The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 26, 1866, Image 1
null or mums .' m (XVMFILE‘R In inMIIIhv-d 0v»?! Mommy mm by mum J. on pm' In mu- " paid AMcuy‘tl nnxczqz 50 pct '33- mm: ”not paid In Nuance. No sninrripllon din conunmu, “MN“ 3! tho opuon or me numb-her, null} .11 nmhmes un- paid. ’ ADV ER‘I‘IS‘EM rm Inserted at lhl‘ usual rutm. Jun PRINTIN G _of an Klpdu done with nwl neu and dispatch. .. ‘ , 7 J OFFICE in “(with Humumro afn‘nt. NW9"? muruq mm High. nnar mp l'nsl mum-“Compl in! filming Ofl‘u-v" on “no sign. i fifeésiéfai Bards. Doctor C. W. Eamon. “ FHQE at \he Rnilrond llouso,(lrnntroom{ O formerly urmyiud by Dr. Kinzer,’ ' LITTLESTUWN, PA. .Jun 919,1865. tf Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s OFFICE And Dwelling, N. *l. corner 01 Bal timore Ind High streets, near Presbyterinn Church, (Jelly-burg. I's. ‘ . Nov. 39, 1863. If .‘ ‘ _ , Dr. J. A. Armstrong, l I lU'ING removed Irom New Salem, York calmly, and having locum-d M. .\lifldle lunu, Adnm' cuttnty,’fl'erl his Inmfmalozfnl serum-s [_9 the [:llch . [July 31, ’O5. 13' Dl3. Dr S. Pefler, IZBOTTSTUWN, Adams mnn'y, continues A the pzuclite nl his profession in all‘iu hunches, and wpuld reapcclfully invite ull ,h'l’nOlll aflhcted With an; 0151 standing dis eum (_0 mu and musuh Imu. ' \ Uu“.”, mu. m, n , -'..‘H . I- ‘ . ‘ , ( ~ Mu” Eiwatd B. Buehler, TTURN'HY AT LAWV, will hlilhfuny nnd Apromptly uttend to all husinesx- entrmu-d to bun. He ipt-uks the Hennun lunguhgk— Ulfit‘dJll the firm plnce, in.SouM} Baltimore llrLel, m-nr Pbrney's drug stare, nnd neurly oppm-Le Banner 1: Zieglerls store. - ‘ 1 Gu'upburg, .\ln‘rch ‘.'ll. , ‘< J. CuNeelyr 4 ; TTUR‘H'TY ‘.\'l‘ 1..\ \V. —l’.€rlit' Mtt‘n- A mm [HM tn cullvminn of l’l-nsinn-a, Hduulv, And Hurk-puy‘. Ulfice in the S. E. curl! 4’ 01' the Dnmwml. (h-llyahlrr'g, ‘.[lrfl ti, I‘M3. If D. McConnughy, J T'I‘URVHY .\l‘ 1..\ W, (nlliue 9m: door wcsl - A ul lhwhlt-r‘: drug: Ind hunk “or",lilmm- Mum—4 Arm-l.) .\‘r-rmun' AND Souuwou mn‘ PAI‘) wry! nu l’msmm.‘ flaunt.) lugml Wm run-l, fil-wk-pmy ‘usln-nnlmlg(‘luimsY uncl ull ‘ mhr-r ('1 mm ”win-'1 the Gm’cLUHN-ntnl \Vusln ing'uu, l‘L U._; nl<r3AmericunUlai‘lus in England.’ 1. ml \\' :rmmslumtell null suld,urbou'-,:m,:lnd ‘ lux'uwl pri‘ 0‘ gixen. Agents engaged in lo am”; \ununls in low», Illinois and uLhr." w. «mu iLIu-s 7A4?.\pply to him parsmmllfi or l \ [MU-(‘.. ’ ' mnunmg, Nov. 21, '53. . , , V’ J’ liuw Partnership. V 4. Ut'Xt'M .2 .1. H. \\'lll'l'l-‘,. \V'. - .\'l"l‘L)H.\_L\S .\‘l‘ LAW, '\\ ll prmniv'lv “In-ml 1n n“ lrga: bum-Inc‘s Mirna"! In llu-mriuulwlilm (luzln'm-luin: (If Pt'll-II’II“. Havlllh. Huck IHS. Illnl :IH other klalllli uglinw the [lmLed SLRLys und'b'lmé Hun “I‘ll“htw- Ulliu- xu Vurt‘l \YesLCorncl of Diamond, Unluflnu'u.l'L-Ilu'u. _ .\ivfll J, IHUS.‘ U J. Lawrence Hill. M. D., .\5 his mlix’w one , .'D‘"\.; W 7 II (lan’ wo~l ofthcmg‘l Luflu-rnn churrh in " C mnhcrsi urg duvet, nnd opposite- I’ickmg'q at. refiu h -re Lhuaé wishing: to have suffihnml 0‘ “mini. [urymmbd ure respectful!) iin‘ilt‘d 10 m I linmnswei Dre. Harm-1. lh-r. (‘. I" Kn ut I. 11. (HRH. H. 11. ”Higher. l). D., llrv. Plgnt'. \l .l with. Hot. Kl. L. Sinner. ' (:clt3:<l;|lr;:,.-\,nr|lll,'s3. . ‘ ‘ Cemetery Removals. , IYY'TmMI‘r-lignt ILlH‘ing Ull‘ uulhurizotl person T If) xnukv n-Inmuh~ into E\ cr gin-en ('t-uw h-ry.h‘nguj< llmv cur]. n 4 contemplate the rmnmnl ()Mlu- rum lin~ ul' ulwvnfiml ”:11”th ur nil-lids “ ill A\.lil lln-nm-ht-f m lhi: emunn oi'llm} mu to hnw i! dmw. I'm-nmvnh mmlu “'th [lluulplluss —-tmms low, nnd nu L-Wurl unwed m pit-Me. , - l'l-l‘l‘llli. THURN, \lnrx h .12, ’6O. KPP]!|"l‘ of I.llo(‘mnML-ry. Hardware & firm-cries. Y ‘lll‘l .-|.|r.¥vnbu; hue Jllnl 'x't-lurut-Il from l Iva «iii-‘5 \u'h 'gln Hlillll‘llir sum-1y of H \RUWRL'E & (:ldN'liHHuS, which 1:10) nl'e nth-II”: uhl stand in liult’nnpn- rm“, :1! 1n |w~ lB:u'r_t the “fun. Uur stud: k‘Ullalal: in 1: rll 01' . ' r in 11mm: MATERIALS. § unrns'nzxrs TOOLS. (. ‘- ; ‘ULACKsan's 'rm'us, = ‘ CUM'H meus sum: l?!i\‘nrms. , , c-.\I;I\I:’1‘ .\1 mm: s Tums, ‘ iluurl'k'lalel’ku's l-‘IXFI‘RES: I ALI. mus 0F umx, kc. CRU!‘ CRIEH (IF A LL~ KINDS, (ajlm‘. I’.\L\ l'h,’-&c., kc. There is nu :‘nlix lu xm [mlml in [he :I‘\L’l‘ll (it[lfll'uhenté"l'o““!le ulnue but ulml um he had 111-3111 i; Slow.— livrr} cl:\=s (If .\lrrlmm'v: cam he M'comnmdnted here uith {OOl5 my hudmgsmnd Humekcepcri mu findrxcly nltiulc in their line. (iive‘us u (all, “‘4 “L‘ nre prep |rrd to sell as low tor cnsh += .|n_\ house out 0! [hr rit)’. JUhL IL BANNER, ‘ ' ' ' DAVID ZH‘I‘ULKR. Genysbdrg, .\[ny 115. mm. . The Groal CDiscm cry OF THE .I.(;lsl.—lnflnmuun.ury uml (Jlno'p‘c lllu-nm Hiwm ('.lll be cured by u:iu~_' HI 1.. “MAJ-21:5 Ul‘lLHlHiA'l’l‘ll) llllgUMA'l‘lC MI {- TUlll~).' .\lnuy pruminem citizens of this, and the :uljniuing counties, ban’e 1.0-1!“in to its glen nullity. IN 51165 t in lihvumnlic Infec- Lmns. lms hut-n hithertq unparalleled by any spcmfic, imleuce-l to the public. Pnce 50 ce’nld perhoule. {For snlv by ull druggislsun‘d slnrc-kvcperi.‘ Prmircd only by H. L. MILLER, Wholugule and Imm Druggist, East Berlin, Adamatounly, Pu.J dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Ulla, Varnish, Spirits, .Painls, Dye-slufl's, hot; Lled Oils, Essences tnd Tinctures, Window Glass. Perfumery, l’guem. Medicines, kc.,..kc. W 3. 0. Buulller is the Agent in Gettys burg [or “ H. L. .\Ullcr‘s Cvlc-bnued Rheumatic “inure." . '1 [June 3, 13“., '1! n , ' SH“ 11l “'ork 3‘ ; llEundersigm-d continues the ' T J CARRIAGE-MAKING?BUSINESS, in ull ‘its branches, M. his old “and, in East. Middle mn-et. Gettysburg. ‘ 1 .\BW WORK nude to order, and , REPAIRING done roni Kl ndulowest prices. - Tm? firgtja‘tte SEBING WAGONS 'and a ,sLElGHrursale. “ JACOB TRUXEL- Dec. 7,1803. ,_ N ”_fl Sale; Crying. W. FUN .