WKST BRANCH F rant the Maine Farmer. The Potato. Mr. Editor : The time being near for weeding, with yotir leave ! ill make a few rt-inarka for the consideration of the farm ers, which are well intended, however tlicy may be received and used. And ! will first notice the potato crop, which is one of the great staples of Main, and by pro per management, I suppose may be as healthrul and productive as in former years. I It is a well established law of natural phi- losophy, that every thing has its nature, and it will not flourish well out of thnt Course. 1: is so v.ith certain animals, which will flourish well in ceriain locations and climates. So also of vegetables. They prosper best in and near the locali ties which nature designed for them, and will not prosper well, when much removed. The potato is natural to a It'gl', conl climate, ail elevated situation, and a lour, huffy soil ; and its natural constitution is Ftrch that it will not flourish well, especial ly in qi:i!:ty, if much rsmcreJ (ro:n if natural habitat. Tiiis attempt to cahira'e it, contrary to its nature, which has s generally prevailed lor n series of years past, has probably so f.tr changed its na ture as to produce this alarming disease culled the rst, whK-h has strongly threat fried tV.s annihilation of the article. For j ears past, the farmers lave turned their rhain a-ten'in to its cuhivatiua, end the great effort has been to produce quantity. To this end they have planted largely and MJnured highly, to force a great crop ; and when near to navigation, have raised their liread-stufl ly nn exchange of potatoes. Tnis did very well so lmg as th3 article fnnlinaed' in such health a not to rot. But this unnatural mode of culture from year to year, cVgmeratcd the root, til! its constitution became so broken as to pro duce the rot. Many causes hive been ut signed for this disease, hut no one has yel satisfied the public mind, and it is now pen orally agreed that we are about as much in the ddrk as ever. Every effect produced is the consequence of the combinarioa and operation of cer tain philosophical causes, and we enn never rightly understand cause nor effect, till we go to this source for information. We may pet up our own rules of wisdom against nature's laws and philosophize as much as we please, but nature w ill never change, nor reward such efforts. The point in which speculators cn this subject have most agreed, is that it is a fung'is, or as semblage of invisible insects, forming vi cious and corroding acids. And this is probably the case and the fleet is proba bly produced in the following manner. l!y over-forcing the plant wi:h manure, the plant runs loo mach to tops. Th"y, grov. ing too fast and too large, do not contain enough of woody fibre to give thrm proper strength. Consequently the stalks have a loose, f. eblc, sickly constitution, and are incapable of trot ing e common vicissi tudes of the climate, from heat to coll, from wet lo dry. A warm rain ensues, nod clears off hot, with a scorching sun, nrcceeded by a cold, chilly night. Now bok tt the philosophical result, 'ihe warm rain loosened and openej the pores, the hot sun over heated and enfeebled the whole plant, and the cold niht chilled it. and the feeble thing took a severe cold be fore it could recover its natural action. The eflVct is the same that would befall a man in like circumstances. I.-rt him go through a warm rain, a hot sunny day. and then, unclothed, lay out through a chilly night, and he comes out n sick man. Just 8 with the potatoes. The leaf, the tenderest part, fails first, then the stalk, and 6ne.riy the virus descends into the root, where the disease terminates, and the root is destroy id. In this way manure lM-coir.es a deadly poison tea polatD. When tlr farmer has plenty of other crops 10 whirh manure is a benefit, why should he put it co his potatoes, w hen it is worse than a dead loss ! The farmer will ask, perhaps, how and when hs sh!l plant his potatoes? (Jo and ask philosophy, that is common sense, and she will tell you to put them in'o your turf land, and your manure on lo your other crop. Every farmer has a piece of lurf Und, CTCry spring, which should be turned up. If smooth, so that a sleek furrow can b turned, Urn it over about 4 inches thick. Then, in the crack of every fjrrow, nbiut cnee in a font, cut out a piece with tlie.cor ricr of the hoe and put in a potato, cr a piece, and cover it or crowd the potato into the crack, and poke the dirt over it. TIip roots w ill run under the turf and the po'.a t ies will make there, and co'.hir.g more can be djne till the harvest, when the turf can ho turned over and the potatoes taken up wttli a sh ivel, clean and good, in this way