Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 08, 1850, Image 1

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B. G; HICTOK, Editor,
a N. WORDEN, Printer.
Volume YIL, Number 6.
WMe Number 318.
The LewlnbarK Chronicle issued
very Wednssdy morning at LewUburg, Union
jtfnty, Pennsylvania.
Ttaa $1.50 per ymir, fur ct-h actually in
advance; $1,75, paid within three month; $2
if paid within the year ; $2,.r0 if not paid before
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scriptions for aix month or lea to be paid in
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O. X. WORDEX, Printer and Publisher.
with ihe apartment. On the victim's body
being examined, it was found that she was
stabbed in nine different parts ; and her
hands and arms were also gits hod in many
places, in a way thet showed how desper
ately she must linve fought Tor life. On
the bed was found a very lurge lock of
hair, torn out by the roots.
The hair was at first thought to be Miss
Fanshawe'sown; but on examination, none
was torn Irom her head ; neither did the
lock correspond in the least with hers ei
iheir in color or length. Tuis was also the
case with Evcleen j and, after a most pa
tient investigation at the inquest, all con
cerned unanimously admitted the incxplic
xb!e luct, that this lock of woman's hair,
and lamentations. She said; that when she
saw this turn theatUri had taken, by shift
ing all suspicion from herself Jo lvele n,
shn no longer felt any fear of detection.
She availed herself of an early opportunity
to burn her gory night dress, which the
easily effected at the kitchen fire during
the great confusion of the morning. .
She actually had the Inrdihood to attend
ll'.e trial of Eveleen, and when the counsel
for the latter uttered the remarkable tx
pression, that perhaps the real murderer
was then prcsent.she fell ready to die away,
but soon recovered and she altewards be
held the execution of Eveleen without ex
periencing an atom of remorse, either for
her death, or that of the first victim. From
was neither the murdered lad)'s nor that that time forward, she, in her own words.
From tail's EdiAburg Magazine.
For many years, Sir James Fanshawe,
Bart, of ancient family and large estates,
had resided at Abbey, about seven
miles from the county town. He was a
widower, and had but one child, a beauti
ful and accomplished daughter, who, upon
his decease, (she then being just 21 years
of age.) became sole possessor of his prop
erty .and also continued to dwell at the same
place. Shortly alter her father's death,
Miss Fanshawe bcncvolt ntly ado; tt d as
companion a distant relative a hifth born
young Irish lady, named Eveleen O'Neill,
who had just bsen left, not merely fortune
less, but a totally friendless, orphan.
Ou the day of the Assizes at a well.
known county town in England.this young
female, Eveleen O'Neill, was brought into
the dock under an accusation of having
tnurdered Miss Fanshawe. The accused
was graceful, modet, and beautiful, with
large dark eyes.features deadly pale, quiv
ering lips, aod her hands lightly pressed
before her.
It was charged that this orphan ctmsin,
this dependent, deliberately murdered her
beafactress,templed by mercenary motives,
Miss Fanshawe having previously made a
will, leaving her property to Kveieenj in
case she should die unmarried. The prin
ciple evidence introduced was the butler,
named Collins. He stated that "a few
minutes after four o'clock, on the morning
nf the 28:h of July.Jje.was aroused from
his sleep by repeated violent screams, issu
ing apparently from tho sleeping room of
bis mistress. In grest alarm, he dressed,
and went as quickly ns he possibly codld
towards ibat room. The door stood slightly
ajar, and as he pushed it smartly open, he
crossed the threshold, and was horrified by
what he immediately saw. On the carpet,
by the side of the bed, lay the body of his
mistress.iu her night-dress, bathed in blood
Kneeling close to her was the prisoner at
the bar, with her left hand resting on her
mistress' bosom, and her right hand uplif
ted with a small drawn dagger, which was
apparently about to be plunged in his mis
tress' body. Both the dagger and the hand
which held it were dripping with blood."
