i.EWISBURG -CURONlCLB--ANIKWJaST..BKAXCH .Viil'S;U rATS&'S 1.1 CHERRY PECTORAL: For ihe Care r OCTJGXI3, COX.D3, KOARSEM-S33, BROW. CHXTI3, CROUP, ASTH ma, WHoorxxro-oovoB AVO CONSUMPTION. ' Tba uniform su'cess which has attended the Ut of Itiw preparation its titulary (fleet i a power to relieve and eure biTretiona of the Lunge, ban gained for it a celebrity equ did by no O'het medicine. We offer it to tlie afflicted with entire confidence ia ita virtue, and lha full belief that ti Will subdue end remove tha st'vereet attack of vJiaeesea upon the thtOil and lunge. As thcaa Taaulta become public, they naturally attract the attention opmedical men and philanthropists everywhere. What ia their opinion . of Cherry Perioral, may b eaen below. VALENTINE MOTT. M D, Prof. Surgery Medical Cortege, New York, aava : It irivee zae Setst pleasure to certify the value and effl tacy orAver'CiJ.rrY Pectoral ,wl:iih t consider peculiarly adapted, tu cure diseases of the Throat aud l.ui.gs. ' Tha Rt Re Lord Bishop FIELD write in a letter to hia friend, who wae faat sinking under kn ttT.ction of the Lung Try the CLerry pectoral, and if any medicine can giTe you rehri, with tine bltr-ping of tfoti that mil. Chief Justice UiSI 'I'.'E. of Lnuisuna.wrttee: That a ynuai; UKgrtter of hie was Tared of several sevtrc muk ul CliOlP, by the Cherry Pectoral. ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS The Cans diati Journal of Medical Science stale. That Afctbina aud Sroachj'tia, so prevalent in thia Inclcio lit .liaiate, ban yielded with surprising rapidity to Av.-r Ch--rry l'ertonitxtd we can not too strongly r- conimtua im saiiim j-'reftarauoa to uur jroioeiczt aiui jub..c general.?. Let the relieved tulle rer apeak for himself: IIiRTrraa, Jan. 6, 1W7. Tr. J. C. Aycr Pear Sir : Having leu rescued from a painful and Janeerons disease, rratitudi! proata Be to srba you Jut ai'iuowicoKun, nut " j wju ju !,.!. the mform.litn of ethers in like saictit. A slight cola upon the lun-o, ncrl-eled at first, became ,3 r-serr that spiti'Dj of t lood, a violent cough, and pro fuse Tiitfbi IWiuU lol low C :.Ba ISirn"M un nw. . urtaui ; etuscliud, ittuil hm ki,was dcrvsid by mycouirh. and a pain anrnigh Bay cu-rt, and in snort u an ia? aiarmui; tj-mpiO'M I (,uick coiuuiniuoa. Xo medicine m -J at all to r.-ach my case, until 1 providentially . trud your Oberry factorial, urh eoon reUtteii aiid now haa curW ma. Your with rrect, h A. Ta1 AST. From 'alter d.irj Aiiiar. n. T.. April 17, If 48. Br. Aycr, Lcweil EcartJ: I wSal!iR'tl by Aethnta jn i! a avrvt fwaj, w that I hare btn ot'lig.d to flevp in roe chair fcr a lar-el part cf the lilac, being iraabl to trt-ailjr on loy V 1. 1 hsA iri-d a gr u. many mediruK to no purj'Ot'e, until my phjiuciut pr-mof-d. as an expe riment vourCbcrryi cciorai. At trr.tit set mud to nilce m- worf, but :r l.ar thnn a wrr-k 1 b an eapTieur thf Dt KntUi'yina leiicf Irt m it n-; and no, iu fuur mrkf. ibv difl4-ae is nt.rt'ly irtuotrd. 1 can el-rp on tt.y bd with oc-Bitort, ai,d eify rtst ef c-.Oilh wMtb 1 lad nevr uxpertrl to enjy. OfcO. t. AUKANT frrpartl buJ .C.Ai.rr,Chevtist,Lou:cU,&Ix. roraale hy C V tSl'HAKFLC, Lewiaburg ; J II ("a.l.iw, Mii .in; Iaac tie. hart, balitiagroer, and is I'ir.ji'.i irenciatly MIC jiirinr rstiip bt:n ihe subscribrrs in tl.o Ltery business, wnt (his cay dtcsolved bv Hiuttinl consent. All tierson' 'nt!c!it( d to the firm, will settle with C. F. Qese ; crcditora w.ll r'su look to him fur pay ment. JOHN f . HESS. CHAR1.E-J F. HES8. Leiturt April 0, lb50 The undersiirrfd will coi.tinun thf UVElilC EUS1.YESS at '.i f id StHtid, titid respi'ttfuliy solicits the jivrnri. ge cl Lis friends and the public centra !y. C11AULE3 F. IltloS. April 0. 1850 fl IVolicc. THE Burgas nnd Town Council of the Hiiou(h of Lewisburg,,-hereby Rte notice that ihey will rreeive propos!s Irom this date until the 1st day ol May orx' For quarrying stonp (nl ii.e qu.irry of W in lm!T(iii,r,;ij.) in feparalf lots ot one hundred perch each, to Macridamixe par: of Market atreet ; Alo protK.sB!3 for hauling and uViiverinf; i.tf.ne 'ju Market street, in lots of one bund red perch each ; Also proposals for brenking the said tone (in lots of rue hundred perch each) to such fist as will pass through a two and .inch ring, and Also propr.salt for the delivery on Mar ktt ptreel of four hundred perch of paving tstone.in separate lots of one hundred perch each, of the tollowing site, dimensions and quality, to wit : the t,tur,e to Lc not less than en nor more than eight inches Ion;:, and the length to exceed the thickness by at least one third, and to be of permanent and durable quality, suitable for street laving. All the above work to be done under'the supctin'.endencc and direction of the Street Commissioners, and to be completed on or before the lul day of October next. By order of the Courcil : A. H. BLAIR, Burgess. A ileal: John UuigiituJi, Clerk. Lewisburg, April 