The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 14, 1866, Image 2

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    .q~ n'vnvr gran»,
Hagar-r“. Holiday Murat-a, May 14. um.
:1. I: smnw, mural; AND PROPRIE’Z'OI'.
‘, FDR aorlmxon,
of Bork: (‘.muy.
inuncu'unn Arming! ' 1
r 00. o! the Duumnn organs xi Renmng re:
«Ith hlm-led a nlory that Uiestcr Ciymer,
ghe‘ De'mocmuc candidate for Governdr, ‘
nhanever a can lidue for office in Byrk»
,connly, run behwd hi- ticket. Thin false
hood is tie-3 numbed in all the "ka937”
jnmmk nflhnl party. mad the eduorn roll
it under their mngues “aim yorxaweet mm
,u-l." But. the Hawking dvlusion is badly;
“squalchcd” by the men. In 1860. I'M-n
Mr. Clymerwu. fir-t elecud ldthefionate.
lo fill nchincy, lie hm! 2831 majority-51
1»; than Mr. Ancuna, and 7!:3 more than
' ,In 186], (bet: he was eiected for (be full
logm. he I'ml H 34 mnjnritfi—ll‘e (argul. by
fr»!!! 1 '0 to 403. 13/ any candida/c upon the Dan
bfigflic (it/J“ (Vt/wt year. The Reading Ga
;rt'n u-urn lhpllh-mocrnc! of the Smile
Hill“ C'lymer is all rig/21 at Imam. ’ ~
. 0 _< ‘ '
Unwl'oy,‘rerenuy elected How-rpm 6f
BOnuecucut, (by “the skin of his Lbs-111,")
mug, before Um election. doc-lured hi hi op
)msvd tnpc‘grm‘s waxing. Hutimhm Inaug
nrnl. Qmpmer day, in: tank square ground
in. mer of nrgro Jufl'nzgr, and urdcvl anal/tar
.flrrhou in (Luna-Hm: ler its mgrrptian. Haw
much longr-r win! the pmple allow them
pelvn to by hymfiuugo-I by these unpriuul
fled nogru-equnlity denmgoguea’l
_._- -_. ”_._”...
__fi'l‘he ayvprowmmn. asked (at (he
Frgyimeg'n Bureau. for the next fiscal yrar,
’s‘; ‘ rly$l2,000,(100. Pennsylvaniu’sshnre
9st will probably be $1,500,000. Sup
qubut one-wind of xbis amount M}: Ip
pr pride} to the wluto peoplu in Adams
county wastti‘m-ed by the battle hero,
"but a coinfnrtab‘m “leisure of relief is
would afi'fmi um». - ‘ -
Bux we can hudiy oxpect any nitenfion
to)” given the hone-s! démanlls of the
mhi‘ttruce, so {ong as negroite fanatics and
demagngu‘r-s shape the legislation of the
Sunbeam! natign. There must. be a change
in Ibis respect. or our injured Peqple‘will
,nevel‘ gel. tfioflnr. ‘\
”auditor Qanerd-Uurtranh has called ‘
.8 Soldiers’ Cunvémion m letqburg, Lo meet. ‘
In June next. Thus “there is a nigger in
\he woodpile," m already evident. "l'he°
movém‘q‘xt is * electio‘ncering snaggi
(Dent, nird. do-zgned to help 1115 sinking
torluuoa iol~ (11-my, ll it humbugs a single ‘
cnngeryuhve imm in the Staten we shall be ‘
muihmimaken. Such ganapulefitfiodgcs ‘
wove? “Vin. ’ ’ ,
The Outsitlulimml Amendment.—The plan
of 'tbo arr-culled Recoknsliuctmn Committee
12»: «Amazing the realomxion of the Union
went thrdugh tye House on Thiuraday after
noon by: slgict pnny vnte~l2B m 37. it.
49 understood that the bulls which accompa
nied me uonsmutiongl umendhgent wxll not.
be acted upon by me‘nouse émil the (Me
of the'nmandment is aellled b ' the action;
of the Senate. It is crmfi'denily asserted
that it cannot receive ‘he rcqgisite Vole
.(lwo-Jhirds) in that. lolyil
fl'Saya the Pflilallelphia ledger (Inde
psudentzi “ The returns of the town elec
nuns in lndinna, Mléhigah, Illinois, “([3-
‘consi'n and lowa, continue to show; Llrgé
Dnnpcrutnc gains.” And why shquLHhey
no.» whm phe lendem of the ao-culled R:-
publicuu party have proved false to the
Unipu apd the Constitution? Democracy.
gs acknowledged and believed in by every
hue man. must. eventually triumph—not;
that patronfige may go to a particular class
of persons. but that the; contra? may be
sued {min diyolulion, «ml that the rights
nod blessings olfreeinsmuliona may become
the bmhrjght uud heirloom ofevery Ameri
.clm ciliiéu. - I
_ r _.fl-..,___.__-+_ . _
fi'l‘he lo‘ve which the Radicals bear to
(he army has been instructively illustrated
by (he cmducc of the Senate during the
past week. -« '
Three Generals of the army. nominatgd
fog p'osu in the diplomatic service. have
bean rejficled by the mnj-M'ily of that body,
Muse they Were known 0r suppoaed to be
fuonhlelio the President’s policy of pende,
”conciliation. and the s'peedy :econmuo
you at we Union. "
The only "loyalty” ‘rccogniged by the
BJdiélA. in or out ofCungl-eu. is “loyalty ”
not m the Union. but. to we pohcy oxSum
mi, ‘Wade.“and Stevens.
.fi‘ln regard to Secretary Stanton. the
National Intellygchccr announced, a (ew days
no. thu at. a late Cabinet meeting Mr.
fimnwn'hud taken 3' firm - slam} in {Honof
President Johnson's policy of restoration.
and um ha had “pressed his views in no
vqnivoeal or doubtfu! terms [or thajfimaiiale
rcatnrmian oft/1c Union'! This sgatémém was
at first ‘denied by the Dnsunion prg'SS. and
the Sccieury mu called upon :52 deny it
This hq did not do; but. instend the same
~_jwurnui "replied_ that—“’Mr. Stanton spoke
‘ Iraqmelmglh,wru morepro'cgung‘atlorehphuhc
jhan- our cuefui'y prepaml "fan-t natal,”
_Funher thay_zhia. it was stated (and it re-
mains. “Owlrxldicte‘l) that the reporter
the Cabinet m‘eetinx lud begn exhibxted to
find éndorsed by «my one of the number:
pmw. ‘ '
‘01: Mmdny week the Demacrw’y of?
Wilkgplmrre eleqted J. B. Stark Burgess by
a majority 01 881. The town heretofore
Went " Republican !" ‘Negroism is bleach.
“in; out "pull! 1:: hnnsfivmia. ‘
fl'The Senate Eas‘ponfirmed the ap
puili‘tnient. of Josebh F. Kuipe to be Poet-
Jnmgr p} finn‘uburg, Pennsylvanin, and
Mr. Smith’s Collector of (hi! Purl of 821
york. ‘ 4 ' ' 1
”The Soldieii of fijflixmow'n Ind Pa
lenon. Janina county, bun org-niied I
33m}:- Cl'ub.’ Liam. John T.«Metlin is
lii-idem, and Lieut.‘B."P. _hfi’wminms
”_m-i B J- Naugle, nrqb‘ecrauriea. Ihis is
J genre Mon at nu? paper uenenl Gently
,Immu gamer [hymn It all; least enacted.
98'» kwwff‘im' menu: made to
pow? wafwrelamily of Mn). P. Huger-[y
Hot “egggyfq‘filubama. with 5 pm.) 0}
fgu. 329313 him u the time. The ht.-
.» tw‘x.«9r ,ebts 9e 9 :4 V’
kw wetseq- . 3' Q {float}!
‘um””‘ ' . H, - V
~ ..thu‘zo upturn. lii ch
. . . ‘ _ Pi _.'
_Th "yd-mt: oflha dim ' “111:132" 'd'm‘m' "coin. in '
m Congrm i , A Dmfliontsu'm l "W'imna 'h . “mind votel’
“fit! of th ' l qnly em“ “db! “101-ch ““7 m the new 41:. I" “w" “equi-‘ TOWN AND
m hxmfing when". m- . cow“ no folimr remungs. mum COUNTY '
('0 they "3'01““ m . '- Nolan], ”Represented “‘3 “' ‘dheaiou oftbe 11m Mum—W . ' fl
broken 0 hefihu "I l rum “I Mnhlueuu! W If :,.-A,_._,__ [hollow , _
. up thy om u - 9! lure .15 it beam, , °"F for" mmcfm T 0 TB: (3
up g ‘ mo vb!" [hey - m “118 m; .no “"80““! on I OUR U _:._—___.._ M- ITIZEXS UF ADA
s o muggy”, M, h are mu. 'ere ch *5. and me hm mg" a guard F. , Ursma,_n. u_ m& __ “8 Cum”;
[meal r~ - . '3' fur thb .1- "'° ."un can", - ' ""Vflsy "smg Vin . ’Z‘nner in r A The Bun...
