The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 14, 1866, Image 4

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    --Poen* AND mss:
'o'.- MOU. Vii-u Jim. and mu Xot.
The following lrom the Country Gama.
Fim some practical lnformMion in rel-tion
m tmwgshgng. Wainufer it to our col
.umn- t 9- “59 benefit of tyre. in the sport:
rim. new the habits oftba ”0:51. They
peek in warm see-one. clear. coo , running
Inter. alluvinter, they retrentrthe deep
.er Inter. eurh u lords etfil a p holes.—
.Tho trout “miy be said tfdialike bivilizn
,tinn. e'nd When the forest and brush are
cleared lrom hie old haunts, he takes care
‘lO leave alt-o, There are many streams in
Hill region which twenty years ago yielded
trout abundantly. that are now nlmoet do.
’IPI'IL'd. Solitude is therefore indispensa
(ble to their increase. except when prope
-1““ by ulifivhl means. [hen the sprint:
opens. and the strenim are warmed by the
gun, the trout run 'up intp the brobkg‘nnd
mly then-lee taken by the experienced im
uler. {he trout in very shy. Ind he who
woull catch him must keep without the
tinge of hie eye u mihh ‘n whim—,-
Soile does not frighten him. They maul:
'ly launder the edge. eta-ooh or logs. or'
[lander hunks. or in places where seclusign
lan be obtained. When in eenrch of food.
u at sunset or at the early morning. or It'
times. on cloudy tlnyl, they are aflibout the
stream. but will oitenest befnund in quick
‘rnter or hi the deepest Inter. ' w
L Senongfthe best time tocetchi This is
'.Dlllully in’ the morning.and evening.—
Cloudy dnyu are preferred to bright days,
because the fish are then fen liable to see
the angler. Often. in pqml‘fiiliing. a light
lripple on the surface of the water is m- good
u cloudy, weather. And often. too. I have
had greateucceee in the hrightent days. It
in tmimuible totell in“. when they Wl” bite
best. _My rule iii to (:0 whenever 1' get
'rearlv. end take the chance. 'April, May
end June are the best nllu. , ' A
Then as to the humu’or brook fishing.
there is nothing better than the angle worm
or dew worm; far pond fishing. the artifi
cial fly. Large trout, however. are oftenest
«fight with the fly. Minnow: are good,
In dill frequg'ntly tem‘pt large trout ‘wheli
lmtg worm and fly both fuil.’ ‘: ‘ ,
man 'PmCED Hm. I
{Thyßaltimore :S'un gives the following
I‘oéount ol' the sale of some four huge Iteere
which were centrib'uled ’o the Southern
Pelief Fuir: ___
Vj‘fl‘he excitement attending the mam
moth stem don ltlld to the Southern'Reliel
Fair. culmmeu-d yesterday morning by the
rule of the be?! at the Lexingjo'n‘ Mfiuket.
Large cmds visited the m nice» to witness
‘lhe display of the beef. The beef_ol the
,Bankard steeru was exposed for mle'ori the
stall of Mr. Lewis Turner. Jr: and was all
disposed of before the close of mitrlret. A
plumber of friends of Prosidynt Johnson
purchgned a‘plendid rout gt $5OO. nnd for
yurded it to that. gentleman. The prices
‘nnged from $250 for routs down to $5 for
shin bonea. the entire amount‘realiznd from
um two new: huing in the neighborhood
his-3.000. ‘The Banana? steers. four in
'nnmher, yielded 6.209 p unds of beef, all
’ql’ which was dinpo’ued hf to city purchasers,
’with the exnkption 'of a s7s‘roast for the
Spotlswoorl {hum gt. Richménd, and two
’pieoes taken by Mr. Brillingofi, the gentle-
Innn Who raised them. in York county,
Tennsylvnnia. The prices (if the heel from
three genie nvhraged from 52 down to 25
cent: per pound. had it is «ummsml the en
'tire. proceeds on sales wrll lnll bul little short.
of $4.000. 'l‘lnl beef as exhibited on the
Inn“: of Mr. Turner nn‘l Kr. erranger,,
presented s beautiful appearance. the like
of ,whioh has, perhaps. never heforehepn
peen in the Lexmgton or nuy’Other market
of this city.” ,
' The New York Tum}, m a leading article
published a _fevdnye ainee. boldly charges
the Radical majority inflongreu with la
horing persistently to force negro eufli-nge
upon the ,counfiry. The Time: is a consist
_3mly Republican’ newspaper. but it stands
by the policy of Prwident Johnson and by
’the whitelrncel Predioting‘ in regard to
the anticipated plan’bf restoration to be
inflexed by Thad. Stevens' Committee 0: fif- ‘
teen. it said:
"Avg apprehend that. when they can get 1
their courage up to the 'sticking- point.’ this
is precisely the course which the Radical:
' 7n Congrrese will endouvor to pursue?—
.‘Uuivcraal negro Mmfl‘agfi/I! the condition,
n‘n’e qua non. of the Rye ’ution ofthc Union
in nowrund has been from the beginning of
the session., the grand goal and object olull
their efforts. They have cloaked it more
‘or‘lesh. partly from [iolmy and pnrtly from
Tear: but the time is drawing: nigh wit 11
they aim clonk it no longer. * * * ‘7‘»
'All the tall; nnd all the excitement that
but been raised nhout Constitutional
Amendments. equality of Civil Rights. ala
tu: of the Rebel Stntoe. &c., kc” has been]
' lip‘ifly dust thrown in the eyes of the pub
‘Jic to cover the approach to the grand, lun-‘
demental. indispensnhle principle or univer
an! nrgro svfliayc. as the condition Withoutl
“which no muthern State should ever again
he admitted to the Union. This ieithe 3e.
bret 01' all the elaborate legit»! endeavors to
prove that the ,Union is deatroyesthnt
_tha States wentput of it, and‘that they can
get back only on such conditions as Con
ureu may prescribe. This has the reason
Ghy Stevens proclaimed them conquered
Staten. deprived of all rights, excluded from
the protection of the Constitution. and to.
be dealt with u conquered subjects, at the
‘mvmign willpml pieuuye oi the conquer. ‘
on. This wu the 01-ject of Mr. Shellubtr
gei's studied legal argument ‘in sugport of ‘
the doctrine of State suicide, an of his
bare recent effort to .prove,thnt. even ,it'
the Rebel States are in the Union, they
they rightly be held to have for-tented all the
It'ightrnf citizenehi “under the Constitu
tion. The feebler gut still,more zealous
White of Hurt. Wnrfiflolmea, and othei‘
‘.ltadieul members in) this State. have ell
aimed at the Ignite thing—namely, to lay a
foundation tor demanding. at the hands of
the South. universal negro sutl‘ruge u the
'eondit‘ion otyreetorntiou."
ASH)“ Inn-finer wstimfly can any sane
man need to' prove that; “19 Republipan
Party In irnvnoabiy wedded to the negro?
Anoi- mu yang!“ nzxr.
