The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 09, 1866, Image 2

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. - * mamm: "ox.
‘. Mum-omnunm '
or fill nun rum . g
. 4. Wanna-m.
“yam-IMHW 1
‘ ~ W‘nuoms, April 2.
h t,“ Wig/'l‘: Hailed SlchAnur‘cd
. A rsocuh‘riox. ‘
Whereas. By proclamation of the 15th Ilnil
19th 0! April. 1851. the President of the
United Stun, in urine of the power vested
in him by the Conititulion end the law's,
duel-red thnt the lows ofthe United States
per- append. mg the execution theqeor
amend, in the tom of South Uirolipa,
Georgi... Aleberns, Florida. Kinissip‘pi,
Lani-tum and Texas. by combination: 100
powerlnl to bejuppwued by the ordinlry
Mm of judicial proceedings, or by the
powers yested'in the inn-lulu by lsv ; *
Jud um. By another proelsmstlon
nude on the [fith d-y of August. in the
um you. in egorsugnce of an Act ol Obn
greel. erprov July 24th, 1861. theinhnbi
rt: 0 .the Stuc- ol Georgie, South Gero
nn. Virginie. North Carolina. Tenneetlee,
Alehetno. Lotti-ions, Tex“. Ark-nun, Kis
linippi Ind Florida. except the inhabitants
om.“ pan of the Kate of Virginia lying
west of the Allegheny mountains, snd st‘ich
other pert-[of that State and the other
Sum before named. its might maintain D.
onul ndhesion to the Union and the Con
atitotion. or might be from time to time
occupied end controlled by fcrceq oi the
United State. engined in tllte supprnion a ‘N7_ , ,
of the bear rots. were doc are to ie in n‘ ’ ' -
put. of insgrrection against the 'Utiitedtxumuz Daraslfiggfi 0‘!” 'xjcox'
buggi'dnwl. By another proclnmntifltt off. The Connecticut election took place on
thefirit day of July. lSti‘l IIHUQ‘d iii gluten-I Monday lust. {he contest was short. but
;nce can}: not 0! Cong’resi'i. approved June ; active. and had it continued a tingle day
~1 in t 0 same our. lie information tun " , .
decliiréd to be iiytlll existing in the Statesllon""' “WM have resulted m the success
aforesaid. with the “comm" of specified {lot the Democratic nominee for. Governor.
Counties in the Suite of Virginii ; j_ .A 3 It is. the result IN full of cheer for the;
Arid when“. 87 another proclnmatinnl ' cause of the Union and Right. : l
made on the Second tiny. of Alirll. 1865: in ; A year ago the Republicans carried?
urtueiice of the net of Congress 0! July:l3.: th St t h , , I“ d ..~ I
{B6l, the exceptions named in the procln- e a e yW” uteri ‘ anon (majority.-
motion of August Hill». 1861. were revoked. 10" Moudsy 1““ they elm“?! "1"" G‘over-l
and the inhabitants ol the b'tnten ofGeorttia, I nor by but (Still—exhibiting a “tumor! or‘
‘Sunth Curnlinu. North Cmmllnl. Tenneuwe, 'nnrwux nv AND :Lrvzv rn icguo w A 415;
Alabama. Louisiana. 'l‘exns. Aikansu. Mia; ‘ at: nm‘ v‘rm'. in“ NM E [Md Sui/4' is!
liuippi, Florida nnd Virginia: except the .. . h .' ‘ kg " ' -;
forty-eight countieq of Virginia de'iunmted 50.0"”,“3' Chem-”’3' and henceforth C°““e°"
AI We-t VJrglnifl, Ind the porisof Newlor. L ticut may solely be placed in the‘ Democrat-i
leuns, Key West, Port Evyul.-nnd Beaufnit. }ic column. - , ‘
South Cirolinn, were declared to he still in , e ' . . ' .
a suite of insurrection flgdlllSt-llle Ullltcd‘t millingetgacrefla::veb§atne? Slighszu:
Stale"; , ' i _. e n m 11 o - e‘ ouize.l
A w/whrrfllkt Thelloucp of Repm-t ntntires ‘ Th 9! have 313" CMN‘fd "3'o 0f the fol}! COP-1
til the 22'! Eluy 0' :01ny118“. mlop'edl threw" Rressionnl districts. so that hlditha election 1
’0 alien in tie wor s o omn , name : ~ ‘
Rt‘SO/Wd. Bv the House gt Hepreicntn-HOF Congr amen been held on “It“ .'.-la!“ n‘
41", out“; Conglfexs of the United States. . gm” 0“ members WW!" ““9““ 1“"9‘
that the preuent deplorable ciVil w'zir"limi*““““9d- . ' . -, ,: « .
beeniotced upon the country by the dtSll-i The cngnpziign lasted only tw'e‘lvle or fif
niohisls’ of ""1 sf‘umf'".m’“"- 9"" ”l “3‘; teen daysfi The Repltbliicans had-in theirl‘n
voltngainst the Lo‘ustltutionnl Government; he : , f . - _ -
end in arms around the Capital; thnjt iii~v°';"' WWW“ 0 “we“? andenormous
this National emergency. Congreu banish-. 1 fimounts grinoneyeaddéd to which Jgnu; the
,ing nllfeelingt of more palfllnn‘fltfllreSPnt-“fflnfltlclim up long‘ controlling the New
meat "H recollect only 1“ filmy to the England mind: But the Democracy tnuk
whole country‘; that this war ll not waged:h ‘tf th I U . i .' P
on our part in any spirit of apprcssimunor‘ _P“_ mm e mi "lon-.pOSltlfm .01. rep
for any put-pm of conquest or subjugation” “‘9'“ JUPQSOH' and "9'“ Into the contest.
no! pnrfmeol' overthrowing or interleriiig'j late'al it was} with genuine enthusiasm.
with the rights: or established ln‘Sl-llhlhlolll‘ striking blow upon blow for the restoration
‘ol'th’eae States, but to maintain and delend if.ll tl SF! . ~ - . h d"
.the snpremicy ol the Constitution, and toxo .a ’ '8 nee. m opphsition tot 9 u'
preserve u", Union with .8” the‘clignity.g""w" schemes of Stevens and Sumner and
equality. and rights of the severalStnret unv‘ thofie'who back them. The i-(esult is. man
impaired: ’l‘s'gefiltgfl‘w'oo“ ”hill?“ ‘Ohjt‘cl' ,1 mous Democratio‘gnins—giving assurance
are coco is a nrou o c may 4 i. .- ‘ n :
And fire/2.1. Th‘e Senntegof the .United 7 that the_ party 0f 3".“ morslhioens thl
States on the 25th’day of July‘ 1861, ndopt- - soon be m “f “Pena" a minority J" Con
rd n resolution m m. "9"“ following. winecticnt as it mll find itself next fall in
Witt ' i ‘ Penna lva'nia.
Runlv‘ad, That the present deplorable civ-l yi '
ll war has been lorced irpon the country by!
thn'ilirunionist-i ofthe Southern States. ‘nowi
in revolt against the constitutional Gojverna‘,
want, an In 'ai'tue around the Capital;
that in this National emergency Congreaefii
bunt-hing all leelingit of mere passion and:
reienttnent, willTecollect only its duty to:
the whole country: that! this war is not!
prosecuted on our part in any spirit of op-.
yrs-usion, nor for nny purpose of conquest.
or‘ s‘ulijngntim. nor purpose of overthrow."|
in; or interfering with the rights or eatahg
islied institutions of those States-“but to
defend and nfitintnin the supremacy ol the
Constttution nd-tho’lnws made in mm»!
nnoe thereof, fund to preserve the Enion}
. with all the dignity. equality and’ rights of.‘
the several Stntes unimpaired; as soon as
; these objects are accomplished the war;
oughttn cease; ‘ ‘ 1
- - And whereas, Tth resolutions. though
notjoint or concurrent in' their form“, are
shbusntially identical, and as such may he
vragnrdetl as having eXpressed the sense of
Congress upon the subject to which they
And wherein. By my, proclamation of the.
