Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 08, 1850, Image 4

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An Anatomical Rencontre.
A year sgo.-when Ezekiel Verdant came
dowft to Boston with all his earthly posses
tu, (m. homespun suit of goto-meeiiog
clothes, a tin razor, a fine tooth comh, two
dozen socks, and a box blacking, in a cow
h'tit trth!?,) Ke was one of the most verdant
specimens of simplicity you ever encount
ered. His golden hair sllgSly shaded his
ruddy CuCeks", his garments savored of a
n-mote, and almost medieval age. lie put
tfp Mt a fourth rale house, and then snllicd
fu'rth to look about him. His only acquain
tance w a far away cousin, a s'.udent at
surgery and medicine, Mark Mi?rrieweath
er, by name ; on him Verdant rrpKed for
information and air!, c'aaie to Huston
to pursue the same career. Now Mark had
paid Verdant a visit in the mountains some
years previous, and a young- jrhibntpr
"iotd" the city buck extensively that is,
he had put him on the bark of a wild fiily,
had upset him on a boat, broke his heed at
citfjjelingj and extended numerous other
civilities, with which country cousins are
in the habit of welcoming their city friends.
They met in the town, and after the first
gree'.ing, inquired the purpose of hir cous
in's visit ?
Tva come up here to stay a-spell," was
the reply.
"Glad to hear it."
Heow du you like your trade ?'
Very well.
"Most learned it hey "
"'Well I'm thinkin' to ful'er the same
line of business, and I want you to help me
'With great pleasure Zeke ; ll put you
through an entire course o( spruuts.'
"Show you the ropes."
"Hopes l"
Let you see how we do thing. Where
shall ws begin V
"Wal, I want to soe that Vre pface
where you cut folks up fust lliing."
"Oh ! very well come along."
Hsrk did the honors of the College to
his guest, and it may be imagined that his
professional sang froid offered a strong
contrast to the native horror of his guest
Still there was a sort of fascination io w lint
he witnessed that impelled Z-ke to pro
nounre, thi ugh in a faint end gasping
voice, that everything was "fust rate.'"
At last they reached a litila mahognny
cabmet. "What's in thar 1' asked Zekiel.
"Open and see," said his friend.
Zekiel did so and was instantly c!a?pcd
in the arms of a skeleton.
With a howl of horror he exclaimed,
"Me'in me go ! help ! help I'
Mark was dying with launhter.
"Here's death alive cntched me sure en
etigh !''"ercl3imed the sufferer.
He again appeale.l to Mark for help.
Finding his cousin iiKioraWe, he deter
mined to help himself.
"Look here old Bonypart,'' said he, "ii
yu don't let me go I'll lick you into fits !"
and getting one arm free, he dealt the skel
eton a tremendous blow on the heart, which
knocked him back into the box, the door
r,f which closed instantly leaving ISzekiel a
free man again.
"That 'ere 'natomy was a poorly behaved
pup," he remarked, re-assured by the suc
cess of his exertions. "I have a good mind
to shake him out of his box, and gin' him a
regular licking. Why didn't you step in
when you see himaitackin' me?"
I stood by to fee fuir pUj , said Mark.'
"Wal, you just tell him this from me,"
sa'd Ezckiel, "as long as he keeps himself
in his own quarters, I'll let hiin alone, hut
if he ever comes across me out "en this Vre
place, 111 waliup him like winkin.'"
A-few days after this, Zekiel. who had
made forma! application to Dr. , to
be received as a atudent. received a note
from t!wt' get!crwn, requesting him to call
el the office.-
He according' ranj at tho door o( the
doctor's ariteeratic rr.r.nsion. It must be
borne in- mind that the doctor is as thin as
possible for a live man to be. He was sea
ted in his study chair when ZvkicI entered,
so that the young man did not at first
glance recognise the peculiarity of his ap
pearance ; but when he stood up with ex
tesaVd handi a luminous idea flashed thro'
the brain of the visitor :
"Hands off," said he, "r.o saaSing paws
with me. I know your tricks.'
The doctor assumed an air of astonish
ment and offended dignity.
'As you please, young man," said he sit
ting down.
Oh ! you needn't be so offish , said Ze
kiel. "You and 1 1 ave seen each other be
fore to-day."
Not to my knowledge." said the doctor.
"P'raps not," said Zekiel knowingly,
, My old feller how's your head 1'
"My head ! you're crazy."
Not by a long crwlk. I say," he added
n a confideniial whisper, "how often do
hey let yoioutV
"Out V
"Yes, darn-, vou, I know you, if you
have grt your clothes on ; you're the liv
iv' skeleton-they leerp up to the College
there the chap that Igja the lickin' to ihe
oilier day.'' " '
The doctor burst into sr loud" laugh, un
deceived hiniiiirrand received him as
his pupil, bur even his cousin dare not re
mind him of the adventure, lor if ha did,
he wou!d not htve whole bones-left to
make a kc!eion.
"PHE partnership between the subscribers
X. in the Livery business, was this day
dissolved by mutual consent. All persons
indebted Io the firm, will settle with C. F.
Hess ; creditors will also look p him fur
payment. JOHN M. HESS.
Lewisburg, April 0, 1850
Srrr- Tho undersigned will
Wf continue the LIVERY
atZ BUSIXESS at the Old
Stand, and respectfully solicits the patron
age o( his friends and the public generally.
April C,l50 6w
, 11 I1 ll
III lllllllllp
17 J
tOpum Block, Vnrma stfMI. SreoMfa, M. T.
LIFE sad UEALTII are in the BLOOD.
Ct-ne. Purify, and Rrsvtate the Circulation, and
the whole body trill knvt health. The most wonderful
of all remedies to pnufnce inch a result,
Ye, the dirrd result and efficacy will be produced by
tfm uk of imnllrr e-tanhty of this 1'rBTriEft than cm be
effev-d by the u tl like quantity uf any other remedy
la the World. (St- our Pampklttt ft pronf.)
