The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 23, 1866, Image 3
:2: ePMG'. 6 NEW ADVEATBEIHNTB. . 18 MI "WILLS-KISS!" WHATALARGE Stock at Cheap Ctothin It gICKmG‘S. D ED OUT I THE HIGH PRICES..— l‘nd be satisfied by pticlng Cloxbmg ‘ PICKINU'S. T c. N'T BBDT, mu 910 mm hp; “'9 flux“: u-érmeni yr Com. Pnnu an , ens, iL tho county. . Rim) on?“ ems, in angle-a tiny, 0 help“ 777711—03:1e S. 111411 I. v 1' I‘3vpx’soi A 1n .¢pck M cm. “W" Suspenders, Umbrellas, White Ind Cdico gains. chap 9: PICKING’S. ' Txcéa xzcmm NIGBSTHI Auiind: of _L Binds] 3nd every-duty luiu chap n ' I, PJCKING'S. ENE-32L: csx‘rasnfim: 612 mm,. E‘Tl I I Black Clogh Ftock, sud Sack Cebu; 'nho all kinds of Cusimcre, Duck, 001- ton Anni Linen 00-u. Cnllu PICKLV‘G'S.‘ [ 'l‘ lg INDEED ASTONISHING, what I. huge and draw usarlmcut of Pants on e had 9: ptcmxu’s. Km}? mun .Fine nagoiszEFoTcxockt cheap It ? PICKING’S. 0 USE TALKING, but come right dong slid grice Glowing, Nouona, £45., M 3‘ ~ Plcxmo's._. [filC'AL INSTRUMENTS. Vlolinr, Ac ‘ ; rdmha, Flute: and FIIOS, to be Ind a! ' ’ PICKING’S. ‘ B 1 YOU IN? For I cheap suit. Then A cql‘l M J . I'XCKXNU‘S. "JR ‘.CKS, or any other kind of good jney, taken in exchange for Coats, e'zts?&c , at. ‘ ‘ PICKING'S. m ECM HR} AGKEA’I' SENSATION of the day— " Piinking‘l Clothing Sxore. ! HEN’, Gunman, CHEAPEST—Pick in ’1 Spring and Summer (Hauling. G 0 lAND SEE. Picking) Chenp Clothing 1011' A nonsx'rxdwnu'. 'he hurry? I '0‘“! to get a suit at PICKISU’S. ntuzu EARTH 1. putting on a new unit. Ll'tel. .u the people go to Picking‘n and do xkpwian. d [April 23, 1866.] ...; —---——" V ‘ »~<~ ~—r.—‘ OWEBS d 5 BE‘I’ERS. : .lendemgnul is still Agent for the unis of ‘KOWirG AND REAPING MACHINES -uu¢h Lamb: ed am} single Mowers. - The: machines can-be used as Seleakerl or Hans Rukers’, u farmers may wish. They are Inn. a with two cutter ban, one for tuning grain MI licklu knife—cutting five lootnine inches ido—uud erm but, with two knives, for gm s,—culting fovu' fee: six inches wide, ,irun or wooden {mum as desired.— Ave two driving which and flexzble lin- bnvin They )i go: b.| .'ompgmy buil_ding these machines hub tiby louse and purchase, the control of nimble and standard putenls now in V'hng which nre the ' “(LAND BUCKEYE PATENTS. . The «cum all the u“, m: to whi p ‘ctne munah strong they ‘ buss, public ‘h we direcmpeciul attention. 'ln cogn fu, lightness 0! draft, excellence of work- I and finish, cbmhined With great E and ndnpl’ation to all kinds of work, ill compete With, and we believe. sur lmy other machine now offered to the era would do .well to. examine theie \ .. lgs helore purchasmg any other. They sold as cheap M any other firuwlass u now manufactured, and we wan-um. . "give entirg‘ntidnction or no sale. Fur mnclri '1” h machi them Extras am}. kept on hand. Specimen lea can be seen by calling on tha'AgenL, [g on the‘ Harrisburg road, "1? miles east of Gettysburg. ‘ WILLIAM W'IBLE, Agent. Aprt 23, 1868. , machi n-siji north .‘ Registers Xotlcoci. NO' ICE is hereby given‘tp I“ Legntees and tithe!- perious concernbd, that the Ad— minisl' ntion Accounts hereinafter mentioned will bfe preaentr-d at the Orphnd’s Court of Adnmfi cuwnty,forconfinnition,nnd Jllowuucfi, on 'rUnzsqa-n', the 2'}.de any of MAY, 181:6, at. 10 o’clork, A. AL, viz: 286$ L-t and finnl account of J. C. Gufnn, Encu§tor of Louis B. Easiuk. deceased. 281.LThe lat nccmmt of Ahmlmm Guise. Ad minis}. nmr of the estate of Puter Guise,.deu’d. 288.1‘1‘119 ls: amount. of Fru_ncis (Udnlzon, Execullor 01' the Will of John H. Slime}, dedd. 2894 PM ucvount of Henry H. Ofuer, Ad minisgrntor of Dnniel H. Orner, deceased. 290% 19!. and tin-d account. of Jonathan Bow er, Ex cutor of the but Will sud Tubman: of Joseph .\lillcr, deceased. ‘ 291‘ Th 9 account. of Bonjnmin Chroniaur, AQmin’iqutor of the estate of Suhuel Uuron. inter. ill-ceased. 29.” The lat. occonnl. of‘Jphu Walhey, Eta ecut '.ol'jhe last Will und Tammi-M of [lun ry Rt; late of .\lennllen twp., Adams co., duc d'i 29} ‘Second ncconm of Esther Feeser, Ad minisfimtrix' 01 John Feeser, duceued.‘ } l 294 The 13!. and final account of JogephJ Campt Administrator of John Camp, deceasul. I 295 The 13!. an! finul uconqgglfezer .\ly-i ers,( l'P.) Administrator ofatate of Adnm A. M fidecened. . l was First and final Account of SumnelB., Dearqorfl', Administrator of Duvid R. P. Dear- , dorfl', deceased. 29 Second and final account of Solomon Mine end Adam 0. Dimer, two of the Execu tors 1f lh‘last Will and Testament of John Mine ,dec need. , 29:1 .tccountof Henriette Schrirer, Admin ism-:92: of God. W. Schriver, deceased. 29%. First account of Adam S. Myers, Eeq., Adm islmtor with the Will annexe-l, of Dam iel Matters, deceased. 30 . The 3000“!“ of James Marshall and Eli: ’bel': Andrews, Executor: ofthe last WI” Ind 3esmment ol'Julm Rhee, deceased. 30 . The ncpounz o”. A. Gardner, Gnudinn of Andereon C. u. Brandon. - 39' 11$ first and final account of flichlel' Myer and Elued Albert, Executorl ohm-. 18“! win lfld testament. ofSnrAh Albert, doc’d. 30%. The account. of John Krumrine, Exec }ltor “he Wlll ofJncob Sun-net, deceased. 30 C, The first accoun: of Elias Joh‘m, Execu fior of the Will of John Johns, dccmrd. 30$. _The aezond account of _Genr'ge W. Wan xaud Sam elSwope, Execute}: offflur Wnnig. deceased. ' '3o‘. First and finnl uconnt oUohnTmalle, Angnisu-Mot ofi Jonuhan Gilbert, decemd. ’ 307. First uni final account of Mnjor Jacob H. lelinger, Administrator of the «an of lunch Lobr‘ decanned. . ' 30%. The first nnd final neon“ of Alex-n -fier (.obegn, Esq., Administrator do bocil non yithgthe Will annexed of James Xaiorr do» genital. , ’ 3051. The guflrdinnship account of Andrew fine. . Gnardinu of Jereminh Stump, _minot phildi of John Stump, deceased. exhibited by Geo. l'l‘brgne, Adminiuntor oi “id Andrew Eire, Recen‘égd. ' ‘ 31%: Firstsnd final accountot Franck Bream and eorge Bréam, Administrators of Henry Bumfi, deeeued. 