The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 26, 1866, Image 4
ODDS AND ENDS. Notes, 14*, Wit pod 1 (Ir mm.) _ 0017311 e luw-A-luyn. Wc'n uiuyu Inn L 3nd duke, Fol- all the loom]: Inn. , _Tholflly “which folklhlvc‘ot Manning now-edgy; . ’ ’ Mica: we the [owl old mu, 0! “hug me u yon an." , And Imm like m Ipm. lame 11mm totem: pun. ' ‘ p M it makes onrdnndct mine In use them courting pow-burs puma lin'v. M thny'uscd to was, M one can my lull, fit when u fellows'm-m d uni J - Thu-mu hlm prmty m-n. . . “0’! M tabs llm “lulmduu-(L’t ‘ And then he pom he! not“, And pretty loci: he comm nmund, To ”1118 klml old fulka. fly fink». we dau‘t mum-e ll pnyl, Ths way the boy- court nuw-n-dnyu. pl! “manna" um; he goes Lu guy, i ‘ (They don‘t spark any lllOl’I‘.) ' 2 And evi‘ry nigh). you we hlm pull The whlu- kvmb at Un- dour, All}! won a “mn’nmt” mun-n kin; ' ' In!» the parlor gloom, a, .'il'ha'u comes his ulnqk and saliva a twat. | On Valium «ML-[hl- monfl V And then- llwy an mm high unaltgnm- E They call that courting nuw-u-dz'u h! E Bomglmm {ht-y tqk ‘hrgut Mory btgukq; b 180 elm)”: t‘he “lady" slug; ‘1 rfirmellmes 51m yluyntvhv organ, mo, . f ‘ To show he; Hum-r tings: ' ‘fiompunlwp Ugoy lake u yh-alure wulk. 1 8011.10“: an they lnkon rldv, [ And by-nnd-hy thr- mnuw m‘nape— E “0h! Won’t ynn,bo my brim-2'" 5 s‘o bow and umw n “ way-I. r Thpy gunk man murllnghuw-lrduyti! ThPy mt nduy nnrl Mn :1 privy, I ' And nay. u cpuch' or pm, I I 89 oyvry my about lln- 1b“ In ' 1 ' [‘an huh; n. Hv-punflt‘ pm: , " And when [lu- huur at lust urrlws, , ‘ ' In gurzr‘opfi‘arrify. 1, {flu-y nlquhp [u the waning prh-vzt. Who " Um (hn Rpm " smughm’uy; f‘nngnnlnlnlmui “Hr-Inn! Ivrni-iu, _ _ } Wlnd up the 06mm”; now-u-duya. J ‘ p gjvc us had. [no gnqd oldatylu ‘ I)! marry duyn'uoiit- by, When we could "go“ \jl'h nnywd Thug Phagcud‘ 1!, who dur nyui Sllll look lu-r hoxric {mm we”! 1; 3mm}, ' 'llout nlnc u'l'lock m-nmm, ‘_- “ Then by lhl; old ntulw lu-uylh's warm side, “'1: xpxu’kqd till hrmul x’l‘uyllght! \V’c hugg'd mid L' urn-d. till bra-ark ufduy, Nurhcurdg ncu‘lvll'lm-kMsllthuhoursuwuy! \yr I. ll yQu, chum, sm-h uumliug pat)?»- ljr“ um. uln'ud or now-urdu)»: _ . . 1’12:le Shonling l’h'lraar<linary.—G.lm.tTra-, yid, of the Pistol Gulloiy, maps lhatohe of the most remarkable rents in plan-cl shoots ing thnL has come u‘mler his nhuervntiop in l his pereyinationp through 111060th since the class 9f than vynr, "mm helm-wad at his gallery last week by Mr. Snm'l. K. llleud, a... hunches 9L~tlne sulwmh. Harald. l. Mr. Head fin-‘t shot. ‘tmn show at the tar et at _dcliberute gin), rmgxug lhthll sevenilmn-i out of the ten. ye thcfi‘plnced n bqt le on the floor at, a distincc'ol’ twelve gator», getting ’ll cork on the mouth of the bottle and a bullet on the to’ of the; cork.’ 110’ as to hi themed; without. breaking the [3:31.115 am; ,drop the h‘ulle}, into the bpttlé. r. Mend dropped' the bullet. into the bot-. ’l9 five times out. of the ton trlfllfl, an}! did noébreuk the battle. Mr. ”Nd Is one of .Cupt. vais'u pupils, having taken ldssnns lrotn him somP fifteen years ugo, and the ,Captain in justly proud ol this pcglunpuncc. whvanab; 041., l_ltruM. ”Prentice, of the Louismlle Jaurlufl is realponsible {or the foliwing hits: 1 ' he are Hm worst. _unu-tempem nnce men in the Vnation. “they c‘ould sue-j fund if: their ell'o'rl. to make the country hm ’ licvelhntl’rcsldcmJohn n was “in liquor" when he {mule his'tremenfius speech. there plight be danger Ilmc mlllioqs ofsobcr men would take Lo.“li nor.” 1 Never. in nllgu?‘ exporience of old Whig and Deuiocxalic tum-‘5, did we see such a ‘rushing Lida as that, which in ‘nnw swelling ‘ for President Johnsofi’s pnlic bf restora tion. pet those who mm it. look out. [or ‘ ‘.Lhe undertow—pnd for their own toes. ...\tht are may wqrth ll] this mighty cri< sis *ho merely indwso Preside-n} Johnson's ‘ veto of the Fre‘edmenfs Bureau ‘Bil‘ln hut .oppéoa his great. policy or resloyation! They may think that their polic is a rushing stream, but it ish’t worth a (inn. A ’ pulfinein Religion.—There are xybw our sw ¢nty_vacapt pulpjls in Lhe'b‘ute of Connect:- cut. In ghe whole ofyflle New England States lheg‘e are, aqme Y/wee hundred in the same condition. wnlah about‘five hubdred more .where theclargymeu do not earh day laborer’s wages. The true reason of this is, xeligion jtlelf'has not‘deoliugd, bqt lhp' par; .sous took to spouting politics übom five years ago, and inflend o! ginng‘ religious advice and instruction to'their congrega tions, they disgusted their followers, and ‘gho result is the wmrpaxson business in 0018'. pletely “played out.” ‘ . , , fi-Suys the Hanielvurg postma§ter:—* "The nomination of ”luster Clymei' is 3‘ {annual insult. (,0 the President.” Queqr _ind of insult. indeed. Mr. Clymer and frenidenl Johnso‘n are fighting out. the pause ol the Union on the same linéfind fihgy will defeat, lhe'Suwennes, the: Sum nérs, the .Ceasnao and the Henry's—“the disr unionists at the other end of the line”-’- £310“ i; doubt or psi-adventure. Ypurjig n- gone up; Mr. mule—contractor !—-Palrial «1' Hana. ‘ ' _ ' ‘ Curse: Coma Homage Raoul—The Freed. . {nen’s Bureau fill! 22' uld have been passed pn the Senna. over the: veto of me Presi» dent, but for Hie votes of the two Senators from Wes! Virginia. 3 State eréqled by the f ”Muir in dime? defiance of the Constigu— i pion. for the solqpnrpose of perpetuating 'pheir‘po‘wer. '~ ' _ - v. _ lfi-Certl'in nnea'iy Republicans hm at their old game of forging or gnrbling con vemtions of Preaidenl Johnson. - Their In; hot is qued. The President’s lgst upqech ”as made‘to bu read by plain people.- It. can be gndeyfitopd .without the help ofcom ppntalorgqth'q, moreover, commentators .pannot mm. 3;. ’ S'Tho National Ihlelliganccr layi that with man have lately {sen ehgnged in h-nnguing nugmes in. uhington in such a way as to ache their revenge—tell in‘flxom 111.4 the Dredge-qt. is about. to r - “Ingu than to whit for?” condition. Ind, hqf. 5‘ is the qrpoue 0 thin fol-mgr mM-‘ {ex-p to 9‘l6thng down. kc. . , ’ '3Loyal" white men. at com-tel I Pam! Conduct—A, num rof thq mem~ bon- ot the 90-03qu “Uni League,” qt ‘Pldlsdelphiq hue withdrawn théir sub~ pcrijuion hon) gho‘ "‘.Philndglphig Dally Sewn." browse ingpporta the ?mident.'i policy unflmchingly. [about fear or hvor.’ ~» ”Mg-H“ ' ' “we fit! ’thognnd popips tuch 6f ”hwy“: of flours. Comm gnd lDixon. L‘oflhfvriye Republicans. hue began iqb numb-1' or In New _York. a; up egg-ell. to the .oth of the fiudiul Committee, who It. gnéu‘llting the Insults of the 8;!“th up pn Hoyt-melon; _ > , ' ‘4 bill passed the Senna on Thurs flny geek. increasing the uhry of the Gov ,mop to “1.000,, at: x- the term of the pres . P.” “plum. Ihfil hue egpifed. , _ ... '9‘”, I!” been rmi'“ f . ”‘32“?va 3;-.:'::?‘i;:: 3°“ .° 501? Hue Whit. h 93-3-59?“ .or Fobnm—y,‘ : Epm ‘ _.______a-o‘.o‘-——— . .3111. Domoontic Slate ConvonEtion of 1nd!!! .1:- MM .Pr-idsm aim-oa- Advértising Columns m Pv ETFY'T‘V‘E'BLUOD I'll OIIA‘I'III lIDJCINI 0' I'll Afll . SURE antidote for gibkneu, ind I refuge A from Sprrow. Pnin‘gnd Dianne. Bryan’s me Pills, ' null“ nuns“, . m namitudxw be the BEST FABJLY XEN CINE for general sue, Purifying the Blood and ‘clnnsiug the system from 51] impurity. - ‘ BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS. _ reguhte the Stomach, Liver ‘aud Billln'ry Se creuun’s, which is the chic! cause of Nervous. hen. Ulddinugfilfimneu of Sight, Head-Lube, b'wk Stomach Ind other kindred complain". Hundredyof Certificate: an be Shown. They luvs béon med by thousnndl with success ' _ BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, are uhpud lor All nges'and constitnfinnL—i They an composed at the active principl-s 0r! Herbs and Root], culled lrom opr fields sud foreslg. The] are mild but ceruun in tl-eir‘ 9pcnlion—pr6lflloinz neitherjctampm grlninfu pains oi- uit-kuesa. They may be taken by ulll hues. sexes unconditioua v'vithoul. fear. PRYAN'S LIFE FILES, Cure headache. ; .lIRYAN’D‘ LIFE PILLS, Cute Sick Stomach. Illß)’.\N'S LIFE PILLS, Cure Giddinesla. *unux's LIFE PILLS. ’Purily tho Blood. A Box nl‘lSllYAS'S LIFE PILLS will cbst but " TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. and willaacampllah. nll tlml Ts reprewnted. . leynre elegantly put up by :h'e prom-inm the im'eulonol' UPJ'AN’S I’ULMUNIC WA- I-‘ERSfa'mediL-ine long and favorably known Lujhe Amvricnn Nation. lfyoq wish Blyan's Life Pigs, and cannot get them ofyourdrugglst; don’t uke any other, but. lend Twen2y-fivel Cents in a letter' to the pnmrielor, mid‘yofi will get the}: by return of m:dl,-posl.paid. Address“ ' - ~ ‘ . . DR. J. BRYAN, A 441 Biundway, New York. I’4). 80': 5079. - I'enlrrs um ht- .s‘yupplivd hy [)eInJS Barnes & Cu, Wbulesule Age-Ills, New York]; ‘ ’ r . .' . , _ -..5..,.. I - .. v, 1"..- anA-n NE‘VS! {on T": unronw‘xnz. _ HEV'RAS BE USED WITHOUT DETEC- T TIUN. mid do urrt inturlcu: with busiueil pursuits, and X 0 CHANGE 0? DIET IS NE AJESSAKY. - ' . ' ' -. Bell‘s Spot-mt- Pills ‘ Are wurmntml in ull‘cnses,for the Speedy and Permanent Cu‘re.ol‘ Seminal Weakness, llreth rul and Vaginal Discharges, ,Gleel, Sexual {)i-rmes, Emissions, .lmpotencc. Genital and Xenon; Delulity n'ud diseases of the Bladder and Kidnqs. They are ndnpte‘l for me or female, old or young, nnd are the only relinhle knmvn fur the .curc of all xliwnaos‘nriaiuz from I ‘ ‘ "Ul'TllFL‘L ”DISCRETION. ' In nll Euxunl Disc Ml-s, fiiGonoflhen, Stric tun-, (Ht-ct, nnd in_:nll Urinary and Kulnoy cunt-plniuts, they ncl like n- charm. Relief is experienced by taking n single hox ; nnd lrum lnur to six hates generally e_llect‘n cure. thl in boxes containing 60 pill~:,l’rice One Dollu, or six hnxorl Five Dollars; also, in huge bnycs; tout-dining four of the small, l’rlce Three Dollars: ‘. . ' Privnm Circulars -to Gentlemen only, sent l'n-e‘un‘qocejpt of directed envelope $lll.l slamp‘. ll you Heal the Pills. cut out. his advertise menlfur retercnue, 'und i"you cannot procure llzcrp 03301); druggisz do 'nol he impo=ed on by my other relgmly, but eneluse lhe'monEy in n. letter to DR. JL ‘BIEYAN, Conanlting Physician, Box 5079. ' llfl‘Brondwuy, New York. and they grill be ‘ n: to you secure from ob scrnuion, by return null, 'post-puid, on recein of the money. ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Denlers snppljed 11. L “'lmlfisnle Agents, New K IMPORTANT T 0 LADIES Dr. Harvey's l-‘mnnlo Pills, 7 HF. mast. infallible and popular remedy _ I. ever knden, for all diseases 9? the female ‘é’exu They lmvefheou usml in mnni thousand gc‘um‘ ,wirll unfailing success—and may be re lied on in qvery Him [or which they are re: .’cdmmell‘gled, ‘nnrl particuldrly in nll cases aria; , i‘ng {rpm} , . ‘ (ms'rnuthox, on STOPPAGE OF NATURE no matter froin W hat cause i! nriy-s. They nre «ilk-cuml in rest-wing to health all who t‘tre suf. fgrin‘g lrom kaneas and Dehility, Uterine Dischirm s, Nervousnesa, 3:”, 3m, at», and tlu-y “Act like a Phhrin,” in. strengthening the gistem. 'llmusmuh of ladies who have sul fL-red lnr years’ and tried VhrlOUS other reme dies in min, owe a renewal 01 their health and strength wholly to the «(Henry of' ‘ - DR. HARVEY’S FE\l.\lll‘} PILLS. ' ‘ They nré perfectly harmless on the systeni, _mny be taken at any‘.time with pertcct snu‘ety; lint during the Early stages of Pregnancy'thty should not bemken, or a miscntriuge may he the result. ,They nerer cause any sickness pmu or distress. Each box contains 60 pills, Price One Dollar. ' Di}. IIARVI-IY'S GOLDEN PINE, n remed'y tor ”mot-d caseS. Your dwrces étrong» er than the above ;.Prive Fiji: Dollars per box A Rrivatq’Circulnr Lo [.nylie's with fine nun.- tomicnl engravings, sent free on receipt, of di-_ rected enrelnga and stamp. wCut this out. ifyou desire Dr Harvey's Pills, and if you Clgnno} procure them of you: drugzist. do ndt.t.lke nny other. fur spine dealers who are unprincipled will reccmmend other Female: Pilll, they can make. a lnrgen profit on—but ehclose the money and send di- Tee: to ‘ DR. J. BRYAN. Cansulting Physicinn, Box 5079. 442 Broadway, .\:ew York aml you will rv‘ceifi'e mam post-[midlsecnreb sealed [rum obwervMion, hy return mail. Dealers snpplied_hy,DJn;ns Barnes l 00 Wholesale Agents, New Yorl}. ' ‘ . The Private Medical Adviser. .