Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 03, 1850, Image 4
WKST BRANCH From the Xsine Farmer. tonus Soil for Potatoes. ll has been remarked by moralist! that blessingRbrichten as they take their flight." Tbc good old-fashioned potato used to be raised so easily, and were so abundant that we never realized their worth until the po tato tot crctw, and then the blessings be. gan to brghti-n, after they had taken their flight beyond our reach. S.ime remarks in regard to the culture of them we think would not be amiss, eve w if not quite in season to apply tSem in the act of planting. V?p' have always noticed that the best crops of potatoes are raised in what may be catbd porous soil. For instance, new grounds that have been burnt over.and are lull of half burnt Waves and sticks, and ashes and coal andju-reenswards that have been turned over by the plow and are not ccmpacf. From these facts we have supposed that alihaagh the vine of the pota'.nto requires ome source to obtain potash which enters rnto its substance largely, yet it requires a chtnja where the atmosphere can have ac cess to i'.s tubers, an J that while it is nec essary that they should r.ot be exposed tn the scorching sun or drowning waier, yet air is a very important clement iu its f uc cessful cu'tivaticn, and this it ob'ains in such situations as we have d. scribed above In looking over eeme of the w riters who hve ventured to suggest anything on this eubiect. we find one quoted in the New York Farmer and Mechanic, who seems to think that the atmosphere rfTcirds the principal part of the nourishment to this crop. It is tnat we do not yet, after ail iFie rr searches in the chemical action of the element, hi how they are always assimilated, nor what jit-culiar changes and affinities are tfilcu d during the growth of plants. It is not impossible that decompo sitions and re-compositions which are si lently going on in the ti e plant, may be -uch as to form substances from the ingre dier.ts of the atmosphere1 and the aeriform substances ao J vapors wi h which it is filled, that we supposed must have come Irom the soil alone. That the potato, for instance, can derive in some mys'eriou or hitherto unknown pnces, potash, and lime, and soda, and the other mineral matters it con tiflr from the atmosphere, and hence the reason why it thrives best in such porous soil as we have mentioned. Anion;; the many plans devised to culti vate tbe potato, if you have not piece of burnt ground or turf, the breaking up of sward-lend and manuring wi'h coarse trawy manure, if you ore sure of suffici ent moisture, is- the best. The writer to whom we alluded above, says that the following is the most success ful plan that he has found iu the cultivation o! this vegetable, en1 that he speaks from experience. Select a piece of hard trama'ed ground, the harder the better. A lot on which atock of any Wind but particularly hogs f.ava bien kfpt aod fed, will be found to be the best. Break it up wctf, thoroughly and deeply, one way, no matter how cloddy ; nud do cot harrow it any, but let the clods remain unbroktn. The ground being thus btoktn one way. lay it off into rows the other wav. or across the plowing, two and a hall or thrre feet apart. Open these with a plow, rurniirg it back in the same furrow, to as to open the ttench as widely and as deeply as possible ; cut ail the large seed potatoes so as to have a sufficiency of eyes on each piece. Then drop them in about six inches apart. Now fVil the trench with straw or chaT, or if neitl.tr of these can be obtained, with leaves from the woods or trash of some sort. This is very impor tant to a successful coititatiri of the pta to. not as is Generally supposed, becanse it gives thrpo-ato room to grow and expand in, (though tins is of some impor!an; e,(but because, as we have shown, it furnishes it i:h a kind ol bed or nuasery to grow in. Wc do cot d'.iiy thai rt rmy rt-ctivc some t lUriincnt from the decom;osing s'raw.but th n it must be tmirely d'UHrriit from that ir.irdi;d by soil, as the sirs murt be en i.iely Jecoinposed before it ran vtiier into composition of soil. Trcncl.e.thu GlleJmay be covered with the plow.nn?! the miu.lle" en'.irely broke by the plow to the rideso as to leave o furrow only betwnen each. Two wrki:S;, a weeding, and then afu r- wards, ol the prop-T time a hilling up.each aided by the plow about twice between each row, will generally complete the cuU titration. .- Corn and Potatoes together. The idea advanced by some, that pota toes pl.inted in rows alternating with corn, would invent the potato rot, induced many last year to try the experiment. As thr potato disease did not prevail ao extensive ly dur'tiJ the I j si season as usual, the re sults of the experiment in this respect are not vi Vfiiiit-Iy ascertained as we could wish. It h. a!so been believed, by som, that this is a better mode of raising these two crops than bv planting them scp- r':'e'y. We have been reminded ol this i'n by re.fi. n,j the alres d'-liverrJ by Mr. ICcwhail before the Esx County Aur-ciiiitiritl l-oncy, at their last Cattle Snow. W o An J that be advances the nrs id-a, asd sting forward some facts corroborating it. Premium had soma year ago been offered by that Society Tor mixed crop of corn, beans, potatoes, &e. Mr. Newhall says But one premium had been claimed, which wes for a crop of corn and potatoes' planted in alternate rows ; the experiment made at the time, by measurement of land and produce, thowed that the mixed crop yielded tome nineteen per cent, more than that which was planted separately The corn and potatoes planted in this way were mutual helps to each other ; the potatoes shading the roots of the corn and protecting it from the effects of drought, and the corn in the months of July and August screening the potatoes from the rays of the sun. The crops planted in this way, adding the value of potatoes in corn, yielding from eighty to one hundred bushels per acre.