10, 1650 Borough Ordinances WHE Burgess and Tcwn Council of the 1 Borough of Lew Uburg met, April 1, 1850, (or the purpose of adopting measures for the be'.ter regulation of the streets, pave ments, and alleys therein, and after mature deliberation the following resolutions and iurdiitances wero unanimously adopted, to w it : 1. Resolved, that as the pavements : nd side-walks were intended for public as well as private accommoduiion, we deem it im portant and necessary, and hereby ordain, lliat el! obstructions ou the same shall be removed. We therefore authorize and re quire the street Commissioner to remove, or cnuKC to be retnuved, all obstructions on the streets, pavements, and side-walks, so far as practicable, without refpect to persons, giving due notice to all persons who shall have in any way obstructed the streets, alleys pavements, or water-courses, to remove i lie samr, allowing them rea sonable and sufficient time for said remo al, and in etise any person shail neglect or refuse to comply with this ordinance, the street Commissioners shall proceed forthwith to remove such obstruction, and leturo the said person or persons, with a bill of the costs of sm-h removal, to the Burcts, who shall auihorizc and require Ihe High Con-table to collect a fine of 6ve dollars, together with the bill of costs o( aid rainovul, from ea 'i aud etery person so returned : and if said person or persons hall refuse to pay the said fine and bill of XV', iti H.gh Coiib!e shall proceed im mediately to levy Upon the goods and chat ties ol every such person or persuus, i the full amount of said claim, and sell Hit same accordiug to law : and the money thus collected shall be paid tuto the Bor ough Treasury g. Resolved, thai it shall be the duty herealier of the street Commissioners, to furnish all persons within the Borough who may npply to them, the proper grade ai.d width of pavements aud trees ; also, . the building hue of thu street, and in case such persons con form to the directions giveu, they shall tut hereafter be subjected to the expense of ailer alterations; but should it ulierwards be tound necessary to alter, the expense sbali be paid out d ihe Boiough treasury, unless it shall be lound to have bci'ii the result of manifest carelessness on the part or the strict Commissioners, in which case, he or they shall bo' held re sponsible for iho same. 3. KesolveJ, that the strtet Commis sioners shall hereafter iece:ve pay lor all time spent in the discharge ol the duties assigned them. 4- Kesolved, that as there are several pumps, so situated within the pavements on Market street as to form serious vb atruelions while in their present position. but which, if moved to the curb, might be of important service in case of lire, we therefore authorize aud instruct the street Commissioners to adopt some plan to have said pumps removed to the curb as soon as practicable, the expenses of w hich shall be paid out of the Borough treasury. 5. llesolved, that Murket strtet, between F rout and Second.and also bitweeu Fourth and Fifth streets, shall be properly graded and MvAilainieed or paved riuitng the pies enl'year, and that the Clerk is hereby au thorized to receive proposals separately, tor quarrying, breaking, and hauling stone, in separate lots of one hundred perch each. lur ma. purpose, ana also 10 receive pro I osals (or the delivery of four hundred perch of paving stone, of such sice and quality as may be deemed suitable by the street Commissioners for the said work. 6. Resulted, that the owners, and hold ers of property cn each side of Market st. (wi.liin the limits to be AlcAdamzed or paved,) are hereby required to pave thu gutters and set the curb stone in front ol their lots, at such time, and according to such directions, as may be given them by the Street Commissioners, and if any per son or (lersons shall neglect or refuse to comply with ihe said requisition, after hav ing received due notice thereof, the street Commissioners shall proceed to do the said work, keeping a correct account of the ex pense Ihereoft and each person, so neg lecting or refusing, shall forfeit and pay a fine equal to the full amount of the cost ol ihe said work, together with the costs of collecting the same, which shall bo paid into the Borough treasury. 