benefit wiK b derived from all the Jbl shiners through the simmtr, they wf! r-in down in the cracks, wet the pota toes and keep then moist and cool. If the groun l is rough, si that a sleek furrow can mt be'turod, plow end cros-plow and harrow, and then put in the potatoes, make the turfs and Itinse dirt up Into ln!, and that is that can be done till the harvest. !i this way the tops will he short and atockv, aloundinj in wondy fibr. and able to stand all the changes of weather, without taking cold and becoming sick. Then the leaves will not blight, nor the stalks beccme fungus. If these two evils can be avoided, the potatoes will not rot. Another advantage is, the potatoes can be planted much earlier, in this way, in turf land, than in ol I mellow land. This is my theory ,'and 1 have preached it to the farm ers ever since the rot began ; and most of them have ridiculed it as one of my odd notions ; and perhaps it is, but the potatoes have continued to rot, especially when well manured. Should these hints be oi any use to the farmers, they are welcome to them. If not, they are well intended. Piiilo. Portland, April 10. 1850. Orcharding Profitable. In a conversation a few days since with father Taylor, r.no of our railroad direc tors, he informed us that a brother of his resirilng in UelgriJe, sold last season, from a h:;!e more than two acres in extent, somewhere about fve hundred dollars' aor'.h of apples. From the same orchard, some four or fue jenrs since, he sold lOilO bushels at 9. per barrel, amounting to the sum cf SOOtl. This miy be called profit able firming. 1. our farmers would Lut attend to this department ol their business projcrly, Miine would scon export apples enough Ti purchase all of her necrssiry supplies of West India goods, and indeed i oil ( ti er arii'-U-s f consumption which i can n .1 be t.b'ainej at home. An orchard j of ten or twelve acres well pruned and j prcpr rly cultivated, will yield mere net ! profit than can he obtained in any other i manner from a single farm in Maine. I' is now a fuvorabh: sea-on for looking after this matter, aud we ur;o upn all having fru'l trees, to l.e looking after them. LtwitUm FaU.1 Journal. j Hanuring Com, I Formerly every farmer put a large shov-el-ful! of manure in the hill for corn. Of i latter ye?rs, hovtver, :t ere has been rather ! a disposi'ion to discard the manure in the hi!! er.lirf!", lo spread it all over the i fii-id, ploughing atvl Inrrowing it in. Do'. : our experience has led us fo believe that i ultraism is lul little belter in farming than j in politics that the best method lies L jtctnthe two. We have seen the lot ) fields of corn rai.-rd, where a good Ik dy of manure wa first spread over the field, i and tlin a small portion of strong manure I put in the hill t iivo the corn a good start until the roots r.'nch that which is spread. Ccv.'ir. to Grass. Care hou!.J Le taken that the seed , is of goo I qua.u . Southern clover is not J ood for much except for pasture lmJs. i Ciover and herds grass constitute the com mon mixture for rowing in this State, bui J where the land is of a moist or wet char acter, red-top may be at'deJ with profit. ; But on high dry ground this grass does ! not flourish or h3ld cut well. A better "catch,"' is rr.oro sure to be obtained with wheat than eats. With a fair season, however, and not to s w the- oats too thick, where grass sed is si'i wi'h them, there is not usually tiny serious trouble in gelling: a good catch w.th oa's. The fit-Ids with northerly slopes should ha taken for wheat, while three with Sou thern slants should be preserved for corn. The Maine Farmer says : One of our cit;z ns wishes us to hint to some of his neighbors, that if their hens must run out and maraud in his garden, they ought lo have their bills muzz'ed, and their feet cov ered with moccasins. Those who keep hens, should' nUo be reasonable aud shut I them up whei.ever they trouble their ncigh i bora' gardens, else the feathers may fly in ! a way not agreeable to the owner. TWestore Eyesight The recent J hn Quincy Adams it is said recynmendcd the following plan ns an infallible means of preserving and of restoring eyesight : When the sight U loo short, close the ees, press the finger gently outwardly from ihe nose across ihe eyes. Short sighi is caused by too grent roundness of the eye, and rubbing or wiping them from their in ner towards their outer angles, flittens ihem, and thus lengthens or extends their atfleof vision, flu! as long sight is caused j by too great flatness of the eyes, passing the fingers or towel from their outward an g'es inwardly, of course rounds ihem up. and thus preserves the sight. By this sim ple nvons, ai persons can adjust their