The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 16, 1866, Image 3
Em L up an us m on xxw qua. ,__ _ JERS- GREAT ATTRACTION l limit. SPL'NGLIR would PM”! inform hio Mud. Ind tho public gout-ll] tint be In: nove’d his am. into tho conno diou room on the lonthout com 0! ti- Du mad, at which plug dun invited to a". 11. 50 Eureka“ the property 3nd Ind it thamgh y repaired And Mud up In the moat "had“ stylu, to: tho opecisl comfort Ind col- Vnhlcc .0! his custoueu. W. new gun: ouruhu thlt we Inn not only tho but not. no. in the “ugly. but the hut Mock 0! not“ our boom“ to till-315cc, 11l 0! Ihlch V. In not ulling u prices to . DEFY COMPETITXOX. W 0 all Attention especial, to our comp“. flock ol ‘ ‘ DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, unbruing 11l descriptions of D 3383 GOUDS, ‘ DRESS SILKS, r DELAINES, \ ‘ 313818038, CASBIIBIS, CALICOBS, . N'SLINS, COR§BTS, Hoop kartl for Ladies and lfllul. Bounty, Glows, lmbmidaq, Trimmings and , FANCY A. TICLES. Aha, Gont'n FURNISHING GOODS, Clqdu, Cluxmeru, Cuflneu, Tweeds, ha, to We we now icfling- ‘ Xmlinl from" Calico“ fr0m.......... . and other goods in proportion. fining made our purchuea when (0041': were at their rery lowan. grade in the city. In tre now oflorinq lingual thu cunnnt' {pl to plus». We invite all to cnll It our NEW bTURI Ind us it it u not 10. W :___ __ i Ipm us. use AW. E. RIDDLE. E. S. BENNER. 100.000 Bull. Grain Wanted. KW FIRM Al‘ THE OLD WAREHOUSE. WM. 3. BIDDLE & CO. won‘d inform Ihg public that flier lure land the Wsrehouu on tbs cornhr ol Slr-non Ilreet Ind the Buil rosd. in Getty-burg. ahero thorn" curry on THE BRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all m brncbu. The hi hen pricu‘will MW.” be plid for Wheat, the, Corn, OMI, Clover Ind Timothy Seedl, Flu-cod, Sumac, 81, and Strut, Dried Fruit, Nyu, So3p, Shoulder: Ind Side], Pontoon, vim every thing clue in the country produce line. ; ‘ = GItOC»ERIES.—On hund, for ule, Cohen, Bugun, flah‘uu, Syrupl, Teu, Spices. Sclc’, Chemo, Vinegnr, Sodi, Mustard, 5 Burch, Broomv, Bach-u, Blacklng, Soups. to. Also COAL OIL, Fi|h_oil, Tu. to. FISH of all kinds; Spike! ind Nam; Snioklng Ind Chew lnx Tub Lccos. ' ; ~ They are nlwnyl able to supply a fint'rne mm: of Flour, with the dnflerent kinda of Fred. ‘ . Also, Ground Pinter, with Guano-Land other lertitizen. COAL, by the bquhel, ton or car iond. . ‘k‘ ’ ‘ The, will run 3 LINE OF fREIG T CABS from Qeltyaburg to Baltimore once every week: They are prepared to: q‘onvey lfreight either way, in my quantity, 1“ REDUCED Rat-Es. They win attend, if henna, m the making of purchases in the city, and delivering the good- prumptly in Gettysburr.‘ Their cars run to the Warehouse of Starr & Norton, No. 118 North Hnnfivcr street, near Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will be received It any time. They invite the attention of the public to th-ir line, "during them thamhey .will spare no eflort to Iccomtnoll’ue all ‘who may patronize them; April [6, racer tf BIDDLE J: BENNER A BI; Tumble N PRICES! ! r ' - 1 I'LANK AND SPANGLER, ARENDTSVILLE, Hue 35m. returned from the cities mlh one o! the h goat, undbett "Iron-d utoyr ofGoodl ever oflefed to the peoplr of Ann tnviflq and lurromiding country. ‘But theirnssoflmm! ilI not only duh-able and utrnctlre; n In; bought. M. such I rodnctinu u to enable them to nnnounce to their cumomeu-nnd the p‘nblic generally. , > A 316 TUMBLE IN PRICES! ' They ofl'er Qlotliu, Cns‘imerel. Ind Summer Gnodl lnr mqn nnd hays, u prices that will nstoniah—ond the tune may be and of I" ar ticle! lor leiea' mun. to. PM instance, Prints M "on: 101020 cen'll, Ginghllm 25 to 28 cenu, Muslin: 12} to 38 ccnu. They sell Sugm u from‘lo to 16 emu. Cof fees )5 to 30 can“. S) mpl 40 rgnts to $ll 20. Come and see for yonraelvea. Come with A rush. We have plenty of Goods, and are 31- wglyg gln’d lo .yhow them. Buying for “cash, W. sell for cash. PLANKESPANGLER. April 16/1866. 6w - » ‘ Cabinet Furniture. HE ~lulmcribers hereby inform their: ous- I‘lomen nnd thrhnblic generally: that g ey have now on hnnd, end nonliuuew min ufncxure to order, i l CABINET FURNITURE“ which, for style |_u'l durubflity, finial: ‘nd price. will compete with any in the county.— Unr when: flock norms“ of every variety of Furniture “dually kept in a first clul Furni tnre Wnre Ruqm. Fashionable, ornamenmi qr plain Furn‘ture munilfactnred in tilemoat' substantial gunner, uy‘ mo'st experienced workmen, Ind u. xhe lowest. cash priceafi UNDERTA'KING Having a new Hear-e, panicular altantion will be gnen to this bunch of meir buaim-sa. they are prepnred to make and tarnish Coffin! of Any desired quality, and ant-ad Fndenls n the shorts“ notice—and on web terms is cannot ml to please all. . ‘ The subscriber: return their dunk: (9 the. puhllc for the liberal patronage extended go Ihem 111 the pat, and hope to merit. tnd réceive n cuminunnce of üblic patroplge. . . Shop nd Wu; Room third building out of the Square. ' 11. FIT-TE t BRO. ‘ Little-wry, April 16, 1868. t! ; . Washington Hotel, 3W OXFORD, ‘ , ‘ ~ . ADAIIS COUNTY, PA. The nudenigned relpecuully inforuis his friend: 3nd du public gun-Hy, that. he bu arch-mt the shove Haul, and win win an icon it u A No. l Bonn. 3 ,Bn table will be Abound, supplied with .110:- «much: 9! tho Imon. no! bin but with the choice“ liquor: nd when. The IL!- ng in km um gonnodionl. Bo hofies by gum. amnion to‘morit «- portion of Lhdpl‘bllc’s «suq B. Huasaa patron-go. ‘ April 16.1868} 31:: Peluylvanlu Collego.