- Ibid. The Farmers' Creed. We believe in small (arms and thorough cultivation. , We believe in large crops, which leave the land better than they found it. We believe in going to the bottom of things, and therefore in deep ploughing. We believe that the best fertilizer of the soil is (he spirit of industry, enterprise.and intelligence ; without this, lime, marl, plas ter, bones, and creen manures will be of little use. N. Independent. WASHING MADE EASY. 0 R, how to Wash Clothes without Ma chines. Wash-board?, or rouni;u Barrels. Send me One Do'IirVpe of postage.and I will smvJ .a 'tf mail printed circular, giving ,.'in1 ulrection for Washing Clothes, that will enable one prr-on to do the washing of a large family before breakfast, thus avoiding the confu sion of a washing day. This method rrquires no machines, washboards, or pounding barrel no tur?i:tine, csmpbene or other offensive article no rubbing the skin off your 6ng ra no tearing oir buttons and wearing out clothes. 'J'hii plan saves the ctothe. makes thim whiter, and never injures the 6nest fabric. The article used cost but a few rents, for a large washing, and can be obtained anywhere. The circular also contain direction fiw Clear Starching. Ironing Lace. Washing atd Cleaning S'lk and Kid Gloves. Removing Slain Grease Spots, Mildew from Linen, Knising the Nap of Velvet, Ac. Ac. These are the greatest chemi cal discoveries of the age. All the Hotels, Stea mers, and large Laundry establishment use my method of washing. To avoid imitations and counterfeits, be ure to direct your letter le Madame BEAVELT, Paten Laundress, 43 Ann t. New Voik postage paid H o O o c s -s '11 2 5- W 5' 2. W r G3 mm " m 3 o e S" H a " 3 . 3 S. s - r V2 J ; 2 o "3 e 3 s cr o SL i c y c C3 , 1 , n C f. 57 sip I m frv? a r. T 3 i PS" 3 P S e p ss o OS w S3 . 3 c HENRY. C. HICKOK, A TTOllXEY AT LA W, Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a. Practices in Union snd adjoinirsj counties ' attemls the courts of Ferry county. 0 FFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Esrj. Brandreth's Pills are sold at 25 cts per box (with full directions) TIT J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, and J3 by only one Agent in every town in the Union. Each Auent has a Certificate of Ancy. Examine the box o' pills always and compare it with the fae-simile labels on the Certifiu le of Agency. As there is a cotmeifeit of the n.-w label out. this is of much importance. a thori is a decided difference between the appesrrnre of the true labels and those of the count j feit. The counterfeit is done on stone ; the fc raine are dune on steel. Tbe sppearance of ll ( printing on tbe counterfeit is ragged and blurry ; the genuine label is the very pink of neatness, both in printing, paper, and general execution. Be very careful and goto the Agent.when yon want Brandreth's Pill-: then you are sure of the genuine artirle. Worn you purchase otherwise, inquire of the seller whether he know the pills be offers you are i!ie genuine lirandielh'? Ev ery man knows wl-ether the aiticle he offers is Jru or false. Beware of cheat ! THE subscribers ofTor the public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. Lsdy Washington Parlor 8tove. ' Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sixes. Coal Burner for Parlors I cixe, 12 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2 ise. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 3 sires. - Egg Stove tbe very best in use for Stores, Offices, Barroom, and Shop. ' The celebrated tSenesee Air Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook 3 aisea. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings, ckc. &c. cirersT & M'FADDI.V. Lewisbnrg, Dec. 12, J 849. IjEWISBURG chronicle and west ' Dentistry, wis. 0. STEWART, LATE of Philadelphia, is now located on Market street. Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J. Scbreyer store, where be attend to operation on the teeth at a redu:iion of hi former price. Teeth and root of teeth removed with the aid of improved Instrument, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on pivot or plates atten ded to according to the latest improvement in the profession. Ulcerated, spongy, and inflamed gams cured. Thankful for past favors, he solicit a continuance of public patronage No impure materials used for filling in leetb. Iy388 Dr. Sway tie's Cekhrated Family Medi cines. CUBE FOLLOWS CURB! More Proofs of the Efficacy of Dr. SWAYNE'S coMrocso stacr ov Wild Cherry. The Original aad Genuine Preparation ! ContlUDiptlOa, Cough, Cold, Asthma. Ilronchiti. Liver Corn, plaint, (pitting Blood.dilficuUy of Breathing, pain in the Side and Ureasi, palpitation f the Heart, Influenza.Croup.bro