\IING cohtinues the husinua A. of SALE (DRYING, and solicits thecon- Liuued pntromge of the public. Itis~his can lzmt endeavor to give satisfaction. Chm-3925 moderate. ,AReaidence in Breckinridge sci-net, Gettysburg. , ‘ _~ ' _‘ ‘ ‘ .P. S.—-He it nut-ousted Auctioneermndar the Tu Law of a» United Stun. , Nov.‘24, 1861. < _._l_ .Dol‘onwulll. .- 0 preserve-. 5 noon Imm- mourn"- youx childre' at our lr'iends? KO." w co to MUM/PEE’EGALLERY, the best plus {sll6 county to leéure first. cl“: DENIM: ' < , ~ A.Few4 7-30’3 . . , 1114!. on hand and for 1310 at THE FIRST , NATIONAL BANK OFIGETTYSBUBG GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Oct. 9. MS. 64 TI'BAC’I‘ING ATTENTION.¢—The superior A PicLui-éo Mon at MUMPER’S SKY an GALLERY. on West-Middle IL, are stunting yuivensl attention. Good judge! pruununce them superio’r‘to an fiver taken in thin place», Call anti examifio’g’r yourselves, Jnuszss. , 3 .- 8369. Hwy Root, 00m Stuck, Rico-don 1,9415%. fpnugu a 9: 113 mm: 9&mL fig.» “_.- " m‘imqnm’kfifi‘mmnfiffifi: U ‘s‘?“[7 1, f 115.3 mum-3‘" , A ©EM©©RATU© M—D ‘mmmfl 0 BY H. J.‘ST.\HLE 48th Year. Grout Alli-action. OLD. AND SILVER 1 " G ' [MIMI/L4 {GIUSJ _ 51,0004“) wanna ur ‘\\'ATCHES_ ND JEWELRY ‘ . to be disposed of at ' . ‘ ' ORE DOLLAR EACH! Without regnrd to wife l Nut. to be paid for until 3'.» know wh 1. you are to receive! BY A. H..ROW.EN 3: Co., (Agenfix fur the Mnnuim-lurersg‘ No. 51“; HEEKIAN 57”", NEW You. @Rmtrihe following List of Articles to be sold‘ (bu-10M; DOLLAR EACH rm meowm.niih‘g-maen'nzchu..euchsl:s oo ,mu Gall) “wanes. vnr’s stylt-a, “ 7o 00 2'o“ Hallies' Gold Watches, “ 50 00 (.011 Silver Watches, each, $23 00 to «m 00 low" Elegant Silva; Plated ‘ , ’ ()thur Stands, each, 20 00 to 50 00 1000 ‘Elognnt :S'ib'ér Plnled l'rnil A: Calm liuirkeu, . 15 00 to 2" 00 1000 Ms of Silver Plated Ten i: Sppoiis,’ ’ . 800to15 00 2100 ms nl SilH’rPlnted Forums (m to 15 no 2:000 Goblets, engraved, 4 (TO 10,8 00 3mm pairs 0! Table Spoons, ’ ~\b (A 0 to 800 3mm pairs at Salt Spoons, 34m m- 5 00 ‘4500 mpgmfiyeuc Napkin Rings, 4v Do to I) 30 _BOOO pgirsnl l‘undnm Eur 111-0(1):, ‘ . ”.‘.-(Aru‘d'rolora) , {J 00 [l 3300:0151” l..udies‘Juvelryfimi mulon Ii nu, .' 2300 (iol-I Lockets, ong‘d luv-ks, much ince pu-ilm-t imim liwLLHdiL~.~' Width. 2030': Lullil'a' llucli' Combs, rich 4 mud uninue pluu-rnn, 5 00 to 4400 Bell. Hu:.~l.les,‘Uuld, Jet and l ' Vulcmule. * ‘ 5 0010‘”) 90 c: ool'ngJé \ ks! kNu-kChnins,s*go m [2O no hDuuGenls' L‘nl‘n Diamond Pins,s (11? to 20 UU 4mmL‘ulif‘a DiamondEuNhupe,.‘s 00 {o_lo UO suoflhninturvuud Emmett-d Ru voh-n.g'l'i’ns, 4 500 to. 10 00 2UOUL‘uljlornin'l)minond and En. (ichla'ficurt‘l'iun. 2000 .\lxmmicjmd Emklem Pins,2 2.300 GUM Jhnd Brarflt-ts, cu gnuml mud plain, 3 00 34100 .lc: and .\lusuir “mm-hes, 3 00 u; 20w Cameo l)ru‘zu~lxos,.liuh pnt- _' ' trrns, very luxly, 5 00 tn'ZO R $OOO (.‘orul Bar Drops, :4 00 to 6 U 2000 Ludit-a' (Jhtuelnine phains r mud Uunrdtihw‘m‘a, ‘ a 001.0 15 00 6mm (ien's' Mug, a splendid us- auplmeut, 4000 Fullllirl‘ Shove Buttons, entirely nmv $319, 3 00 to 10 00 3WO Stud: mnl .\‘h-vvc Uultbns, ‘ inv-sets, very liulx. " ' 3 OQM £0 00 5009‘ Sim-re Humm. plniu, ‘ t-nupwlvd uudengrnwd', ‘3 00 to 809 104100 plain and bnudaumci) en- ' man (I Hinge. , 250t010 00 Bmm Lockets. double «use, rich l_\ engraved; . 2 00 to It) 00 15000 31.-[sol [unlit-G'JMvt-hy,ugw - a und lulu»! Myles, 1‘: (‘0 '0 I‘2. 00 smm lmndsomr Srnl Kluge, 3 on m 8 00 2mm sv-ts n)‘ Unsnlu Studs, , 2 5010 _6 .00 100060le l'cna nnvl Gald_F.x-1 [ML-inn “mum. ’ 1:. no to 25 00 2000 =l4}: Jr! mu? Uuld Pins and Ear Duns, ' 6 0010 10 ”0 2000 GhldTllixnl)k‘3,Pcm‘il< &c.,4 00 lo 6 or) lunuo (:ohl l'cns agud handsome « Silver ('urps; 5 00 to 8 00 10000 Huh] Pens und handsome ‘ J-Z‘mny Holders, 4 00 to 6 00 The nwlhml or (“ipOSinfl of these goods at 0.\1<2 DHLLAR I'm in is n: inllows: Cortifimh-s. naming much ‘m‘licle nnd7 it: \‘ulue. Ill'l‘ plivwl in sejlosd envelupog iuul’ well mixed. 0110 nl '.th czlh‘lnpcs will lu: soul lnyi muil to any .nddnus m: receipt oI'ZIS cents. y Un the “Well-l of the Celtiliwto gou‘will Hoe wlmt .\uu are going to have. lllle- is n! your nplinn [0 send the dull.” und lake the urtirlu u; nul. l’urclmsors may thus oblain‘u Ulllll Wan-h, Diamond King, or any set of Jeucl'y on our list. fur QNE _lNllJlA R, mud ill-n 0 case I can they g-el lcs= thnn‘ 0m: 'l)ollnr's worth..ns.{ there «Ire no blanks. The price ochnificuu-s“ i; as follows :—-Une forl‘lb‘ cenu; life [or $1 1 eleven for $3; thirty lot 55; sixty-five tor $lO, one hundred [or 515:. ’ ‘ The diflnbuliou is conducted fairly, and all hm'e an equal chance of obtaining: the vuluahlé firizvs by pun unsingv-‘the Certificaltes.‘ We guarantee‘eutire satisfaction in ull cases. .\Eems wnnted t 6 whom we éfler special rum: and premiums. —Send 1:7: cents for one Ccrufimle and mu: circular with Irrms. Address, A. H. RUWEN & 00., P. U. Bux 4270, New York Jun B‘, 18155. 3m Mondonlmll'ul , ' ' MPRQYED SELF-Al‘l'lNU ' . lI'AIb'DTLOOJI l'ussesseé éuperidr advantages over alllother Hund‘laooms; isv 'luorc Slmple and durable; easier understood } easier to opemte and more relialbli. ‘ . . ' FARMERS can be independent. by weaving ‘ all thulr goods for home Wear on the Mendel:- lmll [mpg-ova] lland‘ (Atom. 1 ,3?? me 15 to 40 yards can be woven on i it in a day. . l v ' ‘ ‘.‘io skill is required to weave, upon it, hm .yund the simple tuvuimz of :_\n easy crank.) A woman or child ca operate it. ‘THE HEND'ESIRUJ; IMPROVED LOOM “leaves Jeans, 'Satinet, Tweod, plain and don bl»: plain Cloth. Lindsey. Blankqt Twill, lnnen, Town-ling, Bird-eye Dias-er; Bolmoial Skirt Goods, kc, km. all on the'same ji-arp, with 0m; time drawingdn the harue‘as. It also weaves all Wool, Hemp, Linen and Rug Gary noting. ,5 - z ‘ ‘ , ‘ :EACH LOOM IS WAILRANTED to be able to «lo as represented, and cannot {nil to gi‘ve' eunre satislactiun. . ’ ‘ ‘ .ixnvcmli-stmPilncHASEßs.