The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 30, 1866, Image 4
(55515 ‘ :.&.‘T'r¥i:2::.,‘im m ‘ umxrawm m... m ‘ _ hiring tha pmteedings in the Stab beg .islyturo on Thundng, the sth instant. Mr. . .‘ssunonuk, Radial. of .Crnwlord tummy. l inside a r'pgeoch lumining the “:th of thel ' xiidioontenfi in Cor-green. 112 um inter-g umpteld by Mr. hwreneegoue of the Duno-‘ ,cntio‘uombeumhen the (oilosvmgooltoquy gpntued: Mr. Lawrence.—Will-the genflomn Il- Joib me to ask him a queationf ‘ , ' have being granted, Mr. Lawrence slid , -—D|d the genttcuun any that the preunt‘ gauges: embraced more madam than my W'lW' Gangrene, and that they were user mu their foretumenf ' «ur. Sturwth Assented. ‘ Mr. ImWIOIIC§.—WI“ the gentlemm mvmo four man of the present Cuugreus as great M four I can imm, and who lived in the name age and acted in the sums yen. Mr. Hmrtevante—Name than. Mr. L «wrenee.-George \Vashington.Ben jamln Frnnklin, Thomas Jefferson and Pat.- 'rlck fir-man, “ Mn. slurtevant—Yes, sir. [believe there 'nrp twenty-five men now in Congress «bier, or a: a'llt‘. fl! any one out of thn four men }.ionetl hy the gZ-ntlemzm from York. er. Lumence—Namu them. ‘.A Vales-Left). both purtu-a. , Nr-SKUEIOVHHL (With Imuxtution)-Well, pit; l helm-e 'rllildllCUs Stevens, Charles fifimncr turd Thomas Williams up: abler mien. Aye, sir, every our. of them uhler than the t‘uqr IpeClUud. .Guorgo Walling uh: mus Agrcat and good man; but. not more to than Ab‘rnhnmibincolu. nu}: Thad- Aéus Stove-nu, thun Thoma: Willmuu and many “the;- tiger}. ‘ _ The idea at .cnliing Lincoln, Stevens and ‘ Williams equal to Wushipgmnfis(peculiar ”rich. and fixes at. once the anpui‘ng of the man who would be guilty oilummuhn in‘gtso uln'uld A yrclcpamn. This Mr. Stur tevunt is one of the menrhlraiwlig voted tot-:3 manure which was oLjecti'ombto to , his cpmtituenu, and on being tukou to tuflk‘ [or the apt by but party paper» in Crawford pounty, made the Jame excuse that ho had prayer read the bill upd knew nothing of its .c¢ntents. He is evidently in the worst sta~ 13195 of negro-phobia. . ‘ “HOW NOTHING GEAR? ‘lnleM 55 Gen. Geary was recogniied u an arrive Know Nothing. no-cnllui "Amer jcam." .lLul he. und;Cu.qneron who nomi- ‘ hated him, and his principal supporters ‘ now, hhd their way then, (and but. tor the almost suferbunfiagn efforts of the Demo ,crstic par ft they would huyo had their way.) ‘not I: slug 0 foreign born person or a Guth olic in religion Would 10-day possess the ,rigbt. to vote! Not one ol’lhese would have snythmg to any as to whether Hle'uter Cly mer nr John W. Gem-y should he Governor. fihould‘fiirmy Ind his party who advocute negro éuflrugeh be successful new. whpt guaranty is there that they would not car 'xy out t'gei; old doctruwa and dlsl'runchlue the Cub lies and ciuzt-ns of foreign rth, while enfmnchising the negro? 'l‘h'r‘ of fit, fellow-,cih‘uns, before it u too law. [Gfl‘heu 'nre ‘ No questions, ny'a the I’hiludclphimAge‘, which the people desir'e .Qeneral Uenry to answer without. delay Ind which we shali continua to ask until wa’ got Explicit. replies to them»: ‘ 'l. Is he ,0; is he not, in lgvo; ofpegro guil‘rngoj E 2. Does he or does he not, support the generation pohcy ofAndreév Johnson? { Let them be no quibbling or dodging. .Give us plain and unmismkablé answers. 41‘! t’lwiUeueml'imaginea that he pan get gin-dug}: the a]; month’s campaign before p: witgmut meeting fairly and sguprely Image two jmpowptqqestiona, be m“ find Jhimself as Badly mistaken as when he re ;lroamd ,before fifteen of Moseby’l men. p‘nder the impnession that they were the My of Stonewgll Jacksop’a arm]. . hibLWushinglon [lronic-la, after giv ingfi a ong list at figured 'showmg the unv menaqucrifioe of; [us in the [age wur, eu donors to {mini 3 mogul with 3.lmm. flare in i 1: mnclusiop; - " And now me we to be told that the pea Ple cababio ofnuch uervucea and sufferings f—mlchl wondgrs in peace and ugh mmvuls ,in NlH—such 9 development 9.134 discipline ,of all the highest qualities ofcwmgghonep puck {warble lore of prociou‘a mes-me jgnimdmollfiug by their victory over treason Rant. “1‘ Degql Sea {miuofAndl-ew Johnson's olicy Idler horiq,_afler unsfinted spending are and lavishlngol: life to hung the m States back imo the Union, what it w le. Andrew JObhson will no; I e Radicals in Congress to keep them of iron `§outh ~I help L Lom- “ Makes at. least.s6o,ooo a month to ‘t the 25.000 hay and worthless ‘ who infest the neighborhood of In, Va. They no too lazy to ion-k; mm for agrvitude in thei; present ‘.‘ of indolent» and dapqndenoe. j 3i :puppd 1 negro! Sl'orku Lana pi Juroiiliti ljl‘hi: moi! +333 a goad specimen of the firaotical ; of the an'palled Freedmens' , 'whichwhe radicgls are so deuirous = so and extend 0V8!" the South. 3' negroes at Yorktown cost. 860,000 lb, vim; woul be the egpense of my 0; ghrgezaillious to qupport. or in part. ' he mathematically ‘ may we“ figure’ g mug on the 11:23 a 71:30 jhnvin ‘pvhol } :igicnn‘ Ham. 1 "the supporters of Mr. Gary. the i' wdidato for- Govornor, are bittenlyf going the President _of .Lhe ‘UuiteJ ,1 Bum pdeno igf. , friends of MI. Glymar, the Demo uudidato. are yielding to the Fresh ; cordial ad eunmmppon. \ _ ta for Mr. Génry‘ is a vote against tfie of Andrew Johnson, the fearless» ion 0; th- Union. Wnljog, and national Liberty! Man: I. 'A ’pou .. .'ailPg ' M 3 meeting lately of the finding 'nw Association. Hen: York, ghie: e Chane. in 1;“ speech. alluded to the r “, Right!” bi". and, PM the next. hould be to give the Hallo: Id ’ll we L'pahd slaves.‘ This is unnofJudge . J presides over the Supreme Go'un. dqalu'ujons in the facg of‘the popu ill tad Lhe organic law are séfijwiept Iryugt bin immediate removulxin dis :, go is up judge—he is ndenmgOgue. , Watches fl Jewelry. :3 “GHANCE‘J FUR 31.