Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 24, 1850, Image 3

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Far the Cure of
MA, WHOOPisra-cough
Tbe uniform succee which ha attended the
m of this preparation iif a-ilutary eGcct its
tower to relieve and cure affections of ihe Lungs,
have gained for it celebrity eiju di-d lv no oilier
medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire
confidence in its virtues, and tb full belief that
it will subdu and remote the severest attacks of
diseases upon tbe throat snd lungs. As there
results become public, they naturally attract the
lUnlion of medical men and philanthropist
everywhere. What is their opinion of Chxrry
Perioral, may be acen bulaw.
VALENTINE MOTT. M D. Prof. Surgery
Medical College, New York, eays :
It frivae tnf invar pleasure to erdfv the value and effl
Mf of Ayer.'s Cherry rcctiiml.wfcieh I consii-r peculiarly
adapted to cure die of the 'iDniat and Lutifcs.
The lit Kb? Lord Bishop FIELD writes in a
letter to hia friend, who was fast finking under
an affection of tbe Lungs
Try the Chsrry Pi-rtf.rU, and if any metliri&s can give
foa relw wilu ikt tilesi-iiis: oi'iiwl tb:tt ;il.
Chief Justice El'S 1 1'JE. of I.ouisislis.wrile-:
That a vcuns i1aiirlitr of his ana euivd of several
ssv.re attack of OtOtT, ly the Clierry lvlu.-J.
dim Journal of Midicai Science i5tc,
That Asthma and Bronchitis, so prwal.-nt in this
tnelrm.-nt rlii;.:, have yit 'dtl with suriirisine rt;.idiiy
to Av.-r's Oi"rrv IVrtorJ. arid c can not l tU'.ufly
rwx.iunif nd this skilful iin joxatioa to Uic Vrvletuvu and
Buliiit generally.
L l the relieved sufferer speak for himself:
i:kTTi.r. Jan. 2G, 1KJ7.
TT. J. C. jcr Pear Sir : Uavine hern rtseucd from a
aainlul and d.neerous d:sse, fcratitKik' pninida me lo
rod vou thi arknow;eJr;..Tit, not only in justin? So you
tut for the iiiSinnii'i.-u oi otluTa in like affliction.
A sliirht c.li "lion th- l.tnjrs. le-pl'-i-tiil ar first, became
an seven- that pit(in? ..f hll. a Tid.t couch, and j'a
f u night sweats folio . i and fastened on me. I heauns
maeiL"i. o uid not si p, was distrt-SHsl r niycrui:li,
jayid a pain ihTouirij my ilicst, aitd in simrt had ail tl;.
vCanuina symptoms of f;ukk confuairtir-n. Io uirdirinc
aernvl at ail to reach my w, unil 1 rYovidcj-tiiJIy
tried your Cbtrry leituruii, wuicU ftuon rcik-ted and now
eaa ur'nl nie.
Voura with rrepert, S- - STEM" ART.
From a teller dated
ALC!(T, N. V., April 17, 1S4-
I)r. ATer, Tiwu"l rxr r'-r : I a altlK U! ly Asthma
In the w".ir-t form, f tJ:al 1 have bieu ol-liirtl to sleep in
my ehair for a Inner part of the time, ttinir unal'le U
lrnath on my hed. I Lnd trird a sreut many mliincf
to no purpose, uutil tur ptiVFiciac profrib-J. ae an eli
r:mnt, vnirt'hvrry I'ih-iokJ. At firt it i.-d to i!:ak
me ion . t ut in lrt t!'.in a 4-ek I la-itan to rxnerv-crc
the nt't cra:il"ying rKlii'f frrm its une; an-i rrwf in four
vmkfc the diJn-.; is eutir.Iy remnvrd. 1 enn ph p n
uv l.d with eiiiir.rt. and etj. y a tat Tlf alii viii. b 1
bad never exrm J to enji . tl . t KRA X.
Fifpare-i l-vj C.Jt,rr.C).-rnis',L-itcelf,Ms.
For aale by C VV S;HAFt LE, Lewiburg ;
J II Casloar.Mii'.nn; Isasc Ucrbart, Scliiwgroe,
ar.d by Drt-jjiais jeneially
On the lS'h insi.,iicar LpwisbiJrg.Uniin
county, Ir. Thomas Van Vatzaii, 2d 86
years. Lewistown Gtizettp.
In Lewibbtirg, S2J April, Lvdu, wife
of John Pross, aged CO tears, 6 motiliis,
and SI days.
On the 38ih uli., by Ke. T. Mitchell,
Sami l Ihas tnd Mrs. Elizabeth Dicf
rEXDrnrtu, both ol Lewieburg. Dan
i!le Dermicrtt.
On the 9th inst., by Rev. John Guyer,
Iambs A. Atblb nod Mias Madgabf.t K.
daughter of John Trosel, of Chtliisqutte.
' In Sunhury, 8th inst. by C. Bower Esq.
..... . , i if
tieorre u.iphant ol i.ewisourg ana itis
Margaret M.IIer, of Sunbury.
Ia Northumberland, 18th inst., by Rev.
Mr. Creghead, I'cmbrook Ieighow, cf
Point Tp , and Miss Elizabeth Sander.
DR. LOCKE, Dentist, may be found at bis
UI7ice in I.ewiburg, the presrnl and the
two following weeks.
April S3
XTTAS FOUND An Umbrella. The owner
Tf 'n Lave it on dtmnnd, by paying for
this advertisement. Enquire of tbe Editor.
Lewisburg, April SI, IsOU
Black Walnut ITanlcd.
A QUANTITY of Black alnut, either in
logs or rawed to order also. Walnut
Croiches tbe whole to be delivered on the Pa.
Canal, at or near LewUbur . For further par.
ticulars, enquire of
April 23 H. C. HtCKOK, Lewisburg
T. ATtfi li SAVRD.
Matin ay.
