LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER The Blacks ri. tha WWt. Augustus P. Dorsy (01 D'Oney) a dan ditted negro from Boston, addrasatd a clan of colored people in Seventh 8Laenf South yesterday afternoon. The subject of hi diacourse was the superiority of tba Afri cans over the "pale, puny descendants of the Anglo-Salons. Our colored Chevalier D'Orsey averred that nil black animals are superior to white on. " Black horses mike the best racer, black dogs make the best hunters, black cats the best mousers. black roosters the best fighters nod breed ersand so black men eicelled in these particulars. But the white people.1 aaid he, "pretend that the colored people have n strong smell. I do not wish to deny it the colored folks are strong, everyway. A flea is the strongest quadruped on the face of the earth, considering his air- and the flea is black. That's the reason he is per ecuted, my respected heerera. But the flea shows his persecutors that he can bite, if he is black. Black men can bite, too they've got first rale teeth," continued the Ethiopian Tully, grinning at the same time to show his own mnuth was furnished. Every thing," resumed the orator, is eaid agsin.it the colored population, thnt can be said. Tney call us thieves 1 Upon my worJ and honor as gentleman, I've never known a cullud pusaon to steal any thing in my life. I'd trust him with hushel of diamond or gjU rings, uncounted. Yea, indeed, gentlemen and ladies, I'd trust a cullud pu9un forty miles, where I'd not trust a white man the length of a rope to hang him with." Here the speaker seemed much affected ; he put liia hand in his coat.Mil pocket, as if . to feel for hia handkerchief looked frightened then tried another pocket, and broke out with the exclamation, Which of you black serpents has hooked my new bandanna, that cost ine sit shillings in New York Inst Saturday t You're totally corrupted and ishiated by 'soahiatin with the white class, and 'tending on the malgamation meetings. Jest you hant back that silk hankercher, or I'll give th Philadelphy niggers a bad name when I go back to Dirating." The polite colored audience not liking this coarse inuendo fell on orator D Orsey.en masse. who was only delivered from their hands by one of the despised Anglo Stxon race, vita police officer. Philad. Pennsylvanian, Feb.33. A small boy went into the Philadelphia Navy Yard, a short time since, to pick up eome chips. A certain Captain passing that moment, bravely wrested the basket from the boy, thundering curses in his ears. The boy looked up with something of disdain, exclaiming, ' Keep it, sir, keep it ia Iht only prize you rear Isoit." There are some political spouters end editors, who, ifSian himelf were "regu laily nominated" for an effice, would bawl jut, 'Hurra lor Old Nick ! hide hia horns under a brnsd-brimmed hat, case his hoots is Prent h boots, curl up his tail beoealh a sack coat, and sweur roundly that he was Christian ai d a gentleman S The Norfolk Herald haa a Mra.Parting. ton, who went recently to see the cadets parade. She thought they mi da "i very millinery apearauce" "almost perpendi cular tu regulara." Of all mournful sights, a bachelor's home is the must so. With the exception f the lady who "milked the cow with the crumpled horn, there is nething more forlorn and melancholy. A man in Boston has so perplexed him self with the half century question, that be can not tell six from half a dosen, snd the difference between fifty snd half s hundred has nearly set him cresy Puet.l Ihvkntk.. A damsel in Ayrshire Scotland, having two lovers, and not knowing which to prefer, settled the matter by marry ing one and immediately eloping With the other. Tlie Chicago Weekly lournal aeya We would be obliged il the Galena JeSWsonian would not use its "copy" for wrapiers, as one dose of its editorials ia quantum tuff" SciEsriric Exra-.saivr.Nrss. An Eng likh Astronomer having seen a negro for the first time in his life, exclaimed in great astonishment, that it was a man in a state of eclipse! Lox Eoiroas There are in the Uni ted Slate a number of newspapers edited by ladies, besides a vast number who sell their husbands what to write. "I ra now going to d for sou, what the devil never did by you," said a quaint preacher in his valedictory to his flock "that is, I shall leave ye" Punch says that anany a man haa had hia bei snitched from under him. and been throw on the world, aimply from sleeping on tiek. The Man who never took a Newspaper, was sees in Cincinnati, recently.' ' He wa enquiring the way to the P r House. Mrs. Swisshilm saya, that a man in regimeuuls always makes hrr feel as if ssvweV-dv bad lost a monkey. Notice. SUBSCRIBERS to the Univeisity at Lewisburg" are respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the Is: Instal't are respectfully notified that all such delinquents will be charged Interest oo their Instalments from the time they become due. BAM I. T. WALKER, Taste. Lewisburg. Feb. 1850. srf ? s- frit ft aw Sl-Si-8 5 9 c s 5' 3 - a rt a S 3 a - 3 Mh-s . s s Si as 3 a C5 ? "8 TJ r. 4 is - a "W s; j s 1 I a i" 5 2 c era 2 5 3. 