THE RENEW-BMW HERALD. mmmmg, PA, ssammay, Sept: 14, 5 Sam. 011‘ The circa/anon o]le HERALD being larg er lhan that of any other papcf published in (his County, qfl‘crs imluccmcnts' to those wishing to advertise‘ Therefore; lhusc wishing to advcrtisc will cansull their own {um-cs! by publishing their mhzcrtiscm‘mls in this paper. '. Eamon-(iii Maze Ticket. WILL/IAM _T. MORISON. 0f Blamgohmry County 9 ran" AUDITOR GENERAL. EPIIRAI‘M BAN K'S, -_ Of Mifilin County: run sunvzmn GENERAL, JAMES PORTER BRAWLEY, 0f Cum-(bid Counly. 7 ALFRED. GILMORE, _ofrßuder BENJAMIN WILDE. of Banner (’9. ASSEDIBLY. JQHN MURRIN, ofi BulleLCouMy. '- I’HILIQ COOPER. of Beaver Coumy, JAS. TIR‘OBINSON. of Lawrence Co COMMISSIONER. THOMAS WELSH, of’Bufl‘alo - ._ PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, Joni}; 'H. fiIiGLEY’, of nuuer. - town summon, ‘ ‘ HUGH M’KEE, of»Norlh Bullcr. » - * warren, DUNWIDDY M’COLLOUGH, of Franklin " TRUSTEES 0F ACADEMY, Joax G-nm‘xrq. ‘ Cflma‘ch medication. like English Lutheran Church, recently erec léd ‘in llxchorlh’ Weszern part of {he Borough of Butler, will be dedibnlcd to the service of 153mm} mm: on‘ Lomsm‘orsgr (ember instant. The péslor expects one or two brethren in lhe~Milnistry to assist him on‘ the occasion. Servicés locommence at 1:1 o’clock, A, D]. All Chrisfians who love to hear of the extension of Christ’s Kingdom, are invited to ‘nuend.‘ A oofleclion will be lifted in aid of the Church. GOTTLIEB BASSEEH, Sent. 7, 1850. 5’ _ » _Paslor. 0:“;- An Adjourned Court will be held in thxs‘borough‘, on Monday, September 3012:, a: 10 o’clock, A. M. ' A , filo-gross. Congress has atéast accomplished the great works or” the session. One by one, the great measures, which have couvulsed the nation for the last nine months, have been settled.— California'haetboen admitted. The boundary: of Texas has been fixed. Territorial govern-I ments have been provided for New Mexico and‘ Utah. ‘ . It is true the session has been _a long and‘ ’stormy. one—hut it has accomplisheq much-i Congress has not sat so long for the last ten. years—bat it has done more than the last ten Congresses. It has established governmentsi over a territory large enough of itself for an ’ empire; a territory as large as the thirty or forty States that compose the German Empire, and three or four times as large as the United Kingdoms of Great Britain, Ireland and: Scot— ‘ land ; and as large as the original thirteen 1 States. khas extended the ernpirebflthe Re public to the shores of the Pactfie Ocean. It is notyet three'quarters at a century since this Republic consisted ol but thirteen States lying principally between the Allegheny Mountains ' and the Atlantic Uceun.‘ zTnée then, it has spread itself cvertheyast valley of the Missis sippi-passed the lofty summitof ' the Cordil~ terns-and nowtbe new State of California, large enough in extent oi territory‘ to 'malze thraeor tour States of the first magnitude, lies upon the eastern shores of the Pacific, and raises the number of the States of. the Confed eracy to thirty-one. ‘ Measures of such mag‘nitnde—of such vast! and multitanoua‘interests-inane never been before Congress since the organization of the Gavernment; and the progress of Congress in the adjustméatof them, embarrassed and per plexed at every step by the delicate and in tensely exciting question'ot slavery, was slow; but it has finally suqceededjn accomplishing their adjustment in a manner that will render general satisfaction to the oonn'try. Measures of such gravity and importance would of them , selves create-weao‘itemerrt: but when