'.OR SALE a erperior Warbing Mixture,
vhich removes all dirt and stains of various
kind in a lew minute, without injuring the
texture of the cloth. Perrons wishing to avail
themselves of this valuable n.iiturc, with full
directions fot iu dw, had better call at the new
Alios; and Chemical Store kept by
Da THORNTON & BAKER, Lewicburg
. Splendid Illustrated History
OF TltB "
tIexlran War and lis Warriors !
COMPRISING a full account of the recent
War with Mexico, with the Lives of ths
principal Oiijrers on Ihe American side, and over
40 Engravings By J. Fhost, LL D. -
The work to contain upwards of 300 page,
large size 12mo., handsomely and durably bound
in embossed cloth, lettered and ornamented in
gill. Patcx, $1,25 per copy.
OTThe subscriber having secured lbs agency
nt the above woik for Union county, will solicit
the pationage of tbe people for il.
Lewisburg, April 21 3wpd
Latest News from California !
4 LL ihe world and the rest of mankind"
are respectfully informed that we have
opened an unusually choice assoitmant of
Comprising a splendid variety LADIES' DRE8S
GOODS of the newest sty les Calicoes, Detains,
Gingham, Oarages, Silks, Parasols, and Fancy
Goods, and for Gentlemen's wear ajarge slock of
Cloths, Casslruers,
Summer Stuff", Vestini;j,Suinmer Hats.&c.
Salt, Fish, Nails,
Queensware, Hard'jare, G roceries,
, etc. etc.
All of which we offer for sale st our ptoveibially
low prices, foe CASH or PRODUCE. .
Lawivbuig. April 22. 1650
Large Sales $' Low Prices
! and filling up again brimuU
with a stock of Roods LARGEU.BETTER
j nJ CHEAPER than ever !
; "1 1 TE have jat received and are now opening
T f a Urge and vulendid assortment of
I Spring and flAjlljlg,.
Summer Hwva)
! en b.aiing everything adapted to the varied wants
! and ta-tes of the conimunity, and at prices that
con not fail lo itive universal gatistaction.
The LADIES are assured that we have a better
sforimrnt of UrCftS GooCS tban haa ever
been praenlcd in this market. Wa have every
quality and description of
Gentlemen's and Hoy' Drctt Goodi,
Ceesimerea, Veatings, Summer Stuff. Fancy
Cravats. &e. A fplendid lot of HATS, CAPS
and BONNETS, of the latest styles Kihborw,
Flowers, Silks, Calicoes, Lawns, Ginghams, &c.
Hardware Queensware Glassware,
of all kinds also a Urge etock of
Plaster, Sal t,aiid Fish,
t very low pricts-for CASH or COUNTRY
PUOLLCE of all kinds at Market prices.
Lrwiaburg, April 23, 1P50
at fl-ewisbwrgr.
CIRCULAR for the Academical Year com
mencing Oct. II, 1849.
Primary Depirtment.
EierciseJ in Spelling, P.eading, Definition,
English Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, His
toiy U.S.A, Penmauship and Composition.
English TJcpartment of the Academy.
Tbe same studies as in the Primary Departm't
continued in the uee of larger text books ; and to
ihesc are added General History.Algtbra, Legen
die, and Elements of Surveying.
Classical Dcpartprnt of the Academy.
T.-nn Junior Acaiirmic c.
1. Enc".i.h flnnimar. latin Grammar, Aritbmctic (two
diri!ion3,i tiiorrai.hy.
i .I'
The name Known an in I. T.-rm. and P nmMihip,
Kn?lih flrimmnr. CSiwr. Arithmetic completed by
li.t division, lireek Grammar, ltiftcry V InA I'en-
manbip, Ikxik-kf-pin;.
Scnitir Academic clan.
T. Var. Creek lleaifcr, Aiavbra rtlem.-nt )
II. Aneid, do do
HI. uo dii do cowpl'-ted. Cene-
riU It:ftory, inf.h Lauuae and Compenltioa.
i'reihman elui.
I. Errl-rh innuva and ('4mpoiUon, Alirtbra, Liry,
An-.i. .
II. Vlane li.-ometrv. Liw, Anal.afia
IU. I'leiH , tl! and Si'Lvxical Oauuv try fonipletd, Li
ly, Anihba'.
&ipntrrort ciar.
I. nora,OdTey. Plane and !pheriea! Trljmom.-try.
II. do do M-nnurlf'in.Surreyin3.Navifcntion.
111. do romi.letefl, S-leet Oratn.na of OemoeuieneS,
IUteU-nc, Analytical fjeometry.
Junior ela.
I. PemothTia no the Crown, Cicero de OfSeTja, II '
ebanie, liydrortatira. and HvdraulieR.
II. IVniostb n.-i on the (). lleeni u offi'Vis com.
pieted, lneumatic, AcoueUca, Clfclric- y Ua-ue-tism,
and Oidiea. .
III. Greek Xnajitly, Tacitus, Asbr,nomy,
Senior tfoa.
(-for Arod. mieal Ye"r cmmerHnR OeL 10, 1650.
V. Ixsrie, Natural It.eolopy, InUdleroial Philosophy.
II. Greek, Politic! Kcjnouiv. Moral I'biloeopliT.
IIL Butlert Aj-nlor, Onriitution of U. , Chemistry,
Lcturs, U.-neral Reviews.
No c'.aes in the Regular Course has less thin
three daily recitation. Every Saturday forenoon is
devoted exclusively to Vocal Music, Declamation,
and resiling select and original Composition.
The students are required to attend, regulaily,
some religious meeting. Minors are expected to
attend auch meetings as are recommended lo Ihem
by their parents or guardians. There are in the
borough no less than fix places of public worship,
of as many different Christian denominations.
Text Book.