We noticed several 67 In since, the hell
fibit (Jo-groan Ind comma-ed onw‘bill that
expressly relexred to we whim man. It
’_m'uy' be-news to many to know thin. ik bu
‘pnpsed another. The last. one is to impose
fflr’fino not. éxoeulmg $l.OOO. and impmon
-Imm. nut exceeding one year.” upon any
Nbilo' mnnx‘who shall deprive any negro of
the right. of mun-tying his (laugnleg'. qr any
trench the privilvge of taking lm lan. I»
jam cu tin: may am. yet it is a fact, and we
'd-ro any supporter ot Sumner, Stevens, or
Hairy—w deny it. ‘' , “
' en. the white men of the conmry remem
‘bor ‘hii. An non. such I: we lane stutéd,
[la phlod"both houses of Congreu, and or
cry abolition 'nurnal in 1111': Slate endorm il.
‘Aro men. in wholé veins flaws the proud
plead ol' the Ca'ilcnsmq. willing to submit to
3nd support'tneh a 'horrid outrage upon
”their rape Ind dpnn emnnlon decency. Are
3mg! 'yujlni; to tupporl ndpnny than endor
m we‘ll miserslblenuch etenlnble acts? -
Thepany now. In power Joan. Tneir putty
ffiifi.“ know 1:; their putty Speakers know
I, md In gum “cutaway it: ‘ V
I . v- .. M-;~'_‘____
_fi-rho pan-citativo Rvpuhlicanl—or
rather the only Republica‘ud 'yvithin that
bfllg|mglmmlion—lnlen'd to hold 3
me V’rim'on M Pinhbnh‘z in Juiy. for
" ‘hfimflo‘h M nmdid‘ate for Governbl‘.‘
, fi'fiifift‘bmgow a ml: who‘ has _“ho
1 gwpriaxl"'w‘-~Vvu. AVdO «ll
lon-up rum «no. 1"' 'mmo kWéflé£"" ‘
900 L3B. SOLUBLE PAGMQGUANQ llH‘EQlnlmeriherahhuq‘ jinn: relurnodplfrn:
-/ contain Tolbimu'tul-dur leldin c u " F" “"3”" "' 1 °
WWMM‘e- " ‘gdammit3m:r::m:::§g:.2
Also 80 to SalanmMybonl PM)“: o/liuu, “ pn’m tolnlt die than. 0" ‘.m cam."
30 lbs. of which "inlaid: phyla“. iin put of . , ‘
It nonbin- AH tie sdnnugu of the but BUILDIXQ lATHPJA'LS.
brand: or Super Micah-whim than at Pail ‘ 0A3P83g33c1;33%?§ TOOLS. _
.nvinn Gnsno. - . ¢ _ j . COACH FINDINGS
By reason of in grater «maturation, w. ro
commend 10 per ct. lea by right m be um!
per Acre, tl‘up of_ In, fertilizer caning ’ti'e
same 'per ton And no more {yer her": flux: of
thou; gelling At 20 par ci. not; per Inn.—
Hence it: umo‘my.
Thu gull) weigh. as lbu. per bntpel,‘ bum
in npplying it farmer: min be govern“ 5!
weighthld no: by “Mum in much ughur
thin “16 Super Pliuplnlu. Envy cargo duly
impacted. .V“ ’‘V
. . mm: 8. uses: a co.,
Gun“. Angus '0! in Sou/n,
_ Bone)” ‘
WE wingivep Mey‘guafinho no! the
puri!y of qua InicLe. Itch pm:- as)
nleamadfinburul bpm. reduced to the MM: of
(an. which add: iuo per cute in ulna; It
in u 91qu End aélin as acid diuolaml bone,
hence its trnlue fa; vastly grentef, becngu it
contains neither qud not Inter, yhich necesv
iarily add wleighl and reduce the qualitlty of
ulunble elemenfgs‘l We recummgud 250 lbs.
to be‘u_sed in plncp of 300 lbl. Supp: Phospbnte
or‘diuolved bnn .? » w ? ~
~ 10 I}! S. REESE & 00., ,
GEIIEALI‘KOL‘ITT! to: Tufi Sourn, ..
' 1: 51mm Stroll, Baltimore.
”Moonneyl iehl, Agenzi; Getty-burg
Mar. 12, 1‘866.‘ in: .f .
I‘lo3o PHILLIPS' 3‘
‘Gmhina Improved, :
Lime. 1
For Sale At. ){Annufncturer'q Depots, (w
27 Now. non: ‘Sm‘u, Pmupm pa.
95 Small Shut, Kaufman", MI:
And by Dealers in general thiougqut the
The Material of whiéh
is mtg-:fucfiured ca'ntnim fifty yer cent. more
Boné Phosfinte flmn an Boqe, therefore it
is more durable.“ The.smmonl£presenl gives
it gram. additimial ferifliziug vague
Five yam-_u’ experiencé hns'pr'oved go the’
Farrier than It makes a. heavier grain than
even "able mdnure, and is am only IcliVO
hut lasting
. . ‘ ‘ xOl2O PHILLIPS,
Sole Proptietor andflfinufnclurer.
fi‘Pric'e $56 p'er yon—Zooo‘vpoundu. Dil
count. to dealers. , ‘ _) ' - "
'Feu. 12, 1866.: :5 ,
F ERS will plenae mke norire that. ue have
adopted the following Trade Mark to protect
ourselves. And prevent those who userur
RAW BONE sUI’ERgfiOSPflATE from being
deceived \vhenjumhnsing msnurcs. _
We have‘been obliged to give this pretee
tion to our customers, in ccnaequence of new
eml puruea having‘ unlawfully need our' dis
tinctive nnme, viz: “Raw Bone,"‘~in offering
their article we the pliblic. This 1“ do Mark
is adopted in midnion t 9 the,tille'“l{2>\§one."
which in our exclusive proneny, antiwe nu
lion all manufacturers from using it in fut- e.
We would sum to the trnde and consumer‘-
that, they will find it to their interest. to see
that the “Trude Man-k" inypon en-ry Mg and
barrel purchase,“ none other is genuine.
= IiAUGIi k—SONS.‘
R A» U G lI’.S
Super Phosphate of lee.
Nnnnfucmfed by BAUGH &. SUNS.
No. 20 South Deluwnre Avenue,
The grenQophlarity or our nrticle bu heen
found eu‘lfiuent inducement to cert .in imitators
to mauulacture and- advertise “Raw Bone
Phosphates,"i mine which originated with
us, and is our own rightful property. We
will state for the informmtion of all, th it we
are the exclusive manufacturers of this nrticlo'
—:l;e original and sole proprelors ofit—lmlf
lug heen manuf-ctured by us for u period oi
twelt‘e yeuri. Also that ll is covered by let'-
cml letters p item. held only by ourselves.
We are now ready to supply it in‘lnrge
qunntities—hnving made 'recent additions and
improvements.‘ Vessels drnwing 16 leet or
water cnn load¢directly from the whmrvca of
the works, which are located at the foot of
Morril ‘Strcet, Delaware River. We cell the
nnentio‘u ot DEALERS to this great advlntnge.
