IJBWISBUltG- CIIUON1CL.K AND WEST BRANCH FARMER WEST BRANCH PUBLIC SALE i" valuable Ileal Estate. TT7ILL be sold at Public Sal, on W VVeusesuay the 12ih day of Jl.vk next, the following valuable Real Instate, fate o estate of John Kaifman.wIio d.ed intestine, to wit : A certain Tract of Land, si'iiate in Buffalo township, Union county, containing about 112 .acres, adjoining lands of John Byler, Jas M'Gec, Datil Bungler and o hers, nearly ail cleared and in a good stale of cultivation, about 10 ere of which are excellent Meadow. On said Farm is a large O. chard ol choice Fruity a lame Hunk Barn. tSSS two Dwelling Houses, a m Cider Press, and other fiiif f nutbuildincs. There is a iuvir Mailing Spring of Water and Well near the buildings. Also, a Tract of gotd Timber Iind, consisting of Oak, I'iue, 8StaL t'hestiut, &lc, situate in W1 fss& Buffalo township, Union county, Tj about two miles from the above es- descrihed Farm, adjoining lands of Jeremi- ah Anderson, Susanna M'Gce, lienevillc Reish, and others, coiitniniiig about ' One Hundred Acre. Said Timber Laud will be sold in" lo's to suit purchasers. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, on the premise, when the conditions will be made known hy THE HEIRS of said Johu Kauffman, deceased. May 16, 1850. HOUSE and Small FARM Tjr.li J-" -C -T: I si A a c-f 5 0D 3 -r: : i , T3 " r. OS .5 .a .E L c - : 8 ., e 5 r- c s - S i c.S - rr V A. . c I - DC O J; O . J C o ? 5 E . C c B S Lewisburg, May 15, 1849 Orphans Cour.t Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphan' Court of Lj coming County., the un dersigned, Administrators of. the estate of Dr. Wm. H. Lruivio, late of the Borough of Lewisburg, Union county, durcasi'd,wiii otTer for sale, at public outcry, on Tuesday the -llli day of June next, enduing, ail that certain FARM situa'.ed in the township of U asiington, county of Lycoming, about 2 miles north-west from TJnioiitown, and about 2 miles from the River, adjoining lands of Matthew Brown, B. F. Pauling, John Benner, and others containing 94 acres and 79 perches neat measure, w hereon is erected a Dwclling llouse, a Burn, and other outhuilduis.aUo a well of water, on excellent orchard, and plenty of Limestone. The above described pre:nies is all clear.under good fence, and in a high state of cultivation. Also at the same time and place, a cer ta.n tract of TIMBEKLAXD, also situated in the tounship of Washington aforesaid, adjoining lands of Dr. C. A. Ludwig and others, containing 73 acres and !3 perches neat measure, all well timbered, and will be sold iu oi.e tract, or in K :s 1 1 tuii purchasers. Sale to be held on the first above descri bed premises, and to commence at 1 1 o' cl.Kk, A.M., said day, when due attendance will be given, and terms of sale made known by JOHN SCHRACK, James moor e. Jr., Arim'ri of H". . Ludwig. died. Lewisburg, May 4, 1850 From Skinner's "Plough. Loom and Anril." The Corn-Worm How to prevect Its Ravages. James II. Gill says, in the Ohio Cultiva ror : I have never been troubled with this worm much. My plan for defeating them is, to stir the ground as soon as the j rora is up and keep at it, Irom day to day, until it is too large for these destructives. I generally, alter getting the coin say four inches high, try to have it ploughed every teo days, until it begins to tassel if the soil is very rich, say about eight days. I never stop plowing for drought, and never plow when tret. My method of planting is, to have two of the best and most r liable hands that 1 can get, to drop f jr one plow, and three next best to cover after them. I generally drop four grains on an average to the lull if (he ground i9 moist cover about three inches ; if dry, about four inch es. My object in having so many hands follow one plow is, that they can take their lime, and do their work just as I tell them. I never have any occasion to re-plant. 