‘ HE Sumner Seulon of PennlylnniuiCol legs and Preparuory Depsrment, will begin on Thad-y. zha 10th day of lay hen. The Principal of the Proprmgy Dgpnn tr“ techies neu- Lbe College, nnd will uni". into his flmily I limited numb" of boyh— Addiuonl intonation any b 0 outbid by ”Imagin- to ‘ - B. L. BAUGHBB, mm, o: J. C. EHREHABT, _ Principu Papa-Mary Doputlnnt. chysburg, April 18, 1866. u ’ m AS lost, nrly in‘Apdl, bum: Cub— town And Arenduville, I BUCKSKXN PUKSE, with a. stool elup; It contain“ “silty-two dollm And 3 lull, I in con: now, Md in or six coppefl; s pmlof “a; shaman t of | winning whee , u : nnipt ”€33“; him: out I newspaper. A )ibgrd Na. v.l will be given. \ ¥ ELIZABETH BENNETT. April 18, 1866. 3!. . .NSURE AGAISST ACCIDENTS iii an I TRAVELLER [Na‘URANGE COMPANY Ur‘ HARTFORD. 1: kn inned our forty :‘oumi policies, ad paid out.“ W m. V '~ I! you wont numbing from I 866. Drug Stan. HORNEE’S in all 1) -u up". it pod sud chap. $.866 -—Tho nu- hu but COQ‘M‘ . Ind with it PICKINO bu Mm yum vomrfully. 1:1va mount} 1. nuts. good. no MILE-punt with Imm mm, :- ”at 41.; , ‘ .r‘ . r nag: 1m I“ reuse m! uni- I an taxing: nouns M onus. mu uh ”huh-Drum”. hour, 15, I“ , { Is Sim & Wiiedhi 44 ’ :5 an; um" and nddl others It tho an Maud prints.— W. III! it” Hm tin-spur m. u’body olu Shoe. 0!...“ Hull toll :1. "died prices Danni-ed is we no to “noun, we hue pg: good. in on the do" to the ion“ on]: prices. Try as, lld In conduct! 12;»23 "1010.15 April Is. 1866 cnouzm Pnnynx'rn'm x. “'6O. 1.. TH! GREAT ZINGAR! RIMES. BIS WONDERFUL REMEDY mu dilcnv. T and Ind introdncod about. twenty yam .30 by Dr. B. Chopin, in eminent Hg} prim phyuln. L, ’ ‘ u. summit He had lonzleon and felt the want of‘mme remedy whichyould urike I! the reel. of dis ensa, and no prevent. much of the suturing which the bum ismily mu then compelled to endure. _ .Tba great qnntlo: is: {mounted to his mind every day in vivid cplon \u he moved a mong the sick and dylng, Indohlerred the in ellctency of~ neat-L, all the remedial then' in use. Thu. he won ludwtojhink and experi ment; end Idler ten year: 0 study and lobor. :1" presented to his fellow men the wonderful Zingari Bltlerl. The elm. of this preparation tln the prevention end cure of dlaeale, wan to ’m-rvellonl and natonlehing, [but the roast. . fl-ttering marks of royal fM‘or were benowed Lupmx him who dircorered it. His name I’ll ‘plqced upon the Roll of Nnhles, end egold '.rnefiul with the following lltlcription—Dr. 8: Cheoplus, the Public Benefoctor—wn pre nented to him by the Vlceroy. ' '1‘!" preparation hu been tried in seveml epidemic: o] cholera. both I: 1 preventive Ind ‘cur-tire mtuure, and wlth Inch great sncceu thet it he! been introduced ‘mto nearly all the general honpilnln of the old world. ‘ The old saying tlut an ounce ol prevention is worth a pound of’cure, oppllel with mar- Velloul force to cholen, and therefore any I remedy tlm'l. will protect us again“ thin terri ble diacnee should be freely and pertlaten'tly. need. ' v ’ All pathologiul not! agree that thelcholera 3 poilon not: on the system through the blood, ‘ and that any combination which has on the excretory ozgnnlnnnd keeps them in'work ‘ ing order. malt prevent} Infieient Accumu lntion or the poiaon to exert in terrible effects on the organism. This is true not only of cholern, but 01 neuly tell other mnludies, eape ‘ cially the different form: of fevers. ‘ The Zinzari Bitter: lsjuet ehchit remedy II ‘ the obove conditiou3.rrquiré. It not. on the ‘ organ: of excretion and Mort-lion, keeping up ‘ a perfect Imlnnce between them. Thls Bitten in composed entirely of roots _lnd herbs, so { nicely concocted that every organ is acted upon Ind put in tone. Its taste is pleunnt and its efl'ects prompt and lasting. Numerous one; 0! the {u' lowing ditenul have been cured h); it: Cholm, Diarrhoea, vaphoid‘nnd Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, Ner ‘ ious Debility, Annemis;'Femnle lrrrgulurtiel, mspepain. Fistulency,Golie, Scrofuis, kc. ‘ Price, one dollar per quart bottle. . Principul Depot ot the wdlnut gueet Whuf, \ Harrisburg. P... Sold by Druggiets, Hotel~keepers & Groeon. ‘ , ." F. RATflBR, ‘ , ... Sole Proprietor. 3?For ml. by Wm. J. Mortln, role Agent “for ‘eltysburg. ‘ i \ Apfil [6, 1868. 1; ANTED—:AOENTS—To cunts for the “Soldier's Individual Memo.rinl."—- Grater inducements ofl'ered than by Iny oth er publilherl. Agents have In e‘nlire monop oly in the territory maimed them, as tbpre has been Mowing ofthe kind ye: inlroduceds Meet: with univerial npproul, is ornnml-nul, also u record of ulna to thou who hue nerv ed in our country’s defame, and to frien’dl of dacuned soldiers. For clre-zlnn‘bcu udduu, enclosing stamp, B. C. BAKER, Lolumbua, 0., Lock Box 978. . . ' Aprit 16, [866. In: * - Disabled Mop, Attentlon I ANTED, one or two men, in Gettysburg and vicinity, who have lost. eitherau nm or leg. to sell WADSWURTH'S WATER. PRUOF ARNICA HEALING FLASH-2.9., tho best. und cheapest Court Planer in themnrket. From $5. to $lO per day can be mantle. Address, with 25 cent! for umple and mu lnformntion, A. F. BELGHER, Box 45, Philnd elphil, Pu. N. B.—All Agents I‘m! pedlen yonld find it to ‘heir interest. to nuswer the above. ‘ April 16. 1866. 3:1: tell the yum: American Puzln, the cheupen‘nnd Input wopderful puzzle! of ,' e age. Agenfi call feldily nuke from Slo to $5O per day, I [1“ give my sgent $lOO if he will ull 50.000. gsem so cents ‘lor am of Puzzles. All orders sin! hymn“ mo. PHIL IP BEL, Important Lucy Gouda, 159 Hu -ke¢ St. Phllm‘l‘m. PI»- u fi-Lndics" Needle Book, conmlning 100 or the be" Needles. Sent by mail on receipt or 50 cents. ' April 16, 1868. In QEALED PROPOSALS will be received It k the alias of [he Commiuionen 6f Adam 'euunty. Imll TUBSDAY,-thc In dly of‘lAY InIL, for BUILDING ‘A WOODEN BRIDGE acrou Conovlgo excel: n 63ch Kill. The Bridge is m be bull: .rm- the Ityle of “Burr'l Puonz," one up", so feet long. The "one for the mummy on he had an the Bridge. The ilridge in to be conflicted of the belt moun uin white pine. Plum und apéciflcntlona can be «on By per lo!