Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 15, 1850, Image 3

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    Foreign News.
Sailing of the Arctic Expedition. The
resolute. Capl. Austin, and the Assistance,
Acting Master Alien, sailed ffom Wool
wich, England, 2Sth April ; nnd ihe Pion
eer and Intrepid steam vessels, were to fol
low on the 37th. They were to rendezvous
it Greenhithe, whence they would all
depart on the 30tb, far the Northern re
Devh cf the Poet Laureate. On Tues
day the S3 J, tbout the hour of noon, Mr.
Wordsworth died at his house, Ilydal
Mount, near Ambleside, Eng'and. Ho had
lately completed his 80.h year.
Rome, 16 A corps of (laus D'armio
Mobile was in course of organization at
Rome, for the service of the Pope. It
would be composed ol volunteers of the
Trench Army, with the consent of the
Uepublfc", and cousist .of '2003 infantry
ind 1000 cavalry.
Private letters iive a startling account
of the total destruction ol the beautiful r.i
thedral of Strao;osa in Spain hy light
ning, on the iii of April.
C&rricti-i this I Jay.
Wheat 95a 1 00
ftyo a
Aim 40
Oils 30
Flaxseed 100
i tried Ajyles 12S
lt.ter I.
I'-gtz 8
Tallow 10
Lard ? !
lUm 8 Damn 6
SB sXHIH- -nHlllr-
lu Lfwisburp, 12th inst., by Rev. M J.
Aileman, Isaso Thovt am) Miss Malimja
lU.tiaLs, both of ihii county.
In this Horo', 13th in'., Jotis IIhsev,
u of John iukI Mary M'Kititv, agt tl 5
u.on'hs and 7 iias. j
In this Knrcuh, l.Vh inM., ?abaii, j
Inujihtrr of IIi:ry nt.d Mirilia Mjsoii, j
ied 1 year, 9 n:cii'h and 5 days, j
In Levi isburg 1 4 ' inst ,in in'ant (Uuh- j
:cr ol Jaws and Margaret Houghton.
In Northumberland lorouoh, 12'h uif., J
ttlcuwnsox (li xzi.v, aired 52 years. '
Attention, Lewisburg Infantry ! j
"XTOU ire hereby commanded to meet at thr '
house of A. II. 13 'air, in Lewisburg. on i
FRIDAY the 34th day of Miy inrt. ar 10 u'.-fk !
A. M., provided with len round blank cartridge I
for drilf snd inpection of Ihe annual Battalion, j
By order of Ihe Captain : i
ev Arrangement ! !
Reduction of Friers.
flMlOMPSONS' Siso,cuitNA Exphejs
X awd Freight Lime
Is row running regularly twice a week
from Philadelphia, via I'enn'a Central U.K.
to the Junction, thence ly lat line ! Kx
press Boats to Se'insirnve, Northutnb'lnd,
Milton, Muncy, Wi.'Iiam-port. &.C.
U.iods and 1'aeknges delivered by this
i nc in irom one to two aiy. i ne prices j
re ducb as must pjve s.itil'actioti to ail.
Produce carried through (and so!d. it j
disired) with despatch. Persons living ofTj
the line, can have their goods left at such
place as they may direW.
C7 New Express Office N'o 38,-Vorth j
Third St.Phihd. Freight Ollice at Messrs. !
Crate Si Bellas'; Depot, corner of Broad j
and Cherry Sis.
Orders rec'J in L-wUburg at the Stores j
ol Measrs. Sheller, and Fo;er, and at the j
Hotels of Messrs. Kline and Weidensaul j
and in Selirtgrovc at the Store of John
Murtmsn, Esq. !
May 10, 1850. i
Berlin papers copy and charge AJvr
HOUSE and Small FARM
FOR SALE.--The subscriber oiTlts that
valuable property in this Borough, sit
uated at llie intersection of St. Anthony and
Fourth streets, on the main road leading
from Philadelphia to Pittsburg and Krie.
, The Dwelltnji-House is a larjre two-
"storev frame, with a new Frame Barn
and other i,i:i.r.ary out-bu;ldin!s. The
land comprises 6 Acres and 60 perches,
II in a hi"h state of cu'tivntioti. There
ii a variety of choice Fruit Tree.s on
ihe place also, n never-failing Well ol
Water. It is well situated for public busi
ness of any kind. The land will support a
mall family, or can be laid out in Town
Lewisburg, May 15, 1649
IPotNville "Joaraal," 3t, chsrge "L. CM."
fc5Mr. II. W. CnoTrr.u, of Lewisbtirg,
hss undertaken the general agency of Dr.
Frost's populir "History of the Mexican
War," advertised in another column.
Mr.Crotzer is also authorized to receive
subscriptions for the Lewitburg Chronicle.
To BlacksniltlMtf
BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West
Bnnch and from Ilollidaysbur!;, for
ale at the Shop of the subscriber, near ihe
tliysca'es on Third St.
Lwisburg, May 7. 1850
Oaoks Cooks !
MIE subscriber offi-rs for sale at the
Lewisburg Post Office, an assonmeot
ol the most useful
Paper', School Books, Stationery
of all kinds also the best Cigars.Tobacco,
The stock is all new, and tho' small the
public patronage, if favored to it, can soon
and easily make it larger.
The Trial of Prof.Webrteronly half a
doten copira left.
tywisbutg, Msy 7, 1850
'Small ProflH and juiU Sales."
in iz?7$$
"lT7"OULD respectfully inform his old friends
y y and the trading community in enteral,
that he has received a LARUE and GENERAL
wants and una embracing
Ac Ac. These Goods we offer unusually low
for Cash Country Produce of all kinds and
to prompt and punctual paymasters a usual.
Call anS 0cc!
Lewisburg, Ma; 7, l&oO.
