The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 09, 1866, Image 4

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    ‘::.:~a‘-@nnsmma :
1.9, hidden, _mg‘ gumr, and mm m.
M Dell-lot the Nut-York Trlbune‘i
_ jury 33-13:! llleumr ('lynger. ‘
, Huntsman. Much :28, 1866.
1% the Merl of The Age : .
About lcn dutiful-{the adjournmnt oi'
.lho law Democratic Slate Conventiori. the
:{ollowing statement appeared in thd' Wash
jngton oonupbndggcb of the' New 'me-k
flh'bunu ‘ " . * i -
“It will be remembered that mobile Cap
,porha‘nd Convention of Pennsylnnianarter
,nominating Mr. Clymer for Gnveninr,‘ puss
‘ed I resolution endoraiiig the Prelit‘ienl'a
policy. A subcommittee was appointed
to come on here an] prawn: the "Solution
‘in person. This grateful mission was assay.
'01! a. for evening: since.: The cgmnhittee
were admitted to an "audience mth the
President. and were proceéding, aftq'r the
moat approved fashion, to msum-him that
theDamocrncy of Pennsylvania had diesig‘n
,ed no empty compliment; that the! ad
Watohoél hi: reéent action with no on“ ry
gratification; and that théy uhould stand
by him and hia administration ao‘lonfi as he
.50 nohly adhered to themacred Uoutmr
‘tion. Before the pernration wu-refiched,
the President, broke in upon them wuh the‘
suggestion that “the wisest thing they icnuhl
,do was to go home and change them-lick
lot." He believed that they had madc‘ :1 Ta
.tal mistake in nominating such a mpn‘vs-
Jmaially at this particular time. wiih ‘aome
other remark! of a similar encouraging
.character. The last seen oi the Penning”-
nin Committeempn they ware making for
théßaltimcre deotim u feurfully demoral
izad frame of mind." 5 ;
’ The false and unfounded ertionh con
tained in the shove extract me been re
produced, in various forms. in the Repub
‘lic'an papers of the State. So long eye the
statements wereof a general character it
mu decanted unnecessary' to make a reply;
but within the-hut. lew days I have rébeiv
ed letters from mum friends, interming
‘me that I am referred to as having been one
‘uf’the nllegm "alllr'cdmmittee." and ma
king enquiries of mo as to the truth or tel ‘-
eity- of the above allegations. In reply,
therefo‘t‘e, t 0 the inquirihs, and to the end
that the unfounded cheriu‘ter of the tyhole
extract 'mny fullywppeuq, I submit the fol
lowing statemt-nt: . I i ,
I had the honor to mime over‘the de
liberations ol' thobenieurzlticStirte‘Gonven
tion which nonlinuted Hiestér’ Cly‘mjer for
Severnor. ’ f ‘ ' '
It is false th tnny committgor‘ sub
mimnittee wnaeppoiuted hy the Conven
tinn 0|; by its pr'eaidmg ntlicer to ptuuéed to
Washington to',lii‘eaent to the Pi-eqident
its resolution: approving his policy, by for
‘eny other. [)UI'POSB whatever. No motion
was ever made in the Cuuvention. no} was
_nny adapted. at that nature, nor. (hill an!
"committee or,sub—cmnmiitee, or any; indif
vidunl ore’irfdividuulé, authorized by phat
.Conventio'n. or in any way representif it,
go to Washington on any each errandl ithe
wh'ole slnlementlof the Tribune com‘fspon.
dent is one of unmixed and unadylfuruted
.‘nisehood; ' . , , ‘ i
Towards the end of the woek‘in which
the Convention assembled, I. in’cpnfgpamy
with other Democratic Pinnsyiv'miuib‘cnn
tors and members, visited Washington: and.
while there. luml the Hun. H. B. 3min-
LLBB enibrnced Lhé opportunity of gutiirfymg
a iqug .cheriuhefi desire to pay our regpc‘yts
to me Preaidéni; and of 355 m ing him :ui‘tlohl'
curdinl‘upprovnl at his restoration Iquicy,
and of hi.» new of that. uniquitous meiisure.
the Freedmen’s Bureau lull. During the
interview, the proceedings of our Cdnven
lion were referred to, and I took occzmiuiz
to unsure the 'President of the siu‘pcr'rty
and unanimity with which his policy was
supported by its mambers. The riesolu
gob”! of our. Convention were alludedfto by
the Jlresißent—he‘ remarking that; they
were clear, pointed, concise, and thatihoy
could not, be misunderstood.~ I
The candidate of our party was dot. at.
any time or in any way, directly or indirect.
ly', referred to by the President or ourselyes.
Nothing occurred during the interview
which rendered it proper or necessary; nor
_ ulid the President by any expression or
suggestion. Viead us to suppose that-he was
_untriendly to Mr. Clymei'. The visit. was
‘truly gratifying to ourselves, and we have
no reason to doubt but that it who acéepta
hie to him. " I
I may here state upon the very high‘al au
thority. that the President himselt emphati
cally repudiates n-nd denies thnt he has ev
,er,‘ to any one, made any stateuient in ref
yrence to the nomination of. Mr. Clymer,
' _vvhich could _by possibility be tortured into
,the expression or sentiment attributed to
Jainfin the foregoing extract. It has been
.left (or the malice and meridacity of disup~
pointed and chagrined distinioniute to give
.3 version to an interview of private gentle
men with the Proficient. which would be
~ meet in accordance with their hopes and
desires, but which unfortunately for them
and their aims. is 'falu and ynxoundal in each
' k«mlevent/guit-ulnr.
' ' ‘yery i'etapectt'nliy4 yours. the}.
a» . ' WM; BOPK‘iNS. _
‘.The gepublicans 1:039 40 be able to
'make much capital for General Gem-y out.
‘of the sqlgierr‘vow. In this they will be;
mistaken. They have herelgfore had the
hbflnefil, of: mgch ldrger soldzers’ vote‘ than
they 'can oan in the coming contest.
_Generll Gem-y jl not. the man/Io rally_the
,retumed soldleis. ' . '
S'Tho'Centorvilla (Md.) Observer states
1!“?- I put] of fiihermen landed 93. one
jingle hml, neu- Queemtown, lately, war
[mama (IL/mud as fine Fl?!“ perch us ever
.swam. ‘ _lc. udd-‘thal this is tha but fish sen
_mn known for mnny years. The Cru lon‘
‘(XdJ ‘Guuun also note: a single 1:3 of
111-glue Waging} by the fisherfien of gill:-
h w. ‘ ,
“-4 gialgqgiv‘é s?}: the smggglqrp on
.the frontier hug” ind pipes acrqss' Hire Sc.
Images giver pnd ar‘e ppmping wh'uka
:froqnfiigqh‘into :3:. puma chlel.
mmwiwiofi o.erer m- We
lawyuhmerdioalainAhis-seomium. ‘ They
,huo finale .“hlnkgling” gfoer Rqegndo
pennant; pipes J 01,1919!!! wept—Sunk;
'._;.‘ ‘Frod Dogging; ~aeygn'tpf Pruitfiopt
:‘Joligpqg 111;: :he 'hld beggar peye; _begn
j- born." .019, ygeLangdo'gge ptfgnhqr
1 . 31w; Hm! : ' ‘ "-
" ‘3)” Yemm gin! Pemlepm I} mks
h“ ' _ dog, but it it _uid .their giraf
' “flmumm by dépogill in an
m‘finqfl's 0&5: ll'flalfrisbu'rg. ‘
“*ii‘il‘ho Demoomy I." 39:01:.» "cum"
. gatmiqn Republic-pg ,thi: um, be.
mitt-if mgidmiluplqsmcémet _1
,k a C L
903er 1‘1“: ammo
v -
Till! (11-A115? IBDICIII 0' I'll ‘.'. 1'
SURE tntldote far niche“, Ind s refug‘g
A from Sorrou, Pnlii Ind Diane. ‘
; Bryan’s Lll’e Pills, . g
‘ n-rriiltir nun-u,
‘m ldinltted to be mewsr FAMILY MEDE
OINE 10l- general use, Purifying the Blood nil
clennsing the .yatem from fill impurity. ‘
vrcgulntc the Stomwh Liver and Billisry Se,
cretinnl, which is thekhiel cause of Nervous
neu, Uiddlneu, Dinm a of Sight, Headache;
Sick Stnmuth and other kindred complaints. -
Hundreds ol‘Ceriifiuatel can be Shown.
They hueboeu used hythousauda with mecca;-
Aro Adapted for all age! und'comlitnlions. .
They u‘ra compost-d ol the active principles of
Hen! tud Roots. cdlevl from our fivlds in}!
forests. They are mild but ce‘ruiin in “Infill"
operation—prancing néitber cram”, [[l’llllllL',| . .‘.
paint or sickness. They mny he tuken by 311' , . . _
mes..aum or conditions wilhom fear. . Cam-“ 5 dc Vis. n‘r Plilln,lwr doz‘i'“
BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Cure licuduche. )., :‘ L “ a} “
BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Curc'Sick Stomach. " u u “ Q “ ~....