(‘Exclnaively for Ladies) _ N invaluable treatise of 109 pages, by Dr AJ. Harvey, pthished for the benefig ol the gas. . ' j Qu receipt. of (PE)! CENTS, it will be sent post-paid; in n sealed envelope, to all who ap ply for it. Address‘ - . 'DR. JTBRYA'N’,‘HI Broadway, N. Y. - Box 5079. . BIRD EDITION,‘ mel -Thon«and-—loo pages, by Ron’sn‘g E. BILL, )1. D. A gunk lion. nddressed to youth, the mnrried, and thoae Counxnnmnflummn. Scutbymnil post-puid, on receipt of TEN CENTS. A cure ful peruaul ofthi's small book has been a Boo! I‘o I'3: Avrucrxu, and hes lured thousand! item a life of misery, and an untimely grave. It treats 9n the evils of Yonihlul Indiaorelion, Self-Abuse, Seminal Weakness, Emissione. Sexual Diseases, Genital Debilily, Loss oi Power, NervousnessLPrernature Decay, lmpo tence, hm, Bm. which unfit. the‘ enfl’erer from fulfilling eh; Obligations of Marriage. ‘ , Addreu, DR. J. BRYAN, . Oomnlting'Phynician, Box 5079. : 4n fimedwny, New York. Luv. 14. man I’, _ ‘ ' Watches a Jewelry. :3) CHANGES FOR 31.—Jun“ A: Low p Pinon [— Watcheg Chains, Lock ets, Ringsrßfacvleu, Sou oil Jewelry; Gold Pens._&c., ch. To be dispoged of gt. ONE DOLLAR achfwithoqt regard to value. not w bepnid for until you know Whit Jan hrs to receive. - ‘ - 100‘ Gold‘ {inning-cue Watches. ' ench, . $5O to $125 boo‘Silver Witches, eich, 20 to 35 loDdoGolfiPem tSllVarCue,elch, sto 8 10030* Se Indies:- Jewelry, (Il iorléd,) etch, - 3to 10 And I Inge “pox-uncut of Jewelry of every description tor ludies' Ind genu' wean-"q. ingtin "In, from $3 to $25 each. The melhpd of dispofi g of these good: It On Doug: each}. as 20110": ’ CERTINGATES Inning ,Iu ARTICLE “a n. prion .13: pllced in SEALED ENVELOPES' amhren _Xxed, one of which will be lent h, flail to my were" on receipt of Prfee. OM Cenifinu 25 cunts. the for SL- Tbm In no BLANKS. Yolumm get me VALUE of Pm» money. Circulm will: pnniculm BBS. Adda“, A. .1. RAW! 00. , ‘ ' 219 Bmdwu. Nari-vi. - D-mn; Barrios .g Co., 'urk. Mavihood I Key (Mods! Large Stock! ' 1 ERCHAX‘L T 411403 fig. '.. pl - ' $6038 3. no. i an )usl received fro]; the cities: Inge star 01 goods for Gentleman's tut, einhming ; vuiely of 5 , CPOTBS,‘ A ' ' ~ CASSIMEERS, - . WSTINGS, Cusigeu, Jams, km, with my olhot good. for flying end summer wear. . ~ They are prepared‘to make up, garments .1 theahortost nbtico. India, the very bed mm her. The Fashion! an rdgqluly received, and clothing nude in my dashed style. They in.- um): make nest fits, whim. their sewing is an ~ to be submnziel. ‘ , They ask a continua-nae of the publie'l pg. (rouge, resolved by god work and model-um charges to earn it. . Gettysburg, April_7, 1882 . Nouonsk Confections. A worm 1:0 THE mom: or tows ANQ COUNTRY HE subscriber keeps a Notidn and Confec- T Lionnry Store on Cnrlisle street, nearly opposite the Railroad Statiun, Gettysburg, when he has constantly on \hxmd, CANNES, KUTS, Figs, Raisins, hymns, Urmfgcs. L'c. Tobaccon and Segnrs df‘nl} kinds: Pocket.- Books, Stupendous, Neck Ties, Collarshkcq Soup: and Perfumeries; also some GIIQCE ILIES, Sugarfl, Cofl'ees, Rice, with the different kinds of Crackers. Ice-cold MEAD m. an times. He invite! custum from town and country, and sells at small profits. . ‘ LEWIS ST-BOUSE. Aug.-7.1865. 1y ‘ . ’ Good Thiiljgi from the (I:3va WEI” . receiving twice :1 weekC‘rom the city a variety of articles enii. d\ to the wants of this community, viz: ‘ Fresh and Salt FISH, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, liming, Silt, Apples} l’otium-s, Oranges, Lemons. Confections, Tobaccos, fix-gun, with many other articles in this line—rill recnivrd in ihe bcét order, and acid althe lowest. prhlils. (jive us a call, in Bgliimore street, nezirly upposxle FullnEßtO(‘ks'-st§r€£ ‘ ‘ “EASTER—Butter, Eggs, Lard, and all other country produce—flu which the highest cush price will he paid. SWEET POTATOES—best. quality, at low eet living profits—alwnys on hand. Also ()YSTERS, line and trash—in the_ahell on ~shocked. Restm’imnts‘nnd families supplied. - STRICKHUUSER h WISUTZKI-ZY. Gettysburg, May 18, 1863. Reducllon! Reduction! .V' and alter November 15L. 1865, the fol- O lowing redufied scdle of wines will be adopted at lhe “:EXCELSIOR” SKYLIGHT GALLERY, \"lz: ' _ nguetm Phowkrnphs, per c1nzvn..........5l »00 u u, ' u; .. 22: H V .n. u‘ 5 u Gauges de Vl3. :11- plain, per dun-n Al ‘ 1‘ ; Lb u if 'u i u A u q u } , “ion oin S).GATI\:HS Vignettes, single copies, 40c. or 3 f0r......51 00 Cnrtes 5k- Vis., (Jr/plain, single cupies,3sc. 01-4 f0r,,..1 0(' _ In addition to thé :ghove every picture will be Lonllrtlnted Without. exim clmrge. ; There is u. feature in the übove ip which I} wish to direct. special ail-mien, viz: I will m-lke four Vignettes, or three plum picture! from lhg: first negative. Heretofore it has but-n u rulp not to make less than six of one and- Sour of the other. . ‘ ' [take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Gettysuurg and the public generally, [or the \ l-lIH’ murmur. 'pntronnge extended to tire “Ex ctlsior,” since its establishment, and hope by strict alteulldn to business, cuuplcd with the advantage of over ten years uninterrupted practice of the art, to merit a continlunce of the same. ISAAC G. TYSON, ' Successor to lhc‘tFirm ut'Tvsox‘Bnos., ‘ Nov. 1d,1865. ‘ . Gettgsburg, Ifu. carriage-making Business. HE war being over, the undersigned have rammed the CARRIAGE-MAKING BI’SLVESS, at their old stand. in 1') mt \liddle sgrcet, GETTYSBURG, where they are again prepared to put up work in the meal. fashionable, substantial, and supe rior manurr. A Int o'fuew and second-[mud CARRIAG-ES, BUGGIES, ML, . on hand, wEich they will disuose of at the lowest. prices; nud.ull orders will be Sllllphtd us promptly null SnliSlilftOl'ily as possible. WILEPXIRIISG done with dxsputch; nnd M. clu-sipcst rates. ‘A large lot of new u'ud old ’HARNESS or: hand for sale. V 1 ~ Ihnlgkful for the literal palrnnnge llelem‘ fore enjoyed hy them, they solicit. and will cu deuvor to deserve a huge share in the future. DANXER AL ZIEULL‘R. July 10, 1865. ti Frésh Arrival: EW GOUDS.