The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 02, 1866, Image 4

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    ; ODDS AND ENDS. '
m”. ."k ~.._..__...__——- »
“35mm, p 1: Aund guy”, and m .m
nu: Run or A Imam.“- out? T
(The Expreu, spewing of the mm wri >1
,te’n by Gqurnl Gmy‘iu ,wlpp'ch he nnnnun- !
.ce- himself ,9: n “lifehlong Democru," u
tenrpu to break the fioi-ee of flat uttemneel
‘by mowing whit kind of i Democrat this s
radoqbtnblofieperal i 3. [3. lays:
Gefienl Gnu-y is I‘Damocnc in the some
defined by Welntorg'flne who aha-on to
'a pbvernmepl. hi: the poople. or I'm: the
euunjbn 0f the 119 of «fray to (:11 glad: of
“’9 cannot help odmiring the bohlueu 1
with which our opponents meet the ium-g‘
in the present clmpoign. The! no} only‘
mo upon tint pit; ortho pln'tform which ‘
commit; their pnrty‘ ,to tho uupport of the
Ir ndioal revolution into in Gmgreu, M against
'11:: policyof President Johmnn, hm they
mom all the conséquoucea of theJ position
‘thus boldly taken. Knowing thatlthey an
no longer dodge the question a! nrgro sufv
.t'mge they haverconcluded to meet it square
}y» 'They Openly announce thatitheir cu:-
ulidatq [or Governor "favor: the cémnn'on I] the
rq/ht qufrage to all vlaues 'of melt." Let. the
white men, and ergpecially the soldiers, keep
jhifconstantly in mind. Accotding to the
.I-Irprm, a vote for Genry is a vbte in favor
pf negro «um-age and negro equality—Larr
‘caater Intdligcncer.
... ._ _ «Mw— ,
”The Negro organ at lingeréuown mnkes'
11343 d] the following language i_n r‘egard to
President Johnson’s lute smack :
Y “Better fin tbb country. better ten thou
,snnd times [or hie own lqir fume Ind mime.
that. pm speech had nevor been attend,
that u Ind never_enlered into his heart to
'cnn‘ceive its angry words, in: bud pamper,
pnd' its foolish position.” -
‘ It cerlninly must be a " foolish puitian"
{or the President to occupy in the estima
tion oflhe dlnunionists of fire Summr and
Stevens echool. to he in favor of the Con.
etituilon‘of his country, which he has worn
in support. A: lheseloyalinli declared it
Area-on but.) short. time since m‘denounco
{the "Government," they are certainly guil
‘ty of this crime from their own teachings;
hut‘fnnnlicism kmflvs no consistency.
Why not publish the speech an'dJct the
people ju’dge for lhemnelves! {E
‘ " ._,. -—~—o-o—-v -——— V 3
Q'Fornoy wants to bn Unitod«Slntes
Sn mutnr, to hucceed Senaior Cowan. Oné of
11m Pennsylvunim senatorships is an old
n'nbiLin'n of Foiney’s, (11“.,ng as far back ad
(helium of Mr. Buchanin‘. and renewed at
nvnrl} every senatorial election since. A
knowledge of this aspirmion ls the key tn,
the polilin‘l campaign recently opened
by the Pennsylvania Repnblicm Conven
nnu. ll’accounts for the bold bone of hos
tility, to the pblicy M Mr. Johngon which
pervades the; Republican platform.
a" ”on: is Forney'g endorsement of Mr. 1
fl) mar. "1?. gives us great pleasure to bear 7
testimony (o the high personal chnmcter‘uf
Hon. Hieater Clymer. the Democratic can- l
didnte for Gnvernor of Pennsylvania. Gen
eral Gvary may well any that hehnsa Toe-l
m'an wofthy of his uteel."{ It; is I pity
thnf no Dechral can asconscienftiously re
pipmcate the compliment in relation to For.
pey’a candidufla.‘ \ .‘ . ‘
fiThe age'b! bnstlles and gmllntines
has passed. but. there is a despotism in Con
grass as infatuawd as Lhnt WTJich canned
"mace to weeptears ofblood. The major
fly 9t the House of Representatives has in
vested a “Committee of Fifteen”with powers
yrbich. pngier this guidance 'O5 a Jucobin
)Chairmnn. ll rbecommg us odioup a: any Ui
« pmdirale created I? despotism:
The above is fr m the New York Tums.
pditcd by Henry J. Ruymomfla Republican
- member ofCongress. '
w'l‘he electors of Pennsylvania are
‘nnxipns to know the ,views of Mr. 'Gnary
.on Eegro sufirage and eq'uality. Mr. Cly
mer‘ia not afraid to spebk out frankly. Mr.
fleary has not yet said yes or no. But he
must. answer. lie can’j. dodge. It would
be mnk cowaydice to attempt. to evade the
nueelion. Gem-y, is a military “hem," and
js supposed to have enough courage’to meet
fine issue squarely. Ila musldau! Contin
ued silence will place him in an awkward
perdicnment. . 3 . .
‘ mars. S. Cox, in his speech at. the
Wzrs‘hiugton velo-ratificatiqn meeting thus
tersoly stated the present political issues :
.“The conflict now is between bureaucracy
and Democracy -, bemoan the rump. and
the executive; between State existence and
State destruction; between libetty ordered
by law end liberty disordered by Radical
iam; ‘between Union and Dieunion; be
tween perpetual peace and incessant agita
tion.” .‘. ,
fiGov. Bigler recent! y réturned to Clear
fxeld from the Pacific coast. He‘ his been
gone over I year. The Clenrfield Republi
pun says that while about. he made an ei
temive tour through California. Utah nnd
Idaho, but is not. very- favorably impressed
with that country. -
[O-Tbe MSenate, on Wednesday week,
pdopted amendm'enls to (he Irmy bill. pro
yidtng for cix‘negi‘o infantry rggimenu. and two
pe'growmlyy regiments. ’The amendment of
Mr. Hendricks, pmyiding for the preserva
gion of LheVelei-In Reserve eorps(white,)waa
lost. This show; which Iny thé wind bloys
in that. gnu-tag. The House. ofoours'e. will
poncur in nnything black from the Senate.
Putty (Whiz—4' gentleman who m in
pneu- for some '3an wrotg the following
note $0 the editor: "Please find enclosed
pmount 4°! subscription for my paper. I
hue been hkigg your“: You; enouEh. and
wish to huge it aid that .{ huge one of my
pwné’ , Cogl’d not; name of our delinquents
(Aka the hint! ‘ , ‘
H'A lgdy {fiend Leila I» that flu hair
pun he nude to ‘.'céimp’Hanh more rgud
ily by‘rolling it in strip- oflhe Hew'fork
Tnbuna. When one of Sumner’a‘ speeches
{a fled the hip and: like that. o; the negro.
