The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 21, 1866, Image 1

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    ““ffii cm'vssum comm,
, _.4 Democratic Ihmily Journal,
“M is liy’uy, an! Will Prevail.”
mm. it paid strictly in ”VA!“ no path-
Inm irnot paid in advance. No mbncripflml db
conunuod. nnleu M the option of the publilher,
until all mouse. are paid. ' ‘ _
ADVERTISEMENTS 111:ch (Alli-d run.
101! PRINTING or all kind: done with acumen:
Ind diwpnwh.
OFFICE in South Baltimore Itreet, between
Middle and High, nem‘ the Post. Omce—J Oomph
sel- Prinllng Office" on the Ilgn. ’
Professional Cards:
15. MoConaughy,
TTORNEY AT LA W, (olfice one door we";
offluehler's drug Ind book store, Chnmi
hamburg atreeh) Arron“! um Soucrrol not
Pun-rs no Fusion. ‘Boumy Land War;
ranu, Beck-ply suspended Claim I, had all
other claims «min: the Goyernncnl M. Wash
ingtou, D. 0.,- nlao American claims in Eng
llnd. Land Warrants located and sold, or
bought, and highest. price: given. Agents en
gaged in loaning warrant; in lawn. Illinois
And other western sum. ‘W‘Apply to him
pcnonally or W letter. l
- Gettysburg, Nov. 21,753 r
mw_Pax-tnenmp. »
> A. DUNCAN a: J._ 8. WHITE,
'W'lll'promptly attend to all legal buineu
entrusted to them, including the procuring‘bf
Pen-inns, Bounty, Back Pay, nnd I“ other
claims against the United State. and State
Governmlnts. ‘
Oflice in North Welt Cornet of Diamond,
Gettysburg, Penn's.
”1131186534”. ' _
; VEdward B. Buehler,’ 3
TTORNEY AT LAW, will fqmifnlly and
. prpmptly attend to all businou eumlst
ed to him. [ln Ipenks the German lgngnngc.
Uliza at the name place, in South Buhimore
street, near Forney’n drug “are, nndjenrly
apposite Dunner & Ziégler’l More.
Geuyahurg, March 20. ‘ ,
J. C.-Neely, ‘
TTORNEY AT LAW.—Pimiculuatten
1A tion ,paid ‘to collection of Pensions,
Joun‘ty, and Back-pay. Oflico m the S. E.
corner of the Diau‘ond. ~
Ggltyabutg, April 6, 1863. if"
Doctor 0. W. Benson,
FFICE at the Rnilroad House. (frontroom,
formerly occupied by Dr, Kinzer,)
June 19; 1865. tr ‘
- Dr. 1?. 8. Pefl‘er,
BROTTS’EOWN Adamsicountywo inues
A the pmctice 0‘ his préfession‘in 11 its
branches, and would respgctfully invi 5 all
persons afflicted with any hld Handing dis
exxseg to cull ud consult him.
Oct. 3, 1864. If
m. F. 0. Wolf,
HAVING located’ at EAST BERLIN. Adams
county, hopes that by strict nttentiou to
his profesaiomt duties he may merit n share of
the public_p9tronnge. [Apr. 2, ’66. tf ‘
m. J. w. CTS’Neal-a
FFICE and Dwelling, N. E. corner of Bal
-0 “more Ind High sage“, near Presbyte
rum Church, Gettysburg, Pa.
N0v.30, 1863.‘ If
Di. .1. A; Armstrong,
AVING removed from New Salem, York
counlyfimd having located at. Middlpe
cown, Adams cénnty, offers his professional
services to the public. [Miran ’65. )y
J. Lawrence Hill. M. D.,
ASah'u otficeone V '2r
door-west of the w \
Lutheran church in ’ ‘
Ghsmheraburg streetfaud opposite Dr. ‘C.
Homer's oflic. whet-when wishing to have
any Dentalee‘ntioq pé‘rlormed are respect
fully invited to call. Bnluxcn: Dru Hor
ner, Rev. G. P. Krauth, D. D., Benji. L.
Bnug‘her, D. D., Rev. Pfof. 5L Jacobi, D. D.,
Prof. M. L. Szhaver.
< Gettysburg, April 11, ’53.
Great Reduction of Prices
cousin. OF muoxn up ounlnswno stun.
Having just returned from the‘city, respect
fully- infurma his customers, and the public.
that he has succeeded in forming a connection
with on‘e of the EM Importing Hopses in the
city 0' Baltimore, by which he is enabled to
olfer Glaceéios at a lawer figure than they
can be pulcluscd elsewhere in the county.—
Ile is pnepared to sell ,
COFFEE 25 pent: per lb.
SUGAR, .10 “ '
SYRUP, from 40 “ to $1.20,
and all other things at cgrreuponding rates.—
If you Would-A. ve mmwy. call In. His Cheap
Groverymomcr o? D'umpmlnnd Chambenburg
stree‘. He se“: exclusively for Gish, and is
determined to be nhend of all others in selling
cheap. (jive him a call before purchasing
elaefihere. JOHN M. SWAN.
Barron’s Safety Lamps,
> _ » “mun. .
HIS anpfipparently burns without any.
”my '0 fagd it. It has, however. I. ma
term whkh abaoxbs the liquid and gives it to
the t! .u‘c, pmfly pom the wick. Ind pnrtly in
the iu|m( 3.33 w. ~o as to produce fox-fact
. corfiuui ‘ou and is vc v enoudmicd an sate.’
Iv. 1: used wi boa. a ‘ himney, and pelfoctly
Jrimmud. does no» .L 01.8 or amen; it is there?
fure espuin‘lv rd p‘ml‘lo the purposes of 9
‘up Mum," ui :ha, M 4:, shop or hotel lamp,
or Emma. The cost 05* bloken chimneys,
Mona. '-= (mom than pay the eopt of thislunfi.
Eunv .Jm’ly needs one or mgre. . t
“It is jUaL’Whllt I have been long looking“
fox,” wri'cs a model house-keeper.
“I should hardly know how to do without
u," writes nnotlur. ‘2.
-‘A4:erfect contrlvance,” vial-Res a third.
“Let those who are skeptical try its writel
g fourlh. \ .
