The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 26, 1866, Image 2

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Nr i \ _ ‘ {I I 0.” I‘LL-7910.00 A“?! ”ID"?
I I ‘ ' Our ho'xghbor of'tze—genliml, (whb. by the
“Milka. 'xorlau Nor-Ma, March 20, 1800.
J——-—-—-e~3‘l ~:":-==‘:: : way, hétde the luctativegfliceof Revenue
11L 3- nAflLfiaDILOBfifL'. “f 1—51332, Auseasor for m. wngrmionui distrwt,)
» ran 6031111012, A . ilend- humeon the circulation at e moot
’non. lIIFS'I'EB arms», i""°"“°‘~“‘ ‘“"°.-“°°d “m" Pmidsnuohn
' A a, 3,," M» - l eon. Thlt ungdngcionlblq fldjothheet, fl“
Myra—9sx 17- ”Tm“ “"55 “Story. to the of
nu’tnuuu you to: 30me | ‘9" "m I '"B‘Cdp'flmed 6' the Pelimflfl-
During the war, the mum. were «sun-d “i. D‘mmfllic 91-“ Cpuvention bed im
\ L] the "loyal" leader-I. the} wlnen~they got “1 00 President. Johnson and prmnted
home they were to hue I” the offices, In I him With '- copy 0f the‘tesolutions passed
reward for lheirardmus mvieei in tlne|by ”in! body. end’ that the Ptaideni re.
fiol'd. Such A: should be érippled and_dia- ..plied by ,telling them to “go home and
abled were to ta’ apaia’ly well cared for. { chlnge their “Ck“."w tb other equnlly im
uow has this pledge been "deemed r, piobnble' stuff-land am the sauna pub-
Are net all _the Ration-l Aucuunfhipsfl,hlht’eAunder the‘bead of “Fa.“ Rate!" .
Coilectonhipu, Pdtmutershipak «hen-immis! " This same 08le lpppzrgd in the Han-Tu
muuty. «in held by. "my ammwr Andibu'i ,Tclrmplu oftho 17m. and w n the
Jun-Micro been a lingle’ «B'ort insde by the 'Paln’oc ‘9 China makes thetfollowing reply—
Bepyblictn Harder- Le line then! outed? I “I‘ll which utterly. expiodeu the whole
and ”Mia“ oivpoinved' in (hei; plecesh‘mn'y- we com the Pulrhgl l‘? Unl'on'a arti-
Jfl—utm. '. v' . -‘ ~'- - - \itle entire,‘ because every word is quite an
Bet these ecu-styled “hiya“:l‘l" have not applicable to the editor of the Semintl u it
' o'niy net tried_ _to get ofl'ieu-lur (aldign. but. i 3’ ‘" the T‘l‘Wapk P‘NMl‘lur:
"‘o‘! hum". id‘flgy of inhynhcép; exerted: The H uni-pin” Tel'tg)'up’l,.on the"l7th.
themqelvretq déprjve'tbem of lhe'rewnnl $2,233,“! figt‘flfiafuuder m mzun'c'P’"
. . A , . . Y on. pl}! on .u lyxng
.0 lmdlx-promned. One ofmglariug chub hebxlynrnu. and aid that. the wubluunm
‘.‘c‘u occurred it: Huhfingidn towmhip my“ leennemncratio Slate Convephon he‘d
Friday wegk. Tbiu loweshtp.’ including???" eonfiJorL to: nae-committee. with
the Mn of Pztenlguu. has long been. andflfillsu§fif::ofiifi‘wmi:filfiflfimg‘j 1:3"
Itill in. one of the heaviuzjefiublimn‘die-gtic; the: "a law doya unca th‘o cnmgnliueé
trjgu in the cmmty. Ind has nlwnyl claim-f “5".” “'"rhmb'w". "I"? wore admitted to
ed to be nine of the m’oat “loyal.” , irudxuuca unit the ’l’: efxdont." it goes on
, ‘ , q any that, the resolution: were prvlenled
M. the late election. E; A, Lnbach. a self, ...”; n, bombnmc barnngue," “d ”I“ the
diet who hit an arm in the war. I when 9 President leplled :- '
honest and yupectable man, with in Cami)?! , "I'qu lan]! n’wyinuim'a man whp rrfu'ud m
o! mmli children depenrflont upon‘ him {oi-i :i!t:f‘r":%e|"w::l::u°:f :1,” men'r’y -' (were
ruppurt, Hm upon the Democratic “Ck“;Pn-sflom'l lnnangmf (Eon;;1:;lrlfipo;‘lxrl:
{or Countdtla. His npponent. on tho," Res-fox“, tocg cn'mu “.‘." ' , "
puzfliewdu-ket, is the _ov'vmrnfn fnrm, mm.“ In repty to Uni» we empfiaticnlly' my thu
do“ not need the oflic‘o—i‘nfloed. he raid Vina :14:th until/1.12:: qf a115,] luld went Io Wuah.
apt cue nbaut he’ving it. be’guune of it; iu-i 1:573:15,pii::30;e:%,%fitt0zm :xnudsg;ll::
umemence. A [nouns m ux‘cue: st‘rn All-Ink Tclcglrap/l
Andly'rl. in mile of Lhele {sols—fact
ubout ‘9l:qu there can be no dispute—the
[Bur ontar‘mrd lolllltr win :d«ftula:J, and his
wall-[q do opponent Gleam). . ‘ I '
J Thus, in a blatantly "loyal” dislrict‘. a
nFde crippled 101-lier iu Quicken down.
- llis apps-ml (0 [lm “nolrlier’u fri‘ Lula" hr the
Imxill omce of Countable, in um'L witli ilia
, chilling refusal; "No—youf sol-vices in the
field are nqllilng—ynp'r,sufi'crii:gs are ntllh
iug—youx disabled condition in nothing—-
,' your poycrty’angl 1+1: wnnls'af yodr {nmily
Ira’ nothing—as llvpubl'uuws, via’ vole for
privy—(lla! wntnals u!!!“ . .1 ~ 7 .
~ Wuwe: iugrutitude moi‘a ifnblushlng
ly exhibited? . Wrm eYe‘r plaulgn mgr
ahnmolusly falsified 1, Snlclifin. wher‘wver
.1011 me appximcheg lny‘ lbpuhlimn owns.
lot-keys, under the guise of "friendx-hip,"
full (hem—tell Ihem till blushes manila
l llu-i: rlwks—of the dnmnalile "summit
rmoived‘hy your needy emu-armed couigr
mile, E. A. Lolmcli. . ‘ _
non: lunatic.“ my: you 1118
1 ,/ SOLID!!!“ ' .
The Rvé‘ublicnns o‘f \V'flynuhurthe coun
iy‘jmt of Greeqo, have ngn a birikifig
pi‘oof‘ohbn insincerily of llu-u- prnféssions
of regutd for those who sewed npd eufl'ered
'for {heir caunlry._ Lieut. I. .I' Furnann,
6:110 lo". a leg at. “no battle of Getgysburg,
fin nomifinufd lay the Dvmncrus fpr Jus—
tina offlw Peace. W. T. L. Webbnuho de
imunoml'firvnsou n a sale dlgtnnm from the
‘traltnrs. fins nominated by the Rnpu‘blicnns.