S‘Will lodge of our Democntin friend:
MMJhgpé moiutiqnl puud by up
Fayette eonnfi ‘xoldikn who waved under
Gen. (Year, in the Xexioan war! No doubt
fine Genny] wogld likg go see them again.
fi’John Van Bun-en. who has been down
It Charleston lqoking around. returned
home org!» sQ¢hi_ nit. _He says if there an
pny robe]; left 1.11 that cgty.-hoo_ould not see
pr belief than). Everybody. was in ftvor
pflhe arm‘s!” Ind “if .Pfesldem’s policy.
a“ '. «13‘. run _linbum. -
pd to s9“pr d lumtive 3933:
of "Md”! of £oll'-_pistol gummy.
c has lent in blc lamina to t. 0 WI!
My: Ind i 599. . "muste- ‘
Advertbins 091% ‘ " m
I'll onus" “mom for 1"” Au. ~ ‘ 5:3?“
‘ SURE undone for lichen, Ind : rofdzel 2:11am“
. war
A from SorrowJ Pam Inf! Dileue. A 1 'l;me
. Btyun‘u Lil-I: Pull, ~ drew Bel.
nmnr no: nu. \l Minna]
are admitted to b 3 the Bfiéf FANTLY ”EDI-\R. McCur
(mm mr grnqml usohPurlfymg the Blood and “Juana:
cleaning the Intel: from I.” impurity. ? Gwyn!»
‘ amass mm mums. IA9 rim
regulate the Stomach. Livei and Billlnry Se- ‘ “:12?
crelinmq, which ls'lhe chielcnnse of Nervous~ 11. A. in
neu,(}illnlinul, Dimness of Sight. Headache, ford, Lnillm
sch u-h and mlwrll‘finfred compltinu. { Berlin ; V
Hundn-xls efC'enifivmca run he Shown. ’ l-‘. Gm,
le)‘ huje bevnnred b) thousand! wjth Succeu.
arc unfilled lor nil Ages Ind constitution.—
'l‘hey n compoud of the naive prinrlplu o!
Hex-u and Roots. culled lrom our fields Ind
foreau. They Ire mild-hm. certain In their
operation—producing neither crampt. grlpina.
pain! orpirkneu. Thdy may be when by all
Meg, :2er or conditions withOutfenr.
lIRYAS'S MPH P_ILLS, Cure Hmdache.
IIIIYAN's LIFE PILLS, Cure Sick Stomnch.
lIRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Cure Glddinegc.
BRYAN’S LIFE PILLS, Purin the Blood.
A Box of BRYAN’S- LIFE PILLS will cost. but
and will nrcompliih allythnl. il represented.
The-y are elegantly put up by the pr’nprlrtor
the inv’l-ntor of BRYAN}! PULMONIC WA-
FliflS,m médicine long and Invumbly known
to the Americnn‘NuGion. .-
”you wish Buynn'a Life Pills. and cannot.
get them ofyourdrugglst, don’t lake any other,
but lend Twenty-live Cuts in a letter: to the
proprietor, and you will get them by return of
nmil, post-paid. Address, ' 3
412 Broad ay, New York. I’. 0. Box 5079.
Dealer: um ye supplied hy Dcmas Barnes a
Co., Whales: Agents, New quk. .
, ron‘nll nsrol'run'rl.
T TIUN, and do not intorfere with busineu
pursuits; nnd N 0 CHANGE 0!“ DIET IS NE
Bell‘fl Spo'cmc ‘Pilln
Are wnrrnnted imgll cases,for the Speedy and
Permanent Cure of Seminal Weakness, Ureth.
ml and Vuginnh Diicimluefi, Gleel, Sexual
Diseases, Emisflnns, Impotence. Genital and
Servo“: nobility and ‘diaenses of the Bladder
and Kidneys. _‘ ' ‘
They are ndnpteifor male or female, old or
young, and are the Only reliable known for the
cure of all diseases arising from 7’"
In all Sexual Diseases, as Gnnorrlien,‘Slric
turo, Glect, Mid in all Urinary and Kidney
complaints, they act. like a charm. llplicl is
erpcrioucsd by taking it single box ; and from
{our to six boxes generally eilect A cure. .
soll] in boxes containing 60 pills, Price One
Dollar, or six boxes, Five Dollus; nlso. in
lurge lmxc‘s, conlaining four of the small, Pride
Three Dollars. i
Private Circulars to Gentlémen olly, lent
{lt on receipt of dirécted ein'elnpe and stamp.
I {you need the Pills. cut out his advertise
men}. {qr reference. and i’you cinnot prcure
them ot‘3our druggiat do not he llllpOSét on by
nrgy‘plher remedy, bi!!- enclose Khe money in a
lute; to '. .
bu. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician,
- ”‘3l 5019. 412 Bromlwuy, New \lgrl;
and )hay will be sent to you ,secure “‘qu ob.
servvgtion, by return umil,posl-pnid, on receipt
of the monby. . ‘
Dealers supplied by Dvmp’u Barnes 8: Co.,
\Yhulemle Agents, (New York. 1 '
‘ -_—a
lDr. Harvey‘s Female Pills,
U E most. infallible and popular remedy
ever known, for all diseases of ibe female
991.: They have been used in many thousand’
cases wi‘h unfailing success—and mny‘be re
lied on in every case for which they are re
commended, und pnrliculnrly in all cases aris
ing from ' ' , _ '
no mutter from what. c‘nnae iv. arises. They are
efl'ectunl in restoring to henlth all who are suf
fvring from Weakness and Debility, Uterine
Discharges, Nervousness, &.c.. Ba.. km, and
the)“ “AL-Hike a Charm." iu stnenmhening the
system. Thousands of ladies .‘who have’sui
l‘néd lpr years and tried ruriohs other time
dies in min, owe a renewal of their health and
strength whull}v to the i-tlicnry of
They are perfectly Inn-mic.“ on the sysu‘m,
may be taken M. any lime with pcri'ect‘sulely;
but during ghe early smge's of Pregnancy 'tlu-y
should not. be taken, or a mm-nrringe may be
the result. They nérer cause my sickness
[min or distress. Each box contains 60 pills,
Price One Dollar.
a remedy lor special cases, four degrees strong
ei than the above; Price Five Dollars per boxJ
A Private Circular to Ladies with fine nnn- |
tomical engravings, sent free on receipt of di;
rec-ted envelope and stamp. ‘ ¢ ,
@Cur this out ifyou desire Dr. Harvey's ‘
Pills, and ifyon cannot procure them of your
druggist.‘ do not tnke any. other. for some i
dealers who age unprinciplcd will recommend ;
other Female Pills, they can make a larger}
profit on—but enclose the money and send dip
rec! to ' ‘
DR. J. BEKYAN. Consulting Physician.
Box 5079‘ 442 Broadway, New York
and you will rec'eive them post-pnid seem-cl;
sealed from ohseml‘tion, By return mail. ’
Dealers supplied: by Donna Barnes 8; 00.
Wholesale Agenw,'New York. 7
The Private Modioul‘Adviser‘. _ -
‘ (Exclusively for Ladies)
N invaluable treatise of 100 pages,by Dr
A J. Hun-véy2 published for the benefit 0!
the nu. ,_ a
On. receipt of TEN CENTS. it will be sent
phat-paid, in a lealid envelope,.to all who ap
ply for it. Ad: ens ' , . 1
DR. J. agux, 442 Btoadwsy, N. Y.