KrffHih Lnunrjt ami Etncuiion. Tbe lliMe, Porter's
Tlh.'t.tricai Keadir, Vorceters or ttVI-.-itt-r'a IHetionary,
Bullion's Knirlirh ilrummar. I'nrkcr' Proim-Mrve Exerri-H-s
in Encliftb Composition, Parker's Aids, uiair's Lectures
tl'nirt rity t-littou.l
J.atin Lamruars. Rullion'sGramrarir. Ilntlion-Reder,
liOTen-tt's Lexiron, liullion's(Vi.-ir. Srhmitz and Zumpt's
Virril. LineoluV l.ivy, Anthon's Ilomce, Cicero de Othciifl,
Tyh-r'l'itcitiM' Oerlasnia et Afirieola.
t;rr,J. Linptnt. liullion'Ormniar. Rullion's Header,
; Lidueil Jt .Scott 'a Leaieon, Owen's X.-tioplion'a AnahaMs,
j Dw.-n's Homer's Odyssey, Champtin's UeinosUienes, Fisks
t laaMeiU Manual.
.VUif mtilU-g. riavW Arithmetic for Aeadf-miep, Fit m
enlary Alir--hra, BV.urdon, Lep-ntlre. jMirveyiuc antl ari
eat ion. A tisl) l ica ! i o-onielry. I ilmKU-ds Natural f hiloMiby
.iitemlypedj Olinu-d'a Aftrononiy.
mubcr of Students.
The number of students during the past year
in the various Departments, waa 164. The
number that have entered the classes in the Re
gular Course for the current year (exclusive of
those in the English and Primary departments,)
:s as follows :
. ColJJEtif Jnnioreelass 9
fiophoniore claes - 14
t'rehman elasa 10
AcadSVT. -Vllior class - 25
Junior class - 0 97
PTrPTIEV W. TAYIjlt, A. I'rof. of Mathematics
and Nntiirat I'hil'Mophy.
OKoKiiK It. BLISS, A M, I'rof. of Oreek Laogoage
and l-itt-nitore.
O.Kom.K W. ANUEI'.SOK, A.M.Prot of Latin Language
and Literature.
ISAAC Jl. LOOM I , A. M, Principal of the Aeademy.
ALKi.l.n TAVI.OR, A. M., Tutor in the English Lan
puai;c and Elocution.
nulldiugs, Library and Apparatus.
The Academic edifice now occupied by the
members of Ihe University, bas been erected, at
an aapense of $Soflo, and H is adapted to accommodate
i t, ta be fini-hed wilhin the coarse of the present Academic
lra) stu.ients. Anofhi-reanea nas oen eommenreo.wmcn
I year, and to contain study rooms and dormiioriea lor th.
The Library onntains a naralsn- of seject volumes, and
Is constantly increasing.
Chemical Apparatus has been 'ordered sufficient to
supply the immediate, demnnd. The Apparatus for tbe
illustration of Mechanical Philosophy, is now coinplete.
Tuition and Board.
Tuition in the Collegiate Department 30,
Aratiemic f 20, Primary ;12 per year.
Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and
light, can he had in the village and its vicinity at
various prices, from $1,374 ,0 M.50 per week.
Sessions and Tacatlons.
Two Sessions in tbe year tbe former com
mences on the 2nd Thursday in October, and
continues 27 weeks; the latter commences on
the 16th May, and continues 15 weeks.
Spring Vscation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, e.
By order and in behalf of Ibe Board :
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. April IS, 1850
A Card, to the Ladies. .
OF Philadelphia, begs leave lo announce to the
Ladies that be makes to "l"rry
Ladiea' Boots and Shoes, of every
description, at reduced prices has vlBveBaw
also on hind donble soled Kid Buskin Shoes for
$ I. IS, thin soled Slippers fat 75 cents, and a
varietv of Children's Shoes cheap for Cash.
Tbe subscriber devotes himself entirely lo fine
work in bis line, and believing be tan give satis
faction, solicits a sham of public patronage, fehop
on N. Third Ml 'id dooi south ol School-house.
Lewisburg, April t. C. MILLEK.
TA 4 QTT never re
IV A Oil of the Le
never refused at the office
IS hereby given to all .Captains of Volunteer
Companies within ihe county of Union which
hate been organized and etiippd according to I he
Act of Assembly passed A nl 17, IS 18. that they
make a proper lielurn of their respective liU or
rolls of Companies, to the underpinned Commis
sioner of I"ni.m county, on or befure the In day
of April, 1850, at their office in New Itcrlin,
atatiiig the name of each member, bis age and
residence : hereof fail not.
(.liven under our hands at the Commissioner'
office in Ne-v Uailin this 1 1 aim day of April. 18i0
Atteat- Jt)H. WILT.
C. ltaiTx, Clk. . Comntusioflsrs
Attention !
You are hereby- commanded lo
meet at the house of A. II. Ulair, tin
Saturday the 4th. of May next, at 10
o'clock, A.M., in full uuiform, each
member to be provided with 10 mds
of blank cartridge. An Election for
First Sergeant will ho held at the ;
sajne lime nnd place. By order of:
the Captain. J. A. IJH0AU6, O S.
Iawuburg. April 13, 1851).
'T'O tie IT'-n. Court nf Ceneral Quarter Peeions of the
P. are iu axul for the Couuty of Union, at the May
Term for li5.
The petition of Wm. L. Hitter, of White Deer township,
in' the county of i;u.'un, respectfully showeth, that your
jtetitioner is desirous of keepinir a puhlic house in th
tiousit kept l.y Wm. L. KitU-r la?--t yt.-sr, and where he
formerly kept a public house for a numls-r -f yarn, and
if provided v. ith every necessary convenience so to do : he
th. refore prays the Court to crni.t him lionise to keep a
tavern or houe of public enl rtainment fir the aseout
moflation of travelers and strangers, and sui b a house ia
necessarily wauU-d, and be will pray. Ae.
n .11. ij. nil I r.r..
We the subKcriltern. citizens of Wliite Tleer township, do
certify that the almre op:icant is of (rood repute f .r
lonerty and ti-niperanre, and is well proviueii wr.u nousa
room and eonveluence tor Uie iiniiiik ana B.-cooimoonuon
of traveler and stranirers, and eurh a tavern is ntes.ar
ily wanted in New Columbia. W ituess our hands, tliis
Istdej ol' April, IbW.