13th dey of June last. the insurrection in
the State of Tenneuee was declared to‘;heve“
been suppressed, the authority of theiUni- :5
ted Slate! therein to be undieputed.’ and
each United Staten ofiicne an bud been
duly oommiuioned. to be in the undispu
ted ext-rein of their omcielfun'ctione; i
And when“. There now exist: no organ- 1
ind ermed resittence ol misguided citizene:
nr othen to the authority at the Unlled
Batu in the Stetee of Georgia, Southero‘
line. Virginia” North Cnrolmn, Tennessee;
Allbamehliouielnnl. Arkansas. Mlselsiipyi‘
and Floride. end the law: can be suelnlned‘
'nnd “breed therein by the proper‘civil‘
enthufiy.Bute or Federal. and the ppople
of the aid Staten ere welland loyally diam-‘2
ted. and have conformed, or In“ conform!—
in their legislation to the condition ol elf-ire
growing out of the amendment to the
ltitution of the United States prohibiting;
slavery within the limits end jurisdiction
9! he.Untted Stem; ‘,
kind vita-m, ln view of the before recited
premises, it uthe manifest determnnationl
og-the American geople that no Sme, ,of,
it- own it". he t "‘1". or the potter to
in out of or topaz-fie inelt'irorn'or be’ np'
mted from the American Union, and that.‘
therefore,‘ each Stete' ought to remain end
constitute en int-(rel pert of the United
Sum; ‘ _‘ l ‘
And where”. The people of. the severe!
belol-e-tneutiohed‘ States-hue in .the‘ mnn‘-'
per aforeeeid given tutu-factory evidence
that they acquiesce in thin mvereigh end
jmpertent renolurinn of nation} unity; l
And Inherent, It in believed to be e {undev'
mental princlyll of Guvernment that pea-1
pie Ibo here weaned and who heve been
overcome and lubdued. DUI! either be dealt
with no u to-induce them voluntarily to be-]
come lriendg or el-e they must he held by ’
eheolute inihtery power. or devutntod ID
in. to prevent them from ever again doing'
burn} an enemieg'whieh hut named imiicy
ts ehhorren't’to humanity and Ireedotn ; ‘
, And coherent. 'l‘he Con-titulion of the
United Sule- provides for oonttitntipnel
communities only of Staten. and note. ler.
ritoriee. dependenpaer; prouncel or protec
torate” .
‘ ”can, such constituent Stua- must
he 1, be‘lnd. by the Conetltuliou end 1
law: of the United bte e. are mede ’equelel
~9nd pleeed upon e likfiqoting u to politi-l
eel rights, immunities, dignity unllwpoler,
With the eeverel Suite. with much they Ire"
uited; , !
And m. The obeemnee ofpolitieel.
equehty u e ynneiple of right endjuatiee in!
well eelenleted to encourage the' people of l
.. the elm-mud mum to be end become mnre'
god more ooneunt end pereevenn; in thelr'
”noted Illegllncej
And new: 3min; «mien, mililtry
oecnpltlon. unlit!!! tnbunlll and the use
no at the privxleget or the writ of he
mmua In in tune of peeee deuget'oual
39 ”M3O liberty. Incompatible with the 511-:
mug“; right. of_ the ,cmaenl. contrary to‘
’ tu- ‘epilu end spirit of our free metltnuone‘
Ind ”helm" at the netmnul reconnect,
”a we)! pot, the-mote, to he anemone
orillopod uedpcfn «lad-cunt Inger:
lily for repelling inn-ion or nuppm‘umgt
inwn‘eclion or [ebolhon ; 1
And when". The policy of tho Govern
men& of gho United Sales, from the begin
»ning of theJmurreouon w in ounhrow
!nnd final juppreuion. ha been ii: oon!or-‘
'mity with the principle: hath: not form'
‘md chum-tad ;‘ I
) Kev. therefore, I. Andrew Johnson, Prev
dam of the United sum, do hubby pm}
’.c‘lnirn and duel". flatlbo inmrtecfion
’which heumlon aim in the Samuel;
Gem-gin. 86ml) Carolin. Virginjt, North'
'Cnrolm'l. Tennessee. Allblmt, Louisiana“
Ark-nus, Muliuippinnd Flotidain 3: an
and; and in hencelorlh m be no reputed. ;
1 In tntnmouy whereof I hue bereunln'
14-9. my hund, npd caused the lul 01th.
United states to benmxed. 1 i
, Dyna II the GIL, of Washington. the IBO'
and day of April. in the you of our Lord
one thouund eight. hundred and sixtv-111.
{ind of the l doneudenco of thy United
State. of Am lea the ninoheth. ’ 1
: By the President: ’ I '
Wuuu H. SI'AID. Secteury ofiSlnlo.
t rdfiumgiler.
Gaul/flu”, Homily Hot-ulna, April 9 1886
‘ of Berks 6mm.
PiesideqLJolinson' bu issued a most im
portant, proclaim-lion. [lO, by virtue of his
position as the Chief Executive of the Uni
téd Stain, Heclures {he mir at. an mid and
peacp restored; This state paper is'ofmore
significahce than the curfior’y readermay at
first. stipposé, as it. carries, filth it the résto
ration bi‘ all the States to their legitimate
plncen. and impliegly uynjhal the raving;
of the. Rndiéals will not. cause the Presi
dent Io swerv’e one hair’s breadth from the,
line he hail adopted for t-hé earli and per
manonl building up of (rqternal relations
betwéenJhe people of the different sec
,fiom‘or lhé Union? a ‘ .
The prnclnmltioh yill be found in our
columns lo—day.‘ and 'we ask that it. be read
by allpurtiés. The subscribers to Republi
can country'papera find few’or none of the
Premdenl'n patriotic produczinns in their
own journals, the editors. véry‘natumlly.
fearing that Ihnuld their raider: coins to a
fhll understanding 6! his. position. they
woulq cut loose from the lead 6f such ne
gtofumtics as Sumner-mid Siennafand
support. him. J'heu Republican- should
rend Dem‘bcratio papers, at lean}. to them:-
tent of making themselves acquainted’with
the ground occupied by a President. who‘
own: hi- Poélidn witheir own party. I
In the Home]: Harrisburg, on Wed
headuy. Mr. Marklen Democrat. ofl'cred e
preamble hanounc us the Preaidem'e proc
lamation deelaring he rebellion at an end ;
and areaolution hail .gthe return of peace.
and embodying-a regime: from the Repre
lentntivee Hut. the Goyer‘nor came a aalute
of thirty-six gun-,to be fired in honor of
the event. ~ The Houn‘rlfuud lo have the ra
olua'on conddmdl Evan vora amiss-r tar
izsowrxox was out It Rarnnmcusl Eu:-
ry vote endorsing (Iu proclamation and hailing
(In return of 'peeaqu ena- n Dzaocn'ral
:15 more evidence needed to prove that
the Icrmlfed Republican'lendera an opposed
ma retain queaell Do they not. by such
aouon. declare man unmiuekably that
they are Mail: to e rtmration'o/llu Union!
Nothing more in wanted to abut! to the plO
ple ofPennaylvanu the diaunion proclivi ea
of ' the leader: who ere now running]
John W. Gem-y as their candidate for Go'v-A
ernor. Will the intelligent people of Penn
‘ eylvenia follow in the wake of web creat
ures, whoflthough having anbaiued on the
plunder of war for five years, are not. yet
tau-fled! }We hope not. ' '
1114.1M1M1 curawn
Xmmedl'nely after the expulsion of U. S.
Ben-tor Stockton. Thudenp Smong not.
to Mr. Seoul, the Spank“- ot' the New Jer
uy Senna. u follom: ' I
Wmnmml. March 2?, 1866.
Box. Jun M.Scoul., 0.0.. tea . ~
Du: Sup-B; all menus hurry: up your
election. Gm 11l no cannon-um. A ml
in! like younelf or nothing. A copper
bend in Ntlor'lbwfiwlddlefl
‘ Tumm- Shun.
Hr. Seoul undo old Tina'- loner public,
and than manhood Nun“.- n triad of
Prendenl John-Ida l ' . .
film; the until Bmm of Connecticut,
in fmtiofil New England, “a. Deinomu
an pin upludl of tea lbw-Ind in on
Im. cannot the Democrat: of Penn-’l'»
uh pin thirty to any thou-and in tho
um ling! The haw/Squib u my to
“New“ - .
m m m“. m "mm
The Chieugo Trib? n l“ u
w.' ' A W
swam. “mm“ “““°"' ‘ x
.9 . , voc- ‘ ‘ ‘ '
h Immoniou t“, m-"h : ct AL ‘ “- h.“
I)“ men: min 9' D co '“c "A
”no“! of Pruidcm J. a.” a" “11.: , uncunc S 1115:. ‘.'/i
[to ohomn , “In. nu C“ ITo
mad 111 oflce. Th . Mid bi. To‘m P “w“. P‘ W “'9O «mu-:09"
. “laugh {0 .e “die” ‘on‘ u M ‘ ———-——-o—-"
on“, now 15 ““"P‘ mum» .m A and 00 WSW l> I W rm
Inning—h; the] be! c ‘l—upo‘ .3!" jut Mme". ltden I L ‘
me ”D. m ‘ b“? pow ~ 1v .non ' um
m "on” uh: d h ‘o‘ u. ‘9l-, In 84"“ g.. 09‘ Mn 9.
undo which 3 min ‘flpon u. 9 Pp... Bm. h. P°llhul 0r . |3' 9::“9‘ .‘.“:um
00;; "all their b"3 . W . ”ammo." j ”flora s ”m“
r great would not lhi 1“»! Ila-Jeri: ~"T (0 you a. ti 3”“ “M. I “awn 33M
pfly “I“ we mm" 9 J Hum from yln ‘ ‘he Democ 'eir e: Edna, n‘ Pln use on“ ”I've
rlblo I shook . I'! all! be IPfi ed 'We P 0“ In re. mam-“w “Just“ “wanna” on n. no.
tho-o who ' but 1f is m' so t,,_‘tbe ... ' "fro the Uni; . " ”art at ”w“ “nu aw.
