1 -'- rIE subscriber offers for stile nt the Lewisburg Post-Office, no assortment t the most useful ; Paper, School Books, Stationery cf all kinds also the best Cigirs.Tobacco, Jtc. &?. The stock is all new, and tho' email the public putronage, if favored to it, ;r:i soon nod easily make it larger. The Trial of Prof. Webster only half a 'dozen copies left. JOHN Y. KENNEDY. Lewisburp, Miy 7, 1830 Orphans' Court Sale BY virtue of nn order of the Orphans' Court of L coming Couiily. thn un deraijctied. Administrators of the estate of Dr. Wm. U. Lrwwia, late of the Horouli of Lewisburr. I'nion county, deceased.will J . offer (or sale, at public outcry, on Tuesday the 4th day of June next, Mi.;r.r nil knt ivtrla:n Vk WW lttinfi- Ifl the township of Washington, county of Lvcomin, about 2 miles north-west "from I'iii..iiinin nml ahoiit 2i miles Irntn the River, a'ijoinini landi of Matihew Brown, B. r . I'nulma, John Ii'nner, nn.-I others containing 94 acres and 73 peri-hes neat measure, whereon is ercctrd a Hwe'ling Houe, a Barn, and o;her ouibiiildins.aNo a well of water, nn excellent orchard, and plentv of Limeslon". Th? above described prc:nises is all clcar.under pood fence, and in a high s'ate of cu'tivaunn. Als at the same time and place, a crr Hin tract of TIMBERLVND, alsw situa'ed in the township of Washington afort'sai I, adjoining lands cf Hr- C. A. Ludwig and others, coniaininfj 73 acres and 99 perches neat measure, all nell timbered, and will Lr sold in one tract, or in lots to suit r.'Urchers. SmN? to be held on the Cnl jbove decri l.t d premises, un l to ct.mniencc 5t 1 1 -t-lcck, A.M , said day, when dim attendance i!l be (jiven.and tenns of a'e made known t,y JDilX S."IIRCK, JAMES MOORE. Jr., Aim'rt of W. H I.wiwig. dtc'J. Lwisbur, M iy 4. 1 831 Dr. Jclin Locke, c'iiC? SUJIVKOX 1) EXT I ST, MAV 1 found at hi (Iffioe and resilience first door ea o K ire's Ifjtcl the to mi f.illunina; the fuat M miUy of each moutli, ! t ie be ia prepared to nccu'e all opera' ion in t.ia tine of buinei in a n.minrr credital'lo lo himaelf and fntislWl irv t tb.e who may favor bim with their patronage. lr. L. apenJa the third aefk or each monlli lo Milton. Q3Aromalic Tooth PaatA, put "ip in beautiful porcelain boxea an cicellent arucle for keeping ihe teeth clean and breath aweet, for tale at 25 ta per box, by JOHN LOCKE, D.D.S. LewUburg, ti May, 150 LEWISBURG CEMETERY, A meetiiifi of the Corporators of Lcwisburg Cemetery, will be held at office of the Pr.idetit, on Saturday 1 1th of May tnst., at a o'clock, V. M. . . . i -it ii .. the "ie ia nopea mat me memurrs win uo uoviiu, nfloni as ma'ters of importance will be laid before ihe Boa rd. W M . W" 1 .SOX, Sec'y. Lcwisbur, May 1, 1850. crafrry BusjHESs. Court Proclamation. WZIERF.AS the H. n. ABRAHAM WILSON, r.-wii.!ftit Ju'i of LhfCV'urt of Iknumon IM.-wfnr Ilif Twnti th Judicial l)i.tript.ru?iptiiirTi'f t!icontimtf Vniti iuil MiUlin.tlD'1 J40iill WllTUNSYCR atl'l J VEl fl4RBTsnf.Ovrt. iPOriM .'udirvf in l"nin county. liaT iuM tliir jrf t, Ix-avrinir d&t? Uw iNth dny of M;tn h, lsVt. and to me diffU-d, I T th holding of an rTj.liuii' Ciurt, O-iirt of CniUi -n 0r k IVnniner. and tafni-ral ynart r (UfriionA, at Nff iwriin, fr ihe viinty of lui.-n. nn th SJ Monday if MAV next. (Uin Ibv ltb day,) 5!t, and to continue two wwka A(TI K is th'Tctoiv hoivl.y pivt-n to tlic Cornnrr. .Tn tlrrn of the !, aiid 'iAi-VtbU- in and for the county of Itikin. to apfiear in tlwir oirn proper pTnn with ihi-ir roll. Tvca-irda. innuiaiikniK. ex imu nation and other rctn- ml'mnv. to do Uicjw tluuir uicb of Lh-ir oificefl cn l in I Mtcir behalf afprtAin to U' done; and n'l witm act oth-rpr-n iriitvrutMir ' hrhnlf of tUo Comnmuwiiilth iraint any erion(i. are mjnirfl to tie thn and there tl niirt;. and not dt'imrt witi.nut If-nre. at tliir p ril. Justtc are mjuircd to b ptinrtual in their atU ndauce at tlte api-ointMl tirrn arrwcatlf to nntto. . (riTi-n under mv fa an I art m-il at thr Sbf-rifT' office in aw Bcriia. this 11th dnrof April in the year of our Lord ne thousand iuht huntirtl and fifty, and in tlic'iirTi'ut)- I aiurtn year 01 uc ii:a'p;nj. nr? vi me injuu suite or Ammn. Oul fare Ktc rmutnuw-aith! AUfHIBAlJUllOMA Sheriff. Sheriff's Sales. ; The Sheriff of Union county will se'! at the Court House in New Berlin.on Monday the 13ih day of May inst. A certain lot of ground in Lewisburg, containing i of an acre, on which are a two story biick house, stable, wood-house, well, and pump seized and tq be sold as the property of Joseph fi. Smit'i. Ore and a hall Iota of ground in Centre ville, whereon are a two stcry log 'house weathcrbonrded, a well, pump, and Trait trees as the property of John Mohn. A lot of ground in Freeburg containing I of an acre, whereon are a two story log house, weatherboarrJed, a frame shop, half barn, and log stable as the property ol Nicholas Siraucer. A tra?t of land in Chapman Tp, contai ning is acres, cleared, whereon aro a log nouse.good spring.and several fruit trat a the property of Jacob Keiser. Grand Jurors, My T. 1S50. aahington : Geo IlilH.h, Isaac Boyer, Jona'n t-tiion : J Cuier Jr, Hy Frock ' Arhogast 'hite Deer: Jacob Dieflendectrr.Wm Siadden. Beaver : John Shiry, Peter Klina Bast Buffalo: Cvru Brown Mifflinburg : Jos Boop. John M Taylor IKisburg : Nhan Uawn . West Beaver: J.cob Smith, j.M Staininger Tern: m J Moycr, John Hartman Hartley : Saml ( fcarlea, . j Kob Lon , W et Buffdo : Jacob Fox. Elias Kaup Perry : Peter