—avery -purchaaer of the_ Improved Loop: \fl'ill be'al ‘lowed a lib'eul commission on each Loom sold by them, thul enabling‘ them with a little fixation, to rcceim back the pricrfog their 00m. -' , . l . Looms, Lodm Findingsfilmk and White hGolan Warp, Filling ern, &c., constantly: on an . ‘ . , - _ For descriptive circulars, list of "prices, nnd‘ samples of cloth ivoxe on the Danni,- address, \ with stamp enclosed, “ . ‘_ 3 ' ‘ ‘.‘ A. 8. GATSS I: 00., A j 333 Chestnut. at... Philadelphia, PL. ‘ hnz_26l__lB§§:- 4t*____¥ 7,. _fi__ ‘ 4 Cooking Stoves , OF "Fry variety, including the ”Noble VCook," “Rd”! Cook,”.“W-werly," “Orn "new.” “Oriental." #1:. Aha, Tianre, Sheet-iron-wnre, Hollow-wirei Ind aver, vs rflty of Kitchen Maximum—including n vuieu qof Lnnterns. Also,-I new and much in:- p'roved Eloy" Sifter, for n]: by ' C. H. BUEHLER, ~ Corner of Carlisle mstilro-d «5., ‘Fub. 19, 1866. Gettysburg, Pg, 9 Yes! 0 Yes! H'E undersigned respectfully announcuto the public that he be: taken om. an Anc fioneer’s License, ”defiant“ : ervicee to the public, . He feel- confident. the his long ex pernnoo ‘in the business will eplblo him to under Inf-it! angiafution. Chum- will be "unable IndLufilMfion gnarintied in 11l new Addrui / REUBEN GOLDEN, Jan. 8. 1868. /ti _' Gettylbfirg. Pu. gang—l33mm»: “bought“. . '{ow my”; g BOW & WOIODSE _ Poor House Accounts. ‘JAf'OB SHEADH. FAQ.v Tfeannrer. In mount with the Dlrrclun; of the You; and Hon-w of Employmcutur the County orAdnnm—bdng from the 3d duy ofJugwanA. D., 1563, lo the m day at January, A. D..‘L :‘ DR 1 . To order on‘Couuly Tremurer, ".500 00 - .. .. n ”I” w (Huh from th- osmto of (m 1 Vice, 8 on Order‘on County Tn-uquvr, _ 9’o (I): ' "’u“ ""32" ""‘7l"' 1")» "' (‘nsh for fines nLJnhn F. Hounk, Duh :3 L'mh {mm Julm Mafiln,lnwrcst on L.- - Murfnrd‘u note, - 6 00 Order on Coumy Trmurcr, 1,5“) oth u .. . u p . 1.00000 Dh-Meydu on Jun. Dohblns' stock, York and batty-lulu: Turnpike, . 20 00 Cash [rum )lhlhuel-)lll|«jr,puym't on land, - 12",? Univ: on County‘l‘rmm‘w, 5m 00 " “ " 0m II) ~ 1,200 00 ‘25 60 1 l w 24 3) 1,010 on I ‘.' :m ' 5.00!) w . ‘ I (I) ‘ 1:133 110 um (I! Nil) 00 2': 00 ‘u u u 4 _in-lgmont w. Sukn'hn Ara, (,‘mla pnhl In J. Busln y, Order on Comm‘ anuurt-r. Rn-mnvh-q'bg thnluuu krha, I’K‘dl‘iuu kuunu' camurq, , ‘ .. ‘ .. , in u 1 u .‘. u . ' u Fatah of Guurgc w. Philips fur heqé. . 4 _ . l' ' . ‘ £lllll ' ('R. ' 1 ‘ . , -. By imi. dul- Trmmm-r at in»! netthsnent, 82?." 52 nut-«inur mulwm‘nummrl, ‘ , saw; .10 Mn-rl-imm ‘~- mu‘. um: vrn‘s, 79.9“ ‘M i l'uvk. hm f, \n :1] null Inn-(m, . 1.9%“ T 7 ,llnrsm, «mar, lx'rfl-aliliv, \hrt'p and hogs, 1.77! (I) ’ Flour, grain and grinding, ‘ ' 3,“; 2i i .\l~~ liunlh‘ mink, 7m 93 , Hlunn- coal uml limo, ’ 172:6 ' Jmugu and In. divim-s, 1:3 as ‘\\'umi n hum-Lug, n-mkmg mils, &c.. -ill ’ll .\hglv him-11mg», 2:0 25 ‘Frmnlv du.. " 211.5: l"unl\1_':llt-'tpww-q, __ lfii 10,“ i’, Jun. 71) 00 ('luvv‘rmzmi, . 2: .’J) Sundry Ann-"sun, 215 :L': lrulli'nlivuffizus, .'ii 50 ('iiulm-l "PK in m i'il3‘~i« luii 3: nry, .» :1- A ‘ 1.1.1 00 Din-«inns «(r whim-. 5. ' 4 if; 00 Stl~\\:u'li'.~ Mar), » 2501!) t‘li-xk‘a .\.. iry, \ - i‘ 40 m (‘lm-n 'i‘r--:nmn-r'.~ salary.» , 40 m , ' Bulaucuiu mumsur Kasai-0r! 121 (if! ‘ . ' \ 1 $13,191ng “'O, “In uuivét-rliwrs. Auti (unjust-"Io an}! whim. Ihr i'uhin- .\a-muulundn h '11"); m-rtlry that \n: ix:n'm-.\unnm;ul liw iu-msWh -h mnnuw-liln foru gulngz nm-uuul, :Inli lil'll they In: vm'rt-m—ln-Inu {mm lip- ::i d...» m Jannury, .\. ),,I.~'u',.|ntho 15!. day ofJunuuy. .\. D., 1.564., lmthl vs Inq'llhlvt‘.‘ ' JAN)" l’iii.x JUN. iil'i (ICE. ' J. C. l‘l'i“i‘l-.§'l‘l'ili“. . . 1“ "um”? { bI-iug pl mtml with nu" l:lr;{1\f “3r ‘l‘lfm icuglhwzbc, 11111 l with sumil pa ".N‘m. lug cut pun-tum many iiihi}! u} ‘ of placing Linn-u! aurlucv duwn,un ‘ in: inuvh cure on the pun 0! 1 ‘ l. phuilrd 'his out pit-t vs iu iu ' uit fiiowmg Limt it isu usu‘] \ :u-v ”103.1“ shin: duinn. ‘v-u ~11 iii-Avg, quail su‘gd. gm “ Me 8170 mini 44) huxiu'is: I with iargv ism-d, '.’DU bu ». u. u. lilows,smuliscm l 40 busiu-ls nu , \w- 190 luler ‘ 1_ Hum» pin: 1 s of sm‘ni 1 “'11?! 1! Tel)“- n i. m ‘k ‘t Ell 0 ~ I 89 5 00 to \- I- ~00 to 10 00 to lo 10 no 2’6 my to 00 2 001010 00 JONAS JUHNS. Esq» Stumrd. in Mexmm with llh- Hm-rmmni llu' Pourund lluu.lm(l£mplu_\‘- :muul «.1 1m- (‘nunlym‘ .\tlxuua—leni from un- ht «lay an‘ m-mm-r, A. D., Run}, to Ibo: m day ofthmu ury, .\. 1).. mm; _ Tu urzlL-r'on Treasurer, . u fly arm-ml oxpc‘nst-s, lil‘nk‘r In puupcrs. Vang-tables and fruit, ‘ , Lhm-I ' ' . Mow-hunks. ' Shut: :, Rim .\‘lr:m’.' , - (iuM'l'rhN. .h'.. Balance lu hands “Steward, - W! the subscribers. Audlmm m settle an?! ad just tin- Puhllx- .\cmnnln, dam-rug- that we have cx..‘mlm-d (In-Juan; whlyh mmpose tho above uccuunl, and dq report that the sauna is corrn't‘l— the same embnuglng tho th‘Ollnl or J onus SIM. thofinm-nt wannl, from tlw ls! day or 0 ‘ Mr, A. .. INS, to rlr‘n- lst day ofJxmuury, .\. D., 1806— both days lncluglvc LIST OF PAI'PERR remaining In the Ann:- mum-m Admuscoumymnthe lan. at Jununry, mm: Mules . - ‘ 51! Female», , » :lU ('hllllrvn, , (I [Guiana], 4 Tmnnlvnly'mu n .. ‘ 7‘ll < PRODH‘EUE FAR)! FOR m 3. ' , \V’hout, bll‘blll‘lflf ”Ye. u ‘ (hats; (,‘m‘u. Hm-ts, l'nL-gtut‘s, “ ‘( ‘luvvmeed,“ ‘ Loads ofljurnfodder. . ‘ Tons oféluy £lde 3.411%?” ‘ a ”+1 - oun ' or . p __ _, _ 7 ' 10x1»! JOIINS.