Tue. vlncgmn was held on the 9111 may, and
(Halley! . s [rillnws‘z Fur the onwlegged he
in I'ur'umiu. 10‘ vote»; for lluflrz-Jsmr-snlgl
m \ch n 4. * ’ , .
qutflfiurmnn in n znnllomnn ; of fine
kw." ml: xlion. A‘ll'd well
rhnrnélw supmim‘ oduum
read in die 13W, which he has‘smdied‘nince
In! discharge from the umy. But. his.c|uu'-
ncler. bin qualificationsia‘nd his griévoua
urgund [l] have .20“ for nothing 11%"in the
_Boyubllioans of \S’qyneaburg. " - ,’ i
'—'———-—~<Q.» - -4——— .
The Cmperwlive Republican: at; Wuh
rgwn‘huvé broken away from the Radicals.
A may have formed _a Ndional Uiubbf their
own, with Fmt Assistant Postmaster écn
era! Bmdull ks Pl-esideut,nnd @squ t mil
fora Mus's Meeting. in mucky. 3p Wednes
day eveuiixg nut. to "endow! 'nd sustain
, President John-on in his wise nqd su'tes
' manlike bolicy in gnawing the Utfl'ion. Ind,
hirbold and deter’lpined purpnsp‘ o‘main
min in iu_purity the Comhlutlfi of the
United State; tgainlt ALL oppusi n."
This is I very important .moverm-nt, and
will'no doubt rlpidly\lpx‘pld thrbugbonl
‘ the country. Ofiica’holders must soon take
jeidu, null openly decluo for Jghnsohpr
SLWehI. .‘ ‘ 'l'! ‘ .'
' An immense John'son Mats Meeting Wu'
‘ helm at Pittsburgh on Tuesjay obefiing.‘
Robert. B. Gunman. Esq . whose‘xaoluq
tious endorsing the Praiqent yen In con:
, iémpm'ounly' [rented in the Geary StatoCon-g
. tendon. nude 3 bold and manly speech in
hm} of Przuident Johnson’s polwyr-I 'pol-'
icy Twhich he apronounoed wise Ind emi
m-ntly well calculated to restore the U’nioxir
, Ind 'premrve 3.119 CoPstiluuon; He took
1 we Baikal. bull squarely ,py the holns,ahd
handled mm as roughly :5 the elephnnt
did the Quaker’s. In ‘hic remarks nah-ef
grenco to the Rapuhlican Subs Convention
“ho " prefiotedxthat in ‘ leu than six
' month the mu’nagen 6" mm. body would
i find Lhemselvés in I‘ minnble minority be ‘
fore the people!" , , _.
' ' We look awn this meeting. it Péusburg,
‘u l' significam emm on the Counervalive Be
j-nblioans to brnk-100-é from tho Disuuion
Destined!“ who now hue control of the
‘ Republican organizuiuu. ILWill he follow
ed, by nodegue men throughmn the Qule.
,' «nu-r rimrnmu nun.
'Gen. Howard mum an appropruuou of
$11,600,000 16 support the Negro Bureau‘
{or m. copi‘m; you-{.l 'Bennsylnnia pay.‘
ohéeighth’of the intimkl revanne of.m.
country, Ind her “are of Um approprig.
tim'would thbclori be About $1,500,000".
‘ wummnt you. tarp-yer- of PMs-yin,
f nit. 0! pain; I millio'n 3nd I hallof‘doi-‘i
hr- Innu-11, to support negro“? How}.
[out at. you willing to be thin taxed”,
Burbank: “I“ M}. | Bum mu. u
. mama.“- ammo-n «game‘-
3 for Gourde! ofConneotioug, ““911 on ‘Pra-‘Q
1‘ Id!!! 50h?“ h“ '1“. but received do“
{,4 gum-gomonit- Thgu h 'reuon‘to believe" ,_.____. - ”_._V
‘ Ih.t£nglfih(ben) i: the Adgninidntioaw A‘Tho 111:de om politician... but»
[7&3311180. The Radical. no mite-M53 kMEI"! u dgld. ducks, no still butter in
if ich. a”, a to the remit,- "' h”.ll’nll~en.dznunmmnl otthg Pro-idem. . .
z' The mum" “ ‘Rmford hl- mm 4 9m seam—nu old hero fully “do.
§ma stud-p M F‘B’M- ~ . 1' purmidénc Johann “a m. polio], ..
. In: two nus Intfll. 'l he statement ofth'nt
organ is untrue in word, label-and spirit,
{and‘waa mnnifestly invented to meet in un
ideniubh- :nLntomenL which we made nome
‘dnyu prevgnunly. find whiéh neerus‘té‘ftick
in the pos'mnslfiTE craw.) that. "to d' (aunt:
‘ Hymn is rquul to s; dzcldralion of war 5h 1 ' :
‘ I'TtsMn-l.” »' . ‘ , 5
l \VeJmpé that Firesidcm Johnson #l5ll at}
Jana take ncliun i 1 this runner. He ii cer<
Elnlnly‘nm (thing nimlelljrfiitice by retain/
‘ mg in K nun-m oifice, nulvjx-cl to his order.
{p cro-ulure who n L only 'Jogulnrhfiperaislu
:enlly and mlf’ullyrimidslnles his pulley. hut;
.lnram worlhl NULL aemimenls “high firm.
Ntyxx rnucsu hi 1); zxruntssb BY mu!
A creature whu invenxs’lies abnut the pal“;
ity in OppOdlllOfl 1:4 hml Onough, hut due whn'
-hnselyvnmn-prpsonu Ind {urcos lunguuze
ziorhls pulrun, is [no lmv and murully cur-I
'ran fur évm the anmllest confidence in
I{my'hing-~r‘erlmnly rial. fit to hold a res-g
p‘anszlule ofiiue. Let him In» mmle 1,0 walk]
:lhe plank ilmtantcr. The cuizuns of Ultra.
gnnbuu mll applaud the nu of rcuyuvnl L
{Turn him oud . i
President Jnhmon did a good thing week
beforo last. The Repubhcnn h-a‘tfers [aid if
tux on the Clerk n'. \Vashingxoh from Sew
Hampshire, in order t 6 mi‘se’ a large fund to
carry the electmh iu 12ft". Skate. One of
thew: Clerk's. E. B‘. Johnson. refused to pay ‘
the tux. uni! wrote a caustic letter against
Hm whole corrupt. scheme, Ihoyvmg up, :9.
the lame fime, .Ihe di~ufiionism of huch
leader-a as Thufl‘SLevcnu, in Congless and!
outofnt.’ ' * ‘ .VV . ;
A copy of (hid letter was pit-pd lifore
the President, who at once glue 1!. Lb sigi
uiflcnnt endura’oment : ’_ '
R"!'cvrrrl In (M Pug/mast” Gnurw : ‘
Thq indepv-udence exhibited ‘by this ri
ter in ivuiazzng the Mtemp‘v to levy a ax
upon ‘bim Re an office~hohler under < e
Federal de‘ernment, and his just estimate
of correct principles, entitle hlm to respect
and npprolmion. I; llnérefure. as an evi
dence of my apprecia'lioupf the qualities
manifested m the legternecommeud him
to the I‘a'vmaster Geqenl, foi' early promo
tion. - , Afinntw Jnnuox.
Executive Mnnsioh, Minn 15. 1566.
i SHALLOW Donor.
’Thqlast dodge oi the Jucobini at W'nsh
ington. is that. of sending despatclies to
mail-journals stating that the President in
dicates a disposition to yield to the theme
and v'itupei'atibn of‘his enemies. End Ahm
don his support of the Constitution. Of
course. these canard: are only intended to
influence those who read nothing but Ré~
publicen pepersa '.