pe Pelflltmg - Pl" "9' Were f "1 “’3 Pabefl i find lone ‘TO“ kl . ’1‘”! I“ and n ‘
hugs Telzgrapa, udin' man. Th’nnrris."mflillnmigmfu‘ to g desperate "mu. own ”so. 1““, nsetal him, an on“ winch u", 19’,“ H: 0”” I 3rd, “flu
heen d V "1 ‘W the Unio hWe 1‘“ ”1"“ faitphful to the U u}... "l“‘fl' plot " “m' “0""!!- th u find Worth" l o the Republic meg‘
""Oye'lamlbm en ‘1 as out of IN ban-“mi won“ won, "Mud °Hm Emmi”. G SID-Huh"! "and "belting, hfleinm ,
E: '.‘”Jpeiking 0f lhg\ “{“Fb, _‘ho "or. may, ”gar“; hrndmd men '1 no‘ zn'L' Ind “I b, “‘0 New Yoi-k I'." are.” ll ill a the field of 99“,“an lfldhlhe n [0".1
»in ' 0r er‘ -‘anlo - ‘ u g, ace: ‘ .ma Var ppm ,4 _' anon
..f‘ginnigowsed bi! ngmf. ”WWW! if”: flagnllanlly 6:13; Eyrh?fiio:‘fe foughc n3l. 10a cb:b;:,:°‘:°"‘un g bani-No.l patriotic a: .3333? :3 a: m mm“ m the
thirds >0! ngdlfizm raj)": 'cornmand t, “imm" ”33:35? him, ““‘(Tni‘ielnfésehac' He 0" "Nance :f‘en’li'e gwa‘dmblifl'i. walnut-rm” Ind lupuvm‘ocmion'bl‘hn
.mn come béf ac“ ‘4’ Congress b 0' blooded" We speak of th ‘E‘i Silould Drese .- "d' which e’Ver bd ‘ 0"?"917. , m" 9’ " N‘W’Ml ‘
Therein” I, org me “We iu‘ _ Pfare n "8"!» combatant cltus- "'n' 8 mm.- une of. me and {requonq ~ Y 0 W In” W o
iconKYF-“ligr‘rfingx that“, "flhifltigrggi """H "3mg?" 18mm," """06 [:3:-ruby]. emerge”:l ”yeah"! if “chiefly. Any ‘ Adams 02mm” mm", °f “‘9 bf“: men fi
Gmiresa i‘ e. I'm- ‘1 "' 3nd "' ‘Pflrla of - ’ "ms ' ‘ ”will“ prov - “me °f ' “my "I” h“ f" ' o
I. m” ‘ 1 ha: passed Water. 1,, 5‘5» (1311 l m ~hnndr d e M "‘Ctlc l ‘ Of the RV- - e ““9“"! the * '
Ih'W'WuK-ths PPquxrgme r‘6. r ; Tnx' - . 1: ~ ' Y pll 9 ‘v‘housand . uwe “1“ v. ' pubhc u,“ . . nernce
‘ ohms a“ cnunn'of~ “hon mu, - il~ - . "If tune, ' cl- _» ' "mt lmmen' ‘
~g , . wad n Ont r» . . I lnblcn ‘ Over“, _3 Men; .1, .. mm fen
fl seflfmgz-z-«aw m‘m’fiuw' £2151“ or we 5 “v. 32???“ 2;;
,’ V , .- . n wu. ' . Ame .‘ ' “I In: cu; . »
.no more I" Oulh Cnmhna, &~.3 ' “Hz “b“ “Ste". “0' ‘“on 1“ 1’: fl '3l.] find “If panic” ”lb. .4_ rang, 3nd _ x
Inlemen‘Rhl to V'm”‘«"“-lotxnunut‘hn" Nu" longrmfl state 2f thing; 135 mm ”"5“ Bard to the “canine,“ of - arm“- 3 Tu?! '-‘.n_b° “Ndlhbie lo the c pro ‘
" ‘On‘yt " man has Nx‘bmmu " mm“ Middle afirriy the {We ””enfifi'fi‘lcnu?”f 'the pa!“ '0! "Md" "'9'”! to 2'! "new“ lnd all grown); 1" In“ “in“ File loflmry.l
““M ~fiveS- .'- ‘ - "new Sm: 6." "'9 ~ q Rm; re cm ' 'hilu ! . “”3 “eves =r- “01' ‘
Lehman”; 1., 2‘9"“! Thereought’::.'|n':'.ly 0‘ Whipped spnpg'ficht. wnh the fofhflection 20:“ m“? whet-35mm“ Iment with success 35"" ””an me mnv"
’Mw ("ithe gag- Aliwlzlu'enumbe' o‘3“";4ouxil;22::d dlicmp." of N'z'wth); nJ'lnngg;l’ Chm“!d the death arm. {wen Hen 'Sfiniz-“mn- To th’is emu-WE and efiicienz on].
-'-rinmu - . . 5' Imm} -' "g and'g»- ' ' the c‘ -‘ '9 lt‘Spectr -' - '
""5 the elwpn q 5 ““Dlsumon. Of ”Plfi-,h 33 1h” 1_ . _____.~_____A "men: of Ad = “Hymn: I
-.1 . V,at I . ,comb , , runs . ’3
zilfweium‘ecdz-d M” Mendy 1n rebehion ‘Pltlleas and (’.:enuus‘ '“i’ulvus aymo‘en‘u-omin "GNU“E“ 1N THE p 0 “ “he “"1“?!” sold' ~ coum' “‘1 ° 'Pechy
Pnfie Tim] M m "ccomwih'w "lei!“ pur I _fl‘nq, mth I A movement“ on {not { 81:0 SQUARE-“he CW“ 33115:: £B3.} 0‘ the w“: 10 men at
' ' .‘9O ‘v‘ z ' ‘.-______ m or! W nn ~ '
’meMY-five "alert“ flag!” ‘Flj-mm' Oi‘lv‘ Th P 120351. 1'}!!! Slum; cottageimt: we decent-ed ”Jute?” 'o’ a!' DA: a” 2811);!" 0; it??? on SATUR‘}
mink cT such - at m l the aoldieéi is harden w 111-:3. 'Wn n- c Pilbnc 5 , 0 Ad. Elk messing.“ , net, :0 Ida ‘
' ' r e ‘ qnflre - .3ma b _ P
)Genemmemy’flnquwg! fromthe 0,3,.“ of £er Deming (833” titch. tho m'mlerer or "m :71: frequently ‘hou'gh’g': $l3 boronx 'Fecul’e the erection toffejmed. "d“"bhm
{mm a“ “Mir Quart-[my prepmflm admit mn' ““knt7wleviizir;g t 2: :0}: ‘6 n “111 confeg. i the greiebpmp" “"3 éndnfing wings-amt! 3°?”‘Q‘ 9‘" We: KeroeaoPuTn" ‘o‘ the!
that the 9m 698 ave been in ,‘ 'lxomd deed “ “Cnmmitted h. !, :mle {o“th om] of .0 üblic sqmre . ' NM 0 Cenfireor
. ‘ ""5 which h 1 ”x“? ””499”: hi 9° "' umHocm' 9“ “Wald be a! 1, . "" Gmfsbur . 1
““119 Unio ”. ’r e ““1 “'6 \till out. ”mmi‘uce. and " {nan-Ir, "‘"mln an 'be . .‘on'aud 4°30» k .Plsrcd ml 1” ”‘so"de 1!: g' on ““0” ‘
*m‘swaggfiz'fiffifi. ,wiannd hz,‘ “my“ Dawns“! mm”; that hm Object, w“ M: e thastigmlgushea in . “hon Elma- x: could c:u’rlty§ulvtierg Who 11:23:: .°f all Adamsl
‘Unionig'to . "91 design» ui H ' ' e monument inn e-wny 0 fizrir‘vonngf" "1 the "Hi
,V 1“ —‘l“ma ‘ e "is he w . ce. d‘. propo Ed 4 3'. ca:
E‘iml broke; ulniPntsanP Imrpose dissolved 01 Bulemer Leeaiborn 1," minifl‘fl. county I inieafc‘im hum} The Projeét i; ”:01. 09" dmgA-The gem“? "in 00mm“. ' ‘
'T'l' 1). \vlngthey say . ‘fHongh , rem; 1, 24 year at, and, 1f J'mliciou I- P genex‘fl] . 31.,00 thea'fab 00 at, 10 D'Clack \
f ‘czfrtlp’l.’ . . .mth tha ‘1863 S old; Ind coins to th" s and loycome an euru’ succe 53y In!"“3él,will be 0 H BUM]! jaw flamed‘ ‘ ’
1 “ ,‘o 4 .- . :3 con -1 ’ S ‘ andch ''‘"- t -
‘E'Wt Ma’s; t"£11m: lake} ”,5, L’rntind M m {my “filmmedmlely enlisted in [it]? In 1 $2233. 1:: [mod taste (ind r," 1:? man: once g‘évi‘siewn' "‘3 Cf" 11:3!!!) may"
I "'"n'd 1 a "N“ Mhe J ' me limé aft d 3"" y" yum“ ha ''- ' "1’" V'Fril be ''. " “"s‘ur-kvm 'L 's' “
‘ we have "My “name :ed and d,. 9" eserted; (.- - fhand ""zthe man . ; G-‘LFrcq- ~..’ 6. “-001.16“: 1 ‘
Mann. ““3“! nlhp Sh w" "W" find over (in: “find "um"; Phliued u nix-59,“, 155 m the ‘Orering shah ' "acme-mm . 301'"! Bell‘ 311”” Bren. Cul- 209th my" ‘
rsu‘flt‘nt Statmdn n): g “um! thoselnc? in. ru’ 03““ “’33 disvlrarnérl i \ le'uurd up“ wm‘ Patriotic prid m" be 100“" I“ G‘ Camp' Igor “3" P" 0‘"- ’
all 0“ “my other pm: :;l¢;Pcri:'“"lxclzgn‘ lwummg "0"!“ be called at A???“'°“3h0"t Buccecni‘ng mg: by'an our 980“" gg. Benne;“‘ D 135”! turn“ '
1 "WWW: ill” 6, 'I, » p "“ide t v '33 en a.» ' . eat-in." _1 The, ~‘ a. ... . “can '’- . ’ ‘
g'n‘wlmgnl a: #:1101064 I!” "W"? (firm/g2 ”or ' some .1? 89d ’ 3b“? 30"" leftv. beam: 53, ing on Head” '.’.”“rred ‘0 the call for; J- H- Whitzr'igremzflfl" 10134; In)“
. "in! f h _,/ u. I,] Prdviuu us. “Emelnont, O , a of" ‘le “”Ich in gum,“ J. WAY ‘.. It. loath Inn Ya
,1" l lbw/”71c! In 8 (me at mm.h ‘ ll tue 0d of ~ 321mb" col T 033, u 1 JV,
[LAM tho rel ‘ ¥ , a-Hy e "Outback“!!! WM an; Fain-[’ll A GOOD MW “'Dn. “ J 'mns R. Hersh Q :fimg' “ 3
‘ "er Ina/mire?“ mm?!" ““1“ the tun-11.7: hflfi thefle‘qng‘“ Dearzhgr’lser‘3moyefi‘ ‘ int: building- £133”? 8’7“? 01d seedy-150k. ' giwe‘ritlfl‘l Mimi} “h :2 5 ‘
“my" to aid they Egan] to buckle (m the." ; m‘urzlelm: ”:1 {about ten days 582:9! Ah J Couthouge’ is wulumo’re street, opposite the John Hm?" 5:33;”: f 1 Cam,
m ! r~~ ~: '9 [e f. - . '8» e‘ ' ' ’ ”N‘flad ‘ * 6-3! [I '‘ " ”5.50 -'
, onfd In” PPO Itlcmm Wh -k . Amdy he gmug we .a flu as: now d . . untor n V at, u
‘t- ' W ""32““ m ' °,~ ”‘mz them w : co““ailwlzued x u ”memo! demr -‘ " "’T ‘3" W. JH-’ " “ u <
1« angumfing an ’ Md.Stevom- .f .-' ‘9 qbotwu .a be «man I: . "'°n.Blxd win ’l‘“ "“"f‘h “ 87th!