ken Conlitotion.sore Throat, Nervous Uebilitynd all diseases of Throat, Breast, and most effec tual and speedy core known for any of the above diseases is Dr. Swayne's compound Syrup of Wild Clterry. Reliable Testimony. John Milton Earle, editor of tbe Worcester Spy, Mas-:., r:;; attacked with a severe inflama tion of tbe lungs, accompanied with a distressing cough : after using various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the use of one bottle ot Ur Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, he was restored to perfect health. Wm. M.. melius, a respectable merchant of St Clair. Schuy lkill county, writes, Jan 30, 1849: "Enclosed I send you a certificate of Wm. Ueau mont, a citizen of our town. Hi case of Cons umption is well known here.and of long standing; he attribute his cure entirely to your Compouud Myrup of Wild Cherry." Be not deceived by tbe many spurious and worthless preparations of Wild Cherry, ushi-red into notice by ignorant pretendrrs, bot see that tbe signature of Dr. Sway oe is upon each bottle, which is the only guarantee against imposition. liemtmber ! tbe genuine preparation of Wild Cherry is prepared only by Dr Swiisi, N W corner of Eighth and Race atreets, Philad'a Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, 'A Safe and Effectual Remedy for Worms, lys Hpsia, Cholera Morbus, sickly or dyspeptic Children or Aduhs.and the most useful Family Medicine ever offered to the public" This remedy is one that has proved successful for a long time, and is universally acknowledged bv all who have tried it to be far mperiur (being to very pleasant to the taste, at the same time effectual) to any other medicine ever employed in diseases lor which it is recommended. It not only destroys worms, but it invigorates the whole . - i : . rt--. IimIiIi system, it i narrows iu u cuis,,u iu. of the patient is always improved by its use, even mhen nn worms are discovered. irRiH i)f MUtakes. Remember Dr S'a Vcrmiluge is now put up in square britles (hav ing recently been changed) covered by a beautiful etoel encravint. with the portrait of Dr Swayne thereon engraved. Bear this in miud, and be oo. deceived. rn sw AVNE'S SUOAK COATED 8ARSA- PA KILL A AND EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. The virtues of these pills csn be appreciated only by those who have used them. They are adaoled to assist nslure in carrying off morbid matter, obstructions, impurity of the blood. &c They are a gentle and effective purgative, correct all the functions ot tne liver, anu as an ne..u.c in dropsical affections they are very valuable and should be in every fsmily. Thry huve an outside coating of pure White Sugar.whereby everything dmgrmMe to taste or smell Is entirety removed without in tbe least aliening tne eaceneui huv.ii- lies of the medicine. Remember : tney are now n..t nn in boxes turned out ot tne solid wooa. covered who a reu laitri ""in r r . . . - ..... Dr Swayne: none other is genuine. The above valuable Medicines nre pre pared only by Dr. SWAYNE, N W corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia, Ji gents for Union G unty. Pa. C W Chsffle, and Thornton & llaker.Lewisburg I Scebold and .,:: Mencb, Millersburg Ed Wilson, " " L.&Tavlor,Miffl.nburg Mos Specht, Beavertown Wilt at tilert, Martieton D J Boyer, Centerville nami naupi uu D.&Schnure,Seliiis(;r ve Yuungman ol natter. Dry Valley B.& Summera-Freeburg I) Smilh.Mosser s Valley ReubKeller,Navy Island aad by Storekeepers generally ly290 Myers' Liquid Cure TS a positive and never-failing Remedy X 'or P I LcSi wneiner internal, ex ternal, Blind or Bleeding Scrofula.White Swellings, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat, Canker Sore Mouth, Rheumatism, Cutan eous Diseases, Mercurial Affections. Jc also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui- ses. Ate. &c. t We feel justified in proclaiming tue Fact to the World, that of all medicine ever bro't before tbe public, none have ever been more bene6cial to afflicted humanity than Myers' Liquid Cure. We know this is saying a great Heal, out ll we were to write volumes we could not say too much in praise of this asALTU-ntjTonisc.Lirs-rBOLoseiso beksdt. Hundreds, nay thousands bless the hsppy houi when first they were made acquainted with ita transcendent virtues ; and our present purpose is to inform other thousands, how and where thoy may obtain thst relief which they perhaps have long sought for in vain. The superior excellence of this preparation over all other medicines, for tbe speedy and per manent cure of PILES, is well known to all who have tested it. It haa been proved in tboussods r ;..,..,...,. .n,l hsa ikvib failed to cure the most obstinate eases, and we are confident it will never fail it used a proper tengta ol uroe aceoro ing to directions. Asa proof of our entire eonfi in it. effiracv. we assure all purchasers that if. after a proper trial, it prove ineffectual, the Money paid for it will be returned. The Linuid Cure is an effectual remedy for Ringworms'. Biles. Pimples, Berbers' Itch, Frosted Limbs, Chilblains. Salt Bheom, Mosquito Bites, sting of poisonous Insects and Cutaoeousdiseases of every description. It is both safe snd effectual for Rbeomatis, giving immediate and permanent relief. It effects as a real Pain Killer, are magical, avaav nan! ia - honld provide themselves with this Invaluable Pretnniinn. the ehesDnes of which places it within the reach of all. Full Directions accompany each Bottle . . Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates from those who have tested the Liquid Cure, may he had gruf of oor euthnnxed agents -Muers' Limid Cure is prepared oaly brt JEROME 4 CO. 31 Spruce 8t.New York I A gent : C W Schaffle, Lewisburg ; J H Raser, i Miluie lveowMS TO PHYSICIANS. DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & BUO. most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock of English, French, German, and American Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che micals, Oils, Dyestuffs, Glassware, Perfu ntery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &c Having opened a new store, No 294, Market st, with a full supply ol fresh Diugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit country dealers to exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to us their patronage, to sell tbem genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any other house in tbe City, and to faithfully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with de spatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality ot all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and eountiy merchants, who msy wish to become agents for Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad-tress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, J.N. KEELER dr. BRO., Wholesale Druggists, JyS84 No. 294, Market St, Philad. MM. Vi2 I9U. W U SAM'L AMMON, THANKFUL for liberal patronage heretofore received, respectfully informs his old friends and tbe public generally that be has removed his Tailor shop to the Basement of bis Brick dwelling on Market street, next door above U. Penny' saddlery (late the office of H C Hickok, Esq) where he hopes to suit all who may give him their custom, as he does all work in his line in the best and newest style and on short notice. He har the Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, and is determined to keep u with tlie times and merit a good share c i,atronaae. CUTTING done to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work lew isbtirs. June, 1949 1270,T UNIVERSITY at l.cwisbursr. THE TRUSTEES of the University at Lew. ishurg would respectfully inform its Patrons snd Friends, that, in ihe School under their care, (at Lewisburg) the following ate the Classes, Sub jects of Study and Exercises for ike current year. Department's and Studies. PRIMA HY DEPAR TMEXT. Six Classes Exercised iu Spelling, Reading, Definition, English tirammar, Arithmetic. Geog raphy, History U. S. A., Penoisn-hip, and Com position. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT of the Academy. Tbe same studies as in the Primary Department continued in the use of larger text books ; and to these are added General History, Davies' Algebra, Legendre and Surveying. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT of the Academy Jun. Academic Class. English Language, Geography, History U. 8. A., Latin Grammar and Reader, Greek Grammar and Reader com menced, Arithmetic completed. .Sen. Academic Class. English Language, General History, Cesar, Virgil, Greek Reader, Davies' Algebra. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Freshman Class. Livy,Anabasis,MemorabiIia, n.vin' 1 f cendre. Trigonometry commenced. &,phonwre Class. Horace, Odyssey, Select Oialtons of Demosihenes, Legendre completed, Davies' Surveying and Navigation, Analytical Geometry, Blair's Lectures. Junior Class. Demosthenes on Ihe Crown, Greek Trsgedy, Cicero de Olficiis, Tacitus, Nat ural Philosophy, Astronomy, Logic. Students in the English Department recite with those pursuing the. seme studies in the Regular Course. No class in the Regular course, has less than three daily recitations. All the members of the school. 0 the divUiow.) Saturday in Reading, Declamation, English Com position, snd Vocal Music. All the students are required to attend, regu larly ump mliviona meeting. Minors are expec ted o attend such meetings as are recommended to them by their parenla or guardians. There are in the Borough no less than fix places of public worship, occupied every Lord's Dsy by as many different Christian denominations. Number of Students. The nomber of students during the past year in the various departments, was 16 1. The n..mhr that have entered the classes in the Reg. ular Course for the current year (exclusive of those in the English and Primary departments.; is as follows : CoLLtei. Junior clsss 6 Sophomore class - 1 3 Freshman class 13 Ac in car. Senior clasa - 13 Junior class - - 38.-T1 TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A- M.. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy GEORGE R. BLISS. A. M, Professor of Greek I.ansuaee and Literature ; nRORIiF. W. ANDERSON. A.M., Professor nf Latin Lanauace and Literature: I8AAC N. LOOMIS, A. M, Principal of the Academy ; ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the Academy. In order to meet the demands of the Institu tion, the Board have taken measures to supply the necessary Apparatus for the department of Mechanical Pbilosopby, anil to increase me li brary, befoie Ihe commencement of the winter session. During the year, the building now in nrosresa will be completed, affording study room and dormitories for 70 college students. Another Professor has been added to tbe F acuity, and meats provided to enable student in the classes oeciiied above to prosecute their studies with the greatest success. Tuition and Board. TUITION in the Collmiiate Department 30, Academic 30. Primary (13 per year. BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, can he bad in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1.37 to s.au per weex Sessions, Tacations, &c Two Sessions in a year the former commen ces on the second Tuesday in October, and con tinues 37 weeks; tbe lsUer continues la weeks. Serine Vacation, 4 week ; Autumnal, 6. Next session Begins 1 1th October. The Board are 1appy to add that Lewisburg is at present, as It aver haa been, exceedingly healthy. By order and in behalf nf the Board : THOMAS WATTSON, Pres't. i GEORGE F. MILLER. 8ee'y. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. fcrpl. 1, 1849. Dr. Rose's Redicines. The subscriber having been appointed sole agent for Dr. Rose's Medicines, for Union county, offers them tn the public with treat confidence as to their i fB.-acy and certainty of effecting cures in all cases for which they are designed. A single test only ia required to establish the fact. Sept 97 S S BARTON branch farmer The New. Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where every des cription of CASTINGS keP 00 hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for either Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PLOUGHS of differ- ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Bull Ploughs, and tbe Self-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not be beat in Pennsylvania. Call and see and judge for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN. Lwisburg, Sept. 22, 1849 PURE FRESH COD THIS new and valuable Medicine, now used by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. Scrofula. Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, general Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, tie. iic, is prepared from the liver of the COD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. C. J. B.Wi llis. M. D- F.R.S, Professor of Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physician to the Hospital for Consumpiion, Ac, says ; I have prescribed the Oil in above four hundred eases of tuberculous disease of the Lungs, in different klages,wbich have been under my care the last two years and a halt. In the large number of cases. 206 out ot 334. its use was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases, from a tem porary retardation of the progress of the disease snd a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restoration to apparent health. The effect of tbe Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few davs the couch wss mitigated, the ex pee oration diminished in uuantiiy and opacity, tbe night sweats ceased, the pulse became dower, and of better volume, and the appetite. Bean and slienglQ were gradually improved. " In conclusion 1 repeat that the pure fresh Oil from tbe Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumpiion than any agent, medicinel, dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed. As we have made arrangemriits to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil lresh from head qunriers, it can now be had chemically pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of one dozen each. Its wonderful efficacy has induced num erous spurious imitatiovs. As its success depends entirely on its purity, too much care can not be used in procuring it of.ni; isb. Every bottle having on it our written sisnature, niay be dept-nded on as genuine Pamphlets containing an anulysis of the Oil, with notices ot it Irom the Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of pos'npe. JOHN C. BAKER 4 CO., Wholesale Driifffjists and Chemists, ly!8S 100 North Thiid St. Philadelphia 'PHE subscrilier would inform the Gen X tlemen ol Licwisourg nnu vicinity mat he has now re-opened a new and elegant shop, next door to the Post Office, where he will carrv on the business ot CU I J INU AND MAKING garments as usual. Work miide bv him warranted to fit. Pioduce received in payjiieiit at market prices. JOHN li. MILLbK. LewUburg, April V7, 1843 Get the Best ! ALL young peron should have a Standard Dictionary at their elbows. And while you are about it, get ihe be t: that Dictionary ia .Nosh Wibste s. the great work, unabridged. If you are loo poor, ssve the amount from off your back, to put it into your head. PhrenolngJour. Dr. Webster's great work is the he! Dictionary of the English language. Londun Morn.Chron. Containing three limes the amount of metier of any other English Dictionary compiled in this country, or any abridemrnt of this work. - Published by G & C Merriam.Springfield.Mass. and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of Msy 30 ST 1. Y. DA LL, Lewisburg COAL OP A1.L KINDS nOR sale by REBER A IDDIXGS. Lewisburg, June. 1849 Worm Specific M'Lane's Vermifuge! rpHIS invaluable remedy for Worms is X rapidly supplanting all others.in public estimation. Where it is used it has produced the best eflVcts, and driven out all other remedies. " It is the best they have ever seen," is the remark of all who have ever used it in their families. TyreSprinis.Sumner