1 scarcely ever hill my corn more than is sufficient to smother the weeds. You have noticed.no doubt, that there is a thort joint near the ground, almost as hard as wood. My opinion is, that nature designed this for the special purpose of supporting the stalk and ear above it ; and Irom oo- .1.1, ...... serfanons that I have made, I think ta . . . , very bad policy to cover it up w ith soil .This system of managing pas wtil, though it may seem to cost more than the usual meihods. To kill Ants, scald them wih hot water, or. pouf i-fririta of turrtiniioo two their run t 36? mi Successful Farming. A worthy clergyman informed us recent ly, that he purchased seven acres ol mis erable, sandy land in the neighborhood of Saratoga, a few years since, which, by ma nuring and judicious cultivation, he brougfit up to such condition, that from three acres and lull a only, he produced grren fodder throughout the tseason, for three cows, one bull, one horse, and seven sheep ; and cut ail the hay consumed by them in the winter. The hay, however, was pierced out by the use of grain, roots, and straw, taken from the remaining half of the seven acres. When the land sold, he received over $100 an acre, for what a few years previously, was bough.t for as many shil lings. We have kept a good lookout for suc cessful farming, for the last fow year?, and have invariably Ibund, that intelligence and a careful investigation of the experiments and best practices of others, furnished the ground work for the superiority of every one who has attained to eminence in nun-1 culture. So tnuch fur book farming. American Agriculturist. From the New York 'Working Fartntr. Okciiakd. Attnck the. caterpillars by burning them with the camphene lump do. j scribed in a former number. As caterpi! lars leave iheir nests at sb ml eight o'clock A. M., and return to them nt five P.M. .they should ho attacked before or afer th-jse hour.-. Boiling water poured into the haunts of ants will destroy them. If your trees were properly sonped in early spring, they will not be hide-hound now. Treat sluggish gtape vines ns rc ' commended in Mr. Galbraith's paper in a former uumber. Sjw a very slight quan tity of fine sill nrounJ plum and c:her fruit trees, and trim eff thou'.a from the roots. A correspondent from Sussex Co., N.J., says: "The effect of the sub-soil plow wss to double my com crop ; i. c. the produce was double that of any crop previously raised on the same ground. While my neighbors' corn was suffering from execs, sive moisture, and at other times wiih its loss and excessive heat, miue was healthy and prosperous find produced a return which had not been anticipated. Nothing but the ordinary treatment and ruliivaii . n was applitd, except the use of the sub-soil plow." Siiforiag cf Emigrants. The Missouri (Independence) Common wealth notices the return of Mr. Hatcher from Calif irnia, v ho had acted as guide for the pnr.y of Col. Collier from Suntu Fc. IJj returned by the way of the Gilt river, and passed emigrants along the en tire route. Hi witnessed among them an amount and a ilerte f .-tuffeiing sudi as it never was his lot to mmj be'ore, though he has spent the most cf his life in the midt of the daubers and hardships o( (he Rocky Mounla ns. One instance of suf fering, related by the Commonwealth, of the ninny witnessed by Mr. Ilatcl.cr, was particularly heart-rending : Two young I idles were accidentally dis covered in the choptrel, where they had wandered in search of mesquit fiuil or food. They were in tattered dresses, with out bonne't rr shoes, and lost. They were about the aj;es of ten and sixtten. Mr. II. conducted them to their parents seme milts di.stai.t. Theie were tiht children in the family in a state of almost utter destitiiiic-tr TI.ey seemed scarcely 1 to Lnnw iheir nnsilinn. or where to ra.! Thev asked the distance to San Diego, ! and on bring told it was '.'40 miles, burst into tears, and wept long and bitterly. Although nearly out of provisions, and having only a few animals in wretched condition, they had stuck to their carriage and wugnn with a foolish and almost fatal tenacity. When they had grown calm. Mr. Hatchet shared his small supply of provisions wiih them, gave them the advice to abandon the carriage aud wagon, to pack their food and children up on the animals, and make for S in Diego with all possible speed. He told l hem by adopting this plan, and by making food of the poorest of their mules as they gave out on the way, from tima to time, they might get through ; otherwise, they could not reasonably expect to do so. A Child's Answer. A father once said playfully to his little daughter.a child five years old,"Mary,you are not good for anything." j "Yes, I am, dear Father,'' replied she, I looking tenderly and thoughtfully in his face. Why what are you good for, pray tell me, my dear ?" 