owe, _ ~ ‘ m rom ["9 an r., il9 {0“on ‘ K{ e [hm s h 59011 -‘C.Norrm I; “fly. K
We Rune . " Voluuonz T. 1 n amen “w 8 thd w 8t at were" ~1 v 10 . ’
at D ' hat .5 ' grub v eundo 5 ‘ln In: .F, 31cc ‘s‘ ‘
‘ finer“ Gmrylggtjrs Plutfm-m 0" which E "mam,“ repm‘texsf .by on” °r the Kmdiehsn «£l:th ”131 ML CHM" ""1 Mr‘ 31*" Em'nThl'lz' 2“ 1133:;- u
-' 3- -mw .. n " '.‘ : (
1 me" ‘5 deaigneJto eat ”The ammdmcnt ‘“F Conn-rum "”3 '“RDELA *bmldmg' ““o“.in karma,” ‘ double b'i‘k thifitlggvh' “ 2‘“ cf" '
; nd neg", equal, in glhrxegmguqmge ‘Pmposes, Thumpmmmzoom? m- businm - P-J.T;lp_ glog‘i'fomjnnfi, .:
I t the pom fifth: bag/0M ‘3‘ wflrced thy-Mg). a handsome One—.o“ whic‘: Wflldoubtlesa be gun. E. KHZHIHIPT‘HX‘J’yCBt 1‘
- ‘ . .'" - 2 -
I {lather bloody War if th e a.” to have tn no central n Porllon ofw W 1“ be 1 ”811’! C g‘nxelly, Lxeut. x 01“ ln‘AP' V- R. C"
1‘ [mswflnnot ollxerwi’ge ' cse $01150“! Jaco. Kimonfl 0““ 0” “shantynewt-zrg' The mere “7- F-dßiaer «I: a u “1.,
fiigns of . UCCee in l.) e‘ 0 ”‘9 “we: I l eIP file look P. L. H" . ' 71h u ‘
1 'ninn ’ 4)::th “4 “summon .033: “mm” s 11.35;ch if {3lm ‘
. . , . . ,
bath a} “BI" WIIL no‘ be “gm-"5’3 l m: w.“ intended ”I “V,
0119. ‘1: Will' K he :1. the . . '0 secure u. .
font“! Are“ 8 land 0'91” ”'8 vhoxe' uni; lromlu‘sswned omcu‘sm m mums M
'.' _lB own ,3 a bun; e tuum
504 mm 1!. in EUCha strunglfifprlperly ready I be“ m” "0‘- time to do so J‘; ‘0
I>. ' a 4 .
‘ ”a we" nnxmug ‘0 850 inch 8 1:538 :13!-
en 9.
rin? "Are the holders of Government set
urilies certain they will be valuable rifle:-
his new struggle is aver? Are the C~m~
ken-Mme thinking mm? of thé cdrmtry will~
Ling [.O Mil in the innugiPration oi a civil wag
{which will gummy eexéaeed in atrocity that
‘hrough which wa'lmvé passed? The Radi-
Ll Disuninuists uvowaheir readiness lobe
hin it. Is it not high fimmhey were crash
lsd out of existnnce'! lThnt anld be their
late very speedily; anfl not. in a polnicnl
Eense Alon}, iflbey sliogld mnkz: lllenflompt
3m whiclr'they are u'rgfild by the Harris‘fiurg
Telegraph. Is not the duty of all pwn plain
in the present crisis? The Radical DIS-
Lnionjats must. be hurled from pom-r, All
he bvmjuterems of SM: country impel-min»
gy «lemuad it. .. i \
:77“; .... -'. -'.;_.‘
lu’l‘ PRIVATE )lllll'fi 0‘1“)!le 9A1“;
The narpe of Privatile Mlles O‘Reilly} is an
nmiliar £0 every soldjier as any household
ord. § We find Tn his gper. the New *York
Gtizrn, an article upgn the state of the
Bauthfli'om which we f‘nakg some pertinfnl
baxtracts. It must be; kept in mind that
‘ alone) Halpjne {hell “r known to the lite
filry public as Private files O’Romy), who
dits~th‘atijournal, 5 one of the moat
rjlliant officers in‘mo Federal service dur
fing fine recent war. :5 ii belter_enlilled,
‘thevefore, to spenik the comfltions of
peace than any of che'vast hgrde 6f Pndi
' "1 Scribblers, who Hamidoné {heir fight
ing by proxy, are no-- anxious to oppress
ymd-plufigler the nnq ished’ingporspn : .
I 'lf we hrs to coming a gournnwnt of
impresentalivos selects by the people, on
lwln‘u princinle‘ can the representatives of
‘one State dictate to other what clan— of
l’f'pl'é’SPlllallVPS that ple- shnll select?—
‘ln not one of the mitt n States could a cor
iporul's guard ol men‘ he found who were
loyal to the Union throughout. the war—or.
if found, would also ho .foun'l the v";
‘lpooreat and meanest liinrlof trash. ’ Allthe
true manhood of the hlgulh-let us frankly
recognize the fact-ailing i_n the rebellion ';
and to ‘expect the Southern pimple per
aallum to select ushttheir representniva in
Canon-s: some w Fy-l‘nced. while-livered
caitifi‘ who stood aloof from thoir dowel-Mo
struggle, is to demand that a Whole pimple
shall become hypocrites. and organize a lie
to their own disgrncol null injury.