7. Resolved, that the foregoing Ordi nances and Resolutions be published in the Lewisburg Chronicle. By order of the Council : A. H. BLAIR, Burgess. Attest: John Houghton, Clerk. Lewisburg, April 1, 1850. ACCOUNTS OF LEWISBURG B0R0' for the year 1849. Jot. Glatt 4 Sol Hitter, Overseers of Poor. DR. i o arttouut 01 implicate tor lsty a'Jl.tJo By ami expanded Hannah Derat $97.38 da Mrs Conner 49,56 do John Meloy 11,74 do tiaoeieot pauper 99 do Lurinda Reaae 61,43 do Harriet M'Colnm 42,99 do Sarah Kuigan 44.83 do Rebecca Bond 30.3? J do Sarah Mscbamar 13,50 do Marie Hi lea 8.48 do Tbomas Harris 5,00 Books for dapiicaie eke SO Overeeen.' W ages 40,00 Percentage fur collecting duplicate 39,59 Exoneraiiona on duplicate ' S1.05 Balance due lioroogti 145,09 1591,95 To Balance due Borough $145.09 Exonerations Poor Tax, 1849 Amnion 8uaa $06 6 a 33 33 ia J3 23 M 09 i J VI 23 23 23 23 Aft 4S 27 23 46 46 23 Aft 4i 67 at 3.1 23 23 4ft 4S Kennedy IVwitt 23 Andi-r?ou W in E Jjongbay sirs Lucre John Lane James X Laeey l X I N Lokeas JC Morton Nancy Martin Jobn M'Clure lUcnard M'Clore Jonathan Manson Morison Myers liaeid Mt M Neil Curtis si N'ewman Jobn Jr . Newman John Olifaut John fross Kii hard Peters Jobn Poetb Henry Prosa Jobs Kaudolph John E Strickland Samuel Bhafer Samuel, Shuck Andrew E Mutnxan bamuel Tustin A K W alters Cathriaa Wallaos William Wallace Nancy Waller Samuel W Usoa A a B Yost Harm an Keilcy Jane 23 ;s aft 4i 4ft 31 09 46 23 S3 4ft 4ft 23 23 2J 3ft 24 23 12 23 ;m 23 23 67 4ft 4ft 1,00 4a 23 23 07 Brown Christian Brier Xbomaa Bridle John Heaver Inael iiuii Isadc llruh Jarob Budd Stepbra lanieroB Wat X Comeliua Sarah Cornelius John Carotnc-ra Wn Couner Joseph Caol Joithua bull Joseph bull Joa O Liindore Jacob irindore Isaac iigbt-it John Jr runnier tteuvea r oKU-r Ira E Irkkinson Fetager 1 Oibony lluicb Uotchall John K Good Oeorge tlarns Mary Hutchison ancy House! Jacob Jr Hay Andrew Herts Joseph Hunter II f Johnson ilenry X ,lrO $11,14 Jot. Glau Ctlkcler oj Bori Tax for 1849, 1850 March ZS To amt ol duplicate $13U,U (JR. By cash paid Treasurer $836,30 1850, Feb 28, By 0oro' scrip taken in payment ol Usee 38,35 Interest on aame 7,36 March 1 1, By Borough Scrip 8,00 Interest ou same 78 Work done on Streets 456 82 Percentage on duplicate 65,59 Eionetations on duplicate 60,61 Balance due Borough 63 27 J $1311,90 Exonerations Road Tax 1349. Am moos Sanaa, Bidule John eo.7S ftu DO 1,00 1,00 2ft i0 . M l.oo 60 1,00 fro to 7ft ftO l.oo 60 76 60 1JJ0 1,0 so 26 60 1J 60 6Q 60 60 60 60 76 X 60 1JN Brkw Tbomsa BeU-r Israel Brush Jacob Cameron WilluunE Cornelius John Conner Joseph Croeftjrrove William bull Joseph C bindore Isaw? -Flick WilltamK biekenMin KiUrwrE tiotchall John U E Harris MarjK Hay AndrewE Hauler II P Kellr Jane 0.M 60 Bruib Isaac 60 ! Huiid SU-bben , . 20 60 60 15 60 l,u 4l 1,110 60 l,fto 1,0" 1 (HI 60 2ft 1.00 1,76 1,00 76 1,00 li 60 l,0O 60 7 60 1.25 60 60 1.00 1,00 60 1,60 Cornelius farah Carotbers W illiam Caul Joshua bull Joacuh bindore Jacob kirbert John ffirideriraK Oitnny Uuh ttood Ovore Huleainsmi Nancy Uerta Joseph Johnson Henry E Kennedy UewtU S Kceoej John Loncoay Mrs Krenier baniel Keily James B E Lucre John b Laoey B Morton Nancy M'Clnre Kirfiard Miller John T Morison Munsoa " M Neil Curtis E Newman John Prose Richard Poetb Ilenry Strickland Samuel WiaferSamocI tibas k Andrew X Tusua A E W allass Nancy Wileon 8 A B Whitman Jamse JLme James B LukeasJN Martin Jobn Manluuary John .1 I urr jonauutn Mjwi baTtd -.at Newman John jri Olifant John Peters J0m . ktaadolpb John E Sbsder Jobn bands OstkI . Slutman Samuel Waliasa Wiluaaa Walter Smasoel White Ibos f E . 134,20 r. were hursd tbsfsjgt EVskt. John Houghton, Treasurer, DR. 1819, Much 2C, To balance due Boro' on settlement ' -. , $la7,19J Juno I, Cash reel of J P Rom for J V Hhiiner, Colt er lor the year 1818 Aug 6, from Joa (jhu, Coli'er for 18t9 15,00 60.00 70,(10 63.0! 80 00 40.00 6U.0O 18, do do Sept 7 SI S3 Oct it!) Nov 10 Jo dj do do da d.i do do do 32.00 11 Hanrelman's reel for bill for ue of bouse Ac lo hold bom' election Mar 1849, reed of J tilaas. Coll 4,00 33, from Jos (ilsss, Coll'r lor 1849 40.00 1850, Jan 6 do d 70,00 do do bO.OO Fei 7. from J P Rom for J W Curioer 4 10,00 14, Irom Joa till a, Coll'r for 1S49 116 00 28, do ilo 25 00 March 11, do do 1C.22 26, do in full coll. dup. '47 8,36 do 8 Rilier, do poor lax '48 25 do do do do J Claas.taken for UeeTownflail 9,10 do line itnjHised on certain peraoua for disorderly couduct 6,00 lloro'Scrip Milh int. taken by , J CUss.coll.tor tasca.F'ti.28,'5u 35.61 Scrip ot do do Mar.11,'50 3.78 :j.odj,5:4 CR. Aug G, 1849. By cash pd.A Winrgarden in pari tor breaking a. one to MacAdauiiu .Market atreet. per receipt $15,00 7 Wn Dtiiy, hauling stone for do 25,00 11 Thos Waters, quairvLig do 6 00 18 A Winrgarden " do 35.00 20 Wm llitty do 40.00 Sept 6 Thoa Waters do 6.00 7 Win Billy do 3u 00 10 A Winegarden do 31.00 17 JVBuskirk iti part fur lime for Boro'12.42 31 Thoa Waters, quarrying atone 10,00 Netiu& Ruber ,prord.lor JuWenael 3ii.0U 33 do do I h Waters 14 00 24 do do W in Billy 11,93 Oct 29 Wm Ditty 20,00 o 3 A W'inegsrden 31,00 10 J Cla-a lor Hanaelman, use of boose 4,00 13 A Wtnegardeu 60,09 22 S lues, aereg notices on Bora Offi 1,40 Dec 1 J V Bu.kiik, in foil for lime 33,13 Jan 1,1850 Cash pd H W Fries by ord ol Council for Borough Scrip 52 12$ 6 Wm Ditty SO.oo t IU Shelter pr ord for Wm Ditty 47.62 12 Wm Dilty M',10 A Wint garden. 