sight to tiieir likin?, so as to read without jilasses just as wtll when old as young. The value of this know ledge is second on ly to that of sight. New Mexico and Utah. It is an rrror to suppose, lhat these two territories will be left without an organiza tion andGovcrnment.if they are nt connec ted w ith the California Bill. Such a result can only be supernduced by the obstinacy of ihe opponents of Californian the terms of her application. The connection between them is an artificial, forced one. California-can be admitted on her own footing, without detriment to eiiher New Mexico or U:ah. The apparent necessity for the un ion of these incongruous measures, is sim ply a scheme lo postpone the admission of California, for the purpose of agitation.anj consequent personal aggrandizement. Spirit of ihe Times.. l.EWISBURG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER NctDs & Notions. The Louisville Courier says a very cel ebrated chemist has expressed himself in the most decided mmner on the impossi bility of dissolving the Union. He says that, as yet, no preparation, either foreign or domestic, has been discovered, power ful enough to act upon so large and won derful a substance. The Legislature of Massachusetts has amended and passed the act of 1349, for the preservation of birds. One or the amendments prohibits the killing of 'robins and larks' at any season of the year. The labors of Father Matthew at New Orleans, in the cause of temperance, have been crowned with signal success. I'p wards of 6,( 00 have already taken the to tal abstinence pledge there. Melancholly occurrence. A young la dy in Philadelphia died on Monday last Irom an illness occasioned by pricking a fever blister upon her lip w::h a pin. The lady exhibited after death, all tha appear ance of those who die from the effects of poison contracted from the bite of venom ous reptiles. In the upper part of New Ilampshirethe snow has been about five feet deep all winter, and they have good sleighing there now. It has been an excellent season for the lumber men. An exchange paper'says that a man was lately indicted in New Hampshire lor keep ins his mouth open on Sunday, as being contrary to the law against keeping drtfm sffps open on the Satbath. The Bradford Argus, commenting upon the iVor.'i Pennsylraniiin's modifying the term Slavery into the more mild sounding salification of'ryiuu Jlpfrtnticthip, quotes Mrs. Swisshelm, the I'ltlsburg edi trs, who says this must mean the right lo ' horsewhip a woman and sell her baby." The prospect of the assembling of the Nashville Convention, appears to-be every day " jirowing sma'l by degrees and beau tifully less." M iny recent indications in opposition lo it in the Sou'h.are daily trans piring. The masses of ihe Southern peo ple i.cver looki d upon the proposed Con vention v.ith an approving smile. it is a fact, that of all that have died of the cholera in Europe or America, seven- u nths at !;asi wcrc spirit i!r:r,!:or, ana one half di cidedly intemperate. From a document just sent to Congress, it appears that the production of wool in this country, during the last year, was 0, 000,000 pounds, valued at 25,000,000. There is iron enough in the blond of 4'2 men to make 50 horse shoes, each weigb- tag half a pound. A discourse on Modern Dancing, by the ihe Rev. Jesse U mecoff, Pastor of the Se- ond Kvun. Lutheran Church at Selinsgrove has been published. J here were six deaths by cholera at Cincinnati, in the week ending on the 17th ult. Gen. Tom. Thumb, is holding his le vees at I'arnum s Museum, Philadelphia The Iron Business. Ifarriid, on the 20:h ult., npar Toms river, N. J., by B. L. Irons, Ksq., Mr. Joseph (Jrant to Miss Amanda Irons ; and on the 21st, at Do ver, N. J , by B. L Irons, Esq., Mr IJcn- dnck II. Irons to Miss Jcdicah Ann irons. A Yinkee ' dnwn east' has invented a machii.e for washing dishes. 1 It - T-.-. ..I Ma a estcrn i.onor requests tliose ol Ins tulncriler-i, who owe him more than six jears subscription, to send him a lo:k of i heir l.air so that he will know they are living. The greatest advantage of being thought a wit by the world is, that it gives one the greater freedom of playing the fool. The court of Allegheny county, last week, granted !)9 tavern licenses lor Pitts burgh, refusing 34 applicants. The dwelling houe of Henry Dewcrs, in Jessup township, Susquehanna county, was consumed by fire on the 26;h ult. So We Go. The American Mechanic, published at Poughkeepsie, Ma, justly'remarks A man growls at paying a shilling for a loaf of bread, thinking he ought lo gel it for eleven pence, and the same evening takes his family to witness the feats of a magician, for the purpose of being huaa bugged, knowing