A shudder of horror agitated the whole
court at this deposition ; and the accused
sank her head between her hands, groan
ing heavily. The examination proceeded : I
, At. Collins Will you here describe the
eiact position in which your mistress lay
when you first saw her? Witness She
was stretched out upon her back, her knees
drawn up some height from the carpet,
which, being a loose one, was ru filed on a
heap under and arouria her, as though a
great struggle had taken place. Her head
fay on one side, with the right cheek rest
ing on the carpet, and her hair was torn
from underneath her cap, and hung back
ward over head. Mr. Collins You say
that the prisoner was kneeling by her side,
and holding a dagger, which you thought
she was about plunging in your mistress's
breast! Witness Yes. Mr. Collins
And there was quite sufficient day-light for
you to see, with perfect distinctness, the
Objects you have described'? Witness
Yes. Mr Collins Now, sir, on yotir
th, was the point of that dagger direc
ted downwards? With considerable
hesitation, the witness confessed that he
could not speak positively in this respect.
With regard to the chamber, no time
ss lost in making a strict and" well-conducted
examination of the apartment ; and
the result was that severe! most extraordi
nary mailers were brought to light- The
bed in which the ill-fated lady had slept
was compjelely saturated with blood, and
'lie sheets' tumbled and twisted in a way
ibat clearly evidenced that she must have
'ought hard with the murderer. By pass
ing the curtains aside, Miss Fanshawe
could reach the pull of a be.1, hanging in
tar own maid's room, and to summon her
ny moment she required. This bell-pull
was found carefully tied around the adjoin
ing bed post, completely out of the sleep
er's reach. This apparently indicated two
"nportsn! facts: first, tiat the murder
st hlve been deliberaiely planned af-
fair: pmnt it... :. . , .
- tuai u musi nave been com-
of the accused. Eveleen herself cave the
following voluntary explanation of the po
sition in which she was found :
I was aroused from my sleep, by hear
ing what I conceived to be a struggle min
gled with smothered screams, e;ng on in
the sleeping apartment of Miss Fanshawe.
I listened, and hearing a scream still more
distinctly, and also what 1 thought lo be a
cry for help, 1 hesitated not a moment in
became and continued emphatically,
child ofllell !"' Very soon after Eveleen's
execution, she married a soldier, and ac
companied him to India. Subsequently she
traveled over various parts of the world,
and committed sin upon sin. and wicked
deed upon wicked deed, beyond the capa
bility of hermdmory to sum up. At length
she felt an irresistible prompting to drag
her worn out frame to her first fearful
hurrying towards the room. As I apprea- i crime, and there, finding herself nigh unto
ched the door, which was at the end of a
long corridor, and at a considerable dis
tance from the sleeping room of any one
else, my own chamber being the nearest to
it, I heard what I thought to be voices of
individuals hurriedly conversing; but when
I reached the door, which Miss Fanshawe
never locked, I found it slightly open, and,
on entering, discovered her lifeless body on
the floor, in a pool of bloo.l. There were
no persons visible in the room. I screamed
repeatedly at the sight, and in dreadful ag
itation, sank on tny knees, and then fell
across the body, by which I became besmea
red with the b'ooj of my dear murdered
friend, whom I loved as myself. On ari
sing, I happened to see a dagger, and lilted
it up by the end of the blade, hardly know
ing what I did. At ihis moment, the but
ler entered the room.
The defence of cocsel was unavailing ;
a sentence of guilty was rendered, and Ev
eleen although subsequently found to be
innocent was executed.
At the very next Assizes, a man, who
was surrounded by an appalling mystery,
was accused of being the sole perpetrator
of the dead. Circumstantial evidence bro'l
the act home to him, w ith a conviction to
the minds of all men, and he was also sen
tenced, but anticipated his doom, and poi
soned himself in prison, by the aid of a fe
male accomplice, leaving the "following
confession behind him :
In a few moments I shall be dead, and I
now write all I wish to say, and whatever
my life has been, and whatever my religi
ous notions are, all may believe every
word I here write to be the solemn truth.