éLewarQ; Mai-chmmmt _ - , , H Buggies dz‘Qal-rlaw- ms WAYI THIS WAN—The under signed is engaged In the Curiae-making bulge“, in Welt. Middle street, nur Geo. Lit tlo'r our store stand, Gettysburg, and invites~ all who may needr anything in 7m. line to gi've him' a cull. He puts up, in the very best manner, Fulling-lopllnd other BUGGIES, and all the dln‘erent atylu of CABBIA?ES.— With: full knpwledge of the busingnsfend ’u determination to give .‘tisfectiu‘n. the public can rely. upo'n his job! being good. 39 'ill when» w deserve it large share of pu ttonnge, end hopes to receive It. 5 '. REPAIRING done at lhe‘ chorus: notice, Ind on Input reuoneble' term. lfi'Conntry produce till he ”ken in’exchenge for work, ‘ CHAS. E. GILSERT. Qgtfllhurg, Nov. ,8, 1865: ism' E snblcriber In: )ome nlnnble WEST; EBN LANDS, which he will mde far one or more FARMS in this county. The 11nd: Ire well lbcated, and Very desirable for farm ing. Bad; applicnion desired. ‘ ‘ JACOB BRINKRRHOFF. Goltnlmrg, April 3, 1866. t! WE. have just rpoomd | new assortment. of Queenawu-e, to which we inviw the attention of buyen. , A. SCOTT t SON. um: max nxnma—rxozmc i- um; ‘hil 0m Soul a mob lamina" um m .141 “lii-f , ‘ _' GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, MAR. 26, 1866. J .\COB HIYIJ.x - .105. m'm: Eh, J. C. PI’ITENTITRF. Auditors an “13% mo '2' 10 1:3! 7 so" 3 3 70“ m ua l “ mean, Westei-n Lands. “TM”! a Miyhfyrun'd mu Imm» éfitimfimni 5% @xzmcsfi'fi 3 r __ 7 noAnlxuluxa. l ‘ The season for rond-nmking I.x xwarlypr quite l hrru: supenlwrs lhoultl hour in mind tlmt mm 1 day’s Work done on the reads in tlu- yp'rmg is "y Worth twp In the hull—mdced, work IlOlll‘ :1! 29mm: plucoi in the {all had hl-th‘r nut bt' dune at all. - J Wv kxmw that. the time {qr Rowing nuts is at " burn], and mm thvm- whom- 11mm“! ls dry wnough " will put un-rythlng elm nsl-ln to gut 'thP crop nut. [ This Is right-mp mum-mu this region, tlu- hum-r for um mm; but all humans cannot not. upon lln lr ' hmd yet. and might. noblhesa hv enunluyrd by the . Supvrvlsom In mic-"lug om Flitvlm- and Iflhkjng :- 111-wanna, fl wurk Whil‘h, nuw that the ground Is 3 sun, can be done almmt. everywhere with the plough ulnnv? “'0 put this qumlmn at lhln tinm, because we think that by the udoplldu ol‘ the plan. . much lubur mlglit be saved in May. wheanuuyl plan's now emsllypluuglu-d mny be too dry tun-l hard to be no Inunugcd. Braden, by comumnvlng u! unto, Supvrnsnm may be mm: m huuc ALI. ttn-u‘ loads rL-[mh'wl by the cngl of May, and thus glvo thn-m thu‘v In ilmrdvn t (”roughly luring the ' (mnlng summer, uml lusur good roads for ypum nth-r. , . Tm» Inn huhjvrtpxhlchcu cerns fur-mom may-e than any ullh-l' ohms, and I Is In ho hoped thnl they will all h-nxl their “mp-um- :md lhgir l ulmr lo huvc tin.- \volk douc curl'p’ and McU.—'l‘.blluk (‘um'lmum ' ‘ _ Till-1 con‘nuu'rn'r: YIELD o'r POTA- DOOl. F. “C Hoxann r, of \Vus‘h h. \l'W' 50‘, N. Y.,‘ 11M vnn-n tho .xinl-rix-un A 'Lh-dilm 1.1 tln-rusuih arms hsl ycuz‘u-‘wnnu-Ins “jUI-lnh-rcl‘l kindx of pulatm-Q. Thu); \vcn- gtnufi ufmu 111.1: mme flrld, hm‘um-nllng n vrup of t-uufigund milwul mu uurc,"\\ltn Hu- I‘ulluwhig resigns: , ‘ . i Bushrls pct .u-rx‘. :' “lulu-Ls. ”‘l‘ arm. ‘, :20 White .\lu'cu‘, N) (Ezn‘nvt Phil]: sulff-(lukv, Ill) l'mk-vyvHu~l.\'Cuut,‘.N)’ l‘rmre \ert, 11:0 lii-"ch “low, , 240 l-lnrlennr, m \\'hitv Punt-h “low, 2“) “'hlll‘ Ruck, Ml) Prnlrlo sin-dung, 2.3) I‘lurly lrykr-mnn‘, 120 Mm! Menu-r. 2:!) Early (‘mtugug H 0 “l:uvklui‘kSlelngKZM l-un'lySnn-n-iun. m Huv-kvyu. ‘ 2|“) llnnghuud “may, 50 l‘lxiu-rimonw \n-ro mudv wnh' rufonm u m the Value of lurgv or munll >ev-1: aquul’urvus of lzulnl I ‘ ,pulmous, ( in once nlntot‘S. ‘ in 3 plan!- 1;: the accent-shy ur n mmrulmu \yfiirl Lhc plnntvrfil Dovl.‘ nth u 4.“; \r-Ith‘lhe u‘lt-ss \matc (51 [hue A Twenty-live Thoumnd In the month of January, 1:406, tree \rna brought to New Yolk fron‘ Slnlc- whlvh is common-d % the hm 1‘ ‘ynrtfi $25,011). 's‘!) foreign rec was ave-I" horn of 50 g: cm. synlm‘. TlllB was a black \\ true 70‘ {rt-gong, measuring bum-«tor lnrh mvxh 4,500 feet, but when ‘cnt Into veneers u wrnnlql' 30 times that, making 135,000 fwhwhlvh m 2003-" “'qu be $27,000. The cost or cummz, caning and placing In more for min, would be about $7OO. $5OOO 50!?!) 81110 00 $9 90 .‘i no 6 2n 2 00 115 90 ~11) 00 s m 8.80 34 10 Ki‘Thonlmngmc tells us that. an the evn-ulng of MAI-uh such there will be a man L-cllpeg on the moon. The time Will be very mvoruhle {orl oh sorvnflon. as}: begins at five minntm, past. ulne o‘clock, I: m 11.5 mm! m. twehc minutes pnst ion, and high“ to dlmlppcur at fifty-one nnlnutes'pmt t‘ll‘Yl-Pn. ‘ I IMO I \ ¢ ’f ‘ I 41*: hum @zsrrflimy. TIIE “HECRE‘I‘ MOTIVE." Onlnloil nf President Linc'oln'n Attorney‘ . emu-111 on the "final Bill—ll. “'im Planned to Overturn the (ion-tumult. In a lener to a meeting of cé'nservntive citizgns. M St. Lodis the Hon. Edward Bates subjects the Fregdmen’s B'ureau bill to a merciless analysis, in which.‘h'e expoqos with unmistakable distincmess the filterior revolutionary pbject of the proposed slat ute.'and dénounces with npprbpriue but logical _sfierjly t'he dnngerqus subtérfuge of . ii: 'coqfrivers. ivhich was countegacted by the prompt. and bold interposition of the Presiulént. ‘We subjoin the letiervre .ferrédfiu: , -‘, A .3, f- .S'r.Lons.Febl-uary 24. 