5 9 sr 'si?? a- 5 c Sr" 5 " HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTORNEY A T LA W, Lewisburg, Union County, Pcnn'a. Practice io Union snd adjoining counties alro stteuils the courts of Parry coao'.y. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esq. Brand reth's Pills are sold at 25 eta per boi (with full direction) BY J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, snd by omv one Agent in every town in the Union. Each Aent has a Ccrtifirals of Agencv. Eamine the box o' pills always nd compare it wild the fac-imile labels on the Certifi te of Agencv. A there ia a counteifeit of the ow label out. this ia of much itnuoitance, aa thesi ia decided diftrrence between tlie appesn oca of lbs true lahela and those of the count! feiU The counterfeit ia done on atone-; the ft mine ate done on rlerl. The apjiearaure of it printing on the counterfeit ia rai;e.l and blurt; ; the genuine label is the wny pink or neatnesa, botb in printing, paper, and general eierulion. Be very eareiul and go In the Agent.wben yon want Biandreth' Pills : then you are sure of lbs genuine atlirle. When you purchase otherwiie. inquire of the seller whether he knows the pille he offers you are the genuine Brandretb'sf Ec ery msn knows whether the aiiicle La offers is true or false. Beware of cheats ! THE subscribers offer the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tbt Cooking Stoves, with a unci uvea. Lady Washington Parlor 8io, Cast Iron ir-Ti?i Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Burner for Psrlors 1 sise, IS inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor 8tove re. 8hield Air-Tight Parlor 8tove for V.'ood 1 sites. Egg 8toa (he very twst in ass for 8 tores, Offices, Barrooms, end Shops. The celebrated Onesee A ir-Tigbt Cook Stove. The Complete Cook sises. Also, all kinds of Vnod and Coal Stoves Ploughs Cn'inea. &C. dre. CHRIST St M'FADDIN. Lewisburg, Dec. 13, 1849. LUMBER! THE subscriber still continues to keep a large stock of Lumber in his Yard for sale, comprising the following, vis. 100 .000 feet coiMry Pine Common and Pan 45,000 teel JoUt and Scantling, nel Boards, 10,000 feet good dry I'nplar and Linn Uoards, 311 000 Joint and Lap Shingles, 32.000 saaej Ceiline Lath, Pine Ruils and Square Timber, Maple und Poplar tfc-antling. Weatherboards and Pine Paling, 8alt, Nsils, and Stone Coal, Oakum, Tar and Pitch ; all of which he will aril at fair prices. . THOMAS NESB1T. Lewisburg, Jan, 2i, 1850 3m sluirtle 23001.0. AFRESH supply received at the Lewis burg Cheap Bonk store : Fnke'a M inoal of Ciasicnl Literature DtvK-' AnaUticiil Geometry B air's Rhetoric, (University edition) Jomstiick'a Mineralogy The Complete Fanner, I vol. 62 cla The New American Gardener, 1 vol, ft The Book that will Suit You, or a Word for Everybody I can furnish the above worka. with a great variety of others, at eery low prices. saw .t u D I Vt Ik all .my ou n r iiiiiu.ii'i Uiwloic SASH. A lot of 9x10 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout St Burrows, on hand, and all sixes got to order ou short notice. May, 1849 I G Lawahe Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a. A LARGE and fresh supply of Ibis Celebrated Medicine, just received from tbe principal Depot in New York, and for sale at th. now Drug and Chemical etore of Dr TUamtm d Bolter I NEW BUGGEY for sale, cheap. Per il further particulars, enquire at tbia otTree. Lawiahurw. Nav. 7. Il4t NOTES' Promissory. Judgment, and Joiat No (blanks) at tbaoffie. Dentistry. WU. 0. STEWART, LATE of Philsdelphis, is now located on Market street, LewisbQrf , opposite Mr. J. gchreyer'a store, where he nttendsto operations on the teeth at a reduction of bia former prices. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with lbs aid of improved Instruments, snd in an eaay manner. Filling teeth and selling on pivots or plates atten ded ta according to the latest improvements in the profession Ulcerated, spungy, sod inflamed gums cured. Thankful for past tavoia, bs aolicila a continuance of public patronage. No impure materials used for fillings in teeth. . ly38S Dr. Sway nt's Celebrated Family Medi cines. CCKB FOLLOWS CVKl! More Proofs of the Efficacy of Dr. SWAYNE'S WUd Cherry Tt Original and Genuine Preparation ! C'-OButumpllon. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com plaint, spitting Blood,dilficulty of Breathing, pain in the Side and Breast, palpitation f the Heart, Iu8uensa,Croup,bro ken Coostituttonora Throat, Kervoua Debility .and all diseases of Throat, Breast, and Lungs : the most effec tual and speedy cor. known for any of the above diseasea ia Dr. Sway ne's compound Syrup of WiUl Uterry. Reliable Testimony. John Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester Spy, Mass , waa attacked with a severe inflame lion of the lunga, accompanied with a distressing cough : alter using various other remedies wiiu little or no benefit, by the use of one bottle of Ur Swayne'e Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, be was restored to perfect health. Wm. Monlelius. a respectable merchant of Si Clair, Schuylkill county, writes, Jan 30, 1849: "Enclosed i send you a certificate of Win. Beau room, a citite n of our town. His case of Cons umption is well known here.and of long stsndtug; be attributes his cure entirely to