'I am good to love you father," replied she, at the same time Mirowing her tiny arms around his neck, and gave him a Lis of'unutterable affection. Blessed child .' may your life ever bean expression ol that early felt instinct of love. The highest goo.l you or any other mortal can confer is to l.ve in the full exercise of your affection. no nr iuiiih.. a iic cajliurs (Ji inp .,, . , , ,i n .. ., " U ashington '-Republic, Messrs. Alex. C. Tl. a. Tl i: Bullitt and John O. Sargent, have retired from the editorship of that paper, and are succeeded by Allen A. Hall, Esq., former ly editor of the "Nashville Whig,"but now filling a responsible station in, the Treasu ry Department. News & Notions. Prof. Webster The Boston Journal of Monday says : So far as external appear ances indicate, this unfortunate man has become reconiled to his fate calm and tho'tful, and occupying the greater part of his time in reading. The Whig Slate Convention meets at Philadelphia on the 19th of June. The name of tho Post-Office called Boston, in Northumberland county, has'been changed to "Kautinchunk." C.R.Buckalew.Esq., of B!oomburg,and C. E. Wright, Esq., of Doy iestown, are the Commissioners to investigate the affairs of the late Susquehanna County Bank. The possbiility of melting charcoal has at length been satisfactorily proved by the experiments of M. Desprelz, of Paris. The receipts of the N. Y. & Erie R. R. for April of this year were more than dou ble tnose of APnl ln la!,t ear- That was a true remark of an old lady, that " those who know but liule, will not have to account foi much." A huge Indian skeleton was lately dug up at Uarsiirus, N. J., among the oyster shell strata. it measured eight feet in length. The skull measured two feet iu circumference, and 15 inches over the top. In the valley of the Blackstone river from Pawtucket to Milbury, a distance of thirty miles, there are 115 cotton and woolen factories, and 11 other large man ufacturing establishments. What a world of wealth and mine of employment ! At njprinter's festival.old bachelors were toasted as ' QiaJj only fit to fill out the blank lines ot society.' Mr.. O'Reilly proposes a Telegraph line from S:.Louis to San Francisco Govern ment to establish a line of stockades, which shull serve as Telegraph stations, afford pn iocli iii to Emigrants, and facilitate the transmission ol the Mails. Grade a route lor a Hail Road, first. 1 Roche, a French xronaut, recently made an ascent at Bordeaux, but his balloon hit a chimney, upset the car, and threw him into the street, where ho was picked up with one broken arm and two broken legs. The cure for timidity, is knowledge. Hard Cash A key to everything in life, except health and happiness. The II jrticullurnl Society of Cincinnati are about to issue certilicates or premiums upon samples of superior wine produced in that Stale. A large meeting, without distinction of party, was held iu Nashville, on Mondoy last, to consider the propriety of appointing delegates (o ihu Southern Cvuvenliun. The n.eeun by an overwhelming majority, de clare J it inexpedient to nppcint delegate. Iu Houston (Gj ) Superior Court, a few days since, a case was tried for slander, iu w hich the jury rendered a verdict of 8V 000 d images. Th parties were V incent Calhoun in U hail" ol Ins daughter, Martha Culhoun) vs. U iu. Milter. St. I.auis, May 13. A gentleman from Council Bluff, reports the small pox among the California erai grants, six had o d. A gold mine has been discovered in Berks county, which yield fifty percent, ofpure metal, part gold, part silver. The migration of gold hunters to thai region has not et put the inhabitants to any in convenience, or raised the price of provis ions. Chas. J. M'CurJy. of Lyme, Coon., has bceu appointed Minister to Austria. Rhode Island is a model Slate, for promptness and economy. The General Assembly just adjourned at Newport, were in session but four days. The annual consumption of sugar is es timated in the report of the Patent office at CIi,: "i:'1,t'n lons' Ground rents can not herealer b.; made peri elual ; but may at all times be paid of!. The new law is excellent, and