I am innocent of the murder of Miss Fan
shawe, and I have not the remotest idea
who murdered her. The night she was
murdered I was many miles distant, and
this I would have proved on my trial, but
I could not have done so without confess
ing that I was engaged that night in com
mitting a murder, but where or on whom
will never be known. Mv hands were cut
in the death grapple, and my clothes
smeared with blood. As to the witnesses
who asserted they saw me lurking about
the Abbey grounds, they either wilfully
lied or were mistaken by my resmblance
to another. The dagger with which Miss
Fanshawe was murdered really was mine,
although I denied it on my trial. I was in
the habit of carrying it about me, but I
lost it a week before the murder was com
mitted, near the Abbey, and I have no
doubt the real murderer bad picked it up,
and used it as the instrument of the deed.
What fry real name, rank, or country is
who I am or what I have been I will
never tell. That secret, and many others,
perish with mc.
It appears, then, that the latter was not
guilty, from the death-bed confession made
by on old woman, the substauco of which
is as follows :
She said, that 44 years by-gone,she had
lived as lady's maid with Miss Fanshawe,
of i Abbey, and that lad? having
death, she determined to unburihen herself
of a relation of that deed, and accordingly
did so as related.
From the Xew Turk Tribune.
several times scolded and threatened lo
discharge her for gross neglect of her du
ties, an awful spirit of revenge took pos
session of her, and she determined to mur
der her mistress. While pondering the
matter over, she happened to find a dngger
(that left by Roderick Madden near tc the
park pailings. About a week afterwards,
she murdered her mistress with ihis very
dagger, and being disturbed by the approa
ching footsteps of Eveleen O'Neill, who
heard the death-struggle, she hurried back
to her own chamber, leaving the dagger
behind her. She had on at the time only
a thin night dress, which being sprinkled
with blood, she hid, and hastily washing
her bands, and face, put on a clean one.
Then, when the alarm was given by
the butler, she joined the rest of the family
in rushing to the apartment of the murder-
Softly Uic wild-bird sinks
Into hi downy nest when twiiipht falls.
And not one rare his trustful spirit link
To the wide world without his fniil walls.
I'ntaupht by those who w&ke to watch and weep,
He knows tits! frivvtb His beloved, sleep.
The rfcnjrers of the hill,
Cnnumlrt-rcd herd that roam the verlant plain,
The gliding serpent, charmin- while he kills,
The bee that homeward bears ixs luscious gain
These rest when o'er them evenine shadows ere ep :
They know God giveth hi belored, sleep.
The very flowers are bowed
When eooler airs earess them, and the dew
Hangs on their tinted petals, and a crowd
Of glitt'ring stars look out from fields of blue;
Then, while the son of ainrels o'er them sweep,
They rett Uod giretl) His beloved, Bleep.
To all, most holy Niphl I
To the preen leaves, the mountain sprinfrs, the flowers,
Thou contest with the silent win- of miht,
And blessinirs greet thee for the tranquil boors ;
While Man, o'erborne with prief, forget to weep, '
Knowing God givctb his beloved, sleep.
And they all sleep in peace .
Passion is hushed ; the toil, t'ae strit are' o'er;
The KtruRKlina; t,r!t bath obtained release.
And plumes its winps, tbou;;b but in dreams, to soar :
Oh, blessed Night that bears Uirou;h shadows deep
The charm that giveth God's beloved, sleep !
And when the mellow lipht
From eyes we love grows dim and fades away
When the low, grassy mound conceals from sight
One who had made the brightness of Life' day
When floods of grief the spirit's chambers sweep.
Oh, think God giveth His beloved, sleep I
Mr.Canpbell, sometimes called by his
friends " Old Whitey'' on account of his
snowy locks, is a contractor and engineer
on the Vermont Central Railroad. He is
a man of considerable humor, is intensely
patriotic in his views and feelings, and take
him for all in all, "a decided trump."
