The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 14, 1866, Image 3
THE HUBBARD. “TE undersigned are agents for the sale of 1 , Hubbard‘s criebrated flowers and Reap ' ers, both combined and single Mower: and Self-Rake". ’Fnrmere would do well to o‘l nmine our specimvn machines before purchas ing any other. We warrnnt enlisfnctioy or no title. The ndvflnuges of the Bubbnqd as n Mower, nre its light draft, 'grcnl. strength, limplir-ivy and dnmhility, freedom from nli aide draft. no weight on the horses' necks, end is may work for two em I” horses. The m‘nin features andpliuntngus onhe H_ubbnr d In a. flower are retained in the Rainer, nnd cnn be chnnz‘ed from or lower to A Reaper hy ch In-: ginz three boils and two'_rhoe pins. The {35 hr. with one saw nnumlmotion. hringl‘ the grain lama; him and deposits it. in n comg‘ ‘ pact shear in the rear of the m whine, leaving ‘ ample room for the mnrhme '0 pass next time wound.} The Self-Rake has no equnl; it is a i re"! nnd nuke cumhine l. The driver by use .of n lever regulatei the size of the bundle, and i it an be worliei in nll Kinds of gmin frnm the ‘ llama-n. on 1.5 to the tallest rye; In very eunpie ‘ in construction, nnd 1953 liable ‘to get out of| repair th in any olher ihke. They are mnde wilh-fiwo cum-r hare, one for culllpl grnin wi'h: sickle knife, cutting ‘ivc feet. nine inches wide, 1 and an extn bunwnh two knives. lor gmea. {:ut- ‘ li, {our feel. sign; in has wide. Extras n.1,- wnya kept on hand. Snl-cimen m whines an be seen nv Grilling on ”19 ago 111, raiding nmr Gulden's Station. Post oifice uddres 5, Gran ite Hill, PA. ‘8‘“:10 Pratt & Smedley's Patent Home e Riki's on h'unl,bnill by G3O. W. Brunt. 3: Co., Uninmbin, Pa. A ’ HEVRY THOMAS a: SON,Agents mp 4, 1800;. * . The High Price olPotatoes i" , ARR‘H‘TS a. “be”! usefiof mmnre, null Hum. is gum: better adapted to thew tlinn ‘BAUGH’S RAW BUNE PHUSPHATE Use 400 pahnds no Jae acre nlong ibe rows BOLD HY DBALEES STRIKY‘HIKILH. mum; q sun‘s, N 3. 20 South Dgluware Avenge, PulLanr-uu )Iny IT, 1866. 3: ‘ NE“' (30005! ' ' , GEORGE ARNOLD PS flow on h-vnufn vr-rv Inn-go stock of READY-“A DE (‘LOTII NG, Mly of hu own mmnfm-turiu< and well In ldl‘, embracing every Him and mi "9. MEI A LARGE STOCK m‘ «_‘mrns AXD CASS!- ~‘ MERE-2i, ‘ ‘ vn-Il suleotnd und verv lmndsomp Gh’les. a" n! Which will buold vxry rhoap, liar, o'9" ”all uniseo thm GEQRGE ARNOLD. May 7, 1856. 3m . ‘ Lieenws. {IE follnwivfiz nppliw iom for License lnve T bani filed m mv olfive. with the I‘Pq'IISILE [lumber offsignerqfand will ho proiehlel M the Court of Q'mrm- Sessions, on TUESDAY, the 22nd d.-y of \l “218:6: . Tnsgn Llclfvu. - James Shanohrook, .\luuntpionsnnt twp ‘ ' "Burma?” LIUKNSB. , Adm: Roth. Conowngo township. ‘ thn Britchur, “ ' “ | Hnnnuh Ki-imiller, Get‘ysburg. m John Hoffmmn,‘ ' “ Sumnel Lawrence. Wmmtn‘oasmt twp., Henry Mnnshawm‘. ankhn .“ ' I’ Mr '{ Iffnwn. chnrtl - 1‘ M. Szern, Humillm '. " _ JAMES J. FIXK,Clerk May 7. 1966‘. cc , ~ Dividend. Gmrvanuue NATIONAL Bmx, If .\I 1r 1, Imm. fl“. Directors of the GEI‘T-YSMYRG .\'A- T TIUN \L B \NK line thtdwy decl wed a semi-mum: \1 dividend of EIGHT PER CENT. om of the profits ut'the last. six months, free frorn‘uuuou ll taxes. T 7 D. CARSQN, Cashier May 7, 1866. 3L Tax Notice. "'3 Cumberland luanship Br'muty Tax TDupthL-a are in the hand: ofthe Collec- CUM to. c niectiuq Ail persons purer-equest cl to‘m ukc Immediate payment. . By order of the Buxu’d, -' _ ‘ f VABRAIIAM PLAXK, Pres't. N. Lmnrnn. Scc'y. .[Xlay 1. 2m Notice SharPhy givel,m c’udjtors and othérs in ;l temszedt Hm the. unliergigncd. .\sgiqnee 3,0! \1 W. “VlmpPr, of Franklin‘ownship} York 'conntv. will 8!)th to the Court of Commnn ‘Pleas nfanid county, an the 29m rhy ofMuy, 1866, to be discharged frbm azu'd mm. - May 771866. 3L EJWARD DICK. Philip Bedding, ' USTICE OF ’THE PEACE, will be at J his onion. (at his residence.) in Cumbsr )und township. on Tuesday and Friday 0‘ each ‘wcek, to gfve his. attention to Jliztica's busi ness. [Am-i} 39111866. 411: For Sale. SPDENDID SEVEN-OCTAVE ROSE: AWN“), PIANO. Orimuul cost ssoo— one at the best Houses in the country. Wm he sold cheap. Apply nLflns omce‘ ’ Auril 16. [866. 69‘ Auditor’s Nq'flce. ' TIE underagned. Andn’or, nppointed to T nmko distgihution of the balance remain ingin the hands ofJoseph Bye-rs, Adminiizm. to: of the estate 0! George A. W. Bowersox. deceusd, to and among credit-In, hereby gives nogice tln‘fiffi’witnumd Po‘the duties of his appbinu‘nent. at the office of Duncan & White, fi Gettysburg, on- FRIDAY. thy. l’st Adny at JUNE, 1866, at 10 o’clock, A. M. ‘ J. H. WRIT}, Auditor ‘ll 71.86%. td +l3O, ’ , For Sale or lien}. ’ HE subscriber WI" sell, or rent, his PRO. T PERTY, being a {met-0t 1.4 acres. with . 110081! and BARN, Orchard, km, in Germany townihip. Adams county,‘ on the Turnpike, "one miie norih of Limencown. For mm 1.!- ply so the subscriber, finidiugnenr by. _ . , v‘ . wu. SPALDINO. ‘ my 7, 1868. 4w}! '- > __ , ‘ Town; Property AT PRIVATE SALE.-Sevem! HOUSES an; be pm chased n Private Sale by all .h on ‘_' unmas'rocx BROTHERS. '.fihc 15.1198. Lf “ 5 Reduced Prices. Armament“ uh AMERICAN OR GKNS., Superior tuned? Lave PIAHOS Iron $350 upwards. ORGAgIsS from $BO upwards. All ihatrumeuts selected. ,l" commended 3nd sold by mo,nddiv.ionnlly gu :- ained. Illustrated circnluu sun by i], when desired. , k sP. BBNTZ, No. 30 Enit‘lu at (not, YFk, . Int. 12.. 1868. ‘ ‘ ALL :nd no the mos hasntilu nu rt - tent of new JEWELRY, such an ‘ ‘Frwbphu, Ea Drops, , J _. ‘ inset Kin _ s b If . , , . SVAN' ._ , . ppoliu that, Geunburz. NSUBI AGAINST ACCIDENTS in {M 1 running Ixsnmnca you“ t , 5431‘ka. It bu Tuned overt . Emma pond", mm paid my; lona. ‘,- " ~ 9! ‘a'a-“lmc squ tamrn‘.‘ m_ ,_ ~,.~-.¢..'—r:y -, a» V,w-, J 79“ ‘4' ’.