Yhii rrmriEa i trAofiV prepared from fegetalUs, and
eurr thf tjrmjf. most ebstmaie, rtd lonc-standiug duvft-ort
of the blood, without pvLtnd pmrffinf, tickenimg, or dtbtH
tmting. H cUmiuri. strrnglktnM, tmvigorattMt makes new,
krultty blood, sad giret mtm wtor and new lift to the whole
ttiftn any other remedy in the world, becauae ,
of It will effect a greater amonnt of cure than fomr doVarw
worth of tmf apart. la. or any other remedy, no matter now
Utrf their txjttlea may be. The important question tor con
amen to determine, is. how murk wutre ewrmtive ejfeet wti m
4oilar$ worth of thu Pnrrr produce, thorn e dollar s worth of
thmt sorstrpmrtila or other rrmtdy. We might here My, that
aVamf'f Jftdtcimes had cured, within the lwt year,
10M00 Pcrsini of Impure Blood Diseases,
aid 2,009 Cases were considered Incurable!
as some other patro? medicine men are in the habit of eay
btf . nf we boold aay so, who would beltere as ? This
however, we do wy. and tand nndy to prove by respectable
wttnesfre, that Bravt's Mkdicinks have effected cures of
tore diseases on living human bcin?, the past year, than
joy other remedy in existence did during the same time.
How Much will a Dollar worth CURE f
Twenty larce, deep (Veer were cared by using oay tattle
bottles of Hront's Pinter.
The followmp i the most wonderful and attonishinf cam
ffhsX was ever ejected on a human being, by any mudtctmo.
Horrid Scrofula Cored.
Mb. J. B. IUskix. of Rame, Oneida Co., Tf. T., certiflai,
December 9tth, lf46. that he had been afflicted with Scao-Wvi-A
lour years, and lite lapt year confined to bis bed, with
twenty large, deep. diseJutrging Uixns that his nck
was eaten around from ear to ear a hole was eaten
fhroujrh his Wind pipe, so that he breathed through the
hole his ear was nearly destroyed the use ol hi arm
was wholly dstroycd nnd an tfcer undr the arm, an
large as a man's bund, had nearly eaten through into his
Lunjt that he had uw-d all hinds of asapailla and
other nudieinet, to no btaejix, and that he was not expected
la live twenty-four k - ura whn he commenced BeaVT's
Indian PminriNo K-thact that mine bottles of the
PuaiFYixa Extbact JuaUd and cured skvextxkx of tho
twenty riccrs he hr-.i when li ecramenced vming it, and
tlutt a few bnttlcs uuw elected a pehfeot cuitE. For lull
f articular of tiiis, and tuaiiy other timtlor cures, ace our
Thie Waiarrfnl nmd Anloraiahiaiff CI BE
dos not stand a!on- nn a monument of the great efirary
of Baavrs lrpiri:a, tor we could give almost uoiim
tted evidence ol eiixT vumt, well attested, if this were
donbtcd. This cure is ctrt.fi. d to by
Fourteen lle.Npectablc Witnesses.
By Doer. Thos. Wim.i. oneof the most repeetaUe
physicians of Rom' y Messrs. Hissell Lkostard,
wholetflle and retnii driii;t!i ty Mr. i. II. Bauw. pro
prietor and kee)H.-r of the Wear Kume Hoi ill and by
eUrtti cihtr witntfpt.
Brant's Indian Purifier
enres mil impure disenaes of the bon l. viz.: Ural l-fffidy
Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Emotion, ptmplet on the Face
Pti. Bile, Uifert. C'trypw, M-rruriai DitrOtr, Lieer
L'omjtlaint, Paine x the Hick, iVe, and Lints, RueU of
Blood to the Hemd, etc., etc
This RaHsm poww mil the cttansin ar.d ptrrf-rr-e
Virtue t ot the abon -named lvIlflNO F-XTRAt T. aiid nio
pOMfsf arvoral oihr m. dirKii.m. jutrttcu'arh and jmt
&Jy adapted to cure C'OlJtJH and CN.SL'MI"i'IONri. It
heeJt and wee VUert in the .n, and eUewhere wttronl
, an reiulJy and an easily as tiis Pmrtfyxng Extrmet heal
and cures extrmnUy.
Thousands of ruf f the mntt hnpefes ronsumption
fulty prove it almo-t m:ritcunns c if.rtu.-j in cU diseaaes of
Ihe THROAT, and HiCtAriT.
We give the fullowin? certificate as a fact of enre. which
foes to prove the powT to ave Ufa. even when the person
erems to le In the very la-t stages of exift- nca, when Rrant't
Imd:n Pulnfmeiy Baiiom h administered:
r ive the foi'o win ctific-ite nt a fart of cure, wHIrh
f oea Ui prove the jhwt to snvc lite, even when the person
eeeins to b in the ttv laat sto-s of existence, wht-Q
aVaal's Indian Pulmonary Italsaj is administered : TitiS
case does not stand akn. could name want cubes
as marveloue and astouinirg-nd hundred of hoptUm
cvKt. and thousand of case? called CONSUMPTION.
THIS CI at was effected on the wile of Mr. Zm
Dtkkav of tiie torn of Jtalliton, Saratoga Co., Pi. Y.
Mrs. Dyki aiiii wa pronounced dyiag, and Mr. Dykeraan
Wt-nt to the store el' Mr. Johv Wait to purchase cloth tor
a shroud, and other burial material, expecting his wite
would soon die. he was in the last etage of the disease
-whs murk oppressed and distressed and to relieve her
great distress, and mke a dying pillow mere easy. Mr.
lvBmn ww prrsundfd to eive her some of BRAN'J"3
INIHAN I'l L.MONAKY ItAI.SAM." He took the JtaUam
home with the fhrwu.l and etve a portion to his wite it
rvlii-ved her she cf.at.nu d to t;ike it until f-he rtovered
Cood health, sjid tdie ro'itinued tccll fur nearly fowr
nrars94T! pamphlet tor prti-u:ars.