The Ed pm'Oßen n“ It! comp l, : T Penont! of ' APRIL 00 1 Q
» v m]. m and rm ~ 9., i heir o: . the u.“ Ind“ - UR? am ,
Jab ..y ' a and. n‘ U . ne 9 mun ‘ “bu... |me
noonm w ‘3'!“qu "- Dion 1,. H_MI I a“ - "m » ”women“ ”3:: “and.
defender of ’ Ih-pe the! w”n Pre-idpng ‘of the' 9“,". wnP-ile co m ”no" the‘ ”Land rmrmmm mm ‘me week 1
mi the whine Unioii, che‘c'obux nub. oeiv. refidem. - (I. "_‘ompnho poiic qwomrziofiflm" lw‘izdw “mm-m.
no Rice I: ultitnti ' T 70“ In at“; gun gtlem C I ‘ "mm" workwda. I mount
__ _. .-.' Is sons» to on, . he "unnu- lo nezro "3' Pto de- swam“ ”mm“. mm mean: W
.1- = mung-1- ~ —‘__- Wu. ‘.mbracin mg) of then - .I’tsa. fiend m mummy wun‘donew Swap” m.
h. fin - ”lieu“, 41 . E Ind pv. “lon uan - “a” dart m; “Ima- ”0““th w
bu dde'eme Cow; of Y- i ‘ fube pout ’ "hadowing nli lune may wul "in” ”In!" "Ch m may.“
1- ed thu tb . Ih. United 3' 9". you . fineddnd - . who... .Yetl-hrough . lme n, tndnu ~ .
fled the th ° Court. x . Niles f III,“ (den ‘8'“"09 9" i “M mm WA or mum we 1
Bowie: am Old men M “14"“ which °" the U h {an ’.’ thnt the war-v MIW- PM“: rm '0 ":3: antimony £1?“
‘ In no . . 9"" 'ofG _ . : ‘you uA.w .. bins my 7 v be.
“I " ml. |n I . Mini V over ."m "I ll" lwflng'v . 'WW. ta 'o' mo“ '
thaws? no leg“ ”1:211“. for “dust? Ithe .ec -z,¢:: ‘0 I‘.- very bay? yo!" {mm lie-- at. 5:1: dTnmu “damn «muffin:
‘ nor. a“ iclion ' ? ‘he I: {u You; n ~ Unoplrd. 'W‘V‘“ V' bum by the bu
.l‘hi. - sin to be , ‘ Ind m ’ I u-d offi Anon-l d no new ”WWW“ onun‘u ‘-
1‘ lun . Pele-led “d; we} / nlncial em; inc ' Willa-kc m ”amp“, u on: by
puts Ln e‘ °" nshm . _ , PPmem f - “Vulsion'. url sum”) “:3“ , __meyuocom
.ml.o . us dec- -nme , 0 your . ’ fen" b m “mm I
we emu“. byfiiimfamous ”Hmong “d R :1: damn ol the {:duflriu I. '0 “citet ’ml-lIWIIKOUTD "‘l‘? are requestedmnml”
not resw ‘ Ital-Y 00 um of gty.‘ ac. and I‘d ' fell P 0?“ ;: ATHEF‘ I ‘ ‘
re the l um_b. . It 391 'ln elev - 0“ of 11.. qflh -m M men
he“ um . on" in y un does / . pen-e or hung 1b _. e 011') onynmv
.. , tuned b ’ health ‘ > the . the whim e negro at MOM“) ‘Pt 8'” J 0” I ”In“ men.
mum of “be thou” If"! bu‘si/ Period of r . Inan. u... wag-m we ..., pm. um, um;
I . l ‘ k p 5;, uncnccd
bPliev *hoddy m'l' anls oflnno a] exerllun . “Chan .n. i In“ .wo Yum "pun“ on
e that. Lh 1 Mary ml Ce t u I. one er great. nat' ch N “on wed mount)“
the ..I add is 9-, sun A 0113.111“ ner fatal m , lon- qrnamcn. "Hume“ . "whim“
ny-l n ‘ , not. far d” ' "8.13“. the new free in - u,” L“ arm-lea ’ I?!“ “new or we"
the b 0 - 5P!!! and - “tang h . 9mm! 1- d ere“ tlu-o ' “”u‘ owwoum‘e . ex‘gmu‘d use”: and
; ILOm of Plnlps w} an to 8 5081 disu -4. es 0f civil B“.“er we "we“... I The W“
will be "hefie Vlll . 1° era at “Mahdi“ momsts E . w”. iw" .mnnm‘sm rum {mm a 0!
. prnperl d.l “mom ' ‘ Inn . a .'Our , Bite the h 0 «Imm 6: “u go!!! I B mu. and
:1: Yes 1 . y an". ‘ - hec . _ s°Vernm G °“" and“ “"°‘"“ I “I”
theme parts whosh::le:' l‘lere Im: a :3; l‘powarlll;:3t"nzlon.and t 0 pe€an by Imam]. dimrlflzryhm ‘i'l'l'fit‘g"? m 0 taxi???
- . ' ‘ ( I
n ... «. "New f’ r"? rn 3;“ the poli . fffluntuhe- 0n chm' l mmmmd mm W“ "w v
T ““0“. Done" —— orguuen -f, - llcal eQuality flr mun Was-which "Ml'puuom Tl!" d. by
he 1} - ‘ 3|! c‘ -i role" V . 0 the 1 H “mm” “d ”m “n"
mm] s ‘ “Gnu I. - zed mm- um» mm ' ' “my. m“ } emmm
Passed u, . “Mes Se :1. __re um =ln ol- : .n..“ .v Knunll .. a spm“ ‘l' a“
e..n- e . “le Prom ”.11.; I” '7'” ‘ bu. I
(,‘enm 79:00:11 Rvghu bnl hJP°nthdny, ! May or ”£2"? Presentedpt 'leflorafiOn ' Wantonj.))‘.:3l‘:;llk“‘“a“. fill-11:, “mm ”(1:33
33 was '.7 the nece rl e Presi.‘ Look “afoul. - . spent 13w du I M hUHVS‘ I" um My mm M 15 5.117 two lh- . b:lck uo ' fthntth 3 pluwmlh‘ I 3 Ll‘Sh- T“ v” . ‘
“19 Ho this. 1 . ' u-d,_l lxghl. of ‘P n your hi .¥- ‘ u di‘fllhllll" H I'l let! M“ mm}
“59, "In the ; , tham-e “or," n. . Pllxurlhn _mnmlmn" “hump
The Home 0 h / ~ 1" gent lo‘flou "ill be 1e ltrnapect determ'inenlll‘n the D\ I. ul_-m.rch" mint-22:3 um“ w "51:3
Brook '“9 d m ‘“1 LI _ - 10' WW” .N m” ' I
.3 me - ul'bp yon: r wt 1. -. “A“; ' .
seat an'dDemu 9f New Yodiy. voted Mr. ; ‘.'?nhh 2 0t... the peace 0:": by“ N "cklegs {Lil‘s} “”‘WW 1.11:; L£,s”.‘"“'-‘“” pa” . ‘
i! m;e 0f “We itjto Mr: Dad, . out of hil=palh~l L - :1 "”1 fon'ow the P) Olfr. C Hllnlun. W'luexlfugruus and MmLSfT: 9”“ 511$? :11“
a} . the man-b 3 -. gfi‘. RFD.“ T' ‘ e '9 Comm . rellllEnl b Uh.- 15‘ It “IGUHY’W‘ ' ’.'-.636“ uni-j" .
‘1“ 0m ‘ who“ ms ‘ p see. on! “119.1 I y lhe In inst D “2.0" w mum;
calsj'n (gages yet commit} dand unjusufl : The Der and Mcurily 0 the haven of 35%: '.’-cu .nle m!" “was m ":dllwmy week.
. “life‘s ‘T—eby[l ' I - e[Duel-u - . ‘ L‘tfldipg .muMd I" “I“ s buglucs. II I
Deco A.he - ‘9 Ran-I|. Pnd .tC!re ' - m- . ”at he 6"“er ‘ M
imz :02: m “”13 "heigllldhtu a nimble "Hv‘ :xtlhe': can.llal.¢§.z.:“£t to you wit] ”Exit?!” “:31:qu With Egrliflm
)es—and .9fly of AH")yM . ‘ _ 2,va Ifly My or m) “t comm m;
’l‘wen come am ‘ - f€ckou.' Pure I uh ;of u- . ur; aRe. , r mun an . em mm 0' mug“ Pm-
Ly R? b - 7:111 wu'l‘ ' ' miles: (3 V’Hullnn- nn- HUI Mn 3 “V” berm ”flux-lure m
~ ‘ I ‘ I ‘‘ . 'r ‘ “ ‘ru ‘-
Emngg DP“ llean m ‘eXPGrlen- Ipuple- . try lumuy- mit his “p. 391 , ” Nd L
odge enlbrrg ,- . amend an ~ possessed . scxlruordi .“mbeco , I we damn
vmced u- '0 c 195,! Voted a.l.aesot‘u.., a bed with - or large Pun)“. "aryefl‘ortst _mmvnsumle
lathe b. Y "are th ! head an] ”be rare u. .- Tht‘mfln' ' ”New“! Hmm
to |he in not. FY con. \ “Fed -bl lof Lh st Chm! ,“lou w] 3 "PW -' IL ““0“"
s a _ ual ‘e t nln - “a“. . 30m
ent. - . lhndow 0! right 5 Men [Full .1 to follow whe mart. No man -'0 which nI: ESWLdemlhu {5121113 Wynn” pr:-
1 Du, ._ ’ ”he wily, '9 [lmam CL 4' 2:101- 10 Insurului‘ "Itcwmrym omm" cummn
Jun”: “Ir-P" ‘ Y. [mu-y wm m “mm". or ull attention In,
11! up wH .. “nun Dan u'n.n‘l 'rn ouhru m cums." low“.