1860. j Gen. E B. Brown, President af'l/Ic Stale Can- (ml mime Comermtive Union Parry . Sm : ‘l. am honored by the reccipe of yOur nqte o'Hhis day. invifing me to be present at a mass meeting of citizens of St. Louis, to be held at. the Court-House this pvening a; half-past sevén o'clock. for the purpow of endorsing the action of Presidem John son in vetoiug the Freedman'a Burrau bl", and in support‘of. his gefienl policy of na tional reconatruction. - I Im very sorry that the had stete‘of my health forbids. my attendance. emf the mere so because I believe there will not be a man at. the meeting who feel; a greater abhorrence then I. o for the hill whose: wicked career has been stopped by [he President’s timely veto. M reeling upon this subject does not spring‘y entirely fmm . my disgust ofthe factious spirit and ridicu-I lens egotism of the clique which now domi- v nears over Congress, but from the intrinsic l demerits of the bxll, ascertained by a care. ful examination ofits provisions. I think I I understand it. I can see (the most casu al reader can see) its glaring and definnt breaches of the Coniutution—and Ithink I can 1:: also (11¢ hidden mauve, Uta aural dengn of the mmpiralora, whq planned the «lame e overthrow our Government of law. and u! up in ia‘ stead, afn'gltmll miiilaiy oligarch} And this yic‘keil Purpose hetrayfihgelt in neural promote“? we bill. which use Erased. = we 10) Luelu-Ys of «mull, prr urn..- Min-131.1136 and-10 ‘d. gave 170 bushrln um“. while hinge In murketublm‘md mind “‘1”: [ln-_cuv. 11l onns, \le-n- ‘tho lh - plum-M (ut v “gown-nah! In nd thr-yluhl shims .-is u mum-r 011 m- u I mink-Imm, ' there was ‘u- ,' inxlsu-d '1 tlu-r.—' ‘n. hflzl- I ‘J Vt]: h . '.' v x 'I \ ‘1 ‘ ! '. C h .Y n, u. ‘KA '1 ‘4. 0 K h ‘ t c n \' I\ V' an 3 t ? \ . a}? ’t t. 31%,“ ‘ NA '3 l .) . . ..D‘ ‘ L ‘l}. (a ‘. MA 1 r, ‘1: ht -l 0 '1 o *i ME PEE ou% its the elm( 11301, Brown was cu\ car. and llml pui. Iqu u pnor. Wlutr, . rirlvyvllnw. er, m‘ferrcd Ile “min, mu _vcll’ou 'mcgl. 1f [nlmm mild yellow we a mum Magic: ll Ilmn whlteg‘um] w Hum, tlw :llymfn to bemnu- rum-I'll, mem.—Lt(cw Yolk . llar Trot. L" tomurk able u chicrn [gm to he Qmughc Lxhgut guru in ithe context m to scan, to a hasty obstrver, (a lie rcrvqulirg and adorn/tame: to the uslg‘nsi bl'e’ 01-jwck the protection of the. lrel"”1H"D. The bill provides (in its first. sectioni—for the oontinnginr-a of the original not (of March 3d,'lh'tls) to establish a Frmdnion’s . Bureau, and extends it. to all refugees and ' fr‘eetlinen in all 'part: of the United States. It. empowers the President : to divulo- the lUnitod States into dietricts, notto'exnvml ,_ twelve, and with the advice and consent of . the Senitie. to appoint an insistent commis isioner for en's-h Flistriet. 'l'w’elvg districts! i That is the one numbqnih’tp which Crom ‘well t'lHLided the (.’orflmonwealth' of ling l limit, and govrrned- each district, iionpoti ically, by one ofliis own Major Generals.— 'l‘bts gection goes on—“or [the raid liurcnu‘ mflyfin (licilwcz alicm aft/i: Przsiile'il, he placed under a Cunlllliflaloliel' and arisifltlnh com ‘ inissionera, to be detailrd from ')(£ army ” And the not does not specify either the rank . or the (VII/Jr of.tlie persons so to be «lt‘mlllt‘tl {mm the army 10 min the nation through the Freeduien’u Bureau. . l Section two [empowers the Commissioner Ito divide each district linto sub-dim-icts. ‘ (not lt‘afl than a county m a pill'ile) and to : msigi‘i to each sub-dfitrict "at, [cast one ngviii. eitheracitiznn. otli ~or of the army, ;or enlisted man.” The section noes on to isiiy. “oqu Assistant commissioner may Fm lploy not exceeding six clnrkt; and put!“ iugnnt of a .\Ub-tllßtl'lCl (bringwue or more 'l tor Elfil) Sliir-llsirift, “'1 units the plrmun» [oi the coiniiiissmnvr) iii iv oniplov two ‘t'loijks. ' And no in the lWl'iS‘H districts tlm ,clerks Wlll amount to seventy-two; im'l‘in ithe snh lli“‘clh the agents will :tlllltulll to int lvm—t ii: iiiiiny thousand as there “It conn tit»~ :lll'l parishes in ihe nation: Ill‘lll ”It“. lclei-ku to dotthle that number, lléhiilih thi ;en)[)lo)’94’fi»lllenllnllt'd in the hill. I And the same swtion prnvnlm that the President. “throng/i I/u: li'tir I).]mrtnienl um! ‘ the Chmmiisi'antr, shiill (mend wilt/(try jurii: div/ion ofv‘er all the emplques, agents. and ‘olflicers at this bureau, in the cxerciuo oi‘ :iil the duties iiiipoieil or,i|tttllflrl@etl by llii‘! -act. or tli'e not to which this act is :upple mentury." And hero I will draw your at _t--ntion to that part at ti‘n-ipduties {‘Slluclill' ly imposed and authorized by the eiuliih isection nf'the bill, thin: "And it shall he the ‘dutv oi the (fit-m am! "with: of this :humad, (all of thum.‘gréat and small, thlw out distinction.) to tiikojuriadtution' nl' lind‘ .llednilllll dctvrinine a"! (jiuces committed] 'aguinat the provminns 01 this section; and inlso ot a)! rates nfl‘ccting negroe-i, mulii'tmes,‘ l freedmén, refugeqs, or 01/tt‘l‘ pcmona who nrel idiscriiiiiimti-d aguiiizt, in any oirthe p'trtic-l inlurs mentioned in the procmlinit set-tion of this art, undergnot the Constitution iinil‘ the laws, but under such tulus and rvgiilit-' .t’mns as the President ofthe Uritted Siatou.‘ > l/mmg/i Ilia War Department; similprescribeffl ,v Tilt 5e are some of the cnui‘mitics of the vetoed hiil. framed in the‘ wantonness oi“ I partisnn‘power, in contempt of th‘‘ written; .Uonstilution, and in open violation of the‘ historical opinions and traditionary faith of the people ot'the United States. _ I As all these thousands ofgoflicers, agents, and employees of the bureau ‘mny,~al the discretioqof the Pr'esidcnt‘ be dctmlm‘ ffom the auny, it is plain‘thnt every [mm of than) may be an enlisted man ih the army, and \leng m‘ buck; as Imy best sun the {army of the dexailiug officer. ~ .. Only imagine such a. miiitnrg organiza- Kionfivith a despotic had at the seat of the ‘wvernme: t. and despotic members pt-rvn ' the whom mass .0! Lll9 ‘commumty and iging its power in org'mized _i‘nrm. m \nmynpd parish, and the President ' ’i‘rnmbuii’s bill, to extend mili— 'lo" over thi-m, ’ilgflinstevcry e 1 \l2, by legal and civd means, oijtln ir nrbitr‘urfipower 1‘ ‘ (he péuple oi'H-e United {in degrfided into wa sub'mit. lumely to .such vcn if sanctioned by factions Congreéé. vieut President? ‘lndy loahnmlon nce s‘ll Jmpe ‘flhgir lives. «mused of din? exbn), every (\ bound, . tnry proteo fox-L to' fostru the wuntouuefi: Think you Lhn States am already Siva obedience as 1L ‘sn atrocious outrage. u. the ununiunms vomc of and apervdEby a sub:&\ Nov‘rily. 