BRYAN'S LIPE PILLS. Cure Giddincu. ' “ f ”
BRYANS'LIFE PILLS, Purity the Blood. n :rnox on}: KIOATIVEB.
A Box of BRYAN'S Lll’lS EELS will cost but( l'igrieltes, ginglz (‘Opl'e3,4.oc.or 3 f9r......5l 00'
.. 'r wEN'rY . r E v a cEN'r s, ‘ Cm“ de ‘l5-,“ plmnmugle copies,33c.
and will Accomplish all that 'u represent-(1.. ‘ 0” furll tn
Tlu-yhre elegantlymut up by the proprii tor 1“ “dd'llj’f! ‘0 the; “lime every [Mil-“i? W”
the human ol BRYAN'S PULMUNIC \YA- i be Reillly.t.nt6d Withuiit extra charge.
FHRS, ll meiliviue' lung and luvoruhly knownl _There i!_ a. feature in Elm above to which I
u, theAmerimn mm“. ‘ [Wish to duvet spi-ciul attention, viz: I will
”you wish Biynn'n Life Pilla,,nnd cuilnot' mflke f 0"? Vl'ziit-llg-s,_ or three plain} picturex
get thelii ofyun‘rdriiggist, don’t take any um”, from‘ihe first negntive. lloretolore it has burn
but srn‘d 'l'wc-n‘v-five Gents in IL letter 'to the " rule not I 0 make deal: than 511 of one and
pioprielor. nml 'ymi will get their. by return of .' “”1" 0" th3.olher- ' . _
Hm“ phat-paid. Address, I ,- l‘take this opportunity tq thank the ciiizem
’ - - DR. J_ BRYAN, .ol' Gettysburg mail the public generally, lor the
J “g prondwj‘y,&e{q York. p. U. ”a, 5079. "mi! Muslim iialronuge extended .to the hEx
lkuilt-rs cim‘ be Suppllt‘d by Dennis Barnes x ““1310?” $lll9O ”8 cmihhahment, and hope by
Ca. wuulcgnie Agents, New York. .Etrict attention to hnSiucss, coupled Wllll the
’ ' 'udinntngo nl oter ten years uniuleri‘uplml
~——- l pmelice of the art, to. merit fl continu.iuce ol
‘ the wine. ‘ ISAAC G. TYSON, i
l Successor to the Firm of Two»! Bans,
Sow. 13,186.31. , Gettysburg, Pu.
01.1 n N E w_s‘z
T . 'ron THI nxvonwsnz.‘ ,
TENN, and JOJH): int-‘rfen‘ with huiinP-Is
purmiw, and» NU.CXIA.\'GE 0F DIET 15 NE
; ‘ Bell's Specific Pills.
Are w‘arrnuml in Ml cnSES, lor the Speedy and
Pennant-m. Cure ofiSamnml‘Wenknnss, Ureth
rul u‘n‘d Yuqinrll . Unscnuxuca, (ilec', Snxnul
I)isun~é<, liuu‘sions, impotence; Gmitnl and
Nclvmia Dummy mu] diseases of the ‘Blud'dvr
mul Kuhn; ~x.‘ ’ _ '
I‘m-31 :lré mlnptnl for mnlc nr {Fm-dc, old’br
~young.‘lnnd ler me o_uly rclml-h- known fur the
cure 0! Mi (Ji~¢‘-l‘o3 arising: from ;
ln nll Snxunl Di-‘eusrs, ns Gonorrhea, Suic
lule, (Rh-ct, and in tall Urinary and Kidney
unnplilinls, tlif)’ ‘m-t llkP a .clnnn. llehul is
min-rienced h‘anking :1 single box; and iron:
Mr Unix how: generally elTocA a cure. ’
h'nlll in boxes coutniniyg 60 pills, Price 0719
Pullmnr :ix lmwa,‘ Five llull‘lrS; :Llsu, in
huge lnr-ws, containing {our uf lllesumll, l’r‘lce
'l‘hrm‘ llullul‘i. i ~' . .
l'rivnu Ull‘lfilll‘lri la Gmtlrmen only, sent
Irm- on I: 1 mpl 01 amen-. 1 mu (4qu am! =lump.
1! fun [.‘.-«1 the I‘llls. cut out lussxdwmsc
mom. fur mien-m e. um! i‘ym cannot proculc
them of ) uur drurggid do lfuL be imposed on by
any mhcr mun-ll), buL'unclog‘u the maul-y m :1
leuy to ‘ ' ‘
2821. J. BRYAN, ('mh‘nlting Physician,
’ Ru) 50711 4” HULMWJy, New York.
nml‘ they “I” he Suntlo )ull scum: l'runl ob
surmhuu, In) ,rcmm nmil, Wag-Imm, on nevi“.
u! Ile Ilumuy. - ‘
mum sl-lppliml by D‘Enas Harms 5: Co.,
.\Vlmluulc .\grub. New 'Yqu.
‘ Dr. llhrvey‘s Fempte Pills, ~
if MIC most. ‘iul‘nllihle and popular lemudy
A 'cvM known, for all [IISP‘L‘PH of the female
51;. 'l‘h'oy Inn» ht'rn usul in many thousain'l
cnw: WWI-unfailing sum-«NH—nnd mtly'be rc
liwl on In t-Vyry cnie mr \vhit'h they are re
rommc-udcq, uud parlicuhfly in all cases uris
inn: from ' .
nusTl:lmTlO.\z._on STdeng: 0? NATURE
no vim'ler {min \v‘lmt cause it unseat. They are
rfl‘vctnfil in rmnrin: p 0 hoahh all who are suf
fun-.1 rom ‘ mk‘nr‘wfiud Dehilig. L'miue
Disaharpa, turmuifiesw. Jim, #6., 810., and
the) “.\n hk 0.13.“ 1," in atron'uthening the
sgsu‘m.‘ 'l‘housamss ladies who har‘e suf
fered tur yours an. t 1 «1 mrious ’other remel'
diva in min, owe atreliewug of their health and
strength wholly 19,1 th eflil-mf
DR. muwm". FINA 4 ‘_PILLS.‘
They arapgrfi-ctlyiarmles; on the systflm,
may‘be mkgfi _uq any time with per ‘1 satay;
but during the early stages of Pregun -\' ”Ivy
yshoul‘l not be when, or a miscarriage m‘. - he
the result. They never cause any sii-lmxi
pain or distress. Each box contalinS'JSO pills;
PriucA’ne Dulhr. '
a remedy for specinl‘cases; hmr deéfces strou
er “lin- lhe u._l_)_o\'e; briceil-‘n'e Dolhlrs per,‘
A Private Circular to Ladies with line un
tomicle _qunwings, sent free on receipt. 1 di
recwd envelope and stamp.
W 01" this out. if you desire Dr. nrvey’s
Pills, andjfyou cunnqt prpenre the 01‘)qu
druggiit, do not take" ally other, fur some
dcalers‘lwllu me unprincipled wm eccmmend
other‘fiemile P 5114, they cagn Inn}. a large;
pmfn on—bntenclosfl " n _en" '
reel. to i '
' Box 5079. 4
and yula willreceiw
scale-d (11-mi: observu
Dual , s auppfied
\j’holesfxle Agents, N
I‘qu Private
‘ (Exclusively ..h ~
N invaluable t arise of. 100 pages, by Dr
AJ. ullnrveyy blished for the benefit, 0}
the sex.‘ , , V
011 raceipt of TEN CEXTS. it will be non!
past-paid, in I ealed envelope, to IJI who up.
ply for it. AX’dress ‘ - .
"R. J. RYAN, 442 Broadway, X. Y
A l
. l
l ‘ Xunhbod! -
TH} 1D J‘EDITIUN, Fill)v Thousand—loo
p u, bx Roan-r E. BILL, M. D. A cull
liou,/’n¢dtqsed to ynmh, the married, and
lhou GON'riupnu-ixq MARRIAOI. Sam»: mnil
pug-pain], on receiptof’l‘KN CENTS. r‘A cure
ful’ perusal at: this small book has been a Boon
1'!) far Arrucnn, and has saved thons‘ands
lrmn a life of misery,‘wd In untimely grave.
It lrenylon tha evils of Youthful Indiuruion,
Self-Abuse,~:Sem|nnl Weakness. Emissions;
Sexual ‘ Diseasgs, Genital Debililfi, L 055 01
Power, Kervousness, Premature Decay, Impo
tnnre, .k‘c.7 to"; which until. she sufl'erer from
fulfilling tho Obliguionrof Earrings.
‘ Addreu, DR: J. BRYAN, .
‘ .4 Consulting Physician. '
Box 5079. ‘ 442 Brondwsy, New York.
Auv. 14.18” 1, \ 3
Watche- & Jewelry.
,7 CHAXCEu" FORY 31.—Jun“! A! Lon
.) Fungi—l9o,ooo Watches, omin, Lock
e's, Riggs, 'Bmcrleu‘rflega“ of Jewar;,_Gold
Penn, #3., £0.51” " ' ” 7 ‘'"
DOLLAR each, m’
to gunk! to: uni
[tony-«fie. .3
100 Goldlflnnm
ouch, ‘
609 Silver Wgtcl
~100.10 Set.- leigl
- Iqu% no]
, And & 1i um
.dqnc‘ripfion 1:: JIL .
fugilfuluo I 33:
‘ot diapwng‘ pr an
each is an follows:
in; price are [Sheet
nna wen mix“, a}
'lnil to spay 94141054
n \ L .1 Y
ybuwggg'd' ‘Ol.