your Compound Nyrup of Wild Cherry." - Be not deceived by the many spurious and worthless preparation of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretendora, but see that the signature of Dr. Sarayne ia upon each bottle, which ia the only guarantee against imposition. Remember ! the genoine preparation of Wild Cherry ia prepared only by Dr Swiin, N W corner of Eighth and Race streeta, Pbilad'a Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, "A Safe and Effectual Remedy for Worms. Dys pepsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or dyspeptic Children or Adult,and the moat useful Family Medicine ever offered to the public" This remedy ia one that haa proved successful for a long Uine, and ia uuiveraaliy acknowledged by all who have tried it to be far superior (being so very plea-ant to the taste, at the same time effectual) to any other medicine ever employed in diaeaaes tor which it ia recommended. It nol only deatroya worms, but it invigorates the oholr system. It is harmless in its effecta.and the health of the patient is alwajs improved by its use, even when no worms are discovered. Beware of Mutaka. Remember Dr 8V Vermiluge is now put op in square buttles (hav ing recently been changed) covered by a beautiful wranoer. steel engraving, with the portrait of Dr Ssiayne thereon engraved. Bear tbia in mind, snd be no deceived. DB SWAYNE'S 81 "GAR COATED SARSA PAIULLA AND EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. The virtues of these pills csn be appreciated only by those who have used them. They are adapted to sseiat nature in carrying off morbid matter, obstructions impurity of the blood, ic. Tbry are a gentle and effective purgative, correct all the functions of the liver, and aa an alterative in dropsical affections they are very valuable and abould be in every family. They bave an outside coating of pure Whim Bugar.wherehy everything disagreeable to taste or smell ia entirely removed without in tbe least affecting the escellent quali ties of the medicine. Remember ! they are now put up in boxes turned out of the solid wood, covered with a red label bearing the signature ot DrSwsyne: nous other iJ genuine. The above valuable Medicines are pre pared only by Dr. SWAYN'E, N W corner ol Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. J gents for Union O unttf, Pa. C W Schaflle, and Thornton dr Bak'er.Lewiaborg J Seebnld and M n.,.i;JB Mench, Millershurg Ed Wilaoa. . Ue,,,n L.ATaylor,Mifflmburg Mo 8pecbt. Beavertown Wilt at Eilert, Hartleton D J Boyer, Centerville Semi Haupt do D.&Schnure,SelinrgrveYoongman dr. Walter. DSmi'.h,Moaaer'sValUy Dry Valley ReubXelier,Navy Islend B dt Sommers.Freeborg sad by Storekeepers generally ly380 Myers' Liquid Cure ! IS a positive and never-failing Remedy for PILES, whether Internal, Ex ternal, Blind or bleeding Scrofula, White Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat. Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutan eoua Diseases, Mercurial Affections, tyc. also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Urui SfS, &c. &c. W. feel justified In proclaiming the Fact to tbe World, that of all medicines ever bru't before th. public, none bave ever been more beneficial to afflicted humanity than Myers Liquid Cure. "A" a know thia ia saying a great deal, but if we were to writ, volumes we could not say too much in praise of this sLra-rsToaiS6.LivE.paoi.osaiaa bexidv Hundreds, nay ibousanda bless the happy houi when first they were mad. acquainted with ita transcendent virtues ; and our present purpose i to inform other thou-sndu, bow and where thoy may obtain thai relief which they perhaps bave long sought for in vain. The auperior excellence of Una preparation over all other medicine, for tbe speedy and per manent cure of PILES, is well known to all who have tested it. It haa been proved in thousands of instances, and baa savta vailed to cure the most obstinate eases, and we are confident it will never fail it used a proper length of time accord ing to directions. Ass proof of our entire confi dence in its efficacy, w. assure all purrhaeers that if. after a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, tbe Money paid for H will be returned. Tbe Liquid Cure is aa effectual remedy for Ringworms. Biles, Pimple. Barbers' Itch. Frosted Limbs, Chilblains, Salt Rheum, Mosquito Bites, stings of poison 00s Inseetssnd Cutsneousdisesses of every description. It is both safe and effectual for RatcasTisx, giving immediate and permanent relief. Ita effect as a rear i or Atuer, are magical. should provide themselves with this Invaluable Preparation, tba cheapness of which place, it within tbe reach of all. Full Directions accompany each Bottle Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates from too, who have tested lb. Liquid Curs, may bs hoi gratis of our authorized aaenta Myers' Liquid Cure is prepared only by JEROME ft CO. 9 Spraee St. New York Agents : C W Sehaffle. Lawiabnrs : J H Rsser. aT:s w ' TO PHYSICIANS. DRUGGISTS, & COUaXTRY merchants. DR. J. N. KEELER Ac BRU most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock ol English, Frtttch, German, and American Drugs, Medicines, I'aints, Che micals, Oils, DyestuiTs, Glassware, Perfu mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, dtc Having opened a new store. So 394, Market st, with a fall supply ol fresh Diug and Medicines, wa respectfully solicit country dealers to exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to os their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on aa liberal terms as any other house in the Cily.and to faiihfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with de spatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality ol all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchant, who may wish to become agenta for Dr. Keekr's Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard aud popular remedies.) to forward their sddress.