“ wishing to bid on the any of letting, or by npplicnlion to Jle. Winn, Clerk in Corn muiouerl. 8. lABCH, A A. miss, ‘ " S. WOLF, Co'mnhdoners of Ad mu county. the“: J. I. Warn, Clark. April a, 18“. M Tn Collector: for 1866 u: request“ to RETURN THEIR DUPLICATBS to m Condluionen oflce sun-nun“, the luv jut planed relieving Real mm. from Sm» an; requiring change: in mid Duplicuu. By ordu o! the Bond, J. x. WALTER, Clerk. April 9, Im. 3: Dr. P. C. Wolf, AVIRG loomed at. EAST BERLIN, Adam: county. how “an by mm mention to u profusion! dufiu bunny Inuit“ ohm of the public plunmgo. [Apr. 1, '66. u Gold. . 013 ad COUPONS, height“ the Fiat Mood Bulk of Gen]; urg. . ano. mow, Cuhier. Oct. SO. 184. Inseam! uuuucwuns, ”Q‘Brm, w Four“ BL, N. Y. ‘ not-uh and retail at ndneod nl).. Plpu und Holden on! to outer and upon-ad. All goods vaunted guanine. Send My incite-hr. mutational- A‘ ‘ 131189.18“. 1. ¥ ..§ JAG! mosw in com “I nix who gm“ tool OMOo-twoulddo unlit. 31'“ can a an {3. '3o.] _ new '3. GITITERVIte i , no" 10 ow Pm: 3s a... sun-iii; $4 Raw Nina( at $3 25 31' gm ulllng “u 83 as. 83 Illu- um «81 no. BOW 8 WOODS Agein- Wmted! To Budge Builders. Notice to Collector» Pollak & Ilea, m nun Ahead! l . are-g led-eflol or prices :w SPRING GOODS! 'l' was ' ‘ ”Dummy w PRICES! A J . x. . s c a I o It» would raped-ally as, to flu citizen. of Oct wlburg sad visas”. that. In in now nah-in. u N- M" £2? 1‘59. STUCK 0F SPRIJG GOODS. The stock eouieu In pen of [my nut Bugle DRY GOODS, of every ducrlpnon. 81m, lUZAWQUE, cmuns, . DILAINIS, ‘ BUMBA'ZINES, " - ALPACGAB. \ ”was, ' ‘ mucous, of ell qunliflu Mu! choice“ styles. which will b. gold st PRICES I‘o DEFY COMPETITION. ‘ , FURNISHING GOODS of d! h'nik, including flilk, Linen Ind Conan Be kerohiefe, Gloves, Stockings, kc. e , n splendid unortnent of RIBBONS, Leonie end ldglnge, Umbrellu Ind Pmlolu - Ky flock of WHITE GOODS If“ he found full endlconplm, and customers may rely upon nlwnya getting goodgood- at lhe lulweu poul ble prlcu. ‘ _ ‘ Gentlemen will find it to “It" ndvnniage It all end examine my dock of C ,cnoms, ‘ l ' , ' ‘CASSIMEBES Ind VESTXNGS, of ll] qunhfiu tad cholcul Itylu. ~ (April 16. 1866. J. L: SCHIQK Fresh Synppl. V‘EW GOODS A’l‘ REDUCED PRICES 1— h A. SCUTI‘ k SUflS have in: recanted “oth fine lawman“ of SEW GOODS, cona outing. in part. ,0! 'OJoMn. Cutimorel, Omi ncu. Kentucky Jon-,1 Ind TIMI. fur Goa. tlomcn'o ire-r. Alto, aflu among-out of LADIES“ DRESS GOODS. Our stock In: been wlect‘od I'llb gran can, and '9 are propnred m u“ u chnp u my other onublinhmonpm the country. We uh the public to give ua-n. cull :nd judge {or themselvu. We defy comuegtion. both In to quality And price. :1. SC I‘l‘ & SUSS. , April 2, 1866. ‘ i . Flour! Feed : gllnd Groceries! 'l‘ THE CHEAP From; as THE mm. A H you will: to buy any of the above gni clel chapel- and bend:- than you can gel. them Inywhen eke, go to in Grocery Store 0! the undnnignod 9n the Hull, in Bglllmore "not, 'here customers caninlwnyl be accommoda ted. and where nll up invnled to cull lad Ire fo’r themselvel. The Ipnblic will ulnyl find I tnlljnnd choice ulohmont of ECG RS, CUFFEES TEAS, SYRUPS, “0- LESS. TUBAccas. CIGARS, SNUFFS, _H, BAUUN. LARD, CHEESE. CRAC L‘A: KENS, BUT'L’ER, EGGS, tc. --A s o GLAssv‘WAR‘E, CRECKKRY-WARE. NO- Tluxsucq COAL on. LAMPS, FISH , K OIL, AND FLOUR AND FE-‘D, ALWAYS 0N HAND. , WANTED. fflour,Furn, 03‘", Ba (er, Eggs, Dncon,und Pqtazon, {or which t 9 highest murket pnce will beg‘ paid, either I- trade or cub. \, ‘ . fißeing determitled to condnc: my bull neu in n lair and hoporuble u-y, Id to sell cheap, I invite I” to give me a. call. {HENRY UVh. DEER. April 9, 1560. If i. ‘ - _. 7 _-,a,._,: _+.__ _ ,_ . __‘_ ' Removal. TRICKBOUSKR ad WlaUl‘ZKl-ZY S Hive removed tljeir estahlishmenfto’lhe “est si—de of Hullimpre street, a léw duon AhoVe the Court-bod”. and nearly oppoaile the PO5l oflice, wherq they willcontiuue busi ness on a larger seal; than ever. ' UYS'I'ERIB {IND FISH always to be lmd in their season, with. Sweet Ind Irish '.’omloes, Afiples. Beans, llomdny,&c. Al5O, HANS, iIIOULDERS, AND SIDES, Mackerel and _lenjfing, Butter and! Lard, Cherse,.wilh ull ulbelr articles in this line. ‘ Also, R‘iains, All“?fld!,lnd,fl geueul ”lot:- ment of Confecuons. Smoking and Chewing _Tobaccos, Sagan, Pfipu, mind ‘I grant. variety of Notiuns. ~ _ 1 ' ' Tlu-y nk calls,‘l-oll}vinced that they can al wnyé “use cheap 5;: :he rhenpau As they run cars to mum; regunlngly, theii opportu nitien for ken-ping up‘theu' neck are noggin"; guod, Ind We pu‘flic can rely upon getting Won-thing fresh and nice. “ BTRICKHU‘USER & WISOTZKEY; April 0, 1866. 1!: ‘ ' e Buggies ¢ Cairlugm. HIS WAY! THIS \V.-\Y!———The under sign'edais eugnged in the Cairriuze-muking business, M. the corner of Clmmbenburg and West streets, Gettysburg, and invites I" who, may need nnylhing in his. line io give him a call. he puts up. in ihe very best mlnner, Falling-Mp and other BUGGIES, and all the dilferen: styles of I‘ARRIAGES.— Withu full knowledge of the business, and : determination to give satisfaction, the public can ”rely upon his jobs being good. He will endeavor in deserve a large share 0! pa terngo, nnd boiles to receive 1!. REPAIRING done at me shortest-notice, and on most reasonable terms. WCounlry produce will be taken in exchange [or work. ’ ‘ CHAS. E. GILBERT. Gettysburg, Nov. 6, 1865. On" To the School meet-tors of Adena ‘ ’County. , . ENTLEMEN :——ln purauztnce of the forty third aectidn ot the Act of Bth Ml,, 1864, you ere hereby notified to meet in Can vention, at the Count-house, in Gettylburg, on the FIRST TUESDAX IN MAY. A.‘ l). 1866, being the first day of the month, etl o’cloek, in the alternoou. and select, viva me. by A majority of the whole number of Direc tor: prnent, one person of literary Au! scien tific Icqniremonte, 19d of skill and exp-fiance in the mo! teething. u COUNTX SUPER INTEND NT, for the three lucceeding yearn; deteru'n the lmount ol'compensation for the lame; e certify the result to the flute Su perintendent. 