‘“. v . > - ‘ "‘ ' - nmrchmafihnqm' mndidnfin mm: the Convention. wan. mum)! u AD VANCE. ’ C mmunmuonl recommend candida cenooenu a “macho Imog—iugoln mt: ' REGISTER & BECODBDEB. AVLV'G been dinbled In one arm by a H ouHet wound ihilst serving in the 87th P. ’., I have been frequently mlicited to olfcr myselffl a candidate for the office of REGIS TER t RECORDER—which I now 40. subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Shoum Ibe nominated and olecte d, I flutter myself that I will be able to discharge the duti’ea or theoflica correctly And to the satisfaction of tpe public. - . ‘ WM. D. HOLTZWOBTH Get!ylbnrg,=Mnyl4, 1886. u: CLERK OF THE COURTS. NCUURaGED by manyfriends,,l ofl'ér my self u I cnndidnte for re-elecziun to the o cc of CLERK OF THE COURTS, subject to theAdecision of the Democratic County Gon venlion. _Should I he nomipated sn'd elected, [pledge myself :9 discharge me dutiel of flu office with promptness Ind fideliw. ' JAMES J. FINK ‘ Gyttyabunz,‘7, 1866. w \ SHERIFFALTY. T thesollcitmlofi at numerous Wendi, tho. Aundersizned,(reiidinginGettysburg since April lst,.but formerly dad for manv years a. residenhof Conowwo township.) 08ers him aeli'su ac'i‘ndidxgce for SHERIFF n the next. election, aubjéc: to the decision or the Demo cnuic County Convention. Should Ibe nuxu. innled And elected, {will discharge the duties of the oilicc to' thé best of my ability. , , ° . EMANUEL D. KELLER April 16, 1866.» to .. SHERIFFALTY. .\‘COURAGED by numerous lricnds E throughout the cuunly, I ofl'e-r myself as a canduhue for SHERIFF at me ncxxelevnon, snrvjec) to the decismn of the Democratic County Convention. Sh‘auld Ibe 39 f 0! punam.’ an to be nominated and elvcteri. I prumiise to discharge the dunes of the otflce to ma best of my nbili’y. ‘ Eu JOSEPH A ORENDORFF. Mouuljoy tp., April 16, 1866. tc w SIIERIFFALTY. AVYSG bcv n'soilcited hy mun; fitends, H [offer nqs. If as n cnndidute' for SHER IM at me-ucxl electior, subject. tn Illegdrci air’m of theDemocmziL-L Coumy Convenulon,_ Should I be nominated and elertvd,-[ u‘le'lge mum to I tujtkful discharge of the diaries 0t thn‘olfice. REUBEN GOLDEN. Cumberland tp , April 15, “366. u: " ’ suaaniL'ri'.‘ RGED by mnny friend-n 1 ufi'v-r m 1b" as U n cnu'uidntr for Slll‘ililb‘l“, iuhjvc 61’ the decisionlnf the Drmvrmtic County Convevltion. Should I be nominated I will ‘sllare, no honor nhle elfuru to secure [ll’ election, and ifelect 9d, I will discharge the limits orthc offive to them-st ofmy abilityr HENRY BEITLER. Mcunljoy lp, Apil 23, 1866. 3c 'SIIERIFFALTY. AVING been sojiriled by‘mnny friends in various p‘ugts 01 the coumy,.[ off-~14 my sel: .u n. mudjdule for SHERIFF at the) next election. subjerc lo tl.e deciszon of (hammo crmic County Convention. Shoulq lhe i_lom innted and eluted. I_ promise to dishhnrgp the duties ofrzhe ofliceLo the best. of my uhilfiy. ' . ' JOSEPH W 0 1". - Bullertp., Aprilzs, 1866. In * ‘ , . “chafi— fiIIERIFFALTY. . . \‘COURAGI-ll) b] nurm-rous friends E throughout. the county, I om-‘r my-u-ll as n run-Jidne tor SHERIFF nt tlxenext elocfion, sul ject‘tu' the decision of’the DemoL-rutic County Convention. Should [he so t‘orrumue 04‘s to ht nmninn'ed and elected, I prmuue Lo‘dis ch urge the duties of the affix: to the {)9}! of mv ability. : JACDB ‘KLUNJK. Germany tp., April ’9, 1866. to i . SHERIFFALTY. § AT Hie aoliuituiuin of numerous Maddy! offer my sell as a candidate for SHEEHFF m the new: eh-clinn, guhiect to the (lee sigm of the Democratic County C 'nvx-ntien. Should I be numiuated :md élerledfi pledge myzeif to disx‘hnrye the :1 ”Ever the om": to theihest ofmy'nuilxtv. , PHILIP HANS. Slraban tp , Amil‘S, 1866. lo 3 Prospectus 1863. ‘ or ‘ “ 1m: AGE," s The only. Democratic Daily Jourrial in Pfixlmlel/Mua.’ r Gum-r lumovuaxnun Gnu-r hbvcnéxrg. Lnox, RESTORATION, Asq Coxsrnunaiul. . me-zk'rr! J ‘ The Publishers of Tun An. respect.qu , can mmnion to the Daily aqd Weekly isaqbs of their populgu' juurnnl. ' ‘ THEVDAILY Ana containq 'l'Hl LATEST what;- music: no! ALL mars or flu: wounn,hvitll Il'tlcles on Governmt-nt, Politics, Trude} Fi— nance, and all the purrenl questions of: the day; Local Intelligence, Market Repons,§Pri ces Gui-rem. S'ork Quotations.‘ Mnrineinnd Comhwruial Intelligence, Reporls of P bfic ‘Gnthvrings. Foréign, and Domestic Cotes ponxlcucg. Legal gepdm, liook Xoticea, THeM~ ru-nl Criucitms, Reviéws of Literapure,iA:t and Alusid. Agricultural Manors; and didcus sions of whatevu’ subjecla are of galleria in ‘te‘rest and importance. Besides spvcial tele grams, it. has alt me disuntches of the [1:30- cinmd l’ress fiom evviy p‘xrt of the U‘ited Suites, and the news" from ull‘pana ol Eugope, brought‘ by Ilne ate-«men, is instantly ele graphed {mm w’hatum pmn the Btl‘l‘élls first. touch. ‘ ‘ ’ - " , Tums by Tnl Dunn—One copy, one year, $9 00;,Jix months, $4 50; three months, 32 50; gr any less period, at. thereto of; on DOLLAR per month. , Pagmtreqqired invafiablu in advance.’ Postage on the Daily, thirty cents per quarter, or one dollar and twentngnbl per annum, if prepaid. . J ; Tn: Wren: Ah: will'be a. oomplete dom pendiuinhf the uews‘of the weekend berlidcs the leading editorials from the Daily, will’Cun min 3' large amount of interesting matter pre pared elxpresaly for the weekly issne. lt'vnll be in n l respects A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY JOU RMAL, particularly adapted to the Politi cinn th‘e Farmer, the Merchant, the M‘echnmc, the lanily Circle and the General Render, h-lving. in fact, every characteristic ofA LIVE NEWSP’A-PER. , A: an early day will be begun AN INTENSBLY INTERESTING SERhAL, by one ol the most popular and fascihntingnn thors, and I! is also the intention to pußlieh, fromweek to week, in the corner of the’g'eor. three or Tour of the BEST AN‘D LA ,EST NOVELS. ‘ A ‘ .j Teuus‘ or m: Wuhan—One copy, one year, 52; five copie's,'oue3eur.s9; ten “4N“; one yen, U 