'For sale by A JOHN M. SWAIN, '
' Cor. uf Diamonfi Md Chnmhenbu'rg at.
fi-Thb Liz-mains Fluid also {or sale It
the lame phce. . [Man 13, 1668. -
Fresh Supply. ‘ ,
A. SCOTT & SONS hsw )nn receiv‘ed
”other fine assortment of NEW GOODS con
sisting. in part, of Cloths, Cassimeres, bassi
neta, Kentucky‘Jenns, and Tweeds.for Gen
tlemen'l 'weu. Also, a fine Insortment of
Our stock bets been [exacted with greagcne,
and we nre prepgred‘to sell as cheap as any
other establishment it; the country. We 33k
the public to give us a call and judge for
themselves. We defy competition, both as to
unlity and price. A. SCOTT & SONS.
April 2, INS. ~ “ '
:- The Far Famed
I} Besides the great suing of Lnbér, the
suing m the wear and tear of clothing in I
tingle year". more than amounts to the price of
this ernger. h is strange that any lamily
should be willing to do without it. For sale
M. FABNESTOOK 8305., and it. C. H. BUEH.
LER‘S. [Feb. 19.
I? HARTFORD. It has pnid worm hundred
udforly WWW‘JOQM to holders of in poli
cies. including 337,500 to twenty-sight policy
holders. for $512 in premiums.
HE About lot of Upper Leather COLLABS,
own nuke new rad mad for Ida.
T“m It'necnnfiv a SON.
W 3 haw jut “can? :0! stigma?
of nunym‘ w c minute
.n.-non qt buy-u. ’ L 800.” g 901;,
Rm Opportlllty m Proflmle Investment.
Bllver Mining Co. of Nevada.
CAPITAL STOCK. ' .3004)“
Dh'klul into smm Rhm‘es, at 310 Each.
Prmidont-«H’on. GEORGE I‘. FISHER, Judge 01
tm- Superior Court, Wswhmzwn. D. C.
Vice Preslds-nt—T. H‘ PTMERY, [’hllmlel hla.
Tn-nnurer-E. B. HAREMLOIHWL Burngy 5;
Co., Bunkers. Phllndclphln.
Secxrtiewry—UJUL‘i R. MCDONOUGH, Philadel
p l R. V V
Superintendent at H"- Minot—D. B. CRILDS. HF
nlnxz Engine", Aunlln. Nevada.
OFFICE—Kn. s': Hum}: Third u! rm't. Phflmldphla.
That this buuim‘m of Mining: and reducingnfivpr
qunrtz is Immvmwly profitable: In nmply invaded
by tho rcsulehh-h have nm-med from the mines
or Mulm, Purl], Germany. and other silver-Mur
lug countries, and that Hllver loam are rrmarkn-
My I'll'h, u» well us numerous, In .\‘evndn, we have
the tmllmony of MIC!) mniuvnt and dlflimcrr-acal
men n: Bluhnn Slmrnn. Prof. Fillhnnn, me.
James, Hon. 110 mm 'rH-lov, Hawker Cnlrnx and
Sonnmr Nye. who sxlnwnnlly v nod and Impact,-
M tht- mines. lmk cs hundrmlsof nthl-r Individu
uln who urt- now engaged In the business of ml
nlmz In lhnth‘tum.
Pmnsiiiiumn, whiint in erminfielivercd a lec
turn in the t-lty of Austlnfduring whir'h he Nam:
"\Ve cannot count upon the time when mining
will cease to be profitable in these hills !"
mahnp Simpson. orlhe Mu-thodiut church, in n
11-(‘turc delivered in thr- oltyo! New Yorkan-r
hin return from Nnvmin, mill: “Worn tho debt of
our nation mwwmim. thprp Is wnnith enough
thPre. when our urbt is paid ofl'tx) g 1 ve every nul
dior whnrpturm from our brltiiu-nuliin inunkew or
silver instant] orimn. ‘ ‘ ' lii" nutspz-uk now
from iillo Ipol'uintiun, but I Ipouk nr lhnt wealth
from olmnrvnliun null m-tunl I'uirulatlnn."
Al to the nmnunt of dividends-{hut mnv he
rt'mmnnhlvnxlx-otefl from n Hiivur Minlnl: ('nm
puny, opt-mum: in NM win, it muy be set clnwu an
mnglnz {rum ion to um pvr cent. per mmulu. an.
lnnlln: tn the pmzrvsx mwle in the mines, and
the qunntitv o! mm-hinerv nt wurk.
Harm-r2l Xionthlvhiufinzlne for Animal. mntain. ‘
M an nnlrle nu " Nm’m n," which with referl‘nce l
to the pronwnf nilverminlnz. mid: “irthe mine ‘
beof even nw-rnge value itcan nearer-Iv fnil m ‘
return from tvn mm l)” cent. per month to the
invmté’r, and sliver m nm are unlike goid.minm l
in that thew nreiuexhaufigipio-mmi may be worked‘ i
for generations when nnco opt-nod." ‘
A recent issue of the Phiiuuinlphin. Enxixo ;
TELEGRAPH. spoukinz or the suhjoct. says: “The l
iminlmz stntixt cs or Nmmrin «hnw ua that whnnev. ‘
or workml with proper nppllilnmm nnd undorju
till-low muqugoinmit, these mines imve puld from
300 to ROOPtu- ocnt. pemnuum upon the capitui l
invmtm.’ _ i
Then- in not. a ningln Company now in operation
with theiruown mm‘hlnvry in Nevada. Ni fur a;
we have learned. thnt IE not a mmnivtv slim-cans.