'l‘heyare nouelu iheir Qumfitulion nnd remm of [93:11 Liberty. by giving ovex lxbe'rties, and prgpcnies, m [533 depend ‘for pa. :y upg rendinms of the peqple ’lo]in for them in case of' their :bemg endangered. I! too little valued for this the)' seldomobtain n foqting‘n‘t. all, and if they do, are almo.~t. sure to he overthrown gs the head of the government or any party-leader who can muster lorce for a mop de‘ main. is willing w run some small risk for‘abaolule power!” I think it. a fortunate thing for, the coun try, that the Rulical faction is‘uo dementeJ u to pick A quarrel with the President be» cause me refuses 40 b 0 their instrument cc ovgrlqrn' the Constitution andsnbsmuw in its plahe 1’ military despotism, and to stak‘e their political lortunesunonjhe monslrous vie‘es ind follies ofthe Trumbull hill. For in doihg so they dodmtviniure their (Mn defeat and consequently, the restoration: ol law: order. and "peace. und revivalLol na tionalrespect for lt'gul‘governmcntvand a nglionnl love for liberty‘by law. ' - ‘ ",Eveti‘the emancipated negroeé, for whose nuke it is pretended that this wrong i 1 done, ‘will not long foil to do the hypocrisy and fraud of the tmneaction. ‘They will see that while tliey‘are ciujolod with the pretence of liberty and equality before the law, this wicked hill subjects them to the pawn of military overseen. ‘excludgs them from oil legal protection, denies them the right to appeal to the courts of law for rgdress of grievances. and lequires tue agents and ‘fiicers of the bureau to “take jurisdiction of all cases” which concern than: and their interests; ' . ..Ver respectfully, y\our friend and follow cimen, _ Ebwnb Buns. moo—m »—-— =— Thad.m&9n.—The followlng hn- We w” amt-ed, some time ago, by me gain. Thaddeus Stevensn '.‘l'fig': ,anrg,m whet with my’metu by rgcamd finder tlu Coming». a?“ it." -g‘ ' ‘ A‘wosnakrnp. no“. , ’ The: New Hgmpton. (lo'wa,) (huritr mnkoa the lollowing rehlmn bl'u fi-Lher and A daughter being lost on a prairie during the storm. of Tuesday and Wednesday uflasl. week: ‘ “On Tuesday nfternnon. ths- 13th inst... Mr. E. ’l‘. Runninn, of this town. vicitcd Jnvksonville, eight. lnllcs mutant. on busi ness. and on returning. called at. the resi dence of W. 15. lit-sch. one milethls aide. to sue hi 4 daughtez. Mrs. P. B. Weed. "Af ter suppv’r: Mrs: W. resolved to accompa ny hm- fiuhnr home, and hastily clad lmr self for the purpose. Leavinf: Mr. Wood in the houlo, the father and daughter proceed mt to where the horses had been ,timl, null tonnd tin-In gone, but yet in slght.‘ Pun-u -ing the tenmfur somefiiatancm and finding it impossible to overtake it, Mr. lLunn‘inn implored hil daughter to leturn lmine, while he would tnulte his way hnm‘e nlone. ’l'his she would impairment to do unlesn he should Accompany her u’nd rcmnin for 'tho night. This was between seven and night o'clock. The weather was then _compnr.» tively mild. ’l‘h-‘y pul'alloli their jourm-y tor a time without. tl:tliculL_v. but the night being qurw (lurk nn'l' the. snow huvinumh literate-«l the truck. they loat. the ramifi— ii nth were cmmn'uus tint. tlmy were insight nrither brcnthett it. to the uther; tilll'llg the long hours: tron) their departure from Mr. Bun-11‘s house until I'3 o'élock. The storm wlnch‘lmd been authoring now bunt forth in fearful futy. Bcnnmbed. lnst. up m; the Ll'flt'klt‘hs waste, their steps follbweil bx a .pnck 5f prairie wolves, wh'oc:~ quirk nh-lrp hnrk frequently mm above the twwl ing wind. era-”h w.” tmum‘inns of their puril. yet eucnumgml eut'h other. At l:I~t. px ll!!!)aiL‘lll nulmu c-mlnl-u'u nu mum. lth wvm tn‘ml out, and luv duwn hcnenth u drill hf snuw tn “ lU‘ll lul' Ilnylight. Mrs. Wt-tul were u honver hood. n smrf nbuuL the nt-vk, a shawl, and a blanket. [which aim hml thrown on her arm whén lenvmg {ll9 home. , ‘l'hednrvn mmemnd with'it the fury ol" the storm increnwd. Mr. Runuim) know hims‘ell to be on l’lumb creek. and resolved to strike for the nenrmt house some two milbs distant, hut Mrs. Weed was so chillml that shte could not walk, and all.” Ming carried some thirty-or forty rolls she beg ged her father to letive hnr untl sbek assig nnoe. They sat down annl calmly talked the Inntter’ovirfshe trcvzmg all tlm while! To luuvehin chxld lhun wasa bitter thought. Kunming tlmt she iinu~t penis!) unless nuc cur came, he sought a Hue:- to lenv‘o her; breaking the ice as lw Sllp)!05(‘d of a little b‘iynu. lrom which the wnter had receded. null zuuliingfi cavity 01' fiome two feet in depth and sullh‘ivul length. he luld her' in it, wrapped thu bl.mkr-t. iinut shawl around ht'l' rind tlx’e sczirt rilmut her face. They ki-znedanvl parted, ' 'l'hpu cow-ring henthh snow, marking: the spot. Wt?! willow twigs us lK’el he could. he made iis way to'the house ot Mr. Ulley. about :1 mile from town,' arriving there near 8 o’clouk, A. M. (Wed nesday,) exhausted. with hamla andfiice frozén, and nearly‘frnntic. ‘llis story' was soon told ; and, although the storm wn m ging feurfully, and» the hope of finding the poor girl, some three miles distant on the bleak prairie, seemed like hoping against hope, a team was barbecued and Mr. Gll hert Vmcent‘uhd Mr. M. M. Utley. With Mr. Runnirm. started l'orthé rescue. Find- ,in: the place where the party had