The President’s 22d of February Ineech
was A clear announcement of 'hie policy,
from which _he will~ not swerve. 3“ Con
gress wishes to ngree 'with him, it must.
place itself on his platlorm—en’d for such
men In ThadL‘Stevens, Sumner, Wade; and
others of the same stripe; to do (Int, would
be to dig their own political graves; _
President. Johnson recently" made 3
speech to a Bellimore delegation, 'which
shows anything but u disposition fly “back
dad’s” on his pmt. He said {that lie in
tends td'adhere to his policy “without the
slightest.. deviation. and without being
swerved from on my part.” "The same
spirit that Animated thetrebellion at ‘one
end of the line now exists at the othei', to
some extent.” "Though‘tlieae «espective
pal-lieu disagreed in the olject they wished
to uccomplish, they agradinuou thing, and
that. mu (la destruction entice Gong-11mm, end
so fur as that point. {was éoncen‘ed, M: oni
w‘acuquileumonaxt "It isnot ne
cessary for me to {smirk to you that I an
tered this contest it its very incipiencfl
and I Inhoqnot deviated a :fngfi Itch-’3 broédth
from the (in: of policy I theajaid down. I
stand now precisely on the some ground I
stood in the Senate on the lflmend 19th
thy; ollDécember, 1860.” . . "‘_
”Frami- Joi'dnn, of Redford, bu been
ippoinled‘ Chairman of the 'fiopublicm
Suite Central Committee. Conn: waned
the place, but. didn‘t succeed; and 110.17, I:
if to make his rrjection u stinging as pos
lible. his [in] a home in Lpfioimed. John
mu“ pociot. the insult, and retire lo the
shyde- o! “dud dot’dom. K
la-A nun mined King, lyre-led I few
dayn‘uince for u theft‘reoently committed
in ohio, Ind this in Jail It Louisville
awaiting I‘requilition from the Gaul-um
of Ohio, humpfeued to Burk, . "can“,
«find Government detective, that‘ho
(King), and not Pane, In: the man who
itumpwd lo minute Secretary Seward
in Wilmington. in April but. Tho mpg”.
in being looked into. ‘ ‘
X o
rt 0 _2
“Ed ‘.' r
T “53%
‘1) RI ' P 'l'
- e m mim—
”1:23.35: 9,, in: Mai-fig”
:v.:cg~;"s man-$23343, w»
ey.‘ ‘h 0 ‘.‘; 7,
1"1‘3'441' 3“?!» Inc-13.03 sf”
s ' an
W"? br r we" p'nd'm” 'dlpwym ‘M
ih re'bue. th éd- at? too “oan 199:,
;I, . I r L “P. uv ‘ -
-:‘;c'3.:;i.r‘?e"3°gl“’ flame 122% ‘°Ez§gc:‘w
' 'y.l',‘ :1 1 . 0 . .
KG 9k he I? I." r run of Pr!“ - doudofca;q ‘aII 11,011": .1“ kids?“ “_‘Tle: In" .
.az- 1' -uhy I-t‘ nonhuman, ue 'okan
Jét‘l “(:9- De. ”I "we l' i I’l‘fin 0" ' gab in‘lr)“.i" 126‘ 3in") e ‘11: 0:33.“:mW‘3 '.p
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‘cm'Cl'o 'ucpoFD'um Pul ”l!‘ “:99" a
fiv'cbgvsoln.°x.;ra ”In. I runlnm'n'lvug‘. , ‘ gingmlgnrum .. “maggot, .'..«u ,go'
1’0" "" gou' “‘o' e'y‘r'an" I: "'s‘”: FF’L '* "u’r‘fifo ‘1 t“ hfil'fl‘fu‘ (fag. m: i "it
'fi'ofl 1“ d: h f vaid 1’ 1L votob-ezlkva eJl‘r‘alno 11l :0: 1" mllog'wl 1.2:; ::JL‘:J“P'3" ca“. II
.I’ ‘oc .‘. 3.2“. So iI. n 155””! mthupxlfi II 1 wangomzimw
.vul‘z r“, T’ ’8 .bn; 'k ugbew' 1y ."la‘ltnmlfll'Flw: :3 eyfll‘lvm'fl {13.15” gmziorlv'n‘é, "VA k"_°mn' mo.-
’l‘ foul. b.’|l_ y 111, ‘I 7:..." ['l‘uJee' V-x'luofré' e,w‘f,D 't:; “$l2O,
Jdo u. r I HI.- ’0 D I} l on —19 h llo' ' ( “at?" “I‘LLLW‘ pl" - lrfilrimlt B‘u‘ye'ag’ k‘ '0) ' all:
cil n' dII3 I; c g ‘e' E ”ex , 'aww‘"h"e¢ 'mm 'mcu: x 3325» ; {KR-13:: ‘l‘“th dt. a ”
LI“! 9 aa3' i F i‘n' ~t nn'on-u “I ‘169 Dbnfirm’fiwwo‘”
"I?" I"; agroeclns‘n .Elrrign :“Iq I rid "I \::;llM:,"’Hl°°t' 31:11“; .zgnm “3:: be"l‘ifllwfi';fiuglffltl'lxflérf':'M fer! 1': '
‘l “e 'vl Pi u'éo'i ‘1 ' 1’» of fly °y ‘tr°‘c“n"‘r'°“ “mmn'Tli-erd Fm ‘ M'“uk"l’°:“"r"zl‘f’ ”hrs. 6‘3 "fit" ‘
”I 591“ “" r 0 .r 1099}. ‘1“? ‘l'“ 'Be “motion. " bn"uuul.§ld"(v-‘ I. I 0
uf-lOlrfl'Lluo4deyluaou we 'be rrln.m.a’oml}\\u'v ”.1...~
I'.gvn;-”\lu‘no 00 y Frag “I "as rpur Tl' an a)" h: “(gain-‘.' lIJIJn'h (LN-(l’nem 13“"11 :gfifiwudti‘ $9“ HA%&"; #5)“? ' m. (:uI A
lle‘hnnr G‘lW‘ knti ltlde' It tedlu] ofl"c.vTlsr-V° “Unis-I‘D!‘lllllllanlik's:“Jflxclr:‘ll w"‘=»:£Lxfll?tl"’l:"r‘r an I} E;.liwn";rrownl.n y
mm 3 seam It; ‘ :m' '3' : m Immgm'” ~ I.lmm; ;.:-.~: I £11m“ ‘.Wmm
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Wuj O bra]! (I Ih:‘ l. w db [I w_ @lll I, ‘wrhvw on". In“ O'P are {'3le I' üb?s:rl_ 9;)!!th BW‘AF 113R], "D’O‘
ul'lZrirlGe ll“'.3Lr'9:-V {0" -o {Ollldid ‘l3 III“ Juli. "lifiifihxfbouxprfigwm gum}: Hugelbujigsluryfl “n“ 51:. M 34 "Inn 5 {'fil’gi"
Iv. 3 w "ms“.uzuxusznh‘z-u'sMe‘s?" “5- w:I s- r»-
in DO, '1 ""I " "NI o‘h ‘e ‘ w “'- “ ‘Q‘t_:)::::h lln “In”; “4%" k'f—J‘.;l'~“lr2v "S‘il'arzckd b"uxm- 'i'l(l I .w In“;
1" r 10)! 9w. ov llul allocnu‘c“ »,...xn r"”ob£"°°. In
19 m‘h 'ho rI .n d’flw‘k' d c Widens ' ,n'u E‘} .1: 5413‘ '-' mu<‘y-\lll; '4) n! n‘. 'lne q“
[I p ra.'n ml) .I ‘o‘c cs cu 111 41 n bel"s«Tl‘l!A""’x-g‘. s- x ‘I t I’ 1"
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'35“ g g;"al_Uld ocnu‘v“.. n “leir is e “Tutu“: Ird|d*.;’¢,, I, ‘. $1.31?“ 11“ zwh- 50:1:I‘3L g‘xfifiuprlc-I‘hf’lffi, f 5.“ w'rhgdxf Iledl‘lrf 0 ray“ Co‘m‘h, o‘.
am»; gen”. ”.50.": :1. i“ ~ ~- r 2310 '.vllrnsu:%3m\m>"rl" on 1:» unsim-r'é 1%"!