nut one word can be uttered against its propriety in a republican country. Tuukhauuock Democrat. Henry Metcalf, Esq , has been appointed by the Attorney General, Deputy Prosecu ting Attorney, tor bullivan county. The recent fire oil the steamer Belle of the West, is supposed to have originated f rom a box of locofoco matches in the hold. About eighty lives were lost. The London Literary Gazette states that it has bcou proposed by the United Slates Government that the Industrial Ex hibition shall, alter its close there, be re moved to New York. A despatch from Buffalo, in the N. Y. Herald, says the town of Milan, Ohio, was nearly destroyed by tire, the 5th inst. Mi lan is a flourishing liule town of about 1600 or 2000 inhabitants. There never was a time, we believe, when freights were so ruinously depressed as at the present moment. Several thousand bales of cotton have Icon shipped to Liver pool, in British vessels, lately, at nn eishth of a penny per pound. N. O. Delta, P.ih UIIIIIIO. The New Orleans papers are acknowl edging the receipt of early co;u. A considerable amount of sickness is at preseut prevailing on board the steamers on ihe Western riverr,. 1 he Legislature cf Ohio, during its re cent session, chartered 50 companies for the construction of plank roads. 1 he Philndcphia Tailoresses have open ed their store. Their capital is 95,000 whirh was subscribed by the citizens. Noah Fassett of Bradford county, ws recently drowned in the Susquehanna, at Sunburv. The accounts of the rise in the tributa taries of the Mississippi, above, had caused great apprehension iu New Oilcans, on the 27 lb ult., of an overflow. There were 100 lives lost by the explo- . a . I sion on board me steamer Auuiuny Wayne, near Sandusky. Ohio. T he first accounts put the number down only at 40. mi: II M H. O. HICKOE, Editor. O. V. WOBDEW, Publisher. At J1.50 ouh in adranra, $1.75 in three month, f- paid within tht year, and $2,50 at tho end of the year. Agents in Philadelphia V B Palmer and K W Can. Ltcwisburg, Ma. Wednesday Morning, May 22. ADVERTIZE ! Kxeratora, Ailniinixtrator. Public Ofbrers, City and Country Merrhants, Manufacturers, Mc-hauinf, BuHineaa Men all who wish to procure or to dijiMMte of anything would do well to give notice of the Mine through the LnritUurg OifmicU." Thi paper has a Kuod and increasing circulation in a community contai ning as large a proioruun of active, solvent producers, consumers, and dealers, as any other in the SUite. 7As the Editor is still at Court, all the good in this Chronicle must be charged to the Printer. Thanks to the name is not legible of the Treasury Department, for the Report on the Finances for 1849 '50. t7Rev. Daniel Y. Heisler, late of Columbia, Pa., (of Mercersburg College,) has been installed as Pastor of the German Reformed Church at Lewisburg, Pa. C7A slight frost Sunday morning, but not enough to blast the unprecedented large amount of fruit in blossom. Tho weather continues uncommonly cold, and tho sea son backward. The Wheat and Rye crop is everywhere promising. 9 Recommendations of Candidates In this paper must be paid for as advertise ments, by the person sending or handing them in. We can not give credit : for some of those named mutt fail, and it is often as hard work to obtain pay for a candidate who is the choice of the minority, as for a dead horse." Land Sales. We desire information of sales of Real Estate in this neighbor hood, as a matter ol interest abroad, and for comparison with older counties. The land of Mr. Noll in Kelly Tp. sold we are told for 870 per acre. It was des titute of buildings. A Buffalo Farm and Wood land for sale in this paper, first column inside. 