'at Harri-burg, u Tequired by the mini-ninth and fortieth uclione of mid Act. _ AARON $53313. a 06. Supt. of Adnfin County Gettysburg, April 9, 1866. td _ Everhart’l FRANK“)! houss, ' ‘ doun_o‘r-n3!_A_§g§ r 5533“: nus", JALTI “ORB, ND. ' This Home is on 1 dlrgct line between tha Northern Comm! and _Bnmmore and Ohio Blilrond Depou. It. ban been refined and com fortably Immd for flu convenience Ind tho emenfinfinent at gnaw. Nov. 20, 1865. t! Western Lands. 111 Ithcribér has some valuable WEST ERN LARDS, which he will Lnde for on: or non FAB-MS hm: ’counly. The Ind. I" well loclud, né very desirable {or knu lng. Earl, Ipplicnlion desired. ‘ l JACOB BRINKEBHOFP. Goltpburg, gpril 3, 1865. :1 Jon W. Th“... ASBIONABLI BARBEIgfioI-th-ent cor ": of the Diamond, (next door to Mc lelln'l Raceh) Gmysburg, Pa. where h; an at All timo- be fuund Indy to unend to All bulimia in hit line. He in: ulna excellent n duance “A will endure utilftflion. Gin him I. call. Dec. 3, 1860. Give Him a Call! ' E pluco to chair: I ptrfect Photograph or I Albrotype, execnfiedin the but mun", in n MUMPER'S GALLERY, in Niddlo “mt. Jun. 9, 1865. Billiards 8 Billiards! PORTS' SAYING INSTITUTION.-—WK. H. KITZHILLER has leued llcCounghy't Hull lot 1 Billiard Saloon,’nnd bu placed "to eleput Tubles. with Phelln cushions, therein. Tho stlu have I" the latest impronmenu, which 'canuot fnil to pleue. The mom i. Inge, well ventilated, nnd well lighted. Open thy And ovéning. All inclined to engngo‘in thh “granule putimc, with find Kiummefi 8:100: Just the place to go to. _ April 2, 1866. ‘ 8m AGAINSTACCIDENI‘S In the ad. ain’t] TRAVELLERS INSURANCE 00l- VARY OF HARTFORD. I: ll the oldnt,_lu pot, and uh" acid»: mum“ compuy in 1"]:- mgr]. . URI AGAINST ACCIDM% In the TRAVELERS INSURANCE G IPANY 0 HARTFORD. In pxonimu "01",“! “fay: lulu pranwfly. CHEAP GROCERY! coun or DIAIOID an CIAXIIIIIDIO nun. JOHN J. SWAN, fining)“: renamed from the any. rupee!- fujly i-lomoMl cute-c 2131“ the public, that he bu succeeded in [mining n connection with no of the In; importing Homes In the city at Bnlumm, by which A" ll an-blod to of" Grocer-ion It 3 low" figure than they can be pitch-led chum in ac county.— He is preplred to all ‘ COFFEE 15 cent: per lb‘ SUGAR, 2 lbs. for 25 “ SYRUP, from . 40 u to 31.20, and I" other thing. u unelpondlng nus.— " you would ”we dough cpl! Iv. Hie Chap Grocery,cornerof Dinmond ind Ch-mbenbnrg street. Ho ulls ucluskely for Cub, Ind in acutmined to be thud 01 11l cum! in telling chap. Gin him 1 cl“ bl‘fore purcb'tiin‘ eluthm. JUHN‘I. SWAN. A mmn'l sum: Lumps, “ “I! LID-303138 (Red) FLUID rulxnn. f HIS Lump lpparontly burn: rillwn! any .' tinny to fml it. It. has, however. I ma— leriJl which Ibsorbl the‘liqnld and given it to the Run, put],- from the tick, ugd part!!! in the fin of gnu, but. so u to produce perfect qombmfion. mud in very economical Ind nfe. h mum! withom a chimney, nnd pelfecuy trimmtd. does not smoke or Imell ; it in there fure e‘pecinlly Adnpled to kho purpose-s nfg “nu “put," night, nurse. shop or hotel lump, or lnnu‘m. I am of broken chimneys, Alone, vi"! morfi'h‘n ply the no» of mishap. Every funny needl an or more. ~ “I! in jut what I bus Man Ion; looking hr,” urine. 3 nodal beau-hoop". “I should hudlx know how to‘do' wilhout it," grim “other; ‘ ' “A puke: emu-Inna," wri I third. "Let thou irho an ukehxlcuxutg it," wrlm n fourth. ‘ For sale by JOHN M. SWAN, Car. of Dinmond and Ch'nmbnsburg at. 3Tb: Lig-ro—ine Fluid 1110 for sale at the lune plies. [Man 12. 1388. Shcflfl’n Sale. N pursuance of: writ of Vendidqni Expo 'l ms, Issued om of the Court of: Common ’lou of Adams county, Ind to me directed, ’wlll be expand It Public Sale. at 'ehe vourg Home. in Gettysburg. on MONDAY, the lamb I(lay of APRIL inst, It 1 o’clock. P. ”J, the following described Real Eel-(e, vlt‘w‘ - A TRACT OF LAND. lilune ln Camber: lend townlhip, Adams county, PL; Idjoiniug 'llndl of Leomrd Bricker. George Bushman j and George Weikerl, and the putt)“: roud lead ing from Gettylburg to Taneywwn,vcontaln lug 30 Acrea, more or less. ' There is a well of water on the pruning. with some fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution u the real el- ‘ ate of Jon: Muuauowxn. ADAM BEBER‘I‘, Sheriff. ‘Bherifi'l omce, Gettysburg; Aprik 9, ’66. WT“ per cent. of the purcbue money nbon‘nl) sales by Ibo Sherifimun be paid over immediate}; “tor the pxopgrly is “ruck down 0% upon lailnre t 9 comply therewith the proper ty will be again put up for His. .k ‘ Quarterly Report F the Fin! Rational Bank of Gellylbnrg, rendered on the morning of the 111 Mom day in April, 1:66, I: follow“ Bill! Discounted, _ $88,135 1'! Furnituue and Fixtuul,‘ 700 00 Expensel, ‘ 39% i 4 Taxes paid, Premiums, (‘ash items, stamps. Due from Natiopal Bsukl, ‘ 5 18,045 46 U. S. Bondl, “12,100 00 Cub onthafid, ‘ Tam, ~ A Haggai; 55 . CR. ‘ , Cnpihl no paid in, 5100.000 00 "n! {n I, v A ‘ ' Snip!“ (adds; I v - L 320 30 girqqlntjng nag outmnding, 89,980 90 Dividends npald, Interest, lc., Depmm, Tom, ‘ $318,999 53 The above statement I! correct In the hell of my knowledge and belief. GEORGE ARYOLD, Cashier. ‘ Sworn and luhscribed beforgme thin 2nd day of Apxil, 1866. ‘5 A. J.,COVER, J. P. April 9, was. ac Quarterly Report P the coudiriog: of the GETTYSBVRG NATIONAL BANK, on the morning ufthe first loads; 01 April, 1866. RESOURCES. Notes and Bill: dilcounted, Bimking House, Expense, _ Due from Banks, 5 United Slam Bondi depouked to Secure Circnllting Notet, ' 150.000 00 Other United State: Securitiel. 70AM) no Cull on land in non-l ofolher Bnnkl, 14,324 98 Lenl Tender Nolan, . 