I.' hum" vu’;d 11. ‘f r - ;“P l sun-“L Show - ‘Nr u) be” null Jud
Img 'I 'l‘“ V ' ___. . - ‘ ..ur
ml! 1;: :ushzin. chm I()\.\r.~iu\.\'Dl\ : V _ ~
L‘puugic . “ RUVE I
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\cll hil DI)" Li . I “'3“-
WIN .s'lure
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of th en"- -" \ c ‘u.
‘1 \‘ S a (ll
of flfeof tllqerh’tl‘ P “£9 ”’l‘: 'o‘
li'fi‘he ”'1 r: “Pb" (on ‘V C guy?”
Cinfoll" giant! qin Q'c 0‘“ ‘3" «1’3“»
rtlndin"g 9, n . < - 5315.3ny
syrwrkfis Ana-mm
Pl. Clog-(18“ g , ‘.nt'‘ 1" n ixcsom ‘ 'Jc‘xpw'm 't,"| Cgr
e": [Y whk‘l'e Ill‘l la n ('1 ‘9”2‘31 L n
'l' '7‘“ 1‘ s 09'r $8 u‘fi‘nd'v'ou‘fl‘r
l‘ogiu hlcr‘f'e lllllrrlpf‘.’
L’glo‘lnof ‘lu ‘e'n x -t'll~“_’ooh.'. nr
‘33” B'k‘ ‘ol.'lr \(‘i [r'n‘ xl'H‘
(,wu pvt: g honxth
'OO .V In ctl‘.‘.‘-‘- xlalwe
K 155 "1 Elk OB hil‘l 9, reof‘n‘h e_ ‘ln'. 1.., I.,“Xg‘n'ln‘9‘piz 1,
.0‘ ‘r‘l’cgn 4.. ln "vol .”d “‘9 [lo‘]!th 31 gal" ”I‘3
\‘laheL ‘y" F‘ C k (..‘1 l I. ’Jn . uh“), “’ 1‘ H'hyhmlhhn o L. 11‘
DlO n i C 3“ r. IL-n‘p I} h hi k 1n“:"<g t, .1)“ ram“! 8‘1." 1...)!“
.13 rn-0" , . TI" 3. h-3 e'us “ ‘4 a’h'n “n, 0 Kb“ jl)P|‘_q
Crh marl" ‘ ll“an 'k ' P"a In I" n r V ''o i "r”l‘rl's‘ Inn“: ‘1 'l
u 0" E") lk’ I; v}.- 9' 0" 9, lil’rkrv' 1"" "kz'ul' b‘ a. “I. "1
1.3.113413nfly'u"N v-J Jee 8 '.‘,lh o%‘u lflfi’r'xl
3" we 8u d |.y éldv ' ' ‘1 cm. " I”gran! 0'"- r” “‘4 'lr u ."x 'u l“‘ )'
n. il r s B'”th .lfi'l'P le ll (fish'aru’n'n W 1 “Kr‘a 1L din": [.O
no I) I) y Ppe la g “k" 91. _ {ski ornlln, ‘_r '1; 1&1. 1‘ ‘1 “3155;.-
d.m T o‘}B en'l'D'R" d‘l3 {Mull‘ulewlfilllnv 1‘? Ell.” 'l‘
oi ‘l‘ cal "'5 x'k’fl'P {lPlLU"hm'n\nlrl'i‘tl ‘r.',}
‘mflh lel'n'oßtt" “I rng‘ll3.@.. mh
9ac 09015 n ‘,t.c»fl- nit-.‘lrl‘ugihan ‘O9
5] ted‘ nrs'la k In r‘li‘n‘ W‘ ‘ 1!“?ka 1‘ *“t|~h ‘x .3 k; h“ ,|
ailedfri" J Abo " o‘s "Te °' U 3?" k'” pniemms ‘°c "h'kksu‘n‘lti ‘.s-h- 1’5“? ."rfi‘n‘x, R". “3-
ifi W M’iadoh 1; 396.)“ cifie "gin ll?" thesp .. ugfiPltlp » £s":an aPI :,mll’r:l’l:'\;'°l:lnnr‘{6"} nélll
"1 ‘hhu‘ c"n b “afi'ss' ° 8%; w". -,, {Tammy 3,; range
men‘ alt an [oB‘ 94‘. Bu u “ii; N‘n“l “- bu‘l. YD 'ppi‘uh'y o “rr‘tr“). ‘gl'Jlhhzulo 51.“
oi d piiw'“.°h‘c Co o‘ni‘ed b ‘.‘hJ'uhwrriw “a: D - d-‘flefikm *IJ‘S.‘ :.
“J“ of r!!! ha “306: "v frlEy le I'll 18 "I. di Y K '3' 'mu-Milrk sK,r'c‘:ll ”513 W." '-\"<l v .
h'eei’iti‘Jthelde‘iO n. “’ry en thesbén 7'!‘ 3: y I‘o is}. oolikllo. ':3 ‘innl‘ “‘9 ““ho'e l n'llliu-rln‘m 6:1"10‘3'
refit: oh Path Of 5 ' fetid J Wl} rg "h 'tpd'd 11/fl; wrf ’i “s 3“,; {'kve tn“: ‘.nu‘mnr I‘d ko}, (0v lug"?
w "50"”. 9x P‘Foli fusn "a" eeubine A é t I)" on‘lle!‘ gie 6:1 m‘ll‘?“:|"lh:or‘w'frf'r:}¢em ”swig; ‘1 e"
“‘5 "heu idfop'os:‘b°!.ed "h- Pr ‘1"«17‘» - “n" " ,l'uf‘u.l'e “,3" “why“; 1‘(;?l:‘~f:xll;nntte;h: pd; “10w th ‘55 1:1,;
I Gp‘tntw" inu'zn“qt° Ich d:"|°|°"hn 7n"ll °r6slfuhoLc Ilhnks “"3“:ll'fixxmnfcgor'glo’u"°°. ""3“”
0' If V'- 8 ' 9“ {fluid 'I. G ' g an'(.l_ n 1 9ln 1] .‘utln’F 1‘ '3‘} «not ’9 (111111096
9"theutocunenomh lc' 3 ‘V‘e a, ‘Clhlsvrms‘lli.n 0h
rn I'm 6 I? n W m In“ '0 ”/b me- “3WB nn 0 B are . 1.110.!“ ‘.' 'Cflum-l :u'lnflpu. mn'y d on
“1,1. [ii-1 ‘9“) since. Oebo'! ‘thsr‘fimditm 'vfiea‘n‘nprt“! ,
e“ 0,- Gcade'nth' I ‘h. r 74 '13:“ gwlgaoxlnuof t, if" Hulk the Ooh)“ trcngl .\B‘""l“‘n‘{‘.he mzlidw:hun‘:‘e]
't ‘v Q n c " 'tt. P' H, EAR“, ‘J‘e e 8 sa” cfr"!“)‘:‘l.t'nf‘qha:ulb'nx‘n, :PeP-hll'hpy
05° “r a°‘ .-, c‘nnwa .s y . s b°m‘ de- "ev'u‘h‘n ‘s'lr 4- 05m rum»:-
P- y "y‘ i,“ ”the t 1 'l-li uhah‘A. In '3 c e 3“ hu‘“ n “'e pu'an Ii" "“1 Pets.“
06- “t. O" 0f 1!}! irneloas p e (1.69 -_ ‘e v- 9\. TC v‘) “mom Hash-tun. llcllgr‘ mi" __
'h ‘1! '9 InpnB‘<‘l- ‘3'»! “30“" “exp “11 illllthe
9a,. u‘ho dofOF ‘1 [.ll t s ' '0 t“I ‘l‘oa‘ "r‘l o‘l m
”xdat h 519'“ en 0"”68" Il‘e 91"1’" n ' 9‘l '1; h w...“ {‘«m m' “m “fr on“
e l,eaip'.).tfin ltmarsm‘nx,‘ 5 ““th Ilicawan 0‘1,“ '1"! n
’al'econ r \vnow MY or. dy i't r 5): '1 n“v au'uf Ha .