Nr. Dvkkxan fwor' to the alove facts before Thos. O.
Touwg, Efq, of BalU'on Sp, "!ilh April, Ir4H.
Thos. G. Yoroto, Esq., Justice, certinos thnt he has
known Mr. Dykcmtn many yrsand that he is one of
titeir stoat Kvrray and repeitable Citizens; and Mr. JoHJt
Wait, the merchant pokrn of above, also certiJUs to the
good character of Mr. VyKeman, and that be was ac
quainted with all the facte, having heard them often spok
en el by Vykemam
Brant's Polmonary Balsam
eueca COXSCMPTlOy, Coughs, Cold, fitting of Bleed,
Bleedtng mt the Lungs, rain in the Breast and Side, A'ignt
tortnts. yerrous Complaint, Palpitation of the Heart,
Cholera Infantum. Irrnery. Summer Complaint, and ALL
iEHJLE WEAKEK wttltout any JaUng whatever
The foUowing-nanlrfl lkxlort n-i Pkfxiciaim bftTC hjgV
9 rrcomm.n-tJ lIRANTl MKUICINES :
Dr. N. Hi llKAKI). r t.ni lord, Conn.
Dr. J. N. SMITH. Wt.urtown, N. Y.
Dr. KOrjSM AK. 13-' Henry .tret, Brooklyn. M X.
Dr. T. M. lit'M Aiiburo, N. V.
Dr. UKU. KKANCIM. Hiildlrtoira, Cona.
Dr.GKO. A. mXJKKS, B.th, N. Y.
Dr. S. VVHITK. Fmlmiw. K. Y.
Dr. C. K. UALKXTINK. Hyron. N. T.
Dr. J.O. Wdl'MAN. K.yettriUe. N. T.
Dr. J. 8KIMNCK. Ilnnry ttrrM. Krooklya, N. T.
Dr. O. fllii'MAJi. Cortluid. M. Y.
Beware of counterfeits !
There i no Urant's medicinei genuine, but
arh boltlci as are put up in a square package
or shape, and on one njuare of (lie package i a
label on whi. h ia represented a young Squaw,
and under where flie land is a Note of Hand,
which read as follows, viz.
H herrbu promire. fir value reeeived. io rav
In Ihe bearer hern. Oji Cist, on demand, at
our Jltdiane tarlory in Ihe Citi nf Brooklyn.
.V. V. Dated at llrwiklyn, 7th Ajril, 1848."
(which note is tigntd with pen and red ink)
None gentii.-re but such as bare the' note on
the label signer! a above.
For sale by Thornton & Raker, Lewis.
bur; Ednd Wilso, New Berlin; 8 J Cronae.
Selingrove ; G & F O Mover, Freebur; ; H N
B-ickhauae. Midiilebur(r Wilt &, Eilert, Hartle
ton ; Antes & Mench, Mifltinbura;
All letters and order must be addressed to
Wallete A Vo. I0. Brnadwar, New York i
SFtuit aw
The subscriber offers for sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties,
ull warranted genuinePeach trees, 20
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and Pear trees, together with some
6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best
native and exotic varieties. Ornamental
Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, &c.
The above trees can be seen by the 1st ol
April, on the premises of the subscriber,
one square above Christ tj M'Fuddin's
N. D. Persons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Fruit trees, are requested to
make immediate application to the subscri
ber, in order to procure the varieties and
size wanted. II. R. NOLL.
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
QUBSCRIBKRS to the " University ot
kj Lewisburg" are respt'ctfully requested
to pay their Second lasiiilment, now due,
to the Treasurer. Aud those who have not
paid the Is! Instal't are respectfully notified
that all such delinquents will be charged
Interest on their Instalments from the time
they become due.
SAM l, T. WALKER, Theas.
Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850.
re g a
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r a ii THouxrox josiahbvker
Lcwisbur?, Union County, IWa.
' I'rr.ctiies in Union and adj iinin'; counties also
nilen.ls the cjurts of 1'erry county.
OFFICE on Sreosid St., lately occupied
by L. I!. Christ, F.sq.
Braiulretlfs Pills are sold at 25
cti per bo (it' full 5inrction)
BY J. HAYKS & CO., lewisburg, and
by nuv one Agent in every town in
the Union. Ivich Agent has a Certificate
of A 'i-ncy. Kxamine the box o' pills always
and compare it with llic tic-simile labels on the
of tlio r;w label out, this is "f much importance,
.' .1.... :. .1., I dilTrcnce between Ihe
ij jjl.j, nee of ihe true labels and those of the
e.ru:ii ? fi it. The counterfeit is done on alone ;
he f e mine are done on tteel. The appearance
.it'll printing on the connterfeil U rage.l and
lilurr ; the Renuine Ib-1 is the very pink of
newness, both in printing, paer, aud general
Be very careful and goto the Agent.when you
want BiandrelhV Villa : then you are sure of the
genuine article- When yon purchase otherwise,
inquire of the seller whether he knows the pills
lie olTers you are the genuine Brandieth's! Ev
ery nun knows whether the article he offers is
'run or false. Beware of cheats !
rpiIE subscribers offer ihn public, nt their
1 new Brick Foundry, the following new
and valu-ible Stoves :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with
a Brirk Oven.
Lady Washington Parlor Stove.
Cast Iron ir-Tighl Parlor Stove, for Wood
2 sizes.
Coal Burner for Tailors 1 size, 12 inch cyl
inder. Louts Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 3
Egg Stove the very best in use for Stores,
Offices, Barrooms, and Shops.