All ore rum-“ins: not oniv lume mi. Esoknorq
Di - ends, and the prices of theirslmros hnvpcor
rt pnmllnizly mlvnm-wl. For instum-a, on March
a , the monks of the olth'r (‘ompzmivn Won} quoted
in the city papers M 40110“: “(lnnid & Curry
8950; Snvnge, $915; Clmllur Point“, 3&1}: Im Priul
BH7: (‘rnwn Pnlnt, SLOW: Alpha, #260; Yillow
.[m-kpt. SRO." The original gr ('8 of tht-w stacks
wnsll'u umn 850-me of! am only 810. And
the (‘nmpnnics mon" n-‘conilv orgunizml are not a
whit lem prnspemus. but us far m 1 progresued give
evory {yrnmlw ofun nli imnin wrong»: evr-n zrcurer
than! mi, nchivvml hy the Gould «k Curry. For
example, the stock of the Halo & Sui-cross Cum
mny of Nevada, which n few months ago was
worth onlysw. is now quéotnd nt 84 159. F5O. also.
the Boston and Rec-so iwr Mining Company,
whivh mmmonr'od work only lust full: its slim-m,
though originally sold nt 310. man went unto 9105.
and on thu isi; 0! March hm] lulvmwmi to 92m
It mnv therefor? be safely nhsertwl tlmgrno oth 1'
enterprise requiring the nss‘oclntlnn o capiin ,
offers so many inducements for investment. with
In littlu risk, M Silvnr Mining. Every Company
that owns a mine. and will honesth{;n to work.
uvs’r BE A arms! “cannot pom“; v mu. The
onlfv differ-ems hetwpon companies at work will
hp n the amounts of their dividends. ,
. Own NIXE'I‘E EN parallel Silver-bearing l’mlgns
nltnntoxl on Lunds-r' Hill, near the city of Austin.
Nevmln. Thl‘ll' ngzn-zme lrnzth embraces H.OOO
fret—nearly eight mum! Thmo Lodgvs hnve all
been thoroughly tested ‘hy slums. and the orcs
tuken from mrm hm‘o inflame Inwmncm produced
the ennrmmn yield nr 8 .000 mum tun. One of
those. the Revenun Extenslon L'edge ls now boln
vigorously worked [33‘ an lncllned smug 3 whlch (5.
lnwst reports was own upwards of {eehaml
had groduced highly gratify ng rnsults. On March
sth t ? Superintvndnnt tolozrul‘whsz “Rm‘clpts 1n
Bulllml. 819 w." And unln an A lurch 28th, “Pros
?gctg’ogmzvuuuc Extension better than overbe
orv. ‘
The Grout anklns Tunnel. commencing at.
the tom, 01' the hi i, und (ipslnngd :0 permits I‘ it,
clear thmngh, cutting on its n y not. only all of
thP 10 Loolgm rorvrrmi tn, but. beyond qurslion
also more than a hundred oihprs, and m, n depth
mmwhere thp ores are niwnys richest. is also the
froperty of this mmpnny, and. is being pushed
orwurd with nli pu~~ibie energy. being nimndy
comrieied over 400 (out. I
\V ien it is renh-mberml that every mm any at
EKNCIIL engaged in reducing ores from lander
ill 1" :1 complete success: that one alone, in the
month of January inst. took out 8140,(min~5i1\'er,
and that nmcinl rnpnrts show thnt the nvern a
yield ofhuiiion in the Reese River District. in tge
venr 13135 was upwards of $2OO per ton, the substan
iini basis upon whir-h this mmpuny has been or
,mnide is at once made manifest.
is. ihorornremnt only vex-minim Ari-CALL? AT
THE D9Oll. Before the clone of the coming sum
mer—w-rhnps hy the middle—it will be ranked
amongst the DIVIDEN DoPAYING companies,
and its stock wili, in all n‘o)rolmbiiity. ndvnuce to
825, 950, or pcrhnm even $1 per share. Therefore,
nmv is the time to invest in its stock. The work
iig capital remaining unsold is still offered at
{Le nruzinui price. 840 per share and the Directors
are nnxinuu mnt it shou‘id be disposed of immedi
niwly, in order thnt there may be no delay in the
mom-union or the work on hand. Hence this
utilvortispmmit. r
xPersous wishing (o invosi. whether in large or
Ihmii amounts, mnv rmuit to or nl‘llN‘SS
J , H. Ti. HARPER, Treasurer.
: . No. s'» Sinful: Third 56., Pmmnmnu. 4
i April 80, 1866. m. I
1' l n ’ " __7—"”"—— l
s W A .v,
fiQnicE in its action, AND OF MORE
This is proven b! twelve year: of constant.
um, _ -r ' ‘
Solo Manutncmrera uni. Proprietors,
Office No. 20 Delaware Avenue,
‘ . General Wholesale; Agents,
No. 181 Pearl SL, corner of Gedar,’
Wholea‘alu Agent. for Maryland and Virginll,
‘ N 9. 105 Smith’s Wharf, 7
April 30,.1866, 4t - 1
ETTYSBURG, PA.--The undersigned
would most respectfully inform his nn-
Ilium" friend! and the public generally,» that
he has purchased that long established and
well known Hotel, the “Globe Inn,” in Yprk
street, Gettysburg, and will spare no efi'ort to
conduct it in a manner that will not detract
from its former high reputation. His table
will have the best the market can afford—his
chambers are spacious and comfortable—and
he has laid in for his bar a full stock of wines
and liquors. There is large stabling attached
to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten
tive homers. It will be his constant endeavor
to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests,
making his house u near a home to then: as
possible. He asks a. share of the pnhllc's ps
tronngs, determined as he is to deserve a large
part of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn” is in
York street, but near the Diamond, or Public
Square. . SAMUEL WOLF.
April 4, 1864. ti
The undersigned respectlull! informs hi!
friend: And the public generally, that be In:
purchased the above Hotzl, and will strive to
hop it u a No. 1 House. .
Hll table will Be nbnndautly Inpplfied with
ill {ho dolicaeiea of a. «non, find his bit
with the choice“ liquors Ind wines. The? 111,-
bug; in lit-5: 3nd commodlous. Re how by
gigfign on tn'morlt a waist???)- pslxbgc’s
April w. Im. m H ‘ ‘ v-
WWW @mmmm
Glo b e I n 11., V
Washington Hotel,
ttitttett PQstzT•
mm following). 5 real gem. Ours-3n}: Book
contains a number 0! «hen. which rm xppeu
(or. rather, reonppear) in un- column mace
lvely. 'l'oread noon weary In. Mud Inch
the reader: of the Cour-nl3 my expo}! to enjoy
for-even! weeks. «months, to comm;
Sabbuto pango, . T,
Funero plunge,
Solemnla clangn.
[lnmflpuan on us old Bell.