—" Jinn“ A? Low 3) P 311953 l—l(-0,000,Watcheu, Unnina, Loch eta, Rin‘gg Bram-let's, Set: of Jewelry, Gold Penn. “-5 acwrme dilpbsed M at as: DULLM} each, mthou regard to value, not b ”b t :3 be PM fo} until you know what you‘aro oun no inaénrubo wj eunelß- {M'ye- ' ’ heal?! angelica: attendants hereabonls’n} 19° “0H Buying-eye Witchbl, we ‘ out expert horseback rider ere: seenl mfch, sso msm‘ In smrfparlu, inlanling‘um people at A .509 §'§"’,_“'-9‘°hgiy MOP. 20 to 35 #ol.ka mly by new and umniamng feats s‘}wa “9““ '7‘” *§‘lE°'(4*§39lQ§¢h, 510 8 ~ \‘ . .. . . . . . ,4,“ I“.)ng He has: hone which~ finals ”0"" 53"” [‘“diea’ ““1”; (“3' ”1““ mg n 9 very fleet rate. Whit; trier :‘VWd" ”W“! > 3‘o ‘lO um“; 15 Mplnfiover 3115011" of obsuclenf Angi-w‘inrgo Assam-Int oNewclry ol ererv u I 1‘“! Luce. _obifison willalso he vaultv’ "“2"qu ‘0" [Mica' “"1 5“”, m! “U; in! thong 90°?“ “d over M 9119”. flight-3 in; ng “Miran; $3 to $25 each. The ileumd ' .8 $5l ti‘eil upon the bus back I»! the °‘ “5'9““ °‘ we" 5”“ “0‘" ”“5“- . nding need. Feats o! agility uyou the “th 1: "’.‘-"11°“: _ mm“: 0‘ i do" amblin “one are. LEETHXCATLS flaming an ARTICLE anti ”mm in own Oilcus tent, buEbax-a hwk ”3"“ m M “ SEA?” WVBW‘IES. riding. in morpdifiicu“ thins “an uni-é . ailmnfiqmfiafifr::}°fi if“? ”U” . . . v. _ . c p nee, ue s:th unarmed u would bellow. .'éngmxgué‘u. we tor st. vnfifsm‘ h ..., . y. F; unmu‘pfix. A 01 .’hfitflgfilnmmk Whtafimn fill: money. Cirqulnn with patient... m inn-Ii _£s ‘5. ..._, . ._y .u. .. A. 4444135, :4 .4. a. HARPER! co. , ‘ _ W 1 a 319 Brogdgu. Sp] ank. 7,7/. NI n 3 AW 9919111181.» 3. PU BTi—ir'Tx'Hn 31.601) TU! GIIATI'T lIDICII. 0' flll ‘3' ‘ SU Kiln-tide» fur ligkncu, opt! a refugo A from arrow, Pain and Disease. ‘ nlfyan’u Life Pills. i “an“ nail-it, are xdmilmxo be the BEST FAMLY MEN. CINE for g (Al nu, Plfilympthc Blood Ind cleansing the harm from all lrnpnrimy. “ BRYAK'S LIFE PIES, regulate the Stomnch, Live} and Billhry Be crefiou, which is the chiet emu or Nervous. ness,UidBiness, Dimnen of Sight, lie-limbo, Sick Stomach ind ollnr kinda-A complninu. Hundred: of Certificate: can be Shown. The: hue been uedby dump“. win; “we“ _ ' BRYAN S LIFE PILLS, ‘ “9 mm“ to: an age: and animation.— Th?! M 0 Composed of the suite principles of [lens and Roots. culled non: our fields Ind foreul'. The, are ,mild ,5!“ serum in their operation—producing neither crampi, gnping, pains or sickness. They may be taken by all agci, sexes or conditions without. (cog. BRYAN'S LIFE ‘PHAS. Cure Headache. “MAN’S 'LIF'E PILLS, Cure chk Stomach. BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Cure Giddinen. um’lfl's LIFE PILLS, Puri!y,tha blood. A Box of yxnmx's Lm: runs will coat. bun TWENTY-FUN; CENTS, MIL! will Mrs-mpfiah all that. is tcprewnted. They M‘" elvgantly pl"- up by Ihr proprh mr Hue "wt-Mm of BM AN-‘fi-YULSIUNU} WA FEIH, u nimlicine lou‘g Apd favurnbly knuwn to Lhc‘Aun'm-mu Human. r ”you wmu lh mn's Life Pilli, and cum”. got Llu-m of yourdrugnnt, dnn'i take any other, In“ sum] 'l‘wenfy—fiVe Cents in a letter to the pxuprlpxor, and you win get them by return bf mail, post-paid. Address, ‘ , . DR. J. BRYAN, 442 Broadway, New'ank. P. 0. Box 5079. Deniers run he snpplird try Denus Barnes & 09., Wholesale Agents, New York. GL A II [lnn nu anon-nun. ; 'l‘le CAN BE USE“ WiTHDUT DETEC TION, and do not inmrfere with husineas pursuits, nnd NU CHANGE Üb‘ DIET IS NE CESSARY. ‘ Bell's Specific tins V Are wprrnnléd in nu cues, for the Speedy and Permztngmn Cure ul‘Semiml Wenkm-SB, Ureth rnl ind Vaginal Diachmucs, Uleel, Sexual Dzsunscs, Emissionn, Infimlguce. Genital snd Nervo‘us Debimy and diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys. . They are ‘ndnpted for male ”Jennie, old or young; and tyre ithe only reliable known for the cure of nlldisenses arising from ‘ YOUTHFUL INDISCRETION. In all Sexual Diseues, as Gonorrhea, Stric ture, Gleet, and in nll Urlnnry and Kidney complaints, they not like a charm. Relief. is experienced by_lnking a sinqle box; and lrom four to six boxes genemlly ell'ect n cure. Sold in boxes containing 60 pills, Price One Dollar, o‘r six boxer, FIVE Dollars ; film, in lnrge boxes, éonlnining {our of the small, Pnce Three burl-41's. Privnte Circulars to Gentlemen only; aent‘ free on receipt of direcled envelope .lnd stamp. ll you need the Pills. cut out bu: advertise ment for reference. anvl it‘you cannot procure thugn' ufgbur druggist do not be imposed on by any'other remedy, but. encldse the money in a letter Lo DR. J. BRYAN, Consulting Phyiician, Box 5079. 442 quudivny, New York. and they ml] be sent to you secure from ob. narration. by refurn mail, post-paid, on receipt of the money. Dealers supplied by Dumas Barnes. & Co., Wholesale Agents, New York. Br. mun-rs Female Pills; IIK most lnl‘nllible and popular remédy ~ ever known, for all (“general the fez/malt sex. They have been'usad in many thousand cases will! unfailing success—and may be re lied on in every case for which they are re commended, und particularly in all cases aris ing from ‘ ‘ OBSTRUCTION, on STOPPAGE OF NATURE no mutter from wh troupe it arises. They are effectual in restozfg to health all who are suf fering lrom We ness and Debility, Uterine Dischnrges, Nervousncsa, kc, km, &c.. and they “Act like a Charm," in strengthening the system. Thousands of Indie: who belle suf fered for yem o_nd tried various other reme dies in vain, owe a renewal of their health end strength wholly to the ctllcncy of DR. H.\RVEY’S FE\l.\l.E PILLS. They are perfectly harmless on the system, may be taken at any time with perfect safety ; but during the early stages of Pregnancy they should not be taken, or a miscarringe muy be the result. They never cauMany sickness pain or distress. Esch box contains 60 pills, Price One Dollar. DR. HARVEY’S GOLDEN PILLS, a‘remgdy for ppecinl cases, four degrees strong .