0J"Ve observe several of the cumber some and unsightly stoops on Market St. undergoing the process of removal, prepar atory to lighter aud more graceful awnings. Remove also the pumps and boxes, finish the pavements,and plant a few more shado trees : and in three years, wbat inland town will have as pleasant a walk as the main street of Lewisburs 1 a7The Whig papers of this District unite in urging upon Mr. Casey to consent to become a candidate for re-election to Congress. The Whigs f Union county (vide their proceedings in another column) have expressed the same desire. On the other hand, the Editor of this paper is brought forward in the Democratic organ of the county as a candidate for nomination by that party. In his absence, and without his knowledge, the Publisher would add that no beter man could be put in nomination no one would more faith fully and creditably represent the old 13th Corp. District. Much as we should per sonally prefer his aid and society at home, we sincerely hope the chance of success may be accorded by his party to Henhv C. HlCKuK. C7A writer in the Pennsylvanian gives notice that three propositions are to come before the Democratic State Conven tion at Williamsport, next week. 1. That the time and place for holding S'a'e C, nventions he fixe), permanently, and uniformly. 2. To dispense with Senatorial Dele gates, and give each county a certain num ber of Delegates in propotion to the num ber of Democratic voters in it, each county having at least one Delegate. 3. That the Delegates be chosen with in three or four months of the day of meeting of the Convention. Tho reasons for the propositions are good, and if to them could be added the Single District plan of electing Delegates, we should consider it a system worthy the adoption of all parties. The Single Dis trict system works well in the election of Congressmen, and in the election of Legis lators in New York State, and is quite-as Republican in the manner of the nomina tion as in the election of officers. Proihonotary. This is the most lucrativo office within the gift of Ihe people of Union county next Tail, and we learn there are several can didates training for the prize. It has been customary with the dominant party, in Columbia and Northumberland as well as in Union.to give Prothonotarics and Regis, ters who hove done well, a re-election. These are important offices in rich agri cultural districts, and demand tried clerks, The present incumbent has not announced his desire for a re-nomination, but if he wish it, we are assured he will receive the support of many who opposed him in the prior race. Mr. Haus has been tested. and it is conceded, both by members of the bar and the people generally, has proved himself an obliging and competent and faithful officer. The only objection we hear urged against him is, that he is a radical partixan : we wish he were less so : but as county officers do not come within Old Zach'a power, this will be no serious bar ia "old Whig Union to the continuance of a good, acceptable officer. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. This body adjDumed, finally, at noon of Wednesday last, after a long session, and having transacted a large amount of local husiness. The Forrest and Wetherill divorce casfe failed. May we "ne'er look upon their like Again !" The bill fur an Appropriation to the Su gar Valley Road was taken up in the House on motion of Col. Slifor, and lost by one vote. We believe all the old Banks applying, (except Easton) were re chartered, but no new ones created. In the Apportionment Bill.which we give (his week, we have incorporated a list of the Taxables in the several counties. This table is worth preserving for future refer ence. It will be seen that Union and Ju niata Counties have but one Representative, while Cumberland, Crawford, and other smaller districts have two. This is rauk injustice to this county,' and our mem ber opposed it as long as opposition would do ony good. The loss, however, is made up in the Senatorial District. The Apportionment Bill is a curiosity. Those w ho voted for it, protest against it ; those who voted against it, protest ; and the Governor signed it with a protest. Notwithstanding all the dissenting voices, the fatherless bill (barring the double Rep resentative districts) is as fairns any passed within our knowledge. Thirteen Democrats voted against the usual expression of courtesy towards their Sjieaker, Mr. M'Calmont of the House. Maxwell McCaslin, of Greene, (Dem.,) was elected Speaker of the Senate on the Inst day of the session. Mr. Best voted for Mr. Ives. Mr. Crabb was the Whig can didate, and defeated by several Whig Sen ators refusing to vote for him on the Gthor 7th ballot. We have not seen 4he Appropriation Bill, but understand it provides, condition ally, a small sum for the continuation of the North Branch Canal. The late Legislature