With deep nmxcuon
And reoolloctlon .
1 6M]: thluk o!
Thong Shamlon Bella. ‘
‘ Whose soundssowfld w M
In day's olchlldhOOd
9 Fling round mycmdle '
Their music Ipcfll. , ' _
On this I ponder ,
And It!” grow Yonder r
Sweet Cork. otthee,
“'lth thy bells othmdofl
,Thut sound so mud on
The pleasant Wuhan .A
Of the river Lee. ‘ “
I‘ve hem-d bells rhlmln'
Full’mnny ncllme ln,
Tulllng luhllm In
Cnlhedml signs,
Wlllle m n 21") um
Bmu tongues would vibrate,
. But all their music
Spoke naught like mine:
For memory dweljlug
On each proud lwclllhg
01thy belfry knolllng _
It: you) now: bee.
Made the bells otshnudon
Sound. mote grand on
The plnmtit water:
0! the river Lee.
I‘vg heard bell: tollln’
Old Adrian's male in,
Their thunders mllln'
From the Vatican.
And cymbals glo'rloul
. Swinging upronrloun
In the gorge-nus turret
; or Sou-e Dame:
But thy sounds are sweeter
Thain the dome of Peter ‘
Flings over the Tiber
Pcallpg solem nly '.'
on, the-bells otsmmdon.
They sound so grand on
The plenum waters
. 0! me rife: Ice.
There‘s a. bell In Moscow, ‘
mnném town and mom, 0, ‘
In St. Sophia
The Turkmu gen, .
And loudinnl! ‘
\ Gulls men to prayer \
\ From the tapering summit. ‘ ‘ \_
\ Of mu mlnnljem,
Such empty phantom
I freely grant. them, , '
But there's i phantom ‘
More dew- to me—~
_ a the bells of Shandon, -
1 Th. sound so grand on I
The pieasant ware?
Otthe river Lee. . ~
, \ ‘ [Father Front.
'An Abbey nwhrkklebmwd tor mgmmea
of mu. ‘ ‘ ’
tgiirultund 6 stir.
For the Gettysbui-g Compiler. J
L I M E . ‘ 3
Tapmpare the soil for its greatest. pro<
ductiveness, and to preserire it in that
condition with profit, is the highest and
noblest achievement of the farmer. The
soil is mat part of the ground which can
be tilled, which can'be reached and stir
red by agricultural implements. It is
made up of many different kinds ofenrth.
The soil which covers the surface of the
earth rests upon rocks lying at agreater or
less depth beneath, from the crumbling
or disintegration of which the 801 l and
loose earth have apparently been formed.
Coneeduently soils genei-nlly partake of
the nature of the rocksfipon which they
rest. Soils are also for' the most part in
termixed in a greater or less proportion,
with vegetable mold; formed from the
decomposition) of vegetable mitter.
Soils ought to contain within themA’
solves all the elements necessary to the
nourishment and growth of plante; but
unfortunately many do not. Originally
most soils in this and adjacent/counties
were rich and fertile, and pmdfioed, year
after year, abundant crops with compara
tively little labor and cure; but in pro
cess of tlme repented n(ngrp‘rng and poor
tillage impoverislfed” y n- once pro
ductive farm. ” A . ~
Why does fertility cease? The miner
al and ntmosphéric demerits of the food
of plants are; ‘gjradually taken up by suc
cessive cmpsTand carried off with them,
the humds grows thin and meagre, and
the soil is exhausted.
The crops obtained from the land be
come smaller and smaller from year to
year, till at last they are not sumclent to
reward the labors of the husbanflmnn.
The obvious remeay is to restore the
soil to its normal conflltion. To this and
various substances known as fertilizers
are used. The most common of these are
lime, barnyard manure, green manure—-
that is, the plowing tinder of green crops,
such as clover, oats tmd huckwheat—gu
anoLphosphnte, bone-dust and plaster or'
gupsum, but on most soils lime is un- ‘
doubtedly the most‘eflicient and lasting.
It must be borne in mlnd, howeyer, that
nine of itself will not give fertility to the
soil. The materials upon which it can
act must be present, or its greatest effect
will be lost. Whoever expectsto harvest
large crops immediately after the appli
cation of lime to poor land will surely be
disappointed. There must be organic.
matter in the sol}, either as dedfimposlng
manure or as vegetable mold, upon which
it can operate. 9= ‘
L'une brings into play the constituents
of the soil, and enables the plungteaeeed
on themrwhlle, as a salt, it formsthe food
of plants; yet its greatest effect ls-upon
the dlfi’erent parts of the soil itself. The
richer this may be the better will prove
the effect of the lime; the poorer the soil,
the slower and worse the qeffect. It is
owing to this cause that Lime has been
condemned in many cases, it having been
put on poor soils, where there was noth
mg for it to opem upon.
The effect of lime, it'wlll be observed.
is long continued. Its beneath tan « -
g‘eencropafter crop. Aalong gather“:
organic matter in the soil it slowly de
composes it. forming new combinations
and fredh food.
Lime will always be found to act most
promptly'and eflioiently when applied in
connection with a good coat of bamyard
manure. Considerable diversity of opin
ion prevails as to the'best mode of apply
ing it. Many area! the opinion that it is
bestto put iton plowed ground and work
it in with a harrow or cultivator; sonic
maintain thatltshouid be plowed under;
whilst others hold to the opiniomthat it
should be applied as a top dressing to
green erbps. But this is perhaps only a
matter of‘opinion. There is danger, how
' ever, of its getting in too deep. In work
‘ mg the ground the ilner particles of lime
I will penetrate to a greater depth than is
genera“:v supposed. The quantity to be
1 applied aries accordingto circumstances
from [6O to 150 bushelsto the acre. .
As stated above, poor soils containing
littlelor no vegetable matter, will bear
less than ground of better quality and
richer in organic‘mattcr.
An opinion _prerails to some extent
that with an abundance of barnyard ma
nure, lime is wholly unnecessary and unv
desirable. This is a mistake. It is an
established {act that lend well limed and
lightly manurcd will produce much bet
ter and plumper grain, and harder and
firmer straw, than land not limed but
ever so well manured. True, land not
limed but well .manured frequently pro
duces very luxuriant crops of grass and
grain, but so soft and yielding in the
straw that it falls tostand the “pressut.”