The celebrated Genesee A ir-Tight Cook Stove.
The Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Sloves
Ploughs Caslinss. &c. etc.
Lewisburgr, Dec. 12, 1949.
FRESH supply received at the Lewis
IV. burg Cheap Bookstore :
Flake's M inual of Classical Literature
Davies' Analytical Geometry
Blair's Rhetoric, (University edition)
Coms'ock's Mineralogy
The Complete Farmer, 1 ol. 62 J cts
The New American Gardener, 1 vol,$l
The Book that will Suit You, or a Word
for Everybody
I can furnish the above works, with a
ereat variety of others, at very Into prices.
May 30 or bl.iUAMi
Window SASH.
A lot of 8x10 Window Sash, from the
cheap) Manufactory of Sprout & Burrows,
on hand, and all sizes got to order on
short notice.
May, 1849- I G Lawshe
NEW BUGGEY for sale, cheap. For
further particulars, enquire at this
office. Lewisburg, Nov. 7, 1840 '
TOTES Promissory, Judgment, and
Joint No'ea (blanltg) at thuofwcw. '
Dr. Sicayne"s Celebrated Family Medicines.
More Proofs of the Efficacy of
coarocsD smcr or
Wild Cherry,
71te Original and Genuine I'reparatiun .'
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com
plaint. spitting Ulood.difficulty ol Breathing,
paiu in tha Side and Breaal, palpitation
of the Heart, Influenza. Croup, bro
ken Constitution.sore Throat,
Nervous Ueliility.and all
diseases of Throat,
Breast, and
the most effec
tual and speedy cure
known for any of the
above diseases is
Dr. Swajne's compound Syrup
of II ud Uherry.
Reliable Testimony.
John Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester
Spy, Mass., was attacked with a severe inflama
tion of the lungs, accompanied with a distressing
cough : alter using various other remedies with
little or no lienefit, by the use ol one bottle ol Dr
S wayne's Compound Syrup of V lid Cherry, he
was restored to perfect health.
Wm. Montelius, respectable merchant of St
Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, Jan JO, 1B4S:
"Enclosed I send you a certificate ol v m. Beau
mont, a citizen of our town. His case of Cons
umption is well known here.and of long standing;
he attributes his cure entirely to your Compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry."
B not deceived by tho many spurious and
worthless preparations of Wild Cherry, usnereu
int.i notice l.v iffnorant pretenders, but see thai
the signature of Dr.Swayne is upon each bottle,
which is the only guarantee agamsi imPuuii.
Remember ! the genuine preparation of Wild
Cherry is prepared only by Br Swaikb, N W
corner of Eighth and Race streets, Fhilad'a
Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge,
A sfe aiid Effectual Remedy for Worms, Bys-
i.cpsia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or dyspeptic
1 ".. . .... i.i . r..iv LI.
Chiluren or AUUiis,anu ine una uremi
fpdieinc ever offered to the public"
This remedy is one that has proved successful
for a long lime, aud is universally acknowledged
by all wh'i have tried it to be far rupcriur (being
so very plcai-ant to the tale, at the same time
effectual) 10 any other medicine ever employed in
.1,., tor which it is recommended. It not
only destroys worms, but it invigorates the whole
sj mem. It is harmless in lis effects.and the health
of the patient is always improved by its use, even
when no worms are discovered.
rJ-R wtire vfMUtakes. Remember Dr S's
Vermifuge is now put up in tquare buttla (hav
ing recently been changed) covered by a beautiful
wrapper, steel engraving, with the portrait of Dr
Swnyne thereon engraved. Bear this in mind,
and be not deceived.
The virtues of these pills can be appreciated
only by those who have used them. They are
adapted to assist nature in carrying off morbid
rnattsr, obstructions, impurity of the blood, ice.
Tbey are a gentle and effective purgative, correct
all the functions of the liver, and as an alterative
in dropsical affections they are very valuable and
should be in everv family. They have an outside
coating of pure White Hogar.whereby everything
disagreeable to taste of i-mell is entirely removed
without in the leas, affecting the eicellenr quali
ties of the medicine. Remember! they are now
put up in boxes turned out of the solid wood,
covered with a red label bearing the signature ol
UrSwayue: none other h genuine;
The above valuable Medicines nre pre
pared only by Dr. SWAYXE, N W corner of
Eighth and Mace streets, rnnaueipnia.
Jtirtnl for Union Cuttnlu, Pa.
C W Srhaflle, and Thornton A Baker.Lewisburg
"JN Berlin
Ed lUon.
Mos Spcchl. Beavertown
D J Bover, Centerville
B Mench, Millersburg
L. Ax Taylor.MifHinliurg
Wilt A Eilerl, Hartleton
Sand Uaupt do
Voungman &. Walter.
Dry Valley
D. & Schnure.SelinsRr've
D Smith.Moser'a Valley
lieuli Kclle'.N a vy Island
Q 4 Summers. Kreeburn,
and liy Storekeepers generally lyS90
JMvev (tPil.
rmiS new and valuable Medicine, now
X sed by the medical profession with
such astonishing cflienry in the cure of
rulmonary Consumption. Scrofula, Chronic
Minimalism, (tout, general Debility,
Complaints tf the Kidney,
&c. Sic, is prepared from the liver of the
COD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly
for our sales.
Cilract from the London Medical Journal.
C.J. B.WntiaMs, M. D F.R.8., Professor of
Medicine in University College, London, consul
ting physician to the Hospital for Consumption,
&c , rays ; " I have prescribed the Oil in above
four huin!red cases of tuberculous disease of the
Lungs, in different stages.wbich have been under
my care the last two years and a half. In the
large number of cases, 206 out of 234, ita use was
followed by marked, unequivocal improvement,
varying in degree in different cases, from a tem
porary retardation of the progress of the disease
and a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to
a more or less complete restoration to apparent
" The effect of Ihe Cod Liver Oil in most of
these cases was very remarkable, fcveo in a tew
dv the eour-h was militated, the expectoration
.l.n.inishril in ouantitv and opacity, the night
sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of
better volume, and the appetite, uesn ana sirengm
were gradually improved.