6.00 16 NeviUi'&KrbrrprOTdforAWineg'n 13.54 Feb 14 JGIase.rret pd WCameron for stuue 44,30 do for John Wensel in full 58 Thomas Watere do 1.58 W illiam Ditty d !6 9l MarS ALHa:&.ld,partforkaepng TCIork 10,00 26 G Donachv.arrv. as High Constable S,"'.' P Hanfelman.use bouse Mar I5,'50 4,00 II Miller, Const, aerving notice of election on Boro offlcera for '50 1,60 ON Wordrn, publisbg sundry noti ce and Ihe present Statement 13,25 JAMertz, Esq. qualifying Borough officers for 1819 and 1850 9,00 Wm Roshong, late Pro'.b'y Union Co, bill of costs allowed him by Auditors, for certioraria in suite brou'l by Price against Boro' for iaauing Scrip in 1843 15,00 Auditors, settling Boro' account 3,00 Clerk, Disking out duplicates for Boro' and Poor Taiea for 1849 6 00 Clerkdt Trees' salary kerpng accte 25,00 Boro' Scrip and int. reed by JGlasa Feb 28,'50,cancelled by Auditors 35.61 do JUIass Mar II, '50 do 3.78 do Tifua. 'ce last eeltle't do 43,89 Balance due ihe Borough 135.8".$ $8S0,51J We the undersigned, Auditors of I ho Borough of Lewieburg, do certify thai we base examined the foregoing accounts, snd 6nd ihe same to he ccrrect. Witness our hands, the 2 Sib day of Match, A. D. 1850. JONATH N WOLFE, i Acoivons. J011X WALLS. kl OTICE. To the Honorahle the Judges of the Onnrt of Quarter Sessions ef the Peace ia aud tor liie County of Pnkm, at May Term, 1H&0. Ihe petitKin or fame! is. itecer, or n rnte i-er townf nip la said county, reepcftfiilly showetli that he w desiron( of kecpiru at publi lie houw at the Forest Iron Works, on the Turnpike leadinK f-rm W hitc beer Mills to Center county through Suirar Valley. He. therefore prays the !i"wnr ble Court to irrant him a license ft.r keeping a pnblie inn or tarern, and he as ui duty bouud ill pray, Ac. HAV1KI. II KI.'ltKR. We the undenigned citizens of W hite beer tuwnnhip in the county cf t'bion, do hereby certify that we arc. well aeu,u.iintcd with baniel B. ftericr, the above applicant for a tavern license, aud know him to I a man of pood repute for honepty and temperance; Ulat he is well pro Tided with houee-r:tm sud other conveniences for the aeconimodati'iu and lodginx or stranirers and travelers ; and that a public houxe. is n'-ccpnary there to aeeinumoilate tbe public and stranirers and travelers : we therefore, beg leave to recommend bun for a license agreeable to Lis petition. Wm. L. Ritter, Gen. rnderwood, Charles Kline, Henry Kustenbader. Jacob bieflenderfcr. Jacob Truek'-nmiller, John bielTenderfer. Aaron Smilti, Jatub Troxel, Abraham Auguney, w ru- r. Ihktennsn, Jo-l Kanea a PPLICATIOV FOR LICENSE-To tlie Hon. the Court oT Ojuarter Hesxions of the Peace in and for the county of Lnion. ui May Term, IS.). The petition or the subscriber bumbty praycth yonr honors to grant him further license lor keeping a public house of entertainment in the lanre and rmmilmn house which he now occupies fur that purpose in the Boroueh of U-wisburg In said county. He therefore prays the Hon. Court to grant him the license asked tor, and in duty bound he will ever pray. We trie undersigned citizens of Lewisburg in Oie county of I'nion, ouiiig personally acquainted with Adam J. Weidcnsaul, the aliove named petitioner, and also having knowledge of the boose for which the license is prayed, do certify that such a house is necessary to smmmodate the public and entertain strangers and trareters,and that be is a person of good repuu- for honesty and temperance, and Uiat he is well provided with the necessary conveni ences for the accommodation and comfort of fravelers. W'e therefore pray your honors to grant him a "cense agreeable to his petition. Lewisburg. April 4, ItoO Henry W Fries, James Blair, F Stoughton. Kanslow Furry, James Criswell, Mathias Hate, Ilenry Nener, A 1 HatrK ld, Kami Wolfe, W Uliam Cameron, 1 Whitlock, J M'Faddin. . Boring & Summer GOODS. JUST received, and now opening at FORSTER'S NEW STORE, second door east of Kline's Hotel, a new and Splendid Assortment of Goods, suitable for this and the approaching sea. son, consisting of CLOTnS, CASSIMERS, TE9TISGS, Ladles' Dress Gttada of every stylo and variety new style Parages, Lawns, Armure Delaines, Ging hams, &C. r A great variety of sty lea Chints, Cali coes, &c. A beautiful assortment Ladies Parasols, Morocco and Kid SHOES and G.1ITERS for Ladies and Children. Also a choice selection of GROCERIES, (ucenswarc, &C.&J., all of which are offered remarkable low for Cash or Country Produce, by the subscriber, J. FORSTER. Lewisburg, April 3. 