mingled jwith the delicate and difficult question of sla pverygthe agitation of which always arouses “stroll fierce and fearful passions, and in this’ instance, wrought up by recent political orients to a degree ofphrenzythat was absolutely ap palling, produced such an intensity of passion ate" excitement in the halls pf Congress and throughout (he nation, as was never before o‘itnessediin, this country, and we trust never mayhexfittiéssed again. «, " ‘ Thirty, years. ago, the great Missouri (1085! l ~tion':came before Congress and produced a de igree of excitement that shook the very tonne Elation .olVJhe Republic 5 but the excitement 1 th'enprcduced was email, \rhen continued to: magnet and terrifio'to'ruado of passion pt'odu-i cedthy‘ihe-‘agimtion ofthe great questions be-I {are Congress. :13le gr'eat‘Kéntuotian, ’wlro has witnessed birth these crises, and‘wlto was! ‘a disifn‘guishekfi‘kahd {Fpglriolic‘} aéloi in them bbm, spen’kingpf theyelaiive ingree of excite ment and dab-gar lhéfi‘éurroumed them, said, that while in flip former the dissoh‘nion of the Union v: as ngvér breaflhéd,_iu izl‘xiypontingcncy, by the frhostfilllya Sofithemcr, in the 18116;}, the dissolution of the Uninh, in a icezlain cumin" guy, was qpé‘mix ind notqriguély ndvocamd byline majonlygqf lhe-SuullmxnlStalcs. To say theh, that [he Union wzis no! in danger, woulif b 8 10 shut our 'ejes lo the facts. Tlnefiangcr may have been! exaggeramd, but'éliii it exist ed, and existedl to such an ‘exi’exgg, (hit. in the present mud an'd phrcnzied state‘of [be public mind in the Bmm, i! the Wilma! Proviso had been forced thrdugh Congress, it would, in all human \probabflfiy: have ient ibis Uuifin in “vain. i‘ ~ 5 ‘ In both thesq great criseslmo‘ilerate counsels prevailed. In tbé’Missout-i :case, HENRY CLAY stood forth as life advocate of ctlmpmmiée and pticification. Bis cbunsels pgevailed. , 'lhe question was spttled on tltegpriticilalcs of con ciliation and cdngessiott—nnd Jthut settlement rendmed genergtl satisfaction and put the qttcs tion to rest for: thirty years.‘ In the—presefit case‘, similar equnsels liavelpxevailcd, and the questions have fall been Settled in such a. man ner as to give'éeiierfl satiéfaction to the pew people of the Uttilsd StateE, arid the qties'iOn is again put to ie’st {of anotlier'peiiod 'of thirty years. ; ‘ ,Nevcr did a Gangress assemble, with more grave and impgxlaut meashre‘s to dispose of, and never did"o‘ue assemble under more ama vorhlile circumsiance‘s for‘dis'pos'ing qt {hem-'- But their wisdo‘fp and patr’ipxism have triumph-- ed 0V?!“ a’ll difficulties, and the country is at rest. . ‘ . The prolraclc'}! «iiscusdczj ol' ihesa questions in the Emma hjas been abundantly {juillul of gooJ resulis. I? they debafledmng, lhey deba ted 3513'. The: ‘cflorls and digiadiaziongs o! CASS, Hurrwgi‘rsmn and Burns, F can: and HALE, and a {wig oi otherdiszirtguizhed Sena~ tors, aflurded 19 the cuunrry‘an exhibizjon of some of the flags: and morét' spléndid oratorjcal dispiays ever “‘film‘ssed anywhere, and at the same time their cieur and sound argumen!s rsrentcsLtom emmwmaafibuifinmdgwhm‘ ‘ -omenlOUE questions, an prepared u for the final decision ofthsm. WILLIAM Bum-x Have the North ‘last anything in tho contro vet-53’.z We emitter, no.\ It is true, the le~ mot Proviso L 33 not been pasged. But what of that?‘ Cilttoéttiu has been admitted as a frée Slam—and in reference to Ne'iv Mexico and Utah, the detotgs in the Senate'havo establish ed two positions. First, that slavery is exclu ded from these‘lterritories by the laws of NH.