Troop. N. Berlin : Sera Schoch Chapman : Emanuel Acker Traverse Jurors. Union : Ceo dinger, Jn Mite hell, B,) Cawley. Hartley : Jn Haas, tanrl Corl. Win Huntingdon, And Cook, Chas Carey, Peter Winner Center : Aaron Has-ingcr, Christ'n Blechley, - Jo Pilger, Hy .Musser Beam i Jo, Long, jn Bingritan. jfoses Specht . T? ',J,fob Minium, Samuel German, Samuel - oaauVI. Jos Grayblfl Vest BaOilo: J B SmitS, Jn" Stamm, reter Ponllm. Zacbariaa Brytnan - I.ewLburg : Saml Ammon, R M Mow, H P -Plieller Chai H Cook. Johnson Wnll norT.I,: JM Zi,b,cht pe, VooeiJii Jo B.JJle J ashingion : Jn Hummel ew Berlin : Jo. Shaffer, Edwd Wdaon - ' - : S'icni Eekhart 1 i Chapman : Philip Eurkhart, Saml Zeiglcr, I) 13 Bender. Edwd Fryer Bnt Buffalo : Geo Kreisher. Saml Reber MitHiuburg: Wm Doeblet, Hy Uogrnreif Middlecrcck : Michl Schoch Petit Jurors, (2J week.) Beaver: Wm Beaver. Hy Mitchell West Beaver ! Hy Gas. Hy Miller Centre : Gro J Schoch Middlccreck : Conrad flock Henna : Jn Rilter.Sam Gemberling.Sam Pawling, Jn Emmilt, Philip Kant. Isaac H.ttenstein ferry : Win Heigas. Jacob Kathfon Union: Jn Clemmens, Hy R Ynoii; New Berlin: Benjn Shall. Jn M Baum Mifllinburg: Jacob Deckaid. Jn Gable, Thomas Hartley : jn Frcdeiick fHasscnpIug. West Buffalo: Jn HiMrhrand, Jn J'lank Buffalo : lav Ilenning.W JlaKprrny, Ge- Slear, East Buffalo: Wm L Hairia. JJ S Dun Wo K.l'y : Jos Tolhert White Deer: J Bachmm, Wm L Riitir, Win B Sullivan Lewisburg : F Slnuglilon, Ch IVnnJ, Th Haves Trial L.M. i iLmrtoarte for ilerth'rTVmiisoii rs Kotub wid M-jnulius 1 J-" ''" Albert vin,v-r iu r Ninulcl llistver va Israel nun mis Lewis Mm t w vii.n n.t ti p rshciicr urrs wmii tieorire I liappel s i.a-piii.oi, J Kinsman S Itily vs H-ry V Hny.Ur Jams William-tin vs .l"hn VI nelvcy f l ... UnlL.Tf. vm Snntt Hilllltt j ;,u imi M.u-kUsUiiurtSosiuiiJLCian. Jnti VM t. s hto ... i K...,n.,i- .i..im II vim mi.i J"S Si-k i i;m K-iin-r fr u.-of s-imt Knink v : AJani i ltirit(il.hiT It. p-nrif.!, Ti W II 1 litillirnni K M fur iu luw r 18 qarKlr. lang una lamp ! ir..l. II. nu-l.-r v.- lantel li.-nul j W hiil k Mnlf tnta Alter V! M irkle.CampariJ Hart gut ! r.MMth .f I'a fir Knl't lliyen v II B Buyer el al ' Amlw M't'li n;.ll!i vs .laeuh U if -r ami J Jip I. lisiiek I'hri-rana Itumf-H vs minitU- t-f lioOyrdl-n ; J..h hnv.hT " fili.r ! l-hiiip mit v .Infi ll I lia:l llio.ui lit. .1 vk Jarob ! Jamli Hni.-ler K"f J'-hn K. nilrr t Dttlit llf rifl-f i .Saml Ilemlerin vs tl Vl'a!lwell will) uulicw t Juiloiick I Ji.Iiii II Wel T t Wei 0 lrn j Kuhl I'.r II S liraliaia ar. I. I! rhrM vn Jand lrrin J..1m M ller.fer v aml Ijhiii Hanii 1 ami I'aroliin Jam 11 fC Viim H Harlman at al ! J .l.ii l.iii. l Jm .li Kie.1 r '. .laei.t. Syj her v? Jaeeh L. iwr anl Ijias V(-i.iit j J.liQ llilU-rt 4 lo Win J May an l lleulien Kli i'hrisiin Herman " fml SrliiwkenKast i Kl-e tk HiiM. K Marah ; Tianiel ami Cr.rnlini-.larrett th Klia Harlman : Hereon I'eterson i Kilt-riKliue Ui not. tuli ItunJrum K i;. ::imil Co va ! .I.Jin DillaTt ts U srisEilUr ao : .I..in It Have v ; Wm V Wa.-uelliT vs ll.rry W FnjJtr ll.;r1 Kfi i I'liaile?. Shriller I'lalt Kpi.t fur riu'lit Nej hew c JarvJ Inin J.ei.l) Miller TH llai.iel IteliUr It 1 1 aye ts M';--lie!l Aliraharn aUlllKit.tonc-3.Jc Marfh I li;iri Kn i lier v Jhi Klir.a H.teiitiw ami wife V SelirnVer ar t J Il&rtman It ! Kxr- i.f I' Hi' liter il.w'd va ! iv .lr.il. ami Saml ljiul-r v J i J Walla VJa'v UiniTinali T? Kliaa "da Ts J awl V. ' Cm'th 6t ri.l.t l'li:iml-T t t' and J Milihouaa k.'mx f.-rl!rii I :ra'iin lrrin i .I..I..I r' Ki'lder and iff T Mielml Klt-rknir t (...i-iw Mar U lii-nrire Mill-r ; d.) Jain- . Suiilli Wilt Kilert v Maliiim llrTmnn l:uvaret Miiil' -k t Jaih IxMserand Juaiab Raliak li. !mel M lli r is Martin A Slm k ! Ki.l.r I li:u-:li.'rn i II Ihi.mj'Wn witli nnlire JEe ' Ui-o Ii. al Ailm'r ef e relter th Jnlm hn.tzer , Wui K W a- n-eller ::tva .artn.T e Keulien K-l'er ' Wm Ifnnter Kx'ref Saml Hunter va Julie Snyder Julm Weiaud is J jlin H"DliiS ' di ts il' I r- njumin Calev t ' liola." MeB'eh I I'. ti riietiiiaii a.' l wife t Thomas TburaVy . K-lwsnl Cavurre ra Henjn SI. all J W in ' W ;l --r sue-a nartner vs Snaol Long i Kerrister's Notices. ! The following accounts will be presented i f;r confirmalien at the Orphnns' Court in j New Berlin, M -nday, 20th May, 1850 : j Aeet nf Tliomnji tlflye. fine of tiii F.xeeut'?rs of W'U'iara i Have, late f Leifticlmv llornuph, dcreaw il. j Aeet of Ji.ln Smith. Ailraini.traUir of Daniel Itlyer, law .f Hartley T'nl"l', deed. i child of I'hilip Swinefurd. lalenri'enlre Tp, dii-d. ; Ai-rt of fclias K. Meiifr.'-a, AJm'r of njaniio Dork, late An-I of llr. John rlie'jliain. iiiaruir.n ot Mary, a minor of IVnn Tn. deed Aerl of Kliaa It. Menges, Exr of Jacob Mcngrf, laU cf w a..liinTton I p. ueea. ijuir-ilo Ti. di. I -VI .!,,iU Mauek, A.lni t of Aonuiam nay, law of i .wi ' J.hn M.wk, Aiirn'r of JoLa Trearter, late of 1 Aeet of iV izh Wilson, one of the Ex'rs of Hugh Wilson, j Lit. .f Ituflitln T. oVcd. ( y,ui nrrt of IM'T ollt Ex'r of lU-r Juyer. lato of K'-ltv Tp. dcd. j A.-rt of letuv anl.tfTitl Witnvr, Adm'rs of sUuiu1 V itut r. lute oi Thapwan Vp. dcnl. i.tT!n Tn. ilt-cd. AtH of J-hn Firtnine. Adni'r of w ilsnn IT. Hood, one of ' th.- A-im'rH of K. v. Tho'n Uocalt l:it- of l'ttifourtc. d-ed. ! Aeet of John 'in?rieli. i.unniiaii of Mary Ann, a minor j c'-il'l of Samuel r'wartz. dcd. I A ret of Panm.-I and John Shik, Adtn'rs of Abraham j Shirk. Intent Hartley Tn. deed. ' Act of Jfdin Kn-dt rick, V.x't ct CLrihUan Catherman, ; law ILirtlcy Tp.deftl. 