Consequently the seed is generally V ry
imperfect and inferior.
Lime has done much for our county.
No longer can it with any show of truth
be rcproachfully called “the buchivheat
county." No longer do 'we hear it said
that certain birds carry knapsacks while
sojourning in our midst. Times have
changed and a new and better order of
things has taken place. A race of indus
trious, progressive, enterprising farmers,
has taken the place of the thriftless 'i'osslls
that brought discredit and reprh‘ach upon
the county many years ago. It is safe to
say that ten" times as much grain and hey
are new raised in the county as was rais
ed 400r60 years ago; and by justas much
has the prosperity and happiness of the
people been increased. In proportion to j
size, our county is now one of the most :
productive in the Statp. ‘
But there is still room for improvement. ,
May the good work go on. Let not the i
present high price of lime deter farmers
from buying it., Indeed, Adams county }
farmers cannot afl‘ord to do_ without it
as long as it can be had at a reasonable [
priee. In the opinionsof the writer it
will pay at 25 cents abushel. Every one
knows what a pleasure and satisfaction
it is on the one hand to harvest good
crops, and on the other how discouraging
to gatmfipoor onfi. Besides, the labor ‘
and attention are about the some, Our,
county contains within itself all the ele«
ments of greatness and prosperity. Let
us endeavor to develop its resources to
their fullest extent. A. s. / 1
ml: _WAY To gamer fmtm/
kigolcs tistdltut.
A yer; select part? congregated at the
house 0 Mrs. Belvi le to celebrate the
birth-day of her daughter, the youngest
of four, the fair Henrietta, who, at the
tifie we write, had entered into her nine
teenth year. She was beautiful, accom
plished and, oi‘eourse, amiable ? although
she had no fortune, she was a jewel in
herself. But to return to the birth-day
party. Henrietta played the piano di
vinelfv. ’ ‘ ,
\Vi lism Pierson, the youngest son of a.
eounqu banker, looked very serious as
the usic proceeded. Mrs. Belville no
ticed the gravity of the young gentleman,
and, doubtless to divert it, desired Hen
rietta. to sing.
Henrietta obeyed and sang in the finest
Feasible taste. Had she been wound up
or the occasion, like a musical box, she
could not have acquitted herselt, with
more firecision, or with more harmony,
or wit less vulgsr’impulse. Every note
fell from her figs as if it were chiseled!
Poor \Vilh'am iersqn i—his heart was
dragged up and down the gamut until ex
hausted when. at the lust three-minute
shake otl the songsti'ess, it fell into a thous
and little pieces. ~ " _
There was a general burst of applause,
followed for a moment by a profound
silence. Mrs. fielviile looked proudly at
the young hoe elors, but favored the
younger son of the banker with» look
entirely for herself.
In this pause avoiee cried out—and it
seemed as if accompanying the glances of
Mrs. Belville,
‘.‘ Does nobody ofer I"
A titterfdeepening into a laugh, Went
round the room, an Mrs. Belville and
Henrietta turned scarlet. V
“Oh !—hal ha!” observed the mamms, I an.—Wheneverasetof mlnisterg‘take
evidently restraining excessive laughter, . hold of a cause and assume to be lenders
“that teasing bird, which Eddi’s god- :ofit, by virtue of their ministerial office,
fatherbroughthim. Howefimeithere?” ;it will be found that more harsh hm
and the servant was immediately ordered gusge, uncharitablc conclusions, bitter
to secure the intruder. laspersions of character, and motives,
But the parrot was a social bird, and re- :sneers and ridicule, abound [than with
solved not to leave the party‘fheuee, after or amen any other class of men. For
many iuefl'estual attempts to catch it— proof of Ehis, the reader need only refer
for its leg, though weak, had been bound to the language of the war clergy for the
up by some good Samaritan-the bird last few.years.—Ez. V
was sufl‘ered to remain. ] —————~---——-——
It was downright crueltggto ask, but fl'ltls asingdlsr but well authentiy
“ would ”—thus s‘poke the nker’s sou— cated fact that one can secure a great de
“would Miss Be ville sing his favorite ree or bodily comfort, and oftentimes
so the—" iz'eedom from disease, by exercising judg
gammy" answered Mn. Belville, meat in selecting the color of the cloth
for her dang m; and the {avorlteso lug. Fabrics of a dark color me notori
we forget its title—was executed witlfin- ousiy more dangerous than light ones.—
comparable power. , Journal of Health.
“ Your only unmarried daughter ‘.’” ob
served \Villinm Pierson; in a low tone to
Mrs. Belville, ‘ '
“All married,exce{)t my dear Henrietta,
and I believe it Wou d break my heart to
part with her. Yes, sir," said the mother
affected even by the probability of a sep
aration— >
“ Henrietta, air, 15—“
“ The. last lot, gcntkmcn, the (mt lot!”
cried the parrot, and the guests burst in
to uncontrolled—laughter.
Henrietta, with fine presence of mind,
stfruck the keys of (the piano, and, as
though quite unconscious of the interrup
tion, in a minute or two was in the midst
ota furious battle-piece.
‘ “ If I might aspire to the notice of Miss
Belville,” said the banker’s son tothe
m‘gther. “I hope that—_”
“ Going for an old‘ semi, gentlemen I”
erred parrot and ngixin. its words were
greeted with a shout. .
“ It is- too much—the creature—where
_could it. have learned such words?—
{should be sent from the house!” Such
WM the sentence pronounced by Mrs.
Bciviile and with some little difficulty
carried into execution. But the charm
of the evening was gone; Mrs. Belville
was irritated, Henrietta languid. and
Wiiiinm Piemonl-wuthcr. the iauat dee
iuration of the bird had “given him u~
pause," we do not know—not once, for
the remainder of the evening; ventured
to speak of Henrietta.’ She diedra maid,
a victim to the intrusion of truth. What.
would become of the world it truth inter
fered in every marriage ‘.’