Almihnm Ihrsham. Jacob Biltins. Abr. Anp-ney, Israel
Guver, Roley M'Curley. Jacob Meckli y, Jisd Wanck, anil
ietnherlinc, Iwis Dershsm. Wm. P. list. -small, Paul
Uoodlander, Jacob Troxel, Charka Kline.
Court Proclamation.
WUKKKAP the Urn. ARBAH AM S. WILSON. President
" Jn.lr.-ot theCourt of Common Pine fur tint Twenti
eth Judicial Iii-trii-t.consiHtincof the counties of l'iiion;-iid
lilfiin,and .Iaiib Wit. ensiix and James llAKijsoa.Es.jrs,
Associate Judges in I'ni.sa county, have issued their pre
cept. Is aiins dU- tfcr lilth day of March, 1MHI. aid to me
dinru-1. for the hol.iln of an n'rplians' Court. Court or
Common Pleas, Oyer Ti rminer, ami General yuaru-r
Si-hsiona, at New iVrliu. for tins i-ounty of linion. on tbe
il Monday of 51 AV next, (liting the 13Ui dsyj 1SS0, and
to continue Wo weeks
SOTK K is therefore ber't-y given to tits Coroner, Jus- I
tires of the Pccce. and Constables in and for the county of
I'nion, to arpear in their own proper persons with their
rolls, Tceorda, inquisitions, examinations, and oth-r rem-nnbrane-s,
to do Uiose thins which of theiroiHees and in
tjieir Is-half appi-rtain to ! done: ar'l all witnesses ami
other persons praserutinK in behalf of tie t'ommoliwenlth
iumli't any pemiis, are niUir,l to then and th.-re
attending. anl not depart without l.e, at their peril.
Justices are required to U- punctual in tlieir altin-ljmn? ,
at the piinled tim- acrii'aMe to notice.
Giv. n under mv hand and seal at the s'heriff's ofe in
New Herlm. this ilth day of April in the ) . ar of o-jr
one thousand eiirht hundrd an-t fifty, aud in ifr.e "seventy.
fourth ysar o the Independence of the I p'.ted H'itiw of
Atacriaa. Gvl save lite Vmuv.i , nil'.
AltflllUALU n,,v shariff.
nHE parteioship 'octween the subscribers
X in the Livery business, was this day
dissolv'od by mutual consent. All persons
'"''ebted to the firm, will settle with C. F.
lless ; creditors will also look to him for
payment. JOHN M. HESS.
Lewicburg, April 6, 1850
ThA nndrraiirned will
5ircontiniie the L1VEUY
BUSLYESS at the Old
Stand, and respectfully solicits the patron
age ol bis friends and the public generally.
April C, 1850 6w
THE Burgess and Town Council of ihe
Boionh of Lewisburg,,'hrreby give
notice thut they will receive proposals from
this date until the 1st day ol May next
For quarrying stone (at the quarry of
vV m.C nnieron.hsq.) in separate lots of one
hundred perch each, to Macadamize part
of Market street ;
Also proposals for hauling and delivering
stone cn Market street, in lots of one hund
red perch each ;
Also proposals for breaking the said
stone (in lots of rine hundred perch each)
to such size as will pass through a two und
4 inch ring, and
Also proposals for the delivery on Mar
ket street of four hundred perch of paving
stone. in separate lots of one hundred perch
each, of the following aize, dimensions and
quality, to wit : the stone to be not less
than six nor more than eight inches long,
nnd the length to exceed the thickness by
at least one third, and to be of permanent
and durable quality, suitabb for street
paving. '
All ihe above work to lie done under'the
superintendence and direction of the Street
Commissioners, and to be completed on or
before the 1st day of October neit.
By order of the Council :
A. IL BLAIR, Burgess.
Attest : John Houghton, Clerk.
Lewisburg, April 10, 1650
Borough Ordinances
tIMIE Burgess and Town Council of the
X Borough of Lewisburg met, April 1,
1850, for the purpose of adopting measnres
for the better regulation of the streets, pave
ments, and alley s therein, and after mature
deliberation the following resolutions and
ordinances were unanimously adopted, lo
wit: -
I . Resolved, that as the pavements and
side-walks were intended for public as well
as private accommodation, we deem it im
portant and necessary, and hereby ordain,
that all obstructions on the same shall be
removed. We therefore authorize and re
quire tbe street Commissioners to remove,
or cause to be removed, all obstructions
on the streets, pavements, and side-walks,
so far as practicable, without respect to
persons, giving due notice to all persona
who shall havo in any way obstructed the
streets, alleys, pavements, or water-courses,
to remove the samo.allowir.g them rea
sonable and sufficient time for said rcmo
val, and in ease any person shall neglect
or refuse to comply with this ordioaoce.
the street Commissioners shail proceed
forthwith to remove such obstruction, and
return the said peron or persona, with a
bill of the costs of such removal, to the
Burgess, who shall authorize and require
the Hih Constable toco!Iect a line of five
dollars. tor?e'.her with the bill of costs of
said removal, from each and every person
so vcturned : and if said person or persoos
shall refuse to pay the said fine and bill of
costs, the High Leneable snail proceed im-
mediately to levy upon the goods and chat
ties of every auch person or persons, to
I no lull amount of saiJ claim, and sell the
Mime according to law : and the money
thus collctied shall be raid into the Bor
ougli Treasury.
'i. Resolved, that it shall be the duty
hereulier of the street Comniitisiuners, to
furnish all persoos tvithio the Borough who
may apply ta them, the proper j;rade ai.d
width of pavements) and trees; also, the
building line of the street, and in cne such
piTious conform to the direction fcivrn,
tl.ey shall not hereulier be subjected to ihe
expi-nse of alter alterations ; nut should it
ullcrwurds be IouikI neceasiiry to alter, the
expense shall lie paid out of the Borough
treasury, uhI-sk it shull ha found to have
Ut-.en the result of m:tnilest cartlesnness on
the pari of the street Commissioners, in
which case, he or they shall bo held re
sponsible lor the mine.
a. Resolved, that the street Commis
sioners slmll herecfler receive pr for all
time spent in the discharge of the duties
usstiitiod them.