- Soliciting tb. patronage of dealers, wc respect fully remain. J. N. KEELER ft BRO., Wholesale Druggists, ly284 No. 394, Market St Pkilad. SAM'L AMMON, THANKFUL for liberal pstronsge heretofore received, respectfully informs bis old friends and tbe public generally that be baa removed hie Tailor shop to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market street, next door above C. Panny'a saddlery (lata th. offic of H C Hklok, Esq) where ba hope. I. suit all who may give him their custom, as he does all work in his line in the best and newest style and on short notice. He h i? 1 he Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, and ia determined to keep U with the times and merit a good ahare t atronaiie. CUTTING done to order. 'barges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work Leisbtirg, June, 1848 lyg?0.7 UNIVERSITY at Lsewisburge mHE TRUSTEES of the University at Lew- I iaburg would respectfully inform ite Petrona and Fiiends, that, in the School under their care, fat Lewisburg) the following ate the Clauses, Sub jects of Study snd Exercises lor lb. current year. Departments and Btuaies. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Six Classee Exercised in Spelling, Reading. Defiaition. English Grammar, Arithmetic. Geog sphy. History V 8. A Penmanship, and Com position. - ENGLISH DEPARTMENT of the Academy. Tbe oame studies as in the Primary Drpertineul rt .... I. L. . aA eonlinueo in tne use 01 ratam vwm , , these are added General Hi-lory, Davie. Algebra, Legendre and Surveying. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT of the Academy Jan. Academic Clots. English Language, Geography, Hitory U. 8. A., Latin Grammar and Reader, Greek Grammar and Header com menced. Arithmetic completed. Sen. Academic Class. Engliah Language. General Hiatory, Carsar, Virgil, Greek Reader, Dsviea Algebra. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Freshman Class. Livy,Anabaeis,Merowabilia, Davies' Legendre, Trigonometry commenced. Stmhnmorc Class. Horace, Odyaeey, Select Otation of Demostbenee, Legendr. completed. Davies' Surveying and navigation. Analytical Geometry, Blair a Lecturee. Junior CloM. Demoelhenee on tne l-rown. Greek Tragedy, Cicero it. Officii, Tacitus, Nat ural Philosophy, Astronomy. Logic. Students in the English Department recite ith thus, pursuing tb. same atudiaa In the Regular Course. No class in the Regular course, hss leaa than three daily recitations. All tbe members of Hie school, (in three divisions.) are exercised every Saturday in Reading, Declamation, English Com position, and Vocal Muaic. All th. etudenta are required to attend, regu larly, some religious meeting. Minors are expec ted 'o attend such meetings aa are recommended to ihi m bv their uarenta or guardiana. There ere in the Borough no less than ix places of public worship, occupied every Lord's Day by ae many different Christian denoniinationa. Number of Students. The number of etodente during tbe past year in th. various departments, was 164. The number that have entered the claee in the Reg ular Course for tb. current year (exeluai. of those in tbe English snd Primary departments.) is aa follows : Coiitas. Junior class 6 Sophomore else IS Freshman class - - IS Acibsht, senior class - It Junior ehtas - S8.-T1 TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TAVLOR. A. M . Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy ; GEORGE R. BLISS. A. M- Professor of Greek Lancusg. and Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON. A.M.. Professor of Latin Lsnauare and Literature ; ISAAC N. LOOMIS, A. M, Principal of the Academv : ALFRED TAYLOR. A. M.. Teacher in tbe Academy. In order to meet the demands of the Instils lion, the Board have taken measures to supply the necessary Apparatus for lb. department ol Mechanical Philoaophy. and to increase tne ui hrsry, before the commencement of tbe winter eion. During tbe year, the building now in progress will be completed, affording study rooms snd dormitories lor 70 college students. Another I'roiessor ha been added to the Faculty, and means provided to enable etuilent in the classes peciGed above to prosecute their etudies with the greatest success. Trillion and Hoard. TUITION in the Colleciate Department f 30 Academic $20, Primary fit per year. BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, can be had in the village and ita vicinity at various price., from 1.37 to $2,50 per week. Seaalona, Vacation, &c. Two Sessions in a