“5:5: 4:: figment :Izz-xsruwznéo'rl-mtm 2: m. 1‘:- 1,0 3'35 eel-m
’3‘ C' i‘e rlu lao "”- “"‘gs.\t"~.>.° “.n.“; "90l ' ‘ I
efnn;hel'se '2‘? to “n IEIYYO‘IPn w‘ Uufll'lh “It“ tr-ltllfnflyh'lg [nuréxhrig’il on ingound ,en‘ \:s{llJj.34;v.:_‘;l:,d:Jfiffiilalhfllag‘wflt' "‘o'. ' .Dl‘ln' [2' “pin”; :4“ ‘.lg Li n‘
men . 3A,. w” 9 I]: II 1‘ h-‘l lulu-ml Td‘hlfm 55 I 111-i .11111 (Para-Len 3:lku 43“»5“ gl. 'd‘r-E'f'l“ n ban-hon
91“] d o"r(, kxeoloyl‘ll, I‘r'mo wfiw at? Lug-uhrlurlncl 'n "A”, übek 'h‘lhr dg. g
. n th.erC yof rkv '0“. 1e n ‘ :lI'II “To be" I II“, - 'uqu'd ; o'..'A'o trill'llu‘ll9rs’L 0513,51,: ‘l4s: . Wm: I}! u 11-' ll" 11, LII. ,4, m g n
': Given" “g-n cnpfl V- I 'o' ’ ”83‘ ”AH ‘0 u \ th“ I: Did“! "s ’.');lH“\ lc 1"le {win I'l,Hi v 'n leg 5 .'l'i- eI”W b I
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P I“ ‘6l“ I1: n 01H”! l“rt I“! ['Bl R. " ddon ‘n‘Hg’Vl‘u‘l. 81"” 378°“ mm." 3:” lshlflrhui‘fl‘ul “flunk rmVL,’ 6' t ”d
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;T'e£"b:w.°r"p‘wh-t he ‘0 Bon :I'lsrn’flgawnwvil *1 m m:- ~ T ~a
t. e" I' n' .w .V "'."l‘ “- -_l“ L“’I;‘11I,\“:r7 'ul'lfa‘l'l- (. 50' on c th'r .I 9‘C ,'lI 0"- lI‘II
-6:91:01; 336ng ‘l‘. 0] em: Pen, 6 oteid- I:&:l§)ln‘i‘:;{:§?:_glgqfllrru. 3:31.53. I Übixssfii‘tg‘jam . Fir-1519:?” CE: :::.l"’lll;v Slut-:01; “.n. . 1“:
i‘ :floteemed buha 86" era OP] 9! or aflq‘ll‘)‘ ‘Tiil'x‘fsf‘b‘f’ D, Is?‘-2r’§-"‘I 1;} ‘Q'l‘fi‘. t‘;l":“d'"‘lzrk "i“rwel ‘.‘:blll” "5 ‘th “.
th 27“! o (,ch if“ IQn‘ t" 9' ea L@ka"WRIT“? h‘fibrmm‘ 91" “Link" “W's": ‘3 91 w! ”bk l‘ '1'“! “l-wv. .‘l. n"
Pe ' gn‘f' rlrd our,“ in ‘ll. a It‘d Sti'fll'l’u‘. 1:;' (I‘ll! ‘.léiflo' :1 11“ ’lsh‘tpr ff”: 1 ”‘l3“ 09469}; bf“, I‘94}er -lleC‘l-l"d
rubs Fin.“ Ii G,-Eh ‘ PO .ic 'll'Wn‘ihl"V“l‘lll'difinrc«ls BlV‘Zilgl‘" i‘ all h“. 111 (- .'(llI--‘”n It? 5 0")” “In”
011-oo t" cn v bath 1'1: (.fiINLIA- urn-Una». :u‘l-lIhJ . "'v‘aovr 4‘513.‘1'-5 aI.
milylc‘ or o fa! 53% o‘9 8 Rio _ g. I}??? '.T-Ifi’l‘tnl’ur “GIN"? n".\~13-.\'."f‘lnl dn(.k‘¢dr‘l“r<u‘l.lllll I "e' \' K “ ’flrllt I Ile s
1a 0 111 a thlhl “i I. p t 1,0 ‘., our): IITIIIII‘II"I;,¥,.1»:,I r3l, (..gslx‘nh II n {um ”n“. In, a, ".5 lll‘o'l-I;
cadedft‘ en i e'IBP .a. A to IT. "Er; ”11-lll‘flollunlfqhs 11. \xII (‘Il“‘;;;n' PhJllla 111, ”(0“ 53(1, I! .J 1‘ If h 1,“
_ar. thei'hlesoren“ 40;“ ‘y. boll-lg .\EIIKRE: frilnlfil‘li‘li Gr' Elva. Igzir‘:?or “altar: ":1“? 3;" III" .93).,” he,” (111 :u‘lxu.fl. ’3lle
“n 115° sp: hf “"Fbo' ”'2‘ “i h‘ i933?§II’«";;§13“*"I5“ ‘r1~;'“3(":. .iI-fi‘inmln ‘blz: n.‘grwi’r.X‘v‘e‘l“-.T?.»"i"n:n'-'I ."u
m. .P-“n n-‘vmf- .."nd’ c 2, °“ fifé‘rflu‘r-x‘féx‘\“-“¥r§"‘-‘-‘l“..‘n‘r-“é‘féxfpw cu*:~°'lo‘h:'{“3‘ u“:"«l".Z’*l'«.‘°l ~
""“d‘m '°°’ ‘5 ‘9" ”9"“ “n m seize I 3.: Is}.
'IX ' .6 46,9531.“ 0;: pty " B§'2“\S§“¥.bz\ls“ 'hflljlz':i'r:<l§” I'l‘l‘l‘t’xl'*:‘”:xr; ‘nd‘cof p‘hg" {“1 lI'I i'l "limeS srlll Ib.: 1' ”I _
0' Bloc {l's" Page 5 rO. 0 :lé‘klolrl'Flg’lrflfi‘Jfl m:>;'3:‘4l'fi Inn‘sélr“: ‘o'! lE3 "iui’rl‘; iI "1:413“? I":’sr" in;
u £3O an -:r :vr'rxg’o: *JPIEr-"ggsm uyrtrf-x-x: "st arr-Ir: .:
’ ' 1 , Ia- I.‘'-. ' - I t.