ér than the‘nbove; Price Five Dollars per box. A Private Circular to Ladiescwith fine ann tomicnl engravings, sent fnn‘ on receipt of di ucLe-l envelope and-stamp: ‘ @Olll this out ifyou desire Dr. Harvey’i Pills, and ifyou énnnut procure them of yogi druggist. do not. tnko any other, for some dealer: who am unprincipled will reccmmend other FemalelPilln, they can make a large; profit on—buz enclose the money and send di rect to DR. J. BRYAN. GongultingPhyaicinn, Box 5019. ‘. “i_Brondway, New York dud ion ml! ficeivo them post-pan! secure!) Beale h'um observation, by return mail. ' Dealerssuppfied by Denna Barnes 8: Co. Whalesala Agents, New York; ‘ Th Private Medical Advisory 4 (Exclusively for Ladies,) >~ PI Invaluable treatise of 100 NEW Dr 4;. Rummy, publish“ for the hen 101 the ~ . ' . \ Un’ receipt of TEN CENTS, it will 110- la l pan-rmid, ln I salad e’nvelope, to in who npv ply lb: n. _-Ad|lres| . nu. J. man, 442 néonduy, N. 1' Box 5079. ’ , - Manhood! ’1 THIRD EDITION, Tiny Thonumd~loo ' pages. by Roan! E. BILL, I. D. A can tiou, Addressed Io youth, the married, and those COXTKIVLATBGIAUIMGI. Sent. by muil pou—‘pmd, on receiptjol' TEN CENTS. A cure fnl pcrllls-d of this wall book has been I Boon :0 was Arruotxn, and has saved thousand: Imm. life or misery, and an untimely grave. h treats on the was of Youthtpfl ludilclelion, Self-LIN”, Seminal Weaknesw. Emissions, Sexual Diseases. Genital Debih‘ty, Loss 0! Puvur, Neti‘omness, Premature Decay, [mpo - ML, km, which will: the ~sufl'erer from Nlfiliing‘tha Obligations of Nut-Huge; : 1 Address, _DR. J. BRYAN, «' ' ‘ Oonlnking- Phyoicixn, Rd: 5079. ‘ 4-” Broldway, New York. Aunt. u. lbw. 1y» H 7 I ” NE‘W'SX c m‘PonTANT 'ro LADIES "* f 1 ¢ f ,Ev-F"'§"f ‘'s . f, —' : ‘1 :‘vf’ 7 . "“66““ 'v:l_, ; , , roaming liming-a. ‘ 1 1- 1;: Lu smm. . ~ - cum 8 unxsmw's win. K 1 AL > ‘ i““"}'"”" ”"73 ‘ AVING pnrchued the Warehouse andl 1‘ “'6 “Built“! Vi”! me, ’"f"‘“é‘c”l "‘fi‘ I I Cu: heretofore owned by Smuel Herbst, MI!" 1:53 I; Igci‘mr); glycinabe‘ ‘22“:20 the undemgncd take pieuure in announcing 3 en . ("rear ‘.‘. ' ‘ “ .Z’m ..., mi.“ pm We'd"! ;” "'° "“%:§a“3;hs~zu.s.'3.r;"sm Waiillflc‘hfifif'bf? 733? $3l: 753335? 'rfi’°"'p§; “793115 ‘° 31%“ ‘13"? .egrz‘geek- 3": , u -, ~ re pan convey rolg an or \v , 0"! "”h‘iihe" ”‘4 we“ ““0““hn’l‘"i?“ca“" i fil’qunntity. The, willntwndjfdeliredfiothe timbre first", 0% WM" ‘°“" ° 3: L ”‘m making at purchase-sin the fig. and deliver noggingflaibf?ctyericnce of 40 years i“rug the goods pmmpaliy nthGettyabyz-gi‘fl’gg‘cnr . . ens run to a nre oun o ‘ n - milembfitfiunlpy. {fifeg‘llsinnsggffie‘h‘z‘z “'33 , son 3.3053, 195 Norm How-rd .ntreet,_(near renewed A ten 1 n i f [l, bar f Funkth Baltimore, Inez: frelght mu 'be further merit und‘me '8 fl ‘1 I "0 P‘mf received at any uma. The) mm the nttentmn “6 patronage. DAVID XcCflbAltY. of the public to their line, stunting them that "'"" they will 515 nm no effort to accommodnte nll who may patronize them. Having pnrcbned the buildingl and lot qn the Northeast corner of Blilrond anti North Wuhington Itreeu, Getty-burg, their Depot will reinun there. Any person living buli ness in the forwarding line tire respectfully in find to call. CULP E KARNSHAW. Aug. 7, 1865. . _ wm: increased facilities for conducting our _buuipeu, wear: better prep-red than ever to mtg? the want: of all those who may need an) in; in our Hue. We especially gall the attention of Farmers and other: to the superior qunlity of our‘ - Plnin or Qumed Seat Side Lesthera, Horn 9mm“, ’ IHmues, all kinds, with Plain or Quined‘ Scum or without {awnings no Hum aging“, . Plnin og- éuflted SeMlScurth Collarsaenlther) . Side smiles “ “ (uc‘ing) Plain olj Fancy, Saddlezxo Sum Collar-1, Cloths. d .Belst Welt Harness Col- Wq on Sad lo: a . magi Bridm,’ ofmlPnterélLeatherCollqr-s, kinds, fair or bluek,‘ sughedoruustgched rnumlvd or flu, ' 'Hut [anther Wagon )lnrlingmly ’ I Wfiips. 4, 4} and 5 Currlngfi Hfimt‘u, Ml> lent l mg, 51) lvs,_silver or bluik‘lelud Team Whipq,‘ munntml, r 'Trottin: \"hipq, llmvy mun Harness, [lunlioq‘ Ridmgc'l‘wigs. Blind ‘Blidles, Whip Lashes, (‘.lrths, ’Horse Blankets, Cruppera, kc“ km, ,'&c . r In s‘unrt, evolything that pertains to a first clns‘s gmwrnl horse furnishing estahllshment consli'ntly on hand or made to order promptly, of the verybest‘mnterid, and by the must ex perienced wurkmun in the vounlry, (two hav ing worked in this establishxqcut fur the lust. thirty fears.) We are now m..nuhcluring an exrellcnt lot of Heavy Draft and Harness Collars for than who prefer our own to mty mnde work. thalrlng of all kinds done at. short notice nml on reasonable turns. All Me cordial!) Invitnd to call and examine for themselvpa, as our work taunt)! mil to recommend itselt, - , , -' 1 D. IIcCREARY & SON Feb. 5, 4866. u P-0 UT Z'S CILZSZATID Horse and flame Puwders. ’ ~ m- mun ' '3’ H long and anbl’; .- ~z; \‘L‘N‘ ’‘ 'I known, will thor ‘i, " ‘ 2‘31,» 535‘ v oughly Minimum 3' ‘-. vbkan-duwn um .‘ ‘\ lul-spiritcd horseg, ' by strengulenlng ’ ' and cleafislng the . lion-ch und in» ‘ A ' ‘ . ‘ my”! ‘ ->. ’1 x .» :v,v~,..~ l *1":_-_.“~« WV» “Luv: w ’M ‘.‘ - v 1 (his animal. r YEL L U W TER. H E A \ co u u u s, T E K P E P. , VERSJOUX! boss 0!‘ Ax. TXI‘E AND m 4 ENERGY, kc. us Improve: \ wind. lncrcuq "10 ”Mus-51v I. Inooth glossy akin lnmfoms \ Illlerlhh mum: hem. 4; in a: about: of Swine, mch‘u Bought, moon I: theLnnglJJver, f. 1"-’"" ' scum: article Xv "., . Wu. tpecfllc. . W V By mung from . ,‘"" L :onipgém' "' : , ~. ‘ mumu the '.- e #_ . _= above dine-se. vgw P (“Wk-.5: Imbecndianad " - ‘ *'*“' or entirely pmvennd. I! glvvn In "me. Imm pmvmava Ind cure for the Box Cholen. Price 85 Cent: per Paper, or 5 Paper: (or 81. “Am BY 8. A. FOUTZ 3:. BRO., t7u m . BALI DRE? AND mm“ film, 10. 