have also increased the salaries of the State Treasurer, and Auditor Genera! : they also increased the pay of the Canal Commissioners from $3 to $4 per day, and provided extra pay for themselves, (to which, we see it stated, they were entitled by reason of lU being the Apportionment year.) u. s. cohgress! A motion in Senate to detach California from all other issues, -vas lost by four votes Messrs. Cooper and Webster we rejoice to see voting for a division of the question. Mr. Clay, has made a labored speech in defence ui his scheme. From all appear ances, he will go to his grave, arguing for liberty, in the abstract, but in reality tax ing ail his masterly powers to confirm and rivet the chains of human bondage. Mr.Wilmot has made a speech upon the great question, far superior to Mr. Clay's.j The Slnveocracv arc determined nothing shall he done unul they have exacted new guarantees fjr their National Nuisance. The bribe of millions of dollars proposed to lie paid to Texas for giving up New Mexico, it is hinted is relied upon to buy up Congressmen, if enough can not be driven. Anthony E. Roberts, of Lancaster, w as confirmed as Marshal of East. Dist. of Pa. Position of the Slavery Issue. Th': recent intelligence from California, tint its people.tired of the infamous cavils of the Siaveocracy, talked of an Independent Government, has created as much joy in the ranks cf ihe niornl traitors in Congress, as we may imagine the Fall of Man did in Panceinonium. At the same litre, it is tru ly slated that several thousand men,(wheth cr "pirates" or "heroes'" will depend upon their success) of ail nations and castes, are preparing to attack the Spanish Island of Cuba, nnd " annex"' it to the Union, altho' we are at peace with that nation. Pres. Taylor has exerted himself to prevent any such movement from our shores, but the slave interest is so intent upon getting another State to offset California, that it will break the rules of nations and the faith of treaties with as little compunction as it does the laws of hurnanitv and God A bill has been reported to ihe U.S. Sen ate, from the committee on Agriculture, providing for the establishment of an Agri cultural Bereau, as follows: A Commis sioner, with a salary of $3,000 a year ; a Chemist, with $2,000 ; a Secretary, with $1,600 ; a Recording Clerk, with $1000, and a Messenger, with $700. There is no interest more deserving of the patronage of Government, than Agriculture. Smoking Statistics. In the year 1943, eight millions one thousand four hundred and forty-nine pounds one shilling and four pe nce were spent by the people of this kingdom in tobacco! If the tobacco had been worked iulo pigtail half an inch thick, it would have formed a line 99,470 miles long long enough to go nearly four limes around the world. Eighth Paper. T7Abrahain Stmub and Isaiah B. Davis of Milton, and David Rockefellow of Sunbury, Commissioners, were to com mence running the Montour county line, lyestetday. (KrMessrs. Frick-i Slifer of Lewisburg advertise for Fifteen Thousand Dollars' w or, h of Boat Knees and Ribs. ' - - The Apportionment for 1850, The following is the bill as it both Houses in Senate 20 to 12, and in tho House by 48 to 42. Ratio 1,63 Taxable for 1 Repreiwntitivc. - Xaxablea. j Adams 5,010 Allegheny 28,547 Bedlord 6288, Cambria 3642, 9,928 Berks 16,232 Bucks s - - , 13,151 Beaver 5743, Butler 7490, Lawrence 4425 17C59 3 Blair 4457, Huntingdon 5309 9.760 2 Bradford 6,560 2 Chester 14,760 3 Cumberland 7,551 2 Centre 4,916 1 Clearfield 2639, M'Kean 1213 Elk b77. 4,733 1 Clarion 5066, Armstrong 6086, Jefferson 26:22 13,795 3 Columbia 4151, Montour 2570 6,721 1 Dauphin 7,683 2 Delaware 5,267 1 Erie 6,434 2 Washington 10,029 2 Greene 4.447 1 Franklin 8,366 2 Indiaoa 5,530 1 Ly coining 54 1 S.Clinton 23 1 6, Potter 1340 8.080 2 Lancaster 22,641 5 Ubanoo 5,708 1 Lehigh 7286, Carbon 3742 11.028 2 Luzerne 10,898 2 Monroe 2755, Pike 1200 3,985 1 Mercer 6860, Venango 2047, Warren 3149 13.199 3 Crawford 8.130 2 Mifflin 3.172 1 Montgomery 13,516 3 Northampton 8,908 2 Northumberland 4,655 1 Perry .55 1 Philadelphia City 22.730 4 do County 54,554 11 Somerset 4,924 1 Schuylkill 12,667 2 Susquehanna 6116, Sullivan 769, Wyoming 2142 9,027 2 Tioga 5,237 1 Wavne 4,373 1 Westmrld 11618,Fayette7611, 19,229 4 