nd' n ‘hd hel'v haad e';"=.'"‘3‘s:'%“s£l: '(f‘-.l"'s"sTs('_ 'u‘n‘lQlll‘l‘lf": ‘ ' ‘1» \‘lldh’n ‘lyhlh‘!’o If". ' “"‘llh‘cr- "‘l'
1. oh 8 ll‘kltt" \h I .50 ‘.’lanll rIII.Ix
“I! in if 3"“ 35 Q“? ";‘:‘:“I-“:‘?5I‘1‘1“KPH “r"x’.”-r- ‘3‘?” ,-. IIrgI): 11..“ I-"uIJW‘II‘H. I) [l] 9m"
‘9d9 d e I‘. ’lRll‘ll'r‘ngStrb lEQI‘JWI- '(‘s‘7‘3 '.‘“ lul' Law, ‘1 ‘ll 5,9 ‘ [hing "I .1
lN “d ‘m' t'l ~11 lzl‘ >' ‘fl'll’. -I ‘OLRJII x- I“! n' 3.x L. “I |n ‘1 ‘l '1 v 1 ‘I
Ie e “111-Irfifixw 'l.,J.'-I,n‘lp3su 'sl'o‘lru‘ In W- h I H‘gfe 1. 1 Li“
1;; pet \ .1.1 < I t
W e‘! s'll‘ 11d IPI .Jll‘l'l-‘hlxrf “Inn. 2 ) ‘LS 'I ’r -I'l ‘I ’
,9Y fa . In' \\l (”If 1 'l”,'.ru."|"'lé J ’l‘ - ‘ 'n' | "1d 111 :‘I I) H ‘
D° °'k ‘° ”IL-‘aix::~:*:s~;yn"’-\':i‘;m:«-sq ‘- 9.“ w mm. 1' f’
-. m‘oc, I -as}?,;~II+I,;I.,TEIIII;II;F‘I5I fr". ,F. u.;le'el-k'-lII§I I"?
I'a 1. dyeianfilg Jenl."§:C‘: '[l( II u""r.lIl|1nlIl.\
lio )rg‘n‘lnflmnfi‘t: (Ig. 2.15:2 “T n ~“1.”: If“
“11‘; 'Ezmlk'l‘lulL-I‘ln 1" E“. u). “1i?
‘l6}: I’l’fi‘ \vh 0 “U:
rk :\'r H 111 U .
: -.\1,h1-:|ni. D
‘l‘]?ng ,
“lAl‘l'lth‘Aer‘ ntsl'nuxcs.
At the-municipal election in Troy, N.
Y., I few Qdayl ago, the Democratic candi
date for mayor wu~ elected by upwfirda of
300_ majoriiy. let fall (hp Republican
ticket 11:51 several hundred majority in
lh-t city. ‘ j , ' =
- Ellenvme,N.Y.. has elected the whole
Democratic ticket by 365’ majority. '_ Last,
yen- thp "Republicans" had 200 majok-ity,.
Rhinebeck, N. Y., which last yenr
gave 100 "Republicnn'f majority. now élecll
the Dnmoérabic fiche! by 45 maiority}
.-- Alexandria. ‘73.; which bu been an.
der lhp heel of the radical! for {our yen-s.
gins 400 Democutio majority. .
- The Deniocntio gain in New Hamp.
shire. liuoe last full. in two thousand to“,
hundred vomit Lu! {:11 um mpubnm
majority m 7.400: This Hiring“. in only
5,000. , Ellis is glorioul enough for m“
long be hinted region. ' ¥ V .
Thu. program‘- the Degochfio ruin].
No‘ wonder Tind. Steven: imagine. li.
hen-like rumbling of In earthquake. . 1
“A Harrisburg lanai ny; th-l Ber;-
mwm b‘o removed from, :59 Pool. omm
than on up I» cum. ind Gen. Kni'pé
Ipmtyd in hit:
| eutvrn press teemawith notin-a or the Gtgttysburg
1 Spring. ThP Philadelphia Aux-2 lumihe lollo“ lng:
‘ , The Gettysburg mineral springs are th ‘ current
; gensntloms in Pennsylvania, it we are to End-g“ by
the >lgns. The run to tlu‘se springs which eon;-
meneecl towards the «law a: last aumnter still
contxnnm. and in mid to he without a pnmiit-l in
the history or medtvinnl waters. The Gait-minute,
papers lutve tur months past leemeti with nu
‘ counts of mm mw Wonder 0: the 'bulfle—ilcld,
which have been (‘Xfl‘llblvt‘ly copied by the grant.
; national press. .\lr. Greets-fin! tin-Tribune, who
does not usuuliyb. ah)“ muehutu ntlun upon uny
thing else except hln peculiar hubhh'g,‘ notice-I
‘ this remarkable mineral Illstovs-ry. He- .luys:
"A new minnntl hprmg has bog‘n tllscovewd neat
Gettysburg. l‘ennbylvlmin, on the farm where
[tattle \vnanljulned on the limb at July. lXtL’i. The
{titer in s (1 Lu strongly rcm‘lnhlc tint? or Vichy,
n 6 in not. onlysnluln-lous, but renmrltu :ly mlutzt
blu.whieh mineral wutrrs m-e nntgtpt to a (it
‘ course Gettynburg expectsmnd is prepnrlng to be
In fashionable watt-mtg pint-o. while her battle
‘ ground, and Stiliolml ('emr‘tnry, combine tn nt
tmct thousands onsunmn-r autumn We shall try
‘ hard to be among ihutuffl, .
The Phlltulelnhiu in! Illt‘fl' nlan bestows upon it
an editprinl now-9. it myx: “A carbonated
‘ mineral wring has been disnn'err-d on one orthe
most memom lt- buth-flt-lils of the wnr, Gettys
burg. This spring bubbles in u quiet little val-3,
about midWllvhetrwt-en the grnvru‘. 11ml in a local
ity well remrm'nered by those who took 31mm 111
the terrible Kll‘lh' which raged ill l't'uusi' runiu
‘ during the thrm tint. duysnt .lnly.l§4il. int the
‘ medicinnl virtues of this water do not d~pond
wholly on the new testimonynt chetntculuctencm
It. has long been known “tn the residents in the
vicinityns a fining of healing wan-rs. Beforethe
\ fnreuta nmun it were removed, the paths winch
‘ conducted to it. probably beaten by the footatom
3)ng Sag] mm, marked it as an object. of unugunl
I n In .‘ .
It appears that flunk-me of the Pennsylvnnln
flaring: hm: attracted the ntmntlnn of the hot»!
ngu («New York, the Iglunds. ol the Mtfll‘npoll- ;
tan Em! Sin-3mg: Houses, who have Mxlrcn‘sod .
Robert G. McCreury. of Gettysburg. the owm-r,\vo I
bellow-. 9 letter requcstlng'thv loose or tln- hotel I
whlch they under-mud is to be erectml in th«- vl- ,
dnlti': to which Mr. .\lcCl'enry Wplh‘d that no
denn ta amngemn-utn have yet been mmlc to -
erect such a botul,or to Em, the wan-r in the mun
ket, notwithltnndlnfi he int-Waxing Dublin do
mluld for both-t; rep 3' not very mmpllnmntury '
to the Ingaclty and entergrlse of Ponnsglmnm
cnp‘lm'llsta. 15, owing to :1 lelr :imnlrlgn‘, funnel
lpl’ ngn av -n 3 am r ("no t to merits
wrlMem by chrnlmfi and physlrinm‘ of
national reputation, they must be the moist vuln
lbla in the colmtry. Though we understand thut
than spring: are not whatu‘e oalledthc strongut
in mint-ml lmpngnatlon, they ,aro mmprkahlcl
for their alkaline composition and {or thqlr M 3
erfu] therapeutlc enema. The presenculn these
waters or the rum alkali, llthlu which la now at
tracting no much‘attenuon in the. medical world,
Imps-Ls to them a sclentluc ant-ell u A' popular
lnurut. - ‘
THE RENO OIL COMPANY.—Our linden wlll
elsewhere find the advertisement of the Reno 011
sud Land Company. of which Hon. Galushw A.