311.6 The firnt'scoount of Joel B Dunner, Excel-tor of tha' auto o!,Zephnnhh Herbert, @eccnped. R 4 SAIUEL LILLY, Register. _ eglg‘u/J o‘o6 Oefzyiiqrg - ' emu 16, {866. :d‘ ’l' . _ “ ~__,'___,___.__—. $93.1.“ Give mm s Call! [lt plus to obtain a perfect Photograph or mbrotype, executed in the boat mum. in n UIPEB’S GALLERY, in mam. “root. In, 9. 1865. M “BEE AGAINST AOGIDENTS in the ori l dun! TBAVELLEBS INSURANCE 00!- AN? 0! HARTFORD. It is the oldest, lu- Mhndufut moldentimumce company in Ib. gonnlry. , ALL uni no the moat buntiful‘ unatt lmcnt of new JEWELRY, ouch u Brmbpina. En: Dropl, i Finger Rings, Lockou, Ohm, the" n E J. mama's, ' vadh flu Bsnk, Genyibnrg.‘ [in Bmm WAR: um , , r m Sim“ PLuID WARD or u. v <1! I: Inu manna-1.1m; "9.1).an um m'n. J. nun, . q 1 09me flu M,‘Géuy|bu(. M , 1‘!!! z .< ’ 4325 UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, marina]. and HAYDEN HALL. BXGH‘HLAID Sum: GunnSl-‘nnfl, Pmubnnn. THOMAS HAY EEIBOI, A. IL, President. und Consulting Aswan-at. mama-spy Isl-«huh! NOVEL u PERMANENT Agnucanamor BUSINESS COLLEGE TERMS, Flo! Ann. 1 To Ucroan 1, 1966, up succumxo runs. LIFE SCHOLA RSUIPS, including Bookkeep. ing, Busipcu Correspondence, Forms & Cul toml, Commercial Arithmetic, Buaiueu Pen manship, Detecting Counterfeit Money, and Commercinl Law, TWENTY-F 1 VII 00L- LARS. SCHOLARSHIPS, Includingme snme’subjecu u above. Tun: Lunwvro Tun: .\lunus, TWENP Y DOLLARS. ' PEN MANSIIIP. Three Months... . . . . .. ...--51 Penmanship and Arithmetic, 111 mg mumsw The saving of con] And 30.! in the summer months In An advnnmge of such importance u enables the management at this Cullegé to make a considerable reduction in “Se wmmer fates. _ Fnuu 0cm!“ 1, 1366, 16 Ann. I, 1867, ~ - And succeeding yeul, a: before. £on 5c1r0hra1\ip.......................'........... $35 cholnrshipu, 3 m0nth5........................ 523 Penmanship, 3' m0nth1,....................... 510 Pfizminnhip and Arithmetifl, 3 months... 512 Spawn! Term for Clubs, Sol-lit”, and‘lor the ' Sou: ofMixxile-rs nml To nchern. DAY AND EVENING INSTRUC’NUN PUP. ' BOTH SEXES AXD ALL AGES, In Banking, Slow-keeping. Buukkeeping, Pen manship, Pen Drawing, Phonogruphy, Arim. mute, Mensarntion, Algebra, Geometry, Ann lnicnl Geometry, The calculus, Navigation, Snryeying, Engineering. Gnhging, Mining, .\l9- chxnicul Drawing, Uommercinl Law, German, Tclegrnphing, and the Enghsh Branches, at mndcrnle prices. Eutlorsc‘l by the public né the most success ful Business College q! the country, as in evi. dance-d by the fact. ”mt ‘ 1m UR HUNDRED (e TWO STUDENTS 7 ‘lnrve egntfarcd in the ‘ FIRST SIX MONTHS 0? [TS EXISTENCE Principal: or [Department-z THUN‘AS MAY PEERCE, A. M", GEO. B. SNYDER, R. 8. BAREES. c. N. m mun, J. T. REYNOLDS. HENRY KI‘YYM‘, Ann. ROGEI§SUN,A. 31.,0. E Suppnrted by an n'hle Corps of Assistants”. Call or and ['o7 a Calulogue, College Currency, and Prirce’: Practical Iz'duralar. OFFICE—S3I‘ NORTH EIGHTH ST._ PHIL, AUELPHIA. - THOMAS M. (IL—gums. April 23, 1860. 3m _ A Leann-elO Young Men. _UST published, hr a sealed envelope.— J 1 Price 6 cents“ A Lecture on the nature, “ailment nnd radical cure of Spermnorhuea, or Sen-‘lnul \Venkueas, lnvolupury Enlist-ions, Sexual’Debilily Ind ’lmpedim‘euu to Min-rings generally. Ne’rvousnese, Consump'ion, Epi lvpsy, and File; Mental and Physical incapa city, resulting frbrii Sell-Abuse, Am. By Rob ert J. Culverwcll, M. D., author of the “Green Book," kc. ‘ ‘ The world renowned author-flu this ndmlm ble Lecture, clearly proves, from his own ex perienee, that the awful consequences 0! Self Abuse mny be efi'ectunlly remdved without Medicine, and within: dangerous surgiul ope rations, boggles, luau-meme, rings,,or cordi gln, pointinzom a matte of cured“. once‘cer -1.3m and e l‘enunl, by which every suflerer, no matter mutt. his condition may be, may cure himselfchenply, privately and radically. This Lecture will move a boon to thousands. Sent. uudgr seal to any address, in a. plum, Sedk‘d envelope, qu receipt. of six cente,nr two past .me stamps. ’Also Dr. Gulrerwell'a Marriage Guide, price 25 cents. Address CHAS. S. C. KLINE & Co., :27 Bowery, New York, P. 0. box 4386 April 23, 1866. 1y - 7 ‘—»>v— 110st‘ ‘ AS lon, enriy in Afiril, between‘Cnsh c; toWn and Arendtsville, a BUCKSKIN PURSE, with a sleél clasp. It. confilined thillyv‘two dullnrs and a half, a. five cent note», and live or six coppers; a pm of the c!nsp,the ivury out o! n spinning while], and 11‘ receipt. {oi-pointing taken out. n newspaper. A liberal reward‘vill be given. _ ELEZABETH BENNETT. :April 1:3, 1866. 3‘ ' ’ Trusses; l a 5‘ EELEX’S HARD unnam muss" S curosrliUPTUllE, freba the cord from all pressure; gull never run, break, lumber, churn, or becqme “filthy, (the fine steel spring being copied wulh hard rubber) ; spring made any power required; used in bathing, fined rtg tom; requnres no “upping; cleanesti‘lighl est, ancient, and beat. Truu known. Send for pamphlet. ' , L. B. SEELEY, Sole Proprietor, 1347 Chest-mm” Philnd‘k ~Pa. April 9, 1866. lm “ nlaekqmnmng. ER undersigned would moat. respectfully inform the public that. he continues the . BLACKSMITHKNGBUSISESS, - at his shop, lately Philip Darwin’s, nqjoining Traxel's puim shop, in East. Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at all times be' pre: pared go du Blacksmithing work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, to. That. he knows how so do all jobs of the kind will not be questioned by those who have a. knowledge of his long experience at the business. Come on with your work), and you will be satisfied when you take it. away—and £Ol- which he mll receive Cash or Counuy Produce. . , ADA)! HOLTZWORTH Her. 29, 1865. 'cr For gale. SPLENDID SEVEN-OCTAVE ROSE AWUUD PIANO” Original cost $5OO - one 0! th: best Houses in Hue country. Will be sold cheap. Apply alt “no office. April 18,1866. 