luin lun- ' in any State .igui'isl UL! government (harm/2 it neulh the drift during {Pk night, they lblmlfl he lawful tor the President of the U _searched in min until about 3 I’. M., puas- {mind Sunk-s, on Application at the Legitlm ing alumat directly over the spot where ‘be ‘tme ut‘ hlll‘l) State. ,or of the Executive lny. ‘Findmg the search vuin. and Mr. l (when the liegisl'uluré cannot becma'ened). llunnimi fast tuinlihg lrom .expos‘urn and ltu mil tux-{h such number of the'militix of exhaustion. wuh hé'uvy hearts the pul'ly ro- Inny othorb‘lnte pr Slntu as may be applied turned nt owning. Mr. Runnion was tu-li’or. us he Inny‘judga sulficienrlo suppress ken to the" house of Mr. Ut'ley, where bull) such inaurrc‘ctmuf’ Tue law of 1807 pro _Mr. and‘Mis. L'lléy whpre assiduous in ud- Vldt's that “m nll‘cnses ol' insurrection. or ministering to his comfort. ‘ A _ ohstruclionml' the-lawn. either of the Uni ‘l'hursduy morning the storm hhd ahnted; ‘tf’d SMU‘H, 01' Or any in'liVidunl State or the‘ bun shone clear and bright over the 'l‘t-rrltury.. where it is luwtnl for the Presi drwon, snow ; the mercury had failed from dent oi the United State! to call forth the ,ll'the day Uefore to ‘2B below zero. Mr. ilitir‘i fur the purpose of mgprcsaing such ‘Bunnion “3115 brought hmne by Mr. Utley .lllsLll‘lt‘PllUll‘, or ul causing l no law: to’bta.~ and his (eurful story flaw from ‘lhousc u) lduly‘vxecutoil, it Elulll be llelll fOI' him‘tu house; brave'heartuand willing lxa‘nrls were employ. 10|' the “me purposes, ”Ch PI" of not wanting. Sovernl sleigh loads of men, tlm loud and naval lgroe of‘the United accompanied by Dr. Mixer—who ,wn can: vsmtes‘ns slmll’bu judqu necessary.”- ful to have vrestof-htives-were swiftly on These law-i, Which clothe the. President the'sei’lrcli. The party reached the bllpphsed with s‘udh ample pOWC‘TR, continue in force, locuhtyyhexe Mrs. Weed was left by her and chnnot be repealed. any more than a. lather, and the search com’monc‘p‘l. Pnss- lil‘cw hm could he uni-clad. without tin-s -"ng on eilhrr side of the creek, noting eve- l'se'ntof the [’reudgnt. Tho probability in,. r track and mark and tmg—with only the that the Namhcrn State government: Will vnv, e certainty that they might be near ’ ho string enough to rope With the projected her. "-9 peraevered, guided alont- bywnch convplmclcn wilho‘u t ll‘ilt'l’al magnum». lf inatru om; ‘us Mr. Runnion in his enfee- it should prove ”HIM-$159. they hum“ only‘ bled an: hammered state was u‘hle :9 give. mappfyto uiu Preyulentuwhohnc fpll legal At about-l o‘clock, one ofthe‘purly, slep- authority to one the whole mihLury pawn ping directl over, full through the snow ofthe Unwed Slates-Lo uphold and protect into the cari where she hay.~ She was the exiatmg State governments. ‘ . _ found 1 and—.n. v: l A 'oyous shout mm; This last imflne prnjvct ol the Rndlcnla ll out—nrerconts n}rl\l\:hm€lls were spread “P: the despenrtu exptghenl. of men who have on the snow, shovel ”rocureil from aslei’gh lot! their heads. 1:. has no chance chuc an‘ll she was raised. ‘nsonsibln, from the can; Ind the xigml overthrow it heart-in Hiuwy had, where she ml lain for'thirty lot-Iloouuler. Will only ad-NHgnwelo tho hour-i lyl’lucnd in a. sleigh the party drove dele‘fl Ol Whluh It IS a couleflwn with tfil‘speed to the ncnh-ot house—thin ' ’ of Mr. Jolly—whore the skill and unremit ting elforti of Dr. ‘Mixer were crowned wuh success. . i’ We found that she had moved buUliltlo fr ‘where horn father had pla ed her. The 'oe upon which she had awn {lm had melte ' from hr-r bodily haul. and when found 5 lay in the bed of the creek; near ly every rt of her clothing being satura tnd with w er. .Uer feet were” doubtless frozen in the orningbefore her father loft her, and to th providenlinl fact of their cumin ' in contachwith‘ the water may bq u scrihetf, not merely . be safety of her limbs, but the praervatiofi fher life. ‘ "‘ Mrs. \Veed gun _co cious while in her ‘ snowy prison" house. “(hula and night ; heard the bleak winds they moaned above her. her greatest fear being lost her ; father had perishedv; but ho never nice forsookher; she heard her resc or: trn p ing shave and arou‘md her, but was too weak to apprise them of her whgkirtoutu, , and when lound had lheen uaing‘gll h r re. maining strength in, endworlngf ted: to: the surface.-and had succeeded in room. ing" the snow seven! inohq from belies“; the spot upon which the pB9o]: findiflgzhef providentially stepgfd. W ’ ‘ Mrs. Weed has an married but a few weeks. Her minculoul encipa from death. and her present. unhappy condition, have caustitfi 8' most _profound sympathy in be: beha . : 'Wlme thzflhoctPawhu.—Mr. Nye, in the Senna. opposed the ndmius‘non cl any rap raaenmtivea from the Southern States who were uqt thqrougtgl‘y loyal, nnd distinctly asaerfied‘thm. it Wall 995 the murmur: 955319 Radical puty nf Conglresa xto penlguxejr mar, jority by the filing a thq qow vmngsgau, It was not. _aafeJOl them I? allow men lo ‘meqhere «he. 51. 9 wnblwiqmm'qe genibcy'ntic minongytqughg mpg-91 u“ 'leg'mmion of the country! ' = ... e sy): Am‘A‘xm No. 26. . mentaelves It) the pnymentof tho niliooin-l d'ebtnhe I'Phudidlhlu 0! 