The men who léd the South in war must
lead it in peace, 013 i! will drift‘without
lending into anarchy. ‘
To any to the lutgly rebellious States,
“ You ’are free to choose such representa
tives‘ on you plane, provided only that you
select; such men as wa dictate, and those
shall be men with whom you have not a
sympathy in common,” is both an injury
and an insult.— The récent war was con
doct’ed On this theory that the Union still
exmefl.‘ and that any pretended acts of ne
iceuaion were wholly, null nnd.void. On
lthla theory our naval und‘militlry forces
conquered. and if tlreirrsuccess meant any
thing. it‘mennb that immediately on the
cessation of armed' resistance by evil com
lbinau'nns ol‘ 'mfen in the Southern States,
the Union wasjréstgled in its integrity over
every foot of our aoll. But now. fomoth,
the people of the South nrelold that before
they can‘be allowéd Mina-titular: in Con
,gress, they must agree, to send none but
men for whose calm ious throats and indu
rated stomachs ”M‘EOS'. nauseatinn politi
cal boluses of tho «ital New England
school will be nonfloo hot or too bpuvy {2
In the name 12. heaven, are there not
enough votes in Congress to overiido the
Southern vote, in cape it éhoulll neck to in
flux any injury on thevropnblio? Why
make my pretense' of allowing repulse-h
-tntlye gm'omlrnonl~ if the chemo annahe
limited to men the moat. obnoxious, per
aqually and in politics, to the constituen
are: {they runs“) make the getenaoo of rep
resen mu “ppm Jubn inor ttn nndl ~ , ._ ‘ - - l
Robert E. Lee candida.“ tor Congresa in "i‘f‘gsubffiénaug:§‘ 1333? D’n'm“ pub
ulficdlflrlc’: at Virginia east of the Blue, MIIHI§WWI.A ril 28 1866 q
Bulge nod south of Fairfax Court-house,‘ Mt. annlza-LAllow‘xinaauw‘throuhh"
"blc“ man would be "1° proper represen-u the columns of'your paper that my name
In"?! Would not that‘distrlct 0‘ 9""b' ‘ was used without my knowledge nnrl oon
:téweiimeoggfil a): ha;§_‘_ln%?y s" 339.13“; to the call of the Soldiers’ Gem-y Club. I
C real as to make Mr 1;,{18 ‘ta f“ "MI was prenent at a couple oftheir meetingnl
o'3B . ' ' ‘ l’ 1: mice, and beams disgusted With their qnn'rreling‘
“o the “chum“ 0f ”1° gm?" sol-‘l‘" 3"” “’ among themsel'v‘ea and at hearing nothing
2W.“ the forces of mlnéllgudv’the but love and syn: alhy blathe nigg‘er. I
mifl‘fl'éghtmfieiczr wyhfie i: on t lam for the White gun and Andrew John-‘
11-bo ‘'’l b d m re to “‘B’ non. nnd will vote for Hiester Clymer for
:9 m—’ “a“ yan I.” y p esen ' Governor. Yours in thtcaasaol‘our com
! was from the Southern mates-gentlemen mon country Jonx ““53“
thoroughly oamgpndmg the confidence! __ ' fl. ' ,_ ’
momspecc ortheirpqnnnuenoiee; 9r. Smut ‘Q’Twenty-oéo' Republican papers in
we must that: lying. cayenrpflwonm- Gaunt-m haveeoum out 5111:"on in favor}
. .merllilnckxn scum pl wretched nook”; I’Midenl. Johnson’s pouch-Plan!) ‘of
45““ '9l“ “fill."flaell “maid not In thgm published in 5... lfmwhoo. ‘
Saturday morning (the ,d-iy of the mur
dor) was a dark. cold and rainy (lily. I
went. outwith Cornelius abbut half-past. 7
o'clock, in the morning. .He took \ the
horse and cart with bin) and we went to the
ditch in the réar of mi hay stnrk. I tonk
the hit: axe with me. as we génemlly did to
exit fuels with.. Cornelius sat, down unda
the big tree and I got. behind him. My
heart failed me and it was some time be
fore I could brace myself up to commit the
deed. I raised the axe several (in) 2s before
X 19ft it. icome down on him. I finally
struck him on the back of the head. and
then cut his throat. I put him into the
can. and hauled him to the buy stack,
where I concealed him. There was some
blood in the cart‘, but I wiped it off with
hny. The sight‘of the hint)?! produced in
me adevilish‘fneling, ring [l could have
killed a h'nndred persons if they had been
about the farm.“ , . l.
I then put some woogl m the cart and
drove up to the burn. Melt the horse and
cart standing Herb. and went in'o the
barn. tnk ng with me the lathe and sum“
axes and a hamm’nr. I [ht-n went. into (ha
ho\l%e.flfill told ‘gohn, the oldest buy. to
crime out and help me“ in the horn. lle
divl so. and I struck _him down. lthen
wentnfter Mrs. Dent‘tngl‘flml told her some
thing was the nlutter with the cult. She
came out. and alter she entered the barn.
l ili-npmched' her with the small axe. I
carried the bodies and placed them in the
small building at mile far end of tho born.
I ghen went Intoithe has and called the
other ‘clulrlren out. with the exception of
Annie and the bw'by. nu‘fi‘ilaughteretl them
inithe same wayl LEN-n went after the
others. I O‘H'l‘lE-‘j' thwbnhy in my arm and
Annie walked by mv Hula. I seated the
baby in the hay 'iwhile I killed thesister,
and then I muml‘pred the baby.
Ilhen curried thechilllren and laid thom
wilb the mouth; after which I look the
harm}: 03' the horse, 13111th can nvmy. and
wantinlo the house 1% look for plunder.—
Isecured. f| large pnc at. book with $lO in
it. two counterlbiz bills and a thrae dollar
blll. About half past one o’clock Mr. Deu
rinmanrl Mia; Dulnn arrived. Miss ”Dolan
wgfit dirert tri the, house. and 1 Cold MI.
Deming enmething was the matter wall) the
aléer. He went right away mm the stable.
and while he was looking at lhe animal I
struck him as me others. Miss Dolan then‘
camejnlo lee barn and I killed her. Noue
ol them made a remark—l knocked llxem
all seamless. -
' Mr. Dearing’a boots I took off hi9l feet,
thinking they might. contain his mnney.
i secured Miss Dalun’s pocket book, bub'it
hag] only umnii not!” in ‘it. After secreting
the bodies under sbme buy I went back to
theFouse. made nn‘pthersearch for pinnder,
secured Hie revnig'ers, watches. stc. ; eat
some hread and ‘o'puer, went. back‘to the
barn. fed the horsfu. cattle. chickens. in,
andieft the hausegtin tba evening. 1 was
“mud in Leave the baby ill the house 193'. it
mightc‘ryjnd uua’ct. attention. Mr. Don
ring did ngc takemfl, his glove; before going
into the barn. 'E‘he prisoner (h‘en rel-ted
the story 0! big hopping on Front street,
selling the watch”, &c.. which all came out,
3! (ha trial. " -
He further saiil I.IIM. he would have con
fés’sed to all (h murders before, but he
fem-ed i( he visual he would be torn (9 pie
ces by the mob. 3 ‘ ‘ ~
-—'Prob=us to be hung on 21198111 of June:
' ——— .. —3—‘--—~~——-—’—
[li-We wnuld‘ here take ,the oppnrluni -
Jly to imgreas'uxim our readers, in the dif
tfereut seclious and counlies of the Sum,
‘the importance of suppérting their home
“organs-I-theil county and dislricL pipers
as a first consideration. It is not our de
sign. of course. to interfere will: our coun
, try weekly cotempor‘aries. for their success,
iin a great measure. is oan. A: a class of
jfiurnuls they are worthy of a generous sup;
t port. During the whole long period of the
lint—through financi-l dificnltivs and vio
ilenl politics! peneculinu—‘they awed flip:
'in the support of mhose principles of pub 1c
{polity which bid fuir now to evenlunte in a
revered Union 3nd an unomasculated Con
slitut‘mn. Our orga'niluion as n puny owes
tie them more than it. can ever repay. We
’siy. than, earnestly tad emphatically. to
[ovary 1)=-mocmo~'—cnke ynur home organ and
iauppon it libdmlly upon all occasions and
in every pmsihle‘wuy.
If, one? tluu. you feel able to extend yam
gpod work. We would respocnlully ask “-
Nation to our awn ‘ paper~The Weekly
’Puuor Asp Union—tbs ma. terms and
[character of which w‘a hopa wrll grove ac
[oeptnble to and within the new of all.
[“119 terms for n yenr are $2 50 in Munce,
.ntyd for the campaign. 51 00.—‘ot.and
nwn. ‘
By Lre wu)',.tl:is in good season for paint
ing—and ‘as Inothing ~heautifics. ‘huilllings so
much as new paint, would it not he well for
the owners of houses which need the article.
to bestir themselves in the (mutter, and have
the work.done withoutdelfiy ? A femiigives
us pleasure to state. aie already nz'iz, but a
general “brushing up” is needed—needed as;
well to gratify our own local idea: of good
taste, as those of?- the many visitors “tuned
here during all seasons ol the 3cm.-
formerly owned .by Capt. John 313:)“, adjoin
ing the National Cemetery, has been purrh-Is
ed for ,the Orphans“ Homestead—“r. Wolf,
‘(who in the spring bought it from Hon. Jdmes
Wilson 1:: $21,550,) rEceiVing $3,500 theref?r.-
Tbcfe are prpbubly two acres of growth; im
proved within large two-glory brick heme,
wnh sméliug—gopd‘fwater, a garden, niflne
orch ”£1,220. The junction ‘is an admirpble
one, end we think the Directors forlunnde in
secqring the proper-1:}. We understand 3:111“
about. eighty orphans willvsoon be placed in
the llomestea-lr I,
DE {TH 0‘? A DIRECTOR—We icsrnfihflt
Mr. Abraham Krise, of .\., elected Durecmr of
the Boot last full, died at his residence, in Ele
erzy mwhsliip, on Friday morninglnst, After
a protrachd illness. Hayes ah bonestlman
und-n good citizen, and his death is lnmq‘nted
by 3 [M3O circle of lriends and acqu \intm‘pces.