"r d id‘no' ear.» in”! m. Siam}; .0111: 1w b v
Dru" 9 f 1“ ‘ ' "h mx'nl'l L bee‘ 1 1‘ “on:
'O3 9 ‘j‘fly gr“i‘wln° orl efl‘t 31!.“5‘, l i_lu‘n \-.
Lanu‘l‘lhthß" "““"I‘n ".511 we e
'lth-'unlgnnl “‘l'; T'l‘nonfi‘l‘wg “I‘3;er (Add
1..» . ”for Main} ,1 “pawn.
alf luv} “pelgslanae t') f' a seal 8 3‘" ‘ thrrs'h‘an i‘“ ‘7l 1113!:-
"5 (sq "9.1"; w lunin iddu diheve “a 's‘ C 1 r”; s“ 'lcgplh: :0 hr wlt‘fly‘n Ind
menu]. 1,3: 1': 1.535%”? 25131}; :f'gioofeo‘mgrnrlfifinh "Wfi': u °
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e 'o‘ 9n r “J’sry r v'o ‘l'; I '-““r ‘l°,§l9w:th n_
t . mtntlek 01rl1I01B we“; n )w\,
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' in'alffiifigfazu d‘f‘:crul§?3r:spr'§nn:ux'_ “.:,\“1"1:::‘;:t
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n l. e‘3 lp‘VlCl cmsnro - u‘IAJV
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Ulq h,9 n.o,us pin. 310
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thfhflnp t m: q nl wt to a
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1‘ Q 8 v. “ n 1
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I o'cliurfu “(i
Inle l
g °fl°
A! the recent erection in St. L'mn, the
issue was ‘qunrely made between Endical
inn :Iqu Coniervntifim. The Conservatives
weré'aué‘cessful by 3000 majority on the gen
eral tirket. find they 919 cm) 23 members
of the City Council: to 7 Euficnls. A glori.
0d! victory ! . ‘
In L'inclnnati‘the Republican majority
was reduced to has}; than 3000..
At Dayton, Ohio. the Democrauhlected
the Mayor—a g eat gain.
The election: Jm (he‘smtn of NMV York
have resulted ry fav'orubly to the Demo
cmu. The skies are everywhere bright
ening. ;. t >
fl-Svnntor Wright. of New Jersey. who
has been ill for some lime. reached Wash-i
ington last Tuuduy. Senator Dixon i: also_,
getting better.‘nnd< may sbon be able to up 2 &
pear in his seat. They both sustain “39‘
President. I !
rf Var
Geo. F. Edmund: 032’ Senator in place of:
Mr. Foo'té. We suppose Mr. Edmundsto‘
be a Radiéal. g
The :‘dead lock” in the New Jersey
Lagislziturb on the U S. Senatorial qqeslion
continues. 3'
‘ ”“”"—"?"“_“”r
[S‘The proclngmion of peace will put
new lifainto thé country—morally. rnateri
ally. and every other way, unless the Bump
dxsunionists unlmppily succeed in stirring
up more strife, as they seém firmly bent.
Upon doing. Why mil people, in any port
tinn of the landgendone and uphold dl3-
union and anarchy. when it in no easy to
have Union, peace, prosperity and happi
nesz? . \ A
ISA. Walkmu,‘Esq..editor ofhye Grepne
county Republican. bin retired {tom thlt pl
per. And in his Valediciory givd u the ren
lon for,so doing thni holqanmn‘go with his
pargy in Ibo—efl'oie £9 exalt the negro Ind
debate the white' mnn‘ ~jfeitber it he mu:
ing to oppose the wisééolicy of Premident
Johnson. A ‘ y/ ‘ .
"A mass meeting of the friends and
lupporu-rs of” President Johnson was held
in Wuhlnglon fin Wedneulay night.—
Among the npelken were Senator Conan,
of Pen nlyluml’. nudv Béprelentutive Sumb,
of Kentucky-film“: Republicans.
/ m com,
Mr. Cult". of the firm ofCulver, Penn.
«5 Co., ofNew York, come to this Stxiie
about. three or four years a a, an itinerant
Yeah", and settled about. I-Emnklin. Benn
eylvnriil. and commenced dubbling in} oil.
He we. ofthet clue of persons who one ro
hgion u e menus to accomplish selfish _ende,
and by such fella pretence: and no doubt
the me of money, obtained the Republican
’nomimtiou for Congreu' in that. dintricl
over Inch men a Finney end Myenend
Judge n’Carmick, who were born in 'the
district. Of 00an he‘wu elioted, ond hie
eleotion gave him political as well u pet~
tonal position. What is Ibo ooneequenoe?
8:: bank: hue gone (gown, whoee dope-via
hue been and without etint. end nobody
can tell how many-oil men will go down
with them. The indignation. we under
stood. i 1 that quarter, is intense, and the
result no one can entieip-te. We hope the
people of Pennlylvenia will learn some
tame the! Iwhile. and trout these epecuh
ting. itinennt Yeah:- u they duet-vs.—
Pun'ol & Union.
S'Another great fire «aimed in tho
oil re ion on Smurdny weak. It began on
the lfyde and Egbert fartinu. neur Polro
leum Center. Thirty wells. besidel “DRI,
including‘ZSflOO bnnell oroil, were burn
ed; also engine houses, machinery..,glwel
hugs and boats on 011 crefk. The [win
Ibout $125,000. _
”Whites: portion of the loaned Re
jmbhonn mean no Ansel-tin lhu thermi
dcnt in in opposition to Dir. Clymer. the
radical Pituburg Gazelle any: thn "Mr. Cly
mer has been I troquent Ind welcome fini
torn the White Hum dun-in; tho hay lix
mom-In." 3
Q‘Hm. Alexander [l. Sunni; of Geor-
Mu on "his to Wuhingnon. ; ,
I'm no ' of «mm
mummwm m d
Nulou‘z. Aunlou. Conmrons, and Post.
Hunks, must not. expect to keep their
places by “cgrriing water on bath «boul
ldern‘." To be for Juhnson. open unrl out
spoken support mq-t b 9 given [um and bin,
policy. \
Take aides nqunrely, gentlemen. Ro
member. thnl ~“ut. this timé neglect" to; "Cornelius Harwell hm pun-chum! 2x acres
Sultflin ”w you“), of the Presiden’t ..i, andw perchcsofland from R. F. Mx‘llhanny. bo
. I . f ln Y b lngn portion unhe mm property on Marsh creek,
equiv? em to ro uu ‘. ou cannot um- without ‘mpmvemont‘, {ox-£837 50.
bug bun by n Inka and mm coune. 'le David Klumlllerbupnrchaud the pmpayty of
mud, gm”; out _1 i Andrew Woods, on Baltimoro au’ect, {ox-SlOOOcaah.
Q‘Bergei'. who was tried and convicted
for the murder of Mm Wan. of German
town, died in..his cell in the Philadelphia
ptioon lut wcek. ‘
bflen. Bumsidg bu been elected Gov
qrnorofßbode lslnnd Ribbon; opposition.
A ‘ w Huntsman. Bu. D. I.
3135:5311?“ Mr. Ph‘rl‘Eß A. MUIEI‘IRE to MD
SARAH E. Arman”. bum emu-um um.
On Ibo Nth inn.‘ n the Maiden. o! the bflde‘l
m Wm- tam-ass“- {mm
BET o%mfi ox' Fredeuui. MB. ‘
On the 22m1. “1!... [1! Rev. Mr. smm} JACK”!
LOFT of Adam: county. :0 Im- OANNA
gouénrwu, ox Gumbel-Ilium.
~AI, Gnoohun on the 15th Feb. 1? Rev. J. Stet
nar. m. ABRAHAM wnramd rto am- AN
NIE M. MODE, both of Penuylvanu.
0n nu 29th alt. by Rev. J. R. Wuner. Mr. DA
NAN, both of Highland wwump. ’
DIED. , '
letuw nouns Spent: line {at all over
banner-cubic noeompanygzegfloo.
01: th- llt man. at. the house other Ether. Mn.
LOU. W.. vile or Ana’s. Enrdmnn. sud amine:
or Ella and My steals, a! this place.
0n the sou: o! lurch, than short mane!
pneumonh, ELIZA LEHN. 48th or Andrew
and Dunn Ann McKinney. or maytown. Md..
lcudlyamlmonm Indlodnyl.
On Thursday mornln In: at the Almn-hauu,
Mr. F 319? CI: D 153. qt'm shunned use. ‘
In Norihnmberhnd’ co. ’ Pg“ on ch. 25:): of
Much. LEWIS FRANKIJN. mum. lon or 1). F.
and Harriet Wigner, aged 8 month: and 11 days
In Mlddlm. Ohio. on e w an. LIZZIE.
land 12 yen-.mhwr otl’. End E. La'l’ourette.
0n the am of Much, of consumption. Mn. 3);.
RAH 18V1N. win of lav! Irvin. at Bun-nu:
VNW. filed, 61 you: Omanuu sad 6 ml.
Weep no more: the h um dud,
But our mount only flee m.