The present indidations are that we shall
have it greatly increased demand overtlmt‘
spring our! full seasons} and we ndvise lf‘nrmen
to lend in‘tlnelr order: to their regpectiu
Dealers at In early Puyfithnt all may be sup
plieq promptly. ' ‘
Soliciting your cohtinned orderl, ~
-_. We rennin. ' l
. Y urn rer trul
'-‘ ,1 ‘1 BAU’GH l’soxs, -
»' No. 20 S. DIIIIWM’Q Avenue, I
Feb. 5, use. 9m Pmmofimm
‘ Palm-cue !
gum-n: nun nix um. I)
A. RETI‘E, szo'oc per ton, tuken'fromtho
l-‘uuory hose, or (:0 Imm per bushel? and
$26 00 per (on In bags. delinred u‘ Stum
bom and Railroad Depou, in “111103113111;
Munulectory, Gny'p Ferry Road, abovo the
Arsea .’Philndh. ‘DepVot, Peyuon'l Faun,
Gloucelter, N. J., Wl‘oodbury Bond.
Game—Library Street, No. 420. back of the
New Po'u Uflice. Phhndelphiu. Deniers,
A Fourth & Cnl‘owhiu Sm, Phihdulphil,
March 6, 1865. .391 ‘
Carrhigei and Bliggies,
A 'l‘ E t G ULL P '
a gram. building mutiny of
\G 0 ‘A 0 J! w 0 R K -
of the latent and non. approved nylon, and
constructed orthe bést miteriul, to which they
invite the attention of buy-on. lining built
our work with great cu. :nd’ ol’ material
nlectad with ngcinl reterenco to beauty of
Style and durability, we can confidently re.
commend thn‘work u unsurpulad by any,
either in or out at |he cities.
All In uk iugn inspection oi our work to
convince thong-in want. of my kind of vehicle,
thu thil in the place to buy them.
REPAIRING in evrry braych done“ .503:
notice and on reasonable term.
Givp us A call, :1 our l-‘nctory. am we
corner of Washington And (Human-shut;
ureeu, Gettysburg,
' P. J. TATE. WI. I. CULP.
_lm. 19, 1863.
SUPERIOR (1“le of the ban London
Dr.“ FLAMES, If: '0! without (uten
inm; for sale by D. geOBRABY I SON.
RAKE'S Pumniqx mums,» on:
Homeland Tonic. a Dr. B. WKSEB’S
ugSloro."‘ 2" ‘. "‘ :--, ~‘
. .- .. ~ ‘
630023188 01" ALL KINDS,
!ou.s, runs, a, te. when in no unit-I'.
' included in the nevernl depnnmenu mentioned
above bit what on beV Ind It‘tbia Store.—
I Ever} clan of Mechanic: can be Iccommodated
4 here Vith‘tooll Ind’flndinzgnnd_Bou-ekeeperl
lcan find every utigle in their line. Give as 1:
1a", “.10 up prepared to In” in low for cash
' um, houu out of the city.
\ ~ ‘ JOEL 'B. DANNER,
1 GFynburg, In, 16. 1864.
l New Goods! Large Stock!
Blanca”! TpILURING. ' '
- . l ”9933; BRO
hnva jun teocived from the cities 3 large stock
or goods for Gentlemen’tmu, o_mbneing s
variety of ‘
CLorus, ’ .
Cassinets, Jeans, 31;, with many other good!
(or spring Ind lummer wear.
Theyrnre prepared to make up gut-menu at
the nhort‘eat noticeqeand in the very best man
,nor. The Fashion: qre reguiarly received, mud
,clolhing mule in any desired style. They al
ways make nent_ fits, whilsflheir sewing is sure
to be substantial.
They ask a continuance of the public's pa
uonsge, ‘resolveé by good wot And "moderate
charges to earn it. ‘ - ,
—Geuysburg, April 7,. MG!
Schick Still Ahead!
woul'd'respectfully any to thy citizenl of Get
tylhurg and vicinity, that he il now receiving
at his sloren splendid 4 '~
The Mock consists in part of Fancy and
Staple DRY GOODS, of every descripuon.
SILKS. * : i 5 ‘ ‘
vj ‘ DELAINES, ‘ ,
, LAWNS, ‘
of s'quualities sud choicest’atyles, which will
Funmsmxa GOODS
of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton
Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stock‘i'ngs, kc.
Also, p splendid hasortment of RI‘BBONS,
Laces and Edgihgs; Umbrellas and Parssols.- -
My Moclgof WHITE GUODS will be found full
and complete, and customers may rely n'pon
nlwnys‘ketting good goods A} the lowest Poul
ble prices. ’
Gentlemen .will find it to_ then- odvnntuge u:
call and examine my stock of
.- ‘ » VESTINGS,
0! all qualities and choicest styles. =
April 16, 1866. ' J. L. SCHICK.
The Great Discovery
F THE AGl.—lnflnmm§§ory nqd'Chronic
Q Rheumatism can be cured by using H. L.
TURE. Mnny prominent citizens of this, and
the adjoining coumies, have testified to its
greut utility? Its success in Rheumatic nth-c
-tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any
specific, introduced to'the public. Prxce 50
cents perboltle. . for sale by all druggists and
storekeepcrs.. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER,
Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin,
Adams county, Pm, dealer in Drugs, Chemicnls,
Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Bye-slum, bot
tled Ulla, Essences ind Tinctures, Window
Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicin a, te., 11:.
”A. D. Buehl'cr in the Age; in Gettys
burg for “ H. L. Miller’s Celebrated Rhenmntic
Mixture.” , ,[June 3,1861. tt‘
_ Cemetery Removals. '
T to mnke removals into Ever Gregn Ceme~
-.ry, hopes th‘at shah as contemplate the reynovul
o theremains of deceased relatives or friends
will avail themselves of this season oftlleyear to
have itdonc. Remouls made’with promptneu
-—terms low, and no effort spared to please.
March 12mg. Keeper of the Cegletery.
Sale Crying.
W: FLEMING continues the business
A. of SALE CRYING, and solicit: the con
tinued patronage of the public. It is his con
stant,endeuwur to givé satisfaction. Charges
modernté'. Residence in Bteckinridgq street,
P. 8.1 m: is A licensed Auctioneer, undar Line
Tax Law of the UnitedVStmel.
Nag-2‘4. 1862.
Lancaster Book Bindery.
' Plain and omgmmtal Bindiny, of every de
luription, executed in the most substantial and
aplrrovpd styles. '
—E. W. Brown.‘qu., Farmer: Bank of Lnncnner
W.-L. Peiper, 83%., Lnncuter County Bank
Snmnel Shock, sq., Columbia Bank.
Snmuél Wagner, 16qu York Bunk.
! William Wagner, Esq“ York County Bank.
l T. D. Carson, an.,’Ba'nk\of Gettisbnrg.
Pager Martin, Esq., Proth'yor Lancaster co., Pa
i Geo. G. Hawthorn, Esq., Rcfiister “ “
ZUeO. Whitson, Esq., llgcurder‘x “ “
, April_ 1!», 1861 . ._\\ ‘ H .
.' Noah Willie! ‘5 Ch": \‘
.Cnornlnnls, :
‘ msmxc'ron BUILDING,
' l
165"» 167 Baruch S'l'lll‘l',
keep cgnsflmtly on hnnd a large and ion M
lurted stock of all kind: of goudl at. modem"
prices. - \ . ’
They wmfly argon fdr the fluent to the
Iowa" priced articles, enher remiy made or
made to measure, rofiny pan of the country.