—A. SCOTT & SONS have 3 jun received a‘nmhcr fine nsuortmrnt of ;\E\V GpOUS, cousistifigdn part, of Cloths, Uusimeres, Cassinets. Kentucky Jeans”, and Tweeds, for Gentleryeu's wear. Also, a fine assortment of ' - LADIES’ DRESS GOODS Our stock [ms been selected with great care, and We nre prepared to lellua cheap us a'ny other esmwishmenpin the country. We ask the public to give an. call and judge f 0: themselves. We def; competition, both as to quality and mice; A. SCOTT & SUNS. . Sept. 11, 1865,. ‘ Ncw‘ Warehouse. . BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 00 000 WANTED,stthenew rain and Proauce House, in Cnrlisle street,‘ agein ing Shendl &' Bnehler’s establishment. - The highest murkel'prioe will always be paid in cash for ~ GRAIN, of all kings, » FLOUR, SEEDS, to. Always on hand and [or sale, at. the smallest prelim, \ GUANOS. - . ‘ ‘ SALT, FISH, GROCERIES, &c., . Wholesale and retail. TRY US! We shall do our best. to giu latisfaction in all cae'ea. - .l McCUfiDY & DIEHL. Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. ly , Fresh Arrival. ms, CAPS? BOOTS! snoss. H a A COBEAN .9: CO. havejnst receive and opened another s'plendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS rind SHOES. for Summer wenr, which they are' selling at very jaw prices considering the times. The hue" styles of Summer Hale and Caps, of every description end price. Bo and Shoee‘, of luperiprmnke, and, “ szf-inted to fit, tin}: on hand. Work In dc to ’order and rewiring done on short no tice, by experienced v‘orkmen,’ Also, HARNESS MAKING, . cprried on in e!) its branches. Persons want ing anything in‘this'iine would do well to call. 4 fiDon’ftorget the old and in Chambers burgnmt, if y‘u um, Remains. - ' GOBEAN & CRAWFORD. June 19. 1865 Grain a: Produce Wanted. Hj [lndex-sigh“ having purchased the ini- T (crest of yers.& Wiermad. Forwarding apd Commission Hartman, in ‘New Oxford, Adams county, would respectfully: notify the farmers and the public genera”? that 'ho will continue ‘ll. husinens ut. the 0‘! stand I the depot in that plum] The hlghut murket§rics ‘will be paid for WHEAT, BYE, coax, 041‘s, HARLEY. CLOVER ind TIMOTHY SEEDS, FLOUR, am, &c. , , . Also, sumo, Phssmn, SALT, LUMBER and CO’AL, constantly kept on land for ule‘,’ toguher with :gensnl assortment of FAMILY ‘GROCERILS. ' ; DAVID HOSE. ‘ Nov. 21. 1865. an , . ALL Ind In the most‘ beautiful unsort- C meat of new JEWELRY, ““311 n Brent-fins, Ear Drops, ‘ Finger _Bi’ngl,.Lockau,Chliu, le., .3 '~ “ ’ r _J. BEVAN’S, ,' Oppésim! the Bgfik. Gettysburg. ‘ RY Dr. R. HDBNER'S Tonic Ind Alter-um T tivp Powders, for HORSES Ivd CATTLE” Prepuod And sold only n his Drug Ptore.‘ January 25,-1864. I . r 1 1 ISRLIE’S .nnrmas form n - qurfn Brut-ad Vin-My Store, New Winter Goods. -, pun-93.x Plano!!!» : Mt“ " F 933" Pauly n»- can ‘ ' sum. wanna: QUICK um. 'umo's !—-I'he undenigned would "’P'F‘l; - B 'L“ 5 “MURAL . J.L ~ 8.0 Hl 0 K lu!l’infom¢b¢P“bli°‘ll“ bee-mm” I" ~ BALSAmc 003 mm,, 0: “0".” MIN-“fully any to the citizen: 3; Get- Arms of we {onowing ‘ulnuffic‘um'v 0" A R 31 Pifo7'U R A .V 7': v, tyahurg and vic'nity. 1h“ he in not making “mu.“ other [la-Le, it desired, :1. the 10':th demcdml Agent. pflpnred to me“ the ur-t u hid uoru sandid' ' . Pouimg Pricel: ' ~’ , “‘MH gumwm ‘ Pmmm wd sate Antidow: srucx or WINTER Goons. - , CfllL-k-meg g soxs. ‘ "°' ’.u F'm‘?”'"! ”worm-rs. l 1 propérlyuacd 'l‘“ stock Coming in P 3” or Pnncy sud ' DECKER “ms. it WI gin Instant. rum-f in almost every in-l Sup}. DRY Goons, of every «mimosa! ' mzusrux Was. 3332:? 33:35:33.? ””3?“ i“ " H h S ’ , 1' , ‘ . .' . .cnsu'o 5 actions of , uuzumqun, 333%.??? ‘ st. 'rlunou AND LUNGS! such a.‘ cmm.’ . UHALLIBS, ' . A ‘H' 6.4"“;th ganglia, Asthmatic Tendencies, Whooping. ‘ DELAINER, ? , s'i'EiSWAG & 8055: Aging“ Soreneu of the Breast and Bronchiul BUIBAZINES, ”I'll“ ital“? ntklllion in given ‘0 "t 0 R‘_ \Vhlon'. 1 ,‘ ALPACCAS, . A lechon 0r Pin-0!; in'd whbn no "looted, m “a. 3we Ex" :9 first commvnced mnnllfnuturinz LAWNS, {lion m Lbemunuflciu'ren' guaranteehthe Pmnol‘ not,“ 0?le! {0!- our home comumption u ‘ CAL‘ICOEEE/ an “wank“ by n. - _ ‘32)" u.2"{,.'.?,‘£""9" nor o"}?va to [“lth ofl‘ll nlli ' s ’ . ' _ . t' H n “cure-n ’ nor to w - q 99’ “Ml Chm?§:ys%¥fv’viwfg.w I “A5O“ & HAMLIN “INNS: h’llin long hit of lulllnoniuls I’ll an n-~‘ " be sold a PRICES 'l‘O Dl-I'FY (tons'rn-los. THRNISHING GOODS ‘ ol' sll kinds, including Silk, Linen} and Cotton andlkerchiefs, Gloves, Slockings, ac. . ‘ ‘ ‘ Also. a splendid assortment of RIBBONS, ”was Ind Edgings, Umbrellas and Pomsuls.» ~ My sqocl; of WHITE GOODS wilE be found full Ind complete, and custonlers may rely ‘npon always getting good goods at the lowest. passi ble firices. . ' Gehllemen will find it to then advantage to call ind exdmiue my stock of (moms; ~ ‘ . \ CASSIMERES and A . VESTINGS, 0! all qualities and choices! styles. Jun. 1, “366. ) , J. L. SCIIIQK. Bargains! Bargains! EW FALL AND WIXTERfiOODS. N I’AHNESTUCK BROTHERS lmvejust returned from New York and l’hilal— dglphin with one of the largest flocks/ofnew Full And Winter Goods ever ofl’cred to xhe citi/{ns 0! Adams chunty. They were pur cbased helorc llle late rise in goods And will be sold at corresrondlugprh-vs. The unusually great dcmund for good: of may dcscriplioufor the Southern market, will undoubtedly name a further rise in (he prn-e of goody. We there fore ndvise all that 1 NOW IS THE 'l'l\lE TO BUY Our stock of Lmlies' Dress Goods in pom plo-le', consisling of. FN‘lll'h Alt-Hunt‘s, \‘rry 1119?, all wool» Poplins, ull wool Plums. l)». lnin s—Shcphel-ds’ I’laids. Culicnvs, Qing lmnul, l‘lnid Giaella.Colmrgs.Clo'l'hs tor Imdles' Clouks, unusually low, SilLs and all the latest. style's ol' Dress Goods. _ ‘ (‘ILOTHS, (_‘ufisimerls, Cussinets, Tweedi, Kl-nmcky‘Jenus, Auj.‘ forillen's We'nr. ~Fln\.