4. Resolved, that as there are several
pumps, so situated within the pavements,
on Market street as to form serious oh
structious while in their present position,
but which, if moved to the curb, might be
of important service in case of fire, we
therefore authorize and instruct the street
Commissioners to adopt some plan to have 1
said pumps removed to lire curb as soon
as practicable, the expenses of which shall
be paid out oi the Borough treasury.
5. Resolved, that Market street, between
Front and Sncond.und alao between Fourth
and Fil'tli streets, shall be properly graded
and AIcAdamiscd or paved during the pres
et!, year, and that the Clerk is hereby au
thorized lo receive proposals separately,
lor quurrying, brcakug,aiid hauling stone,
in separate lots of one hundred perch each,
fur tlmi purpose, and also to receive pro
posals for the delivery of four hundred
perch ol paving stone, of such size and
quality as may be deemed suitable by Uie
street Commissioners lor the said work.
6. R"soled, that the owner' nnd hold
ers of properly on each "id'; of Market St.
(within the limits to b Mc.Vdani zed or
paved,) are hercbv requirt-d to pave the
gutters and c the curb stone in front ol
heir lo, such time, and accordmi! to
such r,-.rrCtir-Si as m,iy be given them by
tne :re'.". Commissioners, and il any per
son 'jf persons shall neglect or reluse to
. cmply with the said requisition, after hav
ing received due notice thereof, the street
Commissioners shall proceed to do the said
work, keeping a correct account of the ex
pense thereof; and each person, o ne
letting or refusim;, shall forfeit and pay a
fine equal to the full amount of the cost of
the said work, together with the costs of
collecting the same, which shall bo paid
into the Borough treasury.
7. Resolved, that the foregoing Ordi
nances and Resolutions be published in the
Lewisburg Chronicle.
By order of the Council :
A. II. BLMR, Burgess.
Attest : John IIououton, Clerk.
Lewisburg, April I, 1850.
Another lot of.
superior Black and Green Teas
just reed from the Canton Tea Com
pany, nnd for sale at New York ictail
prices by J. HAYES & CO. 4
Lewisburg, April 16. Agen t.
fJOTICC To tbe Ilodni-fible the Ja.lC"t of tho Court f
uartT S?i'in9ff the iVace in anj for the Coonty
of Union, nt Mav Tfrtn,
The petition oi Duuifl H. Iteber, of Wliitf IWht t-iwn-liip
In kuiI utity, r--itertfui.jr mhoweth that h iK(Jvirfuirf
kit pinz public house ;it the K.n-st Inn Workt. on tho
Tiirnp.ke lmlinff from Whit IWr Millsi to (Vntfr oountjr
tlinmeli Suar Valley. JI thnvfon- pmy the H'-ut-rv
hit Cuurt to jrraiit hm a lircn. for ktfpinjr a public iun
or tavern, tvntl he aa in tiutv bound wiU pray, &.
We the nndri-piirnvH. iti-. ni of hit iKtr tsiwiu-hip in
the tumity cf I'uion. tio hiivhy certify that we are - U
aeiptainUtt with l;tnil It. Hitr, the above appliraut for
a tavern lirense. aiKl know him to N a man f pitil
put' lir hornnty arjil temperance; tha h Ui wH pro
viil.fi with hotiHe-rtiom and other convenience for the
aorfimmoilation and lodfinj; of ctranir-i and traclt'rn ;
Hiid thnt a puMie houx tn DTtsarv tinm to ruTOTT,mi'la.(
the puMU- and ftranrft and travdem: we therefore hg
leave to reiommcnd bim fur m licenw aprccuble to hi
Wm I. Kittr. Geo. rnrienvond. Cbtirlrn Kline. Ili-nry
Kutt'nKi l' r. Jarob lHfffenderfer. Jaenb Tniekcnmillrr,
Jihn lirttnderft r. Aaron mith, Jaeob Truxel, Abralium
Anponey, M m. V. JJiiUnian, Joel Kanrk
A rPMCATMN FOR LirKN.SK. To the Hon. the Court
of tiimrter t-iion3 of the Peace iu and for tht
county of I'nion, at May Tt-rrn, IWi.
The petition of the iubteriber hiimWy pmyeth yorje
honor to (frtint hint further lieeme for krepin public
houm; of cntfrtainmeut in the lart and rfmimoiliniiH
houw which he now oecupie for that purport in the
Ihirotih of Lewitihurtt: in mid county. lie then-fin
pravn thf-llon. Cnirt to grant hira the Ueense avk.-d for,
and in duty bound he will ever pray. Ae.
We the nnder'iffned ritlcefifi of IeTrinhunt in the county
of I'nion, being, personally aoqoainted with Adain J
Weidt-tiMtuI, the aboro named petitioner, and alo havinjr;
knowled; of the hontw fir which the license in prayed,
do certify that uch a houae i neeettary to aeeomuHxtate
the public and entertain fitranirert and travelerand that
he in a perron of (od npute for honesty and tempemnre,
and that he is well provided with the necwKtry ronv'ni
rnnti fir the aemminodation anl eomiort of travelers.
We therefore pray yottr honors to grant him a license
acre-cable to hi" petition. LewLabunr, April 4, 1V0
Ilenry W Frie. JamM Blair. I SUtutrhfnn, KaiMtcv
Forry, Jamett Criwell, Math la Hate, ilenry Neuer, A L
Ilatfleld, Saml Wolfe, William Cameron. 1 Wbitloek. J
Spring & Summer
JUST received, and now opening at
second door east of Kline's Hotel, a new
Splendid Assortment of Goods,
suitable for this and the approaching sea
son, consisting of
Ladiea' Ore Goods
cf every style and variety new style
Harages, Lawns, Armure Uclames, Uing
hams, etc.
A great variety of style Chints, Cali
coes, &c.
A beautiful assortment ladie' Pa raw's,
Morocco and Kid SHOES und G.1ITERS
tot Ladies and Children
Also a choice selection of
&c.fc.?.. all of which are offered remarkable
low for Cash or Couotry Produce, by the
Lewisburg, April 3, 1830
Tn Jantlcea ef the Peace.