FREE. {titty}.
NA” ‘,_ :1 u 3
g-Wo'mr I'o m may 0'? mi)?” no
THE subscriber keeps a'NoHon and Confoc
» tionary Store on Clrlme street, nearly
opposiu the Buttered Station, Gettysburg,
where he hu’ constantly on hind, CASDIES,
NUTS, Pigs, Raining, Lemons. Oranges, &c.
Toblccol Ind Sugars of all kinds: Pockeh
Books, Sulp‘endera, Neck Ties’, 001,11”, ta;
Soap: and Pe'dumeries; also some GROCE.
RIES, Sugnrn, Cofleus, Rice, with tho.differem
kindi of Crackers. lee-cold MEAD ut'all
times. He invites custom from town and
country, Ind sells ut‘small prams. ,
Aug.‘7.1865. ly *
Reduction 2 ißeducuon 2
.‘3 and um November lat, 1865, the fol-
Q/lowing reduu-d smile of privea will he
.. ppfed a: the “ExckLsxon” sxymcur
GALLERY, v 11: ' '
Vignette Photographs; pm- d0z0n..........54 00
H “ “ “ ...-...... 2 2::
> ' ui u 17:.
‘ 3 2;;
l 75
l 25
I 00
Carriage-making Business».
VI‘II-H war being over, the undersigned have,
reiuuwd the . : -
at. their old sLJud,.in Elm: \liddle sheet,
where ”103' are again propatrtd to put up work
in Hm mud Enchionnble, subamntmlmnd supe
riur manner. A latter new and SPcond-lmud
on hum], aLluh they Jill disuuse 0! n! the
lowest. prices; and all orders will be supphcd
as promptly nud samhclonly us puu‘ible.
.nbj‘li E-PAIIHNU
done withlll:pz|lch,und.llLhrupxwthllcs.
A large lul. gt"m.w And old HARNESS m.
hand for sale. : - »- '
'l‘lmnkful lor the literal patronage hen-Iv
for: rhjuyui by them, Eli-r 3 :oliul nuld will (El:-
dem’ur Lo‘dlacrve u lnrgc slurs: in [he IuIUIE.
' ' D.\N.\EII & leiULlil-L
July 10, 1:65. fl
Fresh Arrival.
II l, ' coma” a: m
lmwjust rcroivn‘. and owned unullu-r spleml‘hl
ussurunn-nl of “ATS, CATS, [NUTS :ml
SHUHS‘ for Summel “cm" which [ht-y are
sailing at wry low [ll‘h'L'S cousin-ling the
links. The lnlesl styles 0! Summer Hats nn-l
Guys, nf un-ry dracnptiun and wing.
“outs and Slums, ol'supuiur nmkv, nnd'm
Warmutud in m, ulwu; a on hand. Work
mzulertb‘ rlll‘l‘ amtl rewirmg done on ahurluu
ucv, bykgiyncml working-nu .\lso,
‘ L
\ c.
celrriml on inwih LA
mg muthing in lh .
péZPDon'n forge-ll _
burg slr‘ect, if you \vnu ._
' COBEL' .
June 19, 1865. ' ' ‘
g . New “in ehou‘s" ‘
3100 Ono B sums Nun);
, , ‘. j < W N'FEI)I,;LILIwnL-\ (Bram
fluid Produce House, In (I.ulisle street, udjmn
v‘inl; Silt-ads & Bug-1101’s estul-liainnénl. Tin.
lhifihesl marked. pr LL‘ “m nluuja bé paid II!
C8:ll for ’ I
3‘ gimme! a] ‘
0 Always o‘n 4’
d ' profits,
f. S ‘
sntisl c
m, _
.VL ‘G’
my '
‘3 i
_ v
s, or
C I’
gt. 1
.3125 [£s3 MAKING” ‘
\kls'hmnchex'. l'ersuna \sjnnl
" line would do wvll mmll.
kings. - -
and and for :Bch u: the smzdics‘
.LT, I-‘IQH‘. ' -“ . ‘
(iIIUCERIES, 'kc‘, .
‘ . Wholesale and retail.-
THY US! We slmll do um" best. to gin
Sufisl cliuu in uUQau-s. '
’ MuCI‘RIH’ 3: ‘DIEHL.
Mysburg, May 11, 1803. 1y
New Goods! Large Stock! " ‘
H. 138 justxeceived from file citiPs a large stock
or goods for Gentlcmcu‘s wear, embracing n.
vuriet \ of , .
CEOTHS, ‘ - _ '
, ' \‘ESTINC34
Cussifiets, Jgausr &c.,‘with many other goods
for spring and summer “cur. V ,
They am! prepared to make up garment; M.
the shortest notice. and in fife very bias! unm
ner. The—_Fushjons are rpguhtrly recu ved, "in!
clothing made in any‘desired style. hlm-y nl.
ways mnke.nent fits, whilst their sewihgjs sure
t 6 he‘subsumml. ‘ ' .
‘ They ask n‘confinunncg of the public's pn
trouage, resolved by good work and moderate
charges to cum it.
Gettysburg, Apfil'7, 1862 .
New 600515! Cheap Goods!
I. ~ IN 11.-\NOVER!-“
'e heiebyiinform the citizens of York and
Adams countiesl glint we have established, ut ;
the southeast corner of (‘entre Square and
Baltimore street, HANOVER, formexly Ot'l‘ll
pied by C. E. a T! T. Wirt, a Branch Store,
(the principal business houses being located
in New York and York, Pa.,) where we will
keep at all'timt-s a regular assortment of Dry,
Domestic a‘nd Fancy GOODS, eléo, 3 well se
lecteJ assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES',
Chine, Glen h’nfl‘Queens-were, Ladies’. Misses’ ‘5
and Children“: SHOES; also, a nice and lull
assortment bf all kinds 0! CARRIE, Floor;
angl Tubla Oil-‘cloth'. ’ ‘ . i
We have alaHstnblisSed in room: adjoining i
~lhe Central Hotel, a CLOTHING STORE, l
where we will keep conslundy on hand a well,'
selected uaortmeut 0i lieudy-xyade Clothing, ‘
of the Intent utylee,‘lnd3 fullwasortment of‘
Gentleman’s Furnishing Goods. such a. Hats,
Gaps,floote, Shoee, ML, which we will sell at
reduced p‘rices. " ‘-
AI our motto is, and always will be,v“quiek
sales and smell profile,” We hope to receive 3
share at we petronlge of town And coun
‘ try. Our connection with the large wholesale.
‘ house: in New York Oity and York, Pe..where
are always Itoted_nn extensive expel: of goods,
‘ which w'e sell M. wholesale and hail. eneblee,
unto enp‘plytour old friendelnnd each at our
new wet-omen ea will give use cell, with the.
very best. executable gentle, It. lower mm
the canoe pnrohued enyvhere in the Slate.
Cell and see lo: yourselves. ‘
Hmunvelwhmo26,lB66n 1y ‘ _ '
, .‘Beeves’ Ambrosia,
«TEE tum—.n. Original and Genm' a
mlnau‘a In prepued by LAM." firm—ll,
“13‘9qu him (lg-easing and preservativi
A" e. "R “obs: ’th'e‘ mm- falling out,
‘it _lo grow thick Ind prevents iL from
; premunrely géey.‘ Ivemdicnel flu:
alanine}, be‘nnfl ca Ind render: the hair
glossy nnd‘c'nrly. Buy in, try" ‘fz and be
ME. Don’t be put on with i‘ Ipurioua
1.. A 11: for Ruvn’ Ambrosia and take
21-. For Sale by Dm‘ggisu and'Deulerl
Iy Goods everywflere. ' '
a 76 cents per ”cure—sB.oo get down"
‘ »_ 62 Fulton 89., New Yor’k City.
«,1865. an: 'fi 1‘ "
Suvamomqumcy at we beat London
WnILflAIES, with or without. humu
>g lale byj D. IcIIBSAflY-hSON.
~ wfi’s'r 31: R?)
:,1~ ,w. < -L» a .. . w ~_...,. g... ..(flw-V "‘ ‘ ‘.‘ _- -90..“
-—-—~«1‘~ MW~M “l ""“""NémifégWH-"
[AXOSHTDO Iliell'gned Would respect- VMMD PROFITS i QUICK SALES
mzi, Informtheplblic um beau: fur-axon S J . b.\ 5, Cu_‘ 0 K
, ANUS of the following mnnufnctnnre, or would napoctfully fly to tho all!!!" 0199‘.
;.t-bos_e of other make, it desired, fit the lowest tyuhurg and vicinity. thut he is now reeemnll
possible price»: ‘ 11. his store a splendid ‘ ‘
, mmxnmso k sons... ' , '3STUUK 0? WINTER GOODS».