‘¢NELS— rhe'hlrgest alock ever brought. to IHis mnrket, and clump. Also, a lurgq us uoruuenl of Cloak Trimmings; Slmwls, Hoods, Bulmoruls, and id lac it full uud complete us sartment of all kind} of Staple n-ud Fuucy. Goods. Our stock Inning been purchased low. we say: again . BUYYOUR FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW. "mung replenisheglfinr stuck in all i 5 de pnrlmems, We {Are proZmn-t] lo stipyl)"‘ulnllever muy he wnuh d in uur ling of businefie n! pricc's that duty compel:lioul~’ Cull m the 1 mi From. ‘ mumsrucx unumxhs. » Scl)t..4, [865. : - l 175 3 23 L 75 1'25 100 RES “UH-IRS AND DEALERS IX FERTILIZ- F HRS will lglcuse tnke hotire tlmt wq‘ have adopted the follow‘ving Trade Mark u. flyou-rl ‘omselves, and préveut, those who use our RAW DUNE SUPER EHUSI’HATE from being deceived when pnrchfsing mnnun-a. ’ We have been obliged lo ghe [his protec tion to our custoihns. in cnuquueuce of :UV eml [MINCE having unlnwlully used our dis tinmlve mime. viz: “Raw hone,” in Mining their urtirle to the public. This Trade Mark is adopted in addition to the lilie“Raw Bone," which is qur exclusive property, and we (mu. lion .\l! mnnufuclan-rs from using is iu future. We would smte to the mule nnd‘ consumers, HIM. they will find‘ it to their interest to see link llu- “Tradepfligrk” is upon every bug and barrel tlu-y purchnaemsnone oth‘er is genuine. l ' ‘ BAI'GII & aONS. ‘ Super Phogiplmle of Lime, I .Muzuruc'ured by BAL’GH & SUNS, No. 20 Suulltl)'nre Aveuut" PHILADELPHIA. The gret‘tt popularity or our nrticle hm: been found sulfictent indurvtnent to vermin imiuttorfi‘ to manufacture and udt‘erlise‘ “Raw Bone l’ho:l~hntes,”ntmuie Wllll’ll originated with us, and if our own rtghttul property. We will state for the information of till, that we‘ are the exclusive nmnufnct‘ur'ers of this article —:he original und’ sole propretofs of it—httv ing been manufactured by us for n period oi twelve yeurs. Also that it is covered by s'ev: erul letters putent, hPltI only by oursehcs. We are now ready to supply it in large quantities—having mnde recent additions and improvements. Vessels drawing 16 feet of wnteth-nn load directly from the wharves of the works, which are loomed at the that ol .\lorris Street, Drluwfire River. .\Ve call the attention of DEALEllb‘io this great adinntnge. The preaeut indications are that we shall have a greatly increased demand over last. spring and full seasons, and we udvise Farmers to send in their orders to their tesnective Dealers at an early day, that all may be sup plied promptly. ’ 1 Solteitiug your continued orders, ' \a’e remain, - Yours 4r}: truly, - L x a. run a: sous, No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, Feb. 5, 1866. 9m 'PIeILADI'LLI’HIA. The Great Bone Fertilizer. B RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, containing 53 per cent. of Phosphate 0! Lime, and 4.0.3 per cent. Ammupin. It should be home in mind thnl‘the Phos plmle of Lime in this atticlo being obtained exclusively from RAW BONES nndn TRl‘l-l BIRD GUAM), there is r-NU PORTION of ii INOI‘ERA'I‘IVE, as in the Mac 01 SUPER PHOSPHATEa'madefrom \IINERALGUANOS —but being entirely SOLUBLE in the SOIL, continues to llll’AßT its Fflll'TlLlZlNG qual ities to the CROPSVi‘or YEARS. The REMARKABLE SUCCESS which has attended ill me for years past, is I. sufficient GUARANTY to induce those who hue'not tried it to do so. i AUGH’S The GRAIN CROP where Ibis FERTILIZER hns‘beeg applied is’auppose‘d to have been INCREASED from 25 to 50 pvr cent. bv Itl use, while for TOBACCO and GRASS LANDS its success ha: been EQUALLY DECIDED. The price In Baltimore is uniform with the yanutacturer'a Factory Price. ~ ~ GEORGE DUGDALE,‘ ‘ Manufacturer’s Agent. 105 Smith’s Wharf, Baltimore. Md. ‘ Fornle At flungfncturer’u .Price. Out of Transpdttnion Ildded by SAMUEL HERBST, Gettysburg, ‘ DAVID flOKE,i\'ew Oxford. Feb. 5, 1866. 3111 A , ‘ A New Idea, ‘ . ND A GOOD O.\'E.——BL‘ACKWELL a: 00., A Gilzey‘l Iron Building, 171 Brandwny,’ New York, have commenced the busineu of taking SUBSCRIPTIONS to :11 the PRIFCI _PAL MAGAZINES Ind WEEKLY PAPERS, for SHOW? PERIODS, (qulrterlyxor hlf yearly.) st. the lowest yearly rum, olefin: I gran Advantage to lovers of litemme, who run] with “1 aka sevens! publications peyinz but a little money us time. :Full puniculm in n circular sent on npplication to my 94!- dro-u. '.‘.l GOOD AGENT WANTED in etch town. POSTMASTERS are requelwd‘to send [or our circular containing inducements. _ i ‘ BLACKWELL t 00., 171 Broedwsy, New York. Dec. 25,1865. 3m" ‘ ‘ ‘ New Bakery! ‘ EWEORT A: ZIEGI-ER, Mechanical Bak- N en, South Washington street, hm Bf“. on “in Eagle Hazel, GETTYSBURG. n.— consundy on had, the best ,0! BREAD, CRACKIRS, CAKES, PRETZELS, #2:. Per lonl wjghinz fink Brand will' be Igrvod every notning,by luflng that: name: Andrei-lone" nun Balm”. Ear; “'0“ made to plenu- Give my! call! , [April 30, m. v." ‘ EDS? CLOTHING, I» study ndneod Prim» It ‘ xonnxs’s. , Take Notice. [I B .41, l.“l[’S A n.x,wnde CABINET URGA'NS AND MELUDL The 'recent improvement.- in these instru ments nu wall Ila-ID fully wjnrnut saying they kroFAR SUPERIOR to any other make. One of the beat evideucn of their merigia, that their improvaments are imiulhd, by other molten. The new style, four nop 9mm; have n Sub-Bus and Octave Couplet, milking it :In instrument especially adapted to Church and Sabbath School pun-asst. ' DESCRIPTIVE CIRCL'LARS Will be sent by mail to peraons desiring (ham. Pianos tuned regularly. Pumas taken in ex change. PETER 111-ZN'I‘Z, - . No. 30 East Market SL, York, PA. June 12,1365. ly , - Embltuhed 1850. OTICB OF REMOVAL. N LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & (30.,L respectfully beg leave to notify their friends, customers find the pxlblic‘kcnemily, that they lmve-remdved trout No. 151 Frnnkhn street, to the.commodioas {Slur-story “firehouse, N 0! 308 BALTIMORE: S'i‘lti'lii’l‘, _between Huwmd and Liberty, where tlu-y‘wl“ for the future conduct tLe Wholesale Busi- Dena, snicly In , " ' . ' - Hosiery. Trimmings, Furnishing Goods. Periuxuery, Notions, Stationery, Uutiery, Toys. Jun, kn. lO'WhiCh they invite the attention of city and (‘oumn pun-huscrs, froling confident of their nln'ihty to olfi-r inducements in prices 50nd quflity of Gouda. '.' ()rdgrs-by mail will receive prompt stun; tion. Address _- LAWRENCE D. NETZ k 00.; 308 iiailimore street, Baltimore. March 14, IBM. - ‘ 4 . Great Altrugtion ' T pnrxanuwfi's ”LEAP CLOTHING A AND FURNISHL’G STORE, at the North E-Isl Corner of [ln- Dmmond. Tlu'e subsvriber is Collahllltly in recgipt 0! fresh 300113 from the Eaten-p: cities. ”I! stack of _ ' READY-HA DE GLOTIHNG is one ,of the lax-gels: find most numctive, as “cll as the clicupcst establishment of the Rim] in the connlry. ' You Wln then: find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, mude up‘ in the most ins‘liionnllle styles. nnd of the best mi)!eri.nls, of all slll's and [if-Ices, lur men and boy”- (genllf'nn-n'a luruisliing goods 0! eréry deecrip lion, '\\'ool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Mnrino Shuts. Merino, Wool and Cunnn Drawers, Hush-1y ufevcry dcscnplinn Burk-skin, .