1 Aert of Oeo. W. and Solomon Hixon, Ex'rt of David ! ilixon. la of W-t Huffaro Tn, den. Aeet of NVr MkMN'Swarlb, tx'r of A'bartien Kyer, 'ate of Unu r Tp, deitL CHERRY PECTORAL: For tio Carre t COUGHS, COZ.D3, HOARSEIXE3S, BBOKT- chxtxs, caour, jisth- MA, WHOOPINO-OOUOH Airs co2T3unsPTioxr. The uniform success which has attended the us? of hin preparation ita salutary effect i's power to relieve and cure kflections of the Lungs, have famed for it a celebrity equaled by no other medicine. H e olT-r it to the afflicted with entire confidence in ita virtues, ana the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of diseases upon the throat and lung.. Aa these results become public, they naturally attract the attention of medical Ron and philanthropist everywhere. What is their opinion of Cuerry Pectoral, mV be seen below. VALENTINE MOTT, M D, Prof. Surgery Medical College, New York, ava : It rives mo jrreat pleasure to oertify lite vrj-js anl rffl rsey of Ayer's Cherry Pocbiral.whieh I eonesler peculiarly a,ia ted cure Jis-ns-i of Uiv Throat anil Luiys. . the Rt Kcv Lord Bishop FIELD writee in a letter to hia friend, who was fast au'iking under an alTi clion of the Lungs . Try U-.o Cherry Perioral, and if any medieLie ran give yu nliei; with the bleaainir of lied that will. Chief Justice EL'S TIC'E, of Louisiana.writef : That a younp daucMer of hia was eared of several severe attti-ks of Cliol'l', by the Cherry Pectoral. ' ASTHMA and LRO.VCI1ITIS. The Cana dian Journal of Medical Science states. That A.it nma and Hmnehitis, so prevalent in this ineli-ment elimate, have yielded with surprising rapidity to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and wo rati uot too rtnmply reeommend this skilful preparation to the Profession and puhlic Kenurally.. Let ihs relieved sufferer speak for himself: 11 iRTF .an. Jan. 2 1S4T'. Pr. J. C. Ayi r Dear Sir : Marin been rescued from a paiDful and u&nxerona disease, gratitude prompts me to u'lid yon this seknowirdrincnt. nt only in justice to yon hut tie the iiirormauVin of others in like afllietion. A sliirbt oold upon tbe lunjr. necliteil at first, became so severe that Kpittintr of Miaul, a violent cuuieh. and prre fuse nhht sweats followed and fastened on me. I became eniaciati'd, could not sleep, was difln.l by -my eou;h. ar.d a pain tlireuh siy ebest. aud in liort had' all the alarminjr symptoms rf juiek oun iumption. Xo mtilii iue s-vmed at all to reach my ess-, until I providentially tried y,siT Cherry PectoruU', which soon relieved and now has cure.! me. Tours with respect, B A. STEWART. From a letter daleJ AiVtvv, N. f April 17, 14". Ir. Ayer, towell Tleftr Sir: I was artlirled hy Asthma In the worst form, so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chS'r fcr .a htrger part of the time, taring unable hi breathe on n.y lw-d. I hail trw-d a nat many medicines t" no purpose, until my phrsi.-ian prescrihod. as mn eine riin. nl. 'your Clierry Peck.ral. At first it seemed to nuke me orc, bnt inr less tv.r.n a week I be pan to experience the rawt rratifymg relief from Ita war ; and now, in four weeks, tb disease is entirely removed. 1 can sleep on my bed with cointort. and eujey a atate of health which I bad never expected to enjoy. OKO. B. FAKKANT. Prepared LuJ C.Ayer ,Chemist,Loicell,ATs. For sale by C W SCHAFFLE, Lewisburg ; J II Casio w, Milton;' Iaaac Geihirt, Sclin(rove, i.EWisiuma CHUOMCL.U and west Public Sale. I w ILL be exposed lo Public Sale at the j premises, on j Saturday the 11th of :iay t net', commencing nt 10 oV; ck, A. MV 12 acres of I . u.d, .: situated within j of a mite if Lcwisbitirs;. adjoining binds of Wm.H'iUon mi I o:-.-: j it u ill be offered in Ms of four acres each1 to suit purchasers. Terms made known by April 20. ltijO. II. R XOLL. LUMBER ! I ilil ile nl nur viird on Tliir J stri-1': 1 ...o, T tl.irct.' I,iw.. renr i'. nursii'.s Hiy Pine Cornmon ai,d Pannel B.iarJa, do J.i-t ami SIuiIiImic. Hemlock Joi-t am! S.-an'tiiig Vh;t! I'ine 1'lar.k I Miinte S.piare Tim!er j Weatlirtboards Yellow I'ine Fl-oring Bnsr!. Hoofing and I'lasterin? Lath, f:e. All of w hich we offer cheap for cash or short credit. lll'iil ik AM MOM. Iewisburg, April 29, 1S50 THRESH TEAS.-Ano-her bt o ' superior Black aii (ireen Teasj' . just reed from the Canton Tea Cam pany, and fur sale at New York n tail prices hy J. HAYES Aj CO. I.ewial'urg, Apiil lC. Agcuta. rrival ! Til IYES & CO. tnke pleasure in announ . cing to the puhlic that we are now receiving trom the city one of the lurgeat, cheapen! and beat elected stock of floods ever ullcred to the public. No labor has been t pared to render their atork complete, and to obtain articles of good iprility, to th it it can be relied upon that whatever ihev shall nffrr for a'e will be just what it ia represented. Tbry have nn excellent assortment of Dry frfiCUli w rompiising nearl cVery article usually eiiUinsrt ted under this head, emer.g which are liroa,!. rlnths. Plain and. i-V.ucy Cassimeres, Malinetts, Tweeds, .Ccshrear, tie, i)iapeltes, Codiinglons, Plaid I.ircns, Tickings, Drillmga, idgng. Cot ton and Hemp Carpet Chain. Plain and Taney Cioodf, selecied iih particular reference lo the taste anl convenience of the Ladies- furh as t hingralde, I'laid. crenadine, and Foul ir.l Silli". Kiil and Flai-i I,amartine Delaines. Crape finished, Fi J and Plain Linen Lustres. Bonze Deslaities, rin