(Surfing This Company, orgnnlmd on
s. _ com sale. prdpoaes no ,mske Petroleum
A business like gold. lend, copper. Iron, coal. sud
as experience wan-Imm us In bellsvlng. {u- more
profitable chm either. The Company. !t_wul be
seen, owns twelve hlgndmd sags ln the 0111 raglan.
tau hunted-to perhaps owned by any ohaoom
puny. Thh stock issogtumnmed usinst‘lou by
dope-nu: lha National Tremxy,or Investment
in GowmmeutSc-curlues, an: It. becomes vmual~
1, s Ila-gal fl‘ondq 011 Block. Every share will be
med I!» pron precaution. m. the office of
flu Company. We may vunlurathe belief, how;
our,“ undo! lbs mmmeht of the gentle
man in them.and with the immense den-lop
mcnt hand. me mm. wlll be so large mg; no
holdefol’ Bane m will ever unto hue u.
now returned.
elm Jen-e Kohlur and .Ith Km; m fl):-
I‘B up thq large building on the Public Gammon,
1n menu-many known In the “Union‘i‘oun
dry.”_lbr tho purpose of convex-an; it Into 3
m. ‘
or. n. um hymn-ea mo shimmy
ash-mm.) mun-Mm, ”4.1. x,
‘Krthp Rmhnng {And his wife Mo awful and
Beunlblo poopln. They know how to grow lho
finest X'flzrml-lm, amHhvy know who run appre
clnu‘ them. fix me we have to thank mom for a
bnskct. of most. deliclous‘parsmpsL-whlch we now
and here do. '-
#0:) finale; .\londuy 9w mm: 5 mthon party
will he elven at Mr. F. J. \lesun's. M. .\bbolu
lawn. . grand time mgy he expm-mdmml Mr.
W. Tm spare no “fans,” please ml who may at;
Lem . ’
n tract. 01 land
1m township,
$1,611 cash.
We are ‘
trig-over bcl
890(131811- ‘
‘ka-veml eo'mmumcnilrma on hand will to
«in: uLwnuon next-week. - ,
0n tho “clung of the 6th Imm. hr. the Ari-adu
\ llle_Lmhcmn Pal-sunny 'hv “r“. J‘. Kaller Mll
let, Mr. ELIAKIM M. “Ki-31L“ , ‘N m MMEMMA
V. 'NULLEN, bmh 01' Bendemv lL‘, Pu.
On the 15th1nsLJn Fayemxx 11c bfltho nine.
m. n: ma “151*me to 31m; CHA LUTI‘E a.
THOMAgs, pom of Franklin county. '
On mm mm mm. a: the mma‘uce of the bride's
{aim-i Mr. mnnd \Veanpr, l ' the same. 31 r.
HEN Ry J. l‘leTLh‘. or, Yor h‘prjngx, to m:-
A. LIZZIE WLALN'ER, 01 MN) luu wwmlup.
On the 1311: m 3. It, the rmmenoe or the bride'-
mum-rJ vim: .A. Sohucmcr Mr. JOSEPH-‘6.
buALS ‘SSYJoMiu LUUY F. 'WEIp-Lxu‘. both
or Littlentown, Apluns county. L
On the nun inst. by Rrv. W. n. H. Dun-ich Mr.
WM. LL SHANLR, of Lee county, 111., :0 Sum
MARRgET 15.. {hangout daughter 0! Mr. Adan
Butt. 0 (mmber :‘md low nshqg. this county.
On the sum Inst. b) the mane. Mr. ISAAC W.
both at Mounldoy township. [ms county. '
4 0n the 2:4 mm... b? Rev. Samuel mum-ur' me
or Xowa. 31:. w ILL A)! r. 1.011“ :4; man 1.011 a.
WJEKMAN, both of Adams county.
’On Thumdzgalast. by Friends"oeremony Mr.
ANDREW x ER, of Butler township, no Emu
142.5 z BIL, daughter 01 cym Grunt, otMennl
leu township. .
On the lam 111-L. at the residence of the arm--
lather by Rev. S. L. M. Conscr Mr. ISAAC W.
cuAnmmuN of Laxuyene. I'ndhmn. to Mt-
SALLIE 1; infirm. otnmmvrn, Mann co.
0n the 701 mm... 19 Menu-Hon township Adm
county, by Fun-ml: oercmony. SAMULL WAY.
.n., 01 Bedford ooum‘z, Pm. lo JANE WILSON,
daughter oer. B. \ 11501:. Lake! Bender-vino.
08:: :1: mm lnaL. by Rev. W. K. Zleber, It.
RISfiAN 1!. B’I‘RIUKLEIL or Adnnu coon”,
to £s:th ANN BBODHECK, 0! York (:0.
uOblmary notices 8 mus per line {or All our
(annular—man to accompany notice.
O‘h Tue-(in week' In mun! leuant mun.
Mr. .103sz Kcnk. aged mam yam-‘l, ‘ ‘F”
0n the ma 11:31., nmNmeaster mu county,
“the residence of her nnoie. Mr. hunch. Mu-
AMASDA 0.. WM 01’ Peter Gownov-r, of
gamma}; mun-Ip. Ico'd 20 year“ month: And
um. ‘
0.9 m ma am. in am, nu. ma! up
BMBHT.I¢BG ”run {mud a dim.
On an mu inst. Mr. DAVID BAKED. “Hum
uumtovnuhlp. and so yam and 1'! days.
urn:- IIAIKEI" 'rncm.
Uuu ..
Tlmolhyde-d .
How, per huud................
Beef Callie, pur hand.” ...;
Dr. Tofilnu' "uncut-II Llnlmen‘.
It cures l'lmh m, Hm: first lukl-n, m n frw
houn; D_\ senter) in) hxll nu hour; 'l‘omhuchr
in five minulm. Ix u putt-Ml; innuce-m to
lflkl' inn-man". MM is n-comlm-uh-d l-y Ihc
most eminent l'hvuriuus iu lnc [Sum-d ankles.
Place 40 uud H) {‘f‘lllaA _
DE. 5. I. Tnhias, New ank: “our Szr—l
huh-Ansel yuur Venom"! Liuimmt with great
success, hmh ms nu intexml as well as :m n
h‘rnul n‘u-dirlnn I'n cum-s ur li‘nlious ('u‘nic u'rhi
'Chulera .\lorbus I feganl it as lovvrngu
remedy. \‘maneucliuu Horse Lm‘xenlsl ‘.u-ls
unnullvg! u n hnrpc mrdxcim amongst hu
neu and bmumeu on this cnmJ.
. \\'\l. LEWIS,
' . ,‘Snp't soth Hmnch Paul].
1 Self by all Drflflgltls. Uflice. .\‘o. 56 (ton.
laudv. 811., New York. [n.‘hr. )2. 1m
Th; Idveniper, havmg bren restored (o
bum; in a {few weeks by n'verg simple rrme
dy, after having sum-red hlr sevrral yenrs with
a severe lung uflection, and that dread disc‘lu',
Consumption—is anxious to make known to
his lerw-nufl‘erers vhe mum! of cure.
-\ To all who iiuire ii, he will sand I copy of
the premripliun need (in-e of charge) with
the directions [or propurmg and wing ”In
same, which they will 6"! a. win: aim: rox
Cnsavlnlox. Asmn. ‘Buostums, Corona.
Cows. and b” Tlnoau and Lung Affection-.