The author Mr. Krise Will render nece r
the election 0! two Duectors ianlober (
5 ‘I
SUDDEX marasam Yurk Prue m
that two undden d&hs oc>curred~in that
recedtly of infllmmizioh 6f the bowels. \"
Mary 'l‘. Zimmormw, an amiable, and unkem
plished flnughler of Mr. Coyrad Z immerman;
and Mr. Logan Dyson, a son-in-luw oiDr. Shear
er, 0! Di‘llsburg, who but recently went. to Yo‘rk
in gqod health, {9 cute; upon buziness in but
pluce.‘ Both cases terminated fatally after an
illness of figur 0:- Eye dal)‘9.. ,
By an ml’vertisemeot in another column i: [will
be ueugthas Henry Thomas «kSon have‘ be
come Agents for this celebrated Maghine,
are prefix-ed '.o furnish lmachlnen pron
to thoae’almdiug in needofthe‘nnicle. ’.
machines. altho’ something new in this cc
have beén thoroughly tested in Man-lan
ndjoinink counties, 3nd in every case, I
assuredfimvegiven entire satisfaction. ‘
superior-lg over All other machines oflhe
is acknowledged by all who have tried)
They pot‘mess puny arlnnmge; no! 11%
foan l m other combingnl Reapers and 11$
allof which ore fully explained in theé
tlseineuw. Specinned machines can be aé
calling or; the agents. who nlso keep I
extro fifinga for repairing the muchim
needed. 9
fifWe ngein refer our readers Itotl
vertisemfnl of the Revenue Extension
Mining Sodpany. There can be no ‘
that a. cdmpany who own I Silver Led
will work it, may! pay large dafidqnd:
jnglging from the high standing of the n‘
of this ckmpnny, infl the well-Mleste
mess of “1] property, there yonld seem
scarcely 1a possibility of failure, .. l
_ _____.______
£49? are requested to snuonnce t at 0316
“ammo? oftlno Lord's supper will be Minin
isteredi the United Presbyterian church in
um pla ,on die 3rd sabbm'br May, (20:11
inst.) P eparntory services on Saturday pro—
ceding, a. lo o‘clpck. A. M.-
‘v —--—-——-+~'———r ‘
CATERPILLARS are baginningto be nu
metoul sgsin, upecinfly when they re IL
loved. to bunndisturbo d In: your. Nteflwt
iboul‘d now be spared to exterminate I, <
otherwise the promising fruit crop may
rionsly banged by them
”We lurn that It in proposed" lb'com
me‘nca lopuu'nz ' til: extension 0! 1h; Wu“
tern Naryhnd Railroad, ‘prepmmry in
as!!! Inning lbr cLstrnclion to Hagen wn.
Emory) YOUR DEEDs.-rhe attenuén of
pufllu mum; unrecorded Deeds batten-dd to‘
tho provision- of the Act of Assembly. which 70-
qulre that—' }
“All deeds and convey-mo; bx- real and: in
this Commonwealth. shun be recorded ‘ln the
omue Im- Rewarding Deedsm um countywheke the
lands He; wanna an nos rm: aner the execution
of Incl! deeds and LmVPynnee; and ova-y such
deed and convey“? not. nmrded an arm dd.
shall bu axbu Izod ‘flltlilnnfi.BNl;oAND]VOKlD‘
agnmagsn sumaqnen ' ale: 1' a v h o
musldamtfla mums sung? deeds be maybe
fore the reedhing m the deed or conveyance un
der wnlch such 3 subsequent, purchaser or man,-
gtgea skull chum." - x
This lan véry Important. notlcc, and those bold
ing unrecorded deeds will see the Importance 0!
11¢le them teem-dot! wlmoua mnherdelw.
a-Jusnees' and Canmblm' rm; 13mm tor
me at the Ohm-n.“ 0.11.12. also SCHOOL
5 PAT an 831‘s, and an ochér Blanks.
mun" to un mm
'The Walhingtnn correspgpdent of the
Springfield Reimblicau oqys' that, at. Gen.
Grant's receptio‘h. some wegks agn. Presi
dent Jnhamn and Thaddem Stem” me:
and shook hands; but. “It wns Thmideus
who made the Advances and the President
acceptéd them politely." Hg addsé
"The Presidem’s politica‘l resentments
are (1961) and persma]. but Thudfiteve—ns
'wili ahu~efi ma’n maul ferociously in a puk
lic speech, and five minutPs alter go and
invite Ehlm to lunch with the best. bpmor
iumgiukble.” . ~
This ;is no drmbt. true. A man of truth,
honesty and earnestness in fine right. can
not meet a deadly foe _lo I” he holds dear
with q‘nrdmlily. smiles or friendship. The
Hemggngue, howaver, who is always pinying
the attorney for his pocket or his ambition,
can “smile,.lud smile, and be a villuin
WA lot of magma: pt Macon. Georgia,
last week nthempted to rescue from "he au
tbocitiés s "noun-o Wuman who had been ar
rested for murder. ' The nnlnnry arrested
about. fifty of them and confined them in
the barracks. They probably didn’t. know
their “civilrigbts.”
[Q'James P. Lane, enhmroftheL-{lnyette
(Ind.) Jaumul. a raglical, has been removed
frhm the Pmtmastersbin of chat city. The
radical Postmaster at'l‘auulon. Muss, has
also been reni‘oved.‘
@Presidant Johnson will veto the bill
for thg admission 'nt Colorado, it i 3 cpn‘
fidomly asserted. 11. cannot be passed met
the ve‘lo. '
, 18'0“" the pea]: now raging in Lhiscnun
try the Ngqerpmis the worst. ll: prevazh
in its blackeu form in Washington eily. and
is a fat more ntfans‘xva disease than small
pox, cholera or rindarpest.
wGovernor Patton; nl' Ahbama. hag
issued a puzncln'mnlinn, declaring the new
lipnal ‘law of the State in lnrce on and she!-
the In day of June. The law puniahes
210 m Ind mule Heading with dumb. '
as.“ the elnction iuQ uincy,‘l‘.x.,o‘n the
16th. Malllnnd Bonn. Demon-AL, waselected
Mayor by 467 Ip'xjarixy. 3 '
['9 are
W'Astmnomem have discovered that
,(he moon ii drawing gradually nearer to
the'eanh. by about an Inch every year.»-
They have 51130 discovered that the day is
ahnzn. nne hundredth of l nocond _longer
now than it was two thousmd yenrsfllgo.
; ually
an by
fiflfm‘knuompt this made to assassina‘e
1 Min: of Russinmn the 16th uh. A shot
was fired um [um as he Was emu-mg his car
riage, but. the bad] miswd its mark. The
late treutmbnt'gél’ohmvl rrobably renders
a. little temper: gof the 8113511111 Govern
ment in mm my.
e M!-
e and
Win writing of the Disuninn amend
mont [oritlle Constitution. the NM» York
Tnbimg eiultingly exclaims: “No Stale
shall deny any person equality before the
law 1" .v According to that organ it. means
all lh-l the advocaw‘ of negro sulfrage and
equality tum it to mean.
‘ rich
to be
”The Cincinnati Omnercial 33d New
erk Inna—both able and lnfluenliul_ Re
publican journgls—are a'lremmu-sly Opposed
to 'Lhemmomlmpm of tha “ Reconstruccion
Commiuee" of “men. . ‘
wfl‘he Johnston) Dmoc’ral any: Col
Campbell. Shrqeyor General, Is not appmnt.
ing soldlcra to clerkships in hit otfice
Why!‘ ..
fi'ln Pontotoc éonmy, Mississippi. a
negro woman ha» been arrested for scarv
ing he; mother and (opt children to duck.
Ebe so-
“Ex-Governor Lure, of Maryland, was
on Saturday week “mined £0 prmuce in
the lateral courts or 3. Y. my.
all". Jefi'omi: Dad: had nn ufl'eotin ‘
mu teudex max-view mm her husband in
[be pr'uon at Fox-tron. Konroe, on the 31d“
zinc. , 1
fi-fl'he Louisvflh Journal thinks the
South has the beat of it after all—i; being
only ‘apu-represemad, whim the North 15
mrepresented. ’
“The Mobile Raguter denies hating
Announced Gen; B. E. Leona candidate
for Pmidem; -
Q-The Democmy and Johnson Repub
licuus of I udiana luau lauds: fuswn Against
the Dmumoniuo.
5 “Stephens. tbs Head Centre of the Foo
glans, has Arrived at Nan York;
gnaw. AM“,- a New Orient. has do
cidgd “I” Cinl Bight», law to be Bums“.
xuuanu . ‘ ' ‘
HPBCIAL scrum.
Why Are The: no Pop-In?
‘ Why um flaw-y'- regulating Pills no popular? ‘
Nobody a.“ INCH? qua-{lnn wnn 1m: (War used.
them ”who {mg m; not me brldge which hall
currml him We 3‘ run-r Ilu-ymmmggulrofdlneue.
Hmmgern may lnqulrv. I-ul umrsurprm‘ \numum
when they learn lung Dr. Rndwuv‘u Pills .m- Ilm
unlv vegetable mmnmxp fur mlmnrl, mnrcury.‘
and wlunany; that lhvv «I‘l- chmpuvd 0| l-xtructl
of 1'00“. INT“. phuls. gun". and hulsumx, pun
red,unt u} the 0011)“)le w-y, but I! \'.\('l'o:
gum! only the cumuw umn- prlnviplv u! those- 1::-
gmflen'u enters into the [mrxhu'nunnfnh'sxr mun
Instead (”crude-11min. unv-hnlr lhn iuyitlum- a}
wnh'h N “11'”. nutter; m n, Indnx mus highly
mnventh-J. n‘om (Wt: 10 four pm» mun-uninha
menli qurv‘ mar-.n.:hh': nnd rxcrt-lw a mum
heullhfut lnnu Im.- nu the nlwu. the “Van the
kidneys. and no on. mun (ligllll tn‘ Wu of the uni!-
nary pun: myc or um-mm-e mm m gvnpr .1, u».