‘ ture; and sqconcllly, that it is positively exclu ded-by the laws 6! Mexicofi anttthat the soil of these te‘iritories is theretoré frets soil. Either ofthesg pcsitiops renders the passage of the Provigo unnecegsary. What, then, would the North bave'gained by passingitlia Proviso?— Nothing but the idle parada ofgpassing a law which, it it were not unconstitutional and {Jan gerous, as it is, wouid ,stili be whotiy useless and unnecessary.” ‘ 1 0:7- quubi P. SHATTCCK, Esq , of Mead ville, has beenluominalcd‘on lhe__l3olh ballot as the Democratic caddidaté {Or Congress in the disuicl cbmposed of the counties of Craw ford, Mercer and Venango. He is popular, and will makg a. good rcpresénmtive. We look for his ék-c‘tion, (by a handsome majarily, with a good dezfl of certaifity. ' , 03' The Democrat§ .01; Philadelphia pCity have‘ fiominaied [Le {dllowing ticket: Senator—Richard It. Yoimg. ‘ Assembly—James' W. ECoflrmh, 3ames P. Barr, JVilliam Dunne, Job'xi G. Thompson. The ngocrqgic City and Cougny Comerence nominqtcd Uxe'jblloufinrg ticket; \ District AttorheyL—Homz R. Kneass, Ciij‘. himgbal of Police—Tudmas Tusliu, City. \ > 'Pm‘hmMnT-M'Cmn ‘l‘tc‘ds—‘UUUTC'Jl penter, Spring Garden. , L'c. Commissionar—John L:Smilh, Souxh walk. ~ « 6 E 1 Auditor—Wining: Field; City. Commy Surveiyor—Jcbn EFol2}krod,‘¢fi'oxfm’d. 03” Read le'e léner of Gen.; Yuuvuxci: on the subject of Eek-111,1: Roads. Although it was wriuen with panipplar leigrenc'e to a proposed Road in anothe: sermon of the Slate; yet it contains many fiound and prac’tical viéxvs, of a‘gencral ualufe,izhat cannot fail from being highly appreciéted 65' those who take an in terest in this ma‘tter‘. ‘ ’ ' ’ . 31‘;- Louis Phillippe, es-k§fi§ ohm: French, died at Claremlpm, England, bn the 26th of August ult. Ed was born, on the 6th 3f Octo ber, U 73, and ‘4zél'slherefbre dimes: '7“)? years of age. The fillo’rvmg is the *accountjpf'his death brought.§d—Balifax‘ by §the;etca_mship Asia onthe Bah instant: E ‘ ‘ ' He had beeqiaware of his approaching dis soluflon earljrvon Ihé preceding day, in pres ence of the. Quéen, and 'pr‘epar'ed for the final arrangements hé had 10‘ maké., Aftemx con versation, with the Queen, he dictated with rm markable cleamfiss a conclugiou to his me: moirs. He 'iheq caused to'be' Summonledhhis chapiain, zfll i:is}chiidreu and grand children 1 who, were abClafrumout. In presence bf the Queen and hm family, be discharged every du ty of‘xeh‘gion whip the mqst penihclchrfistiau resignation. -'l‘§'>w'ards seven; fo’clock in we evenihg’ the fevdr ‘came on', which con‘xinued duringthe nighdw'irh much vibl‘ence. He ex plied-318 o’clool'f on Monday mpming, in pres; enccpfi the [OllO viug member}. E-of his family, and the]: Royal kiglme‘s’s the vac-bass }3o{ Or- ‘ leans, Count (1e ‘ a’ris, Duke de Chartres; Duke ; and_ Duchess do Plcmoura, Pjidcé and Pfincess 1 de aJuiuville, 'Duke and Duchess d’Admale, 1 Du‘chem :A‘dgus’la F. Suecoburg, and the at. mix-Janis of the 491-111 housahol'J; , r ' Beam Eclsis. Pfimfppe. 0b- The DemécratsV of York, Gen :6 and Clinton counties have instructed in info? of Col. WILLIAM JthEn f 5!" Governor. ‘TheiDcmm cralp of Montgomery adopged a resolmiou in his fave: at a county meetixjg [afiely libld. anoucn Cums—Mr. Mums hnscomple lecL {he enumeration of the borough, audh‘as pome‘ly furnished us \viihjhe tollowing: No. of lqhabitnnxs, , , “5! " Dwelling Houses,‘ ' ‘_ 199 “ Al’crsous'lol color, 8 “ Died )viihiu the year, . 24 25 establishments of Productive luduséry; ld~ iolic, 1; one person over the age of 80 years. As the Marshal only completed the enumera tionulast evening, we are unable to give de; tails as fully as we could desire. ' DdNEGAL AHD CLEABFIELDr—L‘Jr. SHAFI—‘NEI’. has completed the enumeration ohhe town shipryofl Donegal and Clearfield, and furnishes us‘ with the following: . ‘ DONEGAL Nu. of lxxhabitauls, ' 1180 “ Dwellings, 195 . “ ‘ Families, . > ‘ ‘ 195 “ Farms, 118 “ Died within the year, > 13 One person~over-Ihe hge of 107 ygars; 5 per sous of color. CLEAEFIELD No. of lubabnams; 1905 “ Dwellings, 336 “ K Familiés, ‘ 310' “ < Farms, A 2x2 Died within the year, 27; one person overlhe age of 95_yenrs.—Butler Wlu'g. . Dimwxzn.—A-child of Mr.——- ANDERSON wasdrowned in Conncquenessing creek, souih west of (his beioxglx, on Wednesday evening Lut. The Clllillllad \cauderedlrcm‘homein the afternoon, and ,ou segich being made it was fuuml bclow the mill, having evidently lain in the water lor several llama—Butler H'lu'g (If Sr—pflmbcr 11. MAINE jiLECTION . PORTLAxD, Sepiember 10. 13! Diamci—Doubfiul; as far as head Imm THU V’Uifi ’IS’CI U 36? “ 1 - ~ .. ~ 2d Disi—John Applelon, (Dam) is elected by a small plurality. « 41h Disl—Chazles Andrews, (Denl.,) elect ed. This is a Democratic gain. 2 61h DEL~ISIRCL Washbum, (Whig) is probably elccmd: A Whig gain. 71?: Dish—James S. kae, (Whig) gains 18:1 einée 1345. . The returns: gcnérall}, favor the election of Jabn Hubbard, for Guvembr. Democraticv Stale Senators fzon} York and Cumberland are—elected. ~ : MISSOURI ELECTION Sr. Lows, Thursday, Augusl 29.—A1l doubts as to lhe result of the Congressiqnal election in this State are now removed. The Delega lion in the next Congress win stand: lst Disuict-F._Darby, (Whig) ' “ 32d DBL—Gilchrist Porter, (Whig) ‘ 3rd DEL—lon}: Mliier, (Whig) 4-. h fiat—Willard P. Hall, (Ami-Benton.) sle DEL—John S. Phelps, (Benton) The Legislmure wiilsmnd: 12 Whigs,l3 Bentoniies, 8 Anti~Benzox.-iles. The House: 61 Whigs, ~17 ‘Beutonilea, 34 Ami-Benmnilea. 'l‘bé St. -Lcuis Times, of the 2d inst.,can— firms Xhe report-of- the election of HALL. He has‘bealen Barium/{he Whig candidaie, and GARDENumE, fife Benton candidate, by :1 km» j my 0: 61 voles. 01';- Genifr, a batter in New York, paid $225 00 for the first ticket sold at auction for Jenny Lind’s firs} concert in that city, which took place on the 11th instant: . FROM TEXAS. ~ NLW' Oanxs, Sept. 7 ThenJuim Committee of the Texas Legisla ture have reported. in favor of raising, 3000 troops; to march forthwith 10 Santa Fe. - The news of the passage of - Pierce’s Sandie, biu had been received‘a: Austin. ' The’ Texas Legislature possesseé no ambori (y to dispose of Territory. The subject must be referred lo popular suffra‘ge. _ Gen. Rusk has been re-elected to U. S. Sen ~ ate. ‘ 0119 Legislative Ticket. The Beaver Slur speaks as follows in favof of the Democraliq Legielalive candidates. resi ding out of this coumy, and with whom; co_n sequemly, not. many at our citizens are ac quainted: - ~ , _ - B’smmsn} Wans, of Beavercounty, Ihe can didalé fer‘Sédate, is One of but most intelligent and active baaizless men—~susxaiuiqg 9 high reputalian‘for honesty and integnlyfand with al a puie and uncompromising Democrat, in whom the painykmay safely repose the tulles} cdnfidence. ‘His election to the State Senate would secure' far the people of the disuicl an able and wonhy tepresentalive. ‘- Plum; (Joann, 01 Beaver county, one of the? candidates for Assembly, is an old and {esgec table lama-possessing a strong and well cultivated mind, active and intelligent, and of putt; 'mural character. ; Deeply imbued with the principles of Detnoéracy, he would always be round devoted _to the best interests‘of the people. . ’ y,: ' yt , . JAME§ T. Ronmsonfiof Lawrencevcofinty, is also a farmer, and benug possessed of undoubt ezl business qualificatiofis,’of gxcellelxt private chnmélér, weigh! become an influential' regrg 'semmive; and (main whom the ‘Dempcméfi' bf the; 'diélrictlmayfiafely confide. -~ Congress; . “ . Wnsmxfi‘rox, Sept. 6 Hegel—The House Bill making appropria tion {9; Post Office Department returned from the Senate with, ornendrnents, was referred back lo the committee of Ways and Means. ”The House proceeded to the consir‘eration of the report made by Richardson from the select epmmittee, apyointed to inquire_into certain 'cl‘fxirris re~opened and paid by Ewing. Re port and resolutious’ordered to be printed. Mr. Vinton gave notice thnblie would move a rte-commitment of the reportand resolutions. Yesterday, after the vote refusing to submit the Taxis Bill as amended, to third reading, Mr. How-am moved {m the reconsideration of the vote, which lhe chair decided out oford'er. The Speaker to day announced an appcalto té pending. ‘ K Mr. Howard made some remarks in which he explained that he made an appeal from the {act that the bill on which the vote was re-con sidéred yesterday, was different from the bill which he had moved for reconsideration, and which the Speaker decided out of order. ' * He therefore called the previous] quésrion— Yeas 1091’ Nays 56. < ‘ Question was taken, shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the-flbuse. The vote refusing to order the Texas Bill to a third reading, was reconsidered, and items ordered ‘to a third reading by ~a vote of 108 to 98. ‘ Much excitement prevailede The galleries were filled with visilers. When the Clerk commenced calling the roll, the noise ceased, imd seldom have we known so milch quiet as now. There was a movement all ovex” the House. Every proceeding was watched'with anxiety, when Mr. Howaxd, of Texasfivascailed and voted uyc. Applause was commenced, but silence was pzomptly resgorcd by the Speaker. But few membexa were in Ihei; seats—many had come to the area in from of the Clerk’s desk. liierenas mucli sensation. The Speaker cx~ crlcd himself vigorously to' quell disorder which had broken: out afresh, and then coin menced announcing the result—Yeas 108- Nays 93. . Immediately succeeding this were clapping Bf hands, and stamping and whistliug‘iu the galleries, and applause on the floor, and fior dcr’ xesounded in every direction.- The Speék er knocked lustily wllh his hammer, and vfoi ces wereheard saying ‘Let them clap.’ The ex‘citememhaving subsided, the Speake: said, The queeiion is on the third reading of the Bill.’ l Mr Bun moved to lay the Bill on the table, whlich “:as not agleed to, yeas 97, hays .108. The Bill was then pained, yea: 107, Hays 97. Adjourned. . . Sane—Mr. Houston gave notice thatlhe desifed on Monday‘ next to make a personal explanation in relation to the Wallace letter. After consideration of a. routine of business, the Bounty Land Bill was taken up, and Mr. Seward submitted an amendment, which was adopted, extending the benefits of the bill to marines. L ' Mr. H alker moved an amendment provid. ing that these Bounty Laud Warrants abaflnol b 3 assignable in any case whatever. . -; After considerable debate, without coming flan voxe, the bil} was laid over, andnfter ac tion upon several private bills, the Senate sd j-‘utned ml Munday. ‘ _ W 5511;140:0133, September 1 House—M r. Richardson resumed his speech in silpport’uf the majority Report of thele'ring Committee. Being very severe on Mr. Ewing, he Was followed by ' Mr Vinton in reply, 'The morning hour having expired, Mr. Roblnseu moved that the Hotise proceed to consider the business .on the Speakei's table. Agreed ,to. _ The Chair announced the business first in order to be the West Point Appropriation Bill. Mr. Bayly proceeded to explain the Senate amendment to the Bill. It was then referred to the Committee of the Whole. '. The Senate 15111 establishing a government {ol' California. then came up: - x - Mr. Boyd moved to amend it by annexing the Utah Bill. w Mr: Vintun/mised a point of order. ‘ The Speaker decided the amendment m or der; . Mr.kVinlon appealed from the decisiod of lhef Chair, and the Chair was not sustained. Mr. Boyd’s amendment was’lhus declared out of order. ' , Age: funher ineffectual attempts to amend lhe:Senate California 3111,11 was ordered to a lhilfd reading—Yeas 157, Nays‘s7 ; and the bill was _then pass‘ed—Yeas 150, Nays 56. The House then wentkimo Committee on the Sen‘ate Utah Bill. _ A motion to insert the Wilmol Proviso was negativeds '' ’ ' ‘ Mr. Stevens moved to strike out amendment in the bill, providing that when said territory shall apply for admission as a State, it shall be admitted With or without slavery. Lost, by Yeas 50, Nays 85. » ' ‘ ‘S‘everal ineflectual attempts were made to amend, when the Committee rose, and 'the House passed the Utah Bill by Yeas 97, Nays 85:1 Adjourned. \ 017' A resolution has passed lhe‘Hbuse for the hdjaummem of‘Corngréss on Mondaylhe Sniliinsmnt. ‘ = ‘. » , Wlnqhiry is Lo trmh,what~friclion isto the diamond; it proves its hardness, adds 30 its lustxla, and exc'ncs new admiration. ! r A Beautiful Spectaclé- During a. celebration of the Free Schools at the city of Washington, on or ulioutrthe lst Of this month, President Fillmore ofiieiated in the distribution of medals and wreaths among the children. The papers speak of the neon sion as one of great interest. » New, reader, for one moment reflect upon this simple fact. The poor children of the capital of our great nation are assembled for the purpoge of coin memoreting the anniversary of 'the day that u’itnessrd the establishment ol‘tlmt system‘ef education, free schools, by which they are enabled to receive such instruction as will qualify them for properly discharging the (lu ties of life. They are the children of peorhnd obscure parents. Ara-nu incentive to :1 perso verunee in their studies, medals, of little in trinsic value, We suppose, ‘nnd other similar gifts, are distributed among them. ~And by whoge hands are these gifts distributed? . By the hand of the President ofthe United States —he who-governs and presides ‘orer the of? fairs of twenty-five 'mxllions of peolile—he who occupies the loftiest pinnacle of earthly distinction. And neither was he attended by n liveried cortego to guard him from danger; for he was the President of these children, their civil protector, defender- und benefactor. Ito doubt, whilst engaged in placing medals in the hands and wreaths around the necks of those indigent, perhaps ragged urchins, the mind of the President was forcibly impressed with the idea, that here may be materials for future Chief Tvlngistratee, here may be these who one day will control and preserve the destinies of this nation. ~ \ ft “The clouds may drop dorm titl’e‘guridestntes; Wealth may seek us, but Wisdom must, be , sought.” _ x . And itis the possessionof wisdom and mor it, not titles of nobility or estates of million aires, that constitutes' distinction and gives assurance of honor and promotion ‘in ‘this land of republican institutions. And more than that, whatbcttm‘ instrumentality is there Lhanfrce schools, for the diffusion ohwisdom through every rank and condition- of a. free people. Oh, it 3ii'ns in truth a beautiful spec tacle, to witness the Prnsitlcnt of the United States giving countenance and encourage ment to this system of education by an active participation in the ccrgmonies alluded to. ' ' "3237 i. Examiner. New Eexico By adviuns from New, Mexico, icx appears that Pal. )lunrue has objer'ted w the nmv.‘ State Government going intb 01-erntiun furth car than is necesmry to bring the matter be foreCongresa. He 3.52;; uttenlign LU the fol lowing‘bamgmph in his proclamation, calling an election for an Executive and Legislature to cohstitutc a. State Government. “All nation by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and of the Legislature shall re main inoperative until New Mexico be‘ad mitted as a. State, under said constitution, cxcept'such acts as may be necessary for the primary steps of organization and the presen tation of said constitution properly before the Congress of the United States. The present Government shall remain in full force, until, by the action of Congress, another shall be constituted.” . In 'i'iew of these things. Colonel Munroe says: “I how declare the nomination of officers, and their confirmation, ,to assume the'excr cise of functions which, by supergeding the oflicers new in commission, will affect the laws of this Territory, (Ls at present constitu ted, will be deemed and considered as an act on the part. of all concerned, in direct viola tion'of their: duties as citizens of the United States. My official obligations imperatively require that. the present. Government be sus tained until superseded b ‘ another legally constituted, and this duty I’will fulfil with all the means at my disposal.” Lieuk Governor Alvarez replies to Colonel Munroels letter. The following is apnmgmph from the reply: “Be assured that no collision will succeed, nnr any embarrassment. interrupt the quiet. action of the Legislature and the people, un-' less it be provoked and brought about by mil itary interference. The people are peacea bly disposed, fully aware of the pacifiereme (ly that exists for the Government grievance they have long endured. and will not readily cqnsent, 'to surrender their dearest rights, and the hope, long deferred, of ameliorating their social and pqlitieal condition. Kossmu AND ms Couv.\xloxs.——Tho Daily Bows has received a private letter from a. traveling friend, conveying some interesting particulars of th_e illustrious Hungarians, whom the jealousy of Austria, the dictation of Russia, and the weakness of the Portc have consigned to imprisonment of Kutayeh. It was gratifying to learn that the exiles enjoyed tolerable health and were more reconciled than at first to their unaccountable captivity. Kossuth, Batthyant, Meszaro‘s, l’ei‘ezel, and the rest, were indeed struck with desponden- ~ ~, cy when convexed as culprits and captives to l A, D 3501. A” Rneiox.-We have “mfg“; the barreek prison of Itutayell, where cells :ted that the En'rlish Expedition in sodrch of were “55159184 for hahitation more savoring 0f; Sir John Franklin, under command of Capt. Nefvgutc than ‘of honorable commit)? 'l‘ 119 lAustin, left the Whale Islands on the is: of strictest guard was kept on them, and August, the day previous to the arrival of the they were “Ot' _ellowed to pass the‘ walls oflAnlETii‘nii expeditton. An officer on board the 1?”ka Without “ _strong eseort. The ithe English vessels ina letter, thus deseribea Turkish officers and soldiers have treated the 'the gloomy charncthr'of that revrion: prisoners With deference and ”“3 Turkish P 0?" “In this forlorn re'rion, thc;e is neither ulation “Ith “‘31,? mark Of Oriental respect, . scenerv, manners noracusmms to descrihe.