‘ They keep also MI exunaive stock of FURN
ISflING GOODS. embrn‘oing every article 0'
Gentlemen’u Un r-vmr. \Also, MILITARY
CLOTHS and "$l. variety bf Hiliury Trim
minga, at well as n assorted shock of READY
mom MILITARY uuuDs. "
Baltimore, Few“, 1864. ‘ ~
Nap Bakery!
NEWPORT tv‘ZIEGLEII, Mechanical Bnk
err, 80ml: anuhingwn street, halt uquxro
from the 3:ng Hotel, GET'I‘YSBURG. Pn.‘~3
Conltnntly‘ on hand, the best 0! BREAD,
Ion: wishing fl-uh Brand will be sorted every
morning, by leanng their name! and reshbncyi
In. the Bum-y. Every efl‘orz made to please
Give us I call! [April 30, ’63. tf _
\ Still It Work 2
R undersigned continues the ‘
in nil its branches, At. his old "and, in Ea"
Biddle ureet. Gettysburg.
NEW WORK‘mudo to order, Ind V
laaPA I n I N G
done promptly and at lowan prices.
Two first-mte‘ SPRING WAGUNS and I
Dec. 1, 1363. . _‘
' Do You Wish ~
/ O preserve 3 cool: likeness of yourself
your children, or your friends? go at
one. to HUMPBR’S GALLERY,- the but plies
n the nonfat] to "can £95: all" pichm.
. Picture fines. :4;
with plain Ind convex $1915.“. for «la
n. omer'n Drug can Vum) Store. *
"‘ glue 18.}865. , .
1:: we» . - ~ ~~ .. v. ‘
Adams County
MUTUH. nan Issuance: confirm“.
Lloonrun'rln, “new”, iB5l
- Orncsu. ‘
President—George Swaps. ‘
Vice Pmident—e‘nmncl R. Russell. ‘
Secretary—D. A. Buehler. { ‘
Treasurer—E. G. Fahnestock. ! .
Execulire Committee—Ruben. )lchqdy An
drew Heinufimnn,hcob King. ~ 1
Mansulne.'—George Swope. D. A.l3uehler,.
R. Mchrdy, M. Bichelberger, 5. B. Russell; E'- i
G. Fehnestock, A. D. Buehier, R. G. MéCreary, ‘
Gettysburg; Jacob King, Sit-hen township;
A. Heiuuelmsn, Frsuklin; Wu. D.; Rimes, I
New Oxturd; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersvilie;
H. A. Picking, Strnhnn township; Jd'hn Wol
ford, Luimoro township; John Picking, EA“
Berlin; Abel ‘l'. Wright, Bendersviile; Abdiel
P. Gin, New Oxford; Joe. B. Marshall, Hun
iitonben township; John Uunninghaui, Pree
dom township; John Homer, Mon‘ntjoy town
ship; Wm. Ross White; Liberty township.
fiThis Compnny is limited in its opera
tions to the county of Adams. 1L bun been in
dpemlion for more than 15 years, km! in the:
period he: mule hm. one nsseument, hnving
raid losses by fire during that period nmmun.~
as to $13,‘J38—58,769 of which have been
psid during the last two yénrl. Any person
desiring In inlqrince unepply to spy of the
above named Managers for further informnlion.
@The Executii'e Committee meets M. the
once of the Company, ‘on the lnsmWednes
any in wary month, nt 3 o’clock, P. l. ’ ‘
Oct. 16, 1865. it ’ j
‘. Cunnou’abj
MARBLE wonxs,
géfih-enn Conger of the Diamond nhd Balti
more sheet, nearly opposite the Sur oflice,
Every destLption of work execulqd in the
, _uileat 31er of the an“; ~
April 17, 1865. tf ‘ -
New Warehouse. - -
~ BUSHELS— of GR“?!
0970? WANTED,at_tlfie:nngrnin
and Prom’lce ouse, in Curlisle street, adjoin
ing Shem]: a: Buehlet's estubliuhmé’nt. The
highest market. price will always life paid ix:
heal: for , i
GRAIN, of all kinds, 1‘
\ FLOUR, snaps, be.
Alwyn on hum] and IQ: lale, m. the annual!
profiu, “
GUAXhii. ~- ‘
' S ‘L’l‘, FISH. '
3 unocmms, w, - _
F Wholesuje Add retail.
TRY USI‘ Wle\ghnll do our best. 3.0 gin
luiiigctioh in all éngea. f A .
k 5? ‘ - ‘
Gettfsburg, May 11,
. «163- ly THIS .wovptzrtrut REMEDY was discov
’_"'““‘ " ‘ \ ered and introduced about twent ears
Great "armi‘ ago by Dr. S. Cheopsus, an eminent Egyfitian
'r rntxxsnndr r's c :s. plum“. ' .
A ANDFURNISHING STORE: “the North He had lonzseeu and felt the want of some
East Corner of the Dianiond. m BUbS‘Tib" remedy which would strike at the root of dis
is constantly in receipt of fresh gOOJI-S front the ease, and so prevent much of the enduring",
Eastern cities. His stock of ‘ ' which the human 16111 in was then compelled to
READY-MADE cnornr. e l endure. . l
is one of the largest and most a rat-ti e, as The great q'nestioc. was presented to his,
well as the cheapest establishment otv'the 'mi . ' -———, , miul every day in vivid colors as he moved a-l
in the country. You will more find COATSfI 1 Dr. Schenrlt—Dsar Sin—About two years man: the sick and dying. and observed the in»..
PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the n.ost\j\agnl was taken witha very troubilesome cough efliciency of nearl: all the remedies then in}
fashionable styles. and of the but mfltfriltlB,'fi%fl pain in mv breast; seven orfeight months ‘ use. Thus he was lead to think and experi-;
of all sizes and prices, for men and boys.- : p-I ed away without my durum-anything for I ment: and utter ten _vetrs ofsiurly and labor.
Gentiemcn’s furnishing goods of every desicrip-J mys f. Then I applied to a physician. who he presented to his fellow man the wonderful l
tion‘, Woo Shirts, Muslin n§hirts, Hickory , atten me for about three months without Zingari Bitters. Theefl' ct «ifthis preparation
Shirts ‘andl \lrrino Shirts, Merino, Wool and i renderin me any service. [Mad-obtained the in the preventionand-cure of disease. was sol
Cotton Dralwers, Hosiery ofei‘ery description ladvite summltmenl oft! physrtian Inone Of marvellous and astonishing, that the most!
