAw,.
fftr Anid-niinil Var cf-mRTfnrir'ff Orf. V 1k.Vt.
I. lavir. .Natural Tlivy.ln, liitlhttu-ai Inil-mjiuy.
If. t.rwk. I'olitifal n4i:iv. lonil riiiltf-jihv.
III. KutiVr Aw;lrnr-. Cnujaiitution of I'. 1 tVmifrtry,
LM turw, livtitraJ Keviewa,
IVo class in the Rrgular Course has less than
three iluily recitations. Every SsturJay forenoon 'u
ilevuted exclusively to ocal Ainmr, Ui'clamation.
and reaJin select and original CuniiKtsiuoiM.
The students are required to a' tend, regularly,
no me religious meeting. Minors are expected to
attend uch meetings as are recommended to them
by iheir parents or guardians. There are in the
borough no Ires than six places of public wot ship,
oi ttd many diuerent I bristian denominations.
Text lSooks.
Eruffish Ijeinvpui(r A'.''..,. Tht BtW, Pf-rt-T
nii'tt'riral KmultT. WwromU-r's or V, VWWr'i IM-ti- rnrr,
PuIl:on Knrrlih i ram mar. I'nrk'rV l"rotrriTTi KxHrri
in Hnnli-h ('om position, I'arktr AJ-lf. lilair's Lrt-iurva
(,L'uiTT!iity f'ditiou.)
Latin tinijuf?r. RnUIrnV Grammar. Bu!li-n" Ri-adr.
IT.-rrtT Lxiron. BulliiralV- .r. Sohmitzand 'f.'nyx
Virrril.3Linc1.nff LiTv.Anil.cn Ilorare, Thach. re CUvro
de "fliciin. TylT Tan iluj' ti rmnma l Arinda.
frrrk IstHftvage. itulIion'sUrecimar, rtullwrn'- PeaJrr,
LUldfll A &aU's Lexinin. Owen' ..'ii lcn' Aiu-Na.-i,
w-n Hrmer' my4ey, CLajDplin'K lVinoLhenes, r l-k'n
ti.!ita. Manual.
.V ithrmtitt. PaTMHi Aritlimir tor AnufrDH FI-m-t?ntary
Alpfhra. to.onion. Lro ndn-. Surreyinir and Smvi
titAnaIytirnl;mtrT.oiiutd Natural I'h:i.soi,Ly
(ntenfotypfd.) oliafU-d Atmnuuly.
It umber or Sluilcnls.
The numlrer of students during the pat Tear
in the various Department, was Ivj I. The
number that have entered the classes in the Ke
pular Course for the current year (exclusive of
those in the English and Primary depart nient?,)
is as follows :
CuiitGX. Junior clxs S
'-"hoiiHiw rla - 4
- PrtshiT.an cl"s
Aca&XIIT. Sa-nior da . . - :
Junior class - - 40..
ITKrilK W. TAYUHt, A. rt of Mat b-tn alien
anil Nat u ml Phil'waopbv.
.K:Kf.K K. BL1". A. Pit.f. of Ir.tk Liu--uai;p
ami Littratnr.
lit IK U . AN DL10ON, A . M.t Prof, of La tin LanuaTa
and I.itrattirp.
ISAAC X. MN'MIS. A. M . PrifHipal of tb AMny.
AI.KCKIi TATUlR. A.MTutorio the nglih Lan
fruaity and Klorutiuii.
ISuIldlng9,Ubrarj and lppara1u.
The Academic edifice now occupied by the
members of the University, has been eree'ed. at
an expert!, of $"t,'"0. and tt in adaitd U acnmrm-Jal
15i tu-l-nt. Another rdiflc? baj tx-rn cociicrnrfsl.wliirh
if to be riuthd within th courw of ihp rrwaTf-Vnalrniir
yrnr, an t contain tuly rvms and drniitori4-4 Ar the
a-ci'mm'"lation of 70 ntud? ntv in theOili'iat .i.'parta. U
The Library contain a nunitwr of delect minim, and
ia rtiiittantly inrrvainnir.
1 lu'iuiral AprantiiA has be'a onlt'n-il tmSRcint to
l" the iinmedtnto drtnand. Th ArnaratU! ir tlie
i iUotratlon of McvhaniraJ Pbilom)hy, i now rom;lcte.
Tuition ami Hoard.
Tuition in the Col lea hie Department $30,
Academic $ 20, Vrimary $12 per year.
Hoard, including lodging, washing, fut-i. and
light, can he had in the village and its vicinity at
various prices, from $1,59 to 2,50 per week.
Sessions and Vacation.
Tvo Sessions in the year the former com
mences on the 2nd Thutsday in Octolter, and
coutinuei 27 week- ; tho Infer coniraeiKes on
the 16th .May, and continues 15 weekj'.
Spring Vacation, 4 week a ; Autumnal, 6.