ted French Lawns. Silic Muions, Pink, Bulf, Hue, and Criinso.i Tarletona, I'lain ao-l Figd Blue and Pink (dotted) Kutisa, Linen. Cambric. Slid La-vn Hdkfs, Gloves aiid Hosiery. yjVJ Bonnets, Fans, Parasols, Parasoiettes, alsof Fino Moleskin. Leghorn. China Pearl and Palm Leif li ATri, at lower prices than ever odercd to this rnmmnnity. Gvorcvtt.fj a choice idtction. Glass, Queens, Stone, and Crockery ware. To those mho wish to procure anything in this line either for utility or orn-imfnt,lbeir assortment particularly recommends itself. Hardware j cutlery, Grass and Corn Scythes, Axes. Shovels. Spades, Straw Knivej, M inure and Hit Forks (of supe rior quality ) t)oor trimmings,? lass, Putty, Nails, Iron, Steel, Ac. CARPETS BASKETS Shades, Ladies' Satchels. Traveling and Work Basket., also Market, Clothes anj Corn RaskHs, Cedarware, flukes, 4'C. $ c- In conclusion, they wonld aay that their goods h. . . . , . . , . ave been bought at very low prices, and wij be j il!spsed of on the roost rrasonab'e terms for ( Bh or country Produce and to satisfy the public (aa I . . s. ... ' c to puces) just rati at the Cheap Siore of J. HAYES &, CO. Lewisburg. May S. IM50 si . 1 , ItLlrk WaSflUl Tallied. t OU ANTITV of Black Walnut, either in logs or sawed to order also. Walnut ogs or sawed Crotches the whole to be delivered on the Pa. Cnnal, at or nesr Lewisburg. For further par ticuiars, enquiie of April 23 II. C. HiCKOK, Lewisburg LABOR SAVKD,";;'j:t; 171 OR SALE a superior Washing Mixture, , .: which removes all dirt end stains of various kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the texture of the cloth. Persona wishing to avail themselves of thia valuable mixture, with full directions fur ita nse, bad belter call at the new dug and Chemical Store kept hy U THORNTON & BAKER, Lewisburg Splendid Illustrated History or THE Mexican War and it- Warriors ! C COMPRISING a fu'l account of the recent War with Mexico, with the Lives of the principal Officers on the American side, and over jn l'r.,i,,t n, I Fuost I.I. I I 40 hngTBVlngs. Ily J . r HOST u. , The work to contain upwards of 301) pares, i large size I2ni.- . handsomely ami durably DOUnd . , i -,l : in embossed cloth, lellcreil antl orns.rarnted in ; eilt. Pbice. St.25 per copy. tlThe subscriber having aeeorcd the agency of the above work for Union county, will solicit Ihe patronage of the people frr it. ; II. W. CROTZER. Lewisburg, April 81 3wpd Latest News from California ! HOR33 IXfM. GOLD! 4 LL the world and the rest of mankind" J are respectfully informed that we have opened an unusually choice assortment of SPUING AND SUMMER ood9 comprising a splendid varie'y LAD1EV DRESS (iOOBS of the newest sty les-Calicoes. Delaine, Ginghams, Oarages, Silks, I'-.asols, and Fancy Goods, and fof Gentlemen's wear a large stock of Cloths, Casnlmer, Summer Stuirs,Vestin;s,Summer IIats,&r. ... Salt, Fish, Nails, Queensware, Hardware, Groceries, etc. etc. AM of which we offer for aale at our proverbially low prices, for CASH or PRODUCE. REBER a I0DINGS. La lest x mm Large SalesLow iVic9jBLiACKS3IlTIIlXG si UfeteHi THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE anil filliiis 1 iguin briinjull with a slock i.f aondn I.ARGKR.BETTEK an! CHEAPER than ever! T7"K have jm rerrivctl and are now opening IT a large anil rplen.lii aaortment of anil j rurar.it-r e i b.aviiii; everviji'.w ai!pieJ to the varied wants j and tastes f t'i Toeim-iiiity, and at prices that ! can nut fail lo cive enivem.il atiifaetien. The I. A MI K.-S are V.irrd thnt e have a belter -o.tm nt i.f Oi'OvK Sln. than baa ever bicn prriwii'cd in thia maiket. We have every quality and description r.f Gentlemen's a-.d Hny' Dress Good. Cashmere. A'e.tin;, Surniner StulT, Fancy (ravnM. Ac. A splendid tot of HA I S, CAM an I liON.N'E I S. of llie latest style KiW'ons Fluwerx, tSilka, t'alicocj, Lawna, Ginghama, &c. 1 1 a rd w a re Q i ice n s w a re G lass wa re, GROCERIES of all kinds also a la-go stuck of Master, Salt.and Fish, at very low pricva for CASH or COUNTRY I'UOUl'CE of all kinds at Maiket prices. J.& J.WALLS. LewW urg, April 23, 18.10 UNIVERSITY at Lcwisburgr. C1IKI mi ULAR fur the Academical Year com mencing Oct II, 1819. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. . Giercised in Spelling, Reading, Definition, English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geogriphy, His tory U.S.A., Penmanship anj Composition. English Department of the Academy. The fame studies aa in the Primary Departm't continued in the use of larger tell hooks ; and to these are Med (rener.il History ,Algcbi a, Legen dre, and I'lemcets of Surveying. Classical Department of the Academy. Term J'uriar Academic clitsa. I. Fhirlish (irnntmar, Latin Uremmar, Arithmetic two diviFion?.) UwijTar'hv. IT. III. Tlw sams tiidii as in T. Term, and Penmanship. Kn?1ih Grammar, t'asar, Arilhmelie cumplehnl hy 1st division. ;rs'k llratnniar, Uistiry Pea- uiaiisinp. rniK-Keeiinif. Senior Academic class. T. Osr. CnaV R1. r, AlKvbra fEIcments.) II. Jlneid. do do' III. do do, ii., rnniplete.1. Gene ral H;ttiryf Fn,;li.