lhat they will bo hum bugged ; and willingly pays a dollar for ihe privilege! Another is too poor lo pay for a newspaper, but can spend a levy or a quarter, for every puppet show or other foolish exhibition that travels the country, and not miss it. Another is too poor to pay a few dollars, but can attend concerts and negro perform ances that comes along. Another wantsa mechanic to work for nine and six-pence, when he demands ten shillings, and watch es him to see that he labors faithfully, and ihe next day hires a horse antf wagon, at the expense of two dollars, to travel ten miles to see a horse race. Another "heats How n" an old woman a penny on a bunch of radishes,and before gelling home spends two or three shillings in treating his friends. Boston, April 26. The brig Boston from l abia, 16ih ult., arrived here this afternoon, and reports that the yellow fever had been raging there terribly, sweeping offa great number of seamen from among the vessels in port. The mortality among the slaves was fright ful. The Government reports makes the ; total number of deaths in the provinces eisht thousand. i Just after the Boston left, a severe i'ltfB. der storm occurred, af'Cr which .ne dge abated. Seven ves'.', arrived" from ' Hayti, with uates to the 6th. Business : was im proving.' The blacks were preparing lo invade St.' Domingo sometime in May. ti noni. H. C. HICKOK, Editor. O. N. WOBDEN, Publisher. At $l.SO null In ulranra, $1.75 in threr months, t- Pid within the yrtvr, Mul iiio st the end of the year. Ata-nts in ftaiUdt-lpbitv V B PtlnK-r nd E W Cut. JLetFisburff, Pa. Wednesday Morning, May 1. New, Rich, and Rare Are the Drugs, Notions, &c, fcc. which the Lewiburg Druggists are now piling up on their shelves, and in their show cases and which they will refer to particularly next week. In the meantime, we advise everybody not to trust themselves within the range of their temptations unless they have plenty of cash or credit. OrFor New Goods, see the advtg columns. tC? It may not be uninteresting to our readers to note some incidents in the life of Dr. Robkbt Vanvaliah, whose death we announced last week, at the age of 86. He was born near the Croton river, New York, ou the 17th cf April 1764. While jet a child his father moved into Ulster county. In his 22d year (1786) he came to this (Union) county, on horseback end alone, on his way to Virginia, whither he was bound in quest of a location for the practice of his profession, but the high wa ter detained him for some time at Nor thumberland, and he was finally induced to settle as a physician, on Penn's Cieek, two miles below where New Berlin is now situated. He resided there for several years. The mill now owned by theMow ry's was built by him. He was married while cttled there, to Miss Catherine Suth erland. Some fifty-four or five years ago, he moved into Buffalo Valley, at the pres ent location of the Cross ftoads, and re sided on the same farm until his death. He continued in practice until his 80th year nearly 00 years. Whan in the prime of lile his practice extended over the present counties of Union, Northumber land, M filin, Juniata and Centre, some of his patients being so far off as beyond Bellefoi.te. When he first came into this country there was not a single bridge in al! northern Pennsylvania, and in high wa ter he was obliged to swim the streams, and frequently swam his horse across Penn's creek when bink-full, and the ice running fie was eminent for professional skill and he persinvl virtues which adorned his character. Two sons and five grand-sons are successfully engaged in the practice of the profession to w hich he devoted his life. When a boy of about 16 years of age he was out twice as a militia-man in the war of the Revolution, and performed garrison duty as such for several months. Will the editor of ihe 1-ewisburg Chron icle inform us who that rara rpi dweller in " lural felicity," is T He has no busi ness to enjoy himself thus. I it Billl Lycoming Gazette. Well it is. He is the only original in this part of the world that would answer the description, and we doubt whether his duplicate could be found anywhere. He has deposited a standing invitation with us for all the neighboring fraternity, with yourself (do n'l you feel flattered ?) al the head of the list. So if you are fond of high living, make yourself personally vis ible at your earliest convenience, and we'll make a joint pilgrimage to his head quar ters,' and revel in mush and milk. fF The 7th No. of the Democratic Bunner," a Democratic paper, edited and published by Daniel S. Morris, at Fair mont, Msrion Co., Virginia, comes to us with the statement that the Chronicle " is a valuable paper and wo shall be pleased to receive it weekly." Certainly, stran ger, you shall have that same, with our best wishes for your welfare but who you are, or what you know of us, we can't exactly " cypher out." IXThe machinery for the new Wool en Factory of Mr. Mark Halfpenny, above Hartleton, was landed at our wharves this week, and has most of it been dispatched to its destination. The entire weight is over seven tons. The machinery is all new and costly, and of the most perfect finish, and when put up and fairly in oper ation, the " Winfield" will be a model Factory. 