By order and in behxlf of ihe Board :
Lew U burg, Union Co. Pa. April 14, 1850
TATE of Philsdrlphia. is now l.icatcd on
J Markrt street', Lewi-burg, opposite Mr. J.
Schreyer's store, where he uilends to operations
on the teeth at a reJu;tioo of his former prires.
Teeth and roots of teeth removed wilh the aid of
improved Instalments, and in an easy manner.
Filling trelh and setting on pivots or plate atten
ded to according to the latest improvements io the
profession Ulcerated, spungy, arid inflamed cum
cured. Thankful for past tavois, he solicits a
continuance of puldic patronage. No impure
material ued fx fillings in leeth. ljSSS
' '-AND'"
HAVING rormcd a Copartnership in the
Mercantile buinww, and cniarnet! thss
Ston?rKm latrly rvrtipied by o.JS.Banon-
opfwiro Klinfc Hole. are now opeumtf a
well seiccted and extensive stock cf -Li'
chundize, contiiing of. , .
Carpenters' Tool., (lueeusware,
salt: fish,
Furniture Mounting, Glassware,
Window GLASS a general hwrmzm,
Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Xaila,
and Spiked
Tinware, Sheet Iron aad Melal .
Paris, and a mere general aaaortment than
is usually (ouiid io country stores IhcI
they Ied-9 ibemscUes U . at veiy
low prices. ,
Tersons al a dislauce ill find it t ileir
advantafe to buy lr Cash or e wi'l
lake in Exchange for Goods, W heat, Kye.
Orn. Oils. B'ick wheat, Timothy and Clo
ver Stfds, Huiur, Ks.Tal.ow.i ford Soap,
Beeswux, Feathers, aad all kinds cf tiadrt
or rour.lry produce.
The patronage of ihe public is respect-
fully solute.!, and every ajsuranoe gien
th .i iio;h,n shall be wanting to" render
en'ire satisfuclion. . .
ami;e'i. GE00E8.
Lewisburg, April 1, 1650-
Kespcctfutly nnnnunces to his friends and
ihe public pencrahy, that he has removed
his residence to the hoisse of his fulher
(formerly occu(im1 by Wn Porter,) fcw
dwrs north ol Kline's Hotel. . Oilke, Col.
MTaddin's new brick building, nest door
above C. E. Bowks' Siore.
Lewisburg, April I, 185D
TAILOR, bas removed his Shop to the
building one door above Lyndah's) lately
occupied by John B. Miller, where he wilf
be happy to f:l his customers both old end
nov. The ' - . . ,
Fashions fur 1850,
Spring and Summer just received.
LewUburA April 1, 1850
Has removed his OlBi to his Dwelling
ihe first door bflotc Kline's Hotels rooms,
over Forster's tf:ore where he will wait
on all who may desire his services, accord
ing to previous arrangements.
Lewisburg, April 2, 1?3D
TAILOR, respectfully inrorms) his patrons
and the public that his Shop is now at his
house the new brick opposite Mr. James
P. Uos', ou Third Sr.. where lie will be
happy to wait on all who may honir him
wi'h their p.vnmae.
Lewisburg, Apr:! 2, IS-W
Justice of tSe Peacr,
Has removed his Otfi-e to Ma rliet St., in ;
the room recently used hv Dr. Locke, or.t
duor below the Priming Oflice.
Lewibur, April 3,15' ...
11 IE subscriber avails him. If ol ihsr col-.
umns of the Crmmiirle in puj'Srng ir
j me ertci.'ns of Lewisburg and vicinity that
be bas opnrd UOAUDi.NC. HOUSE in that
large and comfortably arrauged house, ioimerly .
kept as a Temperance Hole! by James K?Ily, two .
doors east of ll;6 Krarikliu, House. Market streel.
lie is prepare.) to say thai his Table shall have .
(he best the Markets can afford, and lb Lodging
of Boarder shall be as comfortable as can be
desired. t. S. 8TER.ER.
N. B. A team and carriage
will be k pt to convey passenger t anil from lhs
Packet B rats. I.ewiu'i, March 18, 1S50.
0pting & Sumuuu-
JUST receive!, nni i o-v openioo At
second door east cf K'iue's iLitl, anew
SpIendiJ Assortment of Goods,
suiia'ule for this and the approaching' sea
son. consisting of
Ladies' Urr4 Coodi
of every style and variety new jl
Rirsges, Lawcs, Arnrure IMsires, fjlng
A gre vnriety of sly ie C'hinis, Cali
coes, &?.
A beautiful assortment Ijtdiea,' Paraoo'ii,.
Morocco and Kid SHOES and GJi ITERS'
(or Ladies, and Children .. . , t ,
Also a choice selection tf
&c.&;.,all or which are offered remarkahU, ,
low for Cash or Country Produce, by the
Lewisburg, April 3, 1850
he LwiburgsChrni le-