Falling in one d5y at a public house, with
an English baronet, who, in company with
his valet was traveling through the coun
try " in search of information,' " old Whi.
ley" determined to give him some. Having
learned, by inquiry of the landlord, which
was the " master'' and which was the
" man,'' he whispered to his companions
who sat near him, " There, boys, is a gen
uine, live sir-ee let's enlighten him," and
immediately fell to haranguing on " the
great and growing prospects of this im
mense and rapidly enlarging country."
Why, sir,'' said the baronet, turning to
the speech maker, " do I understand you
to say that you mean to add Cdnada to
your possessions ?" " To be sure we do,"
said Campbell ; " we must have it, you
see!" "I don't quite see that "s&id "my
lord;" "but, pray, how far do you propose
to extend your boundaries ?" Why, sir,
we 've pretty much settled it thus fashion,"
said "old Whitey," earnestly :' South,
by all the water there is 'round Cape Horn
west, by the Pacific Ocean east, by
the Atlantic (outside of Cuba, mind you)
and north, by the regions of eternal
congelation !" The baronet gazed at the
calm face of "Old Whitey" for an instant,
made a brief "mem," in his note book,
and retired to his chamber. Boston Post.
The Nation!! CapitoL
The -Capitol is sublime. I never before
-aw any thing the work of man's hand
that struck me with such sublimity. Com
ing by the Baltimore Railroad, il suddenly
s'arts into view, in the mid t of a wilder
ness, like the gloiious visions of our proph
et poets, on the desoiate wastes of our
prespnt blrak and barren world.
Maryland! poor Maryland! how discon
solate .she lies, with shackled limbs and
cold and joyless bosnm. It is very won
derful to see the old State lie inactive, with
great tracts, as far as the eye can reach, at
the vefy foot of the Capitol, stretching out
in primitive wilderness orexhiusled barren
wastes. I wondered much, but when I
saw an old man Mand, with face as black
as ebon, and hair as white as snow, with
the cringing aspect of a vassal, nnd the
coarse and tattered garments of a slave, I
knew that Maryland, like a second Rachel,
wns weeping for her children and refusing
to be comforted : not that they " arc not,"
but that they are worse than if they had
never been. The poor, old, desolate moth
er! One would think that at this moment
she held up her hands, like Jacob of old,
to plead, ' Joseph is not, and Simeon is
not, and will ye take Benjamin also 1" For
long years she has lain 'in an apathy of
grief, as the thousands of her children
have cast themselves upon her bosom to
I utter their agony cf prayer to the God of
:ne oppressed, w no seemetn not to near
j Many thousands of them have dragged
their manacled limbs away, away to return
J no more ; and as the mother lay, the
j springs of her bosom have been dtied up
by sorrow's fires, nnd her children are
torn from her, and sent lo seek the susten
.anceshecan no longer give. Premature
old age has come upon her, and yet it is
no enough, i hose who should comfort
her, who should give her " beauty for ash
es and the oil of joy for mourning," are
seeking lor another Egypt where her Jo
sephs may be sold into bondage a cattle
market for her sons and daughters, where
their bodies and souls, like those of the
craven Egyptians, may be exchanged for
These thoughts naturally suggest them
selves after passing through the garden
like plantations of eastern Pennsylvania
and then coming suddenly lo an extended
waste, reminding one who has seen both,
of the huckleberry districts of Butler
county. As the locomotive set the trees to
dancing, waltzing, w hiding to the music of
its railroad gallopade, I sat watching for
tlifc overflowing barns, the flocks and herds,
the troups of poultry, green fields, exten
sive gardens, hot and grren-houStf, that I
supposed must extend far and wide for ma
ny miles in every direction from so famous
a city as our great Washington, that Pan
dora box from which proceeds all things
good and evil, and can not well describe
my surprise when, as we passed a tract of
soil apparently too poor to bring mullin
and pennyroyal, and partially enclosed
with a rickety old post and rail fence, made
with spider-leg posts and three thin rails,
here und there propped with rotten sticks,
or interwoven with brush and briars, sud
denlv as thought the great marble edifiee
loomed up in the horizon the Capitol of
this great Republic in the midst of a des
ert! Mrs. Swisshelm.