118 anklm St. Balhmaro, m. For Sue by Drugghu and Swrekecpm through m cm Unite! sum. For sale by A. l). Buehler, Gettysburr; Laughliu &. Bushfield, Wheeling, Va; C. . Bender a 00., Plushgrg; Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, Philadeinfia Dec. 11,1633. ly Esters (‘nlmgc Organs RE not only unexccllod, but they are ab- A solutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument in the quuntry. , Designed express ly for Churches and Schools, they are tound to be eqmlly well adapted to the parlor and drawing ro'om. For sale onlrby . ‘ 1-1. )1. BRUCE, ‘ No 18 North Ssvenlh $l., Philadelpbib. ‘ ins-Mao, Amanuuuv's‘ PIANOS, and a mplete assonnient of the PERFECT ME LOUEON. 2 (Oct. 2, [865. ly _ Cumberland Coal! A LARGE supply or superior , BLAO'KS‘IIITR GOA-L. ngw on hand at reduced price. w: Coal in uuperigr to all other Coalin thqflfiited Staten for weldihg and other blsckumlth‘ pcrponu For says by' P. {l. PYFER,‘ oin Con] Yin-d, Frederick city, Md June'm, 1865. 13' 028. ‘ Hoop Skirts. 628. OPKIN’S “ OWE MAKE," Mauufucmrerl and Sold, Wholesale ami Retail, No. 6:8 Arch Street, Philddvlpnin.—Th must,com 'plete assortment. 6f Lulu-3‘, Missyn’ and Chil dren’s HOOP SKIRTS, in this pity ; gotten up exprguly {.9 meet. the warn of nun-cuss TRADE ; 'cmbmcing the newest and most desirm hle 81} In Bad Sizes of “Gorefl'rmls,” ofevery leuglh—fmm 2} to 4 yds. round—2o tog"; SprLugg, at. $2 to $5 00. Plain bkiru, ull lengths', from )1 Lo a yard: round the bouum, at $1 40 to 3.x :6. - Qur line of .\lisaes' and Children's SKIRTS, are proverbinlly beyond all competition, for vniieny of s‘tyles and sizes-as well as for finilh and durubility; varying {tom 8 to 33 inches in length; 6 'to 45 Springs 8.: 35 cents to $2 25. All Skim of mm; OWN MARE." are Wu. ranted to gin, summation; ‘bm buy nonu as such, nnleas they have, "Hopkin’s Uo3}; Skin Monut‘nctofl'ffio. 618 Arch Street," Stamped on each Tub! ' ' Also', 'con’alanfly on hand, Goon SKIRTS. Manufactured in New York, and the Existern Smles, which qe an as veg lbw Prices. A lot. of cheap Skirts—léapriugl, 85 Items; 20 ”wings, $1 00—2; aprings,sl 15—30 s’rings, $1 25 and 40 Ipnngs $1 50. ‘ ‘ @Skiiu made to Urdu and Repaired. W'Tuu Cuu. Uta Paw: Oil.“ Mulch 5, was. .4m _ 1866 If you} hqve chapped‘handsfip‘l ‘ or urog’h- akin, un'the,pLElN. yep-«ed ruin. a BURNER. ' Pig‘caiugucfo “6'“ in. that: an co'u.k'"&:\l .‘2 ¥4‘ “if 0. mm. Newman! Cheap Goods! ‘ \ THE PLACE I'o (GET THEM ‘ IN HANOVER!— We belcby lnform the citizens of York and A‘dnms counties. that we have established, at the southeast. corner of Centre Squire and Baltimore street, HAN(lVER,.formerly occu pied by C. E. a 'l‘. 'l’. WM, 3 Bninch Store, (tbr frim-ipnl hutinosu houses being located in New York and York, Pa..,} where «a. will kvep at ull timrs a regular Msorunonl. pl Dry, llmnv-lic and Funcy (lllllllh‘, also, n. “911 se lefl’vd asmrtmvnt of (7M! I‘HS: (7 \SSIMERES, CASSI VETS, corrmlc'rs and oonuunms; Glnnn, (H. 135 and Queens-ware, Ladiee’. Misses' and Childlen's SHOES; also, uynice and lull assortment. of all kigdi ol CARPET; Floor and Table Unl-clulh. ' 4% have also established in rooms nrljmuing the Cvulml Hotel, a CLOTHING SPORE, where We will keep consiantly on hand a wéll selected naiO'lmeut oi Ready-made Ulothinll. of the Incest styles, and a full assortment of Gentleman’s Furnishing Guilds} such ns‘Huts, Cups, Boots, Shoes, 4512., whilsh we will sell at reduced 'prices. A ' _ z ’ As oxir motto is, nml always will- be, ”quick Sales and small prgfitsz" we hu‘pe to rem-"H ll share of the palroungs‘ or town and coun try. Our connection with “In lurgeghulunle houses in New York City and York, Pn.,where Ire always hturecl‘nn extensive stock of goods, which we sell at wholesale njll retail, enables us to Inpply our old friends and nurh of our new customors u will give us a call, with the very boa marketable 30911;, at lower mull! than can be purclmseil wywhere in the Slate. Call and see for yourzellcs. "‘ J'US. LEBACH a BRO Hanover, June 28, 1865. 1y A WORD TO THE PEOPLE 0? TOWN AND HE subseriber keeps n Notion and Confec- T lionary Store on Cnrlisle street, neurly oppoauu the Built-ond h’ulioil, Getlysburg where he {has consumdy on hand, UANDIES: NUTS, l-‘iizs, Ruizius, Lemons Urunges. $6., Tomggcos and Sugars of all kin-ls; Poclmta Books,- Suspenders. Neck Ties, Collars, ML ; Sump: and Perfuméfies; also some GRUCE~ RIES, Sugars, Golfers, Rice, with the dilfereht kinds of‘ Crackers. Ice-cold MEAD M. all times. He lnvnes custom from town 'nu‘d country, and sells at smnll profitfl , Llinb‘ STROUSE. , Aug. 7.1865. 1y ' I' lANOS l—The undersigned would respect- P fully inform the public than. it cnn furnish PMNUS of the following mnnul‘n’ctureu, or those of other make, it degired, m, the lowest pouxhlc p ices: - « CHé-JKERING & SONS. ’ DE JKER BRUS. L'plnfion h invuulble. l improves the guilty nflhe milk. It M! < been pmven by u:- tunl experiment to mare-1e the qunlr m: of mllk and cream twenty per cent. Ind make the butter firm and "act. In hltznlng came, it 31v? them an nppeulc, omen; their 1: i de. um! make: men um" S‘Parliculnr aiwntiun is given to the se lection qf Pianos; find when so selected, in ad tion to the manufacthrcn’ guaranteefihe Pianos are guaranteed by me’ ‘ . MASO‘! & HAMLIN CABINET ORG NS AND MELQDIANS. The recent. img‘ovemenls in these indttn moms nra' such as to fully warrant. aayingthey are FAR éUPERIOR to any other make. ’Oue of (he beat. evidencus of their merit. is, that their impovemems aré imitned by other makers: ‘The n'ew style, fou‘r slop organ, hlve a Sub-Bak: and Octave Uonplet, making it an instrument elpeoiztlly mingled lo Ohuf'ch‘ Ind thbath School purposes. ' DESCRIPTIVE GXBCULARS will be sent by mail to persons desiring them. l’umgumned regularly, Piano: taken in ex chufige. PETER BEXTZ, .