Box 5079. ‘4 ‘ ‘‘l
Manhood X
THIRD EDITION, Filty Thounnd—loo
l plzcl, by Bonn E. BILL, M. D. A elm
lion, Addressed :9 yduth, the mun-led, and
those Coxtnrunsu Mnnucl.‘ Sentby mail
post-paid, on receiptol’TEN CENTS. A cure
ful perusal ofithia small book bu been a Boon
to THI AFFLICTID, and has saved thojlmndl
min; 5 life .of misery, nnd an untimely grave.
1!. mm on the evils onsnlhlnl Indilcretion,
Self-Abuse, Sem'innl W nkneaa, Emissiom.
Sexual Diseases. Geniuf _Debillly, Loss 0!
Power, Nervqulness', Fro More Depsyhlmpo
tense, tc., Bc.,'which mat. the aufl’ergr from
fulfilling the Obligations of )lan-inge.‘ '
Addreu, DR. J. BRYAN,
~ Consulting Phylician,
,Box 5079. 442 Broadway, New York.
, Anne. 11' IRA? l, u .
Watche- & Jewelry.
7! CHANGES FOR 31.—Isuzu! A'l' Low
0’ Pnlcn I—loa,ooo Wefoher, CnainlLLock
ole, Rinse, Braceletl. Sun of Jewelry, Gold
Penn. ac” kc. ,To be disposed of et ONE
DOLLAR eech, without regard to ulue. not
to be peld {mum you know 11'.“ you Are
to receivie. ‘9 ‘
lpo 00,11! Hunting-ciao Wetchei,
egch, . $5O to 8125
500 Snlrer Watches, each, 20 to 35
ImooflPennkSilverCue,neh, by) 8
10030 Set: Ludiee’ imam, (u; ‘
noned,) etch, , a, to 10
,And 3 [up usedment of Jewelry '0: every
descriptiqn tor ladies’ Ind genu' up“, v‘nry
in; in value from $3 to $25 each. The method
of dfipoaing of these good) It On Dpuu
etch in u folk-ml: "
its price we placed i_n SEALED EXVEQOPEE
and. we" mixed, one of whicfi will be "in (1)
Ha}! to my udduu on receipt of firing. One
Certificate 25 «age. Five for SL There eye
no BLANKS. Yo; my; get lhp VALUE 0!
3'qu nonp . Gil-emu; with partials"
my» min-g A. .1. mm x co.
' m 'Bragdygvixnu Yer!!!
iltonlmn I
don: tom
Ihip; Wu
‘ fi-Tl
‘tions to t
period In
paid low
ing to 5‘
pnid dux
‘ fi‘Tl
ofiico a!
day in e'
061. 1‘
New Skirt for 1865.
New Palenl DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or don
SPRING “(ml—This invention ronainl
Duplex _(u? twwniptic Pure Rrfined l
Springs, mgen Isly hmidedligutvly mull
1y logether, ed-ze to edge, making the to\
eat. most flexmle, elastic and‘durn le Sp]
ever used. They‘leldom bend or break;
the‘fingle Springs, and consequently pre~
their’perfrm and beautiful Shape more
mice as long an any Single Spring Skigt
.u'er has or cnn b'e mnde. - '
The wonderful flexibility and gresl'coml
and pleasure to nny Indy wearing the Buy
Elliptic hlkirl will be experienced pnrticnl
in all‘crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carri:
Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chair:
Promenade and House Dress, an the skin
be folded when in use to occupy a. smnl' l
as easily and conveniently as 3 Silk or M‘
A’Lndy having enjoyed the Pleasure,
fort and Great Goin'enience ‘of wenrinz
Duplex Elliptic'Steel Spring Skirt for A single
day will nerer afterwards willingly diapense
with 't'ieir use. For: Children, Misses and
Young Ladies they are superior to all others.
The Hoops are covered with 2Wouhle
twisted thread and Will wear twice as lung‘ns
the single ynrn covering which is used or. ll
Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three butt In
rods on every Skirt urenlso Double Steel“ nd
twice qr double covered to prevent the cm r
ing lrom wearing of? the rods when dragging
down stairs, stone steps, kc., ken, which they
are constantly subject to when in use. I
All are made of the new and elegant Corded
Tapes, and are the best qunlity in every ‘pnrt,
giving to the wearer the most grnceful and
perlei-t Shape possible,nnd nre unquestionably
the lightest, most desirnble, comfortable and
economical Skirt ever made.
WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY; Proprietors of
the “invention. and Side .\lnuufnctnrcrs, 97
Chambers, and 79 5c 81 Reude Streets, New
York. a '
Eur sale in lillfirst-cltu Stores in this City,
andstltro'ighnnt the United Slfllt's and Carolin.
Hamnn de ('ultfl, Mexico, South Amerisa, land
the West indies. ' j
@lnquire ,for the Duplex Elliptic 1‘(or
Aonhle) Spring Skirt. . ,
mm. 27, 1865. '31:: g
Great Attraction
East (‘orn'or of the Diamfmd. rThe subscriber
is constantly in receipt’o 'tresh goods from the
Eastern cities. llis stock of
is one of the largest and most attractive,“
well as the cheapest establishment of the kind.
in the country. You will there find COATS;
PANTS ANVESTS, made up in the most
fashionable styles, and of the best nmteriala,
of all sizes and prices, for men‘nnd boys.—
Gentlemen’s luroiphing goods of every descrip
tion,, Wool Shirts, Muslin ”Shirts, Hickory
Shirts and Merino Shirts, .\lerino,’j‘Vno‘l and
Cotton Drawers, Hosiery ofevery description
Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand
herubiris, Neck Tics, Cravats, Linen and Paper
Collars, Hats, Caps, Rain: and Shoes. Um
brellas, Trunks, \'alices,‘Corpet Bags, Clothes
and Shoe Brushes, Hnir and Tooth Brushes,
Shoe Blnching. ,Pocket and Dressing Combs,
ivory-Combs, Wntches, Clocks and Jewelry,
(inns, Pistols, Violins >and Violin Strings,
Soups and Perfuméries, Stationery of all kinds,
Packet‘Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac
.co, Pipes, an extra quality ot‘Segars'. In incl,
his stock embraces everything usually found
in a first class furnishing store. I invite' the
attention of all to‘come and see for themselves,
as lam determined to sell goods lower than
any otharestahlishmentin the country. Don't
forget the place. Corner of York street and
July 4, 1864.
Established 1850.
respectfully beg len‘ve to notify their friends,
customers and the public generally, that. they
have removed from No. 151 Franklin street, to
the commodums four-story Warehouse,
NO. 303 BA‘LTIMQRE smnm,
between Howard and Liberty, where they will
for the future conduct the “‘troleslle Busi
ness, solely in ,
Hosiery. Trimmings,
‘ Furnishing Goods.
Perfumery, Notions, ‘
. Stationery, butler],
_ _ ' . Toys, km, he.
to which they invite the attention of city and
country purchasers; feeling confident of their
ability Ho ofi'er inducements _iii prices‘and
qualitymt‘ Goods. 4‘ O
orders by mull will receive prompt atten
tion, Address
LAWRENCE D. Dm‘z a co.,
308 Baltimore ureet, Baltimore. '
March 14, 1864.