Co. Ten. Feb 1948 J. Krdd & Co. I received a lot of M'Lane's Vermifuge from your agent last spring, which I sold out in one werk, snd I think I could have sold 1000 bottles by this lime if I could have got it, bot not knowing where to get it I had la wail until your agent came around. Every one who has tried M'l.ane'a Vermifuge, tell me it ia lha best they have ever seen. Iu fart it is impossible for any one to say too much in favor of this Ver mifuge. W. D. KOBB. Dr.M'Lane dear Sir : I have sold out all your Liver Pills, and want another lot immediately. I could have sold a much larger quantity if I had them. The inhabitants are sending to Rochester for them. Please send me another supply imme diately. F. SHORT, Druggist. Hemlock Lake, Lis. Co N. Y. March 8, '47. Varyaburg. Wyo. Co. NT. Dee. 10. '47. J. Kidd & Co. Your traveling agent left with ma last summer a quantity of Dr. M'Lane'a Pill and Worm SpeciBc, to sell on commission. The Worm Specific is all sold, and I ibould be glad to procure mom. aa it sell very resdily, aad hsa a very salutary affect in expelling worms. . If you can forward me smite, or send me- an order to call on yoor agent in Buffalo (L.8. Reynolds.) I think it will meet with a rapid sale. j W. H. AIN8W0RTH. AGENTS C W Scbati.(, Levrafarg; H J Sbafer and J H Raser, Mill on ; I Oerhart. Se ll nsgrove; J W Friling, 8onbury ; Mrs M'Cay, Karfhararsnland ; M C Grief. J Moore, Danville EQUITABLE LIFE MSIWAKCE, AMBli jr and Trtut Compaaj . Office, l4, tFulmut Street, Philadelphia. CariTAL, $250,009 Charter Perpetual. IUE Company are now prepared to transact business upon the most liberal and advauta geou terau. They are authorized by ttvair charter (sec 3 " to make all aud every ius'j'auc apper taining to life risks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and eiecute trusts, make endowments, and to grant and purchase annuities. The Com pany sell annuities and endowments, and act a trustees for minors and heirs. of $100 for the whole term of Life. Age. Prem. Age. Prm. Age. Prera. 16 $1 60 31 $3 09 40 $3 36 17 1 S3 33 3 13 47 3 49 18 1 56 33 3 30 48 3 62 19 1 59 34 3 37 49 3 77 30 1 60 35 3 33 50 3 04 21 1 63 36 3 40 61 4 13 33 1 66 37 3 47 53 4 32 23 1 69 38 2 54 53 4 51 34 1 73 39 3 63 64 4 71 35 1 76 40 3 70 55 4 91 26 1 85 41 3 81 56 5 12 37 1 89 42 2 92 67 5 33 38 1 94 43 3 01 58 5 54 33 1 98 44 3 13 59 5 78 30 3 04 45 3 33 60 6 03 The premiums are less than any other company and the policies afford greater advantages. Mar ried women and female children can insure tb lives of either a husband or parent free from the claima ot creditor. Tables of half yearly ano quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium, short terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments and forms of application are to be bad at the Office or of the Agent. Rates for insuring $100 on a sine Life. Age. For 1 year. For 7 yeara. For Life. 20 $0 81 91 1 60 30 0 99 1 30 S 04 40 1 29 1 64 2 70 60 1 86 3 07 3 94 69 3 48 3 97 6 03 Example : A person aged 30 vears next birth- daj by paying the Company 99 els would secuir to bis family or beira f 100 ahould he die in one year, or for 9 90 be secures to them HI 0U0, or for 13 00 annually for seven Tear he secures to them $1000 should be die in seven year, or for 211 40 paid yearl; during life be secures $1000 to be paid when be dies the insurer securing bra own bonus by tbe difference in smount of premium from those charged by other office. For 49 50 the heirs would receive $5000 should be die in one year. rt I tin CLLLE.N, President. F. W. RAWLE Sec'y and Tress. For further particulars apply to HE.NKV C HICKOK, Agent far Union and adjoining counties. Consulting Physician Ws. Harts, M. I). Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. July 31, 1849 LEUIS3UF.S FOUNDRY THE subscribers, thankful for past pntro nage,wou!d inform the public that tbev continue to manufacture ail tinJsf MILL GE.1RI.YG. Cast Water V heels of m0i Thresfting Machines. One and Two Horse Ploughs. e invite particular attention to a new article Wiartl'i Patent G.l.G PLOrcHS, for Settling In Grain. Farmers by this ploul ran seed in as niuch rain, in ne day, at in three days wilb common ploughs. easting;? autr gurmug;. and Fitting the same. HOLLOW WAKE. Kettles and Pots nf various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles :o suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, far wood or coal. Fancj.Parlor, Wood, Coal Stoves, AIR TIGHT STOfES. Race's Self-regulating Air-tight Parlor W ood Stoves, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best rr.nnner and on the shortest notice. Castings war lamcu m ue oi me nest material, and at prices that can not fail (o please. GEDDKS & MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25. 