26.530 00 Peunsylvanit 6-7 Loan, 7 64,000 00 Pennsylvania 6-7 Loan, Bonds (Penonim Tom, $629,597 03 - LIABILITIES., . Capital Stock, $149,150 00 Surplul, - - 23.386 70 Circulating Notes ouutnnding, 130.600‘00 Individun’ Depoliu, 72,918 M Dividends unpaid, ‘ ‘ 3215 73 Due to Banks. '» 393 15 Sure Bank Circulation, - 248,0;0.0,0 Diaconqu, ‘ ’ 8,993 31 , Tot-I, ‘_5629,59.7 03 I, T. D. Osman. Cashier of the Gettylbnr} National Bank” being nfirmud, depou 3nd "'3' that the above qum'om. h comet to tho but of my knowledge and belief. T. D. CARSON, Cnhier. Manned betol‘e me an: «In day‘ of Apt-1h A. D., 1886. A. J. COVER, J. I’. April 9, 1866. a: Notice. EORGE SDHCK'S ESTATE—Letters of 'ndminiflrntion on the unteof Geo. Smick, In}: 0! Huntington township, Adams county, deceued, hning been granted to the under llgnad, residing in the same township,:he hen» by given notica to all penenl indebted to luid‘estate lo nuke immediate payment, ‘nd thou Inning claims spins! the fine to “-9-. non: them properly “mentioned for unla ment. ' EMELINH SMICK, rApril2,lB66. a: Administratrlx. Smoking Tow. OMRTHING NICK] S will. 11. BROGUNIIR, a: Haiku-qua". Adam county, l’a.. Rwandan-en twodifleren: 3nd“ at SMOKING TOBACCO, which cannot!» but. The: IN mild Ind plenum, all the poisonous us" be ing exuwwd, and yet the flsvor in fully pre uned. Smoken, give than n mu, And you will be plated. _, China from t. distill“ lolieilid. .Peh. 26,1806. ‘l' Ton Property ~ 'l' PRIVATE'SALR.—S¢veraI HOUSES A cut: be pmclnued u Printe Sula by call ng on ‘ FAENESTOOK BROTHERS. . 1866. u - Picture Frames. GREAT nricty of PICTURE FRAMES, with pllin 3nd convex glans, for it]. u omer'l Drug Ind Yuri“, Sum. Jun. 36. 1865. ALL Ind see the molt beautiful noon ment of new JEWELRY, nuch u Brent-pins, Eu Drops. Piaget Ringl, Locke“, Ohdnl. te.‘ u . J. BEVAN'S, Opposlu the Bunk. Gctmburg. NSUBI AGAINST ACCIDIW‘I'SA in the TBAYEthBS INSURANCE COMPANY 0 HARTFORD. II but paid over one hand mm W dolkn to holdan of in poli cioo, Includin¢sB7,so9 to twenty-light. policy holdm, for 8513 In prmiuuu. PURE SILVER WARE ad ‘ t . SILVER PLATED WAR! of tho 7011 hmguhv, O M! mac-Hut mind. Gull Ind no in J. BRYAN,’ Opposing tho Ink; Win; [l5O :3! WANTED‘to dp‘nhuo ‘Ovh : on! In :2 It: ricn, s ' ‘ " 151011301. ' - ‘ Accidents! 8! ORIGHAL TEA VELLL‘RS INSURANCE co., cm: ALL“££§”'.§3§3;M,, ’ uwuu ALAINDT [5OO “EN WANTED to purch‘ue Conn, AOK‘IMINTS FRU:SI:U:;EW;Y 503333, ’ Put-Ind Vuu, n NORRIS’S. ACCIDENTS FRO l R SIDEWALK ; __-_~_.__.__._.______ ASSAULTp' BY unmoumsun ROBBERS’ ‘ POS'TWELY, NORM? hgu flu but minty 3?!“ng ANKLE“ Ayn BBUKEV‘ LIHBS. of Gentlemen? Farm-hing Goa-lain town. “D’Wa'wNS. 60111118310”. BURMNG u ocxwooo's Linen Lined Pnper Coll-rs , , Dauwxmu. , u “Rm“ mum. of Au KM. i - S'Pollciu ofnny nmoum tron $5OO to 310,000 in can of flu! nccidcut, br 33 to 830 week); eompenullon in cuaofdiuhling bod. ily injury, And from one month to five you: “It; It “Hymnal. Wt-JMAWIM. 00. Aunt 7 J. u. BATTEIHON, Pm" RODXEY DENNIS, ch'y. “‘9. A PICKKNG, Agonl, Gellynburg. April 9, 1866. 3a: ISIONEY MADE CASH svs'rn mono, The underflxnod non relpgctfully invite thair old enuomen sad the publié generally to an}! and no their Good: n the new price:. We buy: ' ; A rum; AM) wau. snuono 3700:. which we hue concluded k) run of! u Ihe ‘ lowest 1: Imble prices. We imgnd doing wh-u wen]; therefor: I" "son: desiroul dunking monegin the meiutfiuy (by swung it in their purchuos', I'lu not m 1 [0 gave us a cull. an we puma than may Ihdl not be diap pomud. ‘ - " - We no 111-akin! 1a: the ya: very libel-d flang- we hl'. rewind, ud cut unt we 11 man: s communion of tho sun; and and: we shall‘nu our but ondeuorl to you. I” who in: two: us with a on“. fibon'l. forget me plan, . BANNER k SHIELDS. ' Ffinrfield, Adnml county. Pn. N. B.—We are Agents [or Muller's Superior Family Hour, and }uhnson'a celebrnled Blur,- ing Powder. [Feb. 26, 1866. Lt ' New Goods at Grimm'fl. AMES A. GRHII'ZS, in Yurk Sun-ct, Gel- J \ysburg, has just rec‘eived n Luge lot‘ot new QROCERIKS, &u., which, lxanng bought for club, at the Intent reduced prices, be 15 prepared to ofl'er cheaper Han they have been laid here for seven“ years. His “garment! is very !ull,cinbrscing the most choice iniclel in his l‘ine, lo prove which he asks his old cusa gamers And the public genenlly to cell und4 exumneforlhemulvee. His COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS. ‘ SYRUPS. NOLASSES, FRUITS, xurs. cosmm'wxs. . i; ’ TOBACCOS, SEGARS, &c., ta, be is certain wil] please all whb may try them. and be lheralon lih purchuerl, fgom Wu and country, to give them I trial before buy ing elsewhere, He in determined not to be underaold'hy any other elubfllhmenh Hislnrgé stock of ' FANCY ARTICLES it kept. tall by constant nddnions, and every thing‘ in that line can an all time» be had good and dump. Indeed, he flutter: himself um his Store, containing as it. does l 0 hrge a va riety afGoods, all' new 9nd in the but condu tion, cannol but. be lookel ulon as among the mo". attractivein town. ..By attending closely to buliness. and selling at small man, he i; doing I handsome business. nndfiill Ipue 'no efl'ort. to increase it by giving utisfnclin}: in All cuea. [March 19, 1866. “ Agents Wanted 1” _f“ n 175 PER 510er. F I / swamps EXURELY SEW..— 709 62 1.412 34 7.002 99 111/e Photograph Cn~e nnfl I'3l}tu Record_ This is a great. opportunity for enterprising persons at energy [.O mn‘ke money. it i! nu ‘imicle of which the public have felt. the need. ill. ”Nils at. I low price, and its beauty and :nlil'uy in universally acknowledged. The ,succesi which has invaded its sale: warnmu ‘ the usursnce that one can be sold to almon every family. We Ire prepared to showy—tin: we have agents who are clearing $175 every month. Andre's for Circulars and Term, RAYMUSD J: 00., .