\lerino unnl Cullen Glove=. Huntl lu-n 111 l ls. Ndck Tics, Crawls, Linen and Panel Collura, Halls, Cups, Boots and Shoes. Cm brellns, Trunks. V:ilices,’oarput 8213,0101 th and Shoe ”Fuslll'r. llnir and Tooth Brusliefl, 'Slloe Blackiiig. Pocket. rind ‘Drcssmg Combs, liory Combs, Watches, l'locks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin‘ Strings, Snaps and l’erl‘umerioes, Suliunery of nll kinda, ligi’ket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tubnc- Ico. l’lpt§, an extra illmlily of Segura. lu incl, his stock enhbmcqs Amery-thing usually found in u tint cling furnishing store. I invite the ullenuou ol'iill tu conieund see for lhgmselres, u‘s lam dclgiminml to sell goods lower llmn ‘ guy otlncrefiublishluunlin Ill: country. Don’t ‘ fungi-Lib; ”lace. Corner ul_\',ork street and ithe Diamonul. JACUB'BRINKERHUH". i July 4, 181.74. , . Adair i County , UTUAL FIRE [.\‘fi'I'RANCE,CO.“PA.\'Y hconponnsn, .\lAkcu [8,a1531.‘ UrrieEns President—George Swope. ' Vice Presillent—Smnnelvli. Russell.- Sen-1 wry—D. A: Buehlor. ' . Trguaurerl—E. G. Fahneamck. Bil-unite Commltlre—fluhen McCurdy, An drew llcinlzelunm, Jucoh King. - Mnxmnns.-—errge S“ “[lO,, D. A. Buehlcr, R. lch‘urdv, M. l'Jldieth-rger, 5. ll Ruis‘pll.'E. (‘.. Fullnesmc'k, A. l). lluohlt-r, R. G. .\léUrL-nry, UEII)’~illlrg; Jnmh King, Slrnbnn township; A. llvinlzelnmn, Franklin; Wm I). llnnes, New Uxmrnl; Wm. B. \\'il.~un,.Bendbrs\i'llL-; H. A. Picking, Sirnbnn township: Juiin \Vol fun], LMimore township; John Picking. l‘fust Bri'lin ; Abel 'l‘. Wright. Belulursville; Abdiel F. Gm, New Oxford; 2135. li. Marshall, Hum illonlmn township; John'Unnninghnm, Free dom township ; Jnhn ll'urnor, .\iountjny {mun ship; Wm. [loss While, “berry luwzship" _ WThis Comp’nny i; limited in ii: opera :ions to the county of Adams. in bus been in operation for more tlmn 15 years, and in 3th!“ period hns mmli- but one assessment, lmving' pnid losses by fin- :luring llmt [N‘liq‘i amount ing ‘to sl3,')ds—-;stil7rso‘of which hme been pnid during'lhc last ‘lwo yenrs. Any person desiri’ug‘fil‘ hi‘nmncc cnn apply to Any of the above named Managers for further information. mWThe Execulu‘e Committee meets at. the ofiicrol’ the Company, on the his: Wednes day in every month; at. 2 o'clock, I’. M. Our: 16, 1565; u ’ New skm for 1866. 4 113 GREAT. INVENTION (IF TIIE AGE IN HUQP SKIRTS—J. W. BflADLEY‘SK New Paleni DUPLEX ‘EIJIIP’I‘IC (or dolniioy SPRING §l\'lRT.—This im’enlion consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Stu-l Springs. ingeuimis'ly 'brnidcd tightly and firing ly tngelher. edge to’edpe, making the tough-f. eat, most flexible, elustic and durable Spring evvr used. They seldom bend or break, like" the Single Springs. and consequently preserve their perfecting] beautiful Shape moré’thnn" '.wiice 15 long fl' any Single Spring Skirt that ever has or can he made. - '- ' The wonderful flexibility and grent‘comfort and pleasure to any Lady wenripg the Dupgux Elliptic Skirt will be experienced‘ particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Uperle, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Paws, Arm Chairs, for Promenude and House Dress, ts the Skirt can be fuld‘ed‘when in use Ito occupy a smnl' place as éhsily and con\'e\uiently‘a§ 98341: or Muslin Dress. . T .' . ' ‘ -A Lady bbving enjoyed the Pleasure, Com fort and Great. Convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skin for n s'rngle day will-new: unarwn'rds willingly dispense with. their use. For Children, Misses- and Yo‘uu’g Ladies they are superior to all others. .I‘ho Hoops are coveied with 2-ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the‘ single yarn covering which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rod: on every Skirt are also Double Steel, und twice or double covered to prevent the cover ing from wearing pfi' the rods .when dragging down stairs. stone steps, ha, ha, which they are constantly luhject to when in use. Allure made of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, nnd are the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the must grncel‘ul Ind perfect Shape puebiblemnd are unquestionnbly the lightest, most desirable, comfortable Ind economical Bkm ever urge. WESTS, BRADLEY a ARY, Proprietor! oi the Invention, and Sol Menuhctureri. 97 gharhen, end 79 & Elfin“ Streets, New or . ,' For nle in all first-clan Stores in [HIGH], and throughout the United Statesmnd Caradn, Hanna dc Cuba. Mexico,South Ametiu. “‘1 ,the West. Indies. 3.l:}un for thrDupiex Elliptic (or dpublej-Bpfing Skirt” ‘ _ . ‘ . Nuv. 17', 29‘85. am- < , , Humid Association, PHILADELPHIA. PA.—Diueuel of the ‘ Urinary and Sexnnl Systemsr—ne' an reli‘nble treatment. _ Allo the BRIDAL 03AM BER, an Essay of Warning and Instruction, lent in sealed envelopes, free of change. Ad dress Dr. J. SKILLIN HUUGHTON, Homu'd Anocluion, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phill delphin, Pl. [OOL 2, 1865. 1y A .1! ion‘ want Inythinz from o 1866. Drug Store. BURNER’S in tin p‘ncé ' 5359919“ and obs-p. v . "' ri-F Qunafitr‘ofm'ifiiai 3rv3m’ ehEEu' A , ‘ 3 .PIGKLIB‘fi‘; u-wlnoniuls as an eridenre‘ of its «:nrnuve pr'operliu, but the demand for it bging so great IDddECl‘dCdly on Ihe incrgnse, has ind‘uced. and in fact compcued In to pre pare il on~ a mud: hum-r scale. and also to establish agencies lhroughoht this secfion 01 the country. All)”: Mk is tlmuhnle thus nfllirted may give it. a f..irlrml,‘th:u ii may prmo its [any udvnnlugvs over mh’er prcpax-uuous pf». similur nature now being elllplujtd. ‘ ‘The wit-rim: tlmnv- it wjthin the reach of all, bring but ‘.'.r--nnul4o wnls :1 bottle; Bell's Win-m Syrup. HE MUST INSUCHNT. PLEASANT AND T EFFICIENT “MINDY IX Cali —A linu nn' PERFECT Ix lrnLL—Nu (film'ur ml to he Tukrn.