—— Kossuth beingayiththem the Kral, who had I All is'barreniiess’ and desolation, no flower held for atime in his hands the destinies of lor shrub adorns the ice-hound preeipices of Eastern EP'OPO- . . ‘this sombre localitv, wherefseat‘ed on his icy ~ The universal respect was «especially OVI- throne stern winter reigns supreme, calmed dent on the occasion of Kossuth’s reception of j with tlie gathered gum-'5 of6ooo‘yen;s:~c§fit~ his children. Three of them, interesting and 1m" 51a smm)” contrast to the @l3l3me gur intelligent little creatures, were sent by theldeng3 of on? native land, whosé flowers and Austrian Government, not without fore-ignlplams 24:0 at this moment (liéplayiug their intercession, to share their father’s captivity. .odoriferous beauties beneath‘the gefiigfl rays of He and Madame Kossuth were allowed to go i o midsummer gun." and meet them—under guard, of course; and ————-—-—‘---—-————-—’- the very guard of rude Turkish soldiers were ’ CHAINS or Ma’rmuoxré—At Cincinnati. on affected to tears at the meeting; I“ the cdu— ; Thursday last, Charles B. ‘Clil‘tonyn. notorious cation of his children, the deliing and PM“? ; thief; confined in.- tho‘jiiilnnd atom to be m in?» Of a kind 0“ gairden,ivitliin “1.0 liarrn‘ek , ken to Columbus to serve -'tlio State seven “'3”: and 9-“ 00°35“an game or Shine? .‘Vlth ,x'em'ainthe penitelitierv for the crime ofbur the companions of his political and military gm?“ was married in the couniyjnil to Elia: struggles; KOSBMh ‘Vhfles away the time Of alietli Ami Jdnfés, hySquiro Pugh. When his captin'ty. . ‘ “married, he was loaded with chains and fet ters ihat have been put on him to prevent hl - from jail; which he hasrnttompted rev peatedly during ghis confinement. ‘ ) “A Woynmrn, Woqu.”—-—lnCincinnati one night lnét'wcek, ince‘ndiarius tittempte’d to éct fire to John Morrell‘s stable. Mrs; 31.; being 115) at the time, saw the scoundrels from ‘ the win aw of her bed room, in the act, and without giving mfy alarm, she seized 1101' husband’s gun and disc'htitgcd Imm barrels afitho incendinrios, bat unfortunately withoht c ‘cct. _ * ‘ g , Wasmxafoy Moxmmx'r.-At. the late scs sion of the Scientific Convention at Now Hu- VGH, Professor “r. R. Johnston pronounced tlic stone to? which the ‘Washington Monumem {3‘ being constructed ofa very indifferent quali ty- “11““)ng pom-test building material in me United States. It is capable, aécording to Professo'r J., of sustaining a pressure of on‘-- 1y two thousand pounds to ihe square inch, being seven thousnnd lmunds less than the weight which ma‘vhle W} l sustain; and thence concludes that, if the_column 'u; curried fidthc Might contémpiuted, it must fieceSsarily crushunder its own weight. The subject is one of munitizst interest, and oughtm 1,9 care ‘fully investigated. ‘ - A s UNFbRTL’NATE FAsuLi'.-Within the lust qulv‘e months the family of Ex—Senntor Km. vcll of Michigan, has been nearly blotted out. The first calamity was the sudden disappear ance of Mrs. Miller, (an only daughter, we believe.) under circumstances the most pain—- ful. Next the sudden death of Mr. Nowell, on his return from a protracted search for his daughter. A few (laya since a. son dicdrnt Sammgn. A short but sad history of n {lupi- Iy which a few months ago saw nought in the future but the brighest promises of hope. It has been pret’ty satisfactorily a