Are not Env-u- «ulmuntml mmounxur mu popuur
ms or Dr; thwqy‘n I’llle The um um Mandy
‘luxutih-but «qtvrlvni: not [mink]? tnnh' hut. mm
‘ nlum: um ”lurcly “Month: but. trauma-Irritant.
IThr~y nu?» un -u :muuml um (Mun-d tun-harm:
‘ mun ‘lh‘g‘o‘fl'l h “'1“ u emu-u u”, [Lu-1m: on, Elu~
turlum. 1 'r lulghuln . rm, Il:lVL‘ all {.nllL-d. Wkalnll‘u
4mm they?" awn-U an Lhc arena can hung Dr.
lßlenyh Ems mm rnmt'urt :‘mvl menu. The
1 dyspepuv. [he mtfvrg-r from billbuamm, tron) liver
IdL-l‘ungl‘lnx'ulh, and Imm when and kulmly dim
calm-s, all hm;- rely wnh Pquul .mlmvlL-m‘e upon ‘
me curutwn prnru-nlnsornu-wpl]ln,mrtlu-vnev
er (nil. AM mum zlw dainty wrm in wnk-‘n mm"
are put. luv gwrfcvl tsuh-Ir-mnm wim-II mar gum
xmveriug firm-Ll. unrl nmr low pru-v, :5 u'nm pn'r
‘ [wk and. wyuuy emu account. nu- ma wfulanty
of nulwnys Regulating Pill-s. Sold mm 1 Drug
N. u.—.m'sm:mm cvmrn. ’ ‘
Jommrn. (Ms um Eur. nut. I‘2. HM.
Dr. John R LIW3)‘ & (‘r:., .\luntnul. (‘. E.—}-‘or
{our yn-zms I have sum-rod wlw outrun, Lad of:
A ‘x-Uhl. \Huklug Pains u! the pin)” film]: It").
wfl I Nervoumcu, Hui Dr.~:unu. an I wry little
sleep: lm‘ appetin-emlrnlvgnnmnml mystonl'v‘h
su weak ":5 to be "name In maps! the man! «Emph
roo I. Durmgmiu mm- I [ml forty-11w: wuzrluof
flesh [ur weight M you mnyv-ull m. I mmln hlm-d
[0 wk» yuur KI-guhllnx Pills, as pn-mrlln-nl in
your Alm'mzu‘. '1 my 1 only our buxnmd bvf‘m‘ I
mmbl-nml the box my .lplh'lnv‘ wasn‘qmrvd m mo
my struum'h per (‘1 (ly he ulthy, my dyxp. min, Ime
dreamt, nml nUu-r \HmurH-uhh- symptom»: (11th
and was fawn-d In my original We! m: an Um!
one hux utyou.‘ I‘llh vurml "1"0f n [flu-use mm
for fnur _vmhx In I mudo nxr- mN-mMc-, and cave
mp tortv-m'e [tum ls mldluuu u weight. 1 have
mkvu many kuph or lelw, but, I believe Dr. RM
wdy's HRH to (w (m- hes! In “w.
JN‘O. DB's'I‘IIAMYH, \‘nlo Imm». (‘. E.
Dr. Ewing": mm are mun-d wnh gum tree
from I wic ur smg”. Price. 5 cents per box.
May H.‘ '.'w ’ ‘
Aypr‘s Opium-{la mm
Ara thnnrm. pv-rn-nt purgnuw- whlc-h “'9‘an
able to prulucu Ul‘WLlll‘h‘Wu think burn-r yet.
Inc-“n m Illu luv unvlm h'. 'Pllt;ll'l'll'<l'l\ luvu nhun
uantlv slum-n to the minimum ' haw lnlloll Hwy
ox-m-l Lln- 0. [Mary Inmlu'llh-fi I)" the. leg' are
sure nul plnnmut l ) ml: -. bu! [mvurful to run-.
'l‘lwlr from-tram); propw'tlus Annnl'm' Ihr Yllmll
unllvll M oftho ho lv, rwnnvo u.» obstrurnom m
in; organs. purlfy llw hlnonl, uud ex n 1 dluuuo.
Tuoyapurgp out the fin! Innnnn whit": lm-nd and
“NW dull mpl-r. ntuuul'ue «luguuh nr ‘llmrllc-rml
nmms lhm thnlr nvllurnl ux-t-lun,u|nl lnuuu‘t u
luulmv mm: mm sin-mt): m aha meh-syuum.
Not. only d!) thry run» Ihu every-Jay comnlnlnm
ofex'urybu l\', lmt uh”) l‘urnurhhlv “.n.! dune-roux
dlh‘r‘um‘s. “’an tln-y prmluvn pnwrrl‘ul n-lft-l‘lfl.
lhuyuru M Ile unnvtlmv, in «limimx‘ml dose.
the sale“ uul baa! hnyulv lint «am 1w flu-plays]
fur children. Being fillmlr-oullml. Lin-y un- plena
nnt to take; an I. 1) 41m purvly wgvmhlu, nrv {mm
from any risk n m. l‘urm Imve hem) ‘mmh
wlm-II uurpuw 'lll'r. m-re I'm-V nul. sumlxmllutml
hymen 'lt‘nunll r' 'mvd [wanton uud «mulch-r, M
tn forbid Hm su~plvinn ul unlrmll. M un‘ ami
nun! l'}“)‘,‘.{s‘h)u‘n :ml pluxi mus h .vvlc’nl llwlr
namm to carzlry to un- p'mlloJlu- rull xlulltv ”tour,
rpml- lléwlnllr- nzhl-H h lw-m-nl m the .Luurnnre
of lholr (")hylvtlflll that. Mir l‘rl-nlrmlnni mn
trlhute lmluauwlv wthu ram“! our ulllictml,
suffering fellow m \u. -
Thu .\gcxlt IrL-luw‘ nzunr‘d 13 plmuwn tn rurnhh
gratis our Arum-Imm Alm'mw. mnlulnlng Allr -¢--
norm for the m ~ an 1 uyrliux-q'lm ur tlwlr curl-s, n!
the [allowing complaints :~ A
‘(‘o\llv--Iwns, ”Ilium l'mnpmlmu. leumnllnm
Drona“. Hvurtlmrn 11ml uht- nran hum {uni
klnxmmh‘ .\‘ruywn. lullluwllnh. .\inrhlll [mu-Hon
mtlw lmm-lu‘nud Pam uriuhu Hum-Imm. l’lulu
lent-y, Law of Apr mwm lnm-xurs whlvln‘cqulm
nn ev'u'uant m». iolnv. Tin-y mm. by Imrll'yln-z
thn hlmrl uml utimulmlna tho nvsmm. (‘urv mull)’
complaints whlch ll wnulvl not ho surpmml thny
mul'l rvuvl), but-l 1 :u h 'nrnvss‘. Pnrth lllinrlm-«g
Saumlgln ninl Non'nu" lrrimhflltv, honing“.
mnnu of the leor nml Klnlnrys. Hunt. and mln-r
km lm-l cmnuhlms minim; from n lnw nlnw of
11"- ha W“ or übslrun-Hon nfllfi rum-Hm”.
Do not bx“ pm nlf hv unnrlnvlpfwl dr‘ulr-m with
other prnlumtlmlu which Hwy make mom) pram.
on. Dmmmd Aan and “kc uu others. The
Kirk w um the In»: .dd there Ls for them. (11111 Hwy
ihnnlll haw- It.
Pn-mred 1w Dr. J, (‘. \york (‘n.. anoll, Matt,
and Wild hv A, D. Hm-hlcr. (guysburg. ‘
' )hy 7,1545. 2m
Thc Great Enzllqh Remedy
Sm Jun-'3 CL nun-f 4 (‘ELEHR \TI-m FE‘IALE
PILL“. l’n- mm! (mm a pu-wnptmn ur hlr J.
Clarke, 11. i)" l'thriun Exirnqrdin u'y In Hu
(fufleu. Tim mvalnjbh- rnmiiflnh ls unfin’h’ng in
t u: rum m‘all lhme pulmnl mm mum-muuhsva
son to which Inch-mah- mmnuumn la su‘um L It
xnfl'h‘rJh" nu wa-xx'vs mm remm'ws 11H obstruc
lium. and :\ moody curc- may bu» rr-Hml on.
T 0 .\lurriwl Lame-s It I'd pwuliurly sum-d. R le.
ln ashurt time, bring nu the xuuumly pcrlod wuh
1') wk Imm». prlvv‘ 0n" YMMm-Jx‘nrs tho Gm’prn
mom Stamp 01 Great Imm“, L) pram-m counter
{x-Im. ‘
\‘u‘TiGN.-——lea:‘ Pills shnulul not h“ mkv'n by
Fomnhw durlnzthn H ':~*r TII’R‘T Mum-m nl‘ Prag
nancy. as they are lurr tn mum. on Missarflugv.
but at :my nth»: [fin ' Hwy urn mug
In Mlcumur .\‘vrmmuul Shind] Alfedlonu,
Palm m "w [ht-k :m‘l Limm. lesznn on slight
exnrnnu. P.\lml-ulinn.n{llw Henri. Hum-rim. und
“'hm-s, thru- Plus “'1” I‘fi‘m-I a ('un- when nu oth
er mmus hnw (.\.!lul: :Inrlummugh n pnwo-rrul
rommhz do not on": m: lmn, r-nlumvl.antimony,
or unylhlug humul m the mnsnkuhun. ~
Full :lu'wuruu Iu Ilu- puuxphln-L urunnd mph
pnr-kxtze. whirl: N‘llllllal ho «-nr.~full\' prus -rvml,
S In Wall ”runway. Sole Ag 1:! turtln- I'm
ted states and t'nnmln. -
Jim .\l4 HRS, '.’: I‘nrthnd KL. N. Y.