And her soul hu fled to grown, ‘
; When there I. no eye that woepeqh. ’
Thmmethtvm-Id thou ‘
fim'm‘awmm 1'
s33k: not who her bug-pin. ‘
Mother no more wuuoln our numbir,
‘Aud «mu m m ton,
m: It. not in m l
'Chuil mun.
H'An |mpnrtnnt letwr W 11) be round on our
fourth page—lawrestlng political mulwr also on
the am pa‘gv. Our_Agrk'nnurul and Domestic
column should Ilkowlne root-Ive gem-rel attention.
Ila suzzmllongflwuyu being fresh and useful. All
In all, we think we may, with-mt egotqu. «him
for thn Canvas: the chums: or a "live news
puper"—und the constant Influx or new nub-cri
pben goes (In towards backing up the claim.
”Jams AOerg‘ requests as to my mm In
bulbs: returned {tom the oily Irlth a large nook
0! new (locum, hosiery. notions. to" d:c..~ which
he an bung! to can find we berom‘ purchaalnz
Ohevhere. He tools entirely certain am. good.
and pried wmbe mummy. " , ‘
Mic Mini.
Suit": run tax ”rules l—‘A most vulun
ble Ind wonderlul publication. Aerk of
400 pug”, nnd 30 colored Engrflingn. Dl}.
’ —-—-v——— , HUNTER'S 'VADE MEUUM, nn‘originnl And
RECORD XOUE DEEDB.—The stigma: olv popnlnr t‘relllso (in Man and Woman. their
parties holding unrecorded M II M 10' Physiolo”, Functions, nod Sexual dltordera
the provlnlona or the Act ormbbqwhlch ro- at every kind, with Nevehll‘uilmg Remedlel
qnlre that-g l ‘ ‘for their speedy cure. The pmclico or DB.
datawlgtfigngmaf? {or readmntaul'n HUNTER has long been,l and “ill u, u‘nb'ound-
Becoi e ind. ‘3 ”w" "' “' ed, but. A! m: ell-"nan no iciluion at numerou
s3slll wnukxlfwnsxlx unflinfg,“ a)": 53311? person, be but bun induced to extend hll
amnfaéavzga‘nmma2:333:43: “22““: :‘g£“¢",;t' 'l:°“"‘ “a" “2“" g‘ “:5
‘ ‘ .n.”) ‘ "'.' uuyoumelulsou
wwgfimmwgmmeuzsga b. in mm. o« mm, 1: m. w. .-
mamm,23‘33hl“32o3%:‘:o:°vm:fisn33' 1P":,°“?"fi “’33:: :3: ‘2‘“: “5
he I en: mu 0 man 3' n In
Siluma'ffl?‘ m" ”was“! Wn” l destructive scourge: that ovu- vim'ed mankimf. 1
' 'm. ua. very lmportmt notice, aid mm hnld- One can. "curd! “moped; will be rorygrd- ‘
mg unrecorded deed- will we the linpomuoe o! Eiffel?! 231:3; 1‘: £5.70 PA: “1110‘:anth
nor. . .Iml. re,
mv'n‘mm ”1d—....” "“h°““““h°‘d°w' ‘ Ipc“ paid, an HUNTER, 1:0. 3levuion-Bt.,
CHANGE IN MANNEE 0F VOTING.—Tho (01-; New York. > [Sept 25. l}
lowmg act regulanng the mmncr or want. hl-
pained both the Senate sud Home: . ‘ '
”he unlined vow" onhenevenlcaumlel 1: than who lull in the robol rnnkl “dough
gage gomgonwglgx.» all general, min-Mp, odly'do, ll bomb. Bun on tho 9th" had
tor 3‘”:qu ”33:51“ awrevggeg; “83:15:. DYEING PO}! A GOOD CAUSE _
pruned or "m“ “wt” prlntod Ind puuy u ‘bou who Ire wne Ind prudent unongh to
Xl§§.€'.'§,'°'“-‘y chum“ a? {ome (23¢ Mck- I remedy the defecll of nuurejmh
voted 101‘. and w 33°1”.3.'3F"°m‘u131'3 %lm"’ I QHEISTADOM'S HAIR DYE! -
one ticket nun embnoe %gmu g! Emitting; An doing our, day, in enry City of the U
fimfl'figfiflgunfiéfi; o°£Bm°w niun, la omlpntly pnjlewonhy. Ttil 90“-
mtor. Inducing omen “Benita" um memberqf M ”MW—O" " 80ml 0.“ “W“Khw“ ‘h‘
‘ acre-I. Ir vowd for. and be shelled “countyw who]. ll.nd,nnd um: buutyand lax-many up
one manual embrmmo nnmel o! .11 «mm In! I: m y d i M allow
.mpomeeuvowdwandbolnlnllotiWlMPl" p o e men In ncongrnity. fl 3
gum“ amend a: gmfiflggrflgh ‘n lNuredyby J. CSIETADOROMo. 6 Aztorl?¢;n::y
oeu voted for.“ ‘ " ." cw ork. ol b Dru Im. PP C 3'
£333?” null bg deposited "1 "M” WWWJII 3dr Drouen. I. H [3“! 3- 1m
—_——_._-_—_ W
sum: mam—M mm nppmches. pew!- , m " "“"'
usually has somechmg to say about Mr A Gentlemnn who luflend for Jun from
me... We wauld advise ourxnmwho 1m: Renown nobilityl’re'W'W.e ”’9‘"! “d "1
cool. recshlni undoin lumlbflJOPh-n‘ Peel the 05w" 0' ’o‘"th ind”."w°n' 'm fcr
“moo. nemcuuifllnl- Everypenmwlmh- tho who of "Rm" ”WNW?“ “W”
or in town at country. htving tn unoécupled I“ who need i‘. ”'0 Y¢¢|P° “‘1 dlfocllou [or
.’.“ mud may 4'9l]me Im. n making the limp“. "fwd! 5! ""55 5' I!“
by man. amm' can, M a mu: cured. Bnlorcrl Imhlfll ‘0 ["0“ by an “-
. ’ , "mu?! "patience, c-n do lo b 3 nddmfln‘
mu- ....__.___.. l JUHN'B. 06mm,
No. 13, Gumbo" 3:” flow York.
In. 5, IS“. . ly
1 ”The Song Legislature bu pad 0
momma t‘u qdjourn on Thumb, nut.
An You “out and full Mod?
“you are 11011, fluby, of A full blooded a
lltltorin huhlt. you n. prob-lily gal-Joe! W‘
tend-clan. urllgo, diuineu, e nth‘ol blood __
to ll" haul, and congeniu iiunqu gun-ll!- n., Jun DILAIAIII'I
At Any am. you ere more llkely to be nflictod clnggA-pgp SPBUIFIC‘ PILLS,
ll that minor thin people of a more Inn . Pnpuud (min i pfflxxpuon of Dr. J“... 0.1..
mu. Now you. than All other pmonl “I turn. Chiefl'hyeiclnu on». no. Ital
the world, would hue (oust intly on head I du Nun! cu Lminuielere of mg.
box of lindvny‘; Reunllllnx l’tlll: 1' I“ This lnnlublc modlclne In no lupélltion,
ugnr lung to nae themino much the better. but is unfailing in w. mm of spefm.[gffh.
The 25 cenu they cont mll hr: cheap lnvnt- ,or smm.“ Walloon. Every "new of Geni
ment ll'lt Incceedl in frighlenmg umydlteuo. lml or “do", "“1",le luvg|nlfl|fy 0!
It will be Irzl-a-peronvlr: “I I "We“ eil'C‘S: ‘ mum, amt-ml lminlonl from whatever i
when no other medical Ild'be contentment, It fem“! produced. or mun" .eyer.' will 1,. ‘
rescue sou ‘mm the grave. 300”" .'0“ “'° :upeeclllv tellend .nd the organ- tutored to ‘
nout nod plethora:v sample *1“ N“ 3°“ ‘0 1‘" «mun; action. '
bled. L'buumt 11'.) Inch not ol folly. Let UL l “’.‘” the following oplnlonl of omlnmll
Raw-m- Piln ”8 your oul: protector. The Fund, phylicllns: - A
dutifully, if you no mum by .t rm“ 0'; "We um and m. 3mm Pm. prey-ml
blood to the bend. is noted bv a diet.“'b°d My Blunt-lent Dupo "‘ t» In Rue Lorna
CUP-“1‘50" 0" W 9 “00“ "d “0‘ h! 3 ‘O9 KP“ . bard. from the pseecrlm Dr. Jun Helm
«In-Mil! 0‘ i‘ in im" system. 1" i 5 “Cl‘flmn‘ Q m urre. in our privn‘le‘bnclice Wlth 'umt‘nrm
ed 5y In irreznl-r action of _tour heart null l'ucl‘essl “ad we bclieve there is no othctiued
liver. and ulcedmg will only incgeue, nut dl- :i’cinc .0 well mummy] to cum .ll' psi-sum.
mlPi‘b, that irreguluity. Whet you‘necd ll ‘gufl‘erinx "um [flyolunmry' limlulonl or in]
lomflh'ng ‘0 "MONK “'0 0'8““ ‘0 " “Mu?“ {other wehkueu of the Sexual Uranus, whether
And regulu “lion, and lhul equalize the Clr- lunged by “New“, mode 0: liring'excoum,
culetlon of the blood. That is precisely “19 'O.- .buu,_ RRA. BIAUIBI‘AIII, I. l),
eflect 0’ ll dose or two oflbuiway'l llegnlxuinzl u. I). gcugum' 11. D.