‘ No. 30 East Market St., York, Pa. Jun 912,1366. ly ATS, GAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. —- GOBEAN & CO. lmvejust received and opened another splendid assortment. of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, for Summer wear, which they are selling at very low prices considering the times. Th 6 latest styles at Summer Huts and Caps, of every flescrlpfion and price. Boom and Shoes, of superior make, and, [m warraufed to fit, alwngs on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on Shanno ‘ice, by experienced workmen. Also. ‘ HARNESS HAKING, carried on in all ils bunches. Persons want : ing any thing in this line w‘ould do well to call. 1 ' [Q'Don’t forgot. the old stand in Chambers"- burg siren, ifjou wan: Bargains. ‘ ' COBEAN & CRAWFORD. ‘, June 19, 1865. x > 5 —————-—-- —-—~—.——~ _-_._,..‘.~__‘_‘ OTIOE 0i?l REMOVAL. N‘ = , LAWRENCE 1). mmz a: co., respectfully beg leave to notify their} friends, customers and the public‘genernlly. iihnt they lmve removed from No. 151 Franklin hunt, to the commodious four-story Warshouse. NO. 808 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and Liberty, where they will for the ffuture conduct the Wholesale Buil nes’s; so sly in ’ ~ . Hosiery, Trimmings, .‘ Furnishing Goods. , - Perfumery, Notions, Stationery, Cutlery. ; Toys, to, he. to which they invite the attention of city and country purchasers, mung confident of their ability in oifer inducements in prices lnd quality of Goods: , Orders by mail will recclve promp‘ nuan iion. Address LAWRENCE D. DIETZ I 00.. " 308 Bummer: street, Bunimore. much 14, 1864, . UTUAL FIRE'INSURANGE COMPANY lxcongnnn, Mncu 18, 1851. President—George Swope. Vice President—Samuel R. Russeil. , . Secretary—D. A. Bueblcr. , Treasurer—E: G. Fnhneatncku _ Excculive Commutt2e~Robcfl McClrdy An drew Bumbag, Juob Kim. Muffins—George Swope, D. A. Buehllr, R. )icUurdy, l. Eichelberger, 8.11. flux", It. [6. Fahnulock, A. D. Bnehler. R. G. M enry, Gettysburg; Jacob King, Simhsn lowuship; .\. Eeintzeiman, Franklin; Wm. D.; Himei, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson. Bendersviile; H; A. Picking, Sputum township; Jubn Wu]- ford,Lnl.imore township; John Picking, Hun; Berlin ; Abel 'l'. Wright, Bendersville; Abdiei FIGm. New Oxford; Jag. R. Marshall, Hams iltonlmn toéoship; John Upnhingham, Frec idom township; John Honk}, Monnrjoy town-t 3 ship; Wm. Ross White, Liberty lawnship. 1 WT“: Company is limited in in open: Itinns to the county of Adams: It has beau, in] operation for more than 315 years, and in timt| period has made but. one assessment, buviug' panic-sea b)- fire during}hm period mmmg.’ ing 3 313,1)881—86359 o ‘Ylhich have'be’en Mdjnmgthe but. No years. Any person‘ ,duiri)‘ u Inmranoe cnniapply to any of the Manned Imogen for further informant“: min Hamlin Genuine. mocha th'e sic? 913 mg Congas”, :3 tin gufffiufi-I I! RBWUWN IMI L: ‘.‘. ‘ 0m 15. 1895.. _u M?! A Notions & Confections. COUNTRY Planes! Pianos 2 mzwros nnos. HAWKS BEDS. ‘ 61-20. smack. A. a. mum: a; co. srx-zmwwgsz suxs " Fresh Arrival. Established 1850., Adams County Orricsus he.” ‘3 Win.“ NEW SPRING GOODS! , 1 ‘ REDUOIION IMPRIORSL J. L. Sou l 0 K - ‘ ' to the citikna of Get- ‘ would rexp‘oclfully uy to the mum..- , ' Wuhan: Ind vicinity. am he in now mainng M his snore 5 splendid STOCK OF BPRING GOODS. Tho awck consist! in pun of Funny Ind Shirl! DRY GOODS, of every demipuon. SILKS, ' lUZAIBIQUE, ~ ‘ UUALLIES, ‘ - DWINES, ~ BUIBAZINRS, ~ - ALPACOAS, . ' LAWNS, ‘ v GALIOOES, of I“ qulMu.nd choicest Ityles, which will b. Idld u_ Pmcssi'ro DEFY COMPETITION. l " FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Huntlkambiofs, Gloves, Stockings, 84:. - Also, a oplendid assortment of RIB‘BONS, Lace! and Edgings, Umbrellas and ansols.— - My stool: of WHITE GOODS will be found full and complete, and customers may rely upon alwoyn getting good goods at the lowest poni blc prion. *‘ 'Gentlemen will find it to then sdv-nuge tc call and egimine my stock of ' CLUTHS, ‘ . OASBIHEREB and j ‘ vssnxus. of all qnnlitlu ond choice“ styles. quil us, 1866. ‘ J. L. SCHICK. . New Goods! Large Stock! ERGflANT TAILORXXG. ‘ JACOBS t BRO. have instinct-ind from the cities 3 large stock on goods Pror Gentlemen’s wear, embracing a. vurigty of . Q CLOTHS, z , . CASSIMERES, ‘ t _ VESTINGS, Gnuinetq, Jeans, Bm. with mum] other goods for Hiring and summer wear. , They are prepared to make up pnrments' at the shortest notice, and in the very best nor. 'l‘h‘e‘Fashions are regularly received, and clothing made in any dfsircd style. The, al ways mnke neut nth, whilatthe‘u sewing is sure to be substantial. ' ‘ 'l‘!le ask a cnnlinnance of the public's pn tronngp,fresolved by good width and modern“ charges to earn it. ~ Gettysburg, April 7, 1862 ‘ ‘ Lancaster Book Bindery. 1:0qu wux'r, . BOOK BINDER, AND BLANK BUOE lAHUIACTI'BER, ' ‘ LANCASTER, PA. Plain Jami Ornamental Binding, of every de scription, executed inllhe most. substantial and approvegi styles. . _ 38121113038 E. W. Biown, Esq., Farmers "fink of Lancaster W. L. Pglper, Esq.,_ancgster GouMy Bank Samuel blwck, Esq} Columbia Bunk. Samuel Wagner,\Esq.fYork‘ llnuk. William Wagner, Esp. York County Bank. 'l‘. D‘ Coirson, Haq., Bunk of Gettysburg. Betcr .\larlin, Esq., Prolh‘y “Lancaster co., PI. Geo. G. Hawtfi‘orn, Esq., Regiéter “ “ Geo. leitaon', Esq., Records; “ “ Aprihlfi, 1861 ’ ' ' . ‘ ‘Noah‘Walker a Co., , “ CLOTHIERS, '5 WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 “616'! Burma“ Sun-r, . keep cqnstnntly on hand A large and we“ as sortedstoc'k of all kinds of goods at. moderate prices. ‘ ' They‘ a'npply orders for the finest to the lowest prich articles, either ready made or mud: :9 measure, to anypurhof the country. Therlkeep also an extensive stock of FURN ISHIXG GOODS. embracifiz every article of Go'nllérrien's quer-vear. Also, MHJTARY CLOTHS and {Very variety of Military Trim mings, as well M an assorted stocky! READY MADE MILITARY GOODS. ‘: Baltimore, Feb. 2.2, 1864, : New Warehouse. BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 00.000 WANTED,“ um neanin and Producelflouse, in Garlille street, adjoin ing Shendl & Buehler’a establishment. The highest market price will alwnys be paid in cash for GBMN, of all kihds, - FLOUR. SEEDS, kc. Always on hand and to: sale, n the Imnllw proflm ' . ‘ GUANOS, a ' ; j N SALT, FISH, ‘ ' ‘ GROCERIES, km, ‘ , Wholemflo and retail. 