In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil
from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in
the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than
any agent, inedicinrl, dietetic or regimenal, that
has yet been employed.
As wc have made arrangements lo pro
cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head
Quarters, it can now be had chemically
pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of
, L
one aoz:n ecu.
lis wonderful efficacy has induced num
erous spurious imilatiops. As its success
depends entirely on its purity, too much
care on not be used in procuring it oem
ikb. Lvery bottle having on it our written
signature, may be depended on as genuine.
Pamphlets containing an analysis of the
Oil, with notices of it from the Medical
Journals, will be sent to those who address
us free of postage.
Wholesale Druggists and Chemists,
ly28 100 North Third St. Philadelphia
CO UNTR Y MM., una x o.
DR. J. N. KEELER & BKU. most res
pectfully solicit attention to their fresh
stock ot English, rrenen, uernicm, ,.u
American Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che
micals. Oils, Dvestulls, Uiassware, rertu
mery, Patent Medicines, Varpisbes, &c
Having opened a new store. No 294, Market si,
with a full supply of fresh Diugs and Medicines,
we respectfully solicit country dealers to exam
ine our stock before purchasiug elsewhere, prom
ising one anu all wno may w m-r""...
tend to os their patronage, to sell them genuine
Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any
other house in the City, and to faithfully execu'e
all orders entrusted to ua promptly and with de
spatch, it-
One of the proprietors being a regular physi
cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine
quality ol all articles sold at their establishment.
We especially invite druggists and country
merchants, who may wish to become agents for
Dr. heeler' Celebrated Family Medicine,
(standar.1 and popular remedies,) to forward their
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect
fully remain,
J.N. KEELER&BRO., Wholesale DmggisU,
Iy281 No. 294, Market St., Philad.
THANKFUL for liberal patronage heretofore
received, respectfully informs his old friends
aud the public generally that he has removed his
Tailor shop
to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market
street, next door above C. Penny's saddlery (late
the office of H C Hickok, Esq) where he hopes to
suit all who may give him their custom, as
he does all work in his line in the best and
newest style and on short notice. He ha?
the Fashions regularly, employs none but
good hands, and is determined to keep U
with the times and merit a good share c
patronage. CUTTING done to order.
Char'cs reasonable, and Produce taken in
exchange for work
Lewisburg, June, 1919 ly20,7
Myers' Liquid Cure !
IS a positive and never-failing Remedy
r PILES, whether Internal, Ex
ternal, blind or Bleeding Scrofula.White
Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat,
Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutun
ei. us Diseases, Mercurial Affections. tyc.
also for ScaMsj Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui
ses. V.-. &iz.
We feci justified in proclaiming the Fact lo
the World, that of all medicines ever bro't before
the public, none have ever been more beneficial
to afllictid huinanity than Myer' Liquid Cure.
We know this is saying a great deal, but if we
were to write volumes we could not say too much
in praise of this
Hundreds, nay thousands bless the happy hour
when first they were made acquainted with its
transcendant virtues ; and our present purpose is
to inform other thousands, how and where thoy
may obtain that relief which ihey perhaps have
long sought for in vain.
The supeiior excellence of this preparation
over all other medicines, for Ihe speedy and per
roauul cure of PILES, Is well known to all who
haJ? tested it. It has been provid in thousand
of instances, and has vtrta rAir.cn to cure the
moat ot'-tinafe casts, and we are confiJent it trill
never fail if used a proper length of time accord
ing to direction. Asa proof of our entire confi
dence in its efficacy, we assure all purchasers that
if, after a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, the
Money paid lor it will oe reiurnzu.
The Liquid Cure is an effectual remedy for
Ringworms. Biles, Pimples, Barbers' Itch, Fronted
Limbs, Chilblains, Sail Rheum, Musquito Bites,
slings of poisonous Insects and Cutaneous diseases
of everv description.
It is both safe and effectual for Rheumatism,
giving immrd.V.e and permanent relief.
Its effects as a real Pain Killer, are magical.
should proiid'! themselves with this Invaluable
Preparation, the cheapness of which places it
within the reach of all. ,
Full Directions accompany each Bottle
Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates
from those who have tested the Liquid Cure, may
be bad gratis of our authorized agents
Miers' Li'uid Cure is prepared only by
JEROME & CO. 2 1 Spruce St. New York
Agents : C W Scbaflle, Lewisburg ; J II Raser,
.Milton iveowo
WOULD inform ihe public, that they
l w rtnrnpfl 11 shoD on Fourth street
j ss uu I
lower story of S. W. WykofPs old aland,
n 1 t I at.
opposite Hunter t'draoe s sni, wnerc mej
keep on nana or niune t uiuv.
Fancy nnd Common Chairs,
Boston Rocking Chairs also
riuremis. Tables, Bedsteads,
eswrgmsrwsw pp various kinds,
JLMWMveaeB SottnAc A'V. Air..
All work in our line warranted to be well
made, and on the most reasonable terms.
House and Sign PAINTING
attended to by the subscribers on the shor
test notice nnd in the best style.
Country Produce and Lumber taken in
payment and Cash not refused, but rather
The subscribers intend to be strict in the
fulfilment of all their promises as regards
work and so doing, hope to receive a
liberal share of public patronage.
Lewisburg. Nov. 1849
compound syrup of Sarsaparilla.
JUST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and
fresh supply of his celebrated medicine
from the principal Depot in New York.