\llufuf‘u.y l . 614 C ennui. SL, Philn. ‘ April 2, 1868. in g 50.499 8| 40 50 2.072 as 125,530 01 Tln Ware and Stoves. HE unlucriber renpectfulli lntorms the public thu be still continues the bunineu of making " ' ALL KINDS OF GOOD TIN WARE, u the old stand, (formerly Andrew Pollq’a.) in York Itreet. Gettysburg, when he ban the ham! uuorlment 0! tin \uro in the county, will: many other articles for kitchen use, to. Also. COOKING STOW-1% a; NINE-PLATE STUVES, oi the very hen kindl. - S. G. COOK. saomu as 5,000 00 671 92 63,8?3 45 Nu. 12, 1865. 3:1: Grent Reduction In Prices. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS \ me now selling GOOD CALICOES AT x 23 CEVTS, BEST UNBLEAUHED .\ICSLI. AT 28 CTS., And all other Goods in proportion.‘ "you vuql. CHEAP (loom, now {I the lim to buy them. . . Call at once. ‘ FAHXESTOCK BROTHERS. Ganylbur'g, Mn. 26, 1866. _._—...-.-_ _§. ~...7 __— _._“ 51,000- 00 2,612 02 ‘ Turnpike Election. HE Stockholders in the York and Getty!- burg Turnpike Company are hettby‘ nod fled that. an Election fur Preaidcnt, Manugers an}; Tron-urn, toreonduct 9w nfl'sin of the Company‘ will be held M. the public house of I". J. Wilson. in Abbott-town, on THURSDA Y. the 19th d 2? 01 APRIL next, between the hour: of” .nnd 2 PPM. JOSEPH» SKYSER, Sec'y. Mar. 26,1566. td . ' Bounty Tax Notice. ‘3l; Schoful Directors of Scruban township will nlluw 11l Abatement uf FIVE PER NT.‘ on ll." Bounty Tux levied for 1866, [Bid on or beforu the 2d dny of A'PRIL next; and in cue [lid {m u not paid within one month thereafter. lhc same qiql he placed in the hand: of an oflicenf mud it: collection pouiuvefy en forced, without respemt to per-om. ,By order of the Board. a . PHILIP EOXOIICE, Pruiilent Wu. STALLSIK‘HI. Seer W}. In. 5, was. nun ' ’ P eterf rudely. Including the “ Noble Cook, “"3011! Cbok," “Wiverly,” “Orn amenul," “Orientnllfl lc. Also, Tin-wnro, Sheebiron-vinre, Hollow-vs". sud every via 14¢:on Kitclaeu Furniture—including untie- I: of Luna-nu. Aluo, {new nnd mush im proved “our; SIM, for ”IE by ‘ C. H. ,BUEHLER, Comet-o! Oakland Ruilroul nu, Pub. 19, 1886. , ’ ‘ Geupbnrz, Pl. 8T33 VBAVEIL'S; ESTATE—Letter: of tduinlstntion an the own. 0! Pour 'envcrficu of lountplmant pr., Admin co., deemed. tun-19g been granted to the nn_der~ signed, raiding in the lime towmhip. be here‘ by gives noziu to nllmenom Indebted to said cum: to nuke immediate piymenl, and thou huing china against the ammo (c prounx properly authenticntud lor settlement. ' JOSEPH BEDEBMAN, Adu’r. Apm 2, 1866. cu ANGEL HIKE R'S ESTATE—Leno" elud miniunfion (in the enue of Samuel nker. Inga at Higthnd townihip, Adnms coun ty, deceased, havin’g been granted 10 ll“ un dgrligned, residing =iu Hamiltonbnn townlhip, he her-by gives nofice :0 Mi person. nudebzed to Md «me to Quake immedimo paymom, 3nd thou having (21.3 - quinu the name to present than propg‘rly “uremic-Led for ut uomg ‘ ‘ , JOHN H. BAUXGA‘RDXER, Adm'r: [8.13, 1868. .eu ‘ - Cool and Lumber, F "0!, Met], u the Yud of _ O C. H. BDIHLIR. hip, 19. car. Gullah nd M‘lmd nu. sauna AGAINST ACCIDII’I‘S in tho RAVBLLIBB LVSURAXOE 00!? ANY 0 34313930. It. imm-n «gum I" kinda ofmidam, uni {a Mull. no mqivod. by an chain of men. «NY Quflfly o! s“ kind; e! um GINA; n A A PIGKING’ . Honey Saved AND PRICES REDUCED I Cooking Stoves Notice. Notice. A Few lore Lek. N order to nth toga 10! Spring 0004!. NORRIS i. uIImgOYERCOATS u 008!- nll and look nl them. LAZED PAPFR‘CLLABS, of every YI~ rim, and style, at NORRIS’S. Dam FORGET ‘fii'xfinms Imp. every , min in the Gamma-'- flu,“ In New Snore, in ghuubenhur; "not. ON'T FORGET tht NORRIS hep! nodh ing but. um Men styles, and in ordct m make room for MW styles, be sell; var] chm-p. ' ANUVER BUCK GLOVES, tnd I“ Hyg- H of Buck Glovu Ind u-unum. at 50113133. UR CM’S or our, "day Ind "fluid [Jam 22, 1996.] . mums-3.: New Firma! ‘ 1' THE ULU STAND. 4 [autumn l! mu.) no Inoclntod with me, in bua‘lnosa, my lon, John r. Md‘nnry, under the firm uml style of D. .\erronry a Son, and I dain- to an; to my old frmnd: an-l Ihn public germ-Ally (but [lace thc I'll-,the mmmmcturn of Siddlu, Human. Coll-u. ta, bu been rovlvod a: In old uuhlilhod and wall hon land on BAX. dam moat. one pgnm soul: 01 lb. Gum Baumacmmm. n. ‘ lhrlng hut n oxperlonco o! «l yam in lhls uubluhment, I feel assured. Hm, with nuswe‘d attention to business, we c.m nill further merit nnd recoive I full share of pun lic patronage. DAVID McCREARY. erh increased facilities for eondnccing our bulineu, we are helm“ prepared than ere! to unisfy lhevwanu of .ill those who maimed anything in our line.‘— We upeciully call the attention of Farmers and other-I to the luperior qua-lily of bur Plnin or Quihé‘d Scullfiirle Loathing. -. Horn Saddles, dunno, all kinda, with Pl‘in or Quilted Seat or Vilhontllltcnil|gfi o fiornt Housings. Pl in or Quilted Sent Scum: Collulflenher) Ide Saddles, “ . “ (ucklng) Pl i," or l-‘mcy Saddle X 0 Bum Collars, €101.95, - est Welt flame" Col- W [rom- Seddler, kn. Bi ingé Bridlu, of 111 Pnent Leather Collen, - kind , hir- or buck», nltchedor unstilched hurried or an, 8m Leaner Wagon Mmrtin In, A . Whips, 4, q and 6 Curriage Harness. all ‘ he! Img, nylea. silver or Muck Pinned Team Whipl, #ounled, Trolling Whips. Hmvy Dun Hunt", undiu' Riding Twigs, Blind Bridlea; . Whip Luhel, ' Girtbs, Horne Blunkeu, Or‘uppers, ; km, kc" kc In short, everything that pertains to .5 first clue generel horse furnishing esubl'nhmenl conllantly on hand or-mnde v.O order promptly, of the vary but mnterinl, and by the most M perieuced workmen inithe country, (uro lin ing worked in thin uublilhmeulfor the 1M! thirty yearn.) We are now mzlnufncturlng an excellent lot of Henry Dmft and Harness Collars for than who prefer our own to Gilv made Iyork. . - Rrpniring of all kind. done at short nmice and on realannbje leunl. ' 7 All are cordiuily invited to cull and “Milne for themoelvu, In our v‘rork cgnnol ni] to recommend Elle“. ' ' 7 D. McCREARY & SON Feb. 6, 1866. u Mlublel’aclflc Guano. 