1S50 11 HE subecribera have receivej a lol of Can delabras of varioua patterns also Pine Oil and Fluid Lamps of different sisea, all of which thet oner at Philadelphia price. ' THORNTON & BAKES. dV'ew a Store, ; ' ; . : AND ' . ' FRESH GOODS! nARTOX.CiEDOES & stinsii HAVING formed a Copartnership in the Mercantile business, and enlarged the JSioreroom lately occupied by S.S. Barton opposite Kline's Hotel are now opening a well selected and extensive stock of Mer chandize, consisting of Brrj (&00H5. G,E!r HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Carpenters' Tools, Queensware, SALT, FISH, Furniture Mounting, Glassware, eeal, ItflnCfltiT, Window GLASS a general assortment, Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Nails, and Spikes, Tinware, Sheet Iron and Sletul i'.uis, and a more gi'neral assortment than is usually found in country stores whit h they pledge themselves tu sell at ttrv low prices. Persons at a distance will find it to their advantage to buy (or Cash or we will take in Exchange for Goods, Wheat, Ry, Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, Timothy and C!o ver Seeds, Butter, Eggs.Tallow.Hard Snap, Beeswax, Feathers, and all kinds of trude or country produce. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited, and every assurance divert that nothing shall be wanting to render entire satisfaction. 8AM'L S. BARTON. SAMUEL C.EDIiKS. JAMES a. MARSH. Lewisburg, April 1, 1850. Ucmouals. MEDICAL CARD. rsi . n ?s wr s uiirjt. Respectfully announces to hi friends and the public generally, that ho has removed his residence to Isaac S. Sierner's boarding houe, 00 Market St., north side, 4 doors east of Fourth St. Office, Col. M Faddin'a new brick building, next door nbove C. E. Bowe' Store. Lewisburg, April 1, 1650 REMOVAL ! TAILOR, has removed his Shop to the building (one door above Lyndali's) lately occupied by John B. Milltir, where he i'l be happy to fit his customers both old and new. The Fashions for 1850, Spring and Summer just received. Lewisburg, April 1,1850 Dr. JOHN LOCKE. DENTIST , Has removed his OfJioe to his Dnelliny the firgl door below Kline's Hotel, rooms over Forster's Store where he will wait on all who may desire his services, accord ing to previous arrangements. Lewisburg, April 3, 1350 JOIIN B. MILLER, TAlLOlt, respectfully informs his patrons and ihe public that his onop is now ni ma house the new brick opposite wr James Rn on Third St.. where he wf.l be happy to wait on all who may honor him wi'h their patronage. Lewisburg, April 'Z, JOHN A. MERTZ, Justice of the Peace, las removed his OfnVe to Market St., in the room recently used by Dr. Locke, one door below the Printing Office. Lewisburg, April 8, 1950 Thompson's Susquehanna EXPRESS! BETWEEN Philadelphia, Sunbury, Northumberland, Danville, Milton, Muncy, Williamport, LeiMburg.Minlinburg, New Berlin, and Selinsgrove. Leaves the City e?ery Thursday Morning. Officts in Philadelphia : For Psckagea snd Li?&t Goods At Livingston & Co.'a E press. Depot 43 South Third St.; And fr Heavy Article At Beichel & Co.'a, Depot corner of Broad dr. Cherry. Orders attended to if left et Uwuburs ith Mr Kline Mr Weidenaaol, Mr Lyndnll. Mr Forrter, orMr Sheller January 1. 1850 TRY THE JEW FIRM! WTK0FF & H0USEL B.- a at WOULD inform Ihe puo:ic, mat mey have opened a shop on Fourth street i..r atorv of S. W. WykofPs dd stand, opposite Hunfer Pardoe's shop, where they keep on nana or mane m oi uci Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs also Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, IT1 " of various kinds, I I Settees. 6ie. Axe All work in our line warranted to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING- attended to by Ihe subscribers on the shor test notice and in ihe best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. ... The subscriber intend to be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards work and so doing, hope to receive a liberal share ol public patronage. JOHN N. WVKOFF. . JOSEPH M. HOUSE L. tawi-burf. Kor 15 1 1 1 EMAIN1NG in l!w LK iSB'tTH 2 .... I I, Post (Mice. March 31. 1850- B V ' j App Isaac. Abel Jacob i i:C ." . Is.i-erJ.coti. Bair t;bar!e, Brn Cb Bacbrban John.' Itehr Cait. Budd Joun, iisaon 3 7e: Beown ,.'k W P, Blovins John Esq B Jacob, Bell I b S, I'eger Joa, .i' l. rk ss:. .aiuiiivr O'irau ae .vim .!... r. . Fox He r, - ' ' , ' .-.ia:-m.- Ilartman John, Huler At'm, llommel llcnrj Bnirrson L A Eq Jarretl Wm Kincaid E Rev 3. Kincai I Cornelia Miss, KeUey John W, Kelley Catliarine Miaa lyil-ack Edwin ' Mover David 3, Mclseer H Esq, Marshall Edward. Meixrl Harriet Miaa Kll Wm Jr 'Pooney Jaa M D. Paarlintr John. Paxton C II Ilhodee Jubr:; rlicBard tlien .Tiles, iioyar nil lil. Rover David. Ruhl i'hilip (th.iut Eiisslx'ih Mise, 8hader Ahrra 2. Stran Wm. Sanders Geo, Mmith Jacob. Kluter John K Smith DaviJ, 8pat Jed. Hnyder Sarah J Misa Bcbrack Beneville 3 - Wengcrt Henry, Walker Isaae, Wod0 W, Willi ver Mary. Wolf Peter. Wnodling Jackson. Weiael Daid, Witmer Peter, Whitaker Thos S, Weikel Marie wid,.w. 71 Persons ir.aairtng for the shove letter will please say they are advertised, other wise they mav not gt them. ' A. KENNEDY, P. M. ECK00L NOTICE. VT a meeting of the Board of School Direr'ors of the Borough of LewLs- bur:. held March 23, 1850,tt was resolved to commence Three Public Schouls on the 1st dy of May next, to continue Five Months. ' No scholars will be admitted into thre schools under five nor over njfie years of ace. All scholars admitted du ring the Summer Term, will be refused admission into the Public Schools during the next Winter Term. PROPOSALS Will be rereivfd by the Board, from this d ue until ihe 10th day of April nest, for Three Female Teachers to take charge of the above-named Schools. By order of ihe B ar! : WM. WILSON, Prra'i. Job- lloro'tTox, Sec'y. March .8. 