-h I.nnuas and Composition. COLLEGIA TC DEPAETMXKT. Frttifimun cass. I. En..Iih I.wpiage and C'emii.sition, Alg, Ira, Lir;, Anal.asis. . TT. Plane lleometrv, l.iry. An:tl.ari.' ' III. l'lane, istilirt and Spherical Un.metrv compttUs', Li Ty, Anabasis. Stnhon.iirc cl:t. T. II. III. Odyssey. Plane and Sj lierienl Trlirr.iK.metry. d' d len,irat:on.SurveTinir.aTtiration. no . eempl. U-l, Ss leet Uralinnj".jf IXmo-JthelKS, Iliietoric, Aualytieal IJr mrtry. Junior cLtss. PimoTlhenf S on the Crown. Cieero do Offleiis, Sf rlianies. Hydroi.ratir. and llvdraulies Ilraiostlienes on the l'ron. Cieem de Offleiis eom- pleteil, I'neumalira, Aroustiea, Klwtricily, MairuF- tisrn. rnd Holies. Cite Tragedy, Taritns, Astronomy. I. II. III. Senior tins. for AaifeTieaJ Year cotnme-irinc Ort.-lO, lR.1!. I. Ijv-ie. Na.ural The il ijry, lutelli - l ial Pliiioaoiihy. II. Ilm k. r...ili-sl Kei.nomr, M-wnl Pnilos ihy. 111. Ilu tier's Anal"v, (..ivMitulHo of t. , llieaustry, Leetures, lient .al It viewj. No class in the Regular CuDrse has less than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon is devoted exclusively to Vocal Music, Declamation, and reading select and original Compositions. The smder.t are required to attend, regularly, fome religious meeting. Minors are expected to tlend soch meetings as are recommended to them hy their parcnta or guardiana. There are in the I '""ougii in, irsa mail sis tares oi punilc woisnip. ' , of as manv different Christian denominalinn. I L , . . ' I I- . , , j TCXl Ronkn K.,M 7,;nr .,, jr,nr-f.JVh. Ba.i. p...-. r.h-torieal Header, Won-esti r' or Webster's Ihctinnary. ltuilion's Kiiirlifih linmutf. Parker's Progressive Kveeei- ..' Knelish Composition, I'arktr a Aiits, lilair'a Leciurcs (I rivrrsity Kditii-n.l nn n?rl,,,ffr.i,n,1rrt'5ri-5n.mar.I!nmonr.e,ler, Leverett's la-xicon,- Uullinn's ('ear. cehmits and Zumpt's yiiviM'-liieolirs I ivy, Ambon 'a Horace, Thar her' Cic.ro de HSieils. Tyler's lantus (ieruiania et Arin.la. firf. 1 z.,w,st.Bullion s.in.:amar. Bullion'. Header, l-iddell Scitts Islir.m. Owens Xenophon's Anabasis, !',"',,.'' ''JT"r'', ",l)'sy.f hanpUn's Dciaosihencs, nsr, nnssicni Manual. Ai.eiiuri. Dirii . Arithmetic fcr Acaih nies. Mrm- entary Aln-I.r. Konnlon, lnndr... Surveying and! Suvi- ,.tere.djp.'d".)'oimst-d Astnoomv. " 1 ' ' IViimltr of Mtident. The number of students during tbe pasl year in Hie various Ueparlmenls, was 164. The 1 1 umber that have enlccd the classes in the Re- I gnlar Course for Ihe current year (exclusive of those in liie t.ngli-h ana rrimary departments,) is as follows : Coiisui. ,1'inii r class a S' pifomore - la I'nhiiian class 10 AcasaaT. S nior class - - z:, Junior clas - - Teachers. FTFrilKX T. TAVLUlt. A. M, ProC ft MnthemaUcs and Natural Philosor hy. tirXtftliR K 1)1.IS, A. M, Prot of Greek Langoage act l.il.nifu"e. HKllllliK IV. AMjKII.W,A M.,Pmr.of I.itlnUncua?e and Liti-mtun'. . . ' ISAAC S. LOOM1?, A.M, Prindral of the Academy. AI.KItKIl TAYIH!, A. M., Tutor in Uie Knglish Lan rnae and Klocution. HaUdlngs, Library and Apparatus. The Academic edifice now occuptej by the members of Ibc Diversity, has been erected. t nn cvp-nsn of $s.o0, ar 1 it is ?daptcd to seeommoiiate Is" "indents. Anothereditlco has heen cnmmenccd.which 6nirhrd wilbin tn9 cnurs. of the present Academic Jw,rf to contain, stiaty ronnu and Jermilories r the aicoaimislanonor insinaenis inincoiiemaieiiepanm t. Ihe Lilmry contains a number of select volumes, and iicrcasiiiK. - CVmica! Apliamli:. has heen oritereil snfReient to suiply t!e ii.inieilivte demand. Tlie Apparatus lor the illUHlratirn of Meehanlcal Philosophy, is now complete. -' Tuition nnd Rnarrl. Tuition in th? Collegiate Department f20, Aeailemrr t10, Pi'mary $IZ per year. Board, including lodging, ashing, fuel, and light, can be bad in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from f J.37J lo 2,50 per week. Session and Vacations. Tf Sessions in the year tbe former com mences nn the 2nJ Bkuisday ii October, and continues 7 weeks ; the latter commences on Ihe 16ih May, and continues 15 weeks. Spring Vaealion. 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. By order and iu behalf of the Board : THOMAS WA1TSON. Prea'u . 'iEOROE F. MILLER. Sec'v. Lewihurg. Union Co. Pa. April 18. 180 A Ciird, to ihe Ladies. C. MILLER, F Fhiladclphii, begs leave to announce lo the Lvrtiea that he makes U pruer Ladies' Boots and Shoes, of every description, at reduced priees has also on hand double anted Kid Busain Shoes for $1.12, thin soled Slippers foi 75 cents, and a variety of ChilJrcn Shoescheap for Cash. . The subscriber devotes himself entirely lo line work in his line, eru) believing he can give satis faction, solicits a share of public patronage. Shop on N. Third Sl 2d dooi south of School-house. Le-visburg, April 16. C. MILLER. never refused at Ihe office of he LewisburgKhronicle. kkaxch sfaeie- The subscribers respect fully inform the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity that they. hnc comenced the above business, at M. Hate's old shop oh Second St. one scjiinre south, of Marktt.w here they are prepared lo Iron liugEs or Waggon, and rrake all artichs in thtir busir.eas in the most workmanlike manner, at prices w hich they hope wil! induce thoce wistiin-i anything done in their line to cnil and jtidoc themselves before going elst:wht re. Rennirinff done on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms also Shoeing which is a very important mat ter to those that have valuab'e horses, and should be entrusted n.i I v tn nersnna nl known skill.' We flatter ourselves that we are able to compete wiih any person in the country in Shoeing Hordes : c ask only a trial, and let the work show lor itself. All work warranted. Iron and all kinds of country frodiice taken in exihane. We hope by strict attention to business, and