90.0 LBS. SULUHLE PACiFIU'flUANO ~ . cpmnins 70 lbs. animal mailmylelding 7 to 8 lbs. ammonia. Auoso to 901b!.wrlhy boa'ié Phuphau oflinu, 30 ibs. of which Ire loluble phalphan. ’ I! combine: nil (he ndvanuges of the (m! brand: of Super Phosphate, with' than 0! Pc ruvian Guano. , . By reason (if ill greater concentration, we re commend 20 per cl. lean by w-ighl to he use.) per here, than or Mfr-nimbl- costing the name per ton ; Ind no more per new clump! those «Hing It :0 per ct. more per ton.—-- Henge it; many. 4 Thin guno weigh: 65 Ibe pct butbol, hone. in 'npplying it firmer- muu b 0 governod by weight nnd not by bulk, loril II much “gilt; than tho Slper Fulfill-Lea. Every cargo duly I‘llfluld.‘ , ‘ ; JOHN S. REESE & CO, ' Gnuu'Aozxrs to: flu Soars, 71 Soul Bmm, Ballimon. " Flour of Bone:" ‘Vfimill g'n'o a manlylguurlntee of the , purity of this article. It. is pure Im mamcd, fiuburnt bone, reduced In thejmuu o_f flour, which Add. 100 per cl. to its "Inc. It is u gtn'ck :ndach‘h an acid diuolnd b‘ana, hence’iu nine in may gmter,‘ because il conning neither’mc‘id nor I‘lll'f, which neces ‘ “:in Add weight, and reduce the quantity of valuable elements. \Ve.recummend 250 Ibl. to be and in place orauo lbs. Super Phosphnu; or diuolved bone. JOHN S. REESE t 00., Gun“. Aunns lon nu Sabra, ‘ 71 South Street, Barnum. n-‘ncCu‘rdylt Dichl, Agcnu, Gemlburg. 3"". 172, 1806. 8m ‘ ' Reduced- Prices. 6 YARDS, CABINET ASD AMERICA‘I 011. P GANS. .Buperior lulled 7 octave I’jANUS Iron $550 llp'll’dl. ORGANS from 3'50 npw-rdu. All ' Instruments ulcer-d. n commgnded Ind sold by me, Idglitiopmyguu nuued.‘ 'mustnted_ clrculus um. by In“, when desired. P. BENTZ. No. 30 But Market. Street, York, L’s. ”an, 12,. 1886. 1806. Philadelphia _ 1300. AL L PAl's n a . 5 , ‘ , EQWELL t HOUBKR, Mnnufnctuun nf PAPER 1158015303 and wmnow muons, . Corner FOCRl‘d t MARKET Ski-nu, PHILADELPHIA. {XL B. Aft-syn in more, A large stock of ‘LIXEN ‘ 01L SUAQS ”ugh 5,1860. 3:: Agea k ts Wanted is Soil HE GREAT AMERICAN UALIGRAPH [CAL PUZZLE—The ohelpeu Ind molt wonderful Puzzle 0! the In. Agent! an easily link: from 810 to $2O A dnf. I!!!” give any an agent. 3100 it he can ullfid annual; Sad 10 cum 1c: ample Paulo. PHILIP HILL,‘ 159 Market IL, hum-Ipm., PI. much 5,1866. 4: « A 83' flock of " ‘ GUM) AND SILVER WATOHES, 3:ch with «peck-l can And van-led [cod fimo horn, jun Mound mm! to: all. u I. ‘BEVAX'S, Oppoliu an Balk. (hugs-burr. The Far Famed “ meant. CLOTHES wmmznnu. Besides «he grul swing of Lnbor, the “via; In the In! uni ton: of clothing in n .inglo you, more than amounts to me pricuo! thin Wringor. I: i: ur‘ngo than ny 13111 in Ikauld be wining to do Without it. For n}. u FAKNESTOCK 3308., And It 0. H. BUSH LEH‘S. . - Feb. 19; 1866 M _HOBN‘ER‘S you can get pn’ro . _Mediciau, Dfo Sufi, Pncnt =l= N ORDER to mnkofiaroou {or lpring pur. chuel PIUKING .3 ulling Dress 00‘“ van chew. _ E hnu jut rescind a how mums: of Qumswm, to which n inziu the Inc-um: of buy-u. A. 3001“! l HON. AGO, [not 800:, Con ML, Rise-log é um Gama, fix lull “ DI BOHWB'B : a: Store. . ‘ '.. AT T AGOH in u. it: o! "If! “I l L 03:. 0 ' lon-It DING!!!“ GREAT CVIIB a! 7“ MY 0' HIV SOIK, , . I highly mpecublo «Mun, ullknown 10 th- Mercantile community, by ’DR. J. I]. SCHEN'GK, m an? “Yin mm o! PIN-AUILPHIL ' Olfiu H. T“. Ind Gum. laid Co, ho. '.'! Namu St, N. Y., J‘ 'B5. } Dr. J. H. Hrlu net—Jun Sin—Jar our Ill'mn Imm I luv. hlen lroublfllfllh n u }erc cough, nud usmlly two or three “med u ’yenr with more or lea: llcmnrrhngr, ulm-ll 10- grtherflor thelen for you, hll kept me Ihm [in flash Ind too weak to do busincu a! any ,klnd wilhonl “Haring. ln Angnn lml lmd I very severe bomorrfioge,nnd, nrcordum la thejodgmem dagood New York pllyolcmn, l Iru eluted .9 beyond the mvh ol‘mcdidnu, Ind wns ndrincd to he prepared, no hr nl lpropfl’ly muwrs went concerned. to lure tluv world 1 about 1. m. r- The‘ physlclnn (null my goo fricnnls‘) uid that the first coldl to): In!“ pm" fun . Early m J many I took s urerc cowl, sud foxmnnn-ly nu wrnpnnx rdonl as: No. 32 BOND STREE’l‘uhmnl) uvr-r your ()th. lllnnk Ibout 2112 Hub nl .lwunry l procured a bolllo of—ynur~ Pulmonlc ‘Syrup and commrm-rd taking u frlely. My “'l‘! And limbl war. very much Iwnllvn, lan-l all tho ”pylons of at Ipeedy dram nemed lo ceram plny my cold. I not lor my l'orrner‘phyeluinu, Ind lined to him that I won mln'ug yourn‘reull lcinen, and nlm allowing ~llmn lo hlm, mul lhumg talked of them, Are , he ruplivd; “You cup lake than «you lint-. 13” \ull do you no lhurm." Ha ,nid: "You know ‘lhlt l toll iyou lut summer, end In the some now, I! .you lure my hminaqs to Jon up‘ no not mg 11l 0!." He nil! to Other mums that he “could In: no hope hr me," “a my friend: Ind r‘eln uou easel-dud my mu had. come. 'M Um “no X'WII taking freely of your anllCrnt. hut [and n“ seen you. \The doolnr' culled n 1'" lllloanlend mr (mach m bl. surprise, he all.) imp owing, and he coull nor understand why. My (mill: wu lncrl‘asmg in yaw IBM-h rlunJ Ind 1 hr] a wish lo ban-you rx Imma my cite, nnd see wine you laud-Io any. \l'lml you ting-came to my room and undo the ex amination, you gnome but little encouragu— menL, buton the,.lg~sml m-l dou‘uU of my ever being In lpevl mu ulxmr m- nwem lug dilfu-ulliu. 'l‘ha lecondflllm.» rlmt 3.... call‘rd, finding me “ill gaining. )un gpn- nu; encogxrngement, saying, “my symptoms ‘vrere ‘impruvink; the l'ulumull- 5} mp, h‘calwccll Tonlc and .\lendrnlle l'nlls lnnl uclcnl lllw a charm." My clrrnlurinn, my couch my appr me. ull begun to hnpmve,‘nd I could unlit about my room a luxlc. You‘ ”’“LL‘I mu neurly elery Tuesday, and found lu(- 'unprm - lag, and told me not In go out 0! my run-n nu til’ the first do; of .