Buck-skin, .\lerino and Cotton Gloves Hand- I our hospiiva J Md tlla‘o had_the advice and flattering'm'trks of royal fnvor were bestowed ,
kerchicls, Neck Ties, Crnvuts, Linuen andd’nper i treatment of: a other physicmns. but Elli/0 90 l uponihim who discovered it. 'His name nas
Collars, Hats, Cups, Boots and Shoes. \Utn-,pufpose- Darin lhis loug‘space of time I placed upon the Roll of thles, end ogold
brellss, Trunks, Valices, Co'rpet'Razs, Clothes , was nearly den-l, several times my friends modal with the following inscription—Dr. S.
and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes- icame to ‘sre me and ‘witness my Bin into the i Cheopsus, the Public Benefactor—owns ,pre;
Shoe Blnu \ing. Pocket and Dressing Conthsfifipirit-“florld- l WNS cotlfified 10 my bed "‘0 . rented to him bytlie Viceroy. , ‘
Ivory Cor bsj' Watcjies, Ulocks‘and Jewelry, intonthsrst one time. My breathing ‘was 61-! The preparation .has been used in several
Guns, Pis 018. mlius a! Violin Strings, ‘ ceedinzt‘ly short. 1 gave up several tunes _flllf‘epidemics of cholera. both as a preventive and
Sonps und Pcrfumeries, S ionery of all kinds, lhope Uflge'litfl: bt'NEr; and a! regarded (Bil-"1K. curative mtasure, and with such great success
l’m-ket Kn ves, Smoking a’nd Chewing Tobnc- I wellhthgthwas entirely out of the question.—' , that it has been introduced into nearly alLthe
co, Pipes, 1: extra qualityof Segars. In fact,‘ And to .nk this day lam Well and hearty l- general hospitnle ofthe old world. '.
his stock mbrnees everything usually found ; 1W!!! sdt‘l dby some of my friends to If)“ Dr. l The old saying thatnn ounce oi prevention
in a first 1 ss furnishing store. I invite the Sl‘ht‘an' flfiéicmem I accordingly limit!“ is worth a pound of cure, _Ajppli‘es with mar
attention of’hllto come and see for themselves, I, bottleaf er bottle, until 1' reached the ninth ; y‘enon, ion-e to chi-dent, and tin rofpre any
as I am determined to selljoods lower thnu ; then I [found a. decided change in my cough, remedy that will protect us against this terri
any other'establishmeuttfthe coirntry. Don’t 1 for-Hm he‘lef- Isull'ered “Veal! "0m P-‘lPl- ble diacase should he treely and persistently
forget the ,place. Corner of York street and will? or the heart,\,and two_weeks after I used. ' y
the Dinmond. ‘JACOB BRINKBRHOF l". ('0 , IGMEd mkingjonrmedicme this dtHiCul-‘ .All pntholngists now agree that the cholera
Jl'ly 4. 1864- I l \ ‘3' ”55¢ ' \‘. ’ poison acts on the syztem through the blood,
———-7- -~— - —,———r-—-‘.—~—‘ fi’hen I first went to Dr.‘~B‘-henck’s cities it and that any combination which acts on
. Fresh Arrival. as with ditficulty that [could get. up into his 3 the excretory o-gans. and keeps them in work.
ATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. reception room, I was so weak and so swelled ; ing order. must present a sutfitieut accumu
l I .COBEAN & 90/ my skin was as sallow as, though I had the . lation of the poison to exert its terrible cd'ects,
havejnst received and opened another splendid ,j-tdndlce; l‘felt dull, heavy and siei’plrss. Dr. Jon the 01-m\nigm_ This ig‘» true not only of
assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and Schmidt, after examining me, said‘hoth my 4 cholera, but at nemly all other maladies, ups.
SHOES, for Summer wear, which they are lung‘s were sfl'eeti-d, and gave me but little ciuuy the different forms offevers.
selling at very low prior-s considering the hope; bnt‘nis medicines, in ithouttwo weeks, | I'l3, zingnri Bitters isjnst sucha remedy as
,times. The latest styles, oi Sumrn'er Hitts and ; took right’ holi ofme; it seemed to go right, the above conditions h'quire. It acts on the
Cups, of e‘very description and price. lthrough ‘3' whole system. The Pnlmoriic i organs of excretion and secretion, kavpinznp
Boots and Shoes, of superior make, 91“], w St'l'lll). Sea-weed Ton“? and Mandrake Pinir‘ta perfect balance between them. This Bitters
warranted to fit, slwujs on hand. Work 1 all took.'right hold in the right place. The ilk composed entirely of roots and herbs, so
made to order and repairing done on short no- Pills brought, away great. quantities of bile' nié‘iy cnncnmed that every organ is acted
tice, by experienced workmen. Also, and slime; the Syrup toost-ued the matter in‘l upon and pint in tone. Its taste is pleasant
' ~ HARNESS MAKING, , my lungs, which came ofl' wry free ; the Sta~ “d m. efi‘et-ts prompt and lasting. '
cars’ied onin all,its branches: Persons want- Weed Tonic gave {neon appetite, and every- Numerous cases 0! -the fo'lowrng~disesses
ing‘amt‘hirm in. this_line would do‘well to call. ‘ thin‘g‘secmed to tahteigoodc have been cured by it: Cholera, Diarrhoea,
thon't target the old stand in Chambers- To show what greht power the medicines, Typhoid nnd Typhdl Fever, Fever. Ague, Ner
hurg street, if you want Bargains. have in purifying my system-Ind to show how , yous [)ebility, Anaemia. Female. Irregulartiel,
' COBEAN h» CRAWFORD. bad I was diseased: beside all the bile that , Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Colic. Scrofuia, are. ,
passed my bowels, nd the great quantities of Price, one dull ir per quart bottle.
' phlegm ““d matter I expectomtrd. i bl’OkO Principal Depot at the Walnut ttreet Wharf,
, out ,itll_over in inrge boils, thattvuuldfirtinue; Harrisburg. PA. _ 4 '
to gather and run for About six weeks, and, I 1 Sold by Druggists, Hotel-keeper” Grocers.
haunt one time over twenty~fivs boils. lhave‘ F. RATHER, .
,notltiug of~thc kind now,aml tct-l like other . Sole Proprietor.
person altogether. I cui‘ safely “All“ ll fi-For “to by Wm. J. Martin, sole Agent
have not enjoyed s‘nctrhealtli for five years as for Gettysburg.
I do uow,and atnnot praise you and your‘ .Aprit 16, 1866. h
medicines enough. May . God abundantly ~ '
blgsh and preserve you, is the sincere desire at
one who has been so wonderfully relieved
through your. agency: and if any one desircl
to lttiow with regard to the truthfulness oi this
report. if they will call upon any of my friends,
or upon me, No. 4 Dryden Place, neur‘l‘homp
sou htrcet, below Cadwnludcr, Philadelphia,
they will he perieotly satisfied with the valid
ity ot the (fuse: Yours, with ‘tuuch respect,
MARY scuxsior.
The at ore case, as described, is perfectly
correct. I know it‘ to be true. Yours. ‘
. . 'r. 13. MILLER,
Pastor of Hancock N. E. Church,
Jgne 19, 1865
; Pianos! Pjnnos! ~
”NOS !—The undemgned would requct-
KP tufly inform the public that hé cnn furdish
HNUS of the following manufacturers, or
[hose nf other make, it desife‘ , at. the loves}
possible prices: . -
\7 DEt‘KER BROS. ‘
(H 36. STH'K.