a determination to suit all, both in work and price, to receive a liberal share of public patronage 1 1 ATE Se FUKRAY. Lewisburg, May 22, IM9 W 7"0RMS woRj'9 tr V r rious tbeor'e have been etcrted r.tn3 to the origin of intestinr1.! worms, end yet the question is a vexed cut einr.ng medical authorities. Ol one fact, however, ail are informed, and in which all agree the fatal nature of the influence they exert on children. A-: this season of the year is one at which atta-ks cf worms are most frequent as well m most danjKrous,we take great pleasure in direct ing ifaa mention of parents to lr.M"L:ines Vermifuge. Ii is ono of the most extraor dinary rr.eil'cines ever introduced, and ha never fai!ed of success when tried. AnEirni. Ross Co, Ohio, Feb 13, 1813 Messrs J KidJ ct Co: We with to inform yon that we have sold all your Worm Sifie left with us. We wish you to send us some more a soon as possible, as it has given general siiisfjc lion here. We have many calls for it since we are out of the article. Il has succeeded all other preparations in this county, and for thia rraaon we wish to keep a supply on hand. R & M A PATTERSON. The above w one ol hundreds; of sim lar communications which the proprietors ol this medicine are daily receiving. Where it has been ititrnduced.it has become the tne st popular remedy in use. AGENTS C W ScnarrLx, Lewisburg; II J Shafer and J H Raser, Mil. on ; I Gerhart, Se linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunbury ; Mra M'Cay, Noilhumberhnd ; M C Grier, J Moore, Danville rpo the lion. Court of Oereral Quarter Sesion of tVs Peace In and fcr tbe County of Union, at the May Term Sir 1S0-I. The petition of Wm. L. Ritter. of TTh Tloer townsh'p. in the eouuty of Lnkm, respectfully showeth. Hint your ; I.'titioner is desirous of. keeping a publi- housi in the f houso kept by Win. L. kitt,r last year, ami where he ; formerly kept a pubije house tt.r a nucsher of years, and is pn.viiled with every necessarv convenience so to d" : h ( the-ef'ire prays the Court to grant him license to keep a i t:ivern or bouse of public entertainment tor the aeeorv i mMaiinn of travelers anl stranger, and snch a bouse is j necessarily wanted, and he will pray. A 1 W t. I.. RITTFR ! W the subscribers, citivna or White Ileer township, do i certify that the above applicant is ,f (r I repute &.r . homty and temperance, and is well providisl with house ' room and convenience firthe lodinnir and aeeommiwlatioa of travelers and stranirers. and such a tav.-m is necessnr- ) ily wanteit in New ColiuuDia. W.tniw our hands, this 1st day of April. 1S50. Abraham Ui'rsham, Jacob Bittinfr. Abr. Anireney. Israel i'. .. .-n. l..n MV...AV I V. VI I I I .. I 1' 1. , f frt-nihrrlinp, U-wis lMrohKin,. M m. p. Dtvu-ciixiAO, vjoriianjer, Jueob iroxel, Lrarlen Kline. OlK To tbe Hnnorahl tbe Jwijri rf the Court of 1 ' Quarter Se-ionB of the I'cjv-e in uitl for the Count ' of rni.-n. Rt May Term. 1.tO. . in viili"uvu isiaiaat-i a a. jieor-f, -j; v ri. w uwr r.rvrp8Dip In mia county. rvsfctfully fht-w.-tU tlint he in tl.-inu-j of Vtfpifil apuMic lmue nl the fr'nrr Iron Work. rut Um Turit.ike leiulitiir from White Ier Mill to CnMer munfy thrnnirh Hupnr Vftlley. He therefiire prayo the lnn:r. Die oun io pram mm uvns rr ko piti'j; public inn or tavvrn, anJ be ta in Ut lrubI will prav, ate. DAMKL II KKRKR. We the ttntl.Tfiu-ne-1 citizen of W hite Dt-er ton nbip if the county of In ion. tin hereby certify that we are wril arquainted with Daniel K H-S.'r, the nhove ar't for a tavern lirvnm. and know him to" be a man of irnoai reput for bnnety anl temperance; that he is well pro Tkbii with houew-nxrm antl otlier e nvi nu nf f-r the aceommoitatinn anl lodini; of ntranirerit rtH trateler? ; and that a public houe ir iieeewiary there ta areonrm.-lnte the public auU Rtranzerfi an-1 travrlfrs : we thvt f re bf leaTe to reeoDimeutl bim tor ft license agreeable to bis petition. Wm. L. Ritter. Geo. rni-'rwrtoi!. Charted Kline. XI nry Ku-tf nboAtcr, Jacob IlU-uVntlerfrr. Jat'ob Triirki nmiiter. 4"bn I'ti-PfPtJi'rfiT. Aarm Smith. Jaenb Troxel, Arnham j Artjroney, Wm. I1 Ihitr-smnn, Joel Kan. k A PP1.IC7.TT0N FOR LICESS"K. To the Hon. the Court ,.f Ouartr S-sions cf the Peace in and for the connty of I'nion. at May Term. 1S0O. The petition of the s'lbscribcr humbly prayeth your honors to irrant him further license IV.r k'-epitiir a public house of i iitcrtniutnect in the lanre aud enrnmclinus hniise whii-li lie now occupies for that purpoe" in the Borouch of Lewi-burg in said eonnty. II. therefore prays the Hon. Court to jrrant bim the license asked to-, and" in Jutj bound he will ever prav. Ac-. A.'J. WUDKNSAFL. "t"e the nndersiirned eitixens of Isrisburg in tbe county nf 1'nion. bein personally enainted with Adam J. Weiilenxaul. the aliove nai.d petitioner, and also bavin; knowleiljrc of tho hoese for which the license ia prayed, do Ctrl iff that such a house is necessary to arconiui'.late the public and entertain stranger and trarelcrsjtnd that be is a person of jood repute for honesty and teriiierance, and that he la well provided with the necessary conveni ences forthc accommodation and comfort of travelers. We therefore pray your honors to print him a license VTreable to his petition. Lowisbursr, April 4, lS.io Henry W Pries. James Blair. Slouchtun, Kanslisr Fnrry, Ilarmw Criswell, M.Mlii.Mi Hat.., lU-ury Xeuer. A I. Ilattkld. Saml Violfr, I, ilium Cameron, 1 TVhitloi'k, J -Mladdin. Spring $ Samnuv GOODS. J UST received, ati'i now opening ct FORSTER'S NEW STORE, second door cast of K-ine's Hotel, a new and Splendid Assortment of Goods, suitable for this and the approaching sea son, consisting of CLOTHS, CASSUIERS, YESTIXGS, - Ladles' Dress Goods of every style and variety new stjle Parages, Lawns, Artnure Delaines;, Ging hams, Ssc. . A great varisty of style Chints, Cali coes fee. . A beautiful assortment Ladies' Parasol. Morocco and Kid SHOES and GJ1ITERS for Ladies and Children Also a choice selection of GROCERIES, Queensware, &c.