Pianos! Pianos! '= ,
lANOS l—The nndersigfled would respect
? fully inform the public that be can furnish
lANOS of me following mlnnfucturera, or
those of other make, it deairtc, '1“ the 10mm
possible , prices : . ,
‘ HAINES BROS, ‘ ' / '
‘ A. H. GAHLE 300. _~' ’
fi-P-n‘rculu utention is givei: to the sea
lection of Pil‘noa; nndmhe‘n'lo neleclod, in ad
tion to the manufnclnren’ gnu-Inca, the Pilnoa
an guaranteed by me.
nusox a: HAMLIN
CABINET omms AND unmnuxs
Th 9 recent inigrovemen‘u in these instru
ments no such uto fully wstrqut flying they
are FAR SUPERIOR. 10-ny omen-nuke. One
of the best evidence: of their merit in, that
their improvemhta are imitued by other
mnkera. The new style, four atop org“, hue
I Sub-Bus And Octave Coup‘lct, making it an
instrument eapecinlly adapted to Church Ind
Sabblth Schoél purposes. '
will be sent by mlil :o pemous desiring than.
Pinnos ‘unedflxhluly. Pime- mkcn in ex-
change. .. ' mum BBNTZ,
_No. 30 East Market St., York, I’-
June 12, 1865. 1y _
Howard, Ansoetation,
HILADELPHL‘,“ PA.—Diunul' of file
P Urinal-y n4} Sent] Systems—new Ind
relizblo tnument. Also the BR! DAL GHAN
BEfig In Elli, of Winning Ind Innnlction,
lent in suled enyelopu, free of thugs. Ad
dress Dr._J. SKILLIN HOUGHTUN. Hayward
Associntion, No. 2, South Nlnlh Suez? Philn.
delphiu, Pt. ~ "x (Oct. 2, I'6 . ly’
718667? ”shini- Inflhing from:
..Dmg re, HQBXEB’S ii an
wrecmwww ‘
NY Quipm, 9;. Had: erm. cm 9';
A ' " Flamed:
New' War.
where Lthey nre ugnin prepared'to anrxi “:Ql‘k
in Ihe most. fnshiunnble, subsmnlinl,and an}?
riot manner. A lot of new and_ second-harm
in hand, atlch they will disnose 01 a 1 llge
lowest prices; ‘mul all orden will be supplied
us pmmptly and sutisl'nctorily ns‘posaible. ‘
done with dlspguch, 15nd M. ch‘eupest fates. ~’
A lur'geJot ‘of new and 0131 HARNESS or.
hand {on sale. ' ‘ “ .
’l‘lmnttful rm" the literal patronage hereto
for: rnj ycd by them, lhey‘wficit and mi] ex:-
denvor w duseh’e a large slmre in the nature.
, - L musmda zmuwx.
July 10, 186.)4 if 4‘ . ' '
Reduction ! nedxlcflon !
.‘J and utter November 15 . 1865. the {ol
-0 lowing reduhovl scale of: prim-s will he
ndopted at the “EXCELSIUR” SKYLIGHT
GALLERY. wz: .‘
“gm-[Le Photographs, per down
1‘ |L l‘ ‘ ll
'u ’ - u _
....)‘4‘ (‘0
._. 2 25
, -- u g M .....L... 1 75
Canes dc Vis.or plain,pordozt-n.....L..... 3 25
' “ "‘ “5 “ 1 75
“ “ "i “ .......... l 25
“ “ .“1 “ 100
' «, rum: ow xnmnvns. ‘
Vignettés, single cupirs, 40c. or 3 f0r......51 00
Caries de \'is., or plain, single copieqfiSc.
or 4 f0r............... .......:.....:........‘.......1‘l 0(
, lu adgiition lo the a\-ove every picture 'ill
be Leuly Lnled without um cilugge. Y
There is r. feature in tin: above to w‘hicl X
uish to ,direi-l. special intention, Hz: 1 ill
mnkg four Vi nettes, or three phin picln es
from the firsiegutive.’ liL-retufpie it has b m
A rule no: lo make less than an of one ml
tour of the other. 1
I uke this opportunity to thank the citizens
of Gényiuurg and [he publicgenernlly, [or the
\‘am' “snug, patronage extended to thefEx
celsiur," since its establishment, and hope by
strict. Attention to husineés, coup'led “ill: the
advantage 0! over ten years uninterrupted
practice of'lhe an, to merit. 3 Confirm met? 01
[the same. [SAA'C G. TYSUN, r
Sucressbr to the Firm of Trsus Buns ,
Nov. 13,3865. ‘ Gettysburg, Pa.
Notions A: cégnrecumi; _--
HE subscriber' keeps a Notion any] Confec-
T tionnry Store on Calrlisle street, nearly
opposite the Railroad SLAtion,.Getlyshurg,
where he has constnnlly on hand, OAS DIES,
NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons. Oranges. Icc.
Tolmccos und Segnrs of all kinds; l’ocket.
Books, Sueyenders, Negk T‘les, Collars, km;
Soaps and Perfumeries‘, also some GROCE
RIES, Sugars, Coffees, Rice, with the dim-rent.
kinda of Criwlxers. lee-cold MEAD at. all
times. He mules custom from xown nufl
country, and sells gt smnll profits. .3
Aug. 7. 1865. ly ,
Good Things from m‘e City!
“ 7 E are receiving twice a wdek from the ‘
city [Variety of nrticled.srlited to the
want: of this community, viz: Frbsh and Salt
FISH, llama, Shoulders and Sides; Hominy,
Beung, Snlt, Apples, Potatoes, Omnffies, Lemons,
Confections, Tobaccos, Segnrg, with many
other articles in this line—all mcqived in the :
best order, and sold at the lowest profits. Give
us a call, in Baltimore strpet, .nenrly oppositg‘
Fohneatocks' store. ' ‘
WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Lard, and all
other country produce—for which file highest
cash price will he paid.
SWEET POTATOES~beSt quality, at low
est living profits—always b}: hand. .Also
UYSTERS, fine and fresh—m the ahell on
shocked. Restaurants and fnmilies supplied.
Gettysburg, May 18, 1883. '
‘ New Goods! tar-3e Stock!
have just received from the citioé a huge stock
01 goods for Gentleman's leer, embracing s
variety of '
Cnssinets, Jeans, he, with many other goods
for spring and summer wear.
-They are prepared to snake up germents It
the ahortest notice, and in. the verybest man
ner. The Fashions are regulnrly received, and
clothing made in nay dashed style. They Il
weys make neat fits, whilst their sewing is sure
to be substantial. -
They nsk L coutinulnce of the public'a pl
tromge, resolved by gooqurk'nnd moderate
charges to can it.