, ’ DEVKER BROS. The stock cou<ists in part of Firm“! and{
: HAZDETON megs. Staple DRY GOODS, of-etcty descriptlpng
l muses mos. ' ' SILK“. ' . ’ "‘\
- Gnu. STECK. MUZAMMQUE, , . '-
fil’lrnculnx mtention is given to the se- BUMBAZYNES, ‘
lectiOn of Pianos; and when so selected, in ml- ' ’ALPAUCAB, '
,tion to the nunufncturen’ guinutec, the Pianos . \ . ' . LAWNS.
ion yuuraulced by m. ' . ~ CAMCOES,
t " MASON b HAMLIN , oft“ qualities and choicest Myles. which wxll
i r The recent improvements in these hunt-1 _ FLIILVISHL‘G GOODS ‘
‘me‘nt: nu anzh'as to fully warrant saying they ‘ of all kinrli,'lncinding Silk, Linen and Cotton
are FAB SUPERIOR to any other nuke. One ‘ Handkerchiefs, Glows, Stockings, to.
of the best-evidences of their merit in, thatl Also, 3’ splendid assortment of RIBBQNS,
their improvements Ire imitiled by uthcf- Laces und Edgings. Umbrella: nnd Parasol;- -
mnkerq. [The new Mylo, four ’stop nrznn, have My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full
3 Suh‘ans and Octave Couplct, making it ml and complete, and Customers may rely upon
instrument eupeoially adapted to Church and aim); gutting good goods at the lowest pussi-
Subbnth Hchnol'purposes. ' 3 ~ [519 prices. '
’ DESCRH’TLYE CIRCULARS ’ ‘ Gentlemen will find it to their advantage tc
will be sent by mail to persons desiring thorn. i call nu.) examine my stock of
Piangs tuned regulnrly. l‘mune taken in ex-l CLUTHS,
N 0.30 East Murkct St., York, Pk. , ~ VESTIXGS,
June 13» 1355- 1" t ‘- ot all‘qnnlities and choicest styles.
w" ’‘ ‘ ‘”—.‘-“' Jim. 1,1566. J. L. SCIIICK.
Established 1850. ,
TUTICE ue‘ REMOVAL. ‘, I Bargains! Bargains!
h LAWRENCE “- DIETZ & CD-q ‘ Ew mu.- .\\'l» WINTEI’. mums.
rrapct-lfully ln-g leave to polity their ltirndsp N ~_ F.\~H.\HSTL)CK BROTHERS
("manners and the pfihlil- gruixmlly, that they hzu'ejust returned lroln Sew York and phi“.
huu- n-muvcd from No. 151 Erunklin street, to , ‘h-lphm with one (5! the'larnhl stucks ofnew
lln: culmuudious duur-stury Warehouse, 1n” .md “1“.“- (30043 ewr och-red to the
V NU. 308 BALTI-‘WI‘E,STKEET, rinzens 0t.,-\dm'ns (‘ounhzfifl‘hu' “we pur
bele-eu—Huwurd and Liberty. where tho)’ win dun-. 1 hM'ore the law ri-e'iu goods nnd ml!
[or the future conduct. “A: Wholesale Buai- 1W ~nl-l M tuna-I:;nun-[ingluriu-s‘, Thc "mun d!”
"033, suiely in ‘ - " grvnt‘duna‘nd rur ; Mmely description: for
‘UOSilfl‘y. Trimmings. ' ‘ the Snuxhcrn market, will Ilxx‘lnxmtcdly cnuse
Furnishiyg Goods. ' ‘ A n lunhur rm- in the price ufguuds. We then:-
' Perfumery, Notions, Jurc advise a“ (h «i ' .'
,‘ Sintionerx,‘ "fiery, l ‘ Z\'(l\\' IS THE THIE‘TO BUY.
‘ _. 1.0.3:. flu. kt“. Uur flock of L ulics' DHN! (lands is com
-10 which they invitl‘ the attention of (in and NM". mn~|~ling m I‘Zrt'nvh Vennm-s, very!
cuumry purl-Imam». l'nlxng conli e: '1 U! lln-xr _xlu-np, nll wool l'ophnk'" :1“ '.uml Plnids. Du- 1
nhihty lo ‘nHI-rn inducements) ”b lurn‘cs und.Pluixmu—Slleu r .:' l'ms, Cmcocs, Ging-‘
qu nlily o! (hnwla. ’ I..|HL~, l’lau: (liq 11M ulnnrgalfl’uxhs hr Latin-s"
Uldm-s'bv u: A] will rccvivL prompt all -n- (‘luaksxnnlmnlU lo“Y 5115: And a“ the Lucst
lion. Alllhl‘-S ~ :1) :0: m Dress Good). A .
LUVIKI-IV‘J‘I I). [NI-‘.'l‘Z & 00., I (LUTHS. (,‘gha'murts, Cus=inlts, T'wccdsr
‘ :2 H Baltimore aux-ct; Baltimore. tKonmcky Jenn»; .é. fur \lcn‘s “mun. ‘
.\lnrch H, 1.564. . 1 FLAVB'E'ZLS—IIn‘ Xingu: :mrk uvur brought.
~"‘ ' ‘ —, ‘V’“ {to lhl- nmxkyt, und Lhcnp. AM». u lu‘rgc n3<
$0“ Bakery! " 1 run llm'uL of Ulunk 'l'x Hpmintfi. Slum-Vs. Hoods,
YIHVI'HHTfk le'.(n" Ink, .\lcchnnicnl H ok-_ It‘lfinmlnhY null In lac! .| Inf: and t0!!llll“lL‘ ni
‘h ””san \vdshingtnugin-ugh Inlllulxmre Nhhnnntvufl' nll Mulls nl Staple and mey
hum the tingle Howl, 1212‘1'1 YSBUIIG. Pa GCUIFK Unlr slmß inning been purchaaud
(‘nutmnllfi un lell ”3(- hx-sl oi. BRI‘IH); low. u‘r é‘w upun . »
Vll\fl\'|lß.\‘,'(_';\l\'l‘l-", I'thr/Julfi, AH . Pei», lflfl \ UUK FALL & \\'[\'TER (Hfllhh‘ Vi)\V.
Huh: '."ix‘lilll Irn'sh Ulmd “I” he ~t*l\¢:d bur} Hgnng mph-“KIWI uur blot Lln all us de
nmrmn: tn lmn [nu their nnm‘M um] roainrp-u'ml: pullnu-nr'w; \vn nrn- Inn-pared ll) ~lth \\ hula-Ker
nl the anwr\.~ I’d-Lu} chL made U» m: Asp mm M' nun!- d.n nu: Inn-1t Imu- \‘~‘ ul ‘luu'us
tine us .. x \H! [.\pnl ‘.tu, NHL. u ' llh .: Holy comp. mum. (‘ln an (In Km! I'mnl.
4 F.\ll.\lih‘TU£ Ii Uliu’l ”ENS.
‘ (Art-m _Ulrnmjou
' T I‘RISKIiILiHHI‘SI‘H:4.\|'(I'I.OTHIN(‘- . r '
A AV!) I‘L'RXIMHM: Mum-I. m LIH~ .\.ml.!< The (iron! Bout- Fertilizer.
hug: Owner 0! lln- Hunmunl. 'l'lu- uxllurl'i‘lirr A L’ (j, ”A ' S '
i~ run—(nully m rwmplul hush gum]: Imm the A B ' HA \V BUSH PHUSPH \TI'
_l'hsluru riu‘w. l||~ :10le uf ' rumnining 5,111?!" rem. m l’in'n—plmu- m! Lnnc,
[Hi \h-Y-MAhl-I (‘LUTIHVU ‘nnd ~LU'7pPr crnt. Ammunin. ' "
i'~x one 01 tm- Infiltrl and "mu. mm“.|x~li\'o,—m h “mum L'L‘ Imam in mind Hm, n... MlO5-
'.n-H M lln- (‘lH‘.l[H'~[«‘Sthlthllt‘hlUl Llu- kind phalv of Lime in this gum u. hu-xuu 1,1,. mm],
11l lln- (mullry. You “111 lhmu liuul COATS, «.\clugH-h' lrum RAW “(0155‘ and :I Tlil'l-I
l’.\.\'l‘b‘ .\NI! VEST-‘3, umdv npjn the “-“s‘ WI!!! (iI'AVH. lhv'ru is NU "HH'I‘IOX «1‘ if
rd‘hinll‘lll‘l‘ :‘X\h'~',:lullnfllu‘ hrsl m-ll‘Tiuls- ,lNl)l’l“.HA’l'l\’lC. :|> in llu- mm- of HI'PHR
“I .\H um - .md pints, lur nun .mul IH-_\~‘.-- I’HUHI'H'ATEFIIu :dgfiuI'IKHX‘IIHAIAEUANIIS
("h-Mr. ... lf~lull||~LillL gumlqu: («my -11-~u rip- ——l.m luau"; «mun-l}. NLLI’IZLIC in llu- SUIL,
lion, \Vu ,l s“:in \hhllll film's, [ln lwry "rnuxmm : t"I\II.AI;1I il> l-J‘ILI “Ll/ASH qual-
Shrub uml \lu-rmu Nuns, lluum, “mil .md iln“ In Ihv (' {UPS lur \J‘ZAILN.