—"n lhin l'lqmmlwn we have incll’ulml such remul‘iug o‘uly us 115 w bt-cu trim] for years and are knpwn to pus u-ss [mwflfi'nb nmhrlndnlic ‘3ano3, cnmhiuel inh mud Allcfll‘nls,l}ll(‘3\§:|u‘ urnm...iL-~ :mvi Buunr. An lhclmimlcs 0' uu-mselu-s u mum pl Hunn llmr pet ulnar fundiuus ur lune the drained rfl'vcl, unlc‘s‘s Hu- bowels uh: lupt Inmlcrnh‘l)’ «“0“. To prmluye this. geullewrgnnveu nn- m ('.-s. sury mu! alh'h (mh ought In M uscd‘xhul run 9myimvrh-xe “'lth the unli.chmnliv emplqwd. ‘ The advantagvs we claim [or this er rnp nrt‘: ‘ Isl. It! pmwr m IH-JS'I‘RUYLVG .\NI) 12X ‘PELLING mums! ' ‘ ‘.’d. himild :nlm-icnl (4?ch upon the bowels. 3d. Tl. plenum"! hm- mni odor are ndvan tngva pusacssed or claimed by very few Verm ifugvs.’ 41h. Its harmless influence upon the syncm, consequemly nu injilriuua «thus will re~ult from us usr- should )lh" bum-m have no \Vénus, but an {\pplrL-nt diht‘lhl‘, uriainu lrnm :ume other unknown c..u;e, \\ hich I: hulluwlly LII}: cfl‘ie. ' The con~tiuioms of Llus Syrup uml its «in-ms awiknomx to many Plush-mm, who are nuw using it ii] llmr prx'clicc L 0 u Luge extent. ' J'licc 2.3 coals a bottle. Theflroalesfi Linimg‘nl in “so. _ ELL'S WHITE O’L-!—~'l'/te [Hum/rat, (”mn- B Wynn”: I‘cizetrulnn/ (lan mm! lz‘cnno/mcnl Luumml ~n I'w.—-.\ puwcllul'Uhnuinus (fum puund fu[r-fhc Sum-Ly (lune u! “llt'llnhlll‘nlr Slrnixh. ISprlilrs. Wound-x, .\"umbnéw 01 IM- I.iluh.~, Fp'oalul Feel and Hnn‘ds. Spmin Sun'- dle. Halls, Pull EH]. RI"K Ihpm’. Bruisp‘. Sun-Hum" of nll kxml. am! in Lu; :vory dil cuse lur F'hjcll nn llsuhruu.|liun. i.~ npphmhlv, e-xlber‘in Man 0! Dem. l'nvu ‘an \‘t-u's .rhol lle.—'l'hiL prvpurulmu, whu-h I-l ”"121:an wnh ue, sill be luuud to he 0|": n 4 lln- umst {lnd at. (hr 5 nine lime one on the “mat rL-lmld‘c up. plimlwn mum. ' Cllnviui Men t-mpluyu] verv exlt-nsh‘l-ly -sime ilS‘}!HlUdu(fiuu nul n-x-Img sitlirhwl In! its rcmm‘inl [Hull-"Him, \\'u ru-ummuml H “uh the utnu‘=t‘ l‘Onfiulr-nq“, known; than. no one will he (fisnppumlc‘l in Ll; use. IL is, 'us its mum- im‘flics, a “hill: liAixnvul (H the consis tency of cream, connining nothing rill-nahc, hut, on the t-oulmr), .\ull be found mun: plcnsuul’tlmu olucr“ ldl'. ' Bell‘s .\lu-rnliw, R CQXUITTXW I’UWUERS! - 13m: NURSES. CAT'I'LE & SWINE ‘.’s cc‘nls 2'. .lmpor, or tin- ;mln-h fun :1. ‘ The lnuxwu-e aulr uf lllcal' P-nul: r~ llulqiuz the churl‘ [u-riml they ‘mw Let-u lnlnrl: ”10' public, Is at sulhrio-ul guAerlLt hf lhl‘ll' “WI"- ‘ pupulmi‘y, :unl 4lge drunk-d buncms dcfivml ‘ from lhi ir use. 1‘ ’ - k ’l‘ht-y nre nvulidenfly mconmn-Imeul not only as n wen-mire. hut as u munplrlt-(urc for. all diawsés innd‘rul to [he [must-1, (‘UW ur “UH, as Lo~s ut":\mu-tile, Coughs! Houvw, Yellow “Hum; Dish-mpqr' Ulell'l‘S. kc . (an. By their use the Harm's Append: is nnpruf ed. all dcmugmm‘nh ut lhl‘ dlgesthe urpnns cnrlcvlcd, suttvmug Iht- 3km, mu) uhiup m the cunt n SlH'k and mining: nppenngme. .mll nny he mod' wuh per NJ. :nll (_v at Ml uuw~, “‘.3 it mu'uins nu Ingram-uh which can injure a lunsu,‘\\hrlhcr Sick or \n-H. ' ' ‘ They cit-awe «the hn-Mhin: nppnrntm hy ejvcling lr‘ m lhubir yells t-(mguhnlell numvr, or that l'nrmzniun “lnrh so suvrwly films: them, tuning: a Vtxglnlmss in |:I(:l hing. mu! hv thmr pm‘ulmr m Lion on lhxll pm L, Ih._\ mum the mucus memhmne t 6 re~umuit4 nuturul dimensions, thus'rquulizmg the cilcul :lwn or HIV blood and rl-sl'unug the llialcndcd maids to thexr lmLural size. ' 4 l-‘or lullxuning cullle the} are inxnllmhle, also possqsfiug llccullul‘ proprllicl in menu's ing lhe qunmnx 0! milk in Cons, llu-rehy gn‘. ing lhcm Mu ldlllllll'lllllcc and value nhirh should place them Wlllllll the hands 0! all lu icrested. A - ~ All dismucs to which Ihe~llug ii suhjm-l, 1n Coughs, ['lcx-l— m Ilu Lungs mm Lin-r, ""‘l 1.5 n gonornl purifier ut' tln- hlund uc guam‘htoc "hm 1 fl n- y il’om e‘fuirly trml. ‘ W‘a‘md pl ”('lushurg by A. l). BIN-Mgr, Apuvheuxry. uud hy Uruygish and Stnrckcop (‘rs generally. Ask fpr rMell'i I’rcmmllung. Prepnnd rxcludvcly hv W. I). ell. Anolh’e cnry, (Grnniu m.- of the Philudvlpfin Culll‘gouf l’lmrnmcy,) Wat. Washington .n.. llngcrs low» n, .\ld. . [04:1, 135, 180'"). ly K II u m b‘ulg! EiIHVAL. ‘ ‘ HULTZWORTIL ALWAYS AHEAD. THIS WAY run, H.\RGAI.\'S.—JUH’.\ L. lIULTZWUILTII hns jnat rI-turm-d from the City wilh the ihrg' st und mos: norm-lute assort ment of HATS A\i) CAPS, "HUT-S AND SHOES, that hug been brought In?“ this town since [ln war. His stock i~ nut only complete, but is (£OOO nnd CHEAP embracing every variety o_t “out: and §hors for Men and Boys. Whilst the Ladios will find eventhi‘ng in their line, from the finestlufitvr to the heaviest Shoe. Children's Show at every description, in great variety. A 159, Ln dws' Huts, fine quality; and Children's'iivuli, ofull styles‘ and'priccs. Also, Trunks. (inr pet Bugs, Valises, Umbrelhu’. Giotes, Sto: k ings, Tobncco, {lights and Nations or h’ery description. . , . nix-Don‘t forget the plnce, Sonth-enst‘Cnr. of this Diumond,GMlyshurg, l’a. ‘ - JOHN L. UULTZWORTI]. April 10, 1865.- ti Forwarding Business: CI'LP & EARNSHAW'S LINE. I I AYIXG purchased the “'arelwus'o and Cars heretofore uwued’by Samuel Herbal, tha undersigned take pleasure in snnouncing to the public that they will run a 2 LINE OF FREIGHT CARSI from‘Geuysburg to Baltimore every week. They n're prepared to convey Freight either way, in flnyqunulity. They will attend," desired, Lathe making of purchasesin the city. nnd deliver ing the goods promptly It. Getzylburg. Thri: cars run to the Wnrehoule of STEVEN SON g SONS, 165 North Howard strict, (near Franklin,) Baltimore, where freight will be received It lny lime. They invite the attention of [be publiC'to their line, “During them dint they will spare no man to Accommodate nll who may patronize them. Having purchased Ih‘e buildings and lot on the Norman: c'orner (3r Rnilrond and Norlh Washington alreeu. Gettyabiirg,-their Depot willnmaln there: Any person lining busi ness in the forwarding lino mrumtrully in. med to cnll. CULP a EABNSHMV. “ Aug. 7,1865. . ‘ (humor: » NEARBLE WOB‘KSI u: ant-Corner of the Dilmond Ind 3,1111- moro “not, nenrly appallle the Mafia, usrrrsnuao. PA. I Every deactiiflipi'dl’ wdri eiecuzedfin the fine” nyll of the In. - , April 11, m 5, 4! , ~ ' Revenue ”In” , P‘n deioninlfion c' > . Q .nq’fq}; «Mum: PM: o MRI-But.