- ;—_—- «Cu—_—
One of the best things we have read
since our Columbia correspondent sent us
a. description of a contraband wedding is
nneofa‘ similar character described by
the local of the Alobllr Register and Ad
ivcrtz‘xer. It appears that a negro couple,
had been living together for some years
as man and wife, but "widout de circum
ference db de law." They. disagreed,
separated, end the weakeryvessel laid her
.chse before “de Bureau,” where the char
‘ {res were heard. and Sambo nndhis Dinah
‘were sentenced to he married. In order
I to he sure thutthe sentence was properly
I executed the couple were placed under a
Emiilitury guard, and marched off to Squire
Starr’s-offices Arriving there, the officer
I of the guard remarked, “Squire, here’s a
couple for you to marry."
“All right,” replied thejustice, “just
step in the back room.” ,
I he couple and the omeer followed him
to the room in the rear of the front office,
and after explaining the duties und obli
gations of married life, the squire re~
l quested them to join hands.
I ‘ Bride. “1 isn’t gwine to do it. I
doeSn’t want to bob nuflin to do wid day
’ Groom“ “I isn’t 'ticulur ’bout %-
in’ Wid de gal. I nebbcr lubb det
Wench.” /
This protest opened the u do eves
; like “two full moons in the west.”—
iHe‘Mked what was the m nugget it,
when the representative the ureau
}informcd the Justice th they were or»
dered by the Freedme ’ Court Lobe mar
lried, and he came up see the sentence
With this unde .tanding Justice Starr
told the “ha p t couple” to join hands,
which they £3? after much persuasion,
and the folio ing scene ensued:
Justice. i‘Do you take this man to be
your wedded husband, to love, honor,
‘obey n ’c. .
81-32:? “No I doesn't—not much I
does t—l wouldn’t hob a four acre lot
fu/g’o! slch trash.”
reedmen’sj. Bureau. “Yes we do,
. uire. “’e take imm—go on with the
ceremony.” '
Justice. “And do you take this wo
man to be your wedded wife, to love,
’ cherish,” &c.'
Groom'. “‘I tole ye dot I isn't ’ticular.
I isn’t hankerin’ arter do ‘orew.’ I kin
lib withoutg'lde ole gal.”
Freedme ‘9 Bureau. ,“Certainly We
take her—of course we (lo—suits us to a
' single ullspice. Hurry up the ”cakes.”
I Justice. “Then I pronounce you all
man and wife, and may the Lord have
‘ mécy on‘ your souls."—Ez. ,
[HMS van: or "8 FAN.
Neither men nor women ,wear hats ex
cept as a protection against the min; the
fan is deemed q sufficient gum-<1 from the
sun, and perhaps nothing will more
strike the newly-arrived European than
this fan, which he wili see in the hand
or the girdle of every human being. Sol
diers and priests are no Inore‘to he seen
without their fans than fine ladies who
make of theirs the use to which fans are
-a\ut in other countries. Amongst the
men of Japan it serves a great variety of
{mi-xylem visitors receive the dnintieq
ofl'er (\1 them “If?“ their fans; the beggar
implortng for e urity, holds out hi 4 fan
for the “aims his prayers may have ob
tained. ‘ The fan serves the dandy in
lieu of a. whalebone switch, the edu
gogue'instead of a femie for the agend
ing schoolboy’s knuckles; and, not to
dwell too long upon the subject, a {an
presented on a peculiar kind of salver to
o high-born criminal, is said to be the
form of announcing his death doom; his
head is struck off at the same moment
that he stretches it towards the fan. 7
Livinq Without Food—How long can
i horees live Without food ‘.’ This ucqtion
, is decided bv experiments recengy made
‘in France. it wasnsccrtainedthatn horse
i will live for twentyifivednys without sol
id food, merely drinkin'rwator. He may
‘lfve seventeen days without eatin'z food
or drinking. He crm only live five dais
Iwhenconsumiu'zsolglvfoodwithoutdrin -
uing. After taking solid nliment for
ithe space of ten days, but with an insuffi
lcient quantity of drink, the stomach is
E worn out. The above {new show the im
‘portance of water in the sustenance of
I the horse. y
Tim Dead of the Wain—The Provost
Marshal General has completed a care
ful comgllation, from the muster-tolls, of
all the eaths in battle, from wounds and
from disease, in every regiment and com
pany of every loyal State, from the be
ginning to the close of the war. From it
t twining that 280,739 officers ahd men
have ost their lives in the service. Of
this number 5,221 oqmmiesioned olflcers
and 90,886 men have been killed in action,
or died of wounds, , while 2,321 of~
flcers and 182,3 m enlisted men have died
(a! disease, or, in a few cases, from acci
ent. . ~ '
Ins “Potluck—Earn" barium.
kahe President’s Policy Endorsedi
A “rd Mn Governor Sunni.
Tq (hr Editorlof the Baltimorr Ameriwm .-
Genllcmen—ln the Hagerstown Herald
and Ibrch, of the 19th instant, noticedin
The American of this morning. I find my
name announced us one of those expected
to be present with Hon. J. A. J. Creswell,
Hon. Francis Thomas, Hon. J. L. Thom-
M, Gen. Garfield, Hem, Arr-hilmld Stir
ling, Hon. Henry Stockhridgze and \Vil
liam Daniel, Esq., at a mans meeting to
elect ten delegates for eneh distriet to
meet in County Convention on Tuesday,
Mny 29, for the purpme of elwmln: six
delegates to repreqent \Vnshinzton enun
ty in the Union State Convention, called
in aisemble in Baltimore on Wednesday,
the 6th of June. in the call of that meet
imz, signed E. Medley, Presldont; it is
with extreme regret that I _witnesa some
of the moat useful and reliable Union
men of Ihltlmnre, belonging to the State
Central Committee, characterized as dis
unlonista. .
It may be péopcr for me to say that I
recognize the nconditional Union State
Central Committee as the only organ au
thorized to call a convention of the Union
Barty of this State, and I am not aware
y what authority, under former party
usage, this call ofn convention is apgblnt
ed to take plane. The recognized hair
man of the Unconditional Union State
Central Committee, with thQMquiescem-e
ofa majority of the Executive Commltr
toe of that body,.having called a general
meetim: of the Committee to take place
on the 29th of May, which will result in
a call for a. similar convention of the peo
ple, we have the Union party of the Rate
of Maryland thus hopelessly divided.