(‘unun [Mann-is, Hurnnul ml-n vhr‘rlllfliml I T! «- l:]}\|\ 1K \I:[.H SI'N‘ESST “_hic'h hi”
Huvl.-<kiu. \h-rnm and lh.llun'(£lu\o~,_|lllfil-puluvmll-d ii. ll~‘('r1l‘-_\lzll'\ Illst, 1‘ u mflu II:III
kn-rr'hh I» )m k Tun-a, I'mmh‘, Lxuf-n mm l':l|ll‘k (HY \|{.\.\"l'Y to inducé those “Inn line not
(inll.xrs,|l|ls, (hum. “uni-S and Slwr-s Ul|l-" lu day), ’ _ 4
Int ILL, 'l'u |ll|4\<. “mum, (‘.:xlwl 51.5.”. "101““: ' Thx- GRAIN (‘ROP “bore Ihii FERTILIZER
.«u-l Shuv lhu—lw». H ‘n "1“! 'l'uuth.l'-lushl'~, h.l~ hm-n n‘pphwl fifs-imm-wj to link: \wL-n
Shum Hhrkinf l'udwl :uul l)rr.~~m;;‘ (Imfilh, i\(‘|:l£ \Sl'l) Imm ‘.’.‘u E” IN) lu-r c'vnl. I‘v :ls
Irur; ('lhlllabs. \g'aulws, (“hum .uul vau-lu, ...", “mgr.”- THILHJI‘U :md GliAhh LANDS
Huu;, l’nlnh, thns .Ind Viullll [-‘lri‘L'E', lb Sll<‘\‘l-ssi||s‘ll-m|EQUALLY DHVHH'ZL).
Sup: :unl l'crlunmu- “HAIR-um) 0! .Lil Llnv_l~‘,' 'l‘ln; prim- in U.xll.inu.rc is uniform mm the
I'bx kcl Nun“, Sumkm: :unl (‘ln-u mg 'l‘u‘h'w- _\! Anut_.czvu-(-r'a l'nmurv Prlve. ’
.n,~l'mos. .Iu (“gm ‘l“:tu 0‘ Evy-Ha. 1.. 1m“; ’f’ ’ , (H‘HlR‘iH'l' DI'GDALE, ‘ V
och stand in Chmuhena
m. {Unix clubn’m-y nwnyliung usually W ’1 ‘ .\l.lnul.-,wtuwr~ Agcnfi.
in u hlal ('lnss‘hu'nx.»hiug allu'l‘. l imilc the‘ r 105 anixlis‘Whurl', [inllimorm Md.
HUL‘lll—iull “full tn uunn :Iznl :rl‘ lur llneuhvh'esfi ‘ Fnr sfl’e at .\hnmkmuror’s ‘l’rice. . Ccst of
mu lum dvleuuim d to sell g‘buds lunar Hm" Tmu~pormtion "MIL-Why
an; u‘>l.uunlm I'uc cuumry. Don'!‘ . ' S UH'HL I‘H‘IRHST. Cvthslmrg, 1
furgu-‘t [he phce. L'urucr m Yuxk :U'9BlBlulr DAVID HUICI‘I, New Oxford.
th “i-Illlulll}; 7 JALUU JiIg'IBKHHHUI‘E. I Fg-h. 5, 135m}. 3111 ~
N, L’TL'AL HUI-J l.\\'l'l: \3‘ II C()\ll'\\Y.
L ‘ [.\urm-nlnrmr. Wlimu IS, lcuLJ
’ l‘z'ncnm. 9 t
Pl‘viidonl—Geurgr .\nnpc. ‘
\m- l'r: <ivh‘ul —s‘ IHHH‘I R. hugsscll
Sm r. K xr} ~I). [Au lint-H- r. :\
'l'rensurtr—l‘f. ‘G. I"uhm':‘lutk. _
Encuxiu-(‘um'uutl:c—liuhcn .\lcomd'v An
drew H quiz: lnmn. J.u-uh Klug. ‘ ‘n
)l u' \nmts —(lom'x;o Hunpo, D. A. BncMer,
I! \lt'l.‘l;lll\', \l. I‘lu-hvlhcr-Jl‘r, .\. 11. Rufiull, I};
(i. Fullncshu'k, A I). Hm hlcr 1L G..\lcU:(~:lr_\',
(viut'ysbuuz; Jllru'u ng, Slm'mu township;
A. Hl'llllizcllllJll, Fraukiin ; 'Wm B. lrlltlt'a,
NE-w lenr‘l: l\\'xn. H. Wilson, Hemlursnllo;
11. Aul'irkiug. Samlnm hmnship ; Juhu \Vul
fora. Latunr‘xr’c UHVllplllll; Julm' l’wking. East
Brrlin; Abe! T. \Yllulll. livnde‘rmilh‘: Alnllel
P. Hill. Saw Unnr‘l; .l.«s. H. .\lnhhAH, Hum
illqnhan ln\\*nship; Jnlnu \‘unnliuzlmm, l'rL-e
-dam tmru~hip;Jfl|m Hurnf‘r, .\luumjuy mun-V
slup; Wm. H|lS\\\'hill‘, Liberty Kawgship.
MP'l‘his Hummmy is limited in its opera
!iuns'tn lln- gummy u! .-\d.uns. 11. h2gs been in
upq‘minn I'm- xmm- llmn 13 years, nut! in that.
period Inn m-ldn but In” ulsr-ssmont, having
puiq luaws lv_\ the during that period :Imnunt
ing to Sld,‘)-‘55~5U,1139,11[ which lune hr‘en
1) till during lh!‘ hut um )‘Q‘HTS. Any person
dctirm): nu fn ”mm-c can apply to any 01 the
fihuvcn mm! .\lnnnzl rs forfurther inl'urmminr..
mP'l'lw Executirn Cmuynilxoe moon M the,
13mm ut‘ the Company, on the he”: wanes
day in m'rry month, ul. '.’ oxluuk, I'. M. '
. 111-Z GREAT l.\‘\'l-:Nl‘lu.‘l.()i“ Till-I AGE
New PnlenT'l’lUi‘Ll-IX II’LLIPTIC (or double)"
SPRING SKIRT—This invention consists of
Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Steel
Springs. ingeniously braidedtigntly and firm-‘
ly together. g-dize to edge, making _the tough-l
est, most ll‘exihle, elastic and durable Spring
ever used. ‘Thpy seldpm bend or break, like
the Singl‘q Springs, and conacq'nently preserve t
their perfect and beautiful Shnpe more th§n
mice as long as any Single Spring Skin that
ever has.or can be made. I ' i
The wonderful flexibility and'greacloomfort
and pleasure to any Lady wearing the anl‘ex
Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly
in all crowded Assemblies, Open”, Currlnges,
Rnilxond Cara, Church Paws, er Cliuirjegfur
Promenade ‘und House Dress, in the Skilgt. can
be folded when in use to uccupyln. smml' line
as easily and conveniently“ n Sill; or lawn
Dress. - .l
A Lady having enjoyed the Pleasure,'bom
fort And Great Convenience‘otyenyinz the
Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for‘m single
day will never afterwards willingly dispense
with vtheir use. For children, Misses and
Younkhdiee they nre mmriorxn nil others.
.-~ Ths Hoop; an covered will: 2-ply double.
‘twluod Ihmd _lnd‘ will wear twice on long an
the single ynmoc‘ove‘ring which i! used on all
Slngle Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom
rods 61: every Skirt BM also Double Steel, and
twice or double covered to prevent the cover
inxjhfli Hiring «in mi. Nd: hlfln dragging
down‘ stairs, none napkin, kc“ yhieh,’ m,
In annually subject to when in use. ‘5
All no made of the- new ind olegumflorded
’l‘opea,_ond In tho but quality in em! but.
giving to tbe' wearer the mod grnufnhmd
periquhope poplblgm are unquestionably
the lightest,- mou desirable, comfoiublrnnd
economical Skirt over made. , l .
.AW‘ESTBaIBB-ADLEY l CARY, Proprietan of
the invention. Ind Sole Mneul'nclurtn. 97
Cbamben,”tnd '79 t. 81 Rude Streets, New
York..~-n'. .~;‘ wu-
For'uglejn all first. 91M. Stores in-thificity,
And thxgnghput the‘ Unified Suki-dd" Canals,
Hana-Begum, flexicd, South A'uieflgdrsud
the West Indies. ‘ . " '
”hwy-'9 for tho Duplu EllWé (or
dbuhle) Spring Skin. ‘
I mafia}, 1865.“ 3y: ‘ , ,
SJ“. Otmqomi‘uneh loivfiggrenflut ,
ken all down. ‘ ’ ~ ".~
.41LY41111 pre-
Iketserhl the
L .."NDBBAOLOTHJNQM. may; 4 ea.
ini'fl’kfifi II a.” ‘2] ,- 5.80%]: .1
Jul} 4, HHS}
.'.‘danzw (‘onnly
(Jet. 16, 1565. u
New Skirt for 1900.