year th. former commen era on the second Tuesday in October, and con tinue 37 weeks ; th. latter continue IS week. Spring Vacation, 4 weeka ; Autumnal, 6. Next aeesion begin. I lib October. The Board are happy to aJd that Lewisburg is at present, aa It ever has been, exceedingly healthy. By order and in behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATTSON. Prea'l. GEORGE F. MILLER. Sec'y. Lewiaburg, Union Co. Pa. rpt. 1,1849. Dr. Rose's Hedlcines. The subscriber havim; been annointed sole agent for Dr. Roe's Medicine, for Union county, offers them to the nuhlie with great confidence aa to their 1 ffiVsev and certainty of effecting cures in all cases for which they are designed. A single test only is required to establish the fact. T SSBARTOS The New Foundry IS now carried on aa usual, at the upper end of Market street, where every des cription of C A S T I N G S kept on hand or made to order sucb aa The Complete, or Complete Improved . Cooking Stores, for either Caal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES. also PLOUGHS of differ- ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Dull Ploughs, and the Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which cau not be brat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lewisburg. Sept. 21, 1849 PURE FRESH COD JLiver dPil. THIS new and valuable Medicine, now used by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ol Pulmonary Consumption Scrofula Chrtmie Rheumatism, Goat, general Debility, Complaints nf the Kidneys. &C Ac, is prepared from the liver of the f .OD-FISU for medicinal use, expressly lor our tales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. C. J. B.WiLLiiM. M. D.. F.K Professor of Medicine in University Colb-ge, London, consul ting physician to tbe Hnptial for t.'ousumpion, dee , ays ; " I bave prescribed the il in above four hundred cases of tub. reuloua disease of the Lunga in different atages.which have been under my care tbe last two years and a halt. In the large number of caea 206 out ol 234. its uae wa followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in ilitlVreiit cases, from a tem porary retardation of the" progress of the diseai-e snd a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restorstion to sppsrent health. The effect of the Cod Livei Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even u a few days the cough wm mitigated, the expee oration diminished in quantity ai d opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of belter volume, and the appetiu, flesh and atiength were gradually improved. In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from th. Liver of tb. t'od is more beneficial in th. treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinrl. dietetic or regimenal, thai has yet been employed. As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quarters, it can now be h;id chemically pure, bv the single bottle cr io boxes of one dnzon each. Its wonderful e!hacv has inJuced num erous spurious imitations. As its sur-cese depends entirely on its purity, too much care can not be used in pror-uripg it m ikb Kvery bottle having on it nor written signature, mav be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with notices of it from the MftHical Journals, will be sent to those who address ua free of pnat.ire. JOIJNC BAKER $ CO., Wholesale llrugu's' and t'hemista, I ySl 1 00 North Third St. Philadelphia OLD DR. Axn S. P. TOWXSEXD'S compound syrup of Sarsaparilla JUST ree'd from the old Dr. a lare ami fresh supply of his celebrated medicine from the principal Depj in New York. Persons wishing to procure Sirsaparilla can have either the old or young Ur's, gen uine and fresh, by calling in the Aiienf, t.rwist.u'g Jnne'25 i:W.THAFFLE Get the Best ! A I.L young persons should bive a Stnndurd Dictionary at their elbows. And while you are about il, get ihe be I : that Dictionary is oaa Wibsteb's. Ih. giest work, unabridged. If you are loo poor, eave the amount from off your bark, to pul it into your heat. rhrenologjour. Dr.Webstei's great work is the beat Dictionary of the English language. London Morn.Chron. Containing three times the amount of matter f any oiher English Dictionary compiled in thia country, or any abridgment of thia work. - I'ublisbed by G 4 C Memam.Springfield.Mae. and for aale at the ( heap Bonkator. of . May 30 S F LVNDAI.L, Lewisburg COAL OP ALL KINDS FOR sale by REDER & IDDINC3 Lewisburg, June. 1849 Worm Spccilic M'Lanc's Vermifuge! fPHIS invaluable remedy for Worms is X rapidly supplanting al others,in public estimation. Where it is used it has produced the best etti-ct. and driven out all ,(l0, other , remedies. ' Il ia the best they have ever teen." is the remark of all who have ever used il in their families. Tyre Springs.Sumner Co. Ten. Feb 19,'48 J. Kid J & Co. I received a tot of M'l.sne's Vermifuge from your scent last spring, which I sold out in one week, and I think I could have sold 1000 bottles by this lime if I eoul't have got it, but not knowing where to get it I had 10 wait until your agent came around. Every On. who has tried M'Lane'a Vermifuge, tell me it is the best they bave ever seen. lu fart it ia imprxsihle for any one to say too