“'hat are we to gain by this ‘.’ i, I deem it
due to mvsoif to any that I shall advise
my friends to adhere to the regular or
ganization of the Union party, an d shall
await the action of the recognized State
Central Committee under the call now
pending. and the convention of the neo
pifiwhloh shall come together under that
on . . o
'I gave no authority for the use of my
name at the Hn‘ rstown meeting. and
am sorry to sun/git I differ [erg widely
from many of, e distinguishe gentle
‘ men announced to speak on that occasion.
An, lam ( ily placed in a false position
in the tines which are being held in
' this Sta , and am nfpeaied to in many
quarters by persons esirous of knowing
my pfesent political status, I will avail
my elf of this occasion to say that the
gamma expressed by me in my annual
I essnge to the Legislature in January
last, and which received the endorsement
of the popular branch of that body, have
undergone no change. It may be proper,
however, that I should be a little’ more
exgfli t.
a for keeping 'the control of the
Gove Viment in the hands of loyal men
exclusively, now and at all times.
‘ lam for the reconstruction ofthe Union
g by admitting the revolted States to rep
resentation in Congress, provided they
elect men of undoubted loyalty prepared
to take the oath required by that Body”
The masses of the Southern people I am
Rrepared to trust, because I believe they
we been deceived by ambitious and de
signing lenders. With Congress will rest
the power to frotect itself and thé coun
] try against d eloyel candidates seeking
A admission into our National Councils.
lam for maintdiuing the integrity of
the Unconditional Union gartyfi'hieh
sustained the Government 11 its efi‘orts
to put down Alia rebellion, and am for
adjusting' on; domestic differences within
our own lines. I am'utterly opposed to
‘ universal negro suffrage and tile extreme
radicalism of certain men 1 Congress
and in our own State, who have been
striving to shape the {rlatform of the
Union party in the in erests of negro
I look upon negro suffrage and the re
'cognition of the power in Congress to
1 control suffrage within the States‘ue the
| virtual subordination of the white race to
,the ultimate control and domination of
.the negro in the State of Maryland; and
in View of the action of certain extreme
men in Con rose for three months past
upon the bili’yto introduce universal ne
gro suffrage into the District of Columbia
against the unanimoup voiee of the pee lo
-_—the enlnrrred Freedmen's Bureau bi]?—
the Civil Rights billpaud, finally, the
Reconstruction scheme of the Committee
sof Fifteen. I consider the issue upon this
subject of negro suffrage as well made in
the full elections, and the most important
that has ever been brought to the atten
tionlof the people of the State of Mary
imu . ‘
I deny that the admission of the revolt
ed States, by loyal representatives, sub
jevts iiie’r‘econstruction plan of the Pres
iiient to the charge that no guarantee has
been secured for the future. The States
niltin'z admission have. by a Constitu
tional amendment, granted universal free
dom to the negro, and they have further
guaranteed, in another form, a reliwudia
tion of the debts incurred by them n the
rebellion. These guarantees I deem as
securing for the present all that can be
reasonably asked.
In these views I believe I am sustained
by the almost united voice of President
Johnson' Cabinet, comprising many
prominefft Republicans who have been
the friends of both Presidents Lincoln
and Johnson.
t 1 ion}; upon the war now being waged
‘ upon Presulent Johnmn ma un§enerou<,
unwise and uncalled for, and believe
1 thnt its longer continuance will greatly
‘ embarrass the national prosperity, by
1 keepinrz‘ailive a state of uncertainty and
distrust in the public mind, both North
:ind South. certain to eventunte in finan
oiai troubiehafi'ecfinz the tide of immi
gratlnn now flowing‘tgl upon us—the do
gmatic commerce bet can the States
and exercising 9. mos destructive and
paralyzing influence gc 1y upon all
the grimt interests of the cou '.
. I am, gentlemen, with great * pect,
Your obedient servant
'i‘nos Swixxx.
Annapolis, May 10, 1665.
@Thcre still survive th 9 members
of the choir of youn,r ladies mt dressed
in white, greeted Washingtonas he enter
ed Trenton, in‘l7B_9, on hla‘wny 10 assume
the presidency, andstrewed hls\pntb with
flowme. One lives in Trenton another
is the mother of the Hon. Mr. éhestuut
fonnerlysenator from South Caro nn nncl
the ‘19:“? Mrs. Sarah End, 0103 \Mny
co., . . 1 .
1 RA Connecticantr dfieon wn? attaehfi
ngavcry pooran ee e ' o oxento
ave-3' large load of woof“; neighbor
ask him how he expected to get so
large a 1m to market with 30111290: 3
team. The deacon _nepllod that e exs
pected to have some aphatanee from D]-
vine Providence. Hts neifibor asked
him whether it would not as “fell to
dispense with the oxen and let Prevalence
draw the whole load.
WThe Hon. D. W. Voorhees, of Indh
ans, announces, in the Terra mute Jour
nut, that he will not be a candidate under
my qircumstancea for re-elootlon to Con
greasf He will however canvass the (11:.
met for the Democratic nominee.
g viii-fin: Inuit!
A lulled Abolitionint. who volt
South thoroughly mmwith the be
Nth“ In. sinner: complbook 3%“
next. in the Bible, if not more It, a th.
word of truth, has yritten n [attain the
Chicago Times, In which he resort: a
marvellous change or sentiment. The
following extract wiil be found instruc
Before coming South I was s shunt-l:
believer in all those ridiculous reporter
gotten up bf: unprlnel'iilod politicians in—
regurd to t e disloyni y ofthe Southern
ople, and I openly argued the rigid pol-
R; that. is urged by Stevens, Sumner ts.
Co. But inqustiee to n brave and noble
people I wil snv that I have utterly {sil
ed to dlseover this much-talked‘o trea
son. (in the contrary, I have foul &
universal desire {or {were and union. I
confess that on arrlv in: here I cherished
all the preludiees ots true Radical toward
these down-trodden people, but my epin
ion has undergone un entire change. and
lam now fully convinced of the Nil
wrongs that have been heaped upon 319 m
by the unmereli‘ul party new in (power.—
I hope this unjust treatment a strove
but ration toe ms); eensfi Eorever—th‘ the
re or got on u) my )0 tenldemw
WKo employ their Ipen‘; in fubr eating
l'nlsehom s of the deepest dye, may no_
longer deceive the Northern mind con
cerning utl'nlrs in the Southern States.—
They lll‘C‘ all t‘nlse~only intended to cun
tlnue the dominant party in power.