03Mr. James Sharp, whose peculiar musical endowments we mentioned last week, gave our citizens a public exhibition of his powers on last Friday. He drew the largest crowd that has been witnessed here lately on any similar occasion, and his performance created much astonishment. He intends visiting the principal towns in the S'ate, and will justly attract ' great at tention wherever he goes. OCT Oa Thursday last, Lewis Hatfield, of this borough, a lad of 16, shot a bald ea gle, on the river bank about a mile above, town, measuring five feet eight inc.- rom tip to tip of the wings, hare been furnisbrd with a ,upply 0f its quills, and ' !i natural result editorial' flights may be anticipated C7 Mr. J.'H. Winters has withdrawn from the l Union Times," which will here after be under the exclusive control of Jno. M. Baum, Esq. , Good luck to the retiring partner. nn3 health and prosperity to the survivor. K7 The Representative of Union co. in the Legislature advisea us of the passage of the annexed local acta, hot before no ticed by us. An act for the laying out of a State read from John Galer's, in Union county, to Benedict' mill, in Mtfllin county. Jno. Kuhl and Wm. Johnson are the Commis sioners on the part of Uoioh county. An act for the laying out of a State road from Millerstown, in Perry county, to Mif flinburg, in Union co. Henry Hilbish is ihe Commissioner on the part of Union co An act authorising Mary Henning of East Buffalo to sell and convey the real estate now in her possession. An act to prevent hawking and pedling in Union county. Au act authorising the trustees of the German Reformed and Lutheran churches in Selinsgrove to sell real estate. An act confirming and making valid the sales of real estate made by the adminis trators of Dan Caldwell, late of White Deer township. The School law has been so altered as to maks the tax for school purposes col lected as other taxes. There is another change in the School law, still pending, leaving it to the people lo say whether they will have school, and how long they will have it. Declination of Mr. Casey. We copy the following letter from the New Berlin Star of last week. House of Representatives, ) Washington, 20th April, 1850. D. W. Woods, Esq. Dear Sir : You are aware that when 1 consented to become a candidate in 1848, it was with tha ex. pressed determination, act to agree lo a re nomination. Haying received a number of letters from friends in various parts of the District, very kindly expressing the desire that I should again be a candidate, I deem it right to state, at this early day, that my mind re mains unchanged on that subject, and that my convictions of duty, to myself and my family, require that I should adhere to that resolution. I have no doubt whatever, that our friends will be able to unite upon some gentleman, whose talents and experience will enable him to serve them much more efficiently than 1 have done, or can hope to do. For the generous support I have received from the people of the District, and the confidence with which they have honored me, I return any grateful acknowledge ments, and shall endeavor to manifest my gratitude by carefully abstaining from eve ry course of conduct, by which I could justly forfeit their confidence and respect. I am very truly yours, die, JOS. CASEY. Secret of Southern Predominance. We have never found fault with the South for its efforts at supremacy, however much we may have accused the North of an un interrupted subserviance to her men and interests. We have always regretted her success of schemes, but have as constantly applauded the superior fitness and ability of her statesmen. The acknowledgment is humiliating, but the whole history of the country demonstrates the fact, that a com paratively weak section has always mana ged to control the government, and the em oluments arising from its administration. There must, of necessity, be some active cause for such results. It can be traced to one simple and unde niable f icl. When a Southern community discovers a man of true talent and energy, it cherishes and promotes him, with a de votion partakiug more of personal than po litical attachment. It allows no petty schemes to retard his advancement. In this way the South always has a Congression al delegation fully initiated in the myster ies and intrigues of legislatioo.and prepared for every political emergency which may arise, in the south, the principle of rota tion has no existence. Their representa lives aro retained often for a life-time.