A Damper.
Daniel Webster was ones traveling in
New Hampshire, nsar the place of his
birth. Meeting an aged man, whom he
knew in his youth, he accosted hirp, and
without making himself known, began to
make some inquiries in relation to the
Webster family. The old man said
"Yes, I knew Mr. Webster very well
he was a good old man, but he is dead.
now. His son, Ezekiel, is a famous law
yer. I have heard htm plead bclore now
in Court."
" But," said Mr. W., " had the old man
no other sons V
" It seems to me I do recollect that he
bad another son Daniel, I believe they
called him ; he is practising law down in
A Song of Freedom.
When through the dark air the wild hurricane flies,
And the thunders are out in their might,
Tie then that tho eazle mounts up to the skies.
On a wing like a pinion of lniht;
Tt'itb a smile lie looks down on the ten-pest below,
And he shaketh his plum -s in his glee.
And amid all Its fury he slnjeth "Oho!
Oho! I am free I am free!"
lis thus that my spirit looks down firm its height
On the cares and Uie passions of life.
And high o'er them all, in a region of light,
It nulla at tLe pitiful strife.
Like the eaple I gaie on the tempest below
But what is its fury to me f
With the sunlight around me, I'm BhouUng " Oho !
"Oho I I am free I am free!"
Tis thus that our country God bless her for aye !
Looks down on the nations of earth.
For Freedom first opened her eyes to the day
In the struggle that gave us our birth ;
Unshaken, wo pue en the tempest below,
Secure from its fury are we.
And froal ocean to ocean we'll still shout " Oho !
"Oho! we are free we are free!"
Go to Church.
It is a duly of parents to see that their
children attend the public worship of Al
mighty God as much as possible, on the
Sabbath. Nothing acts more unfavorably
on the moral habits and character of an
individual, than habitual abslinence from
the House of God. When a man thinks
of purchasing an estate, one of the first
questions asked should be, " Are there in
its neighborhood well-conducted churches,
where families may enjoy religious instruc
tion and the ordinances of the House of
God t" We do not act the part of good
parents while we leave our families unpro
vided in this respect. No neighborhood or
community can have a healthy state of
morals, unless it has an altar erected to
the worship of the Ruler of the universe.
eWL Win-mruv J: -irimri.rij-i rsi.ruij-, r r -Ln
"Astonishing cure for consumption," as
the old lady said when sprinkling snuff on
the victuals of her boarders.
We have ' not the papers' to show the
fact, but from general information which
memory has in her library on the subject,
we believe we are authorized in saying,
that a greater number of unhappy mar
riages are contracted in these latler days,
than formerly ; and that, in consequence,
more applications are made and granted for
divorce. The principal reason of this is,
that the old-fashioned wedding has in o
great measure given way to a modern
method, destitute of form, solemnity and
religion. The Squire s office has been sub
stituted for the church, the statute for the
prayer-book, and ihe Justice of the district
for the Pastor. It requires no nerve to
lake a solemn vow ;' for the man who
can make an affi'lavit to an ear-mark
can stand up before his Honor,' iai take
a woman for better or worse.'
Matrimonial alliances are thus easily
made; and quite as easily broken. The
limbs of the law have found out that the
whole rratter is a mere tergal contract, l;ke
the buying and selling of produce. The
life, the spirit, the poetry of the alliance is
dying ouf, and the cold, heartless, insipid
stupid ceremonies, now so generally in
vogue, leave no trace of moral beauty or
obligation on the mind. The return upon
is according to law, and the twain made
one go forth without a blessing upon their
heads. Is it to be wondered ft, that amid
the little tempesls which must certainly
arise in the voyage of life, these worsted
bands give way 1 Is il to lie wondered at,
that w here there is so little to impress the
mind with the sacredness, the glory, the
grandeur, the heaven of the nuptial vow,
the sensibilities soon become deadened, and
the yoke oppressive !