1848 120 Pianos: Pianos, i fpHE undersigned continues to furnish to order 1 on tne most reasonable terms. Pianos, from the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, PhiIad.,whose instruments are loo well known to need any pan egyric, having uniformlv received the rommei.d ationa of the most eminent professor and compo ris ui ..insic, ana tne award or the premiums in NewYork,Philadelnhia and Boston. For nnalitist. of tone, touch, and keeping in lone up to conceit pitcn, iney can not be surpassed by cither Amer ican or European Pino. Instruction aivon nn llto P; fltrl mm I &rmt nf, irm Reference may be made lo any of those parents or guardians who have pupils committed to his charge. He may h seen at his residence at Mrs Maixe's, Market street, Lewi-burg, where terms and particulars will be made known. Tbe mot popular and favorite Airs and Music of different kinds received as it is issued lrom tbe different musical esiabli.hrnents in the Cities. M.v 15 CHARLES KAMSCH ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, Mini t EXFEDlTIOrSlT XKCUTED AT THE "CMONICLE- OFFICE. Important Information FOR the difficult respiration and tlebilitv amending diseases of the Lungs, or Throat and Breast, Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Hood Naptha has been found an invaluable remedy.' Besides ita power as an Expectorant to relieve the lungs from Ihe accumulated matter which results from the relaxed state of the system in hot weather, it also acts as a healing balm to the ulcerated part and a atreagth ener to the system. . So salutary ia the action of the Syrup in this respect, that many of our most respectable Physicians employ it io their practice, and we have daily evidence of cures enectM - in pulmonary- disease where skill haa utterly failed. Prepared only by Angney & Dickson, N K corner Fifth and Spruce fits. Philad. Sold by C.H. SeAefJfc, Lawisburtf. " An ounce of Prevention worth ' a pound of Cure," in ' " v that awful dUeate, t- , consur.iPTion : DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale ia Lewisburg by S. F. Lvndall J. Houghton and at this office. Price. 75 ceots. TRICKS OP SJCACaXsj. tst ErarMM Bo vsis t-Auru.v.-Tkera m a WwananlU Is sals id ih differs. towns cid AR EWiKt's Sarsapantta. h is -IsrrtlssS as th DtH.t Inri mv-r was ; bit formerly a wortsr railroad., e. - tteuis-JW he -ume. ll- ulla ol Uocior tor ib. Miofe urnns Wit tm wha. ha isaot K XsM wo sJieal .chow. al practiced for 6hm Now to. train w. h. ne pratiicod mrJicin. a ibom .iner rHy. he bad never mte iboss stlmMts f km se uYn. V he will men team u, be b.Hirl and ttk ful in a!l iheir ilralines and miertoim ur-i urine hn ure. swine ihs larrs sum h ! Baas as an uavsesmenl to unbar aih baswesa. Ir.j : mta bar. Ik-so insulin and Utelliur oi a pnj-i j ihcOM Isieiort Sarsaoanlla was n.H Ilia vnaiat. self -r M Srr.u Ur,.M. mto trim the Hid OocU. Onfmml IU mt this S. r. TowusmsJ says I have sold UK ass of r J rnina .r 7 a wsek. I will " S3l if b will r rhiea one nunte solitary pronf of ihis. Ilia atatsmenu of Thuminon. Skilliuan Co., are aoihias; bot a Usra of falsehoods, simply nuvle to decalse lha pnblie, and Lap the truih d.iwn in regard to hi imring, fermtnUnf t Jr . .. f iai.t in assist him in OmU powrwf. Tiirs h. to caution trie puouc w purenspw nwr Old Dr. JAI.OBTownsend'sSsrsspsrilla. hrirur on r n Old Ikv'or's likeness, bis amiif Coal qf Jrata, srrf .C an;ureaeros the Cost a( Arms. ' w- JACOB TOWNSES , Old Dr. Jacob Townscnd, THE OHIOWAL IM9COVF.KBR OF TUB Genuine Townseud Sarsapanlla. V llr T wnneiu n n"W sbtnir 711 .ears of aff. ar.il has oi niar. aisl ths salss cimnseri:r4 iu ihoM only who ha" u"J its worh.ar known . !.- h '"J tkVw.s ..f ro.0T. aeTenheiess. as than parsons wko bad aULiKil s wont"fnl HEALING POWER. T n fiRANt) AND I NEQt'ALLFO PRF.PAil tT! N manulaciurrrlonthe larees, seals, aisiu ca.lsJ lor inrouiu. out ti kiaj-.h anu bmaJth ol ins land. KU'.J as u m foiin l liicbl of dVreneratloo or de:erlriio. Unlike to nor & P Tawisssud's, it irofroses with a? a. anil never rtuui?ea bin for iht iK-ver : her t km V't arrf on tti'tuif.'. vrintMn bv a trtmnf.t mrm. Tht higliesl krKwle.le of t hemisiry. ami U Isimc discotrenes oi in an havesil bwn bromltt cm reqi:r-t lon in the manu.at tur-of the OH Ws Ssrsa-Jinlla. The Srsaill.a rrs. a la well ki;owti lo niertifl men. cocaine many mcucinal Drot)er ic an l some pmpetii.-a wk:tb ars aiert M useieM, SrA othe:. which if relate in frepanni ll lor w. pr dure Urr,-iia im anil aril, which is injunous lo ilie ir lem.' im' the prper.lrt ol S.trsprll:a are so .--.. Uial -hrr e,itirely earrsu ami are o :a the preparatioo. if ihpy .'re no! preserved by a r "" - Iv to ih.i eineoesd f it mauucmra. M.reoser. th moidtlt priaetnies, whj. h Hy off in sapor, or ss an es kaiitKm. uiAr heat, are very nstntiat medxid prof srtitt ol tlw r whieb iv to it all it value any pv!i can b. ll .w stew the root till tr.ey get a dara eolored tiitiid. which is more (tot id aolorwj matter ia tl,s nM ui. li m ai.yihiim e.sr ; they can tl suam insj mir;1 r r: t lil'ii't. -weeten with snr inola. antf tkrncl it MRSAPARil.l. EXTRACT or SVRIP." B :t snoh n r. -t le aiiir e knon " Ihe GEN ri"i: OLD UR JACOB TOWNSEJ.D S SAKSAPAUILLA. T!ii 1. pr-pareJ thai :i the ir-rt properuea of lb. Sarsaariiia rt are 6 removed, everything rabl t becoinn.i iClJ or srrmeiitat..ii u f xtrattrd an.1 r.jec:ed ; then evrnr rMTiel of mettirj.1 virlue Is sreured Ml a par and cotire'mfafe-l form ; ami thus It is ren-lered mcapabje of losina any ol iu valuable and healing proertis. Pr pared ni thi- was. it rs aiade the most p..werlut aeu m la C ure af laiBSrasl Wmbhs, Iferi-e Ui inssi wlty s bear commewiauuusoo sresw i.le tn its lav. ir by men. women, aud children. W s to doin wrnsirn ia vac cure of . CO.VSI MPTIOS, BYSPEPSM. and LtrEtt- OMI'LAl.ST.mi in KHBUMATIM.Ie0 Li.. WW MSrtfBM!