- The most ordinary mind can irtfer the superior tact of such representatives ! With us of the North the case is differ ent. We ara constantly changing our del egation, and, too often, for the worse. We allow our representatives no sufficient time or opportunity to prepare themselves for usefulness and influential action. We en ter the conflict with politicians who have been trained to every form of legislative manoeuvre. Our representatives are inex perienced ; and, consequently, nnable to cope with their Southern competitors. In this way, we give the South every advan tage, without correctly appreciating the cansa' of its superior management. There is food for reflection in these few rematks, which should not be passed unheeded in a State which will soon be called on lo renew ts Congressional delegation ! Spirit of the Times. (XrThe new law fcr the election of the Auditor General; Surveyor General and County Surveyors will be found on the first page of this paper. The bill to elect the Attorney General and Prosecuting Aitorniea has passed both Houses and will doubtless become a law.' Next week we shall give a aynofisis of the new Banking Law. C7An unsuccessful attempt was made week before last to rob the Store of Mr. Isaac Brown, in Milton- For the Lctuhiurg Chronicle. From the record of intcrmeots made by the late Geoxqe, Metzcer io the three grave yards of Lewisburg, is copied the following summary, commencing the 20th May, 1822, and extending through about twtnty years: 1823 29 1933 39 1821 46 1834 4t! 1825 19 1835 37 1826 26 1836 33 1827 16 1837 25 1828 14 1838 27 1829 16 1839 35 1830 23 1840 26 1831 47 1841 43 1832 CO 1812 40 296 325 Total, C21 in about 20 yeara, bring an average of 31 per year about one half bring children. It is to be uolertood that Mr. Metzger was not the only grave-digger in town, and the list ii there fore not complete ; and miny of those interred were from adjoining township. The burying-grounda in Ibis Borough bare been ueed 64 years I think., regular); and lor SO jears past, probibly 50 persona have been buried there every year. This would make 2500 buried Ibere ainee 1800, and perhapa 500 were interred in the 35 yeare previous 3000 in all. The question here arUet, Is it not adviaalle to diaeontinae the use of those grounds t Vibo that withea his own remains lo repose ondnacrraied, can dare thrust a spade into Ihe ground where be may, if be ia not certain to invade the "narrow house" of aome felloe-mortal ? The dead have tight to rrpose undisturbed. And besides, the practice of interring (be dead in Ihe midst of the living, ia. productive of injury to health. It ia Dot asking too much of all good citizens, while a Cemetery is so convenient, to bury their friends, hereafter, where thry will probably not remove others nor be themselves removed. W. CP We would suggest that the Cemetery Corporation procure the record above referred lo, as it may be useful and interesting to keep for future reference and evidence. Mr. Riihusd, the Sexton, keeps full and accurate list of all the burials in the Cemetery, which are inserted weekly in the Chronicle. Those burying in Ihe old yards, will please hand in the notices. Refusing to Vote. The practice of representatives of tha people refusing to vote is a bad practice, and ought to be reformed altogether. It is an exhibition of cowardice, or something quite as disreputable. A representative is a trustee. He is the medium thro' which the sentiments of his constituents are ex pressed. On every great question these sentiments can not be doubtful. and he per forms an easy duty in giving them effici ency. If he vo'es differently from their wishes, he ia no longer their representa live. He is their opponent. He is their enemy. lie allows his own views, or, as the case may be, his interests, lo con:roi ; and he takes no note of the duty he was sent to discharge. Somefmes, between doubts as to whether he should vote him- sell or for his conti!uen!s,hc refuses to vote nt all, which is always a base compromise. It is due to them, that he should vote, even if he vote against them. It is man lier to do this ; because he enables them to see his hand, and to protect themselves in the future. It is a safe plan, however, to regard ihe representative who refuses to vote, as hostile to the wishrs of his constit uent; and it is just