AJH. UAIILE .t (‘O. ' '
sun-mm“; a SUNS. . ‘
mpfirlicuiu nu». ution i! ziven‘ to the le
lprtion 0g Pinuoa: and uhen so selected, in ad
linn to . mnnufnclurers’gu nrantee,the Piano:
arr gua lead by me. *
\The rccqnt improvemexus in these hymn
mcuu are such an to fully warrant saying they
are FAR. SUP! IQR to any other make. Out
of the best e dunk-=5 of their merit. is, that
their in M neuts we iluiL.led by timer
_makera. {I new style, fnur atop organ, his
’5 Sub-Bun and Och-v0 Cuuplct. making it. fin
lnptrulilem especially sdapted to Church und
§nbbnh School purposes. ‘.
will be sent by mail to penona desiring thpm.
Pinon tuned regulnrly. , Piano: taken in ex
‘ chi-age. PETER. BENTZ,’
\\ No. 30 East, Market St., York, Pa.»
June\l\2;l3Bs. 1y
‘ \Blaeksmlflnng. ‘
HE undergigned would most rupectfnlly
‘ inform um public that he‘ continues “:0
nt his shop, lately Philip Dmreom’s, adjoining
Troxel‘s palm. ‘shofijn East Middle street,
Gettysburg, where he \xlll In. all. times be pre
paredjo do‘Bluckemithi‘ work to Carriages,
Buggies, anons, kc. Th the knoyva how to
do all job: of (he klnd will t. be questioned
by these who have n knowle e of hie long
experience a: 1110 businesr. 0 me on with
your warhead you will be ntllfl when we
take” Amway—end for which h‘w receive
Cull or 00mm; Produce. ‘—
\ Her. 30, 186 M t! .—«
\— ___..__,
nsmouuw mum-m, Nqnh-enu cor
ing of the Dismond, (nut door :0 Mc-
Ufalkn'mfloleld Getty-burg, Pa. wherg he
cuu M. 611%? be fouud ready to Attend to all
buninou in line. Ho has ulna excellent.“-
isnneo and3lill ensure utiafuction. um
‘Eiyn seal]. " , Dec. 3, mo.
A Picture! when It. .\lg-M-PER’S SKY
IUHT GALLERY. on Wnt. Middle IL, Ira
“tinting universal nutrition. Goodjndgel
pronounce them superior to any ever taken in
Ihfl place. cm and cumin for your-21v".
Jam. 16. was. ‘ ~
or the var; belt qnmy; . new nuoruuntjun
received. 03!! and in it. ' J. BEVAN, '
Opposite the Bunk, Gettysburg.
<BPlc'l' A 0 L E B ,
w m: all lg”, nh‘nn on‘ land, and anedw
night. ,l‘ J. BEVAN,
. Opnome "IS Bank. Geuylbnm‘
riekr. In , .chufl’fl. .
John W; Tlpton,,,.w.nw . ‘ z 77,-
ANOTHER can“ was; NEW nun,
In rue orrr or new roux, . q-r was 01.0 srissn.
Or I highly respectnble cltisen, well known to no nuocinted iiE?2;L::n::.getsl;]
the leroentile community. 5! son, 4°“ 9' “emu”. under the firm'uud
D B. J.’ 11. S C H E N C K. style-10! D. lchry & Sou nnd l desireu)
u} Ann! “no Dacron or rmunnrnu. lsoy to my old friends end the‘public enerell
Ollice N. Y-Ind Galena Lend Co.,} ,th‘nt sincethe wanthe magnum", °fßSndd| I
No. 28 Hess-u St., N. Y., June l. ’65. Burners, Colitis, 80., bu been reviv d eh"
~ Dr.’ J. H. Sehcnck—Denr Sin-Fur overkold established Ind well known stun; "3‘ 1°
fifteen yenrli hure been troubled with a see timore street. one square south of the?) I .
vere cough, Ind ueunlly two or three times I ; Bonny-Gettysburg, Pa. a on”
year irith more orless hemorrhage, which to- | anlng had an experienceiof 40 en i
gather, tor thelust tewyenrs, has kept me thin this establishment, 1 reel usdred “I’ll n't:
iniflesh sud too sunk to do business of my renewed attention to buliueu v;e cut; “:11
kind without suffering. in August: lost I had furtlher mérit and receive n fulll‘shnre of . h
n very severe hemorrhage, and, according to lie puronngn r DAVID HeCREABg’u ‘
thejtfligmeut of it good New York physician, I l '
Ins classed to beyond the reach of medicine,
and we: udvieed to be prepnred, so fur on
property matters vere concerned, to leave this
world at short notice. The physician (end
my gdod friends) said that. the first coldl took l
must prove fatal. Enrly in January l,took a
severe cold, and fortunately mu occupying
rooms at No. 32 BOND STREET, directly over,
your ntfice. I think About me mm of January,
I procured I bottle of your Pulmonip Syrup}
and commenced taking it freely. My feet Ind
limbs were very much swollen, nud all the
Symptoms ofs speedy death seemed to locom
pnnj‘ my cold. I sentjor my former physician,
Ind stated to him the.“ was tekiug yourmedi
cines, and alter showing’ them to him, end
hnvmg tastedtof them, to, he replied: “You
on take them ifyou like, they will do you no
harm.” He said: “You know what l told
you’ last summer, and 1 any the some nonu'g’!‘
.you have any business to close up, do not put'
itoi‘l.” He said to other friends that he ”could!
see no hope for me.” end my fiiends nnthrelno
tions concluded my time had come. At. this
, time l was taking freely of your medicirfe,but
1 had not seen you. The doctor called? few
tim‘es, and found me (much to his surprise, he!
i said.) improving, and: he could not undeéstsnd
why. My fuith was increasingin your :medi- 3
rinee, and I had a wish to have you extmine
my case, and see what you had to say.. When
lyou first came to my room and made the ex
amination, you gove me but little encourage
] ment,‘huton the contrary,exptessed sad doubts
inf day ever being helped out of my thou seem
iuz difliculties. The second time that you
esllefl,'finding me still gaining, you gave me
encouragement. saying, “my symptoms were
improving; the Pulmonic S) rup, Sen-weed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills had acted like a
churm." My c' L-ulntion, my cough, my uppe
lite‘, all began ioimprove, and I could walk
shout mylroorn a little. You visitnd me
ne :rly every Tuesday, and found me improv
ing, as?) told me not to go out of my room un
til the first day of May. I took no‘ cold while
under. your trentmrut, my appetite became
first-rate. and you t'old me to out everything I
wished ofn nutritious nature, and to exercise
about the room us much as possible. I lol
lowed your advice, and to the surprise of my
i old physician and friends, i seem much better
. than i have been for several years, and breathe
,better than I ever expected a person could with
,one lung, thelleft being completely dried up.
I feel very groteiul to you, and consider your
advice and medicines invaluable.
Yours; truly, ‘-T. S. SHELDON,
Dr. Schenck will be professionally at his
prineipal (office. No. l 5 Norm Sixth street,
corner of Commerce: Philadelphia.every Su
usdn‘y, from 9 A. M. until 4 P. XL; No. 3‘: Bond
“reel. New Yurk, every Inesdn), frogn 9 to J ;
No. 38 Summer sweet, Boston, .\lus., every
Wednesday. lrom 9 lo 3; and every other Fii~
day In 108 Baltimore “reel, Baltimore, .\lds—
All Advice free, but for 3 ill )rough examine
tion‘of the lunge with his Bewiromeur, the
chxirge ll three dollars. ‘ -
Price or the Pulmunic Syrup and Seaweed
cacti each B'. 50 per home, or $1 50 per
halfdoze‘n: Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box.