Gettysburg, April 7, 1862
Reeves’ Ambrosia,
FOll THE HAUL—Th 6 Onyinal and amine
Aubmn'a il prepned by J. Am.“ anu,
and is the best hair dressing Ind preservative
now in nl‘e. lt ltopl be Inir falling om,
mules it. to grow thick and prevents i: from
turning premntnnly grey. h crudicate;.dn
drutfl cleanses, bet-mica und renders tye hair
aolt, glossy nnd curly. Buy it, try it. Ind be
convinced. Don" be put of? with C .purion:
Article. Ask gor Reenl' ’Ambrosh nnd take
up other. For Sale by Dragging and Dale"
in Funny Good. anywhere. ,
Price 'l5 cents pfl‘ Bottle—s6,oo per doxefi
* 6'l Fulton 81., New York Gilf.
Oct. M, 1335. 6:. , !
BY Dr. R. HORSEB'S Tonic Ind Alum;
live Powden, for Bulls“ and CATTLE;
"pared and sold only u bin Dru Stuns. ‘ |
January 25, 1864. ‘ , .
ISHLER’S HERB humans forgulou
DI Homer’l Drug nu! \‘uieu Stun; ‘
LADIES puss nummcs, In freak n.
“anr“‘ , 805 CK'S- .
”jus‘r‘amn cg; m oi nits—£l
. eggsur ‘7 ' lama.
Ammr --.--~
""S & SHOES.
.lued another Iplendid
GAPS, 3001's and
rear, which Huey an
ion conghlering the
at Summer Hun Ind
lon und rice.
rior links? “a,“
m hand. Work
in; done on then.”-
knen. Also,
has. Persons want
wonhl do vell to cull.
Id stand in cumbers
“ Arguing.
ARDII-u» r .
F ERS will please take notice that la lune
adopted the following Trade )lnrk to prulan-t
outselvel, and prevent lhnse who use qur
flueived whn purchasing manures. .
We have been obliged to give this protec
tion to our cuswmou, in crnaequence of user
an! piflita hlvlng unlawfully used our dis
fincfin mug-viz: “Ely Bout,” in Marin;
their article to the public. This Trade Mark
is mlopted in nddition m the [mum-w Bone,"
which is our exclusive property, Ind we can
tion A" mlnnfncmnn from wing it in future.
We wouldzuate to the trule ind consumers.
lhfl'l they willflnd it. tthel‘r intent! u we
flu! the “Try-1e lurk" is upon every bug unJ
barrel they purchase,” nom- other in genuine.
' HAlHlll l 3053.
iCUTT t SONS Inn—é
er line nuartment of
. in purl, of Cloths..l
enturk'y Jews, and
went. AIM), a line
acted with greatlcnre,
lell as cheap as my
«a cnuunjy. We ask
. cull nnd judge' for
mpeliuof‘l, Ifolh as to
. scorn a suxs.
The great popularity of our article hu been]
found stlfiirlent inducement to certain‘ imitptors I}
to mnnulucture and ndVertise “Raw Bone'
Phosphates,” a name which originated with ‘
1:3,. and is our min rightful property. War
will state for the information of all, tint we j
are the exclusive manufnctnrera of this'nrticle'
—:h.e original Ind sole propretors of it—hnv-l
fing been manufactured by at for a period of]
twelve yam. .Also that it is hovered by sev
‘ernl letters patent, held only 63' ourselves. l
‘ We are now reody to supply it in large.
‘ nuntities—hm‘ing made recent’ additions and?
lit rovementsn Vessels drawing 16 feet of'
jwa r can loud directly from the whnrves of‘
'the orka, which are locnted at the .foot of
Plan-in treet,'l)elaimre River. We cell the.
nu‘entio of DEALERS to this great ndmntmze.l
The pr ent indications me that we ahnlll
have a. are tly'increued demand over last
,spring and fa seasons, and wendvis‘e Farmers
.to send in th r orders to their respective
}Di:fllul'l at an en y day, thit all may be sup-,
plied promptly.
Soliciting your on tinned orders,
a We remain, . _
Your very truly,
‘ _ 3 L’GH k SONS,
\ _ No. 20 S. luwure .«henue,
web. 5, 1866. mu ' HILADELPHIA.
_‘_.., z . .-N .-.-. -1
‘ \ New “'inler Go A. ‘
" 0t (it't
‘ ening
X a
. ' 'l'lkl- Notice. i
B-A L’ (I 11".? ,
1 3 RAW Ble-l -
Super Phosphate of Lima
Manufactured by BAUGH & 5055,
.\‘o. 20 South Delaware Alvenue, ' ,
at his
. The
be so
‘of all kinds, including Silk, Linen ‘and Cotton
Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, kc. \ i
Also, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS};
Laces and Edgings. Umbrellas and Pnrdsols.- -.
My stock of WHITE GOODS wil': be’ found fnll
nndcomplete, and customers- may rely upon
nln’nys getting good good: at the lowest pusai- ;
blc prices. A ' l
Gentlemen will find it to their advantage tc 5
call and examine my stock of ’ !
at all qnnlsfies and choicest styles.
JJII. l, 1866. _ ‘JuL. SCHICK
Bargains ! Bargains! . 2
have just retynied from New York and PliilnL
delplim with on_e oi the largest stocks of nevi
Fall nnd Winter Goodsl ever ofiered lo the
citizens of ‘Adams county. They were pur
chased» before the lqte rise in goods um] will
be sol<l M corrcsl ondiug p‘rices. The unusually
great. _«iemnnd for goods of every,description for
the Suuthern mnrkel, will undqubtedly cause
a further rise in {he price of guilds. We there—
fore advise all that. _ ‘ ,
Our elm-k of Ludies' Dress'Comls is com
lee, consisting of French )leriuoes, very
cheap, nll wool Poplius, all wont Fluids. lie
ll‘lne*—S.lle[uhel'llB’ Fluids. Calicoes. Ging
hams, Plaid Giselln.Coburgslllolhs fur ladies”
Cloaks, unnsuully'low, fillks and all the lama!-
styles of Dress ”nods. ‘ .
. CLUTHS, Cnssimen s, Cnssinns. Tweeds.
Kentucky Jeans, kin, lor Mvn‘a Wear.
,‘I’IIANNELS-elhe largest. stock‘ever brought
£0 lhia market, and cheap. Also, a large as
sortment of Clank Trimmings, Sllfl“ ls, ”nods,
linlmomla, and in tact a full and complete tis
rurtmeut of all kinds of Staple and Fling]
Goods. 'Ohr stock having been purchased
low. we suy again
Having repienisbed our sun]: in all in; de-.
pnrnncnls. we are prep.n-ed to supply whatever
“my he warned in our lme of business at prices
Hm: deiy competition. Call at tl‘u- Rod Front.
Sept. 4, [863. ‘ ’~
The Great Dane Fertilizer.
AUGH ’ S ‘
cunmining 53 per cent. oi Phosphate of Lima,
and 4.05 per cent. Ammonia.
it should he‘ borne in mind that the Phos
phat; of Lime in this article beingsphlained
exclusively from RA‘W BONES nndn TRUE
BIRD GUANO, there is NO|PORTION of it
IXOPERATIYE, as in the ease of SUPER
—-but, being entirely SOLUBLE in the SOIL,
continues to IMPART in FERTILIZING qual
ities to the CROPS for YEARS.
ntlem‘ied its I‘lse for years past, is a snffirient
GUARANTY to induce’ those who,heve not
tried it to do so. -
has bgen spplied is luppéped' to have been
INCREASED from 25 to 50 per cent. bx. 21:
use, while for TOBACCO and GRASS LANDS
its aucceu bu been I'IQUALLY DECIDED.