Pilll. They do not meruy purge. Tinyl 1‘“ [‘g LIUOHIIBI‘M.D.
"regulm" the lirer~ me punch, Ihv WNW: Pni‘s,.\lw Mb. 1553.":
the killueyaflud soul. They errl from the: ‘ BEWARE OF COUNTKRFEITS. ~
body the injurious Imttermn‘l nun-h out l‘orl The Genuinel’illl "e gold by I“ the prin- ,
that PIII'POIe fl” 1“!”le ‘ltumora ““4 dl’90:"?! lcipnl llruggista thruughéutlhe World. Price '
wherever hidden. In lhh manner they realism .‘ch Dollar p" 1303', or Six “0:“ for F“.
A healthy action to the heart, the twin, hind Dullln.
the lllllgfl as well nu the Mon'mcll, render 2“" ‘ unfit-mu .lz Dun-our, Sole Propreton,
ckculmion of‘lbe liluod even. Mid kl‘el’ Fm" No. 214 Rue Lomlmrd, l'nru.
bead . e (lenr as though you had never PP", One Dull-tr euvluse-l to any nnlhumed Agent,
sensed nn ounce of sillgerlluma flt‘ih. Such 'Will Insure A box by return “1“”: securely
1‘” ”NW” " l’ills. 8““ 1’! ““‘Kie’l9‘s- " [smiled from I” Oblt'flulium; six bum {or the
N. B.—-Rnuwuy’s P~lla rm- elem-1U! WW3" ‘dollnrs. ‘ ,
with gum. which rendrrs them perfectly wile-l Sula Geuenl Agent! for America, ,/
less uud tree from ‘smell. They can by HM“. - OSCAR G MOSES. '“" .
lowed by clnldreu as énsi'y M Lum- plum;
They Ire the most pleasant medidne infihe
form ul pill; in general me: They purge
thoroughly yet mildly. l‘rlncipnl office. 87
Nnideu Lama New York. [:ADWJY .! Up.
April 2, 15:46. gw‘ .
The Gm! Euclid: Remedy.
Sm Jung l‘unxi's Cunnantu FgXALI
PILLu. J’nwud hum n [ln-wripnuu 0‘ Su-
J. Clarke. .‘d. [5; I'll) iicmu Ennumhnurv to
{llO Queen. 'l'hx‘\nhm|>lv mrdiciue“ un
fnihng in the rure of .xll thaw plinth! mud
mung-qua: dm-mci h; \yh LII he Imn-Ilv: Lun
slllul‘mn i 3 dubjsct. h. mddaruus null Tll'c‘Ql‘i
nnd remm‘ei A“ ulnlruclium, th n lf-ced)
cur-- m .y be relied on. ’ '
T 3 .\huripd LJ-Iw-I n is peculiarh’ 51mm!
I: will, in :\ shun nine“ bnng on the umuxhly
period with regularity. ‘
Euch hutfle. price ‘One Dullar, heart [he
Government Slump of Urea; Brnmn, lu pu‘.
vent cnunlerl'mh. '
(lAl‘TlUN.—'Tll‘i€ Pill: shn‘xlll nut lu- mkcu
bv FemJlHjurm.’ lb» rum rmnzr mum: at
Pnernnncy; n- lll“_¥ 11-t‘ sun: Lu hrmg ml \ln
emu-hm, but :1: .mn m‘u r n m {1.6-} are -:w-.
In all "He ~~ 4:! \rl tum. “d Spmnl .\ fin x llu'l’.
P 4 In H) llw ll wk Ind l. 'uh- l-munr In] 41:11;
rmliuu. l'nlpuM'l-u uHhe llrul". 1h ueflu.
and ll'lnmd. th~F l'xllq \\.ll "llrrl | car? when
all 61h“ Immu- lmu- Lulrd ; nml Althmuh \
powerml n mrdy. du nut umm H mm, min-gel,
M)!llnl)n_\‘,'or nugnhlng huruul lo~tlnl \ummu
hon. ‘ -
full dirjovlioni in Ihr 11 -mphlm. nruun I tin-h
pm‘kuut'. \\hi:h ilmnld ho (urvtnlly prrwru-d.
SHM‘ h» .\H Drugzlsw. Sale Age": lur 1h:-
United 51.1193 and Can “Ll. _
. JUB \lurfis, z: ('unl’nndl. >:.. N. Y.‘
N. ILLMJJO and 6 pelezt- slumpq rncluved
to any amhnnznl Agent. mil—lllsmm n bunk,
('onlzumng .'n‘) Pnl:,_hy re-lurufnmnln Sol-Ll);
A. D. Buehlcr. [Dru 15', 156.3. I;
Lynn‘s Periodical Drown!
Thervl I'zrh-xle‘lfleniedy for Irregulnn'liu
Thcsn: Drops are a. scicnxmcnlly culnpmnn'L‘
ed fluid pn pun-nun, nnd bane: than an) Pllls,~
Powders ur Nadir-nus: llcmg li-pml, \lwir‘
action is dlrecl unl positivp, rendenng {ln-m ml
reliable, speclly wll cvruin speczfic for we
cure of all übzlruclious and supprflsiuus of;
mi nrv. Tlu-lr pupuhrilgfi is unlm h-n by the I
fuel llmt over mono!) bottles ure nnnuall) sold
and consumed by the lmlins‘ of {he lniml'
Sum, e'u'r'v um- Q!‘ n hqm speak In menu-ung- 4
es! terms of praise of their grunt. mL-rlls. TM:
are {npidlv mk‘ng [lu- rluv or awry mlner;
Female Rump-ll), and are musiulclml by all “110
know might pl lln-m, n: the slnesl. “mm, m d
mos! infalliblr pre,» lne World, for ‘,
the cure 0f all funmle compluxms. the Infumml;
ol'all ohnructiun‘ ol' nntnre, and the pram"-
hon oi ln-ultln. I‘Cgulnlily'uhd blit-lgtll. lu
plicil dirt-minus 21.41111 ““5"“ Lucy "my he
fluid, and rxplumug wh- n nlll‘ MIL (My
Alloull' not_. um‘ L‘ullhl xml he ured witlmm
producxng elfm’l-Ix'nuerr) m mum-'9 mum-u
lmvs, will hr l’uuml rnrclully luldnl urunlM
amli boltle. with 1h: mine-u qgualvm: ur‘Juux
L. va, uuhuul‘nluch uuue Me genuine. 3
Prepared by Dr‘ JOHN L. LYUN, 19.5 l‘lmpel
Bmm, New Hum, (quu.. “lm xum lu- mm’z/
salted elllwr prim-mulh, vr w) hull. (rm-Imin):
blimp.) cmu‘rrmnl,r nll pxivnh- dial-use! nn-l‘
frmuHKmeHM-u. Sol 1 h_\' llruggm.‘ «\ery- -
where. U. h. (LARK .\ (In, ‘
Gen'l Agenls for U.- S. and (human
Nov. 6, .865. Xy .
-»‘ Allcoek‘s Porou- I’ll-Men
A celebrated pl]: Ilfi .n ugs- lu- w.» ”mun-l
M (lu- grmt nnm‘rer or bl-uofix-iul lmlil‘uliunl
produced h)" on» 0| thew pl .su-‘ru llv affirm:
that headucA-js rureul h) nut WnFu jun. heluw
lllebreul-bunv; XhM um- plm ed mm the navel
will cure hyuvrivs. I! well n: dysrmcr), nn-l
Ifl‘eutionl (II the buwels." ‘ . ‘
cum. or vuucuu vslxs.
_ ‘il_\ Pumt. \'n..JAn. 24.1865.
I‘. Allcm-k .t Co.—Scein.r )our notice In {hr
Police Guteltf. got four or )onrl’urous Pm
teru And plnccfi’ them on gm puts “Illa-1- the
pain: were mun. genre, IHILL in lest tlnu
twnlre hours could wnlk as u-ll :33 Hey. I
cnnld hardly believe it, 1 Wm: m'well pinned.
linulcd to see it the lumepess would come
buck on me or not. so I did mor: Inlnillg that
day than I had dom- in I wuik. Tho next duy
Hind some puinyin my hip’. lnul put on n
plztster there und in two hunts the punt mu
all gone, nor have] felt It since. Certainly
they are the but application fur the relief and
cure ol'puina in the joints and lmck. End for
varicose or enlnrged veins, l have uer knuwn,
and I would _nol be without them on my nu
count. You", "My; .
uni mun rfixca nulnr.
d “as. & CO., ‘.'
z 27(‘nrll.ndlu1,N. Y.