&c.,all of which are offered remarkable low for Cash or Country Produce, by ihe subscriber, J. FORSTER. Lewisburg, April 3, 1850 To Justices of tbe Peace. B INNS' JU8TICE, new edition, can be hid at Lyndall' Boukstora. in this place. Ltwwburf, April 10, INffl. JV'ew Store, FKESII GOODS! n.tRTeS,GCDI)C$ K MArvSII HAVING formed a Copartnership in the Mercantile business and enlarged the Storeroom lately occupied by 3.S. Barton opposite Kline's lliti l are ivw oprnina well selected and extensive stock of Mer cl.JFuize, consisting of GROCE- RIES. H AllDVv'AKE, t-UTLKHY, Carpenters' Tools, Queensware, SALT, FISH, Furniture Mounting, Glassware, eoal, iJhTtstcr, Window GLASS a general ass,rmerit. Bar, Rod, and lloop Iron, Nails, and Spikes, ,r -Tinware, Sheet Iron and 'Ictal P.ins, and a more enerii! essor'.meat than is usually lound in co ir.iry stores which they pledge ther.:sei,es to st-11 at very low prices. Persons nl n distance will find it to their advantage to buy (or Ca-h or we wiil lake in Kxchange for (ino'ls, W heat. Rye, Corn. Odts, Uin kwheal, Timothy and Clo ver Seed, Butter, t'gos,Tlli.w,Hard Suap, Beeswax, Feathers, and all kin ii of trade or country produce. Ihe patronage of the public u respect fully solicited, and everv assurance given that nothing sball be wanting to fender entire satisfaction. SAM'I, S. BARTON. SAMI'EL GEniiES, JAMS s. MARtH. Lewisburg, April 1, 1850.' Hcmouals, MEDICAL CJ.'Z). Respectfully announces to bis friends aud ihe public generally, th.it he has removed his residence to the house: of his lather, (formerly occupied by Win. Porter,) a few doors north ol Kline's Hotel. Cilice, Col. M'Faddin's new brick building, next door above C. K. Bowes' Siore. Lewi-burg, April I, 1650 REMOVAL! TAILOR, his removed his Shop to the building (one door a!ve l. ;i lab'.-) lately ocr.tipied by John B. Miller, where he wi'l be happy lo fit his customers both old and i.cw. The Fashions for 18.50, Spring and Summer jusf received. Lpwibur April 1, ISSO Dr. JOHN LOCKE, DENTIST, Hits removed his 0fli-e to his Dc!!in: the first tlitor htlmrt Kline's Hotel, rooms rorster s fetore where he will wait on all whi may desire his services, nceord ins: to previous arrangement.'. Lewburg, April 2, 155i) i I jTjf Ittft VtlTl I ' JOHN 11. MILLER, TAlI.Oit, respectfully inftrms his patrons and the public that his Shop is now at his house the new brick opposite Mr. James P. Uoss, on TliirJ St., where he will be happy to wait on all who may honor him wi'h their patronage. Lewisburg, April 2, 1350 JOHN A. M ERT2, . . . Justice cf tfce Peace, lias removed his OtTi- e to Market St., in the room recently used bv Dr. Looke, one door below the Printing OflW. Lewisburg, April 3, 1-350 Thompson's Susquehanna EXPRESS! BETWEEN Philadelphia, Sunbury, Nrtrth'jmberland, Danville, Milton, oluncy, Willinmsport, L"ist"rS,M lT1inli:ir";, New L'sr'.in, an ) ISelinsgrove. Leaves the City every Thursday Morning. Ojfices in Philadelphia : For Package and Light Goods At Livingston & Co.' Express, Depot 43 South 'i bird Si.; And for. Heavy A nicies .it Brichel & Co.'a, Depot corner of Croc I j. Cherry. Order atlemled to if left at Lewiihurg with Mr Klin-, Mr Weidensaul, Mr Ljndall, Mr i Forstcr, or Mr Sheller January 1, 1850 HOARDING: TVilE 9-ibscriber aai?s him.st If of th" co!. AL u-tins of the Chronicle in publidhint! to be citizens of Ijewisbiira and vicinity that be has opened a BOARDING HOUSE in that Isfge ami comfortably arranged house, formerly k'pt as a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two d"ors east of the franklin House. Market street. 1'e is prepared to say that his Table shall have the bet the Markets can afford, and the I mlging r Boarders shall be as comfortable as can be de-ired. , I. S. f TEKNEJJ. N. B. A team and carriage will lie kept to eenvey passengers t j and from the Packet Boats. Lewisburg, March 13, 1S50. Dentistry. WEI. C. STEWART, LATE of Philadelphia, ia now local on Market treet, Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J. Schreyer's store, "here he attends to operation on the teeth at a reduction of hi former price. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with Ihe aid of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling leelh and selling on pivot or plate atten ded to according to ihe latest improvements in the profession Ulcerated, spungy, and inflamed guns cured. Thankful for past tavosa, he aelirit continuance of poblic palronaga. No impore materials used for illiag in teeth. ty?si 'l.aiiiiintr tiiil t iiitvifi a. lilllili' iiiiu . a ay FOR oast favor, the subscriber re urns hii grateful ihinksi, and hereby m ike known ti'iut he rirnr on the business ol Tnv.itivg nns Carrjln?, at the C.d bund. l1. tff mined nut lo b: outdone in Ihe iniw'jfect'.'re o fT.iish o! hit work, he is bound to h;;ve the best work men and iimteria's, and to treat iJise v ho have st liberally patrouiztd ,as ! asj thtwe nlso who sImII be plea-ert ! pair: rJsw tioi) wiih that u: ten I ion whp'h lr her i,. insure him i ! i'i th ire of pi.Smc pit rtinu. . ll kinds .f Prodjc; ttkrn it C-Xcluine. Hides and Dirk n-jt t2'ir ', Tut nh'cli thn highest marker price i!! l- .niil in r'al or in exi.