The price in Baltimore is uniform will: the
Mnnulacturer‘a Fncwry Price.
‘ - Manufacturer's Agent.~
- 105-Smilh’l Wharf, Bnltim'ore. Bid.
For sale at' Innnfncturnr’a Price; Cent 01
Transportation added by .
_ SAMUEL lIERBST, Gellylbnrg,
DAVID HOKE, New Oxfard.
Feb. 5, 1866. 3!]: ‘
4 New Idea,
Gileay'u Iron Building. I’ll Broadway,
ew York. hue commenéed the business of
akin; SUBSCRIPTIONS m m the rumor
for SHORT PERIODS, (quarterly or half
yearly,) M. the lowest yearly rates, ofl'crimt I
(mu. advantage to lover: of literltme, who
Inn with to lake levernl publications paying
bluf- little money a: s time. Full pnfliculm ‘
'in ,circulnr sent on uppiiea’tion to any Id
dreu. '.' A‘ GOOD AGENT WANTED in
and) tom. POSTMASTEBS are requested to i
lend tor an: circular conmining inducepenu. i
. e BLACKWELL & Co., ‘
w . . 171 Bron/1w”, New York-
Dec. 25,1865. 3m
New Bakery!
"PORT: & ZIEGI‘EB, Mechanics! Bak
eu, South quhingwn street, halt sqnuo
mm) the Engle Hotel, GITTYSBURG,Pg._
Conqumly on hand, the but of BREAD,
lonl wishing fresh Bread willxbe sen-ed aver}
morning, by lennng their name! Ind fplidanou
Itch Baku-y. BVOI'] afar: In.“ so pie“.
Gm hum” - [April o, 'O3. tf‘
‘ my cnowxa, n'pem ndncgq
Imm,» ~' Wing's,
"“‘i‘ H “v‘ “"‘ "—_T"”—.
GI‘PIII Remedy fol-avoids.
B BALSAMIC cannuL, o-
A Rpmedinl Agent pnpnm-d to mm the n?-
gem clemnnd Mr I yromyl. and sale Antidote
for all Pulmonary Dilordrrl. If properly and
n till givuiniunl nlief in 11mm: every in
.uuce.,und will prove an effectual guru in I
mnjorilz ot the {allowing can: u! All‘e: Liana of
u-e THROAT AND LUNGS! such as Cum“,
Congl-s,‘ Asthmatic Tendwu ies, Whooping
Cough. Sdreums of the “rust and Bromhiul
When we first comment-ml mlnuf-tcturinz
the Expectgtaut for our hume consumption It
mu not our inwntion nor our desire to put it
bcfore the public n n “curt-3H,"!10r to pub
lish a long liit of trstimoninl: mi an {\idenoe
o! in curative p‘mportieg. hui the demnud for
n being so great auddeclde-Hy on: the inmnle,
has induced, and mint compel! 1.! us to pre
pure it on a much linger. agxlle and also to
establish agencies throughout this section of
the countly. '
All we nsli is that Ihose thus afflicted may
gife'ig a fair triai, that it may pron us many
“mange: over other preparations ofo aimignr
nature now lreiug unplug-ML, ‘
The price too throwq'iv. within the renclfiof
all, being but 25 and 40 cents a bottle. ‘
: -4 Bell'u Worm Syrlip. ‘
‘ HE .\msr“ leutZl-ZNT, unfit” .\ND
fl‘ EFFICIENT REMEDY l.\‘ U ‘ c—A Rn
;goy PERFECT ix ”BELL—Nu Gum»- 0:! (0 be
Taken.—'n this Pteparntlou we have included
augh tame-dies only as have been tried for
‘yenrs and are known to possess powerful"
nuthelminlic )‘inues, combine-,1 with mild
nperienfs. pleasanLlil-omutics und sugar. .\u
ithelminlit's of themselves ennfiot puform their
'peculmr functions or have the desired effect,
uplcgs the bowels are kept" moderately open.
To produce this. gentle pnrxntiveq um.- neces
mry and sur‘h onl't ought to be usC-tl that can
not intPrlere with the anthelmlntir GlnpiO) Hi.
The admnlnges we claim for this S) rnp ure:
Isl. ll: wow" 0! DESTRUYING AND EX
2d. Its mild uf-m-icut efl‘ecgnpontho bowels.
3d. 128 plenum! hate and mlumm: mlrun
tngos puaseased or glnimcd by wry hm Verm
ifuges. ‘
4th. lls harmless influence upon the syslcm,
consequently no injunous clfrcts will remll
from ixs use, should Ihe patient Imve no Worma,
but an nppnrent dise‘nsc, «rising from. some
other upknowu puqse, wlnch is frequently the
case. 'r
The constit‘uentn of this Syrup and in: effects
are knonn 1Q many Physicians, who are now
using it in lh‘mr pr. alien to a large extent.
Price 2.3 cents a lmule. ‘ ‘
-Tho Greater“ Llnhnom l‘n l'uo.
: RELL'S \yui'm I)’L!—-T/.r [Hum/m, C/mn-
I MI. meal I'enr/ralnry 'aml Inna! Ewnmmcul
‘ Linimml in Ewen—A puwclml Ululgiuus Com
pound for the SIN-oriyanle of llheummiam,
Strain» Spruins, \\'uund~'. Numbness of «he»
Limbs, Frostwl l-rel ..m! Hnmls. Spu’in. Sud
, dle Gulls, l’ull Evil, Ring 11mm, Bruisps.
g Swelling: of ull km}, and 'm 1M; :very d):-
. ease for winch nu Hmhrucnlidn is aluplu’uhlt‘,
:euher in Mill) 0| liens! Prxrc 25 Guns u bin—
Vim—This pro-purniun, “'hh‘h Is U'IL'IIHI‘ \uth
\ will be founnl to In" one o! 11w nirtst mid
he sune lime one u! the must rcli:dale~up
‘iom ('.“me " '
‘4; bpcn ,empluye‘l very exh-nsi“cl_y
iupmductiuu and lerling‘laahslml 0|
ul firnpprliea \vp rrmxnmelnl it \\ ilh
confidence; knnwing that no one
unled in its ‘use. I'. is. as in
while lifiixncm u! Ihr (‘UllSlS
wnmiuing nothing ( fl'eusive,
ils rem
will be 1.“:
name immin-
ten J-y of LrL-un‘
but, on Ihe cu
pleasant that; on
\ Boll'fi __
' FUR Human,
'.’\.'\cenls sr. pnper, or fine
T w Mum-we axle of‘ the;
the shqu\ pertml they ‘nue
public. isknceullic'ient gunntnu-e
populaigv, Ind the derided bunt
from thv it "#5,
They nre qunMvntly recommended
as n pre\ettli\'e.hnt us a complete!