1850 THE Co-Parinership heretofore existing between L. Sterner and I. Sanderson, trading under the firm of firmer J San derson, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The Books and Accounts are in the h:rds of L. Sterner, to whom thuy have been transferred. L. STERNER. L SANDERSON, Lewi.bur, Mitch 25, 1850 N. R. For past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful thanks, and hereby makes known that he still carries on the business of Tannine and Currying, at the Old Stand. Determined not tu be outdone in the manufacture or finish of hii work, he is bound to have the beat work men snd materials, and lo treat thoe who hnve so liberally patronised (aa well as those also who shall be pleased to patronize him) with that attention which he hop-j) to insure him a full share of public patronage. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange.. I J ides and B.irk noi re'tised, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash Or in excherige for leather. L. STERNER. March 23. A.D. 1851 loX the UrlC(,t BOARDING. THE subscriber avails himself of the col umns of the Chronicle in publishing to ihe citizens of Lewisburg and vicinity that be baa opened BOARDING HOUSE in that large and comfortably arrjngrd house, formerly kept as a Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two doors east of Itie Franklin Hoase. Market street He is prepared to ssy that hia Table shall have Ihe best the Markets can afford, and the Lodging of Hoardcre ahall be aa cmioitable ai can be desired. I. S. STERNER. "N. B. A team and carnage will be kept to convey p.isenBrs t.i and from the Packet B.iaia. Lewiabunr. March 18, 1S.V). BOROlt.II OROI AC tS. Ill IK Town Council of the' Borough ot Lewisburg met M.reh 19, and passed the following Ordinances, to ii : Whereas, there are a number of Trees upon the Pavements of said Boro' planted at such dis'ence inside of the curbstone as to form obstructions upon the said pavr menls or sidewalks ; it is therefore ordained by the Council aforessid.ihat all such trees planted more than one foot from the ou'side line ol the curbstone, shall be removed within twenty days from the date of this ordinance. And further it is ordained by the autho rity aforesaid. that all pavements extending outside of the line of the width allowed by the Bye Laws of said Borough, shall be removed before the 1st dsy of June, A D. 1850. The Street Commissioners ire hereby authorised and directed to enforce and csr ry into effect Ihe foregoing ordiusoces. By ordef of the Council : JOHN HOUGHTON, March 19. 1850 3 w Clerk. Public Sale. THE Board or Trustees of the TJntTerstty at Lewisburg, will offer for sale, on Thursday the 18th day of April nMi. number ol handsome BUlXDINCl JjOYS pleasantly situated on the University Farm, between the lmetery ana i.ewis jUra aiso some Lots on the River Road. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when conditions will be made known by the Mid TRUSTEES. IwiaburtT. Mareh 9. IBM- NOTICE. ON the 15th April, 1848, 1 purchased at Constable's Sale, as the properly of AkBbbw Black, b span of horses, with their collsrs, bridles, and gears, snd a wagon. The public are hereby notifi-d that I have again loaned them to said Hlaek for one year from this date. Diae,iorm , JOS. Y. DERR. ' The Summer Session of liid LEVVISBURQ ACADEMY, "ITIl L eMnnierwe en Mosbas lha 29i!i of iff April. Instruction will be given, aa for ir;fy, in all branct: necessary to iborUih csJeVile coarse Oitr endeavor ahsll rJt be J .P'J .Mnfcw... knowlea hut . j futly HltjiiieJ, Uie progrtoa of the aluJent 1 1-.. i ,.e certain and rspid. The kind of 1 j . - , - , I iu.e.we .t ,?. certain and rsptd. K.tehu''""'? 1 i .I... ..i!.l ."-terrtBie. which, while tt pructicaldclieiofh'e. " '".-,-. Composition and Declamation will full share of attention partictilsrly to lmfr. I he Primary Department shall have our 'in care. From the disposition manifested to euela 1 the Institution, the subaenber fccla aumulated to renasied eiertione. '1 he 8eaaiun will consist ef two Terms, of 11 wwks each a ahort vacaiion intervening. Tui tion $6 for the common btanrhe-, $S fur the higher Eneji-h, aoJ $10 V Langusgee, par SieMiou per Term, oue half. JNO. RANDOLPH. March S7, 1850. Principal. WIN FIELD WOOLEN FACTORY i Wear Uartlelwn, rnloa Cm., Pa. rrHS. subscriber, thankful for Ihe liberal. J patrunags bestowed oo his old estsb lishinent, begs lave to inform h.s friends and the public in geoeral, that he has now removed hia Machinery into his New Mill, (rtro miletuhwe