to act in view of this estimate ol his purpose, precisely as if he had proclaimed it to the world rrnns'n. tfF In the midst of Spring, we seem to be in mid winter. It is now April 17ih snowing nearly as fast as we ever saw it in the middle of Winter, and apparently, w ith as good a prospect of continuance, h seems lhat cold and hoary headed Winter, becoming envious of the blushing beauties of lovely Spring, has determined to rob her of her bloom-.' Lewisburg (Va.J Chron. A publisher out West stopped sending his newspaper to a subscriber who had never paid the first cent for bis subscription. I he wife of the delinquent met the publish er and threatened him with the terrors of the law, inasmuch as he was bound to send the paper till all arrearages were paid! Good! ' COUNTY BUSINESS. Court Proclamation. yiIKBEAS the Hon. ABRAHAM S. WILSON. PresiiVot ' J u Jbt r tli Court or Common I'leus Sir the Twenti eth Jndieinl lifitrfrt.eonii)tinK of the rount'tn oT Union anil Miltiin. antl Jacob W irrcxsiTEa ami James II ARRisx.mir. Aseorimte Juiip in t'uion eounty. hare famed their pre cept, hearing date the 21Hh day of Mareh. 150, and to me direeted. for Oje holding of an Orphann' Court. Court of Common Pleats Oyer A Terminer, and General Qe.arti-r bunion, at New Berlin, fur the countv of Tnion. on the ai Monday of MAY next, (being the liith day,) 1 too, and to eontinue two weeks NOTICE is therefore hereby ptreri to re Coroner. Ju. tieen of the lVaee, and OonrtaCles in and Air the eonnty of I'nion, to appear in tl-.Oir own proper persona with their roll, reeordit. iuquieitionft, examination. ftn(j other rem embrance, to do th'-pi' thicx wuich of thi-ir offteee and in tlteir behalf appertain to lie done; and all witnesses and other perrons proseeutinjr, in behalf of the Commonwealth apainst any persons, are required to he then and there attending, and not depart without leave, at their pert?. Justices are required to he punctual in their atu-adanto at the appointed time agreeable to notice. fltVMn tinitee mv k&ml mtul u.1 a. . I.- clm , - . . .-iirnu e um m New Berlin, this 11th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eicht hundred and Cftr. and in th..-....ni. fiurth year of Uw independence of' the I'n.ted sutes of America. uuu saee trie t rmmonwealth! AKCII1BAH) lUOMAa, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sales. The Sheriff of Union county will sell at the Court House in New lierlin.on Monday the 13ih day of May inst. A trsrtain lot of ground in Lewisburg, containing i of nn nfJre,-on" which are a two story btick house, stable, wood-house, well, and pump seized and to be sold as the property of Joseph H. Smith. One and a half lots of ground in Centre ville, whereon are a two story log house weatherhoarded, a well, pump, and fruit trees as the property of John Mohn. A lot of ground in Freeburg containing i of an acre, whereon are a two story log house, weatherhoarded, a frame shop, half narn, ana log biaoie as the property of Nicholas Strauser. A Irast of land in Chapman'Tp, contai ning 18 acres, cleared, whereon arc a log house.good sprinp.and several fruit treci i as the property of Jacolt Keisev. Grand Jurors, May T. 150. Washington : Geo HilUeb, Icmc Borer, Jona'a Union : J (Juier Jr. lly Frock Arboga White Deer : Jacob DielCmilsrfcr.Wm duUn. Beaver : John Shiry, Peter Klin East Buffalo : Cynia Brown Miflliriburg : ! hoof. Job M Tarloe l.ewisbiru : Nathan Kawa We-t Lt"er : Jicub Smith, Joe 8lainingct Perms : Wm J Mover, Jo'in Hartman Hartley : Hanil f'hjrle. Centre : Jacob Loo-W-t lliiffilo: Jacob Foi, Elite Keup Perry : Peter Troup. N. Berlin : Seat Schoch Chapmen: Emanuel Acker Traverse Jurors. 1,'n ion: Geo dinger, Jn Mitchell, Debe Cattle. Hartley : Jo Has. St)l Corl. Wm Huntingdon AnJ Coot, Cbas Carry, Peter Winner Center : Aaroq O HaSiinger, Christ 'a Blochlev Jn Pilger, Hy Musser Beaver : Joe Long, Jo Bingman. Miwt eoecht Perry : Jacob Minium. Samuel German, Samuel Shadel, Jos Gray lull West Buiftlo : Jn B iiib, Jo Sumra, Peter Pontius, Zachariaa Bryman LewUburg: Siml A union, II M .Master, H P Hheller, tha H Cook. Job neon Walla Buffalo: Jac Ziebach, Peler Voneide, Jo Biddle. Washington : Jn Hummel New Berlin : Jos Shaffer, Edwd WJsoa Wert Beaver : Michl Eckhart Pcnna: J.i Haina, II, Kieffer. Edw Bataler Chapman: Philip Burkhart, Saml Zeiijler. D E Bender. Ed ad Fryer East Buffalo : Geo Kreisher. Saml Keber Mifflinburg : Wm DocMer. Hy Bogenre.1 MiJdlecreek : Michl Schoch Petit Jurors, (2d week. Beaver: Win Beaver. Hy Mitchell West Beaver : Hy Gaa, 11 Miller Centre : Geo J Henoch Middlecrcek: Conrad Stock Penns : Jn Hitttr.Sam Gemberling ,8am Pawling, Jn Emrnill, Philip Kautz, Isaac Hotianateia Perry : Wm