II-.! :!! you Toiinr nin whKe uo frsiiws anranIinp,
Ani who nt"l lo Pupjtrt yr.u. a un'tent-tit'ling-
W b'-n rou think h intinw mstSaiMF.4ffilt'r hnrcbityoU,
Jut COOK- tu 2TEVE LlNDALL S fT 11AU that Will fit fOkl.
Dt tou want K-me nv BttoVs (. 90 cheap mi I co ,r-tty!
S.in fr.we and in' pay. al muir and nmic witty!
K'r a unllur or two, SitVt: will iv yn a tn acnrr
TluA will l-o all cur lifiMim? a fcuntain of pitas urj.
JVii'l if you fhaY.rc to T In wr.nt
tf 'ont r ft or TroaaU'rlmtm,
Jut (to tfl LiMdix'd, fr you ran t
liuy half as thi'iip of otlu-r 'oooui.
Anl now Lyndall would ay ju-t a won! to th T.atliwe,
tor well Jo; he know h)w iuinrt.Hit tluir ai'l 1
llo ha.- She of all kind-' H hurr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r
Cinarn it, Iioss ! tbU Vre Puclry Machine'
if.ke ! Ilavsmrvcr, the suhstance of all we hJ
in the hup: r i thin Uiat
F. LYNDALL has tl,e l.fst and the,
i r i- r. ir r i '
Chewiest lot of BOOKS I
l, I. chennot ht of ROOKS and
STATIONER.Y, 'arPcsl j
and the lie-t aurtiiH-nt ol UOOTS
and Ji-", atl'J
Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers,
tiiat were ever seen in Lcivisljuri; or any
other gieat si'nport. M" 7. 1850.
V hoU frtlc an4 IU-lail
riHK subscritH-r, thankful lor pat litieral pat-
mnaae, would inform his friends and public
generally that he has just rec'J and is constantly
receiving fresh supplies of pure
Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals,
Extracts, Herbs, lioots, Minerals, Tinc
tures. Oi!s, Essences, Spirits, Gums,
and other goods in his line of business, which he
offers with the full kuurance of their being gen.
uine, and cheaper than can t bought elsewhere.
Physicians and others in the Hade are particularly
incited to call and examine for themselves. Also
constantly on hand a large stock of
Window das. While Lead,
Chrome and other I'ainK.Drug
gists' and Physicians' (Jlaasware,
MortarfjSpachuals.t ru-iulcs.Truses,
(Topal.Japan and Spirit Varni-hea.Flax-seed,
tierm, Whale, I.ard. FUll.yE llenal,
Foegine, Carophene, and Pine Oils Dye
woods ground and chipped, Castile. Uar, Kosin
and other Soaps. Oold Silver and Metal Leafs,
Ro-in, Pilch. Tar, Tobacco. Segars, Combs,
H rushes Walking and Fishing Canes,
Jewelry, Kuzors, Knives, Fruits,
Confectionery. &e. &c. &c.
w. sciiaffm:.
May, 1830. DruggUt and Chemist.
Lamps, just received
ORE LIGHT, at reduced prices ! A large
jjl asiwrtmeni ol ji.viro ooiar, oupprr.
l ea. Hanging, side, and 11 and tor hurnin? il
Tine. Fosgean. I.ard, Etherial, anil SKrm Oils,
for I'arlors, Churches, Stores. Shops, Ac. at
Drug, Notion and Variety Emporium
Easy to Cut or Shave
4 RE those Focket. Dirk and Penknives, and
ihe Wostenheim and Roger Razors tell
ing so cheap at the Letsisburg Drug and Variety
Bhweof C. V. bCHAFFI.E.
Orphajjs" Court Sale.
BY virtue ol on order of the Orphans'
Court of Lycoming County, the un
dersigned. Administrators of the estate of
Dr. W. II. Ert.w io, late of the Borough
of Lewisburg, Union county, deceascd.wil!
offer lor sale, at public outcry, 00
Tuesday the 1th day of June next,
ensuing, all that certain FARM situated ii;
the township of Washington, county of
Lycoming, about t miles north-west from
Uniontowu, and about 2f miles from the
River, adjoining lands of Matthew Brown,
B. F. Pauling, John Banner, and others
containing 94 acres and 79 perches neat
measure, whereon is erected a Direlling
House, a Barn, and other outbuildins,also
a well of water, an excellent orchard, and
pientv of Limestone. The above described
premises is all clear. tindor good fence, and
in a high state of cultivation.
Also at the same time and place, a eer-'
tain tract of TIMBERLANO, also situated
in the township of Wa-hinglon aforesaid,
adjoining lands of Dr. C. A. Ludwig and
others, containing 78 acres and OS perches'
neat measure, all well timbered, and will
be sold in one tract, or in lot to suit
Sale to be helJ on the first above descri
bed premises, and to commence at 1 1 o'
clock, A.M., said day, when due attendance
will be given, and terms of sale made known
Atlm'rt of W. 11. Ludwig. dtx'd.
Lewisbtrrg, May 4, 1850
JUST received a genuine article of Cod
Liver Oil lot wholesale or retail.
Nov 13 , f)r Thornton &. Baker
1ALT and FISH on hand by
Dr. Join Locke,
FAY be found at bin Office arid residence
Jl first door east ol Kline's Hiiel the to
weeks following the C'si Moudiy -i each month,
where ha ia nrenared lo execute e! operations in
tjsrjs s;,: uZStz
him with liicir patronage.
Dr. I., spend the third we.-k of each month
in Milton. j
fcjromatte Tooth Parte, put up in beautiful;
porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping ;
ihe teeth clean and breath twecl, for tale ul 25
cU per boi, by
Lewi.burs, Pa, May, 1." j
Oil sule, at our Vnr l nn 1 turd tr-ef.
nuar P. Mursli's hnu!f
Dry Pine Common and Panucl ll.ia.-Ja,
do Joists unU rtluuJitif;,
Hemlock JoU and Scatuiinn.