TINNs'jrSTICE, new edition, can be bad
J at I yndall'a Bookstore, in this place.
I.ewnborg, April 10, I M0.
HAVING formed a Coper'flerMup in the
Mercantile business, and enlarged the
Storeroom lately occupied by S S. Barton
opposite Kline's Hotel are now openinj n
well selected and extensive slock cf Mer
chandize, consisting cf
Drn oobs, GaR,0Eif "
Carpenters' Tools, tjueenswnre,
Furniture Mounting, Glassware,
eoal, jjiaiflttra.
Window t; LASS a general assortment.
Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Nails,
and Spikes,
Tinware, Sheet Iron and Metal
I-', i s, nnd a more general assortment than
is- usually louud in country stores which
they (.'ledge
law nricC".
tl.en.so'vts. to sell at verj
at a distance w.n rna u n wieir
ndvaiitniie to fcUV l- r Cash or e will
take in KxchHnga for lioods, Vv heat, Ky,
Corn. Oils, Buckwheat. Timoihv and Clo
ver Seeds, Butter, Uggs.TiillfW.l lard Soy p.
Beeswax. Feathers, and all kinds of trade
or country produce.
The patronage of the public i respect
fully solicited, and every assurance iven
ih.it nothing shall be wanting to ft.mr
entire satisfaction.
Lewisburjj, April 1, 1850.
j Respectfully announces to lm friends anil
ihe public generally, mat no nas rcmoteu
bi-i residence to the house of bis father,
(forme rly occupied by Wm. Porter,) a few
doors north ol Kline's Hotel. Office, CM.
MTaddin's pew brick building, next door
above C. E. Bowes' Store. .
Lewisburg, April 1,1850
jo ima ii. nr..it,r
TAILOR, has removed his Shop to the
building (one door aliove l.yndah'a) lately
occupied by John B. Miller, where he wiil
be happy to fit his customers both old and
new. Tha
Fashions for 1850,
Sprinu nnd Summer just received.
Lrwisburjj, April 1, 1850
Has removed his Office to his Hwelling
the Jirgt door below Kline's Hotel, rooms
over Forster's Store where he will wait
on all who may desire his services, accord
ing to previous arrangements.
Lewisburg, April 3, 1350
TAILOR, respectfully informs his patrons
and the public that hia Shop is now at his
l0se tht; new brick opposite Mr. James
I. Ross', on Third t-, where he will be
happy to wait on all who may honor him
wi'h their patronage.
Lewisburg, April 2, 1350
Justice of the Peace,
Has removed his Office to Market St., in
the room recently used by Dr. Locke, one
door below the Printing Office.
Lewisburg, April 3, 150
Thompson's Susquehanna
Philadelphia, Sunbury, Northumberland,
Dunville, Milton, Money,
Williainsport, Le'visburg.Mifflinbiirg,
New Berlin, and Selinsgrove.
Leaves the City every Tbnrsdiiy Morning.
Offices in Philadelphia:
For Packages and Light Goods At Livingston
& Co.'a Express, Depot 43 Soulh Third St.;
And fur Heavy Article!? At Beicbel & Co.'a,
Depot corner of Broad & Cherry.
Orders attended to if left at j'leaJur with
Mr Kline, Mr U'eidensaul. Mr Lyndall, Mr
1'orster, or Mr Shelter Jjnuary 1, 1850
fPHE subscriber avails himself of the co!
X" umnsof the Chronicle in publishing lo
the citizens of Lewishurs and vicinity that
he haa opened a BOARDING HOUSE in that
large and comfortably arranged house, formerly
kepi as a Temperance Hotel by J jmes Kelly, two
doors east of the Franklin House, Market street.
He is prepared lo say that his Table shall have
the beat the Markets can afford, and the Lodging
of Itoaidtre shall be as comfortablo as can be
desired. I. S. STERNER.
N. B. A team and carriage
will be kept to convey p-issensers to and from the
Packet B ats. Lewiaburg. March 18, ISoO.
LATE of Philadelphia, is now loraled oo
Market street. Lewiaberg. opposite Mr. J.
Kchrever'a stor, where ha attends ta operations
on the teeth at a reduction of hia' former piires.
Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid of
improved Instruments, and in an easy manner.
Fillinc teeth and setting on pivots or plates atten
ded lo according to the latest improvements in ths
profession. Ulcerated, spuogy, and inflamed gums
cured. Thankful for past favois, bs solicits a
continuance ef public patronage- No impure
materials oasd for fillings in teeth. ly2M
mn Civors. the subscriber returns
his sjrat'eful thanks, and herehy makes
mown thht he carries on the business w
Tan ri! S and Currying,
t the- Old Sinud. Determined.' not to be
inii.ion.t in the rimiufucture or finish ol fin
work h" 's bound to have the best work
men miJ ..-."term!, rnd to treat those who
hive so I.b-raliy pstonized (as well as
those aUo who shall b phased to patronize
him) with thai amotion which he hopes to
insure him a fuli sh-re of public patronage.
Ml kinds i.f Prncvce lak. n in exchange.
-jt N'I'uicd, for which the j
f I ulna unit Hirk TV
h.ffhest market i.ricfj w.'l ?-e paiil :n casn
or tu exchange for leather.
March 25. A D. I850
The Summer Session of the
TILL commence on Moxbav the 23ih Ml
April. Instruction will be given, a. for-
uierlv. in all branches nieessary to a tnorugn
Academic cour Our endeavor shall not be
simply to communicate knowledge, but to eicite
the youthful mind to act for itself. When thia
is fully attained, the progress of lha student
becomes at once d-riain and rapid. Tbe kind of
learning which moi i.f our youths in this country
need, is that solid literature, which, while it
matu-es tiu-ir minJs. pn-pire lhu al fr t!" e
prsclical dulia of li e.
t'oinporiiinn and Declamation will recie iheir
full share of attention psrlicqlailj the formi-r.