_all disensee imidentlu the llUllhl-I, (‘\
HUG, as Loss or Appetite, Cough‘a, lien
Yellow “'jlh’ll', Distemper, Glmuiers. kc . kc;
' By their uée the llur<c's\.~\pprme is improv
ed, allrdt-rungtunents of tliedlgestiie orgnns
‘corrected, aoflonxng the skin, and ghing to-L
'lhe com a sleek nml shining "Weurume, Judi,
, army he' u<ed with per ect anti-l} ut all times, I
log It contains no Ingre-lienti whichcon injure'
"a horse, whether sick or well. \\ l
1 They clenn~e the breathing: appnrntns by“ Lin.
I ejecting frn ‘ the nir cells conguluted limiter“ libkul‘)
or that foriflntioh which 30' sew-tely 949-33 G
’ them, causing it tighlnc 55 in brm hing. anti-143',
Ililt‘ll' penuliur m tmn on llmt part, they causm'
ithe mitt-Its membrane to remnleits n'iturnli\\ Plain and flmum
l dlmen=ions, thu~x 9|]ll!liil.lng'lilc eirrttlupunnf,a(‘l,i,,,‘im,, H, , uh d m
the ‘bluod and restoring the distended \cssds ‘ HINDU“ 3“,”.
:10 their nntnml size. >_ i \\ '
i For lutt: ning cattle they ure invnlunble, 3.“: ”R
, also possesflng p‘erulinr properties in increns- , W. L. Fem
.ing the quanJity 0! milk in Cons, thereby g'IV- 'Sanmel- Sh
,ing them it import "ICC and value which Stimt'icl “QR
should plnce thém mthin the hands at All in- WHEN!) \\':thl\\
ternsted. , ' _ I ’l‘. I): (‘nrmm Es p
i Sill diseas‘es to which the llogts SlthPCt, as pew “Mm, I.;s,,_’\
iConghs, [Th-era in the Lungs nnd Liver, nnd as l Goa. (gellnwihorn, /
in general putilitzr ol the blood we guarantee QM‘hitann, HSq.,| u
,‘heir efljt-m-ylif Ont-elatitly tried. - A I Ali‘“ 15' 1861 \
Q'Sohl ht (ieityabum by A. D.‘Buehler, m , ~ ~\ ‘ ‘
Apotheenrv. turd by Druggists nod Storekeepi ‘_ 'l‘. I" “831051 not (0.,
'ers gellPl‘fl-rix, Ask fur .lell's l’rep-mgtions. i EALi‘itlh 11x , ‘\
i Prepun .1 escludrel’c by 3. n. nun. Apothe-, D cum, GI. \SR kmnksmhns,
—c.'lry. (Gmduue of the l’hilxulelphin College of, PLATED “ .\lil'}, I‘INE CUTL ,J" l
lernmcy,) West \l‘upliiitgtott SL, lingers-g - CABQORS, &C.,
MW": Md- [“L‘L “5: ”‘55-! '3' H6O. 6 llnovzn S'rnn'r. \mn BALNIORZ Dl2,
“‘ " ’ ‘ " ‘ H ‘ W 1 _ l£.-\l.'l‘l.\l()lll-I, 3”). ~‘\ .
N o HllmDII I: 3 GLASSWAM‘l;,—l'ltvnhlers. Habit-HIWIMI,
EMOVAL. ' luigers. Flush, Blk. "mics, (.‘nndy Jugs, 1"“
R merzn'o rm! ALWAYS AHEAD. mm”, pm. Dishes, Fruit Bowie, lfnm, ‘3'"
, THIS WAY FUR BAIIG.\INS.—JUIIN L-«t‘ora, (‘.-slur Bottles, Ker. Lumps, her. Clum
, HOLTZWORTH Ims jll-al. returned trom the l “1..., [l-ynu-rngl kn, - ‘ . _
City with the inrg’T-st. tntl most complete assert-l .QI‘EESSWARE r—Plnles. Hot Duhu, Dup
ment. of HATS‘ AND CAPS, ISUUTS ’do,l Covered do. Covered llultets. Tu l’ou,
iAND SHOES: HIM 1““ been brought to,“ I‘Sugnrs, L‘u‘nms, llnwla, l‘ilt'lH-rs, ('harnberl,
this town since the war. Hts stock i: ißasins and Pitclu‘rs, Mugs, Sputum") To:
not only complete, but is “DOD and CHEAP 'sou' Iron"; 3.4;, J”, ‘
émhraciug eyery variety at Boots and Shoes! 0”“. STUNEWAllflz—Jugn,Jars,Pitchfrl,
' for Men and fioys, whilst the Ladies will hnd, )lilk Fans, to. [3l",- Imm. 1)..
‘eventhin in their line, from the finest. (hilt-r - _ . A _ , W
:to the [tiniest Shoe. Children‘s Sbol'l oil hank “alker “3 on
1 every description, in great variety. Also, Ln-
Idtes’ llats, fine quality, and Children's “all:
{ofall styles and prices. Also, Trunks, Unr
pet. Bags, Volises, Umbrellas. Gloves, Stock
‘ings, Tobacco, Uignu and Notions ot eyery
3 description.
I ”Don't forget. the place, South-«st 09L
, of the Diamond, Gettysburg, Pa. '
l Apt-“ 10,1865. ll
Forwarding. Business.
! I AVING purchuled the Warehonu and
Cum heretofore owned by Sumuel Herb“,
'- e underligned take pleasure in nnnonncfng
to the public that. they will run I. '
from Gettysburg to Belilmore every week. The]
ere prepared to convey Freight either Hey; in
Inyqutntity. They will nt!end,ifdegj;ed,iotlie
milking 0! purchase; in the city. And deliver~
in; the goods promptly et Gettynhnrg. Their
cure ruo ‘to the Warehouee o! STEVEN
SON trSONS, IGSINonh Howurd etr’eet, (near
Franklin) Beltimore, where freight will be
received at any time. They invite the attention
of the public to their iine, Insuring them that
they will eptre‘ho efi'ort to Iccommodele All
who maxpntronize them.
Having purchased the building! and lot on
the Northeast corner of Railroad Ind North
Washington ureeu, Gettysburg, their Depot
will remain there. Any person having buli
neu in the founding line are respectfully in
vited to call. . CULP t BARNSHAW. \
Aug; 7,1865. , I
~ Clllllloil’l
MiflßLJ’} WORKS,
n «In domerof the Dilmaud sud mm.
more street, nnrly opgome the Bur oflce,
Envy deacripfion ,of work executed :1 flag
hunt nylo of the 56. '
April 17,1369. z! E -
Revenue mp. .-
F . dnoninnflon conmmly oa‘ hum
9111:1122: uh 3E"; {3lo:ng Bnnk
lhn ' - Cqbkr.
‘mb!sx°s 44,;869‘ . g _ ' ' ,
ry. will be found mun;
‘le’h'! -' ‘
‘Tllfi & SWINE.
yers for SI.