Hartleton,nir the Turn pike,) which has been bui't and fitted up on the most improved plan, snd will have co hv the rr.idd: of April an entire new sett of JENK1' lauat IMPROVED MACHINERY, in addition to his already good sett, which will make it the largest and best fit'ed-up establishment within 100 mi'es of it; and with I ho advantage of one of tha beat wa'.er powers, be fee's safe in saying that his establishment is not and stall not be sur passed by any in thia part of the country, lie hs epgtged a good sett of workmen, and ia now prepared for manufacturing Broad and Narrow CLOTHS, Cassi meres, Tweeds, Satinetts, Jeans, Flannels, Blankets, ic. in the best manner, on the shortest notice, at reduced prices. lO"Ftr ,ne acenmmo diition of customers, Wool may be left at the following Depositories : New Be.lin: E Wilson's 6lore Selintgiote Davie dr. Schnare do do John Hertman Jr do Freeburg : G A F C Mover do MioMlrbutg: SwengleAKssaingerdo Aoamsburg: tiemy A t,ft h d PennaValleyNarrowa : Mrs Moats do Mifflinbnrg : Henry Gait do East Buffalo : Sam'Jel Reber's Tavern BiilCeoX R.iada: J M freight's 8tore Leut'U'g : J Hayes Ac Co do do Reber A Iddinge da Wast Milton : John Dateeman da Milton : Mssteller A Ssrenk it do Sneeney A Hug do Liberty P O : Wm Dale'e House Li:neetone : Weidenhamers Store Pottagrove : Jamea Reed do A good asortmot of Cloths, Satinetts, Casvwueres.Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels.Blan ki'ts. Stocking Yarn, &c. always For Sale or Exchange for Wool or country Produce at the New Factory. , CA RD1HG ami FUL LING as untal. MARK HALFPENNY. Winheld Mills. March 1. 1959 rrniiADELFinA ttpe aito rnsixoTTPE 'PriE iabscrilcrs vTould call the at?ention L "t iTmtcn iothe grestly reduced pn- l-rtt Of their present list. 1 bey now otter Tica at araail Pk Lonr primer xtoargcoA So wr.Vs. Miaieii st 4" SS Nonpazall Asta P.arl D-aUDOng M TS 1 ea 1 o 37 41 Brevier Detcrmmed an spare no ers-r.se ia saaaine their setae blishm 'tit as pertet aa possible, ttiey ba-s got up complete set or the justly a-lcsratcd Bonvea err Lrma, from Diamoiul lo BaalaiB, ia whicn tsey psetica:arij invite attenticu. n.vinr latclv rasile nuraerotis add'tions to their stock or Fancy Tvps. rV-r1rs. Ornam-nta. A'--, their seac-tment is niw unr.vallnt in the United States, and th"ir inAf.rovee) m,'thod. or ra'tin. and ot preparine metal, enable them to tSimsb enters in a manner to in.iireatisfsction. I'nntinj Press-. sees, .-'tauda. hases. ita:ieya, mo- tins Ink. and ev-re article s-a in a onBUBit-oaiec, ain'stvit'v on haul at tlie lowest rates. S,-cmid hand Presses, an Type nare only la itsreetyp- in. at reilne. petei-a B.v,ks Pampniets. Mnsw, nan-ia, asa ss, ssersDEjpni th correctness an l oVspatcb. N. B. Specimen Bocks vrlil t s-n lo Printers who well to make ..ntere. t.- JiHlN!N January i, 1-JO. o e, Jtim csrsrs. GOLD and SHYER Hot only in Califurnitt, but aan in Lmvitbwgf A gooJ saaoitmrnt of V'atcbe, Silverware and Je weir jr of fine quality and at City prices. Hatfield k Thompson Respectfolly Inform the cititen of Lewisburg an.l vicinity, ihat Ihcv haee enierea into ranneranip st Ihe OLD SI'AND on Market St.. opposite J Haves tc Co'a Store, prepared lo eircute every kind of work in their line, in the beat manner. Thev carefullv selected of the best Lnghsh and French materiala. Mainsprings.Cylinders.E'cape- herbt. and a vsrietv of Watch Jewels, anil nailer themwlvea that their kuowledge and skill in the busine-e will enable them to give ealislaction lo all who mav favor them with patronage.. FINE WATCHES, anch as Duplet. E: cs Dements. Lepines, Anchara, Detached, Patent Levers, Kepeatere, end Musical Watches, die neatly repaired and warranted. Also f'r sale, variety or Gold and Silver Watches. Patent Levers, Anchara. Detached. Le pines. tuantcr. ami bngiisn waicnes, limit Chains, Breasl-pine. Finger and Ear rin. Gold and Silver Brit Slides, Brarrlete, Oold snd Silver eav Pencils and Pens, do Spectacree, JSsJidtsilver Spoona, Sugar longs.t 'omba, Ac Ac in abort, little of every thing, and anything else, not mentioning Antct-AnarAt, always on band or got lo order A variety of 11 rasa Clocks Mr 3 and upwards at whMeael and retail Persons desiring to get things rtgU, would do well by giving the subscribers a call Ezperirnee tells oa that tne ureuti system can not affird a living. Therefore, in order to puh along and keep moving," the Cash System must necessarily be enforced. Feb 29. 1650 A L JtAiritl.U. WM H THOMPSON. did Dr. Jacob Townsend's QARSAPARILLA also S. P. Town ij send's Sarsaparilla for sale by Dr. Thornton & Baker. K QTT never refused a! the ofTict? I VOll of' IeWr-Khrv)rj4. FOR 'TiA.K'KrvTu-f rTim L-fiiber-Y.v.1 an l OEi. , !s;i projrf-rty of hiy.v.i ('aiihui i -'H e :. ia Le-nrrshnrT, rm the corner Z:. iX and Water s'rbtlj. It is a full 1,'i ii.i ft? jilf Jrf Rf'.-W. ''Tr.ival.a.V Lut will b; f-fi'rrffl'at t'-Sh'.iC 3n r; :s'i tAT tht; Jffyi' A.IriT'rH-x', a: 5 V.