The Primary Department .hall bava our special
care. Kiom the disposition manifested lo austain
the Inslil'jlion. tlie .ulsiciilxr fveis atiuiuUtvJ to
renewed esertions.
The Scsj-i.-n wiil consist cf two TeraM of 11
weeks eacha slewt v icaiion intervenini. Tui
tion a3 for Ihe common branches, lis for ihe
higher Engli-h. and $10 fir Languajcs, per
Hi in per Term, one half.
March 57. Iflf.O. Principal.
Xcur Hartlcton, I'nion Co., Pa.
f I1II2 subseiiber, thankful for the liberal
X patronago bestowed on his old estab
lishment, begs leave to inform his (riends
nnd the public in general, that he has now
removed his Machinery into his Nety Mill,
htom lt sahwe lltrtlrton.wtit the Turn
pike.) w hich ha? ' em built and fitted up on
lie moM improved plan, and will have on
by the middle of April an entire new sett ol
in nrl'b'inn In his aireadv eood sttt. which
will make il tht largest and best iitteri-up j
establishment within 100 miles ot tl ; ana
with the advantage of one of the best wafsr
powers, ho fse's safe in saying that his
establishment is nm snd shall not be sur
passed by any in this part of the country,
lie hus engnged a good sett of workmen,
and is now prepfirad for inanufitcturing
Broad and Narrow CLOTHS,
Cucsi meres, Tweeds, Satinetts,
Jeans, Flannels, ElanVets, &e.
in tlie best manner, on the shorten notice.
at reduced prices. ajC5"For tho iiccommn
Hution ol eus;oniers, Wool niay be leu at ;
tbe following
Depositories :
New Boilin : E Wilson's tStors
,!illsglove : Davia A Sohnu'e il.
do John Harlman Jr '
l'reebri : C4FC Mover d.
Middleburg: SwengledtHasaingerdo
Adamshurv : Henry A ini'h
PennaVallej Narrows : Mis M.iasi do
Vilrliiihiirg : Henry Gaal do
East Buffalo! Samuel ReU-r's Tavarn
Buffalo X Ra.l: J M'Creighl'a ftora
Levurg : J Hsyes A Co do
do Perier Si Idi!in;s do
West Milton : John Ditesmaa d.
Milun : Masteller A Senk do
do Seeney ft llaig d
I.ilieity P O ' Win Dalo's House
Limestone : Wenlenhamer'a Store
Pottsgrove : J jines Reed d.
A tood assortment of Clo'hs, Sa'.irrttJ,
Cassinrcres.T weeds, Jeans, Flanne!s,Iiian
kets. Stoekins! Yarn, Azc. always For Sale
or K.tchine for Wool orcoutury Produce
at the New Factory.
CAItDlSG an I FULLIXG as usual.
WinfielJ Mills, March I, 15Q
Xot only in Calif urnia, but alto in Lmisbwg.'
A good assortment cf
WalcDes, Sllvor ware and Jewelry
of fine quality and at City piicas.
Hatfield & Thoropson
Respectfully inform the citizens of I ewisburg an I
vicinity, lhat thev have entered into r aituership
at the OLD S CAND on Market St ., opposito J
Hayes & Cos More, piepared lo execute every
kind of work in their line, in ihe best manner.
Thev carefully selected of the best English and
French materials. .Mainsprings l.ylinders.t.c.ipe-
whcelj, and a variety of W .itch Jewel, and 0 liter
themselves that their kuowledge and skill in the
business will enable them to give satisfaction to
sll who mav favor ihem with patronage.--..
FINE W A IL'tlKS, sue a as Uupiei, t. ; v-4
s-' vJ3
capements, I.epines, Anchars, Uetacbol.
Patent Levers, Kepcatcrs, antl Musical Mali tea.
Ac neatly repaired and warranted
Also f r site, a variety of Isold and Silver
Watches, Patent Levers, Anchars. Detached. Lu
pines, yuariiers, an1 r.ngu.-n vvaicnes, ti.ii i
Chains, Breast-pma. Finger snd Ear riusa. Cold
and Silver Bell Slides, Bracelets, Cold and S.lvev
e-T&r-Pencils and Tens, da Spectacle,
?vi Silver fpoona. Sugar tongs.l rm!,
Ac Ac. in short, Mile of cvervtliing,
anything else, not mentioning knirk k.uuks,
alssavs on band or gt to order
A varietv of Brass Clocks for 3 and upward
at wholesale and retail
Persons desuing lo get thing right, would da
well by giving the subseiiber a call
Eiperience telle thai the Credit System ran
not sff rd a living. Therefor, in older lo -pu-h
along and keep moving," th Cash Sy-teiw mut
necessarily be er.fo.-crd. Feb S4. IS5D
r the eel. Keat.il
4 07. Spt Am-amii, 16 os Spts Turpeulit,, I
os Spts Camphor ; mix in bottle. Take S
to 8 lablespooviful above miituie: t J pinta soft
nap lo an ordinary tub of hot wale ; mi thor
oughly together, then put Ihe clothe in th tub,
and lei them remain fifteen minntes before wash,
ing tbem out ; then rinss them through two ur
tbre waters, hang op and drv. This Washing
Miliar for ssl by C. W. SCHAFFLE.
Cameroa Guaris You are
berei.y cotiiiriirn!'(J ' niert M
Ilift Vviuse of A. II. Blair, ainr-
day MnV 4th. fu!lv etpiipi-d U r
(jri l p.v order f ihr Capiaii :
TV. B. At hiih time and yUr ai
Eiecibm will be hrld iurovie I'ii.t
Ln-u"nt- '
C-irr.. F. A CO.NACHT. .
Orphaiis' Court - Sale-
BY virtue ol m order of the Orphnns
Court of Union county ill be t xpoM .1
to nubiic sah; oil th": premises, onll tdnnr
jay tie 8:h day ol May net.ail thit mes-
fnrm anJ Iracl oi utou suun.ru ...