-l.aige fur Ita: her. L STKRNEli. M.trch 23. A D. 165 ) The Summer Session of the LEWISBURG ACSDEMY;"'; 'VVT'll.L. eorcrr.ence on Mosbat ihe ICih ef ?T -' Inalructiou will be given. fors incrly, in ail branches necessary It ihor ugh Academic ceurfe Our endeavor shiH not be simply to com runi-a e knooledg. but to excitn. the youthful minj to act for itself. .When this ia fully attaint J, the p ogn-ss of the cteden? becomes at once c rtain anj rdpid. The kind uJ learwing which meet I cur jot, tin in tV ro.in'rj need, is that snlij literature, which, while it matures their mini's, prepares tht in also (. i t practiraj duties of Ii . Compoiiion and Ut-c lam .lion wiil ree ive iTie -' full share of attention particularly the former The Primary I.Vpartmer.t shall have oar spetul carp, r iom tbe disposition nianili-s'rl lo susUin the In-tituiion, the subscriber tcela stimulated tj renewed evcrtions. The Session will enn-i-t of two Ttrmi of 1 1 wetks each a short vacation inirv, r.wiii. .Tui tion 'pi, for the common bianche. H fr ihe higher Engli-h. anj i,'t for Lauyua-r'e, per Session per Term, otie half. JNO. RANDOLPH. March ii, IS.'O. 1 r.ncipal. WIN FIE LI) WOOLEN FACTORY, Year Ilarilefon, Union Co., ra. r"pHE subsciiber, thaakful lor tiif liberal 1 pitron:ige bestowed on hi old e--taL-lishmcut, bej;s leave to inform his !iU.ai-i and the puiJic in generil, that he has now removed his M tchir.ery into his Nrw'Mi'"' (frro m Ir s aftore lliirth loi k-sr fr.n TurP pike.) which has been built aid S'.:eJ upon ihe mont improved plan, and vill huve; cr hy the middle of April an entire new sell of JENKs- latest IMPROVED MACHINERY, in addition to his alreudy -od st tt, wbic will maka il ibe larje..! r.od' ii t !..! -up establishment w:thin 100 niites of it ; r.n. with the advantage of one of the best w j'er powers, he foe's safe in saying thai his e3tii!ilihn.cnt ;s r.'iX and shall nr.t be sur pased by ?.y in this part of the coun'ry. lit? has engaged a coed sett of wotkinc-. - a and is now prepared for insninacturin Braid and Narrow CLCTES, . Cassirneres, Tweeds, Satinet!::, . Jean?, Flannels. Blankets, &c. in llie l-e.t manner, on the shortest notice, at reared prices. ltrI'"r th nccommi datinn ol c!!3trn:e:s, H'col may be left tt the tollvrwinje ' Deposi lories : r New Berlin: E Wilson'a , !?t!inss:ove : Davw & chnote t!o ' ho I!-rt- .n Jr Frerbnrj : G Sc i C Mover Ktort do o dl Middleburg: Suengli&liassingerdw Adamshurg: Henry Smi h ilj PennsVallev N arroevs : Mrs Moatz da Mifllinborg : Henry Gist it i East Buffalo: tjmyel Rebel's Tesern BuiTa'oX R.iaJs: J M Creljrht's Store Leisl uig: J.Hsve-A- Co d-j d". ' F.ebcr & hiding' ita West Milton : John Ditesnua do Milton : Masteller A Sarenk do do SweeneT Jc Ha.- d Liberty P O i VVm Dire' Hou- Limestone : Weiuenhanier Store Potts irroye : James Reed 3 A stood assortment of Cbrhs, Farinrtv, Casin,eres,Twreibi, Jeans, Flannefa.ri.in keta. Stocking Yarn, ike. alwav-r: Tnr Snla or Kxchmge for Woo! e- co jr.iry Produce at the New Factory. CA R D1XG GKi! FUL LIXG as usual. MXKK IIALKPEXXY. Wicfit-'il MiiU. March , 1S5J GOLD and SEL7EI. . X't emit in California, iut ahf in Ln-itlurg A g'vod so:tm?nt of" ' Watches, Silver tT.trc nrve jeirclrj of fine quality and at City pi ins. Hatfieii? k Thompsoa. Respectfu'ly infor.n the citizens l I.ewisburj an t victivty thai thev have enlere l im0 Parlnershiu at ihe OLD STAND on Market St, op(.oa J Hayes & Co's Mre, prepared u exewtj e.tr. kind of work in their lir m ,he. beet manner' 1 hey carefully setee'j of KnlsS French mten-'l3 Mairprx.fs flinders E-cap-i wheels. s;lf) , ,f W :tch J--w?l. anJ Salter. th'.mseWes thn thrlr knowledge and skill in th bnsinesa wilt rnebb thera to give satisfaction I all w 'pa may favor them with pat'ona 'e.Q FINS WATCnSS, suth as Dupkx. E.t-.! cspem-iit, I.epines, Anchars, Detach d. ftj Patent Levers, Repeaters, and Musical WaUb.es,' Ac neatly repairej and wui ranted Also for sale, a variety of GolJ anJ Silver Watches, Patent Levers, Anchars. Detached, pines. Qnartiers, and Eng!i-h XVaichse," Got.! Chain., Breat-p.us. Fingar and Ear ,;rg. Gtdd and Silver Bell Slides, Bracelets, Gold and Sdver encila nod Pen, do f pectscl.-s,' 5?dver ftrj.Mtn. tfonar mns.i'amh. Ac Ac. in short, a I.Uia .of evervtUing, at-.! nythmir els. mcrticuinj knicJi-i-'Jt I ays on oind or g ii to cr.ler ' A va.iet, of Press Cljckj for and cpwirj, al vholesa! and retail Person deciring to get tilings rty.:, -rcnld d. well ly giving the subscriber a call -.. Evpcrlenee tel.' us thu'the Credit jsm rem not afford Iivmg. Therefore, in pr.lrt lo 'i u- along and keep movin.' the CaV: .System mu- necrsa.-i!y be euforrl. F".-j IS.' 1S.V A L HATFIKI.l. . WM H THOP.ON. A OZ Spt Ammooia. 16 oa Spi Turprnti.-i. i ox Spts Camphor; mix in a.dtl. Take r. to 8 tab'espoonfuls above mixima j iinia ,;' nap lo an ordinary tub of hut wnte.-; naix l.'.-rC ooghly together, then put the rHofbesi iaj the tu":., and let them remain fifteen mlnuiea before wab ing Ibemout; then riose Ulm through two or, three waters, bang up and dev. Tbi, Washing ' Mixture for est bt C. V. WH-AFFI.fT."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers