The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 21, 1866, Image 2

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‘ anrrvsnnc. PAI:
to.” low-t. m In, I.“
run aovsnxon. '
W. thlnk lt safe to anticipate that the
”'9 type upon which the ConPILEn is
W printed will plan ‘ev‘ory one or
our nulhoroun readers. I: in ciau and
{ln um malt. fastidious Could wish, and
will Mainly be grateful to old eyes. V
But whilst it 15 large and beautiful in
the taco, itia “1111110! in the body than
that previously used, the enabling us to
gin new matter; and In a style _more
pleasant. to the sight. ‘
The purchase of mulls: typo for our
Mlna_dcpsrtment has beep rendered
mm by the cncroachmoum which a.
large wdlncrousing influx‘of nd vertlsing
bu made 311 d is still making upon that
depanment. ' Sow, however, we can ac-
commode“ our advertising friends tome
hill um they may dmiro, and yet be
\lblo to give a satisfactory amount 01min
cellaneous reading. Beside saving space
in thlfl way, we gain something by ovoid
lnfl an unnecessary and generally untuste—
‘ .t‘nl display in mlvmtiscmentg—bysetting
Apeci’ui no‘tloes, marriages and deaths, in
lmnllor letter-Land by 11" new argume
mhnt ofitbo title-head of the‘paper. In
the Inttéri very fimrkcd improvement is
phimod. 4
It will be noticed that we have added
the name of our town to the head, making
it. the “ vasnmm COMPILER." This
.ddiiio‘n we hn've long thought of making,
and delayed carrying out the idea. only
because we preferred doing-it at a time
when We could give the paper a general
typographical “brushing up.” Both have
now been amompiishcd, and the reader
will no doubt. as readily appreciate the
one u the other.‘ The grant local propri
ety of this Munich in the title will strike
every one at a glance. ‘
.—. Tire motoriulb with which these im~
movement. are made were procured at
the celebrated Type Foundry of L. J ohn
pon 6: Co., Philadelphia, who, in the fin
ish and beauty of the type manufactured
by them, are not éxcoiied by any similar
, mbiiahment in this or any other coun
try. We take this occasion to thank them
to: lo Mailman-fly filling our orders.
But we have not only procured new
type for the paper. Our Jobbing depart
meht has been much improved. Old nhd
”fashionable typeimve been thrown out;
and the newest and prettiest styles intro
duced in their stead, this materiigliy in
. crossing our faciliiies for executing hund-
Mmely all kinds of work in the printing
line. i ~
- There may be seine wbofilll ander
how printers can “‘nfl‘ord" such outlays—
And this is not. a light one. Our reply to
tho inquiry is that we~ have not yet “af-
fouled” it, but have incurred the risk
,wlth ,lhe flnn trust that when om: delin
quept'patrons see 'what we are doing for
Lhairuusfmtion, they will at once—with
nnt the delay'of a single day—pay us all
ihey oive, with “a yenr’ahead,” amd thus
enable us to meet our obligations with L".
Johnson“; Co. so promptly as not locom
promlse o fiputatlon (if we have any)
for pmmflayment. Shall we ba disap
pointed Tithls controlling hope '.’
-. Wo~ line reason to bo tlmnkfuf for
tho'patronage enjoyed during the nearly
Lwenty~one years In which the CoxPLL'ER
has been publlghed by us, and to all who
have contributml to its pmsperity we here
and now express our sincere Acknowledg
ments. We have tried todeserve it, and
will’atrlvo by foltleulness nndearnsstness
in our calling to merit a “2‘ dlminlshedv
share ln'flm future. .
Democrats of Adams, you 81m help us
nail the “GOOD ow CAUSE” at the sumo
nine. Though ~lax-g ‘ our circulation
should be increased, within can host and
most spogdily be done 'every Democrat
WWlngvjimsclf a commibteo to pro
cure and send 113' new subscribers, not
forgetting, of course, the last of the “gol
denrulos," ADVALVCE. panama Alinlo
Lndf'ltlml efl’ort will do It; but lt should
be don!) at once. “Dabys are dangerous. ”
. ‘omnxuxuox.
Thom novel-was a time when the Dem
nomcy of Pennsylvania needed more
thorbugh orgnnliation than now. The
Chairman afthe Democratic State Oom-
mlttee is ngentletnan of great ability and .
Indonhlhbie industry, and is doing all in ;
his power to marshal the'whole Demo
cutie and Qonservative army into line. !
Weegm with the Age that perhaps no:
one could brfound in,th_e State who is:
more comfieterit to direct the business he :
hu_undortaken than Mr. Wallace, and}
we leel confident that nothing will be
left undone by him to secure the object,
”.much to be desired. But there is‘
something more needed than vigoa: and
«upwlty on the mrt ’or the Chairman.
There must gelicirty eta-operation among
themassesJ The people must work in
their 6wn immediate localities. Evéi-y
min must. consider himself enlisted for
“$5O campaigfi‘from this day until, the
battle has been fought in October next.
’ Are 9“): friends awake to~the importance
of complete organization ‘2 If the‘msssea
muse themselves and do their duty in
the pending contest, the Disunionists,
with Gear)’ at their head, will be'swept
like chaff before the wind in the October
gain which is to overwhelm the Rumps
with utter destruction. '
”Thirteen of the most prominent 1
Damoorata of Somerset publish} card in
the ngocrat, in which they present the
mum: of J. McDowell Sharpe, Esq, of
Franklin. for Congress. The editor en
dorsealtho‘movemcnt, and says that Sam
anet having had four years, ought not to
pk the next nomination.
In the same paper a card appears sn
nouncing Hon. A. H. Cofl‘roth for re~
3.11384 0017. Swnnn’s letter} on our
an: page, It is a very lugs bombshell
Mull-11h the Radical camp. He in
NW gm: Pro-idem Johnson and the
white me.
33°50“ Bradford has also published a
card, “which be any: that his name w“
”W as a 396mmi {or the Hagen.
Imm muclugfwkg‘ut Mriq."
~-.~ . -W-T..+ . .
#lsch fiQfiQ Was elected at.
Muhammad, 1..-u work“. '
_ urn-n vmt . ‘ ‘
’ Prudent Johnson has vetoed theColo
redo bUL He takes the ground thlt the
‘ erection of Colon-‘0 . a film» is at‘preo
‘ent nnneeessnrj rot the'weifue of an
lpeople, nor ls it cleu'ly established that
{the majority desire or aye preperod to?
! such I change- Tho populithnh lnsuf
ificlent and has diminished rather than
uncresscd. In addition to these and oth
‘or 'reuona, the President says caution
lshouldvbe exercised in the admission of
i’uew States, especially as eleven of the
Stalemate now without representation,
end all should be consulted in deciding
' who shall become members of the Union.
l Presiilent Johnson deserves the thanks
' of the whole country for the stand he has
"so mani'ully taken against the unconsti
tutional schemes of the Radicals. But
for him, they would soon change the
‘- Chane-ber of our institutionsyglving us a
.eentml despotism instead of the benefi
lcent gow‘ernment framed by the fathers
of the Rat‘olution. It ls the duty of pa
ltrioth’sm to stand by hlmin thls trying
emergency. ‘ '
38030 lUWKAGE.
l The Homer“ Washington, on Tues
ldny, passed a bill to amend the orgnnlo‘
l nets of the Territoriesof Nebraska, Colom
' do,Dacotu:, Montana, Washington, Idaho,
lArizona, Utah and New Mexico, the
l ninth section or which provides: ‘
i That within the Territories aforesaid
their shall be no denial of the elective
franchise to.citizens or the United States
because of race or color, and all xenon:
’shnll be equal before the law. nd all
‘ acts or parts of acts, either of Congress or
'1 of the legislative amemblies of the Terri
l tories aforesaid inconsistent with the pro
visions of this act, are hereby declared null
and void.
l The bill was pussgd-b)‘ a strict party vow.
: The Democrats reamed it, of course, but,
, were not strongenougb’mdcfcat it. The
1 ch‘ubficans by then-votes on thlsmeasure
Lssmml committed in fqvor of negro suf
‘ (rage. ,
pnnnmus's numu.
The following extract from n lettexf re
‘ceived by the editor of the .Wbrldz, from
an old New-Yorker; now residing in
Little Rock, Arkansas, is worth reading
by those who have seen with What a fine
coating of philanthropy the Freedman’s
Bureau ”people cover their swindle:
“Sub-agencies of {he Freednmu’s Bu
reau are considered wqrth more than the
President’s salary. But few, if guy of
the planters can get hands, unless thex
subsidize the gofi'emmeut agents in some
way—either as silent partners, or a per
centage on th‘fi profits of the crop. An
honest, stralg tronvngd- nmn stands no
chance it‘o get help. borne agents are re
ported to be Interested in‘flve to twenty
cotton plantations. ‘
“ If the government will send a detec
tive through this State, revelations will
be made to astonish the public.” :9
karma disfinionists are terribly an- Ila-There is & Senatorial “bitch” ’in
noyed at the course pursued by Senator ' the Connecticut Legislature: The Ra.
Cowun. VWhy do they put such men ln-l; 0313 in caucus nominated Gen-Terry ’
w pasltiou? There is Johnson, Cowan, , SenatorFostcr; butwhenitcameto
Doolittle, Dixon, Seward, Welles, anda three Foste; men in the Senaxe
has: of others, in and out of the Cabinet: the Democrats against going =*
and Congress, who are all the same. Not— ' “011,133“ was postpqned ’
withstanding their‘zmger at these men, I The icfllfi at ‘Va-Shm?’
they-”now _nre supporting a. man for Gov- ‘ 81’3ny ‘exoitod about-tm
ernor, who less than a year ago declared ’
himself a “Democrat without perfix or
nfllx." ‘
The Democrats do not want Geary w
cause he is not fit for Governor, and Be
cause like a weather cock he always
shapes himself to the wmd, without much
regard to principle. . h
u " Hon. LewisD. Cempbell was
33" The F“ M" 9‘1"", the en- ' Be} )3‘ Marge numberof his fellow
terprlsingl X nnkee stunionlst who cl on‘ Wednesday night. 'He nude
squatted in Ventmgo county a few years , my speech, in whi'ch'he denounced
ago and‘ 30°“. persuadexl the gullible? chh‘ls and declared his firm andl
Pennsylvwm ‘of that. “PM” to elect. determined supportof PrealdentJohnson
him to Congress, has played a sharp game : and his policy.
on Ithe Méadvme College. He donated‘ A ..---.u'....‘__
to It a; piece of land and erected thereonf} 36-83 mm: Cresswell,ofMaryland,one
a Cbllego building that cost $50,000. 4)! the violent Disunion mallgniarsiof the
Greateful for apparent generosity the ln- [President, was the'author of the esolu
stltntion g 2: only gave him its influence ' tions of secession passed at Elkton {in 1861.
for Congr , but also invested $30,000 of _lt seems he still manegestobe conflstent
its funds in one ofhis Banks. Unfortun- in dlsunlan. His Prescnttallles w thhis
ately the “Hon. Mr. Culv—er " forget to '
transfer the title to the College property,
which now appears among hls assets,
whilst. the thirty thousend dollar deposit
may be reckoned a deadxloss.
. Meow-4‘:—
81‘ e Mllwa’ukie (Wis) Herald.
states a latte issue, that at th late City
elect! n‘held on the 3d of Aprirht, three I
negroes were allowed to vote, an that
the Deputy Sheriffof the county {9l w-E
ed them to the polls and obtained the '
names for the J my list he was preparing;
on the ground that, .by a single exercise
of the elective franchise, they ‘becume
full citizens of the State unde‘ntitled to
the rlght’of serving on the Jury. They
were accordingly served with notices and
Liipeared at the .next court among the
“white trash,” but the indignation of
some of the other jurytnen (Republicans, ‘
too) was so great, that the Judge of the
Court was cempelled to inform the
“da’rks,” that they were. excused from
further nttendxmce at Court); although,
it is stated. that they were enrolléd us
Jurors by the Sher-111' at the instance of
the Judge himself, i
mThe Washington correspondent of
the Boston Traveller (Republican) says:
If all the Republican Senators would show
the disposition that is exhibited by
Messrs. Wilson, Feesenden and Sherman,
=there would be no trouble in preparing
an issue for the autumnal canvass which
would carry the country. But the pros
pebt at prefient for such a result is very
'poor indeed. The House will agree to
something, but the Senate probably will
not. \Ve shall soon be able to see. The
prospect is dark. If Congress ndjoums
without doing anything‘it is plain that
the President will carry the next House.
Yet some of the insane extremists in
Congress urge a (10-nothing policy. It is
precisely what the President wants, and
he shows his sngoclty in it. He hasa
policy; so for Congress has not, If he
can keep Congress in this attitude before
the country he is safe. _
fi-The bencheo of the Rump Congress 1
{no beginning to iook slim. Many of the ,
members have gone home temporarily,
and if he session is prolonged 1; will be
difficult to keep I quorum together. It.
is the hope of all good citizens that this
igcongmous gathering $31,! get through
as soon as possible. It‘ does mischief
evil-y day it sits. Let it hurry,througb
the yroposed reduction of’taxatlon; we
are all in {war of mm; and then adjourn
to, await the verdict of _the people at the
{all obetlom on tho various topics rinsed.
Ilnco 1m 'Doecmbor; ix;
, .
I!“ ”I’. mm.
It In the bonnden duty of every alumni
flung under altepubllcnn km of govern»
mantwexmnenll public quutions, md
to row and act as ho thinksthe best In.
tents of his country demlhd. He II
crhnlually negligent who refines to set In
accordnnoe with his honest conviction of
right, tad before acting he is Mind to in
form himself in regard to the questions
at issue. There is no excuse in thigdcmm
try for ignorance. All men may inform
themselves if they will, In the news
papers of the day every great question is
no fully discussed that 130 men wh'o‘can
‘ rend need be left in doubt as to his duty.
The great trouble is that party prejudice
‘preventa many from reading more than
bne olde. I! such people could realize
’the utter silliness of their conduct, they
.oould not help being heartily ashamed
of it.
In the-pending political contest in this
State the Democratic party make to be
heard. If It can secure the ear of the
masses it is sure of a glorious triumph.
The great principles which it advocates
m ”Immutable as- truth itself. Its‘can
dldnte {o'r Govemor ls one of the purest
and most-upright statesmen of his ‘day.
Will ihe peoplehear both sides in the
presem cgmpalgn? We believe they
will; The times are such as to create a
wllllngness to listen to ai'gugnent." Be
lieving thisj'e regard the defeat ofGeary,
who is the representative of the radlcal
dlsunlonlsts in Congrese, as a foregone
concluslon. Nofight txnking‘mnn can
votegfor him. All we 1: ls that every
vote? shall bear both sides. ' ‘
01.0310!!- vufironr x 4
? —— ’ ’ ~
'l‘lge Democrotlc victory at Qfilpey,‘llll
nolaé turns out to have been greater thou
the telegraph reported it. A letter from
there says: ‘ Z , '
“ We have elected our entire ticket, from
Alpha to Omega, by the overwhelming
majority of 9U9—a gain of nearly 1,000
votes in the short space of six months.—
The Republican nominee for M 1?“ was
ex-Gov-ex-Coi. John Wood, un oubted
ly the ‘stron¥est man in their ranks.—
'lbe city is al ve with enéhusiasm over the
result. Flags are 11611 ing from every
quarter. One hundred guns have been
fired, and a grand torch light procession
and illumination in honor of our victory
will take place soon.” ‘ ‘I
WThe some men who, ten years ago,
joined oath-bound secret societles for the
purpose of ostracislng those whom they
called ‘fthe dirty Dutch and ignorant
whisky Irjsh,” are now foremost in do~
mnnding that tho stupidly ignorant ne
groes must be allowed toflmfie.‘ Those
fellows pretendedto be virtuonsly con
scientious then and afl’eét to be so now;
but,'like Thad Ste‘vens in 1863, they long
ago resolved to “ throwoonscience to the
-devil”+—lf ever they had any to throw.
.1}: for treason
. been found in
A 1: at Narmlk. It-r‘
3: Justice Chfiso wflll
; try him, whilst it 'is i,
nxious for trial. ;. 1
_EEA bill of ind)
against Jefl‘. Duvi'
J udgq UnderwooJ
is thought that
not be in a. '
said that D:
such fi-om Hamilton; Ohio,
IG‘The Wuhington correspon mm of
the Detroit Free Press says that Ingjersoll,
Dlsunionlst, of Illinois, was drunkwhen
he made his abusive speech on Prdsldent
Johnson. What an immensity of black
guardlsm poor whiskey has to finger!
Death by Slarvatiqn.-A-young lady
nsmed Klinefelter, residing in fiifliin
township, Cumberland county, (11 ‘ late
? of volunta? starvation, having fpr 12
\ nys and nig ts refused to taste food.—
Cguae, disappointment in marriage.
_-—-. The Morence (Alabamaflournal m
orts that while negro troops were passing
By tail they bphaved in :Ith outrageous
manner, firing guns and exhibiting other
barbarous conduct. Mrs. Oswald Kin g,
while standing at her door, was shot in the
hand and arm. ~
-—— Captain A. Catenhfilones, formerly
lieutenant in the United States navy, and
during the late war captain in the con
federate naval service, has been appointed
by the Peruvian government chie of ord
nance in the navy of that; country.
- Mrs, Davis is still at Fortress Mon
roe. No limit is placed upon the length
other visit, but she is restricted in hereon
versation with her husband to the hours
between reveille and sunset.
- Charles R. Hollenbeck, one of the
most respected citizens of Hudson, N. Y.,
committed suicide by hanging himself,
lately. ‘
- A netsteamxwagon for common
roads has just beenatried at Quincy, 111.,
the papers say,with Qir promise of success.
_MA ddisastrous fir‘é tfawn-ed in Boston
on on ayevcninv estro in to ert '
to the amout of $O3lOOO. y g p p l
- Richard H. Rousseau, of Kentucky,
has bqen confirmed as Ministgr Resident
at Honduras. 3
The body of the lamented Preston
King, Fate Collector of Custéme for the
port of New York, was found floating In
the Atlantic basin early on Monday mor
ning. and identified beyond doubt.
- A magnificent horse has arrived'in
W‘ushington. as a present from the Mexi
can Gen. Connie! to Gen. Grant.
—— This springing}; been the driest, ex
cepting that of 1885, for thirty?Y years.—
The average fall of mink: Apri has been
4} inches; this year it has been less than
1 inch.
J;- Mrs. John Libby, of Bradford, Mas
sachusetts, sewed five hundred dollars in
to hem- dress on Monday, and went to Bes
tonito invest it, but somebodyxetole it all
from heraeshe was riding in a horse our.
q-AGenersie Steadmnn and Fullerton, in
then ram-t of afihirs, in Virginia and
North‘ rolina, censure the conduct of
the Fmdmen’e Bureau agents.’ in those
suites, and recommend their removal.
? -—, St: ms were burned tomcat]: at
a. fire in fiew Orleans on Saturdhy night,
I -; 0 Mexican Won II: ‘ ‘uhmy
', ton a}? that Santa. Anus, who A . . arm'-
Od a! ‘ow’York, in a Punch 3,
TOWN AND comm! Afimas.
OUR OUTSIDE—IImg. pinging mulch:
“The Bells otsmdm,"&nounmw,
k changing. The mtqbutlon 0n Lime
8 well written, and confining mn'py Valu
able thoughts; The and of Gov. Swum
is “elegantflg consideringthe antecedents
of the writei; whilst the letter of Hicster
Clymer in the trunk and manly avownl
of an honest and undid man. Political
and other items on‘tbe fourth pagea ‘
anon. A. J. Glossbrenmzr and Hon.
A. H. Cofl'roth, o! thejouse at Washing‘
ton, have our thank or Congressional
favors. * .
despatch was received here, on Fridfif
whichannquncedtbatGeorgeChritzm ,
(son of Cap? Henry .ChritzmanJa brakes
man on (up Nonhém Central Railroad.
waslnatanély killerffthat morning,“ Barf
risburg, flilst undéupling cars. His re
mains will arrive herd today for inter
ment. 5
Tm: NEW Lxcnxs‘n LAM—The Harris
burg Telegraph says that the bill chan
ging the; mode of granting licenses to roa
murants, which we published a few weeks.
ago, failed to pass the Senate, and did not.
become a law.
BARN Eurasia—The hum of Mr. John
Dubs, on the Carlisle Turnpike. 1} miles
west of Hanover. was destroyed by fire
on Thursday evening, with a quantity of
hay,some farming implements, and a calf.
The fire is supposed to have occurred in
some accidental way. Mr. Dubs is near~
13‘ or quite fully insured. ‘
Moxvxzxr MEmNG.——Don’f target
thngn Eamrday fiext, the 26th, 3 meet
ing f Officers and soldiers, and others,
throughout the county, will be held at
tho Court-house, to inaugurate steps for.
the erection 6! a monument to our de-‘
ceased soldiers, in the‘Public Square of
this place. The object should secure a
large attendance, and we have no doubt;
will. The meeting will commence at
o’clock in the forenoan
RAILROAD ELEp'mox.-At an
held by the stockholders of the
Branch Railroad Company, '
{or officers to control the
rqad for the ensuing yc
gentlemen were elected
A‘lthofl‘, Hem-j
Jpseph Dellor
_..'iday, to ‘the Hhrman
Hampton, in thifl chunty,
mg {email is now in pnpgross.
.p, wholis' managing the bpera
.lormed us that a depth of fifty-five
ad been reached, whicli he looked
paid a v?
farm, '
JD. as slow work, resulting from the
extraordinary stubbornness of the granite
rock which met him almost otthe begin
ning. He is working two sets of hands,"
(day and night,) and does expect to find
, oil. Thejob is too expensive to be under
taken merely “for the fun oflthe thing.”
‘ We understand'that parties at New OK
| ford, in connection with Major Dyke,
, have concludeda lease with Mr. Nicholas
* Heitzel, on the ’York Turnpilge, about
§sevenlmiles cast of Gettysburg, with a
View of boring for oil there, The {surface
indications'ure said to be the bestiln the
'eounty. , ‘ 3
‘ consid-
1 Tun lonesrmn.—-At gt meet”, at
the Court-house, on Thurfiday eß‘éning
week, the following thirteen ladies and
thirteen gentlemen more. appointed a
Home Board for the Orphans’ Homestead
about to be established here : Mrs. Rev.
Dr. Krauph, Mrs. Dr. Robert Homer,
Mrs. D. A. Buehler,‘ Mrs. Bév. Dr. Bough
er, Mrs. J oh‘n S. Crawford, Mrs. D. Wills,
Mrs. John Culp, Erafigv. Breidenbaugh,
Mrs. R. G. Harper," Mrs. W. Al Duncan,
. Mrs. Sarah Mouton, Miss Annie Danner,
'and Miss Margaret Doerspm [PI-of. F. A.
Muhlenberg, Rev. D. T. Carnahan, A. D.
'Buehler, Esq, R. G. McCrenry, Esq., J.
L. Schick, Rev. Dr. C. A. Hay, H. J.
~Fahnestock, John~ Winebrenner, Chas.
J. Tyson, Wm. C. Stallsmith, Emamlel
,Bushman, John Rupp, anq‘D. McCon
.aughy. *
“ Acnoss :rm: LIND.”—-About the mid
dle of April, Wm. Reynolds and Temple
ton Little were arrested in this county,
for stealing homes near Mnrtineburg, Va.
They were lodged in jail here, and on
Wednesday Inst Sheriff John W. Pitzer,
of Berkely cennty, took them “across the
line,” on aréqnisitlon from the Governor.
John Wade, charged with the same of
fence, was arrested at Harrisburg. about
two weeks ago, byoflker Bauer, and 31-
so lodged in our jail, but the fact not hav
ing been known to the authorities of
Berkely county, his unme'wns not em
braced in the requisition: Bherifi‘Pitzer
expects to return for him on' another
requisition. The horses were recovered
and taken beck'to Virginia'soon after the
flrstarreatnwerfemade. ' v‘ _
DEATH OF "nit: LAST Sunvrvoaor THE
WYOMING Magenta—A correspondent
of the Baltimore‘ Sun, In a letter dated
York Springs, May 12th, says:
, The death took place yesterday of
iSamuel Kennedy, near York Spr ngs,
Adams eountyLPm, in the 93d year of
is age. He was the last survivor ofthe
\Vyomingmussaere. Hlsmotherbmu ,ht
iim way when five years old, in her
I ' ht from that inhuman slaughter. She
, w her son Samuel, settled in Menallen
,towrnhip, then York, andnow ‘Adams
,county, where he has resided until his
' death, surrounded by his children,gmnd
.nd great grandchildren, a respected citi
izen, without. an enemy, beloved bv all
who line“; him. His father, John Ken
nedy, with his two brothers, Samuel and
'Thomns, settled in the Wyoming settle
ment some time before its destruction by
Ithe Indians. Samuel was killed, and
, his wife and gix children taken prisoners
and never heard of after the massacre,
but John’s wife and three children, the
eldest being the' boy Samuel, just de~
l ceased, after hiding in a. wheat field sur
rounded bi Indiana all night, finally cs
icaped. Jo n was absent at the time,
[ having gone to Penn’s Valley to assist in
guarding the people there from the
’ ndiane. Two of his wife’s brothers
were killed in' the massacre. The other
Kennedy (TRbmas) was a single meant
,the time, and was nnian-ed. The de
ceased was born the 6th eeember, 1773,
fin Northumberland county, Pa.
36-12“. Adam Long, 3 graduate of the
College and the Seminary, sowall known
to many of our citizens, died an India, on
the sth of March. He leaves 3 wife and
three children.
3MI: annuals. Hersh, onork,'sold
his pair of match bones, Int week, to t
gauflcmln In Baltimore, for tho nun o!
swoon hundredflonnn,
BAnmxpx Anvnnmixaw-PJJ‘. fin !
num, tha’g‘reat showman, in tho autom-l
‘mpfly "hidl‘ he gave to the world,
thawed conclusively that he know one
filling well. He was and still is a. master
lof the art of money-making. Noman in
l the country more completely understands
lthe secrets of business success. He Eld
vertlsed extensively, and coined gold out
of printers’ ink. He ‘nct only advertises
‘ himself, but he patronlzes those who do.
’He says, “‘I never patronize a biisinese
Enmn that don’t advertise, for the reason
.thnt I invariably get cheat/ad if, Ida. The
rpenurlous principle that prevents a man
from keeping his businesfihefore the pub- ‘
i iic, will prevent him from selling cheap." -
lWhat Barnum has noticed any man of‘
{discernment will find tobe true. Inva-"
riabiy the best store to buy at is the one
[which advertises most largely. Keep
youreyes on our advertising columns if :1
i you want bargains. You will find it to
‘ your advantage tobuy of those who adver- 3
{use most liberally. Take ‘our word for
' that and you will be sure to save money. .
PATENT Issuan—lnv glancing over the
list of, patents issued from the United
States Patelit Oflice for the week ending
May 1, 1866, We find the followingz—Jo—
seph Martin, ofNew Oxford, for Improve
ment in gates.
3.0!: Satmday night week at attempt
was m'ade to burn the Second Presbyteri
a‘n Church at Cnrlisle, but the fire was
discovered before much damage was done.
The people of that place are in constant
fear of arson and robbery. ,
A wa 'osl‘msxox.
we find the knowing in a Republican
“ Senator A fog-rill introducoe yesterday
a bill to r * enl the city charte s of‘Vush
ingmnuli Georgetpwn. .Thikig intended
to take he place of negro mirage. The
radix: s have abandoned the suffrage
sch 6, it is said, at the solicitation of
«t ' members of the'House who are afraid
(; go before flzepeople next fall upon such
an issue.” '
Here stands confessed wgat we have'
repeatedly charged—that t e Disunion
lsts would resort to" tricks and subterfuszes
to secure negro suffrage, when fearful of
the verdict or wrath of the people. The
people can rely qun it, however, that
whether it be ma 8 paramount or subpr
dinate, negro suffrage will continue to
command he thoughts by day and
dreams by flirrht of the Whole circle of
Disunion l atfers. It is their only hope
{or the future. \Vithout it their power is
gone—their shaggy mam-s, their claws
and their terrible roar will all page away.
Hence, when they findtas they have
found, that the people are ofiposed to it,
they are attempting to “sun 'e ” it.upon
them. Let the people beware—Patriot
& Union. ' ' "i _
_. 10! the
'hout oppOSi-
W. Eichel erger.
: Jenkins, oseph
rt, Reuben oung,
'id \Vortz. E
-—-——-—4 - O————- l
Amen-Icm: Mnn-faciures—the Ameflcnn
“'nleh Co. a! Wanton, Km. 1 ’
Every one knows that the mechanism
of the best manufactories of this country
is unequalled in any other part of the
world. The genius of American mechan
ics produced the cotton-gin, the mechan
ical reaper and mower the sewing ma
chine, and last but not the least, the won
derful machinery of the American Watch
Company of Waltham. This Company
was established in 1350, and has grown
in proportions which entitle it to a first
rank among the manufacturing enterpri
zes of the New World. It employs be—
tween 9’oo and 1,000 nrtiznns o su erior
skill and character, and :1 large amPthri
ving town has grown up in its vicinity.
The factory covers over three acre’s of
ground, and as an illustration of its ex
tent, we mnv mention that it is supplied
with more than 6:) miles of iron pipes and
produm an aggregate of near y 75,000
watches per annum. The founders of
this Company believed that the same del
icate- mechanical processes which had
Produced such remarkablyiperfect resnlts
n larger machines; migifi he applied with
even greater advantage to tile produption
of the watch. The ibreig'n time-pieces
are made principully by mum, and except.
when of hirvh cast, an imperfect article,
often out of repair. and of little value, in
the result. Abroad, these mysterious and
infinitesimal organs whichfivhcn aggre—
glated, produce the watch are the fruit of
sow and toilsome 11111111 an processes. In
the results, there mustol' course be lack
of that perfect uniformity which is indis
pensable for correct time-keeping. The
constituent parts of the¢mericnn watch,
on the other hand, are ashioned by‘the
most delicate and accurate machinexé~
\Vheels,. pinions, springs, screws, w
lutely nmform in Weight, circumference,
dimensions, and in every possible partic—
ular, are turned out in myrinds by unerr.
ing fingers ofsteel, and their proper com
bination and adj ustment by skillful work
men have given the Companf its high
reputation. Its watches no on yfo with
the trade and go in the Rockets o 20iwoa
people, but they go rig t and go every
an is reportpd that, Secretary Stan
ton will take an early opportunity of mar
ding-a speech endorsing President John:
son’s policy of restoration, and denounc
ing that of Congress. ‘ ,
The Removal of Poatmactera.-There
are some twent ' thousand postmasterein
the United Stages, of whom but eight or
nine hundred ,require confirmation by
the Senate. There are to be vigorous re
movals amongAth 056 who are denounc
lng the admimstration. Their dismissals
are being made out at the Post‘Ofiice De
partment. ‘
To be Arrested—The ,Presiitént has is
sued an order directing the arrest of all
officers of the Freedmen’s Bureau inter
ested, directly or indirectly, in thawin
vation of farms in the Southern States,—
Good! very good!
mm is believed by well~inform ed
members ofeach House that no bill limit
ing or abridging the President’s power of
appointment to office will be passed this
session. Considerable reaction on the
subject has taken place within the past
week. The general opposition from all
parts of the cuuntryto the perpetration of
such an outrage, for mere political purpo<
scs, is having its weight even with the
present lawless Congress.
“ Still Ear-ping on My Daughler.”—-‘-A
special telc%ram to the Press last week
made the f 0 lowing harrowing announce
ment: ‘ _
It is generally believed here that there
is shortly to be a. large decapitation of
gostmasters who are in mical to the Presi
grfii‘g policy. Your State will hear more
o 15.
, Horses Killed by Lightning.——Durin;ia
recent thunder storm, the barn or n r.
Emanuel Throne, in Frankford township,
Cumberland county. was struck by light
ning and two valuable horses were lulled.
Theiram wag not materially injured.
mem a carriage containing six ne
gfroes, was passing through the streets at
emphis on the th inst" two days after
the mots, one of the occupants drew a pm:
ml and fired at the captain of an engine
oomimny standing on the sidewalk,
bare y misainghis head.
fiHem-y Ward Beecher compares the
Dtsumonists in Contress to monkeys in
a ooooanut trace-genius the Premdent at
a safe distance. Inn’s hard on the man
wWenden Philllfs theold Abonuon
mand npudhgpr o .1319 Nation-l dbbt,
we? bomyrto Whom uni:
use .
AlrittreutirAurr cAsz.
An important case hns f)lust been accl
ded in Wayne County int isstate. Pre
vious to the October election of last year,
the Radical patgers announced that else-i
tion ofllcers roughout the Common
wealth wens bound to reject the votes of:
all persons who had failed to respond to ‘
drafts during the war. Under this state
of circumstances, the District Attorney
of \Vuync County prepared an opinion in
response to questions propounded to him
by officers of the election, in which he
set forth theirduties u's clearly defined by ‘
the laws of Pennsylvania. and gave due
notice thatnll violations of said law would
be prosecuted. This opinion and notice
were forwarded to the several election
districts of the county. They failed, '
.however, to much some of the more re-‘
mote townships, and in two of then; the
Notes of alleged deserters were rejected,‘
and the individuals thus deprived of their
rights instituted suits against the offend-l
1 parties.
: nghe case came up for determination,
:during the present term of thc Court, and;
Judge Barrett chnrfed the jury inthe:
gmost emphatic am unmistakable lun-|
gunge us to the law bearing ugon the'
oint at issue. He pronounccdt c act of
Igongress disfranch’ising so—enlled descr-i
ters nulla’void, and distinctly gave it‘[
as his opinion that the funnies so designa
ted were as much entit ed to a vote as the ‘
judges and inspectorsof elections them-r
selves. This he declared to be the law ofl
Ithe land in Wayne county until reversed!
‘by a Superior Court, and nsfieh he gave;
lnoticetbfit any violations of it hereafter
' would be regarded as willful misdemeanor
;and punished accordingly. " l
i The wry question submitted to thojuryj
was the Mention of the election boards to}
lcommit fin offense against the laws.—:
'Upon that they could not agree. Ten
were 1'01“ conviction, two for acquittal.,—
There was no disagreement as: to the,
Judge’s opinion of the net of Congress
under which the defendants professed to
have acted, and which was cited as a de
‘fense in this case, nor as to the rights of
{the prosecutors to participate in the elec
tions in that county. These points were
both conceded after. the charge of Judge
Barrett. *
Thus, age by one, the cases of injustice
under the color of law are being reached
and disgosed of by the judiciary. The
action 0 the Supr‘eme Courtofthe Unified
States in the military tribunal mans was
a step “in the right direction, and the
\Vuyne County prdceeding is a kindred
movement in vindication of the Consti
tutional rights of freeman in Pennsylva
gin.—. ye. .
l The fire—’CentPlcca—Mr. Knsson’s bill,
. which has justgmssed both Houses, Kro
vides foranew ve-centcoin, which 3 all
' weigh five grains of the metric syfitem.
‘Three of them will weigh about half an
1 ounce or the weight of one single letter.
, It, will also serve tor weightsat npotheca
ties and elsewhere. The mat requires the
lwichdmwal of all fractional notes of less
‘ denomination than ten cents. _
Special Notice Column.
A Single Box or Bflldreth'l Pill:
Contains more ‘vcgetable extractive matter than
{twenty boxes or any 91115 in the world besides:
Inity-flve hundred physicians use them _in their
practice to the exclusion 0! other purgutlvel. The
first lctmrorthelrvulucls yet scarcely appreciated.
1 When they are better known, sudden death and
,‘ continued Holmes! will be orthe pant. . Let those
; who know them speak rightout in thelriavor. It
iis a duty which will save ilre. ‘ -
I Our mcé are subject to n rsdundancy oi vltlnted
I‘ bile at this season, and ii: is as dangerous as it in
‘ prevalent; hut andreth’s Pills afford an inval
uable and em :lent protection. By their occasional
ruse we prevent the collection of those impurities
. which, when in sufficient quantities, cause so
1 much danger to the body's health. They 500:;
i cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Louoprpetitb,
5 Pain in the Kend.Heartburn. Pain in the Breast
i hone, Sudden Fnlntnem and Costiveneu. Sold by
‘I all respectable Dealer-i in Medicines.
1' May 2i,‘66.‘ 1m .
Cholera, Diarrhea. and Dysezueryl
A cure in’ wu-rauted by DELTOBIAB' celebrated
VENETIA;N LINIMENT, ”used when first taken
by persons‘ of temperate habits. Thin medicine.
bus Man known in tie Unle States over '2O years.
Thousand; have used it, and round it never failed
to cure any complaint {or which itwas recommen
dad. and all those who first tried it, are now never
without It. " In the Cholera o! 1818, Dr. Tobin:
attended ‘0 cases and lost 1, being called in too
late to do any good. 4
‘ DIRECI‘IONS.—Tnke n tenspoonful in a wine
glase or water every half hour for two hourqgand
rub the abdomen and extremities well wit the
Ljnimcnt. To (1118‘! the thirst, take nlump 0! ice
in the mouth, about the sue on; marble every ten
minutes. "171'- warranwd perfectly innocent to
take Internalh'. Bold byall drugglsul, price 40 and
80 cents. Depot. 56 Courtlmd St., New York.
Dead Heads,
Or. 1n other “toads, head: whose once glorious
in a few moments be re-clothed with all that:
YOUTHFUL ATI'RACHONB. by a. single appu
cauon or that wonderful Mlsmn‘
Grizzled whiskers and mousmches, India" curls
Inmwhlch the snow 0! age has prematurely drin
ed, and red, sandy. or whitey-brown hut, receive.
as." by magic, the rarest. shadcso! black or brown
from mu. 11:1“ng botanical ban—aqua“.—
Manumctured‘ by J. cumsnbono, a Astor
House, New York. Sold by Drunk“. Applied
by all Halt Dressers. , ‘ [May 21, ’66. lm
Lyon’s Periodical Drops!
RWULARITXBSFTDese Drops In? a sclonml-
Cally compounded fluid pregnmtlon, and better
than any Pills. Powders or hostmms. Being ll
quld, tlielrmtlon is direct and paaltive, rendering
them A reliable. spe“ .y nnd certain spoulllc for
the cure of nil uherucuons and suppression: nr
nature. Theiwpulumy ls lndlcuwd by the {nut
that over 100, bottles are nnnuully consumed
by the ladies of the United States. wary one of
whom speaks In the strongest terms of {raise UK
their great merits. Thry are l'llpltlly Lu ‘ingthe
place of every other Female Remedy, and are con
sluorod b‘y all who know might or them, as the
surest, 53 est. and most infallible Kurepnmtmn in
file World, lor the cure of all {ulna e wmplalnm,
the removal ofull ohstructmns or nature. and me
{mniouon of health. rogularity and strength.—
‘x‘fllcll dlrenlons 31:".an when they nm‘.‘ and,
an explaining when nnd’why they should not,
nor could not be useJ without. pmduvlnu circus
contrary to nature's laws, will be round rarerully
folded nrouud each holuc. With the written nignn-‘
lure or JOHN L. LYON, without, which none are
genuine. . =
Prepared bv Dr. JOHN L. LYON. 195 Chapel
Street, New Haven, Conn. who can be consulted
either persnnnlly, or by mail, (cnrloslng stamflt)
concerning all private diseases and female we '-
nesses. Sold by Druggisis everywhere. 1
C. G. CLARK & (20.,
V d lsgeril'l Agents {or U. S. and Canada. .
A 0V .
’ y_.i<-...__. -
Terrible nlselosurcl. .
smm FOR THE DixLLonz—A most valuable
and wonllermidpubliz-ation. A work offingafies.
and 30 colure Engravinfis. DR. HUN E {'B
VADE MEUUM, an original and Popular treatise
on Man and Woman,their Physio o y, Functions,
and Sexual disorders of every kimf with Never
Fuilinfiflemedies fortheirspewwre. The funic
tloe o! R. HUNTER has long n, and st 11 is,
unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation ornn
morons persons, he has been induced to extend
his medical mammals through the medium oihis
“ V’ADE MECUM.” It is a volume that should be
In the imnds oi'every family in the land. as a pre
voniive of secret vlcm, or M a wide {or the nJiuvi
ntion of one o! the most awiii and destructive
scourge: that ever visited mankind. One copy,
securely enveloped will be forwarded free of post,
age to any part or the United Stems for 50 cents in
P. 0. stamps. Add rm, t paid, DR. HUNTER.
No. 8 Division St... New ”EEK. - (Sept. 26. I!
Errors of Youth.
A gentleman who altered for years from Ner
vous Debuitf, Premature Decay. and all the effect.
ofyoutm‘ul ndilcretion will (or the sake of unr
lering humanity lend free m :11 who need it. the
recipe and directions fox-mung the single rem
edy by which he wna cured. Sufferers w 111“! to
profit. by the advertiser’s exferiencc. can do so by
addressing DRE 8. OGDEN.
No. 13 Chamben st... New York-
Mgr. 5, 1866. 1y
'l'o alu‘uvu.
The 0117th having been restored to health
In 3 few weeks 5, '3 very llmple remody, um
havlnc lulu-ed or several years with a nun
lung situation. and that dread disease, Comump-
Hooch union. to make known to hl- Inflow
m the mean: 0: care.
Tom who dulro It. be will send 3 our on!»
ma “oh and (has of chamfiwflh t e dime
v (gnmwmg and mm: a name, which
they will and a scan can to. Oouvmor
Am. Bnoxcurns. 0917011th and All
{rm and Lung Aflecflom, oonly obJecL or
—““"' ‘ van advent-u m Camus: mmwm uto
lan-n In“ 7"" ‘llde gm nfllcwdi and-pm Won which
Everyyounz M, “a autumn In mutilated he ta be nvflqabk. and be hope- ever!
am,“ a,“ hear something vet: much lo u— m: wm uyhll remedy, uit win con man
name by return mail (tree of all?) .1. Ward may enbleuung.
m“ the “assaying. Tho-no: g hag W: “want-81, Wm
“W“ . mm-‘iw car-”M ”‘"’ '“‘ '- ~ wawfi ,
cal. mun -, - ' _ .
x m...» u 1: mnv-«gay. ."; .
Eye and Ear! .
PROF. J. ISAACS, M. D., Ocnlllt and Audit.
running of Mydan.lflolhu%ts located at NO
-5191’1N StWDELP lA. "118119610“
mm with at me EYE or EAR. will Def
sclenuflmll wasted and cured. it cunble~ N- B
-AB-TKFIC{AL EYE Imm without Wflr- ,
No charges made {or examinations. The medical
hunt, 1: Invited, n he bu no secret in binned.
of treatment. Navy, 1365. I; l
' ' I
!po Grout FrTnnh toned!-
Prepared from n prescrapnon of Dr. Junn Dell.
mane. Cilia! Pbynicinn of the nuptial
an Nani ou Lnriboiulore or PM".
This invnluublu mndicinc is no impomlon. but»
in unfailing in thecure or Hpormutnrrhn or Semi
nal Weakness. Every apedcl‘o! (39mm or uri
nnrm‘mmhllny. lnvolnnlaryor mmiy Semimi
Em om from whatever enmep need, or now .
ever lavere, will be speedily reiisved um the or.
gang restored to heulmy notion. ,
Read the rollowmg opinions o! eminent French
physicians: ‘ ,
"We have mad the Specific Pills prepnred by
Gnmn‘ iore & Duponi No. 2“ Rue Lombard. from
the prescription: or hr. Ju‘m Dcinlnure in our
frivaw pnciica with an “arm success. nm'l we be
icve Lin-re is no oihcrmmlicine nova" calculated
to cure all persons suil'criua from lnvpluuhty
gmiuionnlor {my other weakness 0! the :dexunlt
rim. Wiener coma sedan ' m e. 0
U" as, excesses, or algae.” “I?! b D
-A. Emma" L .
- (3.1). DUJAKDIN. 3?: I).
JEAN in: Lsccnmc, M. D. '
Paris, .\l’nzr sth 1861."
m: unis or COUNTERFEITS.
The gmuine i’llla are said lyy nil the principal
Dmggisin throufzhout the World. Price Om: Dul-'
lu- pur Box. or: x Boxes fur Five Dollars.
GARANCIZILK a Durex-r, Sole Proprietorl.
.\‘o. 21! Rue Lombard. Paris.
One Dnliur enclosed to nny authorised Agent
will insure a box by return mail, securely Icahn;
train all observation: nix boxes for five dollnrl.
Solo Genemi Agents for Amerirn.
‘.’? Curiltmd 51.. N. ‘Y.
N. B.—Frcnch. German. Hpnninh and Enflluh
Pmnphicts, containing ruii pun-Denim: and (1 rec.
tions for use, sum tree to every midreu.
A. D. But-bier, Agent for Gettysburg.
Dec. 18, 1605. Vly
Dr. Mnnhnll‘n Cnuu‘rh Snul‘.
This snuri‘luu thoroughly proved ltsuir to be tlm
best urtlclc lmown {or vurluu the L‘marrh, Cold
in the 110m] mm Ht‘fldlwlll‘. It has hl'l‘ll found an
excellant remhdy in many mar-n or How Eye»:-
Deumms Line-x [men removed by it. and Ih-nrlng
has omm lwen grl‘ntly improved '3' its use.
It is fragrant and net-table. 1m mvm nun-
DIATE mamas to the dull heavy pains canned hy
diseases of the head. The nunnutiuua alter uulu
it are llvllzhtmi “mi invlsznrulln . 1t open: aux
and gives u limithy action to the ports nifecmi.
More than Thirty \'l'l\TH' of sule and use of “ Dr.
Marshall's Cnturrh nnll Headache Snuif.” has
provvd its grunt vuhw for all the commnndlsmun
or the head, and M this moment stands hizhcr
than ever Datum. ~
It is racummemled _by many or the heat physi
cian»; and is uwd with great succm and autism:-
tlon cverywhen‘.
Read the Certinmws orWholesnle Druggiata in
19.31: The mld-rrslgnal, huvlnf 10: many years
been acquainted with " Dr. B nrshnil'l L‘nuu'rll
uurl Hemlnchn Snan," and sold it in nurwhnlmnlo
~trndo. cheerfully state, that we helievo it to b.
equal. in I‘l‘e-ry rt‘flpt‘ct. tothu rocmumendntluna
given or it far ”ll! run: of Cntarrhnl Alli-cum",
nmi that it In dooidcrily the inn-st nrllclt- we hyva
ever lmuwn for all common din-anus or tlw lit-ml.
Burr & Perry ileum“ '. Rand, Avalon & Couldn't
ton: Brown, fmmmn 6; Co. Ila-don; Seth W.
Fowla. Boston: Wilson, l-‘nlrhnnk a: 00., Boston;
Hensimw. Edmund GI (20.. Boston: H. 11. Hug,
Portland, Ma; Burncs d: I'nrk, New York; A. .
SD. Sands, Now ank: Sh‘plleu Pnul 4: Co., New
York: Ismei .\lirinrJr Co., New York: MvKt-nnnu
fißobbins New York: A. L. Svnvill&L‘o.. New
York; M. \Yanl, Claw & Co., New York; Bush A!
l Gide. New York. {Dik‘ounlc 13' nli Druglllmm-
Trylt. ‘[ 00.18.1841). I!
Why Are They no Popular?
Why are Radway's r<~gulntlng ’ iis no uiar!
Nobody asks such it qupstlun “if: hus (8.33 m-«l
them; for who {muses not the bridgi- whicliuhwl
carried him Rain yover thothniligghlrordlwue.
Strangers may inquire, but thoir surprisovnhinhel
when they learn that Dr. Budwnr's Pill: are tho
(lan vegetable substitute for en mnei, mercury.
am antimony; that they um compuscd orextmcu
of room, herbs, plants, gums. and imlsums. pru—
Fnredmot. in the common my. but. is VACUO;
hat only thv cu rntive aotivggri nciple or these in~
fretlients enters intn the pr nrtiun 0! these pills
mm ort‘rude drugs. one-hull ihu imhstunt-a of
which is inert matter: that. being thus highly
conventratotL from two to iuur pills evacuate tim
howeh mare thoroughly. and t‘xci‘ulsu u mom
healthful influence on the npivon, the liver. the
kidneys, and so on. than eight to ten 01 til" ordi
nary purxfntive or nitnmtive pilla in gout-mi unn.
Are not t wse suimumtinl ransom {or the popuiur
ity of Dr. Rmiwlty's l’ilh? The ‘ urn not. men-1y
ittxntlve but nperient: not mvrnfy tunic but. stim
ulant; not lnt-l'l‘ly suvim‘liic but cnuntcr-lrritunt.
Thev hnvo om-n groomed the desired discharge
[rum the bowels w on Crown oil. llnrlem 011,211:-
tcrium. PodoKhoiixq n-tc., have all rum-d. ilclldM
this.thc won as wvli us tht- strung can tnku Dr.
Rmiwuy'n Pills with mmmrt ilil'i sum-Im. The
dyspeptic, the sufferer from illiiousnvsrs, [ronlvllvor
derangomnnts, and from spit-on and kidney dim
cultles. all may rely with rquui t-uutiiicnre upon
the curativn prowl-Hm ortht-soglliq. fur litev nev
er tail. Add mt is the dainty rm m witicitthey
are put. the pertcet tixqtrlmsncu Whil'h their gum
cm'cting oti‘ects. nntl thr-ir low prim‘. 25 cent: per
box. nnd we muy cnsiiy m-r‘nunt for the prTulttrity
01! Kadway's Regulating Pills. Said hyn 1 Drug
“ ILsi
N. B.—DYBPEPSIA(‘I' RED. CANADK EM". UM. x-z. iii“.
Dr. John Rudwnyk Co., Monti-imm). l-i.—Por
{our rm” l’imvo sulfi'rcd with 11mm: min. Loss of
Appeal". Rinlfiinz Pains nt the pimrtiw manual.
V Ni Nervous ms, Bmi Dl‘i'aill‘l. and very littln
sleep; my nppullh: i-ntin-iy gone, nmi my utqmwh
so weak nu to be unuiile to digizfil iin: mm! simple
food. Durlnu this Hm:- I lmst forty-two poundn of
flash (or weig’inns you mnyvuii in. i wminriucnl
its take your Regulating Pills, as prucrlbed in
uur Almunnc. u‘li'il only one box, and bororp I
‘mmplptml the box my nmwtiii‘ wnn rI-nlurni to inn,
my ammmzll pumm-liy liv-nllhy my dyspepsia. hurl
dreamt. and omcr «iisqgm-uiilp symptom: cured,
and was restored to mp- originni “eight; notlmt.
one box of your Pills vurml mo. of Adm-use thin.
fur {our yuan! hml m ‘4lO inv‘ miserable, and rave
me {Orly-five pounris Mditionxl \wlght. I IXIVB
L‘lkvn nnm' kanq of Pills. but I believe Dr. Rud
wny‘s l’llh to in thwheut in lbw. .
JNi), ni-l'siiilAMYs, Ville Janette. (‘. R.
Dr, RNIWAY'! Pills are «mind Wllh gum t‘ru
Imm imm) or smell. Price, 23 «cut: per box.
Mnyu. 2w
Ayer'n Cam-rue Pills
Are the most. perfect purgntivo which we no
able to produce or which we think hill ever yet.
been mitde hy anybody. Theirctfucts lmvo abun
dantly shown to the communit‘v how much they
excel the ordinary mediclnva n mm. Tho)‘ rim
safe anti pleasant to take, but. pom-rial ta turn—-
Their Penetrating Proportion stimuinw the vii-l
aciivlt us otthe boi y, remove the uhstmution- of
its orgunsrpurib' the blood, and t-xgol disease.
Theygdrge out. the foul humor! \l‘hlt‘ breed and
grow lat 'mperjtlmulntt- siuzginh or unordered
organs intn thpir natural m-tmn.nnri impart a
healthy tone with sin-uni) to the whole ”wit-m.
Not only do they cum tin- every-tiny complaint:
ofeveryhoriv, but. also formidable and tiungvrouu
diseases. While they produce {iofi'crfitl rift-Pin.
they are “the same time, in d minimal (loses,
the safest uni best phy<ic tint can be employed
for children. Being sugar-mated. thry nn- pleu
nnt to mks; and, being purely wgotnhlv, are (no
from any rixkn! harm. Cum; hnYP lievn mndo
which unrfpuss helinf. wert- they not suimtnntlnu‘d
by men 0 such exnitvd position and chumlcr. M
to torhld the suspicion runiruth. Mnny omi
ncnt clergyman and pligsicinm humir-ni their
nxuncs‘ta certify to thv {wile Uli: rPlinidilty oiour
Nmedies. while others nvcuout us the annurnnm
of their conviction that, our l‘rcrnmtimm con
tribute immensely tothu relieto our inflicted,
sutferlng fellow mun. ~
Tin- Agont tmiuw named is pleased to furnish
gratis our Amorimn Alnnnnr. containing direc
tmm in: the nut- and Patina-ates or their cum. 0!
tin- following mmFimnis :
Coativynuss, )m nuu Complaints. Rheumatism
Dummy, Heartburn, llomim-lm nrisln¥ from {out
stomach, Nausea, lndigvstinn. Murh «I Inm'iion
of the bowel: and Pain arising therefrom. Fittin
lt'nry, Lou MAE?! iito, nil Diseases which requiro
an vmcuzznt mt icinn. Thvy nlm,hy puriiylng
tho hlnol and stimulating the “_i'MGITL rurc mnny
complaints which it would not he an posed they
muld rt-zwh, such an Dc-nfnms. Pnrtlur Bllnrlm-u,
Neumigin unrl Nervnm irritability, Dammit--
ments of the Liver and Kidneys. Gout. and other
kindred comgininta arising from a low state a!
thr- ixyiy. or o struction of its function».
Do not he put at! by unprincipied dvnterl with
other preparations which they make more proiii.
on. Demand Arzti‘s and take no others. The
IlL'k want the best utcl them is for them. and they
should have it.
Prepared hi Dr. J. C. Arcr & 00.. Lowell, Mum,
and sold h .D. Buehlcr. Gettysburg.
Mny7,l§§d. 2m
The Great English Bandy.
Sin Jinn: (,‘Mnxrra Cambium MALI
PILLS. i’refiared from n fimripxion 0! air .1.
Clarke, M. . Physician ‘ inwrdinnrry to (ho
Queen. This i'nvu unbie medicine is un filing in
the cure or nil those nmnml nud dangemnl disca
sm to which the (emu e communion in labia-t. li.
moderates all excesses and remove: an obltmc
uons. and unfit-dy cure may be relied on.
To Married dicsii is pecuii-rlyuuiwd. nwili.
l in 1:51:01? Lime, bring on the xnouthiy period with
at y.
E rfinch home, Price One Dollar. bears the Govern
. Prat Stamp 0 Great Britain, to prevent. counter
' e .
Camxos.—Thm Pm; shouid not be inknn by
Females during the rum THREE non-ru- o! Prey
ganry. an my mg? suigito bringrau )iincorflfllev
at. an an at not me ey are me.
‘ In all cyues o! Nervonn nnd Hl‘pinai Amtionl
Pains in the Back and Limbs. 'al‘lfue on liighi
exertion Puipimtinn or the Heart. ”writs. Ind
Whit“, {hose Pills will exact u cure when all om.
er menus have failed; and although a powerful,
remedy, do not contain iron. r‘niomei. antimony,
or an thing hurtful w the constitution.
Fulf directions in Lhe pamphlet ground etch
Wings. which should be carefully preserved.
sold y all meals". 8019 Agent forms Uni
ted 3m and omm”.
JO3 M 09%. 21 Cortland BL. X. Y.
N. 8.41.00 Md GPO-mac stamp- enclooed to my
Authorized Afenk will insures home. connining
50 Pills by re um mail. Sold by A. D. Buehier.
Dec. 18, 1805. 1y