Union 5350, Juniata 3112 8,462 1 York 13.06J 3 456,070100 Of the Representatives elected by this arrangement, 43 are conceded as sure for the Democrats, 34 to the Whigs, and 13 doubtful, viz. Philad. County, Schuylkill, Bucks, and Washington. Of the 33 Senators in the following list, 14 are claimed by the Democrats, 13 by the Whigs, anJ 6 doubtful, viz. Phi lad. County, Bucks, Schuylkill, and Dauphin aud Northumberland. IHatio 14,743 Taxable fur 1 Senator. Taxable, ben. Philadelphia Citv, ili,T60 2 Philadelphia County, 54,554 Montgomery, U.51C Chester and Delaware, 2'J,U3G Berks, 10.2G4 Bucks, 13,151 Lancaster and Lebanon, '28,552 Dauphin and Northumberland, 12,338 Northampton and Lehigh, 16,194 Carbon, Monroe, Wajne, Pike 12.IU2 Adams and Franklin, 14. "05 York, 13,000 Cumberland nnd Perry, 12.UU9 Lycomina, Sullivan. Centre, 3 1 1 1 1 2 Clinton, 13,49 Blair, Cambria, Huntingdon, 13.40 Luzerne, Columbia, Montour, 17.619 Bradford, Susuqehanna, Wyo ming. 17,827 Tioga, Potter, M'Kean.Elk.Ciear- field. Jefferson. 13,934 1 Mercer, Venango and Warren, 14,099 Erie and Crawford, 16 564 Butler, Beaver, Lawrence, Allegheny, 17,658 29,547 14.476 11,210 16.703 11,634 19,229 12,867 Washington and Uieer.e, Jledford .tod Somerset, Armstrong, Indiana. Clarion, Juniata. M fllm, Union, Westmoreland and Fayette, Schuylkill, New Laws. Among the Acts passed 'by the Legisla ture and signed by the Governor, are the following : Relative to Ground Rents. That from and after the passage of this act, whenever a deed or other instrument of writing, shall contain a reservation of ground rent to become perpetual upon the lailure of the purchaser to comply with the conditions therein contained, no such covenant or condition shall be so construc ted as to make the said ground rent a per petual incumbrance upon the said real estate, but it shall and may be lawful for the purchaser thereof, at any time alter the said ground rent shall have fallen due, to pay the full amount of the same, and such payment shall be a complete dis charge of such real estate from the incum berancc aforesaid. fThe Rights of Married Women. That the true intent and the meaning of the act of Assembly, to secure the rights of manied woman, passed the 11th day of April, A. D. 1848, is and hereafter shall be that the real estate of any married wo man in this Commonwealth, shall not be subject to execution for any debt agaiust her husband, on account of any interest he may have, or may have had therein, as tenant by the courtesy, but the same shall be exempt from levy and sale for such debt during the life of the said wife. Relative to Aldermen and Justices. That every Alderman and justice of the peace, and every person exercising or hold ing any office ot public trust, who shall be guilty of wilful aud malicious oppression, partiality, misconduct, or abuse of author ity or under color of his office, shall, o n conviction thereof in any Court of Quarte r Sessions in this Commonwealth, be ad judged guilty of a misdemeanor in office, be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding one year, and a fine not exceeding five huod. dollars. Also that a Constable may serve process on a Sheriff where there is no Coroner in commission. Union County Whig Deetlng. Pursuant to a call of the Standing Com mittee, a large and enthusiastic Wuigm. ting assembled in the Court House at NV Berlin, on Tuesday, May 14, 1850. Tu meeting was organized by appointing I following uiijtcra 2 Jacob McCcklet, President ; Wm.K.;. 4 I ley, James Barbin, and Solomon Kns'e 3 1 Vice Presidents ; M. II. To2"nrr. and I . Haas, Secretaries. D. W. Wcods, Esq., stated the thject u! the meeting, and on his motion the Pre,,, deut appointed a Committee of seven t draft resolutions, viz.: D. W. Woods, Michael Peters, Ji.;. Datesman, W. F. Wagenscller, Ner M .. dleswarlh, John Haine, John A. Vunva. zah. The Committee, after a short aUenci, returned and made the following report. Whereat,e are on the eve of a politico, campaign in which are to be decided issue pregnant with important results to the Uai interests of our common country : There fore, 1. Resolved, That the attachment of t;, Whig party to the great cardinal principle, of republicanism, remains firm aud un changed. 