“ amxnxowycuhm, :Gouytbamifoy. M, Im.- 4‘" ‘ f: . FOIATZ'S Home and came Poms. r , V . . _ , ‘\.‘ ’ ‘ ‘v -‘ :3- 'K \ . ‘l‘lii . my; ‘ 15“ rag"): ;‘- 'M '—“‘ lhh anlmnl. gut! YEL L O W W 3 TIER, I! F. A V E: COUa H 8, D 1: 1‘ EIP ER l- I vans, rouimr. LOSS 0! AH” HIE AND VITA HXEBGY, In; Ix use Improves 0; wind . increut the “Iguana-[m I lmo n l h n ulna-y skin—M transform! I. ll mhemblc Ikekl hone. v To known nf Con u-in uh purutlnn h lnvuunbl'. It Increase! (he quaum; and lmlum vs the quality ‘ ' mun milk. hlm llL‘l‘l prim-n hy‘ur‘ lunl ulx-rum-nt lo lncmw‘ lhc qunn my of mlll lull umm runny [pr nut’ and unlu- the butter firm null ”out. In lulu-"hug mule.“ give-(lulu nu umu me. Iwwnl ' (In-1r hldc. um! g 1 anm Uncmithflw mt“ Inch hater. In I” “mum of 5“ inc, such as Caught, [.'locn in the Lungi. Lh'vr, ‘ ._4,.‘ 3~.‘ " Ac. um :ruclu " ,- ' - r‘ nu ma Ipecjfic. ‘.‘ 4 4‘ By pnum‘; Tuuu g" 4-,“: ‘ ~ ' _ onclul! a pun-r ‘- (C - to n piper m a ' —, lurrulohwilllhu \ ’s‘ i $\ 7 f nbuvodhe-.ncs : A. ,_. ,w .~ ‘ s):} 'ulbeendwm * ”‘ ~ -, _~ or entirely pn-vunted. If shun in llml'. u cerium preventive and cum for Hm ling l'lmluru ‘ Price'2s Capt: per Paper. or's Pupeu for 81. Pnuuflzn bY S. A. FOIT'EZ .Y 13110., AT Tamil 4 “ME-VHF) DRY? AV“ Ml‘lmfl'fi'l'. DENT. No. 118 Frankhn St,. Baltxmore, Md. ‘ Fur Sale by llrungs and blurELu-lm. Hmong].- out the L'uncdfima. Fm aulv ln .\. I). l‘nu-hlcr. (h-t‘yshurg: Imugbliu J; lh|~hlinhL \Hn-vhug, \'n; (‘J ('. Ht-mhr N Cuqfl’mi‘l'urg; Juhnulil Hollofiny / $2 (Inmdt'n, Phlhvfflplliu. . ' her. 11. Imm x) ' ‘ Esloy'u ('omlgu Organ“ I.a a . h '.‘—H -” r .45 \. __' , _ I.‘ 2'45.""'::-EEl3€‘:- 333. . z‘ - aw». mm 1..! r w: . , _ ‘ ~ ‘c tt 0 : 1 0 age rgan. , I I . . '- ' . 3 v , r . ‘ m a . ~.._ , ..__ my , _ tn _ fig:- 9_' J .'«-.c 5 'f ' ,a’,” . . / 'J‘ ’ .f’ ’ 4 / _ _ HE nut uni} \lln-xw-111-li, hul ”Tm nu- uh suluu-X} uurytzul/r-I, I»: u_u\' ulnrr liv-«X lualrumrnl Iu lhv mum“ . :)\‘<l‘_;lll.'|l I'\|l'l'~~- ly lul' Uhurchvs .\an .\rlm )h, tln) ul'r lulllll‘ 1i: In: n-‘q'nll; \\ ell Mulullh'd N) (In: Inulux' um] \lmnmg mom. Fbr :nlc mm by . ' H. )1. mn‘t'm. No H ,\urlh S~>\'l-n'hN.. l‘lnlmh'lphu _ 'D’xAl‘su, “ILHHHJKY'S l’|.\.\H.‘. nml |\ ('xllllph‘le unurllucnl of ch l’l._lll"l*ll.'l‘ \H'ls LUIHCUV.’ [m~1.,2,‘mu:.. 1; It a itrond house, Y EAR TUE l’ldl’ll'fl. ' LN HANOVER, YUHK (‘0 , l’.\ The llndbrsignml would n-slu-tllulh I‘n'mm Ina nunu I‘l‘U-J lrzvuds nlul Ihe [lulnu‘ u: m-n-H), ll]:ll|lt“ll:l~ long-”1:1“: llulcl In Hunuu r. mm!" lllr Minn, luxuwll} 111-[ll ll} jlr. Jurcmuh Kuhlrr, ninl-ulll ~pur Im \ll'ull h) ('mulml I} inn nunnrr llmL W'lllng‘ gnu-n ll M‘li-lm'lmu. lli~ lublu “ill lune lln: but [He mmLHs mu ul!'onl——lxis clmmlu-h {WP slam mm nml rum‘ l‘ur'.|lllrfund In: lmanud in nu his Ln: a mu. flock of llmu'u \glm-s mnl “l“IUl'n. 'l'ln n- is amhlm‘L-tlur lmrws» all vhul lo the llu'ul. 11. \nll hum CCllallllll (‘IHIL'JVUT'JU rvndrr the mile»: Sllllildillull to his unwlh Inukulgg In: |mu~u 1” Hour .I blunt-“~10 Ull'lll us “Infill”.— llu Mk? :1 -lnm- u: Iln- pubhl-Hm‘ronngl . ,llv- H-rmmcrl as he I.- (u (lam-rm u lnrgr plrl ul 1!. “(Inn-ml .r lln- It‘llroud Huuw, umr llu- IN. pol, Hmnn’rl, I'll A. l'. “.\l'fifll‘Ji. Umz, 13-3.“. u‘ ‘ L 1: nondm‘ Book Bind or,“ Emma \um'r, - I, . I: o n I" I} IN II 1:12. Ax!) BLAKK Book \IAH PU"I|'KNK, l.‘.‘x.\'UAh “'2l:, l’.\ Plan: and Ornnmrnm/ [tun/my, uf {-u-ry do. srnplirjn, executed in "'4' "mu. :uhalunliul .uul nmumcd at; Its. “u \ REVHHHPVS H. \V. Ilrgu'n. E~q., l'ul'lm'n Hunk of Lnnrndcr W. L. l'mpcr,» ll~q., Lnulfflah'r (‘nnmy lhurk’ Snnmt-l Sluwk, limp, ('Mumbi.‘ ”bu-k. " Sluhucl Wagner. I‘.§q., Yux I; H Ink. \\“|ll'mm Wagner, Eiq" York ‘3qu Bunk Tnlt. l‘urmh, liq-1,. Hunk nf!.‘¢~t!_\‘.~lnng Pun-r Martin, Esq., l’rulh y lil'luuumtel (0.. ['s Geo. U. Huwtlmru, Esq., Legal” " ‘ “ Ucn.~\\'hition, squ Kuculdrxz “ “ April 15, mu. , ‘ / I‘. '9 I’. I‘ll, I"! A ‘ o ' . IDEALEIm [S ‘ CHINA, GLASS (4 QIW-IEXSWARE, ‘ PLATED WAKE, FLU: UL'TLMH', ‘ } ~ ‘ ('AS’IUHS. ML, [No. 6 ”noun S-ruur, nun “ammo“ .81., l HALTHIURE, .\ll). : ~ GLASSWAIH'I z—Tumblfln. Hublx-Is, Win", flmgl-rs,‘l-‘lzuks. “Ht. linulee, .Cuud) Jarsxlhu ‘Lunh-rs, I'r! s “Lell'nl, Fruiq Hunk, in)“. \ "-- turs, L‘L-a'lur Hollies, Ker. Lumps, Ker. Chim x.u'\'~, L'mterus. kc. . ' Ql PII£.\MV.\HH -Pl-u-s. Flu! Didi”, Drop an.“ qucxcd .10., (Mu-[ell lium-rsu'l'ru I'm-I buzurs, (“oan, Dumb, I‘ilrlu-rr. A'hnthr, anms und I'm-In r~‘, .\lugs, Sputum”, Tm Stb‘, Tullll Swinftf.‘ - .' ~60“. STUS E \VAlll'Zg—Jngs, Jan. Pilchers‘ Milk PM», kc. ‘ [Mny 1565. l_\* Noah “aliqu- d: ('o., Cnowuxsns, WASHINGTON BUILDING‘ 165 ASD 167 BALI-”ions Stan-2111:, keep ram-mull] on hnnd Huge and well as sWock of ull kinds 0! good: 1: modern” 1 s. y . They supply orvlqrs for the finest to th lowest. priced nrl'rc!ci,.eifhdr ready mule or made to meuure, (0‘ any purl. of the gountry. . They keep also an extensive stock of [’oth -1811le 60098, embracing: every article of Gentlemen“: Under-u car. Alsof-M‘ILITARY 'CLUTHS and every \‘uneny _of Military Trim mings, as ml! us‘au assorted uocfl ot READY MADE MILITARY (jUUDS. . Baltimore,Feb. 22, 1864. ~‘ ‘ Cumlierland Coal 1 A LARGE“ uufiply or superior HLAOKSMITH POAL, now on hand :2 reduced price. >Thil Cod i. supefior to I" all»; Cohl‘ln thqflfi’ed State. for (aiding and other bllcklmitfi‘grpoutp “ P, i 1! Wynn, ~. ‘ / City Coal Yigd, Frederick Wind. ° For s4e by :9ae_l9, 18_6§ ryf John. W. Tiptbn, 839N312”; BARRIER, Noni-jug cor ner of Di-mond. (But do»! .1. le lollan'l Ho’te‘l,)' Gettysburg. Pt. '59:. he cnn u .11 times be found ready to “tend to an buliun “LIEU line. ‘33 In! tho excellent u lisuuce gird win Ingun summation. Giro him I all. n“ 3 Bob. 3,1869; W Town Properly , ‘ ‘ 1' ‘PBWA‘I‘I- 53511-Bde BOUigfl ; «muwnhlldnmw ‘by a ‘ $0!) ... mnaussmooussmkw ‘ 42 00.1}. mm .m < ’W” \ ,frxe". Thl; pr don. long uni vmbly known, In] (hor onunly :21“!ng bruLx-ndnhn Ind low-INN“ hon", by “rundown: lull clan-In. Ih. Illumldl ud Intes -1 “PI h In I Inn pro vmnv: or all (In our: {lncident Io BALTIMORE,