We are na advocate for the union of
church and state ; but the union of men
and women by the regular ministers of ihe
church, we go in for most decidedly. If
ever we need the fervent, effectual prayer
of a righteous man, it is when, standing
in the presence of heaven and our fellows,
we pledge love, fidelity, protection to one
who has left all to share with us our cares
and our joys, and the language of whose
heart and lips is ' whither thou goest, I will
go ; and where thou lodges!, I will lodge ;
thy people shall be my people, and thy
God my God : where thou diest, will I die,
and there will I be buried.'
Reader, when you marry, get a clergy
man, and havo the ceremonials performed
in the good old imposing way in a way
commensurate with the importance of the
occasion. Have a groomsman and a brides
maid, a great supper and a house full of
witnesses. Pay the nvnister his fee it is
by virtue of his sacred office it will help
him, too ; for his regular salary is not a
great deal. II is blessing and invocation
will be worth it, no matter how largo the
amount, and the registry of your vows.
nstead of being written among your estray
notices, esseult nnd battery cases, and
commitment orders, and liable to be lost
and forgotten, will be kept fresh and inter
esting in your mind and heart by Him who
answereth prayer,' and who has said,
What God has joined together, let no man
put asunder.' Terra Haute Joarnal.
From "Tar. GcDiAx";fir May, 1830
To trace the correspondence between the
traditions of ancient heathen nations and
the history recorded in tb; OM Testament,
is an employment at once interesting and
instructive. Most of these traditions
though now in corrupted channel.-1 can
be very certainly followed up to their
source. They have traveled with the hu
man race in all its wanderings, from the
mountains of Caucasus to the plains of
Mexico. To our ruiud, they are an evi
dence of tho unity of the human race,
which c?n not be satisfactorily reb''"tcd.
And this, because nf the intrinsic resem
blance of those of different nations to each
other ; indicating at once a common di-ri-
Ttttionrtbe Jewish ration, v.ithiu wLose
lipiits the stream of History was at one
time confined. For their interest, we
present a few of these traditions taker at
The general doetrine of Providence, the
rebellion in Heaven, thj state of inno
cence, the fall of man, atonement, a
future state of retribution, for Tthich the
prcent life is only preparatory all, or
some of these, are found in the traditions
of all nations, Greeks and IJarbariaus.
The Chinese historians record that I'ey
run saved himself in a vessel fro.n the
general inundation. Hindus have a tradi
tion to the effect that there was a general
inundation ; and that seven men rvlth one
woman was saved with pairs of all animals.
The Egyptians thus sjeak of Osiris : that
he was erposed in an ark, afterward restored
to the world; that lis pl.tntcl the vine;
taught mankind agriculture and the max
ims t'f religion. In the East they pre
served the name Noah in connection with
their traditions ; they also called several
rivers after him. In the archives of the
Modes and Babylonians was found a very
consistent account of the deluge. This
speaks of the beginning of the flood upon
the 15th of the month IX-sius; that du
ring the prevalence cf the T-aters, Seisi
tbxua sent out birds, which returned three
times, not finding a resting place. PIu
trarth speaks of Noah's dove. Lucian, a
: Greek author, gives the history of Noah,
consistent with the Mosaic reco
the name of Pcnealion
an exact counterpart of the interviews)
between. God and Moses. AlsOj the Greeks
speak of Ji'piter holding council on tho
summit of Olympus; aud from thence,
veiled ir! s f bite gleam, the protector of
mankind manifested himself to mortal eyes.
It was the Erin belief of the Greeks
that hands stained with blood, however
honorable the war venf liare been, were
unworthy, without lustration, to perform
the sacred functions. The Phoenician
abstained from .the use cf 3vrine's flesh.