V hile Pine I'lank I Miinl-
Square Timber Wealher'joarJi
Vrllonr Pine n.ior.ni; Hoin!.
Kocifinc and I'lasteiiug Lulh, &c.
AH of whicli we oili-r clienp for ensh or short
credit. llUaslI &. AM.MON.
.(Aisburji, Al"'1 29. 1930
IRESH TKAS. Ano lur lot of.
superior Black and (!mn 'IVa.- "v.
jut reed from the ('anion Tta tkmt ti "
panv, nnd lor salu "t New York retail
nric'rs lv J. IIA Y ES &. CO.
I.emisliurir, April
Liilcst Arrival !
Til t YES & CO. take pleasure in announ
. cing to the public that we are now receiving
from the city one of the largest, chenst and best
selected stock of (ioods ever ottered to the public.
No labor has been span J to render their stork
complete, and to obtain arti.-le- of good iality. n
tht it can be relied upon thtit n!iateer they phnll
oirer for aa!c will be jut what it is represented.
They hare an ixcellci.t assortment of
Ji Dry oods,
compnshig nearly everjr article aully enutnera
le.l under this head, among which aie Uroad-
'"V n'1 rsncy i-sssimer.painis.
Tweeds l.-ashintiretles, Iiraiiettes, I odiliigloRe,
!.!, Tiefcin... llnlli... Hajtn. Uot-
ton and H.mj. CarjH-t ( biin.
plain and Faury Cooiln,
seU-cted with follicular reference to the taite and
convenience ot the Ladies such as Changeable,
Plnid, (irenadine, and Foulard Silk", Figd and
Plaio L'imaitine Derlaines, Crape hitished, Figd
and Plain Linen Lustier, Uoreze Dcsljincs, prin
teJ French Lawns, Siik I'lusions, Pink, lltilT,
Blue, and t'lim-on Tatb lon, Plain nnd Ficd
Blue and Pink (do'ted) Swiss, Linen. Cambric,
and Lawn lld'icfa.'C loves and Htiery.jJ
' ' J " - , . j
1.',., VI. .1.,.!,.., I .... l'Kia li-irl nil I '
Leif HATS, at lower prices than ever offered to
this community.
a choice selection.
ss, queens, tone, auu
Crocliery ware,
To those who wish In procure anything in thU
line either for utility or orn.inient.lhuir assortment
particularly recammenJs itself.
I lard ware i cutlery,
Grass and Corn Scythrs, Axes. Shovels, Spades,
I Straw Knives, M inure and H.y Forks (of supe
! rior quality.) Door Iriiiimings.tj lass, Putty, Nails,
Iron, steel, .Vc.
C.'I L 1 o XJ.loA 1 . '
Floor and Stair Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window '
Shadis, Ladies' Satchels, Traveling and Work j
liasktts, also Market, Clothes and Corn Kaskets, I
j-, . , f j. i
Veilarware, HUMS, yc. C. ;
ln conclusion, they would say that their goods
have lieen bought at very low prices, aim will '.e
Jisiced of on the most reasonable terms for CVnh j
or countiy Produce and to satisfy the public (as j
to pi ices ) just call at the Cheap f-'-o're of
I.cwUburg, May 'i, 1850
Black Walnut Wanted.
VtiKANTlTY of Black Walnut, either in
logs or sawed lo order also. Walnut
Crotches the whole to he delivered on the I'a.
Canal, at or near I.ew'Uburg. For furtlier par
ticulars, enquire of
April 23 II. C. HICKOK, Lewi.hurjr
IOR SALE a superior Wa.hing Mixture,
' which removes all dirt and stains of various
kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the
texture of the cloth. Persons niching to avail
themselves of this valuable mixture, with full
directions for its use, had better call at the new
Drue and Chemical Store kept by
Da THORNTON & UAKEK, Lewisburg
splendid Illustrated History
Mexican War and Km Warriors !
C COMPRISING a full account of the recent
J War with Mexico, with the Lives of the j
principal Officers on the American side, and over i
V..,- , v-..- II li I
4t Lllgravillgs. Uy J. t HOST. 1.1. U. ,
The work to contain upwards ot joo page",
large size ISmo., handsomely and durably bound
in embossed cloth, lettered and ornamented in
gilt. Pnits, $1,85 per copy.
rP'Thc subrfriber having secured the agency
of tbe above work for Union county, will solicit
ihe natronase of the DCOM for il.
lewisburg, April 21 3wpd
Latest News from California !
are rtsjiecifutly informed thai we have
opened an unni-uully choice assortment of
comprising splendij variety LADIES' DRESS
GOODS of the newest styles Calicoes. Dclains,
(iingharas, Uarages, Silks, Parcsols, and 1 ancy
Goods, and for Gentlemen's wear a large stock of
Cloth's. CaNslmers,
Summer Stuirs,Vcstinus,Summer Uats,&?.
Salt, Fish, Nails,
Queensware, Hardware. G roccries,
etc. etc.
AH of which we offer for sale at our proverbially
lew price., for CASH or PRODUCE;
Lesrtshurg. April S, 180
Large Sales Iw Prices.'
the "mammoth- wide awake
and filling vji uaiit bfiutfull
with a stock ,f goods l.ARliKR.BETTEil
and CHEAPER than ever !
"I TTE have just icceived and are now opening
Tf large and tpUtmlid assortment 01
I Spring and
I Summer
J en.hrat iitg every thins; .!;ptcd to the varied wants
aud ttes of the community, nnd at prices that
can not fil lo give universal satisfaction.
The LA lil are a-sured that we have a belter
! assortiueiit ..f BJfCJiS JiOOtls lhau haa ever
j bien presented ill this market. We have every
juahly and desciijition ot
Gentlemen's ami Hoyt' Drt Good.
Cs-wimeres, Vesting. Ptimmrr StnlT. Fancy
) Cravats. A c. A splen.tid lot of HA I S. CAI S
and UO.WEI IS. of ihe latest styles K.ntions
Flowers, Silks, Calicoes, Lawus, Ginghams, &c.
1 1 a rd ware Quceriswa rr Glassware,
of ull kinds also a Urge stock of
Plaster, Salt.and Fisfi,
at very low prices for CASH or COUNTRY
PKOULCE ol all kind at Mttket prices.
Lewis! urg, April i3. 183!)
at lcwisbiirr.
C1IRCULAR for the Academical Year coin
nienciiig Oct. 11, 1810.
Primary Department.
Exercised in Spelling, Reading, Definition,
English Grunmar, Arithmetic,, (icography, His
tory U.S.A., IVnmaiishiji and Composilian.
ngash Department of the Academy.
The r.me studies as in the Primary DepattnVt
coriftnurd in the ue of larger text hook- ; and to
lhe are midej (lent rut History, Algebta, Legen
dre, and liJemenU of Surveying.
Classical Department of the Academy.
T rm Jttnirtr Arathmtc elans.
I. Knpli"h (irntnninr, lttinUrauunar. Aritlimttic(tw
4livi"ionii. l tii-vvrupliy.
II. Th "nim- tuli--n :ui in F. TVrm. an! Pi-nrnfiti-hip.
111. ITiiirlifh (irnniinnr. Cutmr, Arillmivtic rviii)l('t-ii liy
lft (liTiftfin. (sn-k linsJimuar. Iii.-ury L.A., Ivu
Ul kUUlI, iol;-ktv;i:r.
Senior Academic class.
!, CrvfikTi (Jrwk Kra-I.T, A. bra ' KI m-nt'.l
II. .till,
III. 1 U' lo rtmiplftstt. (v-n-
rul Ilirtryf t-.uIL-h Isiiuajfe nl oiuiosition.
Freshman class.
rtmlMi Tjinujtv. ai.-l (on:?oeifiun, Algebra, Uvy,
I'Ihik iMiiiiu'try. I.tvy, An&laiqp.
ri&n.. S.li.l nnit r-i-uVrii-ol litwiut try compli U'J, Li-
vy, Anubnsi.
Stiphothftre elasti.
IloraTL., I hlrwr. I'lanc a...l lierirul Tri.-'im-m.-lry.
do ilo M'iiiirutitn..'hirVfyiti:r.S'itYit.-;iti-ili.
ito r .ni.l'tril. S'liN-t Ontioim of lKuittb'luas,
KlK'tohc, Anr.lytiral itttinwtry.
Junior dust.
IfemoKltirrKS rn I'rr.wn. Ciccm il. Offlriiit, Mi-
rlijtui(n, ily.iniiilatirii. aihl llyilrauliim.
lliiMMitIi4iie9 ,n llu' (."r'urn. tS(vn ,1 otHHi mm
.l..n. 1'ncnnir.tirs Awu.stica, KUctricity, Magav-
tiinii, nnil Optic..
Oruvk Trag"tiv, Tiu-itu.., AslroDomy.
St ninr r.'.
Tfcr Arri.li mi. :1 Vttr ronoji. n.-Inir Ort. 10.
T. lAfnr. Natural Thfolngr. Iiiu-llty-tual lbil.Na.ihy.
II. Or.'.'k. eolitH-al Kruimiity. Moral t'hitiMliy.
III. Jluttfr Analatry. rni.t.tution of 1'. Chi-mistry,
Lcctun-ii, Oi-ijcrnl Kcvk'wg.
IVo cliiss in the Rrgular Coarse has less than
three rfaily reritations. Every Saturday forenoon is
devoted esclusivrly to Vocal Music, Declamation,
antl reading select and original Compositions.
The students are required to attend, regulmly,
some religious n.n tins. Minors are e peeled to
: attend such roeetingj as are recommended to them
j liy their parents or guardians. 'J'licrn are in the
tioroURh no less than six places of public woiship,
of as many different Chr-stian denominations.
Text Hook
t:n,,ii, Lmw-,' A7.-.,.Tlie . Porter's
hh.at.iri'-nl hr."I.T. Vor.i. r " or Wi.rtrr' liirtHmarv,
llir.n Knu-lih Grammar. I'-trtwr's l,roBr.-!'ive Kxerii-
"n'"'iVh,1V;;!"1'Uou'1'ark,, Aid"' UIi"r s Urt,tt"
iJltiu iAm,Kar. Uulli, n VCnunnar nntlinrr'. Rral..r.
v.-rrtt m Li-xm.il, I.ulli..nl a-ar, rVhniitzaiid 7.tu.nrti
irjrilI.inrt.ln'. I.ivy. An11it.nR llonwH", Thnrher's C'ict-ro
Jirnim.lyl.TS Lin-ititn itrnnatua ct Aj:rinl;
f'.rrek Lanmmar . UnllimTfidraniuiar. Hullion'i. !'piu!t.
. I.i'lilcll A Seotrn Ivxtifll, Owen's ..'nfpb' ana!.:i.i!,
! Owen. Iti.itier'i Oi'yswy, Champlin IViuo!.theuefl, Mj.k'0
' Cln:r!,l Munujil.
) Mfithfmntim. Datfr' Arithmetic f"T Anultnii,. Klera
j enlftry Alp-lira, Inxlnlon. Leirerulrv. Surreyintf .iml Navi
! ffarTcn.An;ilytirhJHn.try.oImle,'!i Nutund I'biii'ptiy
utyp,,) oiinsr. a A!iniiaiy.
uiulM-r of Students.
The number of rtudents during ihe post year
in the various Departments, was 161. The
number iliat have entered the classes in the Ke
guhr Course for the current year (exclusive of
those in llie Cngli-h and Primary department',)
is as follows :
("Mtlnt. .Tu:ii..r rl:w?
Si'h.'ni.,re clan - It
Kn shni:ia rlats . . lt
AAM.ST. Si-ni.tr r!ai - ... 1
Juuiurrlms - . 40... J)1
Tac lioitn.
STKI'IIKN W. TAYI.OIt, A. M, 1'n.f. of Matlf-matlrs
aasl Natural rl'.il. w. ).y.
(il'.HUliK It. ltl.tSS, A M, Prof, of (JreciC ISDtHuir
an.l l.il.r;iTnn..
1 1 H (III i K XV. A.N tfCKKft, A.M., Pmt vflatia tanguae
and Lilrrul'ire.
ISA.t'- N. IV1MI.. A. M, l'rinrirnl of the Amriemy.
C'lo" s:l W"eull-u.
iulld!n?,I.IIirary antl Apparatus.
The Academic edifice now occupied by (he
members of the 1,'nivenity, has been erected, at
an esp-nw of .r-!i. sn.l it is s.ti..si t., a
l.iii rtu.l.-iit. Auotlii-reiiinrvliasliwneoiiiui
jjti ,.fl,1i,h.jKill.inneer.nrivf th.-rir.-.
ruinui,.nriati.w hit.
nr rnt A.-l'litir
y.ar. nl u contain Mndy rra an-l dormil.wK h.r llie
amsnmnt:iti(m or7!lstuitt-nt9 in tlivCt.lliialr U.'.Mrtitrt.
llie Library cuutuias a number o( selet-t ToliinH'4, aurl
is .nitniitly inr.-iisins.
t'liemiral Aworntun tins been ordi'nl nnrtU'i-nt t.
ttupply llie inniitliiil.' rt.-m.-iri-l. The Aiipitnitus for the
illuslnitit.n or Mwhnnieal I'liilofiopby, L. now complete.
Tuillon and Koard.
Tuition in the Collegiate Orpartrrent $30,
Academic f20, Primary .12 per year.
Hoard, including lodging, n ashing, fuei, and
light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at
various prices, from f 1,37 to $2,50 per week.
Session and Vacations.
Two Sessions in the year the former com
mences on Ihe 2nd Thursday in October, and
continues 27 weeks; the latter commences on
the 16th May. and continues 15 weeks.
Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. -Uy
order and in behalf of the U iard :
Lewiburg, Union Co. Pa. April 18, 18."0
LATE of Philadelphia, is now located on
Market street, Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J.
Schrever's store, here he attends to operations
on the tooth at a reduction of his former prices.
Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of
improved fn-tni mints, and in aa easy manner.
Filling teeth and setting on pivots or plates atten
ded to according to the latest improvements in the
profession Ulcerated, sptangy, and inflamed gums
cured. Thankful for past tavois. he solicits a
continuance of public patrooece. o impure
materials used f-r fitlings in teeth. Iy2ft
The suhscfiliers resfH'Ct
fuMy itilbrnf 'he citrzt iis
of l.twtsbur; and vicinity
thnt they havn comr-ncc-d
Ihe above business, fit
Hale's eld shop on Second
St. one square south of Miirhtt. here they
are prepared lo Iron Buggies or Wujjoons,
nnd irake all articles in ihtir business in
the most workmanlike manner, ut prices
which they hope will indure those wishiiio
anything done in their line to call and
judj-e. themselves before guma elsewhere.
iFenairinc done on the shortest notice
nnd on reasonable terms ulo Shoeing
which is n very important mat
tor to those that have valuable
horses, and sbouIJ bfl cntrus'.eti
r,l knntvn skill.'
We Hotter ourselves that we are able to
eornpete wi'h any person in ti.o country it)
Shoeing Ilojr.-cs : we ask only a trial, and
let the Work show lor itself.
All work warranted. Iron ntvl all kinds
of country Trodjce token in exchnn?e.
We hope by strict n!tenti"n to business,
nnd a determination lo suit all, both in
work and price, to receive i liberal iLare
of public patronaje.
hate & ryitRAY.
Lcwisburg, May 22, 1819 '
WORMS wokms ! Various theories
have been started rlative lo the origin
of intestinal worms, and jet the question is
a vixcJ out- among medical authorities. O:
one fact, however, a!', arc informed, and in
which nil aree thff fatal nature the j
infl'ier.ce thev exert on children. ."s this I
! s?ason of the ear i.s Mie at which attiiCKs
of worms arc mt.st t'cucm hh t;Ii :n mcs! j
dungerotiSaive take great pleasure in direct- j
Vermifuge. It is one of the most extraor
dinary medicines ever introduced, and has :
never fji!ed of success when tried. !
AuCLriii. Ross Co, Ohio, Feb j
Messrs J Kidd Sc Co : We wi-.h to inform you i
that have sold all your Worm Specific !
with ur. We wish you to send us some in re as '.
soon as possible, as it has given general sjli-fjc- !
lion here. We have many calls for it cilice ere !
are out of the article. It h.s succeeded ;!l other ,
preparations in this county, and for t.iis reason ;
we wi.-h lo keep a supply on hand. :
The above is or.c of hundreds of similar
communications which tbe proprietors ol
this medicine are daily receiving. Where it
has len introduced,il has beccti.e ihe most
popular remedy in u:c.
AfiENTS C W ScirtrrLE, Lrwistur$; H
J Shifer and J If liascr. Mil. on ; I (,V:hart. Se
linfrove; J W Frilinj, Sunburv ; Mrs M'Cny,
Nortliumt.erl.ind ; M C Urier. J Moore, Danville
Far lb Care f
The uniform success
hich has attended the
use of this preparation its salutary elfect its ;
power to relieve and cure iifll-cuons of the Lung',
nave gaineu ror u a c.'ienniy eiinlr: liy no otner
medicine. We olitir it lo the eirlicted with entire
com'dcni'e in its virtues, and the full btlief that
it will subdue and remove the severest attack of
diseases upon the throat and lungs. As thee
results become public, they ualurnlly attract the
attention of medical men and philanthropists
everywhere. Wat is their opinion of Cherry
Pectoral, may be seen below.
vf-.i: i i '..ii , - '. .. . .
i -rivef) me cr-at iilt'aure to 'rtifr tlipvalue r.d iffi. t
n " (
cai'y of Ayi-r'.- ttirrry IVctoral.hirh I rmii!tr peruliarty
a.laplt'U' tu cure llMasctf uf the Throat and I.UHK3.
The Rt Kev Lord Bishop FIELD writes in a
letter to his friend, who was fast sinking under
an affi-clion of the Lungs
Try the (ti.Try IVrtonU. and u any mrdWne eaa give
you relief, with the blcsin ufl.u.1 liiat ill.
Chief Justice EUS l'I''E, of Louisiana, rite.-:
That a yi.unir laulit.r of his nun rim-d of ai-vi-rsl I
Heverv utlaeks of I'ltill T, t'V 1 1..- Cherry l,..lontt. j
dian Journal of Medical Science stntcs,
That Asthma afad llronehitis, o prevalent in t!;i j
inelem-nt rlimalo. have yielded with surn.in nr.iillty
to Ayer'a I'herry IVetorsd, and we can net too Bln.iiirlj .
reo.uintend tios skilful i r. j'aratiuu l- t!ie I'rofeiij.iu an :
j uViie j-enerally. I
Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself : I
ItARTToKr, Jan'. 2G. 147. I
Or. J. f Ayer Dvar Sir : Having lot u rerfrti.1 from a j
painful and dnerou dtsnnHe. eralitude r.rr.mntii me to !
m nd you this a':knowledptn.nt. lMt only in jutire to you
tut fer the inferin:'.tion. rf "tilers in tike altlietion.
A tlifih r.?1 nrn toff luntri, neirjeet.st at first. iKKime
n M'vere that sitlinir of KIimmI. a violent rouh. and pr.
fiine night sweali. IuIIowihI and fiistentsl on me. I leanie
marialMt. rool.l not tUvp. wm instrefwed t'V my couch.
nnd a pain through my rhrst. and in short had all ihe
alarming symptoms of .juiek consumption. No ui'.li, ioe
eeem.sl at rJI Ui reach my ca.-e. until I providmltaKy
tried your On rry Ftvtorial, which nam relieved and bow
lias cured me.
Yours with respect, E. A. STKVTAUT.
From a letter dited
AI4"ST. N. T, April 17. 1S41.
Iir. Aver. Lowell Pear ir: 1 was aftictfrt l,y Asthma
in the worst f.rm. tl::it I have been ohliril to sleep in
my rhair for a larrr pai l of the time, beting una! ie ui i
Iir. atheon my N'd. 1 lial tnnl a rnut many mc,liriii.-s
to no pur,is, until my physician prosrrrrsTi. as an ei;
riment. your t'tierry I'ltoral. At first it seemed to make
me worm, hut in le than a week 1 befeau to ip riec..
the most irratii intr relkf from its um ; nnd now. in four
wei'ks. the disease is entirely removed. 1 ran lef. on
my lied with ronilort. and enjoy astat.' of hi-alth wro.-h 1
baij never cxiieeul lo enjoy. ur.u. a. iakkaai.
FicpareU LiJ. C.A ytr 0mnist Lotcell,TiIs.
For sale by C W SI'HAFFLE, Lewisburg ;
J H Caslow, Milton ; Isaac lioihirt, Selinsgrcve,
and by Druggists generally
For the Ladies.
Ctstt is tile breeze
That I make at ease
"ITT'lTJl one of those nice and cheap FAXS
f f that can be had at the LewUburg Drug,
Fancv (ioods, .Notion and Vatiety Eniportum
here tbe largest, tine:, aha best a-soitment of i
Feather, Fancy and Paper Fr.hs are kept. Also
latest patterns of Buffalo, Shell, Horn, Side.lt jck
and other COMBS besides great variety of
other nice things. Call and see at
Made plain to Sec
I)Y getting one of the Spectacles or Spy Glas
) ses at the Drug, Fapcy Gooda, Notion and
Variety Emporium, it here can be had any quan
tity of Silver, German. Blued and common Steel
Spectacles, (ogles. Spy Glasses. Mathematical
Instruments, Pocket Compass, Magnets, Taiie
Measures, Spectacle Cases, Camera Lucidas,
Magic Lanterns, Ac. Ac. at
To Jntttlccs of tbe I'eace.
B INNS' JUSTICE, new eililion, can be bad
at Lyndall's Bookstore, in this place.
Lewisburg, April 10, lt0.
HAVING formed a Copormerhip in the
Mercantile business, and enhtr-jed the
Storeroom lately oreupid by S S.Uiirion
opposi'e Klint's'lLiH are now oiniri"
well selected nnd extensive ktock of Mer
ch indifc', consisting of
Orn (Soous. Gr?,?E-
Carpenters' Tools, Queensware,
Furniture Mounting, Glassware,
Witidow GLASS a peneru! assor.ir.cnt,
oat, IHaottr,
13ar, Ilotl, and Hoop Iron; Nails,
nud Spikes,
Tinware, Sheet Iron and .Tletal
Pans, and a more general assortment than
is usually found in cr.unlry stores which
they pledge tbemstlves to sell at very
low prices.
Persons ut a distance will find it to their
advantage to buy hr Ch or e will
take in lixchnnje for Goods, Wheat, Rye,
t.orn. Orfts, I'uckwhra, l tmothy ana uto
ver Seeds, Juiter, L,:s, I ah ,1 lard ft.iap,
Ueeswiix, l'eatl. r, and all kinds of trade
or country fivcwi'.
The patronage ol tlx public is resprct
fully oliuitod, and evi-ry Bssurinr-e given
t th;it not hi 11" shall
be wanting to rttidrr
rn,ire bdi:3)lCr(U.1
Lewisburg, April I, lsf0.
l Respectfully onnounct s to his friends and
j the public generally, th.it he hns removed
i his residence to t!.e h itir of his father,
! (formerly occupied by Wm. Porter,) a few
doors north ol K'tne's Hotel. Office, Col.
! M Fuddin's iw brick biii'Oin, test door
J ttbove C. lvl!i)W.:' S-'Tf.
? Ijewisbuig, April 1, lti3(
TAILOR, his removed his Shop to the
buiUing (one dour almve l.ndal.'-) lately
occupied by Jnhu B. Miller, where he will
be happy to 1:1 his customers both oi l and
new. The
Fashions for 1S50,
Spring and Sjmmcr just received.
Lwiburf.', April I, I Sort
, Has removed his Office to his Oaellin;
, llie Jirst floor below Kline's Ilu'il, rooms
I over Forstei's Store where he will wait
ii l j i .: . . : J
" '" "'iiy uesire m , . -es, .icuoru
"'U tu prevmus urriuiiieMien's.
I.wisburg, April "2, 1--J I
TAlI.OIi, respectfully inrorm- h.s patrons
an 1 the public tlittt his Shn; is now at his
ho:i:e the new brick opposite Mr. J.nnes
!'. Hoss', on Third Si., where ho wiil be
hrtppy to wail on nil who may honor him
l, lb.:. r it.Aftti.H,
w - i' ...
Lewisburir, April 2, IS-;)
Justice of the Peace,
tins removed his Olfi -e to Mnrket St., in
the room recently used hv Ir. Locke, or.e
rlnor hf-low the Priii.inr: Offioe.
LewiiijUr', April 3, l5i
rpiin aubsrrilier avails himselTol theco!-
uninsof the t'hroniale in publishing to
the citizens of Leuishursi nn'l vieintty thnt
he has opened a BOARDING HOUSE ii that
lame and comfortably arr.insed house, formerly
kept as a Temperance Hotel bj J unes Kelly, two
doors east ol the t rank tin tiOJ-e, .viaritei street.
He is prepare! to say that his Table shall have
ihe best the Markets can afford, ami the Lodtnt;
of Uoardcrs shall be as comfortable a can be
desired. l.. SSrEK EK. "
N. B. A team and carriage
will lie kept to convey pisevnpers I ) and from the
Packet Boats. Lewisburg, March If), lSol.
0pvinq & 0nmmcT
JUST received, nn'l now openin ut
sectmd door east of K iue's Hotel, a new
Splendid Assortment of Goods,
suitable fur this and ti.e a:proarhing sea
son, consisting of
cxtiis, cAssmcRs, vr. rixs,
K.adieV Dress Cinods
of every styla and variety m-w s!e
Lawns, Armuie ticlames, l;n-
hams, etc.
A great variety of styles ('hints, Culi
A beautiful assortment Ladlo' Para.',
Morocco and Kid SHOES and G.1 ITERS
lor Ladies nnd ("hildirn
Also a choice selection cf ,
St.f!.&2., all of which are offered remarkaMe
low for Cash or Country Troduce, hy the
Lewisburg, April 3. 1850
xr t rs TToever refused nt the office
JV A vJll oftnc LcwisburjjKhronicic-
FOR past liivrrs, tri t!srribcr r"nrn
ht jrnlt!ful tii s. Bi.ji herel.v make
known Hint hacrne c. the busnMss l
Tannins anJ Crrjlns,
at the O.J SiHiid. U..leroiiiel iku to I-'
out lone in tho inantilucture or finish i.l i
work, he is bound lo have h; b-t wors- '
men and iVmtcrM s, aa i u r-t "h"s l
have s' M-eraHv .itron cd 'hs m.H
those r.!'o ho s'm'I !e pleased to pa?rt nii
him) ti hh th.it attention whii:h h l"
insure hiiri a full tltura &: -Mx pnlroitnK'--All
hinJs IVo'.'uce taki a ii. exchai e.
Hides and Urk not re'jx:', i-Sr w h t b lh-'
highest market prit f ii! be aid in cinb '
or in esoiiar!'"-' for teatjwr.
M .rch 25. A. P- IS3J
Tbe Summer Stssioa cf ILe
ILL commence on ilusii the Saih uf
April. Instruction will le (fivtn. as f jr-
imrly. in all branchea nfceary to iv.r nirn
Academic Course. Oor endeavor shall ! b
ioiply to.coinmunit a e kiwlUKe. but tu ecil
ti.e yt-uihiu! rniud to act far itself. Wben thia
is fully attained, the projnsi" ef fre student
becomes at once certain and rnpid. Ti.r kiltu of
learning hUh n.o i of oof yiuiUs in tl;i n uir.iy
need, is that solid hltratire. iucii. vti.ile it
matures their rr.itM's, f leperes tbint also li r t:
practical duties t Ire.
Coroporitioo and Derinmiiion iil re-iv tlir
f!l thare of attention pilicula;!jr tbe I. imer.''
I he Pr'rnary l'epartment .ball lave cur rfaiial
care. I"iom the disposition niar.ifesteJ lofu-tjin
the Institution, the subscriber litis .imulate.l lo
renewed exetions.
'J he Session i!l con-i.t of to 7'tm.v crf-.i!
weeks r:tcb a short vacation iri'uv. muz. 1 tui
tion tor the coi.inion braixt e.. s fur ihr
higher Eiigli-li, an.l rj It) fjr Lu:ia;es, per
Sasi in per Term, one half.
Maicli 27. I8.0. I'rincipsl.
avinfii:m) woolkx
Xear ISartlctun, I'nlon Co., Fn.
rpHC subsciiler, thankful for :iif liUr- l
.L (tutronage bestow t-l on his oM t stiih
kshmen!, tes h uvc t inform l.i frinHs
ami ihe public in et.er i!, that he has now
removed his V.irhi:ery into his New Mill,.
(luo ir.'lris ab'jre II irflt ton. near Turn-,
pike.) which has been bui:t :nd tilted up ott
the most in. proved plan, and wid have m
by the miJJle of Ajr ! aa ei.tiru .w sett ol
Je.ks- latent imi'H JVEO mac H inu V.
in addition tu Iiis n!:eady gnod si it. winch
Mtil mr.'he it the Insi st and het fi?ti-d-tji
es'a:dishrnent within Hit) miles of il ; and
with the advantage of one of the be:
powers, he (ee;s snle in saying that l::s
establishment is no and f-hnlt ii"t he sur
passed by any .n this part of the co'rntry.
lie iias ei:2ied a tier J st!f rd" virrlnuri.
an J is now prej-ared for mciit.'f.iciurit;i
Eroad ani Kirrow CL3THC, .
Cassimert'S, Tweed, Sitintttn..
Jeans, Flannels, E!anke!s, &e.
in the best mnntter, nn 'l e hor'et nnlici'.
.tl reduced -ricrs. rrjFor .ti.o acci-ntmn-ilti.n
o( curtoinerr, W'vA m.iy I? kli c'.
the foiioii:fT
New Beilrn: K Wilson's
Selinsg'ove: Davis A. Sobr.u-e
il John Harnnsn Jr
Frrehurtf i F C Mover
St.. a
Middleburg : j'.vrnglnV Hassinger Jo
Adamsburg: Henry A Smi'h ill
rerin Valley Xarrows : Mis Mo!tlz
Mililiiib'i'a : Henry tiist !.
East Buffalo : Samuel Keiii r'a Tavern
BullsioX U.ds; J M Creijjhl's Store
I.ciiturg : J Ha)eV t'o doi
t!o K-ber & Iddiuga da
'e.-t Milton : John Dtlesruan !
Milton: Masteller A S.vtiik '
dj Seepev V Hng il-.
I.ilieilyPO: WniDile'a llou-a
Limestone : eidenhamei's Sitre
Pottgrove: J.in.fs lieed J
A "lood assnrtsr.i'ii! of C!o'!,, a'ir.r'is. '
C.iSbiuieres.T weeds, Jeuas, l-'iai.r.rlsji'an-kets,
S-o(rkin2 Varn, &c. niways Kor Sulu
or Kschtn for Wcu! or country 1'rcdu. o
t the New Factory.
CARD1XU awl L ULLING as ufuul.
Wiuli. !J M.ils. JLich I, 165!.
Xvl only in Ctiiij" rnia, l-ut lIw in I:. ii!ur0' '
A good assortment of . .
Wat tlu, Sllv orvvarc and Jf vvcl.y
of 6ne ('iality and at City pikes.
HAtfisld ft Thompspa
Kerpectfully iiifcrin the citizens of Lewisburg sn I
vicinity, 'hat Ihev have entered into I'aitnershin
at ihe OLD STAND on Market Si , opposite J
Hiiyes A vjo's Store, prepared to txecute every
kind of work in lUiir line i.t the best niaiia.-r.
I'hey ca'rfut'y selei-vd of tbe best Kr.g!ih ai.d
French materials. M.iinpiinqs I'vbnJi-rs K'c:i; -a
heels, and a vurie.y ot X tch Jea tls, air! lUi.. r
them-etves that thcit kuoleJi?e an.l sai l in the
business will ecaMc il.i'in to g:ve sitisfacl.-m t
all vthr. raav f.,vor tlietn v.i'.h ptittora :e. -FINE
WATCHES. ucS as Dnplej. F.-fVA
capem'.nt, Lepinrs, Anchars, Drl-.it tid.i.
Putent Level, Iterater?, and .Musical Wat, ii. .
Ac neatly repairca and warranted
Also for sile. a variety of Hold ar.d Siivr
Watches, Patent Levers, Aothars. Detathed. La
p.nes. tjuarUtrs, an I Eiigiih VVa'che, t,o!
Chains. Ureal-p i s. Fiitjcr and !r iir:. fTdii
aud Silver Ddt Slides. L'rareicis, Gold and Silver
ee Prr.ri's nnd Pens, do SpcctacU s,
S.lver Spoons, Sussr tongs Ccmbs.
Ac Ac. in h. rl. a hl'le of every"!. int;, ami
anvthit.g else, iiot mentioning knicf:-kmn:';?,
always on hand or j I to order
A variety of Bra.o CI.Kiks for $3 aud upwards
at vlmlesale and rttail
Persona dt-sirititc lo fr' !S:nps rVrf. would do
well by eiving tha ev-b.iit-ers a call
Eipeticrice leiis us lhat tbe Cndit Syslspi ran
not afford a litnc. Therefore, in older lo "rufi
I aloni; and keep niovini;," ihe Cah rSv-tent inust
necessaruy be eufocced. 1 a 2S. 185)
R VC. I'.T PT r ,r- -'''''
iOZ Spla Ammonia. 16 cs Sp's Turj eolir c, i
oa Spt ("arnphor ; irit in otI,e. Take B
to 8 tablesponnfuls above mixture : 1 i pina volt
oap to an orflina: J tub cf hot water; mis thor
oughly tosethrr. llie pot the clothe in Iba lub.
and let them remain tiflcen aunuiea he 'ore wash,
ing them out ; then tie.-e thent through two or
ihree waters, hme up an. d. Tbi V".l,iii4
Miiture for ssle by C. W. SCHATriX
' ,1
i :
i '
tJ . t I
Ap 21
Reber & flrlin-
I !,M