50; twenty Copies, one your; $33. To c_l'-\bs, v. 50: the 1» era are mu tonne «firm, the fullovging redngiun will he mndei’l‘en copies. one year, $l6 50; twenty copiee‘ one your, $30." A why will be furnishedrgriib for eaeh club of ten, or more, to one n‘ddreap, for one yern'. ' Pug/ml regu‘red‘ invariably in ad vance. Postage-on the Weekly, five cent. per quarter, or twenty cents per annum, if pre’ymd. fi-J‘HEK WEEKLY AGE will be ITHE GREAT CAXPAIGX PAPER ofthe Denoun ic-Conservafiy'ah Parlylol Pennsylvaniu Mid will “mostly 3‘ ppm: the President. in his ef forts in behalf qr UNION,BESTUBATION and CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY. ' ' E'The above terms will he rigidly adher ed to. Specimen copies of the Daily Indy Weekly‘nnt gratis} on applicezml “.1“: of fice. Please write the name -and address ' lainly, en‘d egecigfiv distinctly whether ‘he {hily or Weekly'is ordered. Address ' 0' WELSH b 3033, ‘ {3O Oheztnu} street, Philadélphlfir - Water Co. Election. OTICE is hereby given 141 the Stockhold- N are in theflettysbnrg Weter Company? that, .en elu'tion for five Managers of uid ' Company an! be held at the house of George ) w. McClelleu, on suvamyme“ any of KAY 55‘!» between the hour: OH and 4 ‘ O'oiock', P. X. B 1 order nifthe Board. ‘ - ‘~ 8. LfRUSSELL, Sec’y. 1i1y—#71366. te ‘ g] Jim-k minted. E uihlctiber will ply SEVEN DOLLARS I . £2: CORD tin-300K 041: BARK, ud , DOLLARS AND FIFTY GEM? my. BLACK OAK, duflleted at his Tm K ‘ Grt» tyshm-g. “ _ 103;; . gym I Apruao, was. ‘3: ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ lik4 «f noreksair. ITHIN the Con" of Adam; mulled ‘ ind clarified bribe Indouined, Ap prniucr of Hannah: Ting, in Accord-acorn}: the lerenl Act. a! Alumblv, for’ the you "166—87, oquodl, Wnren Ind Imhndile‘: Borough of Gellycburg. c , Fahnestork Brothel! Dunnvr & Ziegler. J. L. fivhlnk, ’ GmrgAl-nnld, - , Jacob rinkerholl'. lßow & Woods. J nines Wlbion, .P. B. Flt-king, ‘ gaunt-11h. ‘ u n ‘ornL-y, ‘ Mrs. Bfunln. ‘ Htrlckhoumr & Wllotzkey, Michael Sfimxler, i Mun K. cCranzy, H. S. McCr-eury, ‘ .331). Biting/chm .0 mu 'm - Jami»: a Baum-r 1 mm Mary Mmufiswr, Dr. Robert Homer,‘ Jnl‘m (km-l 1 A. am“ a; rim: 1 Jmnph Gmesp‘e, ‘ Jnnu-s Grimm, ‘ Bayer J; Han. Jtmph Bevan, , Hpnry Ovewdeer. , Thorn. Nor-nu. ‘ Philip Winter. .-; Imwln Shauna. ‘ Wm. J. Martin. ¢ Rim:- «t thinner. f Mv-(‘nrnly a Dish], . C. H. Bm-hlor. , (‘uln a: E'tmshnw, , A. ‘immzh-r, ‘ John Railing, John \I. Sw-‘n, Frank D. Dupborn,‘ 5 MIN va._ ‘ , Gem-gn- Knlhflolsclu A. H. F‘l-kcpl, ‘ ‘ “’m. k Hnnry Mcalb. Julm \V'Arnnr. ‘ Mn. [l. NLPnnon.‘ Jamvs Pierce, ‘ Jnhn Pulp. :V. 'l2] isz. ' M). . Hwo ‘ S. G. COOK. De. 9 H. E. Rowe. ‘ D. Cnlp. '. ' flvmbnlmd If E. Punon Bichmufl Duulcl Kllugel, ‘ heading Ip. Fnhm'm Emmy-d, Adam s. Myers, - , H'lmuol Martin. , > anm Ovnrhnthr, _ ‘ Miller a: Nunuxuukar. .'Vmaulfl {p Epnlnmnn & limpet, ‘ A. T. Wright, 1 , Javnh I‘| [7.013 ' ‘ } .. . nnr 9, CASH”). 'o‘ Burkholdcr a; Hoflmrm. ‘ ‘ Butler (p. Flhnnk & Rm. Noah .\lmpr, Wm. .\fillvr mum-:1 grainy. _, . . MI“ Eliza Smith, 14 7 00 Jacob Epplcman, . l 4 7 00 Hunlmyton Ip. J. J. Dh-hl, 14 'l 3 G ~me G rOl9, 14 7 1:7. npmhgw. _ 14 k 15 oo Jxv-ub A. Gardner. ll 15 .In‘nu flamnpr, . H 7 Mrs. Grit-it. ‘ 11 7 Abraham Grove, 11- 7 Mounfioy fp. John Yént. ' J.\m m Polling, 3.5:qu Hum-x J nhn Rnhiltz. Abraham 8911, r ; Oxford in John C. mek. , l 4 7 Fran-'l5 X. Smith, ‘ ' H 7 John (Hutvr, - H 'I Abnhxml Hoke, . . 10 31 (I. \V. DnlL ‘ H 7 Ram: Hlnlr, ‘ . H 7 Emmn-rt & Br," H 7 Edward Web; 9, 1 l 4 7 Shady & Sim-Rh 10 Z) R. R. Grouse a rm. 14 7 - ISlrafum (pg I‘hmp Hxnn. Warphn'que, 12. 12 50 " " Short-house, 14 7 Dank-I Golden, 10 a) Jnhn Ur In. 14 7 4 "11-1 h Kfiuz. 14 7 WnltA-r El. Hoflm'm. H 7 Beu'jmnln Elchullz. 14 7 Germany (p. .. Lvdln Myers. 11 7 Augustux D. Smith. . 14 7 I Hula/own bar. ~ Mans 4'. Rwopn, 10 20 Stvtfy & Dix-Ml, ll 15 Yount A: (Inlehonsfl. 10 Z) \Vm. M. Hul‘ord. H 7 (Ime «Brother, 12 2 l 2 5!) Snyder .1 Hon, 1 .H ‘ 7 .‘hmur-l Little, - 14 4| 7 anry l{t'N'!‘, l 4 } 7. Sarah nmnc. , H \ I - 7 n. s. Imm, , 13 x 10 “’.m. C. Mark-k. 1‘ H 5 ,7 D'wid .‘lchwnrlz, 11 g 15 A. Rhorb, l 4 . g 7 Yantisa Humor ‘- 10 1 2) Alum Keefer, . H § 1 Marin: .e Leerever, 12 g 10 A. F. Barker, ‘ ' H g :7 Hamilloann (p. ‘ George W. Worn. H - 7 _ Paxton a McCreary,; l 4 7 Sunlvnfi .i Son. H 10 Dnnnor & Shields, )3 10 Israel Framl‘, 14 ' 7 Mumtfpleaaant Ip. 1 » Snmnnl Faber, H , 7 J. aE. Miller, . . n m s. G. Lawrence .9 Co.._ . H 7 Ju‘. D. Pens. H 7 \Vm. A. .\IL-Sherry, 14 7 Slm'ou Hamish, . 14 7 Bmmcl: bar. I - . Mary Steffnh n, 14 7 D. C. Martin, 14 7 Wm. Davis, L H - 7 Mrs. Mnyer,» l 4 7 Lewis Jor‘dv, ' H 7 Theodore Pflenger, ' l 4 ’ 7 Jacob L. Hotter, l 4 \, 7 Com-cage) 'p. 1&66. John Fowler. , 14 '( Reily a: Snoeringqr, 13 10 Bun-burs Outer, \ l 4 7 Emanuel Dxller, l 4 7 Franklin 1}). ‘ Mrs. Rollmnn, , l 4 7 Martin L. Miller, . . H 7 Phnk & Spangler, . l 4 7 Joseph Lima. 14 7 J. J. Bmsvcker, l 4 '1 Henry Witmore, l 4 ‘w ’I ‘ ' Freedom fp. ‘ Abraham Waybriwht. 14 'l Lamar: lp. ‘ 4/ M. Brennemnn, , l 4 . 7 Adam Lerew, . 14 7 Hamilton 1;. A Myer Stun, . l 14; 7 J. J. Klein, ‘ ~ 14 7 Wm. Wolf, ‘ 14 ' ,7’ H. L. Milleifi , l 4 . 7 Hannah Minnigh, I 4 'I Elijah Spangler, 13 10 George Spungler,‘ 13 10 F. S. Hildebrand, 13 10 George Mundorf, . 14 7 \ ‘ Tyrone (p. P. k C. Yams, ' 14 7 John F. Houck‘,‘ I‘4 'l‘ Daniel Delay, ‘ M 'l Din-mus & Burns. <, Adam Diehl, Geuysbnrg,‘ ' 5 John Henning,’ “ $7 5 Han] Wolf Elmiltun, ,_ 10 Nolice ibhereby given to all persons interelt ed in‘the übom return of classification, that I will holi nu Appeal, e: the: Commlesiunera’ Office, in Gettysburg, on HATURDA Y, the Hill) any ofJUNE n‘en, between the hours of 9 A. M, and 3 P. M., when on?! where all persons chat may consider themselves nggrieved by mid clusaificatlmrmny atten‘d. All license: must be paid on or before the. m day or July next. ‘ ~ . ' I. 11. WALTER, Appraiser of Memnntile Tnxu lor Adams no. '.Nay 14, was. 4: CEDAR CAM PH 0R "UR use ugmnu. HU'l‘Ha‘ 1N le‘um 6.9-} Best. ‘ Iu Idvlnugel,-Kfllciency, Econo_ omy; iglpnru sweet odor to the clogheamnd, lure w last. through twelve monzlis. Every Uruggist Ins it. HARRIS l CHAPXAN, \ May 7, ‘.866.