1 Ft pt 1,. ISt;
» F . Take .\‘oticc. ‘ .'
’ MR‘JERFAM 1):..\1.i.1h sx‘ nimmz—
l‘ 111:5 \\ ll plmso Ltkr uuu e lluu, uc'lnne
‘Hl’fi‘lph‘d [he fullnmng I|.ch .\lm‘l, lu pullout
-oul~‘-I\‘L-s. and pram-m, lhnsc ulnn we (in;
Hm w “on: SUI’HRI’UOSI'HATEImmbeing
dcwived ufu-‘n purchniug umnmu.
L We l:.l\'e [urn ohlxgml lo giu- this pro“?-
“fun to our A-ualomvrsv in n 1m (luau-e o! -(-\',
' L-ml lnrucfl having unlzuvlully usml our dlS
‘Lim‘uve name, viz: "Ruw' lmuo," in ufl'uriug
[ln/gr articie to the publiv. 'l'hw 'l‘rmh- .\lnrk
L:- ndopted in. uni-Pinion m rlu- [ilk-“Rn“ Bane,”
whi'clr is our t-‘u-Xusn'e pmpmly. und we cau
tinu 4i! muunfinc‘turvrs fram mm: it In mlure‘.
We would shue to the tmde und mmumers,
that llwy wdl liud n. Lo Khmr inn-real to see.
lllql Ib‘q- “Tm-h- \l.\rk" |~ upr-u (‘VI n bag and
bnrrcl the) purchabcflmumw nlhi'r N ummnv.
. ‘ - HAIWLLS :05.)
B .4 1; ,0 1r ’ S
Super Phosphate of Lime,
Mnnufuc'urcd l-y HAUUH x SUNS,
NO. 20 South Uehwxue Avenue,
The great popularity o'Lournrtlcle In: been
fnun'd suflicwnl Inducvnmu £0 cermm imitators
to manutacture find nleertla'u “:liuyv Bane
Pharphllles," a name which originate-d with
us, and is our own nglmul property/f We
will state for the infoezmnlion of all, m nt we
are the exclusive,manufncturera of this "title
—:.he original and .Iqu propretors of if—hnv
ing been manufactured by us for n peyiqd of
twdve yqan. .\lB9 that ikis covered‘by sev
eml letters pun-m, held. 'ouly by Ourselves. .
We hrs now ready’to supply it. ‘ large
qun‘nlitiés—hnvlnk'made recent ndditil§ns npd
improvements. ‘Yelgels drawing 16 ML of
wane: ram load directly from the wharvea 9f
the works, whjch are locatgd at, the fad: of
Morris Street, Delaware River. We call the
nuemion of DEALERS lo this great adv-nmge.
The present. indications are that. we shall
bus I greatly _increuso‘d demand over last
Iprinz sud full seasons, and wepdvise Farmers
to ,aend in then- orders to 91min- respective
Dealers '11: an early day, that all may be sup
plied promptly. _
Solicixi‘ug yuu'r continued orders,
' We remain, '
'4 Your! wiry firmly,
- BACGH & 80213,
No. 20 S. Dlluwnre Avenue,
Feb. 5, ”66. Du: PHILADELPHIA.
Indies’ Oyster Qaloon.
THE undersigned has :5? pleasure of mi
nounuing to his friends that, in 001mm;-
CREAM SALUON, he bu o‘pened an
LADIES. Lndien um! Geu mu rui’ting thin
Saloon will find the Accoml odoéionc all they‘
(Gull dubs. Oysters wil be lerud up in
In] Ityle bad in nsuperio: anner. Call and
Nov. 8, 1865.4 1! ~ . :
=Ma turas:
LEVI MUMPJ‘B ”wing ~ “baud Samuel
“ . Wuvefil PHOTOGBA 2.8 GALLERY, i 5
pnptrod to execute work x- his line equal to
huj‘nublishment in the Sm’e. If you again
r. g‘bad ‘likmm, finished secordhlg l'o the blast
MWMmts in the m, anr at the above,
[ongoestahliahed Gnllery,’ in Welt Middle
Strut, Gettysburg. (Jan. 9:312:65.
‘ ' 7 ONE 'LL’JNG and“! g lurgoxand well le
' hated clock of OMMn3;lu‘if tfi #34l;ch
”union-bu} tho-1,“: PIG G'.
>_ _ _ ,1 4. ——_€ Hr‘;-_..,..._.....A...-‘——-—w—
, IAKE’S {Leggings mugs ; 01¢
Rimmflmn; 1:53.... as
Forwarding- Bush-ohm. -
, ()L‘H’ & HARNsHAw'S LINE. '
AVIXG pnrch‘nsed thv Warehouse nnd
H (‘url heremlore owned by Samuel Herb-t,
the unfit-”Med wk;- pleasure in announcing
to the [white that the\' WI” run a. r
‘from Gettysburg lo Bnllnnnra “(My week. They .
are prepared to_ couver FreLht cillur Imy, in '
nnyqulntity. the; will «('.-Mn dean-emu! the»'
making of pnrchnses in {he city. and deliver-‘
tux the goods promptlx ul Ue'gbburg'. 'l'lu-ir
car! run to ‘the \hnrrhnuu- uf STEWA
SON kSnNS, 165 Ninth Howard street, (n‘enL
Franklin.) Bultimore. where "night. ml} be;
‘ recm’ved at any time. They invite the attention!
of the public In Ihrirl!ne,n§snring Ihvm that“
Lthey “1H epdrl‘ no rfl'url to uccummudnle Ml
' who muy pnlronizn them. . t
| Having purchu'edee bujldingn and Int 0!!
,thesignhenst. corurr nT Ruilrun‘d and North‘
1W» ”I|;an érrnn, (Il‘ll:\~!JIllg, their Depot
'will re min llu~r«. .\ny p 4 rgnn having Innu-
Aucba id the foryuxdiluj lim- me rospmllnllyln-I
I \‘Hed ‘P call. I CL Ll' a. l').\l£.\:d.\\\',
Aug. 7,1301. ’ ‘ ,
‘N 0 II nmbu f; X
THIS “.\Y [Wu L‘ ”(GUNS ~JUH.\' 1..
HUL'I'ZWUR'HI has just ruinrvml [mm the‘
(‘ily \\i|ll the i wglwl uni nmsl unnplrlu usion-4i
mw-utu-t “A I‘S. A3l) CAPS, “NUTS l
MNU SHOES. llm has hun hrm :11l m 7“;
flixluwn simu- [he \rv-r. Uix Huck i~ ['
not unly (10mph w. 1m! 1‘ 1.1 M!) And Fulfill"
L‘mhruumg moxy \arivu t-I liunls and h‘xlun-s‘
fur .\leh am! 1203‘, \xl.|l.~l \hv Lmlim “ill find~
twnllhug in [hour lino. l'rnm Ilu' fluvsl GhihL
u Allu‘ Imu’u-sl Si‘uk- (‘lnMrru s_sho\s ui,
«wry uleficr'lption. In grout \miviy. Also, La- :
dlea‘ H. 115, flue xiunlixy,uml Children's ”man
ofnll s‘lylrs and prires. Aim, Trunk-1.70M“
pei “up, Vulisrs, l'ml,rc!lu=. (Hon-s. .\.tm-k- l
inui. 'J‘nlmcco, (jigms nud Notions u! cn-ry’
description. , ‘',
51;?“011': forget Um place. South-cast Car.
of the Diamond, Gmrwknrg, Pulls '
Apnl 10. “‘62:. II I
A 1115 yaw o n K‘s,
(‘llut t'nrm r u: Ihe llinnmud and linki-l
» stun-r. maulv omm~i'c tln- Slur/01hr, »
lbh’l"l‘§'§l.L' nu, PA.
dvsuiptmu of “ork oxwuw-l in the
lan-=1 olylc of Lln- ML ‘ :I -
17 '154. 7 , 11
rmgl qui‘dj rm- (‘oldlu
If.) I‘EL‘imnl.
_..- 1; \' \\£H(‘ (‘Hlll'l W, x».
[.'.l'l’ 1} (' ['4' l.‘ .1 .\ l'
.\ “ulna-In! Ag: Ll 'Vl':Plrl‘l la w u tli: 1'“.
110151 Axum-bl lur u Mn,” u and x'. \nlulm»
lnl‘ull I’ulm-umn |'|»nl«l,r<. I! ,umu‘lh u-u'
it “Ii! gm. jushnv r Inf ll] fly.” I an); m
slnu-"un .nn-i IH-H [now H) I-Qh'allul In”: ir H
In quxxlg uf llw! “rm '9, 'k-t“ o: .n‘un [mm H!
m-“Hmmr .\.w 1.1 m»: sm". .. Imm.
Uuug'h .\‘lhumxh 'lm- Hun-m \\iumlny._:
('ongh. sll!llH‘r> ul '.‘.w léu-unl . ul lhulu'hml
.\Hu|iux.~. . ‘
- . .’. I .