N. K—‘UW um! "xv-M u: wmmxm .;nl'lu‘wlt()111l\'
nnlhnrm «I \':v'nl. \\'||| “Huron "only, mummlug
501%“va n-lurn luzul. bald by .1. D. Buuhlcr.
Dec, 19, 1865. 13'
Lyon‘s I’l-rlodk'ul Dram!
REGI'L \Rll’lE‘.—'l‘mw- Drum are n. n-lmmll
cullyvmn mun-lull Hull prt-p mllmn. unvl lgntlvr
than :Invi'lll<. P mnl In or .\‘mrrmm. ‘Hnlnz H
quhl. Ilu‘lnwtlou In ‘llruvt nnnl pvt-Ming r--n.lvrlug'
{hem a rella‘rle, flpm- .s’un4l (m‘min spwxflr for
the ('ure 0! ml uhqruvtlouegtu l mprrL-Minns oi
n-lmrm Thr‘lr mmularlty Ia lnrllr-utw by tlu- fan-t
that over 100,001; mullM Ilh‘ mummy mnsuny-rl
by [lm huliea. ur thu L'niu-ll Hum»; ova-y mm of
whom imam m tlw \(ruugmt town or firmly- nr
thvlrarvm ml-rlla. 'l‘lu‘)’ :mA-rnphllvl‘n lm‘z Hm
{um-9 or every mlwr Psnmlv lh-lm-Ilyfiuhl xuvyon
nilhsn-d by all who know uugm of them. nslhu
nurmt. mum, nml muxt iurulllhlp Yr”) nrntmn In
tlm world. {or the run: of all (l-mw o l-nmplulnh,
the n'mnval of all olwlmctlons nfnnmn'. mm the
Emmmlon or hmlm. rmulquly and strength.-
‘x‘sum lute hum st 111-nz win-n they may llhh‘d,
nn. oxglnlnlng whvn an! why me“ should nut.
nor mu d not be matwmmut pronlm-lng elm-u
contrary to nature's laws, wlll be round can-fully
folded nmuml car-h mull-I, will: lhv- wrllll-n signa
ture of Jugs L. Lynx. wlthout wulr-h none are
genuine. . - ~
Prep m‘vl bv Dr. JOHN I. LYON, 195 C‘nnpel
Street, New Hum-n, (30qu who mu lu' mammal
Either personal”. oer null, (my-imm: 3mm .;
cmwemlng Ml‘prtva’m Jinan-I and fenmlu m3:-
nmea. Sold by Drugglsuowrj‘wnl-hu .
' (‘. n. cum K .t (2).,
Gon‘l Agents for U. 3. mm Uauudm.
Nov 6,185.3. ly
~-4‘ 0 § hr “
J 'l‘grrlblo 111-910 mm
Stout-rs you Tm: Mn.r,ms'.-\ must valuable
and wonderful punmmtluu. A work 0! 6m Hos.
and 30 onion-ed Engmvlnzs. DR. "HYPE I‘3
VADE MEL'U‘M, an original and Popular (ranks
on Max nnd Wmn m. tlu-lr Physio (35y. Functions.
311.180,ng disarm-m or evury km . with .\‘vwr
l-‘nll‘ng Rem NH." fortlmlrswndvcuro. The Yum
“(:l3 “um. HUNTER. hlm long been, mm m n In,
unbounded, but at. we eprnust wnviumou a! nu
merous pct-mus, he has been llMllln-xl to vxu-nd
hh mam-n! um-mlm-ss mmugh [he llmnum "(Ma
“ VADE M SCUM." It In a. vulumethnt nhlmlri be
in the hand» ore-very mmlly In the hull. as a una-
W'utlve orsucn‘c vices. or as u :3va for lhv nflm l~
mum of one of NlO um! uwlul und ll ‘erll‘livl‘
snourzr's that lan-r vmxtml mnnklml. One copy,
mrun-ly anelupwl, w H] lw iurwunlwl fryv of pa»!-
azu to any pun, nr Um Unuuusuwx Inf-ii ('olqu In
I'. 0. stmnm. Addrvsu, past paid. DR. HUNTER.
No. 3 Dlvlsmn fiLchw York. LBch. ‘.'.f). [y
To Conunmpflrm
The advertiser, having been nmmmd‘w health
in a few chk-t by a very aunple rum uly. utter
hnvlng suffered tor nevvml years with u nevere
lung Median, and that dread disease, Cumump~
“nu—ls anxious to nuke known to 1m Inflow
sutfcrrm the manna of cure. ,
To all who desire it, he wm mm! a. mggonhe
pnmrlrptlon uwd (free or charm-J with t u dim;-
Lloxu or prep‘uing mu! uilnx the mum», which
they wmfiud a :Ich cum: you (Jonuxvflox
As'mxA. Buoycm'ns. Gowns. Come. and mi
Throat. and Lung Aficcflonx Thnonly object at
the mlvelUScr In sending um in-npuun II to
benefit the Minded andspreaul information Much
he com-owes tube {uvnlunhha uml he hopes every
mxlrvrvr mu cry hlu remedy. as n. will cost them
nuchlug. and may prove I; viewing.
Puma; wuhmg me preycrlpuuu r 322 byremrn
null. will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. “3180}. '
Wlummsburg. Kings co., )‘cw Sort.
Mar. 5. 1866. 1y J
--w.‘ .--.Wfl
Error: of Youth.
A gentleman who nutter-ad for years than: Ker-
You: D ‘blllty, Prexnziture Decay, and nu the menu
of youthful mdlucruuon, wm tor the sake or aur
mnng hummlny send Inn: to all Wno need It. the
recipe and direction“ for making the simple rem~
edy by which he mus cuted. Baird-m making to
profit by the navel-Law“ “fern-aw, can (19 gull-LY
naming DEN H. 9011123. :
No. 18 Chnmuers SL, sew Xurlt-
MN. 5. 1866. 1y ‘ .
' ‘ Eye and m: /
mm: J’. $11,105.31. D., ammo and Aurlu,
famerlv of Men. Holland, In loan/ed M No.
animal ‘ls}: animus 01 the EYE or LAB. will be
sclenllflcsll treated and Imrerl, 1r curable. N. B.
—ARTIFIC{AL EYBS lnwrwd Wltbout pun.—
No chafiamsde {or unmhmtlons. Tue mm“ .
mutt: invited, as he bu no secret In hug me
of treatment. ' [July 37, use. 11' i
Ctr-age, but True.
E, I: may 9nd gm t‘l-mnn m the Fulton]
Skfifig: nomuumuifxrzzyotlnnuh to thntr ad
y {emu "1‘ c . -
Maze undenifnod. Those huoai’ {hm-‘1),
ham. mugged wfl 10*}!!ch n (sin 1:
an}. All omen wnl plea“ an than-M
-um mitt. THUS. F. CHAI’MAAV
51M. 0, ‘N. 11' ' 531 Bronay,N. Y.
14" hmlmwfll.
LIFE—H ‘ _.5 ‘VG
LI? Hm flfl ~41!"
‘l'l‘o Clo-I vii-oi IQ-O‘l-
Du. 3mm hummus
csLElm.wun HI'I-Zl'lFlU Hm
Prepaid fibula [lrwr'plluu of Dr. Jun Dali
murre Chief Physicmn of the H lull
~ du 'Nord on Lunlmlflerc («hm
Thu Invulxmhhv Innucmu in no lthbnmut
In nnmlmn; m the cure or Rw‘rman-hm or Se l~
,nnl kanem. Every npwleu of Genital or $l
- (mummy. Involunm'yor Nlfihny annual
Emmhum (rum WhMeKer cause?!“ mud ul \ww
ever sewn“ wm he speedily re luved uni In» or
gan: mm! m hunltny action:
nag/.1 an (0110 me opinions of omlnen‘ Fuich
hyn "mm:
p’WVc have used the Rpm-12k: Pm: prepared by
Gurunv wro- & Du punt No. 2“ Rue anlmnl. (mm
mm pnw-rlpuuu 0! br. Juan Denmark In our
rrwau- prm‘tlm‘ with unhnrm 3110 mm. nm‘ my br
luw mm- In no omunuudxclm- m We“ unit‘ulllk‘d
to cum all pvmnu sum-mm (mm lnvolu mw
l-Tmlnlom:-rnny ohu-r wnu mm M thn H 3111!“
organs, whether canard by sedentary moi: of
Hung, cmuucn. or “have. -
' n. .\. nnumn‘uuz. M. D.
3). D. IfiUJIABhIN, MM".I
us I‘. amen“. . ).
Parts, \va sth, mpl." "
The gnnnlm' t’llla urn no” hynu llm [Elm-{ml
Dnmglum tmnnuhoul. nu» Worm. Princ- no Dul
lat par Bax. and): BOXI'H fur Flu- Dnl'nnt.
GAKASL‘IHRE & DUPONT. Solo I’mprletdn,
No. 214 Rue bombard, Puma. .