'TRY US! We shall do our best. tfigiva mimcudn in All cues. .5 J“ McCURDY a; DIEHL. Getty: rg.May]l,ls63. 1y , E Great Attraction T‘PMNKRRHOFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING A ANDiFURNISHING STORE, at the North East Cpmér of the Diamond. The subscriber is constantly in roceiptoffresh goods from the Eastern cities. Hi-s stock of ' READY-MADE CLOTHIN‘G is oneioi' the largest and most attractive, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in tho country. You will there find COkTS, PANTS AND VESTS. imu’e mi in the most fashionable styles, and oftthe best materials, of nll‘sizes and prices, for men n'hd boys.— Gentlemen's inrnishing goods 0 ’erery descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shiits‘ ond Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and” Cotton" Drawers, Hosiexyol'every description . Buck-s Lin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hund-| kerrhi‘cis Neck Tles,_omvnts, Linen ind I‘npel Collars, llnstCups, Boots and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks. Vulices, Carpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushes. Hair And Tooth Brushes, Shoo Blueking, Pocket and Dressing Cumbs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, Slinps and Perfumeries, Stutionery of all kinds, 1 Pocket Knit’es, Smoking and Chewing Tobac cu, Pipes, nn extrxt quality of Segars; ln tact,‘ his stock em‘bnu-es everylhing usually foupd' in a first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all lo come and seefor themselves, As 1 Km unmanned to sell goods lower than any otheteltnhlishmeutin the country. Don't forget the place. Corner oi Yorkstreet and the Diamond. ' NIACUB BRINKERHOFF. “acid; 4, 1864. ‘ N 9 n‘umbng! ' BMOV‘AL. ‘ HULTZWOETB ALWAYS AHEAD. 1 “us WAY run BARGAINS.—JOHN L. BULTZWORTH has just_remrned from the City with the largest and most comglete snow mam“l of HATS AND GAPS, BOOTS ; AND,SH9ES, that has been brought to,“ ‘th gown since the war. His stock '1: pm. only complete, but is GOOD and‘CHEAP Embracing every variety of Bonn and Shoe! for Men and Bays, whilst. the Ladies will find everything in their line, from the finest Guile! lo the heritiesfShoe. Children‘s Shot-s of erury Gescription, in great variety. Also. Ln dws’ llnu, fine quality, zind Children's HMS.‘ ofulLsurles ind prices. Also, Trunks. Cur pet Bags,Valises, Umbrellas, Gloves. Stock-I ings, ,Tobncco, Cigars and Notions of every description. . fi‘rDon‘t. forget the place, Bomb-cut Cor. of the Diamond, Gettysburg, Pa. . , JOHN L. HOLTZWOBTH. April 10, 1865. u ' , Canaan’s .hIAcBBLE wonxs, South-out Corny} of the Diamond lu‘d Bum mote street, Idrly two-it. the Star 0159:, unrrx'finmna, PA., Ever] description of walk exam“ In file ~ ‘ ancu atria/of thy-.n. , Aptlfll‘lalm-fl , '1 ' Hound} ”mention; 2 ' HILADELPHIA. PA.;Divum _ol um ?‘W.wd Sexual Spunk—.n. and n mm: mm». ’Aho‘tho BRIDAL Ail mg x“I Katy 0! Warning M In: uon rent I; sealed envelopqnn-oa gimp” Ad— dml uh I. SKILL“ 11006 OR, Edvard Auochtion” N 9, 1; 30m]: Mat}; 3m“, P’hilte delphla, Pt, “’ " ' '[OcL I, _1865. ’l’ - “unwritten. 1 mum AND genus m mamm -BRB will pious take notice that we hue . ppm the following Trade Hark to prolecl ourselves, and prover“ more who use our RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE from being deceived when purchlalng mnnureu. We huVe been obliged to give this protec tion to our cuawmero, in consequence of sev emi panic: having unlawfully need our dia tlnctive mane, viz: “wa Bane,” in altering weir article in the pyfilic. Thin True Mark is adopted in Mdiliud to the title‘fllnw Bone," which is our exclusive property, Ind we nu: non all manufacturers Mm wing it in future. We w'ould lute to the undo And consumers, mu “ch will find it lo their interest to lee um the“'l‘rndo lurk" in upon every bug and barrel they pun-Jun,“ none other is genuine. ' BAUGH t DUNS. Super Phosphate ot Lime, unmanned by 85008 3 sons, N 0.20 South Delaware Avenue, ’ PHILADELPHIA. The great populuity or our article bu been ‘1 found eutficient inducement to certain imitators ‘ to munulacture and ndverfiio “Raw Bone Phosphates,” I. name 'which originated with 2 1:8, and in our.own rightful property. We will state for the information of all, that we ‘ are the exclusive manufacturers of this article —-:he original and sole propreturs ul‘ iL—hav in'g been tummfxrclured by us for a. period ot twelvcayenra. Also that it is covered by leg ernl leltera patent, held only by ourselves. We lare now ready to supply it in Inge quantities—having made recentndditionsmnd improvements. Vessels drawing 16 feet of water-fan local directly from the whxtrveu of the works, which are located at the foot of Morris Street, Delaware River. We call the nuention oi DEALERS 'to this great advantage. The present iudications me that we‘ rhnll have n grently increased drumnd owl'nlust spring and l'nll Bunions, and we advise FMDI'C'TI to send in their orders to their respective Dealers it an early duy,:thut ml may be up plied proibptly. . Soliciting your continued orderl, 3 'We remain, ‘ Your: very truly, ' ’, BAUGH & SONS, l ‘ ‘ . No. 20 S. Dllnware Avenue, 1 Feh,5,1866. 9m ‘ PHILADELPHIA. l ”Soluble Pacific Gimno. 200 LBS. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO v conlniul 701119. MIMI malter,yie|diug 7 to 8 lbs. ammonia Also 80 to 901bs.ear1hybanc I’honghale oflim, 30 lbs. of which are aoluLle ph3:pllute. It combines all the advantages of the but brand; or Super Phosphate, witb'thoge of, Pa ruvihn Guano. Bylreus‘on of its greater concentration. we re commend 20 per ct. leus by weight to be used per acre, than olflnni fertilizer costing‘ the flaw per ton; and 'no more per acre than of those selling M. 2?) per cL more per ton.— Hende in economy. This guano weighs 65 lbs.'per bushel, hence in applying it farmers must be governed by weight and ML by bulk, [or it is much lighter than tthuper Phosphates. 'Evcry cargo duly inqwled. ' KALTIMORE ‘VE will give 5 money guarantee of the ; .pun'ly bf thi's article. It is pursua almnkd, unburnt bone, reduced to the finenm of fluur;l which acids 100 per unto ill ulna. It. is ad quack .and active as acid dmulvrd bone, hence its ,value is vastly greater, because it oonu‘ins n‘eithcr acid nor water, which neces in“; add weight, And reduce the quantity of valuhble elements. 'We recommepd 250 lbs. to be, used in place u£3oo lbs. Super Phosphate or dissolved hone. ' [ JOHNv S. REESE «k 004‘ 3 Gun“. AGIITS run In Sam's, / 5 ‘ 71 Soul/C Sm”, 3111 mm". fincCurdy 8: Dick], Agents, Genyabprg. Mgr. 12,1861). 8111 . BIORO PHILLIPS’ 1 ‘Gmdnelmvéci ‘silp r-Phosphute ~ le . ~ STANDARD GUARANTEED For Sale n flnnufncfurer’s Depots, 27 North Front Street. Philadelphm, Pa 95 South 'Smu, Baum", Md. And by Dealer: in general Lhrougout. the is ‘mnnufu‘ctured contain: in] peli- cent. more Bone Pfht‘nphate than Ru}! Bone, theretore it is more durable. The ammonia pres'ent gives it great additional fermizing value Five ‘ysan’ experience bu proved to the Farmhr than: makes a heaviet grnanlmn even mble manure, and in noronly ncm‘e but lining. ‘ XORO PHILLIPS, ‘ Sole P'roprietor Ind Mnnnfnsulur. ”Price $56 per ton—2ooo pound; DI:- cannt to dealers. ' - ‘ - Feb. 12. 1866. if , ‘ ‘ The Great Bone Penny”. AuaH. s .. - B RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, Containing 53 per cent. 0! Pholphnge 6! Lime, end 4.05 per unhAmmonim It would be borne in mind’ that the Phos phate of Lime in this Article being obtained exclnsivrly from RAW BONES nndl TRUE BKRD GUANO. there is NO PORTION of R INOPERATH’E, es in the case of SUPER ‘ PHOSPHATES made froIiNERALGUANOS f—but. being entirely SOLUBLE in the SOIL. continues to ”(PART its FERTILIZING quel.‘ ities to the CROPS for YEARS. ‘ The REHARKABLE SUCCESS which he:V amended its use foLyeers put, is a. sufficient GUARANTY to induce those who hsve not' tried it to do so. ‘ I The GRAIN CROP where (his I-‘ER'I'ILIZIZJR| he: been a plied is supposed fo'hnve been, INORB‘SSEB Rom 25 to 50 pl‘l' cent. by "I, Inc, while fur TOBACCO and GRASS LANDS its eucceee his been EQUALLY DECIDED. l The priee‘ih Baltimore is uniform with the. Henuuclunr'; recwry Price. 1 , I 630302: DUGDALE, ' ' r - ‘ Menufectnrer’e AE'M. ~ ' y 106 thh’ermrf, Belllmonkfld. [orale m Inephcuarer’s Price. 01:“ 0‘ Temporfifion added by sum-:1. HERBST, Getty-burs» " ' DAVID HDKE, New Oxford- Feb. 5. 1866. an . l, 1 D 9 You Wish 1 . [mung n coon likenug a! your”)! mt children, or you: Mend“. go u om lq lUXPEB‘S GALLERY, file has: plug n 31:0.”un to uonrg lint chug may”. A_ . ACTING ATTENNOE—Thnu ‘eriu A chlux’u Man M HUMPRB’S-gflf , mm: GALLERY. on Wanna. m, m ,Inncung nniv‘er‘ul dhnflon. , Gong-1:03" .ptono3u than: math): to “gr"! on - 1311 p ‘O. (In). M_j m: 1." ..{lfirl‘dfiflfl :a Vw 1 .11 , l. 'B A a a 11. v s = mwsoms JOHN S. REESE B'. CO.,‘ Quinn. .\an'rs ton Till soul-H, 7.1 South Strut, Baum” “ Flo'ur of Bone." Country The Material of which lORO PHILLIPS’ PHOSPHATE , ‘ Smmifimm = you no or an my 3 , , “:13th move-table emcee, wallnfi to the Mercantile community, I) , DR.’ I. 11. S‘O‘HEKJK. sns ann- um; Dacron or pmunsfiruu. och N. Y. and Onion. Lend Co., No. 28 Nassau St., N. Y., June l, ’O5. } Dr. J. H. Schenck—Denr Sin—For .omr fifteen years i have been ‘troubled with n n. vere cough, Ind usually two or three tinie- A year with more or ion emorrlia'ge, which to gether, for theiast few years, has kept the thin in flesh and too sunk to do busineu of nny ‘ kind without suffering. in August inst i had in Very severe hemorrhage, and, according to thejndgment of is good New York physician, 1 mus clnssed are beyond the reach ofmedld’he, ‘ nnd wu ndvieed to he prepared, so for no property matters were concerned, to leave this world at Ibo]; notice. The phnicinn (end my good frien a) said that the first coldl took must prove fatal. Enriy in J.inu-,iry hook n severe cold, and fortunately was occupying rooms at No. 32 BOND STREET, directly over your ofiice. i think shout the 18th of Jinx-nary I procured n bottle of your Pulmonle Syrup Ind commenced inking it freely. My feet and limbs were very much swollen, Ind-nil the symptoms ni‘h speedy death seemed to accom pany my chin]. I sent lormy former physician, end stated to him that i was uling your medi cines, and utter showing them to him, and having tasted ol‘ them, &c ,he replied: “You can take them ifyou like, they will do you ,no harm." He said: “You know whet i told. you last summer, and i any the name now, i! ‘ yon lmvepny hueineas to close up, do not put ,it off." He anidrto other friends that he "could leee no hope for me," and my friends and 513.. tions concluded my time hnd come. At {#l i time 1 was taking freely ofyour madicinem it hug! not seen you. The doctor cslleda few times. and found me (much to his surprise, he said) improving, and he could not understand why. My Milli-was inureusnig in "Burma“- cincs, and i had it wish i have you esnmlne my cute, and see Wllillvyo|flllid to any. Win-n you‘ll"! csme to my mom and Eunice the u nminntion, you gnve me but iitile enconrsgn .mrnt. buton the oonlmrymxprergcd snd douhts ior my ever being hi lped out of my then lectu ling difliculiiea. 