\lny.', I look on ro'nl Mule under. your lreulmenl. my ‘um-eure bee mm nut-mu. and you told mu m cm NlPyLlnng I wished of: nutritious nnlure, llld to u- rum About llre root-u mud: nu pmdhll. I ml. lowed your advice. and. to \he surprise of un: old phyuichn Alld frlendl, l new muo‘a haw-r than I have been for sew-ml yolk, and bred he better then! ever exp-cued o person could '-\ in; on lung, the left be ng completely dried up. l feel very gmvelul I- j~ou, and cooguegyour advice nnd mediviuoq lumlunlvll. . . ~ .Yéure, trulyl T. S. SHELDON. Dre-Sehenek—Deer. Sin—About two yr-rl egol wnl taken with u very troublesome tough and a pain in ray-breast; reven or eight mlnthn pulsed away without my doing unythiug {or myself. Tneul upplied to u phyllciuu, who Attended me for abont'three months whhunt rendering me any service. ”also obtuixfid ILD ndvive Ind treatment u!n;ph)sivhln in one of our bolpimla, and alto hu} the Id‘ilz! nmt‘ treltment ot‘t‘wo other phy‘aicima. bntnll it) no purpose. During thliJong space of tuna l mu nenrly dud; sonar-d timel my trienda came to we me and wines- my exit into the spirit-would. I nun couhned to my bed two months ll one time. My breathing in“ ex ceedingly short‘ 1 gnn— up skier-thinner nil hope ot Kenn-K hem-r; an.) on regurdod getting well, unit was entirely out of the quutlon —— And to think thin out; i run well and bonny t—- hm Idviud by some of my friends to try Dr. Schenck’u Medtcm’es. l necordingly bought bottle liter bottle, until I reached the ninth ; thehl found A decidpd cltnuge‘in my rough for the hotter.L [suffered sewreiy from palpi tution of the heart; and. tw‘o u-fiekc‘tin'er l commenced taking your mediclmithls dimeul t) conned. ‘ ‘ ~ , . ' When l tint went, to Dr. Srlneuck'l olice lt .wu with dillieulty that i could get up into in. reception room, l mu I 0 think and no Mullet] 7 my Ikin mu ls Inflow Al though I he'd the jaundice; I felt dull, heavy and dongle“. Dr. Scbeuck, utter examining me, said both my lungs wererlfl'ected, and gave me but little hope; but till medicines, in about two weeks, took right hoid‘ of me; it named toga right through my whole nyuem. The Puimomo B”an Sen-wad Toning-mi Mundrtko I'llla, 01l took right hold in the right. place. The Pith brought any gum «lunatic: of bile nu alime; tho Syrup lnnwued the 111-otter in my iungi. which come 00' n-ry free i the Hut- Weed Tonic gave me an upputlte, and Nt-‘ry. thing aimed to note good. ‘ To that nlut grout yowerthc medicine. bare in purifying my ayntemrtnd to {had how he.) [was diseased, béaicie nil the, hilc- that i passed my bowels. and the grant quantitiu u! ' phlegm and matter I e'xpt-t'torati-J. i broke ' out all over in large boi‘lq, that wouttf'cmmnue to gather undrun for about. six Vtockafln'rl l i hell nt one time our twenty five turns. lhnva nothing of the kind now, null lecl ike another iperwu Iltogether. I can larvlv‘ my that l I have not enjoyed Inch hunt: (or flu your: M i! do now, and cannot prnioe you end your \medicmes enou‘b. .\I iy Uoi übunduuly When and preserve you. is the vinoere derircu! one who has been In wonderfully reliegcil through your ugencyfuud It uny’ one dear»! to know u xth regard to the truthlulneq at rhir report‘ if they'will ettll upon nuy 01' m .- iiiett'is, or upon me, Ho. 4 Drrdenl’lue, nun-Thomp lou ureet, below Codanhtder, Philadelphia, they mil be pgrlect-U Mtirfied with tho mind ity ol the can. Yours, with mud: reuirct, ‘ MARY SO‘HNAIUT. The atare race, as described, in perfectly correct. I know it to be trad. Yuan. - 'r. ampuwn, Putor or fiance“ l. M. umrgh Dz. Schencf win he ptofqlilumll; at his principal office, No. )5 Norm Sm): lumt, corner of‘Cummelcc, Phihddphmffle” SM.- .usdny, from 9 A. )1. until 4?. 4.; Nb. :2 Hand street, New York, evqry Tuc'ldu), [rpm 9 to 3 3 No. 38 Summer ”real. Bun‘oh. Slui', ‘nvery Wednclday, trom 9 lo 3; an I OVOerhcr Fli . any It 108 flulfiwore street, Unhilnoro, Md.— '. All ndvke free, but fur a bh )rnugb ehfiuum. tiun of the lung- vith H; Ruplwur, mo chm-‘8 it three dallnn. , Price or the Pulmunic Syrup 511113037201! oncT,i ea'ch 3! 50 pvr boulx, or 37 be per Hui! doseu. - llndrnkc lelo, :5 centt'pcr' bu. For 'AMO by I" Dmuuu uni “pale". ' ”H. 13,1866. 1m k - ; Wanted, Agata. -," to $lOO Pl-Jlt MO5lll for Grnflemu. I (Q) sud $3?) to $55 ruining-nu}. Q» hero, to introduce \he (‘om'nou Sen-e lel ly Bowing llgchine, improved and flaunt—3 It Vlll hgm, lcll, “lull, quilt, Mud. “d und ombroxdu’hmnifnhy. Price only'flwnakinc tho elude luck'suwh, nhd fully ummwd luv three you". We [my we up no mgr-o, or‘ a comlulon, trom which twice lhfn: Imam» “I be undo. Adda-en or call on 0) BUWERS 3 co., Ollie-0,, .\‘o. 255 S. Fillhdlu Philvlol pb'n. PI. firul lcuen unuwemd promptly, uh ruculnru and luau. '. {Ayn 2, 1860. In Csarasstrrs Wanted;,' 1' 3300 PH“ Mama—w. wag: relhhlo A menu [none adv-t.) Inult mil fan-Io to make 111: exclusivongency in every angst)- and gouachip in the U. S. to Jail lhg ['hpwxrlph Family Record, I I"qu yglnjflc? evér‘f,'fnmuly will buy. It in bound like un“-flbum,‘bul’h u I printed blank page oppuu}. ouch photu. grzpb, for u maple“ record of‘tho husband, life Ind each child of n hm“, who co'nluiu in: marriage «militate, Ind page: for military binary olany member of Mommy, Rotting like it over published and no Hurt um menu can 101 l nmdily. 0m oam'uuanuuxmhu J should and to» eimkn and terms. I! in nu ceuny to Inn copies or the work to eunu with § price Ivonne-us: 50, $3 50 indsz no (3 5039»); money any his not by ufii. Sane tho townnhips waned. Addzesn _ A RARTLSSDN‘. ~ 811 ammonia” ' h'n. April 2, use. m w: . f" “" "‘ M—'—"“\"" V H E but to: of Upper mum 00M. "93: a! an on "in" rank ma (g. u .moufl-r 1; mm MEI