For enle'by ell Drug‘isu and Dealers.
Her. 12, 1566. [ln
Buggies & Carriages.
ligned is engaged in the Carriage-making
busines‘, at the corner of Chambersburg
‘nd West streets, Gettysburg, 9nd in‘vices
I” who may need Anything in his line to
give him I call. He, puts up, in tbs very
best manner, Falling-top and other BUGGIES,
and all the different nylel of UARI‘JAGES.—
With: (all knowledge of the bulineu, und a
determination to give satisfaction. the qulic
can re‘ly upon his job: being good.; He
will endeavor to deserve a large Ihua ol‘pa
manage, and hopes to receive n.
8534313156 done.“ um max-Im. notice.
” _op 0199'. rumsbhiufml- 3'00“”?!
prgdqa yup» aka: in mlmge to; work.
, v‘ H_; mug; GILBERT.
Gett’lbnrg, Nov. 3, 1365. 6m,
The Fur “mod
Besides the great saying 0! Labor, the
nving In the year and tearpf clothinan a
gingle yenr, more thxm smcuuu to me price of
this Wringer. ‘1: is strange that any hnqu
should be willing to do wuhout it. For sale
at FAHNESTUCK 31:08., and “0. H. BUEH.
LBB'S. _ [Feb. 19.
The 8.10:. Leg.
NDER the l’ntronlge orzhg United State:
| I Government, Model: gnhi'l superior leg
may be non it the Agency of theSALEK LEG
COMPAQ Y. No. 83 on": SEVENTH Strut,
Philadelphiu. ‘
Cull nm! on them, or send for a chain
«awning full intomulon. . '-
Ayn-{113; me. In - _ - ~
" “Mm some}: file 913510}; ,3]! mid.
~ofGrocerieu (REAP. ‘ ' . '
With increued {militia for conducting our
bulims. Irene better ptepned "an "or to
guilty the want: of All those ,who {my need
withing in our line. We upecinlly cull the
attention of Fume" and others to the superior
quality of our
Plain or Quilted Sent.
'rHorn Suidles,
Plnin or Quilted Sent
Plndn or Quilted Sou
Sxde Saddles, I
Plnin or Fancy Stddle;
Cloths, 1
Wagon Saddlel, ‘ 1
Riding Bridles, of all
kinds, {air or black',‘
rounded or flat, '
Carriage Harness, all
nylen, silver or black
mounted, "
Envy Draft Harness,
Blind Bnidlea,
;Side Lelthers,
Him“. I“ kinda, with
or without. running!
“ “ flicking
No Seam Collars,
Best. Walt Bums Col
lnu, :
.Pneu‘t Lathe; Céflnrs.
I smoked or unstilchpd
Beg: Lei-then Wagon
Whips, 4, q and 6
‘ fleet. Img, ,
:PJmted TeamiWhlpl, .
Ironing Whips.
'lmdies' Riding Twi‘gl,
'Whip Lubes,
onrse Blankets,
6m, in. tc.
In short, everything xhnrperuins lo I first
clue general horse furnishing establishment
conslantly on hand or mode to order promptly,
of the very best mMerinl, and by the mos‘ u
periEnced workmen in the country. (LWO hav
ing worked in this elugblishmeuz for the lost
rhirty years.) \
We are now mannfnctnrlng an excellent lot
of Henvy Dra‘t and Harness Qollnrs-for thou»
who prefer our owu,Lo city made work.
Repairing of A“ kinds done at. short notice;
and on reasonable teams.
Allure cordially invited to call Ind eximine
for themselves, In our work cannot mil [.O
recommend itself. ~
vFeb. 5, 1866‘
. x. um. I.
628. Hoop Skirts. ‘ 028;
OPKIN’S “OWN MAKE." Manufactured
» and Sold. Wholesale and Retail, 80.628
rch Street, Philadrlpnm—The mou com
plete nssorlmenl of Lwdioa’, Misscu' and Chil
dren'l HOOP SKIRTS, in thin Olly ; gotten up
expressly to meel. the runs of nun-cuss
Tum; embuciug lhe newest and most dealt--
ble Styles and Sizes of “Gore Thule," of every
length—from 2%, to 4 yds. round—2o lo 56
Sprunga. It $2 to $5 on. Plain Skim, all
lengths. (from 2} lo 3 yard: round, the hollow,
atsL 40 to $3 16. “ '
Our line of Sliun' and Children's SKIRTS,
are proverbinlly beyqnd all compelition, for
variety of styles Ind sites—M well as for finish
Ind dunbilily; varying from, 8 to 33 inches
in length, 6 to 45 Springs at 35 cents to 52 2‘5.
All Skirts or “OUR OWNJAKE’," no Wur
ranted to give enlisfncllon-y but buy none AS
such, unless they have, “Hopkin'i Hoop Skirt
Munufnclory, No. 6:8 Arch Slrcel,” Suwped.
on each Tubl
Also, comma, on hand, odon Slur-rs,
Mnnufnctnred in New York, unq 1110 Eulern
Slams, which we sell Al. very low Prices. 4
lot of cheap Skirts—ls spg‘ngn, 85 cents; 20
springs, $1 00-35 lprlnlzs,sl 15—30 springs,
$1 25 end 40 apringa $1 50.
”Skirt: uncle lo' Order and Repaired.
w’l‘eun Gun. On Plum UILYI
March 5, 1866. 413 <
. Chewing Tobacco“
ELSE, DELLUNE t 00., M. Hanover,
'PA., continue the mn‘mfeclure of the
dilferem kinda of CHEWING TOBACCOS. on
I [urge fickle. A Theirlucnlities for manuf-ctnr
ing ere emple, Ind with me choxceet Leaf,
and best and most experienced workmen, they
cannot fail to turn out Tabnccoa of the meet
delinble and popnlnr grid".
Order: from ndinnnce solicited, Ind pronun
ly “tended to. The merchant: of Adunl
county cannot do better then by buying from
Welsh, Dellone & Co., at Hunover
_April 23, 1866. * __'
Howard Association,
PHILADELPHIA. PA.-Dueuen of the
_ Unnnry and Sexunl Synemu—new 3nd
reliable treatment. AIIO the BRIDAL CHAI
BEHK An East} of Warning and Instruction,
um In lenled envelop”, free of cbmgo. Ad
drm Dr: J. sxnnnm HUUGHTON. Howard
Auocjnhon, No. 2, noun; Ninth Street, Phila
dexpm, Pl. ~ [0“. a, web. 1! I
1860. Philadelphia 1806. I
W A L L P A p s as. 1
Mammal-s of PAPER HANGINGS nd‘
dome: FOUM‘d z HABKET amen. i
N. B. Alwnynin More. I 1"“ ”00k 0!
lurch 5,1866» 3"!
usual Aouxsr wuwuurs m m
”ginABTFURD. h hlytyaid-ur up“: '0
hnlfb million, and: M lurplnl 0! an; I
hundred ghouwnd, to gnylcuep. ' '
New Goods! Cheap Goods!
e hsnby inform the citizens qf York and
Adams counties, that we have established, an
the southeast corner of Centre Square sad
Hammers, street, HANOVER, formerly occw
pied by C. E. a I‘. 'l‘. Win. a Branch Store:
(the principul business bun-u being located
in New York sud York, P 5,) where Ire will
keep at all times a regulnr assortment of Dry,
Dynastic and Fancy GOODS. Ike A well so
lected assortment of CLOTHES, mésmsnss.