& all CVTASK. cts Rl PTIOSS. PIMPLES, BLOTCUK. and ail auctions arising fnm I.MPL'UH'V OK THE BLOOD. tl mnsH a marvallous efrli-aey in all eomnlainta an. sin-Vmm hvttrntun, worn AcUUf uf iht sumach, from um luai cm uUtion, delermma wu of Wood to Ihe neaa. calpllttion ol the heart, eo' i anj hands, cold chills aad hol 8asbesaTertbsbo.hr. Is has noi its 0i m Colds as4 Ct-ar ; and proawssa easv axuectoranoa aod cants, pa sfnrati.ii. relaaui amctures of tne lungs, throat and evarf '"iTut'in'n.vhins is it evrsllene more manifestly ac SSSl ckiiowlevUfd ihaa in all kinJs si susr of FEMALt COMPLAIN 1 3. It vroiks wonder in cue of f tuor Abut ar ff', K' -infoflht Wt'irtb, rMefr-srf. Suppnmtd. at Pmnfi en.frr.'oi'oMbe nieixuilal rvd.. ano ne Ilka; aisl is atiectuai u curias all the mrms of aTiJisry I hi cairn. Bv remuvins obstructions, and resulaiir ihe eroerei system, nri.es tons and attenivfl lo iba wtole body, ae4 titus cures all lorms of Kerwatsi Dtaeaaes I DeWlMy. ami thus li'sveniaor relieves a rreal sarirly nf oiher mat. alles. ae aat irritation, Xrurat-iu, St. VUtuf Vtuur, HiiKMimf. Ewlrptic Fill, Cmruhujms. )r H rtCUise in Dloou. ejicnes in " i. . tones tlie eu.mach.and eives .! .tiseiojon. relieves tn bnwela ol hirpor and consurpi:in. allaya inrtanwnattom pu rines the skin, soiutlires the Cliculatwtl ol the Mood, pro icins grr.ile warmth squally ail over the body, aud lb insenstMe persntranon : rebus srnertnvsi and nvMrnsa. re moves all ot iruclions, and invigorates ihe enure aervoee yerem. I nel this then The Me.ltrisM wraewalsiemrlr aaecsiv . Bui can any ot these Ihlnci be said ot S. P. T'twnsend m.'eiior rtcf t This voun man's liquid mi not to ba COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, beiMuae r on- r.R.NI FACT, that the one ia CiCAPA Ul.E ol 1'fcTtKrORATION, and NEVER SPOILS, white iti. other IHFSt stMrix. fermenting, and t-'awinr XAs hotttts rmiiaibine it inu trscmania ; the so nr. acid bnutit expUvln.and daniairiiif other roods f Hlua nor thss nirri!'e compound be pisnnmis to the svstem t lrW .' put arid tntoa svsrens atrrndy dira4 teuKacid 7 W;U causes lypewia but arid ? Ho we not all know that whre food sours in our stomachs, what miarhtef it pmJucesT flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of the bean, liver com plaint, riiarrbur. dysentery, colic, and corruption of the blood i What is Seforaia bat an acid hitm.r in the body 9 What produces all ihe lium.,rs which brut? oa Eruptinnsot Ihe Skin, Scald Head, Sj'i Rheum. Ervnprlss. White Swetliris. Fever Sores, and nil ulceraiHSis internal ant ea tenial t It ia notbinc umlrr heaven but an acid substance, winch sonr. and thus spoils all the fluids ot the body, okhw or le.. hat causes fthrnrrmtinn bl a soar and sod Hind which anstuualea itsell hsiwin ilie joints and else where, irrpatine arrt mltarrjav the delicste tissue upon which 11 acs J So of nervous diseases, of impurity f the bl'MHi. of ifcrsnce.1 cfrrn'srion. and nearly all the aliases! whtch alfltct human nature. Now i. u not horrible lo make aad sell, and rsfcritrr Ironve lo use this boir.l.Mi, FERMENTTXf;. .Cr "COMPOl'MV OP S. P. TOWNSF.NI, and vet be would fain haee it snlcrond that Old Or. Ja- oh Tnem1's Ornutne rtrtfrtnai SmrsmpmriUa, ia aa IM ITATION of hi. interior preparation ! ! Heaven rorbnl thai we should deal is an articl whica would hear the ipost distant rsaamblaaca le S. P. Town aeisfs artitief We wi.'t it Tm.iermot. beesiwv. if i the oAeVMs trmk . thai S. P T.iwnsesd's article as. I old Pr. Jacob Towasead'e Saraaparilia are ktmrrn nHdt apart, and mhnilely dimmt ilar; that tbev are mil ike in every particular, katnur ae one sinsle ttn: m cominssi. As S. P Townseisl ts an doelnr. and never was. ia no sheniM. no ihsrraacetilW-kiniw no more of medicine or Disease uouisnyiMhercartimoa. anscleiinaraBpmhowsonal ssaa. what jraaraaM can lb rubiK have that thrv ara re- ceivios a rrnms scientific metliciiie. ctx.taininr all the vir tues ol Hie arnrlrs trwe in preoarlne n. ana which are m- rapsb'e oi chunees which mishl render tliern ins AUK.NTS of Ihsease in.ied ol health 1 Bui whst el should ba eTieted from ana who know nothinf comnarativalv of metticiu or disease 1 It reouires a perswit ol sutn sxerienre lo caok anal serve up even s common decent meat How mnrh more tmpnnant as a the the persons who manu'artnre ntaitrriri tlesianed for WEAkf STOMACHS ANU ENFEF.nl. F.l SYSTEM, ahould know well tba medical properties of plant, lbs bnS manner oi serunnc ami coticontratinr. their beslin in acs, also an eatenriv know Is. Ire of the various diseaseswhicb a Sec. tba awmaa system, and bow to adapt remedies thes diseases ! ft is to arrest fraada upoa tb anfortlmata. to noarbaTn Into wounded humanliv. la km lie bona in the deoDainnf bosom, to restore health, ami bloom, ami VMor into the crushed and broken, and to banish rr-nrmiiv that OI.I PR. JACOB TOWNSKND haa St:OIITand FOlSPibs op portunity and means to brine, nta OransI rialworami Cnseovsrll Rslasdy1' within the reach, aad to the bnowlnhra of all who need s) Uiai insy may I. am and know, bv joyful erpeneoeo, ssv. J Tnniirassai "wvaor a aos. " Agents for the above Medicine C W Schafflp, Lewisburg ; John H Baser, Mil-' ton Forsyth & Priestly, Norlbun.bland GENTLEMEN'S Fancy Goods, Vest ings. Cloths, Caaaimeres, and Sutif mar Goods in )enerair at V CJrV if d'ii Ok O. Howes' CKesp Wert