Heiirae, Jicob Ralhfa I 'nion : Jn l lenimens, Hy R Young New Berlin : Benjn Shall, Jn M Baum Mifflinburg : Jacob Deckaid, Jn GaMe, Thomas Hartley: Jn Frederick Haaaenplug W est Buffalo: Jn Hiidebran J, Jn Plank Buffalo : Da Henning. W Halfpenny, Geo Blear, East BulTal .: Wm L Harris. J 8 Dunkle Kelly : Jos Tolbert White Deer : Jn Bachman, Wm L Ritter, Wm B Sullivan Lewiaburg : F Stooghton, Ch Penny, Th Harts Trial List. Bonaparte fnr Berth 'r Thompson ts Roosh and XoBUUua Jacob UarTer ts Albert Winegardner Satnnel Hewer ts Israel Outeliua Lewis Maus ts W Wilson anJ II P Shelter torn Us at. is Oeortre Chr.npel ts Ralph IHtty J Kinsman f r J S Rily ts Ifenry W Snyder James wniianLn ts John M'Kelrry Wm Roehong ts Saml Iianpt W hit Merrin ts Bartges and J L Cams do PII Markte, b Barte and J L Caa Jonathan Zellers ts S L Beek Henry Bardsuer ts Henry Voxtheimer W m M Kennedy ts John Hehn and Jos Stock J Rhoads now tor W F Wagenseller ts Oeo Cuadraa r.no Benner .r oe of Saml Frank ts Oeo Adams Christopher Uoi.nrifo.rs W II Thompson R M for W in M.uoer s Markte, Bajrtre and Camp Jaer.b llent. r ts Daniel Itengler Wbitlork use Mulr.rU Alter ts Markle.Camp aid Bartfw Comtb of Ta fr Robt Hayes ts H S Buyer et al Andw MTtenihan rs Jacob Leiser and John L RWk Chri-ii.-aia Ruiiif It ts Committee of Geo Cordon Ji-lm SnjdL-r ts Muses Fisher l'hil:p larger ts Jwph Cbarlee Tboiuas llw-d ts Jaeit Lewis Jacob R. nirler Ei rof John Ren-ltr ts Dan Rengler Sam! II. udm n ts G W CaldwtU with notice to Jn Kauk J. 1m II Weber vs V m torhran Ruhl r II S Oraha.n and L B Christ ts Jared Irria John M Ileufer rs Siunl Lunj I niel and Carol.ne Jarrett ts Elias K Uartman etai J 'hn liigel ts Jacob Reeder Jacob pher tj Jacob Leiser and Kias Nejhart John oiibert k Co ts W m J Mny and Reuben J Cbrt-rian Herman ts Saml Schreckcngast Jacob KIo.e ts tlt-Jdes t March Daniel and Caroline Jam-tt ts Elias IT art man D.ae- t Peterson ts Hitter Kline with not to G Qa R Oemmil A Co ts do John liilbert ts Lewis Ritter ijo John K Hayes TS do Wm f H up r ts Henry W Snyder leon-e Fees ts Charles Shriner Platt'Knox fur Wright .Nephew e ts Jared Irri. Jacob Miller ts Ianil Rentier ""J" r WiKb-lUtiraham with not. toOeddea Marsh Charles KreisUr ts John Kline Hon. n-tine end wife ts C Sehroyer and J Hartman Ji Ex'rs of T kichter dec-d ts do do Jacob and .Siml Lauber vs J A J Walla Mary B nginian ts Klias Feea do ts J and Feea Cotn'th for Robt Chambers is C and J Millhous r.no lor t hnst aud Graham ts Jarod Irrin JoLn F KiuVKr and wife ts Michael Kleekner Ginldes A Mar-h rs George Miller do T3 James Smith Wilt A Lilert ts Mahlon Bryman Margaret Monbeek ts Jacob Leiser and Jonah Benek Mi. had Miller ts Martin A Stock Robt Chambers ts B Thompson with notice Ae Geo Deal Adm'r of P Fetter ts John Krotaer. Wm F Wagcnsrller snrrg partner Ac ts Reuben Kslkr Wm Hunter Ex'r of Saml Hunter ts John Snyder John Weiond ts John Romig do ts do Benjamin Caw ley ts Nicholas Menseh Peter German and wife ts Thomas Thursby Edward CaTonec ts Benjn Shall Wm F Waienseller surrg partner ts Saml Long Register's Notices." - !viiuiue account will De p Pir confirmation at the Orphans' ( New Hcrlin, M indaj , 20ih May, 1 1 ne lollowing account will be oresentcd Court in 1850: Acet of Thomas Ilfires. one of the rintne.rirr.ii.. Hayes, late of Lewieburg Borough, deceased. Acet of John Smith, Administrator of Daniel Blyar, late of Hartley Townhin, deed. Acet of Dr. John Bit ighaus, Guardian of Mary, a minor child of Phlip Swrnrford, late of Centre Tp, d -rd. Acet of Elias R. Menjes, Adm'r of Benjamin Dock. Uta of Penns Tp, deed. Aert of Elias R. Menges, la'r of Jacob Meager, late of Washington Tp. deed. Aert of John Mauck. Adm'r of Abraham n.. i... Buffalo Tp. deed. Aert of John Mauck, Adm'r of John Treat ter, late of Buffalo Tp, deed. Acet of Hugh Wilson, one of the Ea rs of Fo. b Wlm. late of Buffalo Tp, deed. Final acet of Piter SolL Ex of Peter Queer. It. of Kelly Tp, deed. Acet cf iFitae and Darid Witmer. Adm'rs of Samuel Wltmcr, late of Oiapman Tp. deed. Aert or John Fleming, Adiu'r of Wnson H. Hood, on cf the Adm'rs of R. v. Tho'a Hood. late of Lewkburg, deed. Aert of John Gimrrirb, Guardian of Mary Ann, a miner child of Ssunuel Swartx, deed. Aect of Samuel and John Shirk, Adm'rs of Abraham Shirk, late of Hartley Tp. deed. Aert of John Frederick, Ex'r of Christian Catherines, late of Hartley Tp, deed. Aert of Geo. W. and Solomon Ilixon, Ex'ra oT De4 HUcn. late of We-t Buffalo Tp, deed. Aert of -Ner MkUUeswarth, Ex of Sebastian Royer, Isfc of Center Tp, deed. Corrected this Day. w'et :f)$alOC e Uorn .id .30 ll0 i 125 . IS. .10 .10' .-7, 9 Outs. Flaxseed ........ . Dried Apples . . . ; ! Butter Tallow . Lard . . , Hum Its con