The only olnj ct, vi the «durum-r in finding
the Prescriphon is to b'enefiuhe-nfll'cledand
spread information thigh he conceives to be
invaluable, Ind he bow-a only sufrrer uill
try his remedy, a! it will con them nothing,
snd may prove a blrsning.
‘Purviol wishing '.he wescriplion, unfit:
return mil, will pleno Andrus ‘
Williniusburg, King: co., New Yolk.
lint. 5,1866. -ly, .
hns Furrhmd
Ink, 1: Frank
rovcmunu, [or
ew aubscrlben
tho year. A
i «r. nu :- : nu Came
u thou who MI in the rebel r-nkl undoubt
edly do', in: foolish. But on (be other ‘lund
u than who are wise und prudom enough-to
remedy the defec'c of nun" with
‘kmmsnnomrs mm DYE, ,
ar- doiug every any, in ovary City of the U
nion, is eminently pnheworlhy. This pene
ful revolution in going on “trough“ the
whole land, and than beauty sud human! lup
phm. homelineu u.r.d incongruity. Mlnufsc
mm! by J. CRISTADORO,NO. 6 A3lo} Home;
Xew York. Sold by BMW. Anilied by
In Bsir Drums. ‘ [lily 3. l-
A Gentleman who Infrared for jun tron
Nervous Dobility, Premuure Den}, And all
the ate“ of youthful indiserouou, will {it
[he byte of Inlarinngumsnity, lend {ratio
all who need ig‘lhe rec'po Ind direction. for
making the limpla remedy by which he nu
cured. Snfiereru withing m profit by the u!-
Yardler’l experience, can do no by Addruling
No. 13 Chnmben BL, Nzw'fork. 1
Mn. 5, 1866. 1y ‘
no and In! '
PROF. J. ISkACS, M. D., Ocnlln and Ami-g,
formerly nth prden, Holland, it located I: No.
519 PURE Strut. PHILADELPHIA. when per
lona unlined with disuse: Ohio BY! 0: 353
will be Identifies”; treated find tin-ed, I;
emu. N. fi—A_BI‘[F!CIAL use gm,“
without. puia. No clump- n‘wo {min-3;...
(in. The .061"! halt, it hm”, " h
bu no new in ii. not. of my“. >
July 17,1866. )y -:
lgm‘m up:
ha 0m: lanai Ready for Inmfliu.
Thou Dropl on o doodle-ll] compound
ed avid preparation. and mm am In, rim.
Pow‘aeh or Nuolmnl. Being liquid, their
notion ll direct and pond". rend-ring n..- o
"Hi-MO, Wendy and cumin npecific r 9: Ibo
once of ‘ll obstruction lud .npptusionl of
noxure. Thmnpopulurny is Indicated by the
{lch am our 100,000 bottles are “mun", told
ond~connmed by the India. of the United
Sun-I, every one of whom speak in the-nong
eu terms or prniu at their great nedu. They
ore r-pldly ukln‘ an rlnco o! Inn-other
Femlle Remedy, and are ronaldcred by I" who
kuomonght at then, u u» “not, ate-I, Ind
molt infallible preparation in 12:. world, lor
‘xhc cure or nll female complain". the lemon!
,or ull obouhcllonl of nature, Ind the promo
.hon o! hullh, "3mm, and strength. Ex
ipllrn direclionl Ignlng when they .on ho
med, Ind explaining when and why they
Ihozld not, nor could not be and willihoiu
. |pro nning efl'ecu contra: so umre'l c boon
B'oo :0: :2 late, will [:3 found artfully folded around
1 ”o w z 00 ‘ curl: bottle, with the writpen lignnlure of Jon:
I 60310 1 55'1" Lynx. “than! which one are genulno.
50! Prepu’ed‘hy Dr. JOHN L. LYOX, IV!) Cblpel
- 60 final. New Haven, Conn., who on be cun
_‘ 35 eulled either personally, or hy mail, («uclonug
‘ 7013 mm“) cool-wining all prlnlr disc-u" and
2 50.10 3' 00 ! femnle Wenknenol. ficld‘by Druugilll every.
‘ 7:. w 2 “Of-um. - ‘C. G. ('LAHK a 05).,
4.5” to 5 0"1 ‘ _(len‘l Ageull [or U. Smud (Yum-din.
hOO w 5 W 1 .\ov. c, .1465. 1y
Mil tisuore.
171110 To
{cam 72;
. 4'» '1) 49
.\b o'.) [U '.‘s .‘u
. 3 s') 1.03 73
.111 001014 on
.H U!) 1018 00
..17 3h WIS 00
.. 2 2:» to 2 :5
Tuuwwnmln, Pn., Aug. 8. 18'9
To Consump! [Vt-11.
Ilavoro of Youth.
n. um: I:qu- lumqu. ’
' Sn. Jnm (‘uumsl Cup-nun Fun.
Plum Prvluu'ed ‘ftom n prucupuml m ”m:
J. l‘lurke, M. D.,J'h’aiclm Eurnunhunry m
the Queen. This invaluable ulflllcllle m uu.
filling in lhe (ure 0! nll lhme painful nmi
dangerous dim-n 59: to “lurh Ilm lemnlo cun
nmntlon is subject. ls mmlvrxuruflrmw:
nud ro-mou-I all obstruction“, an pvwly
( un- um) be relied on. I
T) .\hunod Lad-u u is peculiarlv min-d --
It ml). in u :Luart liuu‘. bring on the nlunlhly
pmio-l will: rrgnlnril}.
Bach bolllo. price. Ono Dollnl-I ‘ll‘fll‘l {ln
(hvrrumrm hump of (item. Britui‘n, to prur
n-Igt rnnuu-rmts. ' ‘ .
{ CAL‘IHN L—Thwe Pills Illnuld no! he: tub-n
In I‘m-mafia dun“; thfilflil mun uuwn- u:
I’m-gnaw}, u! me) u aure’tu bpna uu M..-
,c’uriur, but nl nl’u‘olhrr ll'm liq-513n- ml!
‘ In a]! .InN of ermu. Mu} SpamlWfli-nlimu,
I‘Aum 11l lhr Huknnd Limbs, hnigui‘ Int-ILI L
Hrrliun, l‘ulplhn: on nf Ihr ”curt. ”filo-n4 '.‘
nnd \thlea, lhwe PM! {VIII L'HL'"| u run- wln n
all ulher Hymns lmx'e leiled; nnd‘nlllmllgh it
,m“ um] n Ull‘li}. alu not vuulu u Irnn. rnlunwl,
,umimuy, ar an; Hung huruul lo the mullim
l Full dirrulnna in llu- p lmphln nnmn‘l earl:
puck-Iprfixhifll should be nth-fully pn'ncrgld.