Chins, Glass nnd Qneens-wnro. Ludiu’JlinM'
and Children's. SHOES; also, A nice sud hall
assortment of all kinds at CARPET, Flour
lEd Table Oil-cloth: -
We ha’ve also es‘mblished in room: gdjoming
the Crnlr-l Hotel, I 4 CLOTIHSG STORE,
where we will keep conluuuy‘on hand n wrli
selected use-imm: of Ready-made Clothing.
of ihe into". slyleu, and n fuli‘nsoglmem of
Gentlemeu’s Furnishing Goods, met: I: Hlu,
Cups, Boots, Shoes, km, which we will "'ll It
reduced prices. >’ '
As onr mot'o infirm! always will be, “quick
sale- u'nd smulkprofiu," we hope to receive a
share of the patronage of town and conn
-Iry. Ourronnection with m» large wholes-lo
houses in New York Oil; and York, Pu.,wh¢re
are always stored an exrenaire flock of goodl.
which we tell at wliplexale and retail, enable
us to supply our; old friend: und_ such of our
new customers A: willgjve us p‘éall, will) me
very Ben mnrkeublo goods, at lower rule
than cyfifipurchnned anywhere in tho Sun.
Call and I for yodraelveau -
. V JUS. LEBACE & 830.
Hanover, June 26, 1865. ly
$3813.}; 32 éBI-FEéfiE-Is.
HE snhscribéi keeps n Notion and Confoc
lionnry Store our Carliale llrrel._neurly
opposite the Railyond ‘Slalinu, Geliysburg,
where he hula communion hand, CANNES,
NUTS, Figs, Rniaiul, Lemons. Oranges. km,
Tohaccos and Sugars of 11l kinds; «Pockrt.
Boo‘ks, suspenders, Neck Ties, Collurl, tn;
Soap: and Perfumeries; also lome unorg.
“I'B3, Suzars.‘(‘otfces, Rice, with the difl‘erwt
kin-L1 of Crux-k 9“. Ice-cold MEAD n}. all
Kim". He invite: custom from lawn Ind
country, and sell: at am]! profits.
Aug'. 7. 1865. 1y
. ‘ Cumberland Coal!
A LARGE lupp!y “of luperior
now on b§nd at reduced pilco. Thin Con] 1|
superior to all other Cool in the UnitedV Slut?-
for welding and other blacksmith purponél
For sa:eby
City Cali] Yard, Frederick ch”, lid
June !9, 1885. I”
Forwarding Business.
~AVI‘NI} purchased the Wurehonu 'nnd
\Cnrs heretofore pwned by Snmnel Herb-ti
the undersigned take pleasure in announcing
to [be public ""1‘ they wull run I
LINE (”\anqu CARS
from Gettysburg tohulnmon cnry week. The,
nre prepared to convey Freight’eithcr wny. m
anyqtmutity. Theywillntwnddldesiradnbthe
mnklng of purchnnea in the city. tnd delinr
inx the goods promptly at Gunpbnrgt Tbnir
can run to the Wnruhouse of STEVE!-
SON & SUNS, 165 North Howard Itreet. (near
anklinfi Bahimpre. where “high will be
received at any time. They invifi the Intention
of the pnhlictto their line, assurin'g than thut.
they vnll spare no effort to tccammgduo all
who mny patronile them. '
Having purchmed thg buildings ind-lot. on
the Northeast corner of Rnitmnd Ind North
Wuhington alrreu, Gellysbutg, their Depot
will remain there. Any yenon having busi
ness in the forwarding line are rupectfully in
vited to cull. - _ CULP‘I EABNSHAW.
Aug. 7,1865. ‘
Carriage-making Business.
BE w-r brIDK over, the under-igncd h".
teatime! the ' '
u their old ”and. in H .5: \liddle nréu,
when they are again prepared to put up work
in Lhe mosl fashionable, substantial, Infld lape
rior mun: ‘ In: ofnew and "coed-hand
on hand, which may will diuyou 0! u. the
lowest prihl; Nut I" order: will be luypliud
as promptly ind “ti-factor“; n- po‘nible.
“- B E P A I K I N I!
done with (dispatch, and u: chanpeot ntu.
A large lot of new and old HARNESS on
hand for sale.
Thankful for the liberal puronlge hereto
for: enjoyed by themhtbey lolicit lull will en
dcavor :0 “lens I large share In the future.
July 10, 1885. u
Pictures} Picture-1
LEVI MUIPER nuing purchued Snmunl
prepnred to exrculo work in bin line equal to
my eu-bliuhmem in the 81m. If you delirl
a good likene , finished Accordinx Lo mm.“
improvements in- the In, call It tho above
lofig-unfiliah d Gallery, in Wen Niddlo
Street. (li-n) st org. [Jam 9. ”ob.
king stoves
If‘ every "my, .including tho "Noble
Cook," “ ‘ oynl Cook," "Wu-fly," "Orn-
Imenul," “Oriental." ta.~ Alla, Tin-ware;
Sheet-immune, Hollow-ware, and every v»-
rle:y of Kitchen Furnituxe—including mrie-
I; of humerus. Also, 5 new and m& In
proved Flovu am",- for sale by
0. 11. BUEBLEB, ,
Corner of (‘Arlule und Railroad um.
Fob. 19, use. ~ Gettpbul’lv Pl-
Give film I Call 2
E pluc- to chain; perfect thoqnph or
Aubrey”, executed in the bell mnnncr,
in u MUIPER’S GALLERY, 1;: Middle “not.
no. 9, 1865. ,
Wégter, Lamb;
HF} lab-crib" In: some nlublu WEST-
T BEN LANDS, which he will trade {or one
or more FARMS in thh county. The bad
ue well located, ind very desirable for {lnn
ing. Rudy upplicnlou (haired. '
Geunbnrg, April 3, 1805. n , -_
H GREAT REDUCTION in pxicu at the
E GELSIOR, in York “not, oppoqm flu
k, plume. «ho superior Pictures made it
mu old «üblisnmem wilhin ruck-of all, and
1 mm no one will an to In“ "launch-on at
the opportunity :hus Iflurdod. I. G; rysgs,
NEW flock of
selected with "pacinl cue 9nd wamntod good
til. keepen, jun received Ind lot ule It
4 091 mm- Bunk, Gettysburg.
1181183 mums: Accrnxxm m.
innsunas munaxczq U _ y
HARTFORD. In premium ‘3‘... ”an
itfiysfonuymfitu. ‘. ‘ ' ‘