6|." ‘ Notice. HE fifth sc'counl or Dr. John Ahl, Commjt mime of the pgrson’nnd estate of .errge Bluiugt'r, (Lunatic,) now of Littlestown, has been filed in the Court of Gommnn Pleas ‘of Adam! county. and will be confirmed by the said Court on the 23d day of MAY next, un less cause be shown tn the contrary. ‘ ‘ J,‘A.~KITZKILLEK,(Pro’y. April 18, 1866. te’ - - Everhart's FRANKLIN HOUSE, count; or “ovum rum: Bmm, BALTI KORE, MD. “This House is on a direct line between the Northern Camus! and Baltimore Ind Ohio Railroad Depots. It has been refitted sud com fomny arranggd for the convenience Ind the entertainment 0! guests. . Nov. 20, 1365. tf ' ' Western Lands. HE subscriber has some humble WEST ‘ERN LANDS. which he will trade for one or More FARMS in this c'onuzy. The [suds nre well located, and very desirable for farm ing. Early tpplication desired. JACOB‘BRINKERHOFF‘, Gettysburg, April 3,1865. cf John W. ’.l‘lpton, SBIONABLE BARBER, North-en: cor nor of the Diamond, (next door to Mc lellan'u Hotel,) Gettysburg, Pa. whare he can at all timos be found ready to nttend to 111 basins: in his line. He has 3139 excellent u siatnce and. ,will ensure sstisfulion. Gin him n call. Dec. 3. 1880. 33 GREAT REDUCTION in price: at the 'al‘ BXGELSIOR, in York street, opppsite the nut, places the superior Pictures made at that old establishment within reach of nll, nnd I trust no one will fail to avail themselves of m opponnnizy thus afforded. I. G. TYSON. NSUBE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the ITRAVELLERS INSURANCE COHPANY UP HARTFORD. It has islu‘ed over {any thou-ad policies, nndpaid over twelve hundred luau. Picture Frames. , ‘ GREAT variety of march: nuns, A with plain sud convex glusu, for 3:10 13 ornu’c Dag um! Yum; Stato- > . Jun. 28. ll L‘.“ ‘ » , FANS; 8103'. into. plan“ 5 kinds S ofGyoegiomuw.) A" . W. R. RIDDLE, ' 11.18. BEYNER. 100.000 Bush. aims wanted. EW HRH AT THE OLD WAREUUL'SE. Im. s’. manna t C(Lwoulfinmmtfio' publiq um ,Ihcv have le’ued the Warehouu on the cornerdof Suntan urea and the am: mild, in Gettysburg. chum they WI" cam on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS. in all in branch“. The highelt prices in! than be paid for When, Ryo. Corn, On", Clover And gimothy Seedi, Flagsred. Sumac. Huynnd Sunnpfied Fruit, Nuts, Svmpfiama, Should": Ind Sides, Pout-ms, with every thing else in the country produce lino. IeOERIES.-Uu hand, for Illa, Gbflm, Sugars, Holman, Suups, Tern, Spices, Salt, (Ihceie, Vinegqr, Soda, _Musmtd. Starch, Brnoma, Bxxckrts, Bucking, Soups. kc. Mac COAL 011., Fish Oil, TM, kc: FISH uf slll kimh; Spikes and thin; Smoking uud Chem 3 ing'l‘ob new. ~ Therm Anny: 1.519 to supply I first we Arlit’l. of Flour, will: die dmercnt kinds of Feat -_ " ' . Also, Ground Plaster, with (ham! and other termite”. COAL,by the bushel, ton or CIT loud. ' ‘ . ' They will Mn I LIUE OP FREIGHT CARS from GPILVBDUI'K to Baltimore once every week) The, are prepared in convey Freight either way, in any gunnmv, at REDUCED RATES. They will 941mm}, if deeir-d,*to the making ofpnrchases in the city, All ddiver'ug the good: promptly in Gguylburg. The” cars run to the Wsrehoule of Sun tflorlon, No. “8 North Hanover all-vet, near Franklin, Baltimore, whllre freight. will be roceified at. Any time. They invite ‘lhe Intention ol the public to their line, muting them that thy , , l Spun no emu-I. to nccommodn. all who mAanu-omze them. BIeLE & BEXNER. AprillG,lB66- u _ . a I—~7 v 7 7 nova]. I AM. AB3 SEE usm oun NEW QUAR ‘rm’s. . , GREAT ATTRACTION! MICHAEL SPANGLER wouidJesperii‘uliy inform his lriendz and the public generally that. he has moved his Store into the commu dinus room on the southeast corner of the ma: mmui, M. which place all'nre invited w call. He has plfrcbased; the properly and hm] it Hmrmxghl" repaired and lined up in the most splendid style, for Lbeepecial comfort Ind con venience 0! hit customers. We now than ourselves that. we bm’u not only thé‘best aton‘ room in the county, but the finest stack a! goods ever brought Ln this place, all of which we are nail selling at‘ prion lo . DEFY COJI'ETITION. Wc'call attention especially to our complete stock of . DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, embrac’iug all descnpuons of DRESS GOODS. _ , . DRESS SILKS, ‘ DELAINES, \ . - ‘ ’ IEBINOES, CASIIMERES, ” '_ ' CALICOES, ~ MUSLINS, CORSETS, Hoop Skirts for Ladies and Misses, Hosiery, gloves, Embroidery. Trimmings and FANCY ARTICLES Also, Gem’s FURNISHING GOODS, Cloths, Cassunores, Casainela, Tweeda, .n., to. We are now selling— )lnilins fr0m..‘:..............................12§ to 28. Calicoes fr0m..............~,.’................1u to 18. and other goods in prOponion. Having made our purchase: when goods were M. their very lowesc grids in ‘hc city. we are now ofi'erinq bargains Ibu cannot falil to phase: We invite all tq can It our SEW STORE and see u in 'u not‘ao. ’ April 141', was; L A Big Tumble N PRICES ! l l I‘LA NH AgV'll SPA NGL ER, AIIENU’I‘iVILLE, Raye just rnuraed from the cities With one of the largest. “Ell best. sdocu-d «An-ks of Goods ever offered to the peuplc‘ of Arrndlsville and surrounding country. But lhrir assnnment is not only desirable And attractive; it was bunght m. such n reductiuzn as to ennble them to :Ull‘llHllNflt w theircuslomers and the public generally, . - A BIG TUMBLE [N PRICES! ‘ They olfer Cloths, (‘russimu-ca, and Summer Goods in: men and bi); a,m prices um: will nswnish—Mld the same may go md 9f all ar ticles tor Ludies’ wear, kc. For instance, Prints M. from 10 to 20 cents, Gmghnms 25 to 28 cents, Muslin: l 3; (.0 28 cents. They sell Sugu’s'un from 10 1618 cents. G - fees 2510 30 cents. Syrups 40 cents wsl ‘ , , Gum: and see for yourselves. Come with s rush. We have plenty of Goods, arid are a - ways glad to show \hcm. Buying for en: , we sell for cash. PLANE h SPAYGLER. 