‘ lm Bolton -‘~.———— Smoking Tobaccos. annma mom. x , ' flWM. H. BBOGUNIEB, " A ” err ~tam". Adamcounly,‘l’a..‘ Ma '. . . -difl'erentgrsdeengHOKlNG TO‘ - 000, which cannot be beet. They ere .. d and pleasant, ell me poisonoul mete be - extracted, and yet the timer il. fully pre toned. Smokers, give them a "kl, end you will be pleased. Orders from n distance wliciled. Feb. 26,1886. c: RY Dr._R. HORNER'S Tonic and Alters T tire Powfierufor HORSES ind CATTLE Prepared mdlaold only u bin Dru; Sum. Janna" 25} 18f“. Clan. Dolls. on. a so 00 12 1! 50 9 33 (I) 13 10 on L 1 10 on J} 7 00 H 7 on 18 ‘lO on ll 10 (I) 14 ‘ 7‘1!) 14 7 on 13 ! 10 no lo 5 ao- (I) M ‘b' 1 (I) M 7 (I) ll 15 'OO 18 10 00 ll 7 (I), H 7 no u 7 00 H 7 00 18 10 (n In 10 00 13 10\00 11 12 50 H 7 00 H 7 or) 18 10 00 M 7 00 ll 7 00 12 12 5. 8 3) 0|) n?‘ m on 10 an 00 10 an no 3 80 00 H 7 m 13 10 00 18 10 00 I 4 7 (I) 14 7 (X) 14 7 on H 7 00 H 7 00 H 7 00 H . 7 00 H 7 01) H 7 0') M 7 (I) H 3] 00 H . 7 0!) l 4 7 00 700 Minty (p 14 14 14 14 14_ 14 11 14 7 H 7 11 7 Clam 1p 14 7 14 7 APPEAL IMP Non“ m LEAD! 1 m FRO! Till CITY! Kori 6 . ri- hujnn returned From the CF 9y nigh the an.“ sud chapel! lot 0! ready made clothing over olmd m Geuylburg. DON’T FORGET THE PLACE I Next door to Bnehler’l Drug More, where you will find the large“ Ind be". aelection of EATS Ind CAPS in Gettysburg. ‘ Jl’nllU-SA-LE! I—wm nice Pmu .'na Vest; Norris lug n his new Slots, Be bum ’em all. ‘ L HIGH PRICES PLAYED GUN—Nora: soils Gloves 3: cheap 1: they wen bolero the In. -: . AND THE COLORED TROOPS FOUGHT NOBLYI—If on‘ don‘t believe it just go to Norris‘ New gore Ind he will convince- you my. “Woolen" Good: no cheaper. man they hue‘been ainco the Ind. ' ‘ 1 CO!!! (H OUT OF THE WEN—Norris In; Umbrella so chomp that it is cheaper to keep dtyjh-n run around in tho ruin. g N'ECKTIBS, BUT‘E‘EBFLIES and everytl’iin'g In “In line at NURRIS‘S. LOCKWOOD, LINEN LINED !-—,Paper Co]- lnu and Linen Collar: 01 all kinds and 6‘3qu KEEP TIME!-—Fine usortment of Clocks arid xfirrnnted to kgep ‘ime at NORRIS'S. ‘ “VALISES, TRUNKS, In_d Cgrpel Bags, of every dpscription It. NORRIS'S. SARATOGA l—Norris keeps the latest. Sam}- Itogn lims. ' f UN THKROAD TO BR!Gl]To.\’!—-The la}- teslßrighLou Hue M ' n'URIUS s. ‘ Tilh‘. LATESI‘ RESORTEL-Nurns ha: lb; Hum Resorts Ham sad the best. quality in 1119: mark-fl. . - 1 WYUUXG DRIVING BOYS'—Don’s forge; thA-L Norris has the latest Dnvmg Hus out. 1 luy 1, 1868 Gettysburg Fohndry.‘ - 1 HE subacnber would inform his customtr'a T and amt-rs, that he is still Innnufncturin urioua kinds of Castings and Mnchined, mud to order, on short. notice, such as ‘ ' THRESHERS AND POWERS; l (fi've difiervnv. Elle! of Powers,) glover-seed Hullers'hnd Cleaners. Cnru Sheila‘s and Sepi amlurs. CornfuddL-t Callers. Slmw and Hay Cutters; P L 0 [PG II S . . such ”013%Plonzhs.B|rshem-Ploughs, Side'p hill and Corn Ploughs; the 3 WIRE-SPRING HORSE RAKE, ‘ ; the Meat. improvement; also Metal Screw'a for deer Presses, 1 700 700 700 700 700 7 00 7 00 7 on 7 0‘) 74m 7 01) 7 U) IRON RAILING ~ for Cemeteries or Porcuca with everythinfi else in his line. a." at low pricrs. 1 > FOR. SAUL—A light. two-horse Wagon, n 4 One-horse W‘ngon, and u Spring Wugon. All new. DAVID SFERNER. 700 700 700 Apt-5130! 1866. H ‘ - 'l‘ln Ware and Stoves. , flE suhscfiher respeclfufly inlnrms the T pnhhc that he still contiuyes the. business of making ‘ - ALL KHDSOF GOOD TIN WARE" at the old stand: (formerly Andrew Pulleys.) in York street, Gettysburg, where he has the largest usiortment of tin ware in the county, wilh many other articles for’kitchen um, he. Also. COOKING STUVES' & NINE-PLATE STUVES, ot the very best kinds. MM. 12, 1865. 3m Accidentß HE ORIGINAL ’ T TBA VELLERS INSURANCE 00., OF HARTFORD. (NHL. \ Cash Assets. Due. Layman”, . XVSUKZS AHAlxsl‘ A cmmrswuu mm mm HORSES, A QIDENTSFRUMSLIPFERYSIDEWALKS; A SAULTs M‘ BURGLARS‘AVD'ROBBI-Ilm, spmmso mamas .axnnnwmax wins, EXPLUSIUNS, cubmsmtgs, —BURN|.\'G A 3 _ nmnvxm. ~‘ _ Accrdmta of All Kmda. i fi'PoiiriL-s of tiny Amount. from $500» to $lO,OOO in case of mm! accident, or Si to s3o} weekly compevisat'on in case ot'disahling bod-’L ily injur'y, and from one month to live yearai time. at. sinnllpmnmm. ! , 0111 a! and B?” Acczden! Ina. Co, Etlant. } . J. G. nursmoy, Fresh. . norm?" Duxyls, Sec'y.t 1 m 7. A PICKING, . geul, Gettysburg“. E April 9, was. 3m . 3 -',-1 m u ’ 7 " ——.r~—'—l 1866'. Spun; )[lllinery 186 m ANDFANUYGUODS. % ESS H. Mt-CRI‘HRY [us just received NI-large and beautiful ”sot-lune.“ of [l9;] Sty}: { ‘ Fancy Bonnetg, _ Crnres, , ( Straw do. . Malines, 1 ' Straw Hus. Rhchos, I Shaker Hoods, Frmucg, l Ribbons, New, , ‘ ‘ Flowers, Pins, kc. Also a geaeyal assortment of Ladies’ TOI LET GOUDS, consisting, in part. of Embroi dared Fancy‘ Head-dresses, Plain do.. Linen and Thread Luce Cull-Ira. Pnper do , ThremL Lace Fancy Combs, Dressing do , Hair Brush- \ ea, Parfuméry, Soaps. Powders, Corsets, Hosie-‘E ry, Gloves, Linen llnudkerchiefa, Hoop Skirts, ‘1 and lain: Go‘ods. ~ , ' ‘ Tb4nkful for the “Bend patronage she has ‘l3 received in seasons-pat, she Imps: to recehiel from her lady friends an early call, ' fl @Bonnets bleached Ind dressed in (hb‘ best. manuter. Gettysburg, April 30. lm J Dress Making. HE undprsigurd, having lately temoved from the my to Snuth Emu-"ore streejfi Gettysburg, )gdjaiuing the residence of MI'.I Hrnry Comlon, would respectfully Inform me lndxes oquuysburg and vicinity, ithat she is} preparnd Lg n 1 Ike 5 LADIES’ DRESSES AND OUTSIDE COVER-g mus, - ‘ of every description. She will than be fur-1 nishegi with the latest styles and patterns, and; will ‘spare no effort to please. Having had; considerable experience, and understanding‘. the business thoroughly. the \h ~p:s to merit and receives. liberul share ofpublic patronage" MRS. H. H. ROWE. : Kay 7, 1866. 