One Don“ eucloml to my unmarked Alan
wm Imum a box by n-tum mun. uw'urely 50" ch
‘ (mm m ohs::rvullnn; mx hum-u fornw dollars.
Sole dune“! Agenu fur Ann-rim. - -
27' (‘uruund “NIX? ~
N. VL—Fronwh. Gi‘rmnn. “trials” and .1! "sh
P‘nnpmum. mnmmmg mil par! mlnn- nnd d'fm
tluns for use. mm frro tn u-w-ry “Juneau. >
A. I). lluvhlvr. Agent fur Gettysburg.
Der. Ix, Isa]. 1y
Dr. flnnblll‘u ('nuwrll gnu-L
This snurrlmi llmmuuhly pava “rum heme
host um! L- knuwn fur «until: th L nun-h, mm
In thv {Kr-m! :md {mum-hr. l hzm bwn wungl nu
c-xcb‘lkmt I‘Hnwl)‘ In nmuy (vi-wt; of Row hiya.—
mumma mm hwn n-muvml by n. and Haring
has m‘h-n Im-u gn-mly hum-med hv “a nun.
u H fruqmm un-l umw-cuhlv. {uni mvm num
nmmmtmnr mthwiun hmw pain: caused l-v
durum-w m’ \lu- lwml. TM nonunion; ant-r mum
It um llQ'HK'IlflII mul anlyzum‘lm . [comma nut}
and mvm n hmllhy Imlluu m the Imm “Ruched.
More (Mn ’l'hlny Ymm‘ M nuk- nmj myof‘fibr.
Mnrxhnlt's;('.xmrm nml valm‘hu Nnun’." bus
pmwd flu :nm ".dut- (nr an the mmmun durum-9
In! line howl. nllul at this mommt stands Mglu-r
than we? ln-fun'. \ ‘
It In rm-mmm n'lmkhy mnny n! the» heat pin-Nl
clnux um] ‘N “sud with gru-ut sacrum mnd summe-
Hnu f-w-ryu‘hn-ru. -
Rwy] the _( 'n-rYHh-mm of WhalomlnDz-uxnhb In
1-51: The umL-m'cm-«l, Inn-Img rm- ninny rem
[wt-n mwlualnh-d with "Dr. Murhhull‘l (luklfih
nnul IL-Muvh.»Hmm',"nnd MM 1: In mzrwhnh-mllu
trmlv, cln‘vrrullv ‘xtutc. ”In! in: ln-llou- It In luv
mun], In q-very rep-pool, m Um n-wmmendnllolu
mwn 01 “-1 W Ihr our» ur (Jalurrhnl Alli-cumm,
"ml Ilml u m tlfl'ldt-‘HV tlu- hm! ill-"Me \w luuu
ew-r knuwn for nll muumun div-ammo! Hu— Hand.
Burr 4: Perry "(Mon ; Rvnui, Alumn & (VL. Hun
tun; lzrnwn, Lunmm & ('u. Bunion: Not!) W.
l-‘nwln, nnsmn: \Vllmn. i-‘ulr‘umk a; ('n.. mum";
Uunslmw, Edmund «- ('o., Burton; H. H. llnv,
l’ortl.m~l. Mn: Burns-s k Park. Nn'w ank; ,5. IL
LE 1). hamlx. IV‘HW Yol'k' leplu-n l’nlll & ('n.. va
York; lsruu-l Mlnnr I! (‘.». Nt-w York; hum-Huh
& Huhhhu. Nrw ank; A. L. Hum'm‘K-I‘u" .\‘4 w
ank: M. Wnrd. Flaw-J: ('.», New York: “lllllk
Gnlv, New York. [DI-‘or sule hv an nrlflllflll".--
Try”. [Dem 18.15%. I."
Bye Flour“...
\Vhilo Wheat
Red Wheat...
0 u5..........u.
. ......m 9 00 mm 50
........... I 25
............ 2 20 lo 2 60
....n...... '3 )0 lo a 50
Timothy Seed
Flux Seem..."
Clover Seed
iiay... ..... ......„
Flour” ............. .............. .10 25 £OlO .’6O
\\'11t'at.............. .....u............. 2 50 In 3 ‘2O
[he 90 to 100
C0rn.............._.....-.................. 85 to 9-5
Huts 55 m ’5B
Hugs. per hund...................... 13 00 [OH 1m
Boer (hula; per humid. ”...”.."13 -50 $O2O 0|)
My -19 30 1021 of)
“Make: 2, 2440 1 26
On Um let [nahwy (hl- an. E. Rrehhmlmuqll‘
Mr. JAN)” 1‘). .\!4~IJ.\N.\'I‘H.L to Mind KAT};
In Unity-mung, May M, hv vafl. W. “3““?! Mr.
.I‘ NEPH SH \NF. lu Mimi EMMA C. PF "“1419".
both 0! New oxford, ‘
mm). ‘ - ’
“mmymmry nntlnm '& 01-"!!! per "no {of MI och
(our hm Hawk m m-mmpuny notice. ~
Hn mnzuh nit... hmr lkldgvpm‘t. ankllli‘m"
.\l r. R. FALVIN HORSE“, in tho-3143““ ul hlu
lm um um ln-mmc. at [he .Mmslhnnm, Mr.
MENU! '1! ”ERNIE-'11,“! no Mvzum-glngc.‘
“mun-3rd ln~t..ut lhu Abnvhnme, hills. [H \-
BELLE sL\Ul\'\', in hrrh‘mh year.
Notice to Debtors. .
VI‘HE underaifnml hrrelgy given not!“ to all
perm!!! indebted whim, thus they must.
ml] and neuie their nccuuun inn nedjatelv um!
lxwe trouble. SAHUEL WOLF,
Mny 4, 1868. 3" New “ford, Pu
Shoes. Canon, «Inc.
Ian)! M. Izmmsp, _
t In CAnusu Srnnr,‘
west side, a few doors from the r’ubiic square,
Gctflwmlrg, In: hid in An excellent “loft
meut 0! Show, Gui-era. Ann: for
whichto is ofl‘enug u the very lowqu profits.
HM’iug honiln for énsh. m. the ludsv. reluc
-I&9me is unaware] £9 orfer ggenl banning
B 40! and SINK: m mumcmring ran-had on at.
“no «mu place, and m:- mm kinrl nl' an"
mnde.‘ ‘ ‘ ' JOHN .\l. REILINd.
7313;“,1866. tf
- ‘ “med; Coal.
URN & REILLY have erected two addi.
‘ fimml Lime Kilns, an the Ruin-ond. Ind
hre'ihecefore lmler pll'Pfll’ed than are! In sup.
ply the best nr LINK, in Ingmqnmtnqnnmi.
lies. 'Fnrmen and other: ”rah" look
for s more prompt filling or owing. and
u: invited to extend Ind continue thvig f:-
von to a firm which is linking every effort lo
u-commodncethem in thebeu munucrpogmble.
‘ They will also continue wkup on hand. for
sale, a good supply of the difierem kmd,‘ uf
QUAL, whu-h they will all at small prnfi’l.
Coal and Lime delivered u) where in Get
tysburg. ;
Max M, 1868. if i
Bounty Cuban-muons.
I AST NUT!CE.—=—Persons owmg Bounty
1 Subscription: Vin Cumberlund Vienna): 19
are urged to make imbedmte pa) mom, to Fran
cis Bream, Elq , Town-hip Trenluror. On all
subscription: not pmd byline lu anmlem-xt,
inler’esl, will be chegsged (mm the time chub
‘aqublug, and the ace mun-placed in we had:
0L: proper alike: for collection.
* By otder of the School Board.
Kay 14, 1866. a: .
Bounty Tu Notice.
HE School Director: or Ilnmilwnlnntown -'
Ihlp will Allow In Ala-cement of “V E
P R CENT. on all Bohnty Tar levied for
1866, psid on or before the 20TH DAY OF
{USE mm; Ind in useluid tax ll not paid
within 30 Gun lineman”, "legume, (with 5
par. cent. aided) will be plnc in me had!
of In olficer and in collecting pomlvely DII- A
forced. By order of xhe Board.
JOHN MLCKLKY, President.
J. V. Duns, 800’]: 1111!“: '3‘3s' 4"
Saar nud Sentinel plant! 0091- ‘
F 1 1' Numxfl- 9‘" 0' 6mm" 5: ,
‘s’ . ~ by 7, Im. }
as Pmidmt and Diregton of chum-1L-
T union b we this day decluod n "ml-un
null gold dividend, free from (Nunavut
taxes, payablg in currency, on an In" the
15m inn. GEO. “Sow, Cabin.
In; M, I 806; 35. ‘ .
LL kinds of PICTURES Wild Ill! "u
A and council, pr’iod M. filo 3x1221-
V_' L 1) 0 K B- .‘J
Now on bud CLOCKS In gnu Vida],
from factorial of the highs» "nation h the
country, and vaunted good tina~knpm.
Cnflpn _ , A ‘l. iBEVM, _
7—"; Opposite the Bunngeitn‘bniz. ‘
Pawn: REDUCED co mm m "in;- g: the
Exec ior Skylight. Gull: . ' v
i, G. ”50213
HSUBMGAINST Acnmam's In a. .
ANY 0! HARTFORD. I: in the olden,‘
gm, and ufeu’nccidcntiuumco can”:
the country. _ , ‘
1750 to 3 oo
x 00 m i so
3 75 to 4 oo
6 00 to 9 oo