7 April 16,1866. 6w Cabinet Furniture. . HE subscribers hereby inform lheir en:- T towers and ‘llle puhllc genenlly, that they have now-on hind, am} couliuueto man ufacture to order, ' , ‘ CABINET FURNITURE, which, for style and durability, finish snd price, will cpmpete with any in the county.— Our present. agock consists of elm-y variety of Furniture usually kept in a first class Furni ture Ware Room. Fashionable, ornamehtal or plain Furniturenuufgctued In the most substantial manner, by most. experienced workmen, and at. the lamest cash pricei. UNDE‘RTA K‘lNGl. Having a new Hearse, pnrticllhir attention wm be given to this brrnch of their'buainess. They are prgpnred to mnke and turhiah Golfinl of any desired quality, and intend Funerals a}. the shortest notice—and on such terms as cannot. fail to please all._ ' ~The snblcribyrs return their flunk: {o the public for the lihérEF'Vntronnge extended to them in the past, and hopetomcril and receive a continuance of pnbiic patronage. thp and Ware‘ Room third building ens: of the Square. H. FETE't BRO. Littleuown, April 16, 1866. tf To Bridge Builders. qEALED PROHDSALS will be received at k the office of me Commisnibneu of Adam: county. unlil TUESDAY, “196 M d3] of MAY inst., for {WILDING A W 0 DEN BRIDGB across Conowngo creek at Glu's Mill. The Bridge is [0 be built after the style of‘“Burr's Patent,” one span, 80 feet long. The stone for the masonry can be had at the Bridge. The Bridge 'wto be conswucled of we hes} muni tnin.whilL2i3e. ‘ .‘ Pluna and specification can b. seen by peri aons_wislniug to bid on the of lemng, or by npplicuuon to J. 11. Walter, Gletk lo Gou misnioners. , ' , . _ s. XARCH, ' ‘ A muss, 8. WOLF, Commissioners of Adams chant; Aunt: I. it. Warn, Clerk. 1 April 9, 1866. td ' ‘ Washington Hotel, 1W OXFORD, ' ADAMS COUNTY, PA. The undersigned respectlully lnfnrml bl: friends md th¢~ public ~genexnlly,"thm be In! purchased the Lbove Haul, Ind w‘lll strive to keep it u a. No. 1 House. His table will be manually supplied with all the deliucies 05‘ the seuon. 3nd his but with the choices: liquor: and pinch The RM bling in large and commodioni. He hopes by strict attention to‘merit It portion of the pnbllc's patronage. ISAAC B. HOUSER. April 16, 1866. 81:1 .. ' Pennsylvania College, HE Summer Sealion of Pennaylvnip Col lege and Preparatory Department, will begin on Thursday, tho 10m day of May next.‘ .Tbo Principtl of m Papal-nor, Depart. ment resides near the College, and will reach. into his family 3 limited number of boys.— Additionnl inlormntion may be obtlilied by apph‘catiun to H. L. BAUGHER, Prea’t., or J. 0. EHBEHAR'P, ‘ Principnl Prepau-utory Department. Gettysburg, Apt-ills, 1866. 4: Pollak & Son,- ERRSCHAUM MANUFACTURERS, M 692 Broadway, Mar 1742wa SA, 4V. I'. wnolgale sud retail at fednccd nm.—~ Pipu and Holders cal to order and repaired. Al] goods wmnmd‘geunin. Bend fllllp fat Ghoul“. Pip“ $6 Lo {as cut. ' ‘- ler a, 1836. In . YEW SPRUG GOODS! { ' /' RED UC'TIO‘N LV PRICES! I . L . S G H 1' C K wouid mpeétfuuy fly to :he cifileu 0' Get.- tysbnrg and vicinity, um he in npw receiving II his store I splendid - STOCK 0F SPRING GOODS. Th. stock comin- in part of finer and Staple DRY GOODS, or every ductipuon. SILKS, ‘ , lOZAMBIQUE ‘ ‘ CHALLmé, ~ «1 ' DELAINRS, BOMBAZINES, , ALPACCAS, ‘ ' LAWNS, ‘ - CALICOES, of I.“ qnlmlu 3nd choicest styles, which VI“ be sold In PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS ‘ n! all kinds, including Sflk, Line? Ind Conan Handkerchiefs, Glovel, Stockings, he. Also,- a splemiid snotunem. of RIBBO‘SS, Lsceg and Exlgin'gs, Umbrella ind anaols.- - My stock of WHITE GOODS "ill be found full and c6mpie}c, Ind customer: msy rely upon always getting good go It the lowest poui~ blc prices. Gullllelnqn will find Ito then “vantage u: call andfxnmine my .m’ck of. GLUTHS, cmsmmfinss “a VESTINGS, of all qualniu And ch cast stylel. April 15, 1868. J. L. SCHICK. EW GOODS n 1011050 PRICES l-'- N A. SCOTT & SO 3 him just received uuoLher fine mmumem‘of NEW GOODS. con} slatinga'n put, of Clo in, Csssimeres. Causi uets, Kentuéky Jeans. [and Tweeds. for Gen tleman's weal-3mm), n hne assortment. of , Ogmtock In: begin 991093.24 Imh great care, and we are prepared to lell an cheap at my other establishment in the: couuxry. We ask the public to give us I. call sm] judge for Ibemaelves. We defy competition, both a: to qulliw Ind price. A. SCOTT & SUXS. April 2, 1866. Flour! Feed! and Groceries} T THE CHEAP STORE ON THE HILL. A If you wish 10 buy any of the above nui cles cheaper and better than you can gel. them anywhere else, go to the Grocery Store 01 the \undrrsigned on the Inn, in Bnlximore' street, where customers can always be accommoda ted, nnd whexe all are invned to can .nd sec fimtlmmselws. The public wdl always find a full and choice assortment of - suums, 009 mm. TEAS, smvps, no. _LASSES, Tutmcqus. CIGARS, snows, FISH, BAGUN, LARD, CHEESE. URAC- _ was, BUTTER, mus, 61c. - ‘ —A L S 0— GL.\SS- ma, CROOKERY-WARE. NO -x, cum. on. LAMPS, FISH OIL, rm FLOUR AND FEED, WANTED. —Flour,Corn, onts,‘Buttei-, Eggs, Bncun, and Painless, for which the highest. market price will b 9 paid, either in "ads or cash. whoing determined to conduct ~my busi nes: ii a (air and Honorable way, and to sell cheap, I invite :11 to give me a call. ‘ HENRY OVERDEER. April 9, 1866. 11' TRICKHOUSER 6c WISOTZKEY - Have removed their establishment to the west side of Baltimore street, n~ few doors above the Court-house. and nearly opposite the Post office, where they willcantinue busi ness on a Luger scale than ever. ()YSTERS AND FISH always to be bind in their Benson, with Sweet and Irish "ounces, Apples. Beans, Homonv,&c. Also, RAMS, SHOULUERS, AND SIDES, Mackerel and Herring, Butter and Land, Cheese with all other articles in this line. Ms}, Raisins, Almonds, and a general assort ment of Confections. Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, chars, Pipes, and a grant variety of Notions. ‘ ‘ . M. SPANGLER. They Ask calls. canviuced that they (in n]- ways sell as rbcap as the cheapest. As they run cars to‘the city regularly, their oppor:u uitica for keeping up their stovk are unusually good, nnd the pu'Jlit‘ can rely upon getuug everything It sh and nice. STRfiCKHOUSER a \VLSOTZKEY. April 9, 1366. t! HIS WAY! THIS WAYl—The‘nnder signed is gngxgmi in me Currilge-mnkiug busineSl, at the corner of Chumhei‘sburg and West. streets, Gettysburg. ind invites all who may need Anything in his Hula Io give him a can. He‘ puts up, in tho very best. manner, Falling-top and other BUG‘iIES, and all the durum styles of manna“.— With a full knowledge of the business, Mad a determination to give satisfaction, the public can .rely upon; his jobs bemg good. He will endeaw‘or Lo’ deserve a large shun at [M- I “came, and hoges to receive 1:. REPAIRING 'dOne at the Ihortest notice, and on most reasonable terms. fiCounu-y produce will be taken in exchange for work. ‘ CHAS. K. GILBERI‘. Gettysburngov. 6, 1865. 6111' , To the School Btu-colors of Adams - -‘ Co nty. ENTLEMEN :~Xu pursuxlnce of the forty- G third section qt the Act of Bth Sky, 1654, you are hereby notified to meet in Gon vemion, at the Cqut-honic, in Gettysburg, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN HAY, A. D. 1866, being the gut day of the month, at! o’clock, in the a! ernoon, end s'elect, viva voce, by a majority of the whole number of Direc tors present, one person of litemry and scien tific Icquiremvnte, and of skill and experience {‘2l the art of teaching, as COUNTY SUPER XNTENDEN‘X‘, for the three succeeding years; determiae’the amount 0! cumpensation fur the sam’e; and certify the result to the State Su perintendent, nt Harrisburg, as required by the thittyoainth‘und fortieth sections of and“ Act. . AARON suznnv, Co. Sn 1:. o‘f'A Gottysbur'g, April 9,‘ 1866. J3l“ cum! ANTED—AGENTS—To mnrnss for the “Soldier's Individual Memorial."— ter inducements offered than by any oth er publishers. Agents have an enliremonnp oly in the territory usigned them, :3 therg has been nothing ofthe kind yet introduced. Meets wiih tiniversall Approval, is ornamental, also 3 record of Value to those who hue serv ed in our country"! defenze, and to friends of ,‘deceued soldiers. For circ‘llnfs, he" uddins, enclosing stamp, 810. BAKEB,~Coinmbus, 0., Lock Box 978. ‘ April 16, 1.366. In ‘ Disabled Hen, Attention 1 WANTED, one or two mania Gellynbnrg nnd vicinity, who have last eithe: an arm or leg, to sell WADSWURTH‘S WATER PROOF ABNIOA HEALING PLASTEB, the but and cheapest (Eight! Plaster m the market. From $5 to SlOper y cun be made. Address, with 25 cents for sample and lull informatipn, A. F. BELCHER, Box 45, Philadelphia, Pm. N. 8.--—:\Xl Agents snd pedlen would find it. to their interest to IDBIOI the above. April iii 1866. 3m ' 0 sell the Great. American Punles, the ~cheapest and most wonderful puzzle: of he pge. Agents can readily make from $lO to $lO per any. I will give luiy ngen; s|ooif he wxll sell 50,000. Send 30 «an» Io: son of Puzzles. All orders sent by null free. PHIL IP HILL, Importer of Funcy Goods, 259 Mar ker. Sc. Philnd’m, Pu. _ fi‘ludiu’ Needle Book, containing 1000: the beer. Needles. Sent by Inn! on receipt or 50 cent». ‘ ‘ April 16, 1866. In ‘ ' ISM. Pmelphla 1808. AL L P A. P h‘r B S . ‘ , HOWELL 8 BOURKE, Kaufman-er: of PAPER HANGINGS nd WINDOW SHADES, , Corner FUUBTJ t MARKET Scrub, PHILADEIQPHIA. N. B. Alwnylin More, A large stock of . uxax c on. 83:31)“. March 5,1366. 3m [2W neck of ' A GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, u with]: aspects! can and urn-ml good tins ham, 1:» retained and lor spin a ' - - * I. BBYAN'S, . ‘Oppodu sh Blnk. Wham. ’ Schick mm no“: Fresh :lupply. LADIES' DRESS GUO‘DS ALWAYS ON “AND Removal. Buggies a: Carrlngos. Agents Wanted! Game Paellld’fluuo. 000 LBS. SULUBLE PACIFIC GUARD H qonhin- ‘3O lbs. maul Mandala-a; 7 Lo 8 lbs. ammonia. ' Also son to numb, be.» mem of line, 30 lbs. of which In legible phrplule. If combine. 3]] the dnnugel o! the but brand. of saw Pnuphm, with than at Po ruviln Guaéno.‘ By reuomofiu greater concentration, we re. coménJ 20 pit ct. less by wiight to he used per, gen, Hun of my fertilizer coding the lame per (in; nd no more, per nerd than of “one gen" 3 ll 20 per cL dots per ton.— Benoe in readily; . Thin g-num night 05 lbs. per bushel, hence in Ipplyink i! {unner- must be govimed hy weigh: Ind not by bulk; lorit is much lighter: um tho Supt: Pumpkin“. 'Emy cayo duly Impacted: ‘ ‘ ' ’ JOHN S. REESE & .00., Gnuu. Anna's Fol fill Sam-n, 7 11 South Street, Balm; "flour of ,one." ‘VE will give a my guy-nut“ of the purity of this article. It. is put-eun mdmd, auburn! bone, reduced to the jigsaw: of flow, which adds [OO per ct. to its value. It 'i; as qmck arid mm I. sold diagolrad bane, lhenee it. leue it vutlj: punter, bvcausc it ' contnins neither laid out wuer, wlich necen. ‘nrily add weight, and reduce the éunnzily or vnluable elcxuenls.‘ VWe recummend 250 lbs. tolbehsed in place of 300 lbs. Super Phosphate 6: dissolved bani. . - J \ JOHN s. REESE a: 0023 Guss'niu A 92": you TEI Scum, 11 Soul; Strut, Baltimore. 33-month & Diehl, Agénu, Gettysburg. ‘ Mu. 12,1896. 8m , ‘2 ‘ Tin Wane and Stoves. HE subscriber 1 reipecmlully informs the public that he quu cvntiuuea the business of mAking ‘ ALL KINDS OF GOOD TIN WARE, at the old stagnd, (formerly Andrei Palley’s,) in York “reel, Gettysburg, where he has the largest. Maorfment if tin «are in the county, with nanny other a ich-i fur kitchen use, Aw. Also, CUKING STUVES & NINE-PLATE STUVES, ol the very best. kindat . S._G. COOK. “pr: 12, 1805. 