much in favor of this Vsr mifuge. W. D. ROBB. Dr.M'Lane dear Sir: t bav. sold out all your Liver Pills, and want another lot immediately. I could have sold a much larger quantity if I bad them. Tbe inhabitants are sending to Rocbeatei for them. Please send me another supply imme diately. F. SHORT, Druggist. Hemlock Lake. Liv. Co N. V. March 8. '47. Varyahnrg. Wya Co. N Y. Dee. 10. '47. J. Kidd dc Co. Your traveling agent left with me laal summer a quantity of Dr. M'Lane'a Pill and Worm Sfe ifie, to aell on commission. The Worm Specific is all sold, snd I should be glad to procure mora, aa it sells very readily, and haa a very salutary eneet id expelling worms. If voo io, warQ me aorn.. or send me aa order to call on your agenl in Buffalo (L.8. Reynolds.) I think it will meet with a rapid sale. . W. H. A INS WORTH. AGENTS C W Sciinu. T.i.t,n . u J Shafer and J H Rastr. Milton - I n,h.rt au. Knsgrove; J W Friling, Sunburv ; Mrs M'Cav. Narmamberland ; M C Srisr. J Moar.. Daavfll. OVE Boffgev and Sett of Harness. One Two Horse Wson, One Truck Wagon,0 f9Y rTPSWIw EQUITABLE LIFE IXglKAKlt:, ! AatnUIIJ mmM irati wvawaaj. Cice. 74, Walnut Street, Philadelphia. . fcasiTsx. jfcSSO.OOO Charter Perpetual. ri xtE Conii'suy are now pr. psr.d tu transact I business upon the mual literal and sdvatila gsuus terms. The are author by itisir charter (sec. 3) "to make all aud .very lusuranc. apper taining to lit'. rika of whatever kiud or nature, si.d Io receive and execute Iru-ts. make euuowuicnts, and to grant and purchase annuities." Tbe Com pany aell annuities and endowments, and act aa trustees for miuors snd bens. Table of Premiums required for the Assurance vj 100 for the whole term oj x-yc Age. Preoi. Age. Prea Age. Prom. 46 aj3 36 16 $150 31 $3 09 17 18 10 90 31 33 33 34 3& 38 37 33 39 30 I S3 33 33 34 35 38 37 38 39 40 41 43 43 44 45 2 IS 3 43 I 56 169 1 60 1 63 1 68 I 69 I 73 1 76 1 85 1 89 1 94 1 99 3 04 3 30 3 37 3 33 3 40 3 47 3 54 3 63 3 70 381 3 93 3 01 3 13 3 33 3 62 3 77 3 94 4 13 4 32 4 61 471 4 91 ft 13 8 33 5 54 S 78 03 58 59 60 Th premiums sre lees than sny other company and tba policies afford greater advantage. Mar ried women and female children can inaure lh live of either a husband or parent free from ihi claim, ol creditora. Table, of half yearly ami quarterly piemium. half credit rates ot premium, short terms, joint live, survivorships, endow ments and forme of application ar. to be had at tbe Office or of th. Agent. Rates for insuring $ 1C0 on a single Life. Age. For 1 year. For 7 yeare. For Life. SO $0 81 .91 160 SO 0 99 1 30 S 04 40 1 39 1 64 3 7rt 60 1 86 3 07 8 94 59 3 48 3 97 6 03 Example: A person aged 30 years next birth day by paying the Company 99 rta would secure to his family or heire fltiO abould he die in one year, or for 9 90 he secures to them 9 1 000, or for 13 00 annually tor seven years be secures to them ilOUO abould be die in seven yi-ers. or for 20 40 paid 'lj during life he aecure III 000 to be paid when be dies the insurer securing bis a 11 bonus by the difference in amount of piemium from those charged bv other office. For 49 50 the beire would receive $5000 should be die in oi.e year. PETER CL'LI-E.N. President. F.W. RAWLE. See'y snd T.ess. For further pailtruls a apply to HE.NKY C. HICKOK, Agent fur Union and adjoining counties. Consulting Physician Wis. Harts, M. D. Lewiaburg, t.'iiion Co. Pa. July 31, IM9 LElViSDURGFQUKDRY i f PHE subscribers, thankful for past patru- g uagc,wnuio iniorm tne puunc that tne continue to manufacture all kind? of MILL GEJtRIAC. Caat Water heels of ,h ,0"pp"" pattern. lhreshing Mach uncs. One arid Two Morse Ploughs. e invite parnrular attention to a ne article Wiard'i Patmt CISC PLOrcBS, foi lading il CriiO. Farmers Uy this plotter can seed in aa much Kratn, in rmc day, in three rJays with common ploughs. minf& unit Cumincr, and Fining the same. HOLLOW W R K Kettles and Pots ol various M2s Smooth ing Irons and Stsnds cal lea Kettles tt suit cooking Moves. ' ' COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now iu use, for wood or cos I. Fancy,Parlor, ood.Coal Stoves AIR TIGHT STOVES. Race's S ir-rrculatlnz Air-light Parlor V 00J Move, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and othee rt;l. of machinery repaired iu the best manner and 00 the shortest notice. Catlings nr mnted io be i.f ihe best material, and a: prices that can not foil to please. CKDJlKS it MARSH. Lewisburg. March 25. 1848 lySO!' Pianos: pianos. 