-er.rtrr" p. M.,?'' Hvi:tv,-T kaxuo?.. -March S3. IS53. . ." - " - " ' UXn'ERSITY "AT LEWliBfiRS 5 i MEETLVf; ojVti.Hird of Trus-.e. J of aiid L'n:veri;y, will beUH at t e Aen fettiir Batlojirtjr ifith B-'rougn of i'rt, t'titfin eouri';. Pa., cn 'J vrsuiuj Lt 8 b of .pri ties', at 10 o'clock, A.M. .-, ti. F. .MILLER. Stt'j. . lsewUUu-.it. 13,1?50 MEDICAL CARD ' DR3 HAYES Jb DAVIS bavin-nte..j into par?r.ersh;p in the prajfftic r.f Medicine, offer ihe-ir profmieaa! t'rvicea) to the ibhabitsiits of Ltwisburj; sr.d vicini ty. They rat) Le (oJLd al all times whea not pruftsainr,.j;iy engage J, at Dr. Ha) as oJice. Lewisburg, March I, 1650- Wat.HAies, M U. C4 DAVIS, Ji B. jFruto nuXf ORNAMENTAL TREES. The subscriber ttTers fir saie a !args s;aor?meni of ch'ticie ftiilTtue sueh a Apple ire, 7 to 10 feet bisth, 40 varieiira, ail wsrraated geuutne Peach trees, 21 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarir.s, Pruue sod Pear trees, tocher wi'h s"ni?j 6 or 8 varietstt ol'Grepe Vines of the he'l nttive snd exotic varieties. Ornamtutat Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, ci,c. The above trees can be seen by ihe lt f April, t'ti the premi-es of the subvr.bcr. one square above Christ Si MTuddia Foundry. N. B. Persona wishing to prrcure a quantity of the Fruit tree, are requested lo make immediate application tu the subscri ber, in order to procure ths varcres anJ a tc .anted. tl R. NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, IS50. DENTAL CAitl) Rm Dr. jorm Locke, SURGEON DENTIST, resrcctfslly inf rir hia friends astd the public in general, that be bss concluded to make Leniaburg Lis perma nent place of residence. Dr. L. baa token rooms on Market Square, firsi door below Ite Priotibg Office, which he baa fitted up to operate in. Re sidence at Kline's Hotel. tyThe third week week in every month, be tcay be found at Eg bert's II itel, in Milton. Dr. L"eke is a rei'jltr grsduste of the Bait) more Colleae of Dental Surgery, btaidea wbKh qualification he bee had toe advantage o fite yeara experience in ihepracth e cf mm ptoter.raii in Pennsylvania, Ohio, iltinote, Wueon:u, ar. i' the city vf Balumore, Md. Dr. L. takee all ihe Journals cf the day whi h contain new and uselrl information in the lines of his profession : and frcm hia arraneemecw with the te-t manufacturer of teeth, gold foil. Ac. will aiwava keep on baud lor the eccemma dattnn of hia customers the very beat quality of ail tha materia'e u?ed in hit bo-inesa. Persons wishing Dental operatione perfoimei?. will find it lo their aJvatt,gB to give Lim calf ae he ia determined not to be surpassed in tha beimv end .iurability of hia opera' iona by any ore fAaeama Persons for whom.J.K Jlorasl inserts.? mfm Teeth, end nho may need rtpairir.K done, are intormrd that I have the owitcls i.f their mouths aa prepared by Mr.tlousel, arid con fluently can i'o li.ir repairing et a lower rata than it can be done lor eiaewba.e. as it savra tfa trouble in many caaaa of making a new mx!. JOIIN LOCK-. Lt:aurg. Oct. ir, m,. BleACKS3IITIIlXO The sukaerihers teapert i'u'ly iti form the citixtbe of Lew isburs; ocil victmiv that ihey have cortusi -ed the ebc-ve buMiii'ss, W. ?' Hale's old shop i c Cf : St. one iwiuero south of Maiket, Iu rt sh' ; are prepnred to Iron Hufgies or Wgor.s. ard rrske all erticles in thrjr hii.-intss i.: the m;;-t w.-irkmaniike n.aaner, st prces which t!-ey hope wiil induce those wMiii.jr anyihinj done in thi ir to ca" a; ' judiie the.rsfltes before g.tnc eerwh-i Kei-airtrtg d..ae on trie shrtpt nr.-:c-; and rm retivmble trrm also Shocir..-. whtch ta a very important mst fpp In i-iiiw that tiAvt vl!iRrne a horses, and should be entrusted only to perii'jns ot known skill.' We natter ourselves that we are aM" ' compete wi'h any person in the country :t Shoeing !l.r.-es : we ask only a trial, sric' let the work show for it?f If. All work warranted. IrS and a'A kin ;e of country rritrliice takers in exch'ine. . We hofe bv strirt attention to bus'tiesa and a deteririmtion to suit all. both .": work and price, to receive a hberf! of public patrornje. HATE A: FLT.n.". leewisburg, M.ty 22, 18 19 PHE sti'rcriix r have hs3-.-' X 'he Finn cf s. & j. wet for the purpose of enrryirg en a Wholesale Grocery aid Geifral Commission ami F rwarJiu business. I.ibeiul edvntifcs will l.t n on all kinls of C-onntry Produce. V of business, new Warehouse on the W immediately below the Bridge, SAMUEL woi.rr. . ," JONATHAN WOi.l Lewisburg, Pa. Ao. ?, 1319. t Je iff 5t I IOP. SALE by theso'iscrar. . A tut of Frame Sttiif, aavriJ or tiatva.', Joi.ta and Siuddir,r, ar. 3 500 I'oata of a go-.id (jiulite. ;' SAM L AMMON Lewiaborg, Jan. 31. 1 5t JUST receivej ft genuine a rtic'e r f (' ci ' Lirrr Oil for whpb'snle or refa ?. Nov 13 Dr Thorntr n & Rtkr r RIetaLcfo'Ju"'i"r" "n UldllKN c,f.., d Constables. ikia aC .-s fiad aeserdiag le aider. -.tt'tfd . I . a. it fl r--Li-' :'?