Persons wishing to procure Sarsaparilla
can have either the old or young Dr's, gen
uine and fresh, by calling on the Acent,
Lfwisburg, June 2G U W SCHAFFLE
Dr. Rose's Medicines.
The subscriber having been appointed
sole agent for Dr. Rose's Medicines, for
Union counly, offers them to the public
with great confidence as to their ffficacy
and certainty of effecting cures in all cases
for which they are designed. A single test
only is required to establish the fact.
Sept 27 S S BARTON
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's
send's Sarsaparilla for sale by
M,I)fTa.3'(nr"l" A- Hake r. im
w a
Annuity and Trust Company.
Office. 74, Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
CariTAL, $250,000 Charter Perpetual.
rilHE Company are now prepared to transact
I business upon the most liberal and advanta
geous terms. They are authorized by their charter
(sec. 3) "to make all and every insurance apper
taining to life rika of whatever kind or nature, and
to receive and execute trusts, make endowments
and to grant and purchase annuities." The Com
pany all annuities aiid endowments, and act as
trustees for minors and heir.
Table of Premium required for the Assurance
of 100 lor lie wnoie term vj sjijc.
Age. 1'iem.
Age. Prem.
16 $150
31 $2 00
46 $3 36
I 53
2 15
3 49
1 56
1 59
1 60
1 63
1 66
1 69
1 72
1 76
1 85
1 89
1 91
1 99
2 01
2 20
3 27
2 33
2 40
2 47
2 51
2 63
2 70
2 81
2 92
3 01
3 12
3 23
3 62
3 77
3 94
4 13
4 32
4 51
4 71
4 91
5 12
5 33
5 54
5 78
6 03
The premiums are less than any other company
nd the policies afford greater advantages. Mar
ried women and female children can insure the
lives of either a husband or parent free from the
claims ol creditor. Table of halt yearly ana
quarterly premiums, half credit ratee of premium,
abort terms, joint live, survivorships, endow
ment and forms of application are to be bad at
the Office or of the Agent.
Kate for insuring $100 on a tingle Life.
Age. Fori year. For 7 yeara. For Life.
20 40 81 91 160
30 0 99 1 30 2 04
40 1 29 1 64 2 70
50 1 86 2 07 3 94
, 59 3 48 3 97 6 03
P,.mnl.- A nerson aged 30 yeara next birth
day by paying the Company 99 eta would secure
to bis family or heir $100 bould he die in one
year, or for 9 90 he secures to them $1000, or for
13 00 annually for seven years he secures to them
i 1000 shoulJ he die inseveo years, or for 20 40
Paid vearlv during life he secure $1000 to be paid
when he dies the insurer securing bis own bonus
by the difference in amount of premium from those
charged bv other oflicea. For 49 50 the heira would
receive $5000 should tie die in one year.
PETER CULLEN. President.
F. W. RAWLE. Sec'y and Treas.
For further particulars apply to
Agent for I'nion and adjoining eountie
Consulting Physician Wm. Haiks, M. D.
Lewi,sburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1949
rpiIE subscribers, thankful for past patro
X nage, would inform the public that they
continue to manufacture all kinds of
Cast Water XV heels "'J1 pproT,J
Threshing Machines.
One and Two Horse
U'e invite particular attention to a new
article Wiard't Tatcnt GASG rLGTGIIS, lor
Sffding in Grain. Farmers by this plough
can seed in as much grain, in one day, a
in three days with common ploughs.
CiMtfi!0 ant Zuvnins
and Fitting the same. HOLLOW WARE.
Kettles and Tots of various sizes Smooth
ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to
suit cooking stoves.
the most approved patterns now in use, for
wood or coal.
Fancy,Parlor,Vood,Coal Stores,
Alii TIUU l ssi ut lun.
Rate's Sftr-rrciilatinc; Alr-tlgtat
Parlor Wood Stoves, (a new article.)
Threshing Machine? and other articles
of machinery repaired in the best manne
and on the shortest notice. Castings war
ranted lo be of the best material, and a
prices that can not fail to please.
Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 ly209
Pianos! Pianos.
i.vVi5t ; S i J- i-i'
rTlHG anJcrfijned continues to furnish to order
1 on me most reasonaDie terms, riaaos, irom
the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philad.,! hose
instruments are too well known to need any pan
egyric, having uniformly received the commend
aliona of the most eminent professors and compo
sers of Music, and Ibe award of the premiums in
New York, Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities
of tone, tourb, and keeping in tone up to concert
pitch, tbey can not be surpassed by either Amer
ican or European Pianos.
Instructions given on the Piano, aa heretofore.
Reference may be made to any of those parents
or guardians who hare pupils committed to his
charge. He may be seen at bis residence at Mrs
Maize's, Market atreet, LewUburg, where terms
and particulars will be made known.
The most popular and favorite Aire and Music
of different kinds received aa it ia issued from the
different musical eslablishmf nta in the Cities.
The New Foundry
TS now carried on as usual, at the upper
L end of Market street, where every des
cription of CASTINGS "9 kept on
hand or made to order such as
The Complete, or
Complete Improved
Cooking Stoves,
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kinds of
also PLOUGHS of differ-
ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs,
and the
Self-Sharpening Plough,
a new article, and which can not be beat
in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge
for yourselves.
Lewisburg; Sept. 22, 1849
lUK sale by
f-Tt-k - gn
"An ounce of Prevention worth
i pound of Cure," in
that awful ditae,1 .
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale in Lewitlurg
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
this office. Price. 75 cents.
tsv Evavvsoov Ks vms . srri.i.v. Th' n ,
arsspanll lw sls in tin different lowns olie! S f.
Towusewl's Ssrprilla. I' w drfnitd s llw lHH;.