1.! J Great Reduction in Prices. ‘ ; AHNESTOUK BROTHERS - : are now selling; GOOD CALICOES AT 12} CENTS, ‘ BEST UNBLBAUHED MUSLIN AT 28 CTSW‘ and All other G'o‘ods in proportion. Ifyo’u want CHEAP Goods, now is the tim’ :9 buy them. _ « ; «Call a: once. FAHN'E‘JTOCK BROTHERS. . Gettyabhrg, Mar. 26, 1866. _-_, - .. .AV‘ - .-—_7~ V ~._, Lawrence D," Dletz & Co. ‘ waoyasaw _ . DEALERS m . FANCY GOODS. ) NOTIONS. g HOSIERY and g “mums, ; NA. 308 WuLßr-lu'mnre Street, I Baluv‘een Hugwud tuber” Sin-eta, ‘ May 7. 1886. g. B xltimpre,‘ Md. { . Who: gWho? Who: 1 URNEXT GGVERNOR I. We his" I. cor‘ rect and amfing phologrnph of m "a; Governor of Pennsjlvnnimwhnct we will sun} by mlil for ‘35 cents}. if we mum/u the may“: money Will be refunded immediatelyaner eleo‘F tion next Octobex. In it. Bury or Clymor‘ Wxixe and see. Address : J,BAR'I‘LESON & 00., all CHESTNUT SL, > ‘ lily 2. 2m . - Philadelphia —— # 7 —— —————r——vl - Clymerl 1 WE hue yhotomphl, lnrgq‘nnd mull. qt . Gary and Olymer. Afinta wanted go sell them. Sand 75 cents for apycunen copiqa by null. postnge paid. Addnu' I BABTLESON I 00., 611 CHESTNUT Bt, 1 my 'l.~ 2m 9 ———u-- . - —————l - 2 RE two heroes before their tent planning a battle—Grant smoking. A beautify! steel engraving hy Wm. Surtuin. ,AanFs wanted everywhere. Snmpla sent by mail {pr 50 cents. Agent: make 50 per gent. Adm-{us BARTLESON t 00., 811 CHESTNUT St.,; “41‘ 7. 2m Philade‘phi‘. . Sugar 10 Cents, _ , » l T Swnn’a Grocery, on the North-west eoé- ‘ A neronhe Ditmond.’ [April 30, 1866.; I NSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the. J‘TRAVELLEES INSURANCE COXPA Y 3 F HARTFORD. [I insure: against all ‘ ofmcjduh,‘und Lu habits are received by $11; dunes of Inén. ' - ' I=ll2l '.'-4' ISA Bow‘dvoodn‘ u nd d! othm u Vtho nun reduced pricele— We will‘ sell Hon cheaper than anybody of“ shoe! 0! 111 kind: sold it reduced prices NORRIS’S Detergnlned as we sre to sel} cheap, we has put goodwln our line down to the wife“ cub prices. Try us, and be gonvinced April 16, use. \ I T) t ' PICKING‘S T ,LNKw Avvrzxnsmmsrs. O. “‘ E-_WIL-LE-KL‘ISI" WIIATALARGE Y Slpck of Cheap Clothin A}. ‘ ‘ ' . PICKL‘IG'S. PLAYED OUT! Tun: HfGH mums;— Cull and he azlisfied by pricing Clothing at . A‘ . PICKINU‘S. ’l‘ CAN'T BE DENIED, THAT PLURING hp: . ‘lhe largest. assortment of Guns, Paula aha! Vests. it; the cbunfy. ‘ . ‘iiUXKs‘ AND‘CARPEI‘ BAGS, in endl§se mnemcueduu DICKING'S; 'l' IS’ EVEN SUI A large slut-k of Over _ shirts, Suspeud- rs, Umbrellas. White uyd Calico shirts.l‘:heup at x, PICRHG'S.’ \TEGE! .\‘ICERH svmsrnix AH kinds“); L Sunday'and every-«l4y aunts cheap ..u. . ' , . ; EICKIN’G'S, (WEVTEEL! GENTESLEIEH' GEXTEEL < J ESTUI Black Cloth rock, and Suck Cents; alsp all kinds of Cussi om. Duck. (Jol |on anxi‘Linen Coats. Gull“ P}CK_l\'G'S. T, [S INDEED ASTOXIS “NG, “'11:". a lnrgr Ind cheap assortment 43f Pum nan be}: u! at -, PICKING’S. _ EBP TIMEI‘ Fin?! assortmentnf (‘loqks cheap at \' PICKING’Sé 0 USE TAIRING,‘ but come right along and price Clothing, Notions. &- .at i _ " ‘ ' PICKHG'S.‘ USICAL INSERUMENTS. Vlo'ifli, A’c cordium, Flutes gm] Fxfes, to be hm] at ‘ 4 ‘ mcxlxu's. RE YOU IN’I For a cheap g-lit. Then ' cnllnb ‘ -, I’ICKLVG'S. RSE‘IB iCKS, o 1- any othcr'kind of good 'Pnnney, taken in exchange for,Cmu.s, Pints, Ve~ts.&c(,m. ‘ PICKING'S. . 7 ‘.IF} GREAT SENSATION of the day— Pngkiug 3 Clothing Store. REAP, _CHEAPER. “CHEAPEST—Pick npg’s Sprifig alnd Summer Clothing. G 0 AND sga Picking‘s Cheap Clothing. ‘ ‘5 , ’ TOP, A HOHE‘XT'l—What's‘V-he hurry? I wnul [q get. a‘smt at PICKISG’S. 7‘, -‘THER E \RTH is putting on a new suit; 1 I Let. ullthe people go toJ’icking‘s mntdo ”curiae. [April 23, 1866.)] ' S. G. COOK A Big Tumble x PRICES l! x _ ‘ ‘ 1 PLANE .4 1m SPANGL ER, ' , ARENUTaVILLE, «‘ an'etjnst returned (mm the cities With one of the largewt and best selected stocks of Goods ever offered to the peogle of Arendtsville and surrounding country. But their assortment is not only d -simb|e and attractive; It was bought mt such n reduction as to embie tht-m to announce to their customers and the puylic generally, ’ ,A BIG TUMBLE IN PRICES! ~They otfor Cloth}, Gnuimeres, and Summer Goods for menxnd boys,“ pri‘ces timt \vill nsmnish—and the same may be sun] of all ur ticies tor Luilies' wear, &c. For ‘instunce, Prints M. i'tom 10 to 20 cents. Ginghntns 25,!0 28 centb, Muslim 12; to :8 cents. Tut-y sell Sugnrs at. from 10 to [6 cents. Coi {ees 55.10 30 cents. 8)?qu 40 cents to $1 20. Come and see tor yourselves._ Comdwith a. rush. - We have plenty of Goods, and nre ai v'vays gind touhaw than). Buying for cash, we sell .for cash. PLANK & SPANULER, Aprifl6,lB66. 6w . OTIGE is hereby given to all Logatees and other persons concerned. that the" Ad ministration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be'present‘d an. the Urphnn’s Court of Adams countyforconfinmtion and a‘lowancp, on TUESDAY, the 22nd day of MAY, 1666, at lu‘o’clo-dc, A. 5]., Vin: ‘ 286 1:1: and final nécoum of 3. C. Guinn, Exrcntbr of Louis H. Essick. deceased. 287. The In and finnliacconnloflu-vn Chron inter, Esq" Administragor of Mary Brougll,| deculad. l 288. The lat account of Fran'is Coulson,‘; Executor of the “'ll‘l 09' John H. Sxi‘zel, dog-1. i 289, The neg-mun of Henry H. Orncr. AIL! ministr‘umr bf Daniel H. Urner, deceased. ! 