It is the great desire of the Southern
people to bury the dork deeds of the past.
four yenrsvnnd meet the Northern people
with renewed love. \Vith this feeling
existing: in their lmmm-l, is it not it burn
in}.' shame that they nre (hilly subjected
to the most gelling insults from a party
who would sou them deprived of every
\‘cstigc of freedom! Ino ‘ the Northern
people, how is it possible thnta people,
after undergoing a l the horrors o a war
of plunder. should lend their old to s gov
ernment. which seeks to degrade and en
slave them ‘.’ It is an impossibility. and
it persisted in will, before long, create a
undying hatred between the tie sections.
Let any other course be pursued and I.
kind, brotherly feeling wdl spring up at
I The expressions of hatred and does re
venge that daily ascend from the he sof
Qougress to his: 1 heaven. only tend to in
(‘l‘caat' the wounds of the nation. In the
Home of (led, then, let those who refre
sent the people in our National Leg sla
ture cease t ieir persecutions and turn
their attention to the development of the
resources of our met country. Remove
the scourges that now oppress the'nunny
South, and her desolate fields would be
made to blossom no the me. ‘
‘ Could Mr. Stevens or some of his discl
pies have attended a mass meeting here
a short time Ego, in indomcment of the
policy. .purnued hv President Johnson I
think t iey would be less abusive of the
South in the future. The speeches made
were by Southern craters to a. Southern
, audience. I fniied to hear one word that
breathed the spirit of disloyalty. After
a few remarks from the president, explan
atory of the meeting, Hon. Walker
Brooke, formerly United States Senator
from this State, wma introdueed to the as
sembly. Soon hl‘q voice filled the hall,
and could the noble sentiments he ex
pressed have reached the halls of Con
gress, the political “thugs," whose Pree
ence there disgrnt-e the memory 0 our
forefathers, would have been made to
blush with shame at their own chrfldy.
Mr. Brooke's remarks convince me of
his great powersiw a profound statesman.
I had the honor of hearing his eulogy on
the death of Henry (‘lny, delivered before
the United States Senate. A few mm
such men [lB Mr. Brooke could do more
to calm the turbulent sea of political dirk
cord that now exists than 9. thousand such
vulgar denmgogmes as now disgrace our
seatot government.
Ail/the statements mode before theße<
construction Committee by 6% mili
targ'eofl'leers of high commhndv elieva
to a peek of fui-u-hoode, only intended
to continue themselves in office. Let the
South only have fair play, and the whole
world wil soon be convmeed of her ear
nestncse for [feline and friendship toward
the North. Wish, for the benefit of our
whole country, that every unbeliever
could be as fully convinced of the real
state of affairs as myself. -
Democrats may well be proud of their
gallant standard bearer. He is bold and
fearless, frank and outspoken. He shirks
no "lune that is prmntcd to him, but
meets every questiorfwith a candor that
is admirable, and die‘usscs them with An
ability that is sure to bring conviction.—
There is no amblgulti about his phrases.
Unlike Geary, his sewncc§are clenr,conl
- and to the point. A child can
undersfiand what he says, though the wl
sost may learn wisdom from his words.
The following is his letter to a commltwe
of the citizens of Sharon, Mercer county,
who asked him for his views in regard to
the passage of a general railroad law:
READING, A I'll 12, 1860.
Gammmx: I have final; recelved
your letter of the 9th that. [sklnv tho
questlon “whether I am or am notin fu
vm- of making a general railroad law by
the Legislature of this Commonwealth,
somewhagsimllnr to that exlsclng in the
nel hborlu': State of Ohio?"
1?, after the repeated and persistent ef
fortw made by me during a long servloo
in the Senate, to secure the e o! a
general rullroud law my ponltion on that
question is not understood 1' fear that
nothing I may now say wlll more fully
demonstrate it. ~
I have been, am now, and will conun
ue m be in favor on; general, tree milieu}
system for this State, similar to that of
the sums ofUhlo and New York; believ
ing that capital Should ever be permitted,
under proper restraint“, {or the protection
of Private property and the rlghtsnf ludi
vh uals. to develop any and every section‘
of this State without, hindrance.
Until the people oi: this Commonwealth
establish the ayntem, many 0! the fiche-t
and fairest poriions thereof will, for lull
a. century tu come, be deprived of those
means of development and inter-comma.-
nioatkm to which at all times they are
entitled, and without which their store.
of iron, of coal, nflumher. and of oil, will
be useless and unpmfimbiekxmt alone 00
tlxeirowners, but as well also to the whole
feoFle whoaro unquestionably most deep
y nterested in their prompt develop
ment and production.
Very respectfully and truly yours, ,
Hms'nzu Curran.
Can the friends of the negroosuffmgé
bureau-blu-candidate show as plain an
exposition of where hestunds on the Bali
road question as this ? '
WA man named Wright sued anoth
er man named Emerson, in the/First Row.
enue district of Wiscmuln, for breach of
promise. Both men wanted tobe Reva:
nue Collector, and both had Congessmap
Potter’s promise of guilllport. men-son
got Wri'vht. to release otter from hh"
romlse By consenting to my Wright.
RlB Deputv. After Emerson Fogthe omen
lie forgot Tris promise nndWr "ht. brought
mm, The court hem that use mum
wasx'old, and took the cane fmm theJnry.
Sgaerellows, those “loyausm"~am
0 og. , r»
, Bu/cq ofHealthunbeeaerfn-‘s ‘
quentlyx—exercise freely in open N»
~take your meals at roguhlj bow:
stain from ingfloatlng drinks—dress
warm, and not fight as to impede tho
{immiguslff 1:310 ’33:"?! or! M grew.
onoto a ereezu'ly‘ ‘w'
ventilated )aputmenté. ’ . ‘ elk
n-Ice costs 20 per can‘t. less In Philh
delphla. than 1056 Mr. _