\\ hull “1‘ (“"1 LUlllull 1?. (‘d H] mm In In. III:
”IV I';\'|ll‘llul‘.lltl In unr- h’mn- un uuwl'mu H
\\ I~ I: )K ullr mlvmum u-u'unr .jn-Lin In I'“’ n
‘lile u lulu: 1M 0! u uxnmuhh :c- an r jdt-mv
0! 1h wmuu- pin-gm u «u, u :11 Hu- «!.4.. M Mr
It min; in urn-u wd lv‘v'tfkc‘ \ nu Hu‘ ilu l'lu‘u:t.
has Imlurul In} V.» In! in“: u :.T,|‘. n In In
1:41» non u luml- Inga? w'nv. ....‘I 11... In
(\mMi‘h :lgljx'ch : lllluwnll-HAL 1M: wan-m Ll
Ihr mummy. .' ' .
.\ll “.3 ‘hk is" H! It thou: ll‘u: MIN “-1! mju
giu- ll :1 Lilrlrml‘ ”ml il hm prmu 014 m .m
.nleng 5‘ mm ullu r pr- p mhmnsm’ J nllflllJl‘
nature now Mung" mnpmymi ‘
The print: on (hrmgsgt suthn fin; rouéh «If
:1“, Ln inrf I; l '.’? um] 10 (l‘lllS .'l Louie.
Bell's Worm Syrup.
T lul-‘FH‘H‘..\T REMEDY L\ ['M‘} —-.\ [hm-
Em’ Pun m - :3 hung—LA]. l'amr ILI to Le
Tu/ML—Jn llli< I'M]. n‘nlmn \u-‘lmw iurlutlwl
Slnh Icm-dn-s uni}, .I~ lnn- le-n trlvd for
years and are known In pu‘sw-s: pu\\".l‘l'flll
autlu-lminlh \Prlm-s. uunhmvl wi'h mild
il!]('_lit:lll~. [uh-hm: AIHNHAJIN :Inlhtung. An
lht-Imimlu ul (Luau-hm L' muul In I‘tuxm 'lhu-lr
[wruhur Yum “Sn: ur lung-11w dmiri-nl rfll- 1 1.
tum-2» llu- I. .ml~ Mr R: pl nmxhuuu-Lv tim- In.
To gun-hlm- llnH gouliv plll'.’ tliws “\rv luv» ,1
£lll} 'lllrl uh I: x uh t-nlel In in lIJVII lh.|l (nu
nu'rmh m-n- \\ 1H! tlu- nnlhc'llllll'il x-u-lnuuwl
Thx ahhuni “gm uv I‘ll In in: 1'.i,~ .\anflnrn-
m. lb ...uu-rmll:;s'x'lmx‘m: .\.w LX-
I'ELMVI: Mumlsi ‘ 'v
‘J-L 11~ lull-i Min-HUI]! HEM .{lmu the hum-I:
34. its g-l(-.\».mth~u- .Ile why .m: n: U.”-
imp ~ jig-nu“ d U." ‘l‘.de h) nry It.“ Venu
l ”um-5. '
’ 411:.J1s lmrmh‘» 'ulflut-Ilco lumn lhl‘ s_\ #99:",
monsuquenth nu )lIJIII’IDIIS ('fl'icli ml! ltmll
{gum us IN rllmlltl :h [hllil'ul hqu [‘o \\'9rm~,
lbul nn‘npp-rrul Mann-g .Il‘hififl lrnm winw
other uuk‘puuu c..u~c, “Imin i: l'uqmnll} lln:
“case. ‘
The conflilunms hf Lhi< Syrup and HS affects
an- knwxu In In my l‘lu-u-uuu, “lu'p nrr. now
Hung i! in llu-n [u ‘liyr- lo :I Lug..- c.\lux.L
l'ruciflb'wuh :I'hu‘lll‘
ThoiGrontmt finimont in ,l'fio. n
”)liLh s \i .11 H: u'Lz—l‘a unumt—J, um”.
1) HI. mm! I’uau‘zunh/ :lan unil' Ifl'uuqmu'ul
LuuunwL in L'.u- —.\ puwmlulfifltuuiulh ('u'n
pound [ol‘ the Specfy Cure of Rh- Immliem.
Slrflill‘, Spivins, Wound: .\uvnhmws o.’ the
.Lith, From-d Furthuid Hnnd‘c‘ Sp‘nin. Sade
illi- (i Ills. Pull I'INI. Hing “our, lix'nifl'fi.
Sn'elixuiTzs of xiii‘kind. and in‘lm‘.’ u‘rry dis
e.|:e for; which an Eiuhrocaliou is llppht‘nilh',
cube-r ill Sham lit-as": l’rli'e‘zb crn's u but
vle.—This pn-nurniinu, which i~ u'i;iunl “ith
us. till he lump] in he nine of the "In" and
2". ill}- shine lime one 0; \hi: iupst u-huble up
plivzllimzs exmm. V
Having hu~n l-mpluyml verv \eflfln'sircly
sime ilq introduction .ml h-cliug animwl 00
it: remind prov-nines, wrri'commcml it with
“I? mmbn confidence, knowing 1m”. no nne.
will he hisnppuimed in its 4150. h is, us in
mun: inipiies. a while li-i'ue I oi the consis-.
tency of cream, containing inhhing vix'cnaii'e,
but, oh the contrary. Will he' found more
piyusaut than other-Wise:
. 3 Belg‘s‘ Allovatfly,
Rcbxomus Puwmmm ' ‘ ‘
_ imp uunsss. CATTLE z swxxs,
25 cénts'r. paper, or fire pipers for $l. '
Tue lulhmeuse sale of these Powders durinz
the short period they hut‘e hccn before the:
public. i o suflicient mmrnnlee of their great,
populmip, and the den-Med benefits derived I
from the r use. 1
They he confidently recommended not only
111 a prdreulire, but “.1 compleirrure for,
all disenqas incident to the imksu, cow or,
HOG, ar Loss of Appetite, Cougha,_ Memes, .
Yellow Water, Dislemper, Gluudérs, kc, 3c. 1
‘ ‘By thelruee theflwe’s Appetite is imizororhl
ed, all derangementa of the digeitive organs
correctedj, gouging the skim-Jim! giving to
the goat tisle‘e and mm' “um-e. and
iii! bi used 1&1: pemctiffifigpwml times,
as it cpnlnin‘! n 6 lugredienta which can injure
a bomb, whegh link on well. if .
They cleanlgrthe breathing ippnrntns by
ejecting’ztm flu nir ceill ooaguhmd patter,
or “at maid: which no deverely clogs
them, causing I tightness in bru‘hing, end by
their peculiar qction on that‘pqrt. therein»
the much: membrarie to resume its naturnl
dimensions, thus equalizing the’cironlution n!
the blood end restoring the distended veneld
mtheirnuurel site.
For fanning cattle they’lfe invaluable,
allo palsouing poculiu pruperfiea in increas
ing the quantity of milk in 00", thereby giv
ing thexp an impoxmuce.nud 111-IHO ,‘rhich
should phce them within chi band: of I“ In
tel-«ad. ' ‘
A“ diwuu to lbicluho Hog“ aubjeu, us
‘ Cpughl. Ulcers in the Lungs ud Ling, uni n
In ggneml purifier of the‘ bIOQd we gunmen
weir eflicuy if oécofnlrly tried.
I [S‘Sold n'Genyabm-g by A.~D. Btahler,
Apothecary. nd by Dwggi‘u nndfllocykgep:
efi‘g‘onemfly‘.‘ Ask for Bell 3 Prep-rations.
:4 _ frogmd exblu-imy hv W 21); minimum.
gear}, (Grpduute of the Phxlndelpbin 09119.. of
' Pharmacy; W 251. Washington 814., H 339”.
3mm, um ‘ ‘-' [occ.le,'rscs. L,
-,-- - “‘ne'flmu‘e‘siqnips f“ ‘.
wan, denummnlion efinmn’uf my bad
9 sud {or sale it the First Nationsl Bflnk
0 Gen.) Eburg. GEO. ARNOLD, (luckier:
G¢uylburg, Nov. 14', 186-1. l ‘ '
r o-u‘r'z’s
01in *****
Hum ann llama mam.
.1 y¢¢. TM! “on,
I ‘ long mm! 2"»!ny
' ' 1:; :W‘M. V known. 'm “V"
‘ 1 2"\ \" . oughl) "invigorat
s hrukundown NM
) lanpirllcd hum,
' by Ifirnlmcnimt
~ ’ ‘ ' and alum. "m
V man-uh u mm
-1 .-. L. hula u.
-:~,...g.i,« ”g, ; I. hlm-wra-
T‘m-a: "5 a: venun of all An
’ ‘ ' “r “If"
(MI; II Inc)
Y Enflw’ \v.
co‘dans, m
WP,» km
1.0 S 0! AH”
ENERGY. to. \h
use hummus \hv.
wind, {mm
the wa-glw
I Iwooth n 1
glouy Ikln—ul
Inn-form.- I'
humble mun
To twp"! of {‘owu lhls pr- pun Hun ls lnvlhub‘!
h increm- we quunmy and uuvrmm llu' quality
1.! lhe milk I! Im
~ born [mum b) I.