2907 ’1“ and fifiml accpnnz of Jonathan Bow er, Exegunr‘ot‘ the last Wlll tnd Testament. of Joseph jllilh-r. dal'ensed. ‘ | 291. fl‘he n-cwnnt of Benjtmin Chronisterfl Administrator 9: the estate of Samuel Chron iuter. déce-xsed. ‘ 292. Fl‘he In account of John Wnlhey. Ex ecutor 9mm Inst Will and Testament of Hen ry Rex Into of “amine" twp.. Adams co., dcc‘d. 29.1. Second account of Esther Feeser, Ad miniytrnrix 0! John Fewer, doc-used. . ‘ 294. (The Isl and final account of Joseph Cmmp. Administrator of John Cump. decealed. A 293. 'l‘lu» lav. flld final account of Peler Ily ers,(oH’,) Administrator of «stats of Adam A. livers, deceased. ZQS. First and 6m] ”count of Samuel 8. Deanlbrlf, Administrator of fluid R. P; Dur dorfl’. deceased. ' " 291. fiecond and final account of Solomon Miller And Adam C. Miller, two of the Execu ton ofilho Inst. Will cud Tulnmem of John Milkmdpcmnd. . ' 298. Account of Henrietta Schrivcr, Admin istrntrin of Geo. W. Schriver. deceased. , 299. 4mm. nccoum. of Adam S. Hyers, 31¢, Ad-nlnmrnmr Wilb the Will nnneer, of Dan iel Mic-h, deceased. 3 300. Thu account of/James Mulhull and Eiiznbbta Andgewa, Blecuwn cf the la“ wax and ’fepmment ofJobn Rhet, deceased. 301‘. The ac‘ cum. 0”. A. Gnrdner, Guardian ofAmleraon (LG. Brandon. , 302. The first and final account of Michael Mvers tud Eliud Albert, Exocntors ul lhelast. will Mid testament ofSnrah Albert, dec’d. -. 303. The gccount of John Krumrina, Exec utor ol‘l'ne Will ofJacub Scanner. deceased. y 30!.‘1The lint. accounzof Elias Johm. Execu tor of the WI“ of Juhn Johns, decemd. - 305. The second Accoun; of George W: Want: and Sumac] Swape, Executor: offlenry qu. accused. \ 306. ‘ Fin: Ind final account. 0! John Trosjle, Adminisrmior' of Jonathan Gubert. dccmsed. 307.‘rF'rl,st nnd fimfl account of Major Leah M. Bollmger, Adminumtox of the eunpof Jncnb thr, deceased. ‘ 308. The am and final “count of Menu. der Gabe-an. Esq., Adminmmmr do bonis mm with the Will Annexed of June! Injor, de cased. 309. The gurdiunhip account. of Andrew Rife, Glmrdian of Jeremiah Stump. minor child of Juhn Slump, deceued. exhumed by Gob. Throne, Administrator of uid Andrew Rife, deceased! - - 310. Firugndfinflmonmlfrsncin Bream and Gnome Bream, Administrator: of Henry Bunny deceased. ' _ 3n. :rh. first wconnt of Joel 3. Dunner, Execiup: of the gonna of Zephnnihh Herbert, doomed. §A¥UEL LINK; Register. ne‘imjfl omen! Gunship-3,} ‘ ; ‘ 1 A'prfl' L 6, 366. [d I :3 . mm GIDBRWINEHAR .1 Sun'- Grocery' Pon the corn'h of the Diamohd. ' J Aptil3o, 1866. ‘1 . v. awaiting / DOWN TO OLD PRICES! to Hal selling u 85. $5 Hats selling at $4 St Rm toning n 33 25 $3 Hun selling at 82 25 82 am until; at 31 50 ROW & WOODS Register-’8 Notices. ===l nowm & BBAPERS. ‘ HEq-d‘vmirud In mu Axum I‘lth Illa ol MOVING AND REAPING l “18.33 —noth combined and single More". Tnese machines on be used IS Sulf~Rakers or Band Rake", as fnrmers may wuh. They are made with (no cutter bars, one for cutting [ruin with licklu knife—caning five he! nine inches wide—sud extra bur, wnh two kniven, for grus.—-qu!llng {our fee! six inches wide, having iron or w mden‘ frame: as dented.— ‘l‘hcy hue two driving whccll Ind flexible flu ger bu. The compnny building these mnchlnes have natured by le-ue n'nd purchase, the control of all the desirable and Ittmdard puems now in use, Imong which no the _ ' 08-Iu no snuxsrr. PATENTS, to which we direct special fill-2’01”)". In com pactness. lightnué oidrnh, excellence ofwork usnsth In-I finish, combined with great strength and Adapt-Hon to all kinds» of work, thay will cnmPela With, and m: hplicvc. aur pnes. unrotlwr machine nuw oficrcd L 0 the public. a: . * Farmers would do well to eximina [hr-sis lunches before. purchasing any other, The} i'ili be sold as cine ip as my other first-bias: machine n'ow manufactured, ind we Warrnn them to give entire anishctlon or no M‘e. “ZS-Extras nlw tyskeptoa hand. Specimen machines can be seen by calling on the Agvul, residing on the Harrisburg road, two miles north-east of Gettysburg. - = WILLIAM WIBLE, 43m April 23., 1866. j Cabinet Furniture. HE aubscnbersghereby inform their rui tomers mud Hie public genenlly, that they have now on hand, and ,cominue to mun. ul’uctnre to‘ order, > CAB‘INET FURNITURE, ' which. for style and durability, finish and priw, will compare wqh nuy in tho county.— Uur precput stm-k conslsls 0f every urn-1y of Fnrnilum uaunlly kept in It first «Ins; Furni tura Ware Room. Fashionnyle. ornamental or. plain Furniture mJuuf lcruzed in the musl substantial nmmwr, n 5" must. e’xgwrzeuced wmkmen, and M. the lowest. cnih prides. UNDERTAKING aningn new limbo, pariicuhi'mk‘ntion will be given to this bunch of their 'b|l~in“SS. They rm: prepared 1.!) xn.lku aJ-l lnmlsh Unll‘lni 01 any dcsircd qmlny, and ram-ml Funemls m. the shurlesg llulch—fflud on such terms as cannot {nil 10 pl: use all. ‘ ‘ The Suhscl‘lllela N‘Xlll’n their thanks to the public for thc‘libeml putromgu c-xluulvd {o 'hexu in tho'pnsl,:~.nd hopeto mentmxd receive :1 continuance of puhllc pntrmmge. Shop and Ware Room third hullnlinqmst oflhe Square; 11. PETE .k 151:0. Littlustownl April lb‘, [866. ,tf ’ BELL'S Concentra'd Flavoring Exiracln! QUAL to any in the Inn-lie}. nu-l qupurmr E to many. in larger bottles, and at all prn-os. ’ _ , ' ’ Wholes.\le agents for Baltimore, BUREOUGH BROS. Wlmlcswlv Dluggms. LlST.—Lomnn, OrnngciVJnillgl. Rose, Peach, Nutmeg. Celery, Alhpico, Clm‘rs, Ginger, Burch, Cinnnm‘gn. Anple, .\lulburn, Pine Ap ple, Bunnno,‘¥.uce, Roapherrv. Pepr, Psppnr, l’ursley. Sxmwyberry,‘Biuer Almond, and au- Vory spires. \ ‘ .The great dlfilcnlty heretofore experienced in procuring '.‘ ue Flavoring Extracts, has in duced the progrielor lo spare no plsiha or ex penso in givinéto the public an article which will he found true to its mum, and which whl in no inflame be 1; source of dmagpqinlmcnt. M will he ohsurvod that our extract of Lom on and Orange is a prepared extract from the Pu-l. \y’hicn any one m uy be cunviuceJ of by men-1y sun-11mg fly-m. ‘ ' The pm-t- u! V.