N. Raft-gum, Gormnu..‘lpuuilh and Enylhh
an; hh‘ia, commnmg full particular. and din
rvclioufiur use, gent tree lo every ud-lruu.
A. H. Buehler, Agent 101' Gray-burg.
Dec. )3. was. ”A“
‘ Dr. Mnr'slllll’n Cut-" 3 Innf.
This Slivfl'lnu thnrouxhl) pr 'od un-jflo be
,Jhe but. nrlicle know u (_ur ci-nng (l_n- (Luann,
(‘uhl In the “end nu-l Headache, It In“ Inn:
funnd an e‘xcrileuL Imuedy m many can A
Surf Hy». IM-nl'u-ayhn. I'venz‘remuve-J b) u,
,Jnd 111-” mug km: uthu been gummy nupruud
by its file. ' .
A‘ I! in lrnl'nlnl and ngru-nble. an} own nn
3sz n 1 nun I 0 un- dull hrM'y pun. cause-l
by dumw, “I un- hrml. "o'l‘hr ncvnmlnmn um r
Hung u ure .leugluml an}! iu'fiuurnnng. It
UPEII~ null “mgr: nululluhalruillumglrrnglh.
nn- t|lu,ghxml~. mm guys l|_ heuuny nruou lo
liu I‘ .n.: «H'w 11-d. '
“(HP 'lmn lhirly YI-urs' of pale *nd uu u!
‘ In- ‘.I <r-Imll s Uut nrrh um! 111-min. he Suufl',"
h u pron-“I i 1.4 grout \nlue (or «H Ilu- rguuuuu
«(‘.»mwi l U!" heml. and M lhiw mmurn't
Nu .In .n.: :»r lhxn M'rr 0 elorr.
h 1- NM umv‘n-lrd by "mm nl llw lu-nl [rhy—
Inland, m .I H v.~rl \ulh brlu‘ .‘uu‘rlt Inn-i
“la-l \l‘l m o-wr} win-tr: ,
“and II; (‘eufi’HuAu-p of Whirl“ la Dru;-
ui~u :11 1.5 L lhr lunlrr-inuz ,lunp; Inr
nmlu _\l~.s§s ha n :u qu niulmi wnll --l)r.’ \l n -
nhd‘l'l (‘.uurrl) And He Him he Snuff." Inn-X mm
ll In our \i'hull'mlo ‘.l‘nlh'rl heerl’ulh sun. lh’nl
vu- Inhm! mm 1»- eqml, lu'mery Market, to
lhv‘ rrrun‘nncrd mom pvt-n ol'lkfurJhl ‘ 111 I!
of Camui'imi .\H'u-rliuua, .unl Hm I' u dual-ink
J) llu- l-rn .vrv‘n 1v we Imu- ewr’kquwu lur ,nl
wmmmn dbuuws uk the lhud.
. Burr a l’rFF}, Butlun; Raul. Austen .fi l‘u.
“u-lllll; lhnwn. [.zuxhon t (‘O., "uduu; MM,
i'm'er 68 ('5! . Huston; 3'th W. Fowle, ”only“ ,
WIN)". Fmrlmuk 5: Co., [Jo-um; Hemlrm.
fi-hmn-l k '70.. Boston; U. H. May, Poul-um,
- r.: Barnes .1 Punk, .\ew York; .\. IS. t D.
Sandy .\‘rw York; Slryhen l‘nul .k ('u.. .\eyl
York; ls’mrl )Iltmr & (‘ll., .\e‘w Yurk; .\ch« :-
snn I: unmiim, xsw York; 4‘ll..Su)nlll L'll.
New'Yullx; “. “Huh Close 8 Co., New \urk;
”nah & 6.1142. .\‘vw York. ‘ .
Eur 5.16 hv all Drngguls.‘ Try it
Dec. m, 1165. U
Dr. Toblnn' Vent-Illa “lIIIIII'II
It cums L'hulen, uhrn first like“, In a few
hours; “punter-y In hall an hour; Twl'lugho
1n nn- minutes. [I As perle-lly‘inuucém In
mke imenmm, .wd J! recmmuemlml hy the
mud mum-:4'l’ln'su‘inui iu the [lulled Shun.
Price 4|) qud N 0 canu. ‘ ,
Tummnndn, I‘m, Aug. 6, [B'3
.-Dr. S. I. Tnluua, .\ew Yrir'nA lh-nr Su—J
BAH u~P-l your Venolmn Llnnurnl will; grrnl.
unfil‘iu, hulh A: [ln lnlcuml n: m-H M an :1-
Lu “LA mmhmnc. In use: 0! Bmmu L‘qll’c nul
(.'hultrn' Murhua l “3;:an il M n Jmérrlpt
remedy 'YuurVeur-tiun llurse Lulimrnnlnn'fli
unumlh—d n: n hi-r-e Invdlciue muungu {m
rikrs .unl bnuuucu on this canal. '-
c ‘ _ wu. LHWH.
‘Sup'l Vnrlh "rum-h (’mml K
Sul' h; a)? Rumpus. {Min-n, \n. 56 l‘nll’
hunk ‘1... .\ca York. [\hl. L 2. lm
To (“cumin-unho-
The mhcrliaer, hu‘ing bI-tu intnred Ia
he .llh u: a le'v; WPl‘ki hyvn .\‘ery ample r mv
d).um'r hm in? rIIIEt-rrd lur wwml _n-nn WM:
:1 smrrc 'mug "nu-lion, nm] “In! :1re.u,.l llm- ur,
(‘unulmpunn _ia anxious lo make known w
hi: [l'llufiv-pllfi‘ul‘l'r‘ Iho means (I! cure.
Tu all who ale-git» it. he will sgnd A copy 0'
the prewripnnn u‘hed “m.- ul than: I m'h
the din cuuua Lur pr‘qmrmg and uung Iho
same. whvcl; Lhcy wfil fiuun sun: cvn- rm;
('uvsrwuux Anni“. Buoxcmnn, ('uurn.
('oxm». iml nu Thronl :Inl Lung .\fl'erhum,...
Tm- only nhj ct ul Izhe udwrliuvr ll; rr‘lminx
the I'n—urripilon ii to htnefil the ml lrlnl. nml
uprezul iulormulion which he mutate.- Io ho
lIIVMIHIMI‘, and he huprul rm] sunflcrrr will
try hiq'remedy, M iv. wxll con. them nulhmg,
and may prme I blenmg.
Panu-I making the prescription, nu, by
return m.lil, will pins»: unldun ‘
“'illinmalmrg, King. cm, 59' Yulk.
“at. 5, .8661 I) , .
mango. mu Tun.
.Evory young lady and gentle-mun in the
['nu-d Stun-l cnn hear something \cry mucu
to t'hmr .Idvqntnge by return mnil (:rre of
charm-,1 by Iddresaing we underiigmdt—
Thou having lea" ol’lleifighuwougged I!“
Obllgf by gut noticing thin curd. All othxrl
WI“ plea" address their übedujnt urvml,
MM. 6, ’66. 1,8:“ Broadway, 31. Y.
Mu: charge for um
“um down-u cull.
AT Illa policiulion o! vfll Men-‘11.!
ulfer nu uh n. I cum for sum“?
Mm: nut druigylnub, ' :lhe dccmiou of
the beam " union. Should
I h”df§.‘£,9!d£" wt}, Madge nay-'3l! la
din-Binge mo dune: o! the alive :41 the but
of my thilily. - PHILIP HAHN.
Swab-n 14)., April 9, 1866. Cc
.\‘COURAGED by numernnn friend:
mnrquhouv. the comm! at" myself I“ n
undid“. to; SHERIFF at the a.“ clecclan.
subject ‘.o the deoiliouol the Duncan“: County
Convention. Shou’ld !be to format“ so to
-bc lonfinued um! elocudJ promise to dll
- the dam: of the one. to tho but. of
my Ability. JACOB KLUNK.
‘ Germhny lp., April_9, 1866. to
f “ nmzrs mum uuamm rnrssn
‘ S :nrea RUPTUHEJreu the cord from 5“.
preuure; will nerer-nut, bruk,linbn, clu' '
or become 51W!» (the fine ""1 Hm" I")
canted With‘hll’d rubber) ; Ipring nude Any
power required; med inrbnhin'. Quad '0
tom; requnru no “upping; clunen, light
en, unit-n. And but Tguu known. Bad for
L. B. SEELEY, Sole Ptoprietor.
1341 Chennai 8!», Phihd L, M
April 9. 1866. In
0F HAWOBD. It In: um a in] of
Half: million,- and. cuh nurplu upon: A
hundred thou-ma, m guy Imus.
Pawns REDUCED,—PiokIu u .'.m-g 1m
Bub-u COW 3‘ “9“." low nun
om, srnvxm‘suzn, and an."
m “BPlg’rA-Odlil‘a,
to suit lg”, n‘ u u A mto
mu. I! f’ mum;
Oppoliu tho Bulk. Counting.
andldatda ll