3m Great Reduction of Prices 1' THE ' A - ‘ A ' 'GHELP GROCERY! counts or puloxnfinn cannuunno BIEII‘I‘. J 0 (IN! M .- s WA’N, Having jubtjquturned from the gity, respnct— fully informs his customers, and the public, thut he has succeeded in forming a connection with one oflhg first Importing Houses in the city of Baltimore, by which he is gunblcd to offer Groceries at ~u lower figure than they can be [SurchML-d elsewhere in the county.— He is prepared to sell: COEFEE‘ ' 25 cents per lb. SUGAR, 10 “ SYRUP, from 40 “ to $1.20, Ind all other things at. corresponding rates.— lf you would have money, call at the Cheap Gmcery,’cnrnar ofDiamond and Chmmhersburg street. He sglls exclusively for Cash, and is determined to be ahead of all others in selling cheap. Give Mm a. call before pun-busing elaewhcm JOHN 11. SWAX. Barron‘s Safely lamps, AND ’ . 1310-30.11”: (Redj FLUID PAT INTID THIS Lamp apparently burns uz'lhnut any !lu’ug to fur! it. It has, however,s Inn teri ll which libsorbs she liquid and girea it to the flame, partly from the wick, and plrtly in the form of gf‘s. but. so I! to produce perfect comrmstion. and is very ehorwmicnl and sve. _ has used without nchimu‘ey, and perfectly trimmed, does not sméke or smell ; it is there~ fore especially adapted to the purpu-es 119' a “nu thut," night, nurse, shop or hotel‘lamp, or lnrgtern. _.The cost of broken chimneys, alone, will more than pay the cost of Lhislamp. Every family needs oils or more. “It is just what I have been long lookil’lg for," writes a modal housekeeper. “I should hardly know how to do without it," write-94mm". v “A perfecth‘nmrivsnce," writes a third. “Let. tliose who are skeptical try it," writes I fourth. . . ' For me by JOHN M. SWAN, , Cor. of Diamond and Chamberahurg‘at. fi‘The Dig-ro-lne Fluid also for sulegu the name pluce. - [Man 12, 1566, 13 now&Wo6ds woo GETTYSBUBG, DOWN TO OLD PRICES] $6 Huts uelling M 35 $5 Eats telling a $4.! S4IM.- uning at 5:3 L 5. $3 Huts gelling M 32 :5 82 Hits selling at. $1 50 and In other: d the um reduced prices.~ W 0 'le all flnu chapel- than anybody also Shoes of all kinds told It ndneed prices. » Determined as we‘re to leliohoap, we hive put '3de in our line. dow‘n‘to‘tln'e lowest cub p'rices. Try: us, and be convinced ROW 8 WOODS. April 16, 1866 ' NOt ice. BORGE SMICK’S’ ESTATE ~—Leuere of Idminiltntion on the esuteol Geo.Smick, late of Haulingxon township, Adems county, deceased, having been gunned lo the under lighed, residing in the lame wwnshimehe here by given notice to all persons Indebud to said eemte to make Immediate payment, _end thoée having claims eyeing: the time to pre sent them properly emhentieeted for nettle mont. , EEEMNB SMICK, April 2, 1886. at Adminintmcrix. Smoking Tobacoos. OHE‘I‘IING NICE! S WM. H. BROGUNIER, a: .llcSltmyuwu, Adammuq, Pa., 31 main-cures two difi‘erelt grgdes o! SMOKING TOBACCO, which cannot be bent. They are mild Ind mum“, nu Ibo possonouq lasso be— ing extracted, and yet the at! war is fu'lly pre ached. Smokm, give them . um, Ind you will ‘be filensed, ~ . Orders frbm I (finance solicited. . Feb. 26,1860. a ‘ Tm Property, 1 ~PBIVATB.BALB.-—Sevcml HOUSES cu bu pnvehued an Prints 8.1. by call n. on ‘ unnmocx Baa-mums. Doc. 15. use. a Reduced Prices. ANQS, OABINET AND .ULEIHCAN OR GANS. Snpcriar tuned 7 octave I’IANOS "on $350 Ipwudn. URGANI! from $BO upon”. All inltrlnenta lelcchd, res conga-med udaold by an}, nddiuonmygqnt nu . mun-wed chculul lent by mu, wlmrdeiimd. P. BENTZ, No. 30 Eat Market Street, York, Pu. Mu. 12.4568. E hug jut tecoind . new mortxpent of Queen-rue, to which we invite um attentional “you. ' A. SCOTT & SON. “‘Ln‘iiua's‘EF P 10111333. inguiéi .Eafi. A neatly und canoe“, copied .n. the Excel. ‘ 1. u. “soy. , CM CKOLEIA VIEW 2 k X. I :66- L ‘ my GILEA T 111 mg!” 111275123. HIS WONDERFUL ENRDY mu discov- T cred and nnLrodficed About twenty yem .10 by Dr. S. Cheepsul, an eminent Rypshn physcmn. ‘ , He bu! lbngleon md (en the mm: of some nmrdy which would strike ll this real. ofxdia ease, and lo maven: much of the Interim: wtgch ‘ho hum“ “mu, Ins than compelled to en UFO. . Tho gnu questint In presented to his mini every day in vivid color: u be waved I‘ man: thy nick and' dying. Mil observed the la x-fliciency of nearly all the remedies they )1 use. Thus he n 3 lend to think and experi ment; Ind «he: I.qu yen-n of Itudy und lsbor. he preseulvd to his fellow man the wonderful ngui Blue”. Then-:6 ct oflhla prepgrnlion iu_the prevention and cure of ”use, was ad marvellous Ind Mlonilhing, chm. the mnat Entering Inn-kn of royu! Euvlor wége bestowed upoh hlm who dil'rorered it. H}; mm; u... plucod upon the lbll of Nuhles. ‘nnd ngold mods! with the fnllowlng inscnpt‘gm—Dr. s. Chenpsus, the Public Banclacwr—u‘u pte. senlled to him by the Viceroy. ’l‘lm lll‘epal'dllun Ins been used in send! epidemlcs of cholera,.bnih us I. prevenhve and curative mcuurv. and with such graxlourceal um it hm been introduced into nearky all the genénl hospital: oftho old world. The old saying that-In ounce of prevenlfoo is worth I pound of cure, appliu with mzir vellou force to cholem. and therefore nily remedy that Will pron-ct In ugninsl this terri ble :discaso shank! be freely curl peruhlenily used. ‘ All patholngiste now agree that the cholera. poison acts on the system through the Mood, and that Any conflilunt‘ton which acts on the excretory org-nu. and lawns them in work ing order. must prevent e sufllcient accumu lation-for the poison toexert its terrible eß‘rrte on the organism. This in true not only of cholent, but 0! nI-nrly all other melodic]. espe cially the dlflurent lorms of fevers. The Zingntri Bitters isjust luck a remedy in the above conditions rrquiro. lt note on the organs 0! excretion and secretion, keupiug up a perfect balance hemeen them. This ltittera is composed antircl, of roots end herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ la item! upon but] put