\n||h Roms. ton. hm unisex! more usnless Extract ‘of “tuna to he mum factured and sold lhnn any other essence; being eithergnndv fnnu Tonkn Henna, or some' other fictitious command, In our Ethan te‘ WILL j GUARANTEE, A PURE ARTICLE! mnvle {tom the "Le Beau, without any foreign suburmjmo whfi‘ever. ’ , ‘ Bell's Worm Syrup. HE‘MHS—I‘ INNUGENT, PLEASANT AND T E FIGIENI‘ REMEDY IN USE —-A Rur now P RPECT Ix Irwin—No Umior 0:! to In Taken. In this Preparation we lmre included suulg remedies only as tmve been tried for years, and are known to pores: powerful nulhelrniuliu virtues, comhinu'l with mild nperienls, pleasant nrnnulics owl. sugar. An thelmlulics of'llxemselrci cannot pt rl'urm their peculnr funxtions or have the desired eff-ct, unless the bowels lre kept. Inmleruwly ope-n. To produce thii. gentle .pnrgMives :lre now:- snry and éurh only ought to be used that mn not. interfere with the mflhelmimir ample} ud. 'lhe advantages we clmm lnr um Sv‘znp are: 15!. If! power of DESTRUYING A‘ID EX PEI.LIN’G WORKS! . , ‘ll-]. Its mild "perigm cfi‘ept upon the bowels. 3:1. He pleasant tnate and odor are minn tngrs possesscd o; claimed by very lew Verm ifugus. . ' 41.11. Ila harmless influence upon the system, consequenily no injurious effects wilt result ham us use should Ihv patient have no \Vormd, but-2m appu'ent disense, arising from sumo other unknown “use, which is frequently the case. ~ * ‘ The constiments of this Syrup hnd its efieqlq are knoun lo mduy-Phys2cmna, who are now using iL in their prnctice to a lur’extent. Pnce 2.“: cents a boule The Greatest Linlment In Use. BLL'S WHITE OlLl—T/u- Blandul. Clean- B 23!, non! Penetraling and moat Economical Inn/mm! in Una—A powerful ()lmqinus Coni pound for the Speedy Cure of Rheummism, h‘iminsl Spruins, Wounds, VSumhness of the Limhs, Frosted Feel. and Hands. Spuin. Sad ;dle Gills. Pull Evil, Ring 3 me, Bruise“. Sweliihga of all kind, and in inc: tl'éryldii ease for which an E’nbrocminn is applicnhlo, eilhvr in .\I H] or Beast. Pri e 25 cents a but {lei—This prep-“ Minn, which Is o-icinnl'wilh nu, will be found to be one of the nil-Gin and _nt Ihe a me time one 'of the most felinble up plirmioizs extant. - - ‘ Having been employed very extensively since its: introduction nnl feeling satisfied of its remedial properliee, we recommend it with the utmost confidence, knowing run: :19 One Iwill be disnppmme-l in its use. It is, no its name implies, a white liuiment ol the consis tency of cream, containing nothing riflensive, but, on the contrary, will be found more plenanngwn otherwnae. ’ , Bell’s Alterallvc, RQNDITIOX Puwmkgs'! ‘ A FOR HORSES, CATTLE h SWINE 25 cent; 5. paper, or five p'ncn fur $1 The Immense sale of these‘Pawders durinz the-hon period they have been before the pulilie, is a suflici'nt guarantee of their are“ 'populnui-‘y. MM! the decided benefits dumed fro 1: (Indian. . They are confidently recommended not only u s preventive, but us is complete curs for all disc-Des incident to the HORSE. COW or HQG, ns Loss of Appetite, Coughs. Hea’ves, fillow Water. Distemper, Glanders, lc , ac. By their use the‘Horse’s Appetile is improv ed, all derangement: 0f the digestive orgnus corrected, softening the skin. and giving to the coat a sleek and shining'nrnpeunince. and may be used with per ecl- pafcty at all times, as ‘xt contains nu mg’relllents wuiuh’cln injure a horse, wh. Iher sick or well. They_ cleunse thr brentliitu apparatus by ejecting fr -m the air cells coxgnlsted tank-r, or that formation which so severely clog: them, cnusmg n tightness in Dru hing, and by "It‘ll" peculiar ution on that part, they cause the mans membmno to reaume in natural dimensions, thus equalizing the cirunlwtion of the blond Ind restoring the distended vouch to their nlntural site. ' For fattening cnule they are invaluable, also possessing peculilr prnperl'les in items:- in: the quality of milk in (lowa, thereby R"- inx them an ivnponnuce mud vulua whix'h uhuuld plugs them mthin the hands of all In tel-cued. All szeasea Q 0 $516!: the Hog in subject. as Cousin, Ulcers in (be Lungs Ind Lint. and up agcneml purifigr of the blood we gunman: '.heh- efficvrif once fairly tried. fi'Sold n Gettysburg _by A. D. Buehler Apothecary. nnd hy Draggiscs :nd Sfiorekeop en gash-Ml]. Aik La- 6911'. PmrmrM ions. Pnptnd exclnaively hv W; D. Bellprome. ear], (Gr dame of the l’hiladrlphin Belle 0 of Pharmaci) Wen Wuhingwn BL, 83;“. ‘zoni ,d‘ - 10:31.16. [865. I" . rstmsn's HERB mneas for In.“ M 'Horuer’a Durand Valet; Stun. 11061 Great MW ofvl’tjleyesr, AT Tm; c In: A P a knots—n 00!!!! or onion AID on mun-mm rill-1. JOHN N Hnflng just returned frum the any. reipoot fully informs Ma c'nuomora, and Ibo public, that he bu succeeded In forming n connecuon wi‘h one of thb fir“ Importing Houses in Mm any a! Baltimore, by which he i: tumbled to offnr Groceries at a lower. liguu than shay cim be purchnsud elsewhere in the cunt]?- He is prepared to sell \ COFFEE smut, SYRU I’, fm‘m and all other flung: M. corresponding nus—- It you would LIV" mom-y, cnll M the Chap Grocer;,cnmer of Diumomhmd Chum mnbl strum. {la l 0"! excludvcly for Cash, nod T: netermim-d to be nbeud or alt other: in seng cheap. Give him a mi! brr‘ore punch mint elsewhére. ~ ‘ JOHN )L SWAX; Barron‘s Sari-1y Lumps. » AVI)‘13.(Ru-a)'II'LUIDz THIS Lamp appm-emly bums «man: an,- (lung to furl It. In has. .howevm'. I mu tu-rial which lhsnrhn the llq‘lld amt given it to the flune, partly fromxho Wnu'h MI" 1’ .nlv '1 the form of gas. but. an as to marine: perfect comnusuon. and in ”urea-anointed and law. IL)! and without. a uhimnu), and perfectly trimmed, does not nmokg or much; it. u then fure e-pecmlly ndgpmd‘to llw pupa)“ «3' ft "rm nbml,” uuln. Imrw. uln u: or hotel lamp, or lanlun. The 0031' of hmkou chimney, nloue, wi.l man: than my zlu- cos: 0! thhunp. Every mmily needs om: or we a. “It is just wbut I hxve been long looking for," ‘wriles n InmL-l ‘.m-nc-kccpor. "[ simu'd 11:"le know ho‘w to do Wilhout it," writes linot‘hl‘r. , ~ “A perfect c ml’rimncc," writes n thir'vl. ‘ “Let those Wu.) are skeptics] try it," write: A fourth. ‘ , For me by mm! w. ww, ‘ Cur. of Dinmmi -\n ! Clmmhrrshurg P 9. W'l‘hu‘b'gl-ru-un Fluid uh.» for 5110th the same phwo‘. [.