taito)ts o,altsts, limy, mon. , 2::1752?‘ '........ , 1— L: Cw. Wisconsin. which him for ' given a strongßepubiican majority, my”; elected the en tire Democratic filcket by nearly three hundred majority. “Brick Pompmy" must have been )olly when the returns came in: '7 ' ' - AAoiored man at Cincinnati sued the judge at an election for refusing his vote. _flo claimed ion thousand dollars damn gea, end the Jury gave him one cent, - The Toledo Blade (Republican) saga: ”Univenal suffrage would be m; unmiti gated curse to the country. The negroes pow congregated in the District of Co }nmbia am fully up in tlie average of the man it; We Southern Btatosfhnd how ufiy pm: haying any knowledge of them can you: to put the ballot in their hands, with pa ,fllrthcr’ptcynration, paesc‘s our under mndlnxl’ _ -9 69417 won’t answer whether he is “opened to ne'gro suffrage and equality, - The Hon. Henry J. Réymond, 6f the fiew you; 11mm, believes that “the nu ;lon has done so much for the negro, and At such cost, that it does not feel Justified Just now to do much more ;“ and he is al pogl' PM opinion thiit “there can’t here, noubpthp; the country in tired and dis fillfiM with the entrcxno and extrnvngant ptyle in which the c'laixns of the negro have been pressed." ‘ -- Josh Billings says: “I could never find the meaning 4)! the word ‘collido’ ini Worcester .0! \Vebster; but riding the ptberday on the New Yon; Cehtral nail-i road, I saw it ”n, It isj‘theigttcmpt on rpm; thins to pass each other on n‘slugle‘ track, It I remember correctly, if was a] NEW failure.” ' \ ~ It le‘but a short time sine}: we were. told by the presses of “the Union party," i that then» was no rupture between the: I’mflidcntnnd Republican party, and that i there wu golhgto be none.’ . There seems to be a great deal of trouble in the “Uni py” ranks now. What is the matter '3— Ha! there been a rupture? Will some ’ll] ion" Journal please inform us ? j’flw President recently remarked to #1143.0n oi’ a Union officer that he did+ not consider Clement C.Clay as gulpnbie pa Timid. Stevens and his clnln. » ".-. The moat ‘ extruprdinary instance of patience on record. in modern times, it's Ithut of a Judge, who listened silently for pwogays, while a couple of wordy attor pcys ‘coutendod about the construction of tn; not of the Legislature, and then ended the controversy _by quietly remarking, I‘G‘eéntlemon, me lay—[s Lepgnlcd." m “”1 A mnn‘who had been 15an several weeks in succession fqr getting drunk, poolfy proposed to the Judge that he [should 'mke hlnéay the year at a rédur'ed Tam: —At a railway station an old Indy said to d 'very"p9mpous-Imkiug gentleman who was talking about steam—cfi‘mmupl cation: “Pray, sir, what is steailn ‘.‘” “Slam, ma’nm, is, nh!——steam is, all! 51;! item in steam !” “I knew the chap couldn’t tell ye,” bald n rough-looking _lellovl' sanding by. “But s%“:sz a, buckej. 9! water in a. tremendous perspb ration." ' > 1800. Spring Mllllnory 1866. ' AND FANCY GOODS. A .ISS H. McCBEARY’hu just received e large end beautiful, assortment of new ll ’ . 'Y eney Bootlegs, Grapes, a “ new do. . Melina, my Hats, Buohel, hate; floodl, Ox Frames, ibbone, Nets, Flowers, Pins kc. s‘l“ I figure} nseortment oflLadies’ TOI LB _GOO , consisting. in port. of Embroi dered Fenc; Heed-dresses, Plain (10., Linen ind Thread Luce Collars, Paper «10., Thread act Fancy Combs, Dressing‘doq Hair Brush es, Perfumery, Soaps, Powders, Corsets, Hosie ry, Glover, Linen Handkerchiefs, Hoop SJdna, and “demands. . Theqkful for the liberal patronage sfie has eceiyed in seasons psss, she hopes m receive iroui her lady friends an early cell. wßiouuets bleached and dressed in the best. menuer. Gettysburg, Aprii.3o. lii; fimdklns 'l‘obaccoe. OMBIHINfi NICE! ’ WM. H. BROGUNIEE, at McS/ierryglm, Adams caunly, I’m, glnnuhetnrer mo dlfl'erenp grades of SMOKING V.OBAOCO,whIch cannot be beat. They-ere ild seamleamnt, all the poisonous mite be fig extracted, end yut the fine: is (ally pro. aen ed. ~‘Smokers, give them a. trial, and you will be pleased. , ° ‘ Orders from a distance solicited. rep, go, 1866. t: . . \ . yardage: and Buggies. Xrza c U L P ~ ‘ ‘ M 9 now building a. variety of ooAcH w o R K of the latest and most approved styles, and constructed ofthe Best mnterial, to which they invita the nttemion of buyers. Having built 9111' work with firm can and of material peiected with special reierenca to beauty of style and durability, we can confidently re-; commend the work as unsurpassed by any, pilher in or out of the citiel. All we ask is an inspection oi our work to amino moan in want. of any kind of vehicle, that. this is the place to buy them. ‘ REPAIRING in every branch done at. short potion nnd on rensoniblo terms. Give us a can, at. our Fa‘ctory, near‘ the. garner of Washington and’Ghnmoérsburg guests, Gettysburg. P. J. TATE, ( gar. 19, 1865. ; Po'ndrote! (sixty-u YIABS run run. I) PEYSSON, PHILADELPHIA.—POUD , 1151313, $2O 0C per ton, uken fromtho M: or, loose, or 50 cents per bushel, and $26.00 pa; ton in bags, delivered at Steam boat md Railroad Depots, in Philadelphia..— llaquffl-blyy. Gmy's Ferry Road, above the Amend, .hilgg’q. Depot. Peyason’l Fur-m, GlouceSter, N. J., Woodburynmd. Office—Library Street, No. 420, back of the New Fist OMGo.‘Philndelphh\. Beaters. .‘. ‘ ' FRENCH, RICHARDS A: 00., ' Fourth & Cullowhill Sm, Phihdelphin. Much 5.1865. 311:; Lndles’ Oyster Saloon. [IE udflemgned has the phuure of an , warming to his friends that, in confiec~ lon With his CONFECTIONEBY AND ICE {MBA}! SALQON, he has opened an OYSQER sun. LaOON, yifih I SEPARATE DEPARTXENT FOB LADIES. Ladies and Gentlemen vxsiting this Saloon mm" fiud‘zhe accommodations all they pqnid 'desj‘xe.’ Oysters In“ be sewed up in _fiy Ityte‘alnq iq ggupefio: manner. Call and yes. 1» ’- _ JOHN GBUEL. ‘N0v.6,1865. If “33F LW snack of GOLD AND SHEER WATCHES, 1 mad with especial care but warrantgq good iqo-ktegmfiqgt nosing gnd ior nl9 f _ 'u‘ .. LBE‘VAN’g,‘ L.._£.; ~9pynl§gt§g Bung 939 mm. MORE ‘ G S'D cc DENTS in thg 'Tm‘vnisgmséaahs Gamay 51333930,: If; 1;;qu “010', gm! whamdflfi a, .. . , S~°’Qmenuwgf§§9 9° :: 9n ‘ _ \ 0:43: in hmby given to ll] begsfltud ’l‘- . ration guano hotflngfloremenfiomd vm M preunhd n flu Orphtn’l. Gout. o! Altuu‘couulyJax-conflnwbn nnd allow-nu, on TUESDAY. the 23nd day of HAY. wag, a 10 o’douk, A. 31., viz; 286. m Ind final «cent of J. C. Guinn, Executor of Louis E. Buick, cleansed. 287. The hand final accounc ofLevi Chron ialer, Esq" Mministruéor of Mary Bruugh, deceased. 288. The In account of Punch Coulson, Bxeeumr of me Will 0? John R. mu}, dec’d. ' 289. The account of Henry H. Orncr. Ad miniuruor of Burial 8. Omar, downed. 290. m le final wmnnlol Jonah“ Bow er, Execute: of ch. hut Will and Testament of Joseph Miller, been“. ‘ 291. The amount of Benjamin Chroniuer, Administrntor o! the «Late of Bnmuel Chron ister, deceased. 292. The 1“ account of Job- Wnlhay. Ex ecutor (game 3331 Will and Testament of Ben ry 80:“, Leaf .\lq'nnllen twp.. Adana: co., dec’d. 293. 82ch (mount of EsLher Feeser, Ad ministrntrix of John Feeser, deceased. 294. The in! and final mean: of Josepli Camp, Adminiszrnzor of John Camp, deceasel. 203. The 13: nd final account of Peter M]- ers. (of P.) Administrator of time of Adam A. Myers, deemed. 296. First And final account of Samuel S. Denrllorfl', Adminisunwr 01' David B. P. Qw dorff, de'ceused. ' 297. Second and End mount of Solomon Miller nnd Adam/J. Miner, two of tthxecn can of the lust Willud Testament. of John Miner, deuued. 298. Accountof Henrietta Scbriver, Admin istrntrin 0! Geo. W. Schrivet, deceased. 299, Fint account. of Adam S. Myerl, qu., Admmiurnlor wlch the Will nnnexod, of Dun lel Myers, deceased. 300. The accnnnt. of James Lurch]! 3nd Elizabeth Am rcws, Executor: of the last Will and Testament ofJohn Rhea, deceased. a3Ol. The account a”. A. Gardner, Gnu-dim of Anderson 0. G. Brandon. ‘ 302. The flu: and final account of Michael “yen nnd Eliud Albert, Execnwrs ol the la." will and telmm'ent ofSarah Albert. dec’d. 303. Themccount of John Krnmrine, Exec utoroflhe Will ofJncob Starner, deceased. 3Q4. The first account of Elias Johnt, Execu tor of the Will of John Johns, rlecemmtlf _ - 305. The second account, of Geor'go W. Want: and Snmuel’Swope, Executon ofHem-y Wantz. deceased. ’ ~ 308. First and final account of John‘l‘roslle, Administrator of Jonathan Gilbert, deceased. 307. First and final account of Major Jacob Mi Bollinger Adminiecmtor of the estate of Jacob Lobr, deceased. 2 308. The first and final account of Alexan der Oobeen, Esq., Administrator de bonis non wanna Will enacted of James Major, de~ ceased. 302. The guardianship ufconnt of 'Andrew Iliie,¢Gxx-u-dinn'ot‘~ Jeremiah Stump, minor child of John Slump, deceased, ‘exhibited by Geo. Throne, Administrator oLnid Andrew Rife, deceased. - ' . ‘ 310. Firstnndfinnleecoungof Francis Bream and George Bream, Administrators of Henry Bic-am, deceased. , ‘ 311. The firet account. of Joel B. Dunner. Executor of the estate of Zephaniah Herbert, deceased. ' ‘ ' . SAMUEL LILLY, Register. Begiawr’l Office, Gettysburg,} ' Apnjn 16, 1866. td .. Forwarding Business. CULP & EARNSHAW’S LINE AVING purchased the Warehouse and Can heretofore owned by Samuel Herbst, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will tun e biNE 0F FRElGil‘l‘ CARS from Gettysburg toßailimore everyweek. The] are prepared to convey Freight either‘wty, in anyqunulig’. They will e.ttend,ifdesired,tothe making of purchases in the city. and deliver. ing the goods promptly st Gettysburg. Thoir ears run to the Warehouse of STEVEN SOX A: SONS, 165 North Howard streetjnea; Fronkliu,) Baltimore, where freight w'l be received at any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that they will spare no efl'ort'to accommodate all who may patronize them. < Having purchased the buildings and lot on the Northeast corner of Rnilrond Mid North Washington streets, Gettysburg, their Depot will remain there. Any person having busi ness in the forwardingliue are respectfullyin vited to call. CULP & ‘EABXSHAW. Auz. 7,1865. . - TRICKEOUSEReh WISOTZKEY S Rafe removed their establiehment to the west side of Baltimore etreet, a few doors above the Court-hog“, end nearly opposite the Post office, where they willcontinue busi nole on a Inger scale than ever. slimy: to be had in their season, wifl} Sweet and Irishf’omeos .po.pla Beams. Hmy,aon kc. Also, RAMS, SHOULDERS, AND SIDES, Mackerel and Herring, Butter and Lard, Cheele, WIN] all other articles in this line. Also, Raisins, Almonds, and a general assort ment of Confections. Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Began, Pipes, and a great variety of Notions. ‘ .. i i . They ask cells} convinced that they can a}- wny: sell a cheaZp as :be cheapest. As they run can to the any regularly, their opportu nities for keeping" up their stock are unusually good, and the ptiblic can rely upon getting everything fresh :16 nice. ' BTRIEIKHOUSER B WISOTZKEY. April 9, 1886. tf Flour! Feed! and Groceries!” 'l‘ THE CHEAP STORE ON THE HILL. A lfyou wish to buy any ofshe above grli cles cheaper and better than you can get. them anywhere else, go to the Grocery Smre of the undersigned on the Hill, in Baltimore street, where cytomers can always b'é accommoda ted, nnd’where all are invited to cell and see for themfilves. The public will always find a full‘and choice assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, MO - TOBACCOS, CIGARS, SNUFFS, mm, BA. ABB 888888, BRAC- GLASS-WARE, CHOCKERY-WARE.“ NO TIONS. &C., GOAL'OIL LAMPS. FISH ~. OIL, AND FLOUR AND FEED, ALWAYS 0N HAND. WANTED. —Flour, Corn, Oats, Bptter, Eggs. Bacon, and Potatoes, for which the highest market price will be paid, either in trade or cub. ‘ -. IQ-Being determined to conduct my busi nels in l fair and honorable way, and to sell cheap, I invite all to give me a. call. , WM. E. CULP. April 9, 1868. tf New Goods at Grimes’s. AMES A. GRIMES, in York ski-eel,‘Get ‘ tysbmg, has just received a large lot of new GROCERIES, to, which, having bought for cash, at the latent reduced priées, he is prepared to offer cheaper than they have been sold beta for several years. His Maorhnent ls very full,embmcinz thermost choice articles in his line, to prove which he asks his old cus tomers and the public generally to call and examme for (hemselves. His COFFEES,’TEAS, scams, - ~ . snaps. MOLASSES, mum's, NUTS, co‘nrs'rcuxs. TOBACCOS, SEGARS, &c., km, he in certain will please all who may try them, and he therelore asks purchasers, from town and country, to give them a. trial before bur ing elsewhere. He Aig dstermined not to he .nndersold by Any other calibliahment. His lnrge stock of, FANCY? ARTICLES is kept full by caytam additions, and every thing in tlnt line can a: all times be had good and cheap. Indeeli‘ he flatter: himself that his Store, containing as it does so large 3 Va: riety ofGoodl, all new and in the best condi tion, cannot but be lookei upon as among the moslattracuve in town. By attending closely to business. and selling at mall profits, ha il €895,118 n handsombusiness. and will Ipm no o rt to increase it by giving sagisfaction in .11 cases. [hlm-ch 19,1866. TRY Dr. R. HORNER’S Tonic find‘Altem tive Powders, for 31188158 and CATTLE Prepnwd and told only n his Drug Store. , Janna“ 25. 1864. , . A SUPERIQR utility.“ the heat Louden Dnu EMQ‘A, with or with)!" fatten m for we 6: 9.. man 4‘ ma Register. Notices. Itemovat OYSTERS AND FISH KERS, BUT’DER, EGGS, &c -A L E 0— HEN RY OVEBDEEK 1m Good-x QheapGood-X HIILACE TO GET THEM _ A . ‘*~ W ‘f"" ‘nr 8130733! e hereby inform the “Linn: of York Ind Adams commas, the: ‘we the nuhllshed, n the mutant corner of Centre Square Ind Beltiuore street, HANOVER, formerly occu pied by 0. I. 8 T. 'l'. Wire, 3 Brinch Store, (the principal business houses being located is lew York Ind York, Pn.,) where we will keep as 11l times 3 regulu‘nssonmnt of Dry, Domestic and Fancy GOODS, also, a well se lected assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIHERES, CASSINE’I‘S, COTTINETS and CORDUROYS; China, Glass and gueens-ware, Lndiee’. Misses‘ and Children's 8 0E8; 3130, a nice and full usurtmenc of all kinds 0! CARPET, Floor , Ind Table Oihcloth. ‘ We have also established in rooms ndjoxning ithe Cenlrnl Hotel, a CLOTBWG STORE, i where we will keep constantly on hand A well selected assortment of Heady-made Clothing, of the Meat styles, and a full assortment of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, such on Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes“, on, which we will sell as reduced prices. As our motto is, nod always will be,‘“qnlck sales and small profits," we hope to recelvo I shun of the patronage of town And coun try. Our connection with the large wholesale houses in New York City and York, Pa.,where I” always stored on extensive stock of goods, which we sell inf-wholesale and retail, enables us to supply our old friends and such ‘o{ our new’customers as will give us seen, with the very best. marketable goods, at lower rates than can he purchased anywhere in the Sum. Call And see for yourselves, ‘ ‘ JOS. LEBACH & BRO. Honover, June 26, 1865. 1y ' i Nothné&Confecuons. A WORD TO THE PEOPLE OF TOWN AND , COUNTRY. . HE tublcfibu hams Notion and Confec tionary Store on Carllsle "not, neuly opposite the Railroad Station, Gettysburg, whore he has constantly on hand, CANDIES, NUTS, Figs, Rafi-inn, Lemons. Orafiges, &c., Tobnccos und Began of all kinds} Pocket. Books, Sulpouders‘, Neck Ties, Collars, km; Soap: and Perfumeries; also some GROCE RXES, Sugara', Qofl'ees, Rice, with the diluent kindl of Crackers., Ice-cold MEAD at all times. He invites custom from town and country, aid'uellstot amnll profits. LEWIS STEOUSE. ~ Aug. 7.1865. ly Cumberland Coal: A LARGE Inpply of superior nLAéxsm'ru COAL, now on hand 3: reduced price. This Con] is superior to all other Coal in the United Sfiutea for welding and other blacksmith purposes. For sale by P. HS’YFER, City Coal Yard, Frederick city, Md. June 19, 1865. ly’ , Carriage-making Business. HE war being‘ over, the nndérsignefinve resumedjhe ‘ CARRXAGE-M‘AKING BUSYNESS, at their old stand. MEnsMidle street, GETTYSBURG, where they are again prepared to put up work in the most (ushionable, substantial, and supe rior manner. A lot of new and second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, £20., on hand, which they. will dispose of at The lowest prices ; and all orderl will be supp! ed as promptly and satisfactorily as possible. . WREPAIRING 1‘ done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates. '5 A large!“ of new and olng HARNESS on hand for sale. , ‘— Thankfpl for the liberal patrodnge ,hereto fore enjoyed 5y them. they solicit. and will .eu denvor to deserve a large share in the future. BANNER, & ZXEGLER.‘ July .10, 1865. mt Money Saved Ijsuo‘NEYuADE. casu sysrmr Amman,- \ ' AND rmces REDUCED! The undersigned most respectfully invite their old customers end the public generally to cull and see their Goods at the new prices. We huge - A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, which we have concluded to run oil“ at the lowest pnsible prices. We intend doing what we say; therefore'nll persons desirous ofmukiug money In the easiest way (by saving it in their purchues} will not fail to give us‘s cell, as we ptcmise than they shall not be disap pointed: We are thankful for the past vbry liberal pnttonnge we have received, and trust thot we shall merit a continuation of the same; and near-n: we shall me our best endeavor: to please fill who may (ever us with a call. {Q‘Don’t forget the place. ‘ ‘ BANNER e SHIELDS. Fairfleld, Adams county, Pa: ‘N. B.—We are Agents for Miller's Superjor Family Flour, and Johnson's celebrated Blast ing Powder. {Fat}. 26, 1668. if Bafiroad House”, EAR THE DEPOT. - " ' h ' HANOVER, YORK 00., PA. ' The undersigned would respectfully inform his numerous friends and the public generally, that he has leased the Hotel in Benover, nenr the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah Kohler, and will spare no elort to conduct it in a manner that will give general satisfaction. His table will have the best the markets can afford—his chambers are spacious and com fortable—and he ‘has laid in for his here full stock of choice wines Ind'llqnorl. There is stabling for horses attashéd to the Hotel. It will be his constant endeavor to render the lnllest satisfaction to his guests, making his house as near u home to them as possible.— He asks a share of the public patronage, de termined as he is to deserve ninrge part of it. Remember the Railroad House, near'the De pot, Hanover, Pa. A. P. BAUGSEB. Oct. 2, 1803. tf “ Gettysburg Railroad. HANGE 0F CONNECTIONS—On and af ter Monday, November 20th, 1866, Pos nenger Truins will leave and arrive at Gettys burg, and mnke connections, as follows: FIRST TRAIN 'will leave Gettysburg at 7.45 A. ht, with pusengers for York, Harri:- burg, Philadelphin, Baltimore, and the North and West, arriving at Hanover J nuctien with out change of cars, at 10.25 A. 31., connecting with the Fast Line South on the Northern Cen tre] Railway, and arriving at Baltimore at 12.30 noon. Also connecting with Mail ’l‘rnin from Baltimore north, arriving in Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M. Arrive M Gettysburg 1.10 P. 35., with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Washington. ' SECOND TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 1.20,“ P. 35., arriving at Hanover Junction at 3.15. and connecting with muil train South. Arrive at Baltimore at 5.30 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg at 6.15 P. LL, with passengers from Philadelphia, Harriebmg and the North and ‘West, and also with passengers from Baltimore and Washington by the last line north, which leaves Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Passengers can leave Baltimore ini‘ihe Mail Trein at 9 A. M., and arrive in Gettysburg at 1.10 P. M. Or leave Baltimore in the fast line at 12.10 noon, and arrive in Gettysburg n‘. 6.15 P. M. But‘onn change of cars by the first train, either way, viz: at Hanover Junction. The fast line on the Northern Central will not stop at any local stations, except York, Hano ver Junction and Parkton. Connections cer min. . R. HoCUßDYhPres’t. V Nov. 27, 1865 Cooking Stoves F every variety, including the “Mable Cook," "Royalcgék," “Wnnrly,” “orn~ mental,” “Oriental.” &c. Also, Tin-ware, Sheet-iron-wnre, Hollow-ware. and every va riety of Kitchen Furniture—including a varie ly of Luntrrns. A 450, a. new and much im proved Flour smer, for sale by . C. H. BUEHLER, ‘ Corner of Csrlisle and Railrond 30.5., Feb. 19, 1866. Gettylburg, Pa. CEDAR CAMPHOR FOE use Igiinst. NOTES 1)." CLOTHING.— Beat. In Muntsgem—Efficiencg, Econ °mli impnm "we: odor to the clot en,and Inn to last through twelve months. But; gammy. n. Emma QCEAPXAN, ' g 7, .867. In; . _ fioltoqg Schick Call Ahead! . :wsamaodmumm «“3“ -~ 1250 UMON 11v PRICES! l.anOchK would reapeczmly gay to tho citlunl of Gob fiynburg nd vicinicy, tbs: he in now receiving st his store A Iplaudid STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. Tho stock con-int! in put of Funcy Ind, Staple DRY GOODS. or awry delcription. SILKS, MOZAMBIQUE, CHALLXES, DE LAINES, BOMBAZINES, ALPACCAS, LAWNS, CALICOES, ‘ of all qualities and choiceu styles, vhfch will be lold at PRICES T 0 DEFY COHPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, chkingl, kc. Also, a splendid assortment of RKBBQNS, [Aces and Edgiugs, Umbrellas and Parasols - ~ My stoukof WHITE GOODS will be found {all and complete, and ”customers may rely upon nlwnys getting good good: at the lowest possi ble prices. Gentlemen will find it ti) their advanugo to cull and examine my stock of CLOTHS, GASSIMERES and VESTINGS, at all qualities .And choicest styles. ‘ April 16, was. J. L. SCHICK. New Goods! Large Stock! EROHANT TAILORING. M ‘ JACOBS a; 830. have just received from the cities 3 huge stock or goods for Gentleman’s west, embracing a. variytyof ' _ ' ILELOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, C nets, Janus, km, with many other goods for spring and summer weer. They ere prepared to make up gsrmenu It the ohm-test notice. and in the very best man ner. The Fashions are regularly received, and clothing made in any desired style. They al. ways make malt (its, whilstflwir sewing is sure to be substantial. They ask a. continuance of flue public‘s pi tronsge‘, resolved by good work and modern.“ charges to earn it. , I Gettysburg, April 7, 1862 Hardware &' Groceries. HE subscribers have just returned from 1:": the cities with an immense supply of ARDWARE & GROCERIES, which they ate ofl'ering at thieir old stand in Baltimore street' at. prices to SP“. the times, Our stock consists in pelt oi BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPENTERS TOOLS, , BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, r, ' COACH msnmas SHOE FINDLNGS. . CABINET MAKER’S TOOLS, I HOUSEKEEPER’S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON,&e. GROCERIES OF ALL .KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, km, &c. ‘There is‘no Irticla included in the several departments mentioned above but what can .be bed at. this Store.— Every class of Mechanics can‘he accommodated here with tools and findings,snd Housekeepers can find every article in their line. Give us I can, as we are prepared to sell as low for cash as any house 0 t of the city. I z JOLL B. BANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettys'burg, May 16, 1864. The Great Discovery" F THE AGE.——lnflsmmstory and Chronic O Rheumatism can be cured by using H. L. MILLER’S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining caunties, have testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic sifnc tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepcrs. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pm, dealer'in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stufi‘s, bot tled Oils, . Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, kc., he. .fi-A. D. Bnehler is the Agent in Gettys burg fdr “ H. L. Miller’s Celebrated Rheumatic Mixture." i [Junev3, 1861. tf Cémcter Bemvals. HE nndersigned,bein the authorized person to make removals {EEO Ever Green Ceme‘ tery,hopes that such as contemplate the removal ofthe remains of deceased relatives or friends will avail themselves of this season ofthe year to have it done. Removals made with promptness —terma low, and no effort spared toylease. ' ‘ PETER THORN, March 12,1’60. Keeper of the Cemetery. Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING continues the business , of SALE CRYING, and solicits theeon tinned patronngc of the public: It is his con stmfi. endeavor to give satisfaction. Charges moderate” Residence in Breckinridge street, Gettysburg. ‘ ' P. S.—He is a licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Law 6f the United States.. . Nov. 24, 1882. . ‘Luncuter Book Bindery. EORGE WIANT, ‘ B 0 0K BIND ER, LID BLAIR BOOK lAXUILCTUBIR, LANCASTER, PA Plain and Omnwntal Binding, of qvery dei Icription, executed in the most substantial and Ipproved styles. . _ BIFIR!NCIS E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lunéaatcr County Bank Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank? Samuel Wagner, an., York Bank. William Wagner, an.. York County Bank. 'l'. D. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. PeterMnrtin, an., Proth’y of Lancaster 00., PB Geo. C. Hawthorn, Es ~ Register " “' Geo; Whitson, Esq., aeemdef “ “ April 15, 1861 N oah‘ Walker (2 Co., opormnns, WASHLHQTON BUILDING, 165 m) 16'! Burma“ 81min, » , B A_ L TI 1! 0 R E , keep constantly on hand a large and tell as aoned stock of all kind: of goods at modmga prices. « *‘ They supply arderu for tho fine“ to filel lowest priced articles, either ro'ndy mode or mode to measure, to any pnrt of the country; They keep also an yxtensive stock of FURN-‘ ISHING GOODS, cmhrnclng every article at Gentlemen'a Under-tear. Also, MILITARY 1 CLOTHS and every vanety of Military Trimw mings, Bl well u an assorted stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS. . Baltimore,Feb. 22, 186,4. New Bakery 1 NEWPORT & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, South Washingtoii street, hall square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, P 334 Constantly on hand, the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, he. Per sons wishing fresh Brand will be served every morning, by leaving their name: and residence! at the Bakery. Every efi‘ort made to please Give us a. call! ' [April 20, '63. tf \ Still at Work 1 HE undersigned continues tie ’ CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, 'in all in branches, at his old stand, in East Middle street. Gettysburg. ‘ \NEW WORK ymdn to order, and , a BEPAI B I N G done promptly and at lowest prices. Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS and n SLEIGH for sale. JACOB TROXEL. ,Dec. 7, 1863. ‘ Notice.. OHN HILBERT’S ESTATE.—»Leuen Jen mmenmry on the estate of John Hilbert, late ‘of German] township, Adams county, de ceased, having been granted to the underaign‘ad, residing in Union mwnship, he hereb *givea nofica to all persons indebted to “it? tame" to make immediate payment, and thou having claims Against the same '.O pregent them proper I 1y authenticated for settlement. i JESSE HILBERT, Apri! 13, 1866. St“ Executor Do Yoi Wish O preserve a GOOD likeness of yourself T your ‘children, or your friends? go )1 once to MUMPER’S GALLERY, the best place I: the county to secure first cluspictum. Picture Frame!» GREAT variety of PJCTUAE “LAKES, A with plgin and convex shuns, for “10 q], omer’u Drug and Vnrietv Bkm. {uh 30. 1885. . ~ ‘ ' A. 09mm. n.‘ Mia-math“ _suh‘n‘cs comm hoomuru, Inn 18, 1851. Onlcnl. President—Gear 2 Europe. Vice President—gonad R. Buull. Secretary—D. A. Enabler. , ~ 1 Treuuror—E. G. Fohneetock. ‘ Executive Committee-Robert lccqrdy An- 1 drew Heintzelmsn, Jacob King. - Minimum—George Swope, D. A. Bnehjer, B. Mchrdy, M. Eicheiberger, S. 8.. Bunsell, E. G. Fabneltogk, A. D. Bnehler, B. G. HcOrury, Gettysburg; Jacob King, Strnban town-hip; A. Heinizelman, Franklin; Wm. D. Bimol, New Oxford; Wm:‘B. Wilson, Bendersvflle; H. A. Picking, Simona township ; John Wol ford, Lntimore township; John Picking, East Berlin; Abel T. Wright. Bendenviiie ; Abdiei F. Gitt. New,oxford; Jna. H. Marshall, Hom iitonban tow’ hip; John Uunninghmn, Free dom townshfig John Homer, Mountjoy town- Ihip; Wm. Ron White, Liberty township. WThin Company in limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in operation for ““59 than 15 years, and in that period has made’but one assessment,»boving pnid losses by fire during that period amount ing to $13,088—-$6,769 of which have been paid during the last two yclrs. Any person desiring an, Insurance can npply to any of the } nbovcnnmed Managers for further information. i S'The Executive Committee meets at the oflice of the Company, on the inst Wetlan day in every month, at 2 o’clock, P. M. l Oct. 16, 1865. n Cannon's MARBLE WORK'S out -eut Corner of the Diamond and Bum more street, nearly opposite the Star oflice, GETTYSBUBG, PA. Every delcrlption of work executed in the finest gtyle of the art. , Aprl 17, 1865. M New Warehouse. ' BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 00 000 WANTED.“ thenemein Ind fro3uco House, in Guliale street, adjoin ing Sheadl & Buehler's establishment. The highest. mrket price will Alwayl be pnld in cash for : GRAIN, of all kinds. , _ ‘. FLOUR, SEEDS, to. Ahnyl on bud and [or sale, at. the Imullea! profits, 3 GUANOS, , s ' SALT, FISH. ' '.‘ GROCERIES, km, thlesale 3nd retails? TRYJUSI We shall do our boat to gin satisfacuon in all cases. ' McCURDY t DIEHL. Gettysburg, May 11, 18653. 1y ‘ Great Attraction T BR!NKERHOFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FURNISHING STORE, at the North astCorner 6f the Diamond. The subscriber is copdtautly in receipt of fresh goods {rain the Eastern cities. {His stock of _ READY-MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fashionable styles, and of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and boys.— Gentlemen’s furnishing goods ot‘every descrip tion, Wool lSliirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts 31nd Blerino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery cfevery description Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerchicis, Neck Ties, Grants, Linen and Paper Collars, flirts, Cups, Boots and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks, Valiccs, Carpet Bogs, Clothes and Shoe Brnshes,Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blscking, Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory Go'urhs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, _Violins and Violin Strings, Soaps and Perfumeries, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality ofSegnrs. In fact, his stock embraces everything usually found in a first clue furnishing store: I invite the. attention of all to come and see for themselves, as Inm determined to sell goods lower then any other establishment in the country. Don’t forget the place. Corner of York street and the Diamond. ' JACOB BRINKERHOEF. July 4, 1864. Fresh Arrival. ‘ ATS, cusaoors s SHOES. D cums e co. l havejnst received and opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, for Summer wear, which they'nre selling at very low prices considering the times. The latest styles of Summer Hats and Cups, of every description’ and price. ‘ Boots and Shoes, of édperior make, nnd’w ‘ warranted to fit, always on hand. Work ”made to order and repairing done on shortno ‘tice, by experienced workmen. Also, 9 HARNESS MAKING, carried on 'in all its branches. Persons want ing anything in this line would do well to call. 5 'lQ'Dou’t forget the old stand in Chambers bu_rg street, if you want Bargains. COBEAN k CRAWFORD June 19, 1365 Pianos! Pianos ! lANOBl—The underfiigned would respect fully inform,the public that he can furnish lANOS of the following manufacturers, or those of other make, if desired, at the lowegt possible prices: “ » CHICKERING & SONS. DECKER BROS. HAZLETON BROS. 2 HAINES BROS. GEO. STECK. >2 . A.H. GAHLK tCO. ; STEINWAG & SONS. . ‘ : K WPanicular attention is given to‘tbe le. lection of Pianos; and when I 0 seiectefl, in ud tion to the manufacturer! guarantee, We Phnos are guaranteed byane. , MASON a; HAMLIN ' ~ CABINET ORGANB AND MELODIANS The recent improvements in these instru ments Ire such as to fully warrant saying they are FAR SUPERIOR to any other make. One ofthe beat evidences of their merit is, that gir- improvements are imitaled by other makers. The new style, four atop organ, have n Sub-Bug 3nd Octave Coupiet, making it an instrument‘especinlly adapted to Church and Sabbath Schoorpgrp'oses. DESCRIPTR’E CIRCULARS viii be sent by mail Roberson: desiring tho-In. Pinon tuned regularly. Pianos taken in ex change. PETER BENTZ, No. 30 East Market St.,\¥qu, Pn.’ June 12,1865. 1y \\ Blncksmlthlng. BE undersigned would most respectfully inform the public that. he continues the BLACKSMITHINI} BUSINESS, at his shop, lntely Philip Doersom‘s, adjoining Troxel's paint shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at all times he [um pared to do Blacksmithing work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, kc. That he knows how to do nlljohs oi the kind will nothe questioned By those who have a knowledge of his long experience a: the business. ~Como on with your work, and you will be satisfied when you mkeit Away-and for which he will receive Cash or Counuy Produce. ' AD) ‘ Nor. 20, 1865. tf ADAM HOLTZWORTE John W. Tlpton, ASEIONABLE BARBER, North-east cor ner of the Dilmoud, (next dom- to He lellnn’a 1109.21,) Gettysburg, Pa. where he can_at All times he found ready to attend 113 11l bumnes‘h‘ in his line. He has also excellent as sistance and will ensure satisfaction. Give him a. can. ‘ Dec. 3, 1860. ATTRACTING ATTENTlON.—Theanperior Picmrea' taken. at MUMPER’S SKY LIGHT GALLERY, on We“ Middle EL, are Attncting universal attemion. Goodquges Pronounce them superior to any ever taken in thin place. Call and examine for yourselves. JED. 16.1865. URE SILVER WARE and SILVER PLATED WARE of We very best qumy, a new usortmenfius; received. 0511 and no it. J. BEVAN, ' Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. OLD, SILVER, STEEL, and other -BPEC'I' A C L E S 1 mm: :11 ages, alqu on hand, and fitted to light. I. BEVAN, Opposite the link, Ganylbntg. ADIRS’ DRESS mamas, in c n. L 13°“: ‘.‘ 30555;; W .I’HWPIBU.‘ 1 THE OLD snub. ‘ Ah - [urnmmo xx 1817.] "e unociued with me, in business. my non, thn F- NcCrnry, under the Inn and .ler of D. Hchry t Son. and l desire to All to my chi friends nnd the public generally the! guanine war, the manufacture of Saddler, amen, Collin, to, he: been revived nt the old uttblinhod Ind well known stand on Bal timore street, one square south of the Court 1 Home, Gettysburg, Pa. ‘ Having had an experience of 40 yam in i this establishment, I feel nssnred, that, with renewed attention to business, we can still further merit and receive a full share of pub lic patronage. DAVID McOREABY. With increased ftcililics {or conducting our business, we are better prepared thin ever to satisfy the wants of all those who may need anything in our line. We especially call the snention of Fumers and other: to zhe unperior quality of our ‘ Plain or Quilted Seat‘Side Leathers, Horn Saddles, Illnmea, all kindl, with Plain or Quilted Seat. orwithoutfuteningl no Horn, Housings, ' Plain or Quilted Sell Scolch Collars leather Side Saddles, “ “ gucking; Plain or Fancy Saddle No Seam Calla", Cloths, Best. Welt Harness Col- Wagon Saddles, lara, Riding Bridle-I, of all PawnlLentherCollnrs, kinda, {air or black, shtchedorunatitched " rounded or flat; Bed! Luther thon Hurtingfils, Whipq, 4, 4} and 6 Carringe Harness, all feel bug, nylea, silver or black Plaited Tenn: Whips, mounted, Trotting Whips, Heavy Draft Harness, Ladies' Riding Twigs, Blind Blidles, Whip Lashes, ‘ Girtbl, Horse Blankeu, Orgppgrs, . . h... kc.. kc. . _ , V -.., ..o, In short, everything that pertains to o flrlt class general horse furnishing cstobl'uhment constantly on hand onunde to order prompuy, of the very best. mnerial, and by the most ex erienced workmen in the country, (two hfl rug worked in this establishment for the last thirty years.) We are now msnufocturing an excgllent lot. of Heavy Draft and Harness Collars for those who prefer our own to city made work. Repairing of all kinds done at short notice ond on reasonable terms. All tn cordially inr'ied to call and enmino for themselves, as our work cunno‘ mil to recommend itself. ‘ D. McCREARY a: SON. Feb. 5, 1868. u . L‘ . CHOLERA PREVENTIVE I ' ' x. 13160. L THE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. HIS WONDERFUL REMEDY wn diachr- T cred and introduced about twenty yell" ago by Dr. S. Cheopsua, In} eminenl Egyptian phiacian. . 6 He had longseen and felt the want of some remedy which would strilge M the run of dia eaae, and no prevent much of the suffering which thehumnb inmilywas then compelled to e’udure. The great question we: presented to his mind every day in vivid colors as hemoved n mong the sick and dying, and observed the in efficiency of nearly all the remedies then in use. Thus he was lead to think and experi ment; and after ten years of study and labor. he presented to his fellow man ‘the wonderful Zingnri Bitters. The ed‘tct of this'prepnretion in the prevention and cure of dileuse, wee no marvellous and astonishing, that the most flattering marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. His name was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, Ind ngold medal with the following inscription—Dr. S. Cheopsns, the Public Benefnctor—wu pre sented to him by the Viceroy. The preparation hes been used in several cpidemiceof cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, and with such great success that it has been introduced into nearly all the genernl hospitals ofthe.old world. The old saying that nn ounce oi prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with mer vellons force to cholera. and therefore luy remedy that will protect us against this terri ble disease should be freely'nnd persistently need. All pathologists now agree that the cholera: poison acts on the system through: the blood, and that any combinatihn which note on the excretory organs, and keep: them’in work ing order, must prevent a sntficient accumu lation of the poison to exert its terrible etl'ectl on the organism. This is true not only of cholem, but at nearly all other melodiel, upe cially the different forms of fevers. The Ziugari Bitters isjtist such a remedy u the above conditions require. It nuts on the organs 0! excretion and secretion, keeping np a perfect balance between them. This Bitters is composed entirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ la acted upon and put in tone. Ite taste is pleasant and its efiecte prompt and lasting. Numerous cases' at the fo'lowrng diseues have been cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhoea, Typhoid end Typhu: Fever, Fever, Agna, Ner vous chility, Anaemia, Female Irregulartiel, Dyspepsia. Flotulency, Colic, Scrofuio, to. Price, one dollar per qnnrt bottle. Principal Depot at the Welnut itreet Wharf, Harrisburg, Po. Soldby Druggiste, Hotel-keepers it Grocers. F. RATHER, Sole Proprietor. ‘fi-For sole by Wm. J. Martin, sole Agent for Gettysburg. - April 16,1866. 1y 628. Hoop Skirts. 628. OPKIN‘S “ OWN MAKE," Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, No. 6'28 Arch Street, Phllndelphio.—The most com plete assortment of Ladies’, Misaea’ and Chil dren’s HOOP SKIRTS, in this City ; gotten up expresniy to meet the runs of nun-cuss Tuna; embracing the newest and most desira ble St} [es and Sizes of “Gore Trails," of every length—from 2} to 4 yds. round—2o to 56 Springs, at $2 to $5 00. ‘ Plain Skirts, all lengths, from AM 3 yards round the bottom, at $1 40 to $3 16. Our line of .\liesea’ and Children's SKIRTS, are proverbially beyond all competition, {or variety of styles and sizes—u well as for finish and durability; varying from 8 to 33 inches in length, 6 to 45 Spring: at 35 cents to $2 25. All Skirts of “OUR OWN MAKE,” are War ranted to give satisfaction; but buy none as such, unless they have, f‘Hopkin’s Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 828 Arch Street," Stamped on each Tabl, , Also, constantly on hand, GOOD Sun-rs, Manufactured in New York, and the Eastern States, which we sell at very low Prices. A lot of cheap Skirts—ls springs, 85 cegu; 20 springsfsl 00—25 apriugs,sl 16—.305pringg, $1 25 and 40 springs $1 60. , kSkirta made to Order and Repaired. fink“: CASH. 0n Pawn Om.“ March Mass. 4111 Che -- 3 Tobacco“ “ fELSH, DELLI 'E t 00., at Hanover, Pm. continue If. manufacture of the ditferent kinda of CHEWL ~ TOBACCOS, on elm-gs unle. Theirfncilities rmnnulnctnr ing Ire ample, and with the on men Lent, and best and moat experienced work n n, they cannot fail to turn out Tobaccos of flu mou desirable and popular grades. - Orders from ndisunce solicited, and prompt ly attended to. The merchants of Aden“ county cannot do better than by buying Mm Welsh, Dellone & Co.,‘nt Hanover- Am! 33,3993.” Howard Association, HILA‘DELPHIA, PA.—Diseaaea of the P Urinary and Sexual Systems—new and reliable treatment. Allo the BRIDAL CHAM BER, an Essay of Waning and Instruction, sent in sealed envelopés, free of cbnrge. Ad dresl Dr. “J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, How‘rd Association, No. 2, South mam Street, Phila delphia, Pn. [oa. 2, 1865. 1L 1866. Philadelphia 1866. W A L L P A P s R s. HOWELL k BOURKE, Mlnufncturers of pawn HANGINGS and WINDO SHADES, Comer FOURTsI & MARKET Streets, - PHILADELPHIA.’ N. B. Always in More, a large stock of LINEN & 01L SHADES. March 5,1866. 3n NSURE AG_ ‘5l ACCIDENTS in the TRAVEL“! ~ INSURANCE COKPANY ot. imm-pop. It. hu updd-xp «pm! of wt. million, 1* I pill: surplus on"; ,g mm M dwwlM- ‘ ‘ .. .Y... ,i. m _ , ’ some (:an ;N THE CITY 0? HIV YORK,‘ * , I highly respectshle cltisen, weilklo" to the Mercantile community. 3 DB. JRE. scant I. run an" [.qu nooro: or muslin". Omce N. Y. snd Gsleno Lend Co., No. 28 Nsusu St., N. Y., June i, ’O3- } Dr. J. H. Behenck—Desr Sim—For over fifteen yemi hue been troubled with I see vere cough, and usually two or three times} yes: with more or lels hemorrhage, which to gether, (or thelut few years, has kept me thin in flesh and too weak to do business of my kind without Inflerinx. in August int I bed is very severe hemorrhage, and. according to Mjudgment old good New York phyelelnn, i l was classed as beyond the ranch of medicine, and was advised to be prepared, so hr as property mutters were concerned, to leave this world at short notice. The physician and my good friends) said thst the Srst celdl it must prove fetal. Early in honey i took s. severe cold, and fortunately wolf occupying rooms at No. 32 BOND STREET, directly over your ofiice. ”i think about '.he l6th of Jenner-y 1 procured a bottle of you: Pulmonio Syrup end eommenced taking it freely. My feet and limbs were very much swollen, and All the. symptoms of e speedy desth seemed to locom puny my cold. I sent tor my former physician, and stated to him that l was taking your medi clues, and utter showing them to him, I“ hnviug tasted of them, he, he replied: “You can inke them if you like, they will do you no harm." He said: “You le'now whnt i to“ you lust summer, and l snytho some now, if you have my business to close up, do not put itofl.“ He snid to other friefids that he.“could see no hope {or me,” and my‘ friends and rein— tions concluded my time had come. At this time i wns tnking freely of your medicine,hut had not seen you. The doctor called n few times, and lound me (much to his surprise, he said,) improving, and he could not understand why. My faith was increasing in your medi cincl, andi had it wish to hnve you examine my case, and see what you hnd to my. When you first. came to my room and made the ex nminntion, you gave me but little encourages ment, buton the controry,expiessed sod doubts of my ever being helped out of my than seem ing ditficullles. The second time that you called; finding me still gaining, you gnve me encouragement, saying, ‘tmy symptoms wero , improving; the Pulmonie Syrup, Sea-weed ‘Tonic and Mandrake Pills hod acted like A chermz" My circulation, my cough, my appe tite, nil begun to improve, and i could walk about my room s little. You visited me nesriy every Tuesday, sud found me improv ing, end told me not to go out o! my room un til the first diiy of May. I took no cold while under your treatment, my appetite hecsnio first-rate, and you told me to out everything i wished of n nutritious nature, nod to exercise about the room As much as possible. i lul lowed your advice, and to the surprise of my old physician and frien-ls,i seem much better than i have been {or several years, and breathe better than i ever expected A person could with one long, the left being completely dried up. I feel very grateful to yon,jn.d consider your advice and medicines invaluable. Yours, truly, Dr. Schenek—aDenr Sin—About two years ego I was taken with a very troublesome cough and 3 pain in my breast ; eeven or eight menthe passed ewny_ without my doing anything ior myself. Thenl applieo to I physician, who attended one for about three months without rendering the any service. I ello obtained the novice and treatment ofn physician in one of our hospitals, and also haul the advice and treatment oi two other phyeicieus, but all to no purpose. During this long space of time I was nearly deed; eererul times my iriende came to see me and witness my exit into lhe spirit-world. Imus confined to my bed two months at one time. lily breathing Wu! eh ceediugly short. I_ gave up several times all hope ofgettiug better; and ae regerded getting well, that was entirely out of the question.»- And to think this day i am well and hearty!— I w.” advised by some of my friends to try Dr. Schenck's Medicines. I nocordingly bonglit bottle ni‘ter bottle, until i reached the ninth ; then! found I decided change in my cough for the better. isulrered severely tram palpi. Lotion of the hurt, and two wet-ks after 1 command tnking your medicine this diiflcui. ty sensed. When [first went to Dr. Srhenck’s office it was with difficulty that [could get up into his reception room, l mu so wenk and so HWL‘llEd ; my skin was so nllow as though I had the jaundice; I felt dull, heavy and sleepless. Dr. Schenck, nfter'exnminlng me, snid both my lungs were alfeeted, and gave me but little hope; but his medicines, in about two weeks,‘ took right hold ofme; it seemed to no right through my whole system. The Pulmonio Syrup. Sen-wetd Tonic and Mandrake Pills, all took right hold in the’right place. The Pills brought lway grent quantities of bile and slime; tho Syrup loosened the matter in my lungs, which come all very free; the Sus- Weed Tonic gave me an appetite, and every thing seemed to taste good. To 'show what great power the medicines have in purifying my ay:stem,nnd to show how had [was diseased, beside all the bile thut passed my bowels, and the great quantities of phlegm and matter I expeetornted. I broke ;out all over In large boils, that would continue 3 to gather and run for about six weeks, and l i had at one time over twenty-five boils. lhnre nothing ofthe kind now,and leel like another person altogether. I can safely say thnt l ‘ line not enjoyed such health lor five years as ‘ l do uow,nnd cannot praise you and your med' 'lnes enough. May God abundantly Hashim preserve you, is the sincere desire of one is 0 has been so wanderfully relieved through your ngency‘, nnd‘ilmny one desires 1 to know with regard to the truthfulness at this report, if they willcnll upon nny of my blinds, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden l’lnce, near Thomp‘ son street, below Cadwnlsdcr, Philadelphia, they will be perfectly sntisfied with the valid , ity of the case. Yours, with much respect, MARY SCBNMDT. I The above case, as described, is perfectly correct. I know it to be true. Yours. ’l‘. B. MILLER, ‘ Pastor of Hancock H. E. Church. ,Dr. Schenck will be professionally at his ‘ principal office, No. If) North Sixth street, corner of Commence, Philadelphia, every Sul uadny, from 9 A. 3!. until 4 P. 1L; No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3 ; No. 38 Summer street, Boston, 31:136., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3; and every‘otber Fri. day at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md.- All udvlce free, but for a thorough examine! tion of the lungs with his Reapirometer, $llO charge ll three dollars. Price of the I’ulmonic Syrup nnd Seaweed onc'l‘,l each s'. 50 per bottle, or $7 50 {er half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per b x. For sale by all Druggim and Dealers. In. 12, 1866. lm ’ Agentq Wanted OB OUR NEW ARD BEAUTIFUL WORK, 1n: rmronun loo: or ANEUDOTES AND INCIDENTS OFI‘HE REBELLION: Ila-oh, Patriotic, Political, Romantic, Humor mu and Tragical, Splendhjly fllqagrqted‘giyllover 1100 fine For trim & bénuliful Engraving-4 This work fér genial humor. tgudfl' Pfi‘ho'p tux-Hing lnteréu, and Attractive beauty. “and: peerless nnd alone among all in competllorg. The vsligm Ind Brave Beaded, the Plum €lqu and Dramatic, the ch'y Ind Maflelloug, the Tender and Pathetic. The Roll of. I?an and swrj,Cnmp, Plckelfipy', Scout, Blvounc, .nd siege; Sllnling Surpmu; Wondorful Entries. anon! Word: Ind Duds of Wu. (man, and the whole Panorama. of the WM ll hero thillingly and startlingly portrayed in a. malterly manner, a: once hmorlcnl and to mantic, rendering it the man. ample, brlflinc ‘ and readable book um the In In: called {Ollll. » Diubled olflcen Ind loldierl, tmhnrl. el ergetlc young men, And all in wnnt of profits ble employment, will find thll tho bu: chance to nuke money over yet on'end. Sand for oinnlnu and no our term. Adam: NATIONAL PUBLISHING 09., \ No. 50'! Minor Bmm, Philadelphia», PA. Hl] 7. 1m » 6 6 At EOBNER'B you on yet we § , Medicines, Dye Built, Pump; 0 emu, he. - ' I If ya; Inn ““9le had-C u . lrloéfi 253 nm 3925."; am}: T. S. SHELDON