J Sulnl bv all Ilrnggiala. Xult .\gkn'. lur lho
‘E'nllutl SLIM: and l‘nnmlu. '
l .lull “was, zrr‘oruumn n. V. Y.
l ‘N. ll —3 I .0" llnd {Spying-nah)” I-nnlu-Hl
1:0 may luvhvmb d Age’iu, will iumiru [um—Rh
fronvnlmn; .’vo _Plll=. by return Imul. 'bUM h/
A. [L Blu-hlvr. ' “In. 11, 156.3. 1!
LH' I"-—HEAI,'| 11-«S'l RHVTTH
LH'E— 'l'}: \ L'l )l—~."l'l(l~,,\h'l‘ll
LH XVI—HEM TU»- .\"l “1.3151 U
[in erx “FLAMABN'S‘
(‘IKZLEuRkTLb sm mu mus,
Prepni :l {rum 'pru.ri;ifiun uf' Dr, Ju_m IN-h.
nmnr ('mol I’jl'uu mu uf’lln- 111-:1: ( ul
.un Sum! ou [imi'vnisirflf of 'l'umg A
This ImMnnMe nmhclne ii n 0 inummlzon,
hul i« lfnlnihngin [he run: uf Spry-Inn! ur' u.
ur Semi“ II Wm’LnEu. Ewr) slur-N n! lhm.
ml or l'nimrj' Irratihilir), lmulunmg m"
.\l'ulnly Svumml Ennlsnium frnm anw-r
umw prmluud, or huwu‘er .2\‘err,_mll bu
syn-lily “hum! dud the urgnn: ruldcd lu
Ine.llth'\’-_u.xuvl. ~ ,
: [land {he fullnwing élniuionl of eminent
,Frrm-L pl»_\-irmus| . ,
- “We h..u~ In'd the Sprrifir Pill: Inn-[HIH‘J
b} (inrnn- innit hum-m, No. 1H Hm- Lum
‘nmld. pro-Inipliou 0! Dr. merll In.
mare, in our- prim-u- prnrlm- with unglurm
‘lllcl'('3~' 12nd “c bullwh- [here in m. min r “ml;
hum go Well cnlcul.xled tu rum all pen-ms
luflnriuz {rum luruluul.|ry Elui-rinns ur my
y'nlbrr “rnkmn nfllu: lit-um] Urgnm, ulltlln-r
.rn‘x~ed h) u sedtuhur) mmle M In iug, uh l’satfl,
m" LIIIIIEL‘. IL. ‘\.. lhzn urx'kun, .\I. I);
, G I}. IHnlum. .\L D.
: Jim; [.3 hunting», .\1 l).
Purim MM sth. h: .i." ‘ I
T'Hfi‘Zu-nuine'l‘illn are luld in A“ the pr3n.
rinl Inugurmul‘lhmughoul Ilu WorliL I‘liu
('n’n- liulnu per. I;nx,ur bu but}: fur lno
Doll vr-. ,
(LILWI'JEIII k Dl'hnTwHO]! Paul-rem",
Nu. ‘Zldvflue l.mnbnrd,P-nv.
0m- Dolhn ruv'luu'! lo an) Lullwrisml Ayn-m.
Mil} insurc n Inn by Wham mnil' srcurrly
s::.l;d fwm nH’obavn‘uthn; his lléxru tar (no
Julius .‘ - . -
Dale QumrahAgenls for Amt-rin-h,
USUAI: G. .\tusHsJJ; (IL, ‘
'2? “ml min n .z\. I'.
N R—anrh,GMum-hypenullvuuifihuh h
Pu'l‘nphlrls, rhnlnumg iuh pnr' ‘rnluu find .h.
recuuns fur me, «n: lrre to "kw-lung.
A. I). Buehlrr, Agent lur Gut} shurg. ‘
. bangs. mm. Iy .' -' .
Dr. Mann-urn (‘ulprrh final.
This MUN.“ lhnruughb quurm furlfm he
”10an unicle knuu H [gr rhnng Iho Cull-uh,
(‘uld m 11:: ”(~qu and llrndnchn. Ix Lu Lu:
found an nrrnrul rvvnedy in many r J-nt uf
S[)IE:I':.\’PS. Dunn-is has beer. rrminnl l._\ i!,
mu] Hmnng hul Mun been gmlly “uprated
by its me. ~
ll in frnyrnux and ugru-ruhle, and cm:- In
xsmnt. I:“.ng In an- dun hmvy inIIII'nIIPMI
by diseases of llw'hrud. Thr lrulnlibln n'lrr
using i] are- dmiglufnl and imigurnllum n
‘ opom a'ml pn‘rgu on! nllobstruvlinunpurnglh
was (he ylzlluil, and ngu a health; union lo
‘thr 5. nt- ufl'v- Ird. .
‘ More ‘lmn Thur; \‘um' of sale and an of
“‘Dr, .\laruhnll"! Unlnrrh and Hmdm-hé §nuff,"
hns pron-i] in graft ulmv far all “1' cnmmu‘n
diam": o! the hmd‘ and I“. this lubllll’hl
glands higher than cur Odo".
‘ h iyrvuunnueudvd by mun; ut the but phy
sirinm, Hill] is Inc-l um: gran“ Inn-em Ind
lulllnclion 'vrrywhere. _~
Bend the Otl'llfif'ulfi bf Whole-n]: .Drnu
gials in 1.554: “A! under-Synod, [mung ior
,mgun _VHII'I bnn‘ucquninmd wixh “Dr. Mur
ubnll'a Cnm‘rh Ind “cu-h: he Snnfl',‘ In-l uqld
it w nur wholesale Irkdewheerfulh mu—l lhu
wevb-here it to he «4111.11.11. cg”; u-ppul, to
the rwummerdnuon. gum at n (or the run.
of ('m-rrhnl Am-cxium, and that ii i 5 decldrd
ly‘xhr Les-1 much.- Ic have eu-r know {or I“
cummnn dicnscs of the “end.
Ugnrr 3 Perry, ”0910"; Rec-d, Annon 1 Co.,
Buetun; linmn, ansou I ("D., Bonon; Med,
.Culler a ('13.. Marlon ; Seth W. Voile, Bunun ;
Wilsou,‘ anlmnk A» 00., Beulah; Henohlw,
Edmund l '30., Bouun; H: .Mny, Purlllnd.
He.7Bnrnu l I'fik, New York; A. B. l D.
Snndu. New YurkLMvphc-n Piul & Co., New
York; lsmel .\linor & (3a., New quk; McKn'
son I: Robbin. Nrw York; A. 1.; Soon" & Co.,
New Yin-k ;.)I. Wurd, Clo-e & Co., New Xork;
Bush 5 (60-19. New York. , _
[pr enle b) all Drunk“. . Try it.
Dec. 13,1955. 1} . ' -
Sun" [OI nu NmeuH-A molt "llh
ble Ind 'wondonul public-lion? A 'ork of
400 pug", And 30 colored Knpnvilnl- DR.
nunaa's um: uxcvu, -- origin-l Ind
popunlr unliu on In nod Won-n, their
Physioloy , Functions, Ind Hun! divorce" ‘
of every {in}, with finer-Flinn; Benedie.
to! theit opted} can. The pructiu of DB.
HUNTER bu long been, Ind mflmnbound
ed, but u the «wage uolieitflloo of nnflerou
penal", be bu bnu induced“ extend in")
medical usefulneu through the medium of bid
hVADE MECUHJ' 1H- 3 volume than Ihould
be in the hand. of every mail} in tho land. I!
. provengive of secret Vieea, or u I gold; for
the trunnion of one of the man "flu! and
damned" scourge. um! ever waited unkind.
One copy, lecurely enveloped, will be forward—
ed {no of poouge to my pm 0! the [Jilted
89m for M) cem- in P. O. Ihnpl. Addnu,
pout pfid, DB: HUNTER, No. 3 Din-100 33.,
how Yotk. '" 1y
‘ _ _- “ [Sept 25.‘
.lI'II‘C. but True. '
Every young Indy Inigonllenn SI an.
United State: cm hau- something ":7 lICI ,
to their ndnnuga by recur uni] (rm or
charge.) by I‘dfoilil!‘ the under-cind—
‘l‘hou hlviuz tun of bait; huh-ad um
oblip by at with; m- .14. . An 3%
.111 plout‘udxgu their Mint may .5
7308. I. CRAP”,
In. 5, 'u. 1, I 3! Broadway, 3. Y,