in tone. lte taste bepleleent and in ell'ecte prompt and luling. ‘ [Numerousmaus ol the l'o'lmung divuee have been cured by it: Cholera, lliirrhoen, Typhoid and Typbul Fever, Fever. Agnn, Mr woos Debility, Antonie, Female Irregulurtiee, Dyspepsia. Flutulency, Colic, Scrol‘nlu, ac. . Price, one dollar per quart battle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street Wharf, Harrisburg, Pa. Sold by Druggista, Howl-hope” & Grocers. F. RATHER, Sole Proprietor. Q‘Fnr mle by Wm. J. Munin, 0018 Agent. for Gettysburg. , I April 16, “366.; 1y ' Alccldcnts ! HE ommmlL ' 7 TRAVEL ms INSURANCE co., or HAnn'onn. l‘n‘l‘l., Cash Assets. Dec. 1, 8.185.831.19, xxsuups mumm- ACCIDENTS FROM RUNAWAY HORSES,‘ ACCIDENTS FRUMSLIPFERY SIDEWALKS ARSAULTS BY BURGLHIS AND ROBBBRS, SPRAINED AYKLES AND BROKEN LHIKS, EXPLOSIONS, CULLISIUNS, BURNING B DHOWNING. Ac¢idmliqf All Kimh. ”Policies ‘of (my mnoum from $5OO to $lO,OOO in case offatnl necideng, or $3 to 350 weekly computation in case of disabling bod ily injury, and from'one month to five years time, an mall premium. - Oldru and Bull AccHPnt fun. 00. finant. J. G. BATTERS‘UX, Prea't. , RODNEY Dswrs,3eu'y. . na-n. A PICKING, Agehl,oenysburg. April 9, 1868. 8m New Goods at Grigles’s. ‘ A 3138 A. Gflillkls, in Y 0: street, Get !yfilbnrg, hits jus} recelu-d a large lot of now (iRUCER’IHS, to" which, having bought lopeash, at the lates! reduced priQs, he is p'repxued w ofl'er cheaper than they have been sold here for several years. His assortment is wry |ull, embracing the moat choice articles in his line, to {iron which'ho anka his old cus tomers and iii: public genomlly m call and emmme for themselves. ”is CUFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, ‘ \ ‘ SYRUPS, MOLASSES, FRUITS, NUTS, CONNECTIONS, . ‘ ‘ - TéßAecos; SEGARS, Im, Am, he is certain will plénse all who may try them. and he therciore asks purchasers, from town and country. to givo them in trial before buy ing elsewhere. ~He‘ is determined not .10 be amen-sold by Any other esubliahment. Hi: large stock of ‘ .~ FANCY ARTICLES" is kept In“ by“ counsn'l. additions, Ind bury thing in that line um M. all times be ht}! good and cheap. Indeed. ha flatter: himself that his Store, containing as it does so large a m: riely ofGSoda, I“ new and in the bust condi tion. cuunoi but be [Unified upon :11 among the most attractive in {ow . By “tending closely to buaiuens. and selling n Imall pron", he is think a huudnmo business. and will spur-o no eLTort lo increuo it by giving ntisfaetion in allcuea. . , 3 {March 19, 1866. ANTED! Agents, Mate and Female 0. 815 m $l5O per month to sell the Gel ebntod , , ‘ counox séxss ‘ummr SEWING MA .cuma, , . Pluc: $lB 00. ’ Thin lachiu will do I“ kinda of work equal to lhe high priced Machines, and is the only practical and reliable Cncap Sewing “whine in the w'orld. Send tor dmcripilve Uircalnrs. Address— BEUL‘MB .k UU.,Chicng‘o, “1., or Cleveland, Ohio. ‘ April 23, 1360. In ‘ - The Salem Leg. NDER Hie Put‘ronnue uhhc United Shtea I 1 Government, Nodeh ohms snppriunlvg may be seen u the Agency ofzhe SALEM LEG UUHPANY, No. 33 South SEVENTH Street, Philadelphin. j - Call and abs them, or send fin- u cimnlu genuining fun infarmuion. ‘ : April 13, 1866.‘ ;lm - _i—' ._____W , Great [Reduction in Prices. AHNESTOUK BROTHERS . are now selling GOOD GALICOES AT 12} CENTS, BEST UNBL‘KAUHED .\IUSMN AT 23 C'l‘S., um! n" "that ()bml's in propnrlion. v Iryuu mun. UIIHAI’ Goods, now is the fin) to buy them. _ Call at once. ‘ . ‘ FAIINESTOGK BRO'EHERS. Gettysburg, “a". 26, 1866. _ _ Notice. ETER WEAVER'S ESTATE.-Leuera o! administmion on the csmu ol Pele! Wenonmoof nonmplmun up; Adam: um, deceased, having been 373 an to the under signed, residing in the same township, be here by gig; attics Mull [whom indeblod to mid estate make immediate payment, and those bnviug claims ngu'wsl the mm to mutant. properly “inn-minted for ”Moment. MBEPH BEDEILMAN, Adm’r. April 2, 1866. 6t 111 ot3co. AXUELEIKER'S EbTATE—Lerun crud ministration 'on the earn“ 0! Samuel EIKC'I'. into of Highland township, Adam: roun ty, decouc-l, hnflng been granted to the nif deraigned. residing in Hamiltonian uwnlhip, be hereby given notice w ill person: indebted to mid acute to make immedmta payment, and thou luring shim. Against the name to present them properly nulhunucaud for set}- tlemont. ' JOHN B. BAUMGARDNEB, Adm’r. flu. 12,13“. xi - Coal and Lumber, 1 OF every variety, 5!. the Yard of ‘ 0.: a. 30mm ‘ Fab. [9. 00!. Carlide an! Railroad nu. i INSURB AGA‘NST ACCIDENTS in thd TRAVELLERS'INSURANCE COMPANY UK EMFDRD. h insures agninst a“ kind: v)‘ ‘ , .11le benefit: are received by all elm” of men. NS'URE AGAINST ACCIDEVTS in “‘o‘ Md] to may mMroll on receipt of Price: LTRAVKLLERS INSUR§NCE COMPANY o.):{hggg 25 couu.‘ “VOW”; ”‘.‘,va o HARTFO RD. Ebu and our vac/wand no ammxs.‘ Yo'u mu: 3» m um: «it audio-1y Uta-aw! WI thldmfli n 1 Mi- you. money. cum vM W 10“: ciu, includin $51,509 «iguana-eight pol-Q" I‘REE. Admin“. LLBMRUM ' v holders, for £313 in premium- i no mum. am- “up; fAdvel-iising" 0011 mm, P'u my! run 3“:ou flu nun" ism!" or'nh us. BURN “dame lot gickneu. Did i ”N.- lroln Sorrow, Pain Ind Dilute. Bryan's Life Plum, ln'unu vaulnnu, m ndmltgod to be me nun FAMILY ml.- CINE for general uw, Purifying the Blood and cleansing the system {'mm'nn impurity. BRYL‘I'S LIFE PILLS, ‘ regulate the Stom “Th, Liver and BIHIMy Se. uctiuns, which 'n the (‘hief cause ul’Xc-rvmu. my, Giddinms, Disnncu of Sight,—Hmfluhs, 3|ch Stonhch and other kindred complnluu. Hundreda o! Cruise-Mm cm be Hymn. ‘ Theyhnve bee-n u-ed by thmmmls with mecca: mums 3 H m PILLS, . are adapted for nil ngua nn-l cunuimflonl.- 'l‘hey urn cémvosed o! thn m-lim prim-Spin If Her-u Ind Route, culled Irom our firm: Ind forests. Tuoy an mild but (‘urlflll in their operation-prmlnl'lu'! neither rr nay-1, unplug, pain or lirknFsl. The} my be taken by all mun, sent or conditions without lent. zuuuws mm Hum. Cun- Headache. » lhuu‘ WE mm: mums. Gun! 3ka Swimci. knumx'. I.lm FILM). Hun.