The Caitl!arYi.fc.ns brd portable teniplej. '
The tabernacie of Moloch was something
of this kind idea undoubtedly derived
from the Tabcrna?l cf . the IsTae'itc.
Sacrifices as an expiation of crimes were '
in universal use among all nations.
Perhaps some of these customs may be
accounted for imperfectly on rational prin
ciples; yet hoT truthful was the saying-of
the heathen poet, " In all things wc staud
in need of God." C
There is no fault
against which we would more warn young
persons, ttian that ot dat-DREAMIN'o
Pleasant, indeed, it is to sit and gloat over
visions of future greatness and happiness,
but while we do so, ve let slip that time
which, if rightly improved, would be tho
beginning of such a career. It is wrong,
not only from the fact- of iU uselesness
and the time wasted, but in that it begets
in ns a disposition to put off all exertion
until some more propitious season which
imagination points us to in the future A
season when wc will be so bulwarked by
circumstances that our improvement trust
ncedsbe but a season which rever contes.
So our time passes into eternity, and our
lives arc as an old song. William Pitt
once said to his son, " Improve every mo
ment as it flics ; let each hour have its
appropriate duty, and never let anything .
interrupt them ; else your days will pass
unnoticed, and your years unimproved."
Our companions have an inCuence over
us which we do not ajpreeicte. They
either retard or accelerate our progress in
our pursuits. This remark is often veri
fied in literary history. Lord Chancellor
Ilardwicke's fellow-students in Salkt-ld
TTrds tr"' ler were Chief Justiie Parker, Strange,
'. , " Master of Rolls, and Jocelyn, Chancellor
Abydenus, a I , , , r.r
" ' , . , , - - ,
very ancient nmnor, savs ine remains 01 , . , - T , j
., , -i , i . Churchill, Colcian, Lloyd and Cumberland
the ars were visible for a loug t:mo: that ! . ' o , ,
, , , , , . - i were mates at v eaimicater cnool. liar-
the rc"r'c crmpetl ofr tlie a-tiLntttts wltfi f c , , , , ; - - .- . " .i Z
.v .-'. -v- ... ,
Expounding the Law.
A Scotchman called at the house of
Lawyer Fletcher, of Vermont, to consult
that local irentleman professionally. " Is
the Squeer at home 1" he inquired of the
lawyer's lady, who opened the door at his
summons. He was answered negatively.
Disappointment was now added to the
trials of Scotia's son, but after a moments
consideration a new thought relieved him.
Mebby yourself can gie me the neces
sary information as well as the Squeer
seein' ye're his wife."
The kind lady readily promised to do so
if on learning the nature of his ditficulty,
she found it in her power, and the other
proceeded to state his case as follows:
"'Sposo you was an aulJ white mare,
and I should borry ye la gang to mill, with
a grist on yer back, an' we should get no
farther than Stair bill, when all at woonce
ye should back up, an' rear up, an' pitch
up, an' break yer dearned auld neck, w ho'd
pay for ye ? not I, dearn me if i would."
The lady smilingly told him, as he had
himsolf passed sentence upon the case, ad
vice would be entirely superfluous.
Write Plain.
It makes no matter how coarse and
clumsy the penmanship may be, if it is
only plum and easily deciphered. No
person should direct a letter whose hand
writing is not legible.. Many sad mistakes
have been made in directing letters to puz
zle postmasters. There are no less than
eleven thousand letters put inte the
British Dead Letter Office annually, be
cause the backings of the letters can not
be desyphered. All that is required, is a
little attention and effort. Editors do not
like to read the correspondence of a care
less writer, and printers have two kinds of
devils the attendant, known as the " prin
ter's" imp, and manuscript that would be
disowned as the production of Beelzebub.
which it was covered, and used it for a
charm. In this, le is corroborated oy
several ancient authors. The most impor
tant part in the ceremonies of Eastern
nations, consisted in carrying about a boat
in procession. 15ryaut has a curious de
scription of a coin struck r.t Apamca in
the time of Philip the Elder, on the re
verse side of which there cm be seeu at a
glance the whole history of tho Deluge.
