laEWISBURG CIIKOXICL.H AND WEST BRANCH PARMKK lUit aib l)umor Dr. Coddle' Unrivaled "Sass." We met our o'i friend Cnpt. Cuddle, M. D., proprietor of the "Medicaied Appli Sass," oft ihe aireet to-dey, with a big atch chain and seal hangiu'down in front of hia lilt's roiund belly, and his checks ahi?ng like a new curried horse. The Sass li rapidly rilling hitf pocket wiih rock, besides doing good to his it-iler men, e peciatly thot with febrile nftl-ciions. He poke with much feeling of those who tra esttcd bi depRrtmfnt of medicine, palm ing Upon a gulled and tnken'in commu nity a fictitious article. These will be project) ltd 13 the ii'most limits and jump Nig-ofT place of the law, and three such caes are now hr cSarrcery. We notice that tiie imitators are in tde market in full bias!. The other day we read ot " Compound Medicated SquafJam." Gentlemen, don't carry the medicated business too far. One such valuable remedy as the 3aas may da well enough, hut too muoh druguiu is' injurus to the coat of the stomich. Bunkum Flagstaff. Teaching by Analogies. ft- female teacher of a schou!- that stood in the banks of a quiet Eiliish stream, once wished In communicate to her pupils an idea ol laith". While she was trjing to "xplair the m?;.hing ol the word, a' small covered boat glided in sight along the stream. Seizing uon the incident, lor an illustration, she exclaimed : If I were to teil you there is a I-g ' mutton in that boat, you would believe me, woul.ln't ou, even without seeing ii yourselves t" " Yes, ma'am,'' replied the srho'ars. Well, that is faith' setd the school mistress: The next day, in orier to test their recollection of the lesson, she inquired, What is faith !" V leg of mutton in a boat !" was the answer, houtid from all parts of the achnol room. We ha 3 a good anecdote to-'hiy. A pf nMeman who has been driving hordes for iwen'y years or more from the West to the r.stern market, lately came into town with n fine drove ol horses. He drove h:s nni tnals to the ;ive.-y arable' here, and counting them up, missed one ol the number. He counted again, found he was Ihe loser, an rode hastily duw n to the liat, Lu' no itilel 'rgerrce could Le obtaimd there of the los hbre. 1 le tc&e back to the slaves. ofTc-ied a reward for the missing bras, and almost gate uj. w'oVspair of recovering .t But hi aoon dismouted the horse he was riding counted again ;md In! the number w as correct, lie declares that he will never inok for a loM "critter" again until he takes a ''circumspective vine ' of the oi.e under his sadd'e. lVheelig V.) Argun. A showman was U'ely exhibiting a live bear iii one of Ihe villjes of N :w ilamp .liire. at 12 1 cents children half price. A young siecimen of the Graniie Stale walked up, and was making his way in without saying by your leave, or anything else. The nwtrV tick hold of him Hint asked," "U here are your cents i Tim iiiflc fellow looked up in his face and iudigi.amly reiliid, "1 don't want to buy oui bear, 1 only want lo see hiin." "You tuay go in," said ihe amused showman. Miss Mary li. Willis, of Concord, lately ndvert'sed for a Is-n'iand. In ihe adver tisement, it was tlated that the lady was in "a peculiar condition,'' rendering carlj proposals very desirable. Subsequently it wa suggested that the printer had made a mistake inserting peculiar for pecuniary. Th error was -corrected, proposals were sent in, and we see now that Mary is mar ried. So much for the success of the peo ple who advertise. - The Mmesota Pioneer says that a prea cher would make a profitable trry- up- the Mississippi river with a supply of blank marriage licenses. There being no person l.oilh o( Si. Paul who is auiboriZ'-d by law to tie the nuptial knot, many couples are said to be in an awful sttte of suspense, more properly imagined than described. A very tall man apiieartd in the streets of Boston, a few dais since, end an'old la dy, who admired his gigantic stature, ad dressed him: "Mister, were you large when you were small " "Yes, marm ; I was considered big when I was little.'' " Ji-.' said a Joppa dame to her hope ji son, who followed the piscatory pro- j fession, do dear, fix up a little ; jou j look very fclovenly. O, whit an nwful thing it would be, if you should gt drowned looting so'" An Irishman took the cars at Boston l' r , Worcesler. Ou jumping from the car?, he reri.akeu tint il he had known he could i Imve mad-' ihe jourm y in so sh.-rt a lime, lie wouid have gne ir a toot. lo -u see anything ridiculous about j this wig 7" sad a joung gentlemen to; Cur ran. Nulling," said Curran, but J the head in ii." The eduor of tre "Star ol - the Norih'' j hd his wch stolen recently. We tho'i edi.or diiln't hive watehes. Ti take out Grease Spots. We hve iier koon more reitn;n reip than . ft- 'Kr-m Mi ""i- v. xu rpHE partnership between the subscribers I in the Livery business, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ail persons indebted to the firm, will settle with C. 1" Hess ; creditors will also look to him for payment. JOH1S M. HESS, CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, April 6, 1850 rAfZr!m 'ne undersigned will fTf "JE continue the LIVERY S.Vi.W BUSLYESS at the O.d Stand, and rrspectlully solicits the patron age ol his friends and the public generally. CHARLES F. HESS. April C, 185H fiw BRANT'S eri7Sss . A """"war balsam EEiEiniiHiiiinfi 11 9 Bcyptsa Block. Poraaa wmtt, BrouMf tt. 1 . jruairii ruuinrt LIFE and UUUW an in lite BLOOB. Clriintr. Purify, ani Rrtmtatt the Circulation, and tie rW- Otmlf i ttl health. The moU wonderful iff alt remeti-e to product tuck a mult, u BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Ye, the dircd result and efficacy will be produced bj tf vf a mnilrr rrani.y ot I Hi Vvu-ttiKw than can be ctlertrd by Ute ue ol a like quHmity of any other remedy in th world. (See our PamMrtg 1W proof.) Thi IvatriCB ia a-AaZjr prepared irom VtrttmlJet, and eurt- th moral, most obstinate, and long atanding diueaaea ot th blood, without pmkittf, pmrping, mektmf, or debtH' tattng. It rlranri. Mtttngthms, wiformtea, piakea new, kriy Hood, and giwa aca viur and am hft to the wfaoln aytem. HKASTJ Pt'BIFIKR in FOUR TIMES CHBAPEM than any oher renHsiy in the world, bocause ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of it wilt prtrct a greater amount of cure than oar fefara worth rf Mm taponilm. or any other remedy, no mattrr how Up tiifir tiottiefl may be. The tmaortaal ftMttrm lor eoa. auiner to dt-termiDe. K kmc murk mtrrt cmrmttre effect wit aor worth of tu Pwnjirr produce, tkam a dollar worth of tkmt Marsrrptinil or other remedy. We mutht here aay, that Brmnt't II. din s bad cured, within the hut year. Persons of Impure Blood Disftun, and 2MO0 Caws were eonsiderfd Incnrable! aa some other patent medicine men are in the habit of aay tr If wr tfaould aty eo. who would believe urn ? Thi bowrrer, we do aay. and atand rdy to prove by reipectooio wttnessrB, that HaaNT's Medicinim have eflected curea of more ditewe on bring human being, the paat year, thaa any other remedy in existence did during the aame time. How atnch will a Dollar wart CUR C P Twenty large, deep Vlrert were cared by uaicg mlf twalat bort !er of Btant'M ISinV- l'h fnllowioc in the most wonderful and aatoniahinr cere that waa ever effected on a human being, by any medteimt. Horrid Scroftala Cured. Ha. 3 B. llASiriy. of Rome, OneuU Co, X T.. certifie, December 20th, It 46. that he had been afflicted with Scno fi Li lour yeari, and the Inst year confined to hia bed, with twkktv- large, deep, dindiarging tLrica that hia neck waa exten armnid troni ear to ear a hole waa eateo through hia IVind pipe, ao that he breathed through the nolehia ear waa nearly deatroyed the uae of hia arm was wholly destroyed nd an tlcer under the arm, aa large as a mtn i hnd. had nearly eaten through into hia Luni'M tliHthehad uaed all kinds of raaSAPAaiLLA and ether mtdicine, to no benefit, and that he waa aac expected to tire twxnty four Anurs when he commenced KaAirr'a IlVPIAM PfWFTtKO KKTBACT that KIJffB BOTTLES of ttlO Puaimxo Kxtbact healed and cured sevkxtickm of the twenty Lion he had when he ccmoienrt-d using it, and that a Jew bottlet mire et1eted a pebfkct CUMC. For full particiilara of tiiia, and many ohiT turn tier curt, see our pAXPHLETS- Thie Wamdlrrrail aadl Aaioaiahiaa; CI BK does not stand alone a a monument of the great fficmty at Brant's PuaifiRn, for we could give almost unhm. it d evidence ol oUi r cur. -a, well aucated, it this were doubted. This cure is certified to by Fourteen Respectable Witnesses. liy Doer. Tmos. William, oneof the most respectable phym -inn of Kom by Messrs. Kisseli. 6l I.kunaro, wholeaalt? and reti! druit. liy Mr. tS. It. BanWN, pro prietor and keeper of tilt West Itoaf E UuTEL and by olevt other tritnenra. Brant's Indian Purifier cures mil impure diseases of the blood, viz.: &nld N?mlt Salt Rheum, ftkemmmUfm, Eruption, Pimptrs on the Face PtUs, Bile, I'lccrs, ,'ttrtic-tit, MrrcmruU JUtiiue, Liter Complaint, Mi'is m the. Bark, Stde, and Lmb$, !luk of Blavd to the Head, vtr etc BRANT'S-INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Tlii H!-ain po-t-ss ol! the t'eomtimg and pvriftfing VtrtueM Ol tl arViTi -nauwd i'VrtrtlHQ tKTBACT, and alao uuik 4 w-tI other lm-dieationA prttcnfmrt9 and pfcm hary adajrted to cure COUJMri Hud CON.SLMI'TIONS. II ktilt and rnrt Liters fa the Isnmr; and elsewhere tntemaU fy. a re'id ly and as tsally as the Purtfying Extract heals and ruies externally. TiiorsANDS of can' of the wr kopelen ronsumption fully jfve its KlmW minu-ulou eflk-acy in mil diseases of The I.l'NS, TUUUAi", and BKKA.' i. A HYING WOMAN SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED! We gie the following certificate as a fact of cure, which gie to prove the power to pave lite, even when the person setia to be in theory U- rtayeno:' existence When Brwmt't Pmnarf Bahmm u adnuuitered: We i.ive the fol'ow'n j ce't.fiefite as a fact of cure, which o'S to prove tiie power to save hie. even when the person aeenta to tie in the very laxt stages of existence, when Brant Indian Pulmonary Balsam is administered -This cast: doea stit stand alone we ctuld name hant cuasa aa marrrhm and attatindtnf nd hundred of hnpeitm ca. and thimMnd of case ca k-d CUNSLMI' I ION. Til Id CL'KE was effected on the wile of Mr. Ziia D.kkma ol the town of UmlUtott, Saratoga Co., fi. Y. Mrs. Iyk -mnn was pronounced dying, and Mr. Dykemaa w.tit to the store of Mr. Johm Wait to pnrckam cloth lor a sarond. and other bnriai material, expecting his wife Would kn die. Fhe was in the last Inge of the disease -whs much oppressed and aittreaoed and to reJieve her ercr dnr-r. and muke a dying pitUtw more en. Mr. llvkt mHn wi pTii;uh-d to give Iter some of BKANl'd IhlHAN I TI MoNXHt KM. SAM." H.- txk the Balomm bom.- witli the shroud, and gtre a portion to hia wife it relieved hT she cniitiu'd to take it until she recovered cimid h r a i. Tit, and she ha ccntimued well for ntmrly fowr Yrt Me Pamphlet tor particular. Nr. tfVKRXAN swort-1 the aVtve facts before Tho. G. Voi-tt, K-q.. f BalUton Spa, -JiHii April, leMet. 'J mos. i. Vot'iva, Ksq., J notice, certifies that he has known Mr. Djkt man niMiiy yean and that he is one of tli. ir mft thy and rntjterJabU citizen; and Mr. Joint Wait, tiie m r hunt pak,-n ( iihve, alto certijie to tiie foud ciiiirttrter if Mr Jtykeman, and that he waa ac iluMitth d witfi all the fact, having heard tiwm often apok tn ot by ly'tman Brant's Pulmonary Balsam rur. s COysi 'MPTIOX Cough. Cold, Spitting of Blood, at the l.mtt. Vain in the Bream and Side, A'At Streatu, Xurrou C-rm;famt. Palpitation of th Heart, L'I'Oitra lufantum. 'cry. Summer C mplatnt. and ALL t LSI ALE h AKLS.t:s, without any Jailing whatever diii Tims i!) riivsiin.vs kecomuexd. Th fulluw inc n.tind Itnerort ntui Pkutieuwm high ,y r.Tcii!nrn ir IIKAN I'rl MKIHt'lNES : Dr. N. Ill I;IAII. M.iiil..r.l, Conn. Ur. J. N. SMI 1 11. A -t.Mt.,n, N. V. Jr. KOSSMA N, 1J-' ll. jjry .Ir.-ct, Brooklyn, N.T. Ir. T M. HI NT. AulMira, N V. Dr. iK(. I-IIAN" IS Hi.l.ll. t..WB. CoU. Iir .Ki. A. KLMiKK.-i. Bath, N. V. Dr. S V HI TK. N. V. Dr. ;. B. (JAUA I'INK. HyroD, N. T. Dr. J O lllr.MAN. Kyi lt.-Tillr. N. V. Dr. J. SKINSKK. Hnry nmt Krooklya. N. T. Ur. U. sUlI'VAN. CorlinnJ. N. V. Beware of counterfeits ! Thi're U n U'ant' mflicine, genuine, l.ul urb lollle a. rc put up in a squarr pack'EC r aliajie. ami on oi.e fuare of the i lM on whi.-li is rryreor nted a young Squaw, mJ umlrr hrrr the starJs is a Sle of Haml, wlitrli rcaj a, ftll.s, viz. U't hereby prtimir-r . for value received, to pot 'it the hearer hereof I'ext, on demand, at mtr Medicine l-'acturt ii Ihe City if Brooklyn, .V 1". Ilnftd at Briujklin.Hh April. 181H' (Iticb note is signed with pen and rid ink) .V y. WALl.AV.Ef, cor V mr genuine but such a have the note on ifl' label rtigned afl alo.e. For sale bv Thornton & Bilker, Lis 'Urn I Kdwii Wilxtn, Nr Berlin; 8 J Cinu-e. Selinsgrore ; O & F 7 Mover, Freeburg ; H N Backhauee. .MiJ.lleburg ; Wilt & Eilert, Hartle ton ; An'ea Ac Menrh, Mifllinhurg AH letter and nr.lera muat he aj.lregerl to Wallace A' .'o I0 . Broadway, New Vrtrk jytuit mn , ORNAMENTAL TREES. .'1 be subscriber offers lor sale a large assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hiih, 40 varieties, ull tvarrafiud genuine i'each trees, 20 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Tear trees, together with some 0 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best nntive arid esolic varieties. Ornameulal Trees, such as ihe Paulotiia, Linden, Sic. The above trees can be seen by the 1st ol Anril. on the premises ol the subscriber, one square above Christ it M'Fuddin's Foundry. N. D. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trees, are requested Jo make immediate application to tnesunscri ber, in order to procure ihe varieties and size wanted. II. It. NULL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. ft of ire. SUBSCRIBERS to the "University nt Lewisburg" are respectfully requested lo pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And ihose who have not aid the Is: InstaPt are respectfully notified 'hut all such delinquents will be charged Interest on their Instalments from ihe time hey become due. HAM I. T. WALKER, Tans. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. T A H THQKNTON "l J031AHBKER HENRY C HICKOK, A TT0HXEY A T LA W, Lewkuur?, Union Conaty.-Penrt'-a: fractices in ITnion and adjoining counties alao attends the courts of Perry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esq. Bramlreth's Pills are sold at 25 cts per boi (itli full directions HY J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, and Im hm v one A cent in evrrv town in 'he Union. Each Agent has a Certificate if Agency- Examine the box o pills nl ws vs rnmnair it witli the fae-iumile laM on the I'erliri le of Agency. A there is a c.iunteifeit il the . w label out. this i or macn imporiance, i til. j is a deciJed dilt-renee lielween the .pe ore of the true labels and those of the ..unt i f.-H. The counterfeit ia done on alone ; he I e mine are on -ted. The appearance t il printing ou the counterfeit U ragged and lur ; the genuine label ia the eery pink of lejlnnw. both in piiuling, paper, and general ?ierutin. Ue ery careful and goto the Agenl.when you ant Uiandretb's PilU : then you are sure of the ;enuine eMir!e. When you purchase otherie, "nquire of Ihe seller whether he knows the nills le oflera you are ihe genuine Brandielh'a' K ry ui.m knows whether the aiticle he offers is rue or falae. Beware of cheats ! subscribers offer the public, sr their new Brick Foundry, the following new ind valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves; with i Brick l)en. I.ady Washington Parlor Stove." Cast Iron ir-Tight Parlor Stoe,for Wood i aizes. t.'oal Burner for Parlor 1 site, 12 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor 8toe 2 -izes. (Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2 sizes. Egg Stove the very best in use for Stores, Offices, Barrooms, and Shops. The celrbraied (ienesee Air-Tight Cook Stove. The C'Jiuulcte Cook 2 sizes. Also, nil kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Plmiohs Cast'inss. &c. &c. CHRIST & M FADDIN. Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1810. XMlttnblt JSoofcff. A' FRESH supply received at the Lewis k..rr iMiiMin Itiifikstore : Fiske's M inual of Classical Liternlure I) ivies Analytical ueometry Blair's Rheiortc. (University edition) Comstock'j Mineralogy The Complete Fanner, I vol. 62j cts The New American Gardener, 1 vol, f 1 The Book that will Suit You, or a Word or Everybody I can furnish the above works, with a reat variety of others, at eery low prices. ' My 3t) JF 1.YMIAM, mnilow SASH. A lot of 6x10 Window Sash, from the :lienp Manufactory of Sprout & Burrows, m hand, and all sizes got to order on short noiice. May, 1949 I G Lawshe I NEV BUGGEY for sale, cheap. For t furiber particular, enquire at this noW. Lewisburg. Nov. 7, 1849 J 3. S. IJ f.-f- S 18 1-8 5 9 I C . ? vi y e 2 " r s a., a. f as t , i. i a f5 S " 5 a trft 3 f s- 2,1 r.S 5 2, I 2 1? o -i - - - mmm 2. N7 TOTES Promissory, Judgment, and I inr .re (!lanka) at thisohVe. Dr. Swayne't Celebrated Family Medicines. CDBE FOLLOWS CVUS ! More Proofs of ihe Efficacy of Dr. S WAYNE'S coxfocsd siare or Wild Cherry, The Original and Genuine Preparation ! Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Broncliitie, Liver Com plaint. spitting Uloud.dilhcully ol Breathing, pain in the Side and Breast, palpitation of Ibe Heart, lufluenza.Croup.bro ken Couatitution.sore Throat, Kervous Debility .and all diseases of Throat, Breast, and Lungs: the most effec tual and speedy cure known for any of the above diseases ia Dr. Swayne's compound Syrup of Wild Cternj. Reliable Testimony. John Milion Earle, editor of the Worcester j Suv. Mass.. was attacked with severe mflwii tion of the lungs accompanied with distressing cough : after using various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the use of one bottle ol Dr Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, be was restored lo perfect health. Wm. Montelius, a respectable merchant of St Clair, Schu)lkill county, writes, Jan 30, 1849: "Enclosed I send you certificate of Wm. Beau mont, a citizen of our town. His case of Cons umption is well known here,and of long standing; be attributes his cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cheiry." Be not deceived by the many spurious and worthless preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretenders, but see that the signature of Dr.Swayne ia upon each bottle, which ia the only guarantee against imposition. Remember f the genuine preparation of Wild Cherry is prepared only by Dr Switsf., N W corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philad'a Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, A Safe and Effectual Remedy for Woime, Dya pepsia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or dyspeptic Children or Adults.and the most useful Family Medicine ever offered to the public." This remedy is one that hss proved successful for a long time, and is universally acknowledued bv all h have tried it to be far superior (being ao very pleasant to the taste, at the same time effectual) to any other medicine ever employed iu diseases lor which it is recommended. It not only destroys worms, but it invigorates the whole system. It is harmless in ils effects,and the health of the patient is always improved by its Use, even when no woims are discovered. Beware of Mistakes. Remember Dr S' Vermifuge is now put up in siuare bottles (hav ing recently been changed) covered by a beautiful wrapper, steel engraving, wiih the portrait of Dr Svtayne thereon engraved. Bear this in mind, and be not deceived. DR SWAYNE'S SlIOAR COATED 8ARSA PARIM.A AND EXTRACT OFTAR FILLS. The virtues of these pills can be appreciated only by those who have used them. They are adapted to assist nature in carrying off morbid matter, obstructions, impurity of Ihe blood. &c. They are a gentle and effective purgative, correct all the functions of the liver, and as an alterative in dropsical affections they are very valuable and .liould be in everv family. Tbey have an outside coating of puie White Sugar.wherehy everything disagreeable lo taste or smell is entirely removed without in the least affecting the excellent quali ties of the medicine. Remember ' they are now put up in boxes turned out of the solid wood. covered with a red Intel tearing the signature ol Drtiwsyne: none other is genuine. The above valuable Medicines are pre pared only by Dr. SWAYXE. N W corner ol Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Jl'gfUs far Union Ci ttnty. Pa. C W Schaflle, and Thornton & Bak'er.Lewisburg J SeeboIJ and v o,:JB Mench, Milh-rsburg Ed Wilson, L.&Tylor,MilIIinliurR Mos &necht. Beavertown, Wilt & Eilert, Hartleton D J Buyer, Centerville Sml Haupt do D.& Scbnure.Selinsgr've U Siniib.MoMer'a Valley IteubKeller.Navy Island Youngman & Walter Dry Vallev B Jr. Summers.Freeburg and ny Storekeepers generally ly2U0 P U 11 E F It E S II COD JLiver dPii. rPHIS new and valuable Medicine, now X used by ihe medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ol Pulmonary Consumption. Scrofula. Chronic Kheumalism, Gout, general Debility, Complaint of the Kidney, ic. Ac, is prepared from the liver of the l.OD FISH for medicinal use, expressl) for our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. C.J. B. Williams, M.D..FR.S., Professor of Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physi.ian to Ihe Hospital lor Cousump'ion, Ac , says ; - I have prescribed the Oil in above four hundred cases of tubeiculous disease of the Lungs, in different slages,wbich have been under my care the last two years and a half. In the Urge number of cases. 206 out of 234. ita use was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases, from a tem porary retardation of the progress of the disease nd a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or Icaa complete restoration to apparent health. The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases waa very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expee oration diminished ill quantity and opacity, the night sweata ce.ised. the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and stiength were gradually improved. " In conclusion I repeet that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinrl, dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed." As we hnve made arrangements !o pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quiriers, it can now be had chemically pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of one doz'-n earlt. Its wonderful efficacy has induced num erous spwious imitaliot'S. As ils success depends enlirely on its purity, loo much care can not be used in procuring it genu ine. Every bottle having on it our written signature, ir.ay be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the j Oil, w ith notices of it from the Medical j Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of postnee. JOHN C. BAKER 4 CO., Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, Iy28 100 North Third St. Philadelphia ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, NEATLY i EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS. & CO UjS'TK Y MERCHAJS TS. DR. J. N. KEELER dt BRO. most res pectfully solicit atlenllon to their fresh stock ol English, French. German, and American Drugs, Medicines, Puinis, Che micals. Oils, Uyesluffs, Glassware, Perfu mery, j'atent Medicioes, Varnishes, &c. Heving opened a new store. No 894, Market at, with a f-'ll supply ot fresh Diuga and Medicines, we respcctf'jfly-solicit country dealers to exam ine our alock belr.r pgrcbe-ing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to us their natronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicinea. on as liberal terms aa any other house in the Cily.and to falihWIly execu'e all ordera entrusted to us promptly mn j with de spatch. ' . One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, auords ample guanines B..-.. quality ol all articles sold at their establishment. Weesoeciallv invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish lo become agents for Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Family Medicine, (standard and popular remedies,) to forward their addrres. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect j N . KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, fully remain, Iy284 No. 294, Market St., Philad. SAM'L AMMON, THANKFUL for liberal patronage heretofore leceived, respectfully informs hia old friends and the public generally that he haa removed his Tailor Shop to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market street, next door above C. Peony's saddlery (late the office of H C Hickok, Esq) where he hopes to suit all who may give him their custom, as he does all work in his line in ihe best and newest style and on short notice. He hiF the Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, and is determined to keep u with the times and merit a good share t. patronage. CUTTING done to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work Lewisburg. June, 1949 ly270,7 Myers' Liquid Cure ! IS a positive and never-failing Remedy for PI LES whether Internal, Ex ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula.While Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat, Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutan eous Diseases, Mercurial Affections, tyc. also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui ses. Vc. Vc. We feel justified in proclaiming the Fact to the World, that of all nielicinea ever oro i oeiore th nuhlir. none have ever teen more beneficial to afflicted humanity than Myer' Liquid Cure. We know this is saying a great deal, but if we were to write volumes we could not say too much in praise of ibis HEALTH-Hi.sToai jtc.iirt-raoLosoiso arm tor Hundreds, nav thousands blesa the happy hour when first they were made acquainted wiih ita transcendant virtues; and our present purpose ia to inform other thousands, how and where thoy may obtain that relief which they perhapa have lung sought for in vain. The suiieiior excellence of this preparation over all other medicines, for the speedy and per manent cure of PILES, is well known to all wbo have- tested it. It has been proved iu thousands f m.i,nr.. mid haaSEVcR VAiLiu to cure the most obtinuU cases, and we are confident it will never fail if u'd a proer length of lime accord in to directions. Asa proof of our entire eonfr dence in its efficacy, we assure all purchasers that if. afier a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, Ihe Money paid for it will be returned. The Liquid Cure is an effectual remedy for Ringworms. Biles, Pimples, Bjrbers Ilch, Frosted Limbs. Chilblains. Salt Kheum. Musquito Bites, stings of poisonous Insects and Cutaneous diseases of every description. It is b.ith sife aud effectual for Rnrox atism, giving immediate and permanent relief. Ils effects as a real Pain Killer, are magical LVailt F.VMILV IS THE lH should provide themselves with this Invaluable Preparation, the eheapnesa of which places it within the resell of all. Full Dirertians accompany each Boltle Pamuhlets. containing copies of certificates from those who have tested the Liquid Wtire, may be had gratis of our authorized agents Muers' Linuid Cure ia prepared only by JEROME & CO. 21 Spruce St. New York Agents: C W Schafflc, Lewiburg i J II Rascr, Milton lveowiT.r.1 TRY THE NEW FIRM! WYK0FF & H0USEL WOULD inform the public, that they have opened a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. W. WykofPs old stand, opposite Hunter Pardee's shop, where they keep on nana or ninnc w Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs also Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, of various kinds, Settees, 6tc. &c. All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on tbe shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards work and so doing, hope to receive a liberal share ol puTdic patronage. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOUSEL. Lewisburg. Nov. 1849 OLD DR. asd S. P. TOWXSEND'S compound syrup of Sarsaparilla. JUST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and fresh supply of his celebrated medicine from the principal Depot in New York. Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla can have either the old or young Dr's, gen uine and fresh, by calling oa the Agent, Lewisbmg, June 26 C V SCHAFFLC Dr. Rose's Medicines. The subscriber having been appointed sole agent for Dr. Rose's Medicines, for Union county, offers them to the public with great confidence as lo their rfli.-acy and certainty of effecting cures in nil cases for which they nre designed. A single test only is required to establish the fact. Sept 27 S S BARTON Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's QARSAPARILLA also S. P. Town- O sand's Sarsaparilla for sale bv l'r. 1'hornton & Baker. EQl'ITtlfXB LIFE IXSURAXCE, Annuity and Trust Company. Office, 74, It'alnvt Street, Philadelphia. CriTL, sjiaoO.OOO Charter Perpetual. IHE Company are now prepared to transact business upon Ibe moat liberal and advanta geous terms. Tbey are authorized by their charter (sec. 3) " to make all and every insurance apper taining to life ruka of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and eiecule trusts, make endowments, and to e-rant and purchase annuities." The Com pany aell annuities and endowments, end act as truateea lor minora ana neirs. Table of Premium requirtd for the Assurance Age. Prem. 16 $150 Age. Prem. Age. l'r em. 31 $2 09 46 $3 36 32 2 IS 47 3 49 33 2 20 48 3 62 34 S 27 49 3 77 35 S 33 50 3 94 36 2 40 51 4 13 37 2 47 52 4 32 S3 S 54 53 4 51 39 2 63 54 4 71 40 2 70 55 4 91 41 2 81 56 5 12 42 92 57 5 33 43 3 01 58 .5 54 44 3 12 59 5 78 45 3 23 60 6 03 17 19 IS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 88 29 30 1 S3 1 56 1 59 1 60 1 63 1 66 1 69 1 72 1 76 1 85 1 89 1 94 1 99 2 04 The premiums are less than any other company and tbe policies afford greater advantages. Mar ried women and female children can insure tbe lives of either a husband or parent free from ibe claims ol creditors. Tables of half yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium, short terms, joint lives, sorvivorahips, endow ments and forme of application are to be had at the Office or of the Agent. Kates for insuring $100 on a single Life. Age. Fori year. For 7 years- For Life. 20 0 8t 91 160 30 0 99 1 30 2 04 40 1 29 t 64 2 70 50 1 86 3 07 3 94 59 3 48 3 97 6 03 E i ample : A person aged 30 years neat birth day byjieying the Company 99 eta would aecure to hia family or heirs f 100 should he die in one year, or for 9 90 he secures to them $1000, or for 13 00 annually for seven years he secures to them 11000 should he die inseven years, or for 20 40 paid yearly during life he secure $ 1 000 to be paid when be dies tbe insurer securing his own bonus by the difference in amount of premium from those charged by other offices. For 49 50 the heirs would receive $5000 should he die in one year. PETER CL'LLEN, President. F. W. RAWLE, Sec'y and Treas. For further particulars apply to HENRY C. HICKOK, Agent for Union and adjoining counties. Consulting Physiciao Wjt . II Arc-, M. V. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1849 LEVlSBURGJCUtfDnV rrHE subscribers, thankful for past patro J nage,would inforni the public that thej continue to manufacture all kinds of MILL GE.1RLYG. CastWaterWheelsof;,hte,"nw,,pproTeJ Threshing Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. We invite particular attention to a new article Wiard'i Fatuit GANG PLOCCUS, lor ttttJing in Grain. Farmers by this plough can seed in as much grain, in one day, n in three days wiih common ploughs. and Fining the same. HOLLOW WAKE Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles lo suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or cnai. Fane v.Parlor, Vood,Coal Stoves, 'AIR TIGHT STOVES, Rate's Self-rearulallng Alr-llghf Farlor Wood Stoves, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, and at prices that can not fail to please. GEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 ly209 Pianos! Pianos. rilHB nnderstgnrsl eontinaes to tarnish to order 1 on tbe most reasonable terras. Pianos, frotr the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philsd.,whose instrumeots are too well known to need any pan egyric, basing uniformly received tbe commend ationa of Ihe most eminent professors and compo sers oi .wosic, and the award ot Ibe premiums in New York. Philadelphia and Boston. For qoalities of tone, touch, and keeping in tone up to concert pilch, tbey can not be surpassed by either Amer ican or European Pianos. Instructions given on tbe Piano, aa heretofore. Reference may be made to any of those parents or guardians who have pupils committed to his charge. He may be seen at his residence at Mrs Maize a. Market atreet, LewUburg, where terma and particulars will be made known. rbe most popular and favorite Airs and Music of different kinds received aa it ia issued from the different musical establishments in the Cities. May 15 CHARLES KAL1SCH The New Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where everv des cription of CASTINGS ia kept on nana or maae to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PI, I ITTi I IS of differ ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and the' Self-Sharpening Plonth, a new article, and which caff not be bent in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg, Sept. 22, 1849 GOAL OF ALL KINDS OK sale by REUER A IPD!KS. "An ounce of Pretention worth a pound of Cure," in that auul disease.". CONSUMPTION ! DR. F1TCIPS Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewi&butg by S. F. Ljndall J. Houghton and 0(j;ce- Price, i o cents. TRICK Off XACK. Lbt Evaarsuuv Ksis m's i.iUfmr.-IW n a JrMnlla for ! In Ihe dilferera l-,wij rH- S K wisn.!'s Hr-nlla. h .Herts 'I - ' KH;. NAI ESm.Nt?.aiMlalUnaU This TuWisKn.) Ji.j nd usver was : bill Krmer'. worker on railmiL. M, ,ni the like be usames the Ulle ol !. lor it Durpoae of eauiins tredil lor whit he is . He - U L, .ueixIrJ iwo me.licil erlioO. and practiced lor miwi ier' '" Sow lhtruihi. he never .rwiice.i da in his life I Such ci'tl. trtek-t lUKSjrM-i.ias look!. t'l u le .harar eraoo rerimy ol loe nun. wi.p BMiet !i.rrel?, be ha.1 i-rr made th-e sutmirKi f ., self or of nie. When will men lejm t.- Ik hone aud t r. a I fill in s!l Iheir dwlinrs rel m'epr.oiin lth Iheir f m I Bien He applied lo one Rue! : .ip. :o . aim in ir .t I nlart unite his minure, utaiin: the lam earn 1st w.mi. . ' make, as aa inuucentei.t to em!trll u. .he tiueinesa. m 1 t men have beeH li.euiuiie " i:or.i, r- j- forma, m order to luipre the p io'k wi n the better 4 Ihe 1X4 tl.el.s i Saraapanlls the e'ar. "'C'i SartnparWa. tna.te l.-.n ihe ' rw'i rhtcuvii 1 - -i TijuS P Tiwifeid 'iv I l"r' f"1,1 '" "' ' name 7 wees. I ill bnu .! ll ns ii. I j.-nMainl, M.!itarv ol this, lite statement. Th,n.nn l Co.. are lekhins hot s lw htaehoode, -imply nui.le to .lereive the pati.K. and t "P ihe iruta down m reear 1 1 his sauriw;, f"entHt pen. Thi i. lo ratr...ti tt- P'tuiic I.. p.irci-e non- f.l IK JArOII Town-et. T SrMml.. nanus . Old Doelor'a Itkene... h Ceol J Arm, an. irnatureacrw. wes- '' fcAsiv - Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, THE ORM.INA1. I.ISTOVF.RER OF THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. ma lr. TownaritJ w t.ow nbnm TO ye-r. ot a?-. :tn few tern knu tUr A t'THOK an.! IHSi'. KKKH SillSAPAIULL.i. B-iui was r.sini : limit it inauuficiure. bv whirh tucatai it tru ..... ul iiiarkrf. aT I h umie- circmiiHrn- lo th't-f ..! nr had h woritu!! knuwu w iilu. n i l rrtvi tii cars of manr. uevrnha.eM. a lh-e '' been Jtrlti ii .laWiVw. u i irun lra-!i. ih JaiiisfJ IU Win rtti! IIKALING If J'.VKR. Thw r.RANDAM- NkUt Al.l.;:i' PKl PATlAl !'"N t mai,ulDttition ihe istrcesi --I',tii 1 1" raiie! i--r l -l: out ttta ieiigih rni b---:.;J:!i ol tUc ini.l. r -.-' it t- i. ia founsl mrat'siUir l df i:t!nstiitt or tnllke you. S. P. TMn-fu.:'.!. jt iruinr- a nd nr r rna..jiv but C-r ihe b-"r : 'htik h i ptr.rjin-.-f Oti trirnti&c pr.nrij-'e by a nriKniifie mw. Tue ltii-s klMWiile i! hf i til-t ;.";. I lUs- i4t .:i-r-tvnr, --t n, hvr all Intra !jnvthi rrqni-i'in'i in 'hr nvtrnt'sc lur oi ihe OI.H r' Si.ttHp-iuI.J. Thr m'tiJtri . r.. it im wll kiowu to ui(!tii4'sti mr cAiiiinf many inlii pmnrrirn. ami wiiiir pr"-rrtir" whirh ar mmt! r iir'r . and t(herr. wKirh iJ r-ianr.i wt fie i.'er. ir H h-t r 6cef Armenia. t ami ar,d, wurn i- n.(jri- 'i- :u !- irm. Ntne o -Uk yrtu . Sji(".rti a ire -n thjt chfv ciim-iy rv-if.'-r-tt- :m ! a a- ::. tiie j.rr-(-.t,.i i.m, tl irwy are in icerr-c i by a siciestnir prurex. kn.-wt. m. I Ui thitre inri-. f"l in nia: ir'jr'ur M-i- - T. the-e Truatilt prinri, t. wdirh M tff in ra(r. r a ai -j.-ha'a:i.T, un-ivr ti par, art Utm vt r e nluu mtdiCui ; --p-etfi'si of tiie r-t. wiiirh rie m 11 ali ;; v jute Any it rti cm b. .1 r twew ih r-u 11H tr Ur eulitrrA .'ja: t. which i fmm ihe estUrit s naMcf l ihe ft nm lhaf. lnni aithmi ; tit can ih-M rraii. Utu D-liid "r't'1 tlipitd. wr"aTrn wrii "tr nia. txi then call H " SAI1SA PAKII.I V FXTRACT r SVR1 P ': B it sw.h n.-t Mie a in-' krui ".'i s." ih GEM'INEOLUUK JA'-n'! i'OW.SKM3 fe..::SAiM;:tM.A. Tina is f jiti..-.I iluil a'l l" "Mi Hni(riis ol Suvai'rilla r"tc ar frl vrn.rr.1. -vrivihiu rafiabrfl boimii' af '.I r I- iiMiiiatii is extraciati aiul rejcciffll ; then ever pn "I nie-lfa! uuti' I -rurM in a ai ami enfiermme.1 I nn : atttl :lnt- rl ia iTUiSirMi wcalM) ol ai.v ul li' anil hea'ute pn'WW. P parol im ii.ivrr. i !- ils-r"-rlal J"ti' iu ins nre nt IlisawrraMr Dle. tier- ihe ir.iH. hv r l.f-r c .mp1-i. lall.m i "vr m-te in in l.ior h n cn. women, aisl chiLlreii. dmue wori.Vr- I!J 'te cure ' nrm. . , iin i -umpl i is r. a .-i km: i it i I I I i'll.KX. v-7V:. V.vv. ,il ((TIlS. ors VKl-fTl'ISS. flMfLKS, HLOTCl.U-S, a.iJa.1 aner.i.'iif, .iriu ir.-m IMiH KiTV OP THE BU-OD. It pnxe9it marvelous etii-cy m all omplaiuts art ni2 irom Irutigest'tun. frut Aridity f the Sfjmtrh. from utirtpial cimilauoit, dtrtermina.lsrti ot biMl l me hrai, palpiiatlun ol ih hran. e:. leet and twinK ctd chili ai. i hue fl-lirs tirT the body. It has tft it esjua . Vui,U in.! VOHgn ; anl promo e4f eis!Coratitn and genii- rn:r e)!!ailoii. relying stricture f the luiw, llinoi and rry her part Hui in pothin is it eTft'Wnc m re manifestly sren and acknowleii d thn in all kttvl-i and te ot F EM A Lb, COMPLAIN I'S. It work woii.!tb in caiw t rl'tor Atbu nt Whit. Falltnjt of the Wimh tjtructetl, SupprrJ9 oi Farn'ui Menar. "irreguiarttn M 111 meit-triMl rridn. mid I'tc ike; ami ia etlectual m f tirme all the I.-tih o Kidny Itosea. By remuviiix obmruemw. and ieeuliiiu( the iieri iryMetn. rt rive ioti siiwl sHrepiU to tiie whole b!y, anu thua dirt's all H'rrrw ol Kervona Diarae4 nfl Orb tilt jr. and thua pTevenmur r-!.ee' a creat trariri l tnherntai atltra. aa lptnal inrttatum, Kruruiui, St. Vitua' Sioooning. Kptlentte Ftl. ConrH.:tvnt : It cieaipie the blmid. exrttca the lif f healthy acti-av tauea the atnnwrh, am! siei eni dieti.n. reii- t b-'welaof ltrjur: dMistli'';a:sliirtitmiiia:ii't'. i nhea thetskin, etjiiatze- ihe rirruUtitNi ol th- Uood. 4cui gentle warmth e.i.-ni ail orr the ttvry.aiwl ita naenathle ferp: ration ; relaxes Kfnrtiire and tijrVn..'e meaall olmirurrion!, aid invigorates tiie entire nemw system. I ivt this then TM Itif aieine ynn prefniinaii nrrfli nu(faQ .-iny.i inee tnii.s ne unl oi r l mtotior anirl'e t Thw nun's lipoid no n. he COMARKO WITH THE OLliK'S. hrranaertf ...w r.CT. th it the onm wlM'AFt BLE ot DETERIOR TI. . ant .':F.!i SPOILS, while iSe mher 1FS: fmrinr. fry minting, and Kvrcmx the bottle cnntmiitf it iniu trau!ciiut ; me s'tr, af. liquid expliMUnc. and d.imafiti other -o.V ' Nrr-: v 'h'T aorrihle romMiuiid b i.iiiir io the vtin T IV hoi put arid intom ytem already dirtted trilharitl Whai cause Dytpeima but arid I fc We i:m all know ll !'n fond satire in our siiHPaihi. what nnwlnt-i ti pro-hK-1 flatiilen. heanbiint. pHlpiiaiivn ol th heart. Iiv-r "kT plaint. (iiaiTtwa. dyeiitf rv. ro!!e. and CirrniNn t tr DlotJil ? What is S-rtttia hut tn n.-td !iutnr in IVvh 1 What pnltice all the htm whirh bms on K"iipntii.t the Skin. Srald H Salt Rheum. l.r-n--..i.-. Whi'e ISwel I itii. Fevrr Sorw. aini all n''eraitii mtrrna! and e ternal I It i nothtns uu ier heaven bui au afid nbstancr. which aonr, and ihiw ul ail tl.? t!ui)a o itie hiW.m'r or iro. W tiat cauwA Rhiiniatiin but a Kur atl and fluid which Jii5MU.sU'! M-ilt lH-mHf.!i the -ti;ts and n-r-where. irriM'in? ai.d inrlanihi tne u-'-rve n-tus uptn which It arts So of itervotM ha.t". ( imptirit .1 '.!e hUkod, of iWransed cuculrtuon, m -J r.fitiv a!i the jt!mn' which utt1ht hiruan h-uure. Now in it iitt brnii.e u mate and seH, aud ivf.niir y tPfre to ue thi hOlRlXi, lEUMKNTINn. Ct)MPtIM Ot s p toasi:xi. and T t h wot:! fain hvr t that Old !r J d T'iwieiir ii-nmnt (-.rinm SnrsvpartL.t. is l.M ITATlON of !iia in'triir pr:nration ' 1 Heaven kTtld that we nlwiiid liel isl nil arrir'-' w!ik WtHild bear t.e Biw-t distant ieai-ir.bluiire to S P Twn rnl arti- 'e ' We wi-ti it unOi'rtoil, hecriTi'r it miIi nh&tlutr tth. thai S P Tow:wnd a arttrle au I dd lr. J.irot) T .wn-fii Sana pan Ma are hearrn wide ainrrt and ft.': 'yii'' or; ihat Iht y nre unlike in rvenr iaiiiVular. havin ri one atnle tit in; m ctniiwHL As S. P. Tiwii!rnd in doctor. 'iv neer nrr. ' ahemitW, no pharm.iceuiirt ki.ow- m mTe rteii-.'i" ' diwaac than any other coimnssn. ww leMtf.r.o'i'T.'t-' ' man, what guurarwe c;n th pul' c hie ih.-y .! eeteinsT enuinrciet.i.iic nv!i. ine. eor.taiuu r a i h r lues of ihe article tw-d in p:'p.iriis it. il whth me capable ot ehamfr which muht render ttirtn the A'ilN Ol liaea'e UMiradol h-tti; T But wr-at e!. nhou'd he efteietl frtm onr wh' kn nothinx cump.ii at ivri ot nietltcin or Uuiae : i nnui' a perwn iM Hute'e to c hiJs and ie nevrfi common deeet.t ueii. ! ni'tch mr nm-on tii' i thai lh- iTim wh tiaiu: ariiin i-i!ieins tle-i?:i ij ' ,r WRAK STOMACHS AM KNKf CRI.KIt SYVn huu:.! kin'w well ibe me.ltcai ol piii'.J, imnner of atvitrtiitf and coi.r'eiiti.itins their i 1,1 also aii exietki krowleIir oi ihe van -u d.'fa allee, th? b mem. and h-.w to lapt lenie.!'-1 u lhee tlisH'jfs 1 It ta lo arren Irau.ia uo.n to tni into wounded humanuT. to kindle hope in the Jepi f bonrtm, to reetore health, and blwsi.. aiifl ifr i: crushed and hriken. and to bnn-i ini-rn tTr at l 0 JA OBTOWNSKNP hsu St t ;t;il T aaJ t Ol M'!KP portumiv ant) nieaiDi i Unti Ins . . Urantt I t onreutratfd flemawr within ihe reach, and tw ihe kniwleit?e ol all who a n Uial the may leara ami kmw b V'.''i; 'ai-vrK-K-e, TranaeeMrtaiat fnwtr tta liaai Aofnts for tbe above Mrdirine Schaflle, LewftSOrg ; John II Baser, Mil ton ; Forsyrii & Prirsily, Nonhun.b'laK ONK Busgey nnd Self of Harness, One Two Horse Wagon, One Truck WAffov. (Sim r &w v t mzL, a.x te LcwiSDurjryJur.e, For sale f-v; ' - U P Sttller "