\wdrr< during
'1 lu-fme the
llu-ir cront
K net of _tho Diamond, (nu; dpor (9 lie:
eglgn’g Honk) Getty-burg. 9:, up", in
gun qt :1] fimu befound ready m {”9l}: go J]
mines: in his line. He ha I“? gun on: u
lhunco and will con!" “ti! Ictiog."fiirg
him I cull. ~ _ ”“33118”;
. Town PEN“, ‘
A 6 on he pm chad n I’m-guano By can:
4 n , nuusrpcx 88.01! _Bp,
1h 15; uqq. 1; ' _ .
Horse and mum Puwdm
" m. “on,
long Ind Juan”,
lmo-n, II" M
‘ uu-hly nhvlgm
hmthann In.
‘ low-uplrtkd ham,
*1 «mum-alas
Ind dual-I It.
Moi-uh I“ 1a...-
h I. I Inn pn
‘ . "mm: 0! I“ Ch
—~»~F*"-"" ”M New 19%ng
thin Inimnl, lur'
TEN. ll E t v r
i'uUGHs, DI
mm or 'M'l‘
Inn Imprnyu .
vlnd'. many:
the lppetilas-gl r
I nn‘olflh 11l
[1040! Ikm—u
tram. nu H
miw lo Ikclul
. To Int-open! 0! Con (Ma pwpnmtlun L: lnvllulhk.
It. incrzuea um qudhllly and lmpmu-s the null“!
In! the mHk It bu
Inn pmvrn by at
I r“ K ‘ _‘ (us! updated“ to
'p- w‘v‘” ilk‘l’rlk‘ (beau-n
-*. "‘ my of mllk Ind
,‘ ’ . vat; crnm ("my per
, a '--‘ ~ eon! tun! nuke (M
.. a " > .'llllnlfl’ firm and
‘ , ‘\ ' v; 1;: _ ‘ Iwerx. In hllcnlni
4 )3 d[g ‘ cuval gin-I “will
' . z ''f q > 11l up “unim
r \ :3? A! ’.‘tf'flf 1' marlin-M. and
Nl,-~ mam the. Univ»
much faster. ,_.._ .- ‘_«__ .__ ~
In all (“scum of Sume, luch u Cough. ['lcen h!
‘hv- Lump, l.i\ xr, _
kc. Iliiu article .3
let: u n liminc.
By putting from . ‘ ’
outta" a [mu-r ‘
to n PIP" fn a ; 5 i
bnmlMsvmthu - Ig; _ll_
.buvcdlsealvs :'- __ " ' ” ‘2'
will buumdlcncd ' “ ' - ‘ ‘
or onun-Yy pron-med. H gh-rn In “an. I certain
pun-nth; and um: [or the ling (‘hnlvm
Priea 26 Cents per Paper. or 6 Paper! lb: .1.
' . rnmunm BY
HO. 116 Franklin St. Baltlmore, Id.
J’ur Smlc hv "muck.“ Ind Slomlieepcrl [brough
ouv. we L‘nlud sums. '
For sale In; .\. D. anhlor, (httyshnrg;
Imuglllin a “lhhfiwld, Wheeling, \‘n; (‘. U.
lh-ndrr k Cm, Pmshurg; Johusup, Holloway
k Cuwllcn, l'hilxu'chflfiu. ‘ ‘
Dec.ll. 18!.3. 1y ‘ .
l-luloy‘s (‘ntlagt- ()rgauu
A wuuxely' r’rmqm.. , 1y _. “(3HI
lu~lrlum~nl 1n the mumry. lie-tigmul uptur—
-1" for Churches uml Suhpnls, they/are mun-j
l 0 lu- equ rlly well mlafplwl In the parlor and
drawing mum. For salt: only by
‘ E. .\l. BRUCE.
No 18 Nnrth Sen-nth SL, Philadelphia.
Willsm lsmnuluw's Plum, gun'-
mumlfie pasurnhcul of’~tlle l’l‘llll’h'UT .\ll'2~
linufpx. _ [0“. 2, 184:5. lly
l Railroad House, ,
112 m THE m-zrm‘. .
The umlerdcnrnl uuuld rrspl-rtfnlly inlorm
lll< nuuu nuns lliomls and tlu- puhm- gequnlly,
that ho llll> Inn.“ ll ,hp “‘ole 111 lluuoh v, IM‘I-f
Ihy 111-pug, lnrnu-rly lwpl In} Mr. J'l‘l'l‘lllllllL
l\'u',hlt-r, nn~l “ill :1) .re no (ll'orl to cundml it
in u manner thxgtwcll gu‘e “rm-ml Llliflllfltl‘inll.
,lli= whiv “ill lune lhe hr~l _gue nyulxels ('ufl.
nllmd—hi-u l'llllllllmri urn: spurious: nnd cum
for‘nblv—nnll Iu- has laid in 1m Ins lmr a lull
stock of rlmlcc “luvs uml liqmlrs. 'llu-n: is
mynlmg lur lmr'svs nIL-chul lo the llo'x-I. 11.
will be his gaus'nnt eunlearur to u-mh-r‘llm
lullr'u sulirlncliuu to his guests, umhing lnl
"who I” "1:." u hume to [hum as pneujhlcr
"ska u ~hure ol the public p"u'lunx g: , (11-7nml
7nml :Is he is H. dI-srrve a huge pun u! 'n.
th-r Ihr Railroad Hum-e, mar ll"; Dc.
' (n 8;,1’21. A. l'. ltAL'Gllhli.
186."). ll
[or Book Blnlloryn
'IAXT, , 7 _
Boo! xul'uc-ruun,
I..\.\'(.‘ ASTER, - PA.
«I [inning], of cve’ry de
~- moat aululmuinl and
I“: P I» IN“
‘nwn, Huh Faring-L
\l r, ['l‘qu , Lulu-lulu»
\\c‘k, Hill” Colun‘fln
or, Ezq , York Mm.
m Esq.. York Gun
(.1 Bunk officnp
\ ’rolh‘) oFlmnczm
JV" llegiiler “
°Eurder “
g “'Asmxb‘rox nmwmo‘
165 up 167 BAH-mun Srnnr‘,
keep constnnfly on 9mm] a large and wen u:
sorted stock of all kinds ol‘goodl In. lander-lg
The, supply orders for the fines! to the
lq'weu prired nrtielu, either #:th made 0;
made to meuure, lo my pan. of the country.
They keep also an extensive stock of FURNQ
ISHING_G(IODS. cmbncing eycry unlcle ol
Gentleman’s Under-wear. Allo, MILITARY
CLUTHS Ind every variety 0! Military Trim:
minga, us well u an “suited flock of READY
Baltimore. Feb. 2'). 1864. ' ‘
Cumberland Con]:
A LARGE supply ol’unpcdor ~
now on bank at winged win. This God i.
"pgfior m .1] other 0051 in‘tho Uni“ Shh!
for raiding “.4 on)“ Wok-:5!“ P36?-
For rats by
City Goal Yard‘ Fred-rick city, Id,
June M 3, 1865. I"
4114 4 hn W. Tipton,
wk of Lnnrnulcr
‘ouuly Mink
Hunk. .
r. a. "m;-