'l'he eecond tiine tint jon lulled, finding me still gniuing, you gave me :encourugenient, paying, "my_symptolns were i improving; the i’ulinonie Syrup, Ben-weed {Tonic nod Mandrake Pills but acted like u ' i charm." lly circulation, my cough, my uppe tite, all began to improve, and d wulk about my room A_ little. Y N! me neurly every Tuesday, and found in improv ing, nnd told me not in go out of my r om un til the first day of Mey. I~touk no on d while under your treatment, my appetite became first-rate, and you told me in out everything I ' wished of: nutritious nature, and to en-rciso About the room it: much‘ns possible. l lol low‘ed your Advice, and to the surpiise of my old physicim nnd friende,l seem much hem-r l than i have been for sen-ml years, and handle beiter than I ever expected A person could with one lung, the left being completely dried up. ‘ I feel Vury grutelul to you, and consider your advice and medicines invaluable. ' Yours, truly, Dr. Schenck—Denr Sin—About two yem nun l was tnken will: in Very troublesome cough and n pnin in my brOMl reeves: or elghtmomhu ptssod away without my doing anything lul' myself. Thenl applied to a physician, who attended me for about three months without rendering me any service. [also obtained the advice and trentmeat‘ofa physxcinn in one of our bospltnls,nud also had the ndViCe nnrl treatment 0! two other physicians, but all to no purpose. During this long Ipnee‘of time I was nearly dead; normal time: my lnemls came to see me and .‘.-mean my exit into‘ the spirit-world. Imts confirm! to my bed two months nt one time. My breathing In ex ceedingly short. 1 gave up levernl tuna all hope vaulting better; and an legurded gutting well, that wna ontirely out of tho Qllcllioll.-—- And to think thin any I am VA“ and hearty l—4 I I‘m: udvhed by sonic of my ("fluids to try Dr. Schenck's Medicines. I accordingly bought bottle nfter bottle, until 1 reached the ninllr; then I found a ,duclaed change in' my rough for the better. laulfered Devon!) lrom palpi tation of the heart, and‘ two weelu after I commenced taking your medicine thin difficul ty tensed. ' ‘ _ When I first went to Dr. Bchenck'l olflu it was with difficulty that lcould («Hip lutu hil reception room, qu Io weak and no lWellcll ; my skin was as anllow in though I had the jaundice; I felt dull,hravy and “or drag. Dr. dclrenék, afier examining me. will both my lung: were affected, and gave me but liule hope; but his medicines, in shunt lwo wetks, look right holi» of me ;‘il seemed to go right through my whole syuem. The l’ulmonio Syrup, Sen-weld Tonic Ind Mpndruke Pith, all look Aright hold in the right place. The Pills brought array great quantities of bllo and slime; the S, rup loosened the matter in my lungs, which Come off very free ; the Sl :- Weed Tonic gave me an oppollle‘, and any thing reamed to mate good. To show wlut great power the inedicinrr hun- ln purifying my system,nnd to show how bad lwus «ii-eased, heaida.all the bile that pnsled my bowels. rind the great qunhtitiec u! phlegm nnd mntxer I cxpectotated, l broke out all over in large bolll, thnt wuuh‘l com'nuo to gulher and run for nboui tix we‘ckl', “hr l had II one timr- oyer Iwenly~five boils. lhuvo nothirig oflhe kind now,uud leel like mother person ultogelhor.‘ I can Infely uy thut l have not enjoyefl luL'h health 101 - five year: 11l I do now, and angel. praise you and your medicine! 'enoluh. Mny God Ibuudnnlly bless and preserve you, la the “More denim ul out: who has boon so wonderfully relin‘rd through your Agency: and it my one desire! to know with regnrd to the lruthmlneu of this report, if they will call upon my ofuy lrlendl, "or upon me, No. 4‘Drydu Place, our Thump. lon, street, below Cadwuloder, Philodelphia, they will be parked; satisfied with the valid. it] oi the use. You”, with much respect, . ‘ MARY SCHNAIDT. The above can, as described, in perfectly correct. 1 know it to be true. You". - I'. B. MILLER, Pastor of Hancock 3!. E. Chm]: ' Dr._Behenck will be pmfenioully u bin principal oflice. Kb. 15 North Sixth street, writer 0! Commerce, Phi:ndelphin.avary Sn. uaday, from 9 A. 3!. until 4 V. IL; No. 3: [fund street, New York, every Junk), from 9 to 3 I No. 38 Summer street, Button, Mum, 'every Wedneldny, from 9 lo 3; Ind every other hr. (by M. 108 Billimore street, Bullimoro, Md:- Ail IdViL'l frog but. for: thorough exumun. “on of the lungs with his Rupirometcr, thq charge in three doum. ' Price of the Pulmonic Syrup Ind Burned oncT,i each $1 50 per bottle, or $7 50 per half dozen. lsndrukj Pilll, 25 cent: p'er box. For nip by I" Druuius uud Dollfl'l. NIP. 12, 2866. I‘m Carriages a‘nd Buggies. AT B t 0 D In? T are now building I urlety of 00A0Ha W 0 R K z“ the Intent and most approved nylon, Ind , nohumcted ofthe bent material, to which they anite the attention of buy-en. Having built. our work with great care and or material lalected with special relerencn to beauty 0! style Ind durability, we on confidently rew commend the work no unaurpnuad by my. either in or out at the chi“. , : A“ we nsk in an iupection at our work in convince them in want of any kind ol’ which, that this is the place to buy thomigh , REPAIRING in every mm “33.1“,“ notice Ind on [ThiOlllblC tam. _V: . Give us in ca ,at our Plato ' a corner of Wuhington .“ Chump-gut‘ streets, Gettysburg. P. J. TATE. In. :9, 1866. Wanted, Agent. . I" to 8200 PM! MONT}! for autumn, l and $35 to 815 {u Manner:- where, to introduce the (Jo-{away lend. hmi. ‘H Bevin; Nicki“, improved and put-cadm will Inn, MI, numb, quilt, Mad, brgkl and embronierbelntlfully.‘ Price only/”tr, mixing the dude lack "itch, and ti“; gunned for Ham you". We ply 1h than 1"" or A ' cp'mmluiou, mm which Nice that lion“ {9" bpmado. Mdnuornfl our}. BOWERS A: 001.; Office. 113 i 255 8. [my u, Pill-dc;- ~ 3, n. 18' ~ lemn univmd pt anmmm Km! Imm. ,‘ V)“ ’ 3 April 2. Im. 1m , 4 - , V. l' .'lw : ‘F m 0 gm“ 2 ‘W mm. at Dr. kw: My; ‘3 ’.‘.z 93”.. i T. S. SHELDON WI. 3. CUB?