- “Minn. BllYAN'b‘ LIFE NLLH. I‘urny nu» Blood. ‘ A Box of URYAN'S LIKE PILLS will won _in! TWENTY-FEVE GEN-rs." nml yill accomplish all llm in n'preullflod. The] are rlugnntly put up by the propflclof flw inventor of ERYAN‘S PLll..\illNlfl-WA. _I’ERS”, a medicine long Jud'fnvursbly known to the American anwnfi - H‘ypu wiah lixmn': Lifo Pills, and cnmmt gel them ofyuurnlrugglsl, don't. lake any other, but and ‘l'wm'y-five Cent: in A letter In my pmprielor, and yun will get. molt. bi return 0! unit, post-punt. Address. " ' DR. J. BRYAN “2 Broadway, New York. P. 0. Box 5070. Deal": can he sumnflrd In; new Burnt-ff Co., Wholcuw Agents, Now York. GLAJ) NEWS} .10}: Tu: cw un-Imuu. ‘ ' HEY CAN BE USED WITHOUT ”Effie-m TION, and do nut. inhrhve with hmlueu pursuits, and S 0 CHANGE 01" mar]: NI CESSARY. . ’ Bell‘s Specific Plflu , - Are warranted in‘nll (macs, lnmhe Spend; and Permanent (lure 3f Seminal kanoas, Urulh ml and Vaginal Disvhmzoy, le', Hexupl Diseases, Emissions, Impotence. Urniml and Nervous Uebility and diseases of the Blmllicr And mam-3s. ’ ‘ They are ndnptvd for malo or female, old or young, find are tho only rcfi lllle known fur lb‘o cure of all dinenses arid": from ‘ YOUTJIFUL INDISCRETIDN. ‘ . In~nll Scxmfl Diqenses, n; Gnuorrhea. Sirlo ture, Gleet, and in all UrlnM-y and Kid" complaints, tHsy not like u charm. Relic! (r cqwrieni‘ed by taking 9! mule box; and from {our to six boxes gem-ml” effort a. cure. , sum in hon-l containlng 60 pills, Price On. Dolllxr, or ai_x bow, Fm; Dolls"; AIM, It large butcw, oénluin'mg four of tho small. l’noo Thro‘é Dollars. ‘ ‘ Privnte Circular: :9 Genilemcn only, sen} free on receipt uj' directed enrelope and stamp: It you need the Pills, cut out his drivel-tinc ment for reference, and i'you cannot: prpcuro them ofyour druggm do not be immsed on by any other remedy, but enclose the muner In It letter to ‘ . QR. J. BRYAN, Commune Physlclin, Boi 5079. ‘ 442 Broadway, New York. and they will be sent to you secure frbm ob servation, by return mail, post-paid, on rocolpc of the money. . Deplcra supplied by Dumas Borne. .00., Wholesale Agents, New York. IMPORTANT T 0 LADIES = Br. Harvey's Fymnle Pills, HE moat infallible and popular remedy ' .‘ever known, for all dfbealel at the fem“. sex. ’Thcy have been 11qu in many thong-ma cases with unfailing success—and may be no ‘ lied 'on in‘every case for which they fare re ugmmcnded, and purtlculnrly In all cues Ifll- , lug from ~ ÜBSTRUGT‘Ig‘N, on STOPPAGE OI? NATURE .‘ no maucrfir whstcnnsolt arisen. They-n 4 effectual in restoring to heulth all '5O Ire our. 4 fering troxu kanogs 11ml nobility. Ulfllm ’ Discharges, Nervou:nos:,~ 519., km, c0.,.10d v the} “Actlxke a Chum," iu stmnnboning tho lyibem. Thousands of Indies who hue unl- , Med for years and tried Various other range. 1 die: in vain, owe a reuewat of their hodth and streuglh wholly to the rllicncy of ‘ DR. UAR‘VEY’S FINALE PILLS. They are perfectly hurm‘less on Ihe mum, ’ ma, bu‘mken at. any time with perfect “can -, but during the curly stages of hexane: they would not. be taken, or n miscarringo any h. the result: They never cause any nicknou ’ pain or distress. Eaph box contains 60 pun; Price Una Dollar. , Dll. IIAnY‘EY'S GOLDEN PILLS. - a remedy for spcclnl cases, foull dorm: lm- ‘ er than the Above; Price-Five Dollar: peg box. A Pfimlu Circular to Lndies with he I!“ tomlcnl engmylngn, um free on rpipt ol dlc renwl envelope lud sump. wow thls out Ryan desire Dr. Hamy’l ‘V mm, and if 'you cannot procure them of you! drungiat. do :0: take nny other. for m dealer: who are unptincipled will recall-Ind..- oum- Femule Pills, they can make... huge. profit un—bnt enclose Ilu money‘lnd to" di- . reel to A . DR. J. BRYAN. Qmuultilg Bhygldnu, Box 5079. 442 Broadway, Nuwv York' and you will receive them pout-pnid securely sealed lrom ohsermtfon, hy return mail. Dealers supplied by DumM Hamel #OO. Wholesale Agents, New York. - , l The Private Medical Adviser. fiEmluuivelyJor Ladies.) ‘ N lqm mgr-lo lrentise of X 0!) nugu,hy D: A J. 11411:], published for the I»qu a! ft= On receipt. of TEN CENTS} it will he ml". pun-paid, In a mfled antelope, to all who :9. ply forit. Address _’ ‘DR. 3. BRYAN, «2 Brandy”, 3. I. , Box 5079. _ - , ‘ 7 Manhood 2 ‘ Imm EDITION, Fm] Thousand—slot panel, by noun-r E. BILL, M. D. A an: liuu, Addressed to youth, the hurried, pod. thou Cosrnrunm Mnuuos. Sent by gui} pon.paid, on receipcof TEN 0831‘s. A‘cuo. t’ul permlnl nl’ this small book has bean a Boat 10, rn‘u 'Avvucrlopmd luu saved thouumu tram a life 0! misery, and an untimely {gun} I: manage the evil: or Youthful India-why, Self-Abuse, Seminal .kanoss, Emluldu Saxunl Disem..-Genml o.lmm; Lou oi Power, Nervousnesa, Premature Dam-yu Mp‘ou mum, u, tv-z, which unfit the nufl'orer (to. fulfilling the Obligations of Mnrrlngr. Address, Du. J. BRYAN, ' flown-mag Physichl. '-‘ 442 Broadway, Now Yuk. - Aug-14.1385 I] ‘ ’ Box 5079 Watches dc ‘lewelry, ,9 OgINCEs POB SL—Junn 4! M 2 9) Fulani—loo,ooo Wafléhll, omin, back- A : egg. amp, Bracelets. Ben of Jewelry, 60M -. Pong, km, ta. To be diapoud at at 0K! ; DOLLAR each, wnhom regard to vulac‘, 10. _ to be pafd,- for until you know what 100‘... ” manila nu: w a ' 100 60 an g-m 11k: __4 ,g .' ewh, ‘.‘“ ”‘1 1x 500 Silver Watches, each, 20“ g A IOOUOGoId PenatSilverCm,esch, 5 no. t ) 10030 Set: Lndien' Jewelry, (ua- * ’ ' —. , norted,) each, 3to :9 And a: large gum-men: of Jewelry'ofjhry, l. «inscription. lor ladies’ nnd4s9uu' wear, vup 1 ing in value lien: 83 to $25 each. The [named " of disposing of we“ goodi It 0!; 07'ng - each is as lollowu: , N CERTIFICATES naming an ARTICLE“ its price are plated in SEALED mvsLOPss and well mlxefl, one o! whlgh 'l!va , !: 3