4i rpHE undra.ignrj cor.linuei to fumi.h to order the m.nafertory of Coi.r.d Meyrr. PhiUd.fhc llltrUBlOU or loo K II at..n. .A . a su aic-a-u mnj pan- egyric, b..mR oniforn.lv recei.eU ibe eommer.d ....... , ,ae mo., ,,, profeoril Wlj com JT'." ,he ""rd of Premium, i, .YwVork.Ph.l.del,.hi..ns Boston. For qu.I.lie of tone toticb. and kee,,iR in lone op laconre.l .itch. the, m not be .u,p.wJ r, eher Awer. lean or European Pianos. D Jnatroetions iven on tbe Piano, aa heretofore. Keferenea m. . r ,. " nny in mose pareni. or coanlisna srhr, ..:i. ,r. . . cnarse. He mav he aeen at hia residence at Mr. Mais. a. Market atreet. Lewi burg, where terms anil particular- still be made a now it. Th. most popi, an) 9atitt , ,n1 Muic or dilTerent kinds received as k is issued from the different musical estaMi.hmrnt in the Cities KAI.ISI If ALL KINDS OF JOB , PRINTING. MITLT k ElPEDITIOrSLI EZKCVTEO AT THE " CHRONICLE " OFFICE. Important information FOR the difficult respiration and deb.lit atteriHinn diase of ih. I Thro,, and Bress,.TAoon-s Compound ".i-r - sur ana ttood JVoptha ha urru luunti an invaluable remedy. Besides .a power as an iixpertraw IO Ky,ett, (hp lungs from the acmmtilarrrf matter which resulta from Ihe relai. d staia nfih. ...i. . in hot weather, it also arts as a liealintr balm lo Ihe ulcerated parts and a atreneth ener to the system. .So salutary is the action of ihe Syrup in thia respect, that man of our most respectable Physicians emnlov it ia iha. practic, and we have dailv evioVnee f ariiirciea in .- nn iiiniis,. J: C20a9sr& ftn-.ii. . . ... . j sissssn whert) skill has utterly fsiM. PM1d "ly hy Antnay Dickson, N SktH by C. . .sj-fe tsimkWntfL An Ounce of Prevention wtrth a piiuntl of Cure," in that awful disease GONSUMPTiOIl! TR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Press. j lion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale ia Lewisbarg by S. F. Ljndall J. Houghton and at this office. Price, 73 centa. - - TRICKS OW asVACKsV ' tv" Kvrusuat tars ;au.v. Taara is Sanaparill fcw sals ia ih. SiSatsisi towma called 4 Testnrri.!'s Sarsaiiarilta. h ia duje4 a ORM& ISAI- BNI!IM.awt U !- This T'HSanad as asm aa ; but as far many vortsr a railsiavta, ca Si. uJ the lii-l h ass mas tba Ml sf D-ieror Sir ta porpo-. of mw wa was k staot. r "S Em uieada two maucal . aS assawcsJ fcf (Waa vex ! " Ih- mia m, h aT praeoasS awsVia is. in hi. in t a?V. a-W amaasasiaiiaj loito valwit efaararisraaS vasatuy as Ow avaa. I wwl nost sinotrslr, he hail stmt ma laass ssataaa l Saa ssUorofiM WrNw.Uawnlarab-iWaaBdwao fal ia sll hir talioe aoa aswrciiaass wit sjasr St.-u. sa! lis applicl 10 tu Rt'iptsaaasMatmuiBua Xtetaruf his mixture, startre tj targa " ae shS i sjiaks. aa an M.ucsifii i inbark iUi - Tl -' aasn use Sec lusulfing arut noetiioc as la all P.is jSreis. is Aritar tn impress the imbtie sjih th sane' 4 th.O d IKior's Sirsapanli rr th , sewjaw SarimtrUla. ma.le frui lira 'Xd Uvor't Origins! s v pit. TinsS. P. Tooi't aavs I has U lbs ass of uy Sams kr 7 a week I till civ him SiaJO rf a will f riuc one uur i ry pro! of thia. Hi raaraei of Thomrm. SSiI.mau IV. are hiof sal a Mas a. of lalaehunris. sHnplv matis w oersiv Ih patMic Slkl k !p UM truih l.wn in retard to his ttmrinf, fit minting esav Mtfift. Tins te to ention the pnbtie to purchase nos oas W I Or. JA HHTiw.Ml,sSrsarnlla.liaioao B la (kul n-Ktor llkene. hia aau'y Vonl 0 Arms, nut tUB aujnaTilreacrss the f.nat of Arms. iniriMat OSes, l Smtam-strft. S. T Cily JACOB TOWMsU i Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, THE ORIGINAL DISrOVFREE OF TUB Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. OM lr. T-wnsenai i tkw tbom 70 Mf of r-. ami hw hog bera known th- t VTtlOR m. tHSCO VVRE fihe GKXri.S'E WttaiSAL "TOWSsEsn 8AltS A PARILLA.'9 I iti ii-ir, wm comr-t'.e limit its innuiac.ure, hv wwb mnn n h-v brn. brpi nm of market, am! the ci.f iiir ;iHe I ia fb-r-w only wn$ hmtl irord u wunh. arnl krwwn 11 iu. It hmi rrcUai Utc tw of manv. rrhr:eav f-c inam who hU i4ta kntfrd .f itirr iti-4-av-, nJ J .row p t .Bl.l t J Wat -Wi:rf.tl IIF.Al.Ta IVAVKR. Tt.i-OKAnAM I NEQrAM.EUPHfcP4R.iTH BMDuUr' urtrd on tn Lr": -. c i1 't.r ,;.! ut the lsi.h an.1 hrt?a: the lam. aUy v n tsMinH n rr; olt MsaTrrraiti('ti or drteriira f(. Unlike ymus S P Tjwiitv.'',T irnt'f ;h suul ncr chausibut for the ttei'rr : lu it p-ei'al on tfi-ifiF prineiylB y a w:ntirc mtm. Tr hi;:.cai knowlvlsx'e ol ChnnKrv.au Iitftt distrotrersrw xU haai i' been bruutfht in: irqui itti in ;h rr.u.u'ao lur- im fh Old lr ! CTpa'i.i.. lae 5umj-nlia r-y It t wfll k:iuva u rrtitrxi nrn. frttiin niaBt ntii.rtraj prtIr rax. and mc ptv-(r wha) ar umn w u.aa oirifa. whici if reia:!! I iii prepannf it tor u-e. :r 4K9fermrntarimisnti ort-i, .tct w n.jr:'U9 :o..arw Ic9. Si.i nt the jjni,ert:r n: Srasrrit.a f thai ther aratirai cvav-riie ar It u tb prwpar:i, il lhaW arr lt prfarr'' 9ci!tjir ?rrr. .nn na If1 v" thtwa atperiajncvvi in rr,nurtttr VrtWTtM, V)ssa CMiria pir;p,eT. w.urh ! in tMp.r. o" aa tMlaUasii. o::-r heat, ar- tV fj rntiil mmiJi f trirra :h pwi. wrifhEen r. a!: i'ai ua Any jwTwon ran baii or w Hie pat tilt tKe fe -iorfc CA.oreai "i-; ii I, wfitrh i m re ffom rise a.rir j rentier ta th rmiT tl.ar, I'nuii tiw:Uu,i r : ibev cn ta- trw iib itrwiftid wjpi-f is.; I. !ia.'-Tn aritb wtxir rcaw. artal ltiHinil it StSS4pAKll.l.A KXTKACTurSYRlP But witch i not t tie artir.c ktion i(i ' GEN I OLD J.A B l OWNSEND i ia art prwjsareti fht a i iiwrt ropertiv of iSo Itrafrsii ii- rwt are first rrm-H. ver;hira tp$ir4 hsicotu'ti ?id rr termr:raia'a in aivrfacto auu rf aecieJ; then Tvr p-iri-;e 01 m-'ir' trtu avctir- d iopt ami emrw.tneei hmn ; Uii it n m.i.aJ KicaaBM ol io-hit uy ut it viuii. J Ua.itn7 profria. Pro pared in ir.is wv. t n. !- iii m w rv.ivw.Tiu; as;a m t.10 ( urc of nnuutPiablr lle I2rr ;h reiMn we h-r rtonnte-o-uou on 09mm MlW 111 it faorjy men. w un!.. m:i4 cuu'ittn. Wa tttA aVitiff wi'i -l-rw m tH-1 cure .. COSfMPTIft. D YSPEPWAn an LITE VOMI'LAIM -n Fr'KCMATISM SaOl CLit f'i.VK '"t.lVH'KVESS. tl fVTASfm OCX EM'PTlf'SS. PIMti.ES, MLOTCHSn auti a.