\l Ir. [2. £866.} W. E. RIDDLE. [L S DINNER. 100.000 Bushw. Grain Wanted. {CW FIR“ Al‘ THE ”L } W HU'IHOUSE. N \\',\L E. RIDDLE 5; (‘.| \mu'd inform “IO punlic ‘thnL thov have law: l‘h: erehouee on Um corner of Stratum street and lhl‘ Rail. mid. iu Gretfvsburg. .\here lhvy m” " Irry nu THE GRAIN-AND PH()I)UL‘EIHYSINZ\‘H, in :11l [l5 brunt-hm. ’l‘lu- lughl-‘SI pru'ua w‘H aluuyi be p'lidmr Whmu, Elva. Fur-1.0015, ('lun'cr nn-l ’l'lumthv finale, 1;! r. .-r I. h‘druzu', “:15”an Stmw, lined Fruxl, \u m. S » vp «Luna, S oulders and 8140:, Pnlu u“, “uh even)- lhing 61:0 in tho .wmnn In‘lhi‘l a 'i».e GIiUCIIIHES.——Un 1m ml, fur snlu (Tum-m, Sugars. Moms: 3, Sjrnlm, Tun. Sp on. duh, ('heeae, Vinegar. Smln, .\hm um. Hmnrh, Bruonithc-kels, flllckmg, Sun.“ .t‘ (Mm CUAL OIL, Fishml, 'l‘.\r. kc FISH hfnll kinda; Spikes and .\‘uiXs; Smoking uui Che."- iug Tob.|cco~l. ' The}: are Always nMe to supply. a lint-rule arlil-le of Flour, with tho dndcrcm. kinds: of Feed. 1 'Alan. G ound Pinion-with Gunnol jut] other fertihzurs. (MAL, by the bushel, [on or cur load. ~ fl‘hey will run (1‘ LINE OF FREtGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore onCc every week. They are prepared to cunvey Freight oitlwr way, in My qnnnlitv, nt REDUUED RATES. They WI” htlend, if dedircd, to the making (J purulnheg in the city. and ddh‘erlng the goals proi’nplly in Gettysburg. Thqlr cars run t 1 the \s'arehou‘w of Sun '& Morton, No. 118.331 th Iluwzmi sir-:qt, ncur Fruuklin, Baltimore, “here Height will be received Ix't any time. They innit: the Intention at line public tp thrir tin», nuuring them thy! they will spare no qlhrt to, hccommadute all ‘n he may patronize (hem. " vApril 16, 1868- If .\LL AM) sm: us m can xzw QUAR _ ; . TEES. ,’ ' GRE \l‘ ATTRACTION?! _ ' “ICIIAEI. SPAVGLER would respectfully inform his Iriend¥ and the public. generally that he has moved his Store into the ammo dio room on the southeast corner of the DI»- 7&5], at, which phll'e all nre invited lotcull. [a has purchased the, pmpnrly and hud it thoroughly rr-p.lired nn-l fitted up In the man “splendid svlwt'or'lhaspuci xl comfort and con venience -ol his ctulmucrs. We now (lunar ourselves that we lnvc‘uot onlv the bust store room in the coumy, but the finest stack of goods ever brought to this place, ull of whnch we are now ~olling a}. pritvs In , 'D-I-IFY C()\ll’ l‘Z’l‘lTlON.‘ We call ntzeullou especially to our complete atm‘k of z . DOMESTM \\'D FAVCY DRY GWODS, ». gmhrnun.’ 'IH Ileflurnplfyns (If 1 ' DRES~H}I)UUS, DRESS SILK. , “HAYNES, MI‘ZRIMN‘H, C \SH‘IERHS:'UALIC(IES. MU”. les, cougars, Honp Skins for [main and Missrs', Hosiery, Glos cs, Embroidery, Trim. minga A 99 ‘ FAN'CY ARTICLE? Al5O, Gm": b‘Uimsulm GOUDS, Clam, CJpqlmv-n-a, (figftmneu, Twucdi. Sun, the We are‘uow se‘ling— Mu~lins f am Unlicou‘yrovn and other goods m UropmliOL. . [Living mule our purchmn when gnodm were at their very luwc-st grade in the ci'y.l we ’an now nfl'crizlg hugging jlml ('mnlml fwl It) plume. We i‘nvile all to «All at our NEW STORE nun] see H il. it no: EU . April in, 1866 Cheap for Cash! YEW STUR") ! I N GROCERIES, LIQUORS, 10. ’PIIE undenignod hau returned to flatly:- burg; and opened a new Store, on Bill“. “rem, nut door 0 “I! Pout “flies, and nearly uppuwe the Court-Haul», when ‘ho o|!ch for anlv, cum? rah run,” large Ind enuice anwrunent of GI£UUERIES,—Smu, Gofl'cel. Tau, .\lnhucs, Syrups, Salt, Em; with Fish, "neon [mahmrd a" on. ‘ K Also. LIQUURSi—Wim-s, Unndiu, ,Giul, Whiskiué Rams, and“ er; thing else in the [3516. Also, any 3 :hnmy of..\'ul.iout, to wit my and eyeryliérfy; _ ‘ , ' chollecfi‘ithis is the, place [tn buy dug” 19: CAIJ. April 23, Jmm ' flmhington» Hotel, kw umunu, - ‘ ‘.' AD.U|B COUNTY. PA. The undefraignei ruspvcuully informs hl frianda “flit!” public gem-tally, that be In! purchased 1 e Abuve "qu, my! Ivul strive to keep it us 11 No. 1 House. A 'Hvs L-nble grill be nhun 'lntly supplied filth» all the deniuciewu‘nc season. and his bat with the dukes”. liq-mu an}! when. nun. blmg h l In:a and Lu-mnudwus. HQ _hurel by mid. anemiEn w'merit u punion of the pawl-0'!» purounge. 4 - “ISAAC B. HUUSSE. April 16,356. 3m __+__.__ . .v _.__-_..____ ‘ _ Notion, ' 1 01m 111 BBRT’S deATE.-—Letleis tea- QI Linnea! y 011‘ tht «sme- of Juhn Hilbert. hue of Get my township. 4d nus county, 'de— conned, h wing Men grumed to the nmlenigmd. residing in [1: ion lownship, he waehy (In. noiica In All penali- indebted to Mid am to rank: iminodmm puyment; and thou Mug clnilni A! nimu the mum to garment tlmn‘wopou I] umcmidakd for lculmnel-L , ‘ ' ‘ “£5BB “11.3331. April 23; {8350. mi ‘ Bmuigr. S Inning-1m than. 4 nan paroluud iron I Ilgnry Mount, residing in But-wick bocougb; Adams county. the lullhwmu perdoml' r r: Iy,'viz: 2 Horses'md Guru, 1 601.5%!- row, 1 Spring Wagn- , l Ten-plllo‘fiwré and [’upc. nod Grain gaming In the gamut! con, listing MU as, 09in, Rye, When—ulna Sgt tau and Hny. ’Suid pnruonrpr‘ogerty'l‘ left in the passesalon of MN Minter, but my light to it is in owning thero‘flv anuiahe I ' ll 103.551; HOPMAX. April 23, was. 30' -» _._" . . ' ' "‘ ~--—-~—‘r '. Coal sud Lumber. 1 9, our; uric”. at In}; Yard oi « . rg: ‘ C. 11. 88!le “ Feb. 19. lCor._Cnrlisl: 111-1' luflrandfilg was an... n ma place w m in mu S«t Grocoiga CHEAP. ' ~ ‘ =I SWAN, 16 cents per lb. '0 H ‘ {531.10, PATISTED RIDDLE & HENRI-31L Removal. 12} to 28. ..10 to w. Jl. SPANGLER GEO. F. KALBFLBISCH. ‘ mm