White Deer Tp.. Lumn Co.. artjOininrr
atids of Henry Noll, J hn Heberling ard
of- contain:!-." about 1W acres, neariy
I all cle.ired. oo which are erected a jjood
Favm House and Barn und other necessary
kuld.ngs. .bo til! iht tract of WOOD
LAND situatsa in" the same I p. adjoining
' , .. . Uf 8 ..Beck.and othera,
,,.; S.e to coiamaoca .1
10 o'clock, A. M when terrrw will he p.i..Msr.,a.
April 17, lxoO. Adm'r John Fen-jlee'J
"ItfOaiMS wokMs ! Various ibt-riM
V have hern started rlative lo lie orig n
of iiiiestitmi worms, and yl the qurst.en is
a vexed one among medical a'llhorities. Of
one fact, however, all are informed, and in
which all agn e the fatal nature cf th -'
infloence thev exert on children. As thia
' sen-on of the year is one at which attai-V
I of worms are most frequent as well as rom,t
dar.eroo,we lake freal pleasure in direci
! in ihe attention of parents to Dr.M'Lane'.-i
; Vermifuge. I; iii oi.e of the mi-st r&traor
; dlnary meilicir.ts ever intr- du?ed, and his
never fin ed of fni-cess wren tnea.
AniLrni. Rs Co, Ohi.i. Feb IS, l!li
Messrs J Ki.l-1 r t.'o : We wish to inform yoa
that we have sold all Jour Worm Sjevific left
sKn as possible, ss it has given funeral satisfjc
lion heie. We have many calls for it since wa
are out of the artkW. It hss t ucree led all other
pieparations in tbia county, and for thia reasor1
we wuh tu keep a supply on hand.
The above is one ol hur.drtds of similar
! communications which the proprietors o.'
j this msdieine are daily receiving. Where il
! has been introduced, it has become the most
i popular remedy in use.
I AGENTS- --C W Scnarria, Lewisburg; II
I J chifr and J H llaser, Mihon ; I Gethart. Se-
linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunbury ; Mrs M Cay,
Northumberland; M C Grier. J Moore, DanvUle
The subscriber ofTets for r?;.: a .arpo
nsortmcnt of choice Fruit Tree such as
! Apple trees,7 to 10 feet hich, 40 varieties.
all wananlid genjinej I'eact trees,
varieties; Tartarian Cherry. Nectar'.ra.
Prune and Pear trees, lo-etbtr i:h s ne
G or 8 arieti?s oi Grape Vines cf the I eM
na'.ive and exotic vsinttis's. ()rnaitii'al
Trees, such as h Paulonia, Litden. &c.
The bo"e trres can Leseen by the 1st t,f
April, on the p.e'inses ol the. suhacribef.
one square (atK've L'hiial A.JMFadJiii's
N. B. Perscr.s wishir-s to p-ocur a
quantity of the Fiuit trees, are requested to
make immediate applicat-on to the subscri
ber, in i rJer to procure the varieties at.4
i wan rJ II. R. NOLI..
Lewisburg, March t, 1350.
: "
VI. J0PT1 LOCKff , .
SURGCnX DENTIST, respectfully iufeima
his friends and the public !n ericial, thsl
he has circluded lo make Lewisburg Lis perma
nent plftce of residencs. Dr. L. hsa taken ioi ma
on Mai ti t .juare, first door tlaw tte Prii.tu.g
tlllice, vthi-.fi he has tilted uptaopriate in. Ir.a
sie'ence at Kline's Hotel. tV"The third wnk
week in every n-rnlb, he may be fcucd at Elks
brrt's If .lel, iu Millon.
Pr. I.'-cke is a regular graJuate of itr Balti
more Cliece of Dental Surgery, beside wbiih
qualificiion be ha bad the advantage ol five
yesra experen': m thepractus !f his prolessii u
in P'-nn,!,,,;, f.ui(li U.inois, AVisconsiu, ai d
ihe city of B ikimore, Md.
Dr. L. takes all ihe J.iurr.cla of the day wbitli
contain new end useful information in the line
of hia prcfcs-ijn ; and fro.-j his arranm inrn.s
with the b?st mmuficturer of teeib. gold foil.
Ac. will a'wavs kecpou baud for the accommo
daiion ef his customers the very beat quality of
all the materials used in hi tiusine.
Persons sighing Denial .;iraliins perfoimsd.
will find it l thtir advantage to give him a call,
as he is determined r t lo be surpassed in ihs
bejutv and JurabUity of hi operation by any or.s.
?Ft?5 Persons for whom J.K.Hurati iuseiteJ
leelh, and who mav need ret aim s.
done, are informed that I have the mode! vi
ihiir mouths as prepared by Mr.IIcUMl, and crn
seiiuently can do their repairing at a loner rata
than it can be done tor elsewhere, as il save li e
trouble in many cases cf making; a new model,
Lewi.l.urg. Oat. IT, 1S-S9,
The subscribers r t ci
fu ly in:iirm the cil I'L
of Lewisburg an.' vi.-i'r'.y
tl.at have c"rr.inril
th- txie biisi..esa, t M.
I''c'sf.M hon enSc rt (
one ::uare south of M.ukt t.wl.rretbev
are prepared to lion Bug jits or Wageoia.
and make all article in tin ir business '.
the .rnist workminhke mani er. i pricrs
j which they hope will induie these wishii',:
anytnin a.mo in tnnr line to rail at i
jude theinvlvea before gnirtjf rlst-w l.rr.-.
Bepatring dime no the hortr m.; cn
and on reasonnl.ie terms n'sn SLecif
whirh is a vrfy imporiaiit mai
ler lit lho that have v uaO e
horaes, and should be i ntr' d
only to persons ol known skill.'
We fl.it'er rv.ire!ve lhat we ar? ai.'e
eompsie with any p?rr."on iu tha co'J'i'ry i:
Shoeing II ir-cs : n; n-k oi ly a ln.il, ai d
let ihe work, show lor itself.
All work wnrranted. Iron and all kinds
of country Produce taken in exchange.
W e hope by strict aiteruiun to business,
and a determination lit suit all, both i;j
work and price, to icceive a liberal b.iie
nf public patronae.
Lwisburg, May Ti, llll
, -