- !' f.t'V an-iti It ti iMPL iii i V UP THE FLOOD. k irfr$mjt mtrrvuf'tiw s-Tumcw in ail rornpvsMll MaV arr ai t. m -tii-f"t. T '-n A'-rHtf-if StmimmK fimm rv'sMi rtrru.attrsri, tlcier ni.e-fiJCj tl lWK)J to tho asataTafL iaif tau.a 01 :ne brart, d 'I ' e' an-! htn ba, ci,l chill avftj t f!a-h' 'er Mt- b!v. ! he n-st Uaaqiaol Ul CoitaJ Ua4 Va fhtt ; a:u! print 'r"t.i x-e.rtmtan and ftuuaa Dart a) a;wt. rr.-axui; auiCiu.U t; .he .ut.a. ifcrow Usimf o bar part. Hm in not .itnt is exct lerre mre ntnifcat.J Ml tfaaf CkUsuw.a Icnl Thn in n'.t utu-h axil Htatftrtof ttM.L COMPLAINTS. It work wi:iitrr?j in fa" :i -" Aibui or WaaaV Failsn of the lVumt, OAsi-rarVrf, Sufprrmd. m Pmmi iWettawa. 1r rrgm. or ttjf M tuy ;n-itrxl japn-nl-. ao-l tba ilia) Hw nmnvinf .hirur;i, c. reaTuiatttiaT aba aetkeral rsiaoi. it rive tone a:.i nrtrjih to lh white 4vJy, ftao limacuie- atll frm 0: Norv-owa. Lloea.ea and DeMlltj an ! C:'i prvru or !-i:cvo a erraU aretv f tbT mmm t lirs, v Spina.' vtu ,;Vn, Sru.fnk Si. lotas' iAae-ta, yajii, Eviuit:-ft. ('jirat fi'i'iu, oC : cu.rr the b!j. xcitca tbe Uvr to hcailrif artiua touro th PUirruch, ai.: ure gnoi lUcvnt. veiievoa ifca bwela a( torpor eu i toi:ir)au'i o. aMavj mflatMnaaMTi. fy nfioa th taiftn, ejtiaittr Uie C:irj!:iiia, o! (hr biwi, pro 4icm( gerrir waTiitU cii .i'j 4'. over lit buu), ami itm iM. porsnlrsriPn : relet? srrtetires and nrhtnemr Sflo.es T I oteTr'if -ion., and Ki.igorale la ctitir Bares system U n- ibis then Th Medlrlne yon pre-mlaVitlr a4t Bat rsii an. cm the thine, os saal M & f Tosmsrraf mterior artir 1 Thu e..,,:,r T,r liui J H not to he COMPARKII WITH THE OLD PR'S, because of ow ;RJ KAtT. thai the an is l.NCr ULEol DTERIl)". T!ON.n. NKVEt? SPOILS, whils the other IXH:S- esn'.if. fTmmUnf. awl ftlsswae rte bvtttra rontatnin? u into Ir-jmeni. : :h aer. aeiit iKIilHl enpto line. ami tsrna'nt oih-r -ooats ! Mm m thai aornhle rumwaivl he p i . in ih T.n t Msac ' pul arid tnlo a tyt'fm a rro.ly rft.eiisesf sri'.' arid t Whsl caim lK,,psia btu arH I IV. r nol s i kn-isr :hai whea foo.1 spots ia our stoKiar':.. i:at mtsrhtei' ir jrMucee Satnienre. hesrthuriK psicitaisHi 01 the heart. Itser rora- fUrut. tti.irrbrs. .iewrrv. mini, srni crr.ttHtnii of tp. I0.1.I I Win, is S-nliiia hut an sel humor in lb last. Whi pro!n-es a!l the hnrrir. wiiieh briurm r.iwni. il the Win. Scald Head. Si 'r Kheum. ErTpe's. S'd Swellinsrs. Fe.er Sttres. ami a I uieersiKM,.'isieenal u.1 terns! ) It is n.:bnte iiu..er h...veo bn- an sewt snhstanrs. lorn smir.. :.J i ,.,!. ) -b- f io,U t 'h o.t. mora 1 lev Whsr eans Rheuina:i.m hnt m mm . n.1 uuj Suirl whie!, iiwitiua;es it-m.;,' N.'.sren Ihe ioints sn.1 elw. wneie. irnta'im ar t inao-.. r detirais tissues nrsa whirh it act.. 1 S ( nerrm.. di-ase.. ul nnponi. f ihs W ioil. ol deraiir.l rirrniali.m. anil nearl. all the atlraenK Mih arniet li'itrisn ni'urs. , Now IS If 1101 t:i,rrt:-:s li, mx'dm and sell ast M.iTM.t..'M worse to u. rSi - SDl KIMi, tlMHT!(5 APin "COMPOIIMV' OS S P T.T."i.-xn list ret he won .l am 1 are ,1 nn.leroo4 that Ol I Dr Ja. l2.h.I." J.'"'!"1' ';""" "e'ol earraaswriiVa, isanlW IT.T:1)N ot hi- tn:n-r prerai.rM, 1 1 MeaTen turbid that we b..ul t deal in n aruete whi- would bear the mix di.tsnt irsrirblanre lu S. P. Tows vend' mrttr'e.' We wt'h il uihlnsnmt, terJ0-, it iaiho VisoVe its'. that S. f Townsen IV ami-V an-t iMd lie. Jai-ohT 'wrMn. a Sseapa"'. are W., s ,m arr. trtd infntr.'i 4 . alor; that they are unlike iu eeerv Mrtiru.ar, bati." :ir an sinfle thins in Msimm As 8. F Townsend is n i!.Trt.r. snd reeer w-. is ps sheuiisi. no pharmsrenti lrr..ws n- mora of meitKir-r it a than an other coiniis. u'l-ieoi ihe. itn.fes.sN4' man. what fnnrnnt ran th pith'w heee 't.ai the. ar eaiviiif a reiiuine srreiit iiir meitriiir.ri.i.iii.i-e a:; in, .... lues ol the anieles 1 prrtMimr V. and whirS are m eanahi. ea'ehanves whifh miiiu remter them the AGENTS af IHsMae m.uead ot health ? Sut what else "h"u;'i oe et sriril from one who tiss aothiiareuRtparatieeiy 01 meiiictiie or itiascl It rr.?'"e a psisun is some esiwiru.-e to eok awl serre urev i a enmrnon deeem rre.t. II--W murh muss important that the lierwtis who manirartnre mfn'M-ua. itef ieie.t ip WEAK KTOMAr-HS AN KNFRCRI.Kn SWT. v.. afcould know well the meill.-al prnWrlies ol plant, the Iwst manner 01 sfttnn an! eofs-eutratin 'heir healtne rw' alsf,ftnitsnnir kuow'aitce of the ..ino diseases whu-fc a6V. th human system, and bow to adaut rensriie. these dl.ea-ea ' R Ml to Srrasl fran.1 nrwM, ik. r.r.. ... ... ,A mm. trso woantted htimanti.. to kindle hw in th uVsiinftl bosnwt. to rsslor health, snd bl.m. are) .icer nr. Snishad and brnken. and to banih tnrinnitv that O! ! HR. JACOB TOWNSKND has SrVrJHT and FOLN!b op am iMiits and means to hnas hi wlrauaal Vvalversal snr eat rated Reiaee) arnsm th rearh. and s in knuwledee ,w all whs aesd a Inst tbay ma. learn sp't know. b. josiul evpeneoe. ra) Tnamaaul rawtr ts HJ. Aer.ftTS for the above Medu ine C vT SrhalTIe, Lewivhure; John II Bar, Mil ton ; Ft.rsyih & Priestly. Kurt! tin.b'lara GENTLKMEN'S Fancy Goods. Vsaf ing. Cloths, Cashmeres, sod Sa mar Gauds in general, at