4 :25 m hm} upcrhmnl m
’ ”’.‘"w‘ "3 Incruu- tho qua
“ v “ ‘K " my 0! mill Ind
Ev as} _ : cum: [u out: per
~‘\ 53‘- cunt uni make Um
‘, a 8!!“ ‘ lluuur MK» um!
‘' ' _'--‘fi‘ 3, mum. In it nlnx
", :4 V MILL.“ gin-n \huu
~ V . 'r. 2“" an umullulmmn
-“\‘ ~‘§»3 #“".";1 then: )ndu. Ind
"v -' ' 1;? ‘l’ make: mum um»:
much tutor.
In .11 distant: of Sulnc, Incl} as Coughs. Fleur! In
Ghe Lulfll, Liver,
kc, thk Imclu
Acts 14 n umxnc.
lly pumug [mm /
one hnlf n mpo-r m
to I. paper In It
barmlu! mu 1m! _
nbpre dilemma E
will bv clmlimtcd _ w
or Entirely prevenled. 1! sh en in “me. 3 curhm
prvvcmhu and cure for tlxu Hog (‘holrrn
l’rioe 25 Cents per Paper, or {Shpeu {or 81.
9. A. IFOl‘T'l'Z & 13110.,
Mlmmtu‘. DRl'll A“) "Him“! ome.
No. 116 Frankhn St.. Balumore, Md.
For Sub: hr Drugchu and Elonkcqtrs lluuugh
our. the Lulud sum. ‘
Pm .~.|h- h-v .\. l) BHHIh-r, Gruynhmy;
Imughhn I: Bu lxfidcl, \\h-~rl|n;:, \"u', " I‘
lu-m’hl‘x (‘u.. Pun-lung, Johnson, “OHM“ g
& g‘uunrn. I‘m! lv'l'iphll. ‘ .
Inn.“ In»; 1, '
13403 ’H (‘ofluutung‘nns
‘ ‘6‘???”63.
e fly:.’«:-i:":1
..~ mama
W rfi
5; Cottage Organ. S
5 ...‘¢'_ m," ‘.
gt (s“_:’-:" I'.” yrsT—“f . ,_ ‘
. “H n It. unfl u|u~.\n-Ilu!, but mu} 4.1% .Ah-
I willlil'h‘ u" Tull/(:5 I») um quq-I' M. -I
I’m“ nnwul 11l llu- cmuJU Mutant-J rum-w-
[ml-1' n-c‘lufih‘ \HH 441.“:1e l 0 Ihr [AMI-u .1,“
'1; n\\..._ XIIUIIL ,Fur .I:LUHI\ h}
‘ ~ 1.. ‘_l. nul‘t‘lfl
\m'h : I” I‘m: “1d,“...
5;.“ n m numm m n I'l.\.\m, .uul ‘
lhluph'h' namrlnwnl u!‘ the l'l'J:H'l‘H”T \|‘.
LULHLIIA. .> Lu“ :7 “-3,, I)
Railroad Home;
, 71m: Im. m-zmr. ‘
i u \.\(l\ ER, \‘uluu-n, m
'l'hv Bwh~riilllwd “huh! [Purim/uni“ In mm I‘Hd‘l‘llll‘lll"'l‘lll(LIHI'III‘\,
I'm: lu- h |~ l~ uh vl‘flw Hug"! In H dun-1. m .r
lhw 1h [JUL lullnul) Lqfli In _\il. .hfrnnmll
K JUN, nn-l \ull 3]).11c nu lll'ml In wmlml IL
m n um .nrr that Wall [kiw- grunt Il Ed'i‘hH'Hu‘n
lrlk Luhlu mil huw tutu-,1 the mink-L. ‘ In
:Hluyvl—hii chum-burs are .pm-mu- and mm-
LAFHIIJl'——l||Hl lu- hus‘lnnl Jll‘lul Ina lunr n In”
stm kof rhuicc wines and liquors. ') In n u
~[All-1117;: 1m iulfit‘h all. elm! to the “o'l4. 11.
\\IH 511' |n~ 0“,": :ml eudem’or lo :n'mlvr ll‘u
InhuL .\.;n‘lullnn xu lm plll'fl‘. uunlung'lm
lumu- u; mun :n lmlnt- lu l|.¢nfu~'|m.-M|.!v ~—
H - udn a ‘l.'.u4- ul l-lu: [-uhllr lm'ln‘uug- ‘ In -
INPUHIII m [m l.\ In t1l:ll\|: u hlrgr p -xl In H.
lizmrml‘ll lIII' Hilh’u‘d “th. Ilé‘ul Ihr 111-11.“,1Lunnl-I‘,
11.“,1Lunnl-I‘, PA. ~ A I'. “A! (.'.HJR.
. UcL..', Inn... Lf . ‘
Lam-nutm- Book‘ Hindu-y.
“ Lmuni \\ l.\.\’l‘,'. '
A\l) BL‘VK BOOK l,‘lA\ll-‘\l ll Ll“,
.l..\\'('r\h'l'l-.11. P.\
I'lm'u um! (Inna/mum] Ihluluql, 0| (WM) 40-
sunmnm. l xuutcd-m the lnunleulL Llnlldl'nunl
nmuuwd alflcs. /
, . min-.MAHN. - «-
H. W. ”runn; IC~4l.,\l".rrnn-I-‘ I! Ink of Lam a I: r
W. I. l'mln I', En; , L.lll4‘:l~h-r (Mum) l‘muk
Sillnurl bum I‘, Lat‘.’ l'uhlmlaiJ Hunk.
Snmm-I \\ .tunvr. {ln} , YOIk Hank;
\\'il|luu \\ :Igm'r. E-q.. le. l‘nunly Hunk‘
'l'. I), ('.umu, 1'..~’q., llzul'k «I lit~l'l_\:slunu.
l'l'if‘l \l u (m. [s‘ll”l'mlln'yutlmndualur (0., I'm
Um. (' H.n\lhnl‘ll,l“~vl,lil'ghlyf r“ - "
Gun. \\ Inlmn ['2s'l-1 Hemmer ” “
I: I '9
u oB“ l( 8" 1 0
’ ’
EALC‘lnih IN ‘
D , (‘IIIS \, GLASS & Ql'HF..\',‘~\\'.\lZH,
‘ CAHHIRS, ma,
No. 0 ”Axum: Smn'r, mum [humour/I ,
9 ‘ls.\l.'l'l.\l_UlU-I, .\H'. .
. (:msm'flu:.~l‘ufimlem. uubms. Im,
Hag-.n. Flush. Mk. Uultlcs, L‘aud Ara. h.-
(-.|m~r~. l‘rur “Khus, Fruit “unli, nits, \ “--
mr~, I‘l-smr [tunic-s, Ker. [.4‘”"l'=:} Kcr. t‘lmu
boys, lmLtr‘rHyfkt'.
QI'EHVBWJHH z—Plzllcs, Flnt Divlve-. 134 I",
du., Curt-ml tlu., (‘uwrcd‘ "mun. Tm I‘m _
Ml,:urs,(,‘v_tmns. Howls, l'ilcllcrp, Flu-“Hm...
[5453115 :ILd I’ilclurs, Mugs, 81111100115, 1;»
511-, 'l‘mlvt $514,320. _
' Cu“. S'I‘UNENAIIE z—Jxms,J.u -. I'iwlwu,
Milk l'uns,&u. ' [May thus: ly'
I"an Wsilker st Co.,
165 um 16'! HAL-muck: Stun-r,
keep conatnntly on hand aln e gnd well as
sortcdvstoq dbl-v kaisw hodernto
prices " ’ .
aflflaf'ffhw mu .0 11m
lowest prh‘c unmet, eubcr randy nude 1:!
. math: to mean", to any purt at the country.
f , They kebp ‘aluo an extensive stock of FURN
ISHIYG GOODS, Embracing every article oi,
'( nth-men's miller-tent. Also, MILITARY
.UTHS run] every "may of’Niliury Trim
ings, us m-Il u an phoned ”out at BRADY
3m: .\HLIMM uoous. , . .
; Baltimore, Feb. 2?, 1804.
‘ Camel-[33¢ (19a! 1
' LARGE luppi'y ol‘lupelior .2 :
new on hand it reduced price. Th'n’Conl in
lupuior to m m‘her God In momma Saig-
for aiding and nth» blacksmith purpom
S For Mk by i . SP. H. PYFEB,
. ..ut .
- City Coal Ynd, Frederik city, Id}
has“), 13654 by. ,‘
- A ‘ John,W.’,l‘l ton ‘
SEWABBE nmgfiwfiwgp
- fir of-tha Diamond, (we > rdo c
hunk Hung) Ggfwsb'mzfii‘ P 1: when he
can at all times be foundte y to‘dncnd to all
busiqeu in In"! line.; ‘3; h» :dsp emu-mus
uisgagpa amt 'l3.!MQlOL3ulfmion. Gt"
kn,“ “.951!“ a‘ ‘.x . u‘ .'3 ‘» "M, ‘7 “000‘
, < unfunny ,
on] to pan-Juan iflflvgafi -
m 4. JfiIHBTQGE‘ _ -
eC. 15. “Oxff‘
I: I '.\' n I-.' n,