11m rebél debt, and Ithe disrmncliismninl of the rebels. "This ‘ being dnue, {hi-y ml! ‘.hen roceed to elect Governors. Shula ollicera. prreneuutivou aiid‘b‘cxuturs; the latter of whom will u. mince dammit:uluuhsfim to Congrezs“ The lqunsnon lhu~ being Lhrurl. upon that. body, imam is no) (hum of the n-munition of the lgovernuwnts so formed, and HIP admission ‘0! the lnyal nwunlwrltu elected. ,A num lbor ufrrur um} {nyAl im-n of theSo’dlh have horn lfc‘re hrsunu‘f‘uys mmuhing and dr— I cidmg upon Ihr bc>l method to be mloplrd, fund having «letormiumi ulmn the plan prr iwmml übmu‘ imvn lrl} hu' ”Il‘ll' homes In 11 carry “in mm mm uxm-utmu, 'l‘ne’mzutor lime; barn kvpL very quwt lip (u this limo. ibut in [he mow-mm! In most of‘lho Sum-a :35 now m-ll- mph-r “amino harm mm, mm [prrhupu much unoll “my. he dune the Ihf ion muse by swung this luck: to the publk at (“15111110. , ~ 1. - . I ,The branching, of lliislprnj-u-L iv .1 incl of {much vqun: lu-u'uho iL ulmnanx‘lmlos llmt tthe leicnig have Imt‘nll Ilulm of r urrying .0111 their original progrm‘mnc. Like drum» fiin’j men, théy are catching u‘l slruws. 9 i The .\‘i-w Yuxk Wmi’d, in cmfimncnlingon ‘Lhis-diqmlch, says: - i The impmeihi‘ijy of carrying out thi} yrngmmuw wiH he ammrent (in n Hula ru llv-rlmn. We win not doubt that. the lulu ‘uuls nrmlvspm Mum] wvoluuonnry ononuh ‘-lu mlnm ~m:ii shun) memhrrs 11" they onuu ‘prvsmm-‘L lln'uisn-lvw in “’.whington: but in ii' MW loshmv {hr impomlnlny oi thir luvvr gc-umg thorn wn') (:rcllnnliuluz ‘ is null .uhilnr mnrtinl law; the l'l'ONllli‘llb living the ()mnmnirlcrlin-Chit-l to enfmce it. That is. to any. the whale South in. in one 591139.11 nunp. wherein nothing can be (limo nhwh thi- l'li‘fltlttlll miy not suppress by 'iuxrliul Luv. .Au insult-action {lgllllsb the [State gum rnlnt‘llla whiph he has recognized,- anvl n enn~pirnry to overthrow them, would jmtil‘y his interference by martial law l! he dill not iii-yin other umtlmde preferable. l Ilut the’Presnlcnt in «verse to military {methmm "ml, in thieycnse, there would he no neat-any ol roserting to them. Such an attempt M the RAdIC.)IS have embarked - in can rvmlily he crashed by conétitutionnl nwt “Ith momma to martial law. It. 'is n lemmy to (leutroy the existing Suit.) governments; winch would be put. down as ithe Dom: “bullion-wan in Rhoda Hand.— 1 In tlusmmmm m that, the inuurgents would [be procluinml traitors by the Suite gnvcrn lmuntfwhich would maintain its authority i Ly_us courts and iii; militia. The majority iol the people in every Southern State would he on the sitle‘of the State government, {which would be able to sustain itselfhy its Bupl'flltl‘lly iu'phynical farce. But. if thein- Isurgunt negroos uml outyast white: should. prov}: formidable, the existing State gov ‘ erumenh would npfieztl to the President. for :md, which h:- would he hound to rgnder, hy [the: laws of IT‘JJ and 1807,91. ll in loioe'. By 1 the law at 1795. “in casevof eu inlurrection ay. Aan xiimrl'fihrt’r‘ , . ‘ 111. A Wuhinglon despalqh In Monti-y’- Now York Mm dink-nu thé mod deepen“ aclxeme’the Radicals lmvelet hatched.— PreqidenllJolmson's weld hug ulutl‘g‘Tbiled them. and «hey nra therefore compelled lo give up alllheir old plant, no mt!" how .wgll 1313.0! hoy‘v ccitam then 04 wool-.n.— ‘L‘hey feel they must dale-G und~ln¢llliulo theme-idem. or they are lon. ‘ The issue betweau lbom'nnd him in lADI ur. and one or tho other‘ man co DOWN. In this unit, the d'eapetnwpluu detailed in the following doapaloh to tho 7?er i« to be flied : ' "The quelliun of [he n-cognlbidnof tlm Slum governnmnm in the lately rebellious Stale; will llmrllme brought lq a praclny nl lest. ' Memuws‘hnre barn taken by prominent. loynlub in the South, MN are now being perfumed under the Advice of loading lawn in L‘nugrrsn. wllriug [his gues tion_to an early dwhinn. The phm ll! nu follows: lmnl men. and they only, boll: black and while. In the states of Arkansas. Km-lh Carolina. luuhiana. and elsewhere. have taken hilt-[m tnwnrd the fprmafion ol' IH'WKSIan s:”er "menu. These lnynlmen, witlmm rr-«ml'x (“\oolm‘. mll shortly issue culls ln‘llmr ryun-clivé Suite: for Sluts con: ventinn‘l. mvl‘vlecl rlelcgatvs thereto; the com mmuns w; hu m‘url mll lrumo Sluts con stxlutinns thmlying Ihr ininclples‘ol‘ loy alty, {rel-dim). nlnl Equal rights; will pledge In llw lixst place. the South, wnh the no.- quwsm'ucx- {fll'l :u'lhv Ilcml‘e ol'lholiudiculs, .’l‘lll-I IDLDII’JI‘I .\Yll ’I‘IIE rxmmm. ()n the 2d inst. , a monster mm moéting of U‘ninn soldiers Will held at. Ouklan-l, A!- leglmny co‘umy. Md” w takemw consider auun (he (Julngi ol' the Bump Unpgresg, and to endnry Lhe corylum a Presideiit ‘ Jolin-snu. 'l‘vm Mulls of mu :2 were on the grow: I. and the warmest feeling for the» old flag. whale and wuboul. a sun- erued, prevmled. A number of spedcheu was made. mm which we lulluwlng resolutions were unanimmnly adopted: ‘ " Rem/val, Tlml hy nu "drd 0? not b” All drew Juhhaon lurleuml bu‘cluim ugop the cunfi‘leuce n!" the. Uuiolrlqymg people of “he land. Ills. firmness in Opposing’th‘o .heresy or 81-(‘cnfiinn WI", Wu hope, be equal-- f-od by his Hrmnew in opposing the man 9 mewrures nllvuc mu! by such it’dliol’lali'fl! n 1 Sumflér andrSteVen», lunch our five no othenendenuy thin to shaman Illc pwpio" of tbfi conmry. and revive those section! Inimosllies which ln'OJghton the war; . lago/yell, Tum. um um) union to as "'0 cu!- frage maple With our enLlre‘Vupprozatlo'u, tn‘d we pledge nurselvn ~tu nuppdn no min ,for any pmu‘ion. «the: high of tow. who \hu lavorai. does rumor mom in bglicvo. w lever fnlyor negro sull'gugn In the Du,- Lrig of Columbm or any onficr portion 0; moi ‘fled‘sfiteb. ‘ \ " 3 Run Tum. w. respect tn'hhonnr Pram: obuson. 1:)er yntlwdabe ha no olten «spread for me serwce rendexed by the wlnfie toldueu‘; bdiemgtu “do (And as certain p‘euawu dn any) than“ the hunur, all the crcdl}, ‘ ll éue gnuzgntml tokens of gmmuélc suéulll‘f‘put be given In} the u'o-éro soldiers tu’th‘e exclusion g)! lhé nulwwldlero. ‘ ‘ ’ , ' 4' " w‘“.-’-~v—~v‘_ . .' ‘ men. Gmnz'u 11.31.39.” umsfipbm‘. ed postman" or Oahfl‘gwxi‘, Kémhukig: Mn Gyms M «aw new ‘w 120 nm“ Democru. and yolk-I.lo:,Aih6flllp.“ I): In; Presidential election. , .‘, E=l Pi ii