2. That the recommendation of P.es Taylor, in his annual message, in favor li protecting all the various branches of Amtr icau Industry, and the able aud rr.aer v report of Mr. Meredith, Secretary of Treasury, sustaining the same views, u tt. with our cordial and hearty approval. t. That we are in favor of the' iunn-j . ..j i l . r : . - .t uie uuimasiuu ui aoiuruia iuio ine Llliuii as a State, as a separate .and distinct mri. sure, and unconnected with any other iu;. ter. 4. That we, as W higs, while we rapn; and will sustain the compromises of i: -Constitution, are utterly opposed to the ex tension ol Slavery to territory now fre. 5. That we are opposed to Cong re .,. sing any law for the recapture oi' fc(:;it slaves, which shall not guarantee to the -leged fugitive a trial by jury in the Sta:c.i which he may bu captured. 6. That we have increased conficVn:; in the purity.ability.and patriotism ofOo Taylor.and that the malignity and perstca. tion of his enemies will utterly fail tu ir. jure the old soldier with the peop'e, who raised him to the first office in the naiitD gift. ti. That Gov. Johnston has evinced Ji. tiuguished ability and paiiiotism in the ai ministration of our Slate government, acl thst his teto of the unjust aud iniquity Apportionment bill, passed by the bro!:ts down olJ stagers" of the Locofoco jartv, will be sustained by thejionest and unrisL: of all parlies. " 1 8. That we have unabated connJecce ia our distinguished Representative iu Cut press. Hon. Joseph Casey ; our Seuuicr. Jonathan J. Cunningham ; and our Rep resentatives, C:i Shier and Johu M'L.ugt; lin. 9. That the conduct of ihe Locoofcos ii the L'gi.-!iiure, in prolonging the sessioi., and squander ng the public money, by vo ting for themselves $3 per day during the session, deserves t,e severest censure of au indignant people, and we call upon G.r Johnston to veto it. 10. That the investigation of the official conduct of Gideon J. Ball, our late admir able State Treasurer, Ly the Legislative committee, has resulted, as we anticipated, in his course being unanimously sustained in ihe implkd ceuure of his unscrupulous enemies. 11. That Union county concurs in tl.e election cf A. K. MeClure, of Juniatta, as our Senatorial Delegate to the Sluie Con vention t.) meet at Philadelphia on the l'J:!i of June next. 12. That Robert V. Glover is hereby appointed our Representative Delegate la he Philadelphia Stale Convention. 13. That we request the Whig Standing Committee of Union county to call a Coa ventioo at an eaily date to nominate a can didate for Congress, and for other officers On motion of II. W. Snyder, Esq., Re solved that our Senatorial aud Representa tive Delegates be, and they are hereby instructed to present the name of Gideoa J. Ball to the Siate Convention, and support him as tho Whig caadidate lor Auditor General. On motion of M. H. Taggart, Resolved that the only grounds of compromise we will sustain in regard to the question of Slavery in the Territories, is the course marked out by the President in his commu nication to Congress on that subject. On motion of John Wilt, Esq., Resolved that a Committee be appointed to request Mr. Casey to re-consider his determination expressed in his letter not to be again a can didate for Congress. The committee consists of Jno.Wilt.Esq , Hon. Ner Middleswarth, and Geo. F. M l ler, Esq. Resolved that the proueedings of thi meeting be signed by the officers, and pub lished in the Whig papers of the county. Signed by the officers- A new organ of the ultra slavery part', is to bo established at Washington, to bu called The Crisis. Elwnrnt Fisher anJ Mr. Garnet, of Virginia, will, it is saiJ, b the editors. Forty thousand dollais have, it is reported, beeu subscribed to carry en the enterprise. The editor of the National Era (Auii Slavery) "welcomes them to the arena of discusiion.' Father Ritchie, of the Union, don't like rivalry in the line of devotion tt the South. ft3"Antbony Wayne Olewine, Pruthon tary of Philadelphia, died last week, much lamented both as an officer and as a man James Vineyard, Jr., of the Northeru Lib erties (last fall Whig candidate for S(at Senator) is appointed in his room- P7The book and variety store of L B. Exsicif, at Danville, was entered by lalse keys on Wednesday last, and robku of property to the amount of $6 .or