On it, a kind of square machine floating
ujwn water, is delineated. Through an
opening in it are seen two persons, a man
and a woman. Over this ark, upon a kind
of pediment, sits a dove ; and below it,
another, which seems to flutter its wings,
and hold iu its mouth a small branch of
tree. Upon the ark itse'f, underneath the
persons there enclosed, is to be read ir
distinct letters, Noe. There is said to be
three tf there coins in existence ; one is
in the collection cf the Duke of Tuscany.
Among our American Indians this tradi
tion is very distinct. The following is
their version of it : An old man knowing
the deluge was to come, built a great ship,
and went into it with a family, and abun
dance of animals ; that he sent out a crow,
which did not at first return, staying to
feed on the carcases of dead animals, but
aftjrrard came back with a green branch"
in its mouth ; that Noah got drunk, and
some of his sons scoffed at him, others
covered him. All through South Ameri
ca the tradition was current ; and it is said
that when the islands of the South-Western
Ocean were discovered, the natives told
the navicntors some indistinct story of the
delude. The coincidence' between the
Greek naine for ship, Jfaus, and Noah, has
often been remarked on ; and is it not
probable the people would call ships hy
the name of tho first ship-builder ?
The Greets had a tradition that the
world was once divided into three grand
divisions, between Jupiter, Neptuue, and
Pluto. Compare this with " The name of
one was Peleg; for in his day was the
earth divided."
It is recorded in the Assyrian annals,
that the tower of Babel was destroyed by
wins and tempests; and at that tinio there
arose a variety of languages.
The belief in oracles, dreams, was very
general ; which is plainly refcr&Lle to the
medium God established by which to com
municate II is will to His chosen people.
Most nations believed" in the existence
of spirits. The Creeks thought every
man had his advising spirit. Persians
had their Peris.
The Cretans Bay that Minos had conver
sations face to face with Jupiter; which i
Byron, Sir Robert Petl and Barry Corn
wall. Lord Keeper Guilford ascribed hi
proficiency in law to his intercourse with
his companions, wherein they and he dis
cussed legal subjects
Unwise Ken,
Tha following are a few of the charac
ters coming under this head :
The jealous man who poisons his own
banquet, and then eats U.
The miser that starves himself to death,
that his heirs may feast.
The mean man who bites off bis own
nose to despite a neighbor.
The angry man who sets his own
house on fire, tlir.t he mey burn up anoth
er's. The slanderer who tells tsles.and gives
his enemy a chance to prove him a Iter.
The self-conceited man who ettaches
more consequence to dignity than lo com
mon sense. i, .
The proud -.z.z w ho falls in tha esti-,
mation of sensible observers, in proportion
as he rises in his ow.
The envious man who can not enjoy '
life and prosperity, because others do.
The dishonest man who cheats his.
own soul more vitally than he does his)
The robber who, for the consideration
of dollars and cents, gives the world liber
ty to hang him.
The drunken mm who not only makes
himself wretched, but disgusts his friends..
The hypochondriac whose highest hap
piness consists in rendering himself miser
able. ...
The inconsiderate man who neglects
, Bad Books.
Bad books are like ardent spirits ; they,
furnish neither aliment nor medicine; they
are poison. Both intoxicate one - the
mind, the other the body. The thirst for
each increases by being fed, and is never,
satisfied. Both ruin one the iniellect,;
and the other the health and together, the.
soul. The makers end venders of each,
are equclly guilty, and equally corrupters;
of the community ; and the safeguard,
aaainst each is the same total ubsiiucqct
from ell that intoxicates mind or bed.
Ohio is a great State, producing the fin
est bacon, and one would think, the talks?
k ind of women. Not satisfied wit h .
their own husbands, tbey seet to "P",
to a control of all the re of mankind, aod
for that purpose have hsld a convention
Salem, in Columbiana county'.