HAU GENUINE. mix! JU mil. Tins T'io.! .:io.Uki.
and new w i o' wm formerly worker on rirt. t. r.v
Dels, and ihe like vet he the mie ol lH-:nr lur e
narrwee of ;inin'credil (or whaine lie .-I.e
has attended two medical schoole. and practical foe hftren
veers "" Nw Uie troth w. he never prariirea tne.licie a
dar in hie life ! Such sri'fui, trickrd mirerem.Ui!,t
looke bed in ihe character ami veraritjr of Ihe in in. I w
most slnrerely, tie had never matte those etatemri.w el Lw.i
self or ot rue. When will men leant to he runiest and truck
ful in sit their nValluss airt intercourne with their lef
men t lie applied lo one Rue! L'lapp to axentf him in m
ufaeturine, hie mixture, statins Ihe Urre suine he w.i; :
make, as an inulKemenl to erntiark in the hUMinecs. T;i-- :
men have been Insulting and llbeitinr me in all pik -'
form, in order to inip.-em the public with the belir :t. x
the Old Honor's SarKajarilla was noi the tannine, tririr V
tSariapariUa. ma le trwa the fM Uutlor tjriftnai lie l
eie. This S. Y. Townsend a I have l the use o: I y
name lor 7 a week. 1 wiil rive htm ." if he will r -duce
one Bin?le wilitarv proif of this. Hie statement, f
Thompson. Miillmin ' l.'o.. are no.huis but a ti"oi of
fcdaehooils. aimply made to deeeive Ihe publi-., end k:-.p
the truth down In reeard to hie eorin-, fcrmtnlint t
pound Tht" " to caution Ihe public to pureha-e n-ine
Old lr JACOB Twn.end' Sarmapimla. havin? on It
Old Doctor'" likened hw umiVu Coat Arm, mnC LJa
Slgnalureacroea the Cmii of Arms.
Old Dr. Jacob Townseinl,
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Towiwerl w imw about 7 year of a,-. -V u
kyaj bn known m th A UTHOR an 1 DtSC Yt'.KER
SARSAPARILLA:7 li"? r h cnraue.icJ a
limit ita maiiuuciun. by whirh means IVi beer, k-p: . ji
01 market, and the aaie circu.iwerihed io il -e ..: c
had proved its worth, ami knuwu u value. Ii ha t nacL.J
the ears of inanv. ivenhe.-, a iho penwr. wm hsj
been healed ! re dueaaea, and nved ixoui ti-..;i,
e i aii i id tu wonderful
Thia GRAND AM l NEQl Al.l.FU PlttPAR nf A
manufactured on the larsm scale, ail k faile; ir ?.ri a a.
out tho leiLf'h aivl breadth 01" the Uil. esprciaii uuj
found incapable ot"dc"nmiiun or d;:'ri'"raim.
I'nlike jouns S P- Townsen!', it improvr t:h ire
nd never chaneea but ft-r the better; because it i? p- icl
on meientine principle by a wienlife man. Tac
knowledge of Chemistry, and the latetrt diforeni o: :C.
art, have all been bronchi into requisition m the n;a".i;;w
tur of the Old Dr'a S-iapanHa. The 9rirs.it -an :a r -i,
it w well known to medical men, or.:ain many me-iav-irraJ
properties, and some projertw wlucii are inert or u-e tn.
and other, which if r-uiiiicd in preparing it lorut?.; r.
duce fermentation anil r?rf, whi"n m injunom to the
tern. Some of the prrf-erti4T ii Sari;aril a are so .
lhat xhey entirely evapvnite and are '.w iz the prevail,
II tuey are nl prefer, td a scrn'e press, k'.'swt. tv
y to th-ie expenenrMl in it mjinu.dCture. .Mjre'M,
inen to.'ait pnncrp j. which rty oil m vriptr, ur s u ei
ha!atin, unii.-r heat, ar ihf very essentuU m'dicjl prop
erties ol the rxrt. wiiich sr-e to r. ait it ri:
Any r tfrsun rw or rT lite root tii tr.ey : a .;rk
Culored ti'i'ii'l. which t wre irm the culn' lisatter 13
the r-t uian lr-jin a-irrhms e!e ; they can ihen iitrain in
UiAipid or vji.i-i Ir-i-iid. -f n wi-'i nitVa?i. arj
then call it - SARSAP ARIl 1.4. tXTRACTor &VRLT '
Rut ?iit!i if r.nr ihe ar;c e i.i.'jn a.- Uie
S A 11 S A I A K 1 LLA.
Tiiic in no prepared that a,' I the inert propertjea of Jio
ttrapar:i:a r-oi are fi.l r niovc.1. everyihnur rapabio
beconuite ac: or lrrnteiiratiTi is extiacted aid rrrrcteii ;
then everv pancie ol meuMi inue w secured in a puro
and conre'iitratc-d lurni : and u.w u i retvlered uicai iirLo
of lomna ar.v of tin valuable and healins pro;eni. Fro
pared Ui thiiwav.tt ii ma.te mo prtwerluiaeeW m thO
Cure of InuMtuerahlo Din
Jlrnre Uie rrx-.m why we near o.mmrn. mi .. tn fF,rJ
piile ui iw lavor by ineri, wunien, and chit-iren. Wo nod R
drin won.ter in "the cur nf
L L4 PILES, tsmE.ESS all C'f TA.SB
aud ail aiFrctinrw an-Mi lr-m
It p.ire!ies a marvellmis e(Ti.-aev in al romplainu snV
ii lrom Imdifntim. Ir.im Aridity of !Ar .vroeirA. Irun
nntiiMl circuwtion, iWirnuiiMU. ot bll u ihe
M.t.,tt..Mirt'iht? htfdrt. CaM iet ami hamK coU chit i an J
hoi tuben orer the body. Ii has Dot its r,ua! in Cu aJ
.tpiuiHm ol ihe wru cM iet am
.. ri.eruM isvr the hodt. ll has Do
. r,r..in.4iMv -T rec:oration and ecnti r-
ffjMratiuii. KlaxinS ttnciurw of ihe Iuug thrwii a. v-rT
l B'in'noihin? is its excellence more martifcBt'y eea.aa
ackiiowIed!r-'l ihan in all km-tp ani stasis ol
It works wontlem in ea-es ol Fhtor A&tt or JTailm
Fullmer of the lVnmhy iX.struct'd. Shtppr-d, ot Pmnfui
Mnes,IrTeguiarttyfitis m?a-iruai rcnxJ. an I thitf;
and u elfecmat in eurint all ihe trin of Ki lnru instate.
B removing o hemic urns, arxl reeuUun ihe ceneral
nsiem, u tone and strength lo the wbule byuy, and
thus cure alt I'orme of
Nervous Diacmaes mm De?bilirt
and thui prevrnta or relieTes a creat vanetv 11 other mal
a-iies. ae Spinal irritation SeuruigiOy St. Fit' iMinct,
Smarting. Epiiejttc Fits. ConvnLnon. g,c.
It cfeauees the bx, eicitee the lwer io healthf aftioi,
tpne the Komnrh. and eiTes ewnl diceMion, rr icr tte
boweUuf torpor ami constirpat ion. alUyi initamm.ttion. V1
rtiea the akin, ctiualisea the citcuUiiioq ol the b!oid, yro
icini fieniie warmth equal. all over iha body, aiiJ ta
inpeneiMe perp.ranon ; relaxes tnrtnm and nrtJnei. ie-
moves all otntntnmrM. and in go rates the entire aeroaf
STtjtn. h not this thn
The MeHtrine yon preoemlaeatly need 1
But can any ol xbsa ihiit'a be eatd ol S. P Towimncf
inferior ancle 1 This vnnnt man'a liquid n not t r '
compared tvrrn the old jr-s,
heraose of oda i;R ANI FACT, that the one ie INCAPA
while the other IOES? fmrinr. fermenting, an1 Wt7tf"T
the bottle eontaininr it into fnurmeut : ihe vur. a
liouid explotIin;,and darnasirie ottivrsoodi? Vn-t nA iw
aomole eomnoand be rMiooii!i m the rvsm 1 IVhnt '
put acid into a tystrm alrrmly diseased with acid 1 What
causes Irs'ersia but and t Piwrnot all know thM when
food ours in our norjaaens, what mux-Kief it pmdnceji?
ffamlence. heartburn, talpttatitn oi the hart. Iirr mm
plaint, diarrba-ii. i!TMntrrr, colic, and corruption nf the
blttod? What is S-rolula but ao acid huinr in tlie boW ?
What produeefi all the humor wlnrh bi in on Cruptroniut
the Skm, Scaid Head, Sat Rheum, Erysipelas, Wtuie
Swellings, Fever Sore, and ad ulcerations internal and ei
lernal ? It is nnthms under heaven but an acid substance,
which sours, and thus spoils all the fluid of the bodv. more
or less. What causae Rheumatism but a soar and
fluid which insinuates itself between the joints and r!s
where, irritatinv and in flam ine the delicate i issue cpon
which it arts ) S- of oervoora dir-ease. ot imprm ci ihe
blood, of dran?ed circulation, aud nearly ail the ailnwctf
whteh afflict human nature.
Now is it not horrible to make and sell, and inf.mu'.t
Ntors m use this
and vet be would fain have it tuvlrmood that Old Dr J-
Sob Townsemt's Genuine Original Sareapartlla, is an IM
ITATION of his inferior preparation !
Heaven torbul that we should deal in an article whifb
would bear the most Uitaut resemblance lo S. P. T.wn-
ml s article !
We Wish it Understooil. hecanee it ia the oAVm ttfh
that 5. P. Townsend a article and old Dr. J a cob To p-..'
Sarsaparilla are hearen wide apart, anl inthtit''y r'.si
Uar; that they are en. ike in everv uaiticuUr. havitw osi
one single thine in common.
As S. P. Townsend is no doctor, ami never ws. is e
ahemiat, no pharmaceutic knows no more oi ireticine ot
disease than any othr couimoej, ttnscieiuic.uBr'roi;'1
man, what guarantee can the public hve that ihT re
ceiving a eenuine scwntific melieine,cntaininr ail i"
tues of the articles used in prr(ar.inaT it. and which ire
capable of chan-jrs which miht reiuier them ihe AIENS
ef Disease instead of health T
Rut what else should be expected from one h
nothine eornnanrtivrlv of mnliriat nr dieas.r T It r-ii,:rff
a person of some esrenence to eok mnd servr nne'en s
Common decent sneaL How much more importat.t is
that the pc rutins who manirarture nie.Viie ir!i?nrd fc,f
WE k Tr.Mai-lta mt Dvrft'K-ni rtt kVVrKVS,
should know welt the medical propeniee ol plan's, itie brsl
manner ol securing and concentMtiii iheir hes'inff'inu
also an extensive knowlr.lce of the vanonsdiM-sscs
flee, the human system,' and how to adajjt icineti'eo v
these dtseasee ! ,
h is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to ponrba
into wounded humanitv. to kradle h-He m the Or?oainr
bosom, to restore health, and bloom, and ior ,rnSL
crushed and bnken. and to banish tr.nnmiv th' Ol " 1
portunity and means to brine hie "
Groaid Isiiv-erswl Concemt rated mfZia
within that raarh ami IA ths. k luitMlaula-a nf all Who OeCU
that ibey may learn and know, bv H-iul experience, n
Trasiseesuat Power to Heals
Agents for the above